Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 6, Image 14

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i i
V 1 '
! K.
!l i
Want - ads
Al?rrtlHmrli for the want
rolamaa will he taken aatll 18 b. f
the (trill edltloa aad until p. m.
for the morn Ins aad nday editions.
Cash tnnst accompany all ordera for
.rf. j .Htrrllirmrnl will
be aeeeated for leu thaa JO erata for
first Insertion.
Rates anplr ta either The Daily or
Bandar Bee,
Always eoant six words to a llae.
Combinations of Initials or aasabera
(ol as one word.
Insertion, pel llae, lO rents. Two or
more consecutive Insertions, per Una,
6 cents. F.irk Insertion made on odd
days, lO rents per line. fl.SO per
line per month excepting; ths4
when accompanied ny cash, the rate
will bet One Insertion, 4 cents per
line three or six consecatlve laser.
Hons, 8 cents per line each insertion
seven or more ooeiecutlve Insertions,
a cents per line each Insertion 00
cents per llae per month.
DREW Mm. Carrie M., beloved wife of
George T. Drew, at residence, 2602 Wirt
street, aged Mt yean.
tumoral Monday st 2 D. m. from family
residence. 28u2 Wirt street. Interment at
t'uiest Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. ,
' The following marriage licenses have
been granted;
Name and Residence. Age.
'Frank Biasing, South Omaha, 22
.Vetta May, South Omaha 20
Carl Juul, Omaha 36
Elisabeth Peterson, Omaha 24
iieonard Lund, Omaha 26
Christine Anderson 28
'Howard A. Ball. Omaha 20
' Oonevlve M. Adama, Omaha
.Ti.ns C. Peterson. Omaha Vt
Amelia Caenerson. Omaha - 42
vraA i.tndlow. Omaha . . . 1T7
IjLiira Lnwwn. Omaha ... .........26
Births Rudolph Sward $221 Seward, girl;
Carl t'letach, 2719 South Ninth, girl; J.
Huff. 1918 North Forty-sixth, girl; Lewis
lleskovlts. KTi turning, gin; jonn j.
,ii,.rnlil. 184$ North Twenty-fourth, boy.
Deaths J. M. Gustafson, Tenth and Cas
tniur. 60: George. W. Kelley, Methodist
liospltal, 80; Mrs. Emma Relnche, 3706
Horth Tweniy-iourm, n.
SIGN PAINTING 8. H. Cole, 13oa Douglas.
iu 11
WANTED 600 head of cattle to pasture for
coming season. Ewlng, Neb.; pasture
fenced; plenty of water and aliudu. Write
J. H. Talboy, moux city, is.
(1) M393 lOx
Public Speaking
A class in puoiia spenmng win ne organ-
Jxed at the Young Mens Christian assocla-
Instruction In Debating, Parliamentary
First Class Instructor
Educational Director.
Automobile Company
1814 Farnam St
Stoddard Dayton Xourliuf oar, $1,200.
Reo louring car, fcwu.
Keo Touring car, KvJ.
Keo Touring car, 4w).
Ford, inouei N, 4u.
Ford, inuUol K, tuou.
Ford, U luadsltsr, almost new, (w0.
Ford H,
liuick Runabout, almost new, 1800.
liulck Touring car,
beveral Duryea, iaO.
Dragon Touring car, $1,060.
YYavsrly Electric, Moo uo.
All lbs above guaranteed In good shape.
Write for full description.
State agents Stoddara Dayton and Ford
cars. The best auiomoblis values In the
Stoddard Dayton. $l.B0O, $2,000, $2,500. The
sensaiionai oru ou touring car.
Good live agents wanted.
Open and closed cars for rent day or night.
; Special attention given to theater parties.
B-ton Milwaukee truck 4-cyl.. 60-h. d.. 4-
ft'hMMl fplvu C 1 -Mil
Htoddard Dav'ton. 24-h. n t ovl trjst
Thoiuaui, U-h. p., 4 cyl., 7 passenger, $850.
noiuutvf, m to- n. p., ttUU.
iocomouuo, -cyi.. a4-h. p., & paasvngcr,
lkeerleas limousine. 2iVh n 9.nvl tr.nrt
I'op-. Toledo, 4-cyl., 40-h. p., top, etc., ti)0.
rumiiT, -cyi., i up, etc., fcjoO.
Rambler, 2-cyl., iau6 top, etc, S60.
Ilerca Arrow, Z-cyl. touring, $360.
Huli lc. 2-cyl., l'nni lop, etc., J6oo.
Elmore 2-cyl., ls1G, avh. p., $J60.
Knox. S-cyl., 24-h. p.. S pas -nger. $3S0.
Cadillac, 1!M, 6 pasiiengnr, $37&.
Cadillac, liMi runabout, $S60.
High wh.fl auloa, $1W, up.
OhlsmoMle runabout like new, $160.
OUIsmobtle runatxjut. fine order. I13ST
Stevens Duryoa, runaliout, 2-cyl., top, etc,
Dolson 40-h. p. 4-cyl., a $16oo new car. for
Queen, 30-h. p.. 4-cyl a $3. new car for
Orient 20-h. p., 4-cyl., a $2,000 new car for
Many others too numerous to mention.
bund ror our complete list.
Times Square Automobile Co.,
1332-1334 Mlchlsan Ave,. Chleam. TIL
New York Address. 15S7-1&H (iioadway.
. (2) M;6 lOx
1'nuniuji.t. positions opn in tne au
tomobile field; technical Instructions on
both steam and gas onginvs; students
raid lor repair work. Address Omaha
behool of Automobile. F.nglnuuring. 2418
i.eavnwortn m. M761
FARMS, town property. merchandise.
Stringer A Child. Paxlon Llk., Omaua,
W lai
A FINK BTALLION for sale: mUrht con
sider exchange, for good residence prop
erty, w . care tsee. f3 hlM 11 x
building lots in one of the best suburban
additions In Omaha. Price $:io.uio. Will
exchange for farm land, clear, or good
rental property with some encumbrance.
Equity X(o, Address E 362, Bee.
