Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1909, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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veirco&ts cr
V how
dan l.
lake a
girl In
fool n
B, Kind
9 real,
Men's Overcoats
We must have room for the new spring
stock now arriving, and to get this room
quickly we have again reduced the prices of
our high grade Clothing. These Overcoats
are the very latest in point of style and
color, and are made of all wool black
Kerseys and fancy cloths of all descriptions.
All strictly hand-tailored and regularly sold
for $18.00, $20.00
and up to $25.00,
your choice now for
Boys' Overcoats
The superior wearing quality
and entire excellence of our
Boys' Clothing is too well
known to require comment.
We merely mention that we
have included in this clearing
sale our entire stock of 240
Boys' Double - breasted Box
and Russian Overcoats, sizes
3 to 12 years, that sold up to
$7 50; Saturday
only, your q$ JyJ
choice for . . .
Men's Suits
Our great Clearing Sale is rapidly disposing
of our stock of Winter Suits, but we must
have more room at once, and have made
another startling reduction on our finest
garments. These suits are this season's
most attractive styles, colors and patterns;
made of the highest grade fancy worsteds,
silk mixed worsteds and semi - finished
worsteds. Superbly hand-tailored by the
best clothes makers in the world. Your
choice of our $18,
$20 and $25 suits
ie wunu. i uui
Boys' Suits
We are determined to make a
"clean sweep" of our Boys'
Winter Suits, numbering about
465. This is the very best op
portunity you will ever have to
buy your boy a Suit that has
the many good qualities found
only in our Boy's Clothing.
We will give you choice of any Knicketv
bocker Suit in the store-sizes 10 to
16 yearsthat sold t
up to $10.00; Satutv yfi
day. only .
Our Great Clearing Sale of Shoes Continues Saturday
Ladies' $1,00,
$1,25 and $1,50
I By reason of the great variety of styles, shapes and sizes included in this sale, we are enabled to continue it-Saturday and until we have sold all odds and
ends of our regular stock; also a number of samples and a few lines we intend to discontinue. ; j;.,,, i,t t t, 1
Cost Entirely Msrcprdcd-Priccs Reduced Nearly 50
Men's $5.00, $4.00, $3.50
and $3.00 Shoes, for . .
Ladies' $4.00, $3.50 and $3.00 Shoes
Misses' and Children's $2.50 and $2.00 Shoes
50c and 75c
It will pay you to attend
these sales Early Saturday
You will find a greater variety, and
we can give you better attention than
during the rush.
Hsts moot Print It.
Douglas Printlnr Co. :iolh 'phonea.
Smoke Hon tor Smokes, Sit S. iith.
Barlow AdrertlsUir Agency, 230-4 Bee.
Budolph r. Swoboda, FubUo Accountant.
Klntnart, photographer. 18th & Farnam.
Heya, photof., removed to li & Howard.
OIotss CUaaad, Thoa. Kllpatrlck'a glova
"We'll go oa your bond." Turkington,
60.' Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1159. A--S10.
Equitable Xufe Policies, alght drafts at
natu 'tty. II. V. Neely, manager, Omaha.
Celebration, birth of Robert Buim, Jan
uary :!6, Washington hall, auspices Clan
Ladles of the Ptrst Presbyterian Church
will serve a chicken pie dinner KiiJiy, Jan
I'-iry from 11 to i.
After a fir you want your n.oney. Keep
your insurance papers and money in the
American Safe Deposit vaults in The Bee
building; tl rents a box.
Mrs. Myrlok's Suit Dismissed The suit
In might by Grace Myrit'k for Ijufl against
the Iowa. State Traveling Men's association
was dismissed by Judge Troup Friday
morning. The plea was for the amount
staled in Insurance tarried by the hus
band of the plaintiff, Charles 11. Myrick.
Xharas Injunction Searing Saturday
The hearing n the matter of the applica
tion f,or an Injunction In the case of Theo
dore Kharas of the Mobile Street Car Sign
company against Postmaster Thorns to re
strain the latter from Interfering with mail
addressed to Kharas and the Beveral con
corns connected with his company
will bo heard before Judge W. IT.
