Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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1 III , m ,M n
One Dayff
k I(g(o)
In Our Entire
Thoy have positively boon soiling at $25 up to $40
All the Full Dress Suits
All the Rogers-Peet : Suits
and Overcoats.
All the Hirsh- Wickwtre
Overcoats and Suits.
All the Renwick System Over
coats and Suits.
All the Newport Suits and Over
coats. ...
Positively Everything in our Stock.
Nothing Reserved.
These Suits Have Been Sell
lug at $25 up to $35.
All the Tuxedo Suits.
All Finest Black Suits.
All Finest Blue Suits'.
Brandeis is known to
sell the highest class clot 'us for
men of any store in the West.
( This offer does not include Fur
Coats or Fur Lined Overcoats?)
These Overcoats Have Been
Selling at $25, $30, $35 and $40.
Just one day in each season Brandeis offers Choice of the stock at $12.50." Thousands of Omaha men remember the sales of last June and
last January. Each me every suit in the house was sold before the doors closed at night. ; This event will be even bigger. This sale gives every
man in Omaha the chance to own the finest hand tailored suit or overcoat made in America for less than one-half the usual prices.
All the Men's &0o Caps for ..5
All tbe Men's $1 Caps for 50
Girls' and Children's 7 60 Bearskin and Cloth Caps
for 15
Boys' BOo Winter Caps. ...... 15
Women's 11.00 Fur Caps &4C
Saturday-Your Choice of Any Man's Shirt $ n 15
I I i In Our Entire Stock. They are Worth up to $3.50
Includes all onr fall dress shirts Tuxedo Shirts colored Plaited bosomi
stiff, bosoms and negligees unrestricted choice
Choice of all our finest Shirts from the Mattle
Davis stock, worth up to 11.25. at . ...40
Choice of all our Men's SI. 50 One Wool Under
wear from the Davis stock. 35-50t
Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats, worth up to
$2.00. at -49 n OS
Men's and Boys' Wool and Leather Gloves.
worth to $100, at 10 and 35
Special Sale in Basement
Men's 25o Silk Bow
Choice of all the Men's Shirts from the Mattle Davis stock,
worth up to 75c basement, at
Men's and Boys' "Wool
Sweaters, worth up
to $1.50
Men's 50c and 75o ex
tra heavy fleeced
shirts and
drawers . ,..'sC
Ties at,
each . . . .
National Commission Finds Its Con.
duct Begarding Mclnnis Irregular.
Further Interpretation of Rales
Regarding Contract and Ileser
vntlons Toledo Hob
CINCINNATI. O.. Jan. 8.-Censure for
the Haverhill club la Included in a decision
by the National Base Ball commission
awarding player John Mclnnis to the Phil
dolphin American league club. Haverhill
claimed the player because of a clause
placed In hi receipt for pay In full, and
Philadelphia claimed tliatp when he was
rimed on August S. 1!X, he waa not jender
contract with the New England clb. In
the coura of the testimony It developed
that Mclnnea played with Haverhill five
days In the week, but on Saturdays and
Sundays was permitted to play with the
Beverly club, an Independent club, this
fact being cited by Philadelphia that Mc
Jnnla simply played with Haverhill part of
the lima to help them out.
AtUatlon la callud to the. rules governing
reservations, and the commission continues:
If a player accepts terms, a contract
must be tend'-Tod him, and if he refuses to
.sign said contract at the end of ten days
lie shall be Ineligible to play with the club
he has accepted terms with, or any other
club In organised base ball. Therefore, all
that It was necvsssry for Haverhill to do
to establish Its right and title to the serv
ices of this player was, when he refused
to enter Into a contract as having accepted
terms, to notify the regularly constituted
authorities and place this player on the
Ineligible list. This they did not do, bat
played fast and loose with the rules of or
ganlsed base ball by playing a player who
should have been Ineligible and allow him
five days In the week to be an organised
tilayer and one day' In the week to play
with Independent clubs. The action of the
'Haverhill club clearly makes this player a
free agent In organised bsse ball, and
therefore the Philadelphia American league
club waa clearly within Ita righta when it
signed thla player to a regular contract
on August 8, 1908.
