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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1909)
THE OMAHA DAIIA nKK: MONDAY. .TAXUARY 11. 1f0f. deposits as are the poles from each other. Mr. Oraf has practically the name Ideas about what the proposed banking bill khould contain as has Dr. Hall. 80 his . selection Is a feather In the cap of the yice chairman. i Especially Is the defeat humiliating to 'Mr. Bryan, for the reason that he had tf. Hall out at Falrvlew and read the riot act to him; gave the banker his or ders to be carried out Instead of tak ing orders. Dr. Hall proceeded to give the presidential candidate his own Ideas about ' legislation affecting banks. It wss pre ! dieted at tbs time that Mr. Bryan would have to surrender to Dr. Hall, snd the , result shows that rather than have an open rupture behave up his Ideas for ; the "Immediate" psymen of losses In case of a'bank failure. Surrendered principle, ; a It were, rather, than have an open rupture with .Dr. Hall, for there Is no ' doubt the presidential ' candidate had a majority of the democrats In the hollow Of his hand. , . To secure the place for Oraf Is was neces sary for the democratic caucus to defeat j W. J. Taylor of Custer county, who has ; already demonotrated great ability as a leader of the majority.. Mr. Toy lor has some Ideas of hla own about the banking .business and he Is strictly opposed to any limit being placed upon the liability of the 'banks to make good the losses by fslluree. jThe bankers naturally desire a limit fixed ; as to the amount of money which they may i have to contribute annually to the guaranty fund. Taylor wants, all losses made good , and a levy on the banks at the time of failures sufficiently high to create a fund to pay all the losses. Governor Shsllcn berger wsnts thst levy limited to not more than i per cent of the deposits In any one year. According to Mr. Taylor, the fund ' would be wiped out by the failure of one of the large city banks. 80 Mr. Taylor had to be sacrificed. Mr. Graf has yet to be confirmed by the -caucus and before that by Mr. Bryan, so It remains to be seen whether the presl dentlsl csndklata has the. fight In him to t change this chairmanship. 3 Hre Is what Mr. Graf had to say about 1 the guaranty of bank deposits: The mstter of Immediate snd prompt payment of losses wss threshed out at the 'Denver convention and there Is no neces sity for any division bere. It wss proposed I: at Denver that the word 'Immediate1 should i be Inserted In the platform and a big fight was the result. Immediate payment was ; turned down and prompt payment substi tuted. 80 fsr as I am concerned that Is ! sufficient for me. I shall stand for a bill providing for, prompt payment of losses In jchm of a bank failure." Mr. Hrvsn. in nis ttodiic through th press.- has Insisted that pay 'Vicnt must me -"Immediate.".; Dr. Hall has v'hiolsted that ' "prompt" , payment would bs J'sion enough. The next move is up to Mr. ,B?yan. . . Incidentally, while there Is not a demo 'trst here sufficiently brava publicly to say 'a word against the dictation of the presi dential candidate, there are a lot of them who do speak out In private. One of these 'suggested last night that the legislature wss foolish to be dictated to by Mr. Bryan, for the reason that Bryan could no no po litical Injury to a single member, though upon each Individual member Mr. Bryan Is dependent, and has been ever since he made running for office a professional business. "Br the power Is In the. hands of the legis lature and Mr.. Bryan could be made to 7 take a back seat, this man believed. If the .majority party only bad a leader to start them off -In rehellloi but it hasn't. Quick Action for Tour Money Tou get that by using The Bee advertising column .HYMENEAL ,.... ... Blrket-Kenaeay. PERU,-Nab.. Jan. 10. (3peclaU-Carl W. - P.Ickel of Palisade, Colo., and Miss lima Kenredy of Peru were united In marriage . et the home of the bride's parents Wednes day evening at 8 o'clock. After the cere , mony, v. hlch was performed by Rev. W. A. Tyler ' of the Methodist church of this place, a three-course lunch was served The dining room and tables were decorated I11 a beautiful color scheme of green . end white, the colors of the bride's class at lb normal. The room was lighted with candles. The jroora I the grandson of Mr. snd Mrs. O. W. Beard of this place end Is a nephew of Mrs. Nettleton of the normal facufJy. The bride Is the daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Kennedy of Peru and haa grown to womanhood In this . community. She waa graduated with the data of 'MP of the normal and haa since been a successful primary teacher In the t tc-hcole at Klrrfbelt, Neb. MerseDasT,' NEBRA8KA CITY. Neb. Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) A marriage license was grsnted last evening to Robert L. Morse of Seattle, 'Wash., and Miss Gertrude A Duff of this city. Th y wtll be married at the home , of tho bride's mother, Mrs. N. A. Duff, at high 'noon . Thursday, by Rev. H. I House of the Baptist church. The groom Is a well-to-do young lumber merchant of f eattle. but formerly a resident of Omaha. . rnd the bride Is the youngest daughter of . the late Nicholas A. Duff of the Duff - Grain company of this city and a most charming young woman. Tho wedding Is to be a quiet one, none being present but the members of the respective families, because of the recent death cf tbs bride's . father. ART OF LOOKING YOUNGER I'n-bvJJato iLewaon (or tho Benefit of Gray Nebrmaluuis. . f IIITOB1 JUS TO TOUTI'I COMB ,! Omaha roUs Are Offered Xa Br. Vott'a - 0,-Saa Hair nveatorer A Prepara tua aa is Upaeu ay a laoaey-Backk rian. At tho Boston Press Club for many years " the director In charge was considered aa v able reader of ages. Ha could look a man over, and after ' a cursory glaooe, guess I his age. ) Once In a while he missed. ! Sometimes he'd add a half dosen years to t the aotual age of one prematurely gray. ., It's an Well enough to prate about