Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 10, 1909. V i NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Ofce 15 Scott Street. MIAOB. MRXTIOX. Davis, drug. Stockert Mill carpet. Ed Rogers, Tony Faust beer. Lewis Cotter, funeral director. Vhon XI. Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. 339. Pictures for gift. C. E. Alexander, 333 Xlrnadway. Dr. Scott Covalt, dentist, removed to Room 300 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Born, to Mr. and Mra. Henry J. Efeunders, 110 Third street, yesterday, a son. Ixiat A man lout II by not going to Pun c an a big discount sale, at 23 Main atreet, fur hla aboes. Dr. J. C. Deetkln, Dentist, has moved hla office from the Bapp block to Room 302, second floor, City National batik i building. , T. R Thomaa and family have been called to Randolph. Neb., to attend the funeral of Mr. Thomaa' father, which will be held there today. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to C. R. tKruble, aged JO. of Ravenna, Neb., and Klla J. Nelson, aged 22, of Omaha. They were married by Rev. Henry D Long. The Council Bluffs Coal and Ice com pany commenced yesterday with a force of about fifty men cutting Ice on the water works reservoirs at Uroadway and Thlrty eventli street. Twenty per cent discount on all shoes, slippers and overshops and winter goods at Duncan's, 23 Aialn street. Bee our ad on page 13. Cut this out and present It to us and we will refund your car fare on a purchase of $5. Pal ace Clothing Co., corner 14th and Doug la Bsreets, Omaha. Wi ouote facts, not hot air. when we say we have the best system of doing flnfl watch repairing In the city. Try us .onco and be convinced. Only reasonable hirvwl II M Mil f h A 2ZI H WAV. Judve Wheler has been compelled to ad I Jnurn the term of district court at Red Oak ' owing to the orevalence of smallpox In that city.' If conditions are Improved court will be resumed there January IN. Judge Wheeler has returned to his home In this city, The meeting of the city council to have been held yesterday afternoon for the pur nose of aaaessina recently comDleted pav- Ing, curbing and sidewalks failed for lack 1fc of a quorum. Another attempt to hold the meeting will be made next Monday after- i noon. VntMnir rAfirvoH pt T)Kncan's shoe sale. - i .1.- A ,x f rveryining nun mw yt-i v-m. lor the next ten anys. a .Main urmi. In district court yesterday Judge Thomell took up the trial of the caae of the Henja- mln-Kehr Real Kstate company against V A. Chittenden and others. About twenty eight acres if land formerly belonging '0 th. ii of thn late Maria Mynster and located ndlacent to the city are Involved !n the case. rnnnrlA woman found she saved 11 by attending the big shoe sale at Duncan's. 23 Mpin street, and having her feet properly fitted Mrs Olive Teok. wife of Hewklah Teck of Olenwood. la., died yesterday morning t Mercv hospital, aged years, from tuberculosis. She had been a patient at the hospital for eight week The body was removed to the Woodrlng undertaking establishment and last evening taken to Olenwood, where the funeral will be held Sunday. The funeral of the lata William Hedges Robinson, a pioneer resident of Council Bluffs, was held yesterday afternoon from the residence on West Washington avenuo. Tli w.puli. wpra c nnilllf tffl DV Kev. 1. J. Mnrliav. rector of All Saints' Episcopal church of Omaha, and burial was In Fair view ci metei v. The pallbearers were I. i'i,.iuu v Pavln. J. C. Mlt liall. Thomas Bowman, F. H. Urcutl ana K. MeCjnnell. OHAXUKS! OHANGEBI The Htgniana bland. Julcv and sweet, regular to sise. at this sale 25o a doin. Large grape fruit, 10c each. In fresh vegetable we have cauliflower, celery, lettuce and pars- ley. In dried .fruits, dried apricots, per 1 pound. IJVit; fancy dried peaches, per ' pound, 10c; prunes, per pound, lOc, raisins, per pound, svfcc. vve imvo in i . poultrj line today dressed geese, aucae i and chickens; also Cudahy'a hams at 12o per pound. Did you ever buy a sack of our Lily Cream flour? per sack, 11.40; warranted as good as any l.l flour In the city. Wo make a delivery to the west end every day, leaving store at 2:80 p. ,m. L. Green, 114 Broadway. Pottawattamie- tribe, Improved Order of Red Men, Installed these offloers Thursday night: Sachem, K. I. Hannah; senior -more, C, K. Cooper: junior sagamore, U. Terrlll; prophet. K. Simpson; chief of records, T. V. Edwards; collector of wam pum. Herman Rosch; keeper of wampum. T. F. De Urote; first sanap, R. C. Meneray. Jr.; second sanap. Frank Hober; guard of wigwam. T. M. Keslnger; guard of forest, H. A. Waddlngton. -. ... n. ......... i.m.a w. Mitchell en tertained at dinner last evening at hla rest- dence In honor of W. C. Cheyne. the retir ing county auditor. His guesis iii th" member, of the Board of Supervisor, and others connected with the county court house. Dinner was served at four small tables and was followed by crds. Covers were laid lor