Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XXXV11I NO. 17:.'.
: i -.
Quake at Noon Causes i x of
Damaged Walls to F .
? Few Fersoni Remain Except Troops
and British Marines.
Iowa Congressman Proposes to Reply
to the President.
Wednesday, January fl, 10O9.
i Jyf -wm w ' -) m w -a
Indications tt the Ontset Legislature. '
Will Be a Kilkenny Cat Affair.
Burlington Railroad and the Brewert
Said to B; the Bosses.
Typhoid Threatens to Become Epi
demic at Messina.
Nearly All toe Victims Are Italians
ICarape of t'nltert States Vice
t'onsal Lupton Almoit
JtEGGIO, Jan. 5. Earthquakes have oc
curred here today at Intervals of twenty
minutes. At noon a earthijuake stronger
than the others caused a number of the
standing walls to collapse and created a
condition of panic among- the survivors.
It Is not thought there were any
HOME. Jnn. 6. The prompt dispatch of
a part of the American battleships with
the fleet commander. Rear Admiral Sperry,
to effer aid In the earthquake relief work,
has added to the public feeling of apprecia
tion and gratitude. Word has come that
Admiral 8perry has opened a fund for
the sufferers and that the men of tha
fleet are contributing generously.
Dlspstohes received today from Messina
and Regglo Indicate that although the
situation la In some respect better, fresh
complications have arisen. Typhoid fever
has broken out at Messina. The lack of
pure water and the Increasing pollution of
the air causes tho physicians In charge of
the Red Cross work to rear an epidemic.
The medical administration. In conference
with tha government authorities, are con
iderlng tho compulsory removal of all
the living In the destroyed cities. The
work of searching ur.der the ruins had al
most ceased because there la no expecta
tion of finding any one alive. The earth
tremors continue, causing fresh apprehen
sions among the already painfully affected
survivors and the workers from outside
few Foreigner Are Killed.
Tim catastrophe is almost wholly Italian,
few foreigner being among the dead. The
Ami l ice n embassy and Americans who
huvo gone to the scene, either aa volun
teers In relief work or a correspondents,
have not found any further Americans
f irong the victims.
Slgnor Rava, the Italian minister of pub
lic Instruction, has received a telegram
from Messina saying that the university
there has been completely destroyed. The
library, famous for Its collection of manu
scripts, recovered, but the authori
se have,, not thought it pre per to make,
ai.y attempt In that direction while human
suffering remains unrelieved. The cele
brated Museum of Natural History Is lost.
Reggjlo Almost Abandoned.
Keggto has been practically evacuated
except for the troops, and tha marines from
two British warships are causing the
populace to evacuate villa San Giovanni,
which la' considered to have been the cen
ter of the earthquake. The bay of Regglo
still is strewn with broken boats and other
Numerous persons still living, were taken
today from beneath the ruins, while the
voices of others could be distinctly heard
appealing for aid. Within a few days the
rescue work at Regglo will have ceased.
Then the tottering buildings will be razed
and the bodies that have not been burled
will be burned.
Rala at Messina.
The Associated Tress had the first cor
respondent ' on the scene at Messina. He
found a condition of utter confusion exist
ing. The first shock of earthquake virtu
ally had thrown down the entire city.
The Italian soldiers were overwhelmed,
and In a state of bewilderment wandered
over the ruins In squads, numbering from
three to fifty men. Little work was done
until the arrival of the crews from the
Russian and British warships, which
worked valiantly, especially was this true
f the Russians.
Large numbers of the survivors were
erased by grief. And panic seemed to have
laid hold of all. In the camp of the
refuges piteous scenes were enacted.
Many persons threw themselves upon their
knees begging for bread, while five minutes
walk beyond were orange groves rich with
ripe fruit The fear for their safety seemed
to hold them petrified in this small haven
of refuge.
Escape of Vleo Consul I.uptoa.
Stuart K. Lupton. the American vice
consul, was In Ms room at the Hotel Vlt
torla when that building was demolished.
His escape was miraculous. Wearing only
his trousers and carrying his shoes and
his overcoat In. his hands, he groped his
way along the quay, knee deep in water,
toward the American consulate. On the
way he met a woman and a man, both
quite naked, and Instinctively laid his
overcoat ever the shoulders of the woman.
