Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 9, Image 17
TITR OMAHA RTTN'PAV BEE: .TANT7ATW 10, 1P09. L. n REAL ESTATE rABM ASI I4AN4 II I, A Ml FOR SALE Trim (nntlmrd. Texas Panhandle Greatest Farm Land Opportunity Ever Offered the Investing Public V are now offering some of the richest farm lanil to In- found anywhere In the ' I nl ltd States. In Moor anil Hartley counties. Texas, In any sin- trarta from Km acre ami upward upon favorable terms. This produces abundantly of corn, wheat. onta, millet, mllo malm, knffir corn, alfalfa and all kinds of fruit and vegetables. TIih vt ry fim-wt climate anil g Mid. pure water. Huy these landa n w along tin1 now rnllroul and yon ran confidently exicct to double your money In tile next two or three yt-nra. Vrlt" for free booklet descriptive of our hold ings. Excursions the flist and third Tuesday of each month. Good agents wanted. THE MONARCH lANl) AND LOAN CO., AMARILUJ. TEXAS. CO) 545 l'x REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) Farm Good 6 Mortgages Always on hand and for sale In amounts from 200 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bid. (22) M570 11 CHOICE LOANS ON IMPROVED OMAHA I 'KOI on l X oil f Aii.a; low rate, no delay. I. Slbbexnscn. old Boston Store Hd. (22)-MI TEXAS UNPS. Mtdlnnd and Fetor Countlra. Fine climate, Rood soli, plenty of rainfall, on rallroid and near ; od towns, first crop will mure than y for the land: vm buy dl'eet from the owner; price j0 to $13 an acre. Next excursion Janu , arv lfttli ; I'.T.Wi ro"ind trip. Come with me and It will do you good and make you money. W. W. MITCHELL. 232 Bc-ard of Trade Hldg. Omaha. Neb. (31) M571 10 : LAND SEEKERS 'Huy your excursion ticket to or through Rosenberg, Tex. Th'-n la no extra coat that way. Rosenberg la In the "Sugar Howl" district where rainfall la ample, crops are certain f every year and where tho best corn, cot ton and sugar cane la grown. A-Prairlo land, with flneat soil you ever saw, i selling at 117 to $26 per acre, ahown free from Ilosenberg. Have your agent come with you and we ." will aell him a piece, too. If he won't come it's becauae he can make more bv " taking you elsewhere. Are you looking out for his Interests or your own? Stop ana look over the famous Brasns valley f HILAND P. LOCKWOOD, ' Rosenberg, Texas. (20) TEXAS- Good farm land. Write. Re ' markabl crops. W. 1). Wilson, Houston Texas. (20) U aahlnxtnn. 'DOBS NINE PER CENT on your money. with perfect real estate security, Interest you? Old dlatrlct: proved value Write O. A, Benedict, North Yakima, Waah. (JO) 64t 10X Mlscellaueone. GOVERN M EN T FARMS FREE Our 112 raire book. "Vacant Government Land.' , descrllies every acre In every county in I'. S. How secured free. 1909 diagrams and tnblea. All about free Irrigated - farms. Price Xr. posttald. WEBB PL H. , ; CO., Kept. UH, St. Paul, Minn. (30) PRIVATE money to loan. J. 616 Branaeis mug. II. Sherwood, LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton block. $100 TO tio.nno made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead uidg., uin ana jarnara. i:) sta MONEY TO BUILD. $500 to $1W),0'0 at current rates. W. II. THOMAS. 6o3 First Nat I Bank Bldf. ?i 862 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (22) 863 MONEY 'TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22) ir.s REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to purchaso modern house nsar West Farnam; must ue reasonaois in nrice and In uerfect condition. Only own ers need answer, giving full Address vv car oei wj WANTED At once, moderate alxed house In good locality; must be cheap for caan. No agents or real estate dealers need reply. Address 11 &u, cars at. (23)-4)3I WANTED I'nlmproved land or lots: will Slve my shares of stock in a reliable In uatrlal corporation for same; descrllie what you have and state value. Address 1'eter Mathews, Orion, III. (Z3 MoSM lux RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Domestic Receipt of Wheat Are Still Light, with Erratic Cablet. CASH DEMAND IS IMPE0VED lure Art Working GradaaHy lllaher and with Futere Ad vances a Larere Movement is Expected, OMAHA. Jan. 9. 1909. Liverpool cables were erratic, opening trong, but lost strength and at the close homed no advance. Domestic receipts of tlieat are still Hint and the cash demand for the last few cays has shown much Im provement and Is also well scattered. The general outlook for corn is un- anged. Receipts continue light ana coun- ry shippers advise of small purchase. aiues are working gradually higher anu i in runner advances a larger movement in be expected. Wheat ruled steady, with moderate trade. alues answer nulck on all buying, but operators are holding off waiting lor de velopments. Toward the close there de veloped a desire to clean up the week s oldlugs and heavy selling caused a decline. ay wneat opened at il.oi anu cioaea si Corn Is stendv on a slightly easier level. Trade very light, selling moderate and uylnr scattered. The cash market held firm and all offerings were taken readily, showing much Improved' condition In the local demand. May corn opened at 56c and closed at 66c. iTimary wheat receipts were q,uuu ousn ls and shlnmenta were 169.OU0 bushels. against receipts last year of 521.000 bushels and shipments of 241,000 bushels. corn receipts were svx.uu ouaneis ana shipments were S34,n"0 bushels, against re ceipts last year of 'X.KQ bushels and ship ments of 349,(100 bushels. Clearances were 102.