Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 10, Image 18

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iPoitmaBter Tbomu Offers 8ugnjeitioni
to Patrona of the Poet.
CmnmiHt Error Maae hr People
Wk 8ra letters, Hvot a.
Omt Deal of Trofcl
Postmsster Thomas haa studied aoma of
th problems presented by the poatal eerr
Im, and makea thee. aurtlona to tha
j publlo aa tending; to make tlia aervlca
' better:
Patrons of tha Omaha port of flea expect
auid lia-htfullr expect a lra;e measure of
efficiency fron the men who handle their
mail, but, on tbe other hand, they should
not forget their duty in relation to the
poatofflae, or fall to appreciate the fact
that in so complex a machinery, requiring
Instant decision in handling so many thou
sands of pi noes of mxil, mistake mu
necessarily occur. That a vast majority
of tha arrora are due to no fault of the
postal employee, la erldenced by the fact
that each month an average of 1,000 letters
are sent to the dead letter office a hope-
l leasly andelverabie, or returnable, and
thla, only after the moat patient scrutiny
nd effort to discover either the addressee
'or tha sender.
Tha matter of properly addressing an
jt envelope and preparing it for the mall
would aeetn simple enough not to require
special Instruction, but as this Is one
at the most serious hwdicars to a perfect
'working of the system It cannot be too
'thoroughly drilled Into tha publlo mind.
"Mistakes In this regard are of two kinds
one in which the employe of the postal
service is simply made extra labor, and
hindered in his work, and the letter prob
ably delayed tn transmission, and the
other where the mistake la such as to
make the delivery entirely impossible.
Among the first clwa may be mentioned
the 'fad' of putting the stamp on the en
velope on the lower left hand corner, in
the center, near the top, or on the back.
This results, in the Omaha postofflce,
where a machine is used to cancel stamps.
In obliging the clerk to use a hand stamp;
It furthermore requires careful watching
i of each letter, whereia if the public could
I be depended upon to iut stamps on always
i In the same place, all this loss of time,
,' trouble and care could be avoided. In the
country pofrtoffice, where a hand stamp
! Is used, this failure to put the stamp on
' in the right place probably results In the
I postmaster pounding his thumb in an un-
conscious, last moment effort to reach the
misplaced stamp with the iron dater.
Prepayment of Postaare.
"A frequent cause of delay and trouble
Is insufficient postage. Mail matter Is di
vided Into four classes. First-class In
cludes written matter and matter closed
against inspection, and the rate of postage
Is 2 cents for each ounce or fraction
( thereof. Umlt of weight, four round"-
Domestic rates of postage apply alike to
j Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Great
Britain and Germany.
"Patrons should avoid the common mis
take of putting third or four-class matter
) with the first-class matter, and forgetting
, that this subjects the whole package to
i first-class rates. Any form of writing,
' whether by hand, typewriter, carbon or
letter press, subjects the matter to flrst
i class rates. Accurate scales can be pur
' chased very cheaply, but in their absence
there la no safe rule to follow, except in
; case of doubt, put on another stamp.
"Postal cards, whether Issued by the gov-
ernment or by private Individuals, are flrst
I class matter, and the postage Is 1 cent
: each. Carda bearing particles of glass,
mica, metal. Band, tinsel or other similar
substance are unmallable, except when en
closed In envelopes.
"The rate for second-class matter is 1
i cent for each four ounces or fraction
thereof and applies only so far aa the pub
' lie la concerned to newspapers. There Is
; no limit as to weight, but patrons should
be certain before mailing a packaga of
newspapers that the wrapper has on it
sufficient postage, as without It the pack
age will not be forwarded. Care ahould
also be exercised not to have the mucilage
adhere so as to prevent the wrapper being
removed, as this subjects it to first-class
"The rate of postage for thlrd-o.laa mat
ter la 1 cent for each two ounces or frac
tion thereof the limit of weight Is four
pounds except It be a single book and in
cludea books, newspapers, periodicals, cir
culars, printed matter not personal corre
spondence, proof sheets, corrected proof
sheets, manuscript accompanying the same
and characters for the blind.
