. leifsjaj 14 THE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATURDAY. JANUARY 0. WCO. 1 i I f s 1 1 11 u i l i Want - ads roUnia will e tka til 1 as. (or the eTalaaj edltloa mm aatll a. for tae ssorala as mmmmw ealtloa. Cslsb aaast knwapur all orders for raat ads and a adTertlsesneal will a accepted for lees laaa lO teats for first lasertlon. Rates apply to eltaer The Dally or Bandar Bee. Alntri eoaat ale wards to a line. Combination of laltlala or aambers eoaat aa aao word. CASH RATE" FOR WAST ADS. REUCLAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa Insertion, aet llae, lO teats. Tin) or mars eeasecatlve lasertlaas, per line, eeata. Kmrm laaertloa made o add days, lO reata per llae. l.BO per llae per inositol accepting; thai Fl R.N' Mil El ROM ADS, when accompanied by cash, the rate will be 1 Oaa Insertion, 4 eenlo per Una three or ala eoaseeatle Inser tloaa, 8 cents per llae each Insertion even or more oonsoontlro Insertions, a eeats per llae each Insertion! 50 cents per llae par month. Want ads for Tho Boo may be left nt nay of tho following dra stores one is yonr "corner artll" they pre all branch offlcea for Tho Boo and yoa nd will bo Inserted Jest as promptly and on tho sains rates aa nt tho main office In Tho Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnam streets i Albach. W. C, oth And Farnam. Beranek, & A., 1M H. lUih m. Bechl Pharmacy, 720 S. 16th St. Benson pharmacy, Beuaon, Neb. Bemle park; Pharmaity, ltd and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2b2& Bnerman Ave. Cough Un, C K., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton 11111 Pharmacy, 2211 Military Ave. L'ontM, J. B., 3lHt Ave. and Farnam BU Crley Pharmacy. 24lh and Luke Sis, t'ermuk, Emil, laA-i 6. 13ih St. Fillers, B. H. 2W Leavenworth St. Foster & Arnoldi, 2l N. 2utll St. Frtytsg, John J., Jll N. 24th Kt. Florence. Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, Jsuth and Iake Sts. . Gieeiiuugli. U. A., 1S24 8. loth Ht. Greennugh, O. A.. 1034 8. loth St. Hayden. William C. 2SijO Karnam St. lUnscom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. 2lh St. Hoisi, John, 621 N. Mil St. Huff, A. L., 2W4 Leavenworth St. Kins', It. 8., Farnam St. Kouiitxe Place Pharmacy, 2tWl N. 24th St. Luthrup, diaries E., 1324 N. Uth 8t. Pat nek Drug Co.. 1002 N. 21th St. Peyton, L. E., 24lh and Leavenworth St. Hmatoga Drug Co., 24th 8t. and Ames Ave. Scliaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., 10th and Chlcngo Sts. Schaefer, August, 2031 N. 16th St. ttchmidt, J. 11., 24tli and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill I'harmacy, 40th and Cuming fits. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Worth, O. 11., 4oih and Hamilton Sts. DEATH AXO f'INCHAL NOTICES. ( ARI.IN Patrick, at family resldonce, 28C5 Miami, 'luefcd.iy 11:u0 p. ro- i-'iinerul troiii rewliieni e, fcaturday at 8:30 o m.. to barred Heart church at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Scpulchie cemetery. MARHIAUG3 LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Name and Residence. Age. Iltniy J. Aldrlnk. Allendale 27 Ttna Kramer, tiro nil Rapids 22 BIHTHS AND DEATHS. Births-Josef Zikmund, 1410 William, girl; C. It. Bdwards, k:4 North Forty-fourth, girl; Chris Knudson, 1610 North Twenty fourth, girl; D. J. Jourdan, liOl Vinton, twins, boy and girl; Martin lluetteimein, 34H6 South Flftcentn. gin; John Thur, ill Harney, girl; William Mooilcr, 2634 Seward, girl. Deaths Peter Gllstad, 4102 North Twenty elghtn, ill; Martin McOunaki, 8t. Joseph's hospital. 33; Caihei uio l linnemann, llVi South Sixteenth, b.; ilaltiara Chereck, liHi Soutn '1 weniy-ulniuh, tl; Frank Walaer, lHuti Ohio, lit day; Katherlne Dutch, isus Ohio, 2 days. ANNOUNCEMENTS SIGN I'A1NT1NU-S. 11. Colt', IMi Douglas. tU .el WANTED 500 head of cattle to pasture for coming season, twins, Neb.; pasture fenceu; plenty of water and shade. Write J. H. Till boy, Sioux City, Ja. UI-M393 lOx AUTOMOBILES DEKiUiiT Automobile Company Mil 1' ui nam ci. , jloddsrd Dayton ivuiu, m,', fl,;oj, .teo louring cm, iteo Tourinh car, .xeo Touring cat, .-. i'ord, niouei N, 4ji. .'ord, rnoawl it, oo'i. ord, s ruadiiei, almost new, tx0. ord R, linn. ttiilck Kuiiabout. almost new, ISOO. dulrk Touring car. a0u. several Duryea, )Mu0. Uiugon Touring car, SI, 060. .Vaverly Klei tilc, .io0 up. All the above guaranteud in good shape Write for full description. Jtata agents Stoddaru 1 iUy ton and Ford car.. The best automobile values in the world. Stoddard Dayton, ll.BtO, 12,000, 12.500. The sensational Ford Ivk) touring car. Jood live agents wanted. Open and closed cars for rent dav or night Spiclal attention given to theater rartiea' Teleplione Douglas 36.1. - 0-7S2 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL . V . . . """" open in me au tomobile field: technical iimiiuii.,... .. both steam and gas engines: students paid for iepa;r work. Address Omaha School of Automobile Engineering. 