Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Wheat Gaim, Owing to Change in
; Toxtign Cablet.
(era SJtaatloa l'fkM, with Val.
" Crreflac l'ul and Re-
' relpta Mort Trade
Well Mixed.
OMAHA. Jan. 7. 3909.
Wheat value continue steady and made
time advance today dua to a chsnge in
the fo-rerlan carries and toint apprehension
a to the effect this general cold wave haa
had UDon ' the unprotected winter wheat
(TOD. A etssxtv sealolnr market la predicted
for soma time to coma by the majority of
The corh' situation' la unchanged, with
valtiea creenlna- unwarrl and recelDts being
very moderate. Tlvara la practically no
nana; in the aemand and farmers aim re
fuse to market at theaa prlcea.
Wheat-opened steady at closing prices,
with no feature. Traders are well mixed
both on the bull and bear aide, and ara
Inclined to wait. Trads la light " cat
tered. Value ruled narrow throughout the
session and there was little change at the
close. May wheat opened at $1.01 4 and
cloned at 3l.tn4.
Com was showing good strength on light
receipts and cash sales were slightly
higher, foreign bids came higher and in
diiwi" buying which easily commanded
higher' prices. Shorts were covering at the
lose and th market closed strong on
tha high -point. May corn opened at 66c
nnd closed at 5Hc.
bushels and shipments were 1,13,000 bushels,
against receipts last year of 607,000 bushels
and shipments of 21(1,000 bushels.
Corn receipts were 800,000 bushels and
shipment were 4WS.O00 bushels, against re
ceipts last year of 661.000 bushels and ship,
moot a of-422,000 Busnels. -
Clearances '-were 4ii8,OUO bushels of corn,
3.000 Bushtfls of oats, and wheat and flour
equal to 491.000 bushels. '
Liverpool closed l higher on wheat
and VI higher on torn,
Seabord reported 362.000 buahela of wheat
and KS.000 buahela of com taken for export.
Loral range of options:
110 6": clear ribs. I10.27U: short clears.
Do j
KUrTER Firm: creamerv, 2449.Je.
EGOS Higher at 29c. case count.
Receipts and shipments of flour and grain
were aa follows:
Receipts. Shipments.
. a.ono
, jrr.ouo 2.ftw
37.') 42.0I0
, 22.000 72.000
Flour, bbl
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
Osts, bu
Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y.
May... imn tiH l ms
July... -r.tVA KV, .92H 92V
May... 6 6.: 66 66 Vi
Oats .
May... mi . 48 4SV4 i
1 cut
' Otoafea 4Jah Priori.
WHEAT No. 3 bard, 999Hc: No. S hard,
&7fcH8c; No. 4 hard, 96tj96c; No. spring,
W&99c. " '' -'
CORN-No. . 64ft; No. 4, 63ttc; No. t yel
low, Mcr No. i white, B6c.
UAiB-iNo, a mixea, 4owtj,wv:; no.
low, 47fi47Vt; No. 8 white, 47H87c; No.
4 white. 46Hft47e.
RYE-No. 2, 71c; No. J. 70c.
' Carlot Receipts.
, " . .. Wheat. Corn. Oats,
Chlcaro , 10 . 161 ' 8
129 '
'.' BsasssBsss-sa
Features oft Trading sad Closlag
rrle'es on Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Jan. -7. Alter a choppy ses
sion, characterise! . by .considerable dull
ness, the wheat market here today closed
easy, with rlces a shade to o below the
closing quotations, of the previous day.
Com and oats closed firm and provisions
Foretgn news usurped the field occu
pied the last two days by the cold wave
In thla country and inspired, a fair degree
of bullishness In the wheat pit. At tha
opening of the session the eyes of traders
were turned to tha situation in India and
Argentina. Advices from the former coun
try stated that owlne to drouth in many
sections the wheat yield will be much leas
than previously estimated, wmie reports
from' Liverpool claimed that many authori
ties were beginning to regard a reduction
in this exportable surplus of wheat from
Argentina as a certainty. ..These reports
caused a - firm tone In the market here
early in the day.- Later In the session the
marVC reacted on, an. eat 1 mate - ot the
week's shipments of wheat from Argentina
made "by a Well known crop statistician.
This estimate placed the movement for the
week at 600,000 bushels, tha largest total
.via rtHiHM for the first week of any
year. During tha day a few reports drifted
Into the pit regarding . probable damage
to the growing crop in this country by the
nnM ttut ,ha news waa not accom
panied by any orders to buy wheat, and.
consequently naa nine eiiw;w n
dull the greater part of the day and prices
UitntA over a tic ran ire. The market
cloeed easy, with May at tl.O7W&1.07tt and
July at 960. Clearances or wneat ana
eiK.iv oin nusl' to 403.000 bushels.
The continued unusually small movement
of corn from the farms was the basis of
a strong market for that grain, sentiment
in th. nit betna bullish all day. The mar
ket closed firm. ' with prices Aip- HW to
ve, wltn May at eio ano juiy
Bxtreme dullness marked trading In the
oat pit, but dosptte the inactivity a firm
v Iv.iisA. thrnnrhnut . the entire ses
sion. -The market closed firm, with prloes
UiUo above tne previous ciu.o. '"'
quotations on May were 61fco and on July
Trade in provisions ' was quiet and tha
market -was steady. At the close prices
were 2WB&o higher. i" " ,....
The leading futures ranged aa follows:
Articles.) Open, I High. I Low. Close. Tes'y
Qaatatleas of the Day Varleas
NRW TORK, Jan. 7. FIXH'R Receipts,
M.oni) bbls.; exports, ,o bbls. Market
dull but steady. Minnesota patents,
16.2643. 66; winter straights, 34.6nZM.7B;
Minnesota bakers', U.ra4t0; winter ex
tra. 13.6694.26; winter pstents, $4756.26;
winter low grades, t3.6n'94.1S. Rye flour,
quiet; fair to good, 3 654.16; fancy, 4
4.60. Buckwheat flour, quiet at fitofl.;
per loo ibn.
BUCK WHEAT Steady; New Tork state,
70r! seked.
CORNMEAL Quiet: fine white and yel
low i.604r 1.66; kiln dried. I3.4S.
RxE Dull and easy: No. 2 western, 810
f. o. b. New York.
BARLEY Steady; malting. 7337c c. I. f.
New York.
WHEAT Receipts, 2,W bu.: exports,
17.8iO bu. Spot market firm. No. 2 red,
$l.O7HJ1.08H. elevator, and 1.0T4j. f. o. b.
afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, II. Is, f. o. b.
afloat; No. 3 hard winter. 11.19, f. o. b.
afloat. While the local wheat market wss
ganerally firm during the afternoon and
at times about o higher, due to better
cables, large clearance and export talk.
later it weakened under predictions lor
snow west, and closed rather easy at He
net decline. Mav closed at 11.1074, July
closed at I1.0BH.
UUHN-Receipts, bu. bpoi marsei
firm. No. 8 flHr elevator, and 67c. f. o. b.
afloat; No. 2 white, nominal, and No. 2
yellow, 7fce, f. o. b. afloat. tpiion marxet
was without transactions closing Ho net
higher. May closed at ffiHe, July closed at
firttc and Hentamber closed at 6A16o.
OATS Receipts, 74,700 bu.: exports, 8,000
bu. 8oot market quiet. Mixed. 2 to 82
lbs., 64$644c; natural white, 26 to S3 lbs.,
64sv7c; clipped white, 32 to 40 lbs., WWc.
FEED Firm; spring Dran, .w; mia
dllngs, J26.00; city, $25.00.
w a v i Mill irooo 10 enmoe. rn.
