THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1000. BANKS RE-ELECT OFFICERS Tew Changei Are Made in Staff or Directorships. 0. C. BABTON KETERES ENTIRELY ftn'rreedeal Dlreetor of I a I ted Intra National hy W. F.. Rhradfi Fred Ilamlltoa Cashier of the Mfrrkand. l"uvv t .unsrs were made in the board of rllipctr.r of lis national banks of Omaha ut the annual meetings of the stockholders Tuesday. Brrause of poor health Guy C. Barton retired from the board of directors of the t'nlted Rtutes National and W. H. Rhosdes l elected In his place. Fred P. Hamilton Is elected cashier of the Merchants Na tional, B. II. Melle fir it assistant cashier and C. B. Dugdale second assistant cashier. The officers of the Merchants National are Luther Drake, president; Frank T. Hamilton, vice president; F. P. Hamilton, cashier. B. H. Meile, first assistant cashier; C. H. Dugdale, second assistant cashier; the board of directors consists of Luther Drake, Frank T. Iliimilton, John F. Coad, O. B. Rogers and George E. Prltchett. The First NkIIomhI elected Its old officers and directors, the officers be'ng C. T. Kotintfe, president; F. H. Iavls, vice pres ident; L. L. Kountse, second vice presi dent; T. L. Davis, cashier, and I. Allison, esslstant cashier. The directors are B. M. Andreesen, J. P. Crelghton, F. H. Davis. T. I Davis, C. B. Kountze, C. T. Kountie, U I Kountie. W. A. Paxton, jr., and W. S. l'oppleton. The Omaha National made no changes, the officers bring J. 11. Millard, president; William Wallace, vice president; C. F. Mc Grew. Vice president; W. H. Bucholi, cashier: Frank Boyd, 15. A. Wilcox and Ezra Millard, assistant cashiers. The directors are J. H. Millard, K. C. Barton, V. M. Burgess, C. H. Brown, A. J. Simp son. William Wallace. I. W. Carpenter. W. H. Bucholz, J. E. Baum and L. C. Nash. Onlr Oae Chan are. The United States National elected W. E. Rhoades a director to succeed Ouy C. Bar ton. The officers are Milton T. Barlow, president; O. W. Wattles, vice president; V. B. Caldwell, vice president; A. Millard, vice president; W. E. Rhoades, cashier; O. E. Haverstick, assistant cashier, and R. P. Moraman, assistant cashier. The directors are M. T. Barlow, W. E. Rhoades, 8. 8. Caldwell, V. B. Caldwell, E. A. Duff, Thomas A. Fry, C. W. Lyman, Euclid Mar tin. A. Millard, E. M. Moisman, A. L. Reed, B. F. Smith, W. A. Smith, O. W. Wattles and C. E. Yost. The Nebraska National held Us meeting at 8 o'clock Tuesday afternoon and re elected Henry W. Yates president. War ren BwtUIer vlcu president, W. E. Shepard cashier and Henry W. Yates, Jr., assistant cashier. The board of directors consists of the officers and Lewis S. Reed. The officers' and dlnctors of J. L. Bran dels k 86ns' bank were re-elected. They are Arthur D. Brandels, president; John L. Kennedy, vice president; 11. II. Brandels cashier and Emit Brandels secretary. The board of directors consists of A. D. Bran? delz, Emtl Brandels, II. H. Brandels and John L. Kennedy. The Conservative Savings and Loan as sociation elected Paul W. Kuhns for a term of two years to succeed C. K. Urqu hart and elected C. C. George, J. A. Sun derland and H. A. Thompson for terms of five years each. The other directors are George F. Ullmore, president; William . Balrd, E. A. Benson, A. W. Bowman, Ran dall K. Brown, Robert Demster, John F. Flack, Byron R. Hastings, J. C. Robinson and C. M. Wllhelm. The City Saving bank re-elected John F. Flack president, J. A. Sunderland vice pres ident, William 8. Hlllis treasurer and John R. Webster, Robert Dempster. C. C. Ueorgu, R. Z. Drake and Ouorge F. Gil more directors. The Omaha Clearing' House association will hold' Its annual election January 20. The officers and directors of Haydeti Bros. Bank were re-elected. They are Ed ward Hayden, president, James R. Hayden vice president and Joseph Hayden cashier. Booth Omaha Banks. All of