Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1
The Omaha Bee PART ONE NEWS SECTION PAGES 1 TO I unday ADVERTISE IN THE OMAHA DEE BEST IN TILE WEST VOL. XXX VIII NO. ;50. OMAHA, SUNDAY G, JANUARY 10, 190U FIVE SECTIONS THIRTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. RELIEF FOR IRELAND SUMMARY OF THE BEE IIARRIMAV uM Gains Control of New York Central, Completing Span of Continent. If it Hurts Him So Much READY TO BACK AWAY "unduy, January 10, Ifton. 1 .'"7'!''""" "'" ' awami i. i aywmKmmwti British Parliament Passes Two First Class Measurei. MUST NOW BE WORKED OUT. Benefit! Depend on Way in Which They Are Applied. NEW SCHOOLS ABE ALLOWED One Dominated by Catholici and One by Preibyteriani. Democrats Willing to Drop Attack on 909 JANUARY 1909 SUN MON TUt WED THU FRI SAT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2X, 2526 2728 2930 Supreme Court. LINE FROM ATLANTIC TO PACIFIC RANSOM LOSES PARTY SUPPORT News Comes Direct Through Private Chanels from Metropolis. Douglas County Senator in Bad with Other Leaders. CULMINATION OF PLAN OF YEARS ERYAN CREDITED WITH CHANGE HOUSING ACT IS VALUABLE tilrtm rower to Build Workmen' Dwelling hy Taxation, Rentals to Recoup for Expcudl tora Only. DUBLIN. Jan. 9.-(SpeeiaI.)-Now that Parliament hati risen. It Is possible to take look of what Ireland has gained thin eos ilon. Two distinctively Irish measureii of the flrat class have been passed Into law and It remains with the Irish people to determine by their administration how useful they will prove from a national point of view. The greatest, of course, Is the Irish Universities act which removes forever the Injustice worked to the youth uf Ireland by the fact that her only uni versity, Trinity college, Dublin, was In the hands of the Anglican church authorities. Tlio two new universities are nominally un sccturian, but the National university of Dublin, of which Archbishop Walsh has been elected chancellor, will be under Roman Catholic Influence, and the new Queen's university at Belfast will be dominated by the Presbyterians. Thus the three great religious denominations In Ireland are placed on an equal footing. The great .question which Is now being discussed is the compulsory teaching of Irish In the new universities and I am sorry to say that there Is a good deal of bitter ness displayed on the question. European scholars cannot understand how the uni versities can be described as Irish, If the national language Is neglected, but there seem to be some Irishmen who think that to tea?h Irish would ki some way lower the educational standing of the universi ties. Strangely enough the institution at Dublin which has taken to Itself the name National, seems to' have become the chief scat of the controversy. There is now little doubt that Irish' will be taught at Belfast but there Is ittlll considerable doubt about Its Introduction at Dublin. Housing Act Hraeflclal. The other . first-class Irish measure Is the Irish housing net, which may be made a very useful measure tf It Is properly administered by the local authorities. The housing of the Irish working class In the past has been u scandal, and It has been too much to expect, that landlords or tenant farmers, In the present unsettled J state of land tenure In Ireland, would do much to Improve It. The new act gives I power to tho local authorities to raise j money by taxation for the erection of worklngmen's dwellings, which shall be let at rents sufficient only to recoup the expenditure. ' Some minor measures have also been passed, but the great measure for which Irishmen have been working snd looking for generations home rule seems as far off as over. The . liberals have been strangely silent about It recently, and It Is feared that they will forget their promise to make It a plank In the liberal platform at the next general election, as their war on the House of Lords and the fiscal con troversy, will give them an excuse for saying that "minor Issues" like home rule must wait. More Pay for Constabulary. The constabulary act, which has also been passed. Is a measure which will bene fit the rank and file of the police force but It will cost the Irish taxpayers t).0OO a year, and complaint Is Justly made that more than this could have been saved If tho Increase of pay to the men had been coupled with a reorganisation of the com missioned ranks. The fact Is that the ordinary policemen In the Royal Irish con stabulary are wretchedly underpaid and sssarworked. while the officers are under worked and overpaid. The force has been rduced three or four times, but the num ber of officers has remained the same, the only result of the reductions being that each officer retained a smaller com mand, with leas work, at the same pay. Each commissioned officer receives an al lowance of $60 year for a horse and S2J a year (t groom, whereas not more than half of them