Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 3, Image 11

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' 3
Gossip About
P FROM the east comes a doleful I
wail, musical comedy is on the came to him In the hour when his triumph more or lss Interest to the ruhlic. but cm
wane, and the public la turning I waa cnmplete because revenge was with- I i f the moat touching and dramatic Inci
to the aerloiia drammer. Ain't lout savor and he locked the love of the j dents In the history of singing occurred
It awful. Mabel? Nat Qoodwln
haa rinsed hla tour In "Cameo
Klrby" and la back on the "Great White
Way" sighing that folka don't rare for the
real thing In comedy, while DeWolf Hopper
la pledging himself to give orar alnglng and
dancing and reciting "Casey at the Baf
that he may hereafter go In for the real
thing. And to DeWolf Nathaniel confldea
that It'a no uae. for the mind of the pub
lic la tnrnlng to aerloua thlnca and will have
little or none of comedy of any aort. And
Henrietta Crosmsn la doing two a day In
t'hlcagn, Just because well, aha miiat eat.
you know. Fam Bernard la going Into
vaudeville, to aee If he like It. you know.
Well, he ll probably like It. for It a a
chance for him. Public taste may he chang
ing, but the chancea are that It la In ac
tors, rather than mannera. Nat Goodwin
haa played Nat Goodwin for many, many
years, and at laat the dear people have
tired of him: ditto DcWnlf Hopper. And,
one regrets to tny It. Henrietta Crosman
aeotna to have outlived her welcome on
Broadway, while ahe haa not yet been able
to conquer her averalon to "the provinces."
All the while a lot of new one are receiv
ing the favora that uaed to be lavlahed on
thoee who now complain. The public la
fickle, but It haen't yet given up the old
Jokes of musical comedy. It wants to hear
them told by new jokers; that'a all
Rome little connolntlon may be derived
from the fact that the real dramatic suc
cesses of the laat two aeaaona are those
that have had a serious aapect. PeopM
arc thinking, apparently, of aome feature
of life apart from those that merely di
vert, and are really giving aome attention
to the qucatlona of social relation. This
has been noted In every other way
through which human thought finds ex
pression, so whv. nnt at th theater. The
stage la one of the greatest agencies for
the dissemination of Ideaa, and that !t If
how being employed n the great work of
advnnclng the cause of humanism Is the
rnoRt convincing proof cf Ita Importanca
It may not be that the art of ihe dramatist
and the actor will be potent to achieve all
that might be hoped for It, but If It does
even a little It will not have been In vain.
It rr.a the advantage of being In a most
practical way able to realise the advice
of Bt. Paul, and he "all things to all men."
It carries Its message directly to those, who
ere capable of receiving It. Between
Klein and his "Lion and the Mouse" and
Ibsen. with his "Rosmersholm" and
"Hedda Gablcr" an Immense distance
stretches, end It Is filled with Konnedya,
and Walters, nnd Thomases, and others,
each senfilng forth In aome form the gen
eral messaai-. It la a time of awakening,
end the theater Is taking Its full part In
the work. Thougl t Is changing, newet
Pollens of personal reaponelhllity are
springing up, and wider views of life are
taking the place cf the narrow concep.
liens that reatrlcted thought and action
It Is not the dawn of the mlllenlum. ner.
rapa, nor even Ita approach, but It la a
time when men are thinking more of their
neighbors ind PM 0f themselves, when
Charity abldeth as rcver before, and when
1 elpfulness to others Is the watchword.
The worker rre all working with cne
purpose, maybe not all In the same way.
but the point of convergence Is the good
of humanity. And the theater' Is doing a
great deal to help It alcng.
It is Just a littlebtt tragic that Nat
Goodwin should find himself neglected,
after all Ms years of triumph. And
yet, without reading hi in a lecture, may
wo not Inquire on whom Is the blame for
this to be placed? Did not Nathaniel
take hln one talent and wrap It In a nap
kin and hide it securely, lest It might
be .leal? It hasn't been a great many
yea. tlnce his name headed the list of
American comedians, and It seemed that
no pr pehecy as to his future seemed
extnivi ganl. It waa urged on him that
he undertake more serious work, but he
conn r.ted himself for a long time in
playing simply Nat Goodwin. He might
have been called one name or another
on the bill of the play. but It was always
Nat Goodwin who walked out on the
Ptago. After a long time lie determined
that he would put Ids' talent to use. He
took U out from the (-elemental wrap
ping lit which he had Immured It, and
aerdlns forth to the world that he had
determined In the future In permit him
self to be referred to only as Mr. N. C.
