10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JANUARY 8. 1009. PHOTO FILMS START FIRE Celluloid Material Lighted by Cigar ' ;Burni Karbach Block. LOSS IS ROW f LACED AT $85,000 Firesaea Blase r "tera RVart ar Or4r Dal WH Mara Caaaea CHr F.ler trlelaa la Hart. ( ; norma ov x.oasrr. Xoas to building, $7,000. Omaha Tlla eompaay, f7B,000. MotUtoa Cotaaol cf Drseamaklag, ai.000 a a,ooo. FrtTsts wardrobes, fsoo. Bra. Bamaar and KeUwlf , $1,000. Bra. 9. B. tad 3. X. OUnaaa, 9300. Br. . . Herts. (100 A. Bother?, 9100. Mawalaaay Bran, 3O0. IVsss ameka to law ffloes, $500. Fir starting from a cigar apark In a quantity of loose moving picture ftlma In tha afflce of the Omaha Film company In the northwest corner of the fourth floor of the Karbach block. Fifteenth and Doug lie atreets, about 11 o'clock Thursday morning did damage amounting to $83,000. Thle la the estimate based on the latest gueaa of H. I. Raver as to the film com pany' loss. He first placed It at SISO.OOO, later reduclog It to $75,000. Charles Karbach. manager of the build ing foe the Karbach Realty Co.. estimated tha lose to iho building at between $6,000 and 17.000. Tim steel calling In the film room wae largely responsible' for holding the fir within the small confines where the damage was done, although the quick work of the fire department soon put out the blaze. Mr. Karbach said he carried (100.000 lnsuranco-on the building, placed as follows: , Itoyal I n.H H.m - 6600 Phoenix .J0 Norwich Union 16,000 Northern J"01" UOme ll.W Underwrite 11.0W Mn Karbach mailed a check for M to the lremen'a relief fund during the after nooa as a recognition of the efficient work dona by the department. There la a controversy as to how the fire started and blame for dropping a lighted cigar Into an unrolled film Is laid on each ether by two visitor In the office at the time. Manager Raver of the film company said ha thought the loss to his concern would be $78,000. ' Stock, ant llaaa. Three hundred and fifty reels of film, vauled at about $100 each, twelve moving picture machines worth from $200 to $300 each, a number of valuable lenses, about $180 in money, numerous other supplies and all the office furniture and typewriters comprised part of the stock and contents of the film company's office and were practically destroyed. Manager Raver says that other supplies and stock were also burned, making the total loss about $76,000 according to his figures. The Film com pany is a branch of W. H. Swan son of Chloago. The'. next heaviest loser is the Moulton School of Dressmaking, on tha fifth floor of the building, which suffered from the flames that quickly rose out of the fourth story windows, broke he windows on the top floer and set fire to the stock of valua ble dresses and dress goods In the dress making school. Mrs. L. Moulton, the pro prietor of the school, said at noon Thurs day that her loss would be about $1,000. In cluding" the damage to the fixtures and other accessories. A fine stock of silks, satins, broadcloths and other goods was on hand and was elthor burned or damaged by ' smoke and water. Insurance Is only $300. 'The large: amount of water poured Into the fourth and fifth stories of the build ing at the corner, did considerable damage to offices below those, stories, Drs. Sum rey and H oil wig claiming $1,000 damage to their suite of rooms on the third floor, and Dr. R. 0. Hart sustaining less damage from the same cause. Both losses are fully covered by Insurance. Dr. Hellwlg la now on his way to Europe, his partner being In charge of their practice. . Reaches Down the Halla. Extending down the hallwaya on the fourth and fifth floors, the tongues of fire cracked windows between