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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1909)
THE OMAHA DAILY BFJC- MONDAY. JANUARY 4. 1000. TIMELY TALK FUR Tilt bPuRTS New Tear Promie Great TLinpi for Bu Ball. GAME HTJST FIGHT THE GAMBLES Inaldioa r la IrtUic at Hold aad R Warded OV Hw Will llollyltella Da far Wlrkltat The year 15"5 Is a year of promise in these. Cnlted States. It promts"! to quicken the pute of commercial and Industrial ac tivity, to Infuse, new Ufa Into the arteries of the social and political systems and bring forth results at Hs end that will re ward th efforts about to be exerted. And base ball comes In for Ita share of this promise. But base ball Is a little different in Its relation to these Utopian times Can some other spheres of endeavor; base ball - a pace for Itself In 1X that will cer tainly be difficult to surpass. In many ways It was the most unique cycle that baa ball has had or could reasonably expect to have again soon. Four of the leading; leagues of the country had to play off the final games of their respective schedule to deckle the championships and It will not soon be for gotten that the oldest of leagues bad to do what never had been done before In the thirty years of the National's existence arrange an extra (una to determine the pennant race. Of course these hair-split ting races, which kindled enthusiasm to its highest pitch, are not to be expected as common occurrences. As to the money side of the situation the attendance which laet year was unprecedented, there Is no good reason why this year should not excel 19U8, but many reasons why It should. The political campaign is out of the way, the country Is out of the effects of the 1907 stringency and the vim of competition la at a white beat In every prominent league This Is to be a year of changes In the mat ter of lineups, changes In managers; stars have been shifted to various places in the firmament of the game and all this will contribute tremendously to the intereet of the fan. Indeed, it is a question if the in terest In base ball this year will not com pletely eclipse that of any year since th inception of the game. The recent anti-race track legislation has led to a belief, which seems not entirely unwarranted, that now Is the time for organ ised base ball to fortify Itself, as It never baa d"De before, agalnrt the professional gmbl-r. This assumption is based on the very natural theory of the law o supply snl demand, or that the professional gam bler having been driven out of i) many lucrative fields of Derations, must seek other lln-s to exploit and will natural. y make an effort to break Into base bail. It does not require a pessimist to perceive the possib Iities of such a danger, ntrr la It ntcet'.try to believe that gambling exactly menaces base ball In order to recognise the simple fact that now la a splendid time to throw up a breastworks agslnst this lnsidous foe. Base ball la not threatened from within; that has been demonstrated of late to the entire satisfaction of the lovers of the game. No such stigma may be attached tc eiy magnate, player or even umpire .1 the la-?er leagues. Indeed the example set by these two umpire who restated the temptail- na offered la the final Cub-Giant game Las: fall affords ample prouf of the rectitude of the umpires. But base bail may be tliicatened front with iut And It is newry u look no further for proof o' thla than te tlrs very example ef Iwnor which vindicates the game Itself. In that incident lies a dual evidence evidence that tie men wbo are carrying on tbe game are exert ng their b--t efforts to keep It on the kigb. plan of honor and evidence that the thrifty gambler, who has been out lawed In so mr.y fields of easy money. Is assiduously trying to drag it down to a plane of dlsboaor that will enable him to ply his craft or graft profitably and thereby recoup tbe losses be ha sustained through anUH-ac track leglaLiUOQ and other such restrictive Influences. Base ball Is like any ether legitimate sport It could tot aunrtve gambling If once It became Tnorougniy eoaorouiaiei. dw oaav vti Las fought this batU odc and won and that waa wben it waa much younger, weaker and lee popular than It is today, so that there la every eocouraa-ement for the belief that th great garo will b able to resist the fore of this sinister lnTluerac. Bjt it Is a Um for strong actloo. nover-tht-lea. Here's another JTXwotd nam for th Wichita team: Call it th HoUybexla. Sev eral titles havw been suggested, taking Into coaaideratloa only th nam of labell. but why not give aom reoornlUon to Hol land, labell s partnea- la th bualBeas? This will g-iv a cornpoartt nam with recog Bitkm l both men. We ar not looking for aasy money, put we certalaly ar get ting anxious to bave this baby named. If tbls stmt won't ao try trutrhrrte-a. Tbat will also laclud botk