TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY. .T ANT A IVY 11. 1900. TOPERA HAS TWENTY MEN Tick Ccoley is Collecting Big Bunch for New Tem. JAY ANDREWS WANTS TO STICK Old nonlnn Is .roorlaal the (nmlrr I an Kffort to Pat t'p Geo fight In the VmImi l.eagae. rats 'cm tip, and yesterday an last night ttgothr he burnM up 11 bushels, ana rvn thrn ervrral m'mln of the winter Icnguo kikd for morn heat. Pa think it will put a want ad In The Bee for mort cobs If this lick kcrps up. Pucks' H"lma I counting big on Charly Tnylt r. the Omaha semi-pro pitcher ho picked up her". Taylor pitched last season In the Kanm and Nebraska r.rt,sh-s and did good work. Ha not only pitched well, but la aald to hare hit at the terrific clip of .3X. Taylor standi six fert tall and weighs 10. Word pomes from Topeka that Dirk Cooler, mansgr, of the Topeka Western league team, at the present writing-, haa twenty men under contract for next sr-a-son. Cooley haa been extremely busy dur Inar the last few days and hai eepured the signatures of many new men. who ahould. from their dope, make a food showing In the. Western league. The best looking addition Is Vols, pitcher whom Cooloy secured from the Cin cinnati team. Jake Vols was with Sioux City under Carney In 190 and waa mighty effectlre. Voli was carried by the Reds during the gTeatcr portion of last season but waa hardly ripe for the majors, and Cooley'e bid for hla services was accepted. He pitched In the South Atlantic league in 190T and waa a winner. At Cincinnati he showed .symptom of wlldness. and this Is hla only fault. He Is a right-hander and bus good curves nnd a world of speed. IVIehlta almost landed him. but he signed with Cooley while communicating with Manager Holland. ' Another player of whom Cooley la ex pecting a lot la Bob Corklll. an outfielder, who played with Joplln awhile last season. CorkJtl quit the Jnplln team because he couldn't . ret a salary to Ms liking, and played Independent ball for the reat of th season. He played forty-eight games with Joplln and had a perfect fielding average. His batting average was .243 and he was noted' for hla timely hitting. He will do if he can be Induced to discard the amber brow. Cooley's other late acquisitions are an outfielder and two Intlelders, Harry Curtis, who played with the Balls team In the Texas. league, was secured. Curtis was the premier outfielder of that circuit last season and hla hitting was sufficient to in sure good work next season. Mike Jacobs (not the old third baseman by that name, but a promising youngster) p!ayed with tho Wllkesbarre team In the Tri-State last season, and comes highly tonted to Cooley. Cullen Is another young lnflelder, whom Cooley secured from the Wllilainsijort team of the Trl-State league. Doran, .the veteran Boston catcher, and Kern, the star of the Texas league last searon, . look the best at prtsent. The other catchers, Bartloy and Iirennan, wero good, catchers in the Western association nnd will be given a good workout next spilnK. Vols Is the best righthander on tho Topeka team at present. Cooley, however. Is trying to get Selby back from Louisville. He was one of the strongest pilch?1 In the league last season and helped Topeka materially In winning the pii.nant Hendrix, a youngster, Is nil the reserve list and ought to do well, as he waa a winner In the association. ' Old "Dad" Roach, who Is 4 ( years old, ranked Focond In the association last season onl ho will be retained, despite his age. He la a southpaw and a spltball artist. Bur num and Belts, both southpaws, were u rutted ' from the Western association. Jucli Holland of the. Wichita team sr-nt his draft money for these . two players to Secretary Farrell, but Cooley'a money got there first. Thomason Is a promis ing young lefthander, whom Cooley pur chased f ronv. Bartlesvtlle last season. He Is a hard hitter and should he fail to make good In the box Cooley will shift him to the outfield. O-t tho Infield Cooley will play first. From last season's team. Kahl, a second baseman, S. Olson, a brother of E. Olson, drafted by Louisville, Is a rattling good shortstop. Jay Andrews, the veteran, will try for his Job at third base. In addition. Bell. Jacobs. Nagel and Cullen will try for positions, and thla quartet contains soma strong tslent. There are but three outfielders on the team' at present Cole will be retained. Corklll and Curtis are the other two. with a possibility of Thomason being shifted. Butch Freese. who will catch for Bartlea vllle this year, says he Is negotiating with the Western association for permission to use a flat bst. He has made three samples and sent them on for Inspection by th officers of the league. Butch believes h could get a hit every week with such a bat Ploux City papers are authority for the itatement that Mike Car.tlllon, who. they asseverate, still owns the bulk of the Des Moines franchise, has e greed to let HIgglna have all the cast-offs he won't need for the Minneapolis term, which will train seme In the spring at Des Moines. FA HOIK KXGL19H RACE COIRSE9 CHANCE FOR NEBRASKA CAME Badger Foot Ball Team Seriously Considering Proposition. GOSSIP OF WINTER ATHLETICS itlook far the Badgers U I acertala, a Base Ball In the Spring Is Still Mere o Trark Tea at Weak. One of the real sweet treats, or possible' treats, in store for. Western league fans thla year has all but been overlooked. It la the opportunity that will be afforded by the addition cf the trn-o Kansas town of seeing one In action that popular old antolluvlan. Jay Andrew. Omaha sports will welcome the opportunity and will embrao Jay with a fond and affectionate hug will they In Sioux City. But It Isn't a cinch that Jay will stick It out, for half a doaen Impudent young chaps am going to be given a try-out for his third corner. Jay aays they'll have to go some, though. If they beat him out. foi he been getting younger every year for th last twenty. If