24IS LarI,'j:'!i..St. -MTtil BARTER AND EXCHANGE ARMS. town prorf-rty. merchandiite. Stringer &. Child. Paxlou Bik., Omaha. (3) 7W FINE STALLION for sale: might con sider exchange for good residence prop erly. O 354. Cure Bee. iSi-M424 llx IXDR SALE or exchange, new stock of general merchandise, with building worth W.5O0. In std live (own; will trade for Improved farm or land. Wm. O'Connor Harrlsburg, S. D. U M4o3 23 -ACRB unimproved farm, free from mort gage, near county seat, Kearney Co., Kansas, Trade for city property, will assume. F. J. 8t Ml NOR It 618 Broadway, Council 'Bluff. (S M157 10 BUSINESS CHANCES 'O OKT IN' or out of hUHiiiesii call on GANUESTAD, Room 4, Bee Bldg. (0-7S4 .'OR SALE An up-to-dtte hardware stole at once; inquire uik. No trades con sidered; 13.UV slock, including fixtures. Addreta Win. F. Dickinson. Exeter, Nub. 14.-M3j llx 4TOCK of gen. mdse for sale; will sell or rent store building and dwelling. Address Clias. Wille, Elkliorn, Neb. 14 MCClo IOB PKlNTINtl i'LANT, complete; bar gain for Job or newspaper oft Ice. Frost, Spring field, Neb. (4)-M44g lux A'MBER YARD WA.VTE1M will pay rash for good yard, located Ui central Ne braska. Address Y 197, care Omaha Bee. I4I-MM1 12x AKTY with I2,0iv an secure half Interest In an established, going brokerage con cern; laks full charge vt the office, finan ces and oorrespundenoe; business very profitable, with unlimited possibilities: previous experience not necessary; good common sense and business ability the oualifkatloi.s; do not reply unless able la Invest. Address M 353, line 14J-U137 10 BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. Fruit and Poultry 2&-ar,r, tract fruit and poultry farm, 7 acres In bearing fruit. 6-coom house; S tnlles from station; K miles from Omaha; evorythlna; for proflta-ble and lovely home. S4.4ft 'W'111 consider Omaha property for half; balance terms to suit. F. J. 8C1LNORR, (18 Broadway, Council Bluffs. (4) M480 10 GOOD business career open to young man or woman stenographer with 400 cash, to buy half Interest and Incorporate with me in my aire any esuwimned mail irder an 4 agency business. Party must be oompntent to take charge of rorre ftiondanc and office detail. Best of references required and given. This busi ness will stand the strictest Investiga tion. Address Owner, Hox 60, Omaha. (41410 tx WANTED A good hustler fon city real fdtHte; a good proposition for the right party. N 363. care Bee. 4i M423 lix iiRVO stores for sale. Knlest, N. Y. Life. (4I-7K FOR SALE First-class restaurant in town of 3.trfX. Fine location and good trade. County seat town. Address Y 12fi, car Bob. (4)-M4a lis A Bid SNAP Confectionery stock, fix tures and soda fountain In big Lincoln department store; Immediate sals. Lon don HlUer Co., 218 MxiCague, Bik. (4 in tx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist, DR. ROT, R 2, 1608 Farnam 6U Doug.47. (&) 784 Creameries. DAVID COLE creamery Co. ' (B 717 Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD ST.. Missouri filter; 15 days' trial. ( 7b China Palntlnaj. CHINA decorating; order.work a specialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 894 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red I486. (5 51 Dressmaking;. IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, Tel. Doug. 4K0. (5)-7S McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. (6) 790 Dentists. BAILET & MACH, 3d floor Paxton. D. 105. (6) 7i PKRCIVAL, 3d floor Barker block. Tel. Doug. UK Perfect dentistry at reason able prices. (6) 137 Jaoltx Kdacatlonnl. NOW OFEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF liOYLES COLLEGE Every day is enrollment day. Enter any time for complete, thorough Instruction in Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Telegraphy. Catalogues are free. H. B. Boyles, president, Omaha. Official Training School for Telegra phers for U. ,P. R. R. Telegrapn Dept. (5) M461 Florists. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. C5; 733 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. I). 1K3. (6j-74 J. H. BATH, 1623 Hamey. TeL Doug. 8000. luj-796 Flnaarlal. M0NEYI TO L O A N-L O W RATE, In sum to suit. 310 Be? bldg.. 'Phone Douglas 34, UNION LOAN COMPANY. 16-:9S Osteopathy. , JOHNSON INS., 418 N. Y. L. Tel. I). 14. (5)-.i Dr. Katheryn Nickolas, 508 N. Y. L. Bldg. 16) 70S Plumbing. CAMPBELL & DILLON, practical plumb ers: special attention given to repair work. Tel. Doug. 4042; Independent. A-l;il3. (6J-M408 Fti Moving and Storing. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., office 214 N. lfih St.. warehouse 2207-9 Izurd St. (:- 0 Safes, Shutters, Etc. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of fire eseates, shutters, doors and sates, u. Anuiet n, prop., 102 . loth. I 15J-7JJ I shorthand Reporter nad Notary. F. J. OTJTCI.IFFE Depositions. R2S Bee Bldg. Tel. Dong. as Wt. (5) 8 1 Shoe Repairing-. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO. First-class work. Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 9!4. (& M SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Snoe Ri-pnir Co, lao4 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7jbi'. (;) 8J l ndertakers. Hl'LSE A RIEPEN. successors to Harry B. Davis, 7tr9 So. 16th 81. Both phones. (51-337 Feba HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. Slcno., to act as private sec'y, $75-$iOO. Sleno.. wholesale house, u0. Stenographer, Clerk for office. $35. Demonstrator, experience necessary, 530 and expenses. WESTERN RKF. & BOND A33 N. IXC. 721-22 N. L. Life Bldg. (7)-434 8 WANTEl Four lady clerks; dry goods; state age. description, and addreab; for Seattle. Addreh Y li. care Bee. (7 AI439 Mx Fartory and Trades. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Ap ly between iunoi.. m, umana frint- g Co., rarnsu. LAl'NDRESS for Institutional work, 13 per inonlii; room and board. Reference rcuuli'd. Address A 2y0. cats Bee. t?)-n llonseheepers and Domestics. ASSISTANT cook wanted; goo J wnges. 34: J Cats. 7i .V1304 11 UIKL for general housework. 3315 Hurt. (7i-MJ; x HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors nnd salesmen. 8ALESMEN wanted for the best cement block and lxnt machine on the market; stralglt commission, good for 1uo to 4uu per month; a good side line for Implement men; territory reserved. Address (Jeo. A. Black, lleneral Sales Agent, 12o9 Cnlon Ave.. Kansas City. Mo. 19;-M123 li WANTED Hustler, for city; good salary, permanent; applk ant must furnish fidel ity, and be able lo pay annual premium on same. Address, giving age, occupa tion, etc., W 3i7, care Bee. (9i M446 lox AOENT8 wanted for the moat complete oil gas burner in the world; no wick; no smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fine bus; it fits any cock stove or range; nothing like It; cne-thlid cheaper than toai or wood. THE ECONOMY Bl'RNFR CO.. Dept. t. sow and 810 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9 804 DRl'O CLERK'S position. Knlest. N. Y. Life Bldg (9)-j6 All the world find many on HELP WANTED MALE AgeatS and Salesmen Con tinned. WANTED A first-class, experienced sales man In black drees goods department. Apply Supt., J. L. Brandels & Sons. 19; 4J0 10 Clerical and Office. WANTED A young man who has soma knowledge of bookaeeping to act as time keep, r; miipt be quick, energetic and write h good hand; state cxjnence xand salary expected. Address P-365, care Bee. t 42W 10 C. P. NOHWaLl & CO., brokers, 47S-SO Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, desire the serv ices of ten up-to-date salesmen for local stock proposition; liberal compensation with permanent employment; we thor oughly train our reprefenta lives and make them successful; unlimited opportunities for advancement; references required. Ad dress L 3ol, Bee. i M438 10 Factory and Trades. DO TOTJ WANT to become a competent automobile operatrr? The Northwestern Automobile end Oas Engine school can put you In this class. Better Investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg., linh and Farnam. ' (in MSl16 WANTED Two first class barbers, Mon daraln Hotel barber shop, Slmix City, la. M3o0 12x MEN Our Illustrated catalougue explains how we teach barber trade in few weeks; mailed free. Moler Barber College. HO S. 14th St., Omaha. (9 M443 14x Miscellaneous. BOYLE3 TELEGRAPH SCHOOL. Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb.; official training school for l . P. R. R. ; positions guaranteed; booklet free. i M)7 FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's An n; no fees. Call 625 N. Y. Life Bldg. til; 03 WANTED Railway mall clerks; customs employes; clerks Ht Washington; com mencement salary, IsuO; many spring ex aminations; candidates prepared free; wnt fir schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3S6, Rochester. N. Y. (9J-M777 Jllx WANTED FOR U. R. ARM!: Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35; cltixens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For in formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 13th A Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb., or Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la. (9) M986 .WANTED For limited engagement thp services of male trio or quartet of colored singers and players; Inclose references, with reply. Address O 847, care Bee. (!)) M402 9 WANTED A man to do general repair work for a real estate firm. Steady work all year. Address S-S.-6. care Bee. (91433 8x HELP WANTED HALE AMD FEMALE. MEN and women agents wanted, $3 per day guaranteed. Call at once. 212 Mc Cague Bldg; (10) 995 8 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. FRESH cows for sale, 49th and Hamilton St. Tel. Harney 1S21. (11 M1M 9x LEWELLYN SETTEK PL" PS for sale, cheap. Will V. Matthews, Tahor, la. (U l-MJSj Horses and Vehicles. FOR SALE Delivery horse, wagon and harness, 175. The Sloetiel Stove Co., 714 S. 16lh St. (Ui M401 LOST AND FOUND LADY'S watch and fob; monogram "E. B." Lost between Dundee-and high school; 115 for return to Klopp & Bartlett Co., loth and Douglas. (f2 M3:5 9 LOST A gold bar breastpin, with a bud In the center. Return to S16 N. 21st, South Omaha. Tel. South 1557. (12 M419 9 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," tl a box. postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) Sua FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College. 