CLIPPING 0F WINGS (Continued from First Page.) ., , ,. . . L are withheld from publication tin nil after the caucus has acted. oner with a Striae The majority submitted a generous propo altlon to the minority this morning, though It had a cracker to it- The minority wta offered a clerkship, provided the, majority could select. the clerk. "That would be nice," remarked a mem ber of the minority party, "to permit a clerk selected by the democrats to get Into our meeting! and make a record of every thing we do to carry back to their caucua." Aa a matter of fact the high handel methods adopted by the Douglas delega tion in the senate, and the Burlington an 4 Mr. Bryan and the brewers In the house, are going to make the republican minority of soma ' influence in the legislature, pro vided, of course, the loud talk of some or the democrats does not end In roars. On every hand there ere signs of disocn lent and when tha committees com up "for endorsement only the hand of Mr, . Bryan can aava a mighty big scrap, with a possible permanent split. One thing the loaders of the' party have - given' out and that is that Lincoln and Omaha will not use up much legislative time on their charter scraps. These lead- re, or selt-constltuted leaders, insist that the charters of the two cities will go thrcugh the' Itglslature in any form tha Douglas aad Lancaster delegations say. In tf her words, they t.ave given it out cold that whatever arguments there are to be made must be made before the delegations . from the two counties and there the mat Here Fashion Reigns Supremo Saturday Will Be a Day of Comparable Bargains in Our JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES OF WOMEN'S GARMENTS "We have just 145 suits in the house, all in the season's latest models, broadcloths, serges, wor steds, and in all colors. We will absolutely not carry one of these high grade suits over. These suits are sold regularly from $15.00 to $37.50. In order to close them fS fft f out we will place them on sale Saturday. . Sizes from 32 to 44 Oil ISO.Coats, in broadcloth, kersey in empire, directoire, tight and semi-fitting, lined through out with Skinner satin. These coats were 6old all season from $15.00 to $25.00. pn J r Saturday special sale price ." vOe'iu 75 Coats, in broadcloth and fancy worsteds, in all the newest styles. Sold from GO ir $K50 to $15.00. Sale price Saturday MU.tu 100 Coats, kersey and fancy materials; were sold to $8.95; sale price Saturday, gQ 300 Satin Underskirts, in black only, for Saturday's special; regular price $1.98 yn tomorrow ". ' ter must be settled. Captain Evans, sergeant-at-arma of the house, will shortly be transferred to somo other Job and Captain Lew Beltzer of Osceola will succeed him. That has been decided upon. Captain QelUer was defeated in the caucus by the Douglas delegation, which la charged ' up with Brans. , Member Shoemaker received a letter from Evans in which there was outlined a mighty good war record for the captain. This won Shoematier, who is sc mew hat of a warrior In his own way, so be proposed the name of Evans to the caucus, even though Evans Is from Rich ardson county. The Shoemaker speech carried the caucus by storm and Evans was eleoted. Incidentally this action on the part of Shoemaker knocked some good democrat from Omaha out of a Job, for the Job are divided up equally be tween the members, Evans Is charged up to Douglas county. RANSOM TAKES ANOTHER TURN See ares Certificate Abstract of , Aaniaiit Vote. 1 (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. (Special.) After the aaoretary of state had refused his offer of half a doaen clerks to assist In making a certified copy of the votes caat on the con stitutional amendments, Frank Ransom, In his effort ta oust tha present supreme court, took another tack this afternoon. The Omaha senator asked and secured from Mr. Junkln a certification of the ab stract of the vote, as printed on the sheets distributed to the members of the legisla ture. This certificate reads as follows: I, George C. Junkln, secretary of atste, certify that the attached copy of the ab stract of the votea cast at the last general election ta practically a true copy of tha "" rp4""7 tt-? votes as canvassed by the State Board of Canvassers, composed of George L. Sheldon, governor; L. G. Brian, Mate treasurer; E. M. Bearle, Ja., state auditor; H. M. Eaton, land commissioner, and George C. Junkln, secretary of state. Attached to the certlflcatlonwas the printed abstract of the vote. Mr. Ransom was accompanied on his call upon the secretary of atate by Senator Tanner and Secretary Smith of the senate. His first demand waa that the secretary should at once get out the certified copy of the vote. "Why don't you make a demand for the original abstraots." said Mr. Junkln, "and let the courts settle the matter." "Well, we want to canvass the vote be fore the case reaches the courts," replied Ransom. ,- From the attest moves the Omaha sen ator has made It Is Inferred that he plans to have the legislature canvass the certi fied copy of the abstracts of the vote and then put It' up to Governor Bhallenberger to appoint four Judges to take the place of those appointed by Governor Sheldon. Should this be done then an Invitation would be extended to the three old Judges to sit