M linger in 'ho United States circuit- court,
h'dturdiiy morning. The postmaster general
has Issued a sweeping fraud order against
Kharas and Ms concerns and Kharas has
two suits pending In the Omah court to
prohibit the Omaha postmaster from with
holding his mall.
Omaha Lawyer Goes to Oklahoma on
Fraud Prosecutions.
Money Collected for Family of Dead
Patrolman W 111 l ift the
Previously reported f 1,466.18
Claim dept. u. r. rauroaa o.oo
Henry Keating 6.00
3. Salerno 6.00
Total 1,486.16
The fund for the family of Patrolman 1
A. Smith, who was shot down by the
desperado J;ick8.n. is steadily growing.
Mayor Dahlman, who Is receiving the do
nations, says he will not close thu fund
for several days, in the hope that it will
be materially Increased. The mayor has
communicated with Mrs. Smith and In ac
cordance with her wishes will pay off the
indebtedness on the home and secure a
clear title for her. The balance will then
be turned over to the widow.
No more stomach distress or Dvuet
sia after todav. if vou try this.
When you stomach Is weak or lacking
in gastric Juice, anything that you eat, no
diffeienee. what It Is, will sour your stom
ach, raise the bile and acids to cover your
food like oil on water, causing indigestion,
dyspepsia, stomach nervousness and belch
lug of sour poisons, which produce foul
odors, nasty taste, bilious headache, heart
burn. Intestinal griping and make you an
object of misery. This Is stomach trouble
which cannot bo overcome with ordinary
digestive medicines. It is caused by fer
mentation of your food, which will be tern--.ied
at once by Tape's Dlapepsin. a prep
irallon pleasant to take and as harmless
as candy, though it will digest and pre
pare (or assimilation Into the blood all
the food you eat.
Indigestion Is result, not cause of your
trouble. U U aiomactt Is sour and un
healthy, your food becomes tainted, and
that's what Is causing the Indigestion and
gas on stomach and other miseries. Pape's
IMupepsin Is an antacid, most powerful
digestive and thorough regulator for weak
stomachs. These triangules will digest
any kind of food you eat and will clcanso
the stomach and Intestines in a natural
way, which makes you feel fine five min
utes afterwards.
Any good pharmacy here will supply you
with a case of Pape's Dlapepsin for 50
cents. Just reading about tills remarkable
stomach preparation will not help. You
should go now and get a case. 1'ut your
stomach In full health and by tomorrow
you will forget the misery of stomach
trouble. Your case Is no different from
many others. It isn't stomach nerves or
catarrh of the stomach, or gastritis, or
dyspepsia. It is food rotting Food fermsn
tation that's all and take about live
minute to evtrct ,
Bulls Are Brought In Kqulty to Qalet
the Title to Certain Indian
Lands and Town
Another butch of summons for the ap
pearance of defendants in the Oklahoma
town lot and land fraud deals has reached
the office of the United States marshal In
Omaha. The specific case cited In this
instance la that of the United States
against J. H. Adkins and fifty-four other
defendants, but one of whom who happens
to be a resident of Nebraska.
The suits against these parties are equity
suits and are for the purpose of Quieting
title to certain Indian land and town lots
in Oklahoma In which the defendants were
Induced to invest while Oklahoma was still
a territory. Most of these defendants dis
covering the fraudulent nature of the
scheme, sbrogated their contracts, but their
titles even though fraudulent they being
Innocent rarties to the deal still remain
as clouds upon the titles of the Indian
owners of the land and the suits are in
stituted In the United Ststes circuit court
at Muskogee, Okl., to clear these clouds
to title.
Assistant Attorney General S. R. Hush
of Omaha Is now In Oklahoma and will
assist in the trial of the cases.
Oklahoma and Instruct the sixteen persons
to appear before the grand Jury at Musko
gee, January 21, as witnesses In connection
with suits to annul the title to certain
lands, said to have been fraudulently ob
tained. Government officials have visited
Hustings twice since last October to secure
affidavits from persons here that they did
not reside in Oklahoma; that they had not
authorized any one to uppiy for a lot for
them; that they had received a letter from
Walter It. Eaton Informing them that he
had applied for a lot in their name, and
that he had sent the deed to the Hastings
City bank, where it was quit-claimed back
to him.
