t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATUKDAY. .TAXUAKY P, 10W. ' 50c Rbbons Saurday 15c Closing out a big Una of odd pieces of extra wide taffeta ribbons In all colors, &lc to , 60c valuta, at on price, per 50c Silft Veilings 10c Closing oat a big Una of e4d Veiling, all silk plain mean, and CbenlUe Dot goods worth regularly- 16c to 60c, so Sat urdaj at on price, yd.. 101 yard 15 100 Engraved Visiting Cards and Plate Best quality; Special Saturday at ...79c Great January lace Sale Continues Saturday Books-Stationery 25 Discount on all odd Books, eingle or in sets, great snaps. 25c Taney Box Papers 15c 25c Paper Novels, each 5c Phenomenal Bargains in Women's Outer Garments US TH RELIABLE STORK - . a . ... - . -t m i , a .v. IHlAlf EBEKls TH8 RELIABLS OTORB ' I 1 . f I J 1 1 Uiln' n4 Cofarts ' Children' Union. Suit, all slies, wintar .weights, great snap.40 Children Vent r Pant Heavy fleeced, all sites, at, choice. 25 Children's Outing Flannel Gowns, all elzes, special, at 40 Ladies' Vests or Pants, . heavy fleeced, values to $1. in 3 lots, Saturday 25 39 and 4a 11 A. M. to 12 M LadieV Undervests or Pants All wool, silk and wool or Vega eilk, $2.00 garment values, at. .QOc Satisfaction and Sitings Assured Mail Order Customers. Orders Filled from Daily Ads. Drug 'Specials for mwaa 110 I grata Qulsine Oar... 154 100. IsUatltu :PUla (Htnkler'e) for .,,, . . . . ..... 25 1 dozen Laxattra Tableta.'tor. 5 1 doa, -grain. CaloJnel Tabs. 6 Bwarnp-Root 45 Lydla Plnkham's Remedies 89 TOOTH PREPS. 25c Grave', for 12 36o Lyon's,, (or 15 25c V all's, for 15 15c SantoL (or 2Q J 6c Hiker's, for 2 PACK POWDERS 25c Bwanadovn. 121 26c Aaherenta, 15 60c Java Rice ..27 60o Boasonl's.. . .27 60o Carmine, (or 39 PERFUMES The famous Wltlow Brands: ,.v Locust Blossom, 30 Jickey, (or ...30 LaTrefle, (or . .30 Peroxide, Tor Chamois Vesta and Chest Protectors will also be on sale. Prescrip tions carefully compounded. Mall The best pure Cane Granulated Sugar at less than Jobbers' cost. 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap Ifc pounds choice Japan Klce for 26o 4 pounds bent Pearl Tapioca or Sago 2&o The best hand picked Mavy Beans, lb e y-puund cans solid packed Tomatoes SVtC 1-pound cans fancy No. 1 Sweat Sugar Corn, for 'Ho S-pound cans Ooldsti Pumpkin, ' Hominy, . HquasK er Baked. Beans for ...J Ho Thre lOo packages Up-lo-Date Washing Pow der for IJo Oylden Corn, Apples r Tomatoes .20 Bromungelon, Jellycon er Jello, pkg THo Peanut Butter, par Jar.: o CHI or Mustard Sardines, r ean 4Hc STORY OF THE FIRST BATTLE '' Or How Saallenberger'i Staff Stuck the Commissary CHARGE, SATS COLONEL FANNING ! eel a m Capital City Marred by Loss of Charley Kaaialac'a In I for as, Whlck I'ata II I m os Warpath. "Forward, march!" shouted Colonel C. Kldelwelsa Fanning, and several of the ten Omaha colonels on the staff of the new governor fell Into line. "Present arms!" tlie next command, and the colonsjs lined up at the counter. "Order!" commanded Colonel Fanning, aad the others, signified that they would take something. "Charge!" then commanded Fanning, and the colonels filed out. and the "elerk" Twas left to charge the account on his tMJoks. This is the axrcin of the first engage mmt of the colonels, as given by Vinra Mc-Donough, otherwise known as the Nor man Mack of locsl democracy, who re turned Friday from Lincoln, where he went to witness the Inauguration of Governor Bhallsnberger and to attend the Inmugural ball Thursday evening. McDunough fol. Use it or not. as your doctor says You could not please us better than to ask your doctor about Ayer1 Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis. , i nousana oi iamme aiways Keep it in tne house. 