The Toledo club of the -American aesncia).
tlon. In another decision, loaes Ita right to
player Ward Miller, who had been drafted
by the Chicago Nationals after he had
bean purchased from Wausau by Toledo,
the fact that he failed to report under the
purchase prior to the drafting season mak
ing him subject to draft. The Wausau
club, however, mast repay to Toledo the
WO given for the player, for drafting whom
Chicago must pay the usual pries.
I ' -
Nebaloasls, 40 to 1, Wins tho Foarth
Raeo at Emeryville.
OAKLAND, Jan. 8. Nebulossis, quoted
as high as 49 fo 1, won the fourth race
at Emeryville today over one of the worst
truck of the season. The going waa
very muddy and holding and there were
seral surprises. Belmore ruled favorite
for tho fourth race, but failed to show
much NebuloBsis. well supported In the
bettlnp. closed fast and won by a length
fro'.i Had Leaf, another outsider. Judge
gulnn starting tor the rirst time, took
the 2-year-old race from Belrnnla
Gerando, the favorite, who failed to show
much. Honest, favorite for the third, led
for a time, but Tawasentha beat him
easily. Summaries:
First race, six furlongs, selling: Funny
Bide (101. Gilbert, 4 to 1) won. Hand
Maiden (101, Taplln. 20 to 1) second,
Belrhnmber (98. Quay, 15 to 1) third.
Time: 1:13 H. Sainesaw, Sid Silver. 811-
The combination 'of healthful vegetable ingredients of which S. S. S. is
composed, makes it as especially desirable and effective remedy in the treat
ment of sores and ulcers of every kind. Since an imtrare condition of the
blood is responsible for the trouble, a medicine that can purify the blood Is
the only hope of a successful cure; and it should be a medicine that not only
cleanses the circulation, but one that at the same time restores the blood to
ita normal, rich, nutritive condition. S. S. S. is ust such a remedy. It is
made entirely of healing, cleansing vegetable properties, extracted from na
ture's roots, herbs and barks of the forest and fields. It has long been
recognized as the greatest of all blood purifiers, possessing the qualities
necessary to remove everv Impurity in the blood, When S. S. S. has purified
the circulation, and strengthened and enriched it, sores and ulcers heal read
ily and surely, because they are no longer fed and kept open by a continual
discharge into thein of irritating disease-laden matter from the blood, S. 8. S.
brings about a healthy condition of the flesh by supplying it with rich,
nourishing blood and makes a permanent and lasting cure. Book on Sores
tUfcl UICCM and aoj medical advice mailed free to all who write.
ver Sue. Rose Cherry, Bantam. Selck
Abrcms. Hulford and Dr. Sherman fin
ished as named.
Second race, three furlong, selling:
Judge Quinn (108, Scoville, even to 1)
won, Balronla (108, Mentry, 3 to 1) sec
ond; Basel 1110, McCarthy, 40 to 1) third.
Time: 0:37. Prithee, Gerando, Prince
Aaturlas, Kittle Rodd, Breqr Abbott, Eng
lish Mall, Do Do Dunnel and Wick tin
lulled as named.
Third race, six furlongs. selling:
Tawasentha (111, Keogvi, e to I,' won.
Honest (10, Notter. 11 to 10) second,
General Russell (102, Goldstein, 18 tt )
third. Time: 1:16 H. Platoon, Little
Minister, Heknows and Bainrlda finished
as named
Fourth rare, mile and seventy yards,
selling: Nebulossis (106, Mentry. JO to
1) won. Red Leaf (105. .Scoville. 15 to 1)
second Husky (105, C. Miller, 13 to 1)
third. Time: 1:4H- Bstella C, Billy
Pullman, Fred Bent, Belmore, Be Thank
ful, J. R. Laughrey, County Clerk. Ja
como and Docile finished as named.
Fifth race, one and a quarter- miles,
selling: Prince Nap (106. Scoville, 13 to
6) won, The Captain (106, Gilbert. 4 to
1) second, Lord Rosslngton (101, Taplln.