HIDES Steady; Bogota, lrVitjJOHo ; Cen
tral American. 21c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $1650
(ffl7.00; mess, 112.60)13.60; beef hams, ze.atf
28.00; packet, 14.5016.00; city extra India
mess, Z6.00tf26.50. Cut meats, quiet; plokled
bellies, .60(S8.; pickled name, .uo-.du.
Lard, steady: western. t3.7Mi9.85: refined,
steady; Bbuth American, $10.86: continent.
$10.75; compound, $6.s7V43fl.WH. Pork.
steady; family, $!8.00(19.Oi); short clears,
$a).0otfi22.5t; mess, $16.7517.26.
TALLOW Steady city, per pus ),
rminlrv ink in. free!. 6-W(tf6TA0.
Kit fc; steady; omesiic, lair 10 tiirn, in
rfi4lixc! Jsnan. nominal.
BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, 33He
(official price 33c); creamery extras, sj-'S
33c; creamery, thirds ti firsts, Z4(3siio;
creamerv. held, common to specials, lll(r26c;
western factory, firsts, ziwaitr; weexern
lmltstlon creamery, firsts, 2a84c.
CHEESE Firm; full cream, special, 14H
l&Hc; September, fancy, Uhic (official price
Kilns- Firm: state. Pennsylvania and
nearby, brown and mixed, fancy, 35t06;
fair to choice, SKMc; western flrsU, ittttc;
seoonds, 81I&32C. ., ,
poiti.Try Alive, essv: chickens, 14c;
fowls, lie: turkeys, 1218c. Dressed, strong;
western chickens, ltwic; weiwni
la14Hc; western turkeys, 22(23c.
Cor.n .
. Najr
1 07 1 0RW
. 4H
1 47HI
?6 nvj
I 80
1 07
. . 98'a
'62 I -61SI
61Tt,l 61
$'.. iH
16 47,
16 76
9 n
g 45
3iMs . m
16 43H
1 (7H
9 W
8 46
8 76
1 07Hl
. 98!
New York Central and Consolidated
Oai Bally from Low Point.
Offer of Comaaoa. Stock , to Employee
1 an lavestsaeat Attracts Attea
tloa af S escalators Bea4s
Ara Irregalar,
NEW YORK. Jsn. 7.-The most slgnifl-
ant events ot the day from a financial
tandpolnt were oncurlns- outside tha Htock
exchange, end the volume of bualnesa done
on the floor of the exchange shrank ma
terially, until the spurt of activity which
accompanied the buoyant rise late In the
The points of positive strength were found
outside the list of stocks ordinarily most
in me trading ana mostly in those
of minor grade. The shorts were not en
oouraged to renew their aggressive attack
on values by the continuance of any such
weakening factors aa were the break In
New York Central and In Consolidated Gas
the day before. These two stocks gave suh-
lanuai evidence of relief from selling pres-
uib ana ineir strong recovery was a great
vy sympamy, to tne rest or tne max
et. A strong sentimental Influence was
Xerted mmn hv th mAvmne, 1 TTnll A
tatea Steel, which was due to speculative
..iirrnnura orawn rrom tne orrer by the di
rectors of their common stock to employes
at $50 per share.ln pursuance of the profit
narlng plan. This Is the first time that
common stock had been offered to the em
ployee In addition to the customary offer
of preferred stork, and the hnnn of the
tock professed a belief tht thla tin Im
plied an Increased confidence In the Invest
ment standing of the stock on the part of
the directors Of the mrnnratlnn Tn th.
Colorado A Southern stocks orders again
A . th8jr PPerance appasrntly for all
'"mn 01 i nose stocks up to designated
was assumea mat further de-
ns ot me purpose or the Cnleago. Bur
Ington A Qutncr towards these seourltlea
were reflected In these movements, but no
.miuunremtni wss rortncomlng to throw s
light on the subject. The Rock Island
movement hsd to do with a rumor that a
change In the atatus of the common stock
was Intended which should give It equal
voting rights with the preferred. St. Paul's
movement was Incident to a supposition
III 'l"? authority for Issuing bonds on
L?r. Ps.c'fl cot extension might contem
plate the reimbursement of stockholders
for funds embarked In the building of tho
extension. There was a volatile sdvanre In
T4 lillianilllllK. MT. S-'SI tl I Jib UliiH (3 aJ-.l.
I - a w, uauik Tt5. JUB.I10
in ropon to rumor of the acquisition of
-,wiu rwiroia in the UniUd 8tat,
WhlOh WntlM Inrvt 4n M..
C,dla.n Fr. "ytom n entry to the
country railroad traffic. London waa
taaen up with the $20,000,000 Tranavasl loan
and Paris is (nMiin t .
A.5,000 0( Russian loan offering. Foreign
Jtaki.' events and soma such ef
rect Is looked for here.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales nar
unc'nni?2 000- V;nlted State, bonds 'we?i
on .UkW bWon?.. C,ln- '0"-
liow Flurries Friday, with Rising
OMAHA, Jan. 7, 1906.
The cold wave has spieaa over tne east
ern aim soulnern siaies anu i
weather prevails as far south as the north
ern portion ot trie gult s la tea. and seru
weather extends soutu over the lower Mis
n..ri vsiicv. 'rminuaraiures have mod
erated slightly tn the upper Ansaiasippi auu
Missouri valleys, but the weather continues
very cold throughout ilia upper vaiieya auu
northwest, and temperatures ranging from
ju hlow in the Duaotaa and Muaiana to
42 below In the Urltlah northwest are re
ported. Snow flurries ' are general mis
morning in the upper Mlassslppi and upper
Missouri valleys and throughout tne north
west and conditions are iavorabie tor snow
flurries in thla vicinity lonigni ana r nuay,
with riiinff tmnoerature.'
rim ha. record of temperature and precip
itation compared with the corresponding
day ot tha lsst three years:
... .. . ... itm iMa,.igoT. 1901
Minimum temperature.... 7 26 . 2S
Precipitation w .w mi ,ut
- . . . . . . o, J . .
XNurrnai tsmperai-urif iur luuay, u uciiit..
Deficiency In precipitation since Marco 1,
K.64 Indies.
Deficiency corresponding period in iwn.
7.60 inches. .
Deficiency corresponding period In 10I
J.88 inches' . U A. WELflH,
L.ocai irorecaeier.
1 07
Kauaaa City Grain and Provisions
rhamed: Mav. 11.01 Vi: July. lc: cash
No. a hard, 1.011.06; No. S bard, 98Vc9
$1.06; No. 3 Ted, 1.07(&l.O7H: No. i red, 11.00.
(!OBN-Unchanged to AUs higher: May,
67Tc; July, 67H; caah. No. J mixed, 6tHv9
bic; No. S mixea, ot'iftovkc; no. j wruie,
tw Kn. II white. 6lAiit.o.
OATS Unchanged; No. 1 white, 49 610 ;
No. I mixed, 4WJw.
HAY Dull: choice timothy. 19.7610.00:
choice prairie, $8.606.76; choice alfalfa,
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 33c; packing
Block 19c
Ei08--to higher; freah extras, SZVic;
current receipts, ' 8c.
Receipts and shipments of grain were as
follows: Receipts-Shipments.
Wheat, bu 92.000 92,000
Corn, bu 11.000 - 12,000
Oats, bu 3,000 14,000
Options at Kansas City:
Articles. Open. I Iflgh.
Msy 1 014 1 01H
July vpk'm,
May fle 68
July 68 fW44
16 42U
16 7Vil
9 47H
9 75
' S 46
8 76
16 37V4
16 36
9 72V
9 47V4
9 77H
NO.' t "
rash dootatlons were as follows:
FtXUR--8teady; winter patents, 94.769
120; winter at ralghts. 94.4txft.95; sprins?