this process keeps jp he's liable to be a boy tgain within the r ext decade. Pa Rourk say If Jack Frost doesn't let up he la going to need at least fourteen wagon loads more of corn cobs. Brother lav hat bought an underfeed stove that B CIGAR The new 10c cigar. A smoke that tickles a smoker' taste from the strike of the match to the very last puff. A straight Havana filler,' with a Sumatra wrapper. A cigar that has no equal among ten cent cigars. ASK YOl'R CIGAR MAX. Cbaa, DonoTua Cigar Co., Distributors. Omaha. Mob., fcloux City, Xa, LAltUiai MZK. 15c. Classics Cnadarted Over Several far Last Two Ceatarles. As the classic events of the English rac ing season the dprby, the 8t. Lexer and the Oaks always create worldwide Interest it will be a matter of Information to all classes of turfmen to say something about the race courses over which these events are decided, says a recent Issue of the London Sporting Life. Not the least in teresting feature of these courses 1 their sge. Racing was held at Epsom a far back as 1645. but It did not assume a per manent chsracter until the first derby In im The Newmarket course Is over 200 year old. while the Ascot races owe their origin to Queen Anne In 1711. The York and Don caster meetings are more than 150 years old. while Ooodwocd was Inaugurated more than 104 year ago. The three Thames valley courses Hurst years ago the managers of Sandown park are all modern courses, established In the last thirty-five years. It was on the last named course, however, that the first race for $S0,00O stakes took place. Twenty-three years ago the managers of Sondown paik startled the racing world by instituting the Ecllpso stakes, nominally worth this amount first won by that famous horse Bendlgo and the success of the venture was such that the Jockey club ultimately established two S.V.000 races at Newmarket, via., the lYInco of Wales' stakes and the Jockey club stakes. Needless to say, the laces of these enormous stakes attract the best horses of each year, and It Is on rec- ord that In 1893 two winners of the derby. two winners of the St. Leger. two winner of the Two Thousand Guinea and a win ner of the Ascot cup ran on the Sandown park course for the Kclipse stakes. Newmarket, "the racing capital of Eng land," possesses no fewer than ten courses, the longest being four and one-quarter miles in circuit. Here the Jockey club has its jhlcf seat, while over 1,000 horses will ourn ue lounu in training on th Heath, Altogether there are nearly fifty training establishment at Newmarket, and a large army of employee aie constantly at work during tho racing season keeping the courses and galloping grounds In order, The cost of this labor Is mostly met by tho fee charged by tho Jockey club on each horse trained on the Heath. For horses in training an annual charge of t!i Is made, while a foe of 110 Is levied on yearlings taking their first lessons. Altogether be tween $0",0'10 and 175, 0C0 is derlvod from th'.-se sources every year. Although some what exjiensive, most owners like to train their horses at Newmarket, for then the horses need not be taken away to run. There are seven annual meetings to choose from and prises like the Two Thousand and Cesarewltch to win, and In addition the ourse can be chosen which will most kely suit the horse; for, while some an) mals cun run equally well on any course, here are others which never do them selves Justice except on a course they like. 'onsenuently there is often a great deal to gained by properly "fleeing" a horae, is st Newmarket where King Eflward's race horses are trained by Dick Marsh, aa the famous trainer Is known on the turf, while not far from the town is a beautiful eRtate owned by Danny Maher, the famous American ckey and probably the richest professional rider In the world. How many people are aware that had it not been for the generosity of Lord George Bentlnck some sixty years ago the Derby race at Epsom might have been crossed off the racing calendar? In lftS-'M IICO.OOO waa spent on the erection of a grandstand which accommodates 7.600 spectators. The maintenance of the Epsom summer meet Ing, however", cost more than the revenue from the stands, etc., and the consequence was that the clerk of the coursa went to Lord George Bentlnck and explained that unless more money was forthcoming thi meeting would probably come to an end Lord George loaned the clerk 13,000. which the latter used to such good purpose tha the Epsom summer meeting took a new lease of life and the clerk and hi family made their fortunes. For many years afterwird the original $100 shares In the Epsom Grandstand com pany realised large sums In the market In 1884 they brought 1400. although they dropped some $100 after that. This owing to a falling off In the entries for th Derby and Oaks, however, and a great fillip was given to the popularity Epsom when In 1W9 It waa announced that In future the nerby woum ta worth guaranteed minimum of 128.000. There are several courses at Epsom, but the chlf of them alt la the Derby course of one and a half miles. This course con tains the steer st hill leading down to Tattenham Corner to be found on any Im portant course In the kingdom. In addi tion, the first half mile of the track Is en th ascent. A a matter of fact, the Derby rcurse offers the gn atest test of merit tc race horses, and that is why th best horse nearly always wins. It has often happened that the winner of the Derby has slso carried off tho Ascot gold cup, the value of which of late years ha been between $15,000 and ISO.frX) The Ascot course Is circular, nearly two miles long and within the confines of Windsor Park. As a matter of fact, the i course Is crown property, and to a certain extent under the care of. the master of hi majesty's buckhounds. The Ascot course I generally considered to be the best In England, one great advantage being that practically the whole of the racing