(3) MC7 10
' FOR SALE or exchange, new stock of
general merchandise, with building worth
$4,600. In good live town; will trade for
improved farm or land. Wm. O'Connor,
Ha-rlsburg. 8. D. (3) M463 2$
ldO-Al RE unimproved farm, free from mort
gage, near county seat, Kearney Co.,
Kanssa, Trade for city properly. Will
611 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
(3-M46T M
LIST YOtm PROPKRTY-Custotners wait
In to buy and uuhjuig. J. E. Hasiltt.
Marion. 8. D. (J 1614 lux
TO exchange for Neb. land, :O0 fi t IB
fcivu CUv. Lv Adilruss X 60, w Be?.
QUESTIONS ns to the best PLACE to
DOYLE3 COLLEGE is the largest business college between Chicago and
San Francisco not even excepting the large schools In St. Louis and Kansas
WHY the Union Pacific Railway, the largest in the world, selected Boyles
College as an Official Training School.
WHY the largest wholesale merchant In Omaha, without any solicitation,
keepB In attendance at Boyles College from one to three students at his own
expense to be employd Ui his office as soon as their courses are completed.
WHY so many parents send not only one, but all of their children, to
Boyles College?
WHY does the Cudahy Packing Company have In one department of Its
bis? offices, fifteen stenographers who have graduated from Boyles College?
Whi are the Boyles Stenographers
offices of all the packing houses of South
WHY are there graduates of Boyles
Omaha and South Omaha? '
Has advertising made Boyles College
the west? Will advertising sell goods unless a man haB the goodBT win ad
vertising sell education unless a man has the methods behind the advertising?
Has the handsome college building
flourishing College before the building
and store buildings make business or is
the buildings?
Is there but one brief answer to
things not the simple fact that Boyles College gives its students infinitely su
oerlor courses, superior eaulpment and superior instruction?
If an explanation were needed as
tuition ratss. would not these ouestlons
Having thus reasoned the matter to a conclusion, why not arraage to
enter Boyles College at once? You know that there are two classes of people
those that do things and those who make excuses. Why should there be
any delay? Call, 'phone or write for
Official Training School tor Telegraphers for U. P. R. R. Telegrapn Dept.
OVER J.000 acres between Houston and Gal
veston, only one hour oy tram to earn.
ODen nralrie ready for the plow. Want
clear farm land or good city Income prop
erty In north. This is in the famous
fruit and truck country or me gun wam
anil in the rain belt: no Irrigation. Has
three railroads close by and six post-
offices and towns. Price about one-nan
retail value. Equity 130.000.
Ground Floor, 1201 rarnam.
($) MH2B 10
TO GET IN or out of business call on
V1J icr.
FOR SALE An up-to-date hardware store
at once; inquire quiea. iiv .w..
sidered; $3,0U0 stock. Including fixtures.
Address Win, F. Dickinson, Exeter, Neb.
I STOCK of gen. mdse for sale; will sell or
t .tore building and dwelling. Address
, v,nritnr
"wt Klkhorn. Nob. (4i M452 10
wb fwotino S-
pringfield. Neb. () M44t 10x
I -..-w X.. iinl. located In central N
i una ii w j - -
braaka. Address i 101. -"'jj
PARTY with $2,000 can secure half Interest
cern: take full charge of the office, finan
ces and correspondence; business very
rjrofltable, with uniimuea iwmiuiuuw,
JT .u narienca not necessary; good
common senso and business ability the
ouallflcatlons; ao nm rcu j
to invest. Address M 352, liee
(4) M437 10
rioiTir. CTtHNlSHED.
t n.uniifHcturlnK. mininK, on,
'""""""' V. . J 1 I..,,.,.
gas and railroad sioca aim un
sold direct to invemuni, ,.,1,
Samuel Graham & Co., Selling Itrokers,
4H Sacrament St.. Montreal Canada.
Ot'R prospectus describes profits made on
shares in proveu mnw.
dress Clugstonu Mining Co.. Colv'llle.
T.r . vinvTHirtner with about $3,000 to
i f . ... .,, n
Uke half Interest in pay ma
capable of taking full charge
iU .nd handling the flnanoes of the
Mnnr.ayn J J. til I liee DiUI. ' '-'
vi'iiv. - ... AiT4kQ 11
1103. "
.w, t bi?i .T . innrt lota, house, farm
ranch or other impnveu r u,., ...... ----
real estate, mine or nn'l ProP,ti,'"1
or stock, patent, automobiles, bonds
or securities business or other prop
erty, live stock? If o. send quick
Zi'L t. and ful description.
Myrick Syndicate. Springfield. Muss. Ours
U the largest body of cash buyers In
America- market at a fa prl e for
everything of merit. i-uo
WJVTKD-To represent standard fire In
WsuIce complies. O. A. Benedict N.
Yakima, vvasn. ,
Vaxi vri- INA'KST $1 UP?
Investment protected; cannot lose! PP"r
tuntty lifetime! Short time only Agents
wanted. Room 215. No. 82 Wall St New
MAY we show you now money cn.ii it5u
...1.. . . . m in vnnr OWII iin.nui
without risk. 1 per cent a yoar? Ad
dress the Consolidated 1 ram way vo,
Itoanoko. Va. (4)-4a 10x
BTART a mall order business; wo furnish
everything neceBHary; oniy iew u .
reoulred: new plrtn. success certain; costs
nothing to investigate. Mllburn-H cks.
2232 I-a Balle St.. Chicago. (4) 621 IPX
WE Bl'Y PA TKNTS- Mmuraciuic
ented srtleles on rnvunv nr I'mem
ideas through our expert patent attorney
at our expense; manufacture and pay
royaltv to vou. Write us you have.
Rnecialtv Manufacturing Co.. Incorpor
ated. Baltimore. Md. 4)-619 10x
COMMONWEALTH bn!dtnc corner I
"man and Pearl Sts., New York, cent
corner Beek-
uter of
patent medicine, stove, plumbing and
tobacco trades. Rmall and lame show
rooms to let; modern conveniences, low
rents. 4)-61 10
A NEW IJVW in Delaware; charters liX-
per $l.onn: rnurn man; no reo inie; rur
f sninll; everything furnished: stock
sold and guaranteed by deposit of I'
f. government bonds. lawyers' Title &
Trust Co., Wilmington. I el. Beware of
Imitators with no testimonials. 4
WANTED Information regarding good
patent which would ne money manor.