the office rooms and the corridors and scorched woodwork and walls. A. Rothery, an artist with a studio fully thirty feet from the door of the film office, had a number of oil paint ings and antiques damaged by fire that entered his transom and hall window. Several law and medical offices on the fourth and fifth floors were damaged lightly by emoke, but the prompt sup pressing of the fire by the firemen pre vented the flames from spreading much beyond the corner of the fourth and fifth floors. Drs. J. H. and J. B. Klausner, dentists In the rooms Just east of the film office, suffered damage from smoke, aa 1 did others somewhat. Tho brick wall between the film room and the Office of F. W. Fitch, kept the fire from spreading n that direction. The Attwfe t Uuwhlnnou M. T, . . .. - . - - "m,j i j i waa aemageu Nigatly by water. a aoon as ine ueone nad been cleared away by the firemen on special duty after ' the fire waa extinguished, carpenters were put to work to repair the woodwork and window casings, preparatory to tho refit ting of the rooms. If you will take Foiey'a Orlno Laietlvs ntn tho bowela become regular you will not have to take purgatlvea constantly, aa Fnliiv'l OrlriA T arallu. nn.i,i.,.t. . . . . . , m m ..... v,m,oi. cunii , chronic conatlpatloa and alugglsh liver. ; .Pleasant to take. For sale by all drug gists, t FIRST ICE OF SEASON SAWED ., Swift Coaspaay Makes Start at Cat ,0 LLke, hat Real Work Will . Begla Moaday. Cutting loo at Cut-Off lake began Thura- day morning by the Swift Packing com pany, which did not. however, saw out all tho tee In tho lake. Only a few carloads for Immediate uae were taken out and the real work will probably begin Monday, weather conditions permitting. The Ice removed- was about alx Inches average depth: ' At Ashland and at Cut-Off lake the Swift company annually cuts about 180.000 tons If tha loo Is there and 760 to 1.000 men are employed. This, of coarse, represents only 0 portion of the ice annually cut in and near Omaha by packing and Ice companies. Tho leo out Thursday for Immediate uae goes among Ice men undrr the aomewhat remarkabtO name of "water loe." The Omaha loe and Cold Storage company and Cudahy expect to begin cutting Saturday. ' GOVERNMENT OFFICER DIES iiUl Cllftoa, Storekeeper at Willow ' Sprlaga Dlatllery tetlaa of . Heart Disease. Ales Clifton, government storekeeper at tha Willow Springs distillery, died suddenly - at a 'o'clock Thursday morning of heart failure at his home, 13M South Sixth street Mr. Cllftoa has been In the government employ since '. He was government . otataiio&ver at Mabraaa City Xrom IMS to Friday we will sacrifice all the Odd Lots anal REMNANTS 'v T Great Clearing Sale Our grand January Clearing ealcs have left many odd pieces and remnants of all lengths. Friday we cut the prices again and offer them at less than actual cost to manufacture. All VVeol Dress Goods Remnants at 29c Yd. Big lot of wool dress goods in 40 to 50 inches wide, novelties, serges, panamas, etc accumulation of our 59o, dr 85c and $1.00 yard goods, per yard aW C Remnants of $2.50 and $3 Dress Goods at 98c All our novelty dress goods in many exclusive patterns also fine suit and skirt lengths of $3 French j-r broadcloths, at, per yard. . . : as0 V DRESS GOODS ON 60-inch Tailor Suitings,. Craven ettes, Victoria Suitings checks and barred effects worth n up to $1.60, at yard OUC DRESS GOODS IN THE BASEMENT 54-inch fancy suitings at 19c yard.' 46-inch fine panamas, all colors, 49c yard; 44-inch Henriettas, at 39c yard; 35c nun's veiling, 19c yard; customs house dress goods samples many to match, at, each 5c, 15c, 19c Clearing Sale of Silks 1,750 yds. of fancy silks, taffetas, mar quisettes, pongee, etc., as T 1) 1 long as they last, yard . . . 