Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1909, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 11, Image 11

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srs Boot Frist ft.
. Ssrlow Advertising Agency, '10-4 Ees
adolpa r. Iwoboss, rsblla Aoeosntas.
Bisahart, photographer. lth Firnim.
loves Cleaned, Thos. Kllpstrkk's glovs
Bonzks for holiday candlaa and ci
gars. tl B. 16th.
o.oitsble life Policies, light dratU at
maturity. H. O. Neely, manager, Omaha.
Kow la Tour Houaat la It warm enough
thla Tha Keasley at Maltlaon Co.
haa a remedy cover your heating pipe In
tha basement. Tel. Douglas 1097. U13-U15
Harney atreet.
Tout Money and Inanranoe Pspers
should bo kept In a (Ire and burglar
Droof safe deooalt box In the American
fiafa Depoilt vaulta In the Bee building,
Boxes rent (or only 14 a year, or II a
Caller Leaves with Tine King's A man
who called at the home of F. F. Wagoner,
paaaenger department cashier at the
Burlington headquarter!, oetcnlbly to make
a call, left tha house Thursday afternoon
with three valuable rings and a number
of piece o( clothing and other articles. The
detectlvea at tha police atatlon were notified
of the theft and expect to arrest the man
' Alleged Torg sry to Bay a Drink John
Hanouaek waa arranged Friday morning
In the county court on the charge ot for
gery. The case was bound over by the
county Judge until the next term "ot the
district court. He Is chaiged with having
forged a oheck In the name of D. H. Kirch-
tier, a aaloon keeper in Bennington, to the
extent of . January X on the Mangold &
Olandt bank. The check was presented for
sv drink of whiskey.'
WUi Baatax Oete Thirty Bay a Thirty
flays for wife beating . waa the sentence
given 0orge Hallahan in police oourt.
Friday. It la testified against him that
lie spent the wagea ha received for working
week on a Job hla sister-in-law had se
cured for him, became Intoxicated and went
home, where he abused and struck hla
wife and threatened to kill her. They live
at 801 South Twentieth atreet, but Mrs.
Hallahan will go to live with her slater
Wah Sam rights for Bis Earn Wan
Ham wanted hla ham, so he atrenuoualy
objected to having ' Arthur Williams,
colored, A man living at 1409 Chicago atreet.
Steal It from hla ice box In the rear of his
restaurant, the Bon Ton, near Thirteenth
And Douglas streets, Thursday night. In
police court Friday morning, the -Chinaman
' testified against WUUama, who waa sen
fenced to serve five daya In Jail, where
neat la only obtainable once a day,
mall portions, on tin platea.
- Women Burned righting' llre Whlhi
trying to put out the flamea around a gas
ollne atove that had 'ignited in her kitchen
about o"olock Friday morning Mr. Josle
Bpaford was painfully burned on her right
arm and hand. She Uvea at 1613 Cuming
street. The fire did not gain much head
way before the arrival of the firemen
Mrs. Spaford's burns being the moet sort'
us part Of the affair. She used a rug to
fight the flamea and remained at homo and
had her arm and hand cared for after the
firemen left.
Old Treight BUI Trick Blocking a con
fldence game Just aa It was being played
at Union station, Thursday, W. A. Cope,
paaaenger director, arrested J. C. Iiamlll
one of the man who he says was playing
the old trick of freight bill scheme of
swindling, while the other confidence man
made his escape. The money whjch had
been secured from the unsuspecting
stranger by the two men, was returned to
him and Hamlll Is now st the city Jail.
booked as suspicious character. The
polios are looking for his partner and have
fair description of him.
A Total Eclipse
of the functions of stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels, Is quickly disposed of with
Electrlo Bitters. 60c. For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Gloves, hosiery, caps, suspenders, under'
wear, mufflers, eermuffs, mittens, etc, at
K per cent off Saturday. Benson & Thorns
BaUdlns? Permits.