Eaton Refuses to Talk.
MUSKOGEE, Okl.. Jan. 22.-Ixcal ho
tels ara being swamped with orders for
room reservations for perbona subpoenaed
from a half dozen eastern states to tes
tify before the federal grand Jury in the
secret inquiry into the alleged Indian
land frauds. The hearing will begin here
next Tuesday. Walter II. Eaton, business
associate of Governor Haskell, was shown
an Associated Press dispatch today to
the effect that sixteen witnesses were
coming from Hastings, Mich., to testify,
but refuxed to make any comment. Mr.
Eaton was formerly a resident of Hast
ings, and It is Inferred the government
will attempt to prove by these witnesses
that Eaton used them as "dummies" in
making schedules for town lots in
Muskogee in the years 1100 and 1901.
Eaton is secretary of the Indlanola Con
tracting company, of which Governor
Haskell Is president, and which owns
many town lots.
"No Doubt He is King," Says Publio
Mats Filed by T25 Lines with Inter
state Com in e roe Commission Show
Itoekefeller Is Kot s
Heavy Holder.
Under tho hctd, "E. H. liarrlman Is
King," tho Philadelphia Public ledger pub
lishes a four column story setting forth
details of the railroads Harriman has re
cently acquired. The Public ledger gets Its
Information from the reports filed by the
vnrious railroads with the Interstate Com
merce commission at Washington for the
fiscal year ended June SO, I!.
The commission has received reports
from 725 railroads and a large force of
clerks is busy tabulating the special in for
matlon. When this Is made available It
will he thoroughly digested by Prof. Henry
C. Adams, the statistician of the commis
sion, who will prepare a report for publi
Court Officials Asked to Tell About
Deal with Haskell's Secretary.
HASTINGS, Mich., Jan. 21. -Sixteen ciii
Zenj of Hastings, including the circuit
Judge and prosecuting attorney, have been
summoned by subpoena to Oklahoma to
give testimony in regard to land deals In
wnlch Walter It. Eaton, secretary to Gov
ernor IJaskell and a former resident of
this city, is alleged to be concerned. It Is
alleged that the sixteen persona subpoenaed
received deeds to certain lands In Oklahoma
and that the title was afterward convened
to Eaton. The persons subpoenaed Include
Circuit Judge Clement Smith, Prosecuting
Attorney W. '"W. Potter, Editors W. K.
Cook and Charles E Fields, and Archie
Anderson, cashier of the Citlaena bank.
The subpoenas were issued by Judge
Campbell ufllia United States court ft
Watch the clocks
Bazaar Saturday.
nt the IJlllputlan
Desperado Surprises Ills Attendant!
by Tenacioas Hold on Slender
l ife Thread.
Afier passiiiR a most restless ami alarm
ing nigl.t Hugh Jackson 13 still grimly hang
ing on to his thin thread of life und is sur
prising everyone by being reported as
sllghily Improved since Thursduy. How
ever, it is not known whether his rally from
the sinking spell and tils upparent Improve
ment Is permanent or merely the temporary
improvement that conic a before the end.
Gene Jackson, his sister, spent a consid
erable part of the night at tiie hospital and
was at tiie bedside during the crisis of the
sinking spell. ,
Detective Devereese is already out of the
realm of the wounded, so far as his out
ward appearance la concerned, for he la so
Improved that one would hardly believe
that he hat critically shot only a week (o.
Read the opinions of
the anonymous author
who answers the ques
tion in the
cation dealing especially with the stock
control of the various roads of the coun
try. The records of seventy-four of the lead
ing roads have been examined and the com
mission Is now able to give the main facts
concerning these roads. This is tho first
time the commission has made this kind
of a call from the railroads ana the pur
pose Is farreachlng. It will enable the
commission to find the real key to some of
the railroad situations. When Prof. Adams
has completed his task ho should be able
to name quite accurately who Is the real
power In control of the railroad situation
and determine positively whether it Is Har
riman, Hill, Morgan or Gould.
