Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Outfoinf Oorernor Adiiei Law Mn
en in Lengthy Document.
AU AlTMitM tate Prohibit
Marriage tall After rhy.lrnl
F.aamlaatloa Defend. State
Continued from First rare.)
arc established. Two plam arc suggested:
Kither the enactment of a law providing
for the establishment of mutual savings
banks with the privilege of having branches
In various parts of the state, or a law
authorising and providing for the establish
ment In commercial banks of a savings
department, but requiring the business to
be kept separate and distinct.
That legislation be enacted providing for
publicity of county funds and the interest
paid thereon.
Favoring a law forfeiting principal as
well aa interest where Usury Is charged.
Favoring an amendment to the state con
stitution for the increase of the salaries
of state officers.
Transferring correspondence showing the
'federal government Intends to abandon the
Indian school at Geneva and asking the
legislature determine whether the slate
wants to make use of the property.
The recommendation of the governor on
other important topics are as follows:
The State board of Equalisation under
this administration has endeavored, so far
as It was possible, to make the assessments
of property uniform, so that each class of
property should bear Its just proportion of
the burdens of taxation.
To this end. the Union Pacific railroad
property, in 1W7. was Increased 25 per cent.
Jncresses wero made on other railroad
property. Altogether the assesed value of
railroad property In 1907 and 1908 was in
creased by the board, I5,M.4U.
Any one who has given the question of
railroad assesment much consideration, and
has familiarised himself with the acts,
must realise that the railroad companies
are, comparatively speaking, not equitably
assessed. Soma of the road a whose earn
Ings are small are probably assessed at a
higher value than some of the other and
greater railroads whose earnings are much
larger. However, these Inequalities must
neceasarlly continue to exist until the rail
road companies fall out with each other.
At present there Is an apparent disposition
among the railroad companies to stand to
gether and not give information concerning
another company that would be helpful to
the Board of Equalisation.
In 1907 the lands of this state were asses
sed at approximately 1148,000.000. an increase
or 66.7XmKj. This increase was brought
about from the fact that lands had not been
ass.-aeed since the year 1904, and because
since that time there haa been a great In
crease In the value of lands throughout the
Difference ia Yalaatlon.
When the assessment of lands was re
turned to the State Board of Equllisatlon,
this year. It was apparent that county
assessors had not used the sama measure
of value. The board endeavored to correct
that condition and perform Its duty as the
law requires.
It Is the duty of the Board of Equalisation
to equalize ail classes of property so that
the burden of taxation may be equally
If It Is proposed in this legislature to
make any amendments to the revenue law
pertaining to the power of the Board of
equalisation In thla particular, I earnestly
requssj .that, yon glva the' matter careful
consideration before action Is taken.
The first essential In a Just system of
taxation la to provide means for a uniform
assessment. No class of tax payera will
complain of their assesment If the property
Don't Blame
Your Stomach
W hen Without Exertion Or Cost You
Can Enjoy Meals And Cure
ron't blame your stomach or your luck
when your mwals declare war on your
When the stomach won't do Its work It
la because It cannot.
When foul smelling odors come from
your stomach, when the head aches and
the sourness of mouth every morning
makes you hate your breakfast, when
dreams and nightmare assails you, don't
give' up the fight.
This -s the appeal of nature, and It
should be heard.
Over-eating, late suppers, poorly chewed
food, too rich pastries and under-done
cooking are some of the causes of the
stomach's 111 health.
When, the stomach Is busy. It presses
and chdras all the liquid matter from food
and with Its juices dissolves Into liquid
form or pulp everything which comes Into
It such fond be poisonous It affects the
Juices, attacks the stomach, goes Into the
blood and weakens the entire system.
aUuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
full aneal easily without material as
sistance .from the stomach. They will
restock the gastric fluid with all the ele
ments neoded. They -build up ' the Mood,
destroy sour taste, bad breath, belching,
alumach and bowel trouble and quickly
restore natural conditions.
One grain of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
will digest S.00O grains of food In the stomas-r
m a glass vlal without aid of the
human digestive apparatus.
The method of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets ar the methods of Nature.
They contain every requisite for the
stomach and digestion. After a meal one
of thes little tablets when it enters the
stomach mingles with the Juices, attacks
the (ood and digests It. It removes the
fermented and decayed mass, lying stag
nant there and eases the stomach at once.