"The rate for fourth-class matter Is 1
cent for each ounce or fraction thereof,
and Includes merchandise and all other
1 matter not Included In any other clasa.
Iaaafflclent Addreaa.
"The second clasa of mlstakea which ren
der delivery Impossible Is due to incom
plete address or Illegible address, more fre
quently the former. Letters addreaaed to
be delivered In cities should Invariably have
, on them tha atreut and number, aa this not
only inaurea delivery, but prompt delivery.
The name and address of the sender should
appear In the upper left hand corner and
1 the stamps placed in the upper right hand
I corner. Tha following may be accepted aa
a model form of addreaa for lstteri:
Mar B Araldea.
Xllmr Dart fUtorn ta STAMP
Past B Pit. i i
MM Hmtrt BtrMt. 1 1
Omaha, Nab.
M as Uktid B. Spencer,
1724 Oraad Avenue,
Alaa of tho Pnatofllr.
"Formerly the postal bualnesa was con
ducted on the principle of bringing the
patrons to the poatoffloe; now It la con
ducted along progreaalva line of bringing
the poatufflc to the patrona. Thla has
been unfolded In tha establishment of poat
oftloes In aparsuly aettled places, tha lot
tar carrier ayatein, establishment of sub
stations, rural free delivery and wa may
confidently expeot that the future will add
to thla ayateni all th mora modern meth
ods of rapid transmission of thought, aa
well aa thoae yet to be discovered.
"Enlargement of the Idea of 'safety' haa
marked tha Irauguratlon of the registry
and money order system, and It would
seem that wa are now on tha eye of a de
cided forward movement In thla direction
In -tha establishment of a postal aavlnga
system, and from the fact that tha patrona
are willing now to pay for tha privilege
of depositing their money with the United
State In tha form of money orders pur
chased for tha sole purpose of safe de
posit to the extent of many thouaanda of
dollars yearly, at the Cniaha postofflc
alone, there can be no question but that
tha pootal aavlnga bank, when authorised.
will be eagerly uaod and appreciated by
tha publlo.
"Patrona ahould remember that perfec
tion can be reached only by a knowledge
of the Imperfection a, and If they have a
WU-Iounde4 complaint to make they ahould
promptly report the matter to the post
master, together with all of the exhlbita
ana data possible to be obtained. It Is
possible and entirely probable, that relief
cannot be given to cover tha particular
Item complained of, but the information
contained in the complaint will bo used
effectively to remedy the weak point and
prevent a recurrence of the injury, and
for the general good of all the Individual
patrons should be willing to place In the
possession of the postmaster the facts
which have come to his knowledge of de
fective service, and which the postmaster
could not obtain otherwise by any meana
of any espionage at his command.
roller Hope Eveats In Court Satar
dar Will Serve aa Warning to
Other liay Men.
With the putting away of a number of
habitual "drunks" and vagrants for terms
of from ten to ninety daya in Jail, poUct
offlcera expect to have their dally work
corsiderably lightened for a while.
In police court Saturday morning the
sentencea given most of the men nrralgned
for vagrancy were cautions to others who
are wont to have no visible means of sup
port. Pat MeCann, an unfortunate who
haa both legs and one arm cut off above
the Joint, was let off with a ten-day aen
tonce, for although he has been arrostod
a number of times for drunkenness and
other offenses, the court wae inclined to
be lenlrnt. Anton Chada. who haa a habit
of getting drunk and then going to tha
police station and curling up to sleep In a
corner of any room he happens to get
Into, from the detective office to the court
room, drew thirty days, as Night Turnkey
Byrnes became tired of lodging him every
night and locked him up as a prisoner
Friday night when he found him Intoxi
cated. James Miller, nn elderly man, received
the maximum sentence for vagracy. Ha
was sent to the county Jail for ninety days,
Turnkey Byrnes saying thst he is a chronic
"vsg" and a ifulsanca. Newell Jones, a
colored man, arrested several days ago on
suspicion of stealing and selling a quan
tlty of coal, was olaased with the others
and given sixty daya.