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases: all treatment super vised by college professors. Phone Doug las U')7. Calls answered day or night. (13.1-123 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to tho matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th St.. O ma 1 1 a. Neh. 13 ) M 589 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. MONEY loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offices In i6 principal cities. Tolman, Room 613 New York Life Bldg. (14j 810 CHATTEL LOANS, Warrants bought. 1100 real estate loan made on monthly pay ments. 4o9 Karbach Bik. 14 372 9x limsm YOl' WANT MONEY 1M.'4IK1 DON'T PAY HIGH RATES SI SEE IS FIRST. $ t We loan you any amount on Is H furniture, pianos, etc.; or. If you ii ;4 havo steady employment, on your ! $i pluln note at the cheapest rates in JJ fl the city. Open until S:30 p. m. Phone It li Doutt'as 2KV. t OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. Uttt R. 501. Prown Blk mil IIKUS Opp. Brandels' XVMt imitltU 16t h St. Entrance. ISUUSHl (1U-8H 13 THERE some poor woman who la terror ised Into nervous prostration by a loan aliTk? Bee u. Cltixens Protective asso ciation. 410 Barker Bik. (14 M41H OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Hooms. CI.OSE IN. nice large room, suitable for two; references required. 114 8. 19:h St. Phone Red 4033. (15,1 814 LARGE steam-heated rooms, with horns cooking. 2bl6 Farnam St. (15J-M907 12x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (I5j 815 THE BACHELORS, 20TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN. U5.I-917 ROOM with board. 2411 Capitol Ave. tli)-M2i9 Feb.l FOR two gentlemen, warm room, excellent tabls board. Tel. Red 5171, (la; M3&3 llx Fl'RNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly modern; first-class neighborhood; at m reasonable price, ltd Win St. U5 13 THE HOBE. IO20 Harney; nlcs warm rooms with good board; rates reasonable; single meals or mcU tickets. (15) M380 J lix NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board: walking distance. 704 Farnam St. Tel. Harney 3&1. (15) 34 t Fnrnlshed Rooms. ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week or month. The Chatham, 110 8. 13th St. (It) 816 NICELY furnished front parlor. (14 8 rid. (15-M3M x 1 Bl'ITji of parlors with lavatory. In modern home, on Park avenue, with board. Spe cial figures to permanent psriie. Phone Harney 1224, (15-Mi36 !x loves a bargain. You can The "BEE want ad" page. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Hooras Con tinned. COMFORTABLE aouth front room In mod ern brick house. 2-08 Douglss St. (7 M212 9 FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. N1ELSON & CO.. RENTAL AGT3., 703 N. Y. Lite Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2H. IU S17 Fl'RNISHED rooms, strictly modern, plenty of hot Water. 3:4 N. i9th St. (16) Mil2 x VERY pleasant front room, hot water heat, modern flat, good locality. 2407 Harney. (li U(S 1 TWO large steam nested rooms. Inquire Hamilton Cafe, 24th and Farnam. U6j M408 Ux Apartments nnd Flats. 1-6 r. flat, Scargo, 616Vi N. Jlth St., South Omaha. Hall, 4.W Ramge Bldg. Red 74.. tlo)-M2)W A VERY choice apartment at 33d and Far nam Sts, will be vacated soon by party leaving the city; Inquire of Wm. K. Pot ter, 301 Brown Bik. (15) 267 5-ROOM strictly modern heated apartment, 223 N. 2oth St. J. N. Marsh, 44a Board of Trade Bldg. (lfij J0 STEAM HEATED FLATS. Six rooms, hardwood, full modern, gas range, hot water, heated $30. Summer rate 123; references required. Bemls, Pax ton Block. (15) M145 9 MODERN 6-room steam heated apartment on February 1 In the Dunsany, loth and Pierce St. Conrad Young, 1518 Dodge St. I16)-M3il C'nfnrnlshed Rooms. 2218 CHICAGO, modern, S large unfurnished rooms, south front, first floor; everything Included, 122 per month; also 1 fiirnlfhU room, 18. Phone, Red 6578. (15) M409 9 Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Excellent south front, modern furnished alcove parlor for light house keeping; 'Phone in house. 2574 Harney St. (U) M974 8 CITE of modern rooms, with every con venience. 2o26 California. (15) 994 8x THREE elegant rooms, strlctlv modern, steam heat, hot water, 318 N. S2d St. (16) 981 lOx Furnished Houses. DESTRABLE 8-room modern furnished house. Ringwalt Bros. (15) 222 lloases and Cottages. 4 R. water, gas, 1616 N. 34th. , 110. 5 R. mod. ex. heat, 2704 Ruggles, 111. 8 R. mod, 2710 Franklin, 125. 6 R. mod. ex. heat, 4015 Hamilton, 122,50. 6 R. mod. 1524 Wirt St.. 130. 6 R. new, mod., 2108 Spencer St., 135. 7 R. mod. ex. heat. .1114 Miami ., IIS. 8 R. part mod. 3f30 Evans 8t., 120. 8 R. mod. 1611 Lake St., 125. 8 R. mod. ex. heat, 2515 Parker St.. 125. FLATS. FLATS 5 R. mod. ex. heat, 607H N. 51st St. 126.50. 6 R. mod. ex. heat, 2ti22 Sherman Ave., $15. 7 R. mod. 619 S. 19th St., $45. 6 R. heated apartment, heat and Janitor service, all modern, 104 8. 