13 to 1) third. Time: 3:12. Byroner
dale. Northwest, Prince of Orange. In
vader. FlavlKnlc. My Boquet, Cloverland
and Long Ball flnlHhed as named.
Blxth race, one mile, purse: Tom Hay
ward (100, Gilbert, 4 to 1) won. Argonaut
(108, t'pton. 6 to 1) second. Tom Reld
(108. McCarthy, 7, to 1) third. Time:
1:44. BUI Baton. Yankee Daughter.
Ak-Sar-Ben and Moorish King finished as
I,OS ANGELES. Jan. 8-Banta Anita
First race, five and one-half furlongs,
purse: Vbor (114. Page, 26 to 1) won. Wool
winder (117. Hhilllng, 16 to 6) second, Jane
Laurel (112, Rice, 7 to 1) third. Time: 1:0S.
VI Kiahnn Kiniwrnr William. Ml Derechn.
f Mellon Cloth, Allan Lee, Chafftn Chandam
and Hamper also ran.
Second race, 2-year-olds, three furlongs,
purse: Frank O. Hogan (107, Shilling, 4 to
1) won, Vlrgl Caeae (loS. Powers, 8 to 10)
second, Don France (10!), Booker, 7 to 1)
third. Time: 0J4. Domlthllda, Helms, b.
Chalum. Wicket Iass, King of Yolo and
Meltomlale also ran.
Third race, seven furlongs, selling: Vanen
(94, Fain, So to 1) won, St. Kilda (M, Wilson,
to 1) second. Third Rail (98, Page, to 5)
third. Time: l:2tri. Ualves, Ardls, Ed
Ball, Bon Ton and Henry of Shannamore
also ran.
Fourth race, seven furlongs, selling: John
Carroll (1U3. Treubel, 7 to 2) won. Hasty
Agnes (M, Page. 3 to 1 second. Center Shot
(101, Clark, 3 to 1) third. Time: 1:24H
Musely. Ann Varl, Mark Anthony II. Ida
May, Cloyn and Rapid Water also ran.
Fifth race, mile and three-sixteenths, sell
ing: Animus 10. Powers, 3 to 6) won.
Black Mate (106. Wilson. 3 to 1) second, J.
C. Clem (106. King. 7 to 1) third. Time:
1:68V Wuersburger also ran.
Sixth race, five and one-half furlongs:
Adrluche (100, McOee, 2 to 1) won, Shirley
Koesraore 16. Page, 2S to 1) second. Golly
Ding (104. Hhilllng. 11 to fc third. Time
Col boh and Halketran also ran.
SAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. 1 Summaries
First rsce, burse, six snd one-halt fur
longs: Sam I .ay (117, Young, 7 to 61 won.
Belle of the Bay (3 to 6 for place) second.
Arawaka tJ to S to show) third. Time:
1:29H- Jigger and Lydia Ginteaalso ran.
Second race, purse, for mares and geld
ings. 3 years old and uu. five and one-half
fur kings: tiaoy vviuie (uu, mcibdoc) won,
Lucius (3 to t for place) secoud. Miss K. O.
B. 1 to 1 to show) third. Time: 1:1W.
Bosom Friend and Catherine Cardwell also
ran. Big Hand lert at the poet.
Third race, ooa mile. 8-year-olds and up,
tvurse: Gaillleo (116. Young. 3 to 1) won,
V"larney (7 to 10 for Place) second. Coinci
dent 3 to i to show) third. Time: l.iL Lady
Fourth race, purse, 8-year-olds and up,
five furlongs: Revery (107, Pohanka, 8 to 1)
won, Away (7 to 6 for place) second, Knsley
(even to show) third. Time: l:Ots. Arthur
fittllwell. Miss Dustln; Cerro Santo, Virgil
T and Rlccadonna also ran.
Fifth race, pure, for 4-year-olds and up,
six furlongs: Sunflre (118, Burns, t to 10)
won, Risk (4 to 1 for place) second. Aus
picious (out to show) third. Time: 1:22.