It is wholly a question for you to solve.
Your druggist will furnish Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets tOc the . box. or send us
your name and address and we will send
you a trial package free. Address. P. A.
SHuart Co.. 140 Stuart B'g., Marshall,
Mich. "
Nebraska Military Academy
A Military Hoards; School for
toys, now located for the winter at
Fourteenth and U street. All de
tartments are la full operation.
- A geod slace tor fcsye whe don't
fit la Bubito autiaola. Ne entrance
eiaastoeiloDe are given; reule
class work Is supplemented by in
dividual instruction; back work la
easily sonde up.
Pupils are received at any time
from ftftla le twelfth grades, luolualve.
' Writ for Catalog.
B. S- SATWau, aaperlaWaSeak
Unvote, lies.
Little Soldiers
In your blood ar tho million
of corptiacroo that dofond you
gainst dlaoaao.
To make and kep thm littlo soldiers
healthy and strong, it simply to make
and keep the blood of the right quality
and quantity.
This is last what Hood's fiarsspsrilla
does it help the little soldiers in your
blood to fight disease for you.
It cure scrofula, ecse-rsa. eruptions,
catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous
ness, dyspepsia, general debility, and
Solids op the whole system.
is assessed uniformly throughout the state.
The question of taxation Is not an easy
one. But anyone familiar with the history
of the assessment of property of this state
during the last ten years knows that the
property at the present time la by far more
uniformly assessed than It was under the
old revenue act.
It is true that It la difficult for the Board
of Equalisation to. do Justice In all In
stances, because no one can hare knowl
edge of the actus,! value of all the prop
erty In all parts of the state.
The Board of Equalisation Is composed
of officers elected by the people of .the
state. There need be no fear that such a
board will deliberately and Intentionally
do an Injustice to the taxpayers in any
portion of the state.
Powers ot State Hoard.
The board should not be deprived of the
right to lower any class of property or all
classes of property returned for a county,
Neither should the board be deprived of
the right to raise all the property or any
class of property of a county when, com
pared with other counties, such property
has been under-valued.
When the revenue law was first en
acted the board could raise or lower all
of the property within a county, but It
did not have the right to raise or lower
any particular class. Experience demon
strated that it was necessary to change
the law, and experience has also demon
strated that the change was a wise one
The law In this respect should be left
alone. There Is no necessity for any
change In the law In this particular.
Bo far as the assessment of land Is con
cerned. It Is a matter of common knowl
edge that the per cent of Increase In the
assessment of land values In 1908, with the
exception of some parte of the sand hill
district. Increased from the east to the
west. It la also a matter of common knowl
edge that the lands in the eastern part
are assessed at more nearly their actual
value than they are In the western part
of the state. There should be no com
plaint that such Is the case because the
people In the western part of the state are
still in that period of development where
many sacrifices must necessarily be made,
a good many of which are for the welfare
of the whole state.
Assrssmeat f Railroads.
So far as the lands and the railrmri.
are concerned, I am firmly of the opinion
that the railroads, with the exception of
the Union Pacific Railroad company, are
assessed as high In proportion to their
actual value as are the farm lands of this
atate. I believe the assessment of the
Union Pacific Railroad company should be
still further Increased, In justice to the
other taxpayers of this state, and have so
maintained while acting as a member of
the assessment board.
So far aa the election of assessors by
precinct Is concerned, that Is a different
mattfr, and to that I have no objection If
you deem It wise to make the change.
If any amendments to the revenue laws
are mHde, the object should be to secure,
If possible, a more Just and equitable sys
tem of taxation.
A glance at the grand assessment rolls of
this state will convince anyone that It la
more necessary to devise ways and means
wht-reby the owners of personal property
may pay more nearly their proportion of
the taxes than to make amendments which
will restrict and tie the hands of the Board
of Equalisation.
In nt)S the personal property of tills
stale, othrr than railroad and private car
rervlce, was I75.06J.000; in 1907, I83.1MO0O.
liny In 1908, $82,698,000.
Anyone wro Is familiar with the condi
tions In this state knows that the actual
value of personal property In 1908 was
greater than It was In 1907. yet the grand
assessment rolls shows a decrease of $593 -000.
