Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JANUmT 10. 1909. JONEY TO LOAN Talari" and chattels. OFFERED FOR RENT Iloawa aid Oottasea Coatlaaed. OFFERED FOR RENT OFFERED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE CITV PHtirKRTV KOH (Continued ) CITY rROPFRTT FOR Rt.R (Continued.) llovaeo and C'4tasre ! M tt It V MONEY losned salaried people and others without purity; essy iiayments. Offices In 66 urlnrlpsl cities. Tolnian, Room 513 Hm York Life Bldg. (I4i-810 itmfiw voii want money1 utmost t DON'T PAY HIGH HATES $ Jtitl SEE I'S FIRST. ttM We loan you smy amount on it furniture, plsnos, etc.; or, If you tt hsve stesdy employment, on your rloln note at the cheapest rates In tt h city. Open until 6.30 p. m. phone tt Douglas 2". tt OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. A til R. oi, Rrown Hik., Ht KUtCT Opp. Brandeis' tWUt lfWWfM 1th ftt. fcntranc. ttUUJUt (14-81l 13 THERE om poor woman who la terror ised Into nervous proatratlon by a loan shrk? flee us. Citizens Protective nso rlatlnn, 410 Marker Blk. (14) M418 OFFEREDFOR RENT Boarding ausA Room IN, nice large room, suitable for two; references required. 114 8. 19th St. 'Phon Red 4033. (li)-814 I, A ROB tm-heatd rooma, with homa cooking. 2616 Farnam Bt. J O6)-M907 12x IjEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16) 815 THE RACHELOR8, 20TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN. (15)-917 HOOM with board, 2411 Capitol Ave. (16)-M26t Feb.! FOR two gentlemen, warm room, excellent table board. Tel. Red 6171. (15) M363 llx FURNISHED room and board; everything new and atrlctly modern; first-class neighborhood; at a reasonable price. 1823 Wirt St. (16) 813 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney; nice warm rooma wltli good board: ratea reaaonable; alngla mala or meal ucaeis. yuaisinj jiox NICELY furnished rooma, with or without board; walking distance. 2704 Farnam Bt. Tel. Harney mi. uoj miu u HANDSOMELY furnished rooma on Turk avp. Excellent table board, noma cook In a. All modern convenience. Phone Harney 3224. (15) M568 10 FIRST-CLASS aeeomodatlnna, reasonable nrices. near business center. 620 8. 19th lit. (161-M472 16x Famished Rooma. ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week o month. The Chatham, 110 S. 13th St. (16)-81 NlfR larae eaat room, modern, nice home cheap. 2104 Webater St. Tel. Douglas 4554. (15) 467 lOx 1 FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for room do not rail to get our ui. Costs you noihlng. V. O. NILSON CO.. RENTAL AQTS., 703 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Phone Doug. 2204. (16) 817 TWO large steam neated rooms. Inquire Hamilton Cafe, 24th and Farnam. (15) M408 13x A i,ARGE southeast room In new modern house, close In. J(J0 Harney. (15 M492 lSx FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, plenty of hot water. 318 N. llh St. (15) M567 16 vl.-HV niaunnt larae southeast room, suit able for two: also smaller rooms. 2702 Farnam St. Harney 20ii6. 06) M5W0 17x FOR RENT Two furnished rooms in mod ern home, private family. 618 N. 23d St. Tel. Douglua 5337. ( 15 M588 12x Ft'RNlSIIKD rooms in strictly modern new house In Dundee. 810 N. 4Wh Ave. (15) 643 lOx It A K". K front room In modern cottage. 114 S. 2tlr Ave. - 'Phone Harney M, . tJ . , j (151 M474 11 l.AKGK warm Douglas St. rooms. Mrs. Hlshop, 2201 (lul M483 lKx . ELEGANT, strictly modern, large, newly iuinlshed front room, with board If de stieil. in excellent neighborhood, con anient to 2 car lines; private real If-nee: no children: references ex changed: rate. $4.75 per week. 1907 Wirt. (16) M496 16 TO A GENTLEMAN, nice, large front room, in new, modern house near Bemls Park Phone Harney 2X40. (16) Cl 10 Apartments ad Flats. 3-8 r. flat, Scargo, 6101 N. 24th St., South Omaha. Hall, 433 Kuinge Bldg. Red 7406. (16) M230 A VERY choice apartment at 33d and Far nam Sis., will be vacated soon by party leaving the city; inquire of Wm. K. Pot ter, 301 Bioau Blk. (15) 27 MODERN 6-room steam heated apartment on February 1 in the Dunsuny, loth and Pierce St. Conrad Young, 1618 Dodge St. (16)-M361 THE SHERMAN. Elegant 6-room apartment. Call Harney KM. (15) 4t8 lOx 6-ROOM strictly modern heated apartment, 7823 N. y.h St. J. N. Marsh, 445 Board of Trade Bldg. (15)-8J0 619 8. 19TH ST. 7 rooms, besides large reception hsll and bath, furnace, gas, electricity, water, win dow shades, new decoration, oak finish, oak floors. Built less than one year. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15)-M4i4 10 FOR RENT Suite of 8 or 4 steam-heated rowus with bath to family or three or four men at the New Hamilton; flrst cluss cafe with home cooking in connec tion. Tel. A-3360 or inquire or Janitor. (16)-M476 11 NEW Hamilton, two rooms and bath to sublet. Phone A30B4. (16) 43 lOx lloiMkteslsg Rooaaa. FOR RENT Excellent south front, modern furnished slcove parlor for light house keeping; 'Phone In house. 2674 Harney &t. (16-M974 THREE elegsnt rooms, strictly modern, train heat, hot water, 216 N. $2d Ht, (16-1 lOx TWO or three Jackson. rooms, housekeeping. 171$ (15) 641 17x TWO furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, iw uaiii room iioor. zoju lKMige bi 06) M640 16 Uafaralahed Room, l ot it unfurnished rooms, modern, steam heated, centrally located, lkmglua 4MS. (16-M501 1 Karnlshea Hoasra. DESIRABLE 8-room modern furnished house. Ringwalt Bros. (1& 222 LIGHT-ROOM furnished house: attractive terms to right party without children ratrrenevs rmjulrod. 