Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1909, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
P2gcs 9 to 16.
Advrtl In
Best ,t. West
A sale that is successful because of the great saving it
brings. Hundreds of families are reaping the benefits of
reduced prices. Everything at cut prices, Table Linens,
Towels, Crashes, Spreads, etc.
60c linens now are 80c
76c linen now are 60c
96c linens now are. 75c
$1.50 linens now are fl.OO
11.26 napkins now are. . . . . .98c
$1.60 napkins now are $1.10
$1.85 napkins now are $1.89
$2.60 pattern cloths are. . . .$1.98
$3.60 pattern cloths are . . . . fa.fiO
GIRLS' COATS-Values to $8.00, for $3.95
Women's Underwear, Hosiery,
Heavy, 35c Ribbed Vests, Clearing
at, each 21e
Women's fine Gauge 7Gc Cotton
Vests and Pants, for .35
Women's Wool 11.25 Vests and
Pants, clearing, at 89
Boys' heavy fleeced 25c Shirts and
Drawers, at .t 19
Pouble .Stamps on All Purchases in Above Departments Saturday.
Corset Specials
(Jinlc top batiste corsets
and new extreme, long, hip
and 1'iigh bust models, in ba
tiste and coutil. Both lines
it '
i have two
In Omaha.
Union Pacific's Building Campaign
Quickened by C. & S. Deal.
Mark Aetmal Work Is Dels Dane In
Vnrloaa Swlons of thr Wfit
Dorlaa Winter
Tlio fnlon Paoiflp Is not waiting for
sprn to hegin actlvr building operations,
but Is at work In many sections of the
country, both building; and surveying for
new line contemplated or assured.
The purchase of the Colorado ft Southern
by the Burlington has aroused Union Pa
cific officials to greater aotivlty and an
KKSTesafve campaign will be started In ths
spring. t
At T-.icoma, ' where the t'nlon Pacific Is
doing some .heavy work, a contract has
lust been let for 4he construction of a
tunnel whicli will cost JSOO.000. This was
necescary for a better Inlet Into the city.
Surveyors nrs in the field, mapping out
the way for tha new cut-off to be built
from Northport to Medicine Bow. a Una
which will do away with forty-all miles
of distance on the Union Paclflo and aava
a climb of 1.000 feet over Sherman Hill.
While this new line will In time become
the, main line of the Union Pacific, beoauie
of Its better grade. It Is not the Intention
al present to abandon any of the advan
tan which the Union Pacific has at
Cheyenne. The building or the Carr-Borle
cut-off makes a good run from the west
Into Denver without running Into Cheyenne
ami the new line will cut Cheyenne off
tlte other way. Some of the trains will be
inn over tho present route.
On mme of tho surveys which the Unloa
Weak Little Boys
may become fine strong men.
Some of the strong men of to-day
were sickly boys years ago.
Many of them received
Scott's Emulsion
at their mother's knee. This had
a power in it that changed them
from weak, delicate boys into
strong, robust boys.
It has the same power to-day.
Boys and girls who are pale and
weak get food and energy out of
Scott's Emulsion, it makes
children grow.
$m4 this aducrUtonrat tajrthor with aaau of
paper k wiut k appcan. vow addrcaa and four
nu to covrr oostaaa. aoi we ttt aea4 you a
"Compiri Hud? Alia ot UM Warii" ti xn
RCOTT BQWNJi 40 fieri Street, New YsA
i r w
12 He towels now are Tc
17 He towels now are 12Wc
24c towels now are 19c
12 He crash toweling for...Hc
10c glass toweling for. 8Hc
17c Barnsley crash for..,.12Hc
$1.39 bed spreads for .'$1.00
$3.00 bed spreads for $1.08
$4.50 bed spreads for. ... .$2.98
500 new stylish long coats to 16 years in size, all the choicest col
orings and styles shown. Many new ones added to $ "r I
the line this week. All matchless $6.50, $7.50 and p
$8.00 garments SATURDAY
Another large lot heavy, warm coats for girls, sizes to 14 years,
values to $5.00, for $1.95
Big shipment, magnificent new tailored models from New Y.ork
manufacturer at 50c on the dollar. Absolutely finest $35.00 suits
made; complete range of sizes, in brown, navy $1 Q
green and black; greatest January showing new Ij A
v styles ever in Omaha IaV il
B-f jr Buys any cloth coat, Positively
$0 worth $25.00, $35.00 and $40.00
A wonderful sale right in the heart of the winter season. Strictly
new high class models, full 54-inch lengths, very stylish, covert,
gray and fancy and black broadcloth models; unrestricted choice
SATURDAY; any $25.00, $35.00
Women's fast black seamless Hose,
mercerized finish, 19c kind, J.2Wc
Women's Imported Lisle 35c Hose,
double soles, special 21
Women's Imported Cotton Hose, wire
tipped, best wearing hose made, at
lwir 25
pairs hose support-
50c Corsets ever sold
Splendid Saturday
Pacific made over a year ago the present
owners of the land have been notified to
vacate, as the land la wanted for new lines.
