Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Fruits -Cereals
and Coffee
nt -mm
Is Delicious
sec that the label bear the name
"Leaders of Quality"
rrniiin"'"' - -
SUUlBg- msprasentatlTSl W. T. JOIKSOR, 611 South 13th St., Omaha, Heb.
President Mentions Names of Omaha
Men of Prominence.
Refers to Mathews and Baxter Inci
dents unf speaks of "Bill" Gor
ier, W. J. Connelt and
Other Attorneys.
President Roosevelt's message contains
aomo matter of special Interest to Omaha,
Nebraska, and Council Bluffs. It Is so spe-
Iclal aa to bo personal, for th. resident
even mentions names of some prominent
citltano with whom. In connection with his
eecrot service discussion, ho has to deal.
The president reviews the lnnd fraud
prosecutions carried on In Nebraska since
11801. He cites some of the difficult les that
war encountered by the government In Its
work, not only In this state, but In other
parte of the west. In Colorado he calls
attention to the assassination of Beret
Service Agent Walker and says:
"In irebraska it waa necessary to re
move a United States attorney and Tnittd
tatea Oarshal before satisfactory prog-
Almond Blossom
A Great
Toilet Luxury
Cleanses, softens, purifies,
n whitens and beautifies the fi
o Skin. Soap and water only o
cleanse superficially.
Mme Yale says: A little
Almoud Blossom Complexion
Creaut should be appttad
every time the face and
hands " are washed. It re
moves the dual, soot, grime,
smut and smudge from ma
inlerstkcies of ma akin aud
makes the surface smooth
and soft.
A dally necessity at horn, and
abroad, a treasure when traveling
by land aud water, tics. lent fur
allaying abnormal rednwas of the
nose cr any form of Inf intimation,
also chafing cold sores, fever blis
ters and all Irritation uf tba skin.
K iea prompt relief to burna,
takea the fire out quickly, soothes,
heals and prevents star ana eup
puretlon. mdlapenslble for use of
Infant, and every member of the
houeehold. An exquisite toilet ar
ticle. A grateful application afier
having. .Excellent tor iuaaaae
purposes, ilnie. Yale's AiinotiJ
blossom Complexion Cream is sold
in two sixes.
50o size, special 4-C
S - :1 RQn " I
U $1.UU Size, special - o
2 for a free ropy of Madame IJ
Tal.'a -pege souvenir book at o
O our Toilet Ooods l"Parimni ' rj
n ? i.-1 for a copy. O
a ei w- -
u j
8 of??? Si
off .. ia
'"" . -
ress oonld be made In the prosaontlon of
the offenders."
Tho United States marshal was T. L.
Mathews, and attorney, Irving F. Baxter,
both of Omaha.
And citing some of the results of the
prosecution the president directs atlention
to the fact that two of tne largest cattle
men, Bartlett Richards and W. O. Cora-
siock, were convicted and sentenced to a
fine of $1,600 each and prison term of twelve
months. It was In connection with the
cases of these men that Mr. Mathews lost
his position.
Charles T. Stewart, who lives In Council
Bluffs, Is prominent in society there and
In Omaha, and has his wholesale business
liouso in Omaha, comes in for considerable
attention by the president.
rompllmph,) to Stewart.
The message states regarding Mr. Stew
art: "In hie final proof he swore that he and
his family had rsslded on she landa In
KoFherson county (which were within his
fact his family has at all times resided!
in Council Bluffs, la. fee ia engaged in
the wholesale grocery business, hla store
being located In Omaha ia the wholesale
district there. He la reputed to be quite
wealthy. Stewart's attorneys are Hart ft
Tlnley of Council Bluffs, who are also
the attorneys at that place for the Omaha
as Council Bluf fa Street Ballway company,
In which company Karl holds considerable
"He is also represented In Omaha by W.
J. Conn.ll, one of the attorneys for the
same company.
'Stewart ia also represented In his per
Juxy case by 'Bill' Ourley of Omaha, who
At nni ttma waa finite elnaelv nnnnarUA
In a political way with the Tnlon Paclflo
Railway company."
The president then quotes the United
States attorney at Omaha as saying:
"There are three cases against Stewart
one for fencing, one conspiracy, one per
juryall good cases and chances of con
Street Hallway Company Decides to
t.ivra Its Passengers a
l.lttle Osone.