grow ing old gracefully, but no one relishes get ting a premature crop of gray hair. Many a woman looks prematurely old because her hair Is faded and thin. This fault Is easily remedied now. Nobody has any real excuse nowadays for giving gray v'lisir a chance to lie about their age. Dr. Noll's tj-baa Hair Restorer has ' duKii a furors. . It Is a standard prep aration cf merit eat a cheap dye and t itdlly glvea new life to hair, and cures ' dandruff, and restores to natural ooior of youth the whitening strands. It Is a re- Juvenattngr strengths nlng tonic that goes . i:ht to tho roots of the hair and gives thum vitality. ' It stops hair from falling, u'tj Insures thick, glossy, healthy hair, lias proved very efficient In many' cases of baldness, which were considered hopo Us. The Heselg-Ellis Drug Company, the big Memphis, Teaa., house, which controls the standard Dr. Nott formulas, has so much lu'th in the Q-ban'!falr Restorer that not only will one bottle b given away abso lutely free, but If three bottles do not re store a head of gray hair to natural oolor. the entire amount 14 will be refunded. Ask Myers-Ptlloa Trug CO- about this . wonderful proposition. SllOEMAliERONTHEWARPATll Omaha Mn'. Note Hnrta Where Mr. Bryan Pinched It. WANTS JUDICIARY CHAIRMANSHIP Jadae Balks oa las Nerve Stylo of , Le'adlaa; Which tk reerless Leader Haa Adopted far Leglstatare. The Peerless Leader's new style of lead ing his subjects around by the nose, as ap plied In the esse of the Nebraska house of representatives, has not made a big hit with Representative W. Sylvester Shoe maker of Omaha. Colonel Shoemaker's nose Is tender and besides, wssn't made to be led by. The colonel went to tho legislature bent nn serving his country as chairman of the house Judiciary committee. He thought ha was making good progress In that direction until one day Mr. Bryan decided to give that Job to Victor Wilson of Polk county. so the Peerless Leader simply seised Shoe maker by the nose and led him away from the counter, took Mr. Wilson by the pro boscis and led him up to It Now, Shoemaker la mad; he Is mad all over. His nose hurts and furthermore he considers that his "rights" have been Ignored and trampled In the dirt and he Is prepared to "fight" for tho "rights." Harmony exhibit SD. Shoemaker came up from Lincoln as soon aa the house adjourned for the recess Fri day afternoon and handed out Interviews in which he said he was at peace with all men and was happy that he was alive. The next morning the dispatches from Lincoln announced that he had been let down and not very softly. This changed the aspect somewhat and instead of waiting until to day before returning to the capltol. as did the majority of the delegates, W. Sylvester Shoemaker tore back Sunday afternoon. His Claim to the Plaee. 'I and I alone should have had this chair manship," said the outraged statesman after he had been given plenty of time In which to cool off, "but that blasted 00m- mlttee went and gave It to a man who hss not practiced law for fifteen years. Ha may have been a good lawyer once, but It stands to reason that a man who has not ripened a law book for fifteen years Is not as good a lawyer aa one who Is constantly at It. "There is another reason why I should have had the chairmanship and I would have had It If the speaker had the power to appoint, for I worked for 8peaker Pool from the very start and that la because I propose to Introduce a law providing for the codification of the statutes of this state. "I may have secured a secondary place on the committee and If so I will lay down. But if I am not on the committee at all that a will be something doing and that right away. I am going right back to Lin coln and If I can I will overturn thla sched ule and get the chairmanship of the Judi ciary committee. If I fail there, I will then make an attempt to get on the committee. If I should fall here aa well, then I will, I will well, I don't know what I will do, hut I will do aomethlng and you will kaow that Shoemaker of Douglas la In the legis lature." BATTLE OF RIGHT AND WRONG Hnsaaa History Bears a with, "ays Rev. Job a A. Soykrr. "Tho Significance ot tho Holy Bacrament" waa tho subject 'of the discourse of Rev. John A. Spyker at Trinity Methodist 'church Sunday morning. . . "Slnco tho beginning of the world's hta tory a mighty contest has been waging between right and wrong," said Dr. Spyker. "Human history Itself began With a trag edy. The blood of Abel Is crying out to this day against the Influence and power of sin. Sin has caused all the bloodshed, Immorality and commotion In aoclal life; It Is the csuse of all schisms and ecclesV astlcal divisions, the cause of every ache and pain of the body and mind or of the Immortal soul. Sin Is ths mightiest factor against every good and perfect thing. "Righteousness under the leadership of Jesus Christ Is battling against sin. The oppression of the Jews In Egypt was ths result of sin. God sent a leader down among them and punished their oppressors, even to the destruction of the first born of the Egyptians, because the rulers of Egypt would not let the people of Israel go. "It was Christ who Instituted the ordl nance of the Lord's Supper, the bread In dlcatlng His broken body and the wine His blood. The Inception of bread, from aeed time to harvest, the crushing of tho grain In the mills to make the flour, the working and kneading of the flour to perfect It Into the loaf, and the baking of the bread in the fire heated oven was typical of the preparatory period for the Lamb of God before Hs should be submitted to the final sacrifice for the redemption of men. So it was with the preparation and crushing of the grape to transpose It into the perfected wine. Christ was spat upon, maligned slandered, crushed and broken and at last died on the cross of a broken heart; yet He asked that His persecutors be forgiven for 'they know not what they do.' "Bo when we again declare ourselves aa Christians by this holy ordinance of the sacrament