THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1909. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Decrease Continue! and Prices Spurt Up. ADI HOT BECUSE ONE, HOWEVER Unit Work Hard to Maintain Ad fi kit Uniot Make Price SHelr, at HltkMt rinm - Con Gain Shade. The Im-gB OMAHA, Jan. decrees that wai 19, 1901. shown In rraln stocks .yesterday made a further ad- lnw, tl.5orgl.65; coarse, tl.40iil.46 complied by the New Tork Produce ' ex chance, wss an fallow: Wheat, 4H.7O4.0H) tiu., decreased l,775,OuO bu ; Corn. 7,2kl,M) bu., decreased lU.g-y bu.; out. 10.36a.0iW bu., de creased bbs.tSAl tiu.; rye, .ouu bu., decreased M.wm bu.; barley, 4,446,uuu bu., decreased MEW YORK G V.y ERA l MARKET Quotations of the Day on Varloaa torn modi ties. NEW. YORK, Jan. 19.-FUUH Receipts, 21.UM bbls.; exports, 12,000 bbls. Market was steady wltn to.Mlnes quiet; Minnesota st ents, tSa-lnV 80; winter stralgnts, t4.6.j4.7;.; Minnesota bakers, S4.2GV4r4.bO; winter extras. Mtfi; winter patents, t4.76iitj.2e: winter low grade, 2J 3f-i4 15. Rye (lour, steady ; fair to good, 24 uOtf-4.i': choice to fancy. M.;ttc 4 60. Buckwheat flour, steady; 1.4O2.50 per Ww lbs. CORN M EA L Fl rm : fine white and yel NEW 0RIi STOCKS AND BONDS Market ii Bull and Neglected Throughout the Session. SLIGHT BISE IN VALUES Floating Supply of stocks la Saaall ad Light Baying Order II aa Marked Tendency to Lift Prtee. l,eat r vane in ine market today. Liverpool ca bles came In strong, which cave the bulla more confidence, and the market was brought up rrom the opening, and prices advanced rather sharply. Wheat opened strong. VatfVrc up, and there was a good deal of buying; at the ojvn Inc and wheat advanced sharply- The market ran by spurts; the bulls would run wheat op. but could not keep It' there, al though there was a strong tone In this option through the session. Receipts In neat stay small and the demand Is a better. There 'Is not much change In but if the demand keens growing a iter price la looked for. Wheat owned at tl.0B91.0f. and closed at 1.07. Corn and on is were not aa strong as wheat, although the "bulla" ruled and both made a fair advance. Receipt in corn are Increasing, but the demand is poor and no better pile is expected on these cundltlons. Corn opened at (IMMlta: and closed at 61V4e. Receipts in oats have a slight Increase and trading Is a little more brisk, but not much change. In price. Oats opened, MMff.lSc and closed at 61Sc. I'rlmary recmpt f wheat. X17.000 bushels; shipments, 21, 0". bushels; receipts a year axo, 826,000 bushels, shipments, 246,000 bushels. , I'rlmary corn receipts, 911.000 bushels, shipments. 6IO.0ii0 bushels: year ago. re ceipts, 1.S64.UW bushels; shipments, 625,00.) bushel. I'rlmary oat receipts. 648.000 bushels; ship ment 571.0"0 bushels: year ago, receipts, 677.0UI h islirls. snlpments, 511, 0n0 bushcis. Clearance todRV Were: Wheat, 75.WO bu.; com, I.'iO.iK'U bu.; wheat, and flour, 240,000 bu. Tear ago: Corn. H'.'t.i'ifl bu.; oats, 14,500 bu. ; wheat niiii fhutr. ftfta.Ouft" bu. Liverpool t-tOKOd with wheat H'Srtid higher and torn td higher. . Local range of options ) Artlclei Articles.! Open. Itigh. Ixw. 1 Close. Yes'y. Whest May.. July.. Corn May.. wCat J May.. i com 81SI 654! 1 01 I - H 1 91 Si 66V 1 01 91 66 ' 48V 1 00V4 91b 56 4iS No. iiUV&V4c; No. "Omaha Cash Price WHEAT N,q. 2 hard. 9Se,-4C hard, 9tHftr4c.No. 1 I spring, w0'Jm:. COitN .so. 3. K4c: No. 2 yellow. MfflMtie No. 3 yellow, 54e; No. 2 white, 68c; No. 3 White, itje. OATS-No. 3 mixed, 47g47'4": No. 3 yel low. 47e; No. S white, 474i4c; No. 4 White. 47ii7Hc. - ' KYE-No. 2. 71c; No. 3.. .7(Vi70t4e. Car Lot Receipts Wheat. Corn. Oats. Minneapolis: ..Ill iMiluth 38 Chicago 13 Omaha 33 kiln No. 2 western, gle, f. o. b. 626 l&S dried, 1146. RVE Dull: New York. HAItl-JiV Firm: fnaltlnar. 7M7V. r. L f. New York; feeding, uum, c. i. t. Ne York. WHEAT- Receipts. S3. 600 bu.: spot spot market firm; No. 2 red, elevator; No. 2 red, 1.097. f o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. tl.19, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 2 hard winter. 11. Id. f. o. b., afloat. Because of strength abroad. small northwest receipts and bull support wheat waa generally firm ail day and closed Sc net higher. There was good weekly statistic. A little realising took place near the close, but without much effect on prices. May. 11 Ki'fll U 8-19, closed at"4: July clowd at tL(4. CORN Receipts, 2XJ2S bu.; exports. 47.19 bu.; spot market, firm; No. 2, 6Sc, elevator, and ffTe, f. o. b., afloat; No. X, nomlpal, and No. 2 yellow, 67c, f. o. b., afloat. Op tion market was without transactions, clos ing c net higher. May closed . at t4c; July closed at 6Mc; September closed at 68Sc. OATS Receipts, 60.a bu.: spot market, quiet; mixed, 'M to 32 lbs., &41i4isc; white, 2 to 33 lhs., 64'867c; clipped white, 43 to 42 lbs., 5Vii62c, H I Dlirt steady; Kngbta. 16Vii 204c ; Cen tral America 2c. HAY Steady; No. 3. ftvac; good to Choice, Si-'yj. f EATHKK BtPadv; arid. 2r23i4jc. PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family, 1R.30 niFPt. Jl1.fKol2 l: beef he;ns. Si'iJTO $27.00; packet, tH.f1 lo.SO; city extra India niesw.'uOi.nii. Cut moats, steady; pick led bellies. t9.Ofttiti.2fi: hams. t.&0. Lard easier; western. t.Vq 10.00: refined, barely steady; eontlnent, ll.'jri; South America, tl0.H, compound. tT.fiOii7.75. Pork, firm; family, tlS.0OfilS.50; short clear, S19-S0'.'2.&0; mess. tH 75'a)7.o. TAMjiiW Quiet; city (J2.0O per pkg.) 5e; country (package freei. fiVi'Ue. RICH Firm; domestic, fair to extr. 214 iil'-.e; Japan. nomtnaJ. KCinS Easy; state, rennsylvanli and neilrby, fancy selected, white, 3Xc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fair to choice, white, 3fif67c; brown and mixed, fancy, t3fK'; brown and mixed, fair to choice, 3Tj1i.T7c; westerns, firsts, 31Vsc; seconds, m3lc Vi H'LTRY-Pressed, firm; western chickens, lluSlc; fowls, Hf&'IBc; turkeys, lfiMSc. Bl.'TTKR Barely steady; creamery spe cials, 3.14c (official price, 33c); extras, 32fl 32"ic; third to firsts, 24 'n 31c; held, common to specials, 23fu30c; process, common to speclul, l'uC5c; wcHtern factory firsts, 21 f(i2:'c; western Imitation creamery firsts, 23fc24c. CHEESn Steady; state full cream, spe cials, ItlS-Ho; state, full cream, fancy, 34V: state, full cream, good to prime, Ik-; winter made, best, lSc; winter made, good to prime, 12fta3c; winter made, common to fair. V)&llc; skims, full to specluls, 2H (&ll4c WK4THER I! TIIR GRAIJf BELT easier. Trading on the Stock exchange started moderately active, but the support slackened at noon, values drooping, and the close was Irregular, copper shares being. perhaps, the weakest section. Horn rails were uncertain, awaiting aivmena an nouncements. Consols hardened In the aft ernoon. American securities, after adjust ment below parity, hardened on covering operations, but at midday there was another reaction which affected the entire list. Iater Chesspeake Ohio and Norfolk Western rallied, and the market closed steady. PARIS. Jan. 19. Prices were steady on the Bourse today. BERLIN, Jan. 19. Trading on the Bourse today wa restricted, upon fears of a fur ther advance in the Bank of England rate of