Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 07, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Jaiiuary Emteoidcry Sale Commences
Every yard of Embroidery , in stock regardless of kind will be sold at one
half price, commencing Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. All widths, from the
narrow edges up towide.all overs that sold up to $6 a yard. The line includes:
NarroV Swiss Edges.
- Narrow Cambric Edges.
Baby Matched' Nainsook Em
broidery.. ' j ;
Wide Matched Swiss Embroidery.
Wide Cambric Edges.
f Narrow Nainsook Edges,
We expect this to be the
stock, which you have been making your daily selections from. ;
Every Yard Thursday at Ono-Half Price
; Our Great January Linen Sale
January Sale of Table Cloths
All our 11.85 Bleached Table
... Clothr, January sale price 91.19
All' dun- $2.2$-' Bleached Table
- Cloth, January sale price $1.59
AllVotfr. 12.60 Bleached Tabls
. cfo'tHr, January sale price 91.75
All ' our 13.25 Bleached Table
Cloths, Jan nary Bale price 92.25
AU : ;br, t$$ Bleached Table
, Clothe, January sale price 92.89
All oar $5.00 Bleached Table
Cloths, January sale price 93.89
Al( it 6.50 Bleached Table
Clotha, January sale price 94.00
AH "'6tif' " $6.76 Bleached Table
Cfcrtbs. January sale price 94.60
All tyir $7.00 Bleached Table
,:. Cloths, January sale price 94.89
All -' otir : $7.78 Bleached Table
. CJijtM. January sale price 93.00
All .Our. $8.7$ Bleached Table
.-Clotha, January sale price 96.00
Alt our : $10.00 Bleached Table
Cloths, January sale price 90.89
,Alt:jtu"r. f-18'..po Bleached Table
Clotha, January sale price 97.89.
All our ' $13.50 Bleached Table
- Clothi, Jan., sale price. . .910.00
' ...
- vtr& Special Sale of
., ' ' :.NapkiJia
U'jOuf $1.75 Hemmed Napkins
v In this Rate: .91.10
All our $2.25 Hemmed Napkins.
In this sn.le 91-75
All bur $1.60 Bleached Napkins,
In this sale fl.OO
.A 1U pur . .$ 2. 25, .Bleached Napkins,.
l-ln this sale 91.75
-AW m r $ . 0-- Bleached Napkins,'
in- this sale .91.30
.All. our $3.00 Bleached Napkins,
In this, al .$1.98
.Ail our $3.30,. Bleached Napkins,
in ihls sale,. . . ....... . .92.50
, All o(jf $4.60 Bleached Napkins,'
, in . 92.75
AH our $6.00. Bleached Napkloa,
. la this sale, 93.89,
AH our $4,76 pleached Napkins.
. In this sale., ., 93.28
All our $fi..76 Bleached Napkins,
In this sale 94.50
AU pur $7.50 Bleached Napkins,
in this, sale 94.89
All our $8,75 Bleached Napkins,
in this sale. $8.88
AU pur $10.00 Bleached Napkins,
.in this sale 97.00
AM our $15.00 Bleached Napkins,
in this sale 910.89
after' A '.few preliminaries, at which the
majority members began to sit up and
take notlde. "That 1 why I take issue
with the gentlemen' from Douglas county.
This matter ."was unexpected by me. "It
came as a thunderbolt out of a clear sky
and I am not prepared to pa a upon It at
this time," he continued. Then after read
ing the eoctlon of the statute which pro
vides that the returns shall be made to
the' Bl&hi 'Canvassing Board and that the
governor shall appoint the judges within
ten dsys'arter it Ms ascertained Whether
the amendment has carried, Taylor pro
ceeded'"ro argue that meant the board was
to act arid" not the legislature.
When Taylor took his seat Ransom was
agaln up, with a repetition of his first
argument and some more, at which Taylor
asked permission to ask him some ques
tions: i
"To Vhom has the authority to canvass
this Vot-JeVn delegated?", he inquired.
f Orchard & Wilhelm
4I41618 South 16th Street.
hi Purnitiire Sale
For. this saV'w have assembled the best assortment of medium
and better, grades furniture we have ever had the pleasure of offering
t4reduc$J prtps.
