The Omaha Daily Bee HEWS SECTION. Psgss 1 to B. THE OMAHA DEC Best & West OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 9, 1909 SIXTEEN PAGES. VOL. XXXV1I1 NO. 173. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. TILLMAN USD GRAB President Oirei Oat Copy of Xridence He Sent to the Semite. DEAL MADE WITH PROMOTERS Senator Said He Wanted Eight of the Seat Quarter! Arailable'. LAUD rmn BY RAILROADS Influence Used to Cause Them to Relinquish Title. LETTER FRA5KEI) THROUGH MAIL Photoarnnnle Canle Corrcsooad- rnr DUprorn lt)riK of VMtor oa Floor He Will Reply Monday. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-Freideit Roos v.'l tnnle-ht made miblle the detslls of an Investigation by postofflce inspectors and secret service s gents of Senator Tillman's connection with an alleged Hand gran in Oreson. A he presents th evidence to Senator Hale, In response to the latter's request to the beads of th various nwu itniurimnnli for a atatement of the operations of tile secret ' Service, the rrM Anl tmAprtakea to allow: That .Mr. Tillman used hie Influence aa a eenstof In an ef fort ' to' Toree the gov- eminent to compel a -railroad corporation to relinquish its control of land grants from the lhlted States In order that he . , i, famllv and hla secretary. J. B. Knlgjht. might profit through the purcnaae of mini of the land. That the senator used hla government franking privilege In numerous Inatancea for the uae of private business. Comparatively few senators were favored ith the opportunity of reading the presr dent's report to Senator Hale, but thoae who did read the report took a aertoaa view of It. although moat of tha senators refused to believe that Mr. Tillman had ever done anything In violation of hla oath a senator. 8-nator Tillman did not permit lb fact thMt th tirnaident waa giving out the chsrges against him to alter hla detormlna tlon to make no statement until Monday. He. aald that ha could not make hla reply ao complete aa ha would dealra for . to morrows parcra and that he would there fore withhold whatever remarka he might hm- to make until Monday, when ha would make a statement to the senate. No effort waa made by him to conceal the fact that when h had learned the facta concerning the re-grant ha had made an effort to obtain a portion of the land In the lutmea of himself and members of hla family, and declared at moat he would hav aotten nossrsaion of only a few Jiundred acrea. Hla efforta were, after all In behalf of the public and not especially In tla own interest. Immediately after the conclusion of the chaplaln'a prayer Monday Mr. Tillman will aak the recognition of the chair on a que' tlon of personal privilege. Departing -from hla cuetom of U-mporaneoue speaking, he w ill read Ma statement, 'thus Insuring-more careful adhurence to what he dealrea to eay than he would be able to give In offhand speech. Letter to ' fenator Hale. The communication to "Senator Hale la nearly 3.000 worda long, and In edWltlon there la arpennrn- numeroua fihiqhi, in eluding copies of letters written by Senator Tillman and his ssent. William E. Lee. showing that Ihey did make an. effort I secure several' quarter aectlona of the Ore gon land, an the reporta of the poetofflee Inspectors who Investlgstea tns transactions of the land, agents. It was through this Investigation that the alleged Inlereat of Benator TlUnian waa brought to light, and fatefully. It appears that It waa at his In stiKatlon the Inquiry waa begun. The prealdent's communication to Sen ator Hala la a follows: "THE WHITE HOUSE. WASHINGTON P. C Jsn. 6, 190. My Pear Senator Hale I have requested the different department of the government, not only thoae whom you aent reqticeta, but thoae to whom you did not, to give me all the Information about the use of special attorneya, special agenta, inspectors, etc., 1n their depart nu nl to enstile me to pui before you all the farts which, as 1 underload It. your committee de.