supervisor . v. " Allen Bullls. T. J. Johns, Felix Bets. George Huencer. City Treasurer K. T. True. J. f . tTristensen Otto Voll.tedt Sherman Humphrey, C. Plerca, Roy De Vol. C. F. P. Kioom. A. F. Hollls. W. C. Cheyne and the host. Tt'RN OVER A NEW LEAF and trade with irood store, one that sells ine lM for Huoerviaors . e,. t goods often enoul to always have Wiem ireah. Goods tht have ", ' ' " ..ii ..m.MU ... ant to get atme. Have you vr eaten oysters right on ttiej seashore? The flavor is those that have been stored. We get ours shipped in sealed packages come direct from the original packer. They are bet ter; our customers tell us so. We ara celling fresh roamed coffee kept In alr ' tlaht cannlsters. free from dust end dirt. We are making a leader of the Pea Berry brand. 25c pound. If you care for pea that taste lust Ilka the on, you i pick out ot your garden, ask for the Turtle J . DI1IIU. I'" 1 van. . w - A l,ii 1 uounds for 10c; turnips, i0o per w pock; lettuce, celery and cabbage. Bartel f k Miller, telephone Zt. Coanty Coatmcts. Tus Board of County Supervisors yester day swarded the contract for furnishing rottawattamle county with blank books, printed blanks and other supplies of this character to E. A. Morehouse & Co. Other bidders were the Monarch Printing com pany any Martin ft Martin. fThe suocessful firm was required to furnish! a bond In the f pauper dead on hi bid ot 1 not apply to sum ot $1,000. i The contract for tho burial was awarded to Lewis Cutlt 110 uer caae. This rate do amallnox and other avtftaa.. Bs Vase. Bids were also rvelved from the Wdodrlng Un M.rtftkinr comnanv. M. 8. Corrlgan & Co. and Balrd. Longnecker A Boland. Th greater part of yesterday a session was occuplen with th semi-annual settle ment with the county treasurer, Th board will be In session today and then probably, adjourn until January t t which time the contract for puonsning me proceedings of the board will be awarded to the thre newspaper naving me irii circulation In th county Quarterly Water Bills. Quarterly watr bill will b discounted 1 ter cent during thla week. Offic open Saturday evening. W carry a targe Una of thermometer. P. C. De Vol Hardwar Co, A. CLARK & CO. LOftll M0I1EY Oil AMD AJTT CHATTEL BBCCKITT I Twamy Yoaura est 7 OOKXEU MAIH AKD UBOAIWAY. OVKB AJaLEBlOAV KXTBESS. No connection with th firm oaUlsf DOTH PUOKIKS 817. BLUFFS. Both 'Phones 43. JURIES ARE DRAWN AT LAST Failure of Election Officers to Make Lists the Cause, of Delay. NO GRAND JURY UNTIL FEBRUARY Petit Jary to Report January is. When Trial of Cases on the Law Docket Will Be Takes T'a. The county Jury commission, composed of Harry M. Brown, clerk of the district eorrt; R. V. Innes. county auditor, and W. H. Earp?hausen. county recorder, arew the grand Jury for lftfl and the petit Jury for the January term of district court in Council Bluffs yesterday afternoon. The delay In drawing these Juries was duo to the fact that the Judges of election In several of the voting precincts failed at the general election last November to re turn the proper list of names from which the Juries are cfrawn. This ommlsslon on the part of the election officials necesai tated the Board of Supervisors selecting i rnmnleta list of names from which the grand Jurors, petit Jurors ana talesmen might be drawn. The following twelve men were drawn to serve as grand Jurors for the Council Bluffs district court for !): H. J. Schlerbrock, Neola: O. B. McBriae, Boomer; William Casson, York; George W. Jeniten. Norwalk: C. U Prouty, Garner; V. Ontertag. Rockford: Gus Hun, Silver r-rir- j. wlldlnK. Crescent: H. C. Jenkins, 1wi: D. F. Koc.n. Minnen a. rv. Chambers, Hardin; P. II. Morgan, Council Bluffs. The grand Jury will not report for duty at this tr-rm until Monday, February 1, as all pending cases .were disposed of by the former grand Jury during December. The following forty men were drawn to serve as petit Jurors for the present term of district court and will report Monday, January lft, at which time the trial of cases on the law docket will be oommnced: August Burmelsier, Nela; William Phimer, Ijewls; A C Christensen, Boomer; Ouv I'llltng. Garner; Auicuat Uuldapp, York; Jl. J. tTnderwood. Keg Creek; J. K Httcher, Rockford: K. M. Kstes, Crescent; V.. O. Jones, Rockford; M. J. Murphy, Garner; Lyman Bhugart, Gamer; H. A, llermsen. Noola: J. P. Christensen, Boomer; John Roane, Neola; A. Bpencer, Rockford: Julius Jensen, Rockford: O. E. Osborne, Hazel Dei); Sam Nelson, Oarner; A. P. Tradel. Mlnden; Edward Kastner, llnrel I"VU: J. T. Tlarks. Garner: M. J Chrlt-tenaen. Norwalk; William Boelim, Keg Creeki Conrad Torneten. Hardlni C. D. Mtnalian, Neola; William Duncan, Kane (outside): C A. Rar.son. Neola; O. H Hampton, CrcHcent; John Grayhlll, Nor walk; A. W. Patterson, Zod Bet hers. W. lx I.iHUterwaiaer. Arthur Harrington. C. J, Dobbins, A. 11. Bell, C. 8. Hubbard. H. W. Lindsay. V. a. f rank, William AIDS, U. C Williams, Council