8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. JANUARY 11. 1009. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAUA Federal Bureau of Animal Industry Helps Out State Officials. meeting unci Installation of officer Tues day, January 12. Superior lodge No. 193. Deere of Honor. will have Initiation and Inpiallatlon cere- monlea Wednesday evening, January IS. C. W. Fleunr has nut-chined a STA-acr farm near old Fort Calhoun. H will not run the farm In person, but will place a foreman on the place to manage u. rriUVniM rtTTT TTTPTTfPTTT ftCTO Th" y"in people of the Christian church BTAMJIflU OUT XUsUvtUMSlS will h.,M a basket aoclal at the Odd Fel- Loana t"ee of Two laaneetors mm 4 Mem at Parkin Hansen Report Where Diseased Anlmala Tone From. The bureau of Animal Industry In Bouth Omaha has lately become an Important arm In the battle which la beginning against tubercutoels in the animals of the Mat of Nebraska, It must be said that the fight against tuberculosis In Nebraska, as well as In any other state has consisted, so far of preliminary skirmishes, and there Is much lack of general and con lows hall, Wednesday evening. The wo men are expected to bring well filled basketa. The proceeds will ro to pay for the erection of the new church. Miss Rita Huntsberger. assisted by Miss Helen Sadllek. will give a parlor recital at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Camp bell, 701 E street, Saturday evening, Jan uary 1ft. Those specially Interested in music, vocal or Instrumental, are cordially Invited. BELLEVUE DEBATERS AT WORK Stadeats Prepare to Coateat for Place oa Varioas Teams for later collegiate Meetings. The winter months, from the close of the certed progress. The government has been Christmas holidays unUl the opening of trying to co-operate with the state gov- spring vacation the rirst or April, see liter ernments for the last two years. The ery and debiting work In Bellevue at Its greatest handicap has been lack of state best. The literary societies wilt this winter appropriations and state laws. nave the greatest success of years. En- Not long ago Dr. Peters of the state ex- rollment on the various societies is greater perlment station, in which a special do- tnan it naa been in the past, wnne me wora partment has been equipped for the testing has more aggressive character ana in of animals suspected of tuberculosis, ap- I dividual effort shows a marked advance, pealed to Don C. Ayer, chief of the South I The enthusiasm which during fall and Omaha bureau, stating that the state funds spring Is turned toward athletics la finding bad been exhausted, and asking that the I an outlet In literary channels, Vnlted Btates government place two In- 1 In past years the rivalry of various eo- spectors at his disposal to make tests In I cletleo has usually caused many literary suspected localities. The matter was taken I contests and debates. This winter, how- up with the result that two men are now I ever., the presence of msny debating clubs working In the state under the direction I will curtail any extensive debating between of Dr. Peters. I the literary societies proper. It la probable To assist Dr. Peters the government In-1 that one or two debates will take place apectors In Bouth Omaha take note of the between the various literary bodies, but nlmals condemned. In case a numoer not more, of animals out of a single load are round jn the past literary work, such as par to be Infected the load Is traced back to tlcipatlon In oratorical contests or inter its origin. If the farmer can be found collegiate debatea. has not been given credit who had the diseased stock, his name ana toward graduation, but the Bellevue faculty addreas Is sent to Dr. i'eters, wno immea- intimated the Drobabllltv of lately writes the parry teiiing mm oi me chang, ln thls particular, whereby those fact that a large per cent of his stock wh() w,n p,ace, on the Abating- teamg or was touna lUDercuiar In slaughter and asking him If he will be willing for the the oratoric conte8U Hhall be allowed sake of the rest or nis nera, arm me "rL. :Vr::,, " r, . X, tone a long w.y In stimulating rhetorical H,,,,V ' ; '" endeavor, but more because the work is In III U 111 DUl l II rj uiDC-nnr, , , .... - TK- :., .. , u the t. th recognised and a competition for ex . . ., j, , ,,. n.llh I cellence aroused, rather than because of the nd to ship all diseased animals to South I Omaha for Immediate slaughter under the lawa of the federal Inspection service- credit allowed. Debating Is now In full swing and Janu- Kvery place In tho state where tests have rv devoted by all clubs and In- been recorded has been charted on a map dlvlduals to the study and discussion of the which Dr. Ayer keeps. In this way the Income tax question, which Is the subject counties most affected have been located, of the triangular Intercollegiate debate. The need of stringent measures Is ep- Early In February the local debaters will parent when It Is known that 1 per cent hold a contest to choose those who shall of beef cattle, 10 per cent of dairy cattle, compose the teams for this debate. Al and 2 per cent of hogs are at present tu- tei nates are also chosen for each team. bercular. The annual loss rrom this cause Tho eight highest decide among themselves in the United States Is S14.000.0D0. In Ne- as ti which six shall represent the college braska no cases have been located west I at home with the affirmative of the ques of the line pautng through Ked Willow, tion find who shall debate away from home Frontier, IJncoln, Custer, and Brown wit;-. i'-a negative. counties. Many cases have been found ln Two . nlendld debaters graduated last a section about Dodge. Colfax and Stanton, aprinr, 'ulgley nnd Crossman. who. with As SO per cent of some loads from those phelp. r, resented Bellevue at home last aectlons have been condemned. Of these year kn , eVery contest by unanimous animals one-thliM go for offal, one-slxUi vote ot ,ul juJe,. But there Is yet an for tallow, and the rest are so slightly abundanca ol material If the various In- Jienea as io pass irBriy IOr ioqo. dtvlduala do the work thev are catuhl. f Regarding the possibility of any aid from ,,, The sonhomora elaa. rv.niiv i. nwi ii'"', ahowlng some unexpected strength, -I doubt very much If the state will re- Th , d.v.t. wll, th N(,hr..fcll celve any additional appropriation for the tercolIetata triangular contest arranged be. .. v. tween BeUevue. Doane and Cotner. This smallpox properly handled would scsre the , ettmm orf ..... wr, th. ,,, legislature Into an appropriation many nPhahiv .k, th. . times greater than the prevalence of 100.000 March- Tho Bellevue-Cotner meet will cases of tuberculosis could produce. The loss from tuberculosis Is a thousand to one greater than smallpox in human beings and occur at Bellevue, with the locals uphold ing the affirmative of the Question. Oo the same night the Bellevue-Doane contest the loss ln un.mala goes up Into the million. I,,, be Mi ,t Crete wUh Bellevu, ukng . . J . . the negative. in ine ruri in ine lumre wnere lesis are made and anlmala are condemned to Immediate slaughter for the purpose of rleanlng up the herds, the government should and probably will bear a part of the loss; the state, I think, should also besr a por'lon of the loss, and the farmer should be willing to lose a portion also for the sake of making his other animals less sub ject to the disease. The tubercullne test is the most accurate known. It Is safe to say It never falls to show the presence of the disease when it exists." Pollre Search for Brsdeea, The South Omaha police are looking for George Bradeen at present for having swindled Mo r 300 laborers out of their money. He made three men a proposition to take them all to Tennraee to work ln government service on the levees of the Mississippi near Memphis. Each of the n.en gave Mm from $L to XI, it Is said. They were to have left the city yesterday, but when the time enme Bradeen had dis appeared and no special could be found ALL FROM THE SAME SCHOOL Alamat Association of Peansrlvaala State Normal School Hold a Reaaloa. On Snturdsy evening at the residence of Mrs. H. C. Balrd, 6013 Cus street, grad uates of the First Pennsylvania State Nor mal school, Millersvtlle, In., met to form a western branch of the alumni essocia tlon of this Institution. A temporary or ganUatlon waa formed with the following officers: President. Dr. H. W. All wine vice president. Miss Elizabeth Taylor of Brownell Hall; secretary, Mrs. Amanda Stauffer Balrd; treasurer, Mr. Hiram O, Bell. Many graduates of this Institution are scattered about this and