Straights, 94-1o6.00; bakers.- li.06&4.26.
WHBAT-No. J spring, W.OTVul 0: No. 3
spring. 91.0W4,ir7H: Kt- 2 red- 106H10H.
CORN No. i 60&6lHic; No. 2 yellow, 64
fcOOc. '
OATS-No. S wTilte. 4HelVxC.
RYENo 2 7sc.
BARL.EY Good feeding, eOVxtfllVic; fW
to choice malting. 64jHe.
8EK0B KUx, No. 1 northwestern, 91.H
Prime timothy. 94.00. Oover. contract
grades. Ift 35.
PiOVl8K)frS-8hort ribs, sides (loose.
fi.fiuil9.50. Porki mess, per bbl., 9114bl.60.
Iari. per loo' Iba, WT1!. Short clear sides
(boxeiik, 99 6o4l.75. ,
Receipts and shipments ot flour and- grain
were rquows:
Flour, bbls
Wheal. bU.
Cant. bu. .............
("kaa bu.
Rye, bu. ....... .j. !
Hurley, on.
Receipts. Shipments.
32.800 J3.RO0
...'., !).4fltt " S460
...,.lo.f0 30i9ii0
.... 3.000 13.400
.... 4.2oO 39.700
On. -the Produce exchangs today the but
ter snsrket M t"aqy; nrrinnrm. w-w:
dairies. tlViflJRc, TSggs. firm t mark; cases
InrJudjed. S6!T29Hc; .'lta. Hc: prime
flrsl JlHc. .Cheese, steady at 148le.
M." Leals Oeaeral Market. . .
b't" trtTI8. Jka. T. "VYHE1AT Firm; caah.
higher; track,' No. 3 red, cash. Il.loHW 13;
N9 hard, 3V06OT.08: May. il.OB4l.08V,;
t'ORN Higher; track. Nt. 9 cash, 69
IKVvc; M4y.. sV July, H4; 1 wnite,
i Ustlsii
i)AT8-Flrm; track. No. caah. Ri62He;
May, July. Hc; N 1 wnlt. '8
ov. . . W4i.o. " '
r'lXJUR olesdy; red winter patents. 94 IK)
4)6.16; extra fancy atia airaigm,;
uard winter clears, 33.60.
BfittD TlmoUiy, 33. CMC 3. .
I'OWKTkfKiLL 41.10. .. .
BRADS' iiigltar; sacked, east track, tl.03
lAT-flteaay: timothy. HOOmtW; prairie,
4)9.0i U o.
lRf-1 COTTON TtES-tl tlO.
BAOaiNO 'Hko. , - -w.
POULTRT-ratsady: chickens, 11c: spring,
lie: turkevs. lie: ducki, lOHc: geese. (4c.
PROV UUOM- Pork. . steady ; Jobbing.
Ct Tl lard. steady; prlnte steam, H.rst)
3I7W-. Iev alt meats, frm; boxed extra
thort; f Btrf clear rbs. 99 .97'i:"s Iiort clears,
Low. I Close,
1 01 1
1H 910
67 A
A asked.
Mlaneapolis Oral a Market.
May, 3i.o; jiny, ii.09HSfl.oi14
caah,, no. t nara, i.i vt l.n; No.
northern. 91.0901.10; No. 2 northern
31.07 Wl. 08; no. s northern, yi.06W
1.06. .
BRAN In bulk. 319.00.
FLOUR Quiet; first patents. 14.40
4.C5: second patents, 34 204 40: first
clears. 4.004.10; second clears, !.&&
Philadelphia Proa ace Market.
Stead v. fair demand; western creamery,
Soc: nearby prima. Joe.
aTUtiB frirm; nearoy rennsyivania, sac
western firsts, free cases. 33c at mark
western current reoelpts, free cases. 11 0
sve. at murx.
CHEEBI tirm, rair oemano: New York
full creams, choice, 14Vsc; fair to good.
Liverpool Grain Market.
LIVERPOOL, Jan. 7.-WHEAT-8pot,
easy; No. i red western winter,, tn iod; fu
tures. uulet; March, 7s 7Hd; May. 7s 61hd
XRN Spot. steady; new American
mixed, via Galveston. 6s 6(1: futures, firm
January, 6s SW; March, 6s 2dj May, 6s
Mllnaakee Grala Market.
Bteady: No. i nonnern, i la: imo,
northern. 31090110: May. 3107.
CORN Higher: My. 61 o bid.
BARLEY Higher; standard. 67c; sam
pie, eiH"c ,
Dalath Grata Market.
Tll'LlITH. ' Minn..' Jan. T. W1TF.AT
No. 1 northern. 91.09SJ No. 1 northern.
fl.OTH; May, l.oH; July, l.os.
OATS On track, 43 c.
Peoria Market.
PEXRIA. Jan. T. CORN Higher ; No.
yellow. 6frCT6g4c: No. 9 yellow, 6sc; No.
tsWc; No. 3, tec: No. 4. 660; no grade, 64c.
OATS Dull; No. 4 white. 49c.
Oils aad Roala
OIL CITY, Pa, Jsn. T. OIL Credit
balance.. 1173: runs, 133,160 bbls.;
age, ioi io nois.
pentlne. 38c.
BOPIN Firm. Quote: B. D, B. V I
O. 33.06; H. 3140; I. 34 .15: K. S10;
15.68: N. $4 1$; WO, 40; WW, 60.
(oft Market.
NEW TOR1C. Jan. 7 j COFFEE Mar
ket for futures closed pet unchanged.
Haies were reported or 4,ztu tags, .
eluding January at 9.70c; March, 6.7
i.Uie; May. 6k6S6 90c; July, 6(5o; Sep.
teuioer, .duidoc; uctoDer, o hoc
iBinher. 6 60i6.tdc. Soot. firm:
nominal.. ?C7V,c: Santos No 4. SOS
mild, auu. cuiaovs, loiZHc
"1e. rnh. Lnw. CloM.
en.wio 4u uu 4u
3,000 (0
3, W0
49S4 41 '4
42H 41
lfi its
3.400 S8H 67 M
1.1 1
. 70, Kt4 8
. l.10 104t4 JOST4 im
400 1! 1M44 m
100 tiU MU M
100 31 II n
. I.too M 4 60
. ." 10014 io(H ifloai
S00 101S4 10H, 10H4
. 300 110 10i4 iM
. 4,400 111 1104 1114,
,. e.i vi wa n
. l,no 71 70
. 34.600 ITT 17
. 3.400 li t
600 101 101
11,600 Btt, 64
1.400 104 7
4.000 17 174
34,300 151 144 1C4,
1.100 T0V, U 70
0.300 V. 0 46
18,2110 M'm &
1,700 tS tltt 14
4,400 14 2 K4U
1S.300 If) -it'H.
400 ISO
.. 4.400 l
.. 1.700 8144
400 ' S74
.. ll,oo UH
0O 4Si
700 147
V 17u
I162.3(.?0l: gold coin and bullion, K7.106.C9,
gold certificates, 846.302.490.
New York Meaey Market.
NEW TORK, Jan. T. MONEY On call.
ay, 3W2 pep tent: ruling rate, 3 per
nt; closing bid. 1 per cent: offered1 at 1
per cent. Time loans, dull and easy; sixty
days, 2H per cent: ninety dsys, 2 3 per
cent; six months, 8V4 per cent.
rKlM H HEKUAil 11LK rArXK 3Q4
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at 94.8490
Si4.86 for alxty-dav bills and at 94.W95 for
demand; rommerclnl bills. 94.84'u4.4T4.