The holders of the Invisible personal
property evidently have discovered various
ways ot concealing their property. When
the new revenue act waa passed in 1903,
and first put Into force, there was a great
Increaae in the assessment of personal
property. It' Is well worth your while and
attention to find out what manner and
methods the personal property owners aiv;
employing to conceal their property from
assessment, and to amend the law, if need
be, ro that such action can be prevented.
It r cord of I.eal.latloai of 107.
I am pleased to Inform you the Railway
commission estimates that shippers and
passengers of this state have been saved
$6,000,000 as a result of legislation passel
by the laat legislature, reducing passenger
fares to X cents a mile; express rates, 'Jb
per cent; and freight rates, on grain, live
stock, fruit, lumber and coal, and other
commodities In carload lots, IS per cent.
Experience has demonstrated that the
terminal taxation law which waa passed by
the last legislature has provided a more
equitable system of taxation, and on the
whole has been beneficial to the taxpayers
residing in the cities and villages.
The laat legislature also passed an act
to control lobbying and to prevent corrupt
practices affecting legislation; abolished
the free pass evil by enacting an anti
pass law; enacted a state-wide primary
law, requiring political parties to nominate
their candidates by direct vote of the peo
ple, and gave the Railway commission
power to put an end to rebates and dis
criminations In transportation, to make
and to fix rates, and to control them
properly In all particulars. Telephone, tele
graph, express and street railway com
panies were also placed under the control
of the Railway commission.
That legislature parsed a pure food law,
and an employes' liability act. It enacted
laws providing for a Juvenile court to
property cans for neglected children; pro
vided for free high school privileges foi
normal training in high schools and as
sistance for weak acuool districts; pro
hibited pooling by bridge contractors, and
provided a way to remove otflcers for
willful negiect of outy aud failure lo en
force laws.
Primary Law.
The primary law snould not be icpsaled,
but In some particulars snould be ain.ndea.
Provisions snould be made for a rotated
ballot, 'the precinrt-commllteemen should
be selected by the voters at the primaries
instead of being appointed by the county
candidates, aa now pruvlawt,
There should be a different provision
than that now contained In the law regard
ing platform conventions. Now, each
county la entitled to one delegate. This la
not representative. Another objection Is
that the platform convention la not held
until after the primaries. A party plat
form should be promulgated before the
candidates are' nominated. Provision should
be made so that the platform convention
shall be held before the primaries or the
matter of platform-making left to the
candidates nominated by the respective
Sterilisation of Dtllatuatt,
Those dependent upon the state have
been Increasing year by year, and more
particularly the Insane and oaarlols. This
is a matter for exceedingly serious consid
eration. Society Is justified In adopting suth poli
cies, and In carrying them out against la-
divides'!, ss will in the long run timd to j
helpelevete and perpetuate the human
race.' Careless and lll-advlsed marriages
have had a great deal to do In Increasing
the dependent classes and In producing un
told misery. I therefore recommend for
our earnest consideration a cbange In our
marriage laws so thst It will be Impossible
for any man or woman to marry until a
certificate from a physician licensed to
practice In this stste has been presented,
containing a statement that their health
Is good and that they are rspable of pro
ducing healthy offspring. Those who are
a burden upon society should not be per
mitted to reproduce themselves.
In order to prevent the confirmed crim
inal and the Incurable Insane from produc
ing offspring I suggest that you give care
ful consideration to the necessity of pass
ing a law providing for the sterilization of
that 'Mass of people.
Reaalatlon of Mqaor Traffle.
In my opinion the time has come for sd
vanced legislation to better regulate and
control the liquor traffic. At the present
time there in no political party which pub
licly will "stand pat" on the Slocumb law.
The demands of the hour call for legislation
to control and regulate this traffic In ac
cordance with the present conditions and
needs of the state. This question should
not be permitted to drag along until legis
lation is enacted that will satisfy only the
extremists. In that event the legislation
will probably be that which a minority
rather than a majority approve. Experi
ence in the enforcement of the liquor laws
demonstrates that It is difficult to enforce
these laws in any community where public
sentiment is against such action.
While I have been governor a great many
applications nave come to me from con
victs In the penitentiary for executive cle
mency In some form or other. I have been
Impressed by the fact that many who came
before me did not appear to be criminals.