the South Omaha banks held- their elections Tuesday. The first bank to elect was the South Omaha National. All of the i.ld directors were re-elected In the meeting of the stockholders, with the exception of Guy C. Barton, who resigned because of 111 health. This was the only chango In the city. The directors are: H. C. Bostwlck, il. A. CuJuhy, J. C. French, J. P. Lyman, J. D. Standlsh, Truman Buck. II. C. .Miller, K. M. Morsman, jr., and K. C. iffirlon. There was no change In the officials, who are: H. C Bostwlck. president; E. A. Cud ahy, . vice president; Truman Buck, vice president; J. C. French, cashier; H. C. Mil ler, John S. King and Jamea B. Brown, as sistant cashlera. The I'nlon Stock Yards National Bank- Directors, J. D. Crelghton. F. H. Davis, T. L. Davis, R. J. Dunham, E. F. Folda, R. C. Howe, C. T. Kountse. L. L. Kountze, S. Mcltoberts. Officers: F. H. Davis, presi dent; H F. Folda, vice president; F. W. Clarke, cashier; N.' F. Reckard, assistant cashier; Epes Corey, assistant cashier. The Packers National bank elected as directors C. D. Brown, Elmer E. Bryson, John F. Coad. J. E. Curtis, T. T. Danlell, Luther Drake, F. McQovern, F. J. Morlarty. A. W. Trumble; officers, John F. Coad, president. A. W. Trumble, vice president; F. J. Morlaxty, cashier; Charles A. Dun , ham, J. F- Coad, jr.. assistant cashiers. The Live Stock National directors are W. V. Adklns. August Btreshelm, A. L. Berqulst. W. C. Lambert, T. E. Giedhill, E. L. Howe, E. B. Shugert, C. M. Schindel, L M, Lord. H. O. Edwards and 11.. H. Frlcky, the last two bring new. The offi cers arei C. M. Schlndell, president; T. E. Giedhill, vice president; L. M. I4rd, cash ier; 1L C. Nicholson. J. W. Hastings, as sistant cashiers. AlaaaUE r v -v i l I OJ imnan o ,. y mm J i v I I ' mill T?5 BIO SPECIAL SALE WEDNESDAY $1,25 CRUSHED VELVETS at 39c 1,000 yards of 36-inch black crushed velvets, suitable for coats, jackets and entire dresses; a very fortunate purchase enables us to offer them today, f tTS as long as they last, at a U . : I yard' WJ lt9 Our January White Sale Is the Most Successful Ever Held in Omaha Jt Offered in Muslin Underwear, Embroideries, Linens, Muslim, Sheetings and White Goods. WATCH CRANDEIS' EXTRA SPECIALS EVERY DAY Fine 18-inch Nainsook and Cambric Flouncings, Skirtings II ana corset trover .bmbroidenes also medium and wide hdges and Insertions and Beadings all choice new designs, worth up to 25c, at 10c FINE GERMAN and ENGLISH TORCHON LACES and INSERTIONS, worth up to 10c Yd. Also fine French Vals, all new designs, many to match. n 7ic-121cB 2c Yard W Special In Our Annual January Sale of Muslin Underwear is and" 15c B Women's Corset Covers and Drawers. Made of fine long cloths andH muslins, cut full and ample, worth up to 50c. . Muslin Underwear at 45c. Slipover night gowns, walking length skirts, umbrella draw ers, lace and embroidery M r0 trimmed corset covers, at I3i Muslin Underwear at 75c. Twenty or more styles of night cowns n.nd fihomisos. whito not. n j jww- ticoats with wide lace, inserted flounces, corset covers and7r wide umbrella drawers, at w WEDNESDAY YOU SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE of the Best January Bargains Ever Offered New striped, checked, dotted and figured Madras in light grounds for tailored waists and suits others ask 25c for this imported madras waist and suit fl A lengths, yard ...... I"C Jiasemtnt Bargain Square. English Long Cloth, No. 999, in 10 yard bolts, made es pecially for under- 7 C wear, per bolt ; JC Basement Bargain Square. Wednesday Forenoon Unbleached Muslin, in long remnants, Wednesday fore noon, 5 bales, at t per yard Basement Bargain Square. India Linons, the best Janu ary offer in many years. India Linons worth 25 cents at 12y2c per yard; India Linons worth 20 cents per per yard, at A per yard lUC Batement Bargain Square. 