SILVER Bar, 51V: Mexican dollars. 45c.
BONDS Oovemment. steady: railroad, ir
regular. '
The following were Jna cioslng Quotations
on bonds yesterday:
V. 8. rf. 3a res.. ..101 Int. Met. 4H Tl't
t eenpea 1H (.. s N. unl. 4i tnov),
V. 8. 3a. rs inn4tMin. e. . 4a M'
do coudou luo-VMei. Central 4a tftit
D. 8. 4a, rat 114 do lat Inc Wi
coupon l!"Mlnn A St. U it m4
Am. Tobacco 4 71 M . K. A T. 4a S
e la 107 o xa ttit
Atvhlana sen. 4 100HN. K. Ft. of M. a 4a vtH
So adj. 4a. 1N. T. O. r. ISa i
do ev. 4a 109 N. 1. C. f. U 137
do t l'4No. Paclflo 4a 102H
Atlaaila C. !. 4a -. W4 do la 71
Bal. A Ohio 4a liHN. W. e. 4a hS
do ma IS0. S. L. rM. 4a MHi
Br. R. T. et. 4a MHPena. ct. ivta 111... 14'
Omtral ot Oa. 4a... .10414 do eon. 4a 1MS
do lat Inc 7 Reading an. 4a 100
do 14 inc eft Rep. of Cuba 6a 101
do Id Inc 40 St. U A I. M. c. 6a.. Ill
rttee. a Ohio 4tta..-.lMt. U P. fg 4a. 15
Chleaco A A. T4 st. L. 8. W. a. a... 71
C, B. A Q. n. 4.... 74 Seaboard A. U 4a.... H
C. R. I. A P. 4a 7So. Pacific 4a 41
do ml. 6a do lat 4a ftv,
do rrdl. 4e 41'iSo. Rallwar aa 104
coc. St. I g. 4a.. 7S,Twa A f. U 117
Colo. Ind. 6a. 7T4T , St. L. A W. 4a.. 14
Colo. Mid. 4a loSil'nlon Pacific 4a 101
Colo. A 8o. 4a e do ct. 4a 104
Del. A H. ct. 4s 103 tj. 8. Kteel 24 6a 10S
D. A R. O. 4a. Wabaah la 1UH
18 Western Md. 4a 61
TlViW. AUK. 4e 14
106 Wla. Cootral 4s
IIH'N. Y., N. H. A H.
0H ct. a ctta 13.m
SKLaks Shore 4a 1M1... 95 H
Brio p. I. 4a...
do cn. 4a
Hock. Val. 4a...
Japan 4a
do 4a
do 3d aertea
Bid. Offered.
Loiloa Stock Market.
IiONDON. Jan. 1 American securities
were In demand from fcif. higher during
tne eariy session toaay. union I'acinc and
Southern Pacific led the advance.
London closing stock quotations:
Conaola, money .... UV4 Mo., Kan. Texas.. 41
do account 43 H New York Central. ..114
Anaconda loNorfolk A Weitern... 47
Atchison 103 do ptd U
do ptd 104OnUrlo A W cetera.. 41
Baltimore A OB.IO...U PennarlTania 48
Canadian Facltle ...t0Rand Mines 7
Cheaapeeka A Ohio.. 61 Heading Tl
Chi. Oreet Woetera.. 11S4 Southern Railway .. 3
ITU., Mil. A it. P.. 16.' do ptd el
re Beers .1 Southern Paclflo 111
Denrer A Rle O tUnloD Paottlo .J8i
do ptd 42 do pfd , 31
Erie 33 TJ. 8. Steel M
do let pfd e0 do ptd 11644
do 3d ptd eOHWabaah 30
Grand Trunk 3H4 do pfd 61
Illinois Central 160 spanlah 4 '.'. MS
LoulaTllla A Naah...U7Amal. Copper t
81LVKR Bar, firm at 23 13-16d per ounce.
MONKY 1 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three
months' bills, 2H per cent.
Receipt of Cattle Are Fairly Liberal
for Thareday. ,
Demand from ? Packers Good aad
Trade Is Aetlre Saaply at
Sheep Kot Eaosik to Pill
SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Jan. T, 1909.
ReCelDts were:
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
trfflclal Wednesday ..
Estimate Thursday ..
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. 9.3.U .27 3.024
.. 7.0:(S 14.H47 7.118
.. 9.979 11.089 a.09
.. 3.900 7.400 9,600
Four days this week.. 30.948 99.913 91.309
Same days last week. ...11831 33.903 24.105
fame days 2 weeks ago.. 8,l:t7 21.714 9.871
Same days 3 weeks ago.. 22.857 3 L 403 90.948
fme days 4 weeks ago..21.M 94,020 34,9o
Same days last year. . . .l.6tl 66.070 90,71
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
for the year to date, compared with last
year: iu. ipA inc. Deo.
Oattle .20,919 19.2R8 1.660
Hogs 48,123 418.814 16,891
Sheep 31,904 24,fitil 7.303
The following table shows the average
price of hogs at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Dates. 11909. 11908. 1907. 190. 1905. 1904. 103.
Jan. 1..
Jan. 2..
Jsn. 8..
Jsn. 4..
Jan. (..,
Jan. 6..
Jan. 7..
189 4 35 34 6 41 4 94 9 33
976 4 36 6 21 6 11 4 30 4 61 6 34
4 4tti0T4 48 929
9 70 4 S59S05 14 446477
6 fiR 633 6J2 4 47 4rW2S
S 77 4 31 6 17 4 45 4 68 34
424 634 4 601465 840
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Oaltl. Hnn Rhaen Vf'r'a
M. Ot Bt. 1' IK
Missouri Paclflo
Union Pacific 16
C. & N. W., east.... 8
C. N. W west.... 19
C, St. !., M. A O.w.. 26
C, B. & Q., east...... 9
C, B. & Q., west 41
C R. I. & P., east... 7
Illinois Central
Chicago Gt. Western 3
Total receipts 167
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
8 2..
28 7 1
9 1..
21 11
3 11
6 2..
39 6
1 1
1 .. 2
103 45 S
I I flower (Tardea and avoid the cold ffji lu jwX
Winter Months. Go via the 4BlW
I I California. It will make -r " Trwi nal'' 1
I I your trip enroute restful .,Q. L LB Ml j
I and pleasant. Be sure - fel J
V rarnam . ' ZhV
'rhonssi e?ekr " -
X. U Dong. M$T?7ZZF
14,400 144' 145 14
TOO Tt 71 Tl
1,700 144 144 14
I.4II0 18 18 !
4. M0
Amalgamated Copper
Am. c. A y
Am. r. A P. ofd
Am. cotton Oil
Am. H. A L. pfd
Am. Jr Securities
Am. Unseed Oil
Am. LoeemotfTo ,
Ara. LoeomntlTe pfd
Am. 8. A R
Am. 8. A R. pfd ,
Am. Sour Refining;
Am. Tobaoco pfd
American Woolen'
Anaconda Mining Co
Atchison pfd
Atlantlo Coaat Line
Baltimore A Ohio
Bel. A Ohio pfd
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Paclflo
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central of New Jersey....
Chesapeake A Ohio
Chloaao Ot. W
Chicago A N. W
C, M. A St. P
C. C, C. It L
Colorado T. A I
Colorado A so ,
Colo. A Bo. lat pfd
Colo. A So. 3d pfd.. ......
oonaoMdatsd Gas ........
Corn Products
Delaware A Hudson
Den tot A Rio Grande...