Onlr Inventor, who wishes to sell out
right or on royalty bns'.s, need answer.
Give nrlee and brief doseriptlon. S. M.,
Box 9iun. Rochester, N. Y. MI-
FOR SALE Nxvada farm lands $2 9S per
acre, no more? no less: write ror paniru
Isrs. If. P. Sanders & Co.. Jtslse Rl.lif.,
gait Lake City. Utali Hi-fiS 1"
I COPPER, Patented, fourth best In Verde
district. $3n.tli) Improvements. Easy terms
to responsible parlies. Ballard. Jewler,
Jerome. Arlaona. (4) M'7 lrtx
One of the best locations m (im.tra; re i
son for Selling, other business. Th
business has leen; established end
will bear rigid Investigation and !
money maker. Address C 3'A rur 1'es.
t4) M491 lox
UNl'Sl'AL opporunlty Is offered to live
man or woman to secure ten-vear con
tract, exclmive jewirv of article sold 10
iln i,-1' f ilni-tr""t "o--. f r im vour
office or by mail; big seller, large piofi:s,
permanent, clean proiwslllon; Investment
of at loaat ISw). Write lmmedlatly. J.
H. Ormsby Co., Los Angeles, Cal.
, (41-6S4 10X
WRITE us regarding promoting your enter
prise or the offering of stock or bonds
on a str'rt commission basis. Mutual
Securities CO-. 6i tqultable Bldg Balti
Inors, i!X lir MaeJ lox
secure a business college education.
and Bookkeepers employed In the
College at work in every uann in
the biggest Institution of Its kind in
made the college?, was mere nor, a
was thought of? Do big office, bank
the business there to make necessary
these queries? is the reason lor uxese
to why Boyles College never cuts its
and their answers be satisfactory?
TLTtNED Illustrated guide book ana list
of inventions wanted, free to any address.
Patents secured by us advertised free
In World's Progress; sample copy free.
Evans, Wllkens & Co., 688 P St., Wash
ington. D. C. w
FOR SALE First-class barber shop; four
chairs and bath rooms; good craue, tine
Cigar stores: Five of them for snle, from
$300 to $1,000; everyone a Dargain. tin
and see for yourself.
Three-chair barber shop: down town; good
trade; will bear Inspection; $350.
Two good paying rostautranta for Bale
cheap. Como ana look at tnem.
J. J. ROONEY, 617 Bes Bldg.
FOR SALE A clothing and dry goods busi
ness in one of the richest sections or tne
state; the business Is In a flourishing con
dition and reason for selling Is the 111
health of senior member; stock is In
double room, men's wear on ono side,
ladles' wear on other; will sell either or
both stocks; would consider A No. 1 land
or cltv property as part payment. Friend
Clbthlng and Dry Goods Co., Friend. Neb.
(4)-M503 10X
FOR SALE Stock of furniture, brick build
ing and (S,ouo stork In good paying com
pany, all located In one of the best towns
In eastern Nebraska; total value, $26,000.
Will exchange this for good ranch In
western Nebraska of equal value. Walt
Investment Co., 422 N. Y. Life. Omaha.
(4) M631 12
WANTED A good, energetic druggist to
locale in Kniston, the new manufacturing
sunurn or Omaha, we can rent to deslr
able party a corner store In the best
business location, and the drutrglat locat
Ing here can get the patronage of the
postofflce and telephone exchange. If In
terested answer this ad. at once.
Shlmer & Chase Co.. Arls.
119 Farnam St. Tela.. Doug. 3Sb7. A 3M2.
NEWSPAPER man wants to locate
smelled printer's ink for 19 years, but
only 33 years old; a hustler with $2,300
outfit (paid for); married. What induce
ment can your place offer? For par
ticulars and recommendations address J
H. Lamer, Sandwich, 111. (4) M586 lOx
FOR SALE Grocery store and meat mar
ket, aown town; rine class of trade: pits
ent owner must go to Colorado on account
oe neaitn.
J. J. ROONEY, 617 Bee Bldg.
I HAVE been authorized to accept sub
scriptions for stock In a larsre eastern
manufacturing e.mipany who maintain a
branch In Omaha and who have paid
a net annua) dividend of over 13 per cent
for the last quarter of a century. An
unusual opportunity ia presented for In
vestors to piaco their funds whore
large uninterrupted income Is unanrert
For full particulars address Lock Box
14. Omaha. (4) M510 12x
WK WANT a good mnn who can raise
from one to fifty thousand dollars for
operating our cigar vending machines
Patents Just Issued. Something new.
jianaio your own money, write for var
tlculars. Pope Automatic Merchandising
lo., corn ixenange iianK Bl.lg., Chicago.
(4J Mi08 l'JX
business men may raise capital for bus!
ness projects. Free. Business and Fl
nance Co., 117 Nassau BU, New York.
(4) 625 10X
FOR SALBEleven shares gas and electric
stock at $1(6 per share; will net buyers
per cent annually; ono of the best
propositions or the kind In the state
will stand rigid investigation. Address
Y li. care Omaha Bee. (4) 6J2 10x
HORNSILVER Consolidated Mlnlna and
Milling Co., whose claims adjoin shipping
mine, oners spienaui inducements to rep
resentatives to nanaie its stock. Horn
Sliver investment Co.. Hornsilver. Nev.
(4-18 10X
The lnnd of opportunity for business men
nomeseeKers nrt Investors. Thorough ex
aminarion or nusiness openings, land
and Investments our sr-eelalty. North'
western jtenorting iro., 9o7 E. Brosd Ave.