can be seen from the stands. The race for the Bd Leger. which tkca place on tha Doncaster course, has rightly been described as the "derby pf the north." for it Is witnessed every year by something like JO.000 persons, mostly T'rlc shiremen. The rnce Is of the same value as the Derby, $32,500. As a matter of fact, the Doncaster meetings are "run" by the town corporation, and the course relieves the ratepayer to the exteijt of about $t 0 each year, a large portlnn of the preftts of the rsces being devoted to the reduction of the iti-. The Etor handicap, which take place on the York rourse, . I also an event which draws thousands of excursionists; the race for the Gimcrack stakes founde In honor of Gimcrack, a famous gray horse Kaled In 1760, which won race when ha waa 11 years old being alaaost equally populaat with three athletic srnrts since his stay here and haa been a stsr In two of them and more than a fair man In tha third. In track work. Messmer specialised In the discus and he wa reeognlxed as the best discus thrower In the west, barring possibly "Johnny" Oarrells, Michigan's famous all-around athlete. It remained for Messmer to put Wisconsin In th top rank In foot ball, Walter Camp, the well known foot ball critic, placing tha big fellow at the top of the handlers of the forward pass and giving him a place on the second all-Amerlcan eleven. FIRST ETD00R BASE BALL iYIIQ THE COLLEGE ATHLETES Doing in the Field of Sport in Fast and West. BOWIKa MOVES TO THE FORE Dlstaare Rib 1st fca latereelleglate aa Frasalaa Goa Caatesta i Leader la Year's Varl aaa Sparta. MADISON, Wis., Jan. W. Although Dr. Hutchin has given out nothing in the way of newa regarding the possible make-up of the Badger schedule for next year, there la a chance that Nebraska will be asked for a game. Owing to the action of the faculty of the tmlverslty In deciding upon a five-game schedule, even after the conference had voted for seven. It gives the athletic di rector very little margin. The students re persistent In their demands for a con tinuation of the athletic relations, espe cially on the gridiron, with Minnesota and Chicago and their demands have been con ceded. This leaves but three places to be filled. Marquette college, tho new aspirant for honors, threw a scare Into the Badger eamp by nearly defeating the varsity last ear, and will In ail probability not be given a place on the schedule. Wisconsin, has been pointed out, has everything to lose and nothing to gain by playing the Milwaukee team, and It has been hinted that rules of eligibility are not enforced at the new university as stringently as they might be. Lawrence university, which opened the season here last fall, is said to be con templating quitting athletics because of the lark of funds, and this will leave two places to be filled. Indiana will, of course, be retained on the Schedule. In speaking bout next fall's schedule. Dr. Hulchlns Intimated that games might be arranged with both Iowa and Nebraska, although he refused to discuss the matter of the schedule. Talk of Winter Sports. Although It Is still too early to tell much about what the coming semester has In store for Wisconsin In Its various ath letlo activities. It Is safe to predict that the badgers will be among the top- notcher. The badgers are not counting upon cham pionships, but from the way things look now It would not be surprising it they anded two of thorn. The gymnastic team has the best chance of duplicating what has been done in previous years In winning the western title. The basket bail team la now rounding Into championship form and It is expected here that Chicago will have to look to its laurels when th two come together. Captain Swenholt, the blonde-haired for ward, Is now putting up the best game of his life and from the way he Is shooting angles from every angle In the practice It looks as though he would be away and afar the premier forward In the Intercollegiate league. Thus far Jake Kauffman has "been playing the other forward and Is surprising the fans by his form. He has the lead on the other candidates for the position and if he maintains the psce he has set through out the sesson his place is not In danger, although there are some good players out against htm. At center "Jumbo" Stlehm, who has held the keystone position for the last two years, Is again working. There I no question but what the lanky fellow is one of the best centers In the west. He has enormous reach and Is possessed of surprising activity foe a man of .six feet three inches. "Bill Witt, the Marshfleld lad who Is playing his second year on the varsity at guard, is expected to stack up well against the other guards In the league, and Zlllmer, while a new man In collegiate basket ball. Is satis fying the coaches with his work. The other men trying for the team are Jack Wilce, captain of next year's foot bsll tesm: Taul Noe, sub guard last year Whlttler, who played third base on the varsity nine two years ago; Birch, Klnichl Sato, the Milwaukee Jap; Workman, Craw ford. "Rube" Trane. who rowed In the vars ity boat at Foughkecpste last season; Kle- wert. and Shlpek. a new man whose work Is being closely watched. With this squad available the coaches have a classy bunch to make their selection from. Interest la Baw Ball. Right now the students are awaiting with more than passing Interest the outcome of the base ball squabble. The athletic coun. ell has been severely censured for trylni to slip the bean to the students in the shape of skating and class base ball for the Intercollegiate article. They, however, are to be commended for having given the stu dents an opportunity to express their own opinion on the matter, a course not pur sued heretofore. If the students wish to re tain. base ball, there is every assurance that It will be done. The student conference, which will pass upon the matter, will meet as soon as President Van Hise