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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1909)
TUK OMAHA SUNDAY REE: JANUARY 10. 1000. NO REHEARING FOR FISHER lit PER UNA EDITORIAL NO. I. frr. Hartmaa U cow offering1 Fernna to the publio m a regular pharmaceu tical prod act It la just aa ethical at any compound put up for the medical profession. No straining; of medical ethics can find any fault with it THE PRINCIPAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incorporated in the label on the bottle, that the people may know that the claims made for Peruna have a true justification..' The only departure we shall make from medical ethics in the conduct of Ptruna affairs in the future, is the fact that we shall continue to advertise and ell our product TO THE PEOPLE. If we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only, then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Peruna aa being entirely within their approval. , BUT WE SHALL NOT DO THIS. We shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. We shall continue to convey to the people our claims for Peruna aa a household remedy. We shall continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to use our medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical profession like it or not We are proposing from this time on to take the publio into our confidence. Notwithstanding that some imitators and aubstitutors will be attempting to put up something which they consider just aa good aa Peruna, we are going to draw aside the veil of secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly OF WHAT PERUNA IS COMPOSED. This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expect however, that crit icism will continue. On some pretext or other those who are envioua of the People Who Object to Liquid Medicines Can Now Secure Peruna Tablets. in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valu able household remedy, WE CLAIM PERUNA TO BE A CATARRH REMEDY. Buy a bottle and u t7 it. If it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you. f r . If you want ua to we will publish your statement exactly aa you furnish it to us. We will add no words, take away no words. If you wish us to we will publish your portrait in connection with it We will not do this without your Written request without your entire conaent Peruna ha benefited thousands of people afflicted with ohronio catarrh, in many phases and locations. At least that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited testimonials. Many thousand more will reap benefit from Peruna in spite of fabricated slanders to the contrary. WE GUARANTEE EVERY BOTTLE OF PERUNA TO CONTAIN THE INGREDIENTS PRINTED ON THE LABEL. We have taken great pains that every testimonial we use should be abso lutely true, in the exact language of the testifier. We have taken great pains that every photograph published should be the photograph of the person whose name it bears, that every word of every testimonial should be authorised by the hand that signed it We are determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than they are, by dealing squarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet falsehood t". with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity. We know that the users of Peruna wiU appreciate our stand. We believe that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our op- E orients will be obliged to acknowledge finally that Peruna is not only an onest and useful remedy, but one of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDI ONES ON THE CONTINENT. Ask your Druggist for a Free Peruna Almanac for 1909. Where to eat Table D'Hote Dinner Very F1m8t Sunday Tryollan Singers WIU r Kntertalu You. Add Variety to your Luncheon by . ordering HALF PORTiaNS at HANSON'S CAFE EVERY DAY U'NPH AND DINNER Three floors THIS MZSTJ IOUFS Plates 10c. Tureens 15c. riSK Half Portions 20c and 18c. trriEts Half Portions 2oc, 26o, 30c BOASTS Half Portions 25c and 30o Vegetables So and 10c Pies Bo and 10c Ice Cream, plain and fancy loo up. Service Prompt MEAL. BOOK FREE ....... AX ROBERTSON'S CAFE Guess nearest number of people served eacli day. TABXJ D'KOTB SIVITEB Xvtry Bandar and Holidays. SAM SING Will Open a ITsw and Up-Te-Date RESTAURANT at 607 . 