1 ne approval of their physician and the experience of many years have given them tfreat confidence in this cough medicine. twfM;; WE CURE MEN FOR By the Old V-'-ai I as til Lalh Ail In lMn..al K rtew IM and cure yvu W Cure Vlbkt awv , , . i -.tr a- r, QwltfSi Uwl&t & l J V ;ri, '111 1 Kt , il Winter Underwear bargains Sweeping Reductions on all lines, odd lots at a small fraction of actual worth. Ladies' Silk or Wool Vests or Pants, regular $1.50 garment values, on sale at 08C Ladies' Wool Union Suits,' gray or white, all sizes, worth up to $2.50, on sale at $1.50 Ladies' Vests or Pants, in wool, silk and Wool or Vega silk, odd lots, worth to $2.00 a garment, on sale Saturday 70c Ladies' Silk and Wool Union Suits, $3.50 values, $2.50 Ladies' Union Suits, worth to $1.50, heavy fleeced, grey or white, at 49c and 08c Ladies' Outing; Flannel Shirts, on sale, at 2JS Ladles' Knit Skirts . 39 Salurday, 1-9-09 Mothers' Friend, (or 89 Chamberllan's Ouugh Cure COLD CRKAMS 2 60 Witch Haiel (or ..... 23 15 25c Almond, (or 15 15 45 29 26c Cucumber, (or 60c Elcaya, (or ... 60c Pompelan, (or cranappie Blossoms, (or 30 Lilly of . the , Valley, (or 30 TALCUM POWDERS 25c Colgates, (or 15 25c Mennen's, at 15 25b Sanltol. for 15 25c - Eastman's. J ft 2 6c Cardock'a, 10 IO SO 33 orders receive prompt attention HAY DEN'S FIRST FOR GROCERIES, FRESH RnheDD's Cocoanut. ner nound. Fancy uoujen eanios voiim. pr Fancy Marlcabo Blend Coffee, per Fancy Porto Rleo Blend Coffee, Fancy Ankola Blend Coffee, per The beat Tea blf tings, par lb Fancy Bun Dried Japan lea, per f ancy epioer umm tpM, jw.uBi. Oolong, Fancy Ca Ceylon or Gunpowder allfornla Prunes, pr lb Fancy Italian Prunes, per lb Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb,, ....8 Via Fancy Muscatel Cooking Raisins, par W..IV10 Omaha's Orestes Tagetable and Trait Market. Fresh Spinach, per peck ....I0e Fresh Beets, Carrots or Turnips, tmnon. .. 60 lowed the colonels for a time in the re connolterlng of the city and says that their presented a handsome appearance and that Colonel Fanning was "on the Job" in glvlr.g commands. Fanning; t,oses His Garb. Mayor Dahlman left Lincoln before the inaugural ball, only staying long enough to see the new governor vested with the mantle of authority. When he left at four o'clock In the afternoon Colonel Fan ning, to use the words of the mayor, "was tearing bis shirt" because his uniform was lost. The expansive garb was packed in a trunk 'and billed for Lincoln, but it was lost somewhere enroute and the combined efforts of the colonel and bis spies could not locate it The express offices were ransacked Vnd the wtres between the capital elty and Omaha were kept hot In an aifort to find the uniform, but up t the hour of the mayor's departure it was still a missing quanlty. "George Parks of South Cm ah a luckily had a Robert Emmet suit with htm and he offered it to Colonel Tanning," said the mayor, "but whether the brave soldier wore It at the ball or whether he found his uniform, I can not tell." We Inventory next wwk-Saturday all boys' clothing going at a third off. Benson & Thorns Co. Gas Declatem isiwt Fallare. NEW YORK. Jan. I Failure r,f custo mers to protect the holdings or t nnsnli dated Gas at the time of the severe decline in that stock following the decision uphold- Reliable Dr. Searles & Searlea, 1 1I1U ll si fnr 1 . . r . i , - . , mv ev av mmmj . UiVUeW 1 1 M t si in t la.'. 