In most Instances when I asked them the
question how they happened1 to get Into the
penitentiary the reply was that their down
fail was caused through the use of Intoxi
cating liquors or through associations
formed in the environment of the saloon.
The saloon as It now exists Is Indefensible.
It breaks our laws, corrupts our politics,
degrades our men and fills our prlsona and
This question must be met In a practical
way. After careful consideration I have
come to the conclusion that the proper
thing to do at this time Is to pass a state
wide prohibition act, making provision so
that any municipality may suspend such an
act by a three-fifths vote, and In such in
stances to have liquor dispensed as may
be provided by law. This will nut the bur
den upon those who desire to make a profit
out of the saloon business, rather than upon
ine people of the state who desire the sa
loons abolished. I therefore recommend
that you pass such an act and that you
also submit to the people of this state a
constitutional amendment embodying such
The Anti-Treat I.arr.
In the early part of my administration
I was requested by numerous petitions ta
enforce the anti-treat law. To such I re
plied that I stood ready to do all in my
power to enforce that law, but that nothing
could be done unless those who had knowl
edge of Its violation would themselves take
the Initiative In securing the evidence,
presenting It to the prosecuting attorney
and standing behind the complaints.
1 his particular section of the Slocumb
law has become obsolete and Is a dead
letter. If It could be enforced it would be
one of the best possible measures to pre
vent intemperance that could be proposed.
i nerefore, I recommend that you amend
tills particular section, known aa Section
31 of the Compiled Statutes, so that the
authorities who grant the saloon licenses
will be compelled to revoke a license when
ever any person drinks liquor In a aaloon
that ne has not himself paid for.
Table Rock Corporations Meet.
TABLK ROCK, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special. )-
The annual meeting of tho stockholders of
the Table Rock Lumber company was held
at the office of the company Monday even
ing and the following members were elected
as the board of directors: William Sutton,
Mrs. J. I. Miller, J. R. Sutton, Dr. W.
II. Wilson and C. R. t?mlth. The following
officers were elected: William Sutton,
president; Mrs. J. I. Miller, treasurer; J. N.
Phillips, secretary and acting manager.
The same evening the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the Tablo Rock Clay
company was held at the office of the com
pany, the following members being elected
as the board of directors: C. R. Smith
George F. Cotton. William Sutton, W. C.
Fellers and C. II. Barnard. The board
was organised as follows: W. C. Fellers,
president; William Sutton, treasurer, and
George F. Cotton, secretary. No action
was taken In the matter of electing a man
ager or aa,to the future policy of the com
pany. For the present J. R. Sutton Is In
charge of the business of the company as
aclng manager.
Gage Cosaty Farmers Instltnte.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jn. 7.-Bpecia.)-The
Gage County Farmers' Institute opened at
the court house yesterday with a good
attendance considering the extreme cold
weather. After several musical numbers
a general discussion followed on the sub
ject, "What Is the most Important single
thing to be done for the general better
ment of country life?" At noon a free
lunch waa served.
At the afternoon session Andrew Klllott
of Gait, Can., spoke on the subject.
Changed to Buddy Blow.
No one likes sallow, muddy complexion.
Many who are so afflicted do not realize
that the dally consumption of coffee Is
likely the cause.
Coffee contains a drug caffeine which
so Irritates the nerves of the stomach that
food is not properly digested and that
causes bad blood.
It weakens, by Us after effects, the heart
and lungs so that the full amount of life
giving oxygen Is not taken Into the lungs
and that Is another cause of bad blond. It
Is often the cause of sallow complexion
and nervousness also.
During the past year," writes a Conn,
lady, "I found that I was gradually grow
ing nervous through some unknown cause.
I was peevish and restless, and my com
plexion had that sallow disagreeable color
saen in debilitated people and nervous dys
peptics. "During this time coffee was my chief
beverage at every meal. Having been for
many years a constant user of Grape-Nuts,
I had read 'The Road to Wellville,' and
becoming Interested In Postum, I decided
to try it In place of coffee.
"The result was gratifying and auccessful
in every respect. It seemed that miracles
were performed In that flrat week. My sal
low completion gradually giving way, to
a healthy, ruddy glow, and my nerves felt
rested and at ease.