-'res to have. I transmit these Itportr heri'Wlt'i. 1 cull especial sttentlon to ti e rej-iwt ol tin- eretH.ry of state, tha secretary of t . t'.iimur.v and tha attorney genora' heed of Secret Service'. "let me at ' - oute; moat earneatly ei? art-ee niv cord'al agreement with the view that It Is not only the right, but tha duty ef congress to Investigate the workings of the secret sen-ice or detective agents with which alone the government can effectually safeguard Itself against wrong doing, pun ish crime and bring to justice criminals. I am well aware of the liability to abuse In herent In any effective detective system or secret service system; for the measure of the efficiency jiof the system Is also the measure of the seriousness of the abuses of the system If It be applied to wrong pur poses or directed In an Improper manner. It Is eminently to tho public Interest that there should be vigilant Inquiry Into the workings of this agency, both by ths heads uf the executive departments and by con gress. Ptaeovrrles ay Accident. "Ortaln of the special agents. Inspectors and tha like, in the severs) departments ttave highly specialised work to per form. In the Treasury department ths se cret service Is especially trained to deal with counterfeiters and tha special agents with customs frauds. In the Postofflce de partment the corps of Inspectors Is espe cially trained and peculiarly fitted to de tect criminality or abuses or fraudulent uae of the maile In connection wtlh tha puetal service. In the Interior department the special agents of tha land offca and tha Inspectors of the Indian bureau are trained in similar fashion to meet present needs, in addition, it Is urgently neoassary, as set forth la Mr. Root's accompanying report. that there shall be a central force of aecrret service men who can be detailed for work anywhens In the government service. "In the Investigation of specific frauds w sometimes come across wholly unex pecwd esses of misconduct. Tha frauds In the postal department which were un earthed soma sis years ago. for Instance, offer a case In point My suspicions wars first aroused k-y report made as to ths vary extravagant and debauched maimer of Ufa of a certain postal employe, the report made being made by an official of tho oecret service la connection with ao- Coatiud oa Fifth Page.) SUMMARY OF THE DEE Satnrday, Jaaaarr 9, 109. 909 JANUARY 909 SUN M0N TUC mo TMU FRI SAT 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 2930 TaTS WBATXEm. FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL, BLUFFS AND VICINITY Snow flurries Saturday. FOR NEBRASKA Snow Saturday, wun rising temperature. FOR IOWA Snow flurries Baturaay. . Temperature at Omalia yeaterday: iiour. Peg. ... 10 ... 11 ... IS ... 12 ... 11 ... 14 ... 17 ... 19 ... 21 ... a ... 24 ... 2 ... 25 ... 24 ... 23 ... n I a. m... a a. m... 7 a. in... R a. m... 9 a. m... 1 a. m... II a. m .. 11 m 1 p. m... 1 p. m... I p. m... 4 p. m... E p. m... p. m... 7 p. m... 8 p. m... $ p. m... ... 21 DOstESTIO. Fivo St. Louis schoolboys, arrested for the murder of a miser, cdmK stoning him for fun 'ao I House oommlttee. headed by Ferklns. reports In favor of tabling Frenldeht Rocseveit'a secret service message and a hot debate follows, after which recom mendations of the committee are adopted. Pago X Crowd la attracted to the house by the debet-: on the president's message. Con gressman Smith talks on Stewart case. Pago 1 POKSIOK. Yuan Shi Kali depoaed Chinese coun cilor, is under charge of Instigating mur der of emperor and may be tried for the offense. Pag a ' 1TBBBAJIXA. Radical democratic members of the state senate wake up to the fact mat the corporations are organizing that body and may Join with the republicans to head off move. Page 1 Jerry Howard of the legislative delega tion Is In charge of the bill to give South Omaha elective fire and police hoard. rage a X.OOAX.. Commissioner .Brunlng resents criticism of republican cluba of his action as mem ber of tha board. Mg Purchase of Colorado it Southern road h Hill suura Harrlroan up to push rail road building. " a Film firm ready to resume business aa aoon as they can secure a new location rage a Brv of the flrat battle, or how Rhallenbercer colonels charged on Lin rase i VV.l. naiTMEmCIAI. ASTD IJrDUBTLaU Live stock markets. . . l Grain markcta. Paga 14 Rtr-eka and bonds. Page 13 KOTXaUOfTS OP OCX AW TSAMSXXPA Part. Arrtvad. Sll. , NEW TOUR NKW YORK.".... BOH LOONS Carenta. .....Le-Touratoa. i.V.V.'i-tasIa: '. Teuloala. , ..... La Lorn I a. ,. Noortam. LIVKRPOOb. ... Qi-reNSTOWN. OIKRAkTBR.... ANTWERP. HAVRB. v . lUrouetta. ONE CONTEST IS UNSETTLED Blixtrtlasua Board Unable to Deelde Fight for Lleatetaawt OoTernor sblp la Mlssoorl. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Jan. a-8tate officers receiving a plurality of the votes cast In tho November election, with the exception of aspirants for . the lieutenant governorship, were declared elected by the Missouri leglalature today. The following will be Inaugurated Monday: Governor. Herbert S. Hartley; republican; eecretary of atale. Cornelius Roach, demo crat; auditor. John P. Gordon, democrat; treasurer. James W. Cowgtll democrat; :..... .npl Elliott W. Malor. demo crat; r.Uroad commissioner, John A. Knott, riamncrat. The action was taken on the report of a bi-partisan committee consisting of five re publicans and five democrats. This com mittee was unable to agree on a method of settling the contest for the lleutensnt governorship and asked that it be allowed tn Aftr its reoort on this matter until Monday. COAL CAUSES FLEET'S DELAY Lack of Ma-liter Famines at Port Bald Preveata tho Ships Leaving. PORT SAID, Jan. a The battleship Mis souri left here this morning for Athens, Later In the day the Kentucky left for TrlDOll. Nine vessels of the American fleet unoer Rear Admiral Sperry are still at Port Said being delayed by the poor lacllltlee for coaling such a number of vessels at once and the scarcity of lighters. Every train coming from Oalro la crowded with of ficer and men returning from the capital to Join their ships. Pott Said presents gay appearance, and the alreets are filled with men in uniform. BEIRUT. Syria. Jan. I. The United Statea battleships Louisiana and Virginia, under command of Acting Rear Admiral Bchroedcr, . arrived here today and left immediately for Smyrna. Turkey, in conse quence of the plague which prevails here. EARL MARRIES JANE MILLS Oaashter of Ogdeta Mllla of Ni York to Jola tho Eagllsa Aristocracy. NEW YORK. Jan. a The earl of Ora- nard and Mlas Jane Beatrice Mills, daugh ter of Ogden Mills of this city, went to the city hall marriage license Bureau tooay and obtained a license to be married. The earl signed himself "Qranard." but gave his full name as Bernard Arthur William Patrick Hastings Forbes, earl of Granard. He Is M yeara of age and gave bis real dence as Castle Forbes, Newtown Forks, Ireland. AUTHOR MUST STAND TRIAL kfaa Who gold Alleged Clevelaad Article Marl Paco ftsr Charore. KHTW YORK, Jan. a Breughton Brand enburg, through counsel today, made string plea to have hla case marked oft the criminal court calendar, but Justice Powllng decided that the writer must rrtand trial on January U In charges of graa4 larceny la tho second degree for soiling aa article published during tha last campaign which waa alleged to have boea writ Lea by former President Orover Clevo- Laad. MATHEWS ISSUES , A DEFY Former Manhal Defends Taking Pris oner! to Omaha Club. SAYS PRESIDENT'S ' CHARGE FALSE laslsts He Did Fall Daty While Aetlag aa t ailed Statoa Marahal I EapeelaJly la ntcaards. Comatoek Case. T. L.AMsthews. who waa summarily re moved from the office of United States marshal for Nebraska by President Roose velt becsuee of the scandal connected with the Rlchards-Comstnck land fencing cases. on account cf which District Attorney Baxter was also removed, resents ths reference to htm by tho president In his message to congress published last week Mr. Maths' sends to The Be a signed statement, dated from Fremont, which reads: "The high reapeot In which I have held the office of the president of tho United Etates ha caused me to healtate to make a public statement that would seemingly relkct on tho occupant of that exalted pUcc, but Justice to my friends and myself demands that I refute lha. statement made by the president in his recent message, and which must have been made on false information. 1 ays Charge Is False. "The charge that my 'removal was neces sary before satisfactory progress could be made in the prosecution of the offenders In the land cases I can only characterise as unwarranted, uncalled for and un qualifiedly false. Tt president has net now and never has had, so far as I know, a scintilla of evidence that I. as United States marshal, did In any manner, way or place, obstruct or hinder the adminis tration of Justice. He has now In his possession the evidence. In letters written to him and without my solicitation, from Gneral Manderaon, Governor Croianse and other men of high character, saying that my record as United States marshal com manded high praise for efficiency, integ rity and faithful performance of dut He has affidavits from such men as Gustavo Ar.drson, United States commissioner for thirty years: Frsnk Whtte. ex-United States marshal, and attorneys familiar