Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Don't Blame
Your Stomach
When Without KxrHlon Or Cost You
Can Knjojr Mcnl And Cure
Don't blame your stomach or your lurk
when ' your thesis diclnre war on your
Whrn the stomsch won't do It work It
l because It cannot.
When foul milling odors come from
your stomach, whrn the head aches anil
the sourness ot mouth every morning
makes ' you hat -your breakfast, when
dreams and nightmare assails you, don't
give up the fight.
fhla ' the appeal of nature, and It
should be heard.
Over-eating, late suppers, poorly rhewed
food, too rich pastrlps and under-done
cooking are some of the causes of the
stomach's 111 health.
When tha stomach Is busy, It presses
and churns all the liquid matter from food
and with Its , Juices dissolves Into liquid
form or pulp' everything which comes Into
If such food be poisonous It affects the
Juices, attacks the stomach, goes Into the
blood and weakens the entire system.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
full meal easily without material as
sistance from the stomach. They will
restock the gastric fluid with all the ele
ments needed. They build up the blood,
destroy sour taste, bad breath, belching,
stomach and bowel trouble and quickly
restore natural conditions.
One. grain of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
will digest 3,000 grains of food In the stom
ach or In a glass vial without aid of the
human digestive apparatus.
The method of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets arsi the methods of Nature.
They contain every requisite for the
stomach and digestion. After a meal one
of these little tablets when It enters the
stomach mingles with the Juices, attacks
the food and digests it. It removes the
fermented and decayed mass, lying stag
nant there and eases the stomach at once.
It Is wholly question for you to solve.
Tour druggist will furnish Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets 50c the box, or send us
your name and address and we will send
you a trial package free. Address, F. A.
Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall,
Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. tfakefield An
. nonnce Engagement of Daughter.
Tardy Comer Permitted to to Stand
Darlns amber that t'ontrlbn
tor May lie Spared Dla
roartesy of Interruption.
One man tells another
and the news of our price re
ductions spreads rapidly.
Exceptional values will be
found in all lines.
On All Suits and Overcoats.
Trousers sold up to $6.00
a pair, now
Expert Clothes Fitters,
107 South 16th St.
a large
home In
You will surely take
advantage of . the sun
ahine of 1 this great
flower garden and
avoid the cold Winter
Months. .To insure a
perfect journey, you
should ride on the
the great through tralu
running daily to South
ern California. The
excellence of the
service, the luxurious
furnishings and deco
rations, make your trip
enroute . .restful.- and
pleasant. Be sure your
Tickets read via the
For full information
, , inquire at
. . crry ticket
1324 Farnam Street..
'rhoasa: Bll Donslas, 1B3C
' and Independent A-3S31.
T AaWcrlUcrs Hesalt-Uel trr.
An interesting announcement of the day
l thst of the engagement of Mil's Jeanne
Wakefield, daughter tf Mr. mid Mrs. John
A. Wakefield, to Mr. Harry I. Strvet of
Chicago. This tame rather as a surprise
to the many friends of Miss Wakefield,
although Mr. Street recently visited in
Omaha. Miss Wakefield is a striking
brunette and has been very popular In
the Country club set and It will be re
gretted by lief friends that her marring
will take her to another city to live. Mr.
Street Is In the lumber business in Chi
cago' with his father in the Street-Chat-field
Lumber company. The wedding will
take place In the near future.
Tuesday Mnnleale.
Mrs. Kdward A. Cudahy upened her
spacious home Tuesday for the meeting of
the Tuesday Morning Musirale. The toirrn
were- decorated with cut flowers, nnd palms
and Mrs. Charles Martin axsit-ted Mrs.
Cudahy. The musicalc, which was a cham
ber music program,' was Riven by Mrs.
Charles Hugenow of Chicago, Miss Klcho
of Lincoln, Miss M.vrtle Moses and Miss
Irene Cole, witli Miss Corlnne Puulson,
who was in charge of the program, as ac
companist. Some of the soelety women
who have a habit of being late at social
affairs, discovered that they will have to
be on time at these muHlcales or remain
standing until the numbers are finished.