(iced in. et about to do something. But
It was too late. He had yet the one
talent, carefully preserved, but he could
find no market for It. Folks didn't know
Mr. N C. Goodwin, and In trying to be
come acquainted with him they forgot
about Nat Goodwin. And now. season
after season, he haa tried to win back
a pcblle that lias turned to aome other
favorite. And season after seaaon his
effcrti- have failed. He Is not alone,
though. Oilier actora have done the
same, and they muat not complain If
thelv one t-ilent did not increase and
multlrH wl lie lliey had it carefully
wieipei' In the napkin and hidden.
To turn ag lin to the seilous drin i. it is
a pleasure to attest to hee efforts of any
one who U not content to preserve his tal
ent, but w lio seeks to Increase it by uauge.
Mr. Cllsbee of the Burwood company la
one of three. He tins been known to
Omaha folks now for two seasons, a mod
est, unassuming young man. who haa taken
oa a large valely of minor parts, achiev
ing eacil wl.h whatever of distinction comes
to one who labors conscientiously and Is
not satisfied wlih merely doing things well,
but Wants to do them better. During the
last week Mv. CI In bee realised on the use
he has made of his talent, and by bis as
sumption of the role of Cyrus Blenkarn,
tne old porcelain potter In "The Middle
man." he stamped himself on the minds of
all who saw him ss an actor. Not merely
an actor, either, but a good actor one of
parts and understanding, and better even
than ti.ut. of the high faculty of expressing
his artistic conception so perfectly ss to
make ii fell and understood by all. It was
througii "The Middleman" that Mr. E. 8.
W ilia ixl finally escaped going down In the
annals of the British stage aa me best
villain lajndon ever knew. He had won
this distinction In "The Silver King." and
It seemed thai he was doomed to be a j
villain all toe teat of his days. He tried
to get away from this reputation In other
roles, but never quite succeeded until he
created Cyrus Blenkarn, and In the sor
rows and triumphs of that old man found
an escape from bis qualifications as a
"heavy" and won his way aa a real actor.
It may nol be that Mr. ,Cllabe will find
bis way to tha top by the tsmi means, but
ho has succeeded In Impressing on tha
public that he la really an actor. He en
iortd the old man witb an Intensely
I1UI11411 quality, and, with a fins sense of
nerapectlve, drew a picture that will llva
for a long time of that splendid old char
acter who could not be content with all
ilia money In tha world ao long aa he waa
not abla to reproduce tha Tatlow" glaie.
It waa an Intelligent, effective portrayal
of the high note of the character that
marked Mr. Cltabee a efforts. He gave full
value to tha human side of the role, the
love for hi children, his all but Idolatrous
affection for his daughter alary, hia sor
w tot her aaiefortune, his pursuit ot
Plays, Players and
vengeance, and I. if d.sappoint ment
daughter he mourned. All of this was
properly denoted, but It waa Ihe secondary
phase of the character. The soul of a
great artist lived in that doddering old man
who courd tell a nobleman to come back
In six months or a year and maybe he
would have time to talk to him, for tne
present he was busy with an experiment;
who could see mote beauty In a teapot
that ho could not reproduce than In all the
other things around him; who cared noth
ing for money, save that It was necessary
to buy him Irons at tha hardware shop for
use In connection with hla new kiln, and
whoso dream was to rediscover the art of
the dead and gone Tatlow. It waa the
man who grappled with Fate and wrestled
mlghtly and prevailed. And Mr. Cllsbee
did this so well. Patiently and persistently
he wrought out the part, filling It In ten
derly nnd deftly, rounding it out com
pletely and finally offering It as a whole
w nearly perfect thai It were merely cap
tious to suggest possible Improvement. It
was a fine undertaking, finely carried out.
At the Omaha Theaters.
"A Girl at the Helm," the latest musical
comedy success direct from the. La Salle
theater. Chicago, where It Is now in Its
sixth month, will be the attraction at the
Boyd tonight and Monday, under the man
agement of the Princess Amusement com
pany, which haa given ua such great musi
cal successes In the past aa "The Time, the
Place and the Oirl," "The Umpire," "The
Oirl Question" and "Honeymoon Trail." In
this lust production Mr. Singer haa sur
passed all previous efforts In making "A
Girl at the Helm" the most pretentious
mirical production ever sent out of tha
La Belle theater. The cast haa been se
lected with especial care. Billy 8. Clifford
and Maud Lambert, who for several years
have been stars In vaudeville, are at the
head of tho eomrwny. Others are Countess
Olga Von Hatxfeldt, late of the "Belle of
Mayfalr," and the "Gay Musician. and
at one time star In "The Burgomaster" and
"Little Duchess," Florence Martin, last
season with Eddie Foy in "The Orchid;"
Harry Brown, the well known comic onera
cc median, who han been associated with
tne original "Irlncesa Chic." and "Marl3
Cahill;" Robert G. Pitkin, late star of
"The Time, the Place and the Girl;" Bern
hardt Nlemeyer, Kdward Rock, Harvey
Fellows and a 10.000 challenge beaut
Almost every great prima donna Iirs had
In her career Incldenta which leave an
AST year attention waa drawn
through this column, as well aa
through other sources, to the
fact that a very creditable sea
aon of grand opera was being
presented at the Bovd theater
by a company which was practically un
known offered many surprises. Since that the company, which is now known
aa tho "Ivan Abramson Italian Grand
Opera company," has visited many cities
and made many friends. The. company
waa playing in New York late last season.