with the practices of the United States court, that In my action in the Klchards-Com-ator-k case I followed an unbroken prece dent of thirty years' standing. He had evidence that In that case I did whst I 1 ad been Instructed by the court to do In like cases. Ho had the evidence of own attorney general, who, when visited by the entire I Nebraska delegation in my be half, said, "I admit that Mr. Mathews has made an excellent officer, but an example had to be made.' The following letter from Congressman Pollard Is pertinent here! "Mr. T. I Mathews, . Omaha, Neb. My Pear Sir; I wish to assure you that It was with a great deal of pleasure that I accom panied the Nebraska delegation- when call ing on tho attorney general regarding your caae. t feel that a great Injustice has been thrust upon you. If I felt that you were guilty of siy violation of the proprieties in this esse, I should have refused to partici pate with the delegation to any exteawj aa satisfied, however, that your statement contained all there was In the caaaMind the attorney general so Informed us. Assuring you or my highest personal regards. I re main,, very truly yours, - , . ERNEST M.' POLLARD." ' Interview with President. ."The president' had the evidence of his own khowle'dge, for he said to' me ' In his private office that he. had personally in vestigated my official record and that he had found it good. He further aald that after Investigating my record end facta con nected with my removal, he had made up his mind to restore me to the marshalshlp, but after talking with the attorney general. he had decided that it would not be good policy to do so, and gave as his chief reason for that course that democrats were charg Ing that prosecutions in the land cases were not being made In good faith and that my removal was made to show that the ad ministration waa In earnest. Ha further explained that he had been led to believe that Judge W. H. Munger, Judge Baxter nd mysolf were acting in collusion to be little the work of the administration, and when I presented the letter from Judge Munger, exonerating me from any wrong, lie remarked that that only made my case weaker, and with much emphasis, added that If ho could get at 'that Judge' he would fix biro too. He was then kin J enough to say that I made a favorablo Impression upon him, that my case appealed to him and that later on he would or might be glad to do something tor me. Mathews' Owa Defense. "Mr. Roosevelt's complaint made at that time was not that I had obstructed the ad ministration of Justice, of violated any law or been guilty of any crime, but he said that I had made a mistake in not putting the defendant in jail. The commitment under which I held the detendanta did not uthorlse me to do so, and without an order from the court, commanding me to put them In Jail, and naming the Jail, and authorising tha Jailer to reoelve them, which I did not have, I had no more authority to put Richards and Comstock in Jail than I had to put the president In Jail, and when I said that to him, gad Informed blm that I had been ao advised by some of the best attorneya in Nebraska, he Intimated that ho did not attach much value to tho opin ions of a Nebraska lawyer. In view ot the friendly reception given me by the presi dent, his twico repested and voluntary statement that he (would) or might be glad to do something for me later on, makes his new charge, never before heard of by me, beyond my comprehension. The statement of the president, thst my removal was ths result of Information furnished by the de tectives, does not agree with tha statement of the attorney general, who, in hla letter to me, aald he got hla Information from the press. The charg that I obstructed the administration of Justice to disproved by the facts as they appear of record. . "The Krause brothers were indicted for fencing the public lands by a grand Jury summoned by my office. They were tried end convicted by a Jury summoned by my office, and In charge of a bailiff appointed by me. Where did I obstruct Justice in this case? Jadgo Van gar's Part. "Richards and Corns lock war Indicied by a grand Jury summoned by my office. Every paper placed In my hand for serv ice la this case waa served by my office. The defendants appeared In court and pleaded guilty without trial. They were arraigned for sentence and the court pro nounced sentence. With tho terms of that sentence I had no more to do than had the president. I socuted tho order of tha court ss It csmo to ma. executed It as Judge Munger say I did, in his letter that I pre sented to tbo praetdeet. 