Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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January Lace Curtain Sale
Tlic greatest season of the year for bargains, real valne9 in Lace Curtains, Curtain Material and Tortiers.
Monday, January 11th, we are placing on sale hundreds of pairs of portieres, drop patterns and single pairs at
one-third their value. Note the following:
$J'J.50 Velour Portieres, in green cord edge, one pair
only, to close '. $11.50
$'JG.50 Velour, oriental colors, cord edge, one pair, spec
ial at $11.50
$27.50 Velour, oriental colors, green cord edge, one pair
only, special at $11.50
$27.50 double faced Velour and Tapestry, one pair only,
special $9.50
1$21.50 Velour, red cord edge, one pair only, special
r at $9.50
$32.50 Silk, pink and green embroidery, one pair only,
special at $9.50
$27.50 blue Heraldic design, one pair only, special
at $7.50
$33.50 red embroidered Portieres, soiled, 'one pair only,
special $7.50
$27.50 red silk Over Curtain, 2Yq yards long, special
at $7.50
$30.00 Velour and Damask, blue and green, special
. at $7.50
$15.00 red silk Portiere, cord edge, one pair only, spec
ial $7.50
j HASH NKT AMI GltEN'ADINK 35c Sash Net, 30 Inches wide,
white and Arabian colors, lace trimmings, special, yard
35c White Grenadine Imported for bedroom curtains and sash
curtains, special, whllo It lasts, at 19
$17.50 Mission Portiere, special $7.50
$18.50 Oriental Portieres, cord edges, one pair only,
special '. $6.75
$15.00 Mission Portieres, three pairs green, one red, ouo
brown, special $0.75
$15.00 Arts and Crafts Portieres, blue, one pair, special
at .$6.75
$15.00 Over Curtains, six pairs blue, four pairs rose,
size 25 inches wide, 2 yards long, special. . . .$5.00
$10.50 brown leather Applique, damaged, one pair only,
special $3.75
$8.75 red Mercerized and Chenille Portieres $3.75
$10.00 blue Kussian embroidered, one pair only, spec
ial at .....$3.75
$7.50 Terra Cotta Mercerized, special $3.75
100 pairs $5.00 red and green Portieres with tapestry
border trimming 4 inches wide, special $3.75
250 pairs Persian stripe Portieres, with fringe top and
bottom, regular $3.50 a pair, special $1.49
150 Couch Covers, 50 inches wide, 3 yards long, fringe
all round 69c
$3.50 Couch Covers, (!0 inches wide, special $1.95
CRETOXXF 32c Cretonne In all colors, 32 inches wide In pieces
from 5 to 25 yards, special 21t?
50c Cretonne, imported good colors In lengths from 5 to 25 yds.,
special, at 32
Lace Curtains
The Greatest Value Ever Offered.
Nottingham Lace Curtains, January sale price 95
Nottingham Lace Curtains, January sale price. .. .81. 1?)
Nottingham Lace Curtains, January sale. price. .. .81.89
Nottingham Lace Curtains, January sale price. .. .83.29
Cable Net Curtains, January sale price SSlS.fK
Cable Net Curtains, January Bale price 84.25
Cable Net Curtains, January sale price $4.25
Cream curtains, January sale price 82.95
Colored Madras, January sale price 84.25
50 Colored Madras, January sale price $6.95
5 Curtain, white, January sale price 82.29
5 Curtain, white J52.95
0 Curtain, white S53.75
0 Curtain, white J54.25
75 Curtain, Arabian J57.SO
50 Curtain, Arabian color
00 Curtain, Arabian color
00 Curtain, Arabian color
Novelty Net Curtains With Rattenburg Etlged In
11.75 Curtain edge and Insertion, January sale price..
$3.00 Curtain edge and insertion, January sale price. .
$4.50 Curtain edge and insertion, January sale price..
$4.35 Curtain edge and Insertion, January sale price..
$5.00 Curtain edge and insertion, January sale price. .
$7.50 Curtain edge and insertion, January sale price..
$8.75 Curtain edge and Insertion, January sale price. .
$12.50 Curtain edge and insertion, January sale price
$29.00 Curtain edge and Insertion, January sale price. .
$3.00 Linen lace French net, January sale price
$4.00 Linen lace, French net, January sale price....
$6.00 Linen Lace, French net, January sale price....
$9.50 Linen lace, French net, January sale price
$25.00 Linen lace, French net, January sale price....