Happy days!
The street railway company has decided
to afford Its passengers a little air to
breathe whilst they are riding Inside the
This concession Is made to the passengers
In compliance with a formal request sent
to the company by Health Commissioner
The doctor himself had ridden upon street
cars. He had tjjasped for a breath of
fresh air, as he sat jammed with other
mortals In a hot, stuffy, tightly closed
car. He bethought hlmaelf of his official
prerogative .arid then sat down and penned
a letter to the street car people.
Henceforth a ventilv.tnr In every car will
be kept open all the time and when the
cars roach the end of their runs the doors
shall be thrown open. That Is the dictum
of the company.
R. A. I-eussler. assistant general man
ager of the company, heartily approve. Dr.'
Connell's proposition and he compiles with
the request with eagerness, displaying not
I he least disposition to claim a corner on
"We think the order of Dr. Connell is
very good and are glad to comply with It."
said Mr. Ixmssler. "In St. lxnils a city
ordinance compels the trainmen to keep
at least two of the ventilators open a!l the
lime one at the front end of the car and
one at ti. .' rear."
i J. Cheatham of Nebraska City
Found Dead with Gia Clasped
in Hand.
I NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Jan. 4-iSpeclal
j Telegram.) J. A. Cheatham, aged 57, com
I milted suicide at the Morton hous last
night by shooting iitnikrii over me right
eye wltii a revolver. The weapon was
found clasped in his hand. He left s letter
to the landlord, saying be was des;.ondent
and out of work. For several years he waa
night wuti'h at the Institute for the Blind
Voat Food Is Poison
j to the tyaH'pU''- Klectric Bitters cure dy
I apcpKla. lis or and kidney complaints and
i Oibtlity. Price 5ce. For sale by Beaton
in-ug Co.
. ( ., i FlrM IU.irtct.
I TKCLMSKli, Neb.. Jan. 4. -(Special..,-
: Judges I.. M. IVuiberton nd J. H. Kaper
,a4(. aiiuej t
iave Issued the following, schedule for
(Tins of tile dislrltt court in the respective
coiiiKlr. constituting the First district for
the year px:
Johnson county. March t. June 7. Novem
ber S. tiage cojnly. February I. June I. Oc
ioImi II. .I.'iieraoii cnuiilv. 'February Zi,
May evpteinber Pawnee countv,
February a, June 7. September 27. Richard
son count v, February 1, May 17. October It.
The first and last terms will be Jury
terms. Juries are called fr the second
day in the term in each case where juries
jjan used.
Commercial Clnb of Lincoln Propose!
to Hold One in March.
Thoiund Dollar Seat to Aid the Dis
tress la Italy More la Re
setted to Bo Raised
at One.
(from a Btsff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. . (Special. )-8ecretary
Whltten of the Commercial club has taken
the Initial step towsrds holding a manu
facturers' show In Lincoln In March. He
sent out the subjoined letter to local manu
facturers today:
As an advertising medium, and more par
ticularly " as a means of Increasing the
local consumption of goods made in Lincoln,
It haa been proposed, that a Home Products
exposition he held some time during the
month of March at the Auditorium. The
expense of such exposition, including rent
of building, and erection of uniform
booths for the display of goods and ad
vertising, is conservatively estimated at
about 11,200. Floor space 9x15 feet can be
provided for forty exhibitors, which would
makp an average expense to each firm
of HO.
These heme product-) expositions hav-
been put on In a great many cities and
have proved a very effectual way of In
creasing the local demand for home-made
goods, and we believe without question
that the same result would be obtained
from an exposition of this kind rut on In
Lincoln. If the matter la carried out. as
many working exhibits as possible should
be installed.
This letter Is addressed to you st the
request of the committee in charge, to as
certain whether or not you are In sym
pathy with the movement, and if so
whether you will Join In pro-rating the
expense and endeavor to secure other man
ufacturers to co-operate with the club In
this project and In Its continual efforts to
make our home industries more Im
portant. Street Hallway Merger.
President McDonald of the Lincoln
Traction company returned from New Tork
this afternoon and brought with him a
prrposltlon which he believes the stock
holders of the traction company and the
Cllxens Street Railway company will ac
cept and thus bring about a merger of the
two comnanles.
