Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 11, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
VOL. ' XXX VII 1 NO. 176.
fair and continued colli.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Senate Galleries Expected to Be
Crowded Today to Hear Aniwer.
.. 0
.. -1
Generally Conceded Supreme Court
Move is Only to Make Thunder.
Biological Survey Hakes Report on
Its Work in West.
LI round Squirrels and Similar "mall
Cattle Destroy Many Dollars
Worth of Good Grass In
Western states.
Probability Thii Will Bob it of Som
of Hii Wonted Vifor.
latter Gives Hii Reasons for Giving
Out Tillman Hatter.
Irmltr Hale MM to Ha Called at
WhIU lloase In Effort to ladace
President to Withdraw
tho Papers.
WASHINGTON. Jan. lO.-No subject has
been discussed recently at the capital with
auch fervor at President Rooaevelt'a dis
closure of Senator Tillman' alleged con
nection with an Oregon land deal, but the
colleague of the' South Carolinian are In
clined to withhold Judgment until he haa
had an opportunity to explain. It la likely
that when the doora of the aenate open to
morrow there will he a crowd awaiting ad
mittance sufficient to fill the galleries many
times. The fact that the senator will read
his explanation probably will rob It of aome
of the sharp and homely epigrams usual to
Ms speeches, and the effort may therefore
be somewhat of a disappointment to Lis
Slny expressions of dissatisfaction are
li.aird becauae of the manner In which the
president made public the material gathered
ty postofflce Inspectors about Senator Till
man. It Is pointed out by senators that the
matter sent to Senator Hale was not In re
sponse to the latter's request to the hesds
of the executive departments for the opera
tions of heads of the departments, In view
of the fact 8enator Tlllman'a alleged ef
fort to obtain Oregon lands was wholly un
der the Postofflce department and was
prosecuted by the Inspectors of that de
partment. One aenate leader waa heard to express
the opinion that as the president had bad
In his possession for several months the In
formation gathered about Senator Tillman
It was his duty to Instigate a prosecution
If he believed the facta warranted action.
Hale "ncaresta Withdrawal.
It waa rumored today that the president
has told a friend that an effort waa made
by Hens tors Hale and Aldrlch to suppress
I lie facts about Senator Tillman. Undoubt
edly this Impression was gained at the
White House by a visit to the president by
Mv. Halo, who suggested that the matter
relating to Mr. Tillman ahould be with
drawn. It Is said that the Maine senator
did not base the request upon the ground
that It was not properly a reply to the
demand . for Information about tho secret
nervier, but because of the fsct that Senator
Tillman Is 'In Jjoor .health and the charge
was liable to rouse him to a pitch of ex
lt"tnrnt dangerous to his life.
President Roosevelt declined to withdraw
tho reference to Mr. Tillman and when
Senator Hale would not make It public he
decided to do so himself. There Is no ques
tion that the condition of Senator Tillman's
health Is serious. When he went to Europe
laft March ho wss In a highly . nervous
state. The trip resulted In a marked 1m
provement. but for some time his friends
have noticed that his nervousness haa been
returning. Sonic of the senators who have
examined the evidence say If the facta
are as represented the offense was one of
Impropriety and Indiscretion, hut that no
criminality Is Involved. It was said that 1
Mr. Tillman might have Introduced his
resolution to call upon the Department of
Justice to begin proceedings to compel the
beginning of sale of Oregon lands at t2 an
acre, and at the same time apply for ionw
of the land without making himself the
target for severe criticism.
Feat are Moat Deplored.
The feature of the disclosure most de
plored by Senator Tlllman'a colleagues Is
the appearance of an effort to hide the
fact that he was an applicant for nine
quarter sections under the terms of the
original grant. In hla statement last Feb
ruary the senator said he had not bought
any western land nor had he "undertaken"
to buy any.
The evidence submitted by the president
allows that Senator Tillman had made ap
plication for nine quarter sections. Defend
ing himself against the appearanee of hav
ing made a misleading statement Senator
Tillman told Ills friends today that he
should have said on the floor that he had
riot "contracted" to buy any land, and that
the whole case against him had been built
upon the Interpretation placed upon the
word "undertaken."
