Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Calendar Indicates Respite in Whirl
that Began Before Holidays.'
('plil, ot Ratlafled with 190 Rfc
ord, Contfnaes Deadly Aim Amnai
Fashionable et, and Still the
Announcements Come.
Oh, happy New Year time! The snow.
Tha flying sleighs, the skaters all nglow,
Thp glsnolng eyes, tha whispers soft and
low ;
Tho witching opera, the bnllroom Kay:
Tho shopping and the flirting well-R-day!
Thi- wlntng anf the dining, with their
Tho festive Joy that every bosom fills;
The the nh. creeping, shivering chills!
I'd rinite forgot that New Year brings the
Browning's Magailne.
The Social Calendar.
MONDAY Monday Rrldge club meeting
with Mrs. A. L. Rood.
Tl'KSDAY Mm. Otto Nesmith, Fort
Omaha Bridge club; Miss Furay, lunch
eon pe.rty; Howling club at Fort Crook;
Mr. and Mm. H. Rehfeld, picnic party
frr Miss Khrman; Mr. Koyal Comstock,
Mlly club.
AVKDNK8DAY Meeting of the Amateurs
with Mlsa Marie Cronnae; Mrs. El" ti
Rich, luncheon for Mrs. Flnlev White
of Birmingham. Ala.; Mid-Week Brldgo
club meeting with Mrs. t Y. Smith;
Mrs. J. Wallace, bridge for Miss Blnch
Murphy; Clematis cluh, Mrs. K. T.
Slnffler; Mrs. W. H. Oould, Jr., K. K.
K. club.
THURSDAY Morsn-Duff wedding In No
braxka City; Miss Furay, luncheon for
Miss Shirley; Mrs. K. W. Arthur, C. T.
Kuchre club lunchf-on.
FRI I A Y Junior tirldge club meeting with
Mis. IxiuIh Clarkn; Mrs. Oerrge Trout,
o. C. C. Luncheon club; Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Oould. Jr.. Kill Kare club.
SATURDAY Association of Collegiate
Alumnae meeting at Rrownell hall;
Saturday night class dance at Cham
bers'; Miss Miller entertains for Wlt-tnark-Cohn
wedding party; Miss I,ena
Newman, theater party; M. M. C. club,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Martin.
After mnny weeks of strenuous enter
tainments for the bevy of attractive dubu
tantes this season, there Is a slight lull,
and tho brides and engaged girls are at
tracting considerable Interest. Two en
gagement announcements of the week,
that of Miss Jeanne Wakefield and Mr.
Harry Overstreet of Chicago, and Miss Qer
tr.udo Moorhead and Mr. Harry Tukey,
will bring a round of entertaining. Then a
third engagement Is also expected; In the
Country club set.
Not content with his successes of late,
Cupid Is aiming his darts at two other
prominent people in club circles, the young
woman being the daughter of a prominent
attorney and the man one of the most
hopeless members of the bachelor set.
And In army circles It Is reported that a
cavalry offl-tr stationed In a neighbor
ing state makes frequent visits In Omaha,
being quite interested In a young woman
known for her beauty, and who although
not an army girl, is especially popular with
the officers.
At Fort Crook.
An Informal but enjoyable cotillion was
given at Fort Crook Friday evening, which
was led by Lieutenant KaJph W. Drury.
A number of dinner parties were given pie
ceding the germnn. Captain and Mrs. W.
C. Bennett entertained at dinner at their
quartern Friday evening in honor of Miss
Alma Higgtns of St. Louis, Mo., guest of
Miss Oenevleve Johnson. Covers were laid
for Miss Illgglns, Miss Johnson, Miss Enid
Valentine, Lieutenant Nulaon, Lieutenant
Short, Lieutenant Diury and Captain and
Mrs. Rennott.
Captain and Mrs. Joseph Oohn enter
tained at dinner Friday evening at thoir
quarters when their guests wera Miss Jos
ephine Young. Miss Arabella Colt. Lieuten
ant Oeorge Neal, and Dr. Iewls Bishop.
Among other guests attending from Omaha
wera Miss Frances Gilbert.' Miss Katherlne
Morheaf, Mr. Ward Palmer and Mr. Wil
son RwlUler.
