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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1909)
1 THE OMAHA NrXDAY NEK: .TAXITAKY 10. inOH. i TOPICS OF TOE DAY OF REST 1Z ens&.tion in Yea. , publicity Campaign in Interest of Ha I tional Problem! Launched. HAS HOME MISSIONS BACKING The biggest selling movement of the kind that has ever been "pulled off" in OMAHA in years yes in many years. We will have the people of this city and the surrounding country talking as they never talked about a sale before. It is a genuine sensation. TMeetlasra Will B Held la 8erlea la Different Rectloaa of Cematry, Comlnf o Owk Latter Fart ( March. The molt extensive publicity campaign ver conducted In the Interest of great na- a .4.r. nrnhium aa they confront 'the church will be undertaken by the Home ! ... - Y. Mlealone council, whicn coruusui ome Mission boards of the Evangelical denominations throughout the United 8tatea and representing 15.000,000 membera. l Thla campaign will be conauciea in iwu fa-eries; the flrat Including eaatern cltlea aa followa: Brooklyn. January 26 ana Hartford. January and 27; Buffalo, Jan uary and 28; Cleveland. January 28 and ; Pittsburg. January 1 and Feb ruary 1; Baltimore. February 1 and ; Atlanta, February 1 and 4; Philadelphia. February U and 12. The wai4 MMmm in the central weat f rand will Include Cincinnati. March 21 and St3; Nashville, March 22 and 23; Bt. loula, m m u. v..... ntt. March 24 and 25; Omaha. March 26 and ; Mlnne apolle. March 2S and 2l Chicago. March 9 and 10. A two day conference will be kelfl In each city. Beginning with the afternoon of the flrat day and eloelng with the afternoon of tha aeoond day the following aubject will be discussed: "Today Outatandlng IProbleme of Home MiaalonB. "The Unity rf the Churoh In IU Mlaalon to America," f'A ChrletlanlaM America For Naton .Building." "A Christianised America for JWorld Redemption." "The Church and the Labor Movement," "The Church and Ita 'Resources the Men and the Means," "City jEvangellxatlon." The evening of the second lay will be devoted, to denominational ral illes, which will be arranged for by the Warlous denominational home mlsalonary t '"Odette. Among the speaker who have already onsented to take part In thla campaign 'are the following: Bev. Charlea E. Jeffer on, D. n.; Bev. H. L. Morehouae. D. D., L. L. P.; Rev. C. K Thompaon. D. D P. U D. ; Ex-Governor B. B. Olenn; Ttie Right jFtev. Ethclbnrt Talbot, V. D.. L L D.; Bishop K. R. Hendrlx. D. D.. U 1 D. ; Rev. jlame.i I. Vance, D. D.; Hon. Joahua Lever ing, L. P. P.; Bishop Luther B. Wilson, D. i 'p. I.. I.. D. ; Commlaaloner Robert Watch t iirn; Rev. John B. White, D. D.; Bev. rthur 8. Lloyd, D. D. ; Rev. W. C. Bitting, O. P.; Rev. H. C. Herring, P. D. ; Rev. L. Barnes, D, D. ; Rev. A. W. Fortune, D. p.; Rev. Frank Mason North, D. D.; Rev. ! Charles Btelxle, Rev. W. 8. Holt. D. D.; lev. Howard B. Grose, D. D. ; Mr. J. i Srneet McAfee. Rev. F. N. Wright. Rev. toward J. Melish, Rev. W. D. MacKcnzle, i. D. ; Rev. Floyd Tomklns, D. D., and 3lshop Alexander Walters. It will not be the primary purpose of thla campaign to raise money, but to present :o the churches of America the Importance fj f the home mission enterprise, particularly a It haa developed In recent years. While .he old phases of home mission work aa It I las to do with work In the great weat will glren their proper emphasis, the newer problems which present an appeal for mis sionary thought and endeavor will be par .loularly emphaalzed. The congestion of cities, the perlla and pportunltlea of immigration, the raising loclallam with Ita possible conflict of ilasses, and the aggressions of fanaticism ind superstition are features of American iroblems which