It Is understood the New Tork stockhold
ers of the Traction company submitted a
preposition which provides that some of
the outstanding stock shall be bought by
Lincoln paries. This will result In a ma
jority of the hoard of directors of the
merged company being chosen from Lin
coln. Unrein Aide Italians.
The Commercial club "this afternoon sent
$1,010 to the Red Cross society in Wash
ington to be sent to the earthquake suffer
ers In Italy. Inasmuch ss the money was
needed quickly, ten members of the club
advanced the $1,000 and a collection will
be taken to reimburse them In part. All
persons will be given an opportunity to
subscribe and it is the hope cf those who
have the matter In charge to raise a much
larger sum.
, Judges Call on Colelague.
Members of the supreme court In a body
last night called at the Lincoln hotel and
net tho new Judge, J. R. Dean of Broken
Bow, who was appointed Saturday night
by Governor Sheldon. None of the judges
was acquainted with the new member and
took that opportunity to pay him respect
and meet him.-
Farmers' Institute at Humboldt.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Jan. 4 (Special.)
The two days' session of the Humboldt
farmers' Institute just closed Is pronounced
by many of those In attendance the very
best and most profitable gathering of farm
ers and their wives ever held In this rrt
of the state. The attendance waa much
better throughout the entire meeting and
considerable Interest was4 taken in the dis
cussion of live topics, especially those of
good roads, drainage, origin and Improve
ment of the horse and the treatment of
diseases of stock, especially the hog chol
era. Congressman Pollard waa among the
speakers, as were also Prof. O. E. Condra,
Dr. A. T. Peters, Miss Gertrude Rowan, all
of the State university, and Mr. B. F.
Klngsley, whose topic was the different
types of horse..
Local speakers were M. M. Sterns, on the
good roads movement: William Ernst, Te
cumseh, and J. S. Bnethen, on the tame
grasses; Don Gr!dley-on some of the prob
lems of country, life; while a great many
others took rart In the discussion of the
various questions. Revs. Aydelott and Can
trail attended to the devotional portion of
the program, while music was furnished
by the ladies octet, also Misses Lillian
Butterfield. Florence Hummel. Vera and
Lillian Billings, Eleanor Williamson. Zora
Marble; Messrs. Frank and Charles Krasny,
Ransom Dennis and Albert Sargent.
The ladles' auxiliary hsd a business ses
sion st the city hall on Thursday after
noon at which time it selected officers for
the ensuing year as follows: Mrs. A. L.
Drake, president; Miss Grace Jones, secretary-treasurer.
1H ordered Man Former Xebraakan.
CALLAWAY. Neb.. Jan. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Frank Evans, the young cat.
tleman, who was murdered nar Deming,
N. M., was formerly a resident of this lo
cality and still has interests here. Hla
father, mother, thre." brothers and two
sisters reside Just north of Callawav and
the body is being sent here for burial, be
ing accompanied by R. W. Rankin. The
body Is expected to arrive here about
Thursday ( or Friday.
Farmers' Institute at West Point.
WEST POINT, Xcb., Jan. 4 .(Special. )
The annual convention of the Cuming
coun y farmers' Institute for the West Point
district wl'.l be held in the court house on
Thursday snd Friday, January 14 and 15.
sessions being held In the afternoon and
evening of each day. Prominent agricul-
Pood Knowledge on the Term
With the Rural Free Delievery of malls
the farmer Is ss closely In touch with
what Is going on in the world as his city
What to eat, in order to get the best
out of one's brain and body, is as import
ant for the modern farmer us the manu
facturer, business man or professional
worker. An Illinois farmer writes:
"I am a farmer and was troubled with
chronic indigestion for two years suf
fered great agony and could find mo per
manent relief from medicines.
"A friend suggested that I quit using
so much starchy foods, which ure the
principal cause of intestinal Indigestion.
I began to use Grape-Nuts and lutve. con
tinued with most gratifying results.
"Grape-Nuts food haa built me up won
derfully. I gained 6 lbs. the first four
weeks that I used It. My general health
Is better than before, my brain I. clear,
my nerves strong.
For breakfast and dinner I have Grape
Nuts with (ream, a slice of crisp toast, a
soft boiled egg snd a cup of Postum. My
evening mesl Is made of Grspe-Nuts and
cream alone.
This diet gives me good rest every
night and I am now well again."
Name given by Postum Co.. Battle
Creek, Mich. Read 'The Road to Well
vllle," In pkgs. There , a Reason."