A general roundup of colored men and
women living In tho Third ward and be
lieved to be mere vagrants, waa Instituted
by the police and detectives Saturday morn
ing. Before 11 o'clock twenty arrests had
beeen made, mostly by Detect ivea Murphy,
Ring, Maloney and Van Deuaen. ,
Greatest Kereiwllr Says Ileal Estate
SI an, Who Points to Ads
to Prove Case.
"The greatest necessity In a realty way
In Omaha today," declared C. C. George,
"Is store building for merchants. Even In
the less desirable districts there is little
opportunity for new comers to locate, and
in the better section none at all, despite
numerous advances In rent. The Bee has
been carrying an ad for several days In
serted by some one Who wished to rent
a large store between Dodgo and Harney
streets. He may get it, but It will be dis
possessing some one else. Conditions In
respect to store buildings at least, are all
that property owners could desire.
"There will be a good deal of building
this spring, more than ever before In some
ways, end the number of men who will
build homes in the outskirts Is remarkably
Plasterers and paperers are at work on
the fourth floor of the Board of Trade
building, and for the fifth or sixth time
A. P. Tukey & Son moved Saturday from
one of their office rooms to another. "It's
cheaper to move than pay rent, anyhow,"
declared Harry Tukey aa he picked up a
safe and lightly swung it Into the next
room. "At leaat, some tenants I have
known of have proceeded on that theory.
Not our 'tenants, of course, but other
Henry AsrnetY Asks f.3,0O0 Dn manes
Because Isadora Friedman
Potted Hint In Foot.
A suit for damages was filed Saturday
morning In the district court by Henry
Agnew against Isadora F. Friedman for al
leged carelessness In the handling of a
shotgun, the explosion of which Inflicted
several wounds upon Agnews feet. The
plaintitr claims the accident caused him
great aufering and confined him to the hoa-
pttal. Agnew aska $3,000 damages.
The affair happened in the second-hand
atore of I. Friedman, 211 Boutli Twelfth
street, on the morning of January 6. Fried-
mun started to demonstrate the weapon
while Ignorant that it waa loaded and,
turning toward the rear of the store, pulled
the trigger to test the action. It exploded,
catching Agnew In the feet.
Begins the Harvest Along; Its Lines
to Cool the Fevered
The I'nion Pacific has begun Ita annual
harvest of 125.0UO tops of Ice to be used
along Its lines. Large forces are now at
work at Kvanutnn and Laramie. W'yo., and
North Platte and Oothenburg, Neb. At
ICvanstun the lie Is taken from above a
dam In the Hear river and at Laramie from
a dam In the Laramie river, at Gothenburg
from the Platte river Irrigation company's
reservoirs and at North Platte from a pond
and dam. Tha Ice is moved from these
points to the different houses along the
Do you remember seeing tha "Butter
Lady" at the Corn Show? Perfection In
butter la what we aim for. Wa call It
"IDLEWILD. All leading grocera handle
TDLBWILD brand of creamery butter. Be
sure you get DLEWILD.
If your grower does not handle .It, tele
phone Douglts 148.
almptt every ttm. No dangerous cos
metlca or electricity, no ateamlng or mas
sage, no Injections, rollers or masks, but
a simple, wonderful, scientific discovery
that is marvellous In its workings. It
gives a
Charming Youthful Appearance
without the leaat discomfort.
A clear complexion and rounded face
are woman's beat assets. After diligent
research I at last discovered the aecret
of how to obtain them. It la harmless,
takae but a few minutes and can be used
without the knowledge of any one. For
partlculara addreaa Amelle Kits, Sulta
161, 161 Fulton b treat, Jamaica, N. Y.
