D o a o D o D o D o a o D o D o a o a o D o U o D o D o D o 8 D o a o D o D o D o a o D o D o D o o D o D o D o a o a o a a o a o U o THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JAXI'ARY 10. 1909. Fine at Far Less Than Regular Prices Undermnslins .&. esa M m & PM f wk. dSSrss m . j - I J J jt PJ O S"T 5L aU undermnslins you Immense Lots O f luCl never befre pos" " ' '"' "" y DUy al Branaels- r Muslin Un-Jl ?pnf. Children's Cambric W Drawers, worth 29c fl Prettily tucked and hemstitched the ages are 2 to 8 years. Children's 'Ideal' Waists, worth 25c These waists are In ages 1 to 14, It Is a very unusual -4 0, bargain, at AOv This sale is the result of months of special buying and special pre paration. We bought at far less than the prices that prevail today and offer you muslin under wear in this sale at bar gains never before pos- OUR ANNUAL JANUARY SALE WOMEN,S DRAWERS Worth up to 60c 15c Tucked and ruffled Drawers, hemstitched, pleats and tucks, embroidery and lace insert lngs and edgings, all sizes. Muslim UNDERWEAR Slipover Ninht Gowns, in a variety of styles, walking length skirts, umbrella Draw ers, lace and embroidery trimmed Corset Cov ers, etc., a great; variety of styles. WOMEN'S Corset Covers Worth up to 75c, at 15c Monday will be the greatest day In all the year to buy your Muslin Underwear. Every Item mentioned here Is a rare special bargain. Genuine saving of money to you on every article. Made of long cloths and muslins, edged with beading and lace, 20 different styles. WOMEN'S Niaht Gowns 28c Wsrlb op to 0c at Beautifully hemstitched tucks all sizes; a variety of very desirable styles. aononononoDOi 30CX0I of fUNDffiMUSLINS at 75c W Night Gowns and Chemises 20 or more styles of each in nainsook, cam jjj i brie and long cloth, slip over effects jj with French embroidered yokes, full shaped sleeves, etc., etc. 47 White Petticoats, wide lace inserted flounces. Corset Covers, trimmed with French yokes, laces and ribbons. Wide Umbrella Drawers f daintiest trimmings T W, Empire and kinomo gowns elaborate January Sale Embroideries 18, 22 and 27 inches wide skirtings, o flouncings and corset cover widths of D Swiss, Nainsook and cambric, in Eng- p lish eyelet, filet, crochet, Grecian, g Japanese, etc. worth up to $1.00 a o yard in three lots at, yard o D o B 9 D O n fMUSLIN UNDERWEAR 98c ly trimmed many extra sizes, skirt length and long chemises lace and embroidery trimmed white petti- M hUi coats many very elaborately made, flB SR Combination, Suits Corset cover and jK also two-piece combination garments, W corset covers and drawers in 1-piece. Umbrella and regular style AQ drawers many extra sizes, Jirji lace and embroidery timmed. JSe-UNDERMUSLlNS at $1.39 Night Oowns Beautifully made, bell sleeves or fitted high or low neck, jf many very elaborate. Chemises, nnlv the finest fabrics used c r. - BEAUTIFULLY MADE -UNDERMUSLINS Govns, Chemises, Corset Covers, Drawers, Petticoat. Combination Bolts, Extra Sise Garments. Most elaborate trimmed Uhdermusllns ever shown in Omaha, perfectly sized, finest and sheerest fabrics, finished with m no great care, vu vO every piece Is II an unusual y Dargain, ai . . in the making. w drawers fashioned in one-piece and fcTL ixll.. A ! J T prettily irimmeu. uorset uovers, Drawers ana petticoats Made of nainsooks. French lawns, etc., dain tiest of needlework 19c 39c 59c THE GENUINE FRENCH HAND MADE LINGERIE We have imported direct through our own Paris office, the richest assemblage of real French hand made undermuslins ever shipped to a western house. Our own foreign buyer selected them. Lovers of dainty underwear can secure garments at prices as low as domestic undermuslins. $1.39 1 3L Heather Bloom Q0o Petticoats at....OOt Genuine Heatherbloom In black and colors, tucked, shirred and ruffled, worth up to 12.00, at 88 f ooononono a The irenuine French Chemises and Corset Covers, two great special lota, very specially priced for Monday, at choice 69c CORSET COVERS Made of fine sheer fabrics, dainty French Needlework, specials, at each 75 08 81.50 $1.98 DRAWERS Made In wide effects or the newer narrow widths, beautifully made and carefully sized. 