, Mr. Abramson announces that he has
more enjoyment for the music lovers than
ever before, and ss there will be a short
season of grand opera at the Boyd theater,
beginning on Thursday night of this week,"
When "Faust" will be sung. Mme. Therry
will sing Marguerite.
On Friday evening "Lucia" will be pre
sented, with Misa Julia Allen, an American
eolorature soprano, In the title role. Mr.
Torre, 'who sang here last season, will be
the Kdgardo and Mr. Zara, also a favorite
last year, will be Henry Ashton (or En
rico). On Saturday afternoon there ,wlll be a
double bill, which, needless to say, will be
"Cavalleria Rustlcana" and "IPaglHaccl."
In the casta will be Mme. Duce-Merola,
Mile. Georgian Strauss, both of whom
were heard laat season; Mile. Madelena
Bosal. Signor Barrl and MM. Zara. Puccini
and Paolonl.
On Saturday night the beautiful opera
"I-a Giocotida," by Ponchlelll, (pronounced
Pon-kee-ellle) will be given.
As this opera Is not as well known as
the others, and as It will be offered for
the first time In Omaha, the following
mention of It may not be superfluous:
The composer was bom In 1834 and died
in I&mJ. The opera waa flrat produced at
1-a Soala in 187U and in New York In. 1883.
The time of the opera Is the seventeenth
century. The place, Venice. The ttxt Is
by Bolto, and is baaed on a drama by
Victor Hugo. The leading characters are
Glocondit, a ballad singer; U Cleca, her
blind mother; Laura, wife of Alvlse; Eriio,
a Genoese noble; Bainaba. a epy of the
Imiuleltlun; Alviae. a head of the state In
quisition. On the rise of the curtain one sees the
court yard of the ducal palace In festive
attire. After the opening chorus of this
act (which act Is called the "Lion's
Mouth") and the departure ofithe peopla
who have sung the reaatla clfurus, Bai
naba sings a number In which he makes
apparent the fact that lie la In love wlih
Giuioiida. (Here is Introduced a motiff
which appeuis frequently and which j
after the manner of Wagner, us, In fad,
is the entire niuouat conaiructlon of the
piece). La Uioconda appears with her
mother, who is blind, and who is being led
to her favorke seat in luo church, by
Uioconda goes to find Enxo whom he
lovea. and Barnaba intercepts her, making
iu ue.og rejected, lie
determines lu have revenge (after the true !
manner oi iiaiiau opera; ana so he tries
to convince Zuane, the loser of the regatta,
thai he was defeated by the 'apcUs" of
Uioconda s blind mother! Tills gentle insinu
ation has the charming effect of rousing
tlie populace to demand the death of Claca,
the mother, who, of a surely, muat be a
A digreaslon; people are always ready ta
an Innocent 'wlich," but they have
not a word of denunciation for tile Insinu
ating reptile who starts a defamatory re.
port about a peraon a character or reputa- ,
Well, of course, Enxo, arrives just in time
10 save the day and there comes, also upon
the scene, Aloise, one of the chiefs of the
Inquisition, and hla wife, I.aura. Quiet la
restored by this triple interference, and lu
gratitude Claca gives her rosary to Laura.
Now the trouble begins. Observe It.
Gloconda la in love with Knio. who. she
supposes, is a captain of a merchant vesaeL
Laura recognises in Enso a former lover,
and despite her marriage to Aloise (or
Alvlse she atlll lovea Enso. Now Barnaba
wants tJ get Emo away so that he can
have a chanve to win Gioconda for him
self. 8o he whispers Ij Enso that I Jura
will be oa a is ahlp "Hecate" at nightfall.
Barnaba then, with due tact and kindneaa,
Inform Laura's husband Aloise that she,
Laura, lu lends U elope witb Koto. Gto-
impif upon iluni for all time ami a:e ol
when Madame Mircheat. who sings at tilt
Boyd theater Tuesday night. January i'l
was making one of her appearances at St
James hall In txindon. Phe wna announced
to sing st on c( the famous "populars,"
nnd the late Dr. Joachim was billed, too
with his farm us quartet. One of the songs
she had t Imaen was "Von Kwlger Liebe,"
by Brahms, and it was suggested to t lie
madame by the fact that nt the moment
tnnilmes to be produced within the , next
she had to make her selection the great
composer lay aerlnusly ill.