This Is also taken as an Indication that
new lines will be built In northern Colo
rado In the spring.
V. P. Standardises Engines.
The lnton Pacific has received Its sliara
of the Inst of an order for 126 locomotives
which was given some time ago to the
Ameiiran Locomotive company by the Har
rltnan lines.
This order Included forty-three consolida
tion locomotives, thirty moguls, ten Atlan
tic!, twerrty-four ten-wheelers and eighteen
switchers, all of which were built to de
signs and specifications which have been
adopted as standard for all the roads In
eluded In this syxtem.
This standardization of the different
classes of locomotive equipment of the as
sociated lines wan first Inaugurated In YJuX
At first the specifications covered four
types of locomotives; 1. e., the Atlantic type
passenger, Pacific type passenger, consoli
dation freight and heavy swltchcra Since
that time, however, standard designs for
ten-wheel and mogul types have also been
The purpose of thus standardizing the va
rious designs was not only to secure lnter
changeabllity of details between locomo
tives of the same type, but as far as pos
sible, without the sacrifice to the efficiency
of the design, to adopt standards which
would be common to all the different typea
necessary to meet the requirements of the
different lines.
Fast Mall Train Time.
During the month of December. 1W, the
Burlington's fast mall train made some re
markable records on the run between Chi
cago and Omaha. This Is an exclusive
mall trajn. carrying the Chicago morning
papers and the overland malls from the
Atlantic seaboard. It Is scheduled to
make the run from Chicago to Omaha. tH
miles, In twelve hours, or (orty-ene and
one-sixth miles an hour. During Decem
ber this train reached Council Bluffs on
time twenty-eight days out of the thirty
one, and the total minutes lost for the three
other days was seventeen. This Is the
original fast mall train from Chicago to
the Missouri river, established In 1XS4 over
the Burlington by the United States gov
ernment. Antomatle Block System.
The Northwestern railroad announces
that by June 1 it will have installed a
complete automatic electric block signal
system between Omaha and Chicago. The
company 'has been installing this system
for some time and at present Is working
the blocks by men In towers stationed
every four or five miles, but by June 1
the few remaining miles will have been
Installed and tho system complete.
Florida Article on Market at Fifty
Cents Uaart- Potatoes Uo lo
Maety Coats.
Florida strawberries at V cents the quart
have appeared on local markets and, at
least, look good to oat. They have a firmer
appeuranc than the forced berry raised
undVr glass and amid steamheat. which la
generally a tast less affair. Potatoes are
goluf up autt Uii firal-Uasa Nebraska x-
Pyrojtrtvphy SkIc
$2 Burlng Outfits.
for 31.50
$2.00 Pyro Points
for $1.50
$1.50 Pyro Points
for .... 81.25
$1.25 Pyro Points.
for $1.00
on slightly stlled
wood taborettes, dutch
stools, steins, stein
racks, placques and
large-line other novelties.
or $40.00 cloth coat
Gloves, Etc.
Women's Golf and Cashmere Groves,
25c and 35c quality, at 19
11.50 French Kid Gloves, broken
eizes, now 89
$4.00 Cape Gloves, 12-button length,
broken sizes, now $1.95
Big reductions on Men's Fur Gloves.