Beer read the above letter A new ons
appears from time te time. They are gra
tis., true and fall J bum. Ulerett,
Liacolri Office Orruht Dee
518 Little Buildin
Auto PKene 7417. Bell A-2593
G. M. Porter, Manager.
turists from abroad will deliver lectures,
smong whom sre Prof. W. F. Hunt of
Syracuse, Arnold Martin of Dubois. Prof.
Andrew Elliott of Gait. Ontario. Misses
Rowan of Lincoln and Mary Thompson of
West Toint will lecture on cookery and
give demonstrations. A poultry show, un
der the auspices of the Institute, will be
held during the same time, commencing thi
day before the opening of the Institute.
Expense of Proposed Plan Given aa
tho Reason.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 4. tPpeelal.)-
On the ground of economy slone. n number
of cities in Nebraska are preparing to op
rose the effort on behalf of Hastings for
the enactment of a law providing en ade
quate method of registration for elections
In cities of between 7,000 snd ISVWi popu
lation. The proposed legislation was discussed
at a meeting of city attorneys In Lincoln
last week and the expressions, though gen
erally favorable as to the purpose of the
bill, indicated an opposition on account
of the slight Increase In expense that
would result from adopting the registration
plan of Omaha and Lincoln.
Registration of all voters Is not required
In cities of less than 25,000 population
There 1s an annual period, however, for the
registration of new voters and those who
have moved from one ward to another.
By this operation the registration list Is
always Inadequate and Incorrect. City
Clerk Batton and City Attorney Button,
who have studied the registration prob
lem seriously during the last few years,
recently determined to ask for an enact
ment that would make the registration law
of Omaha and Lincoln apply in the cities
of this class. This would retiulre an an
nual registration of all voters and regis
tration boards would sit for three differ
ent days In each ward.
Case Involving Width of Union Pa
cific Rlikt-of-W.r Being Heard.
NORTH PLATTE. Jan. 4 (Special )
United States circuit court and district
ccurts began a session this morning, W.
H. Munger, presiding. District Attorney
Gcss, Clerks Hoyt and Thummel and Mar
thai Werner were also present. Samuel
Bowers charged with making a false pen
sion affidavit pleaded guilty and was
fined $100. A case against a Jap for steal
ing lumber from the government was
transferred to Omaha where a. plea of
guilty will bo entered.
Tho other criminal cases were continued
because the government was unable to
produce material witnesses at this time.
Court was busy today hearing suits of
the Union Pacific against Lincoln county,
also agaJnst Wilson M. Cummlngs, Roy
B. Tabor, trustees, and the city of North
Platte. These suits Involved the question
as to whether the railroad's right-of-way
ia 200 feet or 400 feet wide. Court will
probably adjourn tomorro.
Dean'a Appointment Approved.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., Jan. 4.-(Speclal.)
The appointment of J. R. Dean of this
place to the supreme bench of the state
waa not unexpected, notwithstanding the
discouraging predictions that have floated
up from Lincoln for the last ten days.
Governor Sheldon undoubtedly made a
choice that meets with general approval
here In Custer county, all party sentiment
being laid aside. Judge Dean Is one of the
most successful trial lawyers In this part
of the state. Before leaving for Lincoln
Saturday night the judge said: "I deeply
appreciate the efforts of good friends in
both parties whose Influences were brought
to bear upon tho governor In order to se
cure this appointment. I am proud to have
such friends snd am glad to hall from
Custer county."
Former Servant in Halna' Home.
FREMONT. Neb., Jan. 4.-(Speclal.)
Mrs. Cora Moore, who Is now employed aa
a domestic In a Fremont family, was for
many years a servant In the family of
Captain Halns, now on trial for murder
In New York, while he was stationed at
Fort Riley, Kan. Mrs. Moore, who is an
Intelligent colored woman, says that during
that time there waa nothing out of the
way going on at the Halns house, that the
captain and his wife appeared devoted to
each other. They entertained a great deal,
their company being almost entirely army
officers and their families. She says that
If Mrs. Halns Is the kind of woman re
ported to be she must have changed in
the last few years.
Farmers' Institute at Virginia.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 4. (Special.) The
farmers' Institute closed at Virginia after
a successful run of two days with the elec
tion of these officers: John A. Dobbs. presi
dent; W. B. Llnseott, vice president; L. S.