For my protection I am compelled to aak
secrecy for my formula.
Monday you can have a $30
ault or overcoat made to our
measure for $17.(0 at
1515 Farnam St.
DECEMDER 31, 1908
Iang $2,J31,0;S.89
Interest due from members 1,346.8H
Ik'al KsUte , n.ll'O.OO
Foreclosure pending 10,776.0.5
Furniture and Fixture. lOA.OO
Home Building 33,04KMM
Sundry persons and accounts T KH2.80
Cash 82,405.05
Total 9 2,287,405.07
Capital Stock and Dividend
Incomplete Building IriMtns
Karnings and Building
Iteserve Fund
Undivided Earnings
The business for the past year has been the most satisfactory and
the largest of any year since It started in 1883. The small amount of
delinquent interest appearing as due from members Is a good Index
of how well the business of the Association has been looked after. The
amount of dividends allowed members for the year was $104,635.87,
and the present Undivided Earnings In the Reserve Fund amount to
over $60,000.
The number of homes built by the Association since its organi
zation is over 4,100, and the present membership of the Association
is 5,800, of which there are over 2,000 borrowers.
The present Reserve Fund and Undivided Earnings amounts to
Stock holders are permitted to make partial withdrawals of their
accounts, and the entire account on thirty days' notice. All loans re
quire the monthly payment of a portion of the principal as well as the
interest and are almost exclusively made on Douglas county improved
properties. Dividends are declared at 6 per cent per annum on Jan
uary and, July 1st.
Monthly payment accounts of $1.00 and more a month may be
opened any day, and lump sums not exceeding $5,000 of paid-up stock
are received. Dividends may be withdrawn when credited to the ac
Geo. W. Loomis, President
Elmer E. Bryson, Vice-President
Geo. M. Nattlnger, Sec. and Treas.
W. R. Adair, Asst. Secretary
John H. Butler
That Is what our government does to many so-called "cure alls", because
their contents do not conform to the pure food law. ' You never heard of an
A. D. S. remedy being held up by the government, because every single one of
these preparations, (and there is one for every ailment), is fully guaranteed
to conform to the Pure Food Law. Just now the A. D. S. Cold and Grippe
Tablets and Peroxide Cream are very popular, because the people need such
remedies this time of year.
Ask any of the following druggists about these goods:
Bell Drug Co., 12K Farnam fit
S. A. Beranek. 1402 South 1 6th St.
Kmll Cermak. 1X62 South 13th St.
C'rlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake Sta.
K. H. Ehlers. 2802 Leavenworth St.
Foster & Arnoldl, 21 S North 25th St.
J. J. Freytag, 114 North 24th St.
Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific
Haines Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts.
Hanscom Park Pharmacy, 1501 So. 29th.
Howell Drug Co., 207-209 N. 16th Sta
W. C. Hayden, 2920 Farnam St.
Her Grand Pharmacy. Cor. 16th & Howard.
Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding.
H. S. King. 24th and Farnam Sta
C. E. I,athrop, 1324 North 24th St.
J. H. Merchant, Cor. 16th and Howard.
L. E. Peyton, 2401 Leavenworth St.
Pribbenow & Co., 1527 Vinton St.
Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave.
I. H. Schmidt, 24th and Cuming Sta
And 8.000 other druggists in ovary villi
selling thla wonderful preparation today.
Painless Extracting 60s
Crowns, up from.. $2M
Partial Plates, up
Fillings, up from
Porcelain Fillings.
up from (1.60
,We have plenty of Scranton hard
coal left which we Bell at $10.00 per
ton We are glad to announce that
we are caught up with our orders and
can deliver promptly. Even during the
cold snap, we got our orders out more
nearly on time than any other coal
yard In town. Our highest grade of
Illinois nut, we sell for $5.00. Others
charge you $6.50 You save $1.50 by
buying from us. We sell all our coal
cheaper than any other firm in town.