40-inch Wide Victoria Lawn, on sale during January, at per 71 yard . 2C Batement Bargain Square. Wednesday Afternoon Beginning at 1:30, thousands of yards of various grades of bleached Muslin Remnants, yard Basemen! Bargain Square. 3V2C Wr. are prtnnf the, wwen mrrtval tn aaxnVl white goo ft nt qrtathj HnPr pri't at our W'htt Gnorlt counter. - I't ement. NEW HOTEL FOR SOUTH OMAHA Lars Balldlaa- to B Joined to Mil ler aad Oorate4 by Otto ' Slentasen. A new and large hotel building is going up In South Omaha at the corner of Twenty-sixth and O streets. E. W. Ounther be lng th capitalist tftvolved and Bach A McDonald the contractors. The new building la a two-story brick 64x60 and will aland adjacent to the Miller hotel. When completed the upper floor of the new building will be Joined for hotel purposes to the Miller, making a single building IMxiao, for the dimensions of the Miller building are 91x60. The new building will cost 115,000 when completed,' and this will be about May 1. Otto Blemssan of Omaha will take It over and haa chargo of the building, while E. L. Miller will operate the hotel. There will be four new stores . under the hotel part of the new structure. Isapl Hbb to l- UrlfB. Racking 1 grippe coughs that niay de velop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Honey and Tsr. The aoro Inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and a dangerous condi tion Is quickly averted. Take only Foley's Hoavey end Tar lnxthe yellow packagea jk a U druggist Imported Swlnea, 35c quality, yd. .15c 4 6-inch heavy white linen suiting, $1.00 quality, yard .. ,65c 46-Inch heavy white linen suiting, 75c quality, yard . .59c 36-inch sheer white linen suiting, yard, U5c, 20c, 35c, 50c 36-lnch white iolglum crash suiting, Gi'c qual ity, yard .85c Madras waistlugb fur wo men's tailored waists, yard, 10c, 5c, SOc up. 32-lnch madras shirtings, in small, neat stripes, yard, 25c, 85c, 45c, 49c Mercerized French mull, 36 inches wide, at. .25c Mercerized French Mull, 46 inches wide, yd.. 85c French lawn, 46 Inches wide, yard, 29c, 85c, 89c and up to 85c Our 35c special lin gerie cloth, yd.. 21c Short lengths of long cloth, 26c quality, yard 14c Imperial English Nainsook, bolt of 12 yards, at... 98c I. OMAHA j SENATE FILES NUMBER ONE Former Legislator Hopes Oae of Tkla Year Won't Be as Bad tkat of 10OS. ' "Senate file No. 1 this year Is Introduced by Howell of Douglas," observed a mem ber of the legislature of 1903, "and that re minds me that senate file No. 1 In the session of 1903 was also Introduced by Howell of Douglas. The Howell tn the present case is E. E., the democratic poli tician, and the Howell In the former case was R. B ., the republican politician. The bill of 1903 was . the compulsory water works purchase bill and the rneakure this year is the Omena charter bill.' , ' , "Omaha people who have the good of the city at heart may well hope 'that senate file No. 1 of 1909 will not impose on the taxpayers of this city the injustices and hardships Its predecessor of 1903 heaped upon them. The former, bill, we may re call, provided for the Immediate purchase of the water works by the city. Instead of enabling us to buy the 4ter works it forced on us the Injustloe of buying law yers' services at the rate of many thou sands of dollars, for , which we have re ceived nothing In return." VEXED POPULACE BURN CARS Mob at Rio Jaatlre Shows Disap proval of New Fares mi Itlaorartea. RIO JANERIO, Jan. 11. Twelve tram cars of the American Canadian company, operating the City Street railway system! were burned by a mob yesterday because the company's new fares and itineraries were considered unsatisfactory. The po lice were unable to cope with the rioters. The company, through the press, than signified Its willingness to submit to any reform the mayor might deem necessary and quiet waa restored today. Serloas Laecratloas and wounds are healed without danger of blood poisoning, by Buckl. n's Arnica Salve, the healing wonder. 