1. .n i i . , . . lnvl bDciaiUU In lu West la $xil 4imm and ui- know lust what will cure fon quickly. You, Then You Fay TJ Our Fee. We naks ao misktading or false atatsinenu, or ettet you th WW, wurtiilees ttMliueak Our rcpulaiion aa4 lauie are tco favorably kuuwa: every taaa m umi uur ,.i,i iiu.n i at taAi. Iur braiin, lite aau baplaeaa Is toe serious a matter to blace la the hands of jl.VaUH.aa" BOCTuaw Honest C -or. of ability use tu.. , a T Man aUkisiasa. siareeaa wvimvm, mmmm inmshs, sifllfT SAg IBiaa, sLuaasvaa er Mask ayiuuloa UUnk for limn, treatment. Cor Douglas, Oanlui Our Cloak buyer is now in New York and quick stock reduction to make room for new goods is the order of the day. All winter garments go at half and less than half regular retail value. Seldom, if ever have you had an equal opportunity for satisfactory and proiitable selection CaricuL Cloth and Fur Lined Coots; splendid assortment for selection, values to $25, $9.00 Choice of any Cloth Coat in the house that sold up to $4000; Saturday $15.00 Women's $35.00 Sable Coney Coats Great snap at $14.90 Fine Beaver Coats Regular $90 values, on 6ale Saturday at, choice $45.00 Infants' Curley Bearskin Coats, $4.00 values at $1.50 Boys' Ice Skates, worth 89c, only. .... .49 $1.76 nickel plated Ice Skates (or boys or. girls, Barney tt Berry and Wlnslow's make. (or . $1.10 11.65 Copper Tea Kettles, nickel plated. QS Large sice snow shovels on sale (or... ..19 76c furnace shovels, a big snap 35 $1.00 self-basting roasters, only 39 VEGETABLES, FRUITS, CRACKERS, ....Me Fresh Head Lettuce, per head iu lb 16c lie Fresh Onions, three bunches Fancy rreun cauuiiower, per id.... ic Fancy fresh Wax Beans, quart 10c Fancy fresh Green Beans, quart 10c Two heads fresh L,eaf Lettuce be Three bunches fresh Radishes 6c New Honey, per rack 12 He New Fard Date, per lb lc Fresh roasted Peanuts, quart,. Larse Cocoanuts. each c Large, Juicy Lemons, per doxen, lie per lb. lb.,.. . tOo .l&c .16c .25o 10. Breakfast. Tea, per lb.tSo o THo DON'T FORGET lng the 80-cent law Is alleged to have been the cause or ins iauuie or me una ui ll&ckiock, Baxter & Seed, which was an nounced on the Consolidated Stock ex change today. The failure of C. W. Wil lets, a trader, also was announced today on the same exchange. TO COUNT NATION'S GAME BAG Sportaaaem Aid Asduboa Workers to Cheek Market Heaters state Laws Mar Help. NEW YORK. Jan. 8. To measure the con tents of Uncle Barn's game bag during tne new year la the object of a concerted effort In which sportsmen from every section or the country are Joining tha National As sociation of Audubon Societies in this city today. Detailed records of each day s shoot ara to be secured from every true sports man, and required by law of everyone else, it Is proposed, in all states where the Aud ubon and sporting Interests will urge the crying need of legislation to this effect Unless the annual Inroads upon the rapidly decreasing game of America are thus de termined, the leaders ef the new . move ment declared today, shooting, as a 'healthy recreation, will soon be killed in almost every ' region of the continent. That the health, crops and woods, as well as the sport, of many extensive localities are today seriously menaced by the extinc tion of game birds will be demonstrated by the latest results of the scientific Investiga tions of government authorities at Wash ington. Water fowl and shore birds will be shown in their natural rapacity of de stroying the anopheles mosquito as well ss many other recognised distributers of deadly germs. Gulls and many other va rieties of sea and inland water birds wilt be proven by ornithological experts to be wholesale destroyers of grasshoppers and a multitude of the trisects which cause an annual crop and forest loss of nearly a bil lion dollars, or more than the entire na tional debt, as recently announced, accord ing to the most recent calculations of the government bureau of entomology. Tha case of Salt Lake City, whose people have erected a monument to the jjulla that saved all their crops from destruction by an in sect plagua will also be cited. In every one of the state legislatures which are beginning to convene for tha new year special efforts to obtain legal provision for this game census are being