returns from tho east and there la every assurance that the Badgers will again be represented on the diamond this season. Captain "Dug" Knight, the varsity twlrler whose work has been complimented at various tlmea by major league scouts. expect to Issue a call for candidates wlthlrr the next few days. With Knight to do the bulk of the pitching, and Nash, the little fellow who showed up surprisingly well In the games he played lust year, to assist him, the twlrler's box should be well looked after. At the receiving end, Barlow, the chubby little backstop of last year, will be available. While a first-class catcher and possessed of a whip that aeldom fails to stop attempted pilfering. Barlow Is weak with the bat. and he may not make a place on thla account. Floete, who played first base last year, has been graduated, but ther are a num ber of men who will be candidate for the place. Paulua, the Milwaukee boy who made good on th freshman foot ball team two years ago. Is In the field. Whlttler, third baseman two years ago, but who waa kept out by a eon last year. Is In good standing again and will probably fill In one of tha Infield positions, as will Culver, who put on a snappy game at third base last spring. Thompson and Bailey, shortstop and third baseman on last year's team, are In achool and. out to make good. Bailey, while a clever fielder, lacks tha base ball education. In tha field tha only old veteran left la Muckleston. who captained the team last year. With this squad snd with the new men who will be eligible this sesson. Coach Barry expects to make a creditable showing. Trark Prospects Poor. Track prospects don't seem to be par ticularly attractive, although no Una can ba gotten on the material, owing, to the faot that Dr. Hutchlna haa not called the men together aa yet. Natwlck, who won th high hurdles In the conference meet at Chicago last year. Is back in achool and will be the hops of the Badger fana In both the indoor aud outdoor meets. "Big John" Mesamer, who graduates la February, will leave a big hole in tha ranks of the weight men. but with Ost- hoff. the 'varsity strong man. th Badger ahould still be equipped with a heavy point winner. The graduation of MesTtner mark th end of the athletic career of on of th greatest of all Wisconsin athletes of tha present ay. Massmer baa been Identified Tawaseads Beat West aide Team la the Opealaa; Gassc In the first game of Indoor base ball at Forty-fourth and Leavenworth streets th Westsldes beat the Townsends, I to 1 Some 800 fans saw the game. Th arrsngements for continuing the In door base ball schedule are Incomplete, as the Westsldes' hall was to be used for all the games, and the experiment proved that this hall Is nr.t large enough to accommo date a crowd or to play the game as It should be played. Three windows snd that msny globes were put out of business. Eight men only are supposed to be used In an Indoor game, but these two teams like the game better with nine. The score: TOWNSEr. WEST8IDE9. H.H.O.A.g Shields, e. R.H.O.A.B. .. t I 1 Onramnr. 2b.. tilt Clilr. ib 1111 SRocMtt. p.... till BnisfmU,ib 111 Mlum. Sb...l 114 Lhr. ib 0 114 lHnirler. ... ill Feanon. si... 0 1 t 4 ORati-ktn. tt 1 I I I I R.rr. If 1 0 OYoaiem. Ik... 1 t 4 Uullan. Ft.... 0 II SMlX'h. C 1 1 CroM. rt I i I rtrk. rf 0 I I Oolll.T. ... I I I ORuot, It Ill ToltH 13 17 15 1 Totals 14 V U Townsends 1 0 0 0 i 4 1 0 08 Westsldes 2 0 0 0 0 2 V 1 fetruck out: By Quigley. 8; by Roesslg, 8. Hit with pitched ball: By Wulgley, 1, Immediately after the Indoor bate ball game two basket ball teams, one represent ing the Townsend Gun company and th other the Westsldes, played a game of basket ball, which resulted In a 8 to ( score In favor of the Westsldes. The gam was unusually Interesting, being fast and close from the first, toot of the whistle to the finish and at times very rough. Yousem and Melum played a star game lor the Westsldes. Quigley and Pearson were continually in the limelight with thcli dribbling. Cross made a pretty basket from a long distance. Roesslg made half the points for hi aggregation. The Westsldes will play the Thurston Fifles al the armory Sunday mornli.g and as the boys from West Omaha are In excellent condition a good game is antici pated. The Townsend basket ball team Is now In shape to play any cf the fast team and any team wlBhlng games, either in or out of tha city, n ay address F. Quigley, Sill Maple street, or telephone Douglas 4(34 or Webster 25S5. Following Is the llrcup: Townsends. Cross forward Pearson forward Quigley center Brugt;eman guard Katekln guard Twenty-five-minute halves. Westsldes, , Melum Roesslg .... Urummy Yousem , Bill DES MOINES MAY GET MEET Mlaaoarl Valley Oonfereare Leaves Ixratlon to the President. KANSAS CITr, Mo., Jan. 10.-(Speelal Telegram.) Kansas -City Is liable not to get the Missouri valley conference field meet this year. This waa announced yester day at the meeting of the Missouri valley conference committee In charge of athletics. hlch wis held at the Coates house. The committee was in session at least five hours, discussing Important problems with relation to the. athletics of colleges in the conference. The most Important matter taken up waa tha location of the annual conference meet and after a lengthy discussion It was de elded to let the president appoint a com' mlttee to decide where it should be held, As the president Is a Drake university pro fessor, it Is more than likely he will pull strong for the meet to go to Dcs Moines. That city Is the only one outside of Kan sas City which wants tho meet and influ enccs are being brought Into the contro versy regarding Its location which may be strong enough to causa Kansas City to lose this athletic event this year. Des Moines has offered the stadium free of charge, which Is something of an Item to the athletic departments of tha school competing. The data for the annual meet has been fixed for