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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1909)
4 THK OMAHA StTXDAY HEE: .TANTATtY 10. 1000. Children and Pimples Seem to Go Together, and Yet Few Parent! Fully Appreciate the Warning. At the age of pulwrty most children are affllotri with pimples and many with wr ou skin eruptions. ' At this particular period In ft child's ex istence nnturo Is gn'ng through a transi tion which Is of vital Importance t) the chlid and the parent. Pimples on the fsee ci i -hi1 removed bv Btu&rt's Calcium Wafers. The organs of tho child all lome larger. The skin begins to glow hair, the glands and ctllu of the kln apparently brouma strongur au.l larger. Impurities occur In the systan, and pulsons inter the blood and are thiewn off usually from the fuce In the form of pimples. Mothers should walous y guard the child against serious blood impurity at this tlmo. Our grandmothrs gave sursupaiilij, sae Rafraa root, cream of tartar and sulphur every spring. These simple remedies did a good work, but science has discovered the most powerful and beneficial blood purifier to be Calcium Sulphide. Stuarts Calcium Wafers are prepared after the most modern method of convey ing the full strength of Calcium Sulphide to the blood. They lose none of It through evaporation and chemical change like most calcium sulphide remedies sold today. Btuart's Calcium Wafers also contain Uuassla, Qoldrn Seal and Eucalyptus, all known purifiers of great power. Combined with these Ingredients Is a pure vegetable alterative and laxative which, when the other Ingredients clear the blood from poisons and decay, throw off this Impure matter from the system through tho bowe's and In a natural, easy manner. Stuart's Calcium Wafers should be In ev ery household, and used by the parent for the benefit of tho child. Trey aie harm less, promote normal appetite and tlon, beautify the skin and enrich tlu blood so necessary to the rapid growth ot the child. Oo to your druggist. Ask his opinion of Calcium Sulphide as the Stuart process presents It to the blood. He will sell you a package for 60 cents, or send us your nam and address and we wiil send you a trial package by mall free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 175 Stuart Hldg., Mai shall, Mich. poaoiaocxOExcEioBoaoaoi q a u J? 3c, UjK Si s o D o D o D o D o n o a o a o n o H o D o D o D o D o 8 D O D o a o a o a o a o a o D o a o a o D o a o n MML YALE'S g HAIR TONIC I u 8 This well known toilet article is estsnalvely uaed and highly rec ommended by dw ana women everywhere. It Is a standard ar ticle ot lasting reliability. Mme, I aie says: "1 oan conscientiously reuuDuueod my Ualr Toulo to all who are In need uf an artioie of this kind. I have Used it myself for over thirty years, and the perfeot oondltlon of my hair and CP TO NEW GOVERNOR NOW Kennedy and Cowell Resign Again and It'i Shallenberger'i More. SHELDON HAD REJECTED THEM hellrnbrrarr Hoped rnllrr Commli. loners Would ot Art 1'ntll l.ea lalatare Settled Fight of Haw to Choose. John I.. Kennedy imd Robert Cowell, re publican members of the Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioner for Omaha, have sent their resignations to Governor Shallenber gvr and the question Is, will the governor accent or refuse to accept them as did Governor Sheldon. Moth these men sent their resignations to Governor Sheldon months ago, but the gov ernor simply marked across the front of the resignations, "received, but not ac repted." The term of Mr. Kennedy has two years and threo months yet to ran and that of Mr. Cowell over three years. The present session of the legislature ex peels to adopt a new plnn for the selec tlmi of the members of the fire and police boards for both Omaha and South Omaha, Tho difficulty is in deciding whether the method will be appointive by the mayor or election by the people. The democratic platform on which trie' state ticket ran guaranteed1 home rule and It is expected the legislature will carry out that platform, but a hot fight Is on as to the definition of lumie rule. Governor Shallenberper hoped to keep out of the scrap by quietly sending word to the members of the board asking them not to send in their resignations, but wait until tho legislature would take some action. The governor evidently knew that with the resignations of Kennedy