422 No. 81at Si. Tel Harney 32. (151 M4K3 lux Hotsaea a a a Cottages. 8-ROOM cottage cor. 83d and Charlea Sis modern except heat; $22.60 Apply 3X2 Hamilton St. (lb)-Id 454 10x $ ROOMS, modern good neighborhood, good repair. First class furnace, 4o8 N. 23d Si., $35. leas water. (15) M3s U OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store. H. H. goods, storehouse 1120-34 N. UKh, office 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1658. (16) 819 MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO . Tel. D. liisj We guaranlo moving lanos. H. H. goods. 1 15) 820 7-ROOM. modern, brick house, 1011 No. JKh bu. tJU.uu. This Is a fine tiouse. will be Vacated Tuesday, and two roomers will remain If desired. Turklugton. bu2 Be. (15) Mo IS 10 OOOU 6-room house, on 27th near Daven port St.; we will mak special winter rate on this for $16 to a good tenant; Inquire at one. Real Estat Tiile-Trut Co., O round Floe. 1201 Farnam Bt. (lo)-MC9 10 HOUSES, COTTAGES AND FLATS DOWNTOWN We have a 4-mom. mrtrtlv litodrrn. lin-1o-thmlnii4e steam-heatd sparlmcnl. two blocks from city hall, tall for number Price 14f, DANDY COTTAGK-24:3 Franklin St.. 5-r.. city water, newer and biitlv 12ft. C7.Y FLAT 132" North 401I1 St.. Walnut Hill. modem excont heat nnlv tX 8PK'lAl,-241f-12 Reward St.. 6 rooma each. strictly modern throughout, fine plumb ing hiiiI lighting futures, newly decorated throughout, only 827.50 each. COTTAOE-261K Indiana Ave.. -room. city water, gas. e4c. onlv lis. NICE HoMK-3017 Charles 8t., 6-r. mod ern, fine lawn, fruit tree, barn, $1. WEST END 4110 Dodge Hi.. 6-r.. all mod ern, on Farnam cur. tm BARGA1N-I711 North 25th St. -r., mod ern, dundv little nine. 1:). CLOSE 1N-1X02 Cuming St.. 6-r.. all mod- m except heat, fine hane 12K. NORTH HIDE-2428 Bristol St.. 7-r.. all modern, the beat we know of for thla money. FINE NEW HOME 41:32 Douglas St., "r.. oak finish, open plumbing, beautiful fix ture, furnace, laundry, newly decorated throughout: redueeit to 132 fin. CI.D8E IN 1R29 North 17th St.. -r.. modem except furnace: nxtiieivt to 12.S0. EASY WALK 627 South Ave.. 8-r.. all modern: rerltieed from IL'fi to FIELD CUTB &8 Poppleton Ave., aplen- did, all modern, -r. houae, oalt floors, new furnace, paved street; will decorate to ault tenant WALNUT HILL 4024 Seward SI, 8-r., strictly modern. In fine ahape. 332.60. WEST LEAVENWORTH R18 South 35th Ave., fine 9-r., all modern house, reduced to $27.50. Ixiok this up. LARUE HOUSES CLOSE- m-64-S6 South 2fth St., 10 rooma each, now bvlng put In fine repair; furnace heat, opefl plumbing, new combination lights and fixtures; everything up to date. See us for partic ulars. ROOM I NO HOUBE The HillstdV. 102 North itn St., lust vacated. In rooma, all mod ern, In good sharu fine ateam-heatlng piant; a money-maker ror someone, at 175. 24TH and FA H NAM 2416 Farnam St., 12-r. hU modern, IS&. Payne, Bostwick & Co. (Sola Agents.) Main Flour, N. Y. Life Bid. (Ifi) $14 per month,. 4940 Pierce St., 7 rooms, barn ana chicken house. , $17 per month, 43 N. 28lh Ave., 6 rooms, electric light, city water. $31 per month, 1128 Georgia Ave, ( rooms, modern. 822.60 per month, 28K Spalding St., 6 rooms new modern house. 323 per month, 718 N. 30th St., 6 rooms, modorn. $26 per month, 2402 N. 27th Ave., 6 rooms. new modern cottage. $30 per month, 2nd floor, 2129 Farnam St, aix rooms, modern except furnace. $36 per month, 112 Spruce St., 7 rooms, all modern, gaa range. $40 per month, 83:8 S. 24th St., t rooms modern, hot water heat, good barn. $46 per month. 8 room modern flat, oak fin. lah. West Farnan district. $50 per month. 608 N. 20th St., 8 room new modern flat, gas range and laundry. $) per month, 618 8. 22nd St. 14-room mod ern house, good close In rooming house. UEORQE CO. 1601 FARNAM ST. (15)- 1049 S. 29th Ave., 8 rooms, modern ..8.16.00 1103 Park Ave., 7 rooms, modern 36.00 'irYi Pnnnlvtnn Ave.. 8 rooma. thorougly modern, hot water neat vvu ft vwh Ht roll hit n with bath, but no furnace 2677 Cuming. 2d floor, 6-room flat ALFRED C. KENNEDY. Real Estate, Loans. Insurance, Rentals, 2 9 First National Hunk Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas 722. (16)- 8-ROOM cottage, modern except furnace, within walking distance, for $20 per month. W. J, DBRMODY INVESTMENT CO.. 836 New YOrk Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 6108. (15)-Mti20 10 SAVE MONEY BY MOVING. 8-room modern house, 1302 N. 40th St., duced to 335. 7-room modern house, 4027 Lafayette Ave., i-nH i ii'il til X.tO. 8-room house, modern except furnace, 264S riavmnort. reduced to 132JjO. 7-room house, modern except furnace, 907 Bt ".".Hi Ht.. 123.60. Two office or living rooms In Davldge Hlriar fl JOHN'w. ROBB1NS. 1802 FARNAM ST. (19)- lYlil WORKING PEOPLE. 17 So 8-room cottaire. well water, 1917 South 21st SI. , to ,ni .w,r,m riot 1903 South 13th SU til i-i.nnm flat first floor. 2706 Burt St. ir' 4-room cottage, city water, 2817 jU.OO-4-room, modern brick flat, 2813 Dewey: Ave. ROR1NSON A WOLF. Phone Doug. 241$. 