discount. MAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Light Cattle Strong:, but Heary Grades Ten Cents Lower. H0O MARKET SLOW IN OPENING Packers Averse to Farther Advaneo and A re Not Qalck'to Ray heep Receipts Only Fair. IIICAG4 GRAIX AJTD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing! I'rlees on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jan. 19. Increased receipts if wheat In this country Inspired bulllnh rertlment in the wheat market here today and pi ii Hi the clcso showed net gains cif ViiHu o Vjo. Vorn and oats closed firm ond provUddna easy. Tho wheat market was strong all day although sentiment In the pit wus a little It- bullish toward the finish, owing to Vet nMderahle realizing by local holders. The chief stimulus to buying at the start was the extremely srntull receipt in the north vest. Minneapolis and Ouluth reported only 149 curs, against &u0 cars the corres ponding day a year ago. The strength of the Liverpool market, where prices wero up A iU the close waa alio effective early In the day. Later In the session primary ; receipts statistics furnished addltii nal Incentive to buyer, total arrival today . being about 40 per cent of those of last year, or 4 t.miO buslvels. compared with 725,00) bushels a year ago. Advices fr m Min neapolis claimed that elevator Interests there stated that-the movement of wheat from the farm was at a standstill. De mand for cash wheat la the southwest was gain actlva, but local demand waa quiet. The prlncipat weakening influence was the "snow map issued ny tne government, 'Which showed that practically the entire winter wheat belt la now covered by snow. The market closed firm, with Mav at Sl.o7 and J-uly at UTMiOTic. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 23S.000 bushels. -The visible supply In the Vnited States decreased 1.77B.0UU bushels and the world's visible supply, as shown by Brad Mrects, declined 2.883.000 bushels. Minne apolis, Lnijuth and Chicago reported re i reipts of J2 cars, againt IC2 cars last week v and 6o8 car a. yitar ago. Of ft-rings . In the corn pit were meager early In the eaalon and th market was strong. . Later In . the session some profit taking developed Willi h cuusea a lillis more eaay feeling. The market closed firm with price up i&c to c. final quo tations on May being at tUftc and ou July. eittfflTtc. The oat market w.s firm all day. The market in general was strengthened by th firmness of wheat and corn. The close Mrau firm, with price up Vtoe to c with Mav fclVfaftlVe and July at Wlc. Activity and weakness marked trading In provisions, prices at the close showing net lose of 2Wo to 10fr'12Hc. A c advance . in the price of live hogs was apparently Ignored, - general sentiment in th pit p parentlv being that a decline waa the nat Ural sequence of the recent upturn. The leading futures ranged a follows: Fair and Warmer for Wednesday, Say the Prophet. OMAHA, Jan. 19. 1909. The area of hlith pressure, overlying the central and eastern portions of the coun try Monday morning, Is slowly arirung oir the Atlantic coast. The depression, noted over the western Canadian provinces, has moved eastward and 1 now central ofer the Lake Superior region. Generally cloudy weather prevails throughout the Missis sippi and Ohio valleys and lake regit n am verv iiffiit ana scaucrea snow riurries have occurred in the upper valley and lak region within the last twenty-rour hours. A disturbance of decided energy has ap peared on the north Pacific coast and Is using rains anu .mows uu me noi inei plateau and Pacific slope. Temperature are lower in the upper Atlantic states, the middle Rocky mountain sU-pe and north into Canada, elsewhere tne temperatures are generally higher, the rise being most decided In the upper Mississippi valley and upper lake region, tne weatner win con tinue fair in till vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with slightly cooler lonigm, followed by warmer Wednesday. Record of temperature anu precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: lyuv. ivm. isf'i. utoo. Minimum temperature.... 27 30 10 Precipitation .uu .u .w Normal temperature for today. SO degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1, 4.64 inches. Deficiency correwpcmaing penoa in io, J.NI inches. ... ' Deficiency corresponaing .penoa . in ivji. l.'M inches. Li. A. HllJtll, iocm forecaster. NEW YORK, Jan. 1.-The stock market todsy fell Into a neglect so profound as to resemble stagnation. Tho professional traders on the floor of the stock exchange apparently had the market to themselves and their efforts to move prices met with so nine suoccs that they practically abandoned them and left the market In Its dull and uninteresting state the latter part of the session. The technical position of the market wa called good In that tho floating supply of siuckb seamen to on small ana com paratively light, buying orders brought marked result .In the rrlce movement. This fact, however, seemed to offer small encouragement to the pursuit of any extensive operations. There were eicen- lltm In separate stocks, mostly of the class of smaller railroad systems. Conjecture continued busy with the possible disposition or inese systems in the proces of con eoiidatlnns Indicated by the cues of the Colorado Southern and the wnsconsln i entrai. The Kansas Cltv Southern was pointed to aa a projected link in the Harrl man system by traffic agreement. The ( ndpeakd ft Ohio was Indicated ss en gaged In consolidating its own system by rurcnase or a controlled link and wa favorably affected. The supposition, that F.. H. Harrlman is to assume closer rela tions to the New Tork Central continue strong In speculative quarters and that element looks for developments In that direction at tomorrow's meeting of di rectors. Some strengthening Influence of a more sentimental kind wns due to report of an Intended movement among the Insurance companies to secure a modification of the law calling for the sale of stockholdings in the tr)asiirles of these companies within a stated period. This possible liquidation has hung over the market for two years past with depressing effect on a number of railroad stocks. One Influence of repression on the speculation especially in foreign markets 1s the attitude of walling on the Russian loan Issue In Paris on Friday. The pressure for gold at Paris relaxed slightly today and 'sterling exchange advanced stiarnlv there with, a corresponding re laxation In the private discount rate n London. There was a small engMre'merft of gold hero for shipment 'o South America, but none of for transaltantto points. Thai 1 fonoon win draw some gold tn rna next few weeks Is a. general expectation. A steiflvlmr effect on the local money market Is beannnlng to be armarent but the premium tit which New Tork exchnnire rules nt Chicago Indicates the rendy reppone of the Interior to n-n opening In New York for placing fuffd. Chicago banks are reported to be seeking bonds as sn alternative to the sllcrht opporf unities In the loan market. Successive Issue of oomorxtlon honds try hankers make tho distinctive fnet'jre of the prrent situation. A further vleM In the price of Conner metal here and In Tondon