.,. Manufacturer's surplus stocks and sample lines, bought at a liberal
discount are jiaeaed along to you at a corresponding saving.
fu.uu uauosaay Davenport. January Sale price . . ,, G7.00
M lft.OO. Mahogany Davenport, January Sale price
tMM, Mahogany Davenport, January Sale price
ItO.Oir- Mahogany Davenuort. Jannarv Kl nrta
es.pOTurklab Leather. Rocker,
f ic.iucr nutuM, January saie price..,.
$4?.q0 3-ptvee Parlor Suit, January Sale price...
78. 0. d-pleoe-JParlor Suit, leather, January Sale price...
tjo.uu a-uioce ranor ami, jnuay
--i.fV-lT- i
au.oo -piece Parlor Suiu January
124.00 Leather Arm Chair or Rocker,-January
$35.00 .China Cabinet, January Sale price ,
$70.00 China Cabinet. January Sale price
$14.60 -Rocker. -January Sale urlca
$11.50 Rocker. January Sale price
S LI jit Rocket. January Sale Drli .
$87.60 Mahogany Morris Chair. Spanish leather cushion! January" kile
$38.00 Weathered, Oak Settee, January Sale price '.'
$16.60 Mission Rocker, January Sale price .... ".
$21. 0 Mlstttlott Rovker, January Sale price .......
$4 8.00 Mission Settee, January Sale price
J43.00 MHssloa-ltocker, January. Sale price.
$10.00 Mission Chair. January SaI price Y.
fSS.OO Mltwlon-Morris, Chair. January 'Sale -price r
$35.00 Brass. Bed. January Sale prioe v4 . ; ; i. . . . j
f 4.0 ttraas Bed, January Sale
IJI.OO Braas Bed. January Sain
468.09 Brass Bed, January Sale price
a an. vv smw pouK January earn
j And hundreds of other ltms
)! Deny. SIS aOaT FWOWS
All at One-Half
Baby Matched Swiss Embroidery.
Wide Swiss Edges.
Matched Cambric Embroidery.
Corset Cover Embroidery.
Allover Embroidery in Swiss, Cam
bric and Nainsook.
Seam Beading in
greatest Embroidery sale we have
January Special Sale
of Towels'
All our 12 He 'Bleached Huck
Towels, January sale price... 5c
All our 16c Bleached Huck
Towels, January sale price. . .9c
AH our 18c Bleached Huck,
Towels, January sale price 12 He
All our 25c Bleached Huck
Towels, January sale price.. 15c
All our 36c Bleached Huck
Towels, January sale price.. 19c
All our 45c Bleached Huck
Towels, January sale price.. 25c
January Sale of Crashes and
All our 8Vc Brown Crash, In this
January sale 3Hc
All our 10c Brown Crash, In this
January sale 7 Ho
All our 12fto Brown Crash, in
this January sale 9c
All our 16o Brown Crash, in this
January sale 12c
All our 17c Brown Crash, in this
January Bale l&c
All our 16c Bleached Crash, In
this January sale 10c
All our 15c Bleached Crash, In
this January sale 11c
All our 16 c Bleached Crash, In
this January sale... 12 He
All our 17c Bleached CraBh, in
this January sale 13c
January Sale of Turkish
AU our 18c Turkish Towels. Jan
. uary sale price. .,..,... 12Hc
All our 20c Turkish Towels, Jan
uary sale price. ........... 15c
All our 25c Turkish Towels, Jan
uary sale price 19c
All our 40c Turkish Towels, Jan
nary Bale price i .25c
All our 45o Turkish Towels, Jan
uary sale price.
All our 50c TurklBh Towels, Jan
uary sale price ..39c
All our 76c Turkish Towels, Jan
uary sale price 50c
"It has not been delegated to the state
canvassing board," retorted the Omaha
"Is the authority delegated to the legis
lature?" asked Taylor. .
"Yes, sir," retorted Ransom, "by the
fact that tho last two legislatures can
vassed the vote on constitutional amend-uietns."-
Kellay of Furnas got In for a moment
with the statement that Taylor had
changed his mind about the right of the
legislature to canvass the vote and he de
sired to know If the change had been
brought about by the fact that a Custer
county lawyer had been appointed a mem
ber of the supreme bench.
Jerry II ward Cleta la.
- Then Jeremiah Howard got Into the
"The farmers have talked, the lawyers
have talked and the rest of you have
talked, but no one has spoken for labor.