'agreeable to the letter and spirit of tho court's order,' from which leRar I a. note aa follows: I am Juat hi receipt of yours of the 14th, (ContUuog osv Third Pmh' From the New York World. HOUSE ATTRACTS A CROWD Debate on President's Message the Magnet Which, Draws People. SMITH SPEAKS OF STEWART CASE Den lee Hla Action on Secret Service Qaestfna .Was Innaewrea bf . Fact Stewart Was Fellow Townsman of His fFrom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. (Speclsl Tele gram.) It has been years since senators cf the United States showed as great in terest in what their associates In the lower branch of the ' national legislature were doing as today, when Representative Perkins of New York, chslrman of thi special committee appointed to consider President Roosevelt's statements as to the secret aVrvlce In relation to members of the houso of representatives, made his re port. In anticipation of a field day. the gal leries were Jammed long before mldday, there being every Indication that smarting under the strictures of the chief executive, members of the house would hand the president some extremely spicy and very warm language in .Justification cf the resolution which condems the president for his outspoken criticism of a coordinate branch of tho government. In this as sumption the crowds in attendance upon the house were not disappointed, fcr there was humor and satire, irony and invec tive, attack and parry. Splendid oratory graced the occasion, the house rising in many Instances to wsrmth of language of those supporting the resolution, while the opponents of the resolution, friends of President Roosevelt, made a magnificent stand for the rights of the executive, arguing that Mr. Roosevelt meant no dis respect to members of the body In singling out Mesara. Tawney of Minnesota, Walter I. Smith of Iowa, Sherley of Kentucky and Fitzgerald of New York for special men tion In connection with the defeat of an appropriation aaked for the purpose of furthering tho work of the secret service. Among the senators noticed on the floor during the debate were Brown and Burkett of Nebraska, Gamble and Klttrldge of South Pakota, PoIUver of Iowa, Warner of Missouri, Burrows of Michigan, Hemenway of Indiana, Borah of Idaho, Kean ot New Jersey and quite a number of democratic senators, headed by Gore ot Oklahoma. Smith Attracts Attention. It wss late In the day when Judge Walter I. Smith, member of the appropriations committee, was recognised In support of the resolution. Rather than truat to mem ory, and probably .fearful that he might say something that was not well considered or Justified by the facta, Mr. Smith read his speech, which occupied about forty minutes In Its delivery. Always a forceful speaker, he waa particularly ao today, choosing his words' with great care and discrimination, the gallerlea and exceedingly large member ship present according the Council Bluffs representative the closest possible attention. He was especially emphatic in telling the story ot the prosecution ot Chsrlea T. Btewart of Council Bluffs, charged with conspiracy to defraud the government of title to public lands in McPherson county, Nebraska, snd who wss also Indicted fpr maintaining an unlawful enclosure of public lands. Judge Smith, in commenting on this case, which the president called attention to in hla message of January 4 and which created great excitement In Iowa and Ne braska, aald: "It la quite generally known that my homo Is at Council Bluff. Why this spe cial reference to thess cases which chanced to bo prosecuted In my vicinity, although the offenses were all committed more then &)0 miles from my horns, and In another state, unless it wss that it waa intended to Inslnuste that the proximity of these ease had in soms wsy influenced my action in this matter, but for tha fact that the president said all this to 'Illustrate the ramlflcatlona of Interests with which the government has to deal.' "I am not at liberty to even suspect, (Continued oa Sixth rage.) MARCHING THROUGH GEORGIA ADAIR MYSTERY IS UNSOLVED No Cine Hna Been Pound to Klther ot the Two Missing; Men. METROIT, Jan. S. Rumors, theories and conjectures are the only harvest thus far of the sensational -"rattle run" Methodist church -murle mystery, and