Dpoaane, wain. (4) 615 10x
WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ot stock for sale
in .nj enierprise wnere an investment
of several thousand dollars wouH be safe
I', Jrbyahlre, Box liilOA, Rochester,
i r.rvni n inrormntion of value to
evervone navinar interests. large or small
in iriiiu. .tnurcss x 121, care Bee.
r 'f '-ai information of value to
tmving interests, large or small
aa v'" uron Prllcatlon
' care nee. (4) M5S5 log
Tt' T1 . ....
j . i. a joining carpenter shop
,,, ouniness. tjooa reason f
Bryant, 2424 N. $ih St
"""" " ' " --' (4) M7 10X
...... ... ,.,,, i ii, appoiiu and superl
tend local agents for finest line hie
grade corset j (not sold In St. res); e
ciusive territory, oermanent position, be
on r,r;inu proiiosit u n ; give oualifictlon
experenio. referencea, etc. Wade Corset
nmaun ju, rew i org.
(4)-M479 10
ll-RfOM rooming house, close In, full of
bTdi.-r' and rnorners
Two rooming and boarding houses; one 10
rooms, one 1L full of roomers, near 4th
and Douglas, close to Oeighton college;
must be soUl oulck.
J. J. ROONEY. 1T Fea W(f.
FOR BALE First -class restaurant fa town
of I oox Fine location snd good trade. seat tywA, Address Y 1!S, cars
Bm. tl)-M42l
Fruit and Poultry
25-acre tract fruit and poultry farm, T
acres In bearing fruit. 5-room nouse; i
miles from station; miles from Omaha;
everything for profitable slid lovely home.
$4.!. Will consider IMnaha property for
half; balance terms to suit.
618 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
(4)-M480 10
WANTED A good hustler for city real
state; a good proposition for the right
party. N 303, care Hee. (4) M423 LLx
DRUG stores for sale. Knlest. N. Y. Life.
() IKO
AN experienced colonisation company
wishes one or more parties to Join wltn
them In the purchase of a large tract of
Texas land for colonising. B. K. Leigh
Advertising Company, 125 La Palle St.,
Chicago. 4) M4T7 lOx
iNVEsmna takh NOTICE!
We hold for sAle 92 per cent of stock In
telenhono svstetn now In operation in
city of, with over 600 'phones owned
and Installed. Company established and
has been doing business on a profit show
In basis since '88. Connects with Ne
braska Telephone Co. For particulars
rtARWOOD & HARWOOD, 418 Bee Bldg.
THE president of an established business
recently enlarged personally guarantees
10 ner cent dividends on his company's
stock and will buv lbck In three years at
$106. Address Y-1B9. care Bee. (4) M484
COPPKR mines, located near United Verde
easy terms to responsible parties or In
terest for developing. Box 31. Jerome,
Arlaona. (4) M603 10X
DR. ROY, R. 2, 1608 Farnam SU Doug.6497,
(.6) 8
DAVID COLE creamery Co.
(IS) 787
China Painting;.
CHINA decoratlnir: order work a SpeelnltT,
lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur
day. Firing daily. Leather cran, siains,
leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungate,
e4 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red lo.
(o) 6Til
IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, Tel. Doug. 4220.
McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam.
BAILEY & MAC1I, 3d floor Pnxton. T. 1W5.
PKRCIVAL. 3d floor Barker block. Tel.
Doug. m. Perfect dentistry at reason
able prices. (& ksi jutu
Kverv dav Is enrollment day. Enter any
tlmo for complete, thorough Instruction In
Shorthand. Type writing, wooKKeeping an
elegraphy. Catalogues are tree. n.
ov es. Dresldent Omana.
Official Training School for Tolegra-
phors for U. P. R. R. Telegraph Dept.
nu!K9 Xr swoboda. 1115 Farnam St
L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. D. 1253.
BATH. 1G23 Harney. TeL Doug. 3000.
Co) 7'J6
RATE, in sums
ult. 310 Bee Bldg
'Phone Douglaa 2m4.
(6) 796
DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge, best for
Its class In the city; good restaurant In
connection. (5) tub F8
Moving; and Storing;,
EXPRESSMEN'8 Delivery Co., office tl4
N. 16th bt., warehouse w- isurd at.
JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L.
Tel. D. KG4.
(5) 797
Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas, 508 N. Y. L. Bldg.
lt 1
CAMPBELL & DILLON, practical plumb
ers; special attention given 10 repair
work. Tel. Doug. 4042; Independent, A-1343.
(6) M408 F6
Safea. Shatters, Etc
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
specialty of nre escapes, snuttets, doors
and safes. G. Andieen, Prop., Iu2 S. loin.
(6) 7W
Shorthand Reporter and Notary
F. J. SXJTCLIFFE Depositions.
628 Bee
Bldg. Tel. Doug. as 1Mb.
Shoe Repairing.
work, ltilbii Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994.
SHOES repaired right, called for and de
livered free. Htajulura bnoe ttepnir Co.,
1804 Farnam til. Tel. uouglus 7oT.
tii) 803
HULSB & R1EPEN, successors to Harry
li. Davis, 709 80. ltiln St. Koth phones.
(61-337 Fub3
Water Kilters.
1310 HOWARD ST., Missouri filter; 15 days'
trial. (si 13!
Agents and salesladies.
TWO saleswomen. $10 $12; stenographer, $10
billing clerk, $60; call or wnto at onee.
Don't forget, "Try the National;" It pays.
National Kef. & Security Ass n., t!45 Uran-
dels Bldg. (7) M487 llx
Clerical aad OiBce.
STENOGRAPHER who can act as private
secretary, $76.
tifenugtapher, no dictation. Oliver, $8.
Stenographer, insurance office, $11
l)i im, 11st mior. and expunuce.
Ol ! li e clerk. $"-.
721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(7) M4 10
WANTED Four lady clerks; dry goods;
state uge, description, and address; lor
Seattle. Address V 130, care Bee.
(7) M4J9 lOx
Bookkeeper, $45.
Cashier, $:0.
THE CANO AGENCY. 432 Bee Iildg.
Kartory and Trades.
WANTED Kxperienrea bindery girls. Ap
ply between 10 and 12 a. m. Omaha Print
ing Co., 9:4 Farnam. (7) 2
LAUNDRESS for institutional work. $2i
ptr month; room and board. Reference
reau.reu. Audresj A Uo, cars ilec.