give a larger meaning to tome missions. The executive committee having the af- alrs of the publicity campaign In charge -onatltutes Charlea L. Thon-.pson. D. D., halt-man; J. Brownlee Voorhees, secretary; tobert C. Herring. D. P.; R. A. Hutohlnson, f. D. : Arthur 8. Lloyd. D. P.: H. L. vforehouse, P. P.; A. L. Morris, D. P.; Robert Forbes. P. P.; S. L. Queen, P. P.; i Whitney. P. P.; A. Stewart Hartman. P.; John R. Nelson, P. P.; William J. Wright, P. P.; B. P. Cray, P. P., all of vhom are national secretaries of various tome mission societies. j The national organisation comprising the -ouncil follow: American Baptist Home mission society, General Conference of ree Baptists. Home Mission board, Southern Baptist convention. Missionary ;ioard of the Christian church. The Ameri can Christian Missionary society. Congrega tional Home Missionary society. American Missionary association, Pomeatlo and For eign Missionary society, Protestant Fptsco ol church. Board of Home missions, Oen j ral Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church In nlted States. Board of Home Missions nd Church Extension, Methodist Episcopal j hurch. Missionary board. Free Methodist jhurch; Board of Home Missions, Methodist Toieeiani cnurcn; iioarn or Missions. fethodlst church, south: Board of Home ' Ilaelona, Presbyterian Church In the United '"tatea of America; General Assembly's lome Missions, Presbyterian Church In the JTnlted States, south; Board of Home MIs- j i i"" i nu"u t-resnyierian church, , reara or nomestio Missions of the Re formed Church In America, Home Mission ary society. United Brethren In Christ. Presbyterian rlergymen of Omaha and -nvlrons are called together for a meeting n the First Presbyterian church at 10:30 ODDS AND ENDS AT LESS THAN COST The goods are all of last Fall's design, but they are to us undesirable because we have only a few articles of a kind per haps only the sample piece. So we must sweep away the entire stock and people have come to know that when Hartman sets out to conduct a clearance he's mighty reckless with the knife and cuts the prices to a degree that most furniture stores would call ruinous. No profit expected all we want is part of the cost. Biggest bargains you ever laid your eyes on. IRON BEDS Heavy Posts and tubing, popular colors, reduced from $8.00 to BRASS BEDS French Lacquer ed, newest de signs, 1-inch posts, regular price 132.75 now DRESSING TABLE. Oak, Mahogany or Bird's Eye Maple, French plate mir ror, worth $23, T25 reduced to ....... PRINCESS DRESSER of pleasing designs, large mirror, shapely standards, oak, mahogany or maple. reduced from I2V.U0, to 2Y2 jARGE DRESSER Oak or Mahogany fin ish, well made, large and roomy, a bargain at $12.50, special 069 price O WW drawers CHIFFONIER. " oak or mahogany fin ish, French plate mir ror, reg. price (9.75, clearance price 61 ijj SOLID OAK BUFFET New designs, large drawers and linen compartment, shapely top, $30.00 value, reduced to . . . I8!f MASSIVE S I D E BOARD, solid oak, beautifully carved, drawers lined for sil verware, $40.00 value clearance P" 10 price. . . HlllWi llflMtaJaJWMUsBMIMaMsxi intra w.j tjj 1 ' PBDSBTAXi I jr ffiyys.- IL. V IXTEWSIOW I TABLE "ti1"1 quarter - aawed l i Ku'! oak, carved feet fl ' Irk vf easy running H yrf slides $38 ()0 H ;! ju ) Ma. regular price, M Tha Disposing of 2.000 almost Perfect STOVES AND RANGES IS A GIGAKTIC UNDIBTlKIirO, BUT XT WILL BB ACCOMPLISHES XK TWO WEEKS. It is a selling movement that will be watched and attended with the utmost enthunlssm by the people of Omaha and throughout the State for the next two weeks a movement that will make the oldest men and most experienced buyers open their eyes In amazement and stand dumfounded at the sensational manner In which prices have been slashed and slaughtered. Only Slightly Tarnished Remember that these 2,000 stoves and ranges are from some of the best makers In America. They are the Season's leavings discontinued patterns slightly tarnished stoves all are perfect in operation and will give the most thorough satisfaction tn every little particular. Rugs Remarkably Reduced 10Hx8 ft. SEAMLESS VELVET RUGS In Tans, Olives and Old Rose, HfltA combination, J I Handsome two tone $30.50 value, clearance price. 