snd Cowell in his hands tie would be besieged by his col leagues to accept the resignations and ap point now members. The resignations of Page and Oilier, the democratic members, have not been sent In. The present law governing the fire and police board will require that the new mem bers be republicans. It was suggested that even though the resignations were sent to Lincoln the governor would not see them until the legislature had acted, but this suggestion wss not acted upon and the res ignations were sent direct to Governor Shallenberger. CHEIR0 HAD VICTIMS HERE Palmist Was Able to Charm a Few Credulous Women of Omaha. If "Count" Louis Mammon, alias "Chelro" is a fraud or If, as charged, he swindled two women In a stock-trading deal, are 11 the lovely fortunes which he predated for credulous Omaha people therefore false? Many women who have had their palms real by the plausible Mr. Chelro are In the depths of despair since they read the cable dispatch saying a warrant has been Issued In Paris for the arrest of the palm ist with the soulful eyes and the sympa theticOh, so sympathetic voice. Talk to any of these women and it will be discovered that not one admits believ ing that Chelro could peer into the misty future and unroll that veiled scroll. "But he was simply wonderful at reading character, don't you know. Why, he knew me down to the slightest detail after Just looking at my hand for thirty seconds," Somewhat curiously or perhaps not so curiously either, all the women and there are a good many who traveled from here to Chicago or New Tork to consult Chelro, were given "strong" characters In hie read ings, "plenty of will-power and a most pronounced personality." It just so hap pens that none of these women and girls was ever told that her palms showed her to be weak, shallow, silly or selfish. There Is none here, of course, certainly not among those who could and would pay Chelro the Juicy fee he always extracted. "Chelro" la the author of several books on palmistry, which have had a large sale among the credulous, many of whom are Ignorant of the fact among other facts that Chelro's very name shows him to be an adept at stagey effects. "Chelro" is quite an English verslo of the Greek word for hand, Xelr. soalp la suff tolint proof of its ex cellent ana carouses ernuaoy. Hundred of thousands of people all over the oirlllsed world will ay as much in farar of Tale Hair SWo aa I oan." Tale Hair Tonlo is good tor Falling Ualr, Thin Hair and dray Ualr. It la alae fsonm mended for Soalp Xraennsnt. A Host EffldtBt Ualr Dressing Per the perfaot grooming of tut hair BotiuiMt eaoela lale Hair Tole. It given the hair a delight. vul tax tare, gloss, softness and rlohness ef UpC Everyone oan use It with decided benefit to Hair and Bualp. Tale's Itsir Tvnto somen in throe sixes. Our special prices 1 6o slie, special , , 23 60c site, tpeoial. 45 fl.00 tiEo, special 80 ' Ask for a free copy of Madame Tale's M-pege Souvenir Book at our Toilet Goods Department. Al so mailed free to those living out of town. Write for a copy. Drug Dfsertmsat O D O n o a o D 8 o D o a o D o a o a o M O D o u 8 o D o SRMVHfe goaonoaonoxaoxaocxoEad . You Indoor People must give the bowels help. Your choice must lie be tween harsh physic and candy Cascarets. Harshness makes the bowels callous, so you need Increasing: doses. Cascarets do just as much, but in a gentle way. Vest-pocket bos. 10 cents at drag-stores. 851 Sack tablet ol the genuine is marked C C C. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Jao-AAx UaasV WeealO-iretUa PIONEERS OF THE TERRITORY Old Settlers Will Hold Seventeenth Annual Meeting; In Lincoln st Week. The seventeenth annual meeting of the Nebraska Territorial Pioneer's association will be held Jointly with the thirty-second annual meeting of the Nebraska Stalo Historical society In the Temple theater at Lincoln, January 12-13. The principal features of these meetings will be a banquet and an exhibition of relics, curios and photographs to be con tributed for the occasion by the pioneers from their private store of treasures, some of which may be donated to the perma nent collection of the association. The program for the two days' meeting Is as toliows: TL'ESDAY. 