Galvanized Tubs & Pails
Our 69c Galvanized Wash Tuba will be ...390
Our 79c Galvanised Wash Tubs will be..... ,....
Our 69c Galvanized Waah Tuba will be.i ..6o
Our $1.35 Oalvanixcd Wash Tuba will be.. 98o
Our $1.45 Galvanised Wash Tuba will be .SI. 10
Our 30c Galvanized Water Palls will be .' 19c
Our 2Bo Oalvanlxed Water Palla will be 170
Our 20o Galvanized Water Palls will be ...15c
Lot Knamelware, Hlightly Injured, worth up to $1 60. clos
ing out at, each So, 100, 15o and 8Ce
25c Standard Toasters. .ISO i Steel 8now Nhovels. . . .Bo
25c Wtlaon Toaaters. . . .ISO Gal. Coal Hods 05o
20c Fire Shovels 15o Large Jap Coal Hods..aB
Best grades made. .We have all the kinds.
Speoial Boys' 76c Skstes for 6Bo
Girls' $1.00 Skates for , 76o
tide now costs 90 cents the bushel. The
Colorado grown potato is even higher. Wax
and string beans, artichokes, kumquata,
cucumbeis and Brussels sprouts are In fair
Prof. McDonald, Anthropologist and
(rlmlnoloalst. In Favor of
Medical Examination.
In line with Governor Eheldon's recom
mendation to the state legislature of the
passuge of a law to provide for medical
examination of applicants for marriage
licenses and the sterilization of delin
qutnts, Health Commissioner Connell re
reived In Thursday's mall a letter from
one of the departmtnts of the federal
government at Washington advocating Just
suet, a measure.
Prof. Arthur MacDonald. M. D., presi
dent of the third International congress on
criminal anthropology, wrote the letter,
which urges the health commissioner to
use his efforts to Induce the mayor of
Omaha and the governor of Nebraska to
appoint a commission and appropriate,
j money to study man and hereditary dis
eases and to adopt some plan whereby
the transmission of Insanity and criminal
ity from one generation to another may
be prevented. Dr. Connell took the mat
ter up with Mayor Dahlman, but the
latter thought It Inadvisable for a com
munity the size of Omaha to appropriate
money for this kind of work when funds
are needed In other directions.
The mayor and the health commissioner
are both in favor of Governor Sheldon's
plan, but they believe tho state, and not a
city, sho'uld take the action, us the state
has to support the penitentiaries and the
ln-anu asylums.
Alexander Clifford Dies of Heart Dis
ease Without Any Previous
Sickness aa Warning;.
Alexander Clifford. 63 years old. a Grand
Army veteran. Mason and keeper of tha
government store, died suddenly at his
home. 13US South Sixth street, early Thurs
day morning of heart failure. He had
gone Into a room In the housa for some
thing ajid did not return. Mrs. Clifford,
entering the room, found him In a dying
condition on a chair and ha expired before
a physician arrived.
To determine the exact cause of death
Coroner Heafey held aa Inquest In the
case and the verdict was that Mr. Clifford
died of heart failure.
He leaves a widow and three grown chil
dren. A record in the navy and In the
civil war later as a soldier and tikenty
years of railroading In tha west on the
Burlington road, tell the story of his active
The funeral la to be held Saturday after
noon at I o'clock at the resldenoo. The
body will be taken to Plattsnioulh, the
former home, for burial.
Infants' dresses, aacques. bonnets, coats,
bootees, leggings, mittens, veils, afgans,
skirts, nursery novelties snd piece flannels
at pr cent eft Saturday. Reason A
Tuoma "
a - -.
Annual White Carnival
Mondav. The greatest sale and
gains on new choice lines Muslin Underwear, Embroideries,
Laces, White Goods, ever held in the west.
See Sunday papers.
Extraordinary Sale
Saturday we
offer $8, $7
$6 and $5'
Shoes, for
IJne Includes the following' styles
for dress, buaincss and hunting:
Men's oxblood cardovan leather
shoes, with damp-proof soles and
Men's French calf and tan grain
calfskin vlscallzed oil tanned
shoes with double soles.
Men's French calf bench made
patent leather genuine kangaroo
leather lined shoes with cushion
16-lnch laced hunting boots, with
buckle top.