In partaking of His broken body and precious blood, let us consecrate our selves anew to His service, knowing that all wo have or hope to have, that all we are or hope to be was purchased by His blood and that wo belong to Jesus Christ henceforth and forever." M'NUTT OS TUB VALUB OP A MAN Ose Real BtaT Character, Ho Says, Is aperlor to Wealth. The man who entered the new year with the purpose of giving himself to hi wife and family and friends will do mare than the man who givaa libraries and universities, and in tho end will be truthfully able to say that this old world Is good enough for me," said George L. MrNutt, the "dinner pall" man, who spoke Surday afternoon to the men at - the Young Men's Christian association on the subject of "Our Kind of a Man." "Jesus now has more faith in us than wo have In Him, and how wonderfully practical Ho Is In all His undertakings. He Is the mediator sent to thla earth by God. "There is nothing tho matter with this old world except the people who are in it. Tl-ey have not learned to play the gamo of life as God would have them play It Somewhere wo find the words, 'Who gave Himself,' and that Is ths key note t' the Ufa of Jesus Christ "Progress has certainly been made In many lines. Wo make progress by feel Inrr our way and learning as wo go along, but that Is not the way with tho unl vsr A master mind Is gulldlng that which knows tho way beforehand and doe things right at the start. The aa ewer la simple hre la but ons law and that la the law of Ood, and tho nearer we follow Hla laws tho nearer right wo will be If God should undertake to an- tangl ths affairs of Ufa He would have but on law for all to follow and that waa the way taught by Jesus Christ. "Jesus Christ . ta stronger today than any character who ever lived, and why Is It? The answer Is because He gave Himself Instead of riches and libraries and universities. What we need today Is men who sre willing to give themselves to help their fellommen. "A school or college cannot give to a son what a parent should give, and a boy Is pretty sure to go to destruction unless he has the attention of a' father and a mother. A big. good man Is worth more In a community than a library or a gift of $500,000 donated by some philanthro pist. I "The anniversary of Lincoln Is at bend Wo honor him, snd yet he did not have riches, but he gave himself. The csar of RuksU today fears to have the story of the lives of Lincoln and Washington read to his subjects and It makes him tremble to know that that is the kind of literature which Is being distributed to bring about the destruction of hla dynasty." DECREASE IN IMMIGRANTS (Continued from First Page.) wishes of their own governments to obtain entry to the mainland of the United States. In the course of the year 19CR, 31,798 Jap anese aliens Applied for admission to the United States. In the year 1WM, 18.941 Jap anese alienae applied for admission. Of those applying for' admission In the last year, 18.238 were admitted. The total Increase In population by Jap anese Immigration was 3,826. Chinese Law Iaadeaaate. The report indicates Inadequacy of the law to accomplish without cause for com plaint the exclusion of Chinese who are barred by the statute. The smuggling of Chinese Into the United States goes on, al though many are apprehended In the vicin ity of the land boundaries and deported. Of the Chinese arrested 88 per cent were taken Into custody In the districts Imme diately connected with the land boundaries. Every effort has been made by the bureau to prevent the smuggling Into the country of Chinese and an improvement Is shown In this work over previous years. The report urges the government to take effective means to prevent the congestion of arriving aliens In the great centers of population. During the year 33 per cent of tho aliens arriving at United States ports were destined to New York; over 14 per cent to Pennsylvania; over 7 per cent each to Illinois and Massachusetts, and over 4 per cent to New Jersey. laformatloa Depart meat Favors. It Is pointed out that soma of tho states, particularly In the south and west, are vitally Interested hi securing settlers. "Ye. the new law," says the report, "does not, In terms and according to the literal letter, contemplate in the exception more than that the said states should be allowed to place In foreign newspapers and magaxines advertisements describing in general terms the opportunities for settlers and wage' earners within their limits." It is recom mended that congress authorize the ex ten eion of the work of the division of lnforma tlon, so that arriving Immigrants may have definite information concerning various de sirable localities In the United States, to tho end that they may locate in such places aa will afford them prompt and remunera tive employment. Considerable space Is devoted to the re port of Judge Richard K. Campbell, chief of the division of naturalisation. Every effort has been made by the division not only to eliminate fraud from the naturalisa tlon of aliens, but to secure absolute com pliance with the law. Co-operation has been effected, through the Department of Justice, with ' the United States courts throughout the country. It is recommended that a sufficient appropriation bs made to organize a force of examiners to Inveetl gate every petition for naturalisation." It Is recommended also that the fees allowed clerks of courts be increased In order to afford the officials adequate compensation for the labor Involved. Through the work of this division the government now has complete records of all applications for naturalisation papers and a complete recoraU of the reasons for the acceptance or rejec tion ot any such application. IOWA OAT GROWERS ORGANIER Farmer Form Association to Improve Uualltr f Grain. AMES. Ia Jan. 10. (SpeclaJ.)