. 36-ln. Curtain Swiss, regular 15c, special
36-ln. Curtain Swiss, regular 22c, special
48-ln. Curtain Swiss, regular 23c, special
48-in. Curtain Swiss, regular 50c, special
$1.75 Curtain edge and insertion, January sale price..
MADRAS By the Yard
42 inches wide, ecru and white, regular 45c, special . . . .31c
k 45 inches wide, ecru and white, regular 50c, special. . . .37c
' 48 inches wide, colored, regular $1.00, special 69c
50 inches wide, colored, regular $2.95, special $1.25
v Wilton Rugs
This beautiful Wilton Itug on sale Monday morning. Is
made from the best quality of worsted yarns, extra heavy
tufted. A car load of new patterns just received.
(IvV r-nor EPlla rnonlnrlv nt. frnm Sk.lO.OO tn $44.00: Mnndnv
at one price, each $35.00
8-3x1 0-G Hug $32.00
1 stfSgsffif
A -4kV
if riFTw? f Yw- rH rnw- w w f rf T"Jty-rrvT7-3
mu6m S. Sixteenth St
January Furniture Sale
Continues throughout the month. There has been no lack of interest since the opening day of 'the great
event. There is a reason. It is the most attractive lot of merchandise that has ever been assembled to be told
at reduced prices. If you are at all interested in Furniture we advise you to come and see the hundreds of bar
gains this sale offers.
Brass Beds
We bought at manufacturers' surplus stock, a make that we
handle regularly. They come In satin or bright finish, 3 leet 3
Inches wide, 3 feet 6 inches wide, 4 feet wide and 4 feet 6 Inches
wide. We can easily save you a third.
$65.00 Brass Bed Satin finish, January sale price $49.00
$50.00 Brass Bed bright finish, January sale price. .. .$39.75
$49.00 Brass Bed bright finish, January sale price .... $30.00
$40.00 Brass Bed satin, January sale price $29.50
$35.00 Brass Bed bright finish, January sale price .... $23.00
$52.00 Brass Bed Satin, January sale price $37.00
$100 Brass Bed Satin finish, January sale price $74.00
Box Spring and Mattress Special
High grade box spring, 35 pound felt mattress, regular price $27,
any size. January sale price $21.50
$30.00 Box Spring. Felt Mattress, January sale price. .$23.50
Like cut, made of quarter
sawed oak or solid mahogany,
has slip leather cushion seat,
regular golden oak, price $18,
January Bale price $12.75
Regular price solid mahogany
$22, January sale price,
at $16.50
$9.50 golden oak Rocker,
leather seat. January sale
price $0.25
$11.60 Arm Rocker, leather
seat, January sale $7.75
$37 solid mahogany Rocker,
upholstered leather Beat and
back, January sale $24.50
$14.50 Arm Rocker, loose
SpanlBh leather seat, January
sale price $10
Arts and Crafts
Consisting of Chairs, Rockers and Settees, a large sample line
bought at special discount. It is a saving of a fourth to a third.
$72.00 Sofa Fumed Oak, Spanish leather cushioned scat and back,
January sale price $543.00
$63.00 6-ft. Sofa, Early English finish, Spanish leather cushion
seat, January sale price $42.00
$28.00 Arm Rocker, Early English Finish, Spanish leather
cushioned seat and back, January sale price $21.00
$38.00 Fumed Oak Sofa. Spanish leather cushioned seat. January
sale price $26.00
$23.00 large Arm Cbalr. Spanish leather, loose cushion seat and
back. January sale price $30.00
$38.00 large Arm Chair, fumed oak, Spanish leather, loosa
cushion seat and back. January sale price $27.00
$45.00 Morrla Chair, fumed oak, very large,' Spanish leather
cushion seat and back. January sale price ........ $32.00
$58.00 fumed oak Couch, Spanish leather cushion seat and back.