The disturbance of people finding seaU
during the number is considered discour
teous to those taking part on the program.
There was a good attendance TuesdHy
for Mlmn Murphy.
Miss Mary O'Connor gave
party Tuesday evening at her
honor of Miss Clara Blanche
whose wedding to Mr. William Gunlock of
Detroit takes place the latter part of the
month. The rooms had an -' effective
decoration of red carnations and roses and
red-shaded candles. The Invitation listv In
cluded Mr. and Mrs. James. Wallace, Mr.
and Mrs. W. P.. Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. J.
D. Reed: Misses Blanche Murpliy Oolda
Murphy,' Stella Murphy, Clara Murphy of
Lincoln, . Margaret Maloney, Rosemary
Langdon, Phllomena Rush, Lottie Rush,
Mary Furay, Florence McSweeney, Loia
Park, Beth Park, Nettle Bushman, Bridgle
McArdle, Patricia, Darrough, Margaret Gor
man, Grace Lowe, Cella McCaffrey. Mary
Lynch, Kata Schall, Sophie Shirley; Mo srs.
Bert Murphy, Byron Reed, Frank Furay,
Dr. Bushman, Dr. Fred Langdon, Dr. F. S.
Melllnger, Mark Walker, Will McCaffrey,
Frank McCaffrey, John Gorman, Will Ma
loney, Willis Barber, Leonard Vlsmer, John
Wear, Paul Beaton, Elston Dooley, Robert
Bushman, Will Frawley. Ray Coad, Carl
llallenc, Ed Kennedy, Tom Lynch. . Will
Schall, Dr. B. A. McDermott, Wil'iam M.
Gunlock of Detroit.
At the Omaha (lab.
Miss Helen Matters entertained at lunch
eon Monday at the Omaha club for M as
Katherlne Krug. who leaves shortly for
California to spend the winter. The table
had a pretty trimming of pink and white
roses and place cards to match marked the
places of Misses Katherlne Krug. Harrlrt
Copley, Olga Btorz, Catherine Thummel,
Glenn Way, Adelaide Funkhouser, Anna
Glfford. Helen Smith, Florence Liver. Helen
Matters and Mrs. Thomas H. Matters.
Luncheon was followed by an Orphcum
Mrs. E. Dimon Bird of New York, Miss
Curtis and Mrs. Jacobs were the guests
of Mrs. P. A. Brogan at the Omaha club
at luncheon Monday.
For Mini Sadln.
Miss Ruth Latenser entertained at lunch
eon at her home Monday In honor of Miss
Hazel Sndln of Beatrice. Neb. The table
was attractive with a centerpiece of
American Beauty roses. Those present
were Miss Hazel Sadin. Miss Marie Har
den, Miss Louise Barnard, Mias Helen Cott,
Miss Ethel Wheeler. Miss Ruth Latenser
and Mrs. J. Latenser. A box party' at the
Orpheum followed the luncheon party.
Danrlna; Club.
The Young Married People's Dancing
club was entertained Tuesday evening
by Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Richardson and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plerpont at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doorly. The mem
bers of the club Include Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
George, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cooley. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Doorly, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest dw,..j
son, MK and Mrs. Kdgar H. Scott, Mr. and
Mrs. N. P. Dodge, Jr.. Mr. and Mr. r ,..
Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rogers, Mr.
and Mrs. George Mclntyfe. Mr. and Mrs'
Henry Plerpont. Dr. and Mrs. Frederick
Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Mlllird, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarke Powell, Mr. and Mr. v t
Moraman, Jr., Mr. and 'Mrs. George Peek!
Tuesday Rrldce l.unebeon Club.
Mrs. Helen Powell was hosteaa thi. ...t.
for the meeting of the Tuesdav vtri,i
Luncheon club. A color sch cm nf .....
waa used and the centerpiece for the table
was or rerns. The guests of the club were
Mrs. W. E. Palmatier. Mr w t t..