need a horse more than half a dosen times In the year. There are very few grooms in Ireland either who are receiving more than ITS a year. It la esti mated that the cost of command In each county In Ireland works out at about t'JO. 009. and that the work ceuld bo done just s well for half the sum. Wtmri Paupers Plant for Pgsrs. tTh master of the workhouse at Kllrush, County Clare, Is nursing several Injuries which lie received a few days ago In an encounter with a band of mutinous women pampers. The women decided to go on strike one morning because they had not ggs for breakfast, and they marched to the pantry, where they found the master, and; demanded that they should receive the same food as was served at his table. Wlte he refused, they promptly began to throw crockery -and kitchen ware at him, end only stopped when there was nothing left t throw. Three of the ring leaders Were brought before the magistrates later In the ay, and although they complained that they were treated like "black slaves" In the workhouse, they were sent to Jail for two months. .-Oldest Man In Donegal. The mantle of Charles Kelly, the oldest man. In Donegal, who died a few days ago at the age of 111. has fallen on Bryan O Donne 11. who lives in the parish of Inver, as did Kelly. Bryan Is 107 years old and MS keen a patriot aa was Kelly. He has never been known to wear any garb but the Irish kilt, snd lie does not understand s word of English, He Is Still very active 'and walks four miles to mass every Sun day. He Is Immensely proud of telling of his former prowress with the blackthorn. and when I called on him few days ago during a trip through Donegal, he told m with great pride of the great battle be tween the parishes of Inver and Ulentles In which h took part nearly ninety years ago. The Inver ansa were getting the bast of It. but the wotntm of Ulentles filled ntiair stocking with stones and came to I h rescue ef Ihelr Buen. These am axons fought so effectively with their novel weapons that the men of lover were glad (Continued on Second Page.) TRl VTEATXXB. FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL 1IIXKFS AND VICINITY Snow Sunday, nut much change In temperature. FOR NKHRASKA Snow Sunday. FOR IOWA Snow Sunday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. DOMESTIC. Hcrrlman secures control of the New York Central, completing his chain of railroads from the Atlantic to the Pa cific and Insuring vast campaign of build ing In the went. X, Pag I Bill introduced In South Dakota legisla ture to refund to the state of North Car olina the amount recovered on bond suit. x. Fr i The house of representatives yesterday appclnted a special committee to Investi gate secret service work In all depart ments of the government. X, Fag 1 Adoeates of general waterways appro priations will push measure before pres ent congress. I, Pag 9 One girl killed and five other persons injured is the result of a street fight at Wllllsmstown, Ky., growing out of a feud. J, Pag 3 HTBKABXA. The democratic majority of the Ne braska legislature Is backing away from the proposition to canvass the vote on the supreme court amendment, for the purpose of ousting Governor Sheldon's appointees. Bryan Is thought to have In spired this change In plans. Attorney General Thompson has furnished an opin ion upholding the State Canvassing board In ita right to canvass the vote on the amendment. X, Page 1 Report of house committee on commit tees, which has been completed, will be a blow to Speaker Pool and the Douglas county delegation. X, Pag 1 X.OOAX,. of the Ohiaha society world. XX, Pag a Gossip of the theaters and of the play ers. XX, Pag 3 Members Cowell and Kennedy of the Omaha Board of Fire and Police Commis sioners send resignations to Governor Bhallenberger, and the reorganisation Is now up to the governor. X, Pag 4 Uncle Billy Snowden, the first white settler In Omaha, dies of old age. X, PC 3 COMMX&CIAI. AITD Ef DUBTHIAI,. Live stock markets. XX, Pag Grain markets. XI, Pag Sto km and bonds. XI, Pag OOKXO SECTIOJT. Buster and Tlge get uncle Into a coast ing match. Page for the littlo folks. Gossip about the women folks. Fluffy Ruffles becomes popular In Paris. Pour Pages BAXP-TOITXI SECTION. Nemaha county one of the most at tractive In Nebraska. New movements Uiat have taken hold of Japan. Experi ment In life-saving apparatus for miner Building the greatest sewer In the west to drain a portion of Omaha Short stories from the story tellers' pack. Pour Pares HOTIKXITS OP OCX aw steamships, Port. Arrlred. Silled. NEW YORK Htavl BOSTON Louisiana BOKTOV rjinrlc LtVR WOOL I hrln Corslraa. ROTTRRDAM Nardam TR1E8TK Ptnnonla. NAPLES Moltkt. FAKE HARRIMAN IS NOT ILL Hrnort Maanate Is Kirk Is Flatly Contradicted nt Union Pacific Offices. "Mr. Harrlman la not "a very sick man.' I have not been In conference with the Harrlman home by wire. The whole report Is a