the rumors that either the mlaalng Rev.. John H. Car-mh-hael or the equally sought Gideon W. BrowflhmMne -village Vjarpeftrf-iad hpetj seen since the murder In the church Tues day, paaslng through some place or driving along some road proved to be baseless when traced to their sources. . ' Mrs. Carmjchaf I. .. ,wlfe of . the missing preacher, was today taken to Port Huron with 'a number of , other residents of the village of Ad a lr, to .be questioned by -the prosecuting ' attorney. -There waa no charge laid against Mrs. Carmichael and the officers stated that she wss subpoenaed to be examined sim ply so thst the officers might secure every trifling fact In her possession that could bear on the disappearance ot her husband and Browning. The suggestion that the gruesome relics of a human being taken from the church stove may have come from a cadaver and that the blood scat tered about the church 1 may not have been human blood, did not receive much support today. Mrs. Smith. Browning's sister, today con firmed the Identification of the scarfpin found . In the stove as belonging to her brother. She went further and stated that she herself had pinned It In his necktlr before he left home the day of the mur der. Mrs. Carmlchael today, stated that the barrel of carpet rags which , was said to have been shipped by her husband several days ago to his sister, Mrs. Jacob Maier, living near Ellda. O., were prepared and forwarded by herself. Despite denials by ferrymen at St. Clair of reports that Rev. Mr. Carmlchael waa seen crossing Into Canada, Deputy Sheriff Moore has gone to St. Thomas, Ont., to fol low up the rumors. FRESrT SHOCK AT MESSINA k. , . . , i I'ndolatory (tasks Last Night Throws ... , Inhabitants Into Great . Panic. , MESSINA, ( Jan. 8. An undulatory earth quake sh'ock' caused a great panic last night . The body of a man who livod on th third floor above Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Cheney In the American consulate building, was taken out v of. the ruins , yesterday evening. The work to recover the bodies of the Cheneys Is progressing. There waa a' religious proceaslon thia morning along the devastated water front of ,Measir.a. Prtrats walked through the ruined streets carrying sacred relics and as they passed the people prostrated them selves, i Stuaxt K Lupton of the American con sular corps Is to stay In Messina In charge of the new consulate. Bayard Cutting. Jr., and Wlnthrop Chanter, other members of ths corps, have left for Taormlna. where they will devote their energies to superin tending the work of caring for the wounded. The United States supply ship Culgoa ar rived thia morning from Port Said. THREATS OF DIVINE WRATH Miss Barnard Warns Prison Investi gating Committee God Is Watching Them. LEAVENWORTH. Kan.. Jan. 8. Miss Kate Barnard, stata superintendent of charities and correction of Oklahoma, de clared today at the Lansing penitentiary investigation that she was not being treated fairly, and warned the Kansas Investigators that God was watching the hearing and would hold them responsible. It wss Miss Barnard's original charges that Oklahoma prisoners were being In humanely treated that brought about- the Investigation. Today when Senator Reed, one of the commissioners appointed by Governor Hoch of Kansas, waa questioning tha witness, and asking her to be more ex plicit. Miss Barnard displayed anger and declared she was not being given a fair chanc to support her charges, HOUSE TABLES MESSAGES Congressmen Decline to Consider Se- , !:;.-, cret Service Communication. COMMITTEE REPORT IS READ 1,11 ' (talruaa Perkins Declares Prcsl aoata Word Coaatltnta of' Privileges of House and Bhoald Not Bo Received. WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. After having made him the target all day for 'criticism. with here and there words of commends tlon, the house of representatives tonight, by a vote of 212 to 35, rebuked the presl dent by tabling so mucn or nis ni reflocted on members or congress in con- nection with his recommenaauons regrain the secret service detectives, and also ne- daring It to be the sense ot tne nouse mat they shall decline to consider any communl- lations from any source whlcn is not in us own Judgment respectful. With feelings of outrsged dignity ana pride on the part of many of Its members, the house today gave Itself up entirely to a discussion of one of the most momentous question that