W. T. Graham, 2903 Ames avenue, frame
dwelling, $1,760; W. T. Graham, 906 Ames
avenue, frame dwelling, 11,760; Johnson,
Bros., Thirty-fifth street and Poppleton
avenue, frame dwelling, S4.000; I. H. Rob
erts. Thirty-second and Bd Crelghton ave
nuea, brick veneer dwelling, 5,0(O,
Daughter's Head Encrusted with
Dandruff Feared sheWould Lose
her Hair Many Treatments were
Futile Baby had Milk-Crust.
'Tor several years mv husband was
missionary in the Southwest, and ws
were living on the edge of the desert at
an elevation of nearly Ave thousand
feet. Every one in that high and dry
atmosphere has more or lees trouble
with dandruff and my daughter's scalp
became so encrusted with it that I was
alarmed for fear she would lose all her
hair, which was very heavy. After
spending between five and six dollars
for various remedies, in desperation I
bought a cake of Cuticura ciosp and A
box of Cuticura Ointment. After rub
bing the Cuticura Ointment thoroughly
into the roots of the hair. I gently
combed the crust of dandruff free from
the scalp, and then gsvs her head a
thorough shampoo with the Cuticura
ftoap. This left the scalp beautifully
clean and free from dandruff, and after
the hair was dry, I sgain rubbed the
Cuticura Ointment, this time sparingly,
Into the roots, and I id happy to say
that the Cuticura Remedies were a
complete success. My troubles with
dandruff were over, although for a long
time afterward I used the Cuticura
Ointment as at first, after shampooing,
which kept the scalp and routs of the
hair moist. I have used successfully
the Cuticura Remedies for so-called
'milk-crust,' on baby's head, and have
never found anything to equal them.
You are at liberty to publish this letter,
for I do sincerely believe that tha Cuti
cura Kerned i are a blessing to man
kind. Mrs. J. A. Darling. 310 Fifth
fit.. Cart ha jb, Ohio, Jan. 20, 1908."
Announcements of Weddings and En
gagtmenls Continue to Come.
Mrs. C. M. Wllhelna Eatertalas at AN
teraooa Brldare CoaeBllnteatary
to Miss Miriam Patterson,
a fleasoa's Dehataate.
Announcements of interesting engage-
S.i'-ita and weddings continue to keep so
clei In a state of exciting expectancy, and
shortly there will be only debutantes and
young matrons. It la safe to predict that
the bachellors will miss some of these
lever entertainers In Omaha aoclety.
Mr. and Mrs. George Park Moorhead an
nounce the engagement of their daughter,
Miss Gertrude Moorhead, to Mr. Harry A.
Tukey. Both young people arc promi
nent In Country club circles, where Miss
Moorhead has a host of friends. Mr. Tukey
has served on the house committees of
both the Country club and Racquet club.
and Is In business with hla father, in the
A. P. Tukey A Bon Real Estate company.
The wedding of Mr. Robert Morse ot
Seattle, Wash., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. V.
Morse of Omaha, to Miss Gertrude Duff,
daughter of Mrs. N. A. Duff of Nebraska
City, will take place Thursday, January
14, at high noon, at the bride's home. It
will be a very small wedding, and no at
tendants, only the Immediate families being
present Owing to the recent death of the
bride's father, no Invitations hava been la
sued. Attending from Omaha will be Mr.
Morse's parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. W. V.
Morse, and sisters. Miss Kthel Morse, Mrs.
George Palmer and two children and Mrs.
Forrest Richardson snd Mr. Richardson.
After a western wedding trip Mr. and Mrs.
Morse will be at home In Seattle. Mr.
Morse, who belongs to one of the old
families of Omaha, haa many frlenda hero,
where he haa spent most of his life until
the last few years. He has been in the
timber business in Seattle, Wash.
. - For Miss Patterson.
Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm was hostess at an
afternoon brigs party. Friday, In honor of
Miss Msrlam Patterson, who Is one of the
debutantes. The guest list Included Misses
Marlam Patterson, Helen Davis, Hilda
Hammer, Brownie Bess Baum, Jean Cud-
ahy. Amy Gilmore, Jeanle Aycrigg. Elisa
beth Congdon, Mary Morgan, Dorothy Mor
gan, Marion Haller, Louise Lord, Pauline
Lord of Dixon. III.; Katharyn McClanahan,
Eugenie Wltmore, Susan Holdrege. Lit a
Holdrege, Nannie Page, Dorothy Rlngwalt,
Anna Bourke, Marion ConnelL Mary Gal-
braith, Edith Thomas; Mrs. David Baum,
and the hostess.