25c. Fur sule by Beaton Drug Co. n Ml JU T71 TYITV TTTI EiWil V FRKE Any 15c linrlles' Ilonif Jonrnar pattern with the Quarterly Style Iloott, StKj l V A 11 This Week Annual Sale and WHITE CARNIVAL EMBROIDERIES Greatest underprice embroidery selling in all the west. Monday morning another big shipment, $2,000 worth'Em broideries, opened up and put on sale. Offered for first time Wednesday. Direct importation brings price to lowest point. 27-inch Shirt, Waist Embroideries, elaborate effects, values to $1.50 at 08 and 75 45-inch Skirtings, worth $1.25, at . .( 89 and QO 18-lnch Embroideries in Nainsook and Swiss, positively SOc values, at 29c 27-inch Flouncings, 69c values, at 39 24-lnch Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroidehies, 40c goods, at 25 30c wide Embroideries, Bead ings, Insertions, etc, at . . 19 20c wide Embroideries, Edges, Insertions, Bands, etc., at 10 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR A sale of thousands of pieces new 1909 styles, Corset Cov ers, Drawers, Skirts, Gowns, Chemises, Combinations, etc. Extraordinary Bargains on every table: 59 osro 39c Corset Covers, Carnival price. . 60c Corset Covers, OQc Carnival price..;' 98c Corset Covers, KQo Carnival price $2.48 Corset Cov- fQO ers, Carn'v'J price 0 76c Drawers, Carnival price. , 1.25 Drawers, . Carnival price. . 48c Drawers, Carnival price . 69c Drawers, Carnival price . 75 25 39 $2.00 Gowns, Carnival price $2.50 Oowns, Carnival price , $1.98 Chemises, Carnival price $2.96 Combinations 91 Carnival price .. . 98 98 t BEITirSTT'S BSAVOOV XiIZTEK COKRZSPOHDEHCB PAJrEB 300 boxes coutalning 60 sheets and 60 envelopes, fine linen finish paper, and 10 Kt&mns. for rfJV 5,000 ODD SAUCERS GO ' ON SALE WEDNESDAY English and American Porce- Oi French, Japanese, and German Tn lain Saucers decorated Bauoers Jj nnns anh FNns thtma Tw reat abies of sghtiy KJXJUiJ IXiSU LjIHUO nicked or chipped pieces of China of all sorts, on sale . Wednesday, at greatly reduced prices, fT to rTfir ranging from '. i-' WEDNESDAY NOTION SALE Silk Covered Teatberbone, regular 15c quality, light gray only, 71,f yard '2- Black Skirt Braid, lOo quality, K(, holt 6 yardw for 800 yard Spool Cotton, white only, our special. Hoc. aozen . . . xor or ftt,ltM"'M 5c Elastle Kemnants, two for '. . 5c Women's and Children's Hose Sup porters, In black, white and - Lf light blue, for Giant Xilnea flnlah Thread, Kg . special, 2 for ANY-&.OTH COAT WOKTX $35, 35 and 1 40 .'FOR WOMEN ' Every one absolutely new and up-to-date, black and colors, choice, at. $15 GREAT SUIT SALE YAX.UES rOSITZTB&T S3S.00 FOR WOMEN Mew styles just in . tsn last week, hand 111 1 rjOJ finished worsteds, black and colors... $175 Bennett's Big Grocery An Unusual Wednesday Sal "BEST WB IATE" brand OaZTtTBD GOODS Best We Have 25c Fancy French String Beans, can .....18o Best We Have 15c Regular Mtrlngless Beana, can lOo Best We Have 18o Sugar Beets, special, can lflo Best Wa Have 25c Orated Pineapple, can 18o Best We Have 26c Lemon Cling Peaches, can 18o Best We Have 26c Yellow Peaches, per can 18o Bennett's Capitol, 20c extra small Strlngless Beans, can X4o Bennett's Capitol Flour, small sack 80o and 30 green stamps A. B. C. Catsup, rexul&r price 23c, special Wednesday 18o Kgg-O-See Bt-eukfust Food, 4 packages for S6o Mignonette, extra marrowfat Peas, per can loo BAILEY & MACH DENTISTS Best equipped Dental office In the middle west Highest grade DentlHtry at Reasonable Prices. Por celain fllllnns. Just like the tooth. All Instruments carefully sterilized after each patient. THIRD FLOOR. PAXTON BLOCK. Corner 16th and Far nam SU. II- TUU Aht LJrtAOLt WE CAN CURE YOU Average Time to Cure Rupture. .. .One Visit Enlarged Veins, One Visit Cataracts ...10 Days Catarrh $0 Days Goiter 90 Days Piles . .. . I to 6 Days Office Honrs to Dally. Write today to GERMAN DOCTORS Mala and Broadway, COUHCXX. ILURI, I I I IOWA. FOOD FOR NERVE Weak and nervous men who find their power to work and youthful vigor J kuiio m ihviii ul liver- WOrk or mental exertion should take GHAT'S NKKVE FOOD PILLS. They will make you cat and sleep and be a man again. 