Bluffs. LIMIT4 OJf PRISO.N SENTENCES Jadgre Thornell Takes Radical Ground ' on Subject. Judge A. B. Thornell of Sidney, who Is presiding over the present term of district court In this city, yesterday expressed him' self as opposed to prisoners being sentenced to dofinita terms In tho penitentiary. He gave It aa hi opinion that there should be no statutory limit upon punishment for any crime. "I believe all sentences for criminal of fense should ba made absolutely lndeler mlnate. The convicted criminal should be sent to the penitentiary or reformatory to remain there until in tho Judgment Of the proper authorities he should be paroled, There should not be any such thing aa entenco to a state prison for a definite period," said Judge Thornell. "Our present system does not really prove an tndotermlnate sentence because sentences as now administered terminate In a stated period. The prisoner may be paroled before th termination of this period, but he can not under any circumstance be kept In prison after tbe period has expired. "It we find a man Is Insane we send him to a hospital. We do not send him for a month, sis months, a year, or for any stated period. We send him for treatment and he remain until he is cured or sup posed to be cured. Th same Idea should be applied to criminal sentences. There are some persons who, by reason 'of hereditary Impulses, are utterly Incorrigible. For the welfare of society and their own good they ought to be kept in prison all their lives, because they are not fit to be at large. 'Statistics prove the reformatory effect of the Indeterminate sentence and parole system. They also show that the old sys tem of stated sentence ha failed to re form criminal. I believe th adoption ot Lhe absolutely Indeterminate sentence would In a few year make an enormous financial and moral saving to the stale." SHOOTS AT 81PPOSED BCHGLAH Ian Prove to Be Architect Who Formerly O fared In Building. After dlscharglog his revolver several times at a supposed burglar lata Thursday night Arthur Smith, a tailor, who waa sleeping In a rear rocm of th shop of A. M. Lundgard, by whom he Is employed. telephoned for the police. Tailor Lund gard s establishment comprises a suite oi rooms on the second floor of the portion of the Everett block facing Broadway. When the police reached the cne they discovered Wlnfleld Wocdward, formerly a member of a firm of architect, who at one time occupied rocm In th same build ing. Woodward, who had escaped the hot from Smith' revolver, waa endeavoring to avoid being mad a a further target for th tailor by hiding in th shadow of a recess on the landing. Woodward waa taken to police head quarters, where he was provided with ac commodations in the "guest" chamber over night. In police court yesterday morning Woodward told Judgs Snyder that a bold. bad man had attempted to hoid him up at the corner ot Bro.'.dway and Pearl streets directly under the large electric arc light and where tho car for all sec tions of th city si art from. Woodward, however, made Ms escape from the holdup artist and fearing that the bandit might make another attempt said lie sought safety by running Into the hallway of the Everett building cn Broadway. From the hallway Woodward mad hi way upstair to a room which h formerly occupied aa an office. Still tearing that th bandit might follow him Woodward climbed out onto th roof of a one-story addition and HOUSEHOLD rUSNTTUEE AT TXEE USUAL HATES. flisrrissfnl Bajfaes. thamaarvM Tbe Clark Mnrtgag Co. :o. JRO. t. TIRLfci, whlie there essayed to open the window of the room occupied by Smith. Smith, aroused by the noise at the win dow, at once had visions of a desperate burglar seeking admission to the talloi hop. Determined to protect his employ er'a property at all hasards. Smith secured small revolver which ha owned and In rapid succession fired, aa he said, three hots through the window. Woodward declared yesterday that Smith fired five times. While Smith was telephoning for he police Woodward sought the darkness of the hallway where he was found a few minutes later by the police. Under the circumstances Judge Snyder discharged Woodward. BLVFF9 HIGH W1XS THE DEBATE Girl Oae of Contestants oa the Local Teaaa. In the debating contest last night between the Council Bluffs and Red Oak Hlgb schools, the victory was awarded by the Judges to the team representing the local Institution. The Council Bluffs representatives had tho negative side of the question debated, iiich was: "Resolved. That the federal government should have exclusive control of all corporation doing Interstate business. constitutionally granted." The local team I was composed of Miss Lucy Spooner, the only girl participating In the contest; Er win Snyder and Louis Cook. Red Oak was represented by Clarance Isaacs, Walton Kampe and Donald Pomeroy. The visiting team used four large charts to assist In demonstrating Its side of the question. Victor E. Bender