Burnham, secretary; R. A. Nlckell, treas
urer. The speakers on the last day were
Dr. Condra and Miss Rowan of Lincoln.
Prizes were awarded as follows:
White corn, Hensel Brothers, first; Guy
Hull second. Oats, J. A. Cullen, first; E. H.
McCown, second. Wheat, J. A. Cullen, first
and second. Potatoes. L. II. Llllle. first;
M. H. Calkins, second. Apples, I. H. Mc
Cown. first; K. J. Hartman, second. Butter,
Mrs. J. A. Cullen. first; Mrs. C. 11. IJscott.
second. Eggs, E. H. McCown, first; Charles
Llnseott. second. Jelly. Mrs. Schook, first
and second. Fancy work. Minnie Peterson,
i first; Mrs. W. 8. McCown. second.
C'onrt In Twelfth District.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Jan. 4-(Speclal.) The
term of the district court for the Twelfth
Judicial district for 1909, was announced
by Judge B. O. HoBtetler, Friday. The jury
term In Buffalo county will be held May
S and December 6. The equity term of court
will be held March 1. In Custer county the
dates are: For the Jury term, February 8
and October 4; the equity term on May 24.
In Dawson county the dates for the Jury
term are March 8 and November 8.
In Sherman county the Jury term will
convene on September 14 and the equity
term on April ( and November It.
Man Fonnd Dead Near Stnrgls.
STL'RGIS. S. D., Jan. 4. (pecial T.'le
gram. Louis Grahm arrived here tonight
and notified the sherirf that a man had
been found dead near Camp Creek, half a
mile from Bert Gardner'a ranch, Saturday
afternoon. The face and hands were badly
decomposed and had been partly eaten by
coyotes and magpies. The dead man may
be John Swenson. who has been missing
since September 30. Sheriff and
Coroner Brackett will 'leave tomorrow
morning to make an Investigation.
Beatrice Ksstress Changes Hands.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 4-(8peclal.)-Henry
W. Munson of Lincoln and Frank
O. Edgecombe of Geneva have purchased
the Beatrice Exprr.s Publishing company,
Including the daily snd weekly Express
and Job printing busineas, taking possession
on the first instant. Mr. Munson and Mr.
Edgecombe have been in businesa together
for several yeara as publishers of the Ne
braska Farmer of IJncoln. Neb. They re
cently sold their Interests in that publi
cation. Balrd Named Court Rrnerter.
HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. I. -(Special Tele
grun George U. Baud of Wilcox has
been appointed by Judge Dungan as court
reporter for the Tenth Judicial district to
succeed W. J. Purse who resigned to be
come private secretary to Governor Sh.l-Irnberger.
Nebraskat Newa Notes.
PLATT8MOUTH Commencing Monday
the business houses in this uny mil be
closed at I o'clock.
COOK The body of David J. Uoc fd
snn waa brought from San Ltiego, Cel., and
burled at this place esterda.
COOK The Paine Brothers stock of
goods la being Invoiced preparatory to re
moving to Vincent, Tex., by the Jackson
Realty ccmpany.
KEARNEY The body of Mas Helm
Bishop, who died Saturday as tne result
of an operation for goitre In a C uniil
Bluffs hospital, arrived here for interment
last evening.
NEBRASKA CITY-Frank Schnell ni
MHs Grace McAlexander of McPaul. 1j.,
were nmrned In this city by Jujge Wilson.
The bride's sister whs married herd two
weeks ago by tho same officer.
NEBRASKA CITY-Divorces were,
granted In d. strict court here to Flora. It.
Bond y from David U. Bcntl y, Sophtonia
K. Mequln from Louis Mequln, Maud M.
l'enn.-y from George E. I enny end Doll
V allace from Lon Wallac.
PLATTSMOUTH Tne Cats county mort
gage rtcord for DfC mb r sliowa thera w.-re
i flee u farm mortgag s filed, amounting t
txo.l.Hi; rrleasH s xteen, amount 4o.47G.
Town and city mortgage filed eight,
HUM. unt So, 441; leleaafd twelve, amount
U 6ib.