D. A R. O. pfd
Dietlllera' soourities ...
Kris lat pfd
Brio 3d pfd
Oenaral Bleotrlo
Orsat Northern pfd
Great Northern Ore etfa.
lllinota Central
lnterborouah Hot
Int. Met. pfd
International Paper
Int. Paper pfd
International Pump
Iowa Central
Kanaas City so
K. C. Ro. pfd
LoulaTllle A N
Minn. A Bt. L
M., St. P. A 8. I. M ...
Mlsaouri Paclflo
M , K. A T
M , K. A T. ptd
National Lead
New Tork Central
N. r., O. A w
Norfolk A W
North American
Northern Paclflo
Paolfto Mail
People" Gee
P.. C. C. A St. L.
Preeeed Steel Oar
Pullman Palace Car.
Railway Steel Spring....
Republic Steel
Repuslto Steal pfd
Rock laland Co
Rock Ieland Co. pfd
St. U A S. P. M ptd...
St. Louie 8. W
St. U B. W. pfd
Blosa-Sheffleld B. A !
Southern Paclflo
So. Pacific pfd
Southern Railway ,
So. Hallway pfd ,
Tennneee Copper
Texas A Pacific
T., St. U A W
T., St. 1 A W. pfd
Vnloa Pacific
Unloa Paclflo pld ,
V. 8. Rubber
V. 8. Rubber lat pfd...
V. 8. Steel
U. 8. Steel pfd
Utah Copper
Va. -Carolina Chemical .
V.-Caro. Cheta. ptd....
Wabaah ptd
V'eetlnghouee Klectrte ..
Weetarn Union
Wheeling A L." K
Wl.conaln Central l. "
. t a. T Co W0 11
Total sales for the day, iSv.SOO shares.
Baatorn Stacks an A Bands.
BOSTON. Jan. 7. Money, call loans, 8H
54 per cent; time loans, IVinTs per cent.
r-Wlnar auotatloos:
Atchlaos adj. 4a 3 Amalgamated ..
ao 4, 104 Arlaooa Com. ..
AUhiaoa R. too Atlantis
ao p(a 101 Butts Coalition
Boatoa A Albany 3 41. A Arlaooa.
Boatoa A Maine 13oCal. A Heels...
Ftoetoa Eleate4 14 CenUanlal
rttebburs fd " Copper Hangs ..
N. T., lJ. H. A H... 141 Daly West
Union Paclflo ...141 Pranklln
Cham HOrnnby
.. ea ureena ueneneev
.. 4 lele Hoy ale
..131 Maaa. Mialng ..
..123 Michigan
..Jil Mohawk
.. UMont. C. A C...
M Nad
Korelarn j'Flnaaclal.
LiONDON, Jan. 7. Money was In good
supply on the market today despite the
large bank repayments. Discounts were
firmer In vlow of the 'Argentina gold re
quirements. On the Stock exchange the
new loans monopolized the attention In
the gilt-edged section. The Transvaal Issue
waa largely over-subscribed and was
quoted at a premium, and with the ex
pected Argentina bond Issue of 9l7,&OO.tJOO,
as well as the Russian loan, It Is antici
pated that the Standard securities will be
neglected for a time. Kaffirs opened un
settled and closed steadier. Home rails
were neglected. American securities were
steady in the forenoon, with moderate busi
ness evenly distributed throughout the list,
which caused a general hardening to over
parity. New Tork advanced prices slightly
In the afternoon, but buying was not brisk,
and the market finished easier.
BERLIN. Jan. 7. Trading was very quiet
on the Bourse today and prices were
weaker on the reports from the United
PARIS, Jan. 7. There was a steady tone
on the Bourse here today.
300 125 1K U
6O0 &4 47 U
.. 3,300 144 188 144
.. S.K 70 6 70
.. 14,000 42 41 42
.. 1.100 71 73 73
.. 3) 7 77 1
.. 33.400 138 1!4 118
.. ' 3.700 47 47 47
.. 3.144 44 34 44
400 74 78 74
.. 11.100 14t 140 143
114 14 14
.. 11.400 134 118 144
.. 3.400 104 101 1UJ
.. 8,100 8 88 88
100 4444 41 43
100 170 170 144
8U0 47 47 47
... T,4" 141 1M 141
... 1,100 14 36 14
400 87 87 87
.. T3.0 i: 14 24
.. 13,100 41 i 40
410 40 40 40
100 33 it U
800 78 78 78
.. 87.300 J4 114 114
W HI !', 120
... 1.700 lo 26
a eaaaaasaaaaaaas y
Conditions of Trade aad 4notatloas on
Staple aad Fancy
BUTTER Creemery. No. 1. delivered to
retail trade In cartons, u: Jtfo. 1 in 60-lb.J
tubs. 80c; No. 3 in eo-lb. tuns, wo; no. j in
1-lb. cartons, 28c; fancy dairy, tuba, 2233c;
packing stock, 20c.
EGOS Fresh candled, 30c; storage, 230.
CHEEilhJKineait Wisconsin full cream,
twins, 16c; young Americas, 4 In hoop,
favorite. 8 In hoorj. 16c: daisies. 20 In hoop.
l&tto; cream brick, full case. 13c; block
Swiss, 16c; full cream llmrourgr, 140.
BKiif CUTS No. l no, ic; no. z no.
12Vc; No. 3 rib. &c; No. 1 loin, 30c: No. 1
uin ii. - a inin li,,. 1 ohunlc
No. 3 cnucK. oc; no. s cnucg, bo; o. i
round, oo: No. 2 round. 7toc: NO. 6 round.
6c ; No. 1 plate, 6c; No. 2 plate, &Vie;
NO. 3 piate, 4,o.
springs, 11c; ducks, 12wl8c; geese, 10c; tur
kevs, lMi'iOc: squabs. I2.20(a2.25 per dos.
VRESH FRUITS-vApples, $S.003-J.10 per
bu. box. Lemons, 13.0uSO.75. Oranges, Cal
ifornia, t2.&o&3.0i. Bananas, 11.75:33.75 per
bunch. Orapea. Malaga. 3u.o03i.t4) per keg;
California Emperor, 4-box crates, 11.6c4
1.75. .
VEGETABLES Celery, Michigan, per
doi., sue; other mumc. Beans, navy, No.
1, per bu., 32.604i4.60r lima, 5c per lb,
Cabbage, 2Hc per lb. Potatoes, bMCtPSc. To
maloes. per basket, crate. 21.65. Cucum
bers, per dos., 31.75y1.00. Onions, Spanish,
per crate, tl.&o; Texas, 31.26 per
urate.. Lettuce, per dos., 46c. Peppers,
Bouthern, 31.00 per crate. Cauliflower, 32.50
per crate; Egyptian, 31.50 per doz. Brussels
sprouts, sue per qt. numquats, jug per qi.
1.400 78
...IM.000 1S4 174 141
. 700
... 800 104)
.. 44,400 64
106 10b
1,004 44
113 119
44 44
It 10
44 40
44 4i
6 44
84 S1
134 127
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 7. COTTON Futures
opened steady; January, s.wc; juarcn, s.tuc
May, 3.06c; July, h.Mc; October, li.iOc; Lt
er,ilHir. H . ti7ia S . oc.
NEW YORK, Jan. 7. COTTON Market
opened steady at an advance of -4(4 points.
bpot closed quiet; miaoung upianus,
middling gulf, 3.50c; sales, 2.0U0 bales.
Futures closed steady; January. 8.90c:
February, 8.t9c; March, 0.01c; April, 3.17o;
Msv. c: June. S.33c: July, 8.33c: August.