IJCDY SEWERS Profitable machine sew
ing at home; all material furnlshwl prs
pald. $.aj per dosen; particulars, stamped
env!op. Wilson Specially Co., Dept. 4,
121 La Salle Bt-. Cliicao. 0-M lux
WANTED Experienced waist finisher and
I'elifei-, Ai-p!y to CUlodo's, ri4 So. lMh
10, 1900.
iI Domrallr,
ASSISTANT cook wanted; good wn, Mil
I S. U
WANTED At once. exerlenred girl for
general housework; 1 in ramliy; fc per
week. Mrs. 11. G. UurUuik, 3v46 Cali
fornia. .7-463 11
OIRL for general housework. S31C Burt St.
li) 4i0 lix
GIRL for general housework.
Mrs. A. P.
(7) 46H U
Tukoy, 112a Chicago.
WANTED Clored women
for general
housework. K16 So. litth.
(7)-Mtil4 12
WANTEIi Good cook st once. Mrs. C.
J. Hysham, 707 Park Ave.
(7) M499 1J
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding lor newspapers;
nerlence unnecessary: no canvassing.
Send for particulars. Press Syndicate,
Box 848, Lockport. N. X. ID-
SHIELD sewers, materials and Instructions!
sent. Work can be done in spare time;
$7.20 to $14.40 weekly. Addressed envelope
brings particulars. E. Dlst. Co., lot
Llppincott Bldg., Philadelphia.
(7)-M lOx
Ageidi Solicitor nd Salesmen.
SALESMEN wanted for the best cement
straight commission, good for $300 to 4io
per month; a good side line for Implement
men; terrnoiy i rnvi c. auuicv mw. n..
Black, General Bales Agent, 12u Union
Ave., icansas cuy, jmu. v "uta io
WANTED Hustler, for city; good salary,
permanent; applicant must iurnisn riuui
Ry, and be able to pay annual premium
on same. Aaurns, giving o, occupa'
tlon. etc., W 867, care Bee. () M446 lox
ronj or woon. 1
W Bnu 01U 1. uiit uiua.i viimiin, nou,
DRUG CLERK'S position.
Knlest. N. Y.
Lifu Bldg.
() 806
WANTED A first-class, experienced sales
man in l) lack areas goou aeparimttnc.
Apply Bupt., J. L. urandtfls &. buns.
() 430 10
WANTED To employ a Catholic gentle
man as local representative; we require
a person of energy and ability for the
position; salary $18 pur week. Write at
once for particulars. The Hoey Publish
ing Co., Dearborn St., Chicago, ill.
(9) M580 lox
WANTED Agents No money or experience
required. We identity everything und
everybody. A bonania for good agents.
Address National Identification Bureau,
616 Empire Bldg., Atlanta. Ga.
(9)-M579 lOx
SALESMAN wanted to represent us; ex
perience unnecessary; $75 to $150 per
monin ana expenses or commission. Yale
Cigar Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
(D)-M578 lOx
AGENTS wanted, gaslight from kerosene
lamps ny using our patent hurner; no
chimneys or wicks; description free.
Simplex Gaslight Co., 23 Park Row. New
1 ork. (9) M577 10X
WANTED Men and womon canvnssers for
nign-graao line or toilet preparation: 10
per cent pront. i-eeriess Ilvglenlc ToIIot
Co., 112 Clark St.. Chicago, III.
(9) M602 Mx
SALESMEN to sell advertising novelties;
commission basis: ordinary salesmen
make $100 week, thaw Adv. Co.. Kansas
city, mo. (9) M601 lOx
WANTED Salesmen for mir special offer
of 6.000 free post cards; vest pocket sam
ples; most proritatiio sido line ever of
fered. 11. G. Zimmerman & Co., Chicago.
W-Mill lOx
AGENTS to handle biggest money-making
lire extmguisner; special starting offer;
exclusive territory; $75 to $300 per month.
Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee,
wis. (SI-
AGENTS WANTED Tlmo saver and
money saver for farmers: over one thou
sand sold In one county; quick, easy
seller; liberal commissions; write now.
Farm Record Company, Newton, Iowa.
(9) Mo96. 10s
AGENTS to sell new lino of perfume. Quick
sales and large profits. Send 6c for sam-
pie. Peerless Mfg. Co., 610 E. 63d 9t.
Chicago, 111. (9) M606 lOx
SALESMEN can easily make $10 a day
seuinK our Kola win. low letters, novelty
signs and changeable signs; catalogue
ftee. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St.,
Chicago, III. (9) 630 lOx
AGENTS $33 a week, expenses paid, no ex-
rerlence reaulred: nhoto niilnar Mm
enlartred portraits, frames Inweat r,He-
free samples; catalogue. Dept 78 Rltter
Art Studio, Chicago, III. (91 M692 lOx
W'V. PAY a mnnth ..!,. J t i.v.
rm ana an expenses to Introduce rjoultrv
and stock powders; new plan: stendy
wuik. uiKier to., x'.j, Bpringrielil. Ill
(91-M553 lOx
AGENTS $300 every month sure selling our
wonnerrui eignt-pince Kitchen set; send
ror sworn statement of 12 dallv profit;
outfit free. Thomas Mfg. Co.. O'.M Jeffer
son et., iayton, (Jrilo. (9) M554 10x
AGENTS If you are earning less than $25
weekly write for particulars of our line
Of new Patented neeessltiea which every
woman needs. Outfit free. F. O. Miller
Co., 2u68 Kenmore Ave.,
(9) M556 lOx
AGENTS We have five new articles that
sell on sight. One agent worked three
days. made. p W, then ordered 1.200. Wrlto
for 12 free offer. Fair Mfg. Co.. Drawer
S"x, Knclne, Wis. (Hi M5W Px
two other new 10c money coiners; sam
ples of all three, 20c; frii- literature.
f.16-58 Wabash, Chicago. (9) MG72 10x
WANTED-Traveling salesmen on commis
sion to sell "Easy Flow" oil runs. Some
thing entirely new. Rumann Mfs-. Co.