neighboring states. They will be Invited and perma nent organisation formed. The following named graduates of the school were present: Rev. O. W. Fraser, 69; Mr. Hiram O. Bell, T5; Dr. H. W. All tne, '78; Mrs. H. C. Balrd. '86; Miss Eu- headed to thp south. . Many of the men Pham W. Macrae, "91; Mlaa S. Ethel Brown .ad pawned their overcoats to get money with which to go to Memphis and to pay the fee of the employment agent. Tester- day many men without overcoats, believing trey would have no u tor them In Ten nessee, were shivering about the city jail for lsck of them. No tc hss been found of Bradeen. He li wm'.I know.t to the '92; Miss Mary M. Henderson, '02; Mr. John H. Deaver, '06. Honorary members pres ent were Mr. Baird. Mr. Bell, Miss Bell, Mrs. Allwlne and Mrs. Fraser. Oold, the color of the institution, pre vailed ln the decorations. Hand-painted programs as souvenirs were presented by the hostess, Mrs. Balrd. In the program B MINING KEEPS . HIS DATE Reveal Secret of Republican Cancnt to Democratic Colleague. UNDERSTANDING NOW IN EFFECT Kriaara Finally Agrees to Sapport BraalagT If He Will Give Tralaor Goo riaee, and Braalag; Aaswers Moaday. i Fred Brunlng. republican county commis sioner, who denied being in collusion with the democrats on the board, attended the secret caucus of the republican members and upon adjournment divulged every thing that transpired at the caucus to Os car J. Plckard, democratlo county com missioner. Mr. Brunlng, earlier in the day denied to a reporter for The Bee that he was In a tle-up" with the democrats. Mr. Plckard also, earlier in the day, told a reporter for The Bee that "we have an understanding with Mr. Brunlng." It is supposed that this 'understanding" must have already been In effect and contemplates on Mr. Brun Ing's part disclosures to his democratic confederates of alt the confidential rela tions transpiring between the republican members at any meetings or caucuses prior as well as subsequent to the reor ganisation of the board. The secret caucus of republicans was held in the commlsloners' room at the court house yesterday afternoon. As soon as it adjourned Mr. Brunlng went to the Owl drug store at Slxxeentn and Harney streets, where he unbosomed himself of all the secrets to Mr. Plckard. The other members of the board who par ticipated ln the caucus observed the bond to disclose nothing of what took place. Only Three at the taacos. The caucus was attended by Commis sioners Kennard, Tralnor and Brunlng. The commissioners talked over the chair manship for an hour when Mr. Brunlng emerged, put on his coat and started down the street. Before he had walked a bait block Commissioner Plckard fell into step, though by prearranged signal and the two went to the drug store. "They wanted to nane the committees I should appoint." Mr. Burning told Mr. Plckard. the "they" meaning Commisalon- ers Kennard and Trainor, "but I told thom that there waa no use in being chairman if I could not appoint my own committees. I simply told them that I was 'standing pat,' that I wanted to be chairman and that If I waa re-elected I would treat the demo crats with equal fairness to the republicans." When reminded of the fact that If Com missioners Kennard and Tralnor combined their votes on Trainor he, Brunlng, would have to look to the democrats for support, Mr. Brunlng said that that made no dif ference, he did not care who voted for him, Just so he was elected. KeaaajTd Backs Tralaor. In tho caucus Commissioners Kennard and Tralnor put it plainly to Commissioner Brunlng that the chairmanship rightfully should go to Mr. Tralnor this year, as he had never had It, whereas Mr. Brunlng was chairman once before. Mr. Brunlng. how ever, declared that It made no difference with him, that he wanted the chairman ship thlsvear and that Mr. Tralnor could have It next year. Tbey then asked him about the commit tees and pointed out that the republicans, being ln the majority, should have the most Important committees, though, of course. maintaining that the democrats should not, by any means, be ignored In the slightest degree. In reply to this Mr. Brunlng implied that he would give the chairmanship of the committee on roads and bridges to "Wckard. and the chairmanship of the committee on court house construction and on the county hospital