11 $1 and $1.25 Fancy Velvets Colors, stripes, checks, plaids, Paon and Boulevard Velvets, etc, yard 25c Finest 98c dress taffeta,' in all colors and black bought from a New York silk mill at about one-half price on bar- JQ gain square, at, yard 27-in. and 24-in. crepe i chine crepe messaline, black and colors 15 pieces genuine cream Habitair, T Q r worth $1.25, aU.. UVL SPECIAL BARGAINS in January Clearing Sales Bate Mercerizod sateens that are as fine as silk biggest and best lot we have ever offered black yard f e and all colors at, .per 1C Soft fleecy outing flannels, light and dark styles, fine weaves regular 10c and llc i values, at, yard OJC Various grades flno India llnon, Persian lawn and Victoria lawn a splendid white goods bar gain, mill lengths of 16c and 19c grades January sale price, yard ,5c January Sale of White Goods Mull cambric for making fine un derwear, 22c grade off the bolt. a special, ask for It, 10n per yard .... . V V w New sephyr ginghams beautiful 1909 patterns, waist and 8ic dress lengths, at yard Finest bleached muslins, wide, all day 3, 6, 8 and 10-yard lengths yard .... yard 5c Apron and chambray ginghams that are 10c and 12 He 1 values will go at. yard . . C fnTu EMBROIDERIES Narrow, medium and wide edging, inserting and beading thousands of yards, worth up rtla, lara to 20c on three big squares, aP"!lP" I aV at, yard 25c WIDE EMBROIDERIES at 12, c 18-inch corset cover widths, wide edges and insertions pretty open work designs nainsook and cambric, large variety worth up to 25c, at, yard FINE LACES at 2c and 5c, worth up to 15c French Vals, Plat Vals, Net Top Orientals, Point de Paris, real linen torchons, curtain cluny laces, many to match, on bargain square, worth up to 15o ftl ' . r yard, at, per yard ana 3t special Lace Curtain Bargain 1,500 pairs of full size lace curtains many worth up to $1.25 pair- all go in Friday, at, each j 833, Mi was appotpteo to his praaent poattlon wKh tha Willow Springs dlatUlery Ha waa born in New Orleans February 19. 1817. and served la tha navy during tha civil war. Ha is survived, by bis wife. Tha funeral detaJJa iva not yet been ar ranged for. , ; A Harrltola Peat reeulta from decaying lunga. Cura eoughs and weak, aora lunga with Lr. King's New Plaouvery. 60e and 11. UQ. - For sal by BaUu Xrug Co L. BRANDEIS 1 - BARGAIN SQUARES 44-inch Henriettas and Serges, 46-lnch Panamas, etc., worth up to $1.15, 39c-49o59c at Ottoman Jacquard weave dress silk for entire gowns, suits, etc., blues, browns, resedas. Alice blue and worth a( $1.25 yard. at. yard O J 39c NEW GOODS from the In the meat Remnants of heavy bleached pil low tubing and casing, comes in all widths the best brands only January sale i price, yard laVzC Forenoon only An assorted lot of short lengths, bleached mus lin and unbleached mus- lln, will go at yard .5C In the afternoon beginning at 1:30 we place on sale a big spe cial lot of fancy white goods. These are all regular 25c values in mill lengths suitable for r waists and children's wear.. 3 C Best old standard 36-inch fine cambrics, Wamsutta, Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale and Berkley, all in 3. 6 and 8-yard HXts lengths at. per yard . . . . f 2 C Every one will be pleased to buy the Lingerie cloth dur :.lic ing January, at, yard. Very fine white and colored mad ras for waists and dresses, 25c ed mad ises, 25c 12 k patterns. would be cheap for this grade, special, yard. . . , Dress percales, neatest patterns. fast colors. January Sc sale price, yard skirtings and flouncings also 12k 25c one grand lot rnnn FftW Weak an! nsrveus men I UUU IUA who find their power to NFRVFC work and youthful vigor H"" gone aa a reault of over work or mental exertioa should take GHAT'S NEHVE FOOD FILLS. TUey U1 aaake you eat and aleep and be a man again. 