No Dunbt He Is Kins.
"From the reports so far examined there
seems no doubt that liarrlman is the real
king and is the man the commission is
looking for,' says the taper. "Ho holds
practically all the Oregon Short Line, the
majority of the Southern Pacific stock,
mora of the Great Northern than does J.
J. Hill and Is a substantial hnldr-r In the
Northern Pacific, another Hill line. He
holds many other valuable railroad prop
erties and has a strong Interest in the
Vnderbllt lines.
"Harrlman's holdings in the Oregon Short
I.lne amounts to the par value of $-7,3M,.
709. In tho Southern Pacific his holdings
are $75,695,000 common and $50,000,000 pre
fentd. In the Union Pacific he holda $10,-
4"5.0fi0 common and $:2,60O preferred, besld-s
the holdings of the firm of Harriman 4 Co.
"The manner In which the Harriman sys
tem of control Is kept on the books la
shown by a note submitted with the list of
ten largest shareholders by the Southern
Pacific. The note states that all of the
1 006,960 shares In that company held in the
name f Mr. Harriman 111, 430 of the shares
appearing in the name of Kuhn, Ixieb &
Co., S.soO shares In the name of S. Sleg
man. and 15,700 shares In the name of E.
8. Etelnam, are owned in fact by the
Oregon Short Line. A note filed by the
Oregon Short, Une states that, besides the
bhaiea In the name of Mr. Harriman, there
is only one other blcrk, of nb ut 1,0m)
shares, all the remainder of the stock
being held by Individuals In one-share lots.
Another note states that. In r.ddltlon to
this ownership of the Southern Pacific, the
Oregon Short Line owns 96.58 per cent of
the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company.
I I'nloa Parlflo Holders.
"The ten largest stocknoiaers In the Union
Pacific, as shown by the report, and their
holdings are:
Common. Pref'ed
O. W. Bovenixer, N. Y $.',M9 00
E. H. Harriman, N. Y. ...$10,416 oofl .)
Harriman aV Co., N. Y ... 41.0oo ?,l'tl,or.)
Kuiio. Usu Co.. N. Y. litt-euu 4-O.Uiuj
H. C. Krlck, -Pittsburg.... 3.5:10.001)
Inn Itros., Ixindon Z,:t)l,o) 5".5fi
Hoggins & Clarke, Ixind'n 1,074,000")
Kohert l'ieniing, Dundee,
Scotland 213,000 2.MJ.OO0
HallRarten & Co., N. Y,. fcKj art M OM
J. T. Francis, N. Y PWVmi 4WK0
Hothscjilld & Co.. Ixindon 1,164,001) 13,00)
H.irlm; Hros. it Co., Ltd ,
london l',9C1.600 3,274,200
Ah the lists as prepared show the hold
ings on June 30, 1D08, there are naturally
many cIuimkcs since that time.
The lists do not disclose that llarrltnai
haH any control In the Gould roads. The
also show that Rockefeller Is not a largn
holder of railroad stocks. J. Plrrpcnt Mor.
gan appears only occasionally. The Ameri
can und Adams Kxpress companies are
shown to have large 4ioldings In some ot
the roads, notably In tho New York, New
Haven & Hertford Unload tompihy.
C'anxht In the Act
and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills,
bilious headache quits and liver nnd bow
els act right. 25c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Watch Penaon & Thome Co.'a clocks Sat
urday . They change every hour.
Active Salesmen lice Want Ads.
&5orcic&c$tov6owiVcvi WrAt3'vca
UxaVvvt twtu&y Sy tjt ilVvxxr
(J Sctvwtt.xAiti ewaWs ontJarro wfcuW
VtoWs ioiy scAa assawtfto ivoihitc
may U CrajAiay twpw5fiA. WAVv
rtvucitsWtsurcA ax& o o&svs
JutvtVvoxvs .uiuWu& &eoA wViv
luft btrvr5vatds.aiwiyjWy fog 6nuiw
rio Syrup Ca.
sold arAU. iroiN whjcCi Hi