We have all sizes; shoes for
all occasions, a grand clearing
positive $5. $, $7 and $8 val
ues, choice any pair. . . nh
Bennett's Excelsior Flour, sack $1.70
and 60 stamps.
Bennett's Beat Coffee, 3 los 91.00
and 100 stamps.
Bennett's Best Coffee, pound 3 So
and JO stamps.
Teas, assorted, pound 68o
and 75 stamps. .
Capitol Baking Powder, 6-lb. can....1.00
and 100 stamps.
Tea Sittings, per pound 15o
and 10 stamps.
Japan Jtlee, special offer, 4-lbs. best 10c
rice, Saturday only, for aso
Shredded Codfish, 3 pkgs a&o
and 10 stamps.
Bennett's Bargain Soap, ten bars .SBa
Charm Pure Fruit Jelly .....10a
and 5 stamps.
Economy Clothes Cleaner SBo
and 10 stamps.
Allen's Brown Bread Flour 15c
and 10" stamps.
Maryland Cove Oysters, zOc cans for 18c
Full Cream Cheese lb 80o
and 10 stamps.
Domestic Swiss cheese aso
and 10 stamps. . '
A. B. C. Catsup, bottle S3o
and 10'r'amps
New Cleaned Currants, 3 lbs. for....B5o
Jersey Butterlne, 2 lb 38o
and 10 stamps. ,
Franco-American Soups, quart 35o
and 40 stamps.
Capitol Pancake lie
and 10 stamps.
Evaporated Prunettes, lb 800
Gaillard's Olive Oil. large 850
and 50 stamps.
Mixed Candy, pound loo
Salted Peanuts, pound lOo
Package Candies So and lOo
Only Thing They Lack to Resume
Business Operations.
Other Tenants In the Damaged Bonding-
Are Ciolngr About Their Af
fairs aa If o Fire Had
The Omaha Film company was looking
for a new home, the Moulton dressmaking
apprentice girls sewed on as if the fire
had been last year, several physicians
wept or swore softly as they looked at
water soaked microscopes snd deluged X
ray machines, the Insurance adjusters
thought unsaid tilings about the Inflamma
bility of celluloid. Janitors groaned as they
swept tip clndery debris, and carpenters
began the work of repairing the damage
In tha Karhach block Friday which was
caused by the fire Thursday.
"The film company will begin business
anew this afternoon," declared representa
tives of the concern. "We have plenty of
stock already on tho way and all we need
Is an office. There may be a little diffi
culty about securing this, but I don't think
we shall be out In the cold long."
There may be some difficulty, for owing
to the demonstration of how Inflammable
films are and the prejudice which Insur
ance rate makers have against this ma
terial, the latch key will not be hanging
out of every office building In the city.
The rate on tho Karbach building was. In
fact, raised some time ago because the
film's company presence in the building
and Insuranco men practically forced the
Laemmle Film company out of the Bran-
dels building n"t long ago, that company
finding a haven In the Sunderland build
ing at Fifteenth and Howard.
Otherwise the tenants of the Karbach
building are pursuing the even tenor of
An Inhalation for
Whooplnq-Cough, Croup,
Coughs, Colds, Catarrh,
Bronchitis, Diphtheria.
Croseleno la a Boon to Asthiitaitoa.
! It But M-m nn t t, to kraeth la
Nludf fur il L...u. of IM brMttilhC orMS Uju
ie Wis tha nmadjr lata lb alonittti)
OiHlna euia bfc.uM in air. nadared
tronglj SBClMptio, U carried ovtr tha diauaaad
urfaua viik aiary bixala. gi'inf prolonged aaa
ooaalut traaiimaab ll Is la-aluabla to aauUvtra
For Irruaiad throat I J taa i .. d
Uilll rTMuLn InliuiA IT U
Tkroai 1 aft. eta.
Scad fte la postage
for aampla Nmla.
a u. DftuaaiaTS.
Saad Bialal fef ao ICVC
saripuav 3ooaiai. I IT
Vaao-Ooao'eao Co. IJJ
lm i Suaak ISw
Saturday Sale
Burt's Home Library
of standard works,
handsomely bound;
gold tops; over 400
volumes, 75c books
the best bar
Our annual sain
Saturday, all 1909
Diaries Half Price.