"When I got to the hall I beheld a slant
I shall never forget? Great tears were
raining down the face of Joachim, the
men of his qusrtet were weeping, the
artists In that dear old green rocin were
sad and It was a sadness that msde itself
curiously felt In the audience, which seemed
filled with the spirit of griefs oppression
Brahms was dead. The news hsd come
while that very aildlence was assembling
On looking at the program it gave me a
sort of new shock to find the only Brahms
Item was tha s"ng I myself was to sing
How I walked onto the platform I rcvol
leii.emoer. as one in a dream I saw
Jonchlm and the members of his quartet
and standing solemnly at the side, Joachim
with his violin under his arm and his hand
covering his face. A tense stillness pre
vailed, for the magnetism of a great sym
pathy held the audience. J tried to do my
best, to put Into Brahms' music some r.f
his soul's Intention, but I do not know 1
can only ronwmiber Joachim stepping for
ward and helping me from the platform."
Apropos of this, the following will bo of
Interest: In her library Madame Marches!
has a wonderfully Interesting album, whoso
pages are written and drawn by many ot
the great musicians nnd most famous
artlf ta of the century. On Joachim's pace
h had written with his own hand the
first bars of the aong "Von Kwiger Llebe."
and then In German, "A word to thank
you for the consolation which your superb
Interpretation of an Immortal song gave to
me." At a concert Boon afterwards, when
Madamo Marches! sang an air from Bach.
Joachim played Its obligate Thla was the
first time the renowned violinist ever ac
companied a aong In public.
The Ivan Abrahamson Italian Grand
Optra company will begin an engage
ment of three nights and a matinee at
the Biyd theater on Thursday evening.
Thl organisation won much favor in
On:ahb laat season and comes now direct
from successful engagements In New
York, Philadelphia. Brooklyn and other
conda overhears the matter and Is sadly
shocked by Enxo'a fickleness. The Angelus.
The second act Is called "The Roses."
If the reader will now kindly project his
"astral body" to the deck of the good ship
"Hecate" he may find things to Interest
him. After the sailors have sung their
usual "Ho! Ho! He! He!" chorus, Barnaba
comes along and sings a really beutlful
barcarolle. Then Enxo appeara on deck,
and sings of course; then Laura comes,
and she ainga. Now watch Gloconda has
also managed to get on board .
After alnglng a duet the gentla Gloconda.
very politely and quite unexpected, at
tempts to stab the loving Laura who has
stolen her Enxo. But the resourceful Laura
quietly and unostentatiously displays the
"Rosary" and Gloconda remembers that
this lady helped to save her mother's
life, and she postpones the killing. Instead,
sue gives her masque to Laura and order
ing her boat, sends her away, before the
arrival of the husband. Aloise. At the end
of this act, after a dramatic scene between
Enso and Giocondo, the former sets his
vessel on fire when he discovers that he
Is surrounded by Venetian galleys.
The third act, which Is called the "House
of Gold," opens with the cheering intelli
gence that Husband Alolse has decided to
become a widower; that is, he will poison
Wife Laura. When Laura enters upon the
scene she Is told that he must take a
drink, and that quickly, even before tha
serenade of passing gondoliers is silent.
This drink Is poison and Is In direct vio
lation of the "anti-treatlng" laws, and
ao the giver, Alvlse, leaves the room.
Gloconda enters. Just In time as usual, and
substitutes a sleeping draught for the
polaotC1 Laura drinks It, with the usual
result, and when the Jealous husband re
turns he supposes his wife .to be dead, and
the scene then changes to a brilliant fes
tive picture, and Barnaba drags in Claca,
whom he found praying. Enzo, being ad
vised of the death (supposed) of Laura,
sings of hia great love for her and gets
into sad trouble with her husband. He Is
sleted by the guard, but Gloconda tella
Barnaba that she will "be his" if h will
save Enzo. lie Bays lie will.
The fourth and laat act la called "The
Orfano Canal." the veatibule of a ruined
palace. Gioconda receivea her friends here.
Ii Is her residence.
Enter two singers bearing the Bleeping
Laura. Giocunda, again tempted to take
Laura's life, shows her developed noble
sense of self-sacrifice and does not yield.
Enzo happens in and is about to have It
out with Gloconda, when Laura oppor
tunely awakes and reveals the fact that
Uioconua is the one who saved her life.