8.84c; September. 8.6c; October, 8.63c; No
vem.ber. 8.60c: December. 8.60c.
at sc.
Bpot, steady; low ordinary, 5 9-16c, nomi
nal; ordinary, 6Hc, nominal; gocd ordinary,
8 13-ltic: low middling. 8 3-16c: middling,
8 16-lSo; good middling, 8 5-16c; middling,
3 l-16c; fair, 10 7-1 to, nominal; receipts,
10,05s bales; stocka, too, 41 it Dales.
8T. IXH'18. Jan. 7-COTTON-Qulet
middling, 9)C; aalos, none; receipts, 1.8S4
bales; shipments, 1,477 bales; stock, 43,249
Omaha Packing Co 699 838
Swift and Company 723 1.678
Cudahy Packing Co 6K2 1.714
Armour & Co 022 2,440
Bchwartzchtld A Sulsb'g r 106
Vansant & Co 41
Carey & Benton 3
obman & Rothchtld 75
W. I. Stephen 78 .....
Hill & Son 82
F. P. Lewis 14
Huston Co 20
H. Bulla 27
L. F. Huhz 50 ..... .....
Wolf 29
McCreary ft Carey 96
H. F. Hamilton 2
M. Hagerty ft Co 64
Sullivan Bros 13
St. Louis 993
Blackshier 141
Country .butchers 214
Keenan . 749
Other buyers 266 892
Totals ....3,821 8,630 8.839
CATTLE Receipts were fairly liberal for
a Thursday and the character of the of
ferings was about the same as It has been
for some time. Very few well finished
beeves are coming and the big bulk of
the supply consisted of cattle that have
been on feed for from sixty to ninety days.
All the dressed beef men seemed to have
good orders to fill and the favorable tone
to advices from outside markets made a
good active local trnde with prices gener
ally about steady with yesterday. As com
pared with a week ago values for the gen
eral run of short fed and warmed up cattle
are fully 25c higher and the tone to the
trade Is strong at the advance. While there
were no very choice cornfeds here today.
there were some hayfed westerns that were
good enough to bring $6.25. 1 ' "
The market for cows and heifers wss, If
anything, a shade stronger than yesterday
so far aa desirable grades were concerned
and the outlet for good butcher stuff was
at good as It has been any time this sea
son. Fat and heavy cows met with a ready
sale, while choice heifers are bringing the
best prices of the season. Strictly com
mon canners are In very Indifferent de
mand, but anything at all useful In the
way of butcher stock Is selling fully 26c
higher than a week ago. Veal calves are
strong and the same Is true of bulls stags,
There was not a great deal doing tn tha
stocker and feeder trade, as supplies were
very limited. The Inquiry from both yard
traders and country buyers waa very brisk
for anything that had flesh and quality
and even medium common stuff was picked
up freely at good, strong prices. The best
feeders are all of 1526c higher than last
week, while even the less desirable grades
are selling fully lOflSc better than at that
Ouotstlons on cattle: flood to choice
cornfed steers, $6.4rtii7.2j; fair to good com
fed steers. 35.40WI5.25; common to fair corn
fed steers, 34.OOtfi6.26: good to choice cows
and heifers, $4 .rVWTS.M; fair to good cows
snd heifers. 13 2nm 40: common to fair cows
end heifers. Pl.OMiQ.M: stock heifers, 32.50
5.60; venl calves, 33.0007.00; bulls, stags.
etc.. 3.00frfi.OO: good to choice Blockers and
feeders. 34 76(f?ri.40: fair to good stockers
nd feeders. W.IXTT4.80: common to fair
stockers and feeders. IS.OOitJ'l.So.
Representative sales:
da sfd
Am. Pnea. Tube.
Aner. sugar
do pfd
Am. T. A T
Amer. Woolen ..
dm ofd
nomlnloa 1. A Old Domintoa ..
Edlaon glee, lllu M (.-eceoia
,. 40qulocy
. 4 Shannon
ISO Tamarack
. 0Trtnlty
.8 U. 8. Mining..
. 44 I'. 8. OIL
.114 Utah
. tWolrertna ....
,. 31Nrtn Butts ..
do ptd
Maaa. Oaa
lolled fruit ..
Vnlled 8. St ..
do pfd
V. 8. steal
do pfd
New YerW Mlalaar gtecka.
NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Closing quotations
on mining slocks:
... 34
... 8
... 17
... 34
... 43
... 40
... 10
... 14
... 13
... 34
... 11
... 70
...' to
... II
... 44
... 34
.... 34
... 17
... 14
... 14
... 46
... 3
... fc
... 84
bninswleb Cos. ..
Com. Tuaset stock.
io boaoa
Co. Ml. A Va
Horn Silver
Iron SlWer
.30 Leadelll Cea.
. 8 'Untie thiol ..
. 34 Mexloaa
. 14 Ontario
. JS Oihlr
. 74 Tallow Jacket .
.lit Siaadant
.. I
.. 7
.. 83
.. 1
Bank Clsarlaga.
OMAHA. Jan. T. Bank clearings for to
day were 32.3M.3E5.03 and ror tha correspond
ing data last year tl.3il.370 81
Treasary Itateneent.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Today's state
ment of tha treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, ssclusivs of tha 31aO.00O.OU4 gold
reserve, thorn. Available casb balancst.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Jan. 7. WOOL There is little
life In the local wool market, due to well
cleaned blna and heavily stocked mills
Prices remain steady, with a firm under
tone, but there Is a lack of Quotations on
account of light Inquiry. Most dealers ware
awaiting tne consumption or tne present
supplies by the mills ana are looking with
Interest on the Increased activity. Leading
domestio Quotations rsnae as follows:
Scoured values: Tessa, fine 12 months. 60
b2c; fine, to 8 months. 664a California,
northern. 60tab2c: middle county. 46iWsc
southern, 33U40c; fall free, 4" 12c. Oregon
eastern No. 1 staple, awrbjr; eastern cloth
lug. 63U6oc; valley No. 1, etcfl-IHo. Territory
fine staple, txxo&c; fine medium staple., 08
Uouc: fine clothing. buH'j.c; fine medium
clothing, otHiio-; half-blood. H4(6Sc; three
eighths-blood. n26jo4c. Pulled, extra, 6V(3
a:c: line a fvgwr; a euoer. MSTfoc.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 7.-WOOL-Unchanged
medium grades, combing and clothing, l8'
ewairc; iigm, line, ib'ozoc; neavy, line,
lUMs'yibc; tun washed, zBitjc.
Metal Market.
London tin market was lower, with spot ai ts ana tuiures at 131 10s.
The local market was weak In consequence,
with spot quoted at S28.4ota28.6&. Conner rle.
clined 12s 6d in London, with spot closing
at 63 Ss 6d and futures at 63 17s Sd. Lo
cally tne market waa quiet and unchanged,
with Lake quoted at tl4.60U.2H; electro
lytic, ll4.mt4Bl4.S7H; casting. 314.014.25.
lu was uncnangea at til it ta in Lou
don and at 34 17Vyo-4 fc:V locally. Spelter
was unchanged In both markets, closing at
12 5s In London, and at 36.US.17
ueciine waa reportea in the
uignan iron market, with Cleveland war
rants quoted at 45s Sd. Local Iv there was
no change. No. 1 foundry northern. 317.00, no. z, us.764Fl7.26; No. 1 southern
ana mo. 1 southern soft, 317 2Mil7.76.
ST. LOUTS, Jan. T. M BTALS Lead,
iriu; n-ies, opener, urm, 4a U'Vi-
agar aaal Molasses.