simple fake." This statement was made to The Bee last evening by A. L. Mohler, vice presi dent of the Union Pacific. Mr. Mohler was prompted to make the statement be cause of a Story In a locr.l evening sheet saying It was rumored around Union Pa cific headquarters that Mr. Ilarriman was very 111 and that Mr. Mohler had spent "th last two rvenlngs In conference with the Harrlman home. From this false premise was deducted the false conclusion that Mr. Harrlman must be a very sick rran, Mr. Mohler was not In Omaha "the last two evenings" In the first place. He has txen out of the city and says he has not been conferring with Mr. Harrlman or his home. He nor anyone else around Union Piiciflc headquarters has any Information that Mr. Herrlinan Is sick. The last re ports of Mr. Harrlman In Omaha were that he was attending strictly to business. FEELY NAMED FOR SPEAKER lona Republicans Agree on Fifth Bal lot End of Factionalism Predicted. nva viniK-ps Jan. i nuv a. fviv or Waterloo was nominated for speaker of th Iowa house of repreeentatlves in a cau- ' rus of all the republican members here this! mornln. The nomination occurred on the ! fifth ballot. Feely receiving forty votes. Votes changed In the first to fourth bal lots at the Individual will of the member, bjt In the fifth the Harding stand-pat vote swung to Feely, as did the backing of sev eral progrraaive candidates. It Is freely predicted that the caucus this morning means the end of factionalism in the state. SIX NIGHT RIDERS TO HANG Jadge Prononnees Sentence and De fease Appeals to lasrtsw Conrt. UNION CITY. Tenn.. Jan. t.-The six night riders wer; today sentenced to hang February II. Two were given twenty-year sentences In the penitentiary. The attorneys for the defanse Immediately gave notice of an appeal to the ante au lmc court. Hour. Drg .SliEUr 7 a. m'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.". M a a. m 24 J 9 a. rn 21 mf frrjrL 1 p. m IS jL pfJi- 2 m 1H Jy Jt, j 4 m 14 v22w-7'i 5 p- m . -V 7 p. m H Effective Retaliation for Hill's Ac quisition of Colorado Road. INSURES BIG BUILDING IN WEST Ilarriman Displayed Ills Authority When President IS'ewmun Re signed by Deliberately Naming W. C. Brown. Tf James J. Hill secured an advantage over K. H. Ilarriman when he acquired the Colorado & Southern Mr. Ilarriman has retaliated with overwhelming effect by ob taining control of the New York Central. The fact that Harrimun has gained possession of this powerful factor in the railroad world Is conveyed to Omaha through channels of Information from New Tork whose reliability cannot be ques tioned. When the Central stocks began to shoot upward a few days ago a rumor qmetiy gained currency that Ilarriman had landed the road and the Information which The Bee has been given confirms that rumor. This gives Harrlman a complete line or the finest tracks in tne worm irom la.ntl.3 to Pacific and marks the culmina tion of tlans he is said to have set on foot when he ascended to the control of the Pacific lines. When the resignation of William H. New man as presioeni oi me . lines was announced rumors were strong that Ilarriman had secured control and since that lime these rumors havo been .... ... " . i u.pHmatt told verified, in nw nrm m.o ---- W C. Brown, then vie president, inai he was to be president of the New York Central and had several conferences with Mr. Brown before he was elected. It Is also known by Omaha men that Mr. Har rlman for the last two months has been acting as chairman of the executive com mittee of the Central and that no move has been made without his sanction. This Is no Idle gossip, but comes direct from those who are In a position to know for they have been getting their orders from Mr. Harrlman. llarrlman's Dream of Years. It Is no secret that It has been the dream of Mr. Marriman ior j y an unbroken chain of rails from the At . n, yncifle. and with the New York Central added to his holdings, which probably would carry with It the North western, Harrlman realizes the fruition of this dream. ,. . , The New York Central wan . n. - mgrx Ia aa nH 1 1 aa rails from New i orit to nuua.u - - splendid road on to Chicago , ,ne or.. - -Hik n rinutiie tracas cago to Omaha and the Union Paclfio with It? magnificent roadbed and double track s'd Xtrlo automatic block signal, nearly completed and tho Southern Pacific from Ogden to San Francisco are "'". the finest chain of roads across tho con- Ts'oon a. the resignation ( M was announced the stock, of the New York Central took a Jump of 3 points, and have since moved up. The New York Cent raj lines include about 12.000 miles of rail and some of the finest equipment In the coun try and to be linked with tho big Harrlman svstem. of the west was enough to force up the stocks. The acquisition of the New York Central gives Harrlman dominating . . nd control over 41.3S8 miles of Influence road Wanted