manager. Omaha la looking for a hasty youngster to come out of thia splendid little western Kansas UL It will bar tea corking good men t lead tt aad tat of the beat bottle of real fans la tbe country t back rL Bo why hovlda't tt go bosdT itu Ve ltfjfn.1 la Tdantin a rrua Ata tnvai at Miaao, par. k tUou, CSty and Is baliNflEe: w sat staada. ti-.u aniarglrig lb eapacUy of tit bug offloa. H la uo iaoklseT for aa experienced ground keeper. Ail Lb is la fine, bait what la still better Is tbe ne s that h baa moved bom plat gtearer th atanda ao aa to give more room is la. .o fmmiAm Mow If Ijeek-v sikM la twe eilr laaiaa yew. tr Lcy wouid yuat eloa ap Mixac park aad get a real faH-growa baa ball tUuatiikd U reel of tba leax-u would cocfrr a bieasir ota biai. Vp '- tfatc tbe Pacific coast ard Call - fornla a'.tuatioa be Dot bees aolved. Baa Jehaaua's gad Pulliaai' trip out west has not a jH fcad the desired effect It Is to tas hoped, however. Oat for tbe good of baa ball generally aad tbe coast par ticularly, th recalcitraata will com Int. lin. Why Ua tsoaat people taew nselv tt xuat f urc tbesa 1st bne as faaaaig atrai- . Ttoey have am vp wrtb a trualrty of ball hick muek leas favored sections of Ua couctry wpt.14 retuae ta toicrata. Of all tbe li agnas that ar uaderg-otog 2aaprveBent ttar ttae oraialtig aeaaoa. aoxte wlil prreeiit saauw aanrTtflcattone of prtamiee thaa that Weexera. Ia tb first piao it will be expaadad to eijrbt team, twe eav tlreiy sew one. Ia Ua Bvext plac tba old teams will havw a great tteaJ of saw ana tet-tX Casaska will be cawaaplfBoua for Its Mrm tooa and they ar trxea who proaais gcreat thing fear the Roorkea. It now aaaarns eertala tbat Hal Oast wall be tack oat first for ttae a xt aoaaua and tin Jaaada cur a!4 euii rtum. Ju TUa. t auTjut and remark that the Tat-k w-Jl b up at tta top thla year. JUtyway. Ua tank tT that tnaa Vila la rw fraabiac - thla age of as dig akrptkia-m. lorascy Burn tee un cLau left let list (tow piaaa aa tta sua licked by the first ac-gT-e ta laold a bvyweUeTbt taelt. Wn aweaier. whoa altuap laat year bad t th aaaUef be waa all ta. say r. w-J tat bsrk better than ever this spring and New York boosters assert that the old veteran w II stay right In h-s Jd aun garden. That man Hill Srnree certainly can see more pretty In second money than any body. I jet Br'er Johnson resort to the injunc tion if they declare a boycott against hiin. Pa is still hot on the trail and ha isn't beating the bushes, either. IK) RAH DO NOT ABLE TO FINISH ItaJlaat Collapses la Nineteenth Mile f Rare with ItiikMl. BCPTALO. Jan. I. -Tom t-ongboat, the Canadian, tonight for the second time took he measure of Dorando Ptetrl, the Italian. who almost won the great Marathon at the London Olympic. Dorando. as In his race with Longboat In New Turk, failed to go the distance. Time and again he sprinted In an effort to get away from the Indian, ut without success. The end came with startling suddenness n the sixth lap of the nineteenth mile, dorando had just made one of his spectacu ar sprints and the ten thousand people In the armory were on their feet cheering lustily when the Italian faltered within four yards of the wire. "ilia stomach has gone back on htm," said Ma brother and trainer, who rushed to hla side and led him away to his dress ing room. Dorando was able to walk but appeared to be very weak. He covered the eighteenth mile and six laps (less four yards) In one hour 49 minutes 10S seconds. The Italian led for practically the entire distance. The pair started off st a terrific pace with the crack of the pistol, the first mile being covered In 57, or 7 second faster than the time made in the first mile of their race at Madison Square garden on December IB. This gruelling pace was mod erated somewhat after the second mile, but Dorando s frequent sprints kept the time well above the mark set In New Tork. Longboat never faltered. Every time Do rando tried to secuse a commanding lead the Indian lengthened his stride and over took the Italian before he had gone a lap. An exciting Incident occurred In the third mile. Longboat, trailing along behind bis opponent, stumbled at the first turn and went down. His leg struck the timbered side of the bank, drawing blood. The Indian sprang to his feet Ike a flash and recovered the lost ground before the lap was com pleted. After Dorando stopped Longboat slowed down and covered the remaining six miles tn a walk. Wat Aasbler. Rev. W. R. Wetherell preached to the young people Sunday evening. , Master Johnnie O'Connor, who has been ill the last week, is a little better. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesae Honck waa brightened New Year's day by the ad vent of a son. Mrs 1 Pitman entertained her dsugh ter. Mrs. Smith, and children from Vinton street holiday week. The home of O. Berg nd wife, on South Forty-second street, was tfright-ned this week by the advent of a son. 0flcer K. B. Aughe srd wl'e have had ss Fremont, who is a slaier of Mrs. Auirhe. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Powers had as their New Year guejts their old comrade and friend. J. E. Aughe and wife, for dinner. Mrs. B. Carbury of Windsor Place waa tbe guest of her daughter. Mrs Bert Gants. and family at their home in Kcker man on Thursday. Mrs. John Blake accompanied her brother. Joseph Roberts of Wisconsin, and Ha daughter. Mias illla, to Council Bluffs l ednesday to visit friends. J. E. Aurtie and wife drove over to 1 jinnr Kin rf. U kinu.. 1 .. .. , wer. th. V ZITT'a "l.L L John Young, until Thursday. ,"r? ..J- amlh of Twenty-seventh and S""" mo oanrntw. miss r.enie. were the guests or the tormeri mother. Mrs M Maestrick. at her home on ?outn Fifty fourth street on Tuesday. Miss Marie Carlson spent part of her holiday week with her sister. Mrs. Iena Talbot, and family in North Omaha. Ula Carlson will return to her duties In St. Joseph the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. James Hajptne entertiinel a large party of relative at their sib- I urban home on Forty-sixth and Center ir-ia on .-ew 1 ear a eve. 1 ney out In double carriages from the city. The Ladies Aid socletv will meet at the .home of Mrs. John Blake in Erkermaii Thursd ay '.January 7. to quit all day t : Mrs. C. Long. Luncheon wlil be served at noon bT the hoaoraa. Sjulaled bv othera R).v R M Hvn ha4 . fmmy hom ( com na; n ew 1 ear s cay of three CT h rlilMrun Mm V I . . . I. . k. v ... .-. ' ... . l. mu ei i w . J i .. l KTi'.ry with their famlllea. Prof John Henderaoo, hi win. from I over anl grandson. Earl Heodersa, of L-ncoln. Trank Davie clsss of twentv yojng women will give a tx rurrer tr, the t.i.Mi at the hom of Her. and Mrs. R M Hen. oerwon Friday n'rht. Januarv t. which every one la Invited to attend All the ladles ar asked to bring a box with luvrh for twa. Rev W H Wltherell of Aik... churet, wu utKlr w vy r;enop uriieo in orgaroxir.g a new Methodist aociety of th!rty-alx charter member st Thirty-fourth and Q etreeis r'Jin ..Tnura inn place or wornlp which ha been heretofore a Methidlt Kplacopal mlsstor, takea In a larae a. ot of territory, with no other Protestant church ties r at hand. Rev. Mr. Wltherell weu miuiairr tvrrr ounosy tlirruuin since coiiftre&ce. M tlKF.T CHICAteO LI7k ITvtK Cattle aad keep Iteavdr lioaa irwas to Milker. OHCAG. Jan. I "ATTLK P.ecefpt I 4T laMvd. Market rteady. beevea. 14 tr,rf i. ' Texana. 13 el-4 weatern. tl TOiiO TV; svockers and fendxrs, I: aVt v: cows and betler. c rn. riVaA4. HOGB rUjoeipta, 12.UUU head. Mnrkt strong to ic hitrber. lights. ttVitert at, rr.;xe, w awa u, i.e j . jwo"V2. ro u trh. ! k Tf .Zti'l f HEEP AND LA.kBt-k pu. ij be.d. Market steady ; ottivt, li rt aV. e ... mm rv . -i.ue, ai va av" lan.tai. M.W4ST7 at. weetern. Kaaaaa City Llv Sleek Market KANSAS C3TT. Jar. l-CATTUi-R. 1 a-'e-. e Ia-u. un ivw U.4 , m rtd y . re.pte for tie I week, a xu km.4; ro.wc export and dr-aed I t-eef steers. 9 !-;.(, fa r to good, tttmsj ! """r, "''Z"- ''' "-aera mi feaade-ra. ta it.agi .utterm a-.eera. KUA3 lli; acutatni cows. ti.iuy: t-owa I C taagfa X . Jama heifer. tft.-i,, bua. ! k5" caJrea. UKti.'. '.. riaaneipia. i.'ai, i!o: market Ic tugtier, rwoeitia for the -t. Ti tav bead tup. KW, tauik t.f kaaa. a-VnJ. k , l.eary. 11 a"ja aiirrt and iautcnera, tL-Tm jIi iav, light, at eta. k; psg. e4frrtjt aHEtP AM; LAMKo Roue pla, nyne, xoa-'kart nostinally s'.ad ; recrlLS I jt tbe vata, Xaav bead. t- .taaaarpa. Lie Ptearlx Market. ST. JOSU'H. Jan. l-. ATTUi-heir.l. 9 head. u.rke uiacLi.ged. etee-ra. K Jie-J "it,, tows and bauters. tmStykVs. cajrea. Is wav-tasj. H'ajft- K-e l;a. brad. trikJ-ket m'MAy to sc Ligiavr; tirp, tatav, txclx of sae. IL.t-4. ku ti-lLbP ANI rAMPS-Peipts 9M. bead, n-arket -teaj . iajtiiaa. it 3"?.iav. vera tUwuatav, iaj Ik-Sit.ut1. Ileal City L-ltm taaeat Mvtri. KWI C1TT. la.. Jan 2-'V-laJ Tele-a-Taii. j ATTLfc-heni iMi bead; a.aj aa steady, beeaea. fc.iaKp;.(, fat .... u-Jera. kiejt. buu taer bum a. a. tii Ti faaaaaera, ti H. tsjre al4 reuif a, I. fe. a a HOJ Kecaatiej. 2 o tad . market a rotig; raxe, 14 auwl .fc.. t a k t-f aai. a, tl v tart its at aba. Reoeipta ff la a tno k at the aix iTlncipal waanaira aviarkrl yeareicay. 4J. aa. Jloff. atbea-p i.m"U itg 1 a-a. . ... ... la I wan iA- ..'.'