NEW YORK. Jan. 7.-SUGAR-Raw, niar-
icaoi lair refilling, sue; centrifugal,, 'ej
irei. a. sue; moiaases sugar, &VOC. Heflned
leeoy. crvsnea, a.BMij VOasX4k Aigc
Biauuiawii ,
Ko. A. Pr. No. At. Pr.
IX (II 40 130O 4 1
4 n 4 OO 30 1?14 4 30
111 11 C 4y 84 tl'.T 8 if)
14 1111 S 73 83 1278 4 80
11 1151 6 til li 1214 4 4S
13 1146 3 46 12 .'.....1870 4 50
80 1074 4 00 80 1JT 4 44
13 18VS 4 00 8 1808 4 80
3 8?4 3 60 8 1"97 8 80
11 474 3 40 7 ro 4 00
t 124 I 80 17 4S3 4 Of)
S 43 3 00 3 433 4 00
3 4 3 00 4 442 4 Oo
4 434 8 00 8 141 4 00
11 843 8 00 6 Ill 4 00
7 14 8 00 11 1040 4 80
20 8!3 8 10 26.... C4 4 80
4 1101 8 23 14 10"4 4 83
4 4I5 3 30 8 1144 4 40
13 11 3 40 4 1104 4 M
3 41.4 8 40 4 m 4 80
11 1040 3 45 8 11M 4 44
t H4 3 60 7 113J 4 70
3 Ml 3 40 1014 4 84
474 4 75 1038 4 40
8 483 8 40 17 li7 4 80
It 543 3 to 10 11Z7 8 1
ir8 3 30 37 813 4 18
4 647 8 30 8 824 4 80
4 ... 850 3 25 8 750 4 60
3 W5 3 50 1 113 4 bt
3 310 3 60 17... 371 4 70
1 840 8 40 1 1440 8 M
3 440 3 IS 1 1330 3 40
1 120 3 15 1 14uo 4 OO
1 1370 3 40 1 1370 4 04
1.; 1350 3 45 1 1730 4 14
8 1373 3 50 1 IMO 4 1(
1 1120 3 50 1 1470 4 It
8 1243 3 40 1 .. .1540 4 80
1 1360 3 50 1 1?0 4 83
8 10 5 8 (0 1 1450 4 14
1 1140 3 40 3 1300 4 45
1 1IWU 3 40 4 50
1 1270 3 70 1 1470 4 40
1 1140 3 IS 1 14 4 16
4 310 4 85 3 340 3 04
1 610 4 50 ' 1 170 3 If
1 44 3 85 1 340 4 34.
3 275 4 25 3 St 4 60
1 (10 3 50 1 140 5
1 310 8 13 3 225 4 60
8 15 4 OO 1 lie) ( it
3 1H 4 00 1 140 1 00
1 8) 4 00 1 150 7 S3
I IK 4 00
3 810 3 io 7 tit 4 tl
8 43 8 1 4 633 4 33
II 534 8 15 7 87T 4 44
Ct 49 4 00 10 110 4 40
W 4 10 8 M la)
30 421 4 14
HOia Receipts of kegs numbered
Ventilation in Cars
Ilaving received a letter from the Health Commis
6ioner of the City of Omaha urging better ventilation
of cars and realizing that health and comfort depend
on a proper supply of fresh air, our conductors have
been instructed to keep one or more ventilators open at
all times. We trust the Public will co-operate with us
in carrying out this rule. " ' '
Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway Oo.
...174 40 6 5
...17 ... 6 70
...310 80 6 70
...205 40 6 70
...VM ... 6 7214
...B04 40 3 18X4
...804 120 6 13
...313 40 8 72 Vi
...310 40 3 44
...744 ... 5 16
...144 ... 6 76
...203 130 6 76
...3lt 120 6 76
...807 80 6 18
...! 40 3 16
...231 130 6 15
...816 ... 6 15
...ll 40 6 76
80 6 75
IM ... 6 75
.324 80 6 16
.113 ... 6 714
.314 120 6 77S4
.323 30 t 77
.311 ... 6 30
324 40 3 80
..361 .40 6 40
83 326
73 114 130 6 80
..307 40 6 80
. .21 40 6 40
..3t 3)10 6 40
. .t'il 120 6 40
..264 40 4 80
..261 120 5 40
..2o7 ... 6 40
,.3T1 360 6 80
..K6 180 6 80
..338 ... 6 80
..888 110 6 30
. 116 840 6 80
...260 240 3 Slti
...218 130 6 86
...316 80 6 86
,...200 VH 6 85
...271 40 6 W
,...163 130 5 45
,...24 40 6 85
,...21 340 6 46
... .123 130 6 85
,...81 80 6 85
....213 ... 6 46
,...311 90 I 44
....266 120 4 48
,...347 ... 6 46
,...331 ... 6 15
....244 ... 8 86
,...2 ... 6 8TH
,...323 ... 6 87S4
....tut 140 6 SO
....843 800 3 40
....374 140 6 80
, .. .340
....368 30 3 80
...,2h4 140 6 40
....371 80 6 40
,...34 80 6 80
....267 )J0 3 to
....328 60 6 46
,...34 ... 6 46
....403 1(0 4 46
....146 ... 6 TV4
....lit 140 3 00
,..25 40 3 00
30 8 00
30 4 00
40 4 00
4 00
... I 40
... 8 80
....313 204 3 03
SHEEP Receipts of sheep numbered
forty-one cars this morning, the number
Inadequate to supply the axtlve. strong de
mand for killers, prices on itinera were
pushed up lOfiUoc above yesterday"s fig
ures and values are now at the high point
of the season.
included among today s arrivals were
three cars of ewes that sold at 3e.0o, the
hiarhest price of the season to date. Four
curs of good yearlings brought 36.85, alBo
top price or the season, ana a car ot lamrx,
sold at 87.76. the highest price for lambs
reached In some time. The market was
active and the receipts were diriposea of
In good season.
There was a good country demand for
feeders, but the supply was rather limited.
Everything in sight sold freely at current
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to
choice lambs. tl.WUT.1t: fair to good lambs.
3tt.6oii7.0u; feeding lambs, f4.ooo4i.6u; good to
choice light yearlings, io.4."Uti.SD; gooa to
choice heavy yearlings, to.ibui.tio; feeding
yearlings, ft.oOto.ou; good to choice wethers,
$; feeding wethers, U.mXai.W; good
to choice ewes, 34.76Vt.ia; fair to gooa
ewes, 34.25efi4.7b; feeding ewes,
culls arid bucks, I.O0412.OO.
Representative sales:
161 western wethers
76 western wethers
4 western wethers, culls..
261 western vearlinss
643 western yearlings
244 was tern ewes
6 western ewes
116 western ewes
222 western wethers .......
414 western yearlings
313 western yearlings
327 western iambs
426 western ewes
10 western ewes
317 western lamb feeders
western lambs, culls, feeders,
823 western lamb feeders
63 western lambs, culls, feeders,
tfel western ewes ,.
231 western lambs
VA Western ewes
491 western lambs
218 western ewes, feeders
16 western bulls
21 western lambs
217 western ewes
western goats
164 western yearlings
6 western wethers
(25 western ewes
8 native lambs
123 western ewes
64 western ewes, culls
238 western yearlings
222 western lambs
237 western ewes
'A Wyoming ewes, culls
237 western yearling wethers
44 Wyoming ewes
134 Wyoming ewes
3t4 Wyoming lambs
142 western lambs, culls
234 western lambs
210 western yearlings
cars, about s.ouo head. There was no ma
terlal change In prices from yesterday's
general average market. The demand front
packers waa good, and while the trade was
activs, prices as a rule were only steady
to strong at yesterday' current figures.