Litchfield. llllnoU. (!0 M673 10x
AGENTS $75 monthly: combination rolling
pin; nine ny'ticles comhlned; lightning
seller: KMmt'le free. liirHtiee Mfu. to.,
Box 619. Dayton, Ohio. (!)) A1674 lfx
SALESMAN WANTF-D Iirst clnse spe
cialty salesman for unoceiifled territory;
line up now for lW. Pr'isltlon (aving
l.'o) per month and expen s. Old vestali-
llsred. responslnle house, hales Rirtnq'-er,
M Fifth Ave.. Chicago. (9i M576 10x
SALESMAN to hand'e up-to-date line of
Pst Curds: irreHt sellers and very pr"ff
able; liberal comm son raid promptly;
largest post card house in the west.
Arthur Capper. Top ka, Kan. (9)
WE PAY $3 A WEEK snd expenses to
men with rlsrs to Introduce poultry com
pound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg.
Co., D-T8. Parsons. Kan. (9)
WANTED Salesmen ol ability and neat
appearand! to call on all merchants In
their territory; elegant sine nno. conven
ient to carry; good commissions; prompt
remittance. Ilelmont Mfg. CO.. Cincin
nati. O. (9)-
WANTED Agents; legitimate substitute
for slot machines; patented; sells on slirht
for $1. Particulars. Glsha Co., Anderson,
Ind. (9) M569 10x
SALESMEN Boys with grit and "go." It
vour chance. I want a few reliable sales.
men to canvass the retail trade. Samples
light and convenient. Don't worry trying
to revive dend lines. Get one with breath
In It now. It's a boom year for you If
you connect right. Fred W. Mln Dept.
10. Iowa City. Ia. (9) M561 lOx
WANTED Man to travel In Nebraska.
Begin new year. Experience unnecessary".
Good pay and tailor made suit free In 90
days. Write for particulars. J. E. McRrady
ft Co.. Chicago. 9)-M5,2 10x
SALESMEN traveling thro'uli the rientrv
districts to handle manufacturer's Una of
white goods, dress goods and novelties,
on commission. The Lake wood On., Box
414. Philadelphia, MMT lOx
A WELL known Jobbing house desires to
negotiate with ten A-l salesmen for 1
contract: must be producers. Mate fully
nature of present employment. Aonrat
3. VrWrn, Jut BUilUt-f t'l?,.?a?-
(O-MiiU llx
AOENTS wanted for the most complete oil I SALESMEN Side line, brand new; ten mln-
khs burner n tne worm; no wick; no l """"k """" ' ",. "
imell; generates kerosene oil Into a fine nets $20 commission; saini )les,
gVf. It fits any cock stove or range; P: 'V territory and exper bnce.
onthlns like it: one-third cheaper than Co.. Newton, Iowa. ()-M6 10x
Aa-ents aad Jslwrnes-C'oatlaaed.
MAKE money easy, quirk, sure, men,
women; experience unnecessary, spare or
all time; see what others are doing;
C. O. Uarrctt, (., showed 7 families,
sold 6, profit $1S; A. B. Vcrrett. L.,
sold In one dav. profit $24; N. Boucher
orders 75 more, says "everybody want
one, best business I ever rum.
Brown, Pa,, sold 10, m:u .0 lirsi mree
days. Only tun sales per iay in t
per week profit. Free samples to active
agents. Famous Easy Wy comes
cleans family wash in d to w n"""-'
while you rest No work, only move
occasionally; not a washing machine.
Nothing else like It; no cncmicius.
rubbing no washboard or holier, every
family wants one: easy to sell, low price
specify territory; art uuickly. This won t
anoesr again. nammm .ns.
Harrison uiag., v.iuimi, ". vinin.
' r - I I t
1? r .nui
WANTKD Salesmen and dralera to soil our
with our line; many ot our km ai o .e.
and salesmen sell from $1.oim .".
season; write to.lay and secure this big
line for your town exclusively; also want
experienced tailoring salesmen to travel
and appoint dealers; we pay salary and
nmmun' our rnsil Baiesmrn sen nvm
$10.0H to 26.H per season; this is your
opportunity If you are experienced. Ad
dress C. W. Worth, Mgr., Dept. t...
box 300, Chicago, 111. i'i-
eLr ry
XVZIT&Z proven ; tor over
20 years; wheat running in uusnem i
acre, corn 45 bushels to the acre; all
.m.l'l .nlna unrt olf:ilfft CUniUt b dlipU
cated; the best cheap land on the market
todav for vour customers. It will sell to
most nnnaarvnilVP IMt d II na it. io B"'" i
10,000 acres In any else tracts, with good
farms all around. Get a territory tjuny
Write at once. Southwest Investment Co.
Cellar Rapids, la. W
. .. . ,. . ino
BTORY ot ,e grea ""t " (fti
" r... .1 Iil .,,1un,llillv
iiiustraieo; actual pihhuhioihib, v .
pages. Price, $1.50. t ree agents ounu
now ready. Send 10c for postage. The
Thomnson Pub. Co.. St. Louis. Mo.
(H) M4U6 lOx
I HAVE a slde-llue proposition that is
good for $8 eacn day; one nour s worn
In a town. Give house you represent
and territory covered. Artnur capper,
Topeka, Kan. Op
AGENTS Make $103.60 per month selling
wonderful self-sharpening patent selsslrs
and cutlery. V. E. Glebner sold $2 pair
In three hours, made $13: you can do It;
we show you how. Free outfit. Thomas
Mfg. Co., 624 Fourth St., Dnytnn. Ohio.
" .... WE.'S ,IW
SIDE LINK Stiecinlty salesmen to sell
hiih grade cottage dinner sei to ory
goods, grocery and furniture tores for
edvertlsing purposes In small towns: big
repeat ordera; large commission. State
your permanent address. National Spc
cinlty Co., St. Louis, Mo. ()
AOENTS wanted for the most sucoeseful
toilet preparations made; sold under hds-
lute iruarantee: we consiKn K Oils to re-
llr.hle audits: vou work on our capital.
Wilte today for contract. Send two or
more references. The Freckeleater Co.,
Dallas, Tex. 00-627 10X
SALESMEN wanted to call on physicians
established trade; an exceptional oppor
tunity Is offered for immediate work
State age and experience. Lock Pox 121,
Philadelphia, () 3 10X
WE want twenty-five salesmen, experienced
men with cstahllahed ttade. or first-class
salesmen with good reference; good sulary
for the riKht parties: reference must ac
company application; one of the best
commission lines in tne country, rwn line
for new men nays like whins. United
States Whip Company, Westfleld, Mass.