KEARNEY The Kearney Automobile
company, Dan Atrhison, propr:etor, has
been sold t Lon Frsnks. former manager
of the gas works, Hnd Frank Mott, a local
automobile man. I)un Atchison will spend
the winter months ret ng In California nd
probably wdl not enter active
FREMONT R. I Dalting. a conductor
on the Northwestern, was badly bruite!
while attempting to board his train st Ben
nington yesterday afternoon. lie was
lak.n to the office of a physician there for
treatment and later brought to Fremont
on a special train. His Mioulder and back
were Injured, but not dangerously.
FAIRBUHY Sammy Neil, a colored boy
15 years old. wss sent to the reform school
Saturday. Me had been employed as chore
bov at the Many-Etta hotel and had been
entrusted with letters to mall which failed
in several instances to reach their destina
tion. An investigation showed that he had
opened and then destroyed many of the
FA I RRX'RY James Irdner, 70 years of
a;ie and a resident of this county for thirty
five years, fell dead In the Catholic church
during Sunday morning service yesterday,
deatli resulting from heart failure. Mr.
Lardner resided on a farm a few miles
from the city and leaves surviving him a
widow and eight grown children, four
sons and four (laughters.
NEBRASKA CITY Saturday evening a
Joint installation of the officers of William
B,tumer post No. 24 and Woman's Relief
corps No. 107 was held at Memorial hall,
and was of a public nature. There was a
large crowd present aiid after the InBtalla
tli n oeremnnv a hanauet was served. Mrs.
P. B. Eastman, installing officer 'for the
Woman's Relief corpi. was presented with
a handsome set of cut glass dishes.
NKBRASK A CITY According to the an
nual report of the county recorder, there
weie filed In this county duiing the last
vear 192 farm mortgages, whose value was
i,r)66.1.3S. and 217 were released, amounting
to S49.164.15. On town Hnd village properly
there were 138 filed, their value being S7.
627.04, and 121 re eased, and their value was
tti9.212.J5. Accord, ng to tills, the mortgage
debt of Otoe county has increisei over
$100,000 during tho last year.
John G. Betam.
SPRINGFIELD. Neb., Jan. 4. (Special.)
John G. Benin, one of the pioneers of this
county, died at the residence of his daugh
ter, Mrs. W. E. Bates, yesterday morn
ing. 'Mr. Behm was bom In Lebonan
county, Philadelphia. August 15. 1830, and
moved with his parents to Mount Carmel,
III., in 1847. He was united In marriage
to Miss Helen Philips in 1831, snd came
to Omaha, where he was engaged In the
furniture business until 1872, when he
moved to a ifarm In this county, where
he has resided ever since. He was a mem
ber of the Fifty-eighth Indiana Volunteer
Infantry from 1861 to 1865. and was mus
tered out as a captain. He was a staunch
republican and served as postmaster of
Springfield under Harrison s administra
tion. Biles E. Howard.
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Silas E. Howard, an early settler
here and for twenty-one years proprietor
of the first Jewelry store established In
Hastings, died of pneumonia at 6 o'clock
this morning. He had been 111 only a few
days. The funeral will be at St. Mark's
Episcopal church at 4 p. m. Tuesday. His
mother and brother. John Howard, live In
Indlanola. Ia. The latter Is expected to
morrow morning.
I.eo Meldllnger.
Leo Meidlinger, 17 years of age, died at
St. Joseph's hospital Sunday as the result
of bowel trouble. The funeral Is to be
held at St. Joseph's church. Seventeenth
and Center streets, Tuesday morning at 9
o'clock snd burial will be In the cemetery
of St. Mary Magdalene in South Omahi.
George W. I.andon.
, George Landon, 19 years old, died Sun
day evening at the Presbyterian hospital
after an operation for a serious complaint.
The body will be taken to Ashland, the late
home, for burial.
Anton Johnson.
Anton Johnson, 44 years of age, died at
his home, 216 South Twenty-eighth avenue
Saturday of tuberculosis. The funeral will
be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock and
Interment will be In Forest Un cemeteiy
George W. Hewett.
George W. Hewett, 30 years old, son of
D. C. Hewett, 103 North Ninth street, died
Sunday morning at the Omaha Genera) hos
pital of pneumonia. The body will be taken
Pennsylvania for burial.