presided and three - at torneys. H. M. Bowman of Atlantic, E. C. Page of Omaha and Earle Ferguson of Shenandoah, acted as Judges. B. B. Ask- with of the local school faculty and Lewis Stevendorf of the Red Oak High school faculty served as timekeepers. Each con- test ant was allowed ten minutes for the debate and five minutes for the rebuttal. The program was enlivened by selections by the High School Ole club, with violin obligato by Miss Ruth Bplndler. There was a good attendance, and the an nouncement of the victory by the local team was received with tumultuous applause by the large number of students present. Ileal Estate Transfers. I These transfers were reported to The Bee January 8 by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: JexMra J. Bledentopf and husband and r.urn m. h. Haas and husband to 8. E. Humphrey, lot S, block 22. In Ferry's add. to Council Bluffs, a. a d t Benjamin Fehr Real Estate Co. to Arthur W. James, lot S3, block 2. In Twin City Place add. to Council Bluffs, w. d ino Mamie Thornton, single, to Al Rlche. lots 12 and 13, block X, in Central suhdlv. in Council Bluffs, w. d Mn W. K. Dodge, widower, to Arthur IT. eaa. lot 2, mock 9. In Bayllss' 2d add. to Council Bluffs (except 32 ft.). w. d , 2,000 Josephine Whyte and husband to J. W. Squire, part wH ae. 11-77-44. W. d 8,738 ' Total, five transfer $11,139 Arrangements for Y.M.C.A. Meeting;, The following have been selected to act an ushers for the Toung Men's Christian association mass meeting Sunday after noon at the opera house: R. B. Wallace, O. E. Mitchell, Henry Petersen, O. Chris' tenen. Dr. R. O. Williams, Virgil Abbott, II. Borwlck, Walter Lutz, C. E. Swanson, George Blank, J. W. Jones,, J. J. Hughes, E. E. McMahon, Earl Howard, Henry De- Long, Jr., J. C. Stone, C. B. Newland. Th usher are requested to meet at the opera house at 3 o'clock for assignment. The meeting will begin at 1:30 o'clock, Secretary Curtis stated yesterday that he desired It to be known that women are cordially Invited to attend this meeting aa it 1 not men only a the Sunday after noon meetings usually have been. Fight Over Offices. OLENWOOD. la., Jan. .-(Speclal.)-There was a very busy time In the county auditor office here yesterday, when J. D. Bobbins, supervisor-elect, came over to take hi seat. Robblns had his name placed on the ballot last fall after mandamus pro ceeding compelling the auditor to do so, and was elected by a majority of about 1,400. The present Incumbent, Jamea Orelg, olatm that th election of Robblna was Illegal for the reason that the county was In June last divided Into district and that the election should have been from district rather than from the whole county. About fifty of the representative cltlsen of the eastern part ot the county came over yes terday and presented a petition to Mr. rirolv sakln him tn reslffn and allow Rob- bin to be seated. Mr. Orelg, however, re- fuse to do this unless Robblns will con ent to take th office by appointment from a certain district. Robblns refuse to ay what h will do, but asks the uncon ditional resignation of Grelg. Th whole controversy 1 more or less the result of a bitter county aeat fight which 1 going on between G'enwood and Malvern. It Is quit likely that It will take a suit In court to determine who I entitled to th office. Battersaakers at Ames. AME3. Ia., Jan. 9.-(Speclal.)-Slxty creamery men are taking the special dairy work at the short course here this week. A number of others are coming In next Monday, There will alio be a considerable number of farmer enter then to take th farm dairy course, which laat only on week. Plan are being made for an especially strong convention of dairymen and butter maker here next winter. Ther will b a butter scoring contest and an educa tional butter contest. Prof. G. I McKay, who waa formerly head of the dairy de partment here ha promised a fifty-dollar liver cup to be given for first prise In the scoring contest. Prof. John Bower of Ames will give a twenty-five dollar cup as second premium. Prof. M Mortenson, the new head of the dairy de partment will give a fifty-dollar cup aa first prise In the butter ahow. It 1 thought that a total ot $400 or faoo in prise can be secured. Another innovation will be the organl sat Ion ot local butter makers' associations throughout th state. These will Include five or six counties each and will hold meeting several times a year. Loagr Ttaso Depoalt of Dollar. IOWA CITY, la., Jan. t.-Speclal.)-Jo- eph Osborne, a contractor, yesterday placed a dollar on depoalt In th Cltlsen Saving and Trust company under a con tract to be algned. sealed and delivered t th effect that It shall not be removed for 99 years. At the expiration of the long period, during which interest shall be compounded annually, th total aum 1 to be presented to tbe oldest urv1vlng Oaborn. In tba direct Una of descent from Joseph Osborne, tb present owner. The odd compact waa entered Into by Oaborn when b found In balancing up an old accout that balance of St cent ex isted. 