was not followed hv the corner' Industrlil". which were Inclined tn ralv. The excellent showing of net esrnlng-s fr Teeemhcr of th" Bslt'more A Ohio helped the seaboard soft eoal carriers. Holder of the Tnterborooe-b-Met'opolltan stocks found small consolation In a rew riorted Intimation from the president of a prohaMe assessment to take care of the company s enully In the Metropolitan Hreot railway. The vnrvlng fluctuations left prices, ss a rule, a little higher at the end or tho day. nonils wore steady. Total sales, par value. Sfi6".Ono. T'nited States 4s, coupon, declined V Per cent on call. Number of sales end principal quotations on ivew lorK biocks were; Sil. Hili. Ixw New Vorat Money Market. NEW YORK, Jan. It MONEY On call, lVu2 per cent; ruling rate. IS per cent; closing bid, 1 or cent; offered at 1 per cent. Tim lonns. dull and easy; sixty days, ! per cent: ninety day, 1 per cent; six miths. I'iiP tier cent. PRIMH MERCANTILE PAPER-e4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bill at 14 MKC.rjf 4.M96 for sixty-day bills and at 14 746 fur demand; commercial bill. 4 s4'U4 844. SILVER Bar, 62S: Mexican dollars. 44c. BONDS Government, easy; railroad steady. Closing quotation on bonds today wer as follows: reg....l"iSInt. Met. 7H I'll I,, at N. nt. 4l 101 10O44 Man. e. f. 4 SH imi4Mx. Central 4s St HIV do 1st ino U 1204 M. at. I,. 4. 4H 71 M. K. T. Vt m do s 10eN. R. R of M. e 4s " in. V. 8. ret. tr, do coupon . V. . !. rrg , dn coupon . V. 8. it. reg. do coupon . A tn. Tobacco do s Atrhlaon rn. 4s do adj. 4s do ct. 4a do cv. 6a Atlintlc c. U 4s,... Hal. Ohio 4 do Hl Brk. R. T. cy. 41 ... central of Oa. oa... do lt tnc do id Inc do id tno Cbrs. A Ohio .., Chliaco A A. SH. C, B. g. n. 4s... ., R. I. A P. 4a... do col. 4s do rfda. 4s CCC. St. L. . 4a Colo. ind. 5s Colo. Mid. 4a Colo. A So. 4 tl. A H. cv. 4a. D. A R. O. 4s.. Erl p. I. 4a do sen. 4a Hors. VaL 4V4a... Japan 4a do 4Hs do 24 Kerics Bid. Ottered. Amalssmatad Copper S7.40 1V 774 Am. ('. A V J"0 4l 4w, Am. C. A r. ptd :no 100 109 Am. Cotton Oil ,600 i 4ii Am. H. A L. pfd 4.3) SS'4 37Vt Am. Ire Securities 400 2344 21 Am. Unseed Oil 1C0 IS 13 American Loeomotlre ., Am. Locomotive pfd Am. 8. A R 31.v K.V, MS Am. 8. A R. pfd TOO 10J lot Am. Sugar Refining JnO 1 12H Am. Tobacco pfd 500 MJi i)J, American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co 1. 5m 47 4614 Atchison 4,1"0 ort Atchison pfd W0 1O044 100S Atlantic Coast Line Raltlmore A Ohio 4.80O til7 111 Bal. Ohio pfd Ilrooklrn Rapid Tr 11.H00 THi 7", Canadian Paolflo 4,000 17H 170 Central Leather 1,100 II 804 Central Leather pfd N. T. C f. ISs M3N. J. C. g. ta 10? UNo. Pacific 4a 103 , M do la 74H .looujeeN. A W. c. 4s . t0. 8. L. rfdg. 4a MS . MPenn. cy. m lfcli... o .10m do eon. 4s 10414 . 7 Rep. o( Cnha, bt 103' . 04Bl. L. A I. M. 0 es..llln . 60 tit. L. a 8. F. fz. 4s. KoV, .H4 8t. U 8. . W. c. 4e... 74 . 74HHeaboard A. L. 4s... t . l lso. Pacific 4a rV-kt .It do 1st 4s ;' . Hi 80. Psllw.r (s 1" . '.' 'Teiaa A P. Is 117 . (WV4T., St. L. A W. 4a... 87 . 74 Vnlon Paoltlc 4a 10214 .. Sl4i do ct. 4a 104 .. 8. Bteci td ts IKITi ..lolS 'Wabash Is 1124 .. iii Western Md. 4s MM, .. MW. A L. B. 4s MS .. 73 Wis. Central 4s 4 ..1WIHN. T., N. H. A 11. .. 10S4 cv. K ctts IK ., Ill Lake, Shore 4s 131. . . :, .. tOii Am. T. A T. 4s : Boston Closlnar Stock. BOSTON. Jan. 19. Money, call loans, SfSS per cent; time loans, Vifi per cent, Official cloning 011 stocks and bunds: Atchison adj. 4a 92 Arisen Com. M do 4a 101114 Atlantic .1.... 14 Atchison R. R S9 llutte Coalition do pfd l'MHt al. A Arisona. Rostnn A Albany 236 Cel. A Hecla... Poston A Maine 13-4 Centennial Boston Elevated 12a Cupper itaue ., Kltchburi pfd i:44 Italy West N. Y-, N. H. & H. ..10"4 Kranslln Vnlon Pacific Am. Arre. Cham. do pfd Am. Pncu. Tube. Amer. 8ucar do pfd Am. T. A T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd pominlon I. A 8. Kdleon Klec. lllu. Maxa. Electric .... do pfd Mass. Uss 1'nlted Fruit L'nlted 8. M do pfd I'. 8. Meet do pfd , Adventure Allouee Amalgamated ... .nnVCranby . ... o)4dreene Cans Ilea !3 Isle Roysle .... 6 Mass. Mlulng .. ....i:S Michigan ....1274 Mont. C. A C... 126 Nevada is Old Domlnloa .. .... H'jOsreolti 19H Parrot H9 Qulncv . . . . 11 "4 Shannon . ... Ml Tamarack 6i'tTrlnlty . ... 17 '4 t'nlu-d Copper . .... 8. MlniUf.... 1M4 I'. 8. Oil .... M'4ltah ....113 Victoria .... 814 Winona .... 80 Wolverine .... 7814 North Uuue .... .. 24, ..!Ut . .6C0 .. 10 .. 15 ..W414 .. 1H4 .. 5 .. 1 .. 25 .. 14 .. 55 ..130 .. 14 .. 7S .. 16 .. 14 .. 44 ,. 2 .. a .. 4 .. 6 ..14 .. 79H Article. Op?n4 High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. t lota May July Hl-pt. Pot k Jan. May July Iard Jan. May July It lbs Jan. Mav July I . I. 1 w 1 'tS iolTficHI , OH HlWuA. 614 1 07H 96 GlHfiAj 4i d 17 05 1 17 l-'H 17 15 T7H 97W, 10 071 ' I S 87 9 10 51 a J 17 17 17 I S 77 9TV.I 8 87V, 10 1 0H4, 1 07 1 06t 7H 97SlfAi 91H MStHVOS MVa Bisl 61Va 6H I 61V61Va, 14 tll 2 U MV9 61S3A4 hl 44P i SiSt 29 3- 17 0 17 00 17 10 17 02V 17 10 17 17V4 17 W 17 io 17 25 t 7H 9 70 t 80 lli 9 87H "H 9 95 97V 10 07V, S 85 8 87V, 9 00 9 O-'V, 9 10 t 12V, t 16 I t St. I.ools General Market. FT. IX)VIS, Jan. IB. WHEAT Higher; track, No. 2 red, cah, tl.loHi'l.ias; JNo. i hard. tl.07V44jl.09; May. tl.O64fl.0C4; July, I OKN Firm; tracK, ino. a emu, oc, diay, fyuv.c; July. 0o. OATSj Firm; tracK, ro. a casn, sica luay, 50c: July, 4&Vc: No. 8 white, WVttwc HY hi Nominal, sc. VllL'R Steady; red winter patents, t4.WniD.86; extra fancy and straight, t4.30f 4.H0; hard winter clears, U .50. 8KKI-Tlmothy. s.txxrs-. fRNMEAL 13.10. BRAN Firm; sacked, eaat track, tl.09 frl-W- . ... HAY WeaK DUl uncnttUBrvi tiiiiuiuy, tio.0043n4.oo; prairie, .t.W)4'1100. 1KO.N I U l iu.ii 1 lt.B-el.w PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, tlt7V. Lard, lower; 'prime steam, KSatfi 9.45. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed. extra ahorta, l.6i; clear rio, .i; snort clears t9.K2V4 Bacon, unchanged; boxed eiani shorts, iio.uu; clear ribs, xiusirv,; short clears, 1 10. till V. POULTRY Dun; ciucKens, 10c; spnngs, 12V4c; turkeys. lUc; ducks, 11c; geese, "c. 1 I ,TTKR Steady; creumer', i4t;ja2c. case count. Receipts. Shipments. 6.000 10.500 51,000 Tl.OiiO He.OOO 73,000 7,0u0 73.000 EGGS Lower, 27c, No. J. ('ah nuntstlnns Were as fidlows viI'R Firm: winter patents. t4.7M6.30; straights, t4.nl4 : spring patents, to S53 SfJv- atralshta. I4 tM,i6.lo: bakers. I-' aty14 lo. WHEAT No. i spring. tl"iltO: No. t snrlnsr. Il.trfnl.t: No. ! red. $1 W1 .07e, COllN No. 2. 69'Vc; No. 2 yellow, tlATtWNo. 8 white, 494tJ51.c. RVF No. 2. 75HC. HARLKY-Oood feeding, 69&604.C: fair to . lt.,l, iiMlttnir. til'iit4C. HKF.nH -Flax. No. 1 'northwestern. tl.W Prime timothy, U t0lj3.9i. Clover, contract ,'i'i,iiiva.. Short ribs, sides (loose). ts.omi.0. Mesa rHrk.. per bhl.. 17 uoo' 17 iiiu I.ard. ner V4 lb.. 9-70. Short clear aides tboxed). S.759.00. , v tr..i1.,mu were the receipt and sal ments of flour -and grain; . Jtvc-lc'"- Shipments Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu OaU, bu Kansas City CSraln and Provision. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 19. WHEAT Un changed; May. tl.uov; July, Srl'c; cash. No. huru, yirvoei.o; imru, wryiei.w; No. 2 red. tl.iVyl.Vi; No. 4 red, l.04ij 1 ok. ... . . . CORN Cncnsngea to nigner; May, M-'sc; Julv. tUViC; Heptmter, oic; caah. No. 2 mixed. be; No. t mixed. 6oVic; No. white. bti4c; No. s writs, wc. OATS 1'nchunged; No. 2 white, 60i8S2c; No. 2 mixed, 4jG0c. RYE 7W173C. HAY Steady; choice timothy, t9.7Mf10 00; choice prairie, t-s.6onjv.00; choice alfalfa. IIS HVBt4..Vi. Bt TTKK Steauy ; creamery, 01, pacaing stock. lc. KOC.H Easy; fresn extras, 33c; current receipts, wo'aC. , lev'iit uil'menis Wheat, bu 7J.i Corn, bu -'.'" l.'i"0 bu l'j.uoo Options at Kansas City: Articles. I Open. I Illgh.l Low. Close, Central of New .leisey...., Chesapeake A Ohio , Chicago tit. W chlcsKo a N. W C. M. A m. P C C. C. A St. L Colorsdo V. A I Colorado A o Cola. A 80. let pfd....... -Ce 10. a So. id pfd Consolidated Oe ........ Corn Products Delaware A Hudeon Denver A Rio Urande....' D. A R. "ia. pfd Planners' Securltlea Erie Brie 1st pfd Krl Id pfd General Electrle Oreat Northers pfd Great Northern Ore otfa. . Illinois Central Interboroufh Met ,. Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump tnwa Central Kansas City S K. C. Bo. )fd Louisville A N Minn. A 8t. L M., 8t. P. i. Missouri Pacific ... M., K. A T....; M., K. A T. pfd Mstlnnal Lad New York Oentral T., O. w Norfolk A Weatern North Americas Northern Pacific Paclflo Mall Pennevlventa People's Oea C. , c. at si. n Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Railway Steel spnut Reading Republic Steel . . Republic Bteel pfd Rock lalano 10 Rock leland Co. pf - -- St. L. A S. r w p.. .. Bt. Loula S. W.. Bt. U 8. W. pfd. .. 8loea-8hef field 8. Southern Paclfle go. Paclflo pfd Southern Railway 80. Hallway pfd Tennessee copper Teaaa I'acino St. U et St. U A W. pf Vnlon Pacific lulon Paclflo g. Rubber V. S. Rubber lai p P. 8. Btwel I. Bteel piu tub Copper Va.-Carolloa Cbemlcal ... Ve Cnem. pfd Wabash Wabash pfd Weetlnghouae a,iecn Weetern In too Wheeling A L. Wleconsin Central t- .T -i.'-.-iv:: Total aaiea " 19.200 2.300 6i0 1 1 K 2.400 0 too 100 , 900 . S.900 300 200 l0 . t.w . 2.700 , 1,300 . ' ino . I.SO0 100 . 2.500 . 6,200 . 11.200 14 17SH 149V4 71H 41 66 Vs II 1314 vs 17 38 to H tm 46 ' iw" 1434t 71 '4 14f W 45 0 8 174 14H T'.S 404 66 43 Si 127 H 1M4 177 4 t4 Ml ie4 SOW 444 i&i" 1434 71'4 144 L4 liVl Wheat- May .. July.... Corn- May .. July . 1 1 00 11 ofm IsSVttjAa'oSHtlH I I 1 I 68 I Ki'il 91 I 1M l 00 11 004, n 68 V, 68 91 68i Flour, bbls..., Wheat, bu.... t'orn, bu.. .. Oat, bu Re. bu. , Barley, ou. 26,400 14.100 u7 ,...-..3l.f W ...... 10,01s) 241.000 todav y.aoo hu.0 379 SK0 t.teXI 62.710 the hut- 1 . " , . - . ter market-ws Hiuy; cresnunn, j-jw. , dairies, as'j-lc. Eggs weak; at mark, case Inoluded. 26V': flrt. 29Vijc; prime flrt. TW Cheese, firm; 14lc. Minneapolis Grain Market. MiNNBAHOLis. i"Jr,EATrM.;' tl .0i4jl.iyS: July. .Vr1.0cA; caall. No. 1 hard. ta ioH1 IPS; No. I northern. tl.-Otf. ajl.oS: No. 2 nos-thern, S1.07V,3l-07H; No. 3 Iiortliern, tl.tHVktf J.06. ,v' 4 KIAX-"1oad at tl.SV- 4 BRAN I q bulk. UK 2btT 0. KU"1 JH Dual; first tiatenl. t6.4oJJ 0. reeond patent. 5.2fl)6.4o; first olear. t4.W T4 10, -aocoitd vlr, k.'.y6l.o. Visible ty ( Grain. NEW YORK. Jan. 19. Th visible supply xf grain la in L'nued .u Baturday. a Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. Jan. 19 SEEDS Clover, cash. fi.W; January. S-6i: March. J5.5:v,; Oc loler, 10.06. ITime aisiae, svw. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jsn. 19.-WHEAT-8pot, essy; NO. z ren, weaiern vinier, is y,a 1-40; tay, ,1 western futures, steady: March, 71 id! Julv. 7a 7Vad. CilRN Spot. steady; new Amerlcsn mixed, via Oalveston. Es 4d. Futures, firm; March, os sa; May. da jsu- Treasury Utatement. W A ffHI NOTON, Jan. 19 Today' state ment of the treasury balance in th general fund, exclusive of the llJO.noo.ono gold re serve, shows: Available cash balance, tlsl rtVb4-; gold coin and bullion, tlo.2T8.2j0 gold certlflcatea. 2S.74Z.;n. Dalath Grain Market. Dl'LlTH, Jan. It WHBAT-No. t north, eru. tl-; No. I nortWo, ti.Mlai My tl .: J u i.v, OAT-tr' pf. no 1.(00 27. v , 10,300 , 1.400 400 , 1.600 , 10.600 , 11.100 , 1,000 00 . 22.100 , 1.2O0 , 24,600 600 200 '. ib.ioo , 10.i too . ' 100 . 1,600 . to.ouO 200 . 1.2U0, . 4.100 . 2.200 . too i " ioo IU0 . rt.too 100 . 1.M0 100 60O . 4.4U) 500 . t. . 54. '" 1 . 24.600 . 2.SU0 ' " 1 700 . . , .. 200 40 S3 "4 43 4 7444 lS.s-4 y.44 1444 72 444 TSV, 71 1314 47 V4 ! 74 13Va 13344 14 4 4m 17$ 44 1S7S X5V4 II 244 M4 4 'ii" 72 130Uj lit 26 444. 54 td 7iv4 17H14 24-4 1044 1134 '46H 114 It 44 21 l4 S3 V 42 72 1244 51 14IV4 70 42V4 74H TI4 m 4v4 t 73V4 nsvs 1S'4 m Kt 41 172 4S 1364 25 MVt 24H U4 "m" It 121S t 624 444 244 13 714 17Ae 'ii " 104 4 me 1114 114 1 4V tl CI 7914 41.14 1C"4 4 34 234 12'1 654 11014 .- iota; 47 4 10OV4 10SU 1114 1 11 14 17 IS 10014, 234 60'4 M4 17 142 70 '4 4.)t 66 82 Vi 61 1274 m 178'4 an 27 "4 204 4i4 26 14 144 143 V4 70, H'V 164 4t4 12 65 14 21-4 24 42H 125 6 14414 71 V4 414 74 774 U"44 464 i'4 7314 136 Vj IU14 1034 Nevr York Mining; Stork NEW YORK, Jun. 19. Closing quotation on mining stocks were: Alice Brunswick Con Com. Tunnel stock.. do bonds Con. Cal. A Va Horn silver Lesdvllle Con Offered. .215 3 2S 15 .i 70 i Little Chief . Mexican Ontario Ophlr Yellow Jacket Btaodard ...112 ...6o ...1 ...110 ...loe Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 6.M 10,700 17.0H3 17.221 11.474 1.R2 lO.&O 18,9o4 7,i0 IS 471 lt,02!t 16.142 12,471 A616 10.9.19 SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., Jan. 19. 1909. Receipts were: Official Monday t 441 Estimate Tuesday .... 6.200 Two day this week.... 8.041 Barn days last week 1S.3H Pame day 2 week Buna day I weeks ago 7.r'4 Ham day 4 weeks ago. 6.4X1 Same day last year... , The following tabl show the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: 1!MI. ll.W. inc. Cattle 56.445 64.617 1.828 Hog , 14U.779 175.7 a. Sheep l,2xti e.9u7 12,790 The following table shows the average prloe of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparison: Date. I 1809. 1908.19O7.190.19O5.19O4.19ot. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. J?n. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jun. Jan. 7.... 8...., .... 10...: 11... w... 13... 14... 15... 1... 17... IS... 19... St t 844 6 82 e 6 74 6 U2 5 W 6 X7 6 87H 6 93 I e 6 06 4 241 24 4 Z1 f 3l 4 ) 23 4 22i t 80 4 16 6 29 6 30, 4 OS 4 20i 6 281 4 Sf 6 25 6 22 5 20 6 22 6 ; 6 20 4 601 4 81 4 (2 4 &' 4 62 4 M 4 60 4 861 4 6" 4 e 4 62 4 til 4 76 4 781 4 6ti 4 74 5 29 4 331 6 42 6 291 4 6: 4 2ol 6 421 6 241 4 61 4 2.1 it 601 5 271 4 65! 4 601 j 4'.', 6 29 4 66 4 74 6 89 6 40 6 42 t 40 0 46 6 48 6 57 41 6 60 6 50 Sunday The official number of cara of stock brought tn todiiy by each road was as fol lows: Cattle C. M. ft St. P.. Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Paclflo 67 C. N. W.. east.... 13 C. & N. W., west nr. , St. P. M. & O. ... 12 C, P.. & Q., caHt s C, B. & Q... west.... 4fi C., R. I. P., east.... 7 C. R. I. & P.. west.. 2 Illinois Central 12 C, O. W 5 Hogs. 8heep. H'r 6 1 3 7. 82 ' 9 ' 44 6 : 8 4. 2 .. . 