(M) ess 10X
WONDERFUL new Invention: every home
buys; millions needed. Mr. Ensle sold 43
first day; profit 13.2'); new field: low
priced 3-lb. mop: turn crank to wring
clean hands; lasts lor years; no nepos
required; lull per cent profit. United
Status Mop Company, 2o2 Main, Lelpsic, O
W oj iux
CAPABLE salesmen to cover Nebraska
I with staple line; high commissions, with
I $100 monthly advance: permanent position
I to right man. Jess ti. smith Company,
Detroit, Mich.
(9) 635 lox
STOVINK Wonderful new stove blacking
that will never burn off; sells at every
I home; agents make $120 monthly; write
1 touuy. iiayuen-uruuu tu., xoicao, u.
(9)-634 lOx
RICH Nevada gold mines company now
organizing; good Interest and commission
' "ve salesmen; commercial and bank
references. Nevada Gold Mines. Box 189,
Fallon, Nevada. () 533 lOx
SALESMEN wanted to sell sldo line
very "elect complete line of postcards,
i prices and good commission. Pluder
(V l.'mt WUI Ij Dl., illLRBIJ, OJ .,411V IV
c..-. i,,.
city, a
energetic man or woman to commence
work at once; experience unnecessary
our high-grade specialty sells itself 1
every home; big profits. t Write today,
i,yiui3 supply co., savanna, 111. ()
WANTED By a large, ladles' neckwear
House, a man to carry a complete line u
domestic and Imported ladies' neckwear
tor Omaha and vicinity, on a coiiihi'hsIu
basis. Apply Neckwear, P. O. Box 2
New York City. (9) 641 lOx
AGENTS Most attractive proposition; ou
self generating gas burners for kerosone
lamps; brilliant gas light; liberal induce
ments: deserintion free. Eastern Gas
Light Company, 20 Broadway, New York
city, M. y. (9) o40 lox
bi-.l.LS like hot cakes; Inrwe profits; new
launnry wax; perfumes clothes with last
ing violet perfume; each anetit grantt
territory; nothing like It on market. Per
fume-Gloss Co., 4S7 6lh Ave., Urooklyn
in. x . (9) M684 lox
WANTED Traveling salesmen to mak
money with side line of qul'-k selling ad
vertlsing fans: f25 to $0 per week easll
earned; sa'nples light; dlgn crpy
rlelitod and exclusive. The Kemper
1 nomas company, Cincinnati, iitnn.
(9 532 lox
AGENTS wanted to sell the Original Natlv
Herbs. $1 box; 250 tables for 35c. Writ
P. Melrose, Columbus, O. (9) M1K14 Kix
SALESMEN Experienced traveling. Piano
or anvertiHing spccimty man prererrea
Box S78, Iowa City. Ia. () M'3!0 lOx
Clerical and Office.
Bookkeeper, out of cltv. $74.
Bookkeeper, experienced In Implements
Ledger clerk, wholesale house, $40-$15.
Stenographer, Insurance. $50.
Stenographer, Al, Omaha concern, $85.
Sterol. I'm lilier. I11W office. $H5.
Threu stenographer, out of city. $50-$70
Stenographer, grain experience, $(&.
Salesman, barber ruppltea, $100.
Salesman, col fee, salary and c om.
ln.nri,ii,.a milli'iiors. salary and com.
If you can qualify for any of these, see
US Monday.
1)75-77 Bramleia Bldg.
n l NORWALL & CO., brokers, 47S-80
iir.n.ii in, In.. Omaha, deslro the serv
ices of ten up-to-date salesmen for local
tik tirotiosillon: lltieral coinpensutli
u.mi, r. rinaiii ill employment; we thoi
oughly train our representatives and niak
tliem Buect-Hsful; unlimited opporluniia-
for advancement; references reouired. Ad
drees L 351. Hee. n io
OVERCHARGE freight claim rlerk. $100.
Interline freight accountant clerk, $1K).
Five slenoitruphers. In" to V.
H'cnographer und clerk (German), $0.
Expelielli e l nn at aic:nuii, v.
Three solicitors. 1 on'mlnsinn ainl VA
C'etk ('mil pcTin an l,, $45.
We also havo others. Call and see us if
you are seeking a position or change.
THE CANO AGENCY. 432 Bee Bldg.
SITUATION as branch office manager is
offered by Urge manufacturing concern
to competent man with limited amount of
capital to invest. Write for particulars.
Address C C. L, 1TT Broadway. N. Y.
0tfM. lot,
tailor ng direct lo tne run;m - , ' V
of samples contains Wo of the nobbiest
styl.ti of woolens; nuality of materials is
the test; workninnship und fimhlons ver
...... u iil nv, r loso a customer
Fseterr and Trades,
DO YOU WANT to become a competent
automobile op- ruti r? The Northwestern
Automobile anil !h K.nsine s hool can
put ynu In this class. Hetti-r Investigate.
Omaha Comm rclui College Hldg.. l!Hh
and Farnam. r.'i-MwiH
WANTED Two first class barbers, Mon-
damm moici oaror shop, pumx City la.
( M3lJ0 12x
A. M. (9i 71 10
MEN Our Illustrated catalougue explains
how we teach bather (railo In few weeks;
mailed free. Moler Barber College, llo 8.
14th St., Omaha. (91 M443 14x
MEN, earn $1,200 to $4,000 yearly as cutters
for merchant tailors. Learn no try-on
method at home; costs $3. Haiumerton,
bos Wylle Ave., Plllsburg, Pn.
(W) MftM log
WANTED Clieuf feurs to write to George
ticheer, 4" Hloomrield Ht., llolxiken, N. J.