All failed but the Franklin ,
in Worcester contest
Against thirteen competitors, the 1909 Model D Franklin
touring-car won the only perfect score in the Worcester, Mass.,
reliability contest, December 12. Nearly all the contestant!
went through the road run without penalization, but the Frank
lin was the only one to withstand the rigid examination after
the run by a technical committee from the faculty of the Wor
cester Polytechnic Institute. All except the Franklin suffered
penalization due to broken, strained, bent op loosened parts,
leaks, etc. It was necessary for the committee to go over the
Franklin six times in order to satisfy the other competitors.
Was this luck? No!
This is the fifth severe contest in which a 1909 Franklin has
carried off the honors. Most any automobile can make a hard
road run without stops, but to go through without troubles of
any kind and without any derangement or strains resulting is
what tells the story. The light-weight air-cooled Franklin does
not strain or rack itself. It stands up. It rides comfortably.
310-312 South 19th ft..
, ,
Some one has said "The destiny of a life Is not determined by on
act." Same argument could e applied to stores. We know It and
don't depend upon any one of the several excellent points of our store
service for our Success but upon the msny Innovations, taken collectively.
Price means nothing, value
means everything. That is why wo
make so much fuss about our $3.00
hats. Ours have so much more value
than the usual run of $3.00 hats.
Soft and Derbies anv color
Ex-Presidents of Omaha Woman's
Club Provide Program.
Miss I.yford of Social Settlement Asks
Co-Operntlon In Securing Adher
ence to Nebraska's Law Gov
ern I nor Woman's Labor.
An hour with Its past presidents con
tributed a unique and altogether enjoyable,
program at Monday afternoon's meeting of
the Woman's club, the session being given
under the auspices of the current topics de
partment, Mrs. C. W. Hayee presiding.
Six of the club's presidents were prts-nt
and spoke. One, Mrs. Lucy Savldge, tho
first president, has been r moved by death,
and Mrs. Ada Walker spoke briefly of tho
organisation of the club and Mrs. Bavldge's
administration. Mrs. Frances M. Ford,
now of Philadelphia, Mrs. Ella W. Peattle
of Chicago and Mrs. W. W. Keysor of St.
Louis were represented by Mrs. L. J. Healy,
who read a letter from Mrs. Peat lie and
snoke briefly of the others. Mr.. 8. R.
Towne was unable to be present. Mrs. W.
P. Harford, who has been out of club work
for some time, owing to 111 health, spoke
briefly of tho summer home on ona of the
Islands cf Lake Superior where, with
nature, she has been regaining her health.
Mrs. Draper Sm'th brought a current topio
In an account of a recent visit to the Den
ver Woman's club snd an outline of the
work of that fine organization. Mrs. G?oigi
Tilden spoke of "Two Forces for G:od,"
the Omaha Woman's club and the Young
Women's Christian association, making a
brief comparison of the national club and
association work. Incldental'y she made
the Interest ng statement that the Omahi
Young Women's Christian association is
sixth in the United States in memboishlp,
fouith In its work of directing to boarding
houses and finding employment for women,
fourth In the extent of its lunch room work,
seventh In Its Bible study work and fif
teenth in its educational work. Mrs. F. H.
Cole spoke cf club work In the state, urg ng
the need of Ubrry extension and suggest
ing the desirsbility of the clubs providing
scholarships for girls d s roue of education.
Mrs. Mary G. Andrews gave a brief review
of the ethical drama, "A Servant in the
House." Mrs. A. B. Somers spoke of "A
Happy Day," the Joy and the spirit of
Christmas day. Mrs. Edward Johnson re
peated "A Club Woman's Symphony." The
program closed with the singing of "Lead
Kindly Light ".and "Nearer My God to
Thee" by several young women from the
Deaf and Dumb institute, in the sign lan
guage, Mrs. Hendce singing and Mrs. Wood
son leading. A prr t:y conclusion was the d's
trlbut'.on of a bunch of roses among the
speakers by Mrs. Hayes. A tea fol owed
for the ex-presldents.
.During the business hour ten new mem
bers were reported as having quulificl
and the nameo f Mrs. George W. Lin
Inger was proposed for honorary member
ship in tho club. This will be acted upon
In two weeks and will require the unani
mous vote of the club. It was In the
Linlnger gallery that the club was or
ganised, and ths Linlnger home and gal
lery have ever since bern open when the
club might profit by their hospitality. Miss
iJlllan Lyford, head president of the
social settlement, was a guest and asked
the co-operation of the club with the
settlement in securing an adherence to the
Nebraska labor law, on the part of the
factories where many of the settlement
girls sre employed. Many of these girls.