The Fort Crook Card club met Mitnday
evening with Colonel and Mrs. Cornelius
Gardner. Bridge and hearts were the
games played. The next meeting will be in
two weeks.
The Fort Crook Bowling club met
Tuesday evening with Major and Mrs.
W. H. Johnston. The high scores were
made by Mm. W. C. Bennett and Lieuten
ant Nulson. 8upper was served l:iter In
the evening at the quarters of Major and
Mrs. Johnston.
Plenanrea Past.
Mrs. Arthur Pinto entertained Informally
at two tables of bridge Saturday afternoon
at her home.
Mrs. Douglas Welpton entertained some
of her pupils Friday afternoon at an In
formal tea. The afternoon was pleasantly
spent with music, and about fourteen were
Captain and Mrs. John Leonard Hlnes
entertained Informally at dinner Saturday
evening at their home on Park avenue In
honor of General and Mra W. H. Carter.
The table had a pretty centerpiece of pink
roses and covers were laid for: General
and Mrs. Carter. Captain and Mrs. W. C.
Bennettt and Captain and Mrs. Oeorge
Bull of Fort Crook and Captain and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson gave a
surprise party at their home, Tenth and
Kavan streets, Friday. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. M:rcus Hose, Mr. and Mrs.
Svtn Oorson, Mr. and Mrs. August Peter
son, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lindqulst, Mr. and
Mrs. R O. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. John
Rcnstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Mr. Frank Rose,
Mr. Art Rcnstrom. Mr. F.lmor Renstrom.
Mr. Otto Norman. Mr. Leo Bergman, Miss
Gran and Miss Gertrude Rose.
Mr. George Ross entertained a number
of his school friends Friday evening at
tho new home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Ross. Jr., In Dundee. Oames,
music and dancing were the amusements
of the evening and those present were:
Misses Nannie Barrett, Adelaide Funk
hauser, Helen Matters, Alnetta Palmer.
Margaret Grant, Marguerite Prentls, Alice
Duval. Messrs. Herbert Connull, Robert
Connell. Warren Hamilton, Keneth Reed,
Leonard Marshall, Harry Marsh, Welling
ton Ledwlch, Lee Holllnger, Philip-Met,
Wlllard Blabaugh, George Ross and Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Havens. ,
Mr. William Hoist entertained the mem
bers of the Cllx club and their women at
his home, 916 North . Forty-second street,
Friday evening, January 8. Progressive
high five wu Indulged In, the prize winners
being Misses Hoye and Rann and Messrs.
Phelps and Davis, after which a luncheon
was served. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Klnkennon; Messrs. Henry Hempen,
Jr., Ed Phelps, William Hoist, William
Baincs. Paul Geske, Carl Munson, Frank
Schmitz, Harry Slgwart, Harry Phelps,
Guy Davis. John Hoist, Jr.; Misses Ila
Bridges. Edith Sander, Mamie Munson,
Laura Rann, Florence Hoye and Ella Zel
barth. The club members are now sending
out Invitations for their monthly dance to
be given at the Rome January 26.
Mrs. Mary Stdner gave a farewell party
at her home, 2120 North Thirtieth street
Friday evening, for her niece. Miss Minnie
Sidner, who ts to be married and leave
Monday for her new home at Rhyollte,
Nev. The evening was spent very pleas
antly with a musical program, after -which
refreshments were served. Mlsa Sidner was
the recipient of many beautiful presents.
The guests Included: Mr. and Mr. T. V.
Alison, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Collicott, Mrs. Klnkade, .Mm. Coulter,
Mm. Sidner; Misses, Nell Macken, Lulu
Burke, Bessie Rlchter, Tina Felfman, Anna
Peterson, Helga Munson, Rebecca Smith,
Inez Nelson, Cora Channel, Ona Channel,
Lois Klnkade, Edith Hilkerman, Margaret
Meter If, Clara Nelson, Helen Brown, Eva
Cox, Lula Edwards, Minnie Sidner; Messrs
Elza Thomas, Clarence Stevens, Louis St.
Cyr, Vlner Alison and Fred Sidner.
aide-de-camp, and his wife reside with Gen
eral and Mm. CnrtT.
Captain Martin I Crimmlns of Fort
Crook, spent tho holidays In New York
City, at the home of his father, Hon. John
D. Crimmlns. Mrs. Crimmlns, who has
been seriously ill there. Is convalescing.