Remember we guarantee quality and
Cnt Price Coal Co.
122:1 Nicholas Street.
Ilotli 'Phones.
How About
Rough Weather
Real Stormy and Coin
weather is here now warm
feet are bard to find our
not only keep the feet dry
and save doctor bills, but
they keep the feet warm.
Nothing Is more uncomfort
able than wet or cold feet.
Preserve your good dispo
sition and health and wear
storm shoes In two widths.
Regular and ten inch uppers,
box rait and grain calf
blucher styles.
TOI8 $4.00
Tore fs.oo
Drexel Shoe Co.
1119 Farnaa Street
.$2,1M. 100.60
. 92,287,403.67
Edward A. Parmelee
H. J. Penfold
W. S. Wright
Millard M. Robertson
W. Scott King
Schaerer & Son, 26S1 North 16th 8t
Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Douglas Streets.
Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and
Chicago Streets.
Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumins.
O. H. Wirth, 40th and Hamilton Sta.
Benson, Web.
Sprague'a Benson Pharmacy.
oath Omaha. Web.
J. L. Kubat, 110 North 24th St
Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Stores, 1401 N
St.; 24th and N Sta.
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Jno. W. Camp, 605 W. Broadway.
Dell a. Morgan, 142 tVeat Broadway.
Schaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 6th Ave.
and Main St
ags and city all over tha United States
1606 7ABBTAJC BTXEZT. IT years
same office. Phone I C 1760.
Bridge Work, per
tooth, up from 91.60
Nerves removed with
out pain.
Work guaranteed ten
We believe we can outshoe,
for the money, any man that
wears $3.00 shoes and does
not buy them here.
Our shoes were made ac
cording to our specifications
by a shoe manufacturer that
turns out some of the best
men's shoes made.
It you wear $3.00 shoes,
sir. and have not been buying
here, you have certainly been
missing the best $3.00 shoes
16th and Douglas Streets.
A business man says of our fin
ish: "There is a real pleasure now
in my linen. It is so splc and
span. No torn sleeves, no miss-,
lng buttons, no saw edges."
Ykoaa, atmraey 1771.
Correct T-auaarera of ftlea's riaa Zdaea.
Tae Advert laere Heaalt-tietler.
I t Y
One More Day of
9 m
fm ta M
fid Mw
CrrlM lent br
Hart Schaifaer Ic Miu
Don't Miss These Piece Goods Offerings Monday
January White Goods Sale In our
Famous Domestic Room
See If you can match these prices.
8M1O quality ....So
loo quality ,...7Ho
12c quality . .8S0
Idc quality . . . .loo
1HC quality ...19Ho
25c quality ...,15c
30c quality ....180
86c quality ....Sue
16c quality . ..8Ho
lic quality . . . .100
25c quality . . .131,0
3uc quality ...17ffeO
5Uc quality . . . .360
5!c quality ...37Ho
76c quality ....46c
$1.00 quality . . .65o
18 Tarda to Bolt.
20c quality ..
30c quality . ,
40o quality . .
5ic quality . ,
60o quality .
75c qualltv ,
$1.00 quality
$1.25 quality
. . .380
. . . 48o
.. .680
.. .690
10c quality
12Hc quality
15c quality
20o quality
25o quality .
80c quality
40c quality
. . . 100
. . .804
Long Fold White Goods, plains or
fancies, 6c, 7 He, 10c, 15c, SOc, 25c,
80c, 49c and SOc.
36-Inch Muslins 7Jc, 10c, 12ac, 15c
and 10c.
Walstlngs, 10c,' 12 c, 15c, 25c up to
Vl.OO per yard.