to Bedford, also democrat This would leave the committees on the deten tlon schools, charities, claims, judiciary and such to the republican members. Finally Commissioner Kennsrd, the retir ing chairman, came out plainly and said: "Mr. Brunlng, If you will concede to Mr. Tralnor the chairmanship of some Import ant committees as he asks, which Is no more than fair In the event that he con cedes to you the chairmanship of the whole, I will vote for you for chairman." "Well, I'll think It over and let you know Monday," said Mr. Brunlng, with a smile. and he left to keep his tryst with the dem oeratic members. Contributions on timely topics Invited. Write Ira bly on ene side of the paper only, with name and address appended, I'nused contributions will not be re turned. Letters exceeding X) words will be subject to being cut down at the discretion of the ed.tnr. publication of views of correspondents does not com mit The Bee to their endorsement Coadltloaal Pardoa for Voa Mailer. OMAHA. Jan. .-To the Editor of The Bee: The article which appeared In last evening's Bee was In entire accordance with the evidence produced at the trial of George Von Haller, yet ft was not ln ac cordance with later evidence which was formally presented to Oovernor Sheldon by the attorney who prosecuted Von Haller for the state. That evidence was the dying statement of a msn who was an eye witness of the tragle murder of Rees. That stste ment was sworn to by the man's wife and man who waa present at the deathbed of the man, who solemnly declared that it was not Von Haller who fired the fatal shot and battered the face and head of the unfortunate Rees. I was present at the trial of Von Haller, and felt then that the prin cipal witness against him showed too In tense a desire to convict him of the mur der to make him a credible witness In swearing away the life or liberty of his friend. Tet I did not see how the jury could have returned any other verdict than the one It did return. Still, all of those jurors who could be found a year ago In this county signed a petition to the gov ernor asking for an unconditional pardon for Von Haller. Attorney Slabaugh, who prosecuted him, Joined ln that petition and eloquently pleaded for the pardon of the unfortunate man, alleging that while he prosecuted him with all his energy, be lieving him guilty vpon the evidence, yet he was fully persuaded now that Von Hal ler was not gullty'of the murder of Rocs. I also pleaded for him before the governor. believing fully that it was not Von Haller who did the fatal shooting. The governor was not convinced fully at the time, nor did he seem to be last week, or he would have granted an unconditional pardon. I write this statement ln Justice to Von Haller, who Is coming to live among us. to begin his life over, ln order that he may he given a fair opportunity to make that life a sobered, better life than the way ward, reckless life which led him Into trouble and shame. I am certain he will make good, and to that end he will have my friendship and help to the very fullest extent. JOHN WILLIAMS. police department In South Omaha, having 'old- the color of tne cool, and crimson ten connected with it ns an Inmate of the jail and as a sunpect a number of times. BlaT Price for a Coat. H. B. Hearston waa fined 116 and costs for stealing a duck overcoat off a dummy In front of D. Michael's second-hand store en N street yesterday. At the jail he put tip the story that he had seen a sign on the coat saying "Try me on." He aald he did accordingly and before be got through the proprietor came out and found him with the goods. Michaels said he was and blue, the society's colors, were beauti fully prominent. The program Tendered was: Words of Welcome, Mrs. H. C. Balrd. Music. "The Institution, 1869," Rev. Geore-e W. Fraser, Music (vlollnV Address, by Miss Eupham W. Macrae. Music. "The Institution, 1906," John N. Deaver. Reminiscences. Refreshments. A Relldoaa Aataor'a tatesaeat. For several years I was afflicted with reading inside and was attracted by seeing kidney trouble and last winter I was sud the sleeve on the dummy was missing and denly stricken with a severe pain In my again when hi looked the whole dummy kidneys and waa confined to bed eight days waa gone, togetner witn the coat. Con- unable to get up without