24th St. HASTING & HEYDEN, 1704 FARNAM ST. (15) 432 8 I 6-ROOM cottage cor. 33d and Charles Sts.; modern except heat; $22.50. Apply S323 Hamilton 8t. (15)-M4&4 lOx 8 ROOMS, modern good neighborhood, good repair. First class furnace, 4uC N. 23d St., $35, less water. (15) M2k9 12 BRICK, house, 2616 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern. Moyer Real Estate Co., ltjll Farnam St. (15) M26.i OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, store. H. H. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16) 819 MAGGARD VAN & STORAGE CO., Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos. H. H. goods. (16) 820 HOCSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 3zH. (15)-824 lO.'O 8. 23D, 6-room cottage, city water and gas. Inquire 1021 S. 24th. (15) 413 9x FOR RENT New 5-room cottage one block from Sherman Ave. car; fine lawn and trees; asphalt paved street, cement walks nnd bosement; very choice location. Rent $30. Owner pays water rent and cares for lawn. Telephone Webster S310. Wil liam I. Klerstead. (15) 300 LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)-825 8-ROOM. modern brick flat. 8007 Pacific. For information 'phone Harney 3283. (15)-822 MOCSES, flat. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. (16) 828 HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Bllt. (151-827 A BARGAIN in rent, 7 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, near In, three blocks from Farnam St. car line; very low to good tenant. Apply at 607 N. 19tli St. (15)-M821 "ROOM, all modern house, gas stove, gas water heater, shades, furnace. 1612 Spruce St. Tho Chatham. II. I. Plumb. (15) MS2J SEVEN ROOMS, modern, hardwood finish. 601 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 1510. (15)-M425 9 TO LET 2219 Douglas St., 8 rooms, mod ern. $40. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St. (15) M415 10 3025 MANDERSON St.. block td car; 7 room new house; water and light: large lot; good barn. W. S. Frank. 321 Neville Block, Omaha. (15) M548 10 $14 per mo. 19(0 Pierce St., 7 rooms, barn and chicken house. $17 per mo. 123 No. 2Sth Ave.. 6 rooms, electric light, city water. $-150 per mo. 1129 Georgia Ave., 8 rooms, moaern. $22.60 per mo. 2X5 Spalding St., S rooms, modern except furnace. t'.'S per mo. "IH N. 30ih St., 5 rooms, mod. .o per mo. :4tC N. 27th Ave., 6-room, new, modern cottage. t per mo. 2d floor, 2129 Farnam St., 6 rooms, mod. except furnace. IK) per mo. 3:t'8 8. 24th St.. 9 rooms, mod. hot water heat, good barn. $45 per mo. 8-room modern flat, oak fin ish. West Farnam district. $35 per mo. 1',12 Spruce St., 7 rooms, all modern, gas range. $."0 per mo. N. 30th St., 8-room. new, modern flat, gas range and laundry. $91 per mo. 51s 8. 2id St.. 14 rooms, mod. GEORGE & CO., ltiol Farnam St. (15) M449 9 ,m7 CI irk A ronms. 11R ! I.") N. '.nth, 6 rooms, modern, $23. iiiXQ WebMer. 8 rooms, modern except fur- naxe, $23. Jin and Chicago, r0 rooms, new, modern, Ringwalt Bros., 106 & 15th St. 116) M453 10 IlUUDtJO Creigh Sons 4 Co., Bee Bldg. 161-8)0 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldg. (15) 829 FOR RENT 4 nice rooms, first floor, citv water, gas, toilet, IU.50 jer month. C. M. Bachmann. AgL (le 771 7-BOOM modern house, 2611 Dodge. Tel. Harney 877. 115) 34i llx WHEN you write to advertisers, it takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to say you saw the ad in Th Ban, J57 OFFERED FOR RENT (,ContlnueU. Uflleeo. DESK ROOM for rent In sn office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sis., touth Omaha. Call at Bee olfice. S. O. branch. 24th' and N. Sts. New address. (15) Mii7 THIRD AND FOCIITH FIAXHtS. Webster Sundenana HiOK. : nus been subdivided Into verv attractive olflcrs. all well llgnteri; heat and elevator serne tur nisliea; leases one to three ears. GEORGE & CO.. l'l Fariisni St. (15)-M4S 9 ei CORNER storeroom, 702 N. lth SI ri6l M106 lOx ROOM at northwest corner of 16tli and Jackson Sts., 22xtW feet, with good show windows and basement: heat furnished; rental $2no per month; lease to good party one to three years. 803 N. 20th St., room 20x60 feet, next door to grocery store; rental, $20 per month. GEORGE CO., lft'l Farnam St. (Id) M447 9 Bnlldlngs. 3-STORY and full basement brick In wholesale district, with elect! lo elevator; will make good terms to right party under lease. F. D. WEAD, Wead Bik.. 18th and Farnam (13) M271 9 OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnttare. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap. Call at Bee office, Omaha. (16)-143 Typewriters. MONARCH typewriter, nearly new, for sale cheap. Call lnd. Tel. A29io, or write 2306 Dewey Ave. (16) MU) Miscellaneous. SEND us your mall orders for drugs; ire:guL paiu on ,iv ivi,. ujrei 9-1111011 Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 8.16 DRCGS at cut prices; freight paid on all U; orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (161832 LADIES Send for sample of the new "Imperial Complexion Cream," delicate In perfume and texture. One trial will convince you. Sample box 10 cents. North ern Chemical Co., P. O. Box 392. Minne apolis. Minn. (16) M367 llx FOR SALE New end 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world ln cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Hrunswick Balke Collendcr. 