4 Boss a baaea ?S.M y aaatt. atKJLSLaa m Heoosraau so oo Oos. 1st aaa IKXlc. Streets CVli OoatVAJrg Jec Mia, aaa S&aiaa lu. baaaaa. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Beat ( All Faraa ra m Get the WINTER STYLE llOOK. Full of la style hint Book and Women's Suits Great Purchase and Sale TWO HUNDRED NEW SUITS NEW STYLES, JUST IN FROM NEW YORK AND NEVER BEFORE SHOWN IN OMAHA $35.00 SUITS AT A big purchase of new choice styles on sale now, when every other store In town is offering their left overs. Our tremendpus suit business this season has enabled us to buy big lots when the makers were wil ling to take a loss. Think of it! A complete new stock, complete range of sizes and colors. Greatest suit event ever announced by an Omaha store. ' OS SALE FRIDAY And while they last. Stunning new Lymansville worsted stilts, with 40-incli coats, same in regular coat, styles, others with wide lapels as shown in cut. The suits are trimmed with large black satin buttons only. Style exactly as cut shows, but without - any braids, as 'the late Btyle ten dencies lean toward the plain tailored ideas. The Coats are ltnod through out with satin. The skirts are in the new coat skirt effect with a six inch loose fold at bottom; colors navy, brown green and black absolutely finest $35 value that comes out of New York our price Remnant Slipper Sale A clean-up sale on desirable $2.00 Fur Trimmed Leather Juliets Warm lined, tan and black, at most every size .... ; 98t Men's Felt the regular 7oc kind 50 Lambs wool Soles, 100 pairs, 2 Ec kind, slightly soiled 10 LINEN SALE The annual January sale housekeeping linens. Entire stock at tremendous price reductions. Bargains not equalled In all Omaha. Pays you to buy now supplies of Table Linens, Napkins, Bed Spreads, Towels, Crashes and Fancy Linens. Hotels, Institutions, Boarding Houses, Restaurants, Etc., will find this the best time to lay In a whole year's needs. CORSETVSpedals 50C Girdle ,'tp , and long hip ba tiste corsets, tiew - model, in straight and bias effects, al so new jilgh bust and extreme long hip batiste and coutil corsets. Both styles have two garter attachments at. . 50 SHO Bennett's Big Grocery Unusual Stamp FOR FRIDAY Teas, aanortd, pound Teaa, aaaorted, pound Teaa, aaaorted. pound . Tea Sittings, pound .. Bennett's Beat Coffee, I Iba. for Bennett's Beat Coffee, pound Kronomy Cleaner, for clothea Allen'a Brown Bread Flour, pkg Rub-No-More Soap, l for Bhredded Codfteh, I pkga. for Polk's Tomato Kmip. 1 cana for Oatmeal and Graham Crackera, pkg Charm Pure Fruit Jelllee, tumbler Capitol Panrake or Data, pkg Hex L.ye, eane for Hartley a Marmalade. Jar nnnett'a Canltol Mincemeat, I pkga Maryland Cove Oyatera, 2uc cans for (The power There is no longer any necessity for inconvenience and repairs due to frozen tanks and pipes. No matter how cold it may be, you can have a constant supply of power 24 hours every day with motors connected to our. power lines. - No charge for engineering advice. Let us help you. Omaha Electric Y. M. 0. A. i Contract Department. TTTliTTliTTIV ji Ik any 15c rat tern 2 OK", lots at about half regular prices. Slippers Women's Crochet Slip pers, broken sizes, always DXc pair, warm and comfort able, pair.'. . . 