the C. S. Railroad activity In the west Is now as sured. There Is no doubt that Harrlman wanted to buy the Colorado 4 Southern, but the price was a little more than he .u..i, rlht. and while he was Jock eying for sn opening Mr. Hill stepped In and secured the pnxc. inn - liking of Mr. Harrlman and It Is rumored .v... i,- win start a campaign of building In the spring the like of which the west has never seen. He ta practically forced to make some strenuous moves to counteract the advantage gained by Hill. Before the financial troubles came In Oc tober, 1907. Mr. Harrlman had announced . .. a n,i.inh he exnected to several lines u. "- hiM snd had also said it would be his pol icy to provide some good feeders lor me d,.ii which is now a big main artery from the Pacific, coast to Omaha. That he Intends to carry out this policy In the spring and to renew his activity in rail road building Is now regarded as an assured fact. Several of the enterprises which had been started before the panic were Btopped along with all other new work, but two of these have been taken up and practically com pleted. The Lane cut-off was stopped, but this work wss quietly resumed and Is now nearlng completion. Trains Tiave been run ning over the cut-off for several months, but some of the overhead crossings yet re main to be completed. Work on the Carr Borie cut-off was also stopped, but this has been finished and trains are now run ning over the new rails. Work was also stopped on the new line from North Platte to Northport. running up the north fork of the Platte river, but work on this lias been resumed and will be pushed to North port. To Cnt Off Distance. While this line will be a good feeder in Itself, as It will run through a productive section of the state of Nebra.ka. the main of the llne ia to make U ' part of cut off to be built between North Platte and Medicine Bow. which will save forty- six miles of travel for the overland tralna and will also save a climb of 1,000 feet up Sherman Hill When work waa stopped over a year ago Ilarriman was also busy with a new line from Omaha to the south. Part of this line Is built, but work on It was stopped. The plan waa to have a short line to Lincoln from Omaha, raise the line from Omaha t Marysville, and then build a ahort cut from Maryavllle to Topeka. The Union Pa cific now has a doubt track from Topeka to Kansas City. This tin would have given Omaha a third direct line to Kansas City, a llne which would pass through the cap ita la of both Nebraaka and Kansas. Several survey were made for th llne between Omaha and Lincoln, but It was a hard matter to get a short line which would not be most expensive because of th con tour of the country. One of the plans waa (Continued on Second Pag.) WHY DOESN'T From the Chicago News. HOUSE CONTINUES THE FIGHT Resolution to Investigate Secret Service Work in All Departments. FEW CALLERS AT WHITE HOUSE Only Fonr Representatives Art Amonir Those Who Wish to fee the President Senators Also star Awr. WASHINGTON, Jan. Il.-Tho strenuous work of yesterday strained the house of representatives and In consequence, after being In session a little less than an hour today, the body adjourned until tomorrow. During that short period of time, however, BOO pension bills were passed, as was also a resolution for tho rigid Inquiry Into the whole question of the Investigation of frauds against the government. The sum of $3,000 was appropriated for the Inquiry, which Is to be mailn by a committee of five to be named by the speaker. Tomor row's session will be devoted to memorial exercises for the late Senator Proctor of Vermont. That the house does not intend to stop with its action of yesterday In rebuking the president In connection with his strictures regarding the secret service was evidenced today when, nt the Instance of Mr. Tawney of Minnesota, and without a dissenting vote, It adopted a sweeping res olution of Inquiry into the amount of moneys appropriated for the present fiscal year for detecting frauds and the efforts made to bring to trial offenders against the law. Prorlalons of Resolution. The resolution called for the appointment of a committee of five numbers to conduct the investigation and It waa authorised to employ stenographers and clerks, to send for persons and parers and to administer oaths. The sum of 13.000 was appropriated to cover tho expenses Involved. After providing that the committee shall ascertain the amount of money nppro prlated for the present fiscal year that could be used to prevent frauds upon the ! several branches of tho public service with particular reference to the public lands, the resolution Instructs the committee to ascertain "what branches of the public service, paid for In whole or In part, out of the United States treasury, are author ised o- are In existence and supported by appropriations made by congress, whose