13ta Street. Monday, January Ilth 10OO The Special Dish at Seduced Frlce Zvsry Day at Cfe CALUMET Is better than any bargain sale la On aha. FOREMOST HOTELS EVERYWHERE " IlKTROIT. MICH.: , ,S. A Am. P. WAYM HOTHL. , .4. to. Ht, crop. , J.Uf iPHINOS. N. C: MOl NTAIN PARK HOTBU All ABUMUXUM- llaa til (W. '.XtiUISVlIXK. KT. THE OALT HOUSE. B. P. fcywy bmmmtb taiBt. II. W aajr uy. Can u utpota. v " 'fl IGS'OLIA SPR1SOS. KL.A : MAGNOLIA SPRl.NUt lioTt-U. yt 1 up. Oat-aoor ana liter m OLD POINT COMFORT, LIN. uta ' r. VA HOTEL CHAMBER, ki.dicintl uUm. oo. r. A J. on. Mgr. 1IIKKALO. N. Y .: THIS LENOX. B P. ' Ku II. te ws. 09 DuKfe.a. Pro. DFTHUIT. MICH : THg NOHMANDI. B. P. KtiM II l- ruiwll. Prop. NKW YOHJC CITY: HOTItL EMPIRE. B P. ruiv H W W- Jesnsee 7 'NFW YORK. fclTT: HOTItL M AKLBOROl'UH. K. P. It M-M S 0J. K. P., Mr. r MM Kill' HIT. K. C: TH CAROLINA MOLLY INN. A. P. KMS It M ( Try -A-w-r co'iSa l ore throat la a I . trouble than U owriA,a.Arrn-KAwr Try a bottle. ISo and 10a loirtu w oo.. XUUS ae Mm. MiUi fcayak auocesa of Peruna will continue to find fault But we are determined to give such people no just complaint PERUNA IS A GREAT MEDICINE. It has become a household word in millions of home. Our faith in the remedy is stronger than ever. Every year we expect to cover new fields SIREET FEID FIGHT FATAL Kentucky Girl Killed and Fire In jured in Battle Between Families. TWO OTHERS PK0BABLY WILL DIE Trouble Starting Oat Anew la and Shots it Dance Breaks the Moralasjr Are Es chanced. WILIAMSTOuN, Ky.. Jan. .-Miss Ethel Ranson, 25 years of age, was killed and six other persons injured, two probably fatally, as a result of a street feud right eariy to day. There had long been bitter feeling between the Lantern and Ranson families. It led to trouble when they met at a dance given last night at the home of Wesley Barns, two miles east of Wllliamstown. The first outbreak was suppressed, but later the men met on the street and from words took to firing pistols and throwing stones. Fortunately the streets were nearly deserted. Miss Ranson was killed by a bullet, her brother Sidney was shot below the heart and above the eye and his re covery is doubtful, as also is that of Charles Clark, who was shot through the lungs. Grover Clerk suffered a broken collar bone. Thomas Turner was beaten and Emmet Homan carries a bullet In his right arm. drover and George Lantern, both of whom escaped any serious Injury, are In jail today for participating in the fight. WARREN M. ROGERS AT REST Omaha Mas Who Died In Sicily Is rterlrd at Forest Uns Cemetery. Wurren M. Rogers, who died at Palermo, Sicily, last month, was burled In the family lot In Forest Lawn cemetery Saturday a fit moon. The funeral sen-Ices were held t UJO Park avenue, the home of Thomas J. Rogers, a brother. Very Rev. George Alien Peecher, dean of Trinity Cathedral, conducted the serv ices, according to the ritual of the Episco pal church, of which Mr. Rogers was an attendant. The services began at 1.30 o clock. The pallbearrrs wen. Clement Chnse. C. I Peuel. C. T. Kountse. J. H. Lehmer. W. S. Poppletcn. Isumo Coles. Myron T. learned. Arthur Remington. Accompanying the body when It arrived from the east at 8:30 o'clock Saturday morning, were the widow and her daugh ter. Mildred; Phillip Peering of Portlund, Me., brother of Mrs. Warren M. Rogers, and Will 8. Rogers of Trentcn. N. J., brother of Mr. Rogers. The widow had brought the body from Palermo. Sicily, wheru Mr. Rogers died suddenly of apoplexy December 19. JEWS BUY GENTILE CHURCH Dane Jacob Will Alter Old Second rreabyterlaa Bnlldlaa for lloase el Worship. A permit for altering and repairing the old Second Presbyterian church building at Twenty-fourth and Nicholas streets, has been Issued to the congregation of Bane Jacob, a Jewish society, which has bought the property. The permit Is for S1.0U0, and Robert Butke. the contractor, says that the building will be thoroughly remodelled at once. Hugo Bils Sons took out a permit Saturday to make repairs and alterations on a store building at 90 North Sixteenth street, the work to cost $2,600. Deadly Fsiaat poetesses sufferers from lung trouble till they learn Dr. King's New Lilacovery will help them. &"c and IT. 00. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Prasaotlaa- llab Projected. Uualm-fct men of Cuming street are back of a plan to form Hie Sterling Athletic club to rotuoie all kinds of athletic siorts. including boxing, wreclltng and bdae ball. A meeting of the intervstej partlrs Is called for n x. Thurxlay iiikIiI it Hurry &.ige'a billiard parlors, Teut -second and Cuming street Verdict of Year's Disbarment for Chadron Attorney to Stand. ADDING TO ASSESSMENT ROLLS Papreme Court Hold la t'awe from Omaha Assessor Mar Add Aa? f roper ty Omitted by Him. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. . (Special Telegram.) The supreme court this morning refused a rehearing; In the rase against Captain Allen O. Fisher of Chadron, who was disbarred for one year for presenting a fictitious rltilm before the legislature. The action of the court means the disbarment sentence will be carried out. The rase arose out of claim Fisher made to the legislature In behalf of the heirs of Herman Goedile, whose estate escheated to the state. The amount demanded was much larger than the amount to which they were entitled. State Auditor Rarton has announced the appointment of John W. Tulleys as state accountant to take the place of E. M. Fairfield. Tulleys Is now a county treas ury examiner and Mr. Barton now has a man under consideration to fill the vacancy caused by his transfer. Fences for Railroads. A. railroad company Is not required to enclose that portion of Its right-of-way, even outside of towns, villages, cities and public highways, the enclosure of which, by the construction of fences and cat'le guards, W3Uld be an Increased danger to human life. This Is the law as handed down bv the court today In the case of Horace E. Rurnham against The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway company, appealed from Lancaster county. Mnat Have Contract. If a broker takes a piece of realty for sale and neglects to secure a written con tract providing for his compensation, he cannot recover on quantum meruit for serv ices rendered, nor for the value of the time expended by him in making a' sale. In other words, It must be there In black and white or he must hold the sack. This Is the law and It is reaffirmed in the case of Charles O. Nelson against Orlando W. Web ster et al. As to Omitted Property. In fin opinion handed down In the case of the Chicago House Wrecking company against the city of Omaha the court holds that a tax commissioner In a city may place on the tax rolls property omitted by him at the time of the regular assessment, placing upon the same the valuation fixed by the reviewing board, the only require ment being that he shall notify the prop erty owner to appear and show cause why such assessment should not be made. In 1899 the tax commissioner failed to place the property of the plaintiff on the tax rolls, which fact was discovered during the sitting of the board of review. The board placed the property on the rolls and fixed Its value at 130,000. The tax commls sioner then notified plaintiff of the action taken and Informed it that if it did not appear and show cause why this valuation should not stand it would remain as fixed t the board. The court holds that while the board of review had not the authority to assess, the notice served by the tax ccmmlssloner Indicated his intention to adopt the valuation made by the board unless a showing against such assessment should be made, and that his return of the roll to the board with the assessment of 1.10.000 was sufficient proof that ha had adopted it as his own. Annnal Banquet at Arllnsrtoa. ARLINGTON, Neb., Jan. 9.-HSpeclal.) The first annual banquet of the Men's club of the Congregational church waa held last night In the Odd Fellows hall. Presi dent C. C. Marshall acted as toastmaster. Rev. Mr. Flook spoke on "What the Club Has Accomplished," Maor J. C. Black bum's subject was "Boosting," and City Clerk B. F. Hadley the club poem. Rev. Mr. Esplin spoke on organisation while Rev. Mr. Rouse of Omaha made the principal address of the evening, which was enjoyed by all present. A vocal duet waa rendered by Misses Gray and Hanks. The club has a membership of over 100 and Is past one year old. Cass County Sunday Schools. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Jan. 9.