June S, the same day as the Chi cago conference meet. Another Important action by the com mlttee was to give the president power to appoint a committee for the purpose of considering the formation of a college base ball league, to comprise the members of the conference. This league will be run on the same plan as the winter basket ball league. It Is to have two divisions, south em and northern, and the winners of these divisions are to play one or three games to decide the championship of the Missouri valley. These questions will probably be definitely settled at the next meeting of the conference committee at De Moines, January 2S. Pro. Morehouse of Drake university waa elected president of the committee for the ensuing year and C. E. McClung of Kansas university was elected secretary. Those In attendance at the meeting were: Prof. Morehouse of Drake, L. M. Byers of Iowa university, 8. M. Byers of Iowa State college, C. E. McClung and W. L. Lanadon of Kansas university, C. W. Heatheiington of Missouri university, R. D. Clapp of Ne braska university and Prof. Everhardt of Washington university at St. Louis. 6HRUBB WIKS RELAY RACE Bagllsk Roaster Defeats Three Speedy Mea at New York. NEWT YORK. Jan. 10. Alfred Bhrubb, th English professional champion runngr, won the 13-mlle relay race at Madison Square Garden last night, defeating a relay of three men, who ran four miles each. Bhrubb' time was 1 hour, i minutes, 8T seconds. Th English champion was pitted againat The distance race In the intereollegiat games this year should ba well worth watching. Toung of Cornell. Dull of Michigan, Jaquea of Harvard, Paull of Pennsylvania, Lighter of Yale and Brants and Whlteley of Princeton will be among those who will go to th line. The struggle In the Intercollegiate cross-country run last November serve to show how evenly matched are tha first three of these men The others ara likely to do better on ctn dena than on the turf. In the cro-eountry race, lx seconds separated the first three In. Young, the Cornell captain, was th first to cross ths line in 34 minutes 14 seconds. Dull, ths Michigan leader, was f4 seconds later, and Jaquea of Harvard came third In $4 min utes 30 seconds. There waa a break then of 19 seconds, when another group of three cam In. Taylor of Cornell was the first of these. One second behind him came Paull of Pennsylvania, at.e? one second after him was another Cornelllan, Bean. It has been a long time since tha competi tion has been so close among tha leaders. Ti Massachusetts Tech. men who were In the run finished etgntn, twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second and twenty- sixth; making a total of nlnty-seven points. which would have given to the Brookllne men second place In th run, but because they were not members of tha Intercolleg iate Amateur Athletlo Association of Amer ica, their points wera not counted. After taking them out, Syracuse was second, only a trifle ahead of Harvard. Otherwise Harvard would have bean third, Yale fourth and Syracuse fifth, with only a point of so difference between these colleges. These Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology men will be eligible for tho Inter- collegiate games next May and that may make some difference In the result of the distance runs too. There should be an excellent contest In the two mite run be tween Young and Dull. Last year H. L. Trube of Cornell won the two-mile rac after the two Michigan men. Dull and May, sprinted too soon. Th bell to mark th final laps In the distance races fell from the post and gave them a false alarm. The fact that these men were completely shut out of the points was ascribed to this mis hap. It has been a subject of controversy since. There will be contest enough in the two miles with Just Yti ng and Dull In It May, who was one of the Michigan cross country team, will try to redeem himself for the mistake made last spring. Michi gan's reputation In distance running ha suffered a great deal In the laat two sea sens, whereas ence upon a time ther was small question that the Ann Arbor men ctuld turn out the fastest four men for a mile that any college could boast of. Jauiaes Faat Maa. In the mile run Jaquea of Harvard la likely to glv all of them something to puxsle over. Last year as a freshman he won the mile and half mile races In the Harvard-Yale freahman dual meet Sine then, he has run several fast miles and his feat of getting third in the in tercollegiate cross-country run 1 testimony to his ability. Jaquea was trained last fall, as were the other Harvard - men, by Alfred Bhrubb, the English distance run ner. With the advice of so renowned a performer next spring. If the other Har vard coaches permit it, Jaquea should turn out a world beater. If aent after the mil under the direction of Shrubb he ought to come close to being the Intereollegiat champion next May. Outside cf the Cor nelllan, Bean, hla chief rival, may very well beat R. A. Spltxer of Yale, who waa fourth In the Intercollegiate race last May Spltser won the dual meet mile last year against Harvard in 4 minutes 27 3-5 sec onds, and waa close up In the Intercolle giate games. The three men who were ahead cf him, Halstead of Cornell. Floyd Row of Michigan and Oeorg Hoyn of Columbia are through with college. . Bulhatchet and Tower of Michigan may help out the excitement In the mile, and from the Syracuse and Pennsylvania squad of distance runners some other good men may be produced. But the greatest likeli hood Is that Coach Moakley of Cornell will have some point getter among his men, Taylor, Bogart and Brown, who. with young and Bean, made up the winning squad in the cross-country race. The fall games have not thus far de veloped any new men who were of much greater merit than the old standbys and th campaigners will have the brunt of the work. It looks aa If Cornell would meet with opposition In the distance runs, but that won't bother the Ithacans much, be cause they have aome men in the field events who will bother the others. With Talbott to throw weights. Cook to Jump and to vault and Talcott In the hurdles the Ithacans have some points as good as won. They will go all the way down th line, gathering In places here and there, and It would surprise no one If they came out at the end with another championship. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Athletic association has decided to award medals to the runners who really finished second In the cross-country race. Some Champions. Looking back over the calendar year In Intercollegiate sports, the "championships" may be awarded according to the taste and fancy of the awarder. For instance, foot ball leadership la a tie between Har vard and Pennsylvania that is, If you happen to believe the team wera even. Harvard and Pennsylvania men have their own opinions. In base ball Princeton was material and Yale appears to be hard p-.it to It there Is some reason for believing that Harvard may achieve the first step of the program. However, a lot of folka believe the impression Is abroad that when n American college crew come to row against an English university the Amer ican crew Is tha college champion. Al though Harvard tried to make It clear in 1908 that no such pretension was mule the English did express the opinion that Har vard, having beaten Tale, must be the leader. Rowing calls for the very best men phys ically . that the colleges have. As a ruls tha men who mike tha college crews stand the strain well enough. That Is what the training Is for. If there Is a flaw anywhere In the training of a man It will show In the race. Usually the blame should be placed on the coach who has failed to de tect even after a number of trials and after some months of observation thst his men are not fit. If a coach sends a man Into a race in such shape that he Is unable to stand the strain It may more ptoperly be charged to the coach than to the sport Itself. Dr. Eliot of Harvard, for Instance, was a great oarsman In his day and probably rowed aa many wearing races as has any oarsman of these times. Apparently the strain did not harm him greatly, because at this time he Is a man of great physical powers despite his age. It was reported recently that the t'nl- verslty of Washington crew had decided not to send a crew to the Hudson this year. At the same time, however, H Is set forth that n victory over Stanford and California In the Intercollegiate regatta on the Pacific coast might make th Wash ligtonlans change their minds. This Is amusing when It is recalled the only way In which the Seattle crew can qualify for tha Hudson race la by winning the coast cr-r mplonshtp. The forms of the Invita tion of the Intercollegiate Rowing asso ciation are that the champion crew of the west shall come east annually. Further more, It stands to reason that th Inter collegiate Rowing association steward will not bother leng with th coast crew If they Juggle Invitations In that way. If the Washington crew wins the race and then declines to con.e east no more invita tions will be fi rthccmlng. The entire af fair revolves vpon itself, so to speak. From Seattle comes the report, too, that Wisconsin will row in a regatta to he held on Lake Washlngtcn, probably In connec tion with the exposition at Seattle. And from Madison comes the statement that Wisconsin will not go west to row. So a choice Is open to all readers. Various Matters. The Pennsylvania soccer team Is work ing hard to tackle a fairly hard schedule this season. Games with clubs about Philadelphia, the Philadelphia C. C, Merlon C. C, Germantown C. C. an 3 Frtnkford, are on the list for this month. In February three will be matches with Philadelphia and Merlon again and then will come three Intercollegiate gamea. Pennsylvania will meet Columbia on March In New York and will play Yale on March 17 In Philadelphia. A game with Cornell on April I In Philadelphia ends the season. Pennsylvania will not have a chance at the Intercollegiate championship becaaae of the unwritten rule keeping Har vard and Pennsylvania apart. There waa a llttto celebration recently In honor of Pocch Donovan, the Harvard sngril betnnen C'hicagi s-d W'sconSM, which will mark the first time lea ns from tties colleges hsve met hi the wster. Min nesota and rurdue soon will have swim ming tanks snd aquatic sports will be tat.llshed In fhe of th big eight colleges. KETS THR rt.Xla TBCK Smiley (nrkrlt Wins (he Kolaashe Haadlraa at P.aieryvllla. OAKLAND, Jan. 10. -Smiley Corbett. car rying 13U founds, led all the way In tha Folanshe handicap at Emeryville, and beat some of the best sprinter on th ooast in easy style. Bellwether ruled favorit for the event, which was a high weight at seven furlongs, In which a field of nine went to the post. The handicap was worth C, to the winner. Summary: rirst lace, six furlongs, selling: Dargln n. Keogh. t to t won. Itanposal ll'H Uil hert. 40 to li second. Crystal Ware (lo2. Vsn l'usen. to 111 third. Time: 1:IS- Rota Cherry, PM Silver. Mstlakstls, ! Lrt. Uaga, Yellowstone, Dixon Hell. Lady ll'l dreth snd Black Dress finished as named. Second race, three and a half furlongs, J-vear olds: Gilbert Rose fUf. Hcoville. 7 to ! won. Urahame (110, Lee. 7 to ft secend. i Penn tit. Keogh, 1 to I) third. Tim: 0.4v. Prince Asturlus, Miss Hubert. Amelia Hunt. Oreroa. Tourist Belle and The King finished aa named. Third race, six furlongs, selling: Ketchem Ike (ICS, Shilling. to 1 won. RaWgh (107. Gilbert, to 21 swnnd. Woolm 107. Walsh. 5 to 11 third. Time: l:t&. tve Son. Duke of Orlesns. Darongto-. Curri.aaca J and Spohn finished as named. rourtn race, seven r.inongs. nann.csn. value to winner tl.fttn: Smllev Corbett 1H). Mentry, i to 11 won. Grace G "l!0. Lirurgos. 9 to 11 second. l-elvwo! (H RhlTrs. 1 to Si third. Time: 1:29 Colonel Jerk. !''