Miss Jean Cudahy wll leave Wednesday
for Milwaukee, where she will spend the
week as the guest of her cousin, Miss Jos
ephine Cudahy. who was, here for Miss
Jean Cudahy's debut.
Mrs. Clarence Richmond Day has ar
rived from Fort Huachuca, Ariz., to be the
guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A,. B.
Smith, until the first of February. She
will sail February fifth for Honolulu,
where Captain Day Is now stationed.
Mis. E. W. Nash and Miss Frances Nash
will leave tomorrow for Dubuque, la.,
where they will make a short visit with
Mrs. Nash's daughter, Mrs. Oeorge Mey
ers, before leaving for New York, from
whence they will sail January 15 on the
Celtic for Europe. Mrs. Nash will return
from abroad the first of April, and Miss
Nash will remain abroad a year. She will
be In Germany with friends and will re
sume her musical studies there.
Mr. and Mm. Arthur D. Brandels and
family leave Sunday evening for New York
City to spend the winter months. They
will be at the Hotel Majestic for awhile
and later will take a house. Returning to
Omaha In the late spring, they will occu
py their country home near Florence dur
ing the summer. Mm. Brandels will be
missed In Omaha where she has taken a
prominent part In many of the charity or
ganizations of the city, as well as In so
ciety. Mrs. Brandels resigned as treasurer
of the Creche at the last meeting and was
given a vote of thanks for conscientious
work. She will remain on the Creche
Woman With Marr.lously B.antlftd Hall
OlTaa Simple Home Prescription Which
She Used With Most Bamaxkabl. Results.
I was greatly troubled with dandruff and
falling, hair. I tried many advertised hair
preparations and various prescriptions, but
they all signally . failed; many of them
made my hair greasy so It was impossible
to comb it or do It up properly. I think
that many of the things I tried were posi
tively Injurious and from my own exper
ience I cannot too strongly caution you
igalnat using preparations containing wood
slcohol and other poisonous substances. 1
believe they injure the root of the hair.
After my long list of failures I finally
found a simple prescription which I used
with most remarkable resluts and I can
unhesitatingly state that it Is beyond doubt
the most wonderful thing for the hair I
have ever seen. Many of my friends have
also used It and obtained wonderful effects
thereforra It not only Is a powerful stim
ulant to the growth of the hair and for re
storing gray hair to its natural color, but it
ti equally good for removing dandruff, giv
ing the hair life and brilliancy, etc., and
for the purpose of keeping the scalp in
first-class condition. It also makes the
hair much easier to comb and arrange In
nice form. I have a friend who used it
two months and during that time It not
only stopped the falling of his hair and
wonderfully Increased Its growth, but it
practically restored all of his gray hair to
Its natural color. You can obtain the In
gredients for making this wonderful prep
aration from almost any druggist. The
prescription is as follows:
Bay rum, 6 o. ; Menthol crystal, one-
halt drachm; Lavona de Composee, t o. ;
To-Kalon perfume, 1 to I teaspnonfula.
Apply night and morning; rub thor
oughly Into the scalp.
Go to your drugg'sts and ask for tha
eight-ounce bottle containing six ounces of ! tnl weuk
Come and tio Uoaslp.
Mrs. Charles Kountzo and children leave
shortly for Palm Beach, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. William Glller leave today
for a few weeks' stay in Cuba,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hull expect to leave
soon for a visit In New York City.
Miss Blanche Garten of Lincoln la spend
ing a few days with Miss Ethel Tukey.
Captain Charles Chandler of Fort Omaha
is spending a fortnight In New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burgess have as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. Condlt of Beardstown,
Miss Bessie Towle left Thursday for San
Antonio, Tex., to spend the winter with rel
atives. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foye will leave next
Friday for a three weeks' viBlt In New
Mr. and Mr. H. D. Neely leave tht
month for Portland, Ore., and points in
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShano leave
thorUy for a trip to Texas and other
point In the south.
Miss Louise Peck will leave today for a
visit with school friends in Arkansas. She
will be gone six weeks.
Miss Katherlne Moorhead will leave the
first of February for Pittsburg, Pa., to
visit her Bister, Mm. Roy Dougall.