407 8. 10th St. (1G)-R34 FOR BALE Cheap for cash, butcher's 6x 10 Ice box. ln good condition. Geo. W. Hartman. 2003 Cuming 8t. (16) MS37 FOR SALE At once, one Cross Compound Corliss engine, alze 18x22x30-ln. ; direct connected to two Reldler pumps 124X30 ln.; two 16-in. Intakes, one 18-ln. dis charge, capacity 8,000,000 gallons In 24 hours; this pump is in perfect condition and may be aeen in operation at the Lincoln Park power house. Write for particulars. M. H. West, Supt., Lincoln Park System, Clark and Center, Sts., Chicago. (16) M406 10 B. F. SWAXSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $23 TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER 20 different makes to select from at a saving of 30 to (O per cent of mtrs. urices illfi and upi. Slightly used and genuine in built midlines practically as good as new for sale or rent, rent applied if bougnt. Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on p proval for examination without a deposiL Write today for large bargain list and receive our offer. B. F. Swanson Co. (Est. 1904), 417 S. 15th St., Omaha. (16) 135 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sell at 50c each. Ihey are fine for rain waier or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 FOR BALE good blllard tables cheap. Inqul.e 1929 West Q St., South Omaha. G6-339 Feblx PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-S38 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. S. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-31 Paclflo Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1869. (171839 PERSONAL WANTED Seattle man wishes to meet laoy, M to 30; will remain here three mouths; give description, and address Y 128, care Bee. (18) M440 lOx A HOME for women during confinement. We tlnd homes for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Mother Let, 403 Bancroft St. 'Phone Douglas 1J21. G8)-01 J27x MASSAGE treatment. 1709 Dodge St., base merit. Mrs. Jordan. (In) M426 14x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing: in tact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 785 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 151s Farnam St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 2i HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnnm. (18) 840 (18) 527 LIEBEN, costumer. 1410 Howard. Open Eve. 18) 842 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. (18) 843 WANTED To store piano for use of it; best care, no children. Address I) 344. rare Bee. (18j 146 Vx SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 844 ELECTRIC vibratory treatments, alcohol rubbing, magnetic massage; new parlor; lady operator. Room 2, 170.", Dodge St. 08I-M3S3 ldx REAL ESTATE HEAL. ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1856; prompt service; gel our prices. 1710 Farnam St. (191845 PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. (!9)-47 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRL 8T CO., CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President. (191-846 GEORGE at CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19) 848 BENJAMIN R. E. Co., 477 Brandels Bldg. (19)-849 CITY PROPERTY FOR A LB. LIST your property with Chris Bover, 22d and Cuming Sis (19) 51 $60 REWARD. To ths person who will send mi a buyer for my property. Tel. Wtbster "). UJ)-3 lOx i REAL ESTATE mitm CITY PROPERTY FOR At.R (Continued ) CLOSE-IN HOME a I I - - S ...... t..m lwa.llala ttl 11'- ej Ul I IP I 711 UIUUJ I ,Jt lliuiliumie room, nil niod-m Iiouhc on iJndg Bt-i i9: potion boiler, itpum haU hrvUy OflK Iiniwn, r14.nt.j-1 lira uininw ruum. i.u''""i glaft wtiMlomn, two mar t)rn c'"UtiK tW") orh, lavatory, builTR pantry, n'frlfTa.or k oit) In kitohpn. oprn ftrplac In od ( rooina, eiitr rnwfu uniiiiiHi " i alone waa I3n,iv. We can aell for tlO.on U Will RO llB vvri'K 11 uu arv 11. X. P. POlH.E & CO. (19) 437 AN eastern owner bits two houses In Hanh com Place rented for t"0 a month; every thing modern; paved street; east front; will sell at n bargain; one block north of Hanscom Park. THOMAS BRKNNAN. Room 1, New York L'fe BuiWIng. (19i S.V) IF YOl HAVE Citv property, farms, rsncli lsnrts or mer chandise to sell or trade, list them with me. It costs you nothing unless 1 effect ssle W. W. Mitchell, 3.12 Board of Trade Bid. (19i M44f We are now located ln our new offices and sre ready for business with the Best list of SNAPS In the City. F. MENGEDOHT SON. 218 . 15th 8L U--M403 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HASCH UU TOR AI.H TEN THOUSAND ACRES of choice Cana dian, land at 110 an sere; one-half cash, balance Income property; full particulars given on application. Fremont 8. Gibson, Mason City, la. 2o M442 13x Colorado. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver-Oreelev district, under Irrigation; sugar beets, alfalfa, general farming and fruit raising; low price, easy payments. National Investment Co., 582 Brandels Bidg., Omaha. Tel. Douglas H1. (20) 5J Idano. IDAHO homestead lands. Wm. C. Ar, 8481 Larlmore Ave. (20) 344 lOx Iowa. FOR SALE 80 acres of good Iowa land, all in clover, alfalfa, timothy and blue grass; living water, 1V4 miles from Under wood, 18 miles from Council Bluffs;-price 190 per rcre; part payment will be taken ln city property. Apply to George B. Clark, 18 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la. () M428 10 GRBAT FARM SNAP. 285-arr farm, 13 miles south of here, Va mile to station. 100 acres in cultivation, balance rolling timber pasture, all excel lent soil; 2 sets of good buildings. Oak, hickory and walnut timber enough on this land to pay for It. Price $5 per sere. No better farms there Belling for $75. Will sell on terms to suit, or consider merchandise or good city property. F. J. SCHNORR, 518 Broadway, Council Bluffs. (20 Mt5 W FOR BADE A gxd gsyxlen farm about 4 miles east of Council Bluffs postoff.ee: no rock, no gumbo; no overflow. Level road to city; small payment down; Ions; time on the balance. Harry A. Settles, 1515 N. 2uth St,. Omsha. (-Mf 11 Kaaaas. BARGAINS In North Dickinson County, Ksnsas, lands. Send for list today. E. Fackler, Manchester. Kan. l20)-M371 Feb. ix Montana. FINE RANCH FOR SALE. Z.CCn acres of Montana wheat land. SOP acrea ln cultivation, good water rtght and an excellent opportunity for a rood farmer: threshing machine, gang plcws and other machinery to go with trie ranch. Price, 1:5 an acre: one-half cash, the balance a years at ( per cent. Se curity State Bank, Havre, Mont. 'Mt M4M J ana WHEN you write to advertisers, remem ber that It takes but an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad ln The Bee. Nebraska. 40-Acre Farms-40 ' Under Irrigation IN THE Great North Platte Valley We have 18 of these 40-acre farms ranging ln price from $40 per acre up to $00 and $70 per acre. These are all SUGAR BEET LANDS and will produce from 175 to 1100 per srrs to the farmer who properly cultivates the land. A 40-acre sugar beet farm will pay the owner 4 to 5 times ss much net money In a year as any man can earn at a trade ln the city, no matter what his trade may be. SOLD ON EASY TERMS It's easy to buy one of these farms. The terms are: Om -fifth cash, balance one to ten years at 8 per cent. For example, 40 acrea at $50 per acre equals $2.0i); flrat payment, one-fifth or $tu0; balance, $160 or more a year with In terest. WHAT IS UNFi WORTH THAT WILL PHODl'CE $100 A YEAR IN BEETS? or any other crop? You can hire every particle of the work done for from $30 to $40 per acre. Call It $40. Suppose the crop only turns out 18 tons to the acre; It sella it to a ton, bringing you $ for your crop; less labor cost lo. leaves $40 net per acre. One of the best and well-to-do German farmers from Wayne, county, Nebraska, told a party of men In our last excursion that land that would produce $40 per acre net was worth from $4e0 to ISO) per acre, and In his Judgment would sell for that In a few years. Our Irrigated land will do It. Why not get some of It T 40 ACRES ; HO ACRES 1H0 ACRES We prefer to aell In small farms, but you may buy what you wish. JOIN US ON OCR NEXT EXCURSION, leaving Omaha January 12 at 4:10 p. m. Total cost of trip only $13. Money refunded If you buy. Wage earners, machinists and all me chanics, why not save up something for a rainy day? You know it is almost Impos sible to do It working for wages. Get on to a piece of land and In a few years you will have a home that will support yoj, not one for you to support. GO WITH LS. Where? To the Keystone colony. GO WITH US. When? Next Tuesday. 4:10 p. m. GO WITH US. How? Cost la only $15; money refunded If you buy; we return you to Omaha Thursday morning. Keystone Is on the new main line of the Union Pacific; it is easily accessible. Buy now before prices double. There la no better place In America today to get In "on the ground floor" on a land purchase. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., General Land Merchants, Room i. New York Uff Building, Omaha, Nebraska. (20)-4U 11 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam 8mlth & Co., 1320 Farnam 8. (1 t4 PAYNE. FOHTWK'K CO.. N. Y. Lite. Private money; $54 to $1,000; low rate. (22l-yS PRIVATE MONET-NO DEI. AT. GARVIN BROS., 1H FARNAM. (23)-t.7 FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRBNNAN, Room 1 New Tors, Life Bldjr RE At ESTATE LOANS H on'.lnued I SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated Apply Room 2H Vitst Nan Rank Bids lieil 'phone Douglss ;"uy (23) 73o CHOICE LOANS ON I M l'Ho ED OM AHA PROPERTY OR FARMS; w rate no ' delay. I. Pibbernsen, old Boston Store R, mi: t PRIVATE money to loan. J H Sherwoo.l Sl'j Brandels Rldg. (22)-s.-J LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton block" (22i $!