- I
bury, Mrs. F. S. Torter and Mrs. J. Fred
Kerr. The members present were Mra A.
Collins, Mrs. J. W. Battln. Mrs. Frank
Turner, Mrs. B. F. Reynolds and Mr.
For Mr. and Mrs. Bird.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin entertained
at dinner Tuesday evening at their home
In honor of Mr. and Mra. E. Pimon Bird
of New York City. Among those present
were Miss Curtis. Miss Doane, Mr, and
Mrs. Bird. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brognn. Mr.
and Mrs. R. M. Fairfield, Mr. O. C. Red
It k. r. Earl Gannett and Mr. and Mrs.
' Monday Hrldge Clab.
Mrs. W. A. Redick was hostess Monday
at the meeting of the Monday Bridge club.
The guests were Mesdames E. W. Lee of
New York. O. T. Eastman, George Redick,
Paulina Wheeler, Luther Kountze. W. A.
Paxton, Charles T. Kountze, A. G. Bee
son, A. I Reed, Isaac Coles, A. Reming
ton and W. A. Redick.
For Miss Hajrirs,
Mrs. Constaritlne J. Smyth was hostess
nt one of the large affairs of the day given
In honor of Miss Mary Hayden, who will
bo one of the brides of the month. The
decorations were In green and white, and
forly luncheon . covers were placed for
forty guests.
.Come and Go Gossip.
Miss Gertrude Moorhead leaves Wednes
day for New York City, where she will
visit Mrs. Taylor. Enroute ehe will make
a short visit with Mrs. Bradway of Chi
cago. Mr. Harold Matters left Sunday evening
for Cambridge, Mass., to continue his
studies tn the law department of Harvard
Miss Ruth Harding returns this week to
Vassar college and Mr. MacMillan Hard
ing to Yale university.
Mr. Robert Updike left Tuesday morning
for Lincoln, where his marriage to Miss
Sherman will take place Wednesday evening.
General nnd Mrs. Charles Morton left
Tuesday to visit at Arbor Lodge, (Nebraska
Mr. and Mrs. George Abbott left Tues
day for a two months trip. They will visit
Hot Springs, Ark., New Orleans and At
Miss Fitzgerald, who was the guest of
Miss Brownie Bess Baum, left Monday
evening for her home In Chicago,
Mrs. V. O. Connell, who haa spent the
Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Edholni, left last even
ing for her home In Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McGllton have en
tertained a house party since December
24, the guests being members of Mr. Mc-
Gllton's family, who met here for a family
reunion. The guests left Monday evening
for the east and later will go to Cedar
Rapids, Wis., where they will visit Mr.
McGllton, sr. Those leaving Monday were
Mr. and , Mrs. John Stevens, who go to
Minneapolis and Cedar Rapiifs before going
to their home In Presque Isle, Me.; Mrs.
H. Smith, Chicago. Mr. John N. McGllton,
Menominee, Wis. Three members of the
party left for their homes last week.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Branch and daughter
left Monday evening for. Minneapolis and
St. Paul for a two weeks' visit with
Miss Strlffler, who Is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. F. A. Maxfleld. will leave Wed
nesday for her home in Eldora, Pa.
Miss Jessie Carton has returned from an
extended trip through Arizona, New Mexico
and California.
Mr. and Mrs. Dlmon Bird, who are the
guests of Mrs. Bird's parents, Colonel and
Mrs. S. S. Curtis, will leave Saturday for
their home In New York.
Mrs. George C. Maguire left New Year's
day for an extended visit with her son and
daughter in Chihauhau, Mexico.
Mr. George Barker left Sunday for Van
dervoort. Ark., where he will spend several
weeks. I
Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm will entertain at
nrldge Friday complimentary to Miss
Miriam Patterson, who Is one of the debutantes.