Wonderful Sale Overcoats
i !
Fruits and Vegetables
Sweet Navel Oranges, 15c size . . . ,10c
20c' size, 15c; 25c size, doz .20c
Sweet Navel Oranges, 15c size, doz.lOt
Large Grape Fruit, each ........ 10c
Florida Pineapples, each..'... 10c-20c
Cooking Apples, peck 80c
Rutabagas, Carrots, Red Onions, lb. 2c
Tl'HXlPS, special, peck 10c
Cauliflower, 10c; Cabbage, head. . . .. 3c
Head Lettuce, 10c; Hothouse Lettuce 5c
Potatoes, peck, 25c; Jersey Sweet, lb. 4c
Peanuts, quart fic
Doublo stamps on all purchases In
fruit department Saturday.
uiL-mmiwjii iMPwaiaiiuu.pMTO;
their way as though there had been no
fire. In the Moulton dressmaking school
there were ten girls for three sewing ma
chines, but no friction was caused thereby.
Fire Loss Big; In Last Year.
"Omaha has had a greater fire loss In
the last twelve months than is generally
imagined," said Jay D. Foster of the H. K.
Palmer Insurance company. "There was
J23.000 paid out last April for the Fry Shoe
company fire; the Haney fire cost insur
ance companies $18,000; the Omaha Packing
company collected $50,000 and Cudahy $130,
000 for tho big South Omaha fire; on build
ing and stock for tho Nebraska-Moline Plow
company there was paid out $58,000 and at
least $10,000 for this fire of Thursday. That
Is nearly $300,000 in insurance paid out and
losses aside from this might be roughly
estimated at $100,000 more, or a total of
$400,000 burnt up. There was no ono over
whelming conflagration, so the Impression
of fire loss on the popular mind is not great,
but tho damage, aa you see, is consider
able. '
"Insurance men do not like the klneto
scope films because they are made of gun
cotton and linseed oil, or some such oil,
and are most explosively Inflammable Ilka
gasoline. When Ignited a film has the
quality of exploding out with such force
that the flaming substance can positively
pierce into whatever it cornea In contact
with save of- course a steel celling."
Omaha Jobbers and Packers Ukelr
to Get Awards for Canned
Goods and Bacon.
bids were opened Thursday at the offk
of Lieutenant Colonel Frank K. Kastman
purchaHlng oommlsFary t'nlted Slates army,
for a large quantity of canned goods of va
rious description for the use of the posts
of the Department of the Missouri. The
biU.lers were largely Omaha Jobbers. Pro
posals for supplying 150,000 pounds of bacon
for the use of the United States army In
the Philippines were also opened Friday.
South Omaha packers are likely to win the
Privates Melvin Flshel of Troop K. Sec
ond cavalry. Fort Des Moines, and Warder
F. Howes of Company I. Sixteenth infan
try. Fort Crook, have been granted hon
orable discharge from the army by pur
chase. Major William F. Martin of the Eight
eenth Infantry, Fort Ieavenworth, has been
atisigned to special duty to make the an
nual Inspection of the organised militia of
the state of Iowa. The Inspection will be
gin at Des Moines February $
Leave of absence for one month and ten
duya hus been granted Second Lieutenant
W. N. Hensley. Jr.. of the Thirteenth cav
alry. Fort Ltavenworth.
First Lieutenant Clifford L'. Leonnri of
the Nineteenth I'nlted States infantry. Fort
Mackenzie, has Lern ordered to proceed to
the coal mines In the vicinity of Sheridan,
Wyo., for the purpose of examining sam
ples for army und naval uses. He is di
rected to take samples ot coal from tha
mines of the Carney Coal company and I
from the mines of the Diets Lignite Coal I
company and to eijiuaUia mines I and I all
Rogers Bros.' great song
hits on sale at Bennett's. The
prettiest comic opera songs
of the season. We have them
Several performers from the
Roger Bros. Co.. will assist' In
demonstrating Saturday. Come
and hear them. Some of the great
est successes are ' "Smile, Smile.