assistance. My slderlng the slse of the fine, Hearston Is I urine contained a thick white sediment and paying pretty dearly for his coat. Jap Bay Draws a Flaa. I passed same frequently day and night I commenced taking Foley's Kidney George Meosha, a Japanese boy. waa Remedy, and the pain gradually abated ami fined S2S and costs yesterday, It being charged that he pulled the ring off Emma Thramek'a hand at the Cudahy Packing company's plant, where both worked in the same department. Tho Japaneae boy said he had given the girl the ring and inalated that he had a right to it. She Just as posi tively denied that the Jap and she had any such acquaintance as to result In his giving finally ceased and my urine became nor. mat I cheerfully recommend Foley's Kid- ney Remedy. For sale by all druggists. FINAL TOUCHES ON BANQUET Jackson laa Clab Expeeta Large Atteadaaee at Moaday Evea tag's Fanctloa her a ring. Another case for menacing .,. .ht at ... TOOm. tha p-tterann threats was suspended against the Jap boy block ,ade flna, arrangements for the ana ne win pe given a cnance to show that banquet to be given by the club at the ce wui not moieai me gin. Pa.ton Monday nlaht Coaatry Clab Electa Officers. It is expected that ZiO guests will be pres The board of dlrectora of th. r,mntr, Among the speakers will be W. J club met rriday evening In the offices of Bryan. Governor Shallenberger. Ralph Tir f Vf Hhlnal in1 .la-t4 ,. ,, I i&rK 01 mcnaruaun cuumy, ueorge . Craven and two or more from outalde the not been an tiva officers of the cliih for tha rnmln season. W. B. Cheek was re-elected presl- who" namM dent. Dr. W. A. Pox vir r,r..lrl-n Bn4 DOUnced as yet Grant Caughey secretary-treasurer. The AU ot tht B,wly PP0'"'1 colonels will diir. UmcLumma a i..-. n,.mh.r im. be present in their full uniform and the rMt m.it.r. occasion Is expected to be spectacular as FOUR FALSE FIRE ALARMS All Tome In Less Than Half an Floor and Supposed to Be Work of Discharged Fireman. An unidentified person, who Is thought to be a discharged member of the fire depart ment, amused himself early Saturday even ing by turning ln false alarms from four different places In the city. All the alarms came through the fire boxes and no trace has yet been found of the man who did the work. The four calls came within twenty mln utes of each other. The first came from Fourteenth and Capitol avenue at T:U o'clock, the second from Seventh and Doug las streets at 7:20 o'clock, the third was from Ninth and Jones streets at 7:26 o'clock and the fourth from Thirteenth and Jack' son streets at 7:36 o'clock. In addition to these calls there waa one from 2211 Howard street shortly before 7 o'clock. This slarm was caused from some bed clothing which caught fire, but which waa extinguished before tne arrival of the department. An alarm from Sixteenth and Far nam streets about 10:80 o'clock was found to have resulted from a burning chimney at the Henahaw hotel, from which no damage resulted. On account of the close proximity to the Bur wood theater, however, the man agement of the playhouse decided to bt on the safe side and dismiss the sud ence. The announcement was therefore made from the stage that there waa small fire ln the vicinity and that while there was no immediate danger to tl.e theater it waa deemed advisable for the audience to take its time and leave the building. This was done without any excitement or confusion and within a minute or two the bouse was empty. Our Letter Box RELIEF MONEY STILL COMES Many Small Donations Are Added to "well the Totala for Earth qnake "afferera. Although no large donations were madi to the relief fund for the Italian sjfferera Saturday, there were numerous smaller gifts, which raised the total to tl.194.10. This money will be sent to the Italian Red Cross society at Rome. Additional ones who contributed were: Amount nrevlouslv renorted t1.HO.fiO Parkers National, South Omaha 1B.00 t'outh Omaha National bank 15.00 Live Stock National, South Omaha 6.00 Davis & Baudo Mrs. K B. Godfrey John Brlggs jay is. waiiams Holmes A Adklns : ... Brodkev Bros LeUrande Studio.... Sol Goldxtrom Arthur Demos K. and M. Shabook. T. J. Shanahan E. J. Polsley Herman Katsky V. M. Rich G. S. Kennedy Theo Van James Nanios , Gust Namos C. Gibson South Omaha Ice company. Frank Koutsky 8. C Shrigley