-(Spe-clal.) A meeting of the executive board of the Cbbs County Sunday School associa tion was held in Louisville Thursday. Those present were: Representative C. K. Noyes, president; C. C. Wescott, vice president; George L. Farley, secretary; James Slander, treasurer; Rev. A. A. Ran- Beauty and Bad Breath Cannot Go Together No Matter How a Woman May Try to Make Them. it aces not matter now oeaut.tul a wo man may be, If she la afflicted with bad breath she will be shunned and pitied by men and even women will studious y avoid her. If any woman doubts this statement let her make a point of asking a friend In whom she may confide, a man friend or relative. If he be honest he will tell her that foul breath from the mouth of a wo man will drive men from her more rapidly any other personal affliction. Foul breath arouses In man digust and where this qua lty Is brought Into play no amount of self-denial or reasoning can overcome xne natural repugnance which comes to man when he Is In company with such a woman. What Is true ot bad breath in woman Is not true in so' great a degree in men. Wo men are looked upon as the incarnation of sweetness, breeding, v.rtue and lefii.e ment Foul breath will sicken a man so that he cannot feel for such a woman a companionship necessary to make him de sire to be In her company. There Is absolutely no occasion for bd breath in either men or wonnn. Charcoal, ths strongest absorbent known, when take.i Into the stomach, will prevent this repug nant tendency or affliction. Stuart's Charcoal Losenges are sold in tremendous qjaniltles all over America and Canada. They- cure and have cured all forma of bad breath. A single box will convince you of this fact. One should eat some of these losenges after eich meal and upon retlilng. You might eat fllty of them without harm. They are not medicine, but lure willow charcoal mixed with sweet honey to make them palatable and com pressed Into a losenge to preserve thalr peculiar and lasting strength. The next time you wish to go Into com pany and don't want your foul breath to humiliate you, eat several of Btuart's Char coal Losenges and your breath w.ll be pure and sweet. Every druggist carries them, piles 25 rents, or s?nd ua your name and address and we will send you a trltl package by mail free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., SjO Stuart Bkrg., Marshall, Mich. SMOKEDBUT NO APPRECIABLE DAMAGE Such is the condition of the pianos wc ure offering at prices nwiiy below cost. The opportunity is now here to buy a lrih quality piano ami to save much by so doing, on account of the liberal settlement of the insurance companies. Many have al ready purchased and profited by the sale have you? Let us give a few of the piano bargains to be seen the coming week scores of others -equally as good: $1,000.00 Decker Brothers, 1 A. Hospe; upright .... .$100.00 1 Estey & Camp, upright $85.00 1 New England, upright $105.00 1 Wagner, upright $125.00 1 C. A. Smith, upright $140.00 1 Steinway, square f $87.00 25 Square Pianos $5.00, $10.00, practice Come and see our entire line Out-of-town buyers will Confer a favor by writing for Lift of Bargains in t guarantee satisfaction. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO 1311.1313 FAR NAM STREET, OMAHA, WEB. dall, superintendent temperance depart ment; Rev. J. II. Halsbury, superintendent pastors' department; Jesse I Perry, Rev. G. M. Jones and W. A. Cleghorn. The treasurer's report showed the finances to be In good condition,' and other reports from over the country showed Sunday school work to be in a very prosperous condition. The matter of new legislation was discussed and recommended, also means for more efficient work In all train ing departments and the different depart ments of the association. Convention ef Court Clerks. HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. ".-(Special.) No. tlce has been received by Clerk Charles K. Biuckman of the district court of Adams county of a call for a meeting of clerks of the district court In Lincoln on January 1.1. The call is sent out by C. M. Gruunther ot Columbus, who says the purpose Is to ad vance legislation providing an entirely new schedule ot fees for district court service along these lines: Reduction In the num ber of Items of fees, simplification In the taxation of costs, provision for collection ot fees In advance of service and provision for a uniform method ot keeping the rec ord. Receiver for Iron Works. FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan. 9. (Speclal.)