Mrs. O. D. Woodward of Kansas City,
who ha been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Burgess, returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Hosford moved
Saturday into their new home on Thirty
seventh street and Dewey avenue.
Mr. and Mm. A. J. Beaton and children
expect to leave the first of February for
Los Angeles to spend the rest of the win
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith are In
New York City and will visit Mrs. Smith's
parents In Brookllne, Mass., before return
ing. Miss Margaret Whitney has been 111 dur
ing almost her entire vacation, but hopes
to be able to return to Wellesley college
Prospective Pleasures.
The' Clematis club will be entertained
Wednesday by Mrs. F. A. Strlffler.
Mrs. S. R. Rush will entertain the Dundee
Bridge club at her home next Saturday.
Mrs. E. W. Arthur will entertain the C.
C. Euchre club Thursday afternoon at her
Mrs. Edson Rich will give a luncheon at
her home next Wednesday In honor of her
guest, Mr. Finley White of Birmingham,
The Amateurs will meet next Wednesday
at the homo of Miss Marie Crounse, when
selections of German composers will form
the program.
Mrs. Otto Nesmlth of Fort Omaha will
entertain the Fort Omaha Bridge club
Tuesday at her quarters at the post. Sev
eral guests from Omaha will attend.
Mrs. William H. Gould, Jr., will be hostess
for the K. K. K. club Wednesday afternoon
at her home, and Friday evening Mr. and
Mm. Gould will entertain the Kill Kare
In honor of Miss Viola Cahn and Mr.
Isidore Wltmark, whose wedding will take
place Monday, January 18, Miss Htller will
entertain next Saturday evening at her
home and Sunday Miss Blanche Rosewater
will entertain at dinner.
For Mlas Blanche Murphy, whose wed
ding to Mr. Gunlock of Detroit takes place
the latter part of the month, Miss Furay
will give a luncheon Tuesday and Wednes
day afternoon Mrs. James Wallace will give
a bridge party In Miss Murphy's honor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Rehfeld will give an
Indoor picnic party Tuesday evening at
their home in honor of their guest, Mlos
Fannie Ehrman, of St. Joseph, Mo. Invita
tions on postal cards were Issued and the
evening promises some original entertain
ments. Plans for the charity hall to be given at
Chambers' Tuesday evening, February 2,
for the benefit of the Creche, are about
completed. Tho affair Is under the ablo
management of the following committees,
with Mrs. "W. A. Paxton, Jr., In charge of
all committees: Hall Mrs. W. A. Paxton,
Jr., chairman, and Mrs. Charles T. Kountze.
Refreshments Mrs. H. T. Lemlst, chair
man, Mrs. Joseph Cudahy and Mrs. Daniel
Baum, Jr. Advertising Mrs. .Arthur Rem
ington, chairman, Mrs. A. L. Reed and Mrs.
W. A. Redlck. Printlng-Mlss Kimball,
chairman, and Mrs. Ourdon W. Wattles.
The affair will be a public one and the
tickets are placed in many well-known
places so that they may be accessible to
everyone. They are on sale at Mathew s
book store and at all the leading drug
Bay Rum, also one-halt drachm of Menthol
crystal, and tor a two-ounce bottle of La
Vunn de Composee. Mix the Ingredients
yourself at your own homo. Add the Men
thol crystal to the Bay Rum and then pour
in the Lavona de Composee, and add tha
To-Kalon perfume. Let it stand for oue
hulf hour and it Is ready to use.
Joseph Gahtn
Suite 215-216 Karbach
. Block.
Weddings and Engagements.
The affairs planned for Miss Newman
Include a dinner party- today given by Mr.
and Mrs. I. Rosenberg and a matinee party
next Saturday afternoon given by Mlsa
Lena Newman.
The engagement has been announced of
Mr. Denton Slaughter of Salmon City, Id
aho, son of Major and Mri. B. D. Slaugh
ter of this city, and Miss Constance King
of Salmon City.
The engagement has been announced In
Denver of Miss Eleanor McMuctrle of that
city to Mr. Warren Hillla of Denver, for
merly of Omaha, and son of Mr. and Mrs.