8:00 p. m. Annum meeting of the State Historical society in Temple Theater, Twelfth and K streets; Violin Solo, Miss Genevieve Kodreti; Audrev of Welcome, Uovernor A. C. Biiallenbe.ger; Address by i'resldent, Dr. Ueu. L. Mlher; Address, "Comparison of Constitutions," Rev. Wil liam Murptiv; Add! ess, "Memorial of Judge J. li. ttroady," Albert Watkltis; il lustrated Lectuxe, Hostorical Geography of Nebraska, C. E. IV: singer. WEUNKSDAf. 8:30 to 10;00 a. m. Nebraska Territorial Plonuer's Association. Rooms of the His torical Society Library Building, Univer sity of Nebraska. Registration; Viewing Italics; Pioneer Nemlnlsences. lt):Su a. in. Temple Theater. Annual Bus iness Session, Territorial Pioneers; Ad diess by the President, A. N. Yost. l:uu p. m. Nebraska Historical Society, Temple Theater, Annual Business Session. 6:a) p. m. Nebraska Pioneer's Associa tion at New Windsor Hotel; Hanqtiet, Gen eral J. H. Culver. Toastmaster; Five Min ute Responses by Pioneers. 8:00 p. m. Annual Meeting of Nebraska Pioneers in Temple Theater; Violin Solo, Selected. Miss Genevieve Kodrea; Address, "The Nuttsr Family." Samuel C. Hassett: Address. "The Pattle Oround of Ash Hol low." Robert Harvey; Social, thirty min uets; Adjournment. LIBERTY BELL WAY BE HERE If Soaader of Illetorle Toealn la Seat to Exposition Stop May Be Made in Omaha. The people of this city may be given a chance to see the old liberty bell In Omaha in the early summer. The directors of the Portland Rose Festival and the Alaska- Paciflo exposition, which ie to be held on the coast this year, have written the mayor and the members of the city council of the city of Philadelphia asking that they allow the shipping west of the old bell which In 177(1 proclaimed liberty to the people of the colonies. The dlnx'tors believe they will se cure the privilege and have written Mayor Dahlman to apprise him of the faet and to notify him- that if Omaha proceeds to "get busy" the historic relic can probably be routed this way. Should the bell be sent west It will be under military guard and will be started on Its Journey the fore part of June. BRIEF CITY NEWS save Boot print It. Douglas Printing- Co. Both 'phones. Barlow Advertising Agsnoy, S0-4 Bee aadolpb r. Iwoboda. Pnblla Aoooaatanv aUnehart. photographer, Utli ft Farnam. OloTea Cleaned, Thos. Kllpatrlck's glove Dept. Pa Koorke for holiday candles and ci gars, tit 8. 16th. Xaaitable Life Policies, sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, manager. Omaha Keep your money and valuables In a safe deposit box In the American - Safe Deposit vaults in The llee building, which is burglar proof; $1 rents a box. Zisctare on Russian Literature Ilr. Kllus Holovtehlner will address the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday at 3 P. m. In Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam streets, on "Russian Literature." Defendant In Divorce Suit Dies The death of the defendant In tho divorce suit of Mollie Ream against her husband, James W. Ream of South Omaha, caused the dlftnjssal of the case this morning in the district court. KcKssn riles Ponnal Answer A formal answer has been filed In the district court In the divorce case of Mrs. Klisahoth New McKoen against her hUHband, W. R. MeKeeri,' alleging cruelty. The decree In this suit la expected te follow very soon. John Z.nbold Buys Plorenoe X.ots John Lubold has bought from Henry Anderson twenty lots in block 97, Florence.. Mr. Lubold ' will' start to Improve this block early In the spring and has already con- traded with Hastings & Heyden to build two bungalows. Collection by City Clerk Over $16,000 was collected by City Clerk Butler during 19uti for licenses issued and transcripts made out. The licenses of the year totaled 3,977 and brought I16.0C5.60 Into the treas ury. Other fees, collected amounted to U11.05, making a total of I16..T0.