-The creditors and some of the stockholders of the Fairbury Iron Works and Windmill company have applied for a receiver for the company and the Judge of the district court appofnted F. L. Rain receiver. The property Is appraised at 10,000, with an Indebtedness ot 37,000. An effort Is being made by interested parties for a reorgan ization of the, company. Nebraska News Notes, KEARNEY The Dagget Manufacturing company has moved Its entire plant to Hastings, where It has secured concessions In the way of free power and more capital with which to develop lis patent hardware specialties. KEARNEY Two boys, Charley Allen and Willie Inergan, grew weary of the hospitality and steam heat of the State Industrial school and hastily departed one night last week. The next day they were discovered hiding under a stack of alfalfa with hands, races and feet badly froxen but still scorning the warm home on the hllL KEARNEY The recounting of the votes for county attorney waa completed yester day. The original count showed a majority of seven votes for Easteriing and at the Instigation of John lioge, the opposing candidate, tney were recounted. The re sult was that Easteriing now has a major ity oi miriy-iwo. NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. A. II. Hucktns has received word of the death of tier sister, Mrs. Robert Baxter, at Port Huron, Mich, tihe leaves a husband and several Hi own children. Deceased and her husband were residents of this city for years. NEBRASKA CITY The county commis sioners have appointed Dr. Frank S. Mar nell and Dr. J. B. Lecttienwallner county physicians for the coming year and J. W. Kaiser superintendent of the county larm. NEBRASKA CITY Miss Hollis Bean sang of this city was married In Chicago to Edward L. Keber, one of the leading business young men of that city. Thr. marriage whs a surprise to family and all of her friends. NEBRASKA CITY The Otoe County Farmers' Protective association met and re-elected the old officers and made their annual report. This organization hus been in existence In this county fur tiie last ten years. BEATRICE Rev. L. D. Young addressed the pupils of the Northwestern Business college yesterday morning at chapel on the subject, "The Essentials of Success." BEATRICE The Giles livery barn at Wymore was sold yesterday to C. B. Knox of Seward, who has assumed charge of the place. . BEATRICE Rev. Mr. Badger and wife i last evening entertained the choir of Trln I lty Lutheran church. A delightful even j ing was spent lnv games, after which re freshments were served. BEATRICE E. D. Burchard, on employe of the Queen City Creamery company, and Miss Mamie Amberg were married Thurs day al Munden. Kan. They have arrived In the city to make their future home. BEATRICE The basket ball team of this city was defeated Frlily evening at Wll ber. by the score of 82 to IT. BEATRICE The members of the Junior caga nf ne Beatrice lligli school elected these officers yesterday: Harold Stout, resident; Seth Stockton, vice president; orma Kidd. secretary; r.uitn Mccarrey, treasurer. ARLINGTON The Daughters of Re- bek-.ih lodge have installed the following officers: Mrs. Ix)U Roberts, noble grand; Mrs. Nellie Gilpy, vice grand; Mrs. Bessie Grimes, secretary; Mrs. Belle Crane, treas- urer. Miss Elsie Fassett of this city, who is district deputy, presided. ARLINGTON The members of the Ger- man Lutheran cnurcn. which is located five miles north of this city, have elected Rev. H. Halletburg of Illinois pastor, to succeed Rev. J. Hilgenclorf. who resigned and moved to Cheyenne. Wyo. SARGFN'T The Crownover Tp,no"' I son of Fremont was present and acted a. company has workmen busy setting 3o-foot 1 ,.,.,,,., ..ftir-cr poles on the north side of the street for ""I ' the accomodation of a cable. A 300-drop TECl MSLH A total of 173 farm mort swltchboHrd. of the latest pattern, con- gag's were filed In Johnson county during stmrted for two operators, will be in-! the year 190S. amounting to 460,W3.49. One stalled hundred and sixty-nine farm mortgages SA RGENT Ausust Kaohn. a soldier and i were released, amounting to $:ao.J04.a Tims sn old time settler of this county, was H' b ''n th" amounted to hurled today In the Iry Valley cemetery, I considerable more than the releases. This living from cancer of the stomach. He , explained in the fact that a great many leaves a wife and seven children. Johnson county farm owners have gone HEBRON At a meeting of the county officials in the court house Thursday af ternoon a Fold headed cane was presented to H. H. 8lBson, the retiring county com mlsnioner, as a token of esteem. M. G. Corliss, the newly electeO commissioner, assumed the duties of the fice. HFBRON Ival lee men are busy cut Ing ice on Spring creek. The lee Is twelve Inches thl-k and excellent quality. The Ice on the liver varies from three to