12x9 ft. SEAMLESS VELVET RUGS Beautiful color effects, Oriental, m Q Medallion and Floral designs, Jlv $35.00 value, clearance price mm BODY BRUSSELS RUG, 12x9 ft., Persian, Medallion and Floral design dur ability of these rugs unequaled. $37.00 value; clearance price BIGELOW 12x9 AXMINSTER RUGS Heavy, soft pile, perfect Rugs, jf 150 and thoroughly guaranteed, J A. $40.00 value, for SEAMLESS ROYAL WILTON RUGS 12x9 feet. Fringed borders, soft 7750 $55.00 value, clearance price 26L5 BARS BUHEB Larf double heater, patent magazine cov er, full nickeled trimmed, J32.00 regular price, clearance COOK STOVK Heavy castings, large oven, guaranteed baker, a bar gain at $12.00. 789 clearance price V, i TJ SOTBLB HEATIKO Kase Murner, elabor ate nickeled trimming largo radiating sur face. 4 5.00 value, clearance price. Every Stove Guaran teed to Give Satisfaction STEEL RANGE Six-holes, warming closet, complete as shown, large, square oven, $35.00 regular price, clear ance. OAK KEATEB Nickeled trim med, cast fire box. Very eco nomical heater, reduced from 17.00 to BEM ASKABLE SALE OF COUCHES S 1 50 Couches to be closed out at fac tory cost 1 PoHltiveiy the greatest HKCrlflCH of thoroighly dependable " Couches In rrlce represents Just the art- the history of this store. iial cost to niiike. 94 Couches unhnlatered In Genuine Leather, 818.50; 49 Conches uphol stered In Nantuoket Leather, $10.76; 67 Mas sive Couohes upholstered In Imported Velours.. DAVENPORT SOFA BEDS Upholstered in velour. verona o r Nantucket leaither.solld oak frame, massive de sign, reduc ed from $35 to 975 2269 37: 11 S 60 i r 1111111111111 in FINEST QUALITY FRENCH WILTON RUGS 12x9 feet. Reproduction of 0rr"7Z the best Imported Oriental Rugs, i f 00 value, clearance price I 4 value' t Q,ve ZailS'lCUOn I clear- Z.Y mmj i I ance . n 1 r S VS MIMIMMHMaMjaMMMMRfMMJM MMIM" 'Mi Hi -pmmsmj-miimi s win si i . ss i n. i. nn . . mi s M.-war VIUF MM1 Mi II UMMMlIf MMMBMMBOTMHMM; EM12ER70UR IIEST 1414-16-18 DOUGLAS ST. WldMMMUKCsU CARPETS 45c INGRAIN CARPETS, 32 XX rolls, reduced to, yard s 75c EXTRA SUPER INGRAIN CAR PETS, 14 rolls, reduced to, yard JJC 89c EXTRA ALL WOOL INGRAIN CARPET, 29 rolls, reduced to, P yard J C 95c BRUSSELS CARPETS, extra qual ity, 156 rolls, reduced to, Oar yard VC $1.25 VELVET CARPETS, deep rile, 43 rolls, reduced to, "7 yard OC 1.45 VELVET CARPETS, best quality, 25 rolls, reduced to, CQat yard Jk $1.60 AXMINSTER CARPET, borders, to match, 280 rolls, reduced 1 20 to, yard Tf a la Wo More PILES Vo Matter How Bad Yoor Case Is Or How Long Ytm Have Had It, Pyra. mid Iile t'iiro Can Cure It. rree jackar Sent to rrova Xt. Half of the suffering- and torture of biles has never been told. Whether your art1cular cava of pile is almost too cx ruclatlng for any mortal to bear, or If .ou are fearfully tantalised by unreachable telling- and bleeding or whether you have nly a moderate case of piles, there Is oaltlve relief, and quick too. In Pyramid ftla Cure. iou neea not take ror aranted all we Way about our Pllo Remedy. We want It o speak for Itself. That 1. why we say to every person suf. farina; from plies or any form of roctal llseaae, aend us your name and address luid we will gladly send you a