&5. A. Clifton Win Bit at Plattsmouth The funeral services over the body of Alexan der Clifton, who died suddenly of heart failure Thursday, were held at the home. 130 South Sxth street, at 3 o'clock Satur day afternoon. The body will be taken to Plattsmouth Sunday morning for burial. Dog on Baskst Cause Fire A dog tip ping over a basket of clothing against a hot stove caused a small fire Friday even ing at tho homo of Andrew Fahey, con ductor of the police patrol wagon, who lives at 277 Dorcas street. The clothes were burned up, entailing a loss of about 10, but tho house was saved from serious damage. Berryman Gets a Brass Shield Colonel Berryman lias been presented with a brass shield, deoorated with swords and pis tols, by the department heads and clerks in the employ of the Lee-Qlass-Anu"!oesen Wholesale Hardware company. On the shield Is engraved "Presented by admiring friends to the brave soldier, Colonel K Plurlbus Berryman." Woman Cites Many Causes A suit for divorce was filed Saturday morning In the district court by Mrs. Nona V. Nolan against her husband, Charles M. Nolan, al leglng cruelty and the use of vile language, attempts at personal violence and failure to provide for her and a minor child. She asks. an absolute divorce asM the custody of the child, temporary alimony and attor ney fees. They were married in Council Bluffs January E, 1905. Nolan is a black smith by trade. Workman Palls Through Window While cleaning a large plate glass win dow In front of the Merchants' restaurant, 15i9 Dodge street, early Saturday morn ing Louis Oilman, a foreigner living at 2011 Jackson street and employed by the American Window Cleaning company, fell through the window when his ladder broke His hip was wrenched and con tused and bits of broken glass cut him slightly in a number of places. He was taken to the police station in the patrol wagon and attended by Police Surgeon Barbour, after which he left for home. More Want Divorces Mrs. Maude Kirschner brought suit for divorce against her husband, William Kirschner, In the district court for nonsupport and minor child. . Two months before the birth of the child he struck her, she says, with his fist, knocking her down and kicking her. A suit for divorce was filed Saturday morn ing for alleged abandonment and extreme cruelty by Mrs. Helen Calvert against her husband, Robert II. Calvert, In the district court. They were married In St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, September 14, 1905. Ac tion for a divorce was filed by Frank H. Miller against his wife, Olive B. .Miller, for alleged cruelty and extravagance and the custody of child. They were married In Watonga, Okl. The Yellow Peril. Jaundice malaria biliousness, vanishes when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken. Guaranteed. 2ic. For salo by Beaton Drug Co. TaJk s or Teeth Formerly LEOTIELD VCLOAK&SUITCo 15 iO DOTJGIAS ST. Form erly 'SCOFIELD aOAUSUITCq U n V TOMORROW SECOND MONDAY' OF mm WONDERFUL Jsfsj This lias been the most remarkable sale in our business career; when it opened we had in stock over double the amount of merchandise of last year to get rid of our immense stock seemed almost impossible and in order to live up to our policy of never carrying goods over from one season to another we opened tho greatest clearance sale Omaha has ever known. Tomorrow will be second Monday of the clearance sale and will be the greatest day of the sale. COATS, TAILORED SUITS, FURS A1MD TAILORED SUITS $05.00 tailored suits, January AA pa half price sale, at ..Os-sUV $50.00 tailored suits, January ftp AA half price sale, at Ad)J $45.00 tailored suits, January A A PA half price sale, at &&,d) $39.50 tailored suits, January 4 Q nr half price sale, at lwl J $35.00 tailored suits, January 4n PA half price sale, at A I $29.75 tailored suits, January 4 M qp half price sale, at XTsOw $25.00 tailored suits, January 4 A PA half price sale, at J.a53v $22.50 tailored suits, January 4 4 AP half price sale, at AAaaJt) DRESSES $50.00 Satin or Messaline dresses, January half price sale, AQ $45.00 Satin or Messaline dresses, January half price sale, 22 Q $35.00 Satin or broadcloth dresses, a a January half price sale Jl vv $27.50 Satin or broadcloth dresses, an ns January half price sale jj 1 COATS $59.50 Coats, January A A nr half price sale, at UviO $50.00 Coats, January AP A A half price sale, at. ssltJaV V $45.00 Coats, January A A pa half price sale, at. UUv" $39.50 Coats, January 1Q 7Z half price sale, at 0 $35.00 Coats, January 4 n PA half price sale, at AlswU $29.75 Coats, January 4M QP half price sale, at XTaOw $25.00 Coats, January 4 SI PA half price sale, at ltt.DU $22.50 Coats, January 4 4 AP half price sale, at M.LuO $19.50 Coats, January A nr half price sale, at FUR COATS $115.00 Fur Coats, January rn pa half price sale, at fllsUv $75.00 Fur Coats, January (n PA half price sale, at OlstlU $65.00 Fur Coats, January OA pa half price sale, at Oud3 $45.00 Fur Coats, January A A pa half price sale, at UUd3 FUR SETS $150.00 Mink Sets, January Half it:::!!1.8. 