(0 TO 110,000 made promptly. F. D Wea",f Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. (221 wi ' MONEY TO BUILD. $fi00 to $ai,0P0 at current rstes W. H. I1IOMAS, tn3 First Nat 1 Psnk Rldg. t?2)-! WANTED City loans. Peters Trint Co (221-8(0 $V0 TO $6,0(0 on homes In Omaha. (1 Kn fo Real Ktate Co.. 1H N. V. Life. imu or A-21A2. i22)-sm MONEY TO IA)AN Payne Investment Co. FARMS FOR RENT Farm for Rent 240 acres of slightly rollino; land, with good improvements. Good soil and good water; ten miles from town. Want, to rent to right parties. There is 200 acres of plow land. Kindly give references. R S Dickinson, Columbus, Neb. (2U-M414 14 REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to purchase modern houee near West Farnam; must be reasonable ln price and la perfect condition. Only own ers need anar, giving full particu ara. Address W M0. care Bee (23, Si WANTED At once, moderate sited hous In good locality; must be cheap for c&a.i No agents or real estst dealers need reply. Address H Ol, care Bee. Q3)-34 WANTED to purchase downtown business block, $30,000 to tac.oooo. S me at once. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bik.. 11th and Farnam. 28) M272 9 WANTEDTO BUY HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture, carpets, cotbes and a noes. TeL Doug. S'71. RIGHT price paid for second hand furniture, carpets, staves, clothing, shoes. Tel. Red &4-a. iS) Me WE WILL buy Isnd any place the rivers are cutting. Omaha Current Deflector Co.. 214 & lKh St. (X)-71 1 WANTED A small Marine gslln engine. Address L 100. care Bee. (X-MDt fx WANTED All kinfle of sd-hand furniture; will par highest price. J. Levlne. S04 N. lth. Pdodc Douglas T7L ( M550 WANTED TO RENT WANTEl Rmn and board by yoong man; best reference. Address T 12. care Bee. tair- W 460 10 ITKES wrrrrng ts av0rertlaers. kindly men tlea Tre Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS TOVNO maw de:re rlsoe to work for bxxard .t)e attending aobooU Boyles Cy tea. Both phooea. (17T7 FITtST nM washing and Ironing. 'Phones Web. XSSI and B S1. ai-M41 12x WAXVED-Poiitlon by young married man as assistant In bank: good references Address Y 127, care Bee. tI7-M444 10x STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam and hot water repairs; Thermostats and other heat regulators; new furnacea and hot water combination heating. Omaha Btove Repair Works. 1708-12ri Douglaa St. 'Phones: lnd, A-W21. Bell Dotiglaa-. 848 LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR PAPER FOR THE PUBLIC PRINTING AND BINDING. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received ur.tll January 31 W. it : clock A. M for furn f-hln the PAPER for the PUBLIC PR1NTINO and BINDING for Ihe vear ending the 2th of February. W the said propornls to be openod before and the award of contracts to be made by tin; Joint Cummlttee of. Congreaa on Public Printing to the lowest and best bidder for the interest of tne Government, the com mittee reserving to itself the right to re ject any and all blda, as Ita Judgment of the beat inureats of the Government may 'r?ft.,?,'ij f the descrlntlon. quantity, and quality of the paper required, accompaniea oy sampm pcx sis. and giving the regujatlona with which blddera must comply, can be ob tained by addreealng Bam'l B. Donnelly, Public Printer. Washington, D. C. I he contracts will be entered Into for supplying such quantities of paper aa may be needed during the ytar. and no more. The estimated qtiantltlea aet forth in de tail In the echedule comprise: 137 800 reams machine flnlah printing paper. 24x8. 11.000 rearna machine flnlah printing paper, 88x4. 48.000 reams slsed and super-calendered white or tinted printing ppe. various alaea. 1,826 reams antique machine finish print paper. 17 100 reania white writing paper, loft dried, varioua atzea and weights. II 600 reams colored writing paper, loft dried, various sises and weights. 1 $10,000 pounds white writing paper, ma chine dried, various atsea anj weights. 1,000 reams cover paprr, varioua sixes and weights. 1 CO pounda of oeat plate paper. lOO.OfiO pounda of best map paper. 660,000 pounda superfine (single and double) coaled book paper. f.SOO reama manlla paper, varioua sises and weights. 1,000 pounds plated bullet patch, various sixes. $24,000 pounds bond paper, s.ouo iwunds artificial parchment, va rious sixes. i.OOO pounds psrehment deed. 1&5C0O sheets cardboard, varioua colon, sixes and weights. 730 000 sheets brlstol board, various colors, sixes and weights. 710,000 pounds colored brlstol and manlla tug board 12 6W) reama first-clsss ledger paper, white or blue, laid or wove, va rli'US sises snd weights. 1 100 reama eecond-clasa ledger psper, whits or blue, lsid or wove, varioua s!xs and weights. J 200 reams tissue and copying paper. 20 reama blotting paper, any required color and weight. 4&6 reama marble, comb, and lining paper, varioua alxea. tUt reama typewriting paper, varioua sixes and weights. 126 reama letter paper. 100 reams white French folio, 17x21 Inches. 100 reams white paraffin paper, ?4xS1 Inohes t.VO sheets parchment. l."xH Inchrs. Propossls will be received for one thou sand reania or more. By direction of the Joint Committee of Congress on Public Printing. SAM li B. I'ONNTrT.IT, Psblie Printer WASHINGTON, IX C., December l, lit. a-Jaal- ( f I V i a a n 1.