F. A. Creasy John Grubble Vlttorlo Parrlnello Joseph Koutsky Dr.ra E. urene Dr. J. W. Koutsky M. F. Tetwa Pasauale Dejrilio Joan Parmlssano I.. Altman E. P. Rneaon , O. F. Beavera Cash H. Oerbor Frank Haydock , A. Tillman L. H. Ruff O. E. Rouf William Burns Karl Gornson Cash 600 6 Oil 2.00 2.00 S.OO 2.00 2.110 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ion 1.00 v.oo 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.00 l.oo ion I.O'l l.oo 1. l.oo l.oo l.oo .50 .60 .60 .GO .SO .50 .25 .25 .its .? .2 .25 Total 11.194.10 CAMPAIGN FOR NEW MEMBERS Toanar Men's Christian Association la Trylnar to Double Ita Mem bership. "Double the membership" Is the slogan that Is being used by the member of the Toung Men's Christian association during the campaign for new members that was begun last 'week. The present enrollment Is 2,515 and ' tho secretaries and directors are anxious to Increase this sufficiently to place Omaha above all her sister cities as regards association membership. With this end in view Membership Secre tary William Parker has organised ten committees of ten men each to work for new members and every man and boy be longing to the association is also expected to secure a recruit. That the local association ranks high smong American city associations Is shown by the recent campaign carried on ln Denver to secure new members for the association there, "Beat Omaha" was the watchword and every effort was made to get enough members to place Denver ahead f Omaha in Importance among association cities. It is not yet definitely known whether or not the Denverltes succeeded In their endeavor, but whether or not Omaha will rank even higher than before If pres ent plans carry and the local association adds a healthy list rt new members to Its tolls. The campaign Is to last for soma time and Is being waged among both boys and men. At the preaent time there arc about 300 more members In the association than there were at this time last year. GETTING THE DOLLARS OUT OF YOUR NEWSPAPER You arc not getting all the value out of your newspaper that you should. There is a hidden store of wealth in it you have overlooked. Bee classified advertising pages are alive with money making, money saving opportunities. Begin taking advantage of them today. Read the Want Ads, the "Fors Sale" Ads, the "Exchange Ads" while you are eating your breakfast. You certainly have something you don't want that is worth real money to some one else. This person talks to you through The Bee. Or you may see something advertised that you intend buying during the daysomething you find you can buy for half what you feared you would have to pay, There are other opportunities, too. Through these Want Ads you can find the cook you have been looking forme seamstress, the gardener, the chore boy. Read them carefully. Get in touch with the people who can serve you or whom you can serve. It will pay you well. 2L 1 Male City Voealp. well as enjoyable otherwise. Three dollars (Y)1L! Trv Howland s oel.hr.ti Wivr Per PIaU ,n assessment and this is ex- Creek. Office till N. 24th St. Tel. South 7. pected to purchase quite a variety of edibles, to say nothing of the other portions of the menu which are supposed to enliven the conversation. Frank A. Agnew, lawyer. Murphy block, 'phone South luQs. Miss Marian Dennia entertained the M. E. M. dub Friday evening. C. L. Hoover left yesterday for a visit of several waeka In Pennsylvania. lnjered la a Fir cr bruised by a fall, apply Bueklen's Ar- The Ladles- auxiliary of th. AnoCnt l""T 'A. c Tor sale Order of Hibernians wui Hold tnelr regular I " - SHOTGUN VICTIM NOW SUES Henry Aa-aew Asks 3,OoO Damages Beeaaso Isadora Friedman Potted Hint la Foot. A suit for damages waa filed Saturday morning in tbe district court by Henry Agnew against Isadora F. Friedman for al leged carelessness In the handling of a shotgun, the explosion of which Inflicted several wounds upon Agnew's feet. The plaintiff claims the accident caused him great aufering- and confined him to the hos pital. Agnew asks tS.000 damages. The affair happened in the second-hand store ot I. Friedman, Bl South Twelfth street, on the morning of January i. Fried man started to demonstrate the weapon while Ignorant that It waa loaded and, turning toward the rear of the store, pulled the trigger to