The Omaha Clothing Co.. at 1316-18
amain ntreet. Sells Out to the
M. Ixm Is Salvage unl
Wrecking Co.
The St. Ioul. R..H .i
-- "irihiuj 10.
of M. Louis. Mo., haa purchased the stock
. or me Omaha Clothing Co
which have recently advertised their stock
for sale. This stock wiU be put on sale
on Saturday. January, 9. In the meantime
the establishment will be closed while the
employes are marking down the The
former prices will be slashed to the core
The whole slock will be thrown on the
market Saturday. January 9 and not before
In view of the fact that the St. Louis
Salvage and Wrecking to. has subleased
the premises for only a temporary period
It is necessary to sell out the stock fast
All those thai wish to buy suits, overcoats
underwear, .fur coats, shoes, furnishing
goods. hats, etc.. st terrificly low; prices
should not fail to be on deck when the
doors open Saturday morning. The goods
are all seasonable and up-to-date and as
fine a lot as was ever put on sale.
Mr. J. J., who is connected with
the St. Louis Salvage Wrecking Co.. for
nearly twenty-nine years, states thit In
all his business career for the company he
is won. n- never nought a filter and
cleaner looking lot of merchandise than
the stock sold to them by the Omaha
Clothing Co. All those that aulicipate
coming to this .ale should watch this
Taper for further particulars. The sale will
be conducted Saturday by the St. Louis
Salvage and Wrecking Co. at 111S-U18 Far
nani St. Mr. Mitchell, the manager, in re
arranging the whole stock, and remarking
down the goods, having retained some of
the old help and eng.ised many more fur
the big sale, whlrb atirts Saturday mTn-inf
Black Men Ask Court to Remit Flae
of Brown Man Who Keeps
I'pon the plea of three representatives
of the negro race of Omaha, Judge Scars
of the criminal branch of the district
court has decided to dismiss the case
against KoJIro Keoka. the Japanese pro
prietor of the Nagasaki restaurant, fined
ti5 for refusing to serve a negro patron,
upon tho payment by the Jap of the costs
of the action. The colored people appeared
before the Judge Tuesday morning and
this was the decision he made then.
Scott Barber, the negro who was refused
a meal In the Nagasaki restaurant, was the
spokesman for the trio and he told the
jurist that his race did not want damages
against the caterer; all his people wanted
was justification. This they believe they
have secured in the decision In their be
half in the case recently tried In Judge
Sears' court, that decision being baaed on
the constitutional amendment which gives
the black man the same privilege as the
white man and the further law which puts
a restaurant In the pulbic servant class.
The case against Keoka was first tried
bfor. JuuLlce of the Peace Altstadt. "Der
Bhudge" decided the action adversely to
the Jap and fined hiiu the minimum, $28.
Keoka then appealed to the district court,
but the same decision was awaiting him
there. Ha was perfecting an appeal to the
supreme court when the negro delegation
1 revelled upon Judge Sears to dismiss ths
Humane Officer Files Report, Which
hoTTS What lie lias Accomplished.
That Humane Officer Wooldridge has
been a busy man since the first day of
lust April Is shown by ths report he has
filed qf the work done by his department
since he has been assigned to mat duty.
The report shows:
Horses and 1 miles destroyed 118
Cattle destroyed 11
Dogs and cats destroyed 45
Animals ordered sent to barns lot
Animals ordered sent to veterinary .
Animals ordered shod 2
Animals ordered blanketed SXts
Animals inspected on excavations 69
Livery barns Inspected 7
Stock yards inspected 6
Admonished for cruelty lo animals 87
Arrests for cruelty to animals , .. 16
Convictions 10
Dismissed t
Cases nol found 16
Shooting birds ordered before juvenile
court 1
rases Involving children and parents 10
the number of W
Arrest for cruelty lo children
Itsllwar Notes asd i'rrsoaals.