Clifton Forgw, Ben Double, Ray Thompson
and Poniajnta also ran.
HAVANA, Jan. 7. Following are racing
results at Almendares Park:
First isce, five furlonfts: Peacock's
Choice won. Autumn Maud second, Colonel
Blue third. Time: 1:04.
Hocond race, six furlongs: Purant won,
Ixird Direct second. Lady Martlnes third.
Time: 1:18.
Third race, six furlongs: Artful Dodger
won. Cloisteress second, Guarda third.
Time: 1:17.
Fourth race, one mll: Precedence won,
Gambler second, Bona H third. Time: 1:15.
Fifth race, one mile: Jeannette M won,
Dew of Dawn second. Enliat third. Time:
Sixth race, steeplechase, one mile snd
three-sixteenths: Easter Joy won, Lizzie
Flat second, Doctor Young third. Time:
In the Omaha league last night the Gold
Tops won two out of three games against
the Chancellors. Old-timer "Dad" Clark
played his first game with the Gold Tops
and mado a good showing. Coughlln had
high game with 218 and Dudley high total
with tel. Tonight the (inlmods will try tu
get three games from the Triumphs. Sun
day on the Association alleys Glenwood,
la., will bowl a picked team. Heporta show
this team to be very strong. They have
been doing lots of work to fit them for tiie
big meet at St. Joseph. Score:
1st. 2d.
Greenleaf l
Maloney ISO
Clark 142
Hartley 178
Reynolds 165
3d. Total.
801 S6 848 2,533
31. Total,
147 46
W) tel
lo7 4t4
160 663
161 4J
Totals 7 W 806 2.&
The Birmingham Rsnge company team
took another Jump toward the top last
night, when they took two games from
the Brodegaard Crowns on the Metropoli
tan alleys. Uernandt took high three games
for his team with 672 and Martin of the
same team had high single game of 24.
Carman took all honors for his tesm with
a total of 642 and single game of 212. To
night the Chabot Shoe company and Hus
sle s Acorns. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Keyt 162 140 173
Drinkwater ' 1 148
Gernandt Ml 1M ' IKS
Martin ... tt 224 )
Thomas 149 177 137
Totals 81 t44 831 iJM
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Fagsburg lu
Voaa 171
Schults 1W
...... 213
146 610
144 4.SJ
lg 478
17 frti
Hough 182 149 141
Totals 890 784 779 2,452
The Ortman Stars won two games from
the Chicago Liquor House team last night
on the basement alleys. Charley Ortman
again was high on totals with 603 and
Moran had high single game with 204. To
night the Ivoyal Hotel Jewelers and West
Sides. Score:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Ortman 160 1S4 150 50
Griffith 1 137 US 441
Moran 146 24 130 4M
Totals 451 625 448 1,421
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Borghoff 156 IMS 136 458
Adams 117 174 125 41H
Adkins 13 141 133 ih'J
At the Theaters
.... 462
00 1.313
Telegram to Denver Editor Disposes
of Meet with Johnson.
DENVER. Colo.. Jan. 8. The following
telegram was received today by the sport
ing editor of the Denver Times from James
J. Jeffries in response to a message ask
ing the former champion under what condi
tion he would re-enter the the ring:
Would not think of re-entering the ring
at present under any conditions."-
For the present, at least, this apparently
disposes of the reported offer of 1do,Ou for
a fight between Johnson and Jeffries.
Indoor Base Ball Tonight.
The first game of indoor base ball In
Omaha tills season will le played tonight
at the Westslde hall between the Townsend
Gun company and the Wostsldes. iioti,
teams have been practicing for the last
week. Game called at 8 p. m. Following
ia the lineup:
Townsends. Vestaldes.
Spullman Catcher ' Hrce
Qulgley Pitcher Roesaig
t!lalr First base Howie
Tuttle Second base..W. Drummy
Peurson Shortstop Saunders
Hall Third base T. Drummy
liarr I--fl field Wlsler
Shields '. Right field.... Chrlstenaen
Mullen Center field Vousein
Umpire, Graham ol Omaha.