.7..'". Ut a 1?79 U 75 B-actk Can.auLa aViuux il'j kf.. J'aea-pt) ... aauat Oty If Lauui Totals TU lafibecicaa taf a xve want traiea t unsuepetttrd vuavrvcT. EVENTS ON RUNNING TRACKS Captain Kennedy Wiot Ferguson ' Handicap at Emeryville. SENATOR BECKHAM WINS FIFTH Gloria) Takes Saaay Step Haadfc-ap at aata Aalta frown Meellck. Rewalta at aavawaah aad Havana, OAKLAND, Jan. t-Ttie Ferruson handi cap, feature of the program at Btnryvllle Saturday waa marred at the start. Captain Kennedy carried the webbing of the bar rter with him and beat the others away, Don Enrique- and Colonel White being off poorly. Captain Kennedy waa never headed and he won from Hanbridge, the favorite, which cloeed up much ground. Don En rique made up much ground and was third Senator Beckham an outsider, proved a surprise by leading all the way In the fifth. He waa bid up from to two by H. O. Bed well, who secured him. The race tor 2-year -oM fillies was won by Paaeenger, a daughter of Cunard. Summaries: First race, futurity course, selling: Wen olma 117. Cotton, 9 to li won, Mirlnn Hose (117. Buxton. 2 to 1) second. Crystal Wave '115. Vanduaen. 50 to 1) third. Time: l:W. Mentlakatle, Buchanan, Hid "liver. Billy Myer. Belcbamber. Avon. Mitre and Prince Brutus finished as named. Second race, thre furlongs, J-year-old purse: Paaeenger (111. Ph ovllle, 7 to Z) won. Good Ship (1U. Klrschbaum. 10 to 1 s--und. Balronla (112. Buxton. Iz to I, third. Time: 0 27 Contra Costa. Lllllum, IJvera. Miss Plrhnlc. Indian Maid. Bilk, Eclu and Lena Merle finished aa named. Third race. a;x and one-half furlongs: Roaevllte IV. , Ollhert, I to li won. Prosper ('. C. Miller. 6 to 1) secwd. Lurht Knight nn. Rullutn. 11 tj ti third. Time: 13 Foot loc ion, Btroke and Colonel Hackett fin ished aa nsmed. Fourth ra-e. one mile. Ferguson handi cap. H.nriO: Cnplaln Kennedy &. Walsh, I to 1 w.wi. Hsnhrtdae 11. Miller. 13 to n serond. IHUI Enrique (110. Notter, 6 tn Z third. Time: 141V Colonel White and Sir Lynnewood also ran. Flf'h rv, mile and a sltenth. selling: PVnatnr Beckham (TB. Wiwdi, S to li won, rulletta (l'f7. Tavlln. 11 to 1 second Volldar (W9. Mentry. 50 to 1) third. Time: 1 49v High (Ian. Katie Pnwers. Fantastic. Lady Alicia and MIdmrmt ftiistied aa named. Sixth race, fui-jri'y course, selling: Duke of Orleans (11. Keocb. to 1) won. Teinty Plle (1'7. Setter. 7 to ? aecond. Br'-ln-ea m-J. M:ller. 7 to D third. Time: MJK. Peven Full. Oeeeral Rusell. Tank. John C. R.-e. BazM. Von Tromp and Beech wood finished as named. Gloria WIm Haadlrap. LOS ANGELKS. Jan. J. Glorlo, at 14 to 5, won the Sunny Slope handicap of e.-Ten furlongs at Santa Anita park today, de feating Meellck by a head Meellck Jumped away In front and led by a couple of lengths to well In the stretch, wht-n he began to stop. Glorlo. who saved some speed, closed with a rush and Just got up bv a head. Two favorites won. 8ummarlo: First ra-e. maiden 2-vear-olds. six fur - longa, purse: Va.ley Htream (1'4, Hunting. 7 to D won. J V. Crowley (7, K:ng. to 1) second. Bl es Csrian (97. W-ie. to 1) third. Time: 1:13. Provedor'.'k. Ban Hoae, Puda Clem, Light Comedy. Krencn Cook. Ur..-y Owl. Fielder and Hardly B.n also ran. Second rare, l-year-old flllla and re d - Inm, four f jrlongs. purse: Vergle (.as IV ft. Shilling. 13 to 5) won. Meinia . 1 iuo. Howard. 9 to l second. Oswald (10S, Mu- rrave. v to I) third, nme: V4". J. m. Htnkes. Sliver Fur. Kloma. El lerfecto, Mary Van Buren, O Conner and Mrs. Frank IP'gan also ran. Third ra e. one mile, selling: John Car- roll (. Powers, 4 to tl won, mrcourt (I'i5. Hhllling. M to I) se-ond. Bkyo ( , MOee. I to 1) third Time: 1 3KH- 8haa.a Max, Hummer Cloud. Varna. Caucus and Ball a I j ran. Fourth rare, seven furlongs. Sunny Slope handicep: 'Jlorlo (110. McGee, 14 to 61 won.! Meelirk (111. Hhllling. 11 to t seoind. Gern- mell (100. Clark. 12 to 1 1 third lime: l Zl . j nt Ata"!,1 t'IUc Mrc Antony li. I n:J race, mile and one-eighth. seUlng: Harry Hott (177. Clark. 2 to 1. won. Veanne ,hh. Howard, (to ii second. Nattle Bumtiej r. Wilson. 13 to li third Time: 1:63. Sam B rnard and ( ata ne aleo ran. Sixth rave, s:x furlongs, eellinr: Erifie'd (!T. Martin, t to It won. Jane Swift il"4. Shilling. 9 to 1 aecond. Ixrd ji-m illl. Powers, 7 to t) trlrd. T.rrie: 1 y:. Kerry. Creaton, Canardo, Bemay and Fleming also raji. Ao.plel... WU, f eartk Victory. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Jan. S. At the Thun derbolt track today Kay Thompson won his race handily. In the th.rd event Aue- r' ' ous easily wn his f'jurth straight . vl.-tcry. Bosom Friend was shut off at the ... , . . start of the fourth race, but Crowley 'urged n, 'him. Bam Clay easily defeated Gunshot, :t who placed strong la the fifth race. jm- ni.ea- "V , rc. f'v furlongs. 1-year-olla and u'. Purse: Kay Ttjoir-i n (1-ja. Biuimots. vl ' to I. pi-ce sec- .na- '" P1'" Jo I. sii wt third. l Kevety. TUekilns and Ivauy I20 r"r becnd race. mUe. l-yar)Idf s-.j up, pur: Melina V.11. Murpby, 9 to !) won. I The Kam tilt, even. piace atcuni, Polar' M" ' to -bowl ttl rd. Time: 1 Client. Cliarl., . Gates. Euld-n JJt.rt Third race, b njt aeven fur! hg, 3-year-old and up, puree; A uauUiuu (111. Mr- Cau-tjty, 4 t u, Iuirllua Mjrpi.y, even second. Ba.v n .ut tfiijJ. Time. !:'. Autumn flower arid Lruli alao ran k'ourtn race. x S-yegr-ol-s sod t-p. h mum t r.nd (ill, Crwi. u to won, Araaawa i cj j. placed ec- i ond. .