75.00 $100.00 Mink or Lvnx Sets, January r.f.r.r:::.Sa.'.e .50.00 $75.00 Mink or Lynx Sets, January Half Price Sale fj j gQ $65.00 Mink or Lynx Sets, January Half Trice Sale a $50.00 Fur Sets, January Half Price T.... 25.00 $45.00 Fur Sets, January Half Price 22.50 $35.00 Fur Sets, January Hall' Price e .17.50 $25.00 Fur Sets, January Half Price T. 12.50 $19.50 Fur Sets, January Half-Price T. . 9.75 1 a 1 NEW TAX FOR CORPORATIONS Occupation Levy on Street Railway and Telephones. AWAITS SUPREME C0UET RULING Will Be Introduced In Council When Derision on Case at Lincoln le Handed Down as a Gold. been accomplished with very little blowing of trumpets and beatlns; of drums, general knowledge of the enterprise having; been a really minus Quantity. 1 01 jun I The Iff Influence of a Bee want ad pn UIMSeU4 b To pioteit ourselves against the un scrupulous dentists who have been steal ing our name, advertising matter and fame, we ask you to make note of the name and address. It was to be expected that any change In the science of dentistry so radical as that Inaugurated by us would cause a revolution In the ranks of the profession This method of supplying teeth without tho use of the old fashioned, makeshift. unreliable, partial plates of the equally objectionable painful and Insanitary plan ot filling up the gaps with ordinary brldgework, which was for looks only, and not for use, was bound to work a revolu tion. People come to our office from all parts of this country and Canada to have this J new method explained and with the ex planation Invariably they had the work' done while there. Why not? There Is no pain, or boring, or any other discomfort attached to the work of re storing missing teeth with this method, so It doesn't take much of an argument to cause a man or woman to discard the makeshifts for a full set of beautiful teeth that are as firm la the mouth as nature's est teeta, and once In place are In for all time. Fortunate Indeed are you who live In one 'of the cities where this company maintains offices. Relief from teeth troubles Is at your door and the cost of the dental work we do, and that only ran be done lit our offices. Is no greater than you would be asked to pay for work of tho best character in tho office of the private practloner of the first class. Nona other approaches us In general dental work, and. of course, none can practice our great specialty. We Invite you who are near by te call and allow our examining dentists to look over your teeth. This service is entirely free. We do sll work pertaining to the care of the teeth. Booklet sent free upon request. DR. E.R.L. MURPHY 10 ITew Terk Life ldf., Omaaa, Formerly examining and consulting dentist with U. Oordwa Martin. Inc.. .L'bJyaga. iU. City Attorney Burnham has prepared an ordinance providing for an occupation tax of from 2 to 3 per cent on the street rail way company and the telephone companies of Omaha. The Introduction of this ordinance Is de pendent upon the decision of the supreme court In a suit brought by the city of Lincoln to collect an occupation tax from the Lincoln Traction company. Attorneys for the Omaha St Council Bluffs Street Railway company and for the Nebraska Telephone company of Omaha appeared as friends of the court and as sisted the local company In fighting the case In the supreme court. City Attorney Burnham has Interested himself In the case to the extent that to parties in Lincoln he said If the city won the case he would Introduce such an ordi nance in the Omaha city council and In fact had the ordinance already drawn. In the argumont before the supreme court Judge Stewart, city attorney of Lincoln, In answer to the statement by John L. Web ster, counsel for the Omaha street railway company, that his company could not af ford to pay the tax, gave an Interesting comparison of the valuation of the property owned by the two companies In Omaha and Lincoln. ' Comparison of Valaea. " The value of the Lincoln Traction com pany was placed by the State Railway com mission at tl.lOO.OCO and this was based on thirty-six miles of tracks. The Omaha company, he showed, had 108 miles of track and it was stocked and bonded for a valu ation of $28.O0O,0liO In round numbers. On this . valuation It pays annually a 6 per cent dividend on the