Gloconda has provided a boat for the lovers
land they escape. S
Kite then prays to t lie I
Virgin for deliverance frotn the cruel prom-
i. which she has been obliged to make to
the wretch Barnaba
but the niiscream -l
hears her. and when lie confronts her with I
btr desire to escape ahe replies that she
will fullfil her promise, but must first dress
herself becomingly fur such an eveni. She
slabs herself Willi a dagger and, singing
"I have sworn to be thine; take me; 1 am
thine" tin Italian), she expires, but not be
fore she has been informed by "the Bar
naba" that lie had the pleasure of strang
ling her mother the evening before.
While the tale is somewhat gruesome
(after the manner of most grand operas)
lne music Ut.cioV(1y mtereailng, and if
ihls story haa been told somewhat lightly
it haa been with the intention of lightening
tho gloom rather than with any idea of
flippancy toward either the text or the
music of the opera.
Maalral Notes.
Jual before going to press the news lia-i
bten received lliut Mr. lavid Biaphaiii
will give a aong recital at the Lyric thea
ter in February. .
As announced Utt week, Madame
Blanche Marches! will give one of her
i. tuque aong recitala at tlie Boyd theater
on Tuesday night of this week.
Tr- program for Mr. Max Landow's
Schumann recital on January 20 wilt ap
pei.r in tills column next witk.
Here is one of tlie moat remarkable pro
trrmi The Bee haa ever printed;
(a) Kind F. Chopin
ibl Rercecse F. Chopin
... t tnrmm d Valse C. Saint gaena
Music and Musical Notes
With HUT CLirrOSD. MAUD UMBCRT'nl BIj Ct of TO Artists.
la a Bong Bscital. Brahm Vandtnbarg at tha Fiano. Baldwin Piano Used.
Ivan Abramson Italian Grand
Opera Company
Tha Greatest Operatic Organisation Tftt Heard Outside ot Hw York.
Thurs. Eve, " FAUST. Frt. Eve, " LUCIA."
Return EBg-agement of Eugene Walter's Great American Play,
PHONES - Bell,
Here's Gospel Truth Indeed:
NEXT bU.MUAV and ALL WEEK, "CARMEN itli vrrslna
larRi! rltics. On Thursday evening tho
bill will lie Gounod's "Faust," with Mnif.
Hclc-ne Thorry as Marffhprllu, M. Huitn
C'oh.nililnl as Faust and M. Hiavlnl hh
Mi flstofploM. On Friday evening "l-mli
di l.mi inermoor." Iiy Donizr ttl, will he
tho 1:111. with Miss Julia Allen, the well
known young; Ainorlian, as Lucia, M.
Torre will hIiijt IidKar Hnd the oilier solo
parti will he in slionK Imnds. At the.
matinee on .Saturday a double bill will
be offered, Mascagnl's "Cavellerla Rustl-
Brahm Van den Berg.
(a) Air de Lea, from The Prodigal Son..
; Claude IX'bussy
(In this aria. Lea. the mother, deplores
the absence of her child). Claude De
bussy, a French composer, born lNi!.
Mis most celebrated works are
'l'Apres midi d'nn Faune and the
, ,opt'rH' PpHea and Melisunde.
(b) Tlie Nightingale Alableff
- A Russian folk song wlih variations.
Alessandro Alablcfr. a Russian com
poser, was born at Moscow on Au
gust 3. lsil.1. and died IKiJ.
Mine. Blanche Marches!.
(a) When Thou Art with Me J. s. Bach
Joliann Sebastian Huch, born at t;ise-
nach, 18Ui; .lied at Leipzcli, 17o().
(b) Vlolette A. Scarlatti
AJessundro Scarlatti, "born Ht Trapuno,
Sicily. 10511; died at Naples. lT.'o.
(a Have You Seen but a White Ulv
?row? Annoyihous
(d) Nymphs and Shepherds 11. Purccll
Henry Purcell. the greatest English
composer, was born at Westminster,
(I-oiMlom. bluX, and dieC 1 ;:5. This
song Is taken from bis opera, Th
v Lib'Ttine, who really was Don Juan.
(e) The Lass with the Delicate Air....
! Dr. Arne
Dr. Thomas Arne, an English com
poser, born 17il, and died 172S in
Mine. Blanche Marches!.
(a) Romanze Robert Schumann
b) Ihe Vuques (The Waves)
. . '.";'.,', M- Noszkowskl
(c) A Midsummer Night's Dream (para
Phrase) Mendelssohn-Liszt
Brahm Van den Berg.
(a) Why so Palo Are tho Roses?
- Tschalkowski
Born at Wotklnsk. 1M0; died at St.
Petersburg. 1 KH.1.