For Mrs. Nash sad Mies Nash.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferederick A. Nash enter
tained at a farewell dinner, Thursday even
ing at their home, for Mra. E. W. Nash
and Miss Nssh, who leave next week for
a trip abroad. The table was attractive
with a small palm tree for the center
piece surrounded by red carnations snd
gold monogram' plsos cards were used
The Quests were twelve relatives of Mrs.
CenUs Clab.
The Comls club was entertained, Thurs
day avsnlng, by Mrs. Peter Rahn. Luncheon
waa served st half past one o'clock, the
table having a deooratlon of cut flowers
and ferns. The afternoon was spent with
guessing games and the prlie was awarded
to Mra. David Garrett. The club decided
to give four evening parties, one each
month, for the next four montba, the first
to be given February I, the husbands of
ths members to be the guests of the club.
The next regular meeting will be In two
weeks at ths home of Mrs. W. K. 6wlster.
Prospective Pleasures.
Mr. Adolph Store will give a theater
party, fctaturday evening, at Body's theater,
to see ths Roger Brothers in Panama. There
will be sixteen guests In the party.
Complimentary ', to Miss Sophia Shirley,
whose marriage to Dr. Bernard McDermott
takes place February 3, Miss Mary Furay
will entertain at luncheon next Thursday
at her horns.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Falrchlld entertained
at dinner Friday evening In honor of Mr,
and Mra m. uimon Bird, covers were
placed tor Miss Curtis, Miss Doans, Mr.
Lee McShsne, Mr. Earl Gannett, Mr. and
Mrs. Bird, Mr. and Mra. W. E. Martin. Mr.
and Mra. Jerome Magee and Mr. and Mrs.
Come bb4 Go Gossip.
Captain Charles de France Chandler of
Fort Omaha left Thursday evening for a
fortnight's trip to New York City.
Mr. Robert Morse of Seattle, who has
fheen visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
V. Morse, Is spending a few daya in Ne
braska City.
Misses Jennie snd Virginia Barnum will
spend two or three weeks visiting friends
In the state; they are at present the guests
of Mrs. William Mohr of Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwsrd Dlmon Bird of New
York City, who hsve been visiting Mrs.
Bird's parents, Mr. and Mra. 8. S. Curtis,
visiting Omaha friends, having come to at
tend the Clabauch-Carpentor wedding on
Wednesday evening.
Mlsa Louise Peck will leave Sunday for a
visit with friends In Arkansas.
Mrs. J.Dexter of Chicago la the guest of
her daughter, Mrs. Edwin T. Swobe, and
Mr. Swobe.
Captain Clarence Richmond Day of the
Fifth cavalry aalled Thursday for his new
station at Honolulu. H. I. Mrs. Da', who
cams to attend ths Prlns-Webster wedding.
Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
a. u. Bmitn, at the New Hamilton, and
plana to sail the first week In February to
Join Captain Day at Honolulu.
Captain Robert L. Hamilton left Thurs
day svenlng for Wellavllle, Mo., where he
was called by the audden death of his sla
ter, Mrs. Bowles.
Miss Mss Dugan, who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. M. Shirley, will leave Satur
day for her home in Butte, Mont.
Semi-Aaei&a! Cleaned Sade
Men s Suits and Overcoats
This sale includes all our Men's High Grade Suits, made by such celebrated
makers as Alfred Benjamin & Co., Fechheimer, Fischcl & Co., J. Peavy &
Bros., and other makers famous for the superiority of their garments.