"In a short time my whole system felt
rejuvenated and I was in fine spirits. It is
needless to say that from that time to this
Postum has always had its place on the
pantry shelf along with the famous Grape
NuU. "Postum, when made according to di
rections on the pkg., has a rich, tasty
flavor and leaves an Invigorating effect
which Is so different from the languid
after feeling of the coffee drinker."
"There's a Reason."
Name given by Postum Co.. Battle
Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to Well
ville," in pkga.
Ever rtsad the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are (rruuiae, true, and full of human
"Profits In Keeping a Small Flock of Sheep
on the Farm." and he waa followed by
Prof. E. A. Burnett, who talked on "The
Management of the Farm." In the evening
Mr. Elliott spoke on the subject. "The Soil
The Heritage of Man." Prof. Burnett
also appeared on the program, his subject
being "Agricultural Progress."
There Is a good display of corn and other
farm products. Including butter, eggs,
bread, etc. The institute closes Thursday
News from Pera JVormal.
PERU, Neb.. Jan. 7. (Special.) Dr. K. A.
Wlnship of Boston, editor of the New
Kugland Journal of Education, lectured in
the normal chapel this evening. He de
livered his educational address on the
"Old and the New Education." Despite
the fact that the weather was quite se
vere an unusually large crowd were pres
ent. A number of new students are entering
the normal at thla time, which will add
greatly to tho already large enrollment.
These students will take review work
until the end of this semester, when they
will take up work In the regular classes.
Those registered for the preliminary do
bates are working hard on their respec
tive questions. The questions are aa fol
lows: . "Resolved, That, .atate-wide pro
hibition is referable to county option as
a means of checking Intemperance;" "re
solved, that the Nebraska primary law
haa disclosed a sufficient number of de
fects to Justify its repeal;" "resolved, that
there should be national legislation to pre
vent speculation In futures and options;"
"resolved, that Postmaster General Mey
er's plan for the establishment of postal
savings funks should be enacted Into
law;" "resolved, that a law should be passed
by the Nebraska legislature guaranteeing
bank depositors against loss;" "resolved,
that disputes between capital and labor In
the railroad business should be settled by
boards of arbitration with compulsory
Aged Conple Weds.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Jan. 7.-(Special)
John Ocschger. aged 70 years, a wealthy
widower and patriarch from Valparaiso,
Neb., and Mrs. Marglret A. Simmons, an
attractive widow, G4 years of aa-e, from the
same city, secured a license to wed this
morning. The groom wanted to be mar
ried right then and there, but the bride
objected and insisted that the ceremony
be performed by a minister, so they Jour
neyed to the home of Rev. J. H. Salabury,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
where they were soon made husband and
wife. They dined at the Perkins hotel
and departed on the first train for Omaha.
Mr. Oeschger Is a retired farmer and
owns much property in Omaha, Lincoln
and Council Bluffs. It is said, and the
bride Is a most excellent womsui and highly
respected In her home town, where she has
resided for many years, but they came
here thinking they could keep the happy
event a secret.
Morrill Connty Starts Business.
BRIDGEPORT, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special.)
The new county of Morrill commenced
business Tuesday, when the organization
was perfected by the qualifying of the
following officers: Comroiseloners. Ftvd
R. IJndberg. H. E. Smith and W. T. Mc
Kelvey; treasurer. Frank Irving; clerk, C.
D. Casper; sheriff, J. O. Belden; attorney,
F. E. Williams: Judge, John II. Stenteville;
assessor, T. G. Burke; superintendent,
Mary E. Walford; coroner. Dr. V. Ander
son; surveyor. C. R. Edwards.
The Important matter in which all the
people are now Interested is the division
of property between the new and old coun
ties, and the new officers will go to Sid
ney as soon as a meeting can be arranged
to undertake this work.
Balldian; at Fairbary.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan. 7. (Special.) A
review of the buildings erected in Fairbury
during the year 1908 shows a total cost of
$2.425, of which amount $116,200 was for
brick or concrete buildings. The principal
brick buildings were the Catholic church,
erected at a cost of 130,000; the Fairbury
hospital, costing l-'O.OOO. and the East Ward
school house, which cost $20,000.