Cumbering over the ruins of the consu
late he became conscious of the fact that
his feet were bruised und bleeding. Then
he wondered why he had carried his shoes
In his hand. He continued In a state of
bewilderment until he established himself
uu a British ship In the harbor. Later he
aghln came ashore. nc raised the Ameri
tan flag over the new consulate In a
damaged condition, but cne cf the few
remaining todUilnga n the ouUklrts of the
t'lty. Then ' Mr. Lupton began an Indus
trious search for Americans. All of the
Americans who have not been heard frotti
may be considered safe. Probably all are
In the south of Sicily. Those who are
known to have suffered from the earth
liske have been reported. The telegraph
and telephonu wires have been placed at
the service of the government and personal
menaces will be delayed indefinitely.
vTh Associated Press correspondent found
amid the rulna of the Hotel Victoria, the
blackboard with the full list of the guvsts
of the hotel clearly written upon it on the
night or the disaster. It bore, besides the
name of Mr. Lupton, one two other Eng
lish names.
PORT BAID. Jan. l-The American
acout cruiser Yankton left hero this morn
ing for Messina with medical supplies and
provisions on board for the earthquake suf
ferer. It carries also a number of doc
tors. The Connecticut, the flagship of
Rear Admiral Bperry; the Vermont. O.
Kansas and the Minnesota arrived here
f rem last night. They will sail for
(Continued oa Fifth Page.)
'909 J ANUARYI909
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 II 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2X 2526 2728 2930
VI IN'ITY Rl ing temperature Wednesday.
KOR NKHKA -KA know Wednesday; lis
!ng temperature.
KOK IOWA Wednesday fair li the east,
snow and warmer in west portion.
Temperature at Omaha yeate.cay:
.. 6
6 a. m
u. m
7 a. m
a. m
i a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
1. ni
1 p. m
2 p. m
a v. m
4 p. m 7
6 p. m 7
6 p. m 7
7 p. m 7
p. tn 8
9 p. m 10
Congressman Smith of Council Bluffs Is
on the warpath and proposes to reply to
strictures of the president. Page 1
Thornton J. Halns goes on the witness
stand In his own behalf and is subjected
to severe cross-examination. Page
Authoritative statement is made that
Standard OH cases are not ended and Dis.
trlct Attorney Sims says $40,000,000 may
be collected In fines under car lot order.
Fag a
Engineer and firemen are killed and
several Injured In wreck of fast train
near Huntington, W. Va. rage 1
Kpldemlc of typhoid fever Is now threat
ening Messina and strenuous measures
will be taken by authorities. Page 1
Coldest weather in two years comes with
the north wind Tuesday. Page 1
Hill lines to make a fight for the wheat
traffic of the northwest. S
Building permits Issued show there Is a
persistent demand for residences In
Omaha. Pag 6
Two more stories may be added to the
south portion of the Schlitz building and
the top one utilized as a roof garden.
Page 5
Kansas City man makes a humorous plea
In discussing the grain rate cose.
Pars 4
Live stock markets. Page
Orain markets. Page
Storks and bonds. Page
Port. Arrived. Sailed.
NEW TORK .Rrndam narharoata.
ROTTERDAM Stmtendtm.
NAPLES Ni.rt) Amrrlka.
I'HERBOt'RO Philadelphia.
HAUKAX untarlan.
Engineer and Fireman and Several
Passengers Are Reported
HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Jnn. 5 A num
ber of passengers are reported to have been
killed when the fast Flying V rgintan No.
1 on the Chesapeake & Ohio ral.ioid, die
in Cincinnati at 9 a. m., ran Into an p n
switch early today near Capeitown, seventy
miles east of here. The train went hurling
into the side of a steep embank rent and
Thomas Edwards of Barboursvllle, the
third oldest engineer on the &
Ohio, and Fireman Feti-r Trent of Russell,
Ky., were Instantly klllad. Wrecking crews
have been dispatched from th.s city and
Handley to the scene of the wreck.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 6. Advices to
the local offices of the Chesapeake & Ohio
are to the effect that only the engine of
the fast flying Virginian left the track In
the derailment near Capirton. No definite
Information as to ti e death or Injury of
any passengers has been received, but it la
stated that the engineer and fireman were
Then Turns Ona on Herself and
Inflicts Wonnd that Proves
LAKE CITY. La., Jan. 8.-Speclal.)-Mrs.