43 8:1 4 4 2 lStl 36 Total receipts 3C1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. Omaha Packing Co... Swift and company.... Cudahy Packing Co Armour e ( o Carey & Ronton I,obman & Rothchild... W. I. Stephen Hill & Son V. P. lyewls Huston Co J. R. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. V. HiifZ McCrear' A Carey ... H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty Ai Co F. CI. Inpt'.ram Sullivan Pros Ihmer Bros. Shaefer : St. I-ouls Packing Co. SL ClaJr PacVIng Co... 1'nlon Dressed Beef... Lee Rothchllds Other Buyer 61! . 811 .1.015 . 820 . 70 , S3 -1 .' 230 . ir.i . 91 .. 135 . 39 . 33 . 80 . W . M . X, ,. 74 . 17 19 W 2S 395 1.731 2.6CO 1,715 316 2,30t' i.f 1,006 mslned practVAlly unchanged ss compared with th laat several day. Th Inquiry 1 from packer wa gd. e3i-clally for the Iwtter grade of sheep and lamb, so that there waa a teady tone to th market VI, mnvsmsnt aveji renetMiablV actle. So that the moderate supply waa cleaned up In (rood season. For some of the medium and commoner grade ther ww less snap to the trade, whll at th earn time any thing t ail salablo wa quoted tcdy al en n I n.ii.tettona In Uie feeder division there was nothing dome of tnv roiisaiM-nc. H there were very few aheep or lamb on th feeder order in sight. The Inquiry from the country continues fair, so that anything offered found ready sale at mor or les satls- fsrtnrv nrtceaL Quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood to ehnlcn lambs. 27.0tlf7 76: fair to good lambs. tai.K7.00: feedln lambs. 24 60; good to eholc light yrllngs. t4vtfitS&; gixd to tjholce heavy yearlings, H.itii: teca ng surllns. 14.5065.ti0: good to choice wethers. 86.2646 60; feeding wether, t4 0044 50; good to choice ewes. 24.7b4ro.Tt; isir w su ewes. f4.!Mf4TP; feeding ewes, ttOPd1.26; cull nd bucks. tl.toiat-OO. Representative sales; No. 14 weotero lambs 21 wtrtem yrarllng wethers., 46 weetern Iamb R4t western ewe Ki weetern lamb 64 western ewe W western lambs 43 western lambs, cull 12 western ewe 16 native lamb 12 native ewe 'A western ewes, culls 82 western wether 78 western ewee ftJ weetern lamb, feeders.... 314 weetern yearlings CHICAGO I.1VK STOCK MARKET Cattle, Sheep and Lamb Steady Hogs Generally FIT Cent Higher. i-tlti'Aiio ln 10 OATTLE Receipts estimated at 4.. head. Market was steady; strs. 24fi.77 50: cows. a.0U4j.nO; neuers f.t citi6.7R: bulls. tS.Ki3.).; calves. t3.6.ij tl'Vtio, stinkers and feeders. t2.50( HOOS-Krcelpts, sl.out 24.X head. Mar ket erererallv m Ilslier: choice heavy ship nl.iK 2fivf,fl5- butchers. 26.4041 41 60: light mixed XKtHM.4! 'XI' ch.ilee llsrht. t6.1l4.3t; packers. t6.oTKiir,.40; pigs, t4.7ulili.85; bulk of sales. 26.1547ti.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about lo.lrnO hesd. Market steady; sheep. 24 -n'H 6.0O; lambs, S6.25tfi.8S; yearlings. t4 607.10. St. Lonis Live stock Market ST. LOi;iS. Mo. Jan. 19.-CATTLE-ne celpts. 2.000 head,- Including SoO head Tex ans; market for native steers, lowlne lower; all other grades steady; native shipping and exnort steers. t4.4"4i'7.6n: dressed beef and butcher steers, 14 .60416. 40; steers under 1.0 lbs., t3.7.Vfj.Otl; stockers and feeders, to.Ml1 6 20; cows and heifers. ta.fwviiV.Z.; fanners, t2.0tViTr2.26; bulls. t2.764l626; calves, S5.ooji.a6 Texas And. Indian steers, ja.t'.mi'b.i'i cows And heifers. S1.7'(W.26. HOOS Receipts, 10.910 head: market Mfinc higher; pigs and lights, f4.0ti6.2i; packers. t.204i.85; butchrs and best heavy, 0 4Otf B.60. SHEEP ' ANU LAMBS Receipts, S.440 head: market. ltVi-luc lower: native niut tons. tl 26ti6.26; lambs. S5.OW7.25: culls and bucks, et.io4j6.40; tucker. t2.6tK33.uO, j Supreme Court Syllabi against Fisher, on nnotlpn s Motion overruiea. vnguiai. A. Pr. .76 7 60 . 78 8 25 .65 S 60 .108 4 00 .64 6 75 . W 4 75 .70 7 10 .6.1 6 60 . 1u9 6 00 . loo 7 10 .163 6 00 . 106 8 50 ..16 6 25 . 113 4 60 .62 6 40 . 100 6 2o 1.098 f3 Kansas City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 19. CATTLE Re- ceints. 13.000 head, including 500 southerns. Market steady to loc lower; sto?kers and feeders, strong: choice export and dressed beef steers, to.oo?i6.uii; f.ilr to good, S4.7MI I Ml; western steers, j;.2.V,i..25; sluckers and feeders, t3.H0tl6.3O; aoutnein steers, $4.50. t.00: southern crtws. St.ttOti.fiO; native cows t2.25tjio.Oi); native heifer. 83.6043 6.26; bulls, 2.9IHJ4.75: talve. S4.Wff1.0O. HOUS Receipts, 25.000 head. Market was strong to 6c higher: tot,, 86.35; bulk of sales S&.My(iri.!!0; heavy. Sti.2iaii4S.36: packers and butchers, t6.o5930; light, t6.Mj6.10; pigs S4.56IHU.W. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9.000 head. Market steady; Iambs. t6.00tf(7.50 ewes and yearlings, t4.504i6.6o; western year lings, b. (Bb. 7b; western sheep, atocKer and feeders. t3.0Wto.00. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Jan. 19. Bank '.ulearlng for today were tl. 911, lot). 60 and for the corres ponding date last year, tl.729.679.92. 7,000 42 IM14 40' 12 41 110 47 137 14 2f4 24 "4 244 5944 Ii4 2a4 ' 7 114 120 V4 26 6214 44 2014 US 714 17e W4 2314 1U4V4 52 -4 113S 44S 4c 111 IH'4 42 51 TiH 414 126 Wool Market.-. BOSTON. Jan. 19. WOOT-The local markot is lef s active, but the general busi ness is reported good and the fresh con tract have been made for smalt lots total ing several million pounds. Price are fairly firm and stocks erf both fleece and staple territory are very scarce. Leading domestic quotations renge. a follows: In diana and Missouri three-eighths blood, 2$ t((3x-; quarter blood, 27fgC8c; scoured values, Texas, fine 12 months, 6otu2c: fine, 6 to 8 mouths. SSOfCoc; fine fall, 4S60c; Califor nia, northern, 52tJ63e; middle county, 4S7i60c; southern, 40JV42C; fall, 4-'4j43c; JLregon, east ern. No. 1 staple, t!ligi2o; clothing. 63iUu6o; valley, No. 1, 46(ii44u; territory, fine staple, 62tiS5c; fine medium staple, 60i-; lino clothing, 6f&60c; flno medium clothing, 55ft) 67c; half blood 60i&13c; three-eighths blood, 63?i.Vc; quarter blood, 0OiB62c; pulled extras, 6tKt(412c; fine 57(gc; A, 47(gWc. ST. IA5U18, Jan. 19. WOOl-Nomtnal ; medium grades, combing and clothing, 19'i tfJSVie: light fine, jHSV&'20e; heavy fine, lOVi 4)16c; tub washed, 234Mliic. LONDON, Jan. ID. WOOL There was a large attendance at th opening of tha 1909 wool auction sales here today. A good selection of 10,483 bale brought out active bidding especially from home traders, who wanted crossbred, and continental buyers, who took merino. The American present bought croasbreds, but hnslttUed when merino were offered. Merinos and fine crosHbreds were unchanged to 6 per cent J higher and medium and coarse crosshrctls advanced from 6 to 7Vi per cent. Cape of Gtod Hope and Natal grades were un changed. Following are the sales in detail: New South Wales, 8.600 bale; scoured, lid ill 8d; greasy 7d2jl Id. Queensland, 1.300 bales; scoured, la 6dtfls51d. Bouth Aus tralia, 5u0 bales; sooured. Is ld&ls lVid. Wesrt Australia, 6u0 bales; greasy, 6V431oVd. New Zealand, 1.100 bales; scoured, 8V4d(l Is 8d; greasy, Bdigild. Oaie of Oood Hope and Natal 90 bales; scoured, G'4e'ls lV,d; greasy, 3fjl'd. Bueno Ay res, 200 bolus; greasy, tTTVad. Tf.lal 4.969 10.M9 7,122 CATTLE Receipts were rather smaller than dealers were anticipating, and Uie. proportion of well-finished cattle waa larger than it has