The average cost of dwelling houses
erected Is 12.060. No reports have been filed
as yet of municipal work, but over W.OOO
has been expended by the city for concrete
work In srch bridges and crosaings.
tbriaka News
NEBRASKA CITY-Robert C. Pinpltt
and Mrs, Ethel A. Rhamy cf Malvern,
la., were united in marriage in this city
last evening.
SEWARD Police Judge Gladwlrh. aged
Kt years, was married here to Mrs. D.
Seargraves. who had disposed of a restau
rant business.
BEATRICE Percy Heffelflnger and Miss
Nellie Ray, both of this city, were quietly
married at Marysville. Kan.. Monday even
ing. They have arrived in Beatrice to
make their home.
SEWARD "Rube" Stewart, who nltchea
for Seward last season, haa signed for
iim roming season wnn jofMin. Mo., of
the Western Base Ball association. Hs
Joins the team In April. 0
BEATRICE The traveling moo. branch
houaa tuajiaaeis and heads A the local
Announces the Greatest
People who appreciate the kind of clothes we sell, who appre
ciate New Styles and who want to save more real money on high
class clothes than they ever thought possible, should look at
Windows: h 2. 3. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
and road our "Ad" in this paper, Friday
Evening and Saturday Morning.
office force of the Dempster Mill Manu
facturing company were entertained Inst
evening at a smoker by Mr. and Mrs. W.,
H. Eck.
PI.ATT8MOUTH The Plaitsmoulh fire
department hsa elected the following can
cers: President, Kd Weaver; vine presldtVt,
George 11. Becker; secretary, Frank L.ib
ershal: treasurer. M. Bajeck ; chief. Anton
II. Koubek; assistant chief, p. A. McCrary.
8KWARD W. F. A. Schmidt has dis
posed of his stock of harness and furnish
ings to Anton Barn as of Wilber, who has
moved the stock to thRt place. Mr.
Schmidt will continue In the real estate
nd insurance business at his present loca
tion. KEARNEY The motor car on the. Kear
ney A Black Hills line "froe up" on its
way down from Callaway Tuesday and like
wise the locomotive that was sent up after
It, but the second locorr. ;ve made good
and pulled them both m at 4 o'clock
Wednesday morning.
KEARNEY The New. Era-Standard, a
weekly, changes hands with the Issue of
this week. E. M. Dunaway, formerly with
the Overton Herald, and J. E. Updike of
Overton, are the new owners. W. 1. Hand,
the former owner will give his entire time
to the practice of law.
NEBRASKA CITY At a meeting of the
stockholders of the Nebraska City Tele-
Fhone company Henry Schwake, E. A.
uff. A. M. Munn, Ralph Ihiff and John
W. Steinhart wero elected directors. The
directors will meet In a f w days and elect
officers for the coming year.
COZAD Homer A. Wedge and Miss
Martha A. Clark were married January b
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson
by Rev. W. C. Harper. Mr. Wedge Is out
of Dawson county s prosperous farmers.
Miss Clark had been engaged In teaching
piano pupils at. Cotad and Lexington.
BEATRICE Frank Salts yesterday be
gan harvesting ice from his artificial pond
northwest of the city. The Ice Is seven
Inches thick and clear as crystal. The ice
on the river Is six inches thick and local
lue dealers expect to begin the ice harvest
in earnest next Monday If the cold weather
NEBRASKA CITY The Missouri river
blocked at this place Wednesday morning
and the Ice Is of sufficient thickness to
enable teams to cross. The icmen have
begun cutting and housing ice. They have
found Ice twelve Inches In thickness. At
the packing house lco has been housed for
the last five days.
NEBRASKA CITY-Fred Felthauser has
filed a suit in the district court praying
for a divorce from his wife, Emma Felt
hauser, on the grounds she refused to live
with him. They were married at Henton,
III. on March 10. 1903, and have two chil
dren. The father wants the care and
custody of the children.
FAL.I.A CITY The good roads meeting
held at the court house Tuesday afternoon
was one of great interest to all. The meet
ing waa called to order by County Superin
tendent T. J. Oliver, and addresses were
made by W. J. Spillmsn, sent out by tho
Department of Agriculture; also by Prof.
Warren and George l.. Cooley.