January sale price $41.00
$14.00 fumed oak Arm Chair, loose Spanish leather cushion seat
January sale price $10.00
$23.00 fumed oak Arm Chair, large slie. January sale price,
at $15.50
$13.00 fumed oak, Spanish leather loose cushion seat, .January
sale price $9.50
Special line of high grade Rockers, golden oak' and olid ma
hogany. Price reduced for January sale. '
Davenprts and 3'Plece Suits
Manufacturer's samples at big reductions, ""
$40.00 Davenport, genuine mahogany, Jan., sale price $28.00
$58.00 Davenport, genuine mahogany, January sale price $41.50
$110 Davenport, genuine mahogany, January sale price $78.00
$56.00 3-piece Parlor and Library SUlt, mahogany finish, up
holstered, spring leather seat or loose cushion velour seat, Jan
uary sale price $36.00
$45.00 3-piec suit. Parlor and Library, upholstered., leather
seat and back, January sale price $29.00
$63.00 leather Turkish Rocker, January sale price... $42.50
$87.00 leather Turkish Rocker, January sale price $64.00
January Sale of Electric Lamps
Jardinieres, Vases and general Bric-a-brac continues all throug h
)97.50 Crystal Lamp, 5 lights, special $25.00
Here are some extaordinay bargains:
$76.00 Lilly Pattern, 6 lights $25.00
$67.60 Vertical Green Lamps, 3 lights $25.00
$21.00 Fancy Lamp, 2 lights $9.50
137.50 Fancy Lamp, 1 light $9.50
$19.75 14-inch Shade, 3 lights $12.95
$10.50 12-inch Shade, 1 light $6.50
Electric Figure Bronze
22 in. high, 2 light Bronie figures, regular $12.60, speclal.$8.35
28 in. high 2 light Bronze Figure, regular $17.60, special.
at $11.67
29 In. high, 3 light Bronze Figure, regular $22.60, special.. $15
32 in. high, 3 light Bronze Figure, regular $25, special $16.67
48 in. high 6 light Bronze Figure, regular $69, special $46.00
Desk Sets
6 piece Silver and Bronze Set, with pad, regular $10, special,
at $3.75
Smoker's Sets, $2.50, complete, 4 piece set, special. $1.50
the month of January.
Smoker's Sets, $6.00, complete, 4 piece set, special . .
Smoker's Seta, $6.96, complete. 4 piece set, special.,
Ash Trays, regular $$.60, your choice
MARBLE Oar Own Importation.
$8.60 Marble Crests, special
$5.00 Marble Crests, special
... 95
Candle Sticks
Regular $3.00 to $4.60. special 95
Den Lamps, only 6 left, regular $8.60. special . . . 95
All odd Vases and Lamps, regular $12, special, each . . $2 .50
Austrian Embossed Brass Pern Dishes
$2.95 6 inch Fern Dish, special $1.75
$3.50 6 inch Fern Dish, special $1.95
$3.75 8 inch Fern Dish, special ..' $1.95
$4.75 8 Inch Fern Dish, special $2.50
$8.50 10 inch Fern Dish, special $4.75
Den Lamps, to hang from corners, all In wrought special Iron,
$2 to $5, your choice 95
First White Settler of Omaha Eoundi
Out Eighty-Four Years.
Funeral ftrvlrra Will He Held Mob
lr at Jarkaon Undertakta
I'arlnra and Interment at
Pfoapeet Hill.
The first while aottler of Omaha, Wil
liam rieaaant (Cm-I Wily) Snowden. died
of old nun Saturday at 8:06 a. m.. at hla
lme. Grace gtrpot, where tie had
lived for aome tlm, attended by his house
keeper. Mra. I-ewla Mra. Sr.iwden died
ninny yrara ago. On April 25 he would have
teen M yenra of ago. Since July, 11.
fifty-four and a" half year ago. he naa
lived In Ihla city and watched It grow.
i'ntll Monday morning, when the funeral
I be held, the body will teat at the JaoK-
m undertaking rarl01". I706 Ieavenworth
ireet. where old frlenila of "I'ncle Billy
y nee the body for the lat time. The
lu ral will 'be at the umieriaaera ana i
to be Htrlctly private. The Hat of pall
bearera haa not yrt been announced. Inter
nient will be In the Snowden family lot In
rrosvert Mill cemet ry.
The cordiality and the gallantry that
were I'ncle Billy's virtuea fnder all cir-
cumataiicea. ho had Inherited f r m a south
ern paicptage, for be waa born in Nlch-olabV-llc.
ft. ir,all pine-, in JeE2m'ne
tin-nty. Kentucky. Aa If to further guar
tiitee lila amiability his parents, upon hia
arrival, April 1S25. christened him Wl
Viiin Snowden, and pleasant ha
rer remained-
When he was 7 years (of age his parents
removed to Ptk county. Missouri, and In
June, l.tW, he entered the nation's service
as u soldier In Hie First Missouri Mounted
volunteers, serving a year under Ool. nel
h-xaiiiier Iio'ilpliHii, and rrttclPatlnsT ,n
S f Tiininhrevs' Seventy-Seven
breaks up Colds and
ok out tor the Grip; forwunwd
rt-warned; at this timo of year m
stubborn Cold Is apt to run Into
head off the Told with "Seventy.
ven" Dr. Humphreya' famous spe
cific. AU dniKKiate aedl, niost drug
slftts reotnui'od 7T." 2.V-.
aTaaaphraya' lomio. Msdlolne Co., Cor.