(,7S bushels of corn. 17.577 bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 166,507 bushels. Liverpool closed unchanged on wheat and Hd higher on corn Local range of options: WANTED Information regarding a good farm for sale; not particular about loca tion; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; give price, de scrlptlon and state when possession can be had. Address L, Darbyshlre, Box 1910 A. Rochester. N. Y. (23)- WANTED-T0 BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, clothes and shoes. Tel. Doug. 3i71- (2) IK RIGHT price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red 6401. (2o) mm WANTED All kinds of 2d-hand furniture will pay highest price. J. Levlne, 304 N lth. I'hone UoUKlas 771. ( Jb) fliaoi) WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room and board by young man best reference. Address Y 129, care Bee (26) M460 10X REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ha neb Land. ; Farm for Rent 240 acres of slightly rolling land, with good improvements. Good soil and good water; ten miles from town. "Want to rent to right parties. There ' is 200 acres of plow land. Kindly give references. R. S. Dickinson, TWO smnll flats of three or four rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with bath. In one of the best neighborhoods; must be strictly modern. Address, N 3')2, Bee. (a; 662 iox WANTEDSITUATIONS YOCNG man desires place to work for board while attending school. Boyies ol lege. Both 'phones. . (27) &u FIRST CLASS washing and Ironing. 'Phones Web. 2831 and B Zxki. (27) M461 12x WANTED Position by young married man as assistant In bank; good reierences Address Y 127, care Bee. (27) M444 lux WANTED Position as secretary or ae cuuntant by middle-aged man, married salary not as much an object as steady employment; can give bond and best rer erences. Address B Jbtf, care Bee. (27) M6S9 lOx Columbus, Neb. (2D-M414 14 820 '. half mile west of Millard, acre. C .v.CKKK REAL ESTATE CO., lmil N. Y. Life, Omaha. Neb. 'Phones Douglas or A-2162. (21) M 498 10 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam Sr. (ill) (64 PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO.. N. Y. Life. Private money; $600 to $6,0uo; low rate. 22)-lu6 PRIVATE MONEY-NO DELAY. OAitVIN BROS., li4 FARNAM. (22)-7 FIVE PEh CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BR EN NAN, Room 1 New York Life Bldg. (22)-85 SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Hoom ;i first rat i uank u:d, Bell 'phone Douglas 2318. (23) 7:15 $300 TO $S,fl0 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Ileal Keiaia v.u., iwi i. uw. uoug. or A-216X. tr)-4M SITUATION Wanted Young married man or 9b desires position on the road with substantial rirm on salary and commis slon; am salesman of highest class and desire connection only with a firm where rare anility will be well rewarded. . Ad dress Lock Box 664, Glen wood. Ia. (27)-M5R7 11 STOVE REPAIRS Fl'RNACE, steam and hot water repairs Thermostats and other heat regulators new furnaces and hot water combination heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1206-12M Douglas St. 'Phones: lad. A-3621 Bell Lmuglns-WX). 863 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE .TO CONTRACTORS Sealed pro. posala will be received at the office ol M. D. Marsh, secretary school district No. 2, Gibbon, Buffalo county, Nebraska. until 8 o'clock p. ni.. January 2ft, 1HCD, for the heating and plumbing of a new school building to be erected In Gibbon, Neb., ac cording to plans and specifications now on file at the office of A. H. Dyer company, architects. Fremont, Neb. Each bid must be, accompanied with a certified check for $100.00. The right la reservea to reject an) or all bids. Mid to waive any defects or In formality la any bid II It be deej4 r the Interest of the. district to do so. All proposals to be directed to M. o. Marsh atKTtitary. By order of School Board. J6-7-10-1T STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING NOTICE Is hereby given that the annual meetln of the stockholders of The Bee Building company will be held at 4 o clock p. m, Tuesday, January 19, 1909, at the office of said company In The Bee building Omaha, for the election of a board of dl rectors for the ensuing year and the trans action of such other business as may prop erly come before such meeting. H. HASKELL, Secretary. J6d&sl4t haX.'". jf, ' . 