eight inches. SARGENT This week sees the comple tion of the new steel bridge across the Middle 1-oup liver at this place. It has two spins, each measuring 121 feet, snd the approaches are seventeen feet long The rivsr will be changed te a channel It Kl $15.00 and purposes. ISO.OOexcellent for of Piano Bargain the above Is only deserted twenty years ago. The cost of the structure Is atKNit $.".5n0 and It was completed In six weeks by Foreman 1. Beller of tho Standard Bridge company. HEBRON Leonard Tracy, the 18-year old son of L Tracy, died tills morning of consumption. He had moved to the Pa cific coast and later to New Mexico dur ing the last year In the hopo of regaining his health. HASTINGS Joseph Meyer has been chosen as commander of Silas A. Strick land post. Grand Army of the Republic. HASTINGS The funeral of Warren H. Waldron, one of the pioneer settlers of Adams county and an ex-member of the legislature, was conducted Friday afternoon from the Congregational church. Rev. 11. B. llurrlmm officiating. HASTINGS Arrangements have been made to hold tho next annual tournament of tho Nebraska Checker association In this city, beginning on Wednesday, Febru ary 3. The tournament will extend over two or three days and will probably be par ticipated In by 100 or mote players. HASTINGS The Board of Education of Hastings will hold a special meeting Mon day to consider the proposition for the erec tion of a new lilgli sctiooi Duiiumg mm year. The present mniaing, wnicn m re garded as one ot tne iinest scnooi uuuuuib in the state for its size, was erected five years ago and is already overcrowded. BEATRICE Two wrestling exhibitions were given here last evening hetween local men. The first match was between Frank Kaufman and "Rusty" seiimut. me iornier winning in nine minutes. '1 lie secona event was between Emll Kaufman and John Mclntyre. After wrestling fifty-eight minutes the rereree aeciarea tne maicu draw. BEATRICE At the regular monthly brotherhood meeting of the Presbyterian church, held last evening;, addresses were niiu.rail hv n M nBn of Fairfield. Ia. his subject being "Manly Religion" and Rev. L. D. Young, pastor of the church. A three-course luncheon waa served at the close of the meeting. About W0 members were In attendance. BEATRICE The Fraternal Union of America met last evening and Installed these officers, Mrs. Mary Klnnamon acting as Installing officer: N. M. Miller, fra ternal master; Birdie Robinson, Justice; Stephen Bull, secretary; W. W. I,awson, treasurer; Jennie D. Appleget, truth; Kn nlce Leffel, mercy; Elsie Leech, guard; M. V. Lewis, steward. A banquet was held at the close of the meeting. KEARNEY The young women of the Lotus club entertained a number of their friends Thursday evening. The party first met at the home of B. O. Hostetler and at 8:30 all repaired to the Elks club rooms, where they were allowed the use of their dancing rooms. Later In the evening re freshments were served and the young peo ple enjoyed themselves thoroughly. COLUMBUS The Grand Army of the Republic and Sons of Veterans have Just had a big spread, the occasion being the installation of the new officers for the Sons. A. C. Boone is the commander; C. E. Devlin, S. C. C; G. H. Orubb, J. V. C; B. J. Galley, secretary; D. A. JonKins. treasurer; Lee Rnllln, Henry Westbronk and Charles Wurdeman. camp council; H. B. Reed rjatrlotlc Instructor: C. Turner, rhanlaln; Charles Wurdeman. color bearer; Will Larue and C. Jones, guaraians. COLUMBUS-The Lady Maccabees at their last meeting elected the following to look after the Interests of the order for the ensuing year: Past commander. Will Hagel; commander, Mrs. Dr. Slater; ladv commander; Mrs. Scofleld; record keeper, Mrs. Tom Boyd; finance auditor. Mrs. Union; cnspirun. Mrs. cnris rrorai sergeant, Mrs. William Ixhr: M. A. A. Mrs. Barclay Jones; sentinel, airs, uiniam Dolan; picket, Mrs. Ross Westoott; captain of the guards. Mrs. ueorge winsiow; or ganist, Mrs. Ross Welch. HASTINGS Jtidare Corcoran of York Is expected here Monday to announce his de cision In the suit of the Grand Island and I fast Inns Independent Telephone companies against the Bell system and the Kearney Independent exenange. in wnicn m: plain tiffs are seeking to restrain perfection of a toll arrangement Dciween mn dimi smu Independent exchange at Kearney. nnWHKiSTER The Dorchester Cornet band held Its second annual meeting Frl- da evening. The following orricers were