11 added 77 cent under th fore going provision. Woaaaa Foaad Dead lm Chair. BOONE, Ia-. Jan. fc-4Spolal Telegram.) Mra Hugh Brady, a promlnant Catholic resident, diod yetroay aluins In a chair at her home, alone. Sh had been to a neighbor' taring for an Injursd man. Re- turning home she sat down and died. She was found by a 11-year-old ion returning from school. The fires of the home were low, showing death occurred several hours previous. Toraado Caases Legal Taagle. MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Jan. .-(Specktl) The district court of Worth county, Iowa, In the extreme northern part of the state, will be asked to say who died first, O. K. Tweed or his wife, when both were killed In the tornado which swept over that sec tion of the 'state a little more than a year ago. Both Tweed and his wife wore found dead by neighbors after the storm hud passed. This question has been submitted to the court by the administrator, who ex pects soon to finish the affairs of the es tate of the head of the family. Vpon the decision depends who will get the bulk of the estate. By a pre-nuptlal contract be tween Tweed and his wlfo It provided that If Tweed died first half of the estate was to go to his father and half to the heirs of his wife. If Mrs. Tweed died first all of tho property was to go to tho father of Mr. Tweed. There Is no way of telling which died first, although It Is a well es tabllshed principal of law that the wife. presumably the weaker, dies first when both husband and wife meet death at tbe same time. Foaad Froien In Road. MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia Jan. . (Special) Peter Knoll, a well known young farmer. was found In the rosd near his home, not far from Rlndsted, J'a., early this morning unconscious and badly frosen. It is feared that he will die. An ugly wound was found on his head and one foot, one hand, both ears and his nose were frosen badly. He had been attending lodge and had started home after midnight on horseback. It Is thought that he was thrown from his horse. rendered unconscious and became froien before he regained his senses. He was still unconscious late this evening. Iowa Drainage Association. MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Jan. ".-(Special) The annual meeting of the Iowa State Drainage association will be held at Fort Dodge on February 18 and 17. The program Is now being prepared by Secretary W. H. Stevenson of Ames. The features of the meeting will be open discussions of the roIat)ve values of systems of drainage and of clay and cement tlle- Pro- A- Marston, dean of Iowa State college, Ames, will be one of the principal speakers, Actress Critically 111. BOONE, la., Jan. 9. (Special Telegram.) Miss Wlnnlfred Greenwood, the leading woman for the Bannlser-Greenwood com pany, playing a week' engagement here, was taken critically 111 on the stage of the Ario theater yesterday with pneumonia. The doctor were with her all night. Her condition Is critical Thomas D. Healer Recovering FT. DODGE, la., Jan. .-(Special Tele- gram.) After being in a comatose and critical state for ten days. Thomaa D. Hpaley, attorney for the Illinois Central and prominent politician, awoke this morn ing with his mind clear and asked to so his mall. HI recovery now seems aa sured. soap men Protest on Freight Rates, BURLINGTON. Ia., Jan. . (Special Tel egram.j ine soap men from the middle wet. Including representative from Omaha, Sioux City, Chicago and De Moines, met here today to protest against the raise In freight rate. Iowa News Note. M ARSH A LLTO W N Geo rue R Kn.nn r imuii nu vtttfn cnosen Drivate Mmtarv of Congressman James A. Good of tne Fifth lowa aistriat. CRESTON Six hundred studentn enrolled a.1 Simpson college, lnaianola, at the open ing or the school following the holiday recess and prnsDects are flatterlno- for . full school and a good term for the coming CRE8TON Enalneer M. R. Burp nf tM. cuy, wno was the victim In a boiler explo- iuu yoieroay morning ana Burrerea a Irac tureu leg, was obliged to submit to at amputation ot the injured limb yesterday niiernoon. CRESTON Len Burns, a rural route ear. rler out ot Corning, met with a novel ex perience a rew mornings ago while on his rounds. The sheet Iron stove In hia wagon became overheated, setting the mail wavon on fire. Mr. Burns had a lively tussel for a wnue, ana but lor the assistance of sev eral men working In a nearby fluid who neipea mm rung trie man in every dlrc lion, tne damage mignt nave been aerloui As It was, no damage resulted to anythln but the wagon. Fortunately the team did not take fright, but remained quiet. Mr. Jurns is congratulating nimaell over tne escapade. SENATORS GET IN WITH BILLS Hoase Record for First Day la Beaten bnt that Body Is One Day Ahead. PIERRE, g. V.. Jan. I. (Special Tele Bram.) Tbe senate started on Its firs day