preferred stock and 4 per cent on the common. In addition it pays ( per cent on Its outstanding bonds, and $300,000 la set aside annually for de preciation. The Omaha company, he said, Is only three times as large or as valuable as the Llnooln company, yet It Is paying divi dends on a valuation nearly iweniy-six times as Urge. "The proposed ordinance Is simply In a rough draft and we are not aa yet certain Just what its provision -Ul be or Just how much the tax win De, earn uiy av torney Burnham. "Kor my part I am In favor of waiting until a oecisiun im ren dered in the Lincoln case, but I am not the council and the ordinance may be in troduced before then, aa a number of the councllmen are pounding me on the back to get ready." NEW JOBBING HOUSE FOR CITY Smlth-Kort Company, Wholesale Dealer In Clothing, Open Doors Monday. A nsw lobbing house will be added Mon day morning to the long list of thriving wholesale houses in umana. i ne emitn Kert company will then open Us doors at 1113 Harney street, where the process of In stalling stock has been going on quietly for some days. The company Is not exactly removing here from St. Joseph, Mo., although the mem bers of the firm have been in business and retain connection with 8t. Jo- buslnrss houses. "v.e inouKix we BISHOP. STATES HIS SIDE nev. W. M. Williams Mays an Assist ant Was Responsible for Discrepancy. Rev. W. M. Williams, bishop of the African-American church, who waa ar rested on suspicion of collecting funds fraudulently, and has appealed Ills case to the district court, has been vindicated so far as his "people" are concerned by a committee that Investigated his affairs. The committee was composed of Mrs. Myrtle Foster, W. M. Jefferson and Joseph Harris, all of South Omaha. Bishop Wil liams Is collecting funds for the support of a home for colored orphans at 312 Rail road avenue. South Omaha. Mrs. Foster Is secretary of the home and the men are deacons. "We found," said Deacon Jefferson, "that tho only discrepancy In Bishop Williams' affairs was that certain donations had been raised In amount on the books, so as to make It appear that more money had been collected. The purpose of this was to encourage other people to make liberal contentions. But the committee found that even these discrepancies were not made by Bishop Williams. Indeed, they were made while the bishop was out of the city by one of his solicitors." "That is all true." said the bishop. "I was called to Kansas City to bury my sister, who died there, and a solicitor, without any evil Intention, altered these accounts." The bishop gave the name of the solicitor. "I have $171 on deposit with the Metro politan Insurance company money that 1 have collected for this home. My record is open to the public. I have done no wrong and shall do none. I will go right on with my work." Both the bishop and his deacon said that St. Peter's Mission, the name of the homo at 312 Railroad avenue, Siuth Omaha, was being suitably furnished and would be conducted for poor colored orphans. The building was rented from O'NcIl Bros., real estate dealers of South Omaha, and the bishop held his first rent receipt. CRANE 0NCEJ METHODIST Clergyman in l.lmellahc at Worces ter. Mass., at One Time Incnm bent of Local First Ctaarch. Rev. Frank Crane, the clergyman whose unexplained resignation of his pulpit In the First Congregational church at Worcester, Msbs., has startled his parishioners, was pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal church In Omaha from 1892 to 1896. Mr. Crane recently delivered three lec tures at the University of Chicago, en titled, "A Defense of Heresy," and while thcNe were not so hair-raising as the title might indicate, they are thought to have played a part In bringing about his resig nation, which his letter to the Worcester deacons does not make clear. Mr. Crane, who was well thought of In vOmaha, came here from some small town In Illinois and left to go to the Centenary church In Chicago. He held another Meth odist pulpit In Chicago and then went to Worcester, also to a Methodist church. It was there three years ago that he aban doned Methodism for the Congregational discipline. BLOOM RUN DOWN AT LAST Versatile Jewelry Agent Arrested in Duluth by Postoffice Inspector. WILL RETURN TO THIS CITY Charged with Mulcting; Local Business Firms and I sine; the Malls for