7 :)Wn- ..' . . v.N.v I rssldnt riect Taft In Walts $twmr, Chosea tot Els T srsonal TJss. v This picture was taken daring tho Xmas holidays at Augusta, (5a. Mr. Taft is following out one of the Roose velt policies, as the retiring president has used this Inake exclusively at his summer home at Oyster Bay for the last two years. Tho new 1901) model now on exhibition. "Best Car in America." AGENTS 18th and Harney January, 6s, IHd; Maroh. Is, T4jd; May. 6s. ITtjd. HEW YORK E-KHL MARKET Qaotatlona of the lar on Varloas Commadltle. NEAV YORK. Jan. .-FLOP R-Reclpts, 13n bbls.; exports. W.CO bhls., market dull, but firmly held; Minnesotv patents, $SV.6,; winter straights, $4.hi-4.$; Mln nesota bakers. $4u4;; winter extras. S3.tBtii4.2ri; whiter patents. $4. rft'nn.JB; winter low grades. $2.ftf'-i4 15. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. $4 kwi-4.26; choice to fancy, $4 3O45i4.50. Buckwheat flour, slow, U-Xt 160 per 100 lbs. BI.'CKWHEAT-Dull; New Ytrk, stats. 76c, nominal. . . CORNMEAL Steady: fine white and yellow, Sl.&fVLK; coarse. $1.4Oi01.46; kiln dried, $3 46. RYE Dull; No. S western. Sic, f. o. o.. New York. , BARLEY Quiet; malting, 79tr7c. c. I. f.. New York; fettling, BwaToc. c. L f., New York. WHEAT Receipts, 8,4i0 bu.; exports, JS.2H0 bu. Spot, steady; No. S red, $1.07 l.'Dt'i. elevator, und Si.OD, f. o. b.. afloat, No. 1 northern. IHiluth. $1 U. I. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter, St.ltP, f. o. b.( afloat. After opening a little steadier to day, on firm continental cables and bull support, wheat reacti-d tinder bearish stale reports and local selling, but recovered later on Improved cash demands, cummls iion house buying and covering. The close was He net higher. May. SUOffl.U 1-19, closed at $1.11. July clraed at $1.0fV FEED Firm; spring bran, iJb.ii), mid dlings. X26 26: iltv. (26.25. hay Dull, nut steaay; no. , jto ood to choice. SOt&NiC. HOPS tStcady; state, common to choice, 19oS croD. $10.00ffl.00. H1UWS Dull; Bogota, MrW; jntnu merfca, 20Ho. 1.L.A inait Uiraui d . . ve- PROVISIONS Reef, quiet; family, $150 C17.00; mesa, fl2.!lll 00; beef hams, $20iilJ 28.00; packet. $14.6u4jl6.0O; ctty extra India ess, 26.(B26.&i. cut meats, steaay ; Ickled bellies. $S.5ii4.76; pickled hams $9.0ulitl.50. Lard, easy; western, $9.70'u.!l; rerined, steady; continent, xio.iv; buutn merica, $10.; compound. $7.00Hri.2&. Pork, steHdy; family. $lh.0'"'n 19.01); short clears, $2)1.004122.51): meas. $16. 7&U 17.26. TALiJW-yirm; city. .tw per jou; coun- t SARA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeceipt Small and Market Quite Steady. GOOD SATURDAY EUN OF HOGS Tossy Grades Are Steady, bat t'ora on Klada A re l.oer Sheep Rccclpta Light and Prices Hold (iood. BOtTTll OMAHA, Jan. . 1&9. Receipts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday.... Official Wednesday ifficlal Thursday . Official Friday EKlimatc Saturday ., Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.) Yes'y. Wheat way... Cor May... I Oats I May... icmi lay... I 101' uly... 92: n- f 4ay... 60 92S 923,1 n I I 49 49 4Ki .oo4 50i 48' 1 014 92 k, B6V4 49 Omaha Caaa Prtaea. WHEAT-Nn. 1 hard. 9Q"Ac: No. S ard. 97iiOK'c; No. 4 hard, 86Vl?9Tc; No. spring. Piii'.i9c. CORN No. 3, 64c; No. S yrlloW, 64c; No. white, 674c. UA1D ino. A mixea, icgi r: u. a yel low, 47'q44c; No. 3 white, 4Mp48Vxc; No. 4 write, 4,'aliVtc; standard, 4Kc. RYE No. 2. 71c: No. 3. 7oc. Carlot Racelpts. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 7 130 S5 M nneanohs 212 Omaha 41 4S 14 Duluth 7 TEH oteady; creamery extras, 3 33c; western Imitation creamery, firsts, 23 '24C, CHEESE Firm i: unchanged. EGXiS Steady : state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. S9'y-e.'c; fair to choice. Sftu38c: brown and mixed tancy. 34fl'35c; brown and mixed fancy, fair to Choice, 3l(ffi23c; western firsts, girgsjc. POULTRY Alive: Western chickens, 14c; fowls, 16c; turkeys, 12ij'llic. Dressed, firm; western chickens, lc21c; fowls, 12Erl4Hc; western and southwestern turkeys, 21C(t-Jc, WEATHER IN THO GRAIN BELT CHICAGO (in A IN A-D PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Jan. . A more liberal est! mate than any previously made on the total wheat croo of Argentina cuuseil a slump in prices in the wheat market here today final auotatlons showing net losses or c. Corn, oats and provisions also closed easy. The break In wheat prices occurred late In the session following tho announcement that a reliable authority now placed the total yield of wheal this year In Argentina at 216.000,001) bushels, which is a more heavier yield than previously estimated. This news enlivened an otherwise auu ses sion and brought out general selling dur ing the final half hour which, resulted In the May and July deliveries declining nearly lo from the high point of the day The market closed weak, with May at $1.06 and July at 9Sc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to lt7,ouo bu Primary receipts were 405,000 bu., compared with 621,000 bu. on the corresponding day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 226 cars, against 1U1 cars last week and 300 cars a year ago. A substantial Increase In offerings of corn from Iowa and Nebraska had a weak ening effect on the corn market, but the volume of trade was not large. The mar ket clotted weak. May at 61VallSc, July at 61c. Local receipts were Ito cars, with 2 cars of contract grade. Commlslon houses and cash Interests were fair sellers of oats most of the day and as a result the market was rather weak. The close was Voo to He below the previous close. Local receipts were 86 cars. Provisions were rather weak, the feature of trade being free sales by a leading grain operator. The market closed eaay with prices tuioc lower. The leading lutures ranged as follows: ArUcles.l Open. High. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat I May 1 07 1 074 1 00; 1 06 1 07 July DSVsUH 98', !7' 9 Sept. D4' 1MV!94H&V. '94 94 Corn May 61 8H61Wi 61 July (12 62 ! 614 61 6? & Sept. U2 &4 61 01C'('i Oats May 62 62 flS Gl 61 63 July 46 4641'S 4HV H't 46H Sept 39 39 39 39 39Ctf Pork Jan. 16 37 16 37 16 36 W 36 18 46 May 16 67 16 66 16 67 16 67 16 67 Lard Jan. 9 42 9 42 9 42 9 42 9 60 May 9 67 9 67 9 62 62 9 72 July 9 77 9 77 9 75 76 9 82 RlbB Jan. 860 860 845 846 860 May 8 70 8 72 8 70 8 70 8 77 July 8 86 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 90 No. 2. Caah quotations were as follows FlOl'R Dull, steady; winter patents ll.7W7fi.3u; winter straights, $4.50ii4.80; spring patents. 15 KftvM; spring stralgnts, UM 6.i'; bakers, l.' WHEAT No. 3 spring. iT.07&T.09; No. soring, il.oiwi.w; No. i red, ii.uf.-va 1.06H. CORN iso. s, i:oic; imo. z yellow, wm 60c. OATS No. 3 white, wc: no. 3 white, 6Co62c. HI E ISO. Z. iWiC. BARLEY Good feeding. 61ifi2c: fair to chi ice malting, Wo'i&e. SEEDS Flax, fo. 1 northwestern, $1.57. Prime timothy, $4.00. Clover, contract grades. iVM. l'i: ivisii i:n5 nnort nns. sides (loose) $S.Uu8.60. Mi ss pork, per bbl., $16.37'S16 50. Uird. per !' lbs., $9.42. Short clear sides (boxed). IS. 60i .). Following were the receipts and ship ments pi nour ana grain; Kecelnts. Shipments Flour, bbls 12.10 ll.nno W ieat. liu T.000 t.UI Corn, bu ltS.'.m) 215. Onls. bu 14t.) 233 7' Rye. bu 2,0iO 5,iV imney, ou &4,uuu On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries. 22fi32c dairies. 214r27c. Fkbe, steady; at mark, tnsea included, xmJittc; firsts, SOc; prim ursis, Aic. neese, sieany, iyq Inc. Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Jan. . WHEAT Spo easy; No. I red western winter. 7, 911 lUlures, (juiei; juwlii, is, iu; Aiay, 7S CURN Spot, steady; new American mixed, via uaivesion, , w; futures, quiet LEGAL NOTICES ut meutino. Office of Le-01as-Andreen Uardwars Company. Omaha, Nebrawsaa, Ucimlj.l 11, Notice Is tisreby given to tbe stock holders of the Lee-UlaJ -Anureen Hru. ware Company that the annual meeting ol tbe stockholders of the company wl.i b held at the omcea 01 in said company, corner of Ninth and Harney streets, in i... city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday. January 12. A. IX. lut. at 1 o'clock d. m.. for the purpose of siecunii a board of directors for tarn oomjeay i serve during the ensuing year, and te transact such other buslueas as may bs presented at suoa meeuug. tteeit w. M Qlasa, secreuui tt- i. ttreaideat. tlllDIOt STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Tbe annual meeting of the stockholders of The' South Ouiaha and Western Railroad Company, for the election of seven directors and the transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office of A. L. Mohlet, corner of Ninth and Farnam sti .te, Omaha. Nebrskka. ou Wednesday, the thirteenth day of January, A. D. 1909, at U o clock a, OU A. M. OtUt, Secretary. . . J-1-d.-U-t Six davs this week K 477 69.305 37.020 Same days last week lS.&ol 46.612 24.761 sme davs 2 weeks airo.. 8.291 2.I.6"! 1I.H20 Same davs I weeks aeo. .24 I!U 40.423 Sl.tiNl fame days 4 weeks ago..2.t.8h6 60.677 , 27.735 Same days last year 21.493 7S.S58 26.110 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha iur me year .to date, compared wuu mai year: 1909. isd. Inc. Dec, attle 2:i 147 26 3t7 3 k) Hogs K7 MS B7 61S 2o.0U0 Sheep 37.6S6 32.HO0 4.K26 ... The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha fur the last several days, with comparisons: ry (packages free-, 6o. Kit. ICE (Julet; domestic, fair to extra, 2 CiVc: Japan, nominal. uU i J Snow Sunday and Not Moch Change In Temperature. OMAHA, Jan. S. 1909. The barometric uv,toou uveruaiiMiug the Pacmc slope Friday morning, anu noted in the preceding report, nae u tended eastward during tne last twenty four hours, and is spreading over the cen- al portion 01 me country tins morning The center of this depression is now over Veilowsione park. Generally unsettled weather attends the depression, and rains are falling on the Pacific coast; light snows are Keneral throughout the mountain dis- rlct and In the upper Missouri ana upper Mississippi valleys, with rain in the lower valleys. The high pressure, over the east ern and southern portions of the count! y, Is gradually moving oil the Atlantic coast anu is followed by warmer weatner every where east of the Rocky mountains, except ln the extreme upper Missouri valley where temperatures are slightly lower this morning. The western depression will con tinue eastward, attended by unsettled weather and the outlook Is favorable for snow in this vicinity tonight and Sunday with no important cnange in temperature. Omaha record of temperature ana precio ltatlon compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: iU. 1VJH. 1SU7. 