436 Paxton Block. V-91 Hni'StCHOl.D GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving ana storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 3m. flK, CO, V " 9-ROOM modern home. In first class con dition, within walking distance oi me business district of the city; one block from car line; corner lot, with paved street, for $40 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 New York Life Bldg. Teleuhone Douglas M08. (15)-MS21 10 FOR RENT. 8-ROOM modern house. In first class pair, near Hanscom park, with good barn: 326.00 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., 836 New York Life Bldg. Telephone Douglas 6108. 05-M61t 10 REAR 2515 Rees, 4 rooms, $8. Hamilton. 5 rooms, $14. 426 NiclHdaa, 6 rooms. $15. 230$ Leavenworth. 5 rooms, $20. 1014 Grace, 8 rooms. $26. 123 No. 25th St.. 8 rooms, modern, $35. JOHN N. FKEnxut, notn fnones. (16) M478 10 8 r.. mod.. 1723 8. 26th 8t., $22 50. 8 r., ail mod., choice, 8M5 (VJIfornlv $25. 6 r., part mod., J464 8. 17th St.. $12 50. BIRKETT 4k rfc."Mtit;rva, 42$ Bee Bldg. U6)- FOR RENT New S-room cottage one block from Sherman Ave. car; fine lawn and trees; asphalt paved street, cement walks and rxuM-ment; very choice location. Rent $J0. Owner pays water rent and cares for lawn. Telephone Webster 5810. Wil liam I. Klorstead. (!) 200 LIST your Breen Co., vacant houses with Walter N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-825 8-ROOM. modern For Informution brick flat, 81107 Pacific. 'phone Harney 323. (16)-83 HOUSES, flat. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. (15) 82 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Rlk. (lol 827 A BARGAIN In rent. 1 rooms, modem ex- cent furnace, near In, three blocks from Farnam St. car line; very low to good tenant. Annly at 807 N. 1910 Ht. (16) M821 7-ROOM, all mocbrn house, gas stove, gas water heater, shades, furnace. 1612 Spruce Ht. The Chatham. 11. 1. Plumb. U6)-M823 TO LET 2219 Douglas St., 8 rooms, mod ern. $40. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam St. (16) M415 10 3025 M ANDERSON St., H block to car; 7- room new house; water and light; large lot; good barn. W. S. Frank. 321 Neville Block. Omaha. (16)-M548 10 FOR RENT 4 nlc rjoma, first floor, city water, gas, toilet, $13.50 par month. C. M. bachmann, Agt. C6 778 7-ROOM modern Harney $776. house. 2818 Dodg. Tel. (15) 345 llx s-ROOM cottag. No. rn except heat $20. 1818 Pratt St., mod- Tel. Douglas 6351. t!6)-4 $ ROOMS, modern: walking distance; cheap winter monina. (is norm na. u -b 10 9-ROOM, all modern house, 4907 Webster (Dundee), near oar, perfect repair $30. Harney Ux. 115) 162 lux FOR RENT Second floor, ern. 8e4 N. 18th St. i rooms, mod- (la-Mt83 Us luau 8. 23D, 8-room cottage; city water and gaa luviulre IvU fc). 84th. U&) Mju3 13 4-r 6-r.. i-r., -r.. 6-r.. St 6- r., r.. 7- r., water, gas, ls.13 N. 34th St., 110. modm except heat, ! N. 2ft h Bt moflern exi-ip; h"i. Z,'A Rugglcs, t'. rHd"rn, 2710 Ftanklln, W. modern except heat, 4n Hamilton , 322 AO. modern. 1624 Wirt St.. 330. new. modern. 2m Spencer St., 3-t. modern except heat, 3114 Miami 8t., (18. part modern, 3M0 Evans St., $30. modern. 111 Iake St., tJ6. modern except ht. 2515 Parker St., $1. FLATS. modern except neat. 6074 N. 21st St., 8-r., r.. 8-r.. 6-r , IJK50. 6-r.. modern except heat, 3622 Bherman Ave., tlo. S-r. heated apartment, heat and Janitor service furnished, all modern, 104 8, 24th St. HAUTlNOa A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam 81. (15)- A LIST OF GOOD HOUSES. 3320 Dewey Ave.. 6-r all modern, new.340.00 w N. 23d. 8-r.. all modurn Jf. Ifi'lo Mason, a-r., ail modern 31.60 1214 N. 2rth, -r., modern ex. heat 30.01) hH N. M. S. Onialui. 0-r , all mod.... 2S 3l Burt, 8-r., modjrn -x. heat 26 00 112 Davenport, i-r., cl.s9 in vi 1'iMV, S. 2tl, 8-r., modiirn ex. heat.... 18 Ot 3211 N. 26th, 7-r., part modorn 17.10 2u spruce, J-r. city water 1600 ll N. Sid. 6-r 13.00 20U5 Burt. -T.. all modern 36.00 THE HYKOJI Bt'KU CAA, Phone Doug. 287. 212 8. 14Ui St. (16)- 2008 N. 26TH, 6-r., new cottage, modern ex. heat; tl8. . . 4720 N. 29th, 2 blocks north of Ames, 6-r. modern cottage, Just nnisnea; iu. 2818 Leavenworth, 6-r. modern cottage. 2613 Spencer, 7-r., mod. ex. neai, new combination fixtures; barn; large yarn; 25 . . 641 S. 27th, near St. Mary's Ave., 7-r., ill modern; 330. . . 1312 Park Ave., -r., brick; vacant Feb. 1; i.TT tn inni M v 1 .If a. Dnuir or A 2152. (16) M47 10 THE rtREATFStT SNAP IN OMAHA. Elegant, strictly modern brick house, first class condition, 14 rooms ana Dam, large basement and laundry with atatlonary tubs; American Radiator Co.'s hot water heating system; range Installed In kitchen, with hot water tank; polished floors; one- half block from Mercy convent; rent Vsb, of which $16 Is assumed by couple who oc cupy three upstalra rooms. Call at house, 2326 8. 14th St., or 'phone Douglas 3663. (Id) Mt i-x FOR RENT. 824 N. 19th St., 8 rooms, all modern $50. S012 Chicago St., 8 rooms, all modern $32.60. 3iM9 Bristol St.. 6 rooms, all modern $22.60. 2103 Maple St., t rooms, modern except furnace 120. $18 N. 19th St., 7-room. new, modern flat. close In $50. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781--A" 1188. (15)- FOR RENT LIST. 1710 N. 34th St.. 6 rooms, city water, 1st floor. 115. 3401 Decatur St., 4 rooms, rent to colored famllv mrt of house. 812.60. 13134 Georgia Ave., 1st floor, S rooms, all modern, t.). J. H. SHERWOOD. 616 Brandeis Bldg. 115)- THREE AND FOUR-ROOM HEATED APARTMENTS, $20 AND $22.50. $20826 8. 