Your unrestricted choice of any Suit in the SATURDAY
house, except blues and blacks, commencing 'a w AiA-rA 11
$25. $30 and $35 Suits
and $20 Suits
SSees) f -twmim iJ'i
WBBSBKBBMBBKBmummumammm BBBBssBWatsBJaSsBaslaW Wmw
. .... a-o a m , v ,
....... &&mm
i ffMP if j SV
f itr v " A
$12 and $15 Suits
$10 and $11 Suits
All odd numbers and small lots of men's heavy overcoats have been
marked down for this great sale.
The assortment of sizes will provide a perfect fit for everyone.
$25 and $30
$18 and $20
$12 and $15
$10 and $11
nflMi tw
tarffMl ft t" ii t1' '
x -
day for
A Striking Clearance of Men's High-Class Furnishing Goods. Prices
Mostly One-Half Off
Men 3 $1.50, $2 and m pur cos
$2.50 Shirts at $1.15 " P
All our high grade shirts, a "it
formerly sold at $1.50, $2 AH our Men'g Fur Capg Sat
and $2.50; every new pat- urday at 25 per cent discount.
tern and all sizes in this
Original prices of $1.50 to
$5.00 cut one-fourth to sell
and $1.25 Shirts p
sale, reduced
at 69c
Our medium priced shirts, that hare been selling at $1.00
and $1.25, have been placed In our lot, 69c
$1.26 and $1.00 woolen un
derwear, ribbed or plain,
all colors and' sizes verv
fine quality, re
duced to
50c. 75c and $1 Neckwear, 25c
Taks your cholcs of any Men's Neckwear m
In this store Blacks not included, ")(
at w
Our $1, 76o snd 60c. grades all go with a rush Saturday.
75c and 50c underwear, derby ribbed or fleece lined, an
excellent wearing garment, reduced CI
M in
rnaMHMnsnsaaHsnHBBSBBBBaHnsnanaBB: tv . .
i 1 R ' . ,1 I 75c mufflers, in I 75c men'g muslin 35c linen hand- E T 10 and 15c eeam-
I 20c wool and cash-H $1 wool, turtle neck J a varety 0f styles, I night shirts , re- kerchiefs, hem- less cotton hose, re-
mere hose, reduced to B n sweaters, reduced toi reduced to I duced to . stitched, reduced to . ducedto
g 2 lor 25c I 45c j g 29c 48c 16gc ' 5c
. ; l i
tyrftXK' J&r7&?
Sox. Ftixcy
Color Only,
Reduced to
Omaha's Leading
10c Mer
cerized Garters, my
Good Quality,
Reduced to
CuMcura Olntmont is one of tha most
ooraaaful ourstives for torturing, dis
flfuriiif humors of tbs skin and scalp,
including loss of hair, Tr compounded,
tn proof of which s single anointing
with it, preosdsd br s hot bath with
Cutlcur Soap, and followed, when
SsnawrT, by s mild doss of CutK-urs,
liMotTaot liquid or pills) is often
arncient to afford immedists relief of
tlcciing, burning snd scaly humors,
csMnas. irritations snd Inflammations,
rarmit raat snd sleep, snd point to a
spssdr sure woen sil sUs fails.
SMS Siissiit M valid. ptt Deaf s
fM. (wi. frm Pv4 Imoi. Sim..
saTMiirf Smsi Omnia IMS ss Sasl
Potats Wsrtli CoBalderlac l Its fl.
leetloa, HsasmiBST, .t.r.
Iss asi Cars.
In selecting tsbls cloths, It is more sat
isfactory to get ths seventy-two-inch
wldih. which gives s generous fall of
sixteen Inches or so st ths sides; which
dresses a labia better than ths narrower
widths. Two . and one-half yards Is a
very good measure for general use. s very
convenient slsa for s small company re
quiring an extra leaf. Three and cne-
half yards are required for sn extended
table, to drape over ths ends and cor nd with ths sides.
In hemming tsbls cloths, s double hem
stitch sbovs sn inch snd s half wide hem
makes s very fine finish. The ends must
be cut by ths thread to make ths hem
true. With r.apklna to correspond, and
flr.lihed In ths same way, thla makes a
very fins table set. If the linen is fins
end heavy, with s pretty pattern. If ths
hemstitch Is thought to be too elaborate.
ths so-called French hem at the enda does
very nicely; turning s half-Inch hem
reatly snd folding bark, sew a fins over
and over stitch.