1906. Minimum temperature.... 22 23 17 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature tor today, 20 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March 1 6.65 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1908. .o incnes. Deficiency corresponding period In 1901. 3.h incnes. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. St. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. . WHEAT Fu tures, lower; cash, firm; track: No. 2 red casn, Jl.KK4jl.1a; No. 2 hard, $1.0531.(jk May, $1.07; July, 96c. CORN Futures, lower; cash, firm; track No. 2 cash. 59&4iOc; May, 60c; July, 61c No. 2 white. 64c. DATS Firm; track: no. z cash, 6152c m), autyc; juiy, a,c; ino. 2 wane, iso, RYE Nominal. 77c. FLOUR Firm: red winter Datants. $4.90-3); extra rancy ana straignt. liuru winter clear, ).('. bEED Timothy, U.OOSi'3.45. CORNMEAL $3.19. BRAN Firm: sacked, east .track. 11.060 1 ful HAY Strong: timothy. $10.50214.60! nral, lie, vwrii.w. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. BAGGING-7SsC. HEMP TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: lohhlnir $15.75. Lard, lower: prime steam. i!i.2nc,is ss. sail meats uncnanged; boxed extra snorts. i.5ii: clear ribs. y.374: short cleur. .62. Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, $10.50; clear ribs, $10.37; short clears, iio.u:. POULTRY steady: chickens. lU4c. springs. 13c; turkeys, 16c; ducks. 10o geese, or. t butter steady; creamery, 2432c. EGGS Steady; 27c, case count. Receipts and shipments of flour and rain were as luuows: Kecelnts. Rhlnment Hour, bu 6.000 9.000 Wheat, bu 21.000 Ksnin Corn, bu 5S,0i0 BoiflOO Oats, bu 24,000 8S.000 Kanaaa City Grain and Previsions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. S-WHPIT-I'.. changed for soft; c to 1c lower for hard; May, $1.00; July. 91sc. Cash: No. J hard, $1.011.06: No. 3 hard. 9DciV$1.04; No. 3 red $1.0SYi l.(: No. 3 red, $l.UVo1.07. CORN White, 14c higher; mixed, to c lower; May. 67c; July, 6Sc; September, 67c. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 36t564c; A'o. 3 inixen. im''c; no. 1 wniu?, &c: No. i write, 59c. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 60fc52c; No. C mixed, 4!ra6oc. HAY Steady: choice tlmothv. tarstfrinwi- choice prairie. $8.5Ca.0O; choice alfalfa! S13.&tft14.60. BITTER Rteadv. erramerv " 1, lng stock, 19c. ' " fresh extras. 31c; Receipts. Shipments. 77.000 40 Dn ... SS.ftiO 6 0o 13.0UO 8,000 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... .m 6,627 8,024 ... 7. 'MS 14.S47 i.ll ... I.f79 11,039 .t ,.. S.K2S 7,3o4 l.i ... 2.1U1 9.2iS 6.729 ... AH lii.21.0 i42 Dates. I 1909. 1 1908., 1907. 19o6.i 1905. 1 1904. 1 190$. Jan. 1.... Jen. t.... an. 3 Jan. 4.... an. 5 Jan. 6.... Jan. 1 Jan. 8.... Jan. 9.... S 68 4 $61 S 24 5 41 5 76 4 iki 6 21 6 11 4 4n 2:t 5 07 6 70 4 35 6 30 6 14 6 65 lU 6 22 6 77 4 31 5 17 S 83 4 !4 6 24 t 84 4 23 6 28 6 27. 4 30, 6 23, 6 22 I 4 64 6 $8 RAWHIDE COALITION NOW THE ONE BEST PURCHASE ON THE AMERICAN SECURITIES LIST Listed on the New York Curb, Boston Curb and San Francisco Stock Exchange and Still Selling at Only a fraction of Its Real Value, It Promises to Earn Enormous Stock Market Profits and Dividendi for Investors. 24 6 i 6 28 4 39 4 61i 4 4. 4 46 4 77 4 47! 4 6s 4 45 4 5X: 6 84 4 60 4 661 6 40 I 4 6) 6 49 I 4 61 4 b2 6 $9 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, c. M. & St. p Wabash Missouri Pacific Union Paclflo C. & N. W.. east CAN. W., want , C St. P., M. O C. B. & U , east , C, B. A Q., west C, li. 1. & P., east ... C, R. I. & P., west.. Illinois Central , c. o. w 7 2 6 20 10 .2 36 .2 9 2 .2 5 32 4 2 8 2 .6 136 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tne number of head Indicated; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co. Armour & Co Krey Packing Co ... Vansant & Co F. P. Lewis J. B. Root & Co.... J. H. Bulla F. G. lnghram Klngan Other buyers 20 36 7 1 4 1 2,(a 2.627 2.103 2,916 234 162 43 543 Total 71 10,188 642 CATTLE There was the usual small Saturday's run of cattle here today and with nothtnir of any conneu.ue.noe on sale the market was Quoted steady with yester day. Prices have been very uneven during tne week, but at the close they Bhow a mod erate advance. Monday's decline was heavy, out It was more than recovered later in the week, while on Friday there was a little reaction and a rather lower close. Packers have been discriminating against the higher priced beef of late and favoring the short fed and warmed up grades on ac count of their cheapness. As a consequence prices at tne close of tne week ior tne gooa to choice cattle are very little different from a week ago, while the medium fatr grades show an advance of tVl6u all around. The weak feeling at the close of the week would Indicate that the demand next week will hardly be as broad as It nas been and It win take moderate sup- piles to maintain values. In spite of the weakness In fat cattle the market for cows and heifers held up firmer throughout the week. Ixical packers all had liberal orders to fill, while the demand from eastern butchers was good all the week and at the close prices show an advance and are quoted 26c higher on the good kinds. Business In stockers and feeders has been somewhat restricted owing to the light re ceipts of that kind of cattle. The Inquiry has exceeded the supply so that values have been held up throughout the week and are unevenly higher at the close. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice cornfed steers, $6.4fKi7.26; fair to good corn fed steers. $S. 406.25; common to fair com fed steers, $4 0nff6 25; good to choice cows and heifers, $4. WW. 50; fair to good cows and heifers, $3.25Er4.40: common to fair ciws and heifers, $2.00fi3.fl0; stock heifers, $2.60 fe3.60; venl calves, $3.00(d7.00; bulls, stags, etc.. $3.0005.00: good to choice stockers and feeders, $4.75iy6.40; fair to good stockers and feeders. $4.(W54.60: common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.0053.86. HOGS Receipts today numbered 141 cars about 9.800 head, a very good run for the last day of the week. Becclpts for the week foot up about 69.000 head as against 46.612 head last week and 79,!i a year ago. The chief feature of the market this morning was the active demand. The toppy grades sold freely at around steady figures, while some of the commoner kinds were quoted somewhat lower, so that the market In general was anywhere from steady to 6c lower than yesterday. Free buying by packers stimulated the move ment and, while the trade was active, the best that sellers could do was to secure only about steady prices on the best grades. The top sold up to JO. 12. the highest price of the week, with the bulk $5. iiK(jo.9S. as against a bulk yesterday of $5.766.96. Prices at the close of the week are abjut 10016c higher than Monday and about 10c EGGS o lower: current receipts, 27c. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu , Close at Kansas City: Open.Hlghest.Lowest. Close. Wheat. I May.. 101 101 July... 9i 93 Corn. May... rS 58 July... 5SVu 58V. 1 HVl 00fl 81 !' SS G Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. . WHEAT May, SI .(.(& l.i; July. $1 OSS,; cash. hard. fl.U'U: No. 1 northern, 11. 141; No. ! north ern. $1.07; No. 3 northern, $l.O4'4'a,1.06. FI.AX-Closed at SI .&'.. BRAN In bulk, $18. 7(19. Oft. FLOUR Quiet: first patents. $5.40ff5.65; second patents, $6.2O(ft5.40; first clears, $4.00 (4.10; second clears, $2.8C?i3.0O. No. Ar. Pr. Bh. No. At. Pr. 8h. 44 145 KO ( & 77 21 ... 6 HU W If.S 40 t 65 M Z'.i M iL II 1 til iU 77 21 80 8!S hi 1V7 ... 6 5 74 2.M fc mi, 71 3UI SO t 70 (2 212 ... ili 68 172 ... S 70 10 r.7 2S0 ( 8j 83 ls;l 40 $ 71) 48 240 40 5 85 86 171 ... 5 70 74 77 40 I 85 It Iki 40 5 7 270 13u 6 85 34 )) ... 78H 2S4 S40 I 86 fc) 1 80 I 72S 1 2l 121) 6 85 81 18S ... t 7t, 72 240 Ik) I 86 S y1 ... 6 7i', 70 210 161) 6 85 84 114 ISO 8 72 7 216 no S 'j 86 t'48 10 1 76 71 141 ... 6 86 b! lul 80 6 75 61 2X5 120 6 8a 78 212 40 6 75 4V 180 160 6 Ho 3 221 120 6 T5 64 178 100 6 874 70 lit 40 I 76 61 2f,l to 6 75 187 Hi 6 75 40 6 S7t, 73 224 2m) 6 76 84 227 80 6 87 91 2-H .20 6 774 12 Z . 60 42 125 ... 6 71, 32 264 40 6 SO 76 215 ... 6 77 4 75 260 ... 6 80 64 244 1 2 1 6 80 Tl 247 80 6 80 60 ' 40 6 80 4 213 40 6 0 II 2"4 ... 6 W) 53 1x4 40 6 W) 87 182 ... 6 o 68 211 40 6 80 76 :j ... 6 80 64 2J 120 6 80 211 40 6 80 42 11 ... K 8,', II 80 6 M) 6i 2,0 ... 6 IT) 64 224 SI 6 80 71 27 ... 6 8 71 242 11 5 81 70 iu ... 6 85 67 242 120 6 80 bC S:0 40 6 UK 63 214 11 6 60 41 .......'( 240 110 Hi 120 6 80 64 2 IW liu 64 2"4 12W 6 80 61 H ... 8 00 86 t4 ... 180 36 2H 120 4 On II Ill ill 54 M 40 I 00 (Ct 244 k.i 6 81) 4. ....... 4H1 12') 600 86 te UU IKI 67 326 80 4 05 T7 223 ... 6 80 64 278 ... 6 06 Never In the history of mining share speculation east or west has the American Investment public been afforded an opportunity to buy Into a great gold mlnlug enter prise on such an assured profitniaklng basis as that now offered in Hawhlde Coalition at 67 to 70 cents per share, its present market quotation. The chances of rolling up enormous profits in Rawhide Coalition in a short period now appear to be overwhelmingly greater than by an In vestment In any other security, railroad, industrial or mining, on the entire American securities list, and I urgently advise immediate purchase at anything near prevailing quotations for the biggest stock market and dividend profit ever made by investors in their careers. HAS NO PEER IN THE WEST Born in February, 1908, the Rawhide. Coalition Mines company has beaten every Nevada gold mine record for quick developments. Not in Goldtield, nor Tonopah, nor Ely, nor any other Nevada mining- camp could any one company boast of the following: In the first eleven months of Rawhide Coalition's career $100,000 has been spent for mining machinery with which to open up the property. Twenty-one ma chine hoists of an