O. B. Hillls, of this city.
The wedding of Miss Amelia Newman to
Mr. Louis Sommer will take place Jan
uary 17 at the home of the bride, 2710 Burt
street, at 4:99 o'clock. In the presence of
the family. There will be a wedding re
ception at 7:30 o'clock In the evening for
the friends of the bride and groom, which
will also be given at the bride's home. '
The marriage of Miss Clara Blanche
Murphy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Murphy, to Mr. William Maurice Gunlock
of Detroit, Mich., will be solemnized
Wednesday, January 27, at 5.30 o'clock, at
St. Peter's church, Father McGovern of
ficiating. A reception from 8 to 10 o'clock
will follow at the bride's home. The at
tendants will be: Miss Stella Murphy, sister
of the bride, maid of honor; Dr. John B
Ellis of Chicago will be best man, and
the usher will be Mr. John Rowe of
Cleveland, O., Mr. Bryon J. Reed, Mr.
Frank A. Furay and Mr. Bert Murphy.
The wedding of Miss Gertrude Duff,
daughter of Mm. N. A. Duff, of Nebraska
Citv. and Mr. Robert Lehmer Morse of
Seattle, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Morse
of this city, will take place next Thursday
:it noon at the home of the bride's mother
In Nebraska City. Owing to the death of
Miss Duff s father a few months ago the
wedding will be a quiet one. No Invita
tions have been issued and only the Immed
iate families will be present. After their
wedding Mr. and Mrs. Morse will reside
In Seattle, where Mr. Mome I engaged In
business. Tho Omaha relatives of Mr.
Morso who will attend the wedding are
Mr. and Mr. W. V. Morse. Mrs. Oeorge
Palmer and children, Mr. and Mrs. Forest
Richardson and Miss Ethel Mors.
One of the small but pretty home wed
llngs of the winter was that of Miss Mable
Carey and Mr. James C. Williams of Blan
chard, la., which wss solemnized at 4
o'clock Saturday afternoon at the home of
the bride' brother, Mr. George Q. Carey,
and Mrs. Carey, 111 South Thirty-first
street. The rooms had a pretty decoration
of cut flowers and ferns. The reception
hall where the ceremony took place was
trimmed with polnsedta and holly combined
with ferns and palms. The mantel was
banked with the green and before this the
marriage took place. Rev. Scott Hyde of
Hanscom Park Methodist church officiat
ing. There were no attendant and the
bride was gowned In her golng-away suit
of navy blue broadcloth. Following the
ceremony an Informal reception wa held
for the wedding guests, which numbered
about thirty and Included only the relatives
nnd more Intimate friends. The same color
scheme of red ant green was employed In
the dining room, where red rose were com
bined with ferns. The table decoration wa
entirely of crystal. Mr. and Mr. Williams
leave this evening for a month' wedding
trip In the south and will be at home upon
their return at Blanchard, la,, where Mr.
Williams ts In business. Mm. Williams 1
widely known In Omaha, this having been
her home for a number of years.
Mr. Joseph Gahm, pianist, announce
the reopening Qf his studio at 215-216
Karbach block, where he will accept pu
pils in the art of piano playing and mu
sical theory.
ksfsreacaei Thompson, BelJeu A Co.,
Thomas Kilpatrkk & Co., J. L. Brandels
ti Sons
Practical Glove Cleaner
Established 1SSS. .
Gloves Bent l.y Mall Promptly Returned.
813 Swrtfc 8 Ola Itmk Cisaaa. Mao.
Mr. Joseph Barker, who has been visit
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bar
ker, returned Friday to his home in Mont
real, Canada.
Mm. I. bchleslnger left Saturday after
noon for her home in Colorado Springs
after a delightful visit with her sister. Mm.
Ferdinand Adler.
Mrs. Edward Rosewater, Mis Blanche
Rosewater and Mrs. Charles C. Rosewatei
leave the last of the month for a severul
wieks' stay In California.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard, who have
been on an extended wedding trip in Los
Angeles and other points In California, are
expected home Wednesday.
Lieutenant Fooks. Lieutenant Brown,
L'cutenant McCune and Lieutenant Shal
lenberger attended tha inaugural ball in
Lincoln Thursday evening.
Mrs. A. Mandelberg and brother, Mr. Max
Rosenthal, who left lust week for Buffalo,
N. Y are in New York Cily at the Hotel
Asto.-, where they will be for the next ten
Licuunant Shallenberger of Fort Crook
spent the week la Lincoln with his par
ents, Governor and Mrs. A. C. Shallen
bvrger, and attended the inaugural ball
Thursday evening.