Try Hayden's
"The Air Brake taught us IIOW to Jl
a. stop; the Automatic Block Signal T fl
J WHEN to stop." I ti
These appliances protect - v:$
' TVl S.V patrons on the world- - v
O MlV 1 J famous trains of " V
Vffl Union yk(
'WvM4hWA' 1324 Farnam St. 4 I
y ' tkV 'ilX ItJy 'Faoaaat Ball Doolaa 1828 J ' J'tJT
5 T '
Clothing Clearance Bargain Surpass
ing any ever Before known in the his
tory of Omaha Merchandising.
The Highest Class of Ready-to-Wear
Suits and Overcoats including
the best on earth Hart, Schaffner Sc
Marx hand tailored on sale at One
$18.00 Suits and Overcoats .
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats.
$22.50 Suits and Overcoats.
$'23.00 Suits and Overcoats.
$128.00 Suits and Overcoats.
$.'50.00 Suits and Overcoats.
$.'55.00 Suits and Overcoats.
The season's best styles, patterns and colorings, backed
by our ojwn and the manufacturer's guarantee of quality.
300 more Suits and 150 more Coats added for Monday's
Odd Suits, in sack and frock
styles, that retailed up to
- $12.50; on sale $098
to close at
Boy's Knee Pants Suits Very late Knickerbocker styles,
$3.75 to $5.00 values go at 2.48
$1 Knee Pants 69c; 75c Knee Pants 48c; 50c Knee Pants 28c
Select any cloth you want at our
regular Dress Goods counter, and we
will make you a stylish skirt. Six
patterns to select from. The work
will be done by one of the very best
ladles' tailors In Omaha, and we
guarantee to make it from 1 yard to
1 yards of cloth less than any
other house.
Our prices will be S2.00 $2.50
$3.00 $3.50 and $4.00
We guarantee a perfect fit or
money cheerfully refunded.
Monday Closing Out all odds and
ends of Wool Dress Goods; also a
large range of high grade remnants
at very low prices.
100 pieces of Priestley's high grade
black Wool Dress Goods, yard 03
100 pieces of German imported all
Wool Dress Goods, yard 84
10 other specials during the day.
Best equipped Dental office In the middle west
Highest grade Uentlstry at Reasonable Prices. Por
celain flUliiKS. .lust like the tooth. All Instruments
carefully sterilised after each patient.
Corner lOtli and Farnam Hl.
. ,
. ,
. ,
tl .95
Odd Coats and Vests, frock
or sack styles, many of them
worth to $12.00, on $-t 68
sale, to close, at..
In Our Famous Domestic
Room January Linen Sale Now in -Full
Immense stock of high, grade Linens,
Domestics, Sheets, Pillow Slips, Sheet
ings, etc. . No other house is able to
meet the following prices:
9-4 Tiest Unbleached Muolln, rcgulnr prion
23Hc, at yard 170
9- 4 UoHt Hli'Uched Muslin, regular prtcn
26c, at yard 19ViO
10- 4 2 cents up. 8-4 2 ci'iits down.
Sc yard wldo fine Bleached Muslin 6o
10c yard wide fine Bleached Mualln 7MiO f
12 He yard wldo fine bleached MuHlin 84o S
72XH0 fine Bleached Sheets, worth 66c. 39o
81x90 extra fine Bleached Sheets, worth
75c, at each 48o
42x36 fine Pillow Slips. 7 He, 8c, 9c, loo
and 19Vio
7 He Honey Combed Towels, 18x36, 3a
10c. Bath Towels, for So
7Ho Cotton TowellnK, for ,.3Hjo
10c Glass Toweling, for 6o
12 Ho all Linen Crash, unbleached ,...8o
25c Rusnlan Crash, extra heavy . ...13Ho
12 Ho Muck Towels, for .7Uo
16c Huck Towels, for 9Vj
19c Huck Towels, for 18 Ho
12Hc TurklBh Towels, for 7Vo
16o Turkish Towels, for 8lJ
19o Turkish Towels, for 10o
(Bui i or to Dr. H. I Bamacdottl)
OtON aa XoapttaJ, 8810 Kaaoa
Calla Promptly Answered at All nonra.