for the introduction ot bill to beat the house record of the first day and doubled It Among the principal bills were those to Insure bank deposits and several rail road and Insurance bills. What might be called the first freak bill of th aession appeared In those in which a penalty Is fixed for charivari parties who disturb Mr. and Mrs. Newly Wew and penalties for Hallowe'en mischief, which come from Senator Johnson of Kingsbury. The first verbal play of the senate for the aession came up when Amsden pre sented his resolution that no special ap propriations should be considered until af ter the general appropriation bill had been disposed of. Under suspension the reso lution came up for discussion and was sup ported by Amsden. Byrne thought th mo tive good but ona which would delay work as It was Impossible to get general bills ready until late In the session and th specials would have to suffer but that all special appropriations must be closely scrutinised; on motion the resolution went to sleep In the rule committee. Th whole business of the house con sisted in the Introduction of new bills and th record of the first day had no show ing. Several of the railway and Insurance bill got into the game, and among a long list ot miscellaneous bill waa one making It a penal offense to be found In thl stale with burglar tools on the person. PRIVATE DETECTIVES EJECTED Men Watching Federal Grass Jary Looking la Farklagr Hons Re bates Are "Shooe Away." CHICAGO, Jan. 9. While th government waa eliciting evidence In It Investigation of th packing Industry before the federal grand jury today secret service men swooped down upon and routed a horde of private detective who had been loiter ing In the lobbies. It was asserted that the private detective bad been sent in the Interest of th stock yards. One more than ordinarily Inquisitive detective, who said he was Charles Watklns. saw mors of th grand Jury room than ha had wished to. He wa served with a subpoena and taken befor the Jury, where It wa said h wa given a "lively half hour." Soon after Captain Porter of th secret service bureau ordered all th other unofficial de tective to be put out of the building. If. A. Tlmmon. head bookkeeper for Morris A Co.. took up most of tb Urn of th grand Jury. He will be recalled when the hearing la resumed Uonda. Tic kiMirc is now ii sessioi Matters of great moment to the people of Nebraska will be discussed You should be in daily touch with them Its your business. It is not a private affair of the members. H. H. PHILPOTT and G. F. FISHER Two of the best posted newspaper reporters in Nebraska are daily writing the history of the Legislature for The Omaha Bee You cannot keep thoroughly posted on what is happen ing unless you read an accurate account each day. The Omaha Daily Bee, . Omaha Neb. It will be mailed you three months for $L50 DEAD MAN GIDEON BROWNING Dentist Identifies Fart of Body Found in Michigan Church. SEARCH FOE MISSING MINISTER Supervisors Offer Reward of $300 for Arrest of Rev. John H. Car mlchael Motive for Crime 1 Lacking;. PORT HURON, Mich., Jan. t.-By means of two false teeth It waa definitely established today that Gideon Browning of Adair village waa the man who wa butchered last Tuesday evening In the llt.tla "Rattle Run" Methodlat church In Columbus township. .With part of the mystery which haa enshrouded th brutal crime thus cleared, the supervisor of St. Clair county Immediately offered a re ward of 600 lor th arrest of Rev. John H. Carmlchael- of Adair, pastor of the HUla church, and the man who wa at first supposed to have been killed, dis membered and then burned In the church stovo. Tbe teeth which Identified the dead man were found when the ashes from the stove were sifted. Yesterday's examination of them waa fruitless. But this afternoon when Dr. C. H. Browbeer of Sc. Clair, the dentist who made Brown ing a et of false teeth recently, exam ined them again more thoroughly he de cided that the blackened relic were part of Browning et. His decision satisfied Prosecuting Attorney Brown that It waa Browning who had been killed and th supervisors Immediately offered the re ward for Carmlchael's arrest and sent broadcast detailed description of the minister. Motive for Crime Lacking. Th solving of part ot the mystery surrounding the disappearance of th two Adair men and the discovery of th mur der in the church came after a day of much Investigation with little result. Strenuous effort to discover some mo tive for the destruction "of the carpenter by the minister were fruitless. Rumors that Carmlchael had been seen crossing the St Clair river into Canada cannot be corroborated. An officer sent to St Thomaa, Ont., reported no trace of him there Mra. Carmlchael and Mis Carmlchael, wif and daughter of th minister, ware questioned today by the prosecuting at torney here and he stated afterward that he wa convinced that they knew nothing of the murder nor the man' dis