Central City Mta Will Recover
Say Omaha Physicians In
T. B. Hord. ths Central City capitalist
w ho was, stricken with paralysis Saturday,
Is not In as serious a condition as was at
first feared, according to Drs. C. C. Alli
son and Roy Crummer of Omaha, who were
summoned to his aid.
The doctota spent Sunday In Central City
with their patient and sent a telephone
message to M. C. Peters of Omaha after
they had reached Mr. Hord and made a
careful examination of him, to the effect
that his condition was not as bad as they
feared, and further, that he had every
prospect of recovery and that, too, with
out permanent effects of the' stroke he
Mr. Hord la widely known in Omaha as
well as other portions of the state, and
the hews of his sudden illness became a
matter of great concern to many people
In Omaha.
lions llolda Snndsr Session to Tell
C VI rises of Proctor of
WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Tributes were
paid by the house of tepresentatlves to the
mvmory of the late Senator Redfleld Proc
tor of Vermont, who died during the first
session of the present congress. In strik
ing contrast to the stirring scenes of the
last week, th historic chamber was trans
formed Into a place of mourning, where the
life and character of the deceased states
man were extolled. By special designation,
Mr. Foster ot Vermont acted as speaker
pro tem. and praised his former colleague.
Others who spok were Messrs. Ilaskjns
(Vt). Scott (Kan.). McCall (Mass.) and
Launh (Va.).
6 a. m .
G a. m
7 a. m
X h. ni
a. m
10 a. ni
11 a. m
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
t p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
p. m
7 p. m
.. S
.. -4
.. -6
.. -4
Below zero.
Many People In Cleveland Try It for
One Week as Experi
ment. CLEVELAND. O., Jan. 10 The move
ment begun last Sunday by 1.800 young
people of this city to live for two weeks
as Jerua would has assumed a scope far
beyond the expectations of Its promoters.
It now Is clty-wlde. and Is spreading to
nearby towns. Fully 10,000 volunteer!)
have unooflclally Joined the movement.
Th-j city officials are among those taking
an Interest. Many Interesting experi
ences have been related by those who
have completed the first week's test.
8omo say they cannot carry the practice
Into business. Others say they can. All
sorts of arguments have resulted, as dls
cur.t Ions are being carried on In homes.
In the church, in clubs and In the local
newspapers as to what Jesus would do
and what would be His attitude toward
the cmmon forms of amusement and hu
man endeavor. The arguments center
about the theater, card playing, dancing
and buse ball, with supporters on either
Tin test has attracted the attention of
people all over the country. It Is con
Kldtred likely the Cleveland movement
will result In Other cities making the test,
as the local effort in said to be the first
practical and applied one ever made on a
largj and comprehensive basis to deal
with modern conditions as It is believed
Jesus would.
Oklahoma ConTlcts Will He Tnkeif
from Kansas) Penitentiary Before
End of Month.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Jan. 10.-Okla-
homa's convicts must be removed from tin
Kansas state prison by January 31. and
ui der no conditions will a contract bo
r.tgned by the prison board for
their temoorarv detention here. This Is
the decision reached and agrtod to at n
Joint meeting of the boards of directors
of the Oklahoma and Kansas state prisons
beld tonight after the closo of the Invest;
gat Ion of the Kansas penitentiary. Th-?
Kansas board announced its demand tliit
the Oklahoma prisoners bo taken from
the prison without delay and that none
remain at the expiration of the contract,
Jrnuary XI.
Tr Is, they say, would avoid habeas
corpus proceedings or damage suits against
the prison officials here for the holding
of the prisoners. Attorney General West
of Oklahoma said that arrangements wou'd
be mado to lodge the convicts in Oklahoma
county Jnils and that Governor Haskell
would bo asked that telegraph notifications
be sent district Judges of his state to dis
continue the sentencing of convicts to the
Lansing prison.