free trial Larkage of the marvelous Pyramid Pile Jure. After using the trial you will hurry O your nearest druggist and get a 50 cent Ijox of Pyramid Pile Cure, now admitted Ljr thousands to be one of the most won- lerful reliefs and cures for Plies ever known. Instant rerlef can be gotten by using the narvclous Pyramid Pile Cure. It lmmed ately reducoa all congestion and swelling, teals all sores, ulcers and Irritated parta. It renders an operation absolutely un- leoeasary. Bend your name and address to-day for -a package to Pyranrid Irug Co., 13s t .Vtamld BUI? .. Marshall, Mtctk Monday foretioon. Pynodlcal home mission work will be up for discussion. Bev. Nathaniel McGlffen will present the subject of the day and Rev. W. II. Kearns, D. P., synodlcal superintendent, will give the principal address. An elder from each church Is asked to be present. Music at the North Side Christian church Sunday will be aa follows: MORNING. OrRan Prelude Oh Holy Savior... Cunhmari mrd s prayer, rnanieo ana unaccompanied. Soprano Solo Come Unto Me Mrs. H. u. riark. EVENING. Processional Oh Paradise Invocation Hymn Prayer Choir Heions Now the Pay Is Over.. Lmet lie Shall Keea His rUK-k Mr. C. A. ManKum and Mr. James Knlsht. RcresKlnnal Savior Again to Thy Pear Name Wo Raise Grace R-iptist church, Tenth and Arhor streets, will hold a memorial service in In nor of R, E. Pi'.rtek, recently deceased. Mr. Patrick --.ts a charter member of the church and Its senior deacon for many years. Ho waa also a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and of the Scottish clan. A ger.cral Invitation Is ex tended to his friends to attend this mcrrlng church. at the First Congregational "la the New Testament as Authorita tive as the Old?" This question will be answered by Rev. E. H. Jenks. p. P., at the Business Men's Bible class Sunday at the First Presbyterian church, 12 to 12:30. The class is open to everybody. ' i' n me morial service, which begins at 7H5 p. m. Calvary Baptist church will hold re vival service at its branch, Thirty fourth and Seward streets, beginning Sur.dsy evening. The pastor, Rev. E. R. Curry, will be assisted by the pastor's band, consisting of three other ministers besides himself. The people of all de ncrr.lnattons living tn that part of the city are Invited to join in thla effort for the spiritual good of the community. Mr. George U. McNutt addresses ' the men's meeting at the Young Men's Chris Mat association Sunday at 4 p. m. His subject is "Our Kind of a Man." Mr. McMuCt has been called the -Pinner Pall Man" from hla intimate experience with the laboring man and hla problems. As a pastor the question of empty pews bothered him. penning overall and blouse ha disappeared from the pulpit an l took a position tn a large iron mill for a time. Mr. McNutt speaks Sunday Y. W. C. A. Notes. Miss Minnie C. Lorkwood, Travelers' Aid secretary, will continue tearhtnir the Sunday school lesson In the assembly room each Friday noon at 11:30. On account of the reception to be given for Miss Taylor Friday evening, all clas work scheduled for that night will be suspended and all members of classes have been invited to attend the reception at 7:30. Beginning next Saturday morning Miss Buigoyne, director of domestic arts, will conduct a dolls' dressmaking class for young glrla from 10 to 11:30 and will teach correct principles of sewing ap plied to dolls' clothes. On account of the weather last Tues day, classes scheduled to open on that day were postponed one week and will open Tuesday, January 12, as roiiovv.i: Esperanto, under Mrs. A. P. Roberts; Englinh grammar, under Miss Frances M. Crittenden; expression, under MIhs Murioi, M. Nlckum; winter millinery, un der Miss Frances Zeaman; popular