98 $1.50 $1.08 and $2.50. CHEMISES The genuine French lingerie Chemises, many examples of ex quisite needlework, extra specials, at ...75 98 $1.25 $1.50 GOWNS Made with low or high necks, made of finest materials, carefully , sized and cut full and ample, specials, $1.08 $2.50 $2.98 $3.50 Narrow, Medium and Wide H I Embroid'y Edgings 8 OUH GREAT JANUARY LINEN SALE Edgings, insertions, plain and galloon headings, pretty new designs also D dainty baby patterns in various S widths to match worth up to 20c a o vard. at. vard D D o n 5c 7ic 10c All our finest licm Btltched eatln da niBH, table damask, table cloths. In X-4. 9-4 and 9-10 slzus. that sold at 116 and 122.50, at. eaiti 98, S8.98 All of our extra large, fine satin damask Table Cloths, worth from $10 to $15, each $5 Beautiful Irish and Austrian Linen Table Cloths, values from $5 to $8, at. each $3.98 Pure Irish Linen Table Cloths, 2 x2V4 yards and heavy, fine qual ity, $4.60 value, at each $2.50 $2.60 all pure Lin en Table Cloths, 2 and 2 yards long, and very good quality, at each .. $1.75 72-Inch best qual ity, Irish Linen Table Damask, regular $1.59 and $1.75 qual ities, yd. $1.15 Heavy German and Irish Linen Table Damask, for good, hard service, values up to $1.50. at a yard ..-95 Regular 85c and $1 Table Damask in Irish and Ger man linens, at a yard .... G8 All Pure Linen Laces Also insertion, 1 to 3 inches wide, all Q new designs resemble the real lpp o closely and are very service- C able, worth 10c, at J p Frenthana6ermanva,.uces f Also insertions in Plat Vals., Torchons o and Cluny' curtain laces many to D match, all pretty new designs, P worth to I2V2C, at, yard. . ..... J January Sale of NAPKINS 110 quality large Dinner size Napkins, In the bent Irish and Austrian linens, doz SB $5 quality 24-inch satin Damask Napkins, very choice patterns, at dozen ....$2.98 $1.98 quality all pure Irish Linen Napkins, very fine satin weave, dozen SI. 88 $1.60 quality mercerized Damask Napkins, very good for hard service, dozen ....69c January Sale ol FANCY LINENS Fine Janapese drawnwork and Renais sance lace scarfs $2 to $2.50 values, each 08 45-lnch Japanese Drawnwork and Renais sance lace Lunch Cloths, regular $5 val ues, January sale price, each $2.50 Cluny Scarfs and Center Pieces, at Just V4 regular prices. January Sale of BED SPREADS Fine Imported Marseilles Bedspreads In fringed, scalloped or plain edge, regular $5 and $ values, each 93-98 Large crochet Bedspreads, fringed or hem med, extra heavy weight and Marseilles patterns, regular $2.25 quality, each $1.49 Large hemmed crochet Bedspreads, heavy quality, regular $1.60 values, each ...,98c January Sale of TOWELS $1.00 quality Bath Rugs, all colors, extra heavy weight, each .....S9o $2 Bath Rugs, the very best quality, at each 7Bo Large satin Damask and Linen Huck Tow els, regular $1 quality, each 49o 60c quality Huck and Damask Towels, the best value ever offered, each S5e 16c quality- extra heavy Huck Towels, at, each 100 OUR GREAT JANUARY SALES nhe BASEMENT Will Be the Greatest in Our History Here Are Imitation Woven Cathedral Curtain Specials in the Bargain White Goods Section' eg 7ic D $1.25 W&.ist Nets at 69c a 42-inch new waist nets woven tuck D effects dots, stripes, dainty figures, S also dotted silk nets, in brown and o navy, worth up to $1.25, fotyc Clearance in Drapery Dept. a o n Traveling men's samples of lace curtains, worth q up to-$5 00 a pair. at. each 15e m Arabian color Lace Curtains at. pair 9So H Extra large Curtains, worth up to $2, pair. $1.84 Plain Berlin, worth up to 40o yd.. Monday yd. ISc 2 10c dotted and figured Drapery Swiss, yard..lOo Q Border Portieres, worth to $4.60 a pair, at. . . .