24th St.. (court). 3-roomapart menls, lower; heat furnished; gas range; electric lights, bath, etc.; excellent repair. $22.50821 S. 24th, (court), 4-room apart ments. upper floor; heat furnished; elec tric lights, bath, gas range, etc.; excel lent repair and walking distance. GARVIN BROS., AGENTS. 1004 Farnam St. Douglas 952. (li 7-ROOM house, modern except furnace. $ with barn, 82&; lith and ( lark Bt. In oulre H. Gross, 22d and Howard. Tel Red 4487. (16) M637 2007 Clark. 4 rooms. $16. 1WI N. 2tith. 6 rooms, modern, $23. iknifl Webster, 8 rooms, modern except fur nace, $23. Slst and Chicago, 10 rooms, new, modern, $o6. Ringwalt Bros., 308 a 15th St. (15) M455 10 HOUSES in all parts of the citv. Cretgh Sons dc Co., Bee Bldg, (15) 830 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (15) 829 IK YOl K house is vacant list it with us we can rent It tor you. HARWOOD & HARWOOD, 41i Bee Bldg. (15) M490 IS FOR RENT Five room cottage, city water, large rooms, o.uo. 'WILLOWS'. Brandeis Bldg. (li) 6-ROOM cottage, artly modern, $17.00. W. J. DKR.MODY INS. CO.. . Telephone Douglas 6108. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. (16) M622 10 f K ek KENT or small s-room house to reliable man who will keep three other houses nearby In good repair. Inquire at once at ijoi t arnum. (la) M624 10 DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on- the busy corner of 24th and N Sti South Omaha. Call at Bee office, 8. O branch. 24th and N. Sts. New address. (16)-M577 THIRD and Fourth floors Webster-Sunder land building have been sub-divided int very attractive offices, all well lighted Heat and elevator service furnished Leaves one to three years. GEORGE & CO., 1801 FARNAM 8T. (15)- PESIRABLB suite of offices in Continental Block, suitable for doctor or dentlaU ALFRED C. KE-NNE-DY. 39 First National Bank Bldg., Tel. Douglas 722. (16)- YOU should have begun the new year in new office, but It is not too late to ren an office in the I . S. National Ban -431dg., 121 h and Farnam Sts.; best location best janitor service, best elevator service best of everything. Apply at once. Real Estate Title-Trust Co., Ground Floor. 1201 Farnam St. (lftl-MtWO 10 at CORNER storeroom, 702 N. lth Bt (15) ii IM lOx 4-STORY and basement brick bulldin 22x12 ft., 1107 Harney St., $128. JOHN W. ROBBIN9. 1802 FARNAM 8T. (15) ROOM at N. W. corner of 16th and Jackson St., 22xfi0 fe-t, with good show window and basement, heat furnished, rental $2 per month, lease to good party, one three years. 803 N. &th St., room 20xi feet, next door to grocery store, rental $20 per month. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. (15 FOR RENT Store, 13th and Dauglaa, Huh ennan storeroom, southeast corner. Apply John A. Hennewltx. 417 First National Hank Bldg. Tel. Doug 1945. (I6)-Mti.a 1? OFFERED FOR SALE Varaltar. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a snort time and will sell cheap. Call at Be office, Omaha. (16) 143 FOR SALE (Titap. 2d -hand steel range. with warming oven and water back, ('all 1612 Harney St. (16) M493 12x MI'ST sell my furniture today, at 607 So. 25tll Ave. (16) M618 10X FOR SALE Columbian oak heating stove oneap. aunt cuuton Ave, ut Miao lux ROUND OAK stove, almost new. for sale cheap. Call Douglas 7252. (16) M500 18 1 Typewriters. MONARCH typewriter, nearly new, for ale cheap. Call Ind. Tel. A286S, or writ 23u6 Dewey Av. tit) M420 M Lteeltaaeema. FOR BALE New and 3d-hand billiard and rool table. W lead the wot Id In cheap ar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick. Balk CuUauder, 407 B. lvtn Bt. (l-324 DRt'OS at cut prices; freight bald on tl orders; catalogue fr.e. Sherman MvCcnticll Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. (Ito-V LADIES Send for aample of the new 'Imperial Complexion Cream," delicate In perfume and texture. One trial will convince you. Sample box 10 cents. North crn Chemical Co.. T. O. Box 32. Minne apolis. Minn. U6 M3ii7 llx SEND us your mail orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lots. Myers-Dlllou Drug Co., Omaha. (-.! FOR SALE Cheap for cash, butchor's Ux 10 Ice box. In good condition, ueo v . Hartman. 3O08 Cuming St. (16-M8fT7 FOR SALE At onoe, one Cross Compound Corliss eng ne, sue lsxzixau-in. ; direct connected to two Reldler puiupa lHx. In. ; two 16-ln. Intakes, one 18-ln. dis charge, capacity 8,000,000 gallons In 34 hours; thla pump la In perfect condition and may be aeen in operation at the lncoln Park power house, write for particulars. M. H. West. Supt., Lincoln Park System, Clark and Center. Sts., Chicago. (U)-M416 10 B. P. SWANSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER 20 different makea to select from at a avlna of 30 to 80 per cent of mfrs. prices (316 and upi. Slightly uaed and genuine re built machines practically as good as new for sale or rent, rent applied If bought. Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on ap proval for examination without a deposit. Write today ror la.-ge uargain nai ano receive our offer. B. F. Swanaon Co. (Est. 1904). 