with the four ne wones. Upon a refusal then it Is supposed Ransom con templates the appointees of Governor Bhal lenberger to be the supreme court. There are some stumbling blocks In the way of this, however. For instance Judge Reese is chief Justice of the supreme court by virtue of a paragraph in the constitu tion and there Is no law provided for the selection of a chief Justice save the provi sion in the constitution. Ransom's acUon haa led to considerable speculation about Just what he Intends to do and tha posalbllttiea are unlimited. For Instance hia new court could appoint a new Open Evenings Until 9 P. M. clerk and office force. Then it would be up to the new clerk to get II. C. Lindsay out by mandamus or otherwise. The case would be brought naturally In the new court. Then would come the order ousting Lindsay and following that would come the National Guard to support the order. But before all of this, however, Mr. Ran som must whip W. J. Taylor of Custer county and Mr. Bryan wll have to ait Idly by and aee his legislature do the stunt. Ransom'a new atunt waa brought about because he feared Mr. Junkln might be about sixty days In making up tha certi fied copy of the vote. So that Is why he first asked for the copy In double quick time, and upon being Informed that the office force waa limited, he offered to sup ply a halt dozen clerks to do tho work. Lawyers say It will be legal for the sec retary of state to collect a fee for doing the work at the request of the senate. This fee will have to be paid either by a direct appropriation or out of the private funds of those Interested in making the court democratic. SENATE MAS A SHORT SESSION Nothing Done Except to Read Mlnatea of Previous Session. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. g.-(Speclal.) The senate held a flfteen-mlnute aesslon today be cause of an oversight yesterday In not noting the hour to which the house ad journed. Members were obliged to stay In the city for the session, though there was nothing to do except to hear the journal read. They soon tired of this and an ad journment was taken to Monday at 2:30 p. m. The secretary's record shows that Sen ator Henry of Colfax county yesterday on Senator Ransom's motion to appeal from the decision of the chair voted to sustain the chair. SHELDON A VEIIY BUSY MAN Closing; Honrs et Administration Were Made Itreaaasa by Friends. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. . (Special.) Pale and somewhat haggard from the rush of work Incidental to his relinquishment of the executive office. Governor George L. Shel don, dressed in his evening clothes, wrote the final sentences in his farewell message to the legislature at 4:30 o'clock Thursday morning. During the evening the governor had been torn from his work by admiring friends who took him to the executive mansion to become the host at a surprise party. Shortly after midnight the governor re turned to his office and left It again his work done, just as the office lights were dimmed by the break of day. 'I may revise the whole message when I come back," remarked the executive as he left for home to get some sleep before being called upon to participate In the In augural ceremonies. Governor Sheldon and Mrs. Sheldon have been much in evidence at social functions during their two years In ths executive mansion and no executive family in Ne braska ever entertained more generously. For this reason Governor Sheldon found much of his time taken up during the last week of his administration by his obliga tion to society. Many receptions and enter tainments were given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon and they In turn gave sev eral receptions to friends who had been kind to them. During the day the governor was besieged wKh belated applications for executive clauieoc; by awUcauU tor posi tions; by Interruptions from well wishing friends. This left him the early hours of the morning and the late hours of the night to write his message. At noon today the governor and Mrs. Sheldon moved Into quarters at the Lln dell hotel, und their children went to Nehawka. In a short time the family will go to Mississippi, where the balance of the winter will be spent upon the planta tion of the governor. GOSSIP OF THE LEGISLATIVE Happenings Oat of Session Which Are of Interest. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 8. (Special.) Before Gov ernor Shallenberger appoints any members of the Omaha Board of Fire and Police Commissioners It will be up to John L. Kennedy snd Robert Cowell to again re sign. Upon their resignation filed with Governor Sheldon there Is the word "Ra uaed," written across the back. This will make It necessary for the two members to again resign to Governor Shallenberger. Should nothing happen to prevent, the gov ernor might be able to reach this order of business by the first of the week, when he will officially announce his other appointees who have been named from time to time. Ex-Governor Sheldon suggested today that the legislature should appropriate 100 or J.ViO to pay the expenses of the next Inaugu ration and h e the ceremonies In charge of a joint commlt'ee of the house and senate. Several of the members of the legislature, aa well as state officers, will appreciate the suggostlon; the former