$3-85 O Mercerized Lingerie Cloth, soft and silky, but firm and strong, worth three times the January Kale price, yard wide, desirable lengths, at yard Figured, dotted, barred, striped. Sheer White Materials for waists; you will agree that 25c would be a very low price; our January sale price,! 1 , i2 w only, a yard Buy Long Cloth Monday, a bolt of 10 75c yards, 3C-Iuches wide. for New Zephyr Ginghams. 1909 patterns and every wanted plain shade, also new border styles, waist and dress lengths, at, yard 8ic High grade mercerized black and col ored sateen, just like silk, only wears longer, yard . . 15c Best of the Old Standard 3C-lnch fine Cambrics, Wamsutta, Fruit of the Loom, lxmsdale, Berkley, 3, 5, 10 and up to 20 yard bolts, to buy from, at yard lie 7c Madras In suitable lengths for win dows and decoratllng pur- C poses, at yard 7C 36-Inch wide dotted, figure and barred White Drapery Swiss, perfect, long lengths, yard India Llnons, sold from the bolt. In dia Linons on bargain squares, act ually worth 25c yard, at 1 1 yard Is&2C India Llnons, actually worth 20c a yard, at, yard 10c Various lengths of the finest bleached Muslins; during January they J will be sold, at yard JC Forenoon Bale. One case 36-lnch wide dress Percales, medium, light and dark styles, remnants and full bolts to buy from. These are worth 12 He yard. a limit of 20 yards during this sale, at yard Afternoon Sale. Various lengths Victoria Una, Persian Lawns, double fold, up to 40-lnches wide. This sale of 15o aiid 19c plain White Uonds will start promptly at 1:S0 P. M., at yard 5c 5c JANUARY SALES of MUSLINS and Size 81x90 seamless sheets, well known brands, standard round thread and Fruit of the Loom. Q at. each JUG Size 81x90 bleached sheets,: Armorslde brand, best of the improved seamed sheets January price, each 49c Size 81x99 seamless bleached sheets large size would be cheap at C 85c. each Ul 9-4 wide bleached sheetings, a firm, good wearing weave January special, at, yard , Good grade, full width, 9-4 sheting during January, at, yard. Up to 54 Inches wide bleached casing, a quality equal to Wamsutta on bar gain table front of regular muslin dept.. at, yard 19c unbleached 17c 12ic Large and medium size pillow cases, well made from good casing that washes heavier, each IUC 4 2-inch pillow casing, bleached, ( soft finish, at, yard 45-inch, unbleached Pepperell easing January sale price, O n at, yard OC Seamed sheets 72x90, 2 yards wide usually sells at 45c each. Jan- JQk uary sale price 6C Pillow cases size 42x36, 45x36 and 60 x36. best of well known brands. In eluding Fruit of tbe Loom, each 45-Inch wide plllov bleached, at, yard I2ic O D o D o D o D o D o D o n o D o D o D o a o D o a o D o n o a o D o o D o a o a o D o D o a o D o D o n o n o D o D o D o a o D o a o D o D 8 D o D o ononononononocw. January Showing and Sale ' w New 1909 Waists I Thousands of the daintiest new 1009 j waists will be 6hown Monday for the D first time. There never was such a S fashionable assemblage of correct o waists shown so early in the season. D p Linen Tailored Waists 2 Daintily pleated or tucked styles in o sheer or heavier material. They will D surely be very pthpular in T50 1909 $7.50, $5.98, $4.98,1 $3.98 and 50 S u o o Linen cmDroiaerea musis u Beautiful needlework in the daintiest p of 1909 patterns new long T)98 o sleeve styles are prominent, J? D prices, $5.98, $4.98, $3.98 and. g, Dainty Lingerie Waists g Charming new creations or 1909 o verv daintv fabrics, at $4 J)8.' i O M 3.98. 62.50 '1.98 and .J.... OC 9 -t 7 -r ------ casing, toft finish. 10c a o rj Greater Bargains Than Ever o January . Clearing Sale R Women's Cloaks $1 Furso Suits. Petticoats. Eta jj i BR A NO EDS Ononoaonononononononoaoc? o lJ UU W U J Laf LaU W Q &30aOGBOBoaoaonoaoaoaoi