been of late. The market was very alow In opening. Both local packers aud outside buyer showed a marked preference for the light 11 nd cheap cattle, buying these at Steady u strong price. On the other hand they were all more or less Indifferent and bear ish on the well finished and heavy cattle and bids were mostly VWl&c lower than yesterday, a very small number changing hands at, theae figures up until noon. There was a good Inquiry from all source foi the desirable grade of butcher and beef stock and price were unevenly higher all along the line. Keen competi tion from outside butchers made price considerably higher for the heavy and fat grade and in many cases aa much aa 164, 26o higher than lat week. On the other havnd medium and common stuff found no better outlet than Inst week and price for the most part were In about the same notches as at that time. There wa a very good demand for stockers and feeders, but the supply wa limited. Competition with packets for the fleahv trades made prices decidedly strong. while the lighter grades did not show so much Improvement, but generally sold freelv at steady prices. Quotations on cattle: flood to oholce eornfed steers, 86. 76.60; fair to good corn- fed steers, XS.OOfue. 76 ; common to fair corn fed steers. S4.OfKi4.90; good to choice 00 ws and heifer, U.'a 40; fair to good cow and he.fers, S3.5o4i4.26; common to fair cows and helt'rers, t2.oo4j3.oo; stock heifer, S2-7ST 2.60; Venl calven, I4.00(u.2o; bulls, (tag, etc., 83.00)15.00; good to choice stockers and feeders, t4.751j6.40; fair to gooo stocKera and feeders. S3 76ifi4.26; common to fair stockers and feeders. 13.7&WI-&0, Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. bT. JOSEPH. Jan. 19. -CATTLE Re ceipts, l.Huo head: market slow and steady; steers,; cows and heifer, 82-70 5.60; calves. t2.764i.(i0. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head: market, 6c higher; top. 86.86: bulk of sale. SrS'n3.30. SHEEP AND I.AMBH-Recelrs. 2,000 head; market steady; lambs, tS.&Otarj.&O. Blonx City Lire Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Jan. 19.-(Speelal Telo gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1.400 head; mar ket steady; beeves. t't.OWjiej.BO; fat cows and heifers, t3.orw4.75; feeder, weak, ta.OOi& yearlings, J3.WBH.00. HOGS-RBcelpts. 4.200 head: market 5r higher; range, . 80ft 6.20; bulk of sales, 86.00 46. W. Stock In Sight Receipt of live stock at the six principal weatern markets yesterday were as follows: t-attle. Hogs, aneep South Omaha Sioux City ... St. Joseph ... Kansas City . St. Louis .... Chicago Totals 6,200 1.4H0 1.800 12.000 2.000 4,500 10,700 4.200 8.000 25.0. KJ 10. mm 24,000 7,600 9,000 9,0o0 3.44" 15,000 241,900 S2.S90 37,040 Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. -The cotton market opened steady at a decline of 1W7 points. Futures opened steady; March, t,53c; April, 9. 47c; May, 9.43c; June, 9.38c; July, 9.36; August, offered, 9.20c; October, 9.19c; December, 9.16c. Cotton future closed steady: JiLnvutrv 9.48es February, .42c; March, ,9.47c; April, D.42c; May, 9.41c; June, 3Sc: July. 9.33c: August, 9.21c; September, l.l&c; October, 14c; wovemoer. .oc: Jecemtfr, .09c. Spot closed quiet, 10 point lower: mid dling uplands, 8.70c; middling gulf, 9 96c. No sales. GALVESTON. Jan. 19,-COTTON-Lower: t 7-lc. ST. Iinn. Mo.. Jai. 19.-4TOTTON Weak; middling. 9V4c; sales, none; receipts. 3.69 hal-n; shipments, 3,634 bale; stock, 42.4'K bales. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 1 9. COTTON Spots, quiet and steady; low ordinary, 5'.4c luminal; ordinary, 4 1-I6c, nominal; good ordinary, 7V4y; low middling, btc; mid dllng, 9Vc; good middling. 10c; middling lair, lusac: rair. use. nominal, Itccelnts. i.-.UH Deues; biock, jui .4JH Date. 407,700 shares. London Stock Market. I ON'DON. Jan. 19.American aecurttle craned tiuiet today. lE-ter ite&auijf oe Xed the entire list fell below par It y At noon the market was heavy and from 44S below yeterday new York closing. London closing .... rr,.l. moaey . eae-ieeio.. nan. m Texas.. i .. 234 New Tork Central. ...1IJV4 .. Norfolk A Wester.. 2314 , .lois so pra w ..lot Ontario A Western.. 40 ..lit Pennsylvania 46 ..1H0S Rand Mines 7 '4 fcleReatdlns 70 V S Southern Railway ... 26(4 1H4 do pfd 64 's llStovther Paclflo ....lxts 1 Lnlno Peelllc 1IU, lli pf M 2114 C aHeel 1144 444 do pfd llVt MWabaeh ll4 lti do pfd tela, 1441, gpanlah 44 S4 127V4Amal. Coepar tow H1LVBK Bar, quiet at 24'a per ounce MilNtCY Za-t per crni, The. rat of discount In th open market for short and three months' bills Is tif t 18-18 per cent Foreign Financial. 'LONDON. Jn. 19. Money waa In tnodrr supply on the market today and was quickly absorbed. Discount wr a shade do aocosol Anaconda Atchlaon do pld Baltimore A Ohio. cidtan Paclfle rkoeake A Ohio rhl. Ureal W t-bt.. Mil. A Pe Been penver A 1 O de ptd Srte da let pfd do 2d pfd Oread Tnsnk .... Illinois Central . Loulevllle N Chances la Available Sapplles. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 8peoia1 cable and telegraphic communication by Bradstreet'a shew the following change In available upplles, as compared with previous a count: Wheat. United States, east Rockies decreased 2,340,000 bu.; Canada decreased 243,000 bu.; total United States and Canada decreased t.63,OU0 bu. Afloat for and in Europe decreased SoO.OOO bu. Total Ameri can and European supply decreased t.tttS,- 000 bu. Corn, United Plate and . Canada, de creased 317.000 bu. Oats, United State and Canada, decreased 1.241.000 bu. The leading decreases i and Increases re ported thla week follow: Decrease Man! toha. 833,000 bu. ; Chicago private elevator bu.: Portland, Me., low.uuO bu.; Port Huron. bu.; Bt. John, 88.O0O bu. Omaha. 66, 000 bu.; Bt. Joseph. 2,ouO bu. Lincoln and vicinity. 61.000 bu. ; Louisville 61. OilO bu. Increases -Minneapolis private elevators, 100,000 bu.; Watertown, 8. D., 60,- 000 bu. toftoo Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 1 COFFEE The market opened steady at an advance of 6 16 points and closed steady and 6'd'lo points hurher; sales wer reported of 61 360 bug, Including January, 5 96c; March, ouo; May Ky-il5c: July, 5.eTHa.0c; September, 6.75c November, .70c; December. 6.7tnK.75c; pot steady; Klo. No. 7, 7itTVac: Daiitos, No mild DomuiaU (.ordova. V0 12' V He. li.... 40.... 13.... 13... 4... 4 ... .... 7.... a.... t.... 13.... I.... 1.... 1. . 10... 4... I... lo... W... 4... At. IW1 10n lia 1233 SC6 402 10C4 032 8 116 1073 SI K 1500 1760 luu MiO 1710 1210 , 200 240 , 15 , 430 no , 230 fr) 324 333 2IW 300 STOCK 663 Itf 646 56 MO 6i O, Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 76 16 1390 6 00 1 16 12 1216 4 00 6 70 84 1562 25 5 70 COWS. 2 20 1291 4 46 2 10 4 Ktn 4 60 2 25 4 1063 4 60 2 40 2 142 4 15 2 65 4 1045 6 Oo 2 ti II 1022 I 06 4 1" HEIFERS. 1 to 4 too 4 00 2 40 t 54 4 04 t 50 BULLS. 