Jack Puwell shot her three little
boys, aged 8. 6 and 4 y?ars, and then
turned the gun on herself Monday after
noon. The two older boys aro dead and
the mother also, while the other boy Is not
expected to live.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell were well-to-do peo
ple living five miles northeast of this place.
Mr. Powell was away at a neighbors help
lrg to shell corn when the news reached
While the shooting was going on a neigh
bor and his wife drove into the yard and,
hearing the shooting, rushed Into the
house, but were too lste, as all four lay
In one room with the blrod oozing from
the wounds.
Claim Agents of Two Cincinnati
Hoads Ordered to Prodnee
Books an d Records.
CINCINNATI. O., Jan. S.-Many of the
leading railroad men of the United St-ites
ure to be called to appear before the fed
eral grand Jury investigating th pack ng
ho.:ae situation in Chicago, accord ng to a
witness summoned1 here today. Suhpoenaes
were served here on F. H. Bols au of the
Big Four railroad claim agents' department
end T,. H. Noonan of the Continental lines.
Mr. Noonan said he was not at all sur
pr sed that he was called. Men connected
with the claim agents' office said none
knew the nature of the books and papers
which Mr. Bolsaeau was officially o der d
to produce In Chicago.
senator May Represent Brownsville
Soldiers la Teat of Prest.
dent's Action.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. After March 4
text the activities of Senator Foraker of
Ohio will be transferred from the United
States senate to the courts.
While no definite understanding has been
reached concerning his course. It Is be
lieved he will become attorney for some cf
the Brownsville soldiers in an effort to
test the constitutionality of the president's
action In discharging them without honor
before the end of their enlistments.
Free Water la Asked for I se of
Esperlmental Farms la Irrigation
Districts Reaurveys Asked
for Lands In Nebraska.
'From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Judge Walter I. Smith of Council
Bluffs, who has been prominently men
tioned by the president In his message of
yesterday regarding the failure to make
appropriations for the secret servlc. Is maJ
all through. Yesterday Mr. Smith said
had thngs about the president and his de
ductions on the failure of congress to
support the hands of the administration In
appropriating money for the secret service.
Twenty-four hours, however. Instead of
abating the wrath of uJdge Smith, seems
to have accentuated It, for he said today
that In all probability he would reply to
the message of the president on Thurs
day. That personally he had nothing to
say as to his being mentioned among the
four whom the president singled out for
castigatlon, but he would defend the action
of the appropriations committee, of which
he Is a member.
It Is Interesting to note in this connec
tion that the appropriation for the secret
service was reduced $10,000, this reduction
being due to the fact that Chief Wllkle
had stated to the committee that there
was a surplus of $19,000 coming over from
previous years. At the same time the re
duction was made In the annual appropria
tion for the secret service the appropria
tions committee of the house voted $150,
000 for the use of the Interior department
In hunting down land thieves, which, to
the men mentioned by the president In
hhls message of yesterday. Judge Wal
ter I. Smith of Iowa, Chairman Tawney of
Minnesota, Representative H. Sherley of
Kentucky and Representative Fitzgerald
of New York, suggests that somebody has
misconceived the purposes of the secret
service reduction. The gentlemen named
propose to defend this action and it is
thought Judge Smith will open the ball on
Thursday, rising under a question of per
sonal privilege to tell why he voted for the
reduction of the appropriation tor the
secret service.
Free Water for Experiments.
Governor Sheldon Is anxious for the pass
age of Senator McCumbtr's bill providing
for free water to any educational Institu
tion In Irrigated districts. In a letter to
Senator Brown the governor urges the pass
age of this bill, declaring his desire for
the establishment of an eperlment station
in the irrigated country similar to the dry
farming station now located at North
Platte. With the passage of McCumbera
bill the state would be at no expense for
building irrigation works and it would be
furnished water free of chargo by the gov
ernment. Senator Brown has declared himself In
hearty accordance with the Ideas of .the
governor and will assist In the passage of
the McCumber bill.