Others Are Asplranta for
Senatorsblp from llooaler
IN DIANA POLIP, Jan. 10. With the legis
lative caucus to choose a successor to
Senator James A. Homenway two days
away, nix aspirants for tho place arc mak
ing a stubborn fight among the state legis
lator ill this city. Each declares his name
will go before the caucus and claims tho
solid delegation of his district.
John W. Kern and I. Ki t Slack arc mak
ing claims of a heavy vote on the first few
ballots. H. F. Shlvely, Edward G. II f f
man, O. V. Monties and John 10. I.iunb
hold that Kern or Slack muat win on the
first two or three ballots If they win at all.
Governor-elect Marshall haa denied a re-
port that ho Is working for Kern. The
legislature Is democratic on Joint ballot and
the senator chosen January 19 will be the
first senntor of that political faith from
Indiana in eighteen years.
Forty Dead and Msty Injured Have
Already Been Taken from
the It n Ins.
PEKNE, Switzerland, Jan. 10. Luring
service today an ancient church near
pilon suddenly collarsed, burying tho
snipers In the ruins. Practically all
. ., ......, i
tho numbers of the congregation were
killed or Injured. A wild panic followed.
those who escaped rushing through the
fields shouting that an earthquako had
ovfcrtbken the village. Other villagers
Joined In the outcry and were with diffi
culty calmed. After an hour's exertion
the fire company of the place extricated
forty corpses, but it is atlll believed there
aro a number under the timbers. Sixty
persons were badly Injured.
The collapse was caused by the time
worn pillars In the underground crypt
giving way.
National Monrnlna; In Italy Caase'
of ('basse from I anal
NAPLES, Jan. 10. The Admiralty has
sent a ship to meet the vessels of the At
lantic battleship fleet that are coming to
Naples, to Inform the American command
ers that because of the national mourning
and as a reault of the earthquake, the gov
ernment and the duke of Aoata will not re
quire them to fire salutes on entering the
Last night was a very stormy one. but
today the sun is shining brightly. It Is
feared, however, that the storm may delay
the battleships.
Missouri speaker Has No Power.
JEKFERSON flTV. Mo., Jan. 10 At
torney General-elect Major today said the
Missouri constitution will not permit the
speaker of the house to declare who was
elected lieutenant governor of Missouri,
as was done in Nebraska. Certain re
pub'lcan members of the legislature en
tenl that the speaker of the house Is ti e
prcjiee nsr" '--clde the lieutenant gov
ernorship dispute.
motimiti or OOIAg TXAatgK-rrg.
rort. AiTiT4. sslisd.
NKW YORK Campasu
HAVRE Ls 8o4..
ANTWKRS I.raoDlu4 ViJerlsne.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. lb. (Special.) The
agricultural committer of the house of
representatives has frequently considered
the advisability of cutting out all the ap
propriations for the maintenance of the
biological survey and two years ago the
appropriation for this service wit left out
or the bill as It was originally reported,
but was subsequently restored. The reason
for this action was that the Impression
prevailed among the members cf the com
miltee that the biological survey was of
very little use and tho basis of this belief
was tho fact that the committee had no
knowledge of any valuable result of the
work of the survey. This was perhaps due
to the fact that Dr. Merrlam, the chief
of the survey, had never appeared before
tho committee to explain the scope cf Its
work. But a few days ago, at the request
of the committee. Dr. Merrlam appeared
and told Just what had been done, and
I is statements, when printed, will read
like a novel. He was referring to the in
vestigations made by tho survey on the
subject of predatory mammals, and to say
that he opened the eyes of the members
of the committee scarcely expresses the
situation as It should be.
Prairie Dogs and Other Prats.
"There are In Texas 400,ono,OV prairie
dogs," said Dr. Merrlam, "and thirty-five
prairie dogs cut as much as ono sheep and,
ilO of them eat as much as a steer on the
tange. The range grass that is eaten every
year in Texas would support ' more than a
million head of cattle and between fivs
and six million sheep. The forest service,
following the suggestions of the biological
survey, haJi destroyed prairie dogs In
Texas at a cost ot 4 or 5 cents per acre.