(b) Faint and Fainter Is Mv Slumber
ilmmer Lelser Wird Meip Schlum-
me,r Brahms
Johannes Brahms, born at liambouiy
1833; died at Vienna, 1S7.
(c) The Erlking .chubrt
Frnnz Peter Sclmlx-rt. born at l.lchten-
Ihal. near Vienna. ITStS; died at
lenna. It). This masterpiece wab
coiniKsed before Schubert was 19
(d) Soft-Footed Snow Sigurd Lie
In slni;i'i( this song, among oth'et
similar songs. Mine. Blanche Mar
ches! created a new line In interpreta
tion. The song, as generally acknowl
edge, e'-okes tho picture of falline
snow. It Is suns in Norwegian.
vurd !,(,., Norwegian com poser
died two years ago at SI vears of
age. Tltesucctss Mine. Blanche Mar
ch. -si eroded with this son was. as
he snid himself before dvlng his
greatest m , last Jov on earth
(e) Nonndv Saw It (Neimand s Hst
Uesehni cari ,,nw
tr T'.r 1st a Huao Wolff
Hugo Wolff, born nt Wlnderisch
eractz. Syria. IsfiO, and died Insane at
'onna. !M. leaving behind him
treasure of sotifi.
Mine. HI:, l che Marches!.
fa) A Dream of May Hawley
Living Ameilcan composer,
(bi Cuttin' Rushes Will, by
l.lvinir English coninoser.
tc) mru tvinm
(Vile wood niaeon. the v.11. Immle
Ine owl, tlie om kooi. I
.Mine. Blanche .Marches!. !
(Hi CI. nnt Wiuthin H nib.-rs
.Ivilllf l'n'lirh runirionr
ilil .l a n doll in- ' ..Claud- m-bussy
ir ! n rni'iHvcia J liaiiii Str-ii'SK
Joluinn Siirtvi?". the f.inioiiH ri.muoHti
islu- liMtinlie Vulx.-.
uraltm Van den Berg.
The follow 'nir recital will be given at tin
First C- n H i emu inn church under tlie niis
( Ic e of ti:.' Woint n's ChriKiian Temper
unie union:
i :.i.'hii u-Iliit iiialor
M ziirUu, ii-ii'iiior
Sclierxo. Ij-nrnor
Mr. Mux l.uiiiiow.
Ana-King ot Lahore
Mr ChH Hobtill
Romance a d'Amb'-ovio
Ellenlanz P' er-Hal.r
Mia Kinilv Cleve.
(a. V rul.liiisHeslaub.-
(til W'ohiii
e All, GaMiev It ,ie
Mibs Myrtle Mom t
P -'.nlM-it
. Iiin.un
8onata for violin and piano. Op l.l ..
Mnderuto con nioto. Moderuto .issnl.
S' li, rz, i Finale.
Misa Cleve and Mr. Mnrtin Uu'i.
ia Handmatinachen Kralims
ihi My Oueen liralmis
let EinclnvH i (Jrie"
Mis Myrtle Mows. "
I'rgarlscher Sturm Mar.-i h F. Ijsjst
Mr. Max liiiuluv.
in) Wliere-e re You Walk Haml
(b Come Into t'n (i ir.l. n. Mn. M. T Salter
Mr Soberki.
Accomnanists, Mine. Rorgluin and Mr.
Martin Hush.
An organ recilal by Mr. Martin liu.h.
with Mr. Frvd Kills assisting in several
baritone solos, will be given at fh First
Congregational church one week fmm 81111
day. January IT. at 4 p. 111. If thla recita
tion attracts enough Interest there will be
aii attemi to revive tlie Sunday recltala
sn sonesnfullv earned on in the bast by
Mr. Taber and by Mr. 13 u tier.
Hnajasah l !
r..e nR-in
"T" 4. n. aT AND ALL.
The Play In Which Mrs. Flake
Scored Her Moait Notable Success
cana" and Leoncavallo's "I ragliaccl."
In the first Mine. R. Duce-Merola will
sin StiiiUi7.a and M. Bail will sIiik
Cunio The oilier solo parts in these will
ho well cared for. On Saturday evening
"l.u Ulaconda," an opera In four acts,
by Pcr.chlclli, will be sung for the first
lime In Omaha. It Is a remarkably ntrong
compcsltion, boll) from a dramatic ami
from a musical point of view. The cast
for this opera will bo: La Giaconda,
Mme, Therry; Laura, Mine, Strauss; La
Cieca, Mllo. BossI; Enzo, M. Barl;
Barnaba, M. Pacini; Alvlse. M. Gravlni;
Zuane, M. Frascona. On Thursday and
Friday evenings M. Fornari will conduct
and on Saturday evening M. Merola will
wield the baton. M. Merola will conduct
Cavellerla Rustlcana" and M. Fornari
will conduct "I Pagllaeci." The Interest
In the engagement has been general so
far and the request for seats shows that
the public expects to attend.