ever came before it Its func tions aa a legislative body In contradistinc tion to those of the executive branch of the government. Aa had been forecaated. the report of the special committee appointed to deal with '.he language In the prealdent's snnual meu- inge and In his apeclal message of last Monday bearing on the aecret aervlce af fecting members of congress, waa aumbltted and Is used as the basis for some of the most earneat and vlglrous speeches ever heard In the hlatorlo chamber. The house was in no mood to treat the aubject other wise than seriously, although In the re marks which were made the references to the president alomat Invariably were couched In .parliamentary language. Nor was the president without his supporters. Floor and Galleries Crowded. In anticipation of the report, the effect of which was to administer a rebuke to the president there waa one of the largest attendances of members of this session, while the galleries at al ltlmes were filled to their capacity. To accommodate the crowd, the door opening Into the corridors were thrown open and these were choked wlth persons, while standing In line behind them were hundred of others. There waa not a moment during the day that the gallery was not fully occupied, many of tfie foreign representatives being com pelled to sit on the steps of the aisles. This also was true of the president's gallery, although no member of hla Immediate fam ily waa preaent. Neither waa hla son-in-law, Representative Longworth of Ohio, In hia seat during any part o flhe day. So great was the interest in the proceed ings that many aenatora came over to the houae and sat for several hours. Toward the close of the debate, Mr. Gardner endeavored to secure Che adoption of a substitute for the resolution In the shape of an amendment expressing confi dence In ths committee on appropriations and then the postponement ot the whole matter until Monday, but he was over whelmingly outovted. - Committee Brings In Report. Having given consideration to the presi dent's further views regarding the secret service, contained In his message to the house of representatives laat Monday, ths special committee appointed to deal with the subject today brought in Its final report. Accompanying it was a resolution which declared it to bo the sense of th house that It shall decline to consider any com munication from any source which is not respectful, recommending that the objec tionable portions of the message be laid on the table and that slmlllsr action be taken with respect to the mesaaga of laat Monday, because of its being "unresponsive to the Inquiry of the bouse" as to what ths president meant when be said, "rsferi lug to th limitation placed upon the field of operations of tbo secret service that ths 'chief argument In favor of th provision (Continued oa Sixth Page.) CLIPPING OF WINGS Douglas Sfnatori Not to Have it All Their Own Way on Organization. ANTI-CORPORATION MEN WAKE First Break in the Program Comet on the Banking Committee. FIGHT ON OTHER POSITIONS House Committees Expected to Be Ready for Monday's Caucus. POOL IS INCLINED TO KICK OVER Says He Will Approve of Only Snch Portlona of Committee Recom mendations as Pleases Him. Bnt (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Jan. 8. (Special.) "Tho wings of the senate organisers have been clipped, except possibly on the option question." ' This lt the opinion of a leading sena tor of the majority party expressed to day after tho cnmmlUeo on stundlng committees had been In scBSlon for scv ersl hours and adjourned until Monday, when the completion of tho committees will be taken up. Tho assertion Is possibly true, unless the senator is deceived, in the outward menlfetatlon of a conciliatory spirit from the Douglas county delegation. He he been assured, however, that the commit tees will not be plugged, as evidently whs the Intention at the outset, in the favor of the allied interests. For the last few duya the Douglas con tingent that started In to rule with a high hand has been more cautious. Tim Introduction of the Pier motion to In crease the number of the banking com mittee to seven was public notice of their capitulation. Since then there have been other evidences to the same effort. It has since transpired that the Douglas county managers, who seised the commit 'ce on standing committees and attempted to appoint all the bankers In the senate on the banking