General William H. Carter, U. S. A., who
relieves General Morton of command of the
Department of tiie Missouri, has taken the
Uouko of Mr. Oould Diets. H a,uth Thirty
. ighln street. Lieutenant W. V. Carter,
This Institution 1b the only one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering It possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmental diseases, no others be
ing admitted. The other, Rest
Cottage, being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
A swell suit made to your
measure for IZ0.0U. MatsrUl
and workiuauablu guaranteed.
DRESHER, The Tailor,
1515 Tarnam St.
Prominent Speakers Before Social
Science Department Favor VTnl
averslty Extension.
William J. Bryan will sneak before the
social science department of the Woman's
club Monday afternoon on hi vilt to
Count Leo Tolstoi. The meeting will open
at 3 o'clock, instead of 2:90, and will be
held In the auditorium of the First Con
gregational church. Members will he priv
ileged to bring guests and the usual guest
punch on the membership ticket will not be
required. The program will also Include
a review of Jane Addams' new book,
"Newer Ideals of Peace," by Mrs." W. M.
Alderson; a vocal solo by Mrs. Joel C.
Hancock and piano numbers by Mr. Jean
G. Jones.
The department under the leadership of
Mrs. Draper Smith has planned a series
of programs of unusual Interest this winter,
among them being a talk by Prof Leonard
of Bellevue college on "Practical Sociology"
and another by Rev. Frederick Rouse on his
proposed course of study In mental healing.
Mrs. Raymond Robbin of Chicago, the
wife and co-worker of Chicago's well
known settlement worker. Is another of
the possible speakers of tho near future.
Mrs. Robblns Is a recognized authority on
woman In Industry and will be Invited to
speak on that subject. Other phases of the
labor question In which club women are
interested will also be r resented by T. W.
McCullough. Another important possibility
of the near future is Prof. Caldwell of the
senate committee of the University of Ne
braska representing the committee on uni
versity extension. The clubs of the state
are being asked to lend their Influence for
an appropriation of $10,000 by the state
legislature asked for by the university sen
ate committee for the support of univer
sity extension work in Nebraska and Mr.
Caldwell will be axked to present Ihe plan
of the committee before the social science
department of the Omah". Woman' club.
It Is the ambition of local club women
to secure these lecture courses for Omaha,
especially as among the subjects included
are many touching directly upon the lines
along which the clubs are working. The
women feel that as the club Is primarily
educational In Its object It could establish
no more fitting work than this extension
Jamea Ilyslop Will Speak.
James II y slop, late of Columbia univer
sity and secretary and treasurer of the
American Institute of Scientific Research,
will deliver two lectures In Omaha Febru
ary 2 and 3 under the auspices of the
psychology department of the Woman's
club. Prof. Hyslop la recognized a the
foremost psychologist In this country and
has come west In the Interest of the Amer
ican Society of Psychical Research. During
his stay In Omaha he will be the guest of
Alfred Millard and Divld Abbott. HI two
lecture will be given at the First Congre
gational church and In the evening and
his subjects will be "Causes and Effects
of Certain Psychic Phenomena" and "Sci
entific Proof of Identity After Death."
The philosophy and ethic department
has resumed Its former meeting day, Tues
day of the week, alternating with the week
of the club's open meeting. Tuesday. Jan
uary 12, at 4 o'clock. Is the time of the
next meeting.
School Ont of Door.
Club women of New Jersey are interest
ing themselves in the open air .school for
children that Is being advocated by Dr.
Alexander McAllister, a physician of Cam
den, N. J., as a means for curing and pre
venting tuberculosis. Dr. MeAlluster de
clares that It would be entirely feasible
to have the studies of children conducted
out of doors, In the yards of the schools
for instance, from the latter part of May
to the close of the school term and from I
the beginning of the school term, well Into
OetolMT. The club women have expressed
their determination to see that the Idea
has a fair trial. The first experiment, it
ts said, will Ik made In Camden under the
direction of Dr. McAllister.
Ednratlon on SnSJraae.
The League for Political Education In
New York City has arranged for a series
of lectures for and against woman suffrage.