-At a meet Ing of about 400 of the leading oat growers of the state an Iowa Oat Growers' associa tion was organised. Thla will endeavor to aid the work of breeding Improved varieties of oats and securing Increased yields in much the same way that the Corn Growers' association la Improving the corn crop, Especial attention will be paid to securing varieties adapted to different parts ot the state. Merrltt Green, Jr., of Marshalltown was elected president; Fred McCulloch of Hartwick, vice president, and Prof. Bell of Ames, secretary. Mr. Green graduated from the agricultural course at Ames In 1904, and since then has been carrying on extensive work In wheat and oat breeding on his large farm near Marshalltown. Fred McCulloch has also done a great deal of work in breeding and Improving varlties ot oats. Prof. Bell Is an oat specialist, hav lng supplemented his practical experience by a long study of the subject. He Is In charge of the small grain work at Ames and was coach of the winning team which carried off the trophies at the recent Na tional Corn exhibition. From the enthusi asm manifested at tho first meeting and from the happy selection of officers, It is a foregone conclusion that the Oat Grow ers' association will soon corns to rival tho Corn Growers' association In prominence Only Restablieaa Elected Reslaas, MARSHALLTOWN, la.. Jan. 10. (Spe clal.) Bert Terhune, county treaaurer of Ida county, who was the only republican elected to a oounty office at the fall elec tion, today filed hla resignation with the Board of Supervisors. The resignation will be accepted. Mr. Terhune has been In poor health for several years, and the additional strain he underwent during the strenuous campaign for office baa ao told on hla health that he la now unable to enjoy the frulta of hla political victory. PILES CTHED IX TO 14 DATS. PAZO OINTMENT guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding lles in to 14 days or money refunded. 60c. Army Helps Italian Fnnd. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Jan. 10. (Special.) The United States army la to participate In an Italian relief fund benefit which Is to bo given at ths Atlas theater Sun day evening. The commanding officer at Fort Russell has tendered the services of tho Second artillery band for the occa sion and the band will render a concert program. Ths Wyoming Red Cross society today Issued an appeal to the people of Wyo ming to respond liberally with cash do nations to the appeal for aid from the sufferers In the Italian earthquake sons. Bonds for Now Road. HURON. 8. D.. Jan. 10. (Special.) President John A. Cleaver ot tho Aberdeen, Huron Southern FJectiio Railway com pany, Incorporated for tho building of a railroad from this city to Aberdeen, and for which rlgto-of-way was secured and much preliminary work done, haa gone to New York, where he will bo Joined by the financial agent of .tho company, and to gether, they will go to London and other cities In England for . tho aalo of hoods for this road. AILURE h SUPREME TEST Greatest Danger in Life it Thii, Sayi Dr. Conley. USES no TREE AS AN EXAMPLE Dlstreaalas; Thins; Aboat Fa 11 ore is that It Berets Failure, Toaeh f Owe Life Vital to Another. Taking for his text tho parable of the fig tree which for three years brought forth no fruit and which the owner ot the vineyard ordered cut down because It cum bered the ground. Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., preached a sermon on "Failure." at the First Baptist church Sunday morning. He asserted the fig tree was a failure In the supreme test, end for that reason It wss cut down, even though It might have been strong of limb and prollflo In leaves. But It brought forth no fruit. It failed In the supreme test and was destroyed. "Tho parable simply symbolises the word failure,' for the fig tree was a fail ure," said Dr. Conley. "Further, the par able suggests that the greatest danger of life is that we , will fail In the greatest thing. In the supremo test. In the bringing forth of fruit Life Is given for three things faith, hope and love and without these It Is a failure, for that Is the fruit which the Master looks for in our lives. Faith is trust In God, the recognition of the divine, the vital element of the soul that recognises that man Is made to walk with God. Hope lives In the midst Of the eternity of things and holds buoyant the faith la the future. Love, or charity. Is devotion to Ood, principle and truth; the surrendering of self to that which Is worth while; service. The distressing thing about failure Is that one failure begets another. The touch of one life upon another holds untold harm or untold good. If a man fails In faith. somebody else falls In faith; if a man falls In hope, somebody else falls; and -If a man falls In love, somebody else falls In love, and darkness comes Into other lives and the Master will fmd no fruit when He comes. . 'It is failure In tho highest things In life that works the greatest harm. That boy may go out with a fair - education and plenty of money to Invest in life, but If he has not faith, hops and Christian love, he will fall. But If he goes out uneducated and -poor, but with faith In God, hope In His aid, and Imbued with love for the Master, success will crown his efforts." Railroad Offered for Sale. SIOUX FALLS, 8. D Jan. 10.