appearance. A statement today by Mr. Carmlchael that her husband's sister is an inmate of an insane asylum In Wait Virginia may explain some of the horri ble features of the crime, If the authori ties' suspicion about Rev. Mr. Car mlchael are borne out. Mrs. Carmlchael also said that her husband was moody and restless the night before he dlsap peareu ana apparently Brooding over something. It was also learned today that on Mon day, the day before the murder, the Rev. Mr. Carmlchael came to the postofflce In Adair, apparently much agitated and per turbed and received a letter, which h took away without opening. It 1 thought that this letter may have had some con nection with the strange intimacy be tween the minister and th carpenter, which had been noticed for a number of weeks before their Joint disappearance and the crime in the church. t'aruilrhael' Career in Nebraska. UENKELMAN, Neb., Jan. 9-Rev. J. H. Carmlchael, who figures In the Adair, Mich., tragedy, was pastor ot the Methodist church of this place aurtng li6 and part of 1196. He had a wife and several chil dren. He was severely criticised near th close of hi paatorat for alleged Indiscre tions, and his dismissal followed the bring ing t of charges against him. He was a member in good standing of the Ancient Order ot United Workmen lodge of Benkel man. LONG CAREERAS MISSIONARY Wife of Man Who Preaches First erntoa la Chicago Die at Roeebad. VALENTINE, Nsb., Jan. I. (Special Telegram,) Mrs. Sarah R. Biggs died to day at her horn at th Rosebud Indian agency, 8. D., at th age of 93 year. Sh waa the wife of Rev. Stephen R. Bigg of Plalnfleld. III., who preached th first re ligious sermon at Chicago. Sh waa a missionary among ths Indian at th Co lumbia river In Oregon In 1844. Her whol active lf waa devoted to missionary work. Quick Action for Your Money Tou get that by using Tbe Be advertising column. TAFT CABINET FINISHED Early Departure of Mr. Knox Indi cate that Slate Ha Bern Completed. AUGUSTA, Oa., Jan. 9. The Taft-Knox cabinet conference Is over and the Pennsyl vania senator Is on his way back to Washington. Neither the President-elect nor hi advisor will discuss the result and It I strongly hinted by Mr. Tat tonight bank by tne liocco wros.. irea-ur-r- u. in. that his cabinet will be made known forf"nd- Some of those who contributed were: the first time when he sends the names of ' . senate for confirmation after the fourth of March. However, something definite ro gardlng this determination may be expected wunin a sew uuys. With the early ending of the conference with Mr. Knox It seems a reasonable con- elusion that the Taft cabinet Is decided upon. If this is the case It hi also undoubt edly true that the men who are to compos that' body have yet to be Invited 'to be come cabinet member and their answers received. Mr. Taft aald he had talked over with th senator a large number of mat ters. After Mr. Knox had gone, Mr. Hitch cock had an extended talk with the presi dent-elect. Mr. Taft said while ha wa at Hot Springs mat 11 was nis aesire to nave hi , cabinet announcement cover the whole cab- net. Thl 1 understood to be the advice he received from Mr. Knox on the subject The president-elect today added Colum bia. 8. C, to the list of southern cities he will visit at the first opportunity after he become president. H was invited to attend the annual meeting of the State Bar Association there by a delegation headed by Ex-Governor Bheppard, president of the Bar Association. Ths meetlngt take place on on of the day Mr. Taft expect to be In Atlanta. Governor-elect Joseph M. Brown, ot Georgia, and a local delegation, paid their respect to Mr. Taft today. Th governor-elect Is making a tour ot the state. Indiana politic waa discussed between Mr. Taft and Addison G. Harris of Indian apolis, who stopped here on his return from Alabama. Mr. Taft wa compelled to decline a barbecue a few mile across the Savannah river In South Carolina as the guest of the Beech Island Farmers' club. HASKELL FREEFR0M BLAME Investigating Committee Find Little Trath la Charge of Mis Barnard. TOPEKA. Kan., Jan. . The committee appointed by Governor Hoch to Investi gate the charge of cruelty made by Miss Kate Barnard of Oklahoma towards the penitentiary convict at Lansing made publU their report today. The commit tee find little substance to the charge made by Miss Barnard and the report practically exonerate Warden Haskell. It recommend that aa soon as possible th Oklahoma prisoner b removed from th Ksnsas penitentiary; that better hos pital facilities ba furnished; that th system of contract labor be abolished; that eight hour constitute a day' la bor; that only on prisoner be allowed In a cell and that at least a much be spent for educational purposes as for tobacco. Mlus Barnard made sweeping charges today. She alleged that while Oklahoma doe not car to Investigate th buslneB management of th prison, she 1 ready and willing. If the Kansa committee wlshea It, to prove to them that there 1 graft and corruption In the contract hop and In th management of the prison. "I would like." she said, 'to hav you Kansa men find out how much coal 1 mined, how much of It goes to tat In stitutions and how th rest Is dl posed of." Thawing; Dynamite tsuei tSxploeloa WEEPING WATER, Neb.. Jan. 9.