There are mora 'than that number of
gioind squirrels in California. These
ground squirrels inhabit 2.0(10,000. acres and
cause a loss annually of more than 12,
OW.flOO. Every year 2!,000 has been ex
pended In fighting them In the state of
Washingf n, and still they arc on the ln-
Dr. Merrlam continued that In Nevada
there are an average of 12,000 meadow mice
to the a -re. Ho asserted that they had
eaten about jaoo.Ono worth of alfalfa In a
year. It is estimated, according to Dr.
Merrlam, that the cost huwks, owls,
weasels, skunks and coyotes eat about
46,XX) of these meadow mice dally, but In
spite of the fact that mlMions of them have
been destroyed through the agency of these
enemies It was necessary to Introduce
poison to prevent the over running of the
f tato by these pests. The oison first used
was spread around promiscuously, which
resulted in the destruction of the hawks,
ovls. and other aids to the department, but
recently poisoned alfalfa has been found
effective- and it Is Wlleved that -this pest
lan bo exterminated by this means.
What Two Owls Do.
Dr. Merrlam told the committee that
there are a pair of little owls over in
tho tower of the Smithsonian Institution
which lives and ralsea Its young every
year fredlng Its young almost exclu
sively on rats and mice. He told the com
mittee, of the Investigation which has been
carefully carried on by the aurvey and
which has demonstrated that these two
llttl? owls in tho short time that they
have inhabited the tower of the Insti
tution they have destroyed at least 1,900
mammals. Including meadow mice, field
mice, house mice and common rats. Dr.
Meriiam asserted that the Investigation
carried on by his bureau show con
clusively that the average ration of the
hawk and owl of the United States is
flttetn field mice a day.
United States and Roads.
A French engineer who lived In the
United States a few years ago and who
in tho course of his travels In the spring
was mired In Virginia, made the remark
that the United States had started to
develop Itself tho wrong end to. He cx-
plained that ho found magnificent rail- j
rouua an me way iroui lew x orK to cat
Ifornlu, but that wherever he had gone
he discovered tnat tno highways over
which wagons were driven were tho worat
ho hud ever neen In his life.
When Secretary Seward negotiated tho
purchase of Alaska forty years ago there
wasn't a road or even a trail In that vat
territory, and it was not until ten years
mo that anybody connected with tho fed ndmlniHlratlon cared a 6-cent piece
whether there were ever a trail In tho
territory. Hut the discovery of gold In
the Daw won region and later In the Cop
per river country and around Nome sent
""""- h-.. i n
there waa a demand for means of trans-
portution. Several short railroads have
he -u built and hundreds of miles of tele
graph have been constructed, but, above
all, trails, and roads have been cut In all
directions from the coast.
Bnllt hy an Army Man.
This work haa been accomplished by
Major W. P. Richardson of the United
States army, who was assigned to thU
duty several years ago. Major Richard
son weni Into the frozen north" and he
has built better roads. In many Instances,
than aro to be found In moat of the older
states, and he lias made It possible for
j the pack animal and the dog team to
reach practically every point of the great
teirltory. He haa done his work so well
thit every Alaakan swears by hlni, and
not only that, but he has so cinched hla
own reputation that whenever he "comes
out" in the winter he Is greeted by Ills
uKscciates In the army and by everyone
who knows Alaska as the greatest bene
factor of that vast territory. Congress
regards Major Richardson as an expert
on Alaska af faira and he la In consequence
consulted on practically everything af
fecting the territory. He certainly has
shown that the training of an army offi
cer U of inestimable value to a new coun
try, and the Alaskans of today owe to
Major W. P. Richardson more than to any
other one man the fact that they are
ablo to travel from point to point In their
territory with far more ease than seemed
possible ten years ago.