Bills for Resurreys.
Congressman Klnkald has Introduced a
bill authorizing the resurvey of the west
half of McPherson county, the east half
being now In course of resurvey by a bill
passed by congress about two years ago.
His present bill also provides for the re
survey of township S3, range 16, In Boyd
county, township 51, range 26, In Blaine
county: township 90, range S9. in Cherry
county; township 27,- range 89, In Cherry
county, and township 21, range 48, In Chey
enne county.
Congressman Klnkald has Introduced a
bill to amend the Irrigation law In many
respects as requested by many leading
citizens of Morrill in Scott's Bluff county.
Minor Matters at Capital.
Congressman Klnkald has recommended
John M. Dietel for postmaster at Adaton,
Sheridan county, vice C. S. Rucker re
signed. Also the appointment of Archie B.
Wynes as postmaster at Oslikosh, vice
August Sudman. resigned.
George A. Wilson has been appointed
regular and William F. Oaks substitute
rural carrier for route 1 at Tobias. Neb.
Widow of Night Riders' Vletlm
Breaks Down During; Attor
ney's Address.
UNION CITY, Tenn., Jan. 6. For the
first time during the trial of the night
riders, Mrs. Rankin, widow of the man
for whose murder the eight alleged night
riders are now on trial, was in court today
when the arguments began. Accompanied
by a score or more of women friends, Mrs.
Rankin was escorted to a seat within the
She was clad In deep mourning. Major
Hal Holmes opened for the state. As the
little attorney In an eloquent way pictured
Captain Rankin as one of the cleanest,
purest men in Tennessee, and described his
fearful end. Mrs. Rankin broke down, and
leaning her heavily veiled head on the
shoulder of her sister, the little widow
sobbed plteously. Two of the accused men
gasen closely at her. their faces working
involuntarily. They were Tld Burton and
Bob Hoffman. The latter la the man who,
according to at least two witnesses, fired
the shot that pierced Quentln Rankin's
heart, as he was slowly strangling to death
while, hanging from the forked tree at
Walnut Ixg. Mrs. Rankin raised her head
a moment, caught sight of the two faces
fixed on her, shivered and turned her tear
strained features from the men who are
charged with her husbands murder. The
defendants settled back Into their seats
and did not again look at Mrs. Rankin.
Ksplosloa of Big Oil Tank Throws
Woodrlver People Into a
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 6. An explosion
which shook houses and shattered windows
five miles distant occurred at Woodriver.
111., today when an oil tank of 100,000 gal
lons capacity caught fire. Henry Johnson,
a watchman, was burned to death. Almost
every window in the vicinity waa broken
and the residents fled from their beds fear
ing that an earthquake had taken place.
Brahesnaa Fatally I a) red.
IOWA FALLS, la., Jan. S. (Special Tele
gram.) Roy McCallough, a Rock Island
brakeman of this city, wits fatally Injured
last night by the breaking of the driving
rod on the engine pulling a special freight
near Cleaves. He wss riding In the cab
which waa badly wrecked. He waa brought
to tha hospital here alive this morning,
but the surgeons say he can lire but fsw
The United States Fleet
From the Minneapolis Journal.
Mercury Descends Lower Than Offi
cial Prediction Prophesies.
Government Thermometer Registers 1
10 at 9 P. M. Last Night and Ont
look Is for Cold Day Wednes
day at All Events.
After days and dayg of mild and pleas
ant weather, Nebraska and a large part of
the United States ara In the grip of the
coldest weather which this state, nt least,
has experienced In two years. By 9 o'clock
last night the mercury column had de
scended to 10.
It seems likely that the rising tempera
ture predicted for Wednesday will start to
rise from a point so low that no one will
be complaining of the heat at noon today.