Tha top today sold up to 36.06. the same aa
yesterasy, witn me oulk at IS.Tuga 36.
While the market on paper appears some
what higher, the SDnarrnt atranarth is
largely due to tha fact that there were
leas light bogs on sals today. While the
maraet. was a utile slow in getting started,
sfter a trading basis was reached sellers
let go freely and a clearance waa made In
good season, with the market closing aollve
ana luvni at lua oasis noiea.
Repreeentstlvs sales:
A. Sk. fr
.OM IM I 44
. Ik. IT
heifers, W.OtKJW.M; canners, fl.7G3'2.2S; bulls.
ji. layo.w; caives, jj.ouiuw.2e; Texas and in- .
dian steers, !3.00&i.ti0; cows and heifers.
MOOS Receipts. 11.900 bead. Market
strong; pigs and light. t4.7tVg6.36; packers,
36.!KiiC.05; butchers and best heavy. 20.UEx
6.30. . - .1 , -
head. Market steady; native muttons. 34.25
4H5.(K); lumbs, So.50&.00; culls and bucks,
$2.7&iS4.BO; stockers, J2.00(S3.75.
Cattle Strong Higher) Hogs Five
to Tea Ccata Higher.
CHICAGO. Jan. 7. CATTLE Receipts.
6,000 head; market strong to 10c higher;
steers,; cows, 40.uumo.1a; neirer.
XNU4.80; bulla, 33.W04.60; calves, 13.&O40
'.GO; stockers and feeders, $2 oOiQf.OO.
HOGS Receipts, 80,000 heaulr market 6(9
10c higher: choice heavy shloplnK. 8lVx.f
6.30; butchers, 36.0&S6.26; light mixed. 35 60
(OM.iti; cnoice iignt, jo.wmtau; pacKing, 65.70
(j.00; pigs, 4.toa6.&u; bulk of sales, $6,150
HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, lt.,000
head; market strong to lOo hlKher. sheen.
34.406S.6&; lambs, 36.26&,00; yearlings, J4.i64j
.. 118
.. 120
.. 82
.. 69
.. Ml
.. 108
.. 102
.. 100
.. 101
.. 69
.. 91
.. 79
.. 103
.. 97
.. 74
.. 107
.. 7
.. 8
.. 70
.. 73
.. HI
.. 77
.. W
.. 104
.. 104
.. 72
.. W
.. S4
.. 33
.. 74
... 103
.. 91
.. KX
.. 1O0
.. 99
.. 77
.. 63
.. 674
.. 97
6 40
6 40
1 26
6 36
6 86
4 86
6 OO
6 26
e 00
7 60
4 76
3 00
t 00
6 15
6 00
4 96
7 25
4 75
7 SO
3 25
1 25
7 35
4 90
t 66
I 60
t 06
7 15
4 75
4 00
5 85
7 60
I 00
3 60
5 65
6 00
6 00
7 60
6 85
7 76
Kansas City Live Btoelc Market.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 7.-CATTLB-Recelpts,
6,000 head. Including 200 southernu.
Market stoady; choice export and dressext
beef steers, J6.iXV64l.76; fair to guod, M-frO'
6.00; western steers, 3t.0tmt6.50; stackers and
feeders, 33.5va6.26; southern steers, 4.l0rt
6.45; Bouthern cows, $2.5034.0O; native cows,
J2.wyff6.25; native helfrrs. 3.2r4jJ.0O: bulls.
3o.25T(&.Cv; calves. 34.008.00.
HOGS Receipts, W.OOO head. Market
steady to strong; top, td.10; bulk of sales,
3&.fiXfi6.05; heavy, $5.C6i.10: packers and
butchers, 6.8&tU0; light, tS.wJO&.Su; trigs,
head. Market 15&3&c higher; Colorado
lambs, 37.75; Colorado yearlings, 37; lambs,
$ti.6oW7.76; ewes and yearlings. 34.2f&.(jO;
western yearlings, 36.7Mf,".(iO; western sheep,
Jl.WjiS.tO; stockers and feeders, tS.00Qo.00.
Sloax City Lire Stock Market.
8IOUX CITY, la., Jan. 7.-(Specla Tale
gram.) HOGS Receipts, 4.000 head: mar
ket strong; range, 36.604iS.S6; bulk of sales,
cattlb Reoeints, l.ioo head: market
strong; beeves, fl.6O(S7.0O; fat cows and
heifers, $4 00(B 5 00: butcher Stock, W OtMptOO;
feeders. 33.6Wij4.78; calves and yearlings,
(tock la Bight. -
Receipts of live stock at tha Six Brlncloal
wcoiriu iiiewncia) ycsicruiiy;
South Omaha 3.)0
Btoux City l.aoo
St. Joseph 2.000
Kansas tnty .0i0
St. Louis ,. 7."0
Chicago tVOuO
4. Joseph Lira Stock Market,
ST. JOSEPH. Jan. . CATTI.E Raeelnts.
2 010 head; market active and atrong; steers,
M-61X97.O0; cows and heifers, 42.7Vu6.80;
cslves. 33 5O31S.00.
HOOS Receipts, .00 hesd; msrket strong
to 60 higher: ton. S6.O6: bulk of sales. ir,.&.vi
K -
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, 2.000
head: market active, IVaAo higher; lambs,
$6.00(87.86. y
t. Loals Live gtaek Market.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. T CATTLE Receipts.
T,09 head. Including 77 Texsns. Market for
natives, strong to too higher; for Texans.
strong; shipping and export sOur. i.00
100; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.60
iqe au; steers under r , M.OtXrJii.Oo
Hogs. Sheet).
7,400 9.300
Total receipts.
..25.700 76.300 32,126
Evaporated Apples aad Rrled Fralts.
APPLES Market continues quiet, with
fancy quoted at WfrQMc; choice. VMlAc;
prime. 6ir7c: common to fair. G&WAc.
DRIED FRTTITS Prunes firm n 44..
larger sises, although business Is quiet and
tne general tone somewhat unsettled. New
crop California fruit Is quoted at 4Sna;
Oregon, Hi9c; latter ranging troro 60a to
a. Apricots dull, with choice quoted at
9MW.C; extra choice, Vl0c; fancy. UH
tJISc. Peaches firmly held, with choice
quoted et 6Mt7c; extra choice. 744tSo;
fancy. HWailc Raisins dull and unset
tled, pending further Information from the
west; loose Muscatels quoted at ds$4P4c;
choice fancy seeded. fMiTc; seedless 4H7
6c; London layers, 31.60(51.60. . '
Toledo Seed Market. .
TOLEDO, Jan. 7.-8 EEDS Clover, "cash
and January. 36.70; Msrch, $i.76. Alslke.
prime, 24.80.
Kern Oat for Senator. ' .
INDIANAPOLIS. Jsn. 7.-For tha first
time In eighteen years the democrats will
be In control of the Indiana legislature
nd will elect a successor to James A.
Hemenway. John W. Kern of thla city,
L. Ert Black of Franklin and B. F. Bhlrs
ley ot South Rend seem at this time to
have the largest following, yet. It la sd-
muiea, tnst unks a combination Is
formed, nulther can win. 1
Many little, lives have been tared by
Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds,
croup and whooping cough. Jt .Is the only
safe remedy for Infants and children as It
contains no opiates or other nsrcotlo drugs,
and children like Foley's Honey and Tar.
Careful mothers ketp a bpttla lo tha house.
Refuse substitutes. For S4Ua hf all drug
gists. ' -
a i jLi". data. 3i7fi4a.W; owg tad