Great Plans for Iaansmratloa.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.. Jan. lu.-Re-publicans
are gathering for the inaugura
tion of Governor Herbert 8. Hadley to
morrow. He will he the first republican
governor of Missouri since lsTl and the
epubheans h-ve enlisted the state militia
to make the inauguratlcn a brilliant affair
TI.e oath of office will be administered V.
the new governor by Judge Henry Lamm
the only republican member of the supreme
court. When this is done the militia will
fire a salute of seventeen guns.
Commandant at Messina Issues Strin
gent Order to Troops.
One Comes from Naples and Another
from the ' Battleship Fleet
Both Carry Clothing and
MESSINA. Jan. 10. Balmy weather has
prevailed for the last two or three days
at this place, and it is a great blessing
making It possible for the troops and sur
vivors of the ear.thq' to live more or
less comfortably fti tire open. Occasionally
there are earth shocks, but the people have
become, accustomed to them. Two severe
shocks on Friday brought down many
broken walls In Messina.
Maxza has adopted stringent measures to
protect the people and property, in addi
tion to establishing a police service around
the city ho has Issued orders that any por
son found excavating without a permit
shall be shot. General Mazza, whoso com-
being re-established. The work Is now sys
tematized and the situation, he believed, Is
well in hand.
"Tho question of the ultimate rebuilding
Pt Messina, ne saja, ueiongs 10 me pon-
tlcal authorities; it does not concern me. j i & h,s wff, gn(, llHllf?htPr rrived her(.
My principal energies will be concentrated ,, t and wrn. mH at the station by the
with those of tho authorities at Regglo In i ldetlt.elort alld M.s. Taft. They ex
getting out the remainder of the wounded, i . . ,, , , ,,, ,IP.irtent.eW
burying the dead and disinfecting tho ruins
In order to prevent the spread of sickness."
General Muzsa explained that the preven
tion of looting entailed tho most rigorous
measures. He declared that under the
guise of rescuers, many thieves were com
mitting robbery on every hand. He was not
ubla t0 cheok th,, durlng the first wild con- :
fusion, but had succeeded better In the
last few days because of tho issuance of
the following proclamation:
Fair Warning; to Looters.
Crimes against public and private prop
erty and acts of pillage which, notwith
standing the vigilance of tho troops, un
fortunately are perpetrated by the worm
elements gathered here, induces me to re
mind the people that the state of selge
nnw nrilered HII hiects those found robbing
I or carrying off objects from the debris
Without ailtnoniV me grnvrm i-uiiii-n
vlded by the military code, including death
by shooting.
General Mazza stated further during the
course of the Interview, which he gave Just
prior to leaving for Regglo, that the ef
forts of the authorities to clear Messina of
refugees and peasants who wero swarming
in from tho interior did not mean that tho
city was to be completely evacuated or
isolated, unless sickness compelled this.
For a time no permits were issued for the
right to excavate for properly, but today
this suspension was removed and 30 per
mits were issued, but under the strictest
safeguards. Owners are required to de
scribe the property they expect to find and
all valuables not thus described are held by
the authorities until ownership Is proved.
Sanitary conditions have been greatly Im
proved and It is now believed that there is
little danaer of the spread of disease, dis
infectants having been used abundantly. In
the gnat number of deaths, however. It is
impossible to say how many resulted from
Injury or were due to various diseases.
The American relief snip uay.-rn, njins
the Red Cross flag, arrivea rriuay.
small amount of clothing was sent to the
American cousulate and the remainder of
the stores are being distributed to the vari
ous ports along the aouth coast. One of the
relief party on the Bayern was Injured
during the voyage. One of his ribs is frac
Ambassador Grlscom remained on the
ship until Saturday, when he returned to
The United States supply ship Culgoa.
which arrived from Port Said on Friday,
carried 130 tons of provisions, Including
,(I00 pounds of coffee. The vessel was well
stocked with blankets and wearing apparel.
After a conference between Commander
Patton of the Culgoa, Commander Logan of
the Scorpion. Major Landis. military at
tache, and the Italian admiral, the stores
of the Culgoa were sent ashore and were
distributed from this point.
Many of the women refugees have been
set to work making liniments, even those
who are suffering from Injuries helping In
(Continued on Second Page.)