principal duties are to detect and prevent frauds, or to apprehend and bring to trial and punishment persons charged with vio lating the laws of the United States; whether such branches of the public serv ice or any persons employed therein have been or are engaged In any duty not con templated by the luw or the Appropriation establishing or providing for such service; the names of the persons employed, for any period, in each branch of such service dur ing the current and last fiscal year, the rates of compensation and allowance paid or being paid to each of them, by whom they were appointed and oaf whose recom mendation aid a statement of the specific duty performed, or engaged upon by each of such employes, each day since the be ginning of the fiscal year 1S." Few Callers at Whit House. It is understood that there will be nothing further from the president on the matter of the secret service resolution adopted by the house yesterday. The list of Saturday callers from con gress, usually Is Urge, but today there were only four representatives to see the presl. dent, two of these to Introduce friends. They were Representatives Burton of Dela ware, Ed wards of Kentucky, Parsons of New York and Cooper of Wisconsin. The callers from the senate also were few. THREE GIRLS DEAD IN FIRE Fonrth Fatally Injured tn Destruc tion of North Dakota Home steader's House. DICKINSON. N. D.. Jan. . Fire yester day destroyed the home of Joseph Kohl, a homesteader, living twelve miles from here. Four young girls were alone in the house and three of them were burned to death. The fourth will not recover. HE GIVE UP THAT FORM HAINS' DEFENSE NEARS END Ills Attorneys Announce thnt Their Evidence Will All Be In Monday Morning. FLUSHING, N. Y., Jan. 9. -With tho call ing of one or two minor witnesses on Mon day morning, the defense In the trial of Thornton J. H'alns will conclude Its case. Prosecutor Darrln promised Justice Crane this afternoon that he would only take an hour more to get In all the evidence Upon John F Mclntyre rests tho burden of as sembling all the evidence which the defense Hsaertsvhas proved that the defendant was not a principal In tho killing of William E. Annis at the Dm y side Yacht club last Au gust. Mclntyre said that he would require all of Monday's session to make his argu ment. All of the session today was given over to rebuttal of the evidence that James Tlerney, the defense's eye witness to the shooting of tho publisher, who was on the float when the tragedy occurred. Members of the Baysic"e Yacht club swore that they did not see Tlerney. Theso witnesses further declared that the actions and appearance of Captain Peter C. Halns were those of a rational man. FOUND HANGING TO RAFTER Prominent Resident of Harlan, In., Ends Life Hera use of 111 Health. HARLAN. la., Jan. 9. (Special Telegram ) Captain J. H. Louis, formerly mayor of Harlan, at one time a member of the leg islature and an Incumbent of various offices, was found hanging to a, rafter in his barn at 8:30 this morning. He was dead when found. He had been seen going Into the barn by members of his family about an hour be fore and when he did not return to the house search was Instituted, which resulted In the finding of his body. Two weeks ago he resigned as mayor, giving ill health a. the reason. It Is believed he became de spondent over his condition. ' Captain Louis was one of the. largest property owners In Harlan and has been prominent for years in local and state af fairs. He leaves a wife and three children. HOTEL GUESTS !N A PANIC Many Escape In Night Clothes nnd Others Try to Jnmp from ' Windows. CLEVELAND. O., Jan. . Fire In the basement of the Tavistock hotel early this morning caused a panic among the guests, many of whom left the hotel In their night clothes. Police and firemen restrained sev eral persons from Jumping from upper story windows. The majority of the guests lefi the building by way of the fire escapes, the halls being filled with amoke. Richard Domett, a fireman, fell from a ladder and was serlnously injured, he fire was soon extinguished, the loss being slight. WOULD BAR OUT OREGON PINE ew Zealand Timber Magnates De mand Duty on Imported Product. WELLINGTON. N. Z., Jsn. 9. A great conference of the timber trade was held at I'almc rut on-north today to discuss the quetl n of th Importation of Oregon pine. The press was excluded, but several of the delegates asserted after the con ference that owing to recent wholesale Im portation of pine, fully fifty saw mills would close down Indefinitely. The mill owners demand the Imposition of a duty on all imported timber except in bulk. DEAD, GAGGED AND ROBBED Harper, Kansas, Man Believed to Have Been Killed for Ills Money. HARPER. Kan., Jan. 9. Charles Johnson, who lived alone near this city, was found dead In his home early today. His hands und feet were tied and there was a gag In his mouth. It is believed that Johnson wss killed for money, a large sum of which Is missing from bis house. There is no clue to the murderer. OF EXERCISE t I WO TO PASS ON COMMITTEES List Prepared for House Must Have 0. K. of Bryan and Shallenberger. CAUCUS ALSO TO TAKE A TURN Report of Committee Docs Mot Nnlt Many of the Members and There la Chance of m. Hot Fight In the Caacus. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 9. (Speclal.)-Speaker Pool may be permitted to preside over the deliberations of the house, but that about nil. H. R. Henry, the man he defoatnl for speaker. Is In control of the comml'toe or ganization. Mr. Bryan chose Pool for xpeaker and thus satisfied the Burlington railroad und the brewers. Then Mr. Bryan took 'rom Mr. Pool a'., of his -authority nn 1 he 1 Im- self named the standing comml'tec chi'lr men through his lieutenants. For the first time In the history of Ne braska a complete list of all the landing committees will be submitted to two met for conflrmalon before they are officially icported even to a caucus of the members The two men to pass upon the commit ties are Mr. Bryan, and Governor Shallenber ger, and the information came from a mem ber of the committee which Is selecting the standing committees. He said: "We will submit the committees to Mr. Bryan and Governor ShalU lbi-'tier, after which they will go to a caucus Monday afternoon." The only hope the delegation from Omaha has In getting those chairmanships asked for will be through Governor Shallenberger. The governor Is under obligations to the Omaha democracy and the Omaha delega tlon has got In bad with the powers that be. So Shallenberger Is the only hope. Dr. P. L. Hall, banker of IJncoln and vice chairman of the national committee, used his Influence In keeping W. J. Taylor from being chairman of the committee on banking. Taylor Is opposed to any bill which will make a farce of the guaranty of bank deposits, such as that contemplated by the bankers of the legislature, and for that reason It was desirable that he be kept In the background in so far as being chairman of tho banking committee is con cerned. Henry of Holt snd several other promt nent candidates for speaker resented the Interference of Bryan in tho organization when he forced Pool down their throat after they had the brewers and the Bur llngton railroad about whipped, so it was up to Mr. Bryan to appease the wrath o this faction' of the houne. He did It by taxing from Mr. Pool the authority to nam committees. Speaker Pool has intimated that he In tends to have his way In the appointment or committees, so when the list Is before the caucus Mr. Pool may make a fight but he won t. He could still fight It out on the floor of the hose but it Is an even break that he will not. Mr. Brysn has taken all the fight out of both factions of the house and not a single bill will be enacted into law or a single bill of any Importance killed without the responsibil ity being solely at the door of the late presidential candidate. Following is a few of the chairmen said to have been selected by the standing com mittee, but the names will not be official until they have been passed Uxin by Mr. Bryan: Judiciary Wilson of Polk. Finance, Ways and Means Clark of Rich ardson. Roads and Bridges Fries of Howard Engrossed and Enrolled Bills Taylor of Hitchcock. Accounts and Expenditures Shoemaker of DougUs. Railroads Henry of Holt. Telexraph and Telephones Bowman o! Nuckolls. Medical Societies Talcott of Knox. Fee and Salaries Marian of Kearney. Fish and Game Heffernun of Dakota. Insurance Hnk of Hall. Cities and Towns Thomas of DouglaB. Hanks Gratf of Cuming. Mines and Minerals Kuien of Gige (rep.). Manufactures Fogartv of Greelv. Soldiers' Homes Nettleton of Clay. Irrigation Miller of Custer. Deficiencies Murphy of Fillmore. (Continued oa Esmond Pag.) Peerless Leader Believed to Have Turned Down Plan. ATTORNEY GENERAL ON THE CASE Thompson Furnishes Kerretsary of Mate Junkln with Opinion Up holding Canmsslng Board's night to Cnnrnss Vote. (From a Staff Correspondent. LINCOLN. Jan. 9 -(8pecla1.) "I do not think the democrats of this legislature will ecanvass the votes on tho conxi'tutlonal amendments. Very little Is to be gained by such action and there Is a growing sen timent against It among the members of the majority. 