cdmmltlee, with men on the railroad and corporation committees that were unsatlH factory to tho more radical members, found they would have been a minority in a caucus of the msjorlty party at any time the members were called. Quietly, a few of the leaders opposed to the methods Instituted, circulated a call tor a caucus snd had the assurance of Senators Tlbbets, Henry and Dlers that they would "'en the call if necessary to protest against I lno action oi tne sianaing committee, vt i-.n- . . .,, , .. ,h rnlra would have been helpless, and they yielded on the banking committee gracefully, with out the necessity of holding the caucus. They are now In the act of yielding on some of the other committees, but tlio process is a heart rending one and It ! quite likely that the oppoalrlorf to them lit the majority ranks. If caught napping at any time, will yet be outgeneraled. How Hla to Was Flare). The slate was to put Barton of Saline county at the head of the railroad commit tee. Bartos Is the manager of a brewery and has an interest In a bank. Opposed to him for chairman la Senator oma ,f valley county, whose resolution In jolnt ,eMon quickly settled the tangle Intu whoh the democrats had corio through tin lnf istpnce ct senator Ransom on hla mo- Uo for an jmmdat. recanvass. Th Dou,ia county men have found there ab eome ,hsrp wits in the membership ami are now aparrlng for wind in an effort t nlahe headway against them. It Is nov. iBl(1 that Mr olta wj b a membr of th I x-aallroad committee If he is not its chsli - tnHt)t The same procesa Is under way with other committees. Need for extreme diplomacy la evidenced by the fact tho Douglas county members are anxious not to alienate an., member who may vote against county oi -tlon who Is not committed by cuinpslg i pledge to either Bide. There are a few su li In the upper house. When the lineup finally comes out the position of a number, ax I possibly some republicans, may be explaliu 1 In this manner. It has been made knoa n that ths republicans will not be given tl worat of it from top to bottom of the 11 -i In the distribution of committee places. Mr. Bryan Is still watching the legialatu -earefully. At the Inaugural reception was extremely cordial to a number of tl..i mlntirlty members. He fears the corpora tion members may,' by their alertness, over- tome his desires and undoubtedly would I.? Brateful for a lift In a pinch, but there 1 1 no disposition to grsnt It by the party r,- tesentattvea as a whole. Some Individual members, with local bills to push, have teen consulting the majority, As the senate stand thera ar twenty rtemocrsts and thirteen republicans, asven- "n being necessary to control. Four dein- acrata at any time voting with th repuU- licans might take declaive action, or a slightly larger number of republican vot ing with either faction of the democrats would be a majority. Work oa House Commltteea. Leaders of the house are spending thr'r time today whipping the membera Into Ur.i on the selection of stsndlng committer i. The list will be made up and submitted to he caucus scheduled In ad vane of the liouse session Monday. Clark of Richardson la after the chalr knanahlp of the committee on Judiciary, am! H the standing committee haa Its way abort It ha will get the Job, while If the speak Is able to exert any Influence over tho d -liberations Shoemaker of Douglas count y may actually get the Job. Shoemaker was a Pool man from the start and came to Lincoln In that frame of mind, so Pool Is under some obligation to the Omaha statesman. On the other hand Clark la at the head of Ihe commute aelected to advise with the apeaker ai d he may be able to get the Job for hlmaelf. Notwithstanding Mr. Bryan waked Pcil at 7 o'clock in the morning to tell him to aubmlt to his dictation. Pool haa given It out cold that he will take tho advloa of the stsndlng committee only In so far a Its suggestions are in line with hla own Ideas. Henry Gerdes of Lincoln county Is prob ably in line for tho head place on ti n ways and meana committee, as he haa he I previous experience In the work wblili this committee will be called upon to d i. Wilson of Pulk Is sfter the chslrmanahl t of the committee on bunking? as aro Bon an of Nuckolls and Greb ot Cuming. Th minority party will submit Ita pro posed membership on eummltteoa to th -majority caucua on Monday afternoon. Ov of courtesy to Speaker Pool tho eleotlu (Continued oa FourtA Pag-J