Gas Explosion In the Zelgler Mine
at Duqooln, Illinois, the
DUQUOIN. 111., Jun. 10. An explosion of
gas In the Zelgler mlno killed twenty-four
and injured four.
I'oar of Them Are to '
British Naval Base In the
PORT SAID, Jan. 10. The battleships
Wisconsin, Illinois and Kearsarge of the
United Slates Atlantic fleet left here today
for Malta. The New Jersey left for Mar
sei'lleg. SUEZ, Jan. 10. The repair ship Panther
and the collier AJax of the United States
Atlantic fleet entered the Sue canal to
day bound north.
MALTA, Jan. 10. No change has been
announced here of the plana of the Ameri
can battleships. The Wisconsin, Illinois
and Kearsarge nre expected to arrive here
Thursday and are to remain four days.
Will Remain with Ills Brother Until
the Latter Marts for
.T-nrsTA. fla .Ian. M.-Charlcs P. Taft.
' pect to remain here until the president-elect
leaves for Panama. At that time the Taft
family may go to Cuba, though their plans
aro said not to bo matured.
Timothy L. Woodruff and Mrs. Woodruff
arrived from New York today and are
registered at the Bon Mir hotel. Mr. Wood
ruff is here for an outing.
Mr. Taft attended the 8U James' Eplsco
pay church today and went for an auto
mobile rido in the afternoon.
Man Thonarht to Be C'armlchael Stops'
Over Mght In Wisconsin
CEDARBUim. Wis., Jan. 10. A man be
lieved to be Rev. John Carmlchael, the min
ister who is wanted to throw light on the
mysterious church murder of Gideon
Browning of Adair, Mich., passed Thursday
night and Saturday morning In Cedarburg.
He objected to quarters In several hotels
because of storm windows which would
prevent a hasty exit In case of an emerg
ency. He finally lodged In a back room of
a boarding house. Ho left Friday at noon
on an electric car.
John G. Shadamann.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. lO.-(Speclal )
John G. Shadamann, one of the oldest
1 pioneer settlers cf the Elkhnrn valley, died
at his farm home yesterday of old age
He came to Nebraska nmong the first
white settlers In this volley. At that time
the Indians were very troublesome In this
vicinity and several encounters between
them and the state militia, to which Mr.
r-hadamaun belonged, took place. The de
ceased was a member of the government
surveying corps that established the origi
nal lines which now govern the subdivision
of property in northern Nebraska, and his
testimony as to disputed boundary lines
taa often been fought In the past, his
memory of place and dates of fifty years
ago being remnrkably vivid. He acquired
laige property interests In Cuming county
at an early day. and died possessed of an
ample esute. Ho leaves a large family
of giown children and numerous descend
ants. He was a man of rugged character.
a typical pioneer, and was universally re
spected In this section of the state.
Cliiar Factory at Pawnee.
PAWNEE CITY, Neb., Jan. 10 (Special
Telegram.) The cigar factory of Roy Leech
was damaged by fire about 1 o'clock this
rrornlng. Notwithstanding the cold the fire
department did effective work and confined
the fire to the factory, with a loss of about
H.000 on stock and fixtures. Insured for a
small amount. The cause of the fire is un
Inflowing Tide Falls Off Thirty-Nine
Per Cent Last Fiscal Year.
Nearly no Thousand Men Are
Tasnrd Back at Receiving Sta
tions and a to Arrested
r and Deported.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. As shown
the annual report of tho commissioner of
Immigration for the fiscal year ended June
U0, 190S, the work of the bureau was In
many respects the most comprehensive and
Interesting ever performed by It. Despite
a decrease of 39 per cent In Immigration
the report shows that the work of the
bureau increased nearly 20 per cent during
the fiscal year.
The report of F. II. Lamed, deputy com
missioner of Immigration, under whose dl
reotlon the report was prepared, owing to
the death of Commissioner General Frank
P. Sargent, shows the year was remarkable
for a reduction of the number of aliens en
tering the United States. The total Immi
gration for the year was 7S:,870, which was
602.479 less than for the year 1907. During
tho fiscal year of 1907, 13,064 alliens were
rejected; during the last year 10,902 were
Increase of Population.