Ths care of table linen is of great Iru
portaaos, If ons would hsvs ths tshls sr
rayed at Its best. There must be a pure
white cloth without blemish or wrinkle,
with satiny finish, and with as lew ioia.
as possible. A very' gcod way to wasn
r apklns snd table clotha for thla effect is
to, first. pour slowly s stream i
i. Av.r satins, snd then let them
scak In a good suds made with white
laundry aoap for an hour; men iignny ruu
out and Just scald in clear soft water;
rinse In a light bluing water, and during
ths whole process wring by hand, instead
of by wringer, to avoid the wrinkles tht
are ao hard to press out. Do not starch;
stretch evenly and hang straigni on iiij
line to dry.
In Ironing, the linen must be evenly
n,i vrv well dampened. Fold ths table
cloth from side to aide Just once, and
press dry from end to end. on ootn eiaes.
This will give the satin finish. Fold to
gether aldcwtse once more, and press both
sides carefully, then fold lengthwise as
little as poBlbl- to lay In your sldebosrd
drawer for linen, to svom me icbsi
tr.,m some set boards, such ss are used
for dress goods, and wind their long table
clotha smoothly over them, giving mem
the appearance ol new linen.
with ginger, which removes all odors and
leaves a nice flavor to the meat. Never
overpack fowl when dressing, as it causes
the dreasing to become soggy. Pork ten
derloins may be dressed In ths same way
and are delicious.
Spiced Stafflac for Fowl.
Tn one uuart of srated bread crumbs add
imn cuds ot finely chopped celery and a
good half cup of melted butter; season
with .alt and nenper to taste. Hsve the
fswl well washed and drained before dress
ing and sprinkle the inside of ths fowl
Mothers who value their own com f art and
the welfare of their children, should never
be without a box of Mother Gray s bwe-t
I'owoer. for Children, for u throughout
the season. Ti.ey Kreak ud loldt. Curs Fe
verishnrss, Constipation. Teething Iitsoi-
derv. Hanrhe and Htonmcn 1 roubles.
by all Drug Stores. 2oc. Don't accept any
substitute. A trial package will be sent
KHEB to any mother who will address
Alien 8. Olmsted. Ls Boy. K. X.
Dlreetolre Crass TromUes to Evolve
at Least Os. Satisfactory
Ths year IX waa a trying one for the
deslgnera and makers of fine underwear.
The Dlrectolre gown worked havoc with
underwear traditions, and neither tne
women nor the manufacturer have fully
faced ths new problems sftd mastered
Now ths combination Idea has been de
veloped until popularised, but doubtless no
sooner shall we hsve resigned ourselves to
ths eliminstlon of underwear folds and
wrinkles snd plaits thsn the Dlrectoire
modes, which brought sbout the revolution,
will vanish, and what will, fair woman do
Possibly when ths radical Innovations
shall have paased it will be found that
there haa been s distinct gain In tha under
standing of underwear possibilities. Ths
deslraMe may stay with us. though the
freakish will not; snd it Is to be hoped
that many a woman hitherto content to
buy petticoats, drawers, corset covers, etc.,
that did not fit her and drag them Into
unshapely bunchlness by the use of ths
shir atrings, which are the manufacturer
concession to ths vsriations of the feminine
figure, will hava received enough enlight
enment during a brief Dlrectolre education
to sppreclste the beauty an! desirability
of well-fued undrwear.
There are Innumerable expressions of the
eorablnstlon Ides. The most extreme com
bine a smooth-fitting corset cover with
knickerbockers carefully fitted and without
sny unnecessary fuUficss. Thess ss s rule
are In soft satin. Or, perhaps, it would be
more accurate to say that they were chiefly
in satin, for they have been copied In lin
gerie stuffs, and while these materials will
not mould themselves to the form ss will
satin, they turVe a great advantage from
ths viewpoint of cleanliness
One of the radical models of this typs
appears In the sketches and. as will be seen.