-(Speclal It anyone desires to purchase a railroad they will have an opportunity on Tuesday of the coming week, when C. O. Bslley of Sioux Falls, receiver of the Missouri River & Northwestern Railway company, will sell the property of the railway company at publlo auction. The sale will take place at the front door of the Pennington county court house, at Rapid City, and will be conducted under an order from Judge Car land of the United States court In this city. The order of the federal court provides that no bid shall be accepted for a sum less than 175,000. The railroad has cost several hundred thousand dollars. The last report of Receiver Bailey showed that up to September 30, 1908,. t,he railroad had cost In money actually expended by the com pany the sum of $446a,12. The books of the company show that tb road coat 3700, 000, but Receiver Bailey points out that the remainder over the t446.92S.12 actually ex pended consisted of l9frmn. on bonds, 00m missions on loans, Interest, during construe tlon and contractors' profits. Will Inspect Workmen Lodges. HURON, S. D., Jan. 10. (Special.) Hon. Taswell M. Simmons of this city. grand master workman. Ancient Order United Workmen, Jurisdiction of South Dakota, has started on a tour of lnnpee tlon to lodges in the western part of the state. After spending an evening at Lead and another at Central City, he will visit the lodge at Terry on the evening of Jsnuary 11, after which he will go to Galena, Whltewood, Sturgls, Deadwood and return to Visit the lodge at Fort Pierre January IS, and on January 18 the one In Pierre and on January 19 at Blunt All these lodges are making special ar rangements for a grand jubilee on the occasion of the grand master's vUlts, and each will bs addressed by him and other prominent Ancient Order United Workmen. Judge Simmons will attend the meeting of the State Board associa tion at Pierre on January 20 and 21, which promises to be one of the best meetings held by the organisation. Discrimination Snlt Vp. PIERRE, 8. D., Jan. 10. (8peclal.-At-tomey General Clark Is busy getting ready to meet the appeal case brought from McPherson county by the Central Lumber company, which was found guilty undet tho antl-dlscrlmlnatlon law and a fine Im posed. The company appeals to the su preme court for the purpose of testing the constitutionality of the antl-dlscrimina-tlon act of the 1907 session. If the lower court Is sustained the decision will act to force the company out of business in the state. Attorney General Clark a few days ago rendered sin opinion on the right of tele phone companies to issue coupon books to customers, selling a book at a less rate per message than for a single call over tho Una. This ha holds to be discrimina tory and a violation of the law, and can not be allowed in ths state. Rock Springs Peopla Liberal. ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Jan. 10. (Special) Tho people of Rock Springs, who made tho most liberal donation secured from any Wyoming town for the relief of San Fran cisco earthquake sufferers, have raised $498.06 for the relief of the Italian earth quake aufferera. and donatlona are still coming In. The liberality of Rock Springe la more remarkable In view of the fact that nine-tenths of the inhabitants of the town are coal miners. A majority of the con tributors to tho present relief fund are Italians, but there are many donations from other foreigners, including liberal ones from tho Japanese. The largest donations are those of Mrs. Kittle Hicks, 1100, and the First National bank, $100. EIoplasT Cos pie Arrested. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Jan. 10. (Special.) Ray Stevens and Mrs. Merele Wldnor, both of Fort Collins. Colo., from which pla:o they eloped a week ago, were ar rested on the street here this morning by Brain and Nerve Cells require right food to replace natural waste Grape-Nuts "There's a Rtvioiv" the woman's husband. Clove Wldnor, who compelled them to march to police head quarter. There the wronged husband turned the pslr over to Chief of Police Hcrgerson and filed a charge of aduttery jralnit them. Mrs. Wldnor Is 50 year of ago and waa married to Wldnor when only 15. She Is quite pretty. Stevens claims to. be only 18 years of sga. He is badly scared. Dewey Oa for Commander. HURON, 8. D., Jan. 10. (Special.) A Joint Installation of the officers-elect of Kltpatrtck poet No. 4. Grand Army of tho Republic, and Kilpatrlck Relief corps. No. 2. was hold Friday evening. Colonel J. B. Oeddis Installed the officers for the post and Past Department President Ruth Thomas Installed the officers for the corps. There Is strong sentiment expressed among Grand Army men here In favor of H. B. Dewey ot Lead City, for depart ment commander. A number of posts throughout the state favor Captain Dewey's candidacy and It Is probable that at the encampment to bo held in Sioux Falls, In June, he will be among the more promi nent candidates for that position. Blcns Wrong; Cheek. HERMAN. Neb., Jan. 10. (Special.)-Mra. E. W. Burdlc, wife of the vice president; of tho Plateau State bank, and Miss Pearle Mackey, a teacher In the publlo schocls, v.ent to Omaha lasc week and while there looked at some expensive fur coats at Orkln Bros.' store. Miss Mackey found one that suited her and gave her personal check on the Omaha National bank, think ing she was using a Plateau Statn bank check. She did not learn the difference vntil Orkln Bros, began a still hunt to locate the coat. Miss Mackey'a friends here aro having a world of fun over the outcome and It is thought that she will know hereafter that all banks do not use the same checks. Bee Keepers May Organise. SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Jan. 10. (Special.) Arrangements are being perfected for a state convention of beekerpers of South Dakota, which will be held in Sioux Falls on January 2S. At that time It Is planned to perfect the organisation of a state bee keepers' association. The sessions of the convention will be held In the city Audi torium. The convention will be held under the auspices of the Minnehaha County Beekeepers' association, which was organ ised two years ago, this being tho first organisation of beekeepers In the history of South Dakota. Runaway Boys Almost Frees. SIOUX FALLS, a D., Jan. 10. (Special.) Three small boys who escaped from the state reform school at Plankinton during the night of the recent cold snap narrowly escaped losing their lives. They managed to withstand the cold until morning, when they arrived at the farm of William Wal ker. In the southwestern part of Aurora county. They were nearly overcomo by their long walk and the excessive cold. Walker at once suspected they were run aways from the reform school and they finally confessed and now have been re turned to that institution. HOLMES OF DOUGLAS IS SORE Severely Sat on In the