The return ot Eugene Walters' great
American play, "Paid In Full," will un
doubtedly be welcome news to a great
many theater-goers who failed to see this
wonderful drama during Its former visit.
It deals with the problem of a young couple
endeavoring to live respectably on an In
come o' 118 a week. The engagement Is
for Sunday and Monday, January 17 and 18.
Thomas Hardy's great novel, "Tess of the
d'L'rbervllles," will be presented In dra
matic form at the Burwood theater for a
week, starting with matinee this afternoon.
It Is one of the most powerful stories '.'n
fiction and proved a wonderful success
for Mrs. Flake, who originated the part in
fact, it was in this role that she attracted
the attention of tlie entire English-speaking
world. The play tella the story of a pure
soul born In sordid surroundings, and
through the common environment of her
home life reaching out for the good and
pure. Of humble parents, she Is sent out
to work for aome distant relatives, and
there Is seduced by the man who la her
Nemesis In after life. She returns to her
parents, where her child Is born. Later she
works In the fields, and when the baby
dies she goes into another section of the
country, where finally she meets the "one
man, ' her first and only love, and then be
gins her tragedy. The story is marvelously
dramatic and no man or woman can see
this powerful story without a surge of pity
for "Tess," who might have been a happy
aoul In paradise, but for the stern environ
ment of fete. Miss Elliott should find In
"Tess" great scope for her emotional
ability. Mr. Grew will be Angel Clare, the
man Tess marries. Mr. Bacon will be seen
as John d'L'rberville "S.r John" who
boasts eternally of his ancient lineage and
is too lazy to work. Matinees will be given
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Following next week's production at tho
Burwood Miss Elliott will be seen in tho
name part of the Olga Nelhersole version
of "Carmen." Great pains are to be taken
with the production and It is promised that
an offering of attractive merit will be pre- '
seniea. as -larmen" Miss Elliott should
i? seen to great advantage.
Starting witli a matinee today the
Laigrran Yiddish Opera company will be
the attraction at the Krug theater for
t lie first four days of tills week. The
piece preaented ou Sunday afttrnoon will
le "Tlie Gulden Country;" on Sunday
B" ""'k' "IK JV,S" on Moil
day evening, 'TlK Kreutzer Sonata;
Tucsilay evening. "Tlie Jewish
Lear; on the eilnesday matinee, "Tlie
T j Little Vagrants." and on ', .lm-
day evening, tlie Jewish version of
A wing show of the Cohan kind, with a
splendid cast and a big alnglng chorus,
will be the attraction at tlie Krug thea
ter fo- the last half of the week, tlie first
perfoi n.anee being given Thursday even
ing. January 14. "Tile HuneymoonerH."
with Willie Dunlay playing the role for
merly asxumed by tleorge M. Cohan, la
the attraction, and there Isn't a musical
lonieily 011 tlie road lliut
Willi it
can compare
Signor (Jennaio and bin Venetian Gondo
lier band come fi 1 lie Orpheum this week,
bringing Willi them "A Night In Venice."
A talented soprano. Misa K. Carter, with
the troupe, will be heard In operatic selec
tions. Katie Barry, whose name is familiar
to all theater-goers, will offer tlie character
songs have won her popularity. A
unique monologue- will he given by Ray I., j
Royce. It consists III a series of character
studies. ValaJon ia a magician who haa a
fine reputation both In F.ngland and In
America. He came here five years ago as
associate of the famous Kellar. "Super
stition," a modern dramatic episode by
Oliver While, will be presented by Charles
W. Boi.sor and company, which Includes
F.dith Hinkle, a very beautiful and gifted
woman. IU-dford and Winchester have juat
returned from the Palace theater, I.ondon,
where their burlesque Juggling attracted
great attention. An acrobatic act ia given
by The Blessings, two balancers who come
rom Uerliu. Their European reputation Is
r -l,,"MJiiiiiJ.,iii. .TriaiU'TLiiitiiiT ill I II I I nil "
Boyd'a Theater
It rag- Theater
Orvhcum Thaattr
Palm Theater
Free Concerts
The Musically
Inclined Public
arc cordially Invltccl to pay u a
lsit any afternoon nnd enjoy
iiur Piano Player Concert. No
rlinrfrp Is made and you can well
upend an hour with u when
down town on h shopping trip.
n ixo co.
1 ;t 1 1 1 : Karntun St.
Xalrdresslnir Sept. Second Floor.