1 Bomi S fcesea ta.BO fey aaaU. tJKXKMAM fc afcOOBBKU DkOd CO. Cor. ls and Dodge Streets OWX J.fJO COMJfAJST iiet. ISta aaaV MmnS ta- Osaka. a n - u hattar rem' soie thrat r la a trnubls than HOWZLL'3 . ANTI- KAWT Try a bottle, lie ana sea KOW1U. BBVO OO.. fiist the Biiyi- Vtel boyal. ' SCHOOLS. Ncbrtvsks Military Academy xi.iaaicoi.Jt A' Military Hoarding School for boys, now located for the winter at Fourteenth and U streets. . All de partment are In full operation. A good place for boys who don't (it In public schools. Na entrance c&amitnaitona are given; regular cists work is supplemented by In dividual Instruction; back work is tanlly made up. Pupils aro received at any time front fifth to twelfth grades. Inclusive. W'rt'e fr Catalogue. B. P. UTWAU, SaperUaemdeat, . LI mo la. Neb WIFTIg TABS They're "IT ' Mr. Hmart Dresser! All the chic style features worked t the limit In the new models. Russia and Calf leathers. Oxfords, Bluchers and High Cut Bhoes. Perforated tip and vamp. S3. SO, 4 and 98, FRY SHOE CO. THE 8HOERB 16tb and Douglas Btreet. D. C SCOTT. D.V.S te Dr. SL L. BamaooWttt) SaprtaJ. an Calks Promptly Aaswered at All Hoars Tksae OfTtee starmey T. p... mt aWa. Ovaalaa Aas. vSUft lb Wednesday Special Bargain Bulletin January Clearance of All Winter Merchandise. THK RKLLABLB STORE , January Sale of Linens and White ' ' Goods. Men's, VomBn's and Children's Winter'- Underwear A Clean Sweep Sale of All Odd Lots and Broken Lines at Marvel ous Bargain Prices , , . LADIES' FLEECED VESTS AND PANTS Heavy winter weights, val ues to 11.00 garment, on sale Wednesday, at 25 39 and 40f LADIES' HEAVV WOOLKN UNION SUITS Regular and extra sixes, values to $3.00, at 81.50 LADIES' HEAVY FLEECED UNION SUITS Worth to $2.00. all sixes. Wednesday, at ....50c nd 98 CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS Heavy fleeced, worth double Wednesday's sale price of 45 CHILDREN'S VESTS OR PANTS- Heavy winter weights, values to 60c, choice 25 VOU CAN EASILY SAVE HALF BY MEN'S WOOL SHIRTS OR DRAW ERS All sizes and colors, made to sell at $1.25 to $2, 'choice at per parment GO 08a MEN'S SHIRTS OR DRAV'ERS Heavy fleeced, worth to' $1.00, all sizes, on sale, at ' S5t '39 45 DR. WRIGHT'S WOOL FLEECED SHIRTS OR DRAWERS $1.50. quality, at DR. WRIGHT'S COMBINATION SUITS $2.00 to $3.00 values, heavy winter weights, at . .$1.50 $1.03 MEN'S CALF SKIN MITTEN 8---W00I lined, values to $1.00, on sale at per Par 3D and 40 BUYING NOW SCORES OF OTHER BIG SPECIALS WEDNESDAY IN DOMESTIC ROQM. Special Sale on Pattern Table Cloths IN OUR HIGH GRADE LINEN DEPARTMENT WEDNESDAY FIFTY PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Heavy, double damask, full 72 inches square, good value at $5.00 each, Wednesday, each .$2,50 FIFTY PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Dew bleached, Size 2x2 yards, never sold at less than $6.00, Wednesday, each $3.25 FIFTY PURE LINEN GERMAN SILVER BLEACH TABLE CLOTHS Size 8-4, worth $2.75 each, Wednesday each ,. $1.75 FIFTY PURE LINEN HEAVY GERMAN TABLE CLOTHS New pronounced patterns, size 8x10, regular selling price $3.00, Wednesday, each $2.00 FIFTY DOZEN HIGH GRADE LINEN AND TURKISH TOWELS -Full size hemmed, hemstitched and fringed, all our 85c and 39c values, Wednes day, each , 1J) ALL MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. , sffiaI Zion City Laces sSal This Splendid Line of Wash Laces has now been on the market for 10 years and proven in every instance their superiority over any other similiar line of laces manufactured. ;,,,. We have the exclusive sale of these laces for Omaha,' and .invite your attention to the special bargains in new Spring Patterns Wednesday, at yard 3V$C 5c 7VC 10c 12VaC 50cWIDE FANCY RU0HINGS pink, blue, brown, white and black, Wednesday, yard ; 35c 50c PAD HOSE SUPPORTERS with rubber buttons, great snap Wednesday, at pair ...... 