Session the Committee on Co vi sa It tees. of (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 9. (Special Telegram.) Holmes of Douglas county got sat down on so hard by the committee on committees of the house that he went home tonight with sore spots all over himself. He went into the meeting with a well de fined , idea of what he Intended to do, and couldn't do it The pace waa so hot for him that before the meeting was over he refused to vote on committee actions, but merely passed with the remark: "If there Is anything left over give it to Omaha." There was nothing left over to amount to anything. "The fact of the matter Is," said a mem ber of the winning faction, "the Douglas bunch came In here when we went to or ganize with the dirtiest tactics known In politics, and won out. They expected to do the same thing In naming committees, and got fooled. We farmers know how to get together occasionally, even If we were not prepared when the organization was af fected. We treated Omaha fairly enough, and a whole lot better than the delegation deserved." The minority report Holmes Is talking about. It is predicted, will never be made to the caucus. YORK OHUAMZIKU FOR CHARITY All Snrh Matters to Go to a Cltlsens' Committee. YORK, Neb.. Jan. 10. (Speclal.)-There was a good attendance of business men of York at the Commercial club business men's meeting last evening in the parlors of the Commercial club. A. B. Christian called the meeting to order and called on Mr Clarence Johnson, a former well-known business man of York, now engaged In business In Kansas. Mr. Johnson told of the organization of a charitable commltteo and committee on advertising In the city In Kansas In which he is engaged in busi ness, recommending the organization to business men of York. The following com mittee was selected to call on the business men: W. B. Slsson, F. A. Harihis, Ed Fel ton, S. E. Mansfield and A. G. Johnson, and at the next meeting, January 14, the committee will make a report, at which time it Is believed that a business men's organization will be perfected to better oare for and more intelligently contribute for charity through a committee than the pres ent system. The sajne committee was se lected to organize an advertising committee which wtll alft all advertising schemes, and unless worthy, will refuse to endorse. Object to Sheldon's fiss, .GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jn. 10. (Special) Much exception Is taken Lire to the rec ommendation of Governor Sheldon that all new buildings for soldiers' homes should be erected at MUford, on the ground of alleged better, sanitary conditions. Governor Shel don stated that he based the recommenda tion upon the death rate at the two homes In this city and at MUford and no expla nation was added that the home In thla city is provided with much more extensive hospital facilities and has been drawing, it Is claimed, a larger percentage of the vet erans and tbelr wives or widows entirely enfeebled or In advsnced stages of Inva lidism. The greater death rate. If such really exists, it Is asserted, Is the result of conditions with which the present home has nothing to do. It Is asserted the conditions at the local home are no more unsanitary than they are at MUford. Merchants Fight Insurance Ralso. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. JO. (Special) The Initial steps have been taken by the city council for a lower firs Insurance rate In this city. It has been learned from rate experts that, since ths passage of the law enabling cities having volunteer fire de partments to pasa an occupation tax ordi nance levying a tax against firs Insurance companies, rates have been raised to cover this additional coat 'and there ta a well grounded ausplcton that they more than cover the sums which the companies pay back to tho city. Better flro reaching facili ties, recommended by Insurance men, are also oelng Installed, and efforts will be made to secure lower rate on this ground. NEW OFFICERS FOR THE BAR Arthur C. Wakeley it Elected Preii- dent by Association. MUNICIPAL C0UET IS -. DISCUSSED Matter Deferred Until Next' Metnsr for IVes rt hy Jnalelary OMsm saltteo C 8. Elgwtte Reads Payer, ' 'l ArthurO. Whkeley, president. ' , i J. M. Flttgerald, secretary. i. J. Bouoner, treasurer. . A. C. Kennedv. Charles A- Gos..Jn IT- purnett Charles Foster, J. A. Kaley, mem bers of tho executive committee. Tho moo were elected offloera cf tho Douglas County Bar association at tho an nual meeting at tho Commercial club. The meeting was presided over by Charles A. Ooss. the president for the last year, and was attended by about forty members. The principal subject under discussion waa the proposition for a municipal court for Omaha and the tentative abolition of the offices of Justice of the peace. No less than three bills aro now pending In the legislature on this subject. Representative Walter P. Thomas was present at the meet ing and spoke briefly of the bills, and stated that he believed all of them were susceptible of Improvement, so fsr as con cerned their ability to stand the test of constitutionality. Mr. Horrlgan presented this resolution on the subject, which wss referred to the Judiciary committee: Resolved. That tho Orraha Bar associa tion nndorse the establishment of a muni cipal court in the city of Omaha, believing trat It will tend towara a more errioient administration of Justice than obtains under the present system of Justices of the peace. The question was discussed at consider able length and was finally left with the Judlclsry committee to report at a later meeting. Ela-atter Reads a Paper. Charles S. Elguttor read a paper on the subject of "A Citizen of the United States." He showed that the constitution while It provided for the government for tho citizens of ths United States, it did not de fine the qualifications of a citizen, nor did It make any provision therefor. He held that the question of citizenship was a matter wholly within the province of the