As a beginning Rev. Anna Shaw and Mrs.
Charlotto Terklns Oilman on January 6
at the Carneglo lyceuni debated the ques
tion. "Is the Married Woman Supported?"
January 16 Miss Shaw will make a suf
fragij speech In the Berkeley lyceum and
one week later Mm. Anne Nathan Meyer
will represent the opposition. Later In the
year Prof. Zueblin will give a course of
several lectures on giving women the
Among the features of activity among
the New York suffragists is the lecture by
Mrs. Carrie Chnnnan Cntt at the law
school of the New York university on
January 10. Mrs. Catt's lecture Is one of
the regular series arranged for by the fac
ulty of the university. William J. Bryan
is among those who have already been
heard In this course.
' Teachers' Professional flab.
I One of the most helpful and enjoyable
j meetings of the week was that of the
i Train School Professional cluh, .which held
a meeting Friday at the close of the aft
ernoon session.
The club has "Concentration" for its
January topic and Miss Mary Fitch, re
cently returned from a visit to the schools
of England. Scotland and Ireland, was the
speaker of the afternoon. Before the
meeting wa called to order the club en-
Ladies' Cloaks, Suits, Skirls and Waists
In order to carry out our policy
of showing only now garments each
season re have cut prices on every
garment in stock far below half their
actual value. Besides our spring gar
ments are arriving and we must have
the space to show them. This week
you'll find the most wonderful values
at the Elite.
Cloak Snaps
Regular $12.50, $15.00 and QC Oil
$17.50 values, on sale at. . . Ou.UU
Regular $19.50, $22.50 and
$25.00 values, on sale at . .
Regular $27.50, $29.50 and Q 7r
$35.00 values, on sale at. .0 1 T I U
Suits and Skirts
All marked at HALF their actual
worth. Garments that are tailored in
the very acme of fashion, all must go,
as our Spring Suits aro already arriving.
Waist Snaps
Wash Waists, all new, with long I
sleeves waists that are marked at
$1.50, $2.50, $3.25 and up; your choice
of them Monday, 95C
Ten Days of Sweeping -Price
Reductions at Alexander's
A Genuine Clearance Sale of High Grade
Winter Shoes for M en and Women
Buy now at this shop and save from $1.00 to $3.00 on the very highest
grades ot winter tootwear. Every "High top" Boot in the shop for ladies'
winter wear is included in this sale. All eur $5.00, $4.00 and $3.50
values will be on sale for the next ten days at
$3.00, $2.98, $2.50 and $2.00
Here's a genuine bangaln In
a high grade $4.60 Patent Kid
Hhoe for winter wear. We
have this style In lace or but
ton. Buy thein here now at
our reduced price
Men's Shoes at Half Price
$6.00 Vlscollzed "Water Proof" Shoes, now $3.00
$5.00 Men's High Grade Dress Shoes, now $2.98
$5.00 and $4.00 Men's Shoes, now. .... . .$2.50
600-638 Paxton Block
Open 6:30 P. M.
Ladles' Special
e "All Over"
Suede Bhoe
Here Is the shoe that
will please the moat par
ticular. Bench made and
of the very finest calf
skin. Note our price dur
ing this sale
Joyed a social hour over the teacups, wheu
Miss Fitch gave many Incidents of her
trip and showed her fine collection of
photographs, post cards and specimens ot
school work.
Thursday, January 14, at 2:15 p. m., the
musical department of the Woman's club
will give an Interesting program. The par
ticipants, who are all members of the de
partment, will bo Mrs. John Haarmann,
Mrs. J. B. Lngley, Mrs. M. D. Cameron,
Miss Minnie Dermody, Miss Blanche Sor
enson and Mrs. Edith L. Wagner, accom
panist. The regular meeting of the current topics
department will be held In the club par
lors Tuesday afternoon, January 12, at 2
o'clock. Mrs. C. W. Hayes, leader, has
arranged the following program: Mrs. B.
S. Baker, current events; Mrs. George C.
Bonner will speak of the recent earth
quake in Sicily and southern Italy. Robert
F. Gilder will speak on "The Prehistoric
Man." and will exhibit specimens of his
recent discoveries. Miss Kssle Aarons will
give a violin solo and Mrs. C. S. Loblngler
will give a stereoptlcon entertainment,
with views taken In the Philippines.