50 Commencing Next Monday Our Great Annual WHITE CARNIVAL - Our greatest sale Muslin Un derwear, Embroideries, White Goods, Laces, Etc, Watch Sunday papers for full details. A3. The stories told about the "Dorothy Dodd" Shoe have aroused the curiosity of hundreds of women who never knew before that their feet could be made to look so' handsome, light and shapely. Try one pair. Many Styles to Meet Every Requirement Offers TP1 ZS Q ONLY ON X JLJXAkJ .3BO and 60 Green Stamps 4o and ,70 Green Ktampa 6So and RS Green Htampa ISO and 20 Green Btampa 11. CO 36o .S5a 16o S5o 85o 8 So lOo lOo lie So So Boo 8tampe istampa Htampa Htampa Ktamps Ktampa Stamps rUampa Htampa Htampa btampa 16o ol the Suture Linht & Power Co. BUILDING Both Phones. 1 u and 100 Green and . 30 Green and 10 Green and HO Green Stamps H and 10 Green Klanips l ! and . 10 Green Ktampa M and 10 Green Stamps B and 10 Green rUampe Wi and 6 Green Htampa M and 10 Green Htampa W and 10 Green Stampa m and 10 Green Stamps El Wonderful Bargain Deeply Cut Prices In All Departments. THE RKLIABLK STORK 111 Grand January Lace Sale Friday will be the first Great Lace Sale Day of the Year, and are going to make it well worth the while of every lady in Omaha and vicinity to attend. .All Kinds of Laces. All Kinds of Prices: Zion City Laces, at yard SHc, 5c, 7C, 10c and 15c We are sole selling agents of these, the best wash laces made. Fine Torchon Laces, splendid variety, yd. IV2C SVsC 3Vr2C 5c Heavy Cluny Torchons, beautiful patterns, 3V2C 5c 7V&C 10c Fine Val Laces, on sale Friday, at yd. lc 20 3VaC 5c 7Hc Dainty Oriental Laces, at yd 5c 71,C 10c 15c and 19c Fine Point de Esprets. at ter yard .2V.C 5c and 7VaC $1.00 Quality New French Nets, for waists, yard . 49c $1.50 Quality New Black Silk Nets, at yard ; 59c Venice and Applique Laces, big yard NOTIONS In the Domestic Room at Half Regular Prices,- Friday. ... JN OUR FAMOUS DOMESTIC ROOM Friday Is Remnant Day 10,000 yards of all kinds of Wash Goods, Whits Goods, Flannelettes, Outings, Sateens, Ginghams, Suit ings etc., worth from 10c to 5Uc a yard, all will go at, per yard 10 7t 5t 3tt 1 7,500 yards of Wool Drees Goods, in long remnants, at yard 15 19 25 39 49 59 75 98. Remnants of High Grade Wool Dress Goods in High Grade Department. Remnants of Damask, worth up to $1.50 yard, at yard 19 25 39 49 59 10 Other Specials for all day. Friday's Underwear g Furnishing Bargains Deeply Cut Prices of Standard Grades and Perfect Goods to Effect a Quick Reduction of Winter Stocks: MEN'S WOOLEN UN DERWEAR, all sizes values to $2.00, on sale In two lots 69 and 98 DR. WRIGHT'S UNION SUITS, wool fleeced, all sizes, values to $3.60, at. suit 81.25 nd $1.50 GLOVES AND MITTENS Men's Black Bear Gloves. $1.60 and $2.00 values, on sale Thursday, at per pair 98 Men's and Boys' Mittens,' worth 75c and $1.00, choice 50 Boys' Calfskin Mittens, regular 50c Quality, at 25 Ladles' and Children's Wool Gloves and Mittens, values to 50c, at per pair 10 19 n 25 MADE TO MEASURE We make Skirts to measure from any goods you may select, at $2 $2.50 $3 $3.50 "d $4. All work done by a first closs Ladies' Tailor, perfect fit and workman ship guaranteed or money re funded. We will save you from 1 to 1H Yards of Goods In the mak ing, over other houses. .For par ticulars inquire at our Dress Goods Department. HAYDEN'S FIRST FOR GROCERIES, FRESH VEGETABLES, FRUITS, CRACKERS, BUTTER, CHEESE AND MEATS . The bent Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, at leta than Jobbera Cont. 10 Bare bent Brands 1-aundry Soap, 26e ( pound ('hole Japan Ktce for 5c 4 poumla beat Pearl Tapioca, or Hugo tic The bent Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb. 60 t pound cans Solid Packed Tomatoes mc t pound cana Fancy No. 1 Hweet Huuar Corn, for 7Wc 3 pound cana Oolden Pumpkin. Hominy, Buuanh or Haked Beans for 8 Vie 5 10c Packagea L'p-to-Uate Waalilng Pow der, for 12 Oolden Corn, Applea or Tomatoea ....6c RramangAlon. Jellycon, or Jello, pkg. 7Wc Peanut Butter, per Jar ;o 011 or Mustard Kardlnea, per can ,...4Uc Hchepp'a Cocoanut. per pound 20o Fancy Oolden Santoa Coffee, per lb. 15c Fancy Marlcabo Blend Coffee, per lb. 18e Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee, lb. 20c Fancv Ankola Blend Coffee, per lb. 25o Tha beat Tea Slftlnse, per pound .16c Fancy Hun Dried Japan Tea. per lb. JBc Fancy Pplder Leg Japan, Kngllah Break fast. Oolong, Ceylon, or Gunpowder Tea, per pound - ..JSc Fancy California Prunea. per pound ..4c Fancy Italian Prunea. per pound ... .7Ho Fancy Cleaned Currenia, per pound Vc Fancy Muscatel Cooking Ralalns. lb. SHc DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Wanted A business location on 16th Street, between How ard and Dodge Streets Wo need a ground floor space with or without base ment, from 50 to GG feet wide by 132 feet deep, for a " very desirable merchandise bubinesa. Will take a long lease. Unquestioned responsibility. Will contract now for occupancy any time within 18 months. Address 11 348, care Omaha Bee. ' Offerings Friday Compare Our Qualities' and Prices. You'll Save Fine Normandy Val Laces, at per yard lVic 10c 15c 19c Black Silk Chantelly Laces, at per yard . . 5c to 15c Real Linen Laces, at per yard ;. . . '.SHc SVk; to 10c line of 15o to $1.50 value-, at per 5c to 25c no nous ROUSING FRIDAY BARGAINS IN OUR.HIGH GRADK Linen Department Special High Grade Hemmed Huck Towels worth 19c, Friday, each 9 Special Hemstitched Huck Towels. worth 35c, Friday, each ...19 Special German Linen Napkins, worth $1.25 doten, Friday 6 for ....50 Special German Linen Hemstitched Table Cloths, worth $2.00. Friday. each 98 Special Roller and Kitchen Toweling. 10c values, Friday yard 6 Special Dresser Scarfs and Center Pieces, 60c values, Friday, ea. 29 Special and Attractive Sals ou All Fancy Linens, Including Cluny ant? -Battenberc work. . Mall Orders Filled. MEN'S FLEECED UN DERWEAR, heavy quality, blue, grey or tan, worth to $1.00, ' at , 29 39 nd 49 HOSIERY BARGAINS Men's Wool or Camel Hair Hose, the heavy winter weights. 25c values, at 12 Men's 50c quality Cashmere Hose, on sale, at pair 25 Ladles' All Wool and Caahmare Hosp, ' black or grey, 39c to 60c, values, at pair 19 Children's Heavy Ribbed Hose. . all sizes, 25c values,, at 10. 12 H -In borne good bargains in COLD WEATHER HARDWARE Wcaiuei' oliipb, 'a lout "I ViSi L.arc, imo. 17 Com Moaa, " v'Hf. o sit, for l'arlor oiooiiia. Union Made, 'AV lor, each j No. 1 Irfiutern, worth c, Af4 only 1fK Large size tiiwi, AUcin's make. Of. worth 11.00, aula tomorrow, OUV $1.26 Men's Handled Axea, . for only . Extra large lloasters, self baat- Ifl,. iug. for All alzca and make a of food Chopper, worth up to 18.64 each, fl- ff close out P.JU $1.16 Food Choopera, any WAn brand, for ; ' Weatern Washers, round or CO BTft square, for p-3.U Omaha's Greatest Trash Yefvtable sad rrolt Market. Freeh Spinach, er peck :...,.'... STic Freah Beeta, Carrots or Turnips, bunch.. 60 Fresh Head Lettuce, per haad..6ti amd 7Hc Freah Onions, three bunches for 10c Fancy freah Cauliflower, per lb 74c Fancy freah Wax Beaos, quart 10c Fancy freah Oreen Beans, quart 10c Two heads fresh. Laf Lettuce Kc Three bunchea freah Itadlshes 6c. New Honey, per rack 12V: New Fard Dates, per lb..- lor. Fresh -roasted Feanuta, quart.... 6c. Largs Cocoanuta, each ,.,.6s Large, Juicy Umoni, per dosen 16a Big- Xlghland STaval Oranga Sal. The moat healthful fruit grown to sit this time of year. The Highland Navela are the finest, richest flavored. Juiciest and sweet- eat orange grown. Bale prices: Regular 1U-. alse, per dosen ,.1m Regular " atae, per dosen.... , 20n Regular Sfic atse. per dozen ton Regular 40c alse, per dozen STo A handsome Tea Canister. FREE, with every pound of Tea Wednesday. TT PAYfl