planned among organised sportsmen and Audubon workers. Where a hunter's license lav is already In force the addition of a law to enforce the recording of all game birds and ailsnals shot will be urged. It Is proposed, in order to protect the true sportsman and to detect market hunters, to punish failures to report the season's shoot by a forfeiture of license, and tales returns by proceeding as against perjury Special blanks tor tha purpose are being prepared as an attachment to all hunters' license cards. Wnaa the purpvss and necessity of this 200 Handsome Tailor Suit3 All colors and styles, values to $25, on sale at $9.90 Beautiful One-Piece Dresses, in silks and fine wool fabrics, all colors, worth to $25.00, choice, for $9.90 Fine Silk and Net Waists Gar ments that sold up to $10.00, in one lot to close at $3.95 Children's $5.00 Coats Sizes 8 to 12 years; choice $1.00 Children's $8.00 Coats.. $2.95 Big Hardware Bargains 25c Sale Saturday !2c Co Voorman Sink. Strainers. 0c Large Open Coal Hods. 2$o Wilson Breed Toasters. lie Cotton Mop Heads. Sic Parlor Brooms, t&c Bread Boards, tic Steamers. Z6c Folding- Lunch Boxes. " 2&c Dinner Buckets. 10-quart Galvanised Palls. Sic Heavy Mi aided Clothes Line. Two 10-cent Scrub Brushes. Six Wire or Wooden Coat Hangers. Two Nickel Plated Trouser Hangers. Six t-cent Tooth Picks. BUTTER, CHEESE AND MEATS . . .6c and TVie Big Klghlana xrarel Orange gala. for 100 The most healthful fruit grown to eat U'Ij time of year. The Highland Navels are the finest, richest flavored, Juclest and sweetest oranges grown. Sale prices: Regular 26c else, per dozen 15c Regular 80c sixe, per dosen 20c Regular 860 size. per dusen 25c Regular 40c else, per dozen 30c A handsome Tea Canister, FREE, with every pound of Tea Saturday. Try HAYDENs First widespread checking up of the nation's game bag la realised by the people at large, tb labor of corMplllng the records of the Individual prowess of millions of hunters will be begun. In this gigantic task the officers of the National Associa tion of Audubon Societies have been prom-i lsed the hearty assistance of the directors of the National Conservation commission, a co-ordinate branch of which their organi sation has become by the special invitation or the authorities at Washington. This conservation movement they will forward as one of their principal activities for the new year, together with their regular work of education, bird care on reservations and legislative campaigning for general bird protection. ' "The conservation of the dying races of the game birds and animals of this conti nent is an object for which we are finding every true sportsman ready and eager to co-operate with us," said William Dutcher, president of the National Association of Audubon Societies, at its headquarters, 141 Broadway. "The proposed census is the only sure way to determine the extent of $30 Suits to Order for S15 On Gale Saturday, January 9th We offer for this day's sale our $25, $28 and $30 Suits and Overcoats made to your C1C measure for $lw This to reduce our stock. To keep our workmen busy and to bring In new customers. We offer our $40 Suits and Ov ercoats to order, 01C for .KU And our $50 Suits and (Of. Overcoats to order for..,.vuJ We Guarantee a Perfect Fit Come early Saturday. MacCarthy-Vilscn Tailoring Co. 804-804 South 16th St. Near Southwest Corner 16th and Farnam. 200 Fine Silk jPetticoats All colors, actual values to $12.50, on sale at $4.95 Women's Eiderdown Bath Robes All colors, regular $5 values, at $2.98 $1.50 Flannelette Dressing Sacques, on sale at 49c $2.50 Long Kimonos at 98c Heatherbloom Underskirts All colors and black, regular $3.00 values, on sale at $1.45 Infants' Bonnets, values to $2, at, choice 49c Five rolls Toilet Paper. Four boxes 120 Clothes Pins. Extra large Corn Popper. 