-sity (1 to 1. en-wi tnlra. Time: I l.J Muta Marjorle ard bm Ora alao ran. I I P'fth rate, five and a half furlonga. yearld. and tp. aell ng: Agalay 4 llv. I lourg. 9 to it won. Jitdg tund.n (7 to .( t-lacei second. Gunhot (1 to 2. s-xwi ta.rd Trn-ie: 1.11V Maieutva, Cerru HaiiU and Green Ilw also ran, HewsUt at Havana. HAVANA, JaJX t Racing rtsul's at Al rr.e dares park: First rw-e, and a fcalf furlongs: Won by M -.n-etituro. HalJax aecytad. Beg rlt third. Time; liO. lMocd race, f'.v furlonga: Won by Jchn A. Monro. Camel aeouod. liitu r.lg.ji lii'rd Tinas: 14 Third race, mil and a sixteenth: Won by letter Hand. Water Cooler aeund. Malediction LtiUd. Tune: I.U.. K'tirth race, mile aid a quarter: Wca by taer)cy. Tui.irl aefood. George Ie.per Ulrd. Tuna: 1 U. fifth rac'. x furlotgs: Won by Ja k MtK.. Gamhl secoud. Tma, uiid. Time: 1 ItS- Boolau Ptaarav taavd 4 WjBTOS. Jan. 2 M jrry, call loan. 2n par tevil. urn l-xij, tu err cvtit Ci.-a.t-g ouulaUcau- iutaul aaj. a M lna Cea. . e w' ataaui Aua ae. - k IM" Dull Cualttltaa Se yia ji:w'a.i. Ar.sA.aa A Alaaaa .. SI 11. A Hm.A. . kaueiwa M.:ae C 1" . a: i.a, f. . U . 7 . aa fcvuetua Cet'.et -e- .-e ' Kiuwaaef yt a T . HAM t toya -acif.c .. Aa. Arse, taaa . c k'-4 Aai rv Tulal . A oar kuar pt ak t r aiat. W atnea a ytt to..ues 1 At. lu.a Cc ma (ei-ri fc rfe.m . . kaa 1-el.rK ! kaa baa I Ui'-e f ruH l liiaat t m a t't tax im , ti ii rrmi.aiia :a(arat,w ktefarajekai Cauaiaal a. laie kma. a kUea Muuag tn k c aaa UI irvvaat c. C .... M' keaate eo. laneiiiiiaa u I . at 1a u laS Sa . . . jt - ' . - sa fi lat,u.,ri i.-a riaituua A a 7 eaaava aeaalrtatir J t MX-mt r ajt .U1X. a f S ... to I mJt m V .l-tUTtta a W tawaaa IT W etaaria . . aaakana kiai I k e-j .b . 1 aaaeuiare aliuaaaa Ana s.niaael Maatatklr ttyralaltas ttatbraaarat. WASHINGTON. Jaa 1 The -ooaujy vir colauon eta'nuetit laeuaad by tt. cuuin- tro.arr ot u urrata-y uwai tlatt at if leuatiat laMa-ttiterr tl. lata i ... aiuuil.1 of t.a'a-nal laaavs fcitte vu'alabo- in w-at tt-"' taa jU a Aecraaa lv ti.e jmi of UMCaav m.L.4 aa Uacaeava tvr ttu suui.U. of li.laaa Tt aauouat of tttiu- la'io ed en I t :te aaa Ul tavba m 9 at.X a aarteaao for Uaa yeavr vt I A - rtf4 aiat an fur tu. vi.'A vt fj rxatv Tt nn-wa.Uoti eouitd py at e - Iw n.oavey aaaounttett n la acjaat a la treaaa f'f ti Mi ttCit lav, a' 41 aa aV I -' n't"'" cf IxMnku: Tt aaa-iUit Vf bxlS Hi 4cpH.t iJ K.rfa- - U - rulatlng notes wna 131 1.7w. atnd to se t-lire public d'-p-'ef. 1134 IM t'f me larter amount. Ul.JOi. w In state bonds and railroad Iwmli. I;.777,'n in Hawaiian bond. $.3w.) In the llillippine loan and fT'H.oiO In Porto Klran bonds. REPORT OF TPIIkT.KHI,0 HOtlR Traaaartla-a of the Aeeearlated Bank for th Week. NKW YORK. Jan.- 1 Bradstreefa bona clearings report tor the w ending 1 camber tl, shows sn aggregate of 12 HT.- aa against 1.1 i-Ji.MJ.oat last week and In the corresponding week !( year. The following la a list ot th cities. jo CITIE8. ea-ings Inc. Dec. New York ll.WO.S-.'wl Chhago 2 4 ...5 Boston ia.MI Philadelphia lltl.2.9.t' St. Louia M.SW- Pittsimrg S4.9. Han Piatx-isco Ml. 'Mi Kansas City UM Baltimore T.,.Al.' Cincinnati '...) Minneapolis 16 taW.IM'l New CM leans IS l."l rieveand UH.'.tH Lh-lroit l.4i' IxiulsvliU ll.0f.4.U! Milwaukee km&4.0i I 19 1 Jii 1 20 t 16 I 4i. 6.1 19 7 M.l 7.0 ! li Mi 10,63:1.000 S3 4.. lxe Angolea ........ Heat tie Ht. Paul Buffalo Denver Indlanapolla Fort Worth Providence Portland. Ore Albany Kli-hnidnd Waahlngton, I). C.. Ppukane, Wanh Ka t Iake CI y .... Coluinbua Bt. J.eph Atlanta Memphis Taouma Savannah T"ledo. O Naahvllie Hix Hartford I 'es Molnea Peoria Norfolk New Hn Grand Raplda Birmingham , Pyravua Bloux Tty , Kprtngfield. Mass. . Kvansvtlle , Portland. Me Dayton Little Ro.k Augusta, Oa. OukUnd. CaL Worcester Mobl.e Knoxvllle Jscksunvllle, Fla. . Chattano;ga Charleston. B. C. . l.lncon. Neb Wilmington, Del. . Wlrlilta Wllkesharre Wheeling. W. Va.. Fail Hiver Davenrjort a.S.T il T,m.ii l.24ii.'(t ;i.ijii M 3 9..I... 41.01 39 V. (.i;j fn .r9.' 4.7,. 4 3.,A .. 17.1 2 0U 4.9l.'i x.ui. 4..7.(M) 19 1. l. ilH W 0 M2.t 1. l 4.rt,M. 4,14,'M.. 3. -. ) . S.I'S.(e)l. I.9.'e t 9 4 i 17 1 11.7 IJ 9 17 I.:iS.OlM 71 h 2. 'MO' I 9.1 l.4'.V)1 1,79I.(IW( I.'! I. Oil ,,Jt.H 90 II f. :.9'. 1 I 1.m)4.iM. l.HJ 0 1 4 . . 1.440,(M) I.KO.IMX .9 17 9 . .1,. l.MH.'JilOl L116.'.j). 1 a7.'w . i.z ''. tl.i 1.1 i t l.H-J0l( 1 41.. l.:0O J4 4;.. 1. 1H, COol ZL 4! MI.OHll til 'i.'i 1.12l.V0 4.7,. i.r..ii 33 1 :. 1.1.9XH i.m.n 11.1:. i'i 9W.JUol t i,".4.f.i r.i . vm.-ft m 11. Kalamaxoo. T'ieka .... II' letia KprlnsfleM. Mich. !0) 947 J. !'.') I 730 IJU 1 :.'.iij 7-'.(Ms k ' I tai,oui 014 45 9:. in. n 3 1 oungstowti JB.I '! 7 Z 12 71 7 4 1.7 4u.4 ....I Ui Irort Wayne ' Nw I.'edford .... Frie. edar Haplds, la. 1 Macon ' Akron i J. --xingU.n I J l ' J arg . N. U ; """ T')'JH0( 11.1 t-Kvn so.s 4 .m 374. W) iD H 74,2 WKe CJ 1 Is 4! 