By reason of an amendment to the law,
the report for the first time furnishes fig
ures which show approximately tho net In
crease In population by Immigration. The
figures indicate that the net Increase was
,67. Of the aliens admitted 60,71 were
between the ages of 14 and 44 years. Of
those admitted 172,2a could neither read
nor write, and 2,310 could read, but could
not write. Therefore, about 26 per cent
were illiterate, a decrease of 4 per cent In
comparison with i:u7. The total amount of
money brought into tho country by arriv
ing Immigrants was S17.791.226. an average
of almost $23 a person. During the year
there were turned bark at the ports 10,902
aliens about 1 3-10 per cent of the total
number applying for admission.
It Is pointed out that the last year was
abnormal concerning emigration as well as
concerning Immigration, the same reasons
which reduced the latter having operated
with perhaps greater force to Increase the
Majority from Sooth Europe.
The bulk of tlx; uliens came from south
ern or eastern Europe Italy, Austria-Hun-
gary, Greece, Turkey and the small prin
cipalities surrounding them. Russia fur
nished 44 per cent of the total. The report
says that the change in the law extending
the fining provisions to cover the bringing
of mentally, us well as physically diseased
aliens to the United States, and placing
tuberculosis under the same ban, is of great
benefit. During the year 2.906 aliens were
rejected on account of physical, 370 on ac
count of mental and 311 on account of moral
defects; to which should be added 870 re
jected for minor physical or mental de
fects sufficiently grave to affect ability to
earn a living. The number of criminals ap
prehended and deported Increased from 11
In 1907 to 41 In 1. Two alien anarchists
were refused admission. There was great
activity In the suppression of the Importa
tion of alien women for Immoral purpoaes.
Of these women, 124 were rejected, 43 pro
curers were denied admission, while 44 alien
Immoral women and t procurers were de
ported from the country; 14 procurers were
convicted and sentenced to terms of Im
prisonment and fines. A systematic cam
paign was inaugurated during the year
against the Importation of Immoral women
and the results have been gratifying. While
Investigations Into the "white slave" traf
fie are difficult, the success attendant upon
them has been satisfactory.
Contract Labor Law Enforced
The report shows that the enforcement
of the law relating to alien contract labor
was unpreeedentcdly successful. In the year
1.933 contract laborers were rejected and 240
were arrested and expelled from the coun
The report expresses gratification with
..i.e. uru "ui)i!Miea in enforcing
the president's proclamation directing the
exclusion of Japanese and Corean laborers.
mu, micr securing irom ineir own govern
menu passports to Hawaii, Canada or Mex
Ico. used such passports, contrary to the
(Continued on Second Page.)
Many Democrats Doubt Wisdom of
Attack on the Courts.
Corporations Back of Move Greatly
Weaken Its Effect.
a Not Yet Completed Its List of
Permanent Committees lipase
List Awsltt n. K. of Bryan
and Shallenberger.
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Jan. 10.-(Speclal.)-Wlth tilt
coming week the leglslatuie will settl
down to business, with permanent organiza
tlon effected and regular work under way
Partisan polities, of course, will h:ive the
call, since the first big fight will come
over the question of the recanvass of votes
on the constitutional amendments, proposed
by 8enator Ransom of Douglas and con
surred In by Governor Shallenberger.
Whether the more conservative of the
democrats and tho minority votes together
will bo ublo to prevent this action, which
Is conceded to be for mere political effect,
remains to be threshed out, but It was evi
dent today that a growing sentiment ex
ists against the recanvass, on the ground
that It Is not best to make political thun
der out r-.f an att.ick on the courts. The
fact that this movement has been Inspired
by corporation Interests does not lend force
to the onslaught,
Senator Ransom himself, In the senatorial
caucus, when he first brotched the matter,
said that he doubted very much whether
anything tangible would resuln save laying
the foundation for a future campaign. This
was the view of some of the other senators
who later concurred In the action. The
houso majority members have not csu
caused the question and from tho attitude
of tho members on the floor when the
question came up In Joint session. It Is
doubtful If a caucus would hold some of
them In line should the attempt be made.