25c Heavy Dust Pans. Ten Mouse Traps. BIO BAXiB WASH KACXHTBS. Dornestlo Wringer, three year guar antee, worth 1 50 each; on sal BaW urday. f$.S6 Rotary Washer oa sale (or M-8 We have only 85 mors Western Washers on hand, they are, worth SI to to 13.86 each; this will be the last aal on them round or square, at 8.60 110.00 Easy Ak-Sar-Ben Washer. only f3.S 1 Quality and Pork Roast, per lb Mutton Leg, per lb. Mutton Roast, per lb No. 1 Ilams, per IT PAYS the existing commercial bird butchery and the means to check It. Though we shall, of course, have to fight the organized and financially powerful market hunters at every step toward this end, I feel sure that the support of the sportsmen will help us greatly and that we may rely upon the support of every patriot io American as well. The whole public dubt of this nation has Just been reported as $997,549,751. With a known annual loss of many millions more than this, due to the growing inroads of the insects which our game birds destroy, I do not think Americans can Ignore this subject much longer." to the: jews op America. Appeal for Assistance for the Rartho quake Sufferers. The American Jewish committee, tn executive session assembled in New York City, expresses its deep sympathy with the Italian people In their distress. On behalf of American Jewry It sends the Italian people messages of rncouragement and brotherhood, with Ihe prayer that they may be strong and hopeful of the future. We call upon the Jews of America to open wide their purses and lo contribute what they can to the funds now bring gathered by the American Red Cross so ciety. Let every Jew do his duty by his stricken Italian brother. Contributions should be sent to the near, est local Ked Cross treasurer or to the national Red Cross treasurer at Washing ton, D. C. HERBERT FRIEDENWALD. Secretary. KILLED TO PUNISH HUSBAND Mrs. Powell Says This Is the Heasoa She Shot Three loss and Herself. FORT DODGE. I-., Jan. a (Special Tel egram.) Mrs. Powell . of Rockwell City, who shot her three sons and herself, is worse this morning and her life is again despaired of. The oldest son is better, but is not out of danger. The other two are dead Mrs. Powell says constantly she committed the, crime to punish her hus band for drinking. She says she hopes both she and the remaining son die. Young men's "Bam pock" suits and over coats going Saturday at a third off. Ben son A Thome Co. FROST PROMISED IN SOUTH HUtaa Teseperature . In Other Parts f Country Is the Pre diction. WASHINGTON. Jan. I. -Frost tonight as far south as northers Florida, a slowly climbing mercury In the Atlantlo states Saturday; rising - temperature In the Inte rior iuta sxceot for swert culd la tha Men's Winter Underwear & Furnishings Magnificent clearance bar gains in all winter garments. You'll find you can't dupli cate the qualities elsewhere at our prices. Men's $2.50 Undershirts or Drawers, pure Australian wool, extra fine quality; on salo at .$1.50 Men's heavy wool Shirts or Drawers, worth to $2.00 a garment, all sizes, at 98c Men's Winter Underwear, 80 wool, all sizes and col ors, worth to $1.50 garment, at 69c MtVs Fleeced Shirts or- Drawers worth double, sale prices at 29,nd 39 Men's and Boys' Wool Sweaters, (Ine quality to 13 values t -.81.50 81.98 Men's Bine Flannel Overshirts California or Army flannel worth to $2.50, chrrfce. . . .98 tt to 10 A. M. Men's Fleeced shirts or drawers, 60c Quality, t 25 Hart, Schaffner & Marx $".95 Grrtfeff Clothing Btrgains Ever Offered -Stt Ltrgt hi Psgt Saturday Incomparable Values in our High Grade Linen Department Immense assortment high grade Iluck Towels, plain white . and fancy borders, 19c values; Saturday, each .9c Five hundred dozens high grade hemmed Napkins, ready for use, suitable for restaurant