January Sale price.
sale price
Sale nrlra... -
saie price $a.00
price . ... j .-.
at equal reductions.
BBACK HI PrTB. lad. t-1141 )"
'Price ,
Swiss and Nainsook.
ever held, as they are all clean,
Extra Special Thursday
Beautiful Colored Dress
Goods Just One-Half Price
Thursday to be one of the great
days of our Clearing sale. Here
and there all through the colored
dress goods department we have
taken out all broken Hoes, three
and four colors left, but this does
not leBsen their value to you. And
to these we have added some spe
cial purchases from makers and
Importers. No matter how nice
or what they cost, all these lines
must go. Note carefully the kind
of goods and special reductions
for Thursday. No cheap, trashy
goods, but each piece of very su
perior quality. You are asked to
cut this out, bring it with you.
We will match every quality and
price here quoted. We will give
you the greatest value Thursday
you ever bought In your life.
$1.00 Changeable Striped Pan
amas, Thursday 60c yard.
$1.00 Empire Novelty Checked
Panama, 60-in., Thursday 60c yd.
$1.00 Novelty Checked Batistes,
very stylish, Thursday 49c yd.
$1.25 Novelty Checked Serge,
66-in., Thursday 62 Kc yd-
$1.25 Striped Melrose, Thursday
62V4c yd.
$1.25 BJack. and White Serge,
Striped, Thursday 62 Vic yd.
$1.50 English Striped Suiting,
66-in., Thursday 69c yd.
Handsome Black Peau de
Soie and Black Taffetas,
Thursday's Selling
- We show, no ; sllk during the
Great January Special Silk Sale,
In the way of quality, but what
Is the very best--our standard of
quality that could be placed right
by the side of regular stock any
day in the year. "Better come'
Thu rsda'y. ' " ,'v ' . '
$1.25 Black Peau de Soie. -- . .98c
$1.25, $1:60, $1.75 36-inch Black
Taffeta 98c, 91.12 H, 91-39
I am here to represent labor. We want
the strict letter of the law enforced. We
know why Oompers got It. We want the
law and that Is all." The maiden speech
of the South Omaha Oora Paul was greeted
with prolonged applause.
Bowman of Nuckolls (dein.) took a fall
out of Ransom by saying he, toa, was a
farmer and not up on the law In the case,
so he favored waiting until the members
had time to look Into the question.
Scheele (dem.) of Seward appeared as the
champion of the taxpayers. "I have my
doubts whether this amendment was hon
estly adopted,'.' he began. "I am here to
save money for. the farmers and the other
taxpayers. I want this business understood
before any action Is taken."
During th'. vinbatfi a motion was made
to adjourn, tH this was voted -down by
followers of lUnsom. Then later Wilson of
Polk meved ! adjourn, and finally this
was changed to a motion for a recess until
S o'clock, which carried by a vote of 61 to
42, many republicans voting for the recess.
One of the serious features of the ques
tion for the majority was whether the de
bate would continue at such length that it
would postpone the Installation of officers
The Joint session canvassed the vote on
congressmen and state, officers and de
clared, those elected as shown by the can
vass -of the State Canvassing board.
Notwithstanding the Joint session was ad
journed until Tuesday at 2 o'clock, a Joint
sesalon will be held at S o'clock tomorrow
for the Installation of the recently elected
Both houses will meet at 10 o'clock In the
Like Skla M'llaoat Raddea la Sea of
Metloas aad Prevloaa 0.arstloas.
(Krora a Staff Correspondent) "
LINCOLN. Jan. . (Special.) Like a ship
without a rudder the house drifted around
in a sea of motions and amendments, pre
vious questions and committee reports
which came so thick and fast that Speaker
Pool was at times helpless.
One of tlie real amusing features of the
morning, however, was the action of the
committee appointed to act with a com
mittee from the senate to inform the gov
ernor the legislature was in session and
ready to do business. This committee was
composed of Boland of Douglass, Raines of
Webster and Murphy of Fillmore, chair
man. When th committee got back Speaker
Pool was on the floor and no one was la
the chair. Murphy reported that the com
mittee had aocompllshed that for which
It had set out.