E. I.. Ioniax. general passenger agent of
the I'nion Pacific, and n . a. Basinger,
assistant general passenger agent of the
I'nion Pacific, and W. D. Lincoln, car
service agent, left Tuesday evening for
Survevs are being made for a line about
1.1) s long to be built this spring by
the Oregon BI101 1 Lines, from twin talis,
Idaho, south lo a connection with the
Southern Pacific. To build this line the
aitlrlcs of incorporation of the Minidoka
& (Southwestern have beau amended and
extended to cover tnia survey.
George F. Lee. general baggage agent of
the Hoik island was 111 umana on 1 uesuay
to meet his brother T. W. Iee. formerly
assistant general passenger agent of ths
Oregon P.iort Line, and also Joint agent
of the railroads at Omaha, during the
Transnileslaslppi exposition. T. V'. Ie la
now an extensive land owner near Idaho
Kails, and that the climate agrees with
htm Is evidenced hy the gall) lie i:i
mad iu wt'gut etneo (saving Omaha,
Restore your property value
Why is it you find here
and there attractive -appearing
houses, in conven
ient neighborhoods, covered
with stained and weather
beaten signs "For Sale" and
" For Rent ? " In most cases
the trouble is internal
their old-fashioned heating
equipment. Any real -estate man will tell you that
buildings which are Hot -Water or Steam heated with
S as
I 1
Radiators IBoilers
will attract and hold best tenants at 10 to 15 higher rentals; property sells quicker, and
owner gets back the full cost of the heating outfit IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN
Radiators are annually replacing thousands of old-fashioned heating equipments that have
been found wasteful and wanting in old cottages, houses, stores, churches, schools, etc
Ever, hear of any one going ,back to other forms of heating once they have tried our way?
Any argument in that to you?
Don't delay investigating this well-paying, permanent investment with its
marked fuel, labor, and repair savings, besides the greater comfort, health
protection, cleanliness, safety,
and durability. Just the
season to get the services of
the most skillful fitters.
Prices are now most favora
ble. Write, telephone, or call
today for free valuable book.
Our definite information and
helps put you under no obli
gation whatsoever to buy.
i mum iiiiii ill fr'" " ' 1
A No. A-WS IDEAL Boiler and 7S0 ft. of 18
in. AMERICAN Radiators, costing the
owner S3 66, were used to Hot-Water
neat inis cottage.
A No. 1-22-W IDEAL Boiler and ISO ft. of
38-in. AMERICAN Radiators, casting the
owner $ 1 76, were used to Hot-Water
heat this cottage.
At these prices ths goods can be bought of any reputable, competent Fitter. This did
net .include cost of labor pips, valves, freight, etc., which installation is extra and
varies according to climatic and other conditions.
. ,,i . .. . .-
IDEAL Boilers will out
last the building, as they
do not rust out or wear
out. Thsy will save mon
ey for you to ths end of
your days
. 1'. . i,
Write to Dept. N-80
413-41? South Tenth Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Showrooms and Warehouses located at Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Omaha,
Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, Brantford (Ontario), London, Paris, Berlin
Kansas Cityan Unconsciously Humor
ous on Grain Bate Case.
Anticipates and Ful'eraista Derision
of Commission on the Differen
tial Matter to Be Heard In
Considerable amusement Is afforded mem
bers of the Omaha Grain exchange by an
article written by G. II. G. Wilson, com
missioner of the Kansas City Transporta
tion bureau, in -regard to the case at issue
before the Interstate Commerce commis
sion, This case, which -Involves a differ
ential In rates on grairv from points In
northern Kansas and southern Nebraska,
was recently argued before a commissioner
of the commission at Kansas City and will
soon come up before the full body for final
Wilson, who Is writing a review of the
year, achieves humor of the unconscious
kind in the coarse of his narrative, and
the weakness of his plea Is such that the
expressed wonder is he ever let It be pub
lished. Into the-merits of the case he does
not go, undoubtedly for the reason that
detailed explanation Is not advantageous
to the Kawvllle grain men. What they
seek is, briefly stated, a large differential
In rates in their favor. from points equi
distant from Omaha and Kansas City.