417 a 16th St., Omaha. (1) 436 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sell at 50c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee publishing uo. u) hi FOR SALE t good blllard tables cheap. Inquire 1928 West u St., Boulh omuha. (li)m Feb3x SOMETHING NEW OMAHA Auction and Commission Co., 1611, 1613, 1615 Davenport St., will take your furniture, stove, carpets or any other merchandise, sell It on commission and get you the value of your goods. Don't give your goods away to scoond-hand dealers. Call Douglas 771; Ind., B-154L Wagon will call. (16) FOR SALE Full dress suit, stxe 36; good condition. Writs Box 745, Missouri val ley, la. (16) M583 llx ICE PRIVILEGE of Lake James, near Country club; nearly two acres of clear, crystal, spring water Ice. Apply at once. 1201 Farnam. (16) M623 10 FOR SALE New jeweler's safe; weight 3.6O0. outside measurement wx48x6h; clou hie doors Inside and outside. 10-foot oak wall caae: two 8-foot floor cases. At bargain. Address Roy S. Smith, 1148 O, Lincoln, Nebraska. (1) M639 11 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red 7117. (10-WM PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of 8c post age. R. - S. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1869. (17) 839 PERSONAL WANTED Seattle man wishes to meet lady, 20 to 30; will remain here three months; give description, and address ' 128, care Bee. (18) M440 lOx A HOME for women during confinement VV find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Lee, 402 Bancroft SU 'Phone Douglas 1921. (18)-801 J27x MASSAGE treatment, 1709 Dodge St., base ment. Mrs. Jordan. (V M426 14x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing: In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 rs. lltn St.. for cost or collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4136 ana wagon win can. (18) 785 iuiiu coming to urnaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 151S Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 268 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18) 840 MAGNETICLIV.1 aVWh., Mme. floor. (18) 627 L1EBEN, costumer. 1410 Howard. Open Eve. 18) 842 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (181-843 WANTED To store piano for use of it: best care, no children. Address D 344, care Bee. (18) 346 lOx SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail: cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (lfotm ELECTRIC vibratory treatments, alcohol rubbing, magnetic massage; new parlor; lady operator. Room 2, 1703 Dodge St (18) M383 10x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and mo! s permanently removed by electricity ; con sultation froe nnd confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Rldg (18)- WOULD John McDonald, sometime resid ing at Forresters Croft, Strathallan Perthshire, Scotland, and lust known about Nebraska. U. 8. America, about thirty or forty years ago. communicate with William McDonald. Mulrton, Auch berarder. Perthshire, Scotland. (18) REAL ESTATE REAL, ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. IS5fi; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St U8J-840 ' PAYNE 1NV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. (1) 847 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRCST CO CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, President.' 1 19) 848 GEORGE CO., Tel. 1601 Farnam. Dotiglag 7r,6. U9)-848 BENJAMIN It. E. Co., 477 Brandeis Bldg. 1191-849 CITY PROPEItTV FOR 8 A I.E. BRAND NEW SQUARE HOUSE ... won eiegnnt re ception hull; colonaile npenliiK nnd grand stairway; dining room and kitchen on first noor; mree neilrooms. lurge hath ami four closets upstairs; full cemented cellar; best furnace; gaa and electric light; everything modern: all rooms finished In birch; coiner ioi, soutn ana east front; cement steps and mnwaiss. i-ocaicd ai s. 38th Ave Price only $3,750; easy terms. C. (J. CARLBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. H9)-M0O6 10 HOME AND INVESTMENT uooa s-room nouse. all modern except electric ngnia. in a nne neighborhood. 4 block from car line; paved streets, per manent walks. Lot has loo feet frontage ..ii .wu ueei. rvoom ior a more nouses. ah specials paia. fries only 83.500. J. H. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Douglas 690. lt6 Farnam SU (19)- FINE NEW INVESTMENT PROPFRTV earning 12 per cent; a solid bio.. k of six ei. lAjun nais, wiin one nesting plant best location and brand new. Get particu lars. Cheerfully given. Cash payment $15,000. balance long time. Rent Incora over 83.100. REAL E3TATK TITLE-TRU8T CO., Ground Floor, 12U1 Farnam. U-MiBe 10 REAL ESTATE CITY PROPFRTY FOR I.K (Continued.) Worth the Money Good 6-mom hmne, two years old. Hss water, sewer, toilel. bith. IK and Is lo cated on brick sidewalk. lot 43x120. prk-P. $2.5"0. Sold on reasonable terms. 7-KOOM HOl'SK 'J4J HKOWN ST. A fine new 7-room house only one block from car line, on good lot 4k120. House is wo stories and sll modrn with not waier eat. This house cn:i be nought on a payment of about one-third down, balance on reasonable terms. See us about this before It Is gone. SPLENDID LOCATION IN NORTH PAHT OF CITV A good 8-room house hiult first class and modern In every patrlcular. Good, hign class neighborhood. Price 84, WW. owner will shade thru price some on a good casn payment, If taken at once. NEW, 7-KOOM HOUSE, 252.3 AMES AVE. This house Is practically new. Is well ar ranged. Right on car line. Full lot and In desirable neighborhood, only two Diocas from school. Owner asks $3,500. (JOOD INVESTMENT A $4,000 house, new last fall, and rents for $40 per month. House Is all modern, on paved street, east front, corner lot and one block from Farnam car line. A splendid investment and a house that will bring a steady Income and Increase rapidly In lue. t an be Dougnt on iirsi payment or $l,6o0 down. See us before this bargain la picked up. 6-ROOM S IN BOULEVARD PARK ADDITION This house Is all modern, new and on full sised lot. We consider It cheap at the price, $3,350. Will arrango terms to good responsible parties. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE $3,600 House practically new: hot water heat; south front on paved street: one block from 24th St. car line :lot Is 40x128. We can ar range terms on this. Will take about xi.uw cash. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON AMES AVE. Block and a half from school on car line. Fine neighborhood. We can sell this for $1,000 cash and balance on easy terms. Price $2,800. BOULEVARD PARK Ask us to show vou some of these de sirable lots within a few blocks of the new university and located on tne oouie- vard leading to Levi Carter park. Prices low and terms easy. Shimer & Chase Co. Itj09 Farnam St., Ground Floor. Tels. Doug. 3867. A 3642. Free sites for factories on Terminal at Ralston. U) The Peters Trust Co.! Ground Floor N. Y. Life. We have over $200,000 in farm mortgages and school bonds for Bale. No purchaser of our securities has ever lost a dollar or taken an acre of land on account of them. For corporations issuing bond9 we act as trustees. Funds may be placed with us for investment; the proceeds to be paid as directed by the terms of the trust. We invite inspection of our securi ties. The Peters Trust Co. (19) M569 10 W. H. GATES, Room 617 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 12M. $3,500 Seven-room, new, modern house, with a good hot water heating plant; east- front lot. on 21st. near Ames Ave. $3.400 Eight-room, modern house; oak fin ish on first floor: est front, on Boule vard, near Manle St. $3,200 Eight-room, modern house, with hot water heat: lot 40x140; paving paid for; on 22d. near Lake. $3.500 New seven-room, modern house, Just north of Bemls park; souin-iront ioi, 40x127. $3,300 Six-room, modern house; lot 40x122; south front, on Ohio, near 20tli. $2,750 Six-room house, modern except fur nace, on Parker, near 33d; large Darn; lot 45x127. . $2,850 Seven-room house, modern except furnace, on Miami, near 22d; lot 33x122. $2. 200 Six-room house on 25th, near Maple, modern except furnace; lot 42xlti. $2.350 Seven-room, new house, hall, parlor, dining room, library', one bed room, bath and kitchen, all on first floor, two rooms finished on second floor, cellar under wholo house, cemented; lot 60x127; close to car. BARGAIN. (19) A. P. TUKEY & SON South Side Homes Of the five houses recently purchased on the northwest corner of 12th and Vinton all are sold. Of the four bought last week on the northeast coiner of 12th and Vinton the north one Is sold. The three smith ones are not sold, but will be In a very few days. I.nok also at four houses we have cn the northeast oorner of 16th and Bancroft. Alto see an nil modern house for $2,000 at T462 8. 17th Bt. Do not dis turb the people in the houses. A. P. TUKEY ft SON, 445 Tlnsrd of Trade Building. 'Phone Douglas 21S1. (lj) $2,300 Snap 8-ioom hcuse. modern except heat, all In ei y best of condition, new plumbing and house to be papered at once. He sure to see this, as it Is a bargain. 4643 Farnam. l wo blocks rrom car. $2,000 SACRIFICE Near 3cHh snd Hlifornla. s-room hous.-, modern except heat, goi d condition, rents for $23. Ixiok the town ovur and you can't find the equul for the money. Terms 10 gooa party. $425 LOT South front 40-foot lot near 24th and Sara toga, sewer, water and cement walks. A great snap. ' F. C. Best, 1008 N. Y. L. 'Phones Douglas 2244, Harney 3714. (19) ll ANSCOM PARK AND FIELD CLUB $,600 S-rmm modern house and barn; east front lot, 60xliS feet; shade, fruit. paved streets and permanent walks; J uccaa iroin car line, i uiixH from Field club; $2,btM cash, $4,0u0 long time at i per ten i. $10.i00 9 rooms, modern, hard wood fin ish, hot water heat, large barn, east front lot, 60xlM; paved driveway, permanent walks, pavement; close to sirevt car, park and club; one of the best built and most detirable homes In the city. House toi large for present o rer $4,000 cash, bal ance long time at $ jh-i- cent. J. II. DUMONT & SON, 'Phone Douglas 690. 1806 Farnam BL (It) I NEED a little ready cash. Will eeU small house and lot needing repairs at only I6M). I want $90 and you can pay th rest abou ine same .aa rent, writ me at one. AdOJea u mi, tm. J,19M2S 10 HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1704 Farnam Street Houses and Lots 26th AND ST. MARY'S AVE, $3,7.)0. We offer for the first time the fine, pew t-rivim housn In fine neighborhood, in essy walking distance, at .1 r-asonahle price. The lot is :xlZO feet, street paved snd pav ing paid for. Cement walks, sodded yard, nice terrace, house is entirely modern snd complete in every way. yusrter-sawed oak finish and osk floors on first rioor: tour bedrooms and bnth on seend floor; electric lights and gas, combination fixtures. There no stores anywhere nenr this anil an tine houses on the street. Don't fail to see this. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME $3,300 1?0R 8pencer St.. 8 nice rooms. Just com pleted. This Is a beautiful, well built, en tirely modern house, everything the very nest that could be bought, orr iintsn nown stairs, second floor In pine and birch, nicely paperea and combination nxiurra, paving paid In full. We do not believe there Is a better house In Omaha for the money. SULPHUR SPRINGS HOME, $3,650 1520 Etmmet St.. a fine, new, 2-story square house, with full cement block basement, with nice reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, large butler's pantry and rear vestibule on first floor, 8 good bed rooms and bathroom on second floor, fine oak finish and oak floors on first floor, good fumuce. modern plumbing, electric lights and gaa. Tills Is on a full south front lot. on fine street of homes, one-half block from Sherman avenue car line, a wall built, good-looking house Part cash, bal ance monthly payments. 1821 GRACE STREET, $3,500 This Is a brand new house, never been occupied, has full bricked basement, with Port and cement floor, good furnace, pipes all wrapped with asbestos; first flocr has nice reception hall, parlor, good sisea oin lng room, kitchen, large pantry and rear vestibule. There are three nice bedrooms, chest, with plate glass mirror In bath room. on second floor, the very best ot modern plumbing, electric lights tnd gas, combi nation fixtures, large front perch, cement walks all around, sodded yard. There will be no expense after you move Into this house, as It Is first-class In every way. Terms: $G0O cash, balance $36 per month. A FINE NORTH SIDE HOME $3,350 3021 Meredith Ave., T rooms, entirely mod ern, has 3 large rooms and splendid square reception hall on first floor, with large well arranged pantry; three nice rooms up stairs, with largo bath room, medicine chest, with plate glass mirror In bath room The downstairs Is finished In oak. highly polished, combination lighting fixtures large cemented cellar, full lot. cement side walks to street, and cement sidewalks will be put around the house; full lot, one block to car. Hastings 1704 Farnam St. Be Bldg. YOURS FOR $3,650 This fine new house, consist ing of six rooms and large re ception hall. Modern In every respect, Including laundry. Picture mouldings, shades, for all windows. South front to grade. On paved street, one half block from car line. In Kountze Place. Easy terms. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Telephones: Douglas 1064. Ind. A -1064. (191- $4,300 1215 North SSth St. Right In the very best part or Bemls park, eight rooms, strictly modern oak finish, four bed rooms and bath on second floor, alao lance tut I." room, full cemented basement: grounds 42S4 xim iee,i, witn large anade trees and very pieasant surroundings, this nouse Is lust completed and ready to occupy. This price Is for Immediate sale only, as It will bring considerably more money on the spring maraei. oeuer loon m it today. $3,500 1413 N. 36th St. Now right-room house strictly modem, oak floors on first storv, double finished floors upstairs Hiid down, four bed rooma and bath, large at tlo and run cemented basement; corner lot and new houses on all sides; very fine loca tion. Thla property can be handled on very small cssh payment if necessary. This is the best bsrHatii In tin? city of Omaha today, all things considered. Call on owner, Q. W. GARLOOH. 3310 Hamilton St. Tel. H. 3079. Ind. B-2871. (19) M4K1 lOx Georgia Ave. Home T rooms, all modern: 3 rooms and reception hall down, 4 bed rooms and bath up; all open plumbing, cemented basement, laun dry In basement, with hot and cold water; good repair. Will take good lot in on trade. Close In. Only $4,000. Birkett & Tebbens 423 'Phones BEB BLDG. Doug. 4754 A-1754. (Wi WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE Brand New in WalkiuK Distance 7-room heuso, located at southeast corner of THh and Capitol Ave.; has nice ter race lot, both streets paved, full basement, press brick foundation, oak flnlfch In living rooms, quarter sawed white oak floors. nickle plumbing, walls handsomely decor ated, plate rail and paneled off In dining rof m. strictly modern. Come in and let us show you this property. C. P. TRAVER, 705-4 N. Y. L. Bldg. (19) VACANT 88th and Sprague fn $3d and Spring, corner, 2 luts $4S0 28th and Plnkney, 40x120 $550 Easy terms; free abstracts. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Life Bldg. Tele.: Doug. 1781; "A" 11m. (19)- 12 PER CENT Income, 12 new modern brick flats, close in, 149x370; $28,600. half cash. Patterson, Omaha. (191 M5ti6 F9 NICE HOME New -room modrn nous, just completed, fully modern, south front, paved street, block from car; tar ma. 25ta) Bpauldlng Bt. TL WvbsttMT 170s, li-4u 10 GOOD HOME, PAVED STREET. $2,800 4fi V. .Vth St. N. .Vth St.; 6 rooms and bath, has SU modern Improvements, is piped for fur pace; von can select nny furnace you like and we will pay for It. Four large rooms downstairs, one of which can b used for s'erpliis room or library: two bedrooms and bath room upstairs. This house has Just been papered: paving tax all paid. L'447 WEDSTER AVENUE, $2,500 New 7-room. modern cottage. Just com pleted. 6 rooms and bath on first floor. 