1 ""S"nion Chester. Pa. rana. o. u... I Mouth lit nd. Ind. ... 1 B.oomlngton, III 1 Canton, (I Wuln y, III t Hprlnglleld. O . 1 I a " r. Ill Wan.lle'd. O i '" ht. Neb ; J' ks nvil.e. 111 ''klohoma City 7.l 1.7l. 379.WJI i w. ui a. v.. 4V.(Mle I . 3-.'1 14 4 . 207. um 1 41 . :a(.V( 12. p. 1M.O0: .1. 2ll.UA 1j4:. l.JWiJOil 117 . l4l.,(r 1. 4:'.'. ji.o . KJi.yuoj j. 1 0 'Houston , vet,,n imunuu, n. v. nai-rarnen'o . Jackaun. MU Not Included in tidkls because contain. ng otfcr lia.t than -la.-lr.i New 1 ork Moary Market. NEW YORK. Jan 1-PKIME MEHCAN T1I.K PAPKK 44U per ;t STERL1NO KXC1IANGK-Firm. with an us 1 buatneoa In bankers' bills at 14 tV 4 11 for sisty-day bills and at Kr714 for demand, conirnerclaj tills, t4.MT-'-t m. BILVEK Bar, kVic; Mexican dollar I ON I GoTornmeot, nominal; railroad. It rer-Jlar. M O.N K Y On call, nominal Time I'ans, dull and easy; sistv and ninety days, i j-r veru, sis ruonu.s. per cef,t The following were the closing quotstjiri 1 on bonds yvaierday JT I v- . la. vulr'Y.'.'.'.'.'.'ik let. Met 4 Vi M -1. W. aal. . iKMa c. . 4a .. 'titral to st ;' 1 . . I t- . w - 1 cZLT " I AmL nJT . I 0 a. Autocue se. 4a ..lists let la ivim. si. I- .. . .. "Wat . K 4 7 a ... . s u s . .lWaeat. K. a. ef at t u . .. Ma's t. c. t I ... 4 i ' ( t. LS a4j 4 e. e ev U Atiamiit c. l 4a.. bal. Okie 4 .... c e r a T r. a.. er'eaual ef C. hi let taa a is lac --e. rrirt a ... e Uo U ei'el w c a ... SiO. S l rMs 4s M rt a. -.. I -m ins, it a eve. 4i aetata fwn a . . .iii - im mm Ke. W Cat 4a . o M lot ,u ' " ' i , cm a ou.e ('" A e - " www W IK mm mmm. " St. mm m W C. k 4 U. a. ta '' A. U ta -'Si r-llw a e let a ' keiie.r aa..,. M Teaaa a t ia ... c . k i a r. 9 cvl es o nac 4 r c a t. u g . l w ' -i-w .;,,. m, w aJMaie rtvtfw aa leti ri. a s ta c ,.' tot M. .. 4s f a si-i u a. i a. . aa is jj vie. 1 1.4. ' T . H. L A Er. p I 4 at e 4s Hat Vai. a.e. 4 . w 'as aa avnaa... 'w. a l g ... itt wj. cee-.ra. a . , . . .. y , y. at a j .. r 4a n;. . . a, Laue kaure lwl li4'j Lestes kloark Market. I.ON L N . Jan 2. AmerV an currtl started f'mi on tn stock ex'.haagv today, mailitajned an ratiy irriptvveuaent and closed firm, eliho-igu taua.i.eaa waa email. Tb m Ioui 4V hau Prai.' lato ound :aau otfeted by fc;-er a u. an e.l ,U'. rlod for by Laonduo axid Amaterdara. Uondon cltasing stwt k nn-.tatlvus: ' vmmttm. savtaey an V . a. T awovet 4N T 'atrm.,.' Aeoe4 .1 kete:a 4 W A-aavua . :n.a a. ytt ae pit iav eua-n. a W ta.4la.vnj a Okie .. lit reutaa;lruua ncfi ..t ,ajtuaaa u.t.a I ea.aaae O a Kae) l tnew J. . a . ii tvatua-i ay ai . an. i r .ie, ,yi t- h -"a . I. aa aVua'kerc r,-tr.t laatjaer a fcia 0 4 telu A'int ft . . a a via . . r aVtat. S a.jaa. v ial it U au rt a M tftt 4.Wtj-k ti4 Trwi-a . aw v'4 l.ujutat -Liri .mt aa Laaaiaaiii a a im Awl Owirr ... ClLI t.le-tl. .! al mi 1 Aid jl ik. e m at rt - 1' rt . a ' " .ill 14 MOSKY-W per cent. J lie rate 01 c. aw our:-. In the ope rorket for suurl aJ4 Uatee tuvbtl.s I,... it frui-i ptr iil Clrarla Mow steak ttateaarat. NhW liav, ,an i It a a ia-to, in t,f Cieaiu-g nouee bat,as for lu ea 1 f : uasi u.a haxka t.o.J , y , tuv iiiore t-an tt.e . u.t i i of t tK '-' I raer rule 1 t la ia tu U. of et.WS.r.i. ui tt.e pn--por; i.! caati i..r. aa cotupaje mi.L last set. j IU..VSS. Jocttta l.r'I.?' 7tV it.Ui ta, JytA kC Vaj l.Ska paV Laoan laepoelts '. .n-B.n'j'.ni le.'.JO .i 1 ' .V. l"t. 4- ! 2 4.-:.(ai l.Tmi ' I Le-gai trdr 7 lata luu ie'ae . T 1 3t Iva, l--erv iw j , ia Karaite reo JJfa lew ; t kav a-.rplus aV a, ta-C. II Vrpvi -a.-.. a.iaJ laocraaaa Of. 4 vt: y UtJKmAj TU pe'caralltu of ae ua - Vf Ua caearing t.wvaw taiAS taeaiay wa t tt . ne ai fcAiiajaewit ayf ju aaaaas aart traf i otati pax, ,e aaf reu hleei 1 ea. u( onit t ttaa a ear jg a-t etui t ' " . I : l.u.av Total taeu aye I , . j ' aaka-.-vtituvg I. ot. IKa-aV I " ' ' ! easier Ptavse-s rm t. I W A SHJ "TTOf . Ja. 2 TieJ.y a it. j Waent af tta tracaatary koiaaaaa ih I eeaJ f.aa. aslawlve t-f Iw ta aaV uv wg j -ae, aaWoe At.'aM taea -.-... 1 I.mS . 4-7. g 4 m e bt teuliawa. A ... gjiJ fetrUlt, Ji.l COLLECE BASE BALL PLAYERS Eligibility Bale i Considered by Intercollegiate Anociation. KO DEFEtnE ACTION TAKES Utatoa of (sasaer Player Left to F.orh lastltotloai 1. Csssgea Mad la Basket Ball Plartaa Ma lea. NKW YOIIK. Jan. -Without formulating as It had been expected to do. an accurate definition of the word "imatmr" as bind ing upon Its members the In'ercolleglate Athletic assorlstlon, representing fifty colleges and universities concluded Isst night its third annual convention, which -had been In session her throughout th day Involved In the nonst-tlon wss the failure of the association to arrive at any hard and fsst defermlnittlon of the summer base ball players ststus. A year sgo a special committee was appointed to consider thla matter. The committee reported st to day's meeting, but Its report while a