1 will puv you the lilglust prices for old
scrap rubber. (9) 529 lOx
PHOTOORAPHEllS-Kxperltnccd view men
wanted for road work. Twenty ood
operators and solicitors needed; men who
can furnish outfits preferred. Straight
salary, with expenses guaranteed. Apply
by mall to Y 124. care Bee. () 637 10
WA NTFjD Young men in all parts of th
country, a to 40 years old, lor steatrt
railway firemen and brakemen and eloc
trlc railway motor men and conductors,
$ to $130 per month. No experience neces
sary. Write at once for full particulars,
stating position desired. National Rail
way Training Association, Hh3 Central
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. ()-M 30
SHLVOLER8 wanted at 36th and Wool-
worth Monday morning. (9) 047 10
HUNDREDS of young men all over tho
Untied Slates are every week investigat
ing the opportunities to be found lit tho
navy. About VOU ot those who apply aro
accepted. You might be one of them if yoj,
looked into the matter. In the navv you
an see more of the world and at the same
time have a struly lob, with a chance to
save more money than most men savo
working ut home. There are many kinds
of work In the. navy and the life Is inter
esting and full of opportunities. Tho first
year you get the henlftt of a training school
wltnout extra cost, lour pay begins when
you enter the SHrvlce-4oMrd, lodging, medi
cal attendance if sick and a $U) uniform
outfit, all are free. If you have a trudo It
means better pay to begin with and Quicker
promotion. As a seaman you have a chanco
o Pccume manly and sell-controlled. You.
will be sent to sea. probably ou board one
of tho big new war vessels. Tear this adv.
out and get some friends to go with you
to the rwrultlng station. The officers will
explain truthfully all you wish to know
aDout lire in tne navy, the useful tilings
you learn, the voyages, drills, sports, num
ber of working hours and regular half iiavs
off, the wages paid, promotions, etc. The
Navy Recruiting Station la at Postufllco
CJit. -.. l,n 0 K ,n.
uiuB'i viiicii, iivu, 9 ) "
MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mail
order nouse to aistriDuta catalogues, ad
vertise; $26 weekly; $) expense allow
ance. Manager, Dept 30, S86 Wahosh
Ave., Chicago. (9) Mf91 lux
Boyles Building. Omaha, Neb.; official
training scnooi ror u. i'. rv. u.; positions
guaranteed; booklet free. (9) 807
FREE Employment Dept. Business Men s
An n; no lees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg.
WANTED Railway mall clerks; customs
employes; clerks at Washington; com
mencement salary, $800; many spring ex
aminations; candidates prepared free;
write for schedule. Franklin Institute.
Dept. 385, Rochester, N. Y.
(W-M777 Jllx
WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY : Able-bodied
unmarried men, between ages of 18 and
35; citizens of United States, of good
character und temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write English. For in
formation apply to Recruiting Office.
lHth & Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb or
Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la.
DELIVERER and collector, either sex.
familiar with Italian settlements; $78
monthly; no experience or capital re
quired. National, 933 Lakeside Bldg., C1U
cago. (9) M676 lOx
held soon in Omaha; circular 231, giving
full particulars aa to salaries, positions,
dates of examinations, sample quoatlons
previously used, etc., sent free by Nat l
Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C.
(9 MC9A 10T
OFFICE Man In creamery, $80-$D0; profit
ana loss curk, iif; noioi easruer and
chocker, $50: experienced shoo clerk, good
salary. Off Ice Manager and credit man,
$125: two stenographers, $fl&-$75. Call or
write at once.
Don't forget, "Try the National;" H pays.
National Ref. A Surety Assn.. RR Rran
dels Bldg. C9) M488 llx
ANY Intelligent person may earn good In
come corresponding for newspapers: ex
perience unnecessary; no canvassing.
Send for particulars. Press Syndicate,
Box 708, Lockport, N. Y. (9)
I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mail
order business; began with $5. Anyone
ran do the work at home In spars time.
Pend for my free booklet; tells how to get
started. Ileacock, Box 776. Lookport,
N. Y. (SI-
MEN Take orders for the largest portrait
house. Some of our men are making I Q
a month, so can you. Address National
Art & Crayon Co., Dept. 443. Chicago.
W M50 10
CIVIL service examinations will soon he
held in every state. Full Information
and questions recently used by the com
mission free. Columbian Correspondence
College, Washington, D. C. (UN
INTELLIGENT men, double your earning
capacity through scientific study of real
estate. Insurance and general promotion
hislness; compreherslve course; treatise;
service and certificate now $3; interesting
hook free. University Realty Institute,
Station C, Cleveland, Ohio. (9) 62$ lOx
WANTED 800 men at Seymour park for
Ice cutting Monday morning, the 11th.
Cudahy Packing Co. (9) M486 10
WANTED Men lo qualify for payln
liosltlons as railway firemen, mtormsnr
mini clerks. Many oponlngs. Practical
instruction at low cost. Write for frea
catalogue. State osltlon desired. The
Weniho Railway Corres. School, Free
port. 111.. Dept. 5KS, (9)-M617 16
WANTEII-Blacksmith nnd wife on farm.
Write J. W. Ply male, New Helena, Neb.
$10 A DAY metaltslng roses, flowers, etc.;
im, ii'ei ikii, onguiui iormuia ana valu
able Ins' ructions sent postpaid for 25c. A
rure business opening for ladles or gentle
men everywhere. Circulars free. Empire
Manufacturing Company, Postofflce Box
1142, Spokane, Wash. (10J 643 lOx
st once. 212 Met 'ague Bldg. (10 M632 ID
Cows, Hlrds, Dogs aad Pets.
cheap. Will V. Matthews, labor, Ia.
LOST A gold bar breastpin, with a bird
in the center. Return to 818 N. 21st South
Omaha; reward. Tel. South 1667.
(U-M41 10
FOUND Gold locket.
Til. Harney $679.
ii2- M47S 10X
BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve
Food l'lils," tl a box. postpaid. Sherman
61 McCuiiM'll Drug Co., Omaha. (13 u9
F.r:ES 5i:mrl, snd surgical treatment
at Crrlghton Medical College, Mia Bj
Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to
Confinement cases; all treatment super
vised by college professors. Phons Doug
laa lit)7. Calls auswerwd day or night
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or
writs to the matron of the lalvJin
Army Home for Women 4 $rs4 H. Ua