The decline' In temperature yesterday
was a gracefully graduated affair. Save
for a little hesitation from 8 to 8 a. ra
the mercury showed a downward determi
nation of admirable consistency and relia
bility. Beginning at S a. m. . with 5 above,
the government thermometer .had dropped
to 3 by 8 o'clock. At 9 It had risen to. 4
and this was the only fight made against
the cold wave. The rest of the day and
for a part of the night the column con
tinued to decline and decline until those
who looked at It every hour began to
fear leBt It would nover stop.
The coM snap P'VtJ considerable suf
fering. T'.ere was ttrilttlo temporary In
convenience for the well-fel and warm'jr
clad, but th real sufferers were the poor.
In many an ill-heated shack between the
Missouri river and the western coast there
was acute tihvslcal suffcrlnsr last nlaht and
may be again tonight. Many charity work-'
era, however, rose to the'r opportunity and
the City Mission did good work among the
destitute. The Associated Charities lent a
hand and so did the Salvation Army and
the Vo unte;ra. Various refuses were eag
erly sought and the police station proved
a haven for some weathorheaten, frost
nipped and homeless wayfarers.
The weather produced one strange phe
nomenon. It is In the vernal spring that
the poet Is supposed to well forth in verse,
but the chill hours of Tuesday served to
bring out a set of verses on til? wind and
weather which reached The Bee dur
ing the night via the postoflice. The first
stanza of this effusion ran as follows:
Wild It whls.les down old Sixteenth,
Coming from the long lost pole.
No need now to cope with consc.ence,
It ha frcze our very soul.
This was the only humorojs eplsjda of
the cold wave. Other Incidents had to do
too much with human suffering In greater
or less degree to be funny.
Cold Wave Covers State.
NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. G. (Syeclal.)
The temperature dropped fifty degrees In
northern Nebraska and southern south
Dakota this morning, ranging from 2 below
in northern Nebraska to 10 below at ChaU
ron. Dead wood and Gregory, S. D. Seven
below was registered In Norfolk. -Light
snow flurries are reported in the Black
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 5 (Special Tele
gram.) The coldest weather of the season
prevails here this evening. Temperature.
6 degrees below zero.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 5.-8outhem
Indiana and portions of Kentucky and Ten
nessee were enveloped early today In a
dense fog which Interfered to some extent
with wire communication and rail trans
portation. The weather bureau promised
tonight the coldest wave of the season.
VAN BUREN. Ark., Jan. 5.-The mild
winter has caused tie peach buds to swell
and It Is believed that the severe storm
which psssed through this section last
night caused the loss of huyidreds of
thousands of dollars to the owners of com
mercial peach orchards.
Severely Cold In tho North.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. Jan. 5. Twelve de
grees below zero was the lowest record of
the United States weather bureau ther
mometer today. A biting northwest wind
is driving a fine snow about making almost
blizzard .conditions. Street car traffic waa
demoralised in this city during the rush
hours of the morning.
LEAD, S. D., Jan. 6. The mercury
dropped to 20 degrees below zero here last
night, the coldest weather experienced here
In many years. Heavy snows in the moun
tain districts make travel very difficult
and a continuance of the present cold snap
would cause suffering in the outlying dis
tricts. Points in the valleys adjacent re
port the temperature 18 below zero this
HURON, 8. D., Jan. 6.-8peclal Tele
gram.) This was the coldest day of the
season, the temperature being 10 to 13 below
zero. Four Inches of snow has fallen and
it Is badly drifted. The storm covers tho
northern and central parts of the slate and
east from the Missouri river.
WASHINGTON, Jan. S.-The cold wave
which Is headed for the east and south
has reached the western lake region and
tho middle Mississippi river valley, accord
ing to the weather bureau's announcement
today. The lowest temperatures of the
winter are reported today In the Dakotaa,
Montana and the British northwest. There
is another storm blowing In the middle
(Continued on Third Page.)
Will Bombard Stricken Sicily with
To the rsople of Omaha I
A few days ago the whole world
waa shocked at the terrible disas
ter that cams upon the people of
The press dlspatohea tell us that
ever 800,000 Uvea ware lost and
whole cities wiped from the faoe of
the earth. Those that ara living
are mourning for the dead, bat thay
themselves are begging for food
and shelter they are dying by the
'hundreds. They must depend for
the present oa those who aro able
to give. Everywhere the people are
responding to their appeal.