1 rooms upstairs, all finished. This hous was built by our best carpenter; full lot; cement sidewalks are all in. LOTS SULPHUR SPRINGS LOTS $775 EACH East of 16th St., cement sidewalks, city water. . ON SOUTH SIDE OF 1JTI1ROP, I ATI'S LEFT ON SOUTH SIDE OF PINKNET, LOTS LEFT. These are the lust lots In this beautiful addition. AH the rest are either built on or have been sold to parties who will build on them. BOULEVARD LOTS $30 A FOOT On 1fth boulevard. faring west. Just north of Grace St. We have 8 feet fron tage, 140 feet derp, that we can divide to suit purchaser. COLLIER PLACE. $300 TO $500 EACH A few choice lots In this addition, on Ames Ave., 90th St. and Ornd Ave.: city water, sewer, gns and cement sidewalk all In and paid for. Terms: $10 cash, $10 a month. FLOROMA ADDITION $275 TO $375 EACH On Webster Ave., 8 blocks north of Fort St.; fine lots, city water and cement walks, 8 short blocks to car line. This addition will be on car line, when car Is extended to Miller Park. Terms: $10 cssh, $10 a month. A GOOD INVESTMENT $7,000, INCOME $720. 2508 AND 2510 SHERMAN AVENUE. A fine, new 2-aptrtment brick flat, .In rt.olte locality, across the street from thai Sherman apartment house, on car line, paved street, paving Installments all paid, sp'endldly built, thoroughly modem ln architecture and construction, birch finish throughout, electric lights end gns and fin fixtures, separate basements, separate fur naces and laundry apparatus;' lot 40xHt) feet; cement walks and sodded yards. At $30 per apartment, these apartments will slways be rented, and It Is one of the best small investments offered In the city today. & Heyden GDI- A FEW BARGAINS LEFT 3-story, 3-aparlinent flat, good tenants, al ways occupied, walking distance to post- office; lot 60x140; yearly rental $1,062. This property will net 15 per cent on your Investment, $8,000. 2-story 4-apart ment flat, newly papered. east front, paved street, all paving paid; 6-room cottage In rear; 15-rnlnute walk to pofdorrice; lot 08x140; never vacant; rents $iW4 per year; N. 17th St., $7,600. 3-story, double brick tenement housn, all modern; new furnace; lot 40x130; this prop erty cost $8,000 to build; will net you 13 per cent on your Investment. $6,000. I have a good business property on Burl St. between 16th and 16th Sts.; can b bought cheap. A SNAP One 7-room house, one 6-room cottaga and two 4-room cottages, lot K6xl40; good ten ants; Income, $720 annually. Can be bought for $4,500. A nice 6-room cottage, good cement cel lar, cistern, ham, on grade, cement side walk. lxt 26x120. eat front, good home for some one. Half rash, balance to suit; only $1,500. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block. 0(- FOR SALE, DESIRABLE LOTS IN RALSTON, NEB. Be awske to the opportultles to maka money right here In Omaha. Th Ralston Townslte Co.. Is developing on of thn largest Industrial proposition west of Chi cago, and offering big investment opportu nities for the man with a few hundred dollars or the man who would Invest sev eral thousand, it is up to you to not look over and beyond your real oppor tunity, but to bestir yourself and see what Omaha energy Is offering you right here at home. People who bought lots in Ralston less than six months ago have already realised much more than double the amount they Invested. The lots we are offering today will with out doubt be worth double the present, price Inside of another year. In fact, prices will lie materially raised th very day thil first street car Is run to Ralston, and tills, the street railway people tell us will posi tively be within the next 80 days. Call at our office any time and we will arrange to take you out and show you th factories now building; the street railway, which is. over half built, and the thirty-flv or forty odd buildings now going up In this new factory town. RAI.8TON TOWNSITB COMPANY, Shlmi-r & Chaso Co., Agts. 160 Farnam St. Tcls.. Doug. 3867, A 3(41. $1.250 1-fctot y, 5-room frame in Benson; wll sell or trade. $1,650 1-story, 6-room frame, 2 blocks from Amis Ave. car; large lot. $1.700 1-story frsme. 1 block from car; good . repair; always rented; $17. $!00 2V4-tory frame, 9 rooms, near $ car lines; rents $22. Terms. $2.500 5-room brick on acre lot, 2 blocks from car; lots of fruit. $2,800 1-stnry. 6-room new frame on boulfc- vard, 1 block to car line. $J.00O 2-story, 8-room new frame on Ames Ave. Terms. Fine home. $3.300 2-story, 6-room new frsme, nrr car, strictly modern; large lot. $;.5n0 2-story. 7 room new frame on Sher man Ave. HLrletly modern. $4..VW 2-story new frame near Bemls park; modern; 1 block to car. $4.500 St. Uiuis flat, 2-story new brick, near Hanscom park, 2 blocks from car. Lot on N. 46th. 1 block from car, will sell cheap on easy terms. $4?5 each, 2 lots, Hastings Heyden 2d addition, for quick sale. HARWOOD & HARWOOD. 416 Bee Bldg. 1'hone Red 4JU4. or Ind.. A-420S. tl8)- Modern Homes Ben, is Park- Seven looms and hall, square style, built two years, on Harney car Hue, paved st rei t $4,000. Bpencer St.. west of 24th, 7 rooms, new combination fixtures; good barn. Lot Is 86x132. Room for cottage $3,350. Military Ave., 8 rooms. Just finished; bath and furnace put tu and sild for $2,5uo. You may buy house us It stands for $2,100. Paving paid. Five-minut car service, toos N. 25t h. new S-room modern cottage, one block from 24th Bt. car at Blondo $2,400. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y, Ufa. Douglaa r A-21U.