test the action. It exploded, catching Agnsw la the fact. GRAFT FIGHTER GOES WEST Fraavls 3. Heaey and Wife Pass Tkrssgh Omaha GsrosU to Loa Angeles. Francis J. Heney of San Francisco, fa moua as a prosecutor of graft, who hai been ln the east for soms time, passed through Omsha Saturday noon on the Los Angeles Limited. He will go to Los An geles foi a short visit before returning home, Mr. Heney, who was accompanied by Mrs. Heney, has entirely recovered from the bullet wound which he received In open court from the pistol of Maurice Haas. Mr. Heney gave out nothing concerning his work on the cosst and conditions there that has not been given ln former inter views. BIG ELECTRICAL bHOW IN MAY Dealers Lay Plans for a Show on Bigger Lines Than Ever Before. PERMANENT COMPANY FORMED Plana Laid Far In Advance nad an Effort "Will Be Made to' Interest Bis Maaafactorers In the Show. Omaha will have another electrical show this yesr. the time having been fixed for May, at the Auditorium, by a number oi the leading electrical contractors and elec trical suprly merchants of Omaha snd Council Bluffs, who met Saturday after noon at the Young Men's Christian associ ation building. The dates are May to 15. inclusive. An organisation was perfected which will be incorporated at once to handle the show. It will be called the Omaha Electrical bdow company and the stock will be held largely by the dealers ln Omaha ana . council Bluffs. The following officers were elected at yesterday's" meeting: George W. Johnston, president; A. O. Munro, vice president; W. L. Burgess, secretary; J. R. Lehmer, treas urer; J. M. Uiuan, manager. The electrical show held last May was a success even beyond the expectations of the men who promoted It. ana with the experi ence of last year and the confidence which success always brings with It. these same Omaha men feel confident that they can far excel last year's show ln every respect. The big electrical manufacturer gave the show but little help last year until they saw It was going to be a winner anyway. This yesr they will reallre from the etart that Omaha men can and will put on a fine show and more assistance and more exhibits will undoubtedly come from the leading electrical concerns of the country than last yesr. Plans Mors Elaborate. Lest year the association was uncertain as to Just how mucn money u wouiu uo safe to spend on decorations, entertainment and music, but this year everything will be undertaken on a much more elaborate plan. The Auditorium will be converted into a veritable wonderland of things marvelous and beautiful by means of the various elec trical devices, and high class entertainment will be furnished during the ten days of the show. Several of the men Interested In the organisation will viait the great elec trical show at Chicago week after next, nd while there will pick up pointers for the Omaha show and Interest many of the leading manufacturers in the big exhibit in the Auditorium. Mr. Lovett, Mr. Munro, Mr. Corr, Mr. Mlchaalsen, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Zimman and Mr. Uillan will attend the Chicago show. New School for Catholics. BPENCER. 8. D . Jan. 10. -(Special )-A Catholic school costing tl5.KO will be built at Farmer, four miles west of this city, Rev. Charles Auer, who Is the prime mover of the plan, raised more than IIO.OlO be tween Christmas dsy and January 1. Not a Catholic living within the diocese owning 1S acres of land gave less than feo toward the erection of the school building. of the chllil. temporary alimony and attor ney fees. They were married In Council Bluffs January 6, 1906. Nolan is a black smith by trade. A formal answer has been filed in district court In tho divorce case of Mrs. Elizabeth New McKeen against her husband. W. It. McKeen, alleging cruelty. The decree In this suit is expected to follow very soon. The death of the defendant In the divorce suit of Mollie Ream against her husband, James W. Ream of South Omaha, caused the dismissal of the case this morning ln the district court. Mrs. Maudo Klrschner brought suit for divorce against her husband. 