-pTUlaaa and Aaa Stratta, Haw Tot.
the Racramento charge, when 800 of his
comrade routed 4.40O Spaniards from the
latler's breastworks.
Returning from the war. he took a farm
a few miles west of Bt. Jcseph, Mo., and
settled there, marrying Raehel Larson on
September 9, 1847. It was In 8t. Joseph
during the next few years that he first
tritd his voice and diplomacy at auc
tioneering, which became his business when
he removed to Council Bluffs In 18S3L
Cornea to Omahsw
It was in July, 1864, Juat before the new
steam ferry boat arrived to supplant tha
old one, propelled by oars, that William
P. Bnowdcn brought hla courageoua wife
and three children across the river to lay
a cornerstone, as It were, for the whit;
population of Nebraska. Other white peo
ple had been here before, but not to scttla,
and July 11 found the Snowden family th?
total resident population of Omaha. In
diana thera were a plenty, with the Omaha
swarmed at Salem Grove, near Fort Crook,
and the Pawnees near Fremt-nt. ITnol
Billy had many a scrimmage In those first
days and once aaved himailf and party
from probable massacre by tho diplomatic
presentation of a plug of chewing tobacco
to a thieving chief, who had been over
taken with stolen horses, but whose war
riors were too many to be successfully
coped with
At a point which Is now on the map as
the corner of Twelfth and Jackson streets
the Snowden home waa built. It waa of
logs, but the owner waa a brick moulder,
and It waa a brickyard that he proposed to
launch aa an Initial bualness enterprise,
bearding the hands who worked for him.
Three daya after the house waa completed
the first apude waa stuck Into the clay at
a point which la now Fourteenth and Leav
enworth atreets, but which then became
the firat brickyard In Nebraska. The clay
waa for the brick that should ha the foun
dation of the first territorial capitol, then
to be built on the west side of Ninth street
between Douglaa and Famam etreeta, and
facing Douglas. It was not until two years
later that the erection of the more preten
tious state house was undertaken on the
present site of the high school.
Seven Yrara of Peace.
For seven years William Snowden waa a
man of peace, or aa nearly such aa tha
condltlona of the west then made possible,
but In September, 1861, b enllaled at Coun
cil Bluffs with Company B of the Fifth
Iowa cavalry and served untU 1J4 In tha
field, except five montha aa recruiting offi
cer at Council Bluffs. He entered the aerv
Ice aa a sergeant, but waa later made ser
geant major.
The year after hla return from the war he
waa made a conatable and a constable he
continued to be until lsS3, when he slipped
on a pavement and hurt hla left hip.
Since then ha had to use crutches and
lived for various terms at the Old Sol
diers' home at Leavenwrth, Bt. Joseph's
hospital, at tha home of his daughter, Helen
M. Snowden, and lately at tha Urace street
house with his housekeeper.
Beeide the title of conatable he held
that of deputy sheriff under Sheriff Thomas
U Sutton and later under Sheriff Andrew
Dellone. Incidentally he had been city mar
shal and as euch waa a terror to the three-
card ruonla men of the early "70s.
Of tha seven children whom tha Omaha
pioneer reared with the city five survive
him. They are Mra. V. li. Thomas of Val
ley, Neb.; Mrs. Julius Wllnlts of Cheyenne,
Oeorge F. Snowden of. Omaha, Mrs. George
L. White of San Francisco and Helen M.
Snowden of Omaha.
will discuss the benefits and absolute
rights of tho laboring class In the matter
of organization.
Benson City Council Conaldera Quest
tlon of RraeiTlng I.lqnor Li
cense nt Heaort.
There may be no liquor sold at Krug
park thla summer. The Benson city coun
cil is considering the question of a re
newal of a license at the park and wrestled
with the problem for several hours Friday
night. No decision waa reached, although
all the evidence is In on both sides, and
the council voted to meet In special session
Monday evening and render a verdict.