average of twenty horsepower each have been installed and are in operation. Approxi mately more than $500,000 has been spent in exploring and developing the ore bodies. Two miles of underground work has been done. More money is being spent to develop the property this month. More miners are at work and more underground work is being done than in any other month of the com pany's career. So great is the ore showing on a single leaser's ground of only about 600 feet square in a total company acreage of nearly two-thirds of a mile square that this leaser has or dered a mill of 75 tons per day capacity to treat its ore alone. Of a capitalization of 3,000,000 shares the company has still a reserve of 700,000 shares Intact, unused and unsold with which to provide Itself with development funds, mills, etc., when the leasers shall have discontinued next year, and It has money In Its treasury now. The company h&a practically been on a self-sustaining basis from its incep tion, the royalties received from leasers being at all times) sufficient to defray current expenses during the exploratory and development period, 95 per cent of the money spent in development and proving up the ore bodies has come out of the pockets of the leasers. High grade ore has already been shipped to the smelters from nine separate and dis tinct wokings on the property, and ore of commercial value has been disclosed in not less than fifteen wokings. It is the opinion of President E. W. King, the far-famed Montana gold mine magnate, that there is already in sight on company ground, without any scientific endeavor hav ing been made as yet to block out ores for purpose of measurement, sufficient ore to keep a 225-ton per day mill busy for years. On ore already in sight the net earning capacity of the company at the age of 11 months is esti mated at $700,000 per year when proper milling facilities shall have been installed. Of an Issued capitalization of 2,300,000 shares selling on the New York and Boston curbs and San Francisco stock exchange at 67 to 70 cents, this would make Raw hide Coalition at least at a 60 per cent per annum divi dend earner. ENORMOUS PROFIT POSSIBILITIES Buy Rawhide Coalition today "at the market." Order through any reputable stock broker, stock ex change member or "wire" house. Buy It outright for cash, and not on margin. , Stick it away for half a year or so. In a single month in 1906 Mohawk or Goldfleld advanced from 50 cents to $20 per share. One blast in the lower workings of the Hawyes-Mon-nefte lease opened up a treasure chamber and accom plished the feat. The ground of the Rawhide Coalition is four times as large as the Mohawk and more money 1b be ing spent in opening up the Coalition today than was be ing spent on the Mohawk. Rawhide is in the same county as Goldfleld and already threatens Goldfield's laurels as a producer of gold bullion. It will surprise few mining men in the west if Coalition repeats the record of the Mohawk. Buy the shares now while they are still selling for a frac tion of their value. I predict $2.50 for Rawhide Coalition by spring time, and $5 before the year is out. In the end the truth always prevails, and the truth about Rawhide Coalition is that never in the history of mining share trading in the east or west has the public been offered the chance of getting into a high class speculative Investment security on the the ground floor, sub-cellar basis of Rawhide Coalition. This is your opportunity. January 10, 1909. HAT C. G00DWI11 P. S. Prospectus of Rawhide Coalition Mines company may be had by addressing Nat C. Goodwin & Co., Mis Operators and Stock Brokers, Reno, Nevada. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Jan. 9.-VHEAT-Iill; No. 1 northern. $1.11; No. S northern, $1.10; Mav. tl.!1 asked. (TRV-Ixwer; May. tnfffilc bid. BARLEY Lower; standard, 6c; sam ple, 6'ii(ii)c. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 9. RI'TTER Finn, fair demand: extra western cream ery, !4c; extra nearby prints. 38c. CHFESE Firm, fair demand: New York full creams, choice, 14c; fair to good, 13 45 14c. Peerta Market. PEORIA. 111.. Jan. t.-4"?ORN-flteady ; No J yellow. 69c; No. S yellow. 5c; No. I, 69c No. 3. 68e; No. 4. 57c; no (rada. 62'&6Je' OATS-Steady; No. S whlta, 6eV(ffilc, No 4 white. 5Cc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O. Jan . SEEDS Clover. SK.!; March. $5 47. Alslke, prime $8 95. .. ' Blsrver, Better, Busier That's what mi: vertlsinc ia Tbe Bee does tot your bust- SHEEP-With only about ouO head here today, which was hardly enough to muko a n arket, receipts for the week foot up 37.O0U head, as againut 34,761' head Ixst week and 26.110 head li.r the corresponding week of last Weuk. The run during the week has been fairly liberal, and It will be noted lrom the figures above that the receipts were larger than for the previous week and also larger than for the same period last year. It has beun a seller's market throughout the week, us prices on every thing in the way of fat sheep and show a marked Improvement over a week ego. As a rule, values