because they In aev. eral Instances were unable to get Into the ceremonies, while the expensej of the In augural ceremonies are paid by the Incom ing state officers. Having raid the ex penses, naturally the atate officers expert some consideration at the hands of the management, while the legislators have an Idea they, too, should receive at least suf ficient consideration to be able to get In on the ground floor on such an occasion. While It will he Impossible to Veep track of all the mistakes the Lincoln papers make In the legislative proceedings, nut of respect to Nebraska's new governor. A. C. Shallenhege r, this correction Is offered. The IJncoln Journal this morning an nounced that when Governor-elect Shal lenberger arose to take the oath of office he handed to Chief Justice Reese his cer tificate of election but that Judge Reese refused to take it. Here la what really happened. Governor-elect Shallenberger gave to Chief Justice Reese hia official bond about a week ago. The bond waa ap proved by the chief justice but until yes terday he had no opportunity to return it to the governor, ao that It could be filed. So when the two men met In front of the Joint session Judge Reese handed the bond to the governor and the governor placed It in his pocket. Secretary Whlttea of the Commercial club has sent the following letter to members of the legislature: For a numbe rof years past It haa been cubtomary to extend the privileges of our club to members of the legislature during eacn session. Therefore It ar fordd me pleasure to enclose herewith conn llmenUry ticket, good until March II. 10. The club room aare located In the Fra ternity building at the corner of N and Thirteenth streets, where you will find on file In the reading room curren mag azine, and daily newspapers of the prin cipal cities. We serve regular lunchnon, except Kundaya, from 18 noon to 1:10 p. in. at a cost of ti cents. We have a large billiard room, where a charge of k ceuls fttf VUS bar hour la nit t ber and visitors to whom the privileges of tho club are extended. We have a number of committee rooms that are available for meeting places, if ao de sired. We trust you will avail yourself of the opportunity presented to meet our mem bers and Incidentally to provide yourself with a convenient and well-equipped club room for business and social purposes. Senator Miller of Incaster was watch ing the employes of the senate pile up the desks to get them out cf the way for the Inaugural ball ahd reception. He spoke about their antiquated design, and re marked, "Let us hope they break them." Senator 13. L. Myera of Rock county ia an advocate of the establishment of ex perimental farms In the northern part of Nebraska. He recently bought nine planta tions In Virginia In the vicinity of Appo mattox, where he says the experimental farms have resulted in an Increase of the yield of corn from eight bushels to an acre to as high aa clgh'.y-nlne in some in stances. Northern Nebraska Is In especial need of experimentation, he thinks, because the farmers are not in a position to do It themselves and the ad! Is of a character that should be worked right or loss will ensue. At present Nebruska has ono farm at Lincoln and one at North Platte. Thy latter, Mr. Myers saya, has proved In valuable to the people of the western part of the atate. PREACHER DIES IN P00RH0USE Becomes Pauper, Though He Msd Properly and Relatives to fare for Hlin. CHIPPEWA FALLS, Wis., Jan. .-" Rev. Reuben Powell, 78 years of age, for 40 years milliliter In the United Biethern church In various cities of Wisconsin, Il linois and Iowa, died at the poor house here today. He left the ministry several years ago on account of hia age. There waa no need of Ida becoming a pauper because he had property and rel atives who were anxloua to tike care of him. TAFT AND KNOX PLAY GOLF After Gauie They Spend Seme Tine t'oasultlnar oa Cabinet Apnoiut uiente. AUGUSTA. Ga., Jan. s.-The president elect, with his secretary of state, Mr. Knox, played a game of golf, and spent the remainder of the day In conference on the make-up of the Taft cabinet No political callers came today. Justified In Killing Stepfather. ANN1STON, Ala.. Jan. 8. The case of Claude riebsely, aited 11 yesra, who yes terday shot and killed his stepfather, Dave Christopher, for bea'lng tlie boy's moihoi, today resulted in ' "Nlin by the coroner of Justifiable homoclde. , it. HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Delicate enough for the softest kin, and yet efficacious in removing any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect condition. In the bath gives all tht desirable after-effects of a Turkish oath. It should be oa every wash tand. aii. iNfi rtDiinniftTS si AVe like our friends to find pleasant reading in the papers. Here's some happy news : 20 off on all suits and overcoats. Dutchess Trousers, sold up to $6.00, now LUER'S expert Cloth Fitters 107 Gouth 16th Ot. You in: Take a Box After trying a KZbUTTZb' So clgai and sensing the keen enjoyment of ths best kiuoke we know how to produce. Uooil lobar, o, romblned with the art of making per feet cigitrs are the rexaona the BEMITTEB Bo CI a AM XI joi X.AK. Win. Rinderup MAHUTACTTJE 1823-84 St. Marys Ave. Both Ihoaes. No Filthy Sensations THE OMAHA DEE Best & West vo Will