The Italians of oar elty aro doing
what they oan. The three dally
papers are receiving oontrlbntlons,
large or stnslL I hope that the
psople of Omaha will give what
they oan, so that we may in a small
way assist in alleviating the exist
ing distress and help in providing
homes, food and olothlng for the
destitute and needy.'
Tuesday, January 5, 1S09.
Mrs. Belael Gives Drasistle Story of
the Shooting; of J. Clay,
ton Krb.
MEDIA, Ps., Jan. S. Mrs. Catherine
Belsel, who was on the witness stand yes
terday when court adjourned In the trial
in which she tnd her sister, Mrs. M. Flor
ence Erb, are charged with the killing of
the letter's husband, J. Clayton Erb, con
tinued under direct examination today her
story of the shooting of Erb. The witness
told of having been summoned by tele
phone from a nearby hotel by her sister,
who said that Captain Erb had been beat
ing her. "When I got to the house," she
continued, "we went to my sister's room
and a minute later my sister went to the
bathroom, saying that she would tell mo
all about Brb beating her since he camo
home. Then I heard Mr. Erb's voice."
Mrs. Belsel covered her face with her
hands and shook with emotion. She went
"I ran Into the hall. I saw him with a
revolver. 'I'll get you now," he said, "and
came toward me. As he came I sprang at
him." ,
The spectators In the room gaped open
eyed at the witness as she enacted In the
witness box the tragedy of Erb's death.
She said she did not know whether she
got the revolver then or during the strug
gle afterwards. She told of the tussel with
Erb for life; how he held the pistol toward
her face; how she knocked It up, braced
herself egalnst the door, and released her
self from his grasp and how he caught
her again.
"I tired at him."
Mrs. Beisel's voice rang to the farthest
cornur of the court room. She fired and
fired, she said. Then all grew dark before
her and she did not know what happened
next. She had fainted.
The witness told of events subsequent
to the shootjng and was then cross-examined
by District Attorney McDade. This
brought out nothing new.
Religions Zealots Attack Moaqne and
Battle with Moslems
CALCUTTA, Jan. S.-The religious riots
between Mohammedans and Hindus have
taken a more sertous turn again, requiring
the active intervention of British troops
today at Llloghur, who fired upon the
Hindu mob.
The Hindus had resumed the attacks of
two previous days on the Mosque at Tlta
ghur because the Mohammedans had
sacrlfeced cows. The Hindus destroyed
the sacred furniture in the mosque and
partially demolished the walls. Inflamed
Mohammedans gathered to the defense of
the mosque and were subsequently sur
rounded by a nillltsry cordon, which formed
a barrier between the 'Mohammedans and
the Hindi rioters who assaulted the mili
tary in an endeavor to come to close quar
ters with the Mohemmadans. The troops
fired upon the zealots, killing and wound
ing several of them.
Isolated combats between Hindus and
Mohammedans are taking place through
the disturbed district. Mohammedans from
more remote quarters are making their
way to Tltaghur to revenge the Hindu
Insults to their faith.
John Martin Boeyer, Who Kills Own
Son Tamed Lsoae by Sa
presae Coart.
KANSAS C1TT. Jan. (.-John Martin
Bneyer of New Orleans, who on July 17,
1901, murdered his t-year-old son Freddie
by cutting the boy's throat, was released
from the county Jail hare today. Speyer
had been convicted three times of murder,
but each time the supreme court reversed
the decision and remanded the case.
Speyer. who waa a member of a carnival
company, cut his little son's throat In the
performers' tent while outside a mob was
attempting to secure Speyer for an alleged
assault upon a young girl.
av a -. t
Missiles of Mercy.
I Tlroctifl Musinm Ulafiv tn Kjtrrftt
Service Controversy Considered.
President's Friends Will Resent Any
Extreme Aetlon and Warm
Debate Is Expected on
the Floor.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Drastic meas
ures were considered today by the 1'erkins
special committee of tho house, appointed
to recommend action In defense of the
body In reply to th criticisms made by
the president In his annual message in re
ferring to secret service legislation.