elected: president. E. A. Hockman; lead er. E. R. Wmwirlilge; secretary, it. r. Wtckenkamp; treasurer. Jos. isespory. i ne executive committee consists ot Karl ren- yon. E. Lester Parker, Oltl Louieti. inn band has decided to give a play the last of February. NEBRASKA CITY The city council held a special meeting Friday evening to hear representatives of the water and light company on the matter of granting a new franchise the old one having expired. They agreed on the essential points and the franchise will be presented at the next meeting and more than likely granted. This matter has been before the council fi.v 1im lMt two vpurs Hllfl hnth nartlea have but recently been able to get to- e,.ii,er ...iiisi.-i i'itv.ti,. n,tv .i...-t..l rfri,J.r nf ,li. Inrnl nfrlA nf KltelfM wer,; mhtl,.,l Fndav venlng. followed by a I smoker and supper. Elm camp No. 29. Woodmen of the World, held an tnstalla- I Hon of newly elected officers Friday even- irg. followed by a smoker and a social ARLINGTON Washington lodge, tio. 41, Independent Order of Odd Fellows of tills ' ''' v? lr",,alV'1 the following ornoers: v vice . grand ; u. i. rreiirer, secretary: vv- ''", ire","'"": rt- lJl,.',,a.. ' I f .nm; a " ', . "'A i'v."' wesi ana soum auring me year ana miugni more land, putting mortgages upon the land here to secure money to make the pur chases. During the year eighty town and city mortgages were filed, amounting to K2.249.lo. Seventy-two town and city mort gages were released, amounting to I4J.H78.06. The total number of chattel mortgages filed for the year was fiol. amounting to I177.0M.O7. The releases were S71 In number and amounted to 116,613.48. FAIRBl'RY Yesterday forenoon Mrs H. C. Cone, the wife of a farmer living fifteen miles southwest of the city, went to the homes of several neighbors and told them that her husband had Just killed two of their voung chlidran. Without Investiga tion, some en telephoned tot the auerUt Mahogany. Grand. $350.00 1 Kurtzman, upright $250.00 $;75.00 Cramer, upright $155.00 $250.00 Erbe, upright $175.00 $330.00 Schmoller & Mueller Upright. .. .$250.00 $400.00 Steger, upright $300.00 5 beautiful full size uprights $148.00 BO Organs $4.00. $5.00. $G.OO, $7.00, $8.00, $9.00. $10.00 and upwards all In good repair great bargains. a slight Inkling ot the great bargains prints, Square and Organs. Write and coroner, who drove out and found the children at a neighbor's house, where Mr Cono had taken them after his wife had left home, and found that Mrs. Cone was Insane. Phe was brought to tho city last evening and after an examination by the commissioners of lunacy was ordered sent to the Hastings hospital for the lnsano. LINCOLN DAY PLANS MATURE General C. F. Maaderson Names Fif teen Men Who Will Work with Him In Making; Arrangements. General Charles F. Manderson, who is nt the head of the Omaha celebration of the Lincoln birthday centenary, has selected the general committee of fifteen to make ar rangements and has called the first meet ing for Tuesday at 3 p. m. at the city coun cil chamber. The letter addressed to the committeemen notifying them of their ap pointment reads as follows: OMAHA, Jan. 8. Dear Sir: Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12th day of Feb ruary, ISOft. The next 12th day of February Is the looth anniversary of this day. In fitting commemoration of this important date, so prolific as an event of supreme Im portance to humanity, every munclpallty will make some proper and fitting observ ance of the day. At a meeting largely at tended by prominent citizens of Omaha, called by the mayor, it was determined that this city should, by appropriate action, ob serve and honor the day. The undersigned was designated to appoint a committee of fifteen to arrango the ceremonies Incident in tho i,i.rnlnn. I have trtken the liberty of appointing you as one of tho committee and 1 ask that you notify me promptly of vour acceptance of the duty. The first meeting of tho committee will be held at the city council cnamoer on iumuuj, t .. ii i ' 10 ur X n m I earnestly request your prumin n"- ance at that hour. Less than thirty days i- n mt.bA tho nhHprvsnce of the day i a success that will bo abundant In good results. Truly yours, CHARLES F. MANDERSON. The committeemen named include: Gen. C. F. Mander- Capt. H. E. Palmer, son, chairman. John L. Webster. Hon. J. C. Dahlmnn, Victor B. Caldwell, Gen. W. B. Carter, Clement Chase, Rt Rev. It. Scannell, George F. West, Rt Rev. A. L. U'll- Louis V. Guye, Hams, Bishop J. L. Nuelsen, Rabbi F. Colin, Rev. J. A. Bingham, Hon. Lee S. Estelle, Prof. W. M. David son, Fred A. Nash, Victor Rosewater, Gurdon W. Wattles, Joseph Hayden, Arthur C. Smith, Charles George, Robert O. Fink. NEW TRANSPORTATION INQUIRY Commission to Investigate Legality of Passes Issued to Employes and ex-Employes. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9.-The Interstate Commerce commission has instituted an In quiry into the matter of transportation by Interstate carriers c-f employes and property of ex-employes free of charge. It hits developed that through contracts made by the express companies with the carriers a considerable amount ot property anil a large number, of persons are transported free by the carriers. The commission will determine whether these contracts are un lawful. All of the Important express com panies are made defendants In tho proposed inquiry. PAPERS LOST, SAYS TILLMAN Senator Claims Important Documents Have Been Abstracted from Ilia Desk. WASHINGTON, Jan. .-ln the prepara tion of his speech in reply to the president's charges. Senator Tillman has fulled to find a number of papers beuring upon the Ore gon land case In connection with tho pres ent controversy. These papers were, he says, enclosed In a large envelope and left In his private desk In his committee room Hotel Rome Suite 40 a SPECIAL For High School Girls Twenty-five All Wool Suits for high school girls and small women. Will be closed out at $13.75, Regular Value - -$25.00 Dalance of Furs. Suits, Linen Waists, Kimonos and Coats at half price. Nothing carried over Hotel Rome 2i noor to be found In our stock. today, we will savo you money and CO. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT 1 Tooth Powder Cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and purifies the breath Used by people of refinement for almost 1 Half a Century at the capltol when he left Washington last March on account of his illness, but they cannot now bp found. The senator does not charge that the papers have been abstracted by a government detective who may have been shadowing him, but does say It would be possible for any such individual to gain access to his room and to his desk, both ot which were fastened with only ordinary locks. The papers, says he, are very im portant in tho preparation of his case and would go far to substantiate his defense. Notwithstanding the loss, Mr. Tillman ex presses confidence In his ability to make satisfactory reply to the president. "He will be hoist by his own petard," do- clnred Mr. Tillman sententious!-. JURY BRIBER FOUND GUILTY William II. Bell Convicted at I. a Porte After Hard Fight by Relatives. LA J?ORTH, Ind., Jan. 9. The Jury In tho trial of William 11. Bell, well known horse man charged with Jury bribing, brought In a verdict today of guilty. The punishment Is sn Indeterminate term of two to four teen years. The case originated during the trial of a $10,000 alienation suit by Steve Juanovltch of Chicago against his father-in-law, John Stevens of Cincinnati, which trial ended in disagreement of the Jury. The grand Jury Indicted for conspiracy and bribery Gust and George Stevens, sons of the defendant in the alienation suit, Wil liam H. Bell and Juror William Blakeman, it being charged that the two Stevens paid Bell for preventing the Jury from giving; Juanovltsrh a verdict. The two Stevens pleaded guilty. Bell's relatives used every effort to save him from prison. The trial of Blakeman will berln Monday. MODIFY RELIEF MEASURES Italian Parliament Proposes Balldlas; Tax for Five Years, Devastated -District Exempt. ROME. Jan. 9. The parliamentary com mittee, which Is examining the measures proposed by the government In the Cham ber of Deputies, has modified them wlUt the consent of the cabinet. The changes provide that the building taxation be 1 per cent for five years instead of 6 per cent for two years, and that the earthquake zone be exempted from a building tax for fifteen years. Another provision is that all unelulmed valuables In the devastated dis trict be given to the relief ot the sur vivors. NAPLES, Jan. 9. Caspar 8. Crownln shleld, the American consul, and Mrs. Crowninshield cut of the funds collected from the American visitors here, have started a work room to give employment to the women earthquake refugees. Convenient to elevator & stairway. 2d floor. 'V