- ben. Bellwether, Madman, Rovsl T.uvNt and Jim Gaffney finished as named ruth race, one mile and seventv i't. selling: Dalntv Pell Oil, Tsnlln, f. ii 1 won. Blllv Pullman flirt. Miller. 17 'i ri second, Nebulosus (110. sniU'nr: '' 1 1 6t third. Time- 1 :47,. The Rprw.W. f-r. rrrt nent. Derdom and Ale h ad ?s fln'sced ss named. Sixth race, five and a half futl-ia. lvi--: Twilight Queen O'ff, I.ee. 9 to H n, in--thel (100. McLaughlin. SO trt 1 jane um, Walsh. 12 to i tblnV Time- 1-1. El Pldaro. l.l'tle fits. Oallnda. Kling Dancfl and Sninrcrat finished n na:neV Miss Sala Wins ftlenrforn Handicap. LOS ANGELES. Jan. 10-On a middy track. Miss Sain, a fi to 1 choice, cusliy won the Glcndora handicap of one mile at Santa Anita yesterday, defeating Magazine, the fa vorite, by six lengths. The favorita went out to make the pare and led from the stretch turn until Miss Sain took command and won. Chapultepec, at 1 to S, easily won the El Melino handicap of s,x and a halt furlongs: Summaries: First race, seven furlongs: Mary K. (W, Powers, 3 to 4) won, Grande Dame (107. Page, 7 to 2) second, Catherine F. tl', Clark, 15 to 1) third. Time: 1 ::. Ethel Day and Vei also ran. Second race, three furlongs: Carroll (111, Powers. 3 to 10 1 won. Saint Damius tltS. Butwell, 30 to 1) second, Ahlhnu 13, Page, 12 to 1) third. Time: 0:84. Play Boy. Tyras, Credit Account, Mstemus, Kvcina, India Star, Delemai., Aunt Nancy and Sam Webb also ran. Third race. El M"l'no handicap, six and a half furlongs: Chapultep.-o (1, Powers. 1 to l won. Joe Madden dot.- Archibald. 4 to 1) second, J. F. lmualiua i9... Yorke. 10) to l) third. Time: 1:1. Oiily three start ers. Furth race, mile. Gleii.loin handicap, $1,600 added: Miss Sain loi. i'age, to 1) won. Magazine (1U2, Artiuould, to It sec ond, Meteek (111, Powers. 4 U 1) third. Time: 1:S8H. Gowan, Plnkula, Center Shot and Hasty Agnes also ran. Fifth race, mile and an eighth, selling: Oberon (108, Brooks, 6 to 1) won. Varieties (1(16, McOee, 9 to 2) second. Beauiiere (96, Sumpter. I to 2) third. Time: 1:MU,. Alma Boy. Crackshot and J. C. Clem also ran. Di-ik 4i ,,l.nB. Unf trindiliili athletlo trainer, and Pooch got -a gold j (117, Powers,' S to 10) won Wool wind (IK. watch from E. McManus of Natlck. Page, 4 to 1) second, Jsne Laurel (112, Rioe. toi) intra, lime: i:o,h- huib-. cme m Johnny Mack of Yale waa there to tell how much be thought of Pooch. They are old friends, although rivals In the way of training now. Arthur Duffey, the sprinter; Leo Daly, the Harvard foot ball player; Tommy Connolly, the umpire, and a lot ol other folks were there. The memorial gymnasium at Purdue uni versity will be ready for use in about a month, and It Is likely that an Indoor ath letic meet between Chicago and Purdue will ba the feature for the opening night. The gymnasium, a large one, was erected a a memorial to the members of the Pur Menard. Lackvllle. Wlldwood BUI. Mider- echo. Solus, Ptar Whistle and Altenperg also rsn. Favorltea Win mt Savaenah. SAVANNAH. Ga., Jan. lu.-The largest crowd: that has attended the Thunderbolt races since New Year'a day was on hand yesterday afternoon. The favorites a a rule won. except In the third event, when the failure of Belie of the Bay to land brought sorrow to the talent. Track fast. Sum maries: First race, purse for 3-year olds and up, about seven furlongs: Charles G. Gate iifw Mahon h to 2i first. Merls (1 to 3 place) due foot ball team and of other nernn 1 second. Dene (20 to t show) third. Time: from the university at Lafayette, Ind., who lost their lives In a railroad accident In October, 1003, near Indianapolis. The Purdue foot ball team was on Its way In a special train to play Indiana at Indianapolis. Tha engine of the first sec tion of the train, In which was tha team, left the tracks and many persons were killed. The Big Four road, on which the accident happened, contributed toward the building of the gymnasium. The University of Illnols will send a re lay team and peveral athletes for the Indi vidual events to the Pennsylvania relay carnival In the spring. May. th confer ence champion sprinter; Lindberg, a quar-ter-mller, and Jenkins and Gardiner, hur dlers, will be sent. The Illinois relay team won the conference championship last year and covered the mile In time only two- fifths of a second slower than did the win ners at Philadelphia. Chicago, Wisconsin and Illinois are the only colleges In the conference that have swimming tanks. A dual meet la being ar- IhrM mmiIv nrnfpsKlnnAl runners Frank M. Kanely of Cambridge. Mass., Fred i ,bout the be,t Jhe Tler aUo won Simpson, an OJibway Indian, and Tom Wll Hams, of Bcmervllle.'Masa, Shrubb showed a world of speed and had little difficulty In running away with tha race from the outset. Kanely, who started with him Cornell-Harvard-Yale-Prlnceton chess tour nament as a partial consolation for losing the foot ball game to Yale. In rowing Harvard won from Yale and Syracuse from the Hudson crwa That, was outrun from the third lap on. Shrubb , according to om. divides the rowing hon- havlng established a lead of a quarter of a mile when Simpson, the Indian, took up th race at the end of the fourth mile. Th OJibway ran splendidly, but failed to gain an inch on Shrubb. who held Simpson on even terms for the next four miles. Wlllams took up the last relay and pulled bhrubb's lead down to half a lap. When the tests came towards the close of the ors. There is eminent authority for the statement that Harvard would have won by ten lengths on th Hudson. That's from a Yale man. In the meantime th Univer sity of Washington won from the Pacific coast crews. Why not make the tie for th championship three-cornered? In track athletics and cross-country run nlng Cornell was supreme. Pennsylvania race, however, he was outsprlnted, Shrubb! besides winning the tilcolleglat chess tour showing ample reserve power and winning out by six hundred yards. The five-mile professional handicap was won by