1 Bhnll be much aurprled Tuesday If the result of the Joint session s In favor of the plan sprung by 8enator Ransom upon the legislature." This view was expressed todiy hy Rep resentative Fted Humphrey of IincMter county, son of one of tho plone-r tfeyio. crats of the state capital, O. N. Humphrey. and a young politician who has, It Is be lieved, received his Inspiration from Fair view. During tho Joint session for the Inaugural ceremonies Mr. Bryan was seated by Mr. Humphrey's side, and there are numerous other Indications that he rm.y be the mouthpiece of the Nebraska leader, who has become frightened by tho lineup against him in tho preliminaries and will undertake to Influence tho house members at least. If he cannot the senate, to follow his desires. Reprtsentattvo Humphrey waa busily engaged in the office of tho secretary or state during the entire afternoon looking up tha record on tho amendment matter an.l nonsuited a number of original docu ments to become fprtlfted when the bat tle begins again on the floor In Join ses- lon. "Senator Ransom sprung the matter In caucus when the senators had been called together for another purpose," said Rep resentative Humphrey. "They were un prepared and were taken by surprise, without due time to investigate. You will find a great change In sentiment by Tuesday." This is but one Indication of the alti tude of the democrats to the plan to seize the court, whfch at the outset had the full consent of Governor Bhallen berger, as the Douglas county senator stated In caucus. It Indicates a decided split among the leaders of the parly and It but one of the uppercuts In stoi for the big chief from the metropolis. Opinion of Attorney General. Attorney General Thompson, In an opin ion written In answer to an Inquiry from the secretary of state, today said the Stato Canvassing board had a legal right to can vass the vote on constitutional amendments. The opinion discusses the question at length. In part the attorney general says: 'From tho provision, of the law quoted It Is evident that the State Canvassing hoard Is the only body having Jurisdiction over tho returns on constltutionsl amend ments, presidential electors, Judges of su preme snd district courts and regents of the State university. These provisions of the law are meaningless unless they fix upon the Board of State Canvassers the duty to canvass the returns on constitu tional amendments. If not, why does the law place these returns In the custody of that board and then prescribe the proce dure and their duties In making the can vass? If the legislature had Intended that the returns on constitutional amendments and the officers designated above should be canvassed by that body It would have so provided, and made the abstracts of votes cast therefor returnable to the speaker of th house of representatives. In other words, instead of providing that the county clerks of the various counties make return to the1 Board of" State Cunvassers In the manner provided by section 83, chapter xxvl. Compiled Statutes of 1906, It would have required them to make return to the speaker of the house of representatives In the manner provided by section fil of the same chapter, which deals with an entirely different class of officers. "Certainly it cannot be contended with reason, that the legislature required the return o nthese amendments to be placed In the hands of the board of state canvass ers, who had tho exclusive right to can vass the returns on a speclflo class of of ficers, and at the same time Intended that the legislature Itself should have th right to make the canvass thereon when its jurisdiction to make a canvass Is limited to an altogether different class of officers designed by another provision of law. No provision Is found, either In the constitu tion or the statutes, wheh directly or In directly places the returns on consttutlonal amendments In the hands of the speaker of the house of representative or which di rectly or Indirectly authorizes the legisla ture to canvass the same. ever Before Questioned. "The board of state canvassers has can vassed the returns on constitutional amend ments continuously for a period of twelve years. Its right to .so act has been con ceded and acquiesced In by the various gov ernors and public officials. Thus the law conferring such authority upon the hoard of state cunvassers has received a practical construction by tho offiei.ila and various departments of state for a long term of years. "Under the statement submitted by you the result of the vote on these amendments was duly certified to the governor and ht made a finding that they had carried and issued his proclamation declaring them part of the constitution of the state. He then appointed four Judges of the supreme court us rpovlded In the one relating to Judicial j powers. In view of tin- fact that there Is no express rpovlsions for the canvass of the ertums on constitutional amendments, that there Is no board or tribunal to which the statute directs thesu returns to be made other than the state canvaslng board, and having due regard to the contemporaneous construction placed upon tho law by tho officers of the state for twelve years ami for the other reason herein pointed out, I conclude that the board of state canvassers was the legal constituted body to make the canvass of returns on said constitu tional amendments and that Its gets and finding In th premises, as well as those t