several states, and elaborated upon the peculiar distinction between territorial and stato citizenship. "The status of United States citizenship was materially changed by the Dred Bcott decision " said ho, "and was again completely changed by the adop tion of the fourteenth amendment to the constitution, which gave the right of citizenship to the negro, but even then did not change the reletion of the dual citizen ship aa shown in national and state citizen ship. Citizenship comes through the states and not through the nation, although thi strong arm of the national government Is at all times ready to protect and assert the national citizenship wherever the rights of the citizen are menaced." A vote of thanks waa extended Mr. El gutter for his paper and a motion mas adopted that more of such papers be lead before the assoclat'on. Tho retiring president, Mr. Gosa. thanked the association for Its loyal support and courtesy during the year, stating that the honor of presiding over the association was ono that he would always cherish. A light luncheon was served. President Wakeley will announce the standing committees nt the next meeting The vice president of tho association will be chosen by tho executive committee, of which under the constitution the officers are cx-offlclo members. DEATH FOR ME LOOTERS (Continued from First Page.) the work, as It aids them In recovery snd helps to distract their minds from the dis aster. N Americans Who Are Safe. ROME, Jan. 10. United States Consul Bishop at Palermo has telegraphed th American embassy here giving the following list of Americans as being safe there: Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Frazer, Miss Grant, Wlnftekl Robblns, Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and Dr. Wilcox, Samuel Estoques and wife, Mrs. Dughton and children, Mrs. Higglns and F. E. W. Higglns and son, Mrs. Cameron and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Good win, Mrs. Nlmlsh and son, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henderson, Mr. and Miss De Guerln, Mr. and Mrs. Krogesal, A. Clinton, I. N. Hemingway, R. W. Gilbert, Charles Hsp good and wife, Mrs. M. E. Williams, Mrs. T. E. Cahore, Miss Beut, Miss Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, Mr. and Miss Parks, Mrs. A. E. Jordan, tho Misses Elles, Mrs. Hunt and daughters and Miss Breek. Farmers' ematvr n Success. FULLERTON, Neb., Jan. 10.-(Speclal.) The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Fullerton Elevator company, was held yesterday. The report of the man ager, J. Will Campbell, showed that the elevator during the year 1W6, had handled 229.963 bushels of grain, the cost of which amounted to $171,107.33. AIbo M7 tons of coal had been handled. The directors whose terms had expired were re-elected for the ensuing year. They wero J. B. Copley, Hugo Vogel, and W. P. Hatten. The board of directors then elected J. W. Bennett, president; D. E. C. Brown, vice presldont; John Orton, secretary; and J. B. Copley, treasurer. J. Will Campbell was re-elected manager. A dividend of IS per cent on ths capital stock was dis bursed. About five years ago the company was organized by farmers residing in and around Fullerton. It was a successful en terprise from the start, the capital of $8,100.00 having Increased until the total resources are over $10,000. in addition to the regular payment of dividends, which have never been less than 10 per cent. Cass County Snnday Schools. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 10. (Spe cial.) A meeting of the executive board of the Cass County Sunday School associa tion was held in Louisville Thursday. Those present were: Representative C. E. Noyes, president; C. C. Wescott, vice president; George I- Farley, secretary; James Slander, treasurer; Rev. A. A. Ran dall, superintendent temperance depart ment; Rev. J. H. Halsbury. superintendent pastors' department; Jesse U Perry, Kev. O. M. Jones and W. A. Cleghorn. The treasurer's report showed the finances to be In good condition, and other reports from over the country showed Bundsy school work to be In a very prosperous condition. The matter of new legislation was discussed and recommended, also means for more efficient work in ail train ing departments and the different depart ments of the association. Cored hy Mad Ball. BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. W (Special) Fred Brucker, a young fanner living six miles southeast of Beatrice, was gured by an Infuriated bull In ths pasture near his horns Thursday evening and seriously Injured. When the animal attacked him he grabbed it by ths horns and clung to them for some tune In order to save himself. Hs finally let loose his hold and saved himself by climbing a trea nearby. When the animal went away Mr. Brucker, with his clothing almost torn from hla body, walked to the homo of a neighbor, where he was given medical attention. It wag found stiat ha had sustained thro broken ribs and that h was cut and bruised In a dozen places about tho head and body. It will bo a long time before he recovers from his Injurs" Held Infanticide t . IAVID C1TT. Neb., Jan. 10.