After a meeting of the committee a re
port spread that the committee would
recommend to the house that the portion
of the message referring to the secret
service be expunged from the record. An-
I oiner report, was inai. cim irw.ti ...cBBaga
In reply to the request for more Informa
tion on the subject would be returned
to tho chief executive. Neither report
could be confirmed.
A report probably will be agreed upon
by the committee tomorrow, but Chairman
Perkins eald today that no report would
be submitted to tho house tomorrow. It
Is believed the house will be called upon
to take action Thursday.
One of the most interesting debates of
the session Is expected when tho report is
brought into the house. Friends of the
president will resist any drastic action that
may be recommended. On the other hand.
Representatives Tawney, Smith, Sherley
and Fitzgerald are preparing to defend
themselves against the references to
themselves In the message. Their remarks,
however, will not be a personal defense, as
they maintain they should not attempt to
divert attention from the controversy,
which Is between congress and the presi
dent, and not between themselves and tho
Number of Minor Bills Passed With
out Semblance of Quorum.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. Transacting
business without even the semblance of a
quorum, the house of representatives today
passed several bills of a miscellaneous
character, but of little general public lm
a)rtance. The only incident worthy of note
during the consideration of these measures
was a heated discussion among the mem
bers of the Indiana delegation over a bill
10 provide for the establishment of Ju
dicial divisions in, the district of Indiana.
The measure failed of passage through the
refusal of a majority to order Its third
reading, and Its being subsequently laid
upon the table. Over two hours were de
voted to consideration of the bill providing
for the erection of embassy and legation
buildings abroad without any conclusion be
ing reached with regard to It.
Among the bills to successfully run the
gauntlet were the following:
Authorizing the Delaware, Lackawanna
& Western Railroad company and the
Lackawanna Railroad company to' con
struct a bridge across the Delaware river
between Columbia, N. J., and Slateford.
Pa., and providing for the granting of
leaves of absence with pay for thirty days
to employes on the Panama canal injured
In ' line of duty.
At S p. m. .the house adjourned.
Number of Nominations Confirmed la
Executive Session.
WASHINGTON. Jan. B.-The business of
the senate today consumed less than an
hour, nearly half of which was devoted to
the consideration of nominations In execu
tive session, of which a largo number were
A motion by Senator Gore of Oklahoma
to print the Inaugural addresses and the
proclamation of emancipation by President
Lincoln in the Congressional Record In
celebration of the centenary year of Lin
coln's birth, brought Senator Bailey of
Texas to his feet with an objection to the
prlnMng of the proclamation of emancipa
tion. Further discussion was stopped by
a reference of the entire matter to the com
mittee on printing.
Father, Son and Seven t'aeles Had
Lived Beyoad Century
JACKSON. Mich.. Jan. 5. Phillip Brus
hart, ssld to be the oldest man in Michi
gan, died last night, aged 104 years. His
father, who fought In the battle of Water
loo, lived to be over 100 years old, and he
has seven uncles who lived beyond the
century msrk.
Governor ot Mlaaesota Will Take
Oath of Onleo and Read
ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. J The thirty
sixth session of the Minnesota legislature
opened at noon today. Governor Johnson
will take the oath of office for the third
time tomorrow and will then read his an
nual message to the legislature.
Caucus, Through Its Committee Triei
to Dictate to Speaker.
Douglna County Members Accused of
II-.KKlnar Things and Fixing the
Senate Organisation In Favor
ot the Corporations.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 8. (6peclal Telegram.)
A big row Is promised when tho advisory
committee of ihe house meets v. 1th the
speaker to discuss committee appointments.
The row will start over the power of
that committee. Some members of that
secret caucus Insist that tho commlttert
was clothed with power to name the com
mittees, while others sre Just as positive
and Insistent that it only has the authority
to act In an udvlsory capacity. Over this
question the members of the committer,
two from each congressional district, and
the speaker, will clash. The caucus ad
journed without tho matter being definitely
As a matter of fact, the motion given oul
last night at the conclusion of the caucus
showed the committee had "advisory
powers" only, but since It has been dis
covered today that it is a slap at Mr.