The art department will meet at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning, with Mrs. W. W. Grl
gor leader.
The regular business mooting of the
Omaha Women's C'hrlstiun Temperance
union will be held in Young Men's Chris
tian association rooms on Wednesday,
January 13, ut J.3'l o'clock.
quired by the examining board. After
January 1, 1911, a state examination will
bo required.
"Nursing la a profession requiring a high
degree of ability and training," said one
of the nurses, "and In view of the re
sponsibility of the duties of the graduate
nurse, It would appear to be essential on
general principles that the qualifications
of the nurse should be determined and
fixed by registration as the qualifications
of the physician, pharmacist or dentist
should be fixed by law'. It would also ap
pear that tho minimum qualification of the
nurse should be ascertained by a board of
examiners chosen from the nursing profes
sion, thus following the precept given by
the older professions of medicine, phar
macy and dentistry,"
Have Bill to Present to Leglslatare
Giving- Them More Uefl
nltr Prestige.
To give more prestige to a graduate
nurse and prevent a probationer from pos
ing as a graduate, a bill providing for
registration of all graduito nurses has been
drawn and will be presented to the state
legislature by the Nebraska State Asso
ciation of Graduate Nurses. The bill Is
endorsed by the Visiting Nurses association
of Omaha, as It will not affect gratuitous
nursing of the sick by friends or members
of the family, nor will It apply to any
) ci son nursing the s!ck for hire w ho does
not assume to be a trained or registered
The substance of this bill briefly stated
provides that there be a board of examiners
chosen from th nursing profession; that
all graduate nurses practicing at present
may register without examination, provid
ing they possess certain qualifications, r-
Mlsa Bernard of Oklahoma Persists In
Criticism of Prison Man
agement. LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Jan. .-In the
Kansas state prison Investigation today
Miss . Kate Bernard, Oklahoma's superin
tendent of prisons and corrections, resumed
the stand and reiterated her charges of
graft and corruption in the management
of prison affairs. When asked by Senator
Reed as to whether she had made out and
authorized the puhlleation of a statement
making charges that coh! from the prison
mines was misappropriated by the prison
officials and that fresh meat intended for
the prisoners did not reach them, Miss
Bernard refused to unswer.
"Do you mean by your statement that
you Insinuate this thing?" she was asked.
Miss Bernard reiterated that she meant
what her statement said.
Miss Bernaid told the committee that If
they would come to Oklahoma she could
produce witnesses who have testified to
her that coal has been misappropriated,
and that "prison hogs had no hams."
Miss Bernard at length grew wrathy at
Senator Reed's efforts to pin her down and
elicit a direct answer, declared ha was
trying to get her "tangled up."
At this stage General West of the Okla
homa committee "Interfered and Insisted
that the attorney and witness act In a niura
gentlemanly and ladylike manner.
General West told the witness she oould
answer "yes" or "no." She replied she did
nut see how she could answer either way.
"I don't charge anything personally. I
simply reiterate what they have told me."
Miss Bernard was then dismissed from
the stand.
Investigation will close so far as the
Kansas committee Is concerned at 3 o'clock
this afternoon, the Kansas committee hav
ing announced a day or two ago its Inten
tion of remaining only till this afternoon.
Tho Oklahomans were anxious to have tho
Kansas committee go to Oklahoma to col
lect additional evidence.
Itallroad V. M. t'. A. at Huron.
HURON. 8. D.. Jan. . (Special.) At a
well attended meeting of railroad man the
mutter .of establishing a Young Man's
Christian association for this city was thor
oughly dtBcussed. Master Mechanic Erick
son Is very enthusiastic In behalf of the
proposition and made an earnest talk In Its
support. Indications are that the employes
of the Iakota central division of the Chi
cago & Northwestern line and also the
Great Northern line, having headquarters
In Huron, will succeed in establishing here
one of the best equipped Young Men'.
Christian associations In this part of the
northwest. Committees were appointed to
take charge of the work.
Reduced Pricss on Cloth and Fur Garments
(jarmt'uts that are
in a class by themselves.
Vortaaaat Ceraw 16ta ana Howard Street.
Fura made and remodeled In correct style and bet workmanslUa, mt
greatly reauceu prices