Clark of Richardson called the speaker's
attention to the fact that this committee
was to aot with a senate committee and
instead t had braved he governor all by
lis lonesome. The committee admitted the
charge. It was again started to the senate
for reinforcement to chsrgo again on the
governor. The net meesage for the com
mittee brought back was to the effect that
the senate was not ready te act and the
matter wuuld be taken up lu the Jolut ses
Finished Beading for Corset Cover
Narrow and medium Ribbon Bead
ing in Swiss and Nainsook.
Narrow, medium and wide Insert
ions in Swiss and Nainsook.
Collar Embroideries in Swiss.
perfect goods our regular
Special Values in Stylish
Black Dress Goods
Most Important of all sales, in
quantity and diversity of style.
But prices are dropped because
they are, in the main, small lots
of various styles that must be
hurried out. Whether you want
the least expensive, the medium
priced or the finest, you will be
delighted with the quality and
Beautiful Black Dress Voile
very Important. See them and
get special prices.
Have Your Skirt Made Now,
Man Tailored to Your
Special Measure
Buy material for your skirt now,
during the great January sale, and
. have it made to your special or
der. The style, fit and tailoring
are all of our standard of quality.
See models at dress goods depart
ment. Extraordinary .Value Best
Quality $2.50 Bearskin,
Now $1.49.
Just at the time when you need
it most. In pretty shades f dark
red, brown, -gray and navy blu.
Not a large quantity at thia price.
Better come early.
We regret to announce that we
have to postpone our sale of
House Dresses, Kimonos and Pet
ticoats till next week. Due notice
will be given In advance.
Haturday The great Waist
sale and the great Skirt saTe.
Look tor something great.
All -the Coats-on sale, one-half
AU the Spits on sale, one-half
price. '
Continuation of the great Fur
sale.- .-
sion. Io it is presumed the governor Is
only in possession of half the facts.
. Clarke of Richardson moved to adopt the
rules of the last session except that section
which gives the speaker authority to name
the standing committees. Shoemaker of
Douglas objected to any authority being
taken from the speaker and so opposed the
motion. MoColl of . Gage objected. Then
Clarke explained that the rule governing
the selection of standing committees had
not been decided upon, but would be taken
up at the night cauous and settled. Then
a wrangle followed and some one moved
the previous question and Taylor of Cus
ter asked the speaker "what majority Is
required to pass upon the previous ques
tion." Some one started to answer and
Taylor insisted that the speaker tell him.
Brown of Lancaster jumped In with a de
mand to know ' what they were about to
vote on.
"There is a question before the house,"
replied Speaker Pool. Stoecker tried to
talk and was ruled out of order. Then the
vote was taken to close the debate and
the original motion carried.
Wilson of Polk, O'Connell of Johnson and
Eastman of Franklin formed the house
committee to arrange for a Joint session.
Session Only Formal la Character aad
Little Progrreas Made.
LINCOLN, Jan. .-(Speclal.) Today's
session of the senate wss merely formal In
character, the time being taken up with
motions in preparation for the Joint ses
sion to canvass the votes. The announce
ment was made by Tanner of Douglas
that any senator might submit his prefer
ence for position on standing committees
and It would be given consideration. The
use of the senate chamber was tendered
for the Inaugural ball tomorrow night.
Dlers of York revealed . the feeling of
many of the democratic senators In . a
motion to Increase the number of the
committee on banks and finance to nine.
This was Immediately referred to the
committee on rules on motion of Ransom
of Douglas without discussion, but there
were many negative votes among the dem
ocratic) members. ,
Adjournment was tsken until tomorrow
at 10 o'clock.
Legislative Delrarallea PlaylngI Poli
tics (or Mayoralty Flabt.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOIJ. Jan. t. (Special Telegram.)
A blow was struck in the mayoralty race
In Omaha last night when the Douglas
delegation turnrd down a bunch of ap
plicants for Jobs, and In their pieces agreed
to endorse a bunch brought down by Tom
Flynn, a personal representative of Mayor
Denny "Lynch, ene of the disappointed
ones, said he had" been' In Lincoln for two
dsys with the, promise of a Job, and to
night, when he applied to the delegation
to get on tho pay roll, he was told to scoot
back to that dear eld Omaha.
Mike Mundy bluffed the delegation guod
snd plenty. ' He called Representative
Shoemaker from the caucus which was
belrg held by the Douglas delegation. I
Well, what do you fellows Intend to
do?" he asked.