Hnlr Pressing and Matcel Waving BOo
Shampooing 60o
' Massaxing and Electric Vibrator. 60o
Msnicuiiiig for ladles and gentle
men BOo
All kinilM of hair goods at lowest
prices. Appointments mado by phono.
Come in and see how
Welsbach Chic Burners.
4 Kr??? Matinee Today
Largman s Yiddish Opera Co.
Matlnea Today:
Tonight! . . ,
Monday It.
Tuesday Eth.i JlfftR
Wad. Mat.:
Wed. Eva.
IVf allnee Saturday
with WILLIE DUMLAY, the Yankee Comedian.
COHAN GIRLS A Sploncilc! Cast of Principals
COHAN MUSIC and a Big Singing Chorus.
cohan noise:
cohan enthusiasm
cohan e sque all. the time
Week Starting Matinee Today
And his Venetian Godolier Band. A
pietureBo.UK and tuneful review,
XVIth Miss K. Carter, Soprano Soloist.
Tha famous English Character Co
medienne of "The Chinese Honey
moon." "Kantana" etc.
I.ate of "fork Slate Folks."
Raconteur In aeries of Eccentric
I.ate associate of the great Keller
Charles W. Bowser Edith Hinkle
And their company In "Superstition"
A modern playlet by Oliver White
Those burlesque Jugglers
European Equilibrists
Alas the Newest in Motl n Pictures.
FKICXI 100, 35c and BOo.
Given by the Omaha Lvgreo Team
of Fraternal Order of Kagles
Creightcn Hall, Tuesday Evening;
January 12. 190D.
Admission 6ilc per couple.
Mea! Tickets Fres at Hansons
Every peraon wr.u lae a ueal at To.?
Hanson's basement reals urant may guess
the number who visit tne.s uuiing the uay.
Kveiy day tha neatest. gue wms a iual
Toll Baoioa's Lanc'j Rao n
The moll mil. active, unquiet aJ"te.n
tnd iuuki economical luiu u iuoui tu Ornate
unequalled, anil after a short ne.ia n here
they go to tlie London 1 lippoilrome.
Next week the tamous lleugler iiiiers. dancing has given llieni an inli r
natinnal reputation, will appear Bt the Or
pheum. Miss Jennie .Maiiniieniier. a reader and
interpreter of pliys. will it i-eiit Ihe ihlnl '.
number of the Teuipl ' lracl lecture and !
KntiTtainmi-nt pours.- m Temple Israel
Twenty-ninth a nue and J irkwin am-ei.)
W ednesday evening al o'clo k. For lie
occasion, the dramatic leading- of ls:ael
Zangwlll's "Merely Mary Ann" Ins been
chosen and will no doubt prove phasing
In addition to ill- entertainment by Miss
Mannheimer. this musical program will be
given: Violin solo, Mlaa A-arona; cello sol ,
Miss Von MiiisfelJ, soprano solo, Mrs. Lr.
flan's a
"A CMrl at tha Kelm"
Mm. Blanch Marchsal
Italian Grand Opera
Yiddish Opera
"Tha Honeymoonera"
"Tess of tha d'Urhervlllea'
Moving Plotnrea
Stephens 3 Smith
307 Bonth 16th.
80S North' 16th,
The II. J. Pcnlold Co.
m Our Haw Torlo lenses.
1408 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb.
Will Get
cheaply you can buy the
Gas Co.
Matinee Today
-Tlie Golden Country
-Tlie Jewish Hamlet
Kreutzer Sonata
nRllA' HUKII Kl'i: IIT1D"
.The Two Little Vagrants
Thurs., Jan. 14
Something Doing at the ROLLER RINK
fA .
i h , . ;i
Hi- U t
M lit
Moonligbt and Chinese Lantern Car
nival every night at 10 o'clock.
Admission ...10c Skates .... 20c
The Boyd Theater
School of Acting
A practical training school (or
the tage. Rehearsals and monthly
criticism performances at Lyrto
Theater. Advanced students form
bchool stock company.
Professional experience) while
x.n.x.XAjr rrrcx. Direote '
W. J. BUUIII, Manager
Chicago Film Exchange
America's rorsmoet VUxa Banters
147 to aeo Braadels Bldff., Omaha,
See our pictures at the aineraphone
Theater. Imuglas and 14th Sis., Nebras
ka's best picture show.
Talking Animated Pictures
Jean P. Duf field
Mudiii : Suite- 4(1 - Itojtl Theater
DICKtK vi Aft ; SKS
Ar lington lllie k -Tin nr. Iioug. 110
CI.A8S AM) I'ltlVATK l.i:.SSO.N8
Coiirne No. 14 meeting nr week
Course No. i'i meetings per week
relal low rates for the new year
Btudenta matinees Kngagements