Position of Members.
A few of the senators who are disposed
to bo fair, tako a middle ground. For In
stance, Senator Miller of Lancaster, who
has all along voted with the majority, says
since tho question of the right to canvass
votes as between ihe legislature and the
canvassing board has never been deter
mined In the courts, there la no better time
than the present to put It up to the high
est tribunal. But Senator Miller has been
promised tho chairmanship of the commit
tee on finance and his decision may not
be entirely disinterested. In the house tho
position of Representative Taylor of Cus
ter, agaloMt-the re-canvass. Is also attacked
on the ground he does not wish the svlec-.
tlon of Judgo Demi of Custer county dls-
turbed by any action of the legislature and
the governor. While these points are given
aue weignt, mere remains the argument
hloh Is influencing many members of tho
majority party, that Hn attack upon the
courts, admittedly for campaign purposes.
Is not calculated to give the party much
standing out over the state and especially
as the first act of the new administration
which has como Into power claiming th
ability to give -exact Justice without fcai
or favor.
It lias been suggested that If the legists
ture docs recanvass, tho governor might re
appoint the same Judges to testgmerely thi
legal qeustlon Involved, but this would de.
prlvo the democrats of one Judge, for which
soma of them have been crying ever since
the selections made bjr Governor Sheldon.
Such a course would gain no material ad
vantage, and material advantage seems to
be the goal of the men behind the present
movement. '
Tho activity of soma of the Lancaster '
democrats against the recanvass came as a
surprise to tho organizers of tha movement.
They counted on opposition from Taylor of
Custer and a contingent of his followers.
Now It Is seen, the opposition Is growing
and tho result Is much In doubt. It would
take eighteen democrats, voting with the
republicans In Joint session, to constitute
a majority in Joint session to prevent the
recanvass. The legislature has fixed the
date for action as next Tuesday. There Is
ample time for a caucus on the question.
and should It take place there Is little doubt
some fireworks a little hotter than any yet
aiscnargen in tno preliminaries will ha let
Where Ransom Is Weak.
One argument being used against tha re
canvass and against the position of Senator
Ransom on the question Is that In 1S8T the
Douglas county senator waa Instrumental In
amending tha law of 1895 giving tha State
Canvassing board power to canvass returns.
wnicn is not attacked. If tha law of M95
was Invalid, Mr. Ransom Is criticised for
trying to smend an Invalid law. or his rm.
sltlon now Is apparently Inspired by noth
ing out partisan motives.
The senate will convene Monday after
noon, as will the house. In O senate the
committee on standing committees la not
as far toward completing Us list as Is tho
house body. It Is possible the senate list
may not bo announced before Tuesday. The
nouse committee, if the list Is O K4 hv
Governor Shallenberger and Mr. Bryan, to
wuom me committee chairman promised he
would submit the list, and If another fight
does not develop In caucus, will probably
receive the report Monday afternoon. Then
me uoni.s win da ready for the transaction
of business ami bills will begin to pour In.
senate committee on employes will re
port early In the week and settle a num
ber of disputes as to spoils.
Dr. Hall Carries His Point la Head
of Baaklsar Committee.
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Jan. 10. (Special ) Dr H
L. Halt and William J. Bryan have met
and fcught. and the glory Is all the doc
tor's In a matter dear to his heart, Mr.
Bryan has had to give way to the su
perior wisdom of the Lincoln banker.
Whether Mr. Bryan simply stepped aside
and surrendered when he saw his vice
chairman had on fighting clothes, the
twj men know better than anyone else,
but tho result shows that Mr. Bryan was
In the selection of Charles Graf of
Cuming county to be chairman of the
corrmlttee on banks and currency, Dr.
Hall won a decided victory over the
Peerless Leader. Mr. Oraf ia as far from
M-. Bryan Ideas un to guaranty of bauk