Bryan and a turndown for his pet schemo
to shift responsibility, some of the mem
bers Insist that the committee has full
Maar Sore Spots.
The election of Pool haa left numerous
sore spots which have developed during tho
day and tonight In the lobby of tin Lincoln
It Is public talk from tho democrats that
the brewers and the Burlington railroad
organized the house. Lee Herdman Is
charged with having deserted Clark and
gone to Pool with his organization, while
Tom Allen Is said to have worked for Pool
and against Henry Richmond In order to
get even with the World-Herald .for criti
cising him for Interfering in the organiza
tion. Edgar Howard Is also given great credit
for taking votes away from Clnrk. This,
together with the fact that Arthur Mullen
was forced to keep his hands off the fight,
made the victory easy for the Pool forces.
Tonight It was told on good authority
that Pool had called for help from tho
republicans to sustain him If It came to
a show down In the house regarding bla.
authority. Some of the democrats are
talking openly of revolting against tho
election of Pool and forming an alliance
with the republicans.
The question will come up for some so
lution at the meeting of the oommittoo
and the speaker at a date not yet fixed.
The following have been selected na
committees to Advise the speaker on the
selection of standing committees. First
district, Clark of Richardson and Groves
of Lancaster; Second district. Holmes of
Douglas and Gates of Sarpy; Third dis
trict, Graff of Cuming and Gregg of
Platte; Fourth district. Murphy of Fill
more and Wilson of Polk; Fifth district,
Kelley of Furnas and Bowman of Nuck
olls; 81xth district, Henry of Holt and
Fries of Howard.
Resentment Against Douglas.
The success of Douglas county senators
in capturing the advantageous places on
the committees that have the organisation
of the upper house in charge has caused a
considerable amount of resentment among
the senators who have come down for the
first time and sea the energetic spoils
seekers of their metropolis out After the
good things for themselves and constitu
ents. The scheme wss managed in a clucus of
a few of the senators early on the scene,
held by Senator Ransom on the night be
fore the caucus of the entire majority
membership. It Is said eleven bt the early
ones attended and parceled out the places.
U was rather unusual to see the three
senators from one county secure the chair
manships of the three committees on or
ganization, but this Is what happened.
At the large caucus, as one minority sen
ate r exi reused It, those who were mote rtti
cent Bat back and passed the mciU' ni that
the other senators made and when they
came to examine the lists after It wai all
over they found they were not represented.
With Ransom on the committee on niiea,
Tanner heading the committee on commit
tees and Howell heading the Committee 01
employes, the chances for Outsiders to got
in at thu pie counter are not what would
be considered "red hot."
O110 of the senators who won his spurs
on the battlefield by defeating a repub
lican of state-wide reputation sat gloomily
In his seat when he was questioned about
the prospect. "I will say this," tig rep.led
to a sbout the outlook, "thcai
committees will be made up In a Way t rat
will satisfy everybody."
All of which presaged a f;ne t me In tho
meeting of the cominiUee on Handing com
mittees, which waa scheduled for later In
the day.
In this connection it Is suggest d that
four republican votes added to the number
of d saffecteJ dem crats Would bo sufll
clent to ccii.r.l suiy action that sloes not
appear to be square and fair.
The republicans are not l.kily to e iter
Into any such combination, as their policy
as outlined at the caucus Is to throw ihj
burden of what Is done at trig sestlcin upon
the maj rliy .arty, which at the start, a
one member expressed it, is doing "toler
ably well."
Democrat le Caucus ,omlaees Chose
Without a Hitch.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Jan. S. 8ieo!at.)-Th thirty
first session of the Nebrsska legislature,
Ihe first In the history of the state wherein
the majority Is democratic, convened at
12 o'clock todny. After l lie perfection of a
permanent organization adjournment was
taken until 10 o'clock Wednesday, at which
time a Joint session will be held to canvass
the votes cast in the last election. Tha
election of all offlccru was by unanimous
vote or republicans and ilcrno' rats.
The weather was cJld sad BS a result
only few pc-oiu witnessed the opunlng In
the house and even a smalled crowd waa
(Continued on Fifth Pf.)