-(SpciaJ. r jana White, the young woman who gars birth to a rhlld on a Burlington (MunwiaTer I train a few wooks ago. waa arraigned be- ' for JUdg-e Roper Saturday and pleaderf not guirty to the charge of Infanticide. ' Her preliminary bearing- was fixed for January 25. She (rave bond In th nn of &.000 for her appearanoo at that time. George Galley of Columbus and L B. Doty, president of the Central Nebraska National bank of this plaoa, went on her bond. Miss Wait Is represented by ftMdnr Ltght- ner of Columbus. Judge J. J. Bullrvan wlll probably assist In the defenso also. Mennonltes to Ualld Hospital. PBATRICH, Neb.. Jan. 10. (Special) Tho Mennonltes of this vicinity held their an nual meeting last night Among other busi ness matters disposed of arrangements veers made to open an ICngllsh mission ana Sun day school at the Mennonlte church In this city. H. J. Wlebe and Johannes Penner were added to tho committee now looking after the collections for tho Dr noon ess hos pital to bo erected In Beatrice In tho near future. Reports showed that during the year tho looal Mennonltrs had spent about $1,000 In caring for the delegates hero In at tendance at the annual conference last fall. Nebraska Neva Notes, WEST POINT-Francls 9. Swedhelm. a well-known citizen of Bancroft, has bern adjudged a bankrupt BLUE! HILL-Just recently $10,000 of the Doemby railroad bonds were paid, $30,000 railroad bonds still remaining unpaid. WEST POINT-Bcrnard Decker, a part ner In the firm of Strehle & Decker, livery men, has sold his Interest to his partner. BLUE HILL The annual meeting of th Farmers' Grain and Stock company ol Blue Hill will be held at the elevator ol the company on Monday at I p. m. BLUE HILL The Hastings brewery hn put a cold k tors re house hore. Kmo Gooi hss arranged with them for artificial lc this summer and will deliver it about town to customers. WEST roiNT-George Hellman, who hat for many years been the telegraph operator at the .Northwestern passenger station hore has been promoted to the charge of tin company's station at Crowcll. BLUE HILL The dates for district conn In Webster county this year are as fol lows: March 4, equity; April 2K, Jury: P.-p-tember 23, equity; November 15, Jury. A grand Jury Is called for the county April IW WEST POINT The caeo of Nluholat Thurman, a resident of Wisner, has hem passed upon by the commissioners of In sanity and Thurman has been found to I" a dipsomanlao and has been placed In the hospital at Lincoln for treatment GRAND ISLAND-Jamea Hart, nn Eng lishman by birth, for many years 1 lit owner of a ranch near Lockwood, pascil away at the hospital In thla city at the ag of 6S years. The funeral took place from the Episcopal church this afternoon. WEST POINT A very exciting game 01' basket ball was played last evening In tin West Point HiRh school gymnasium be tween the Madison High school team ami the high school of West Point, resulting in a score of 19 to 24 In favor of tho home team. BLUE HILL The farmers' Institute wilt be held here Thursday and Friday, Janu ary 14 and 15. Several prominent speakers will make talks. Exhibits of farm proouee. baking and fancy-work will bn arranged In the halt and prizes will be awarded to those having the best exhibits. NEBRASKA CITY Wolves have become quite plentiful In 'the southern part of thl county and the farmers report they hav done considerable damage. A large hunt ing party is to be formed to kill off as many as can be found. The date will be named shortly for holding this hunt and It Is estimated that not less than 800 men and beys will take part therein. WEST POINT The services of tho expert scorer, George D. McClaskey of l'spllllon, have been secured by tho Farmers' Insti tute society to Judge, the exhibits of poultry and pet stock which will be shown hore Tuesday. This exhibition Is tho first poul try show that has been given In Cumint; county along organized lines and promises to be a pronounced success. PERU If. W. Ijowe of the Peru csnnlng factory says that all Indications point to a much largar output from his factory next year than ever before. Ho has already con tracted for 100 acres of tomatoes. He s' that Individual growers are taking a largor acreage than herctorire. Tho 100 acres con tracted for are all taken by twelve people. Several In this community sro making to matoes their first crop and are making other things secondary. GRAND ISLAND Hav Shamblln, sn em ploye of the NatlonHl Roofing company of Om.-ilm, residing st ..'17 South Twenty-fifth street, that city, fell from tho roof of thn boiler house at the Union Pacific Bhopu, whilo at work repairing the roof. He slip ped on a piece of Ice and a follow employ lost his grip on the rope which held him as a safeguard. No bones wero broken from the fifteen-foot fall, but there are indications of internal Injuries, not be lieved, however, to be serious. NEBRASKA CITY The Farmers' Pro tective sssoclatlon held a meeting at the court house In this city Saturday iifternoou anc' elected the following offW-crs: Presi dent. John Jnmes; treasurer, John "Irth. recretary. Grant Zlmmers. It wus decided that the legislature would bo asked to pans a law forbidding g.vples. horse traders and others frm camping on the country ronds for weeks at a time, as they ore In tho habit of doing. The matter was thoroughly discussed und all agreed that it waa tho proper thins to do. and that at once, so a. committee consisting of Hon. Patrick Roddy, R. A. Harris and John Wirth was appointed to draft a bill and present the same to the legislature and ask that It be paseed at once. c-strkTt t"lT Weak and nervous men I UUU viv wiio find their po wer to NERVES work and youihlul vigor gone aa a result of over work or mental exertion should take CI HAY'S NEKVE FOOD PILLS. They will make you eat and sleep and be a man again. 91 Boat S boxes S3. 60 by mall. CaTXKKAM McCOSTMKU DUti OA Gor. 18tJ and Bodge Streets OWL MUO OOStTAMs' Jor. 16 th and ataiaey Suu Omaha. Sen, -A-W-F co'SS There U no better rem edy for a oough. oold. gore wirw - imiihi. than 'HOWELL' ANTT- HAW? o Try a bottle. ze ana i EOWIU BSVO OO.. jtaaals the Sleek. aioyali IWhere to eatj Meal Tickets Free at Hansons book Toll Hanson's Lunch Room The most attractive, brightest, airiest and most economical lunch room ta Oa AUl'ICUGNTI. CSXiaKTOBl PM0NH3 INCXAM94 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE M.Uluse every day, 8:15. Svery atght (il( Gennaro snd Ills Venetian Goadolier Baud, n.alie fcurry, Kay 1.. Koyce, sia don. Chailts VV. bowser-F.ilUu Hlnklu. Hertford and WlncheMcr, Th Blessings snd the Klnodrome. Prices luc, 26e, 60c. AUDITORIUM -KOLLEH nKATl!Na All tliis week, except Wednesday. ADMISSION 10 eta. SKATES SO eta. TA JLinl aaJan- Every person who taaes a meal at Toll ! Hanson's hasement restaurant may guess the number who visit there during tbs day. Every uay tne neuiesi gucus wun a niai