The ease hinges In part as to whether
Rudolph Timmlor, applicant for the license,
Is acting for himself or for the Krug
Brewing company. The opposition charges
that Tlmmler Is only a flgure-hoad and
has been put up by tho Krugs, the West
ern Amusement company and W. W. Cole,
manager of the Western Amusement cor
poration. Timmlor himself took the stand and
stated that his agreement with the amuse
ment company was a bona fide leasing of
the concession, for which he had agreed
to pay t50 a diy. The $l)u which he put
up for the license, he declared, he had
borrowed on his note from the Castle
Realty company. That company Elnn-r
Thomas, appearing for the Civic league
and the Women's Christian Temperance
union of Benson, declared to bo myth.
Tlmmler and Rev. Mr. Campbell, pastor
of the Baptist church of Benson, contra
dicted one another as to a conversation
held between them. Campbell affirming and
Timmler denying that the latter had ad
mitted to the former that ho was simply a
dummy in the matter.
Most Wondrrtal Healing.
fter Buffering many years with a sore,
Amos King, Port Byron, N. T., waa cured
by Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 26c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Quick Action for Your Money Tou get
that by using The Bee advertising columns.
Secretary of Grain Exchange Telia
Short Coarse Stndenta How to
Sell Their Grain.
E. J. McVann returned Saturday morn
ing from Ames, la., where he delivered an
address to the students of the abort course
on "Merchandising Grain and Grain In
spection." The address covered somewhat
tha same, ground as traversed by tha
speaker at the sjime place to a different
audience laat year. With regard to grain
inspection McVann outlined the scope of
the different systems, federal, state and
private, and contrasted particularly a statu
system auch aa Is established in Chicago
and a private ayatem aa through the
Omaha Grain exchange.
"It la really an Impressive sight," said
Mr. McVann, "to see 800 grown men like
these short-course atudenta leaving their
farms for aaveral weeks to study tha scien
tific aide of farming and the Interest and
attention displayed in all branches of the
work at the college ts quite edifying to
any spectator.
Lifelong; Boadsce
to dyspepsia, liver complaints and kidney
troubles Is needless Electric Bitters Is tha
guaranteed remedy. tOc. For sals by
Beaton Drug Co.
Head of Leather Workers Says it
Will Throw Whole Subject
Open to Discussion.
E. J. Baker of Kansas City, general pres
ident of the I'nlted Brotherhood of Leatift-r
Workers on Horse Goods, Is in Omaha on
hia annual visit to membera of the Leather
Workers' union, and Incidentally to confer
i with tho leather trade for amicable ad
justment between employe and employer of
whatever differences may arise.
"There is no significance In my visit to
Omuha other than to stimulate the leather
workers to more active organization In
their own interests." aaid Mr. Baker.
"I have but recently been before the com
mittee on tariff revision at Washington to
urge tlie retention cf the tariff of at leant
45 per cent on leather goods. Wa had
hoped to secure a tariff rate of 60 per
cent, but had to be satisfied with 45 ier
. "I do not criticise tha action cf Judge
Wright In tlio sentence of Mr. Gonipers,
Mr. Morrison and Mr. Mitchell, but at the
aama time it la tha best posaible thing that
could have happened for tha cause of
labor. In that tha discussion of tha situa
tion will call public attention to tha atti
tude of the employer and the employed.
Mr. Baker will addreaa an open meeting
at tte Lbcr Tvuiple Saturday tvtnlrg. lie
The enormous crowds so disarranged our stock that it was ?tecessary to close the
doors from 12 to 1:30 and again in the afternoon and evening, to straighten stock we are
sorry to have inconvenienced any one, but tt was unavoidable.
Such things dont happen at ordinary ' sales."
sag ' ' SB
o o o o o
Our regular Low Prices on all broken
lots Men's, Young Men's and Chil
dren's Suits and Overcoats. &,.&if
The mere mention of the fact that a quality store like this would conduct a
"Special Sale" wa9 sufficient to crowd our store all of Saturday. ,
The first experience of the new store with a REDUCTION SALE has been ex
tremely pleasant to ua and extremely profitable to the public judging by the compli
mentary remarks we have heard. Lots of people have been so often disappointed at
"Sales" that they doubted the genuineness of our statements until they came. They
found only the newest and best garments, by the world's best tailors at a bona fide re
duction of one-half. We've been busy, but we still have thousands to select from and
Sale Will Continue Until All Are Sold.
But remember the assortment grows less every hour po hurry.
Every Suit and Overcoat on Our Great
First Floor at Exactly HALF PRICE.
J s 4 i
the: home op quality clothes