'William Klrschner, In tho district court for nonsup port and custody of minor child. Two months before the birth ot the child he struck her. she says, with his fist, knocking her down and kicking her. A suit for divorce was filed Saturdsy morn ing for' s Urged abandonment and extreme cruelty by Mrs. Helen Calvert against her husband, Robert H. Calvert, In the district court. They were married ln St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, September 14, 1905. Action for divorce was filed by Frank H. Miller against his wire, Olive B. Miller, for alleged cruelty and extravagance and the custody of child. They were married in Watonga, Okl. CARNIVAL OF DIVORCE CASES Papers la Eleven Salts Are Filed Satardar aad Fear Devrees Are Granted. A carnival of divorce suits reigned In district court yesterday. Papers In eleven cases were filed. Four of these were new decrees. Qrover A. Sumney was granted a divorce becauje of desertion. Alleging desertion, Frank D. McKenna waa granted a decree of divorce against his wife, Mary McKenna. Jeptha B. Randolph, who has been suing for a divorce from his wife. Myrtle' M. Randolph, was granted a decree. Barbara Maryt secured a decree of di vorce from Andrew Maryt on the grounds of cruelty. 'A suit for divorce was filed 8aturday morning In district court by Mrs. Nona V. Nolan against her husband, Charles M. Nolan, alleging cruelty and use of vile lan guage, attempts at personal violence and failure to provide for her and a minor child. She asks an absolute divorce and custody If you will taka Foley's Orlno Laxative until the bowels become regular you will not have to take purgatlvea constantly, as Foley's Orlno Laxative positively cures chronic .constipation and sluggish liver. Pleasant to take. For sale by all druggists. NOT QUITE ALL HE SUED FOR George Crane Gets All Bat $4,990 of Dams ares Asked Against . Ralph Kitchen. The esse of George Crane who wss suing Ralph Kitchen, proprietor Ihe Paxton hotel, for $5,000 damages was closed Satur day in the district court when the Jury brought ln a verdict for $1.00, ln favor of the plaintiff. The case which has been hanging for over a year. Is the outcome' of a mlxup between the hotel man and Crane. Crane charging Kitchen with assult and Kitchen alleging self-defense. The Jury whip-sawed the case all night, and returned the verdict Saturday morn ing. . , BAKER TALKS T0J.EATHER MEN Impresses Upon Workers the Beneflts Which Accrae from Organic satlon. E. J. Baker, president of the United Brotherhood of Leather Workers, ad dressed an open meeting at Labor Temple last night on the subject of the advan tages of organisation and the rights of the laboring classes. His address throughout waa temperate and an elab oration upon the purposes of his visit to stimulate Interest In organised labor, the tariff question and the good that will yet ccme to the cause of organised labor through tho decision of Judge Wright In the Gompers, Morrison and Mitchell case. WE CURE MEN FOR 87 the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles. Established In Omaha for li years. Ihe many taous ends of cases cured by us make us tbe most exper Wnted Specialists In tne West, in all diseases and ail ments of men. We know Just what will curs you- and cure you quickly. We Cure You, Then You Pay Us Our Fee. Wa naks 00 misleading or falsa statements, or otter rou cbeap, worthless treatment. Our reputation sod true are too favorably known; every case wa Ueat our reputation Is at stake. Voui; health, lite and happiness is too serious a matter to place in me nands of a SHAMS!.." DOOaUnV. Honest -nr. of ability Uss their OWN KAMA IM TUUfc BUfcSn, ervoas Bsbillty, Blood Pels an, gklnn Diseases, Biaaew aad Bind. T.. .1, n4 1 TllMAAKAM .H HlHinl. U r T.1 tl Ki.mliut Inn .nl eanaulLAtton. WrltA torn j'aiW.'r.tS' IRS ByniDtoa Blank for home treatment Ibr. eaxltS Seirlei, H9 S. 14th, Cor. 14th and Douglas, Omaha. There are no vacant offices, but: If you have been looking for such rooms, no doubt you have found desirable space is a rare thing. From time to time changes are made by tenants which would make available just the kind of office rooms which you desire THE BEE BUILDING U occupied from top to bottom, but tor reasons abota guted wa keep a waiting: list and would be pleased to have you call and look through the building. By giving us an Idea of your requirements would place us 1b a position to fulfill your wants alcng this line at some future time. Leave your name and address with IL W. BAKER. Supt, Room 501