3 00 1 1C60 4 3 I 60 1 1610 4 44 4 06 a 1576 4 15 4 25 1 1110 4 40 4 25 1 1440 t 00 85 CALVES. a 00 1 110 a 0 a 25 a no ti a 25 1 140 1 o 1 50 1 110 T M a 60 1 140 1 50 a SO 4 125 t 15 4 00 2 21 a 00 4 5 1 IW IN 5 74 1 200 a ft I 00 1 ito a M 4 00 F.HS AND FEEDERS. a 45 it art a ao a 50 1 646 4 J0 a to 1 186 4 u a to ia 76i 4 60 a 76 44 ion t jo Metal Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. M ETALS There wa an advanee of 7s fid In tho I-nniton tin market today, .with spot closing at ;126 12s tta ana rutures a.127 7s lid: loca v the mar ket wa quiet but a shade higher at t'J7.5Vf 27.80. Copper had a slight recovery In Igni tion, with spot closing at 60 7a Kd and future at A'Gl 6g 3d: the l.x-itl market, how ever, wns weak ond lower with lake quoted at tl4.12Vif(il4.26, electrolytic at tl3.7Mel3.K7V4 and casting at SlS.62VHrl3.75. Iead waa un changed at 13 2s t'.d In London an.t re mained dull at 84.15iM.20 In the local mar ket. Spvlter wa lower in London at 21 2 6d; the local market was dull at ff.6ot 6.17V4. The Bngllsh Iron market was higher with standard foundry quoted at 4Sa 9d. No change waa rexrted lux-ally. No. 1 northern foundry. tn.Ooty 17.76; No. 2, tW.75 117.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 soft south ern. t!7. 2&317.75. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 19. METALS Lead, dull at 14.05. Speller, dull at tS,02V4. 15152. Stale for rehearing. nwcelt, i. . ' It:". First National bank of Humboldt against Samu'-lsnn. On motion for tenenr Ing. Motion overruled. Calkins, O. Ap peal frvm RUhsnlaon. ia;. iiiirtiliaui against t nicsgo, iniruns- . ton Quincy railroad. Appeal from In- caster. Reversed and remanded. Epper son, C. lotion, J,, concurring separately, Reese, C. J , dissenting and Rose and Lran, J , not sitting. Division No. 1. 1. A railroad company is not required lo erch se that portion of Its right-of-way. even outside of towns, village and -cuts' and public highway, th enclosure or which by tho construction tif fences and entile guards would be an ifwreaned danger ' to human life. In an action charging a railway com- pai.y with failure to enclose Its right-of- way, tho deUMidatit piesded in excuse mat to lence th aante would unnecessarily en danger the lives of Its employe. Held, llrnt us tt plainly appeared from the evi dence that tlia aafety of the employ -of the defendant company require that the Incus in tiuo remain unenclosed that the court should so declare and withdraw con sideration of the rase from th juf. 1..4.V. Doug la CVunly ajralnat Vtnsonhaler. AipaJ, loug.aa Reversed with instruction to OlaiuihS plaintiff s lelltlon wall csts. Culklns, C. Fawcett, J. and Root, J., not, sitting. ' 1. here an action Is brought a gums t a county Judge and hi surely, for a failure to report fee in excess of Uie amount al- " lowed htm a com pen sat Ion, earned but not collect. It must appear that be wilfully omitted to charge th preec.rlbed fee, with intent to evade the prtwlslslons or tne . tut of 177, (Iaws of 1877. page S16); or negligently omitted to collect such tees; or In taking security therefore, negligently failed to require sufficient surely. State against Haselett, 40. Nebraska, 267; liucclctt against Holt county. 61. Nebraska. 16; Hheihley against Dlxton county, to. Nebraska, 4ot; ltoettclier against Lemcajiter county, .4, Nebraska, 146; limited ana dts- tlllglllHlled. ! . 2. Tho power given by soctlvn 8 of chap ter 52. compiled statute, to Judge und elerymcn to jerform tho marriage ceremony in this slate la permissive, and not man datory txccit as to such officer as ftro given fees for the performance of euch ceremony. 3. The provisions of seotlon 8 of chapter 28. cimiplltd statutes, giving to th county Judge for any . service. p-rformed by , him In any matter within the, Jurisdiction or a Justice of tho peu', th samn fet are allowed by law,, to the . Justice. . f th ' peace for like services, . sirs ' limited to these caes . In w hloh the county Judge derives his power to perform the service solely from the grant to nun or the ordinary power arid Jurisdiction of a 1ii8tlco of the peace. 11 does not .give, mm tho rtitht to charge a- fee for marriage ' ceremonies, because the. power to ierfonn such ceremonies Is not derived TTom such grant of trdlnary powers and Jurisdiction of a Justice of the peace. 4. Where the meaning of a statute Is doubtful, long usttgo Is a Just medium by which to expound It, and tho fact that the officers wIioho duty II was to enforce the act of 1877, have for many years- construed It so as not to require a county Judge to report fees received for lerfiirming mar ring.) ceremonies, may properly be con sidered In construing a statute by which it Is claimed the right to such fees waa given. 15416. McCarn against London. Appeal from Dodge. Affirmed. Calkins, C. lean, 1 J., not sitting. Division No. 2. 1. Where the owner of an entire city lot signs a writing memorandum 01 sine in which the property Is described as the north feet of such lot, the mureorand inn Is insufficient under the Statute of Frauds, and a apeclflc performance thereof will nut be enforced. 1541.X. Gorder Son against ,Pankonln. Appeal from Cuss. Affirmed. Calkin, C. , Division No. 2. 1. In an action brouglit to Compel tne specific performance of a covenant to re new a lease, the lact mat tne tiescrip tlon of the property In the lease la In definite will not defeat the plaintiff right to havejhe Mine specifically per formed where Tl appears that both partlei have, without question, acted under said , lease, the defendant surrendering and the plaintiffs accepting certain specified , property as being the property described in said lease. 2. Wl.llo the sole of his intercut to a M ranger -by one member of a partnership does not make such stranger, a member of the firm, there Is 110 rule of law for bidding all the members o'liffllltAfrom agreeing to inirnlt a new member as a partner therein. 3. Where by agreement between all the pertuers a new member is adniltled to the firm, he HVqtiircs an interest in the part nernh!p property by operation of law; and Hiich transfer la not within tho statute of fraud. 4. In an action by a partnership for the specific performance of a covenant to renew a five-year lease, it is Imma terial that at- certain times during the flrt term of naltl leane other person held an Interest In said partnership,- w here tho persons who constituted the partner, ship at the tlmo of demanding such re newal aro the aainu perHo'is who Were members of the fui;i at, tho time of the execution of the' lease. 6. Where a lessor has accepted tile" benefits of a lease made by lilm tV a partnership, he cannot In an action- by audi partnership 10 enforce the speclflo a 75 M. Shaffer Idaho. 900 S 66 4 76 4 00 4 00 23 heifer... lh&b 4 56 1 teifer.. J. rl. unaiier iaano. 21 feeder.. 1163 6 30 I ter 10TO 2 ca. & hs.iv.a 4 60 1 steer ivm J. J. Shaffer Idaho. 96 feeders.. 1121 t 3U 1 feeder... 1220 HiHift Packers were a little alow In get ting to work this morning and mad It plain that tliey were averse to turtner aovanc prices after th bulge in price ylerday. On the other band there waa a fair Inquiry for shipment, and with reduced supplies and strongvr markets east seder held out for higher prices, so mat a a luie tne mar ket was pretty slow during th early hours. The ODenlng trade wa more or less in th hand of speculator!, but after one under way prlcea on tne better grades at least were In the neighborhood of 60 higher, and while Uie trade was alow the bulk of the hogs finally sold al and right around 86. uO il6.20, as against 86 .966. 