Smile," "In Panama," "Down In
Color Town." Etc.
500 stylish new high grade modeb in a great sale
MEN'S OVERCOATS Positively finest tailored models
in America; black and fancy
Jjiuiut. iui, until huh cuuuanuuK v;jiuiio .
choice of $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00 coats
Cmpa Buys good all wool Overcoats for men, in medr
inm and loner lencrths: nnsitivelv !fel2.50 car-
ments; all new up -
Young Men's Overcoats 16 to 20 year sizes, coats positively worth to
$ 16.00, on sale, at '. .$8.50
Overcoats 16 to 20 year sizes, worth to $9.00, on sale, at. . . .$5.00
Boys' Overcoats 3 to 16 years, worth to $7.50, on sale at. . . .$3,75
Boys' Reefers and Overcoats 3 to 10 years, $5.00 values. .. .92.75
Boys' Russian Overcoats 3, 4 and S years, $3 values, at $1.50
Men's Suits
Knee aid Knickerbocker Suits
Clearing $5.00 suits for
$3.50 suits for
, Worth J1.00. $1.26 and $1.65
500 shirts from our regular stock not Jobs plain and pleated; coat
and regular styles, sizes 14 to 18, slightly soiled or musaed from
holiday crowds, positively our $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 lines, Saturday
for 48
Men's Turtle Neck Sweaters, best colors, $5.00 values for $1.50
Boys' Turtle Neck Sweaters, worth up to $2.50, for 75t?
Way Mufflers, plain and fancy . 15
Fresh Leaf
Lard, 9 lbs.
Pig Pork Spare Ribs,
lb 7H(
Fall Lamb" Legs, per
for, .
Pig- Pork
Roast; )b.
6,000 lbs.
10 to 16
raol "
Swift's Premium Hams, their best grade guaranteed
lbs. per lb 13 i
Cudahy's Rex Skinned Hams, skin and fat removed, nice
per pound 1 1
Cudahy's Rex California Hams, sugar cured, all guaran-
' G
Cudahy's Rex Bacon, per lb ,XJ
Double Stamps ou all Pall Lard.
2.000 lbs.
and lean,
2,000 lbs.
teed, lb.
2.000 lbs.
Diets, Wyo. These samples will be tested
and inspected by the quartermaster's de
Police Court llabltoe Pleads Guilty
on Seeing; Chance to
tiet Warm.
The cold weather and his sense of honor,
particularly the former, secured a Jail sen
tence of fifteen days for F. J. Qulnn In
police court Friday morning.
He was arrested by Detective Devereese
Thursday on sight, Qulnn being an habitual
vagrant. In court he pleaded "not guilty"
to the charge of being a vagrant and sus
picious character, hut later changed his
mind and told the Judge he was guilty.
"I broke my word to you about leaving
town yesterday when you let me go, so
I'll plead guilty to the charge, your
honor," Qulnn said when he faced Judge
Crawford the second time.
Persons in the court ' room smiled to
themselves and remarked that It was
rather too cold a day, for a vagrant to
walk the streets, anyway, so were not
'surprised to hear Qulnn take a Jail sen
John Kimball of Valentine Tells How
Dahlman Beat Htm in a
Horse Race.
"Yes, air, I'm going to set 'em up. for I
remember the way Jim beat me In a hoss
race twenty years ago," said John Kimball
of Valentine when he called at Mayor
Dahlman'a office Friday morning and me
he former cowboy for the first time since
he left the range. The mayor greeted his
former campsnlon warmly and they talked
over old times for an hour, while In the
course of conversation Mr. Kimball told
about the time the mayor worsted him In
a horse race.
H'e said he had a horse which could beat
anything on the range In running and that
the mayor had a good horse, too, but not
as good as Kimball's. The mayor thought
Almost instant relief is waiting for
"Bee" readers who suffer this way.