comprehensive one made no recommenda tion further than thst the present rule giving each college the right to decide Die summer base balllsts ststus for Itself should be continued another year. LVmnnda were made from among th member of the association present that soma mora definite action be tsken. It was the consensus of opinion, however, that th whole matter should go over until the next meeting. In the meantime th special committee having the subject In charge will continue its work and It I believed, report a definite finding si to what constitute an amateur In the use of the terra among the colleges of tbe as sociation. AataalalatrotloBi of Alhletle. Another committee wss appointed to con sider the proper administration of college athletics, consisting of Prof. C. A. Wade of Purdue university, ITof. W. A. I-ambelh of the L'nlverslty of Virginia and Prof, liosdley of Bwarthmore college. Changes were mad in baaket ball rules, whk h It la believed, will ellmlnat much of the roughness that had been complained 'J of. One of th new rule dlsuallf lea, for 1 tne rrtat or tn game, any 4ayr making five foul In a game. Captain Paimer A. Pierce waa elected resident of the association. The other officers were Prof. C. W. Savage of Ober lln, vl-e president, and E. W. Nicholson of Wesleyan, treasurer and aecrelary. Th executive committee, each member who Is to have chsrg of an athletic district. Is made up of Profs. Phillips of Afriherat, Bevler of Bulgers. Iudlr of Vanderbllt, Ktagg of Oilcago, Williams of Minnesota and Heterlngton of Mlsaourl. Asldre of Capiat Plere. In furtherance of the movement fir pur ity In xllege athletics, elimination of pro feaskuuUlsm and encouragement of high ideals among players and managers tn In tercollegiate sports, representative of fifty colleges and universities met here today for the third annual convention of the Inter- t eollerlMte Maorla.tlon. While other spirts were mentioned during the discussions. whPb xtended we'l Into the evening, base ball, foot ball and bakt ball came In for chief consideration. 0tras was laid throughout upon th ethical neces sity of colli g-s sticking to this rul. Captain Palmer A. Pierce t'nlted State army, president of th aanoclatlon. tn hi cpenlrg address spoke of thla necets'ty. Insisting that th ethical basis of athletic control should b worthy the educational plane t-f the Institutions which fostered In- terco Ira-late ei-ztt. The note wa farther sounded by Chancellor McCracken of New York university, who Ina'amed violations of the tenets of fair p'ay and th encour agement of special privilege to an athletic champion "on the part of one ef th larg est un versl'le of this country not a mem ber of the aasoclation." Tti evils of proeyt:rg wer dwelt upon by verI speakers. Including Preetdent Pierre, who cited tti c ase of one boy who re.relve.1 forty-three letters cf Ind jcement . .. .. I from coilegea. racuity or commute con- jtrol waa advocated tif other, among tfkem i prof ( A. Wa do of Purdue unlveral'y. ! who alluded to the undermining Influence , exerted ilium thletcg by the passing of i control to professional coaehe or mariagers i of teams or to bodies of sl jmri with sport ing pro livltlea. Kllsalaatloa at t'afalr PUy How to eliminate unfair play In sports Was another problem diacusaed by Prof, (liar lea W. Uinid of West Point, decry ' lug the practK-e of many coache. who Instru'.t their charge on th "aoythltuf to win" hauls. As a means of Instilling kkeaa . at tuir nlav Int.. the rleln eeneratloa lia i " - ' " i praised the Ide and th work of th publl chool ethletio learu la New Tork City. ; which aimed f1rt of all to teach Its members the r-ces!ty of playing fair as the only right thing to do. Many Inter eatiiig puioia wer brought otit bt the i debate a to whctlier any stodent m good colier-au standU.g should be petwltied . . v,. . itiu-rcollegiate bake lalL Tha ; , Ta VT i. TT. TT Question Involved th eligibility of th ! players of summer baa ball, whose cause wa advucwled by Prof. Ju'laoa P. Wekh of PeunaylvaJil S-laLa Agricultural ccalaeg. Prof. Welch said that a man who earned money during sum crier vat at loos playing base ball was no trior a pr. fea tonal than the man whv worked at other ectrupatlotia te get through collefe. Prof H C. Cba of Tufts cytfllega. took a smdiar view. Jtvf. A. A. btagg of Cbl' ag-j university a a prominent sprakvr a the other ld of th justi'n. He said Ut tu allow : ptof easlonals to con. pete la American coi j lege rports would lead to athletic snatchy : To let down ttae bars for su mrue-r baa , ball players would sueaa tt at Oa other leao.s wjuld be overrun wttk prvfaasalotutl "J.urryki w aur f j'r.ees 1 nv ti pry of purity In athletic sport tn college,' said Prof Htagg. "atid untj that a-tntl- ! naetit i rijtltely for fair play muaat be WkUtful '' 1 Aftaung the l:iiilut.i)i re-praeutd today arir aei j-v.rn. i viTvreiiy CI t.nackgO, tl Cult erait ,ra of Pennsylvania, 14 ae;url. lu.i.aatrr, Vlii.ia. Ve. raoet end Nttar.a. Ka iyou colirga ar.d lae.fl Wuli!iitvu university. lew tork Oeae-ravl Market. NKW TOKli. Jaa. 2 -KCT7 KK-Klrtn; held. cte.'iavi7. even Uavu tw ttpevia. la 4 Ht-Ullie-Pirta; stai. fall t raaatiet y, ape. cj..s ;-it( y, l iiii., m'Jki. Ptrtjusyivaola tand aaaaib fat.iy, taea-xd. tut . lalf ti ef.oir ... eliiA'. la a U arid aMiikaO. fata-y, M VaXaC, faa U ch-lar. tJ ii. , Waaatcefa , aa.