15 yesterday, with top at 86.3d. a against a top yesterday of tO. 26. lU-preeentative sale: Evaporated Applea and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Jan. 19. EVAPORATED APPLES Market holds steady, although demand continues quiet Fancy are quoted fit oV(lSc, choice at 7V4'rjKc, prime at 6V1 tf7c and common to fair at oV&tSUc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are unchanged, with new crop California fruit quoted at 4W7c, up to 40s to 60. and Oregon, 6V,j 9c for 40-30 to 20-30a. Apricots are very quiet, but supplies are small and holders confident Choice, are quoted at 9V4'mMc, extra choice at SVi'iilOc and fancy at llVi-it" 13c. Peaches are dull, with choice quoted at 6V4IjTc, extra choice at 7V4'u8o and fancy at 8Vra10c. Raisin are said to be rather firmer on the coaat, but the general tone 1 still more or leas unsettled. Loose mus catel are quoted at 4Viic, choice to fancy seeded at bVilltiVio, seedless at 4ViaV4c and London layers at tl.50frl.60. Sugar and Molasses. NEW YORK, Jan. 19. SUOARy Raw. nominal; fair refining, 8.174i:i.21o; centrif ugal, test. 6-6.it7a.7lc; molasses sugar, l.yzqrz.sec; tne market ror rerined was steady:-No. 6. 4.2oc; No. 7, 4.20c; No. 8. i.l; No. , .iuc: no. 10, 4c; no. u. a Hoc; No. 12, 8 9oc; No. 13. 3.85c; No. 14, 8 c: confec tioners' A, 4.45c; mould A, 5c; cut loaf, 5.46; crushed. f5.86c; powdered, 4.75c; granulated, 4.6f.c: cubes. 4.90c. MOLAUBE.S wuiet; New tjneans, open genie, gooa to cnoice, igi-u. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 19 BUTTER Bteady; fair demand; extra western cream ery, 34c; nearby prints, 36c. EOQS Firm; good demand; Pennsyl vania and otner nsarny first, free esses. 24c. at mark: current receipts. In return able cases, 32c, at mark; western firsts, fre rases, 84c. at mark; current receipts, rre cases, sz'iraec, at mam. CHBE-.Weak: lull cream. 12S14c: fair to gooa. iitujuc. No. Hi... 64... tt... hi... 41... 33... t... It... tl... hi... ... 24... ii... 1... 14... 14... 61... 47... fl... 43 tt Av, ,...143 ,...163 ....162 ,...176 ...1M ....!"! ....200 ....' ....214 ...211 .V.1W ....tut .... ... .J7 ,...r3 ....2a ...i4l Ml ....222 .224 u. Pr. t 65 t 16 a to t ae 4 00 t u0 a 00 a uo a to a t 4 04 a oa a 0 ( v a ot a 06 a 07vt a 10 1 10 a 10 a t a at No. 54.. at.. 41.. a., tt.. 74., At. ..aa ..2e0 ..242 ..tu ..26V ..2.-.1 tu 216 41 4 44 212 to tut tl -12 to., 41 27. tt. 62. tut lev tt.. 11.. Co.. ..4 .311 ,.m ..tu ..24 ..214 Tr. 10 t u 8 It a it a ia a 16 a it a ia a i a ia t 16 6 1744 a 1114 t 174 :e a at a at ' t re a tt I at 8HEKP Recoipt of heen thla mornlner war just fair, thirty-three cars being re ported In. Supplies at other point wer tiao normal, so that guoenU coudlUon rs- Peoria Markot. PEORIA. 111.. Jan. 19-CORN-Hlgher No. t whit. 6SV4C; No. 2 yellow. 58c; No. i vellow, 6,VtiCoV4c; No. 2, 57c; No. 8, 67Vc; no. e. owuiii, i.u K.auv, duc. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, 60c; No, t wnne, eve. RYE Dull; No. 2, 76076V4C. Milwaukee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE, Jan. 19 WHEAT Mar ket siesay; Jo. 1 nortnem. 21.114: No northern, tl uVyl 10; May. tl.07 asked CORN Firm; May, 6iVc asked. BARLKx ttleady ; standard, 65c; sample, virsaiosu. Oil and Hoala. OIL CITY, Jan. 19. OIL Or edit balances, tl 78; runs, 234,726 bbls.; average. 133 971; average,; shipments, a 648 bbls.; avertui. 179.142 bbls. j renew,, wltiioul to reul .erft nuance of a covenant to lead that the partnership was capnclty to take the legal title tHtale . . 6. Where a plaintiff purchases a 'slock of goods :.nd the good will of a business. at the same tlmo taking a lease of the premises in which said business has been. . arrled on for a term of years, with an option to renew at the end of said term. t'i 1h not cunfined to an action at luf for dumages In case of the landlord's re fusal to ftiltlil the covenant to renew. ut may maintain an button In eoultv fur tho specific perforuiauce ot such ovt nant. 15397. Smith against Union Pacific Rail way Company. Appeal from Greeley. Af- rmed. Oood, C. Division No. 1. ' . Defendant in error's intestate, while rtrlv. lug on tho public road, parallel with the railroad track of the plaintiff in errjr, upon a moonlight nigiit, H-it Uie public road and went diagonally toward the railroad track. and over tho aide of a cut where he, with ill wagon box i.n.l a load of lumber, were thrown upon the track. A train soon after .. truck the obstruction, and he wa after ward found mangled upon the track. There is no evidence indicating that Ills team ran away or became unmanageable, but th evi- aence snows that he wa much intoxicated . short time before the aocldenL Held. that the deceased was guilty of such 00a- , nioutory negligence a to preclude) xeoovery, . though the railroad was not fenced at the locality of the accident, a by law It was ' required to be. Union Paclfle Railway Company against Smith, 5 Neb. Unofficial 631, 99 N. W. 318 followed and approved, 1D4U. Stirtts against Flrat National Bank' of Colunibua. Appeal from Platte county. Reversed with directions. Epperson C. ' Division No. 1. 1. A contract between two creditor of a common debtor wherein one agree that a debt owing to a third creditor may be pre ferred by the debtor, If purchased by th other contracting creditor, does not amount to an assignment or the first partjr debt, nor of dividend declared thereon In aubae-. quent bankruptcy proceedings. , 2. A note pledged by a third party aa security for the payment of a debt stands in the position of a surety for the payment of the principal debt and fund paid upon the pledged note will be Applied upon th debt secured. . 6. Estate of James against O'Neill, 70 -Neb., 132, distinguished, and Rleger against Bchaiblc, Ntb., . 1U N. . W. 660, ap proved. 15392. Pike agalnat Hauptman. Appeal from Saline. Affirmed. Duffle, J.v Divi sion No. L t ' t 1. Where It ia apparent. that the -tirtf t -p ado an honest effort to eerv a ubpona und wa unabie to do so on account of tho alsence of the witness from the . state, " such information being glvwa-fey those-In a position to know, it Is uot error to allow he evidence-of the absent witness, given ., at a former trial of the case, to be read to the Jury, the party desiring the presence of sucji witness having taken timely step to secure tils attendance by 4:oaipuls.ry . prot ess. 2. No error I committed In rejecting; en ofler it proof not will in th limit of th ' qutstlon 011 wljicli the offer is based. 2. In order to ssve a question for review In this court an exception must be -taken : to the ruling of tlib trial court ot which . complaint 1 made. , . - - - NEW YORK CITY REAL ESfAlE mut bond.- ru'd ' smracuv returns and steadily Increases In value. Th 1207 Panic bad no effect whatever oa th kind, of property w offer, loveatmexal tfi t50.000 to 8.000,000. Full "riHl furnished on request. mtTXAMD tt WBXTirro 00. I Eatmhlisaed 6 kitvM Bt, m. T. Clt 1 ittl, a ' Govern- , Heport of Rio t'strae, LI8J30N, Jan. 19.' Th report circulated abroad of A riot at Covtlha. resulting iu a number of persons (King killed aro abso lutely untrue) 'S v I : 1 1 i 4 1 1