Mike Spring, with a handicap of 46 seconds; Io- Hallen, New York, 35 seconds, second; and Samuel C. My?rs, Cambridge, Mass., scratch, third. Tllme: 28:04V Harry Betheae Is Dead. CLEVELAND, Jan. 10-Harry Bethune, formerly a champion sp. Inter of tha world, died ut a hospital here today. Bethune at one time waa one of the greatest foot racer In tha world. For yars he held the championship at 100 yards and made thousamts of dollars. Bethuna'a ditanee waa luu yard, and ba was unbeatable for years at met dlatante. He raa It In SocondaV nament waa first In cricket, swimming and basket ball, the last named sport In the east only. Chicago won the national Inter collegiate basket ball title. Pennsylvania also won th doubles In lawn Uanis. but Harvard won th singles. Yale won in golf, trap shooting, hockey, wrestling and water polo. Haverford led In soccer and Cornell In lacrosse. Nsw York university was at tbe lop In gymnastics. lateraatleaal Hanlas. On the subject of rowing it may be men tioned that Harvard expects to sand over a crew to rcw against the winner la the Oxford-Cssn bridge race, providing th tbe Harvard eight win from Yale next June. A th Crimson haa a lot of sturdy 1:33H. Rlcadonna and Ponzanlta also r:in. Becond race, purse, for -year olds and up, about aeven furlongs: Galllleo (1"7 Gore 3 to 2) first. Autumn Flower, (4 to fi place) second, George Bailey tJ toR show third. Time: 1:MH- Countermand and FHmnap also rsn. Third race, purse for 3-year o'ds and up. five furlongs: F.msley (115 J. Johnson II to 1) first, W. G. Williams (4 to & place) sec ond, Belle of the Bay (cut show) third. Time: 1:U6. Revery and Piedmont Queen also ran. Fourth race, purse, for 3-year olds and up, alx furlongs: Mnnus (luS Leach li it 6) first. Spunky (T to 10 place) second, Ara waka (even show) third. Time: 1:21. Iluyal Lady, Clifton Forge and Lady Kolbeit also ran. Fifth race, 3-year olds and up, Ax and a half furlongs: Castlewood (K.'S Hums 4 to 2) won. Miss Marjurle (2 to 1 place! sec ond, Enterprise (6 to fi show) tlil-d. Time: 1:37. Haymarket, Leonard, Jo Havman, Soiree, Lydla Ganter, Hamilton and Odd Ella also ran. Desperate Shooting pains in the chest require quick treatment with Dr. King's New Discovery. Prevent pneumonia 60c and 31.00. For sain by Beaton Drug Co. Dun's Report of Bank Clearings Bank elearlaga In December reflect nearly as large a Tolnme of payments through tke banks a bt November, ahowiar wall sa stained recovery ever th tepressloa extsttBg in the artier sseatks of the year, total bank asehatifsa for tke saoalh this year at all el Be re part ing la tbe Catted States, asahraeiag aura thaa 110 at the leeeing cities, aaeordimg te the aaathly (tatesaeat f E. O. Dtra CO-, Mag 14.s71iSS.XVS, a gala of 0.4 per oent aver December, 190 when trade was very aetlr. Tke uneravameat Is nor marked at Nsw York City thaa at most of tbe atker landtag Em tana en tars, stack saarket operation barlag eon ui bated aaateriauT to tbe larger rolacae of paysaenu through tbe basks at Nw York. Some Eastern eMee report larger elearinr tbaa In December, 190, among tham Worcester, Boring said, Beraatoa, Handing, Buff ale and Syracuse. There to a trifling gala at Boston, wall tbe loans at PbUeaelphia and Pittsburg still rtflaet eocdidqa . la tb Iron trade. At tbe Wast noteworthy gains appear, and meay si das report larger bank clearings tbaa far December, 1966, among tbaa Chicago, Milwaukee, Clneianatt, IndlaoapeUa, St Paal, Kansas Otty, St. Josepb sad Omaha At tbe leading Soutbera eities elaariags aaa tlaae smaller tbaa la December, 190a, though RlchsBaad. Norfolk, Atlanta, Ht, Loni and LauurrUls are axptibui and report galas. At th Paei&e ooast peiatt deer ana alas appear. Tbe eompsrisoa witb 1907 aad ear tier month this year ealy mpbasiae tbe depression. eatrtlBg tbaa. Below bank exchanges by aaetlon ar glrea ooTsring tkree J tarsi sis tbe average dally figures for sack mouth last year : Dartasaa. How ksataaa (title rueik AUaaiUs BMNiibora , Central Wast Wtowra ............ racina Total Mow York Otty Cartes Slats Average sally i feember Norm uer. ......... Ocvuur bepirojoer ftiffual ............. xi f une.. A rrlKV."""."7. Marat - Fotaruory 4t 19oe g8l.7olll HMH.i.7 jt4 7.ao.aut 1AV,I04 IJxwitli "IS 1 so S80.1Vu.6b7 ae.ios ie,74 14474,i nor eoo.la7.718 fi4i.7M.Ho4 I jn&,42.itw 4r4.7S7.71 t7u.l67.lsU 64K.J-J.K7 P.O. . -r 4ll i vuo K6.J -MO. 7 - 4-70.3 lSOM. rsifi ims.0B l.o:tt. O4to.fi X7tt.nl sou tWi.OO,'i4 1.4'UAr.il. I J4 w.7;tsii 4i7J2MJ A.OMMSH.m S.K7iM.j34 f.rt u -140 y -rSO.8 -1U tit .41,B61.1i72 -6X4 14,14.(Me,7o7 0.4 g.7.74)00 atrj.iti Mu. 'U.iioo 44ll,lH). 4:(7.7t.i.tiuO 476,4 rt.UOO 44k.7VA'UO 47)1 etiaouo 4ft,"iU,U) 6ttMljiiO (.tHOIl.lSlO aaaary 4SS.H10.ooo Bl7.S7S.ouu la th Far Wast tbe Improvement It vary marked. 61.SAfi.0O0 es.77i.ouo 44s.b77.ikkj 444.tKW.IHHl 4VH.uo6.OUU 4'26 4HI.OUO ?7f6ilUO 43JlNiO 1:.11hi0 IS 1M4HM S7H.7.4J '""I 4S.tlO.OOO -t4.T -rw lit -t- UU .o -10 6 -ltI 0 -'J3.9 -J7 -noi -34.S SH73 I71.0UO 6M,HUO OOO 6a.64l,tiuO 6?-4.f'ift.tHlU 4h7.HMU.IWt 47 OY7rt0 471x1 out) IHJ47.(I0 6U.ft64.OUO 4i-l.4o4.tHHi 6'. l'ltJiO Jtt.il 7. tx galas la eomparlsoa witb December, 1901 Tbe Bgaret la detail follow Dscsamta. - 3 4 - I t) -lag -i&o -i. - tt.s too rftf u. of tbe etda reportiag Tory fere Mt ML i-.u Ia stomas.. Saws Calf Laremsurt ...... Coon iMMiHn 1.MUUU.... twaaaa rrttpial -.-. l.ibcoL Vi. kiln Tupasa l.fi Outuraeo ga.. 1-uol.lo Pt0 4 haws rUa ISO. (Mu,T04 4,IVO,"K4 J, 7.i,OIO 1) I (J.3J 4o7,'6 Mo:,? 1H.4IMM tbMt ta.lHva i.jtaO 7Jiv4o7 a.4..o 4o.Mm.3w a.lo7,7u 11.71 7.4 ;i .i n ajte,6ot ai6,6liaat) leoT. glOt.Me.OlS 4i 7...-6tf 11.U46.7b4 8.17 ,Utl 3,787rT ?.ltMM.ta ..'rf,71 i.J 44,1' 1 4 4.H 1.3(1 371 37.4t 4,7'J7.ih14 4,(A5.;tO Su.tiwMHX ' .A7H.Vltl V.240.I J K.77.7ti6 3.4SU401 41707471 lAOe. 101 731 341 411 iMi 1 3.042 .14 IV i.ivitni 4J1JI1 a zn ,iMo,i7U VI S46.1M4 47u,M-J nki.i 1 i K 4 Ae4 Loia.6ee 436J .4io,7ji4 411