"Well, I don't see that we ca do any
thing." answered Shoemaker. "ToU see
we have only one employe each and"
I don't want a Job from you fellows."
broke In Mundy. with his fur bristling, 'J
wsnted the Pouitlat delegation to sign an
endorsement for me to Governor Bhallon
berger. Don't sign It If you don't want t .
If you think you ran refuse to sign It all
right. Give me that paper, I don't want
you to sign It."
Not much; Judge Shoemaker crabbed the
excited Mundy and gave a sign on the
dcor, which brotipht out two or three cf
the busy boys and Mr. Mundy was im
mediately ushered into the sacred presence
of Grand Chief Raniom, and Flynn, and
Fanning, and Howell, and Tanner, and
the scared house delegation. He came out
shortly wltnout a ruffle on his face. Mundy
Is employed nt cne of the packing houses.
The fact that the members of the senate
will have about three appointees each
evidently reached Dcuglns county before
It was known here, and last night there
was a bunch of workers on hand ready to
get annexed to the pay roll.
We can't do anything yet," said How
ell, "because we don't know the qualifica
tions of the candidates. We can't appoint
clerks who cannot attend to the work.
Names are presented to us and then we
have to look the people up and see what
kind of a Job they are qualified for."
Shoemaker has decided to be chairman
of the judiciary committee .of the house
and Stoecker and Thomas both wsnt to be
chairman of the committee on cities and
towns. Their case will be left to the
speaker and, as Thomas failed to vote for
Pool, he is seriously handicapped.
Shoemaker Is almost sure to land at the
fiead of the Judiciary committee, for.
strange as It may seem, there are so far
discovered only two practicing lawyers
among- the majority in the house. Shoe
maker and Thomas. This will make these
two the guardians of the constitution arid
they will be compelled to pass upon the
legality of all bills. That Is one reason
Shoemaker desires the Job at the head of
the judiciary committee; he Is anxious to
save the constitution.
The Douglas county senators slipped a
cog yesterday and, though it was a little
one. It demonstrated that they had over
looked no bet in winding up the organisa
tion of the upper house. Wiltse of Cedar
caused it when he made the motion for
the appointment of a committee of three
on credentials. Wiltse, Howell and Henry
of Colfax were appointed on the commit
tee. This did not suit Howell.
"You didn't treat us right on this." he
said to Wiltse. "We had a committee se
lected for this Job, selected in the cauiua.
I could not find the list and you got ahead
of ma with your motion."
"What right have you fellows to name a
credentials committee in a cauous," re
torted Wiltse. "That doesn't look to me
exactly right."
''Well, I simply misplaced the list of
names," replied Howell, . and he felt so
badly about It that he and the other dem
ocratic member of the committee were
sulky during the entire meeting of the
Jadare I.aadls Asked to Fix Time lor
New Trial in Famoas
CHICAGO, Jan. 6. The supreme court
bavins; refused td review the appellate
court's reversal of Judge Lndls' fine of
129.240,000 against the Standard OH com
pany, Judgo Landls was asked today to set
a new date for the retrial of the case.
"The -government may still make itself
felt by the big corporation," said United
States District Attorney Sims. "The case
will be fought to the lest Inch, bearing in
mind the errors found by the court of
appeals in the original trial."
Judge Landls Informed the district at
torney that he would not hear the second
trial of the case, but would transfer it to
some other judge.
S. B. Wells.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Jan. 6. (Special.)
The community about Humboldt waa
shocked to learn of the sudden .death.
shortly after noon yesterday, of S. B
Wells, one of the well-known pioneer
farmers of this section. Death resulted
from heart failure, from which he had
been a sufferer at times In the past and
came entirely without warning. Mr. Wells
was about 65 years of age and leaves a
widow and four children, two boys and
two girls, all grown. The two sons re.
Bide In South Dakota, and one daughter,
Mr. Guy Hummell, lives in Canada, while
the remaining daughter is at home, teach.
Ing school. He was a member of the
official board of the Christian church
and was always active In church work.
Funeral arrangements have not yet been
Ueneral John B. Cottoa.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. General John B
Cotton, assistant attorney general of the
United States under the Harrison admtnls
tratlon died suddenly at his home here last
Dempster Mill Warehouse.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. (.(Special Tele
gram.) Fire at an early hour thla morn
ing In the warehouse of the Dempster Mill
Manufacturing company damaged the
stock to the extent of $2,000. The fire was
discovered by one of the employes Just In
time to prevent a disastrous blase. The
fire Is of unknown origin. Loss covered
by Insurance.