cn all fut grades are 4otj60c h gher thsn a week ago, with the supply inadequate to the active de rrsnd. The advance In prices this week places values at the bight hi point reached this season on all fat grades. Fat lambe sold up to $7.76. yearlings at SS.8& and ewes up to S6.1. all record prices for the sen son. There has also been a good demand for feeding stuff for this staaun of the year. However, very few sheep and lambs of that description have been received. The demand has been lilmral and anytlilnir ar riving has met with very ready sale at current quotations. In faot, the market :n everything has been In a most satisfactory condition, as viewed from a seller's stand-nolnt. Quotations on sheep and lambs: flood to choice lauibs, $7.U4j7 76; fair to rood lambs. $ 6iu7.0u; feeding lambs, $4 bc'ati &0; good to choice light yearlings, teev-tf fci; good to choice heavy yearlings, sa.xue.tio; feeding yearlings. S4.60i.u0 ; good to choice welhurs. U.Xio4Vtu fecdiua' wethers. RoonjH.fc): good W. FARNAM SMITH & COMPANY WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP HANDLING ESTATES POR RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY OWNERS. FOR SALE A limited number of shares of the capital stock of the National Fidelity A- Camialty Co., of Omaha. The direc tors of this company are men whose names are well known In the business world In this community. Address A-S68 care of Bee. -f- BIO MONET IN WHEAT. v $10 buys Puts or Calls on 10. (too buiheln of Wheat. NO FURTHER R18K. Aniove- : ment or oc from price makes you 1500: I 4c. $40i; 3c, $300, etc. Write for Clrcu , lar. FREE. EXCHANGE MEMBERS. THE STANDARD (JRAIN t HT(X'K CO., INC., 435 Electric Bldg.. Cleveland, Ohio, to choice ewes, $; fair to good ewes, ll.SSH 76; feeding ewee, 2.0ftfJ.X; culls and bucks, $!.if'V-.00. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle, ("beep and I. a nibs Steady Horn Five Cents Lower. CHICAGO, Jan. 9 CATTLE Rerelpts, 400 head; iniirket steady; beeves, $4.i"i(7 50; Texans, S3.9tr(4.u; western. $1 i)i'((6.lX); stockers and feeders, $2.S.Vi4.90; cows and heifers, Sl.75ti5.15; calves, $T.tV!iS.5o. HOGS-Receipts, 1S.0i head; market 5c lower; lights, $i.ii.l0; mixed, v.(5'(j.26; heavy, $i.70(i.3o; rough, $i.70u6.l; good to choice heavy, S-VKriO 30; pigs, $4. jU6.5o; bulk of sales, $3. Mi 6 16. 81IKEP ANU LAMMS Receipts, 2.iX) head; market atcady; natives, ;t.lii().76; western.; yearlings, J',.ii'i7.25; lumljs, native. $; western, S5.0o'(i&.uu. St. Louis Live Stork Market 8T I-Ollt. Jan. S.-CATTLE-Receipts 300. Including 150 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping snd export steers $'''? steers, $4.25(i50; southern cows, $!.7VniiH.0S; native cowa, $2 . ':,. i"; native heifers, $3.60 4'4jni; bulls, il.mrtiu.wi; calves, $4.iVh8.J5. IIOOS Receipts, 6.KI0 head; market So lowui ; receipts for the week, 92.000 hood; top, ;.7; bulk of sales, $5.5o'(i.oo; heavy, $5 9irti!',.n7; pai kurs and butchers, $5.70 j 6.; light, S.".4'u6.9u; pigs, $4 5016.26. SHEEP AND LAM HH Receipts, lot) head; market steady; receipts for the week, Z7.3H0 head: lambs, H.t)'-'S7.9u; ewes and yearlings, Sl.60iii(.tk; western yearlings, o.7iy 7.i"i; western sheep, $4.006.50; stock era and feeders, $3.0ofu6.00. Stoux City Live Stock Market. SIOI X CITY, la., Jan. . (Hpoolal Tele giam.) CATTLE Receipts. Suo head; mar ket steady; beeves, $4ti"u'7.00; fat cows and heifers, $4 0rii6.0O; butcher stork. H.Oofj-l.OO; feedeis. $3.ouu4 75; yearlings, H.OOh.oO. IK KJS Receipts, 4,soo htad; market weak to 6c higher; tango of prices, 16.50.9u, bulk of sales, JC.lijj0.7i. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JoSEl'll. Mo.. Jun. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, Uk) heuri; market steady; steers, $5.00; cows and heifers, K.joutt ; calves. a inr dressed bier and nuicner sie-in 1 .tr i v . . , , tJ ; steW U Hler 1.00O pounds HOG-Rccelpts 6 (,. he.d; market 5c i kf. and feeders 3 7wi 4.7n; cows and lower; top, $0i; bulk of sales, $6.5uUo Ho. heheV. $3 8HJ:F A,M' LAMMS -Receipts none; $2 751S. Oo : T- x us and In. Han steers At market nominally steady; lambs, $8507.85. .; cows and heilers Sl.761i4.5o. V.u l - m.i," Ufil He-t ints rear Market strong, pigs nut. and lights, $4.7".ni.l'i; packers, y, &a.lo; butchers and tiest heavy, $;.l.Vrij.35. SHEEP AND LA M US Receipts, J' head; market steady; native muttons, $t.'u6 25; limbs. $C.5u6.o; culls and bucks, $3.0X!) 4.50; stockers, $2.6u-4.60. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY, Jsn. . -CATTLE Re ceipts, 5oO head; market steady; receipts for the week, 43, 4W head; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.2Vi7.ii"; fair to good, S4.9o4f6.lo; western steers, $4.0VJK.60; stockers and feeders. $1.4v!ift.3o; southern Receipts of live stock at the six Drlnrluil western maiaeis ycsicrujv: ("am". Mouth Omaha St. Joseph .... Sioux City .... Kansas City , HI. Ixiuls Chicago Totals las; Seetloa. Hugs. Sheen ant 10 20f 42 tVO (J.iiiO , 3-4) 4.MO , 6i) S.oiO luo Sri") 6.0H0 2 , 4'K) lh.lM) 2.o ttll 60.000 2.841 n a $ tBarte