Fraudulent Par poses. M. Bloom, alias M. O. Brlllls. Allen & Allen, J. E. . Converse and several other aliases, was arrested Tuesday at Duluth by Postoffice Inspector Frayser, formerly of Omaha, but now of Kansas City, under an indictment fqr using the United1 States malls for purposes to defraud. Bloom was formerly a Jewelry traveling salesman and In recent years has been ply ing his knowledge of the Jewelry business to get consignments of Jewelry from firms In various sections of the country on the ground that he waa Just opening out an establishment. He was suave and a smooth talker and succeeded in getting from the Jewelry firm of C. A. Williams & Co., 1419 Howard street, a valuable consignment of goods and secured another consignment the Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods company These later consignments were for a store Bloom proposed to open In Columbus, Neb. He represented himself as an agent of the M. Bloom Jewelry establishment of Ta- J coma, Wash., ami announced that he was about starting a branch house for that firm. He was a good dresser and wore ssv. eral Masonic charms and thus succeeded In Ingratiating himself with not only the Omaha firms, but other firms throughout the country, and was doing a thriving busi ness. He would get the consignment of goods end, It Is said, dispose of them and then disappear. Bloom was indicted at ttw last term of the federal grand Jury In Omaha and the postoffice Inspectors have been on his trail since. Inspector Frayser got a line on him from Kansas City several days ago and Duluth, wliorc finally located him In arrested Bloom. He Is held m J j 1 1 ' under $3,500 bonds, and If tho hail in not secured within the next few flays ho will be brought to Omaha to await .trial In tho United States district court. ..I BIRTH OF CHILD TRAGEDY Baby Born Out of Wedlock nt ( nnnlr Hospital Has Insane Mother and F.plleplle Father. A baby boy was born to a young woman named Myrtle Hermann at tho County Hospital Wednesday. The mother has been an Inmate of the hospital on seveta! oc casions being afflicted with n fecbli' n lnd and also paralysis. The father, according to the mother, Is William Hacntt, who Is subject to epilepsy, and wns In the hospi tal with tuberculosis of the knee, the le being amputated while there. Tho child, according to the superintendent of iho hospital, Is quite normal. . Whether the mother will be allowed ti.4 keep the child Is a question. It doc not appear that she will be able to uive It i mother's care and love In view of her mi fortunate condition, and the future of th child looks far from bright in tho ci cum stances. LAST YEAR BEST IfTsiXTEEM County Clerk Compiles nntn on Incor porations, Contract l.ennrs, Etc., During lOOR. Comparative figures show that the year of 1908 was the banner year of the past sixteen, according to County Clerk D. M. Haverly. Three thousand, ' nine hundred end nlnety-alx contract leases Indicate chances for better times during the pres-, ent year. The recording und filing of tl following figures gives evidence for pros- perlty: Incorporations 27 L Hills Of Sole i V'b Chattel Mortgages 2. if Contract leases 3,9: Notary Publlo Commissions I.'i7 physicians Registered .'..'.TV. 48 Dentists Replete! ed 14 Partnerships Registered HI Certificates es to Notary Publlo Ac knowledgments ..' CW Saw a grOd opening nore, iaiu laynm Smith, president of the new company, "and regard Omaha as being the best Jobbing town in tne wesi, MRS. GROSSMAN SELLS FLATS Disposes of Property at Thlriy-glsth and Dodge to Dr. A. Kick for for ii),O0O. ' Dr. Ales Flck has bought of Amelia Grossman the brick flats at the southwest corner of Thirty-sixth and Dodge, paying $19.0u0 for the property, which Includes four residences. The building was put up by the seller and baa proved a rod Invest- Th Institution of the company, which j nient. The price paid la generally conslfl Us la clulhiuc aod furuisUlng.4, has jercU a- laic cue ANNOUNCEMENT We are showing a handsome advance line of wash suits for boys and children. This sample line includes all the. different styles shown by the large eastern houses, and gives you the opportunity of getting just what you w.ant. You can make your selection now and we will deliver to you when the season opens. These wash suits wiil wash. . 'BrQwning.Kiiig &' Company H. 8. WILCOX. Mgr. ) r t ) J '1