' Barn aad Horaoo.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. . (Special Tele
tram.) Fire this evening in South Beat
rice destroyed the barn and outbuildings
of Charles McCloery. together with a large
amount of hay and grain. Two horses per.
Ished. Loss $1,300, with 1700 Insurance,
Fire of unknown origin.
About the size of your shoes, It's some sat
lafactlnn to know that many people can
wear shoes In a slse smaller by sprinkling
Allen's Foot-Kase Into them. Just the thing
ror Dancing i hiii. s. r item leaincr enoes,
ami for breaking; in New Hlioci. When rub-
hers or overshoes become necessary and
your Khoen p!nch, Allen's Foot-Kase gives
Itisinnt relief. Sold Everywhere, &c. Sample
t KMi Aiiareaa Alien b. uimeied, L,a Koy,
i. x. jji o i accept any substitute.
Slow death and awful suffering
follows neglect of bowels. Con
stipation kills more people than
consumption. It needs a cure
and there is one medicine in
all the world that cures it
, Cascarcts lte. box week's treat
ment. All drug(ists. aisrcsl sellar
U Uie weild-ikUlivs bost a musia.
Loan Talk
-."... No. 5.- v '
The true financial Institution Is the one whoso
members or depositors are its friends friends la
the real and not In the money making sense. Our
growth is attributable to the fact that our members
are our friends and have always worked for us. We
have alwaya stood ready not only to aosUt in sav
ing money safely and profitably, but to advise rela
tive to the purchase of homes. Many have availed
themselves of this privilege and have profited by
so doing.
If you contemplate securing a home we ask that
you consult us and become one of us. We can no
doubt be of assistance to you. We have assisted
many thousands of people tha past seventeen years.
When It comes to borrowing money, ours is the
cheapest place In Omaha from which to secure It.
and we always have available funds. .
Hhe Conservative
Sewings , Loan Ass'n.
Geo. P. Oilmore, Pres. Taul W. Kuhns, Sec'y.
ftafcld Doa Attack Dead aad Injared
la Eartaejaalte Stricken
MBR8INA. Jan. . Dogs now constitute
one of the dangers to tho earthquake refu
gees. These animals, starving and often
rabid through lack of water, gnaw the
corpses like hyenas and frequently attack
the refugees themselves. Among the
wounded who left for Palermo last night
was a young man whose eyes and right
cheek bad been horribly mutilated by dogs.
After the earthquake he was burled In
debris up to his neck and while thus unable
to move waa attacked by three of the ani
mals and seriously hurt before his cries
attracted belp. Many people are shooting;
all vagrant dogs at sight nd stray bullets
axe another danger In the city.
Gratitude for American Help.
Ambassador Qrlscom has presented for
mally to the Italian government the reso
lution of sympathy passed by the house of
representatives at Washington. Foreign
Minister Tittonl expressed his high appre
ciation of this act and said It would be
given fitting acknowledgement.
Mr. Grlscom, today notified Count Tav-
erna, president of the Italian Red Cross,
that having received $100,000 from the
American Red Cross, lie had shipped this
American relief to the strait of Messina
on the steamer Bayern, which left Oenoa
yesterday. The vessel will fly the Red
Cross flag. The expense of fitting out
this vessel Is computed at 180.000 for the
first two weeks. Tho time of Its charter
will be extended if necessary- It Is cost
ing $l,aoO a day. The rest of the $60,000 has
been expended for supplies. All Italy Is
being searched for material suitable for
relief, and it is becoming increasingly dif
ficult to obtain the kind of supplies re
Mr. Grlscom has received warm congratu
lation on the organisation of the Bayern
relief expedition from several admirals of
the Italian navy and from members of
King Victor Emmanuel's staff. The ad
mirals express their amasement over the
energy which enabled the Americans to
load a ship and outfit it prefectly within
forty-eight hours. They did not know
which emotion was the stronger, their grat
itude or their admiration for the energy
HMiukt aad noaralsna frona Colds.