SEWARD M. D. Lovell. who lost twenty-two
head of cattle on December 26 from
theft or their straying away from home,
has had no clue to the missing animals,
although all shipping points within a radius
of eighty miles of Omaha have been com
municated with, and the cattle have not
been shipped out of the country.
BEATRICE Dempster hose company No.
6 met last evening and elected these offi
cers: H. A. Kuhn. president; Charles
Schank, vice president; G. D. Kuhn, sec
retary; C. E. lxw-k, treasurer: Paul Dresp,
foreman; Rudolph Engler, first assistant
foreman; Charles Dukes, second assistant
foreman; John Plebuch, steward.
SE'Vv'ARD Mr. Thompson, who occupies
the office of atate architect in Texas, came
to Seward last week to Inspect the Seward
county court house. He admires It Im
mensely and when County Clerk Supplger
asked him If he considered the county had
Microbes Work Without Salary While
You Eat and Sleep.
The Most Active Campaign Wsbraska Km
esa la the Cause of More Hair
and Better Attention to
Scalp Meeds.
From -the beginning of time womanly
beauty has been Increased by a well-kept
head of hair. Woman as a rule pays more
attention to her hair and scalp than man
does. 6he keeps her hair cleaner. Man Is
careless. He gives his head an occasional
shampoo. Lack of attention gives dandruff
a chance and dandruff Is the forerunner of
One of the greatest American experts in
hair culture and hair preservation Is Dr.
Nott, and the formula for Dr. Notts Hair
Tonic was so valuable that The Heasig
Ellls Drug Co. succeeded in gaining poaes
sion of It, so that they could put It on the
market. As a simple hair dressing, it Is
unexcelled. As sn aseptic, It will make
all dandruff-creating microbes quit busi
ness. As a tonic, It will strengthen the
scalp and eradicate all traces of disease.
Ninety per cent of all baldness Is suscep
tible to successful treatment and to that
80 per cent. Dr. Nott s Hair Tonic Is worth
a mint of money. This ton to Is calculated
to promote the growth of thickness and
length of hair. It will help you keep the
hair you now have and will surely correct
any tendency of the hair to crack or split
For abnormally greasy heads, there Is
nothing quite as sweetening and purifying
as Dr. Nott s Hair Tonic. Get It at Myers
PUloa Druf stora. Ask about this.
received the worth of its money In its
court house, he replied, "Yes, dollar for
LEXINGTON O. 8 Kinney Is putting
In hin drug store on Washington street a
fine soda fountain, which Is valued at
$-.oi0. This drug store is now one of the
most beautiful in tho state, all ot the
furnishings being in mahongany.
PI.ATTSMOUTH-The Casts Land com
PH.J.V. which owns a large body of land
near Granada. Colo., has e.ctid the fol
lowing officers: President. C. C. Parmele;
vice president. F. L. Nutsnian: treasurer,
D. C. West; secretary. C. A. Rowls; gen
eral manager, J. G. Rlchey. A hang net
was given the officers by the president at
his residence.
SEWARD Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hamlin
celebrated their fiftieth wedding anni
versary on January 2 In a quiet way, with
their immediate family. It Is nut often
that people aro permitted to ceiebrata the
golden anniversary of their wedding, and
the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin will
wish for them many more anniversaries
of their married life.
NELSON At a special term of the dis
trict court, held here last night. Clark
Brummage pleaded guilty end was sen
tenced to three years In the penitentiary.
Brummage is the man who was arrested
some weeks at?o by Sheriff Jones and at
that time suspected of committing seversl
burglaries at Lawrence and other points
He belongs at Bclolt. Kan.
NEBRASKA CITY-A meeting nf 'the
Otoe County Farmers' Protective associa
tion has been palled for next Saturday,
to be held In the court house in this citv
for the purpose of reorganizing. The as
sociation has been 1n existence for a num
ber of years and has been the means of
landing a number of thieves In Jail who
have molested their property.
COZAD Mrs. Mary H Stauffer died St
her home twenty miles north of Cozdd
Saturday nleiit. sged 69 years. She was
buried at Walnut Grove on January 4.
She leaves four children, the youngest i;
years of age. She wan n sinter of Charles,
John I)., T. J. and Elder R. D. MoCance
and Mrs. E. S. Woodruff and Mrs. Charles
Bischoff She had resided on the furm
since 1W2.