- (Spectal.) Thl morning Albert Carter, a younu man about 13 year old, on of W. W. Carter, while thawing out dyna m'te In the yard, met with a serious ac cident About twelve sticks exploded and Carter had th flesh' (if on leg torn from th bon. HI father stood near, but ecaped, also his mother, who wa not far away. Nearly every window In the house waa shattered and the ex plosion wa flt over town. Thar wa a lot of dynamite and om of it wa broken In small bit, but It wa frosen and did not txplod. Reaalalttoa for Harry Hamlla. LINCOLN, eb.. Jan. a-Th first offl rial act of Governor Shallenberger was to Issue a requisition on th governor of Kansaa for tb return of Harry Hamlin, under arrest at Wichita, to Omaha on an embesslament charge. Th document wa mailed direct from tb governor' offic her to Top MORE MONEY CABLED TO ROME Seconal $HOO Sent by Baunk for Local Italians, Who Hava Italscit Large Fund. 8lx hundred dollar mor ha been rald by the Italian of thl city for th relief of tho Italian earthquake sufferer. Fri day J&00 more wa cabled to the Italian Red Cross at Rome through the First National Previously reporcea ... Utors Brewing company iluo.oo ll. K. Howe l.oo 1.00 1.00 J, C. Molse .. ltterlo Ball Xnormatl.vilinatrlCk ' 2&.00 Jewish sympathisers with Italy have con tributed aa follows: rx t. .. Kimn M W. X I 1K ftl ,T'Ti 10.00 A. Lursen .. I. Grossman .. A. Kat ti. Adler Joe L,lpsle H. Roeenblum A. Myerson .. H. Hospel A. Laserowll J. Rosenberg . A. Theodor . . . W. Castleman 1 a ftahlHnk l,. Froom N. Rosencrant II. Milder H. Dubnoff J. Flnkenstoln A. Jacobson L,. Cohen W. Ldpofsky A. Joffe S. Uobltsky Total Previously by Jewish friends... ..I 38.90 .. 66 34 Appropriated last Monday llOg.U Balance expected by Sunday, U50, Bigger, Setter, Busier That what ad vertising In The Bee doe for your busi ness. Laughter, Digestion And Health An eminent Russian physician haa stated hi opinion that laughter I one of th best means known to acleno for tb cor rectlon of Dyspepsia, stomach and nerv ous diseases. Laughter, however. In a dyspeptic I Ilk the memory of running brook and ahady glens to tb famishing and dying man lost In the desert. If one could but know all th causes, reasons aud origin ot Dyspepsia, on would not wonder at a hait-heartadnea of a dyspeptic's gaiety. There I a ceaseless call for appetite, food and enjoyment to a dyspeptic. coupled with a morose, moody belief and knowiadg thai auch a call la mockary and If indulged In will bring discomfort, pala and regret. Perhap If It war understood that th dlgevtlv system, including mouth, throat and alimentary canal, embracing aa it doe the stomach. 1s oompoaed of mem braneous tissue filled with million f mall nerves, which control added mil lions of little mouth or sucker. Perhaps If t hia were known mo could mora com prehenaikly understand that to dlaarraog such a system would mean Indeed IntauM physical pain. Now suppose that this alimentary canal I a maa of worn-out, debilitated tiervo and mouth, each suffering excruciating physical pain and discomfort, and tuppo such a canal filled with the furorfi ot foul odor and decayed tod from th last mesl, and one ha a slight Idea a to th lack of laughter ot a dyspupclc. Stuart' Dyapepaia Tablet composed ef the highest digestive Ingredient one graia of a single Ingredient being capable of di gesting 3.000 grain ot food relieve th alimentary canal of It onerous duties, as sists 1t along It entire length (30 fet) to perform It routine. Impart strength, and buoyancy to the stomach and give btok to tha blood a strong, healthy nourish ment. Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet are natural adjunct to digestion. They do not falsely stimulate an already weakened machine, but build up where building 1 needed and remove where removal 1 necessary, Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet hav nothing to conceal. Here 1 what they ar mad of; Hydrastis, golden seal, lactose and aaeptlo pepsin, forty thousand physician In America and Canada u and prescribe them. They should b used aftr every hearty meal whether on Is a dyspoptlo or not. Every druggist carries them; prio tor. Send us your nam and adores and we will send you a aampl packag frea. Ad dress r. A. Stuart C m putmH Wag., Marshall, Mich. Of -1 v;t . V .1 U'J ti.t I r .-,.! .l:'l f.,-I .: . .fi T I i '1 : ol '! J! a . nt aarf 1 .ols Olt l-x-s .'.!'. r.p 1VSO .rtfvi 1": tn'' .!nr. .1. ;i . .1 V V , I o rfT (Ml!.' r.. oir . r 1 lr (111. ;..r Ttrl ;!... --iii'l r. lit iin 1. j ' lii' . t H r.ri t'i v n li IT K ! f.r.i .v tif ' V ,, "j 1. 1 IH1 . 'iri t 6Sl1 -Sir-