D, $2900.
A kigk-frade powerful automobile.
Reuaod, reiisble and tale. Ablsf
for teurlntf on American roads tksa
ay automobile but a Frsaklta.
Beautiful to look at, comfortable to
rid ia tad doing its work al the
lowest operatiof cost.
Miss I.xford says, are worIlnn over the
eight hours a day prescribed by l.ivv. Aflr
their long hours, she sniil, tli- mijor tv
of them are too wrifiy or too tiled nerv
ously to apply themselves ii) lh" cvvin
(lasses of the setllemrnt, iVltiiougi! tlioy
need this assistance.
Announcement wns made of llic ex
pected visit In Omitlia of the . tvn'l-kuitw u
American composer. Meldllnper. tli middle
of rYhnmry. Is he purpo".'- if in
musical department to secure him f f :i
program February 17. It is to be u pi v.ii'm
illustrated with his own compost. Imi.
Mrs. Mary (4. Andrews nkd ih- n
operation of the club In th ir, ti!;i ; l.m of
the petition of the Woman pin'
frage association asking congii ss f r h
sixiecnin amendment to Hie i-ou-ii.ii
that shall provide for the em ruin ,
of women. A list of I.M H tli
Nebraska anil the Inh ,1 ,.
Mrs. Andrews, hh oiccM i,i cf ,
braska orgHiiix.ition, in a; , i, ;r. i
ber of names.
,n ii.. h
.. J4i-1
llargls Out on n.ill.
LEXINGTON. Ky Jan. i. i. i m
Hi", who waa allowed nail Hi iiv n . v -cral
days ago, will tv release. i mini,, h .
uncles, Floyd and John i.i, Iiih.ii' ar
rived in Irvine to siKn tie- im,h lurMi
will not return to Hrcatlilu c.jiiiiiy, bui
will go to Hot Springs. Ark., win-.o lie
will remain until his next t.ini is called in
R. J. Shankey. advertising manager for
the Thompson-l'.elden cimpany, vn.l ad
dress the ltmln of tne Lincoln Ad cluo
Tuesday evening on "The Ad Man and His
Work." E. A. Hlh'gins. who hus charge
of the advertising tor the Stors Brewing
company will t ilk on "The Influence of
Women In and Out of the Advertising
Field." W. J. Bryan all be toastmasier
at the dinner.
Everybody tries, but
no one succeeds in
serving things as
Hanson does
We want your patronsg; and
you want the best.
If you come here you will be
Hear the Tyrolean Blngsrs
Iv.ry Wight.
Given (or any tubstsne ui-
junou to health lound m lood
lewiong Itom the UM pi
Stock Purchased by the St. Louis Salvsg.
and Wrecking Co.
The stork of aoods of the Omaha C o h
ing Co. on Farnuin street, which was d
vertlsed for sale within the last t' t
weeks, has been sold to the St. Loul
Salvage and Wrecking Co., of St. Louis
Tho stock will be put on sale Hatnrdav
The price paid was sixty cents on Hi
dollar. Some of the old help have
retained who are familiar with the stoik.
together with the advertising manager.
The store will be closed the balance .of
the week while the new concern will re
mark the merchandise. The sale will be
gin Saturday, January Kth. Watch for
big bargains. The firm will dispose of
what It can In Omaha, and ship the bal
ance to their city after the sale Is over.
This sale no doubt will be the greatest
ever held In Omaha, and people who want
genuine bargains will not a
thing until the sale begins, which will
be Baturday. January Hili.
WAT C hi
Et.kllb4 .Mi. qatpa roan mm mm4 vim
far evmrrnal md bvftlD- tlr. Vwbh4 sstr
VMteffM. atrBf IsaMitiina; foronV W sr vni oat
ft wUImm motif ftQl f rmt ttrwm tofcSsn ln
trts) prsxrttoakl 14 of lulDas) st vl r s d pmctleM.
ThrM tMurssf CmmMaul, tMsTipsr sj, tr
pAPsstsfrry. nVdrVdkm afSUhalrtMl t4ftBl ImI ysr. C4
Osdfmlftf mw Of dHjsMsj,. W l4H u. rU
for yrotpootm to j
14 N. ISth ttreetM Llaaeln, Nab.