19c Wednesday in the Domestic Room 3c Mercerized Damask 25 SOc Mercerized Damask 38 75c Mercerized Damask 48 10c Outing Flannel for ...i.-QHtp 12 He Outing Flannel .7Hf 18c Flannelettes ............ 10 White Waistlngs, regular 19c and 15c quality, at yard ... 10 a"1 7 36-lnch Linen Finish, shrunk, at per yard 7tft 10t 12 W Irish -Dimities, checks and stripes, at per yard ....5t 7H and 10 19c Persian Lava 10t 15c Persian Lawn 8tt 12 Vic Persian Lawn ;'. ... ...TMtj 12 He India Linon 7Hep 10c India Llnon -5 12 e Towels, each '8 10c Towels, each .......... ..7H Yard wide Bleached Sheetings, . regir- 10c grade for ..-QH Yard wide Unbleached Sheetings, 'regular 10c ' grade . . i ...... .5 HAYDEN S FIRST FOR GROCERIES, FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS, CRACKERS, BUTTER, CHEESE AND MEATS Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar at less than jobbers' cost. 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap for J5o 6 pounds choice Japan Rice for 26c 4 pounds Pearl Tapioca or Sago for ..25c The best hand picked Navy Beans, lb. 6c Sib. cans solid packed Tomatoes ..Ho J-lb. cans fancy No. 1 Sweet Sujar Corn for ' 8-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy. Squash or Baked Beans, for 8Hs Three 10c packages Up-to-Data Washing Powder for '0c Golden Corn, Aples or Tomatoes for ..5c Bromagelon ellycon or Jello. package 1 He Peanut Butter, per Jar OH or Mustard Sardines, per can ....4 Ho Bchepp's Cocanut. per pound Jo Fancy Golden Bantoes Coffee, lb 16c Fancy Maraoalbo Blend Coffee, lb. ....1S0 Fancy Porto Klco Blend Coffee, lb. Fancy Ankola Blend Coffee, lb. 5c The best Tea Slftlnns, ppr pound ...... 1 6c Fancy Sun Dried Japan Tea, per pound 25c Fancy Spider Leg Japan. English Break- fast Oolong, Ceylon or Gunpowder Tea. per pound Fancy California Prunes, per pound 7 He Fancy. Cleaned Currants, per pound ..H DONT FORGET Fancy Muscatel Cooking Raisins, lb. 8H0 Omaha's Oraatsst Tsgstabla and Trait Market Fresh Fplnach. per peck ...20o Fresh Beets or Turnips, bunch 60 Fresh Head Lettuce, per head 6c and 7 Ho Fresh Ontona, three bunches far 60 Fancy Fresh Cauliflower, per pound 7 Ho Fancy Fresh Wax Beans, fluart ....... JQo Fancy fresh Green Beans, quart lOo Two heads fresh Leaf Lettuce ...... ..60 Three bunches fresh Radishes ........ 5e New Honey, per rack .ItHo New Kard Dates, per pound lOo Fresh Roaated Peanuts, per. quart ...... 6a Large Cocoanuts, .each 60 Large, Juicy Lemons, per dosea .16a BIsT Highland STarel Oraage Sal The most healthful fruit grown to eat this season of the year. The Highland Navels are the finest,- rlahest flavored, juiciest and sweetest oranges grown. Sale prices: Regular 25c else, per dozen ..ISo Regular SOc size, per dosen . JOo Regular 26o else, per d03en 1 . . 1 . ,to Regular 40c else, per dozen )0o A handsome Tea Canister,. FRE.E, wtth every pound of Tea WeduKadav. IT PAYO TRY HAYDEH'S FIRST There are no vacant offices, but:- If you have been looking for cuch rooms, no donbt yon-have found desirable space U a rare thing. From time to time changes are made by tenants which -yfould make available just the kind of office rooms which yon desire- THE BEE BUILDING to occupied from top to bottom, but tor reasons abort atated we keep a waiting list and would b pleased to bata '70a sail and look through: the baildlng. By, giving ua aa idaa of ronr rsaoiremssts would place us la a poslOoa to fulfill roar want along this Una at soma futura Una. Laava your nam aad ddraas with It W. DAKER, Supt, Room 150