Is mors notable for smooth-fitting lines
than for beauty. The corset cover Is fitted
closely down to the lower Una of a long
corset and the knickers are attached
smoothly st that line without s gather save
just in ths back.
Decision Signed by Secretary of Agrl-
caltnre Will Prohibit Back
Bleached flour, which haa been ths sub
ject of ao much controversy and condem
nation during ths last two years, has re
ceived a knock-out blow In a decialon which
has Just been rendered by Jsmes Wilson
of ths United Ststcs Department of Agri
culture, on ths recommendation of ths
Board of Food and Drug Inspeotlon, says
What to Eat. Ths decialon, aigned by Sec
retary Wilson himself, states:
Flour bleached1 , with nitrogen psroxid,
as affected by tha food snd drug set of
June 80, 1904, has been made the subject of
a careful Investigation extending over sev
eral months.
A public hearing on thla subject was held
by ths secretary of agriculture snd ths
Board of Food snd Drug Inspection, begin
ning November It. 1M, and continuing five
dsys. At this bearing those who fsvored
ths bleaching process and tboss who op
posed It were given squsl opportunities to
be beard.
It is my opinion, based upoa sll ths tes
timony given at ths hearing, upon ths f-
I ports of those whs hava Investigated the
subject, upoa ths litsrsturs sad upon ths
unsnlmous opinion of the Board of Foa:
snd Drug Inspection, that flour bleached by
nitrogen peroxld is an adulterated product
under the food snd drugs act of Juns 30,
1906; thst ths character of ths adulteration
Is such that no statement upon the label
will bring bleached flour within the law,
and that such flour cannot legally be made
or sold In ths District of Columbia or In
ths territories, or be transported or aold
In tha Interstate commerce, or b trans
ported or sold In foreign commerce except
under that portion of section S of the
law, which reads:
Provided. That no article shall be
deemed mlsbrauded or adulterated within
ths provlalona of this act when InteiiiHd
for export to any foreign country and pre
pared or packed according to the apecifl
catlona or directions of the foreign pur
chaser, when no substance Is used In the
preparstlon or packing thereof in conflict
with the laws of ths foreign country to
which said article .la Intended to be
In view of tha extent of the bleaching
proceaa and of ths Immense quantity of
bleached flour now on hand or In process
of manufacture, no prosecutions will be
recommended by this department for man
ufacture and sale thereof In ths District of
Columbia or ths territories or for trans
portation or sals in Interstate or foreign
commerce' for a period of six months from
ths date hereof
habits snd conditions which tend to causa
nervous excitement.
Avoid excesses of sll kinds.
Taks plenty of sleep and svoid late hours.
Observe regular habits.
Exercise tn moderation; do not engage In
animated conversation; economize the sys
tem's energy by every mesns possible.
Never est between mesls; never eat when
you are not hungry, and let aa much time
as possible elapse from ons meal to an
other. Two meals s day ara better than
Eat fat foods, but not In excessive quan
tity. Olive oil is the best fat.
Est plenty of sweet snd stsrchy foods.
Eat sparingly of lesn meats.
Avoid sll sold foods. ,
Drink water Just before snd Just after
Avoid strong alcoholic beverages.
Beer, ala snd sweet wines mav be drunk
in moderate quantities.
Milk of sll kinds Is beneficial.
Highly succulent foods, such mm
melons snd veretablea like raw tomato.
are helpful.
Souds snd other llaulrt foods ihnniH k.
eaten In liberal quantities)
Cobis Praetleal aggeetloaa for Tkses
De.lrlBsT ta Aeeasaalata
, Mar Flesh.
Hers srs general rules which should be
observed by sll lean people desirous of ac
cumulating mors flesh;
Avoid worry.
Seek pleasant companionship snd agres
able entertainment.
Bnjpy a hearty laugh ss often ss ou
Keep lbs nsrvss tslaxsd sol svoid ail
as to the
Baldnc Powder,
ftscerreg HIiWul Avars
VsrU's rsrs fees EissMtiss)
Cakass, INT..