It our nieuis don t tempt )uu, 01 uU
feel bloated after eating and you believe It
Is the food which fills you; if what little
you eat lies like a lump of lead on your
stomach; if there Is difficulty In breathing
after eating, eructations of sour food and
acid, heartburn, brash or a belching of
gas. you ran make up your mind that you
need something for a sour stomach and In
digestion. To make every bite of food you eat aid In
the nourishment and strength of your
body, you must rid your Stomach of poi
sons, exeesalve acid and stomach gas which
sours your entire meal interferes with di
gestion and csuses so many sufferers of
Dyspepsia. Sick Headache. Nauseous
breath, and stomach trouble of all kind;
Putrefying tha intestines and digestive
canal, causing such misery as Biliousness,
Constipation, Griping, ate. Tour esse la
FOJtK AUD BSAItl, tha new two
step by our Mr. Therein a
C. Bennett In an Instan- 1 M
taneooa success m m
All the popular songs, too. "Rain
bow,"' "Mans Out Front Door Key."
".lust Someone." "You'll Re Sorry
.lust Too Late," "Summertime,
"Sun Bonnet Sue." "Cnder Mm Mat
taa Tree," "Liking Is Not a Wit Like
Loving." "That" What the Kott
Said to Me." "Play
mates." These and
hundreds of other
popular numbers
Glow Worm 80c
materials, with C ,
to - date models saving of $5.
$25.00 suits reduced to. . . . $17.50
$20.00 suits reduced to ..$14.50
$10 and $12 suits reduced to $7.50
9 to 16 years.
Lamb Shoulder Roast,
1 .-.7Ha
Mutton Stew, Special,
7 lbs for 25
his was the best so one day they agreed
to have a race to settle the dispute. The
day for the trial was set, but the night
before the mayor got one of Kimball's cow
boys to rldu his pony to show how fast it
could go and lie rode it so hard that the
next day It could not run fast and Dahlman
pulled down the stake of several hundred
dollars. This is Mr. Kimball's version, but
the mayor stys that his horao was better,
Burial Will Be in the Kainlly Lot
. at Forest Lawn Natur
dn Afternoon.
The body of Warren M. Rogers, who di.-d
of apoplexy at ' ralormo. Sicily, December
19. will reach Omaha Saturday morning,
and the funeral will be held Saturday
afternoon at 1:30 from the residence of his
brother, Thomas J. Hogers. VIM Park ave
nue. Accompanying the bidy Is the widow,
Mrs. Warren S. Rogers: her daughter, Mil
dred, and brother, Phillip Deering, of Port
land, Me., and Mr. Rogers' brother, Will
S. Rogers of Trenton, N. J.
Tho services will lie rcud by Very Rev,
O. A. Reecher. dean of Trinity Episcopal
Cathedral, and interment will be In tho
Rogers family lot at Forest Lawn ceme
tery. The pallbearers will be:
Clement Chase. t. L. Deuel. T
C. T. Kountze. J. R. Luhmer. i
W. S. Poppleton. Isaac Coles.
Myron T. Learned. Arthur Remington,
Babies Htrangrled
by croup, roughs or colds are Instantly re
lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 60c and $1.09. For sal
by Reatou Drug Co.
Poison Found In :;nntr.
DKNVKR, Jan. 8. Paris green sufficient
to kill fifty people was found in caiiily
sent through the mails to Mrs. Marie
Smith aad Mrs. Amelia WUwer, according
to Slate Chemist Kdward C. Hill. Two
children of Mrs. Sinlih ate some of tliu
candy and were made seriously 111. The
police are trying to locale a former suitor
of Mrs. Smith la connection with tuelr In
vestigation. no different you are h stonii.'li sufferer,
though you may call It by' some other
name; your real and only trouble Is that '
which you eat does not digest, but quickly
ferments and sours, producing almost any
unhealthy condition.
A case of Pa pes Dlapepaln will coi-t
fifty cents at any Pharmacy here, and will
convince any stomach sufferer five minutes
after taking one Trlangule that Fermenta
tion and Sour Stomach is causing tha mis
ery of Indigest'un.
No matter If you call your trouble
Catarrh of the Stomach. Nervousness or
Gastritis, or by any oilier . name u!h
remember that a certain cure is waiting at
your Pharmacist any time you decide to
begin its use.
Pspe's Diapcpaln will purify tha sour
est and most add ' Stomach within ftvo
minutes, and digest promptly, without any
fuss or discomfort all of any kind of food
you could sat
1 Aw