wear, 50c quality; Saturday, dozen 35c One hundred dozens Bed Sheets, size 81x90, heavy, strong . and durable, admirably adapted for hotel and apartment rooms, G9c values, Saturday, each 45c One hundred "dozen Pillow Cases, size 42x36 and 45x3G, made "of strong heavy muslin, 17c values, Saturday, each. . .10c Fifty full size Crotched Bed Spreads, pronounced patterns and good for wear, $1.25 values, Saturday, special, ... .79c Saturday Specials in Meat Department Price Inmre At All Times H a Unf action 7c 9c 7c Veal Roast, per 6c lb., 8c, 7c and Veal Chops, per f lb.. 12Vo and I f UC lb Mutton Chops, per lb. ..... . 12c 12 4 No. 1 Picnic Hams 5,000 lbs. Armour No. 1 Bacon, lb . . 15 northwest, falsing of the eastern snow storm into the Atlantic ocean and storm signals flying from the California coast are the features of today's weather bureau re port PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Charles Grlscora of Portland, Miss Alma Summers of Humbnldt and Kred A. Bar tett of Kvlra at the Her Grand. C. O. Maulscrti of Denver, C. K. Daugh erty of Norfolk, A. M. Chambers and A D. Beers of Walthlll are at the Murray. Bert Wattles of Neligh, nephew of O. W. Wattles, and Art Alhmain left Thursday night for a short visit at Excelsior Sprlnga. C. F. Cain of lender, F. H. Cromwell of Elmwood, O. T. Herrmann of North Platte and Fred Bchroeder of Cheyenne are at the Schllts. Mrs. H. II. Heller, superintendent of the Detention school, who has been In Salt Lake City, attending the funeral of her father, returned last evening. Dr. W. M. Davidson, superintendent f the city schools, goes to Lincoln tnnlKht to attend a meeting of the Schoolmasters' club. The doctor is president of the club. J. H. Grady, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ketter ing, Mrs. Walts of Denver, II. D. Bchroeder CLEAN UP SALE! 1 mm AJZ- 70 On all broken lines off SUITS and OVERCOATS. These are this season's goods and very desirable. Come in and get an early pick. $35.00 Suits now $23.35. 1 $25.00 Suits now $16.65 $29.00 Suits now $19.35 $22.50 Suits now $15.00 Also broken lines off Shirt sand Underwear at 331 discount $1.50 Underwear. .$1.00 $1.25 Shirts now. . . ..75c W. T- 'SOURKE' 319 Co. 16th St. MEN'S FASHION SHOP It to 11 A. M M mi s heavy cot ton flannel gloves and mittens, 15c values, pair .y. .-5 and Savings. Veal Steak, 12k per lb Veal Stew, 6c per lb. . Mutton Stew, f"- per lb. . .. of Pender. August Voor of Nooora, Mr. and Mrs. C P. Muaon of Ansley and S. Slaugh ter Grand Island are at the Hotel Ixiyu.1. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell of Sallna, T. ftf. Martin of Halt lke City, J. W. Horton of O'Neill, Samuel Pepier of Pueblo. H. D. Scrlbner of ean Frartcisio and C F. Way of Lincoln aro at the Rome. Norman Nlroll sailed for Cuba Thurs day from New York City on the Morro Castle in the interest of his firm, Glovet Realty EyTXlicate, to Inspect 6.0 O acres ot fruit land fhere owned by the Glover Cuban Land com amy. John Clapjer of York, J. If. Butler ol Kansas City, G. W. Murdock of Columbus, J. A. Johnson, James Frown of Valentine, D. Treadway of Wall Ijtke. la., Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bertrand and child of Sioua Falls are uc the Henahaw. Hershey C. Welch of North Platte, C. H. Reed of Madison, J. D. Horton ef Grand Island, C. W. White of Gregory. H. V. Htanfleld of Tekamah, L. K. Cummlnge of H Ignore and C. B. Duffey of Coon Rapids are at the Merchants. W. F. Porter of IJncntn, Mr. and Mrs. Thro Helvers-m of Battle Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Zachary 8. Taylor, George XV. Taylor of Bnid. Okl., John Martin, John Williams of Douglas, C. C. Crowell. Jr.. of Blair, F. J. Hale of Atkinson and William Smith of Rising City are at the Paxton. E i A I , ! i r 1 1 1 i i