Laxative Bromo Quinine, the worldwide cold
nri wrn remedy, removes cause, call ror run
name. Look for signature. B. W. Grove. 260.
BlaT Maalta Vaderwear Sale.
Brandels' annual January sale of women's
fine undermuslins begins Monday. Tho
greatest stock and the most extraordinary
bargains ever offered in Omaha.
The St. Louis Salvage A Wrecking Co.
Offers the Omaha Clothing Co's
Stock Saturday Morning.
Of all the greatest values ever offered
to the public will be put on sale Saturday,
January $th. The tremendous task of
marking down the goods Is now going on.
Tho store Is closed all this week. No one
will be admitted until Saturday.) then look
for bargains. It Is Impossible to quote any
prices here.
Goods will be slaughtered. Nothing like It
ever known before in the community. The
8t. Louis Salvage Wrecking Co. have
purchased this stock- The goods will be
almost given away; the price pakl wss
sixty cents on the dollar. We edd once
more, don't buy a thing In clothing, fur
nishings, . hats, shoes, ladles' furs, ladles'
ooata. ladles' Jac' ta or skirts until Sat
urday. The stock '. strictly first class,
and comprises the bast of everything, in
wearables, the kind of goods that has al
ways appealed to tho good dressers of
Omaha. Be sure and. be here Saturday
morning. Twenty additional salespeople
have- been engaged to wait on everybody,
you will open your eyes at the tremendous
bargains. Look for prices in tomorrow's
Remember the sale will take plaoa at
Ult-llll Farnam street, where the Omsha
Clothing Co. was In business for fifteen
years. Every bit of stock snd fixtures
has been bought by the Br. Louis Salvage
Wrecking Co., and will be put on sale
at 1J14-131H Farnam street until the goods
are aU sold out. Mr. J. J. Mitchell will
have charge of the stock while It is being
disposed of.
nAira siTmsMsf ssssfl
BstobtidMS IBM. qoli youa bh
Sun w oiUtf tad Uj rrt mrmt m WSk(
th pfMllJ tult m fln pavolioM.
TSrv HrMl-Ooaml, SMsufrapUrl, rr
puvwry. lontudntiMUikluirw, Oms
t tmr Mmm, Ws cm kelp H.jrns
for Sb pmrwtw M J
141 N. 1ta StroeU, Uaaaln, Nob.
ssmsssawaW, s$1
TabU eVIIoto Dinnor $1.00, evsry evaaing 6 to 8
good music
... Iv
Ho extra cost
i - .
for the extra Trousers
AT the end of every busy season's
trade we clean up the remain
ing atock by Including an extra Talr of
Trousers with every suit oraer.
A conspluous variety with stylet
as much above the commonplace as
we are above coromonpiacei lauor s
Suit and Extra Trousers $25 ta $45
8 09-11 Both l&tfc St.
All Qroeen mnd DrngjIttM
rrlday Saturday Saturday Statin
Max Rogers TSSSSZ u
Sunday aad Monday stort Blag-er Prelects
"TXB OObZi AT Til SMC," ' '
With Billy Clifford, Hand Lambert aad
70 Others.
Za Concert.
Seat sale starts January s.
January 14-1S-1S
Za Bepertolre. .
Matisse evecy day, 8:15, Every night Sill
Kltabanai ! Troupe. Howard Jh Howard.
Hayes & Johnson. James H. Cullen, Mc
Phee & Mill, Two Pucks, Musical Craigs.
Klnodrome. Prices 10c, 25e and 40o.
Dally, starUng Monday. Jan. th, l6.
, . The Copulas Comedy Drama
Thurs. The Gambler of the "VVeBt
Phones: Lou. 1601; lad.. A-lt0t
Tho Xatensely Xaterestlas Brass
played by M. S. wuiara.
weekl Tesa of the IVVcbervmea.
All this week, except Wednesday.
8KATE8 . SO eta.
Meal Tickets Frea at Hansons
Every Ronton who lakes a aueai at Teif
Hanson's basement restaurant suay gussS
the number who visit thsie during the Say.
Uvaiy Jay lue onaresl guns wlus a meal
Toll Hanson's Lunch Room
The most attractive, brlgninal. airiest
and most economical lunch ruwia ta Oiaaas
Uues nearest number of people
served each day.
Brery Saaday and Holidays.
Mats I
Thus., I
I Sat. I As