Wilson professes optimism as to the de
cision at Washington and concludes with
the not very exuberant statement that "X
expect to sea this market at leant saved
from destruction as a grain market."
What He States.
His statement, which apjieara In the
Drovers Telegram, says:
The much contested and much discussed
differential adjustment as between Omaha
and this market lias finally been tried out
and is next to be argued in Washington be
fore the full commission. While it is un
safe to predict a result, and i do not intend
to argue the case here, 1 believe it possible
to forecast the decision now. which we
should have by February 1. With the de
cision which I finally believe we will get
in this case I expect lo see this market at
least saved from destruction as a grain
market and I will even predict great tilings
for the future.
To say the least, the Kansas City pro
fession of confidence in the outcome of the
case la not causing any worry among
Omaha grain men and the rather weak
kneed statement quoted above is even
taken as a graceful intimation to Kansas
City dealers that things are not coming the
Kawvllle way.
Frank H. Brown has bought from J. II.
Hamilton the cash grain and option busi
ness carried on by the J. II. Hamilton
company. Mr. Brown has been the sec
retary of the corporation. Mr. Hamilton
bas been preparing to leave the grain bus
iness for soma time and about a month
ago sold his line yards and elevators to the
I'pdika company. t
Pair Suspected of Looting? House at
ls;ht Placed I'nder Arrest
by Detectives.
Burglars entering the home of M. M.
Robertson, 111 North Thirty-first avenue.
Saturday evening, by breaking open a cel
lar door while the family was away, se
cured almost everything of value they
could find. They ransacked the house
feem top to bottom, but by- the work of
the police and detectives, two men, Walter
Wade and Pater McDonald, who ara
thought to have done the work, have been
arrested and locked up and mcst of the
stolen properly has been recovered. De
tectives Murphy and Rmg made tho ar
rests Monday evening.
That the burglars did not stop after they
had secured what Jewelry and silver plate
was in the house, is shown by the list of
goods missed by the Robertsons when they
returned home after the visit of the cellar
dtor callers. Six suits of men's clothes,
two vests, an overcoat and a cravenetto
coat, two pairs of shoes, six neckties and
a fur boa were Included In the haul. Also
three Bhrlner's badges, some old coins, a
bunch of keys were taken along with the
tableware and a watch and chain. Even
a cut glass perfume bottle was stowed
away In the burglars' sack.
Wade, one of the men arrested, says ha
Is a painter by trade and lives at 1722
Dodgo street, while McDonald claims to
be a cook and a former resident of Hill
ings, Mont. Both are being held at the
pollco station until alt of the stolen prop
erty is recovered, anl the detectives have
a chance to investigate the past records
of the men. Tho charge of "suspicious
character" is opposite the name of each
on tho Jail book. ,,. . ,
Tou would not delay taking Foley's
Kidney Remedy at the first sign of kidney
or bladder trouble If you- realised that
neglect might result In Brlght's disease or
diabetes. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects
Irregularities and cures -all' kidney, and
bladder disorders. For sale by all druggists.
An American Kin
is H e glial king cf i orcn. Ui. King's New
C'Ucovery, the quirk, i-jfc ui c Utfu
m' cold remedy. ."" and i'wi sale
1 iicalou tiu' C
ie LceMaiiiirc
is 10W 11 M1
Matters of great moment to the people of Nebraska will
be discussed You should be in daily touch with them
It's your business. It is not a private affair of the
members. ;
H. H. PMILPOTT and ! J
G. Fs -FISHER. - :
Two of the best posted newspaper reporters in Nebraska ;
are daily writing the history of the Legislature for
The Omaha Bee
You cannot keep thoroughly posted on what is happen'
ing unless you read an accurate account each day
The Omaha Daily Bee,
Omaha, Neb.
It will be mailed you three months for SI. 50