Regular Indoor base ball is played with
eight men, but these two teams will play
the game the same as outdoor base ball,
using nine men.
Alliance Defeats Crawford.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Jan. 8.-(Speclal.)-TIh:
Alliance High school baxaet ball team
won from the Crawford High school by a
Hire of 49 to 6. Tiie game was a last
exhibition of team work, accurate goal
throwing and good guarding by the Alliance
C layers. Crawford played a hard game,
ut was handicapped by a lack of practice
and experience.
Marshalltown Bowlers Win.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Jan. 8 (Spe
cial.) A picked team ' of Marshalltown
bowlers defeated a similar team from Des
Moines In Uoone last night for a purse of
liuu and some side bets.
Policeman Fatally Shot.
BAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 8.-8ergeant J. F.
Nolting. one of the oldest and moat popu
lar officers of the Stui Francisco police
department, waa shot and kille'd at 3 o dot k
this morning by a soldier of the L'nited
States army whom he was placing under
arrest at the corner of stuntgoaiery and
risers mac to sU-eeU.
"The Gambler of the West" at the
A play of "western" life, with the warm
and smoky atmosphere of a .44 revolver,
gamblers' tables, treacherous redskins
and a background of prairie fires, white
womer. tortured by Indians and white
children stolen and brought up In the
circle of the squaw's campflre. Is hold
ing forth at the Krug for the rest of
the week. "The Gambler of the West"
Is the kind of stage story that holds
the Interest of the audience till the last
vlllaii. Is shot and the sweet heroine Is
safely clasped in the arms of her des
tined husband. And the successive steps
to such blissful and all-enclrcllng re
pose are not tame, either, for enough
powder is exploded to make a lively
Fourth of July In a small town, and
the hair-breadth escapes, thrilling res
cues and numerous knife and gun plays
are so frequent that only an active and
alert gallery god can keep score. Eight
scenes are employed to present the piece
and the company Is large enough to as
sume the many types of character that
one might have found In a western town
before the days of magistrates and con
scientious historians. Well balanced
wltn comedy and fun between the more
melodramatic lines, the play proves quite
entertaining and the source of sufficient
amusement to last till another strenuous
"melo" visits the Krug. The engagement
continues till after Saturday, with the
usual Saturday matinee.
Fort Dodge Man Keeks Lleease to Wed
Another Two Days After
Charles E. Furay of the marriage license
department was forced to turn down one of
his applicants seeking matrimonial bliss
yesterday afternoon when Chester A. Black-
man of Fort Dodge applied for a license
for himself snd Miss Mary Peterson. Black-
man had been married before, waa not
granted a divorce from his first wife until
two days ago and on this account Mr.
Furay was compelled to turn them away.
Man ' Divorced Three Years Ago
Hastens to Consult Record When
Pierced Again.
Harry Dredge of Shenandoah. Is., ar
rived in Omsha yesterday and hastened
to tbe court houae to look up papers that
had to do with divorce proceedings thit
his former wife, Mrs. Delia Dredge, had
drawn up three years ago this month,
when he was In Centerville suffering with
a broken foot.
Drcdgt, who is a conductor on the Bur
lington system, received word from hi
father telling him of tho action taken by
his wife and having been granted a di
vorce. He did not bother about investigat
ing until within a few days ago, when ho
waa once more pierced by Cupid's dart,
thereby causing the hot foot to Omaha
Dredge's home la !n Shenandoah, where
his parents are now living. He la 80 years
of age and was married rive yeare ago In
Omaha. Ho would not disclose his matri
monial plans.
That one la reaponsthle for the Joy
of many thousands of soles of many
thousands of people must, to tay the
least, be a very satiafactory reflo-j
tlon, and the fact that one Is at the
hoad of a business that achieves these
results, fully warrants these pleas
ing meditations. The wise citizen
will attest to the comfort Involved
In being well shod, well clothed,
well fed. and well groomed, and will
he equally emphatic In his dtclara
tlon of how these corn foil a may be
enhanced by seeking the solars of an
lOc Price- 15c
Oet It At All DsaUxs
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