shirt walat and embroidery classes, under Miss Clar.i E. Burgoyne. The New Year's gospel meeting, poet- fioned from last Sunday on account of he Impersonation of the Brahmin woman by Mrs Burnell, will ha held Sunday aft ernoon at 4:30. Mrs. Kyers will lead the meeting and will give a short lesson on the first Psalm. Everyone is asked to bring a New Year text. The text of the association for the year 1909 has been chosen by Mrs. Harford, president, and Is as follows: "Who crowneth the year with Thy goodness." Miss Harriet Taylor, secretary of the Natlrnal Board for the Foreign Pepart ment. will be In the city next week Fri day. MIhs Taylor will attend the monthly meeting of the board of directors and will be the guest of the board at luncheon, and will speak to the BIIjIh students and others of the association at 7:30 In the evening. The B. B. B. is In charge of the reception tn the even ing and extends an Invitation to those interested to be present. Miss Mvra Withers. Nebraska state secretary, will also be the guest of the association at this reception. M lerellaaeaas aasssssesirsta, Oak Street Mission Sunday School. Vrt) South Twentieth 1 p. m., adult Bible class to be organised. House of Hope 861 North Twenty-seventh Avenue Services at 4 p. m.i Judge George A. Magney will speak. Omaha General Hospital A chapel service will be held In the hospital on Sunday aft ernoon at 4 o'clock, conducted by Mr. C. F. Robel. Free Methodist, 1737 South Eleventh Sunday school at 10; preaching at 11 and 7:45; district E1Jer. H. E. Hatfield in charge. Kountze Memorial Lutheran Mission, Nineteenth and Caatellar. Sunday school at 3 p. m. every Sunday, E. B. Cook super intendent. People's, Charles W. Savidge, Pastor Moining, "God Supplying All Our Need;" evening, "Paying our Vows." Prof. Mcrtcs has charge of the music. Second Church of Christ, Scientist. Nine teenth and K&rnaro, IjVTtc Theater Sunday school at 9:46 a. tn. Service at 11 a. in.; subject of lesson-sermon, "Sacrament." First I'nlted Presbyterian. Twenty-first and Emmet, ltev. p. K. Turnbull, Pastor- Services at 10:30 u. m. and 7:30 p. m. lilblo school at noon. Meeting of young people at li:30 p. m. First Church of Christ. HClentlst, Twenty- fifth and Fa ma m, Chambers' Building Sunday schu 1 at SMi u. m. Sunday svrv lces ul 11 a. m. and s p. m. Subject lussou-st-rmon, "Sacrament." Saratoga Congregational, Ames Avenue and Tweiity-fiftii, Jtssu Fisher, Pastor Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 11:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at e:M p. m. Preaching at 7.30 p. m. Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New ton Mann, Minister Locture, Arnold of Brescia Contending for a Peoples liberty Against Six Successive Popes, ' at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at noon. Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Rev. Thomaa B. Greenlee, Ph. P., Pastor Morning serv ice at li):30. Evening service at 7:30. Sun day school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. in. McCabe Methodist Episcopal. Farnarn ana Fortieth J. Narver Gortner, Pasior Sermon at 1 and 7:3"; morning theme, "Exeklel's Vision of the Waters;" oven lng theme, "Human Responsibility." First Presbyterian, podge and Seven teenth, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, P. P., Pastor Morning service at lo:3u. Evening service at 7:3o. Sunday school ul noon. Christian Endeavor meeting at 4:16 p. m. I'nion Gospel Mission, 13J1 louglas Kev. A. W. Clark, superintendent of the Child Saving Institution, will speak Sunday. Song service at 7 44. Miss Frances McGlffert will sing. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. North Side Christian, Twenty-second and Pocust. If. J. Klrschsteln. Minister Morn ing worship at lj 30. liible school at 13. Christian Endeavor at 8:1a. E-vening serv ice at 7 30. Mid-week service Wednesday evening at 8. Westminster 1'rexhvterian. Mason and 29th, Rev. W, 8. Fulton; Pastor Services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school and Bible classes at 12. Izard Street mis sion at 3 p. m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. First Cnited Evangelical, Franklin, Near Twenty-fourth, Rev. y. A. Peck, Pastor Sunday school at 10 a. in.; worship at 11 a. m.; theme, "Seeking Intercessors;'' Christian Endeavor at 6:3U p. m.; worship at 7:30 p. m.; theme. "My Neighbor." Central I'nlted Proebyterlan, Twenty fourth and Podge, R. B. A. McKride, P. P., Minister Morning worship at W:3o. Recep tion of new members and observance of the sacrament of the aupper. Evening worship at 7:30. Post-communion sermon, "Help in Time of Trouble." Trinity Cathedrlal, Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth, the Very Kev. George. A. Beeclu-r. Pean Holy communion at 8 a. in., Sunday school and Bible class at 9:45 a. m., morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock, confirmation class at 3 p. m., evening prayer and sermon at :ju o cioca. Plymouth Congregational, Twentieth ajid Spencer, John P. Clyde, Minister Morning worship, 10:30; theme, "A Convenient Sea son." Sunday school el 12 Christian Fi deavor society at 6:'M. Evening worship ut 7:3o; theme, "The Chance of a lifetime. Special music at each service. Caatellar Presbyterian, Rev. Ralph H. Houseman, Minister At 10:30. "Converging Providences and the World's Conquest," at 7 30, "First Things First." Bible school at 12. Young people's service at 6:30. Park Forest and Ontario chapels each conduit Bible school sessions at 3 p. m. First Germsn Free Evangelical, Twelfth and porcaa Public worship and Sabbath observance at 10:30 a. m. and 7:3u p. tn., preaching by Rev. F. H. W. Bruechert, pastor. Bible school at 3:30 p. rn. Annual business meeting, with attendance of all members desired, Monday, 7:30 p. m. Grace Baptist. Tenth and Arbor, B. F. Fellman, Pastor 10:45, "The Threshold of a New Year; 7 p. ni., young people's meet ing; 7:45 p. m., H. E. Patrick memorial service. Sunday school No. 1. Tenth and Arhor streets. t noon: Sunday school No. 2, Fourth and Cedar streets. S;30 p. m. St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth and Burdette, P. Groh. Pastor Services at 10:45 a. m., subject. "The Holy Family, An Example for Training Children." Subject 7:30 p. m.. "The Man Not Spoiled by HuiI den and Great Promotion." Sunday school at noon. Young people's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Immanuel Baptist. Twenty-fourth and Plnkney. Phlletus II McDowell. Pastor Servlcea at 10 30 a. ni. and 7: p. m. The Rev. O. A, Williams. P. p. of Lincoln will preach. Bible school at noon. The Baptist Young Peoples union at i :f. Ml1-week service Wednesday evening at 7:46. at which special business will he considered. Grace Lutheran, South Twenty-sixth, tween Poppleton and Woolworlh, Rev. M 1 Mellck, Pastor Church services at 10 4J and 7:30; subject of sermon, "Modern Pe luslons," Sunday school at 12:15 and Lu ther leapue at 8:30. Wednesday night, an nual business meeting of the congregation. Class In catechism 011 Friday at 4. First I'nlted Brethren, Nineteenth and lA'throp, M. o. McLauuhlln. Pastor Sun da school nt 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 and 7:30. Morning theme, "The Acts of the Holy Spirit;" evening, "To Whom BeloiWi est Thou, and Whence Art Thou?" Class meeting at li Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Prayer servlco Wednesday at s p. m. I,owe Avenue 1'it mI), lei ian, Fortieth and Nicholas, Rev. Nathaniel M. C. Glffin. P. P. Minister Communion and reception of new members at morning service at 10:30. men's Bible class at 11:50. Sabbath school at noon, Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m , evening worship at 7:30. SuhJ'-cl sermon, "Temptation," Strangers very welcome. Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Twenty First and Hlnney, pr. John A. dpyker. I'as torn Sunday school at noon; preaching service at 10:30 a. m., short sermon by the Dixtor ami the holv communion: Junior eaguo at 3 p. m.. Epworth league at 6:30 p. 111., preaching service at 7::i p. m., son- lect, "The Power of an Idea." Prayer meet- tug Wednesday at 8 n. m. First rreshyterlan. Twentieth and Pav- enport. William E. Todd, Pastor-Sunda v school at 9:.1o a. m.; Bible clas In pastor's study at ,6o; public service and sermon at 10:4f; Junior Endeavor at 3 p. ni.; Senior Endeavor at t!:3o; evening service and rmon at 7:3; morning tonic, "What a Church Can See and po With its Eyes Open; " at night, "The Church, Its Ab solute Authority for Society and Civic Bet terment." Kountze Memorial Lutheran, Twenty sixth and Farnam, John E. Hummnn, Pas torMorning service nt 10:30; subject of sermon, "Individual Responsibility." Even ing sermon, "That Quickening Power." Christian Endeavor, "Living for the P.iy or for Eternity." Leader, Mrs. Arthur Sa vard. Congregational meeting on Monday evening and annual congregational dinner 6::t on the sajno evening. First Congregational. Nineteenth and Davenport, Fieilerlck T. Hons.-, Paator Morning worship at 10:31; sublect, "Re ligious Experience;" Sunday school at noon. The opening session of the "Health nnd Happiness" class, under the direction of the pastor. In the west parlor at noon. Subject. "The. Hub-Conscious" George It McNutt. the famous pinner Pall preacher, will speak In the evening at 7:45. Public Invited to a!! services. Calvary Baptist, Twenty-Fifth and Ham ilton, llev. E. It. Curty, Pastor- Services t 10:3o a. 111. and 7:3o p. m., new year sermons at hoth services: crowning service at 8:30 p. m.: Bible school at noon, young people's meeting nt 6:30 p. ni.; Wednesday, 8 p. m.. nraver and praise service. Calvary Baptist Brunch, Thlrt v-fourth and Seward: flonday. 3:.1o p. ni.. Bible school. Sund.iv. 7.3" n. m.. opening of revival services, to continue through the week, everv n 1st lit ex- ceptlng Saturday. All these services are tfij be conducted by the pastor's Evnnpolistla bant'. Afraid of Ghosts Many people are afraid of ghosts. Few people are afraid of germs. Yet the ghost is a fancy and the germ is a fact. If the germ could he magnified to size equal to its terrors it would appear more terrible than any fire-breathing dragon. Germs can't be avoided. They are in tbe air we breathe, the water we drink. The germ can only prosper when the condition of the system gives it free scope to establish it self end develop. When there is a deficiency of vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow rhrek, a hollow eye, when the appetite is poor and the sleep is broken, it is time to guard sgaintt the germ. You csn fortify the body against all (crmi by the use of Dr. Tierce's Gold en Medical Discovery- It increases the vital power, cleantet the yitem of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so that the germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed. "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, whisky or habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed on its outside wrapper. It is not secret nostrum but medicine op known composition and with a record of 40 ytart 0 cum. Accept no substitute there is nothing "just as good." Ask your neighbors. 1 1 1 I a t .1 m M