BEATRICE The Board of Supervisors
convened yesterday afternoon and took up
a number of cases wherein farmers had
asked damages for the loss of their horses
In falling through bridges during the floods
w"1 y.Pa!'' 7he clR,m of County Assessor
Hemphill for clerk hire, amounting to
Is the most economical Soft Coal sold in Omaha, clean and
lasting. A real MONEY SAVER.
Another One is Of
Burns freely and makes a steady, hot fire. Little ash. Best
for the money.
Rock Sprinas and Best Hard Coal
A patent Dust Pan or Kitchen Rack with every order.
L. B. McCOUN COMPANY, 1201 So. 16th St.
Successors to T. F. Swift Co.
'Phones: Bell Douglas 753. ' Independent A-3753
EeultiTlilSuxles, 119 S. 14th, Cor. lltb and Douglas, Ombi
IIG5. which was rejeoted soma Ume ago,
waa allowed.
I'LAT bMOl.'TH At ?..e annual meeting
of the Farruurs' Elevator company In Cedar
Cret-k the following officers were elected;
President, John A. Henntngs; vice prtsr
dent, J. L. Terryberry; secretary, H. A.
Hchnelder; treasurer, John Albert; trustee.
Georgu P. Melslnger, Philip Schafer anil
Louis Friedrlch. William Schneider was
named for general manager during the en
suing year.
PLATTSMOCTH At the regular session
of the county commissioners J. II. Tam
was reappointed superintendent of the
county farm. The report of Sheriff Quinton
showed that he had collected during tint
last two quarters $103.96. County Recorder
Schneider had collected for the last quar
ter K63.26, the county Judge had collected
li.96.5o and County Clerk itosencrans had
received 1240.90.
NEBRASKA CITY-George Crlchton and
Miss Josephine Anderson of Des Moinea
la., were united In marriage last evening
at the home of Mr. mid Mrs. George W.
Parr by Elder J. W. Waldsmlth. The
groom waa born and reared in this city
and la the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Crlchton and the bride has been a
resident here for about a year. They will
make this city their home.
BEATRICE At the regular meeting of
the city council at Wymore last evening
Mayor Yoder appointed Percy Newell as
councilman in the First ward to succeed
A. P. Mentgen, who removed from Urn
ward. On the ground that Newell was a
railroad man and In favor of a lighting sys
tem which the council has opposed foi-'
some time, the council voted against th
confirmation of his appointment by tht
vote of two to one. The occupation tax
ordinance was amended so aa to tax mov
ing picture shows m.U per month and
akatlng rinks ib per month.
...S,EVJ,ARDA moo,h stranger worked tho
flimflam game on Miss Emma Crelghton.
assistant postmaster, here veaterday. He
secured $5 of her money, but she qulckiv
detected it and called the sheriff and con
stable fend a male friend and wont to the
Burlington depot after him. The officers
not seeing the man there, went back up
town, hoping to get him. Miss Crelghton
stood by her poet at the dopot until the
flimflammer" appeared. He was on the
train Just stopped when she called him
Taken by surprise he answered, and she
simply Jerked the $5 from his hand. He
left on the train and so escaped punish
ment He tried to work his game on Oalll
ner Bros. also.
Saver Coal
NUT AT $6.50
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searles & Searles.
lenced Speciallsu In In. W.aTTj a 0... Ma "
wente of men. We know ju.t wUat will uri?o
aud cure you quickly, " ol'
We Cure You, Then You Fay Us Our Fee.
Wa n ake no mlatiadlng or (aiae siatntnu. ur etitr
you conai.. yriolw tr.aim.oC our lepuiatioa an
lame are loo favorebiy kuuo, .very ct.. u."t "
epulallon in at siaa.. ur h.alin. In. aim ha"Ilne.I
Is too s.rioua a matt.i t pine, to tti. handn It ' Z
ra.MBX.a.aB" socio. nnnl o . f
B.sUlty. loo JPO.S.B, akin. Disease.. Xln.w an Sua!
ass Dlmwi, all Usecial Ilaaae and aulas.ata ,j jljr
FREE Kaainlnnlion and consultation. Writ. (w.
kviuulun bl.nk. fn. . . . -