-'i0a. wlti&C. PoVi-'I P- 2-Auae ouaat; ct.n ktrtaa. Wv , fcwla. li--. , lU'keya. lia) .ac 1iaaa ' ' "aa-io yiaif i:.eaae laau'ea , '"W.S, US4I-4.. a'a tulkry. & ,.-,,"." K,. " . taj-e.-. -iiaaeipw r-reur laarael. ntiiaAir.j-j'HiA. j i tsTyrr.M - "atady. err teJr tean.eey, Ma, aata leanr yrjim aut. r l Meaad; P't-e a.d oatt a-arVv firsn. free aaeane a. A , P la7 Irtaat aorrewi aa(a la nifc. Au aa. i t Ouaafe, lei f '. fraaa aaaae. tor svt mm w.eae vrBt ye-.' ye faaae .aaa 4-V f'e-. ae T v ft rretan. . ke. e, a ,15c, . jeaw T 'rtr fi4 exwa. lair V paave,. ly Jf.Ae . BT laeMtalla Iral. ktrtitt. :' apu t. ..-. t ? ia i i 'vf: a - ' s. :.: , I a .'. t.. lt ' 1 ' ti . , 1 - - -n . 1 . - 1. ,. 1 t. .. r. -4 i c lS; aeroa patent. 0; fltat clear, V K. Se.jd clear. $i S? 0 SC Kl rias, r otel, II MH. B KAN In bulk. HHWieA OatHt aCVRNAL MARKKT. toaidlttowa of Trad a4 aallew tepl aaf rawer rressea, BITTER-Creamery. No. I. dellvere.1 te reiail trad In tartona. Met Nu. I In tub, bu; No. I In so-lb. lub. V; No. 1 la -Ik. tub. V. N. I In l ib. cartona, Or. f ny ualiy, tuba, ltfUk; pa. king stork, fw, F.UOH- Tresh candled. 9! etorag. tse. Clla,rfk Klneet Wie'omln full craam. twins, lovl young Amerkaa, 4 In hoop. liV . favorite. I in h.xT. le; dalalet, 30 In ho p, lc: cream arlrk. full eae, lac; block sw.ea, lac; full cream llmbu'ger, lo. B BCK CiriS-Ne. 1 rib. 17H( N. t rlb HHc; No. 1 7e; No 1 lolu. 30c; No. I loins, lie; No. 1 loins. 9c; No. I chuck, r: No. I chtark. Ic; No. I chuck. c, N. 1 rounds 9V:. No. I round. K. No, 1 round. Vi No. 1 pUle, ISci No. I plate. Vi Nu I (Istr. 9c. MtratoEO IH)fLTM T-Ireaaed hen. Wc sprtiiga. He. duck. IV , ae. loc, tur key. lc, squabs, ii.2eu 2 36 Pr d. a rrtKitii FitriTs-Aipies. wo-? mi bu. boa. Umtni, I'r4 so. (Jtangaa, tSU if urn la. J.'JtX. Banana. 4 tear lb. UtatHia, Malaga. Vi luijtM per ks. Ossi form Emperor. 4-box crata. l -4jl.7l. BEKF CfTH. Rib: No. I. 17e. No. t I2; No. a. 9a. Loin. No 1. lc; No. t. UVl No. I. Urn. Chuck: No. t 7c; NA t, lt; No. I. c. Round i No. 1 9ci No. I. TV ; No. I, Plate; No. 1. V; N. t Ic; No. a V- VKelkTTAsiLKS-Calary. lallfornl. per do., (on- Utah. 7fcc; other, mm, ivao. nay. No. I. per bu, lt6oyi8. lima, p-r lb, e. Cabbage, 2Ho per lb. Potatoes. a-po. Tumaioes, per basket reel. U Cucum bers, per do., 1 ateal 7 Onloiui. lpniri. per crsl. UWI; Txa. II par crate, lt tuc, per do, 4&o. 1'sppets, southetn, II. ) per crat. Caullflowar. lis pr crate; Kgrptlan. tl per doa Hruaaeta aprouU. few per ut. Kunmuata. 2So per qt. St. Loala Ueaeral Market. ST. mill, Mo. Jan. X, WHEAT Firm: futures higher; trs k- No. 1 red., No. 2 hard. II 'Xol.V.-; May, ti '!: July, r:s-. coItN-Klrm. trsck- No. I cssh. IsVrjWWc; Mav, 4tic; July, ; No. I white. iJATS-rirm; track; No. t cash. toti:. May too; Jtilv, 4riS,c; No. 1 white, Vi... Tkc. Fl AJl K -Vulet rel wlntar patents, 14 4 B10; sstr fancy an I straight. HW1), bard winter clear, ti . HKKle-1'lmothv. U owua W. t imNMKAl, 4jiv. BRAN- Finn, sacked, sast track, II OltT 1 09 H A Y Htjtedy : timothy, 9a.O'Brl4 D; pralrts, HO)f11 ou. IKON COTTON TIKS-4100. BWING-7V MKMf TWISK-Te. PHOVISION Pork. tdv: Jobbing llllo. lrd. eteaey. prima stram, l A'tT 9 3U. Iry salt meats, unchanged boaed. extra shorts. 12H; clear rttia, torj; short clears. 9 Ift. Bac-ou. unchanged; bo led extra short liti.lis. clear rib. iu.21; short cleats. I14.S0. POL Li n lxwer; chickens. Ion; springs, 12c: turkeys. IV-; ducks, lie; geese, pyv HCTTfclt Vbi; creamsry. 24e.i dairy, dull. K.GOR-Lower; ZVte. count Kerelpts. Shipments Flour, Mil IJ 9 Wheat, bu Ot XO ll Com, bti ' Oats, bu M.VUO 44 W Kaaaews City Grata aad Provision. KANKAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. t.-WlfKAT-T'nchanged; May, 11 CIS, July. 97e raah No, 1 hard. U uuwiofcH. Nv. I bard. sl" 11.04, No. 2 red. liOKaliW. No. I led. 1102 m CORN T.'nchang4 to lower- May. 17V.; July. I74c; cash- No. I raised, sstj beV; No. 1 niiaed. -dc; Ne. 1 whit. S?M"kcj No I white. OATlC-Cnchsns-ed; l4o. f whit. 4lMJk:; No. 1 mixed, 41 Mr'. itrr,72e. II A Y Iull; chol re timothy, 9 TttYM.dft: rhole prairie, t sotJl.Tl; efiolr eiflfa. Ill s"14 V. IUTTKR suady; rramry, tic; packing stork. le KXKI-H(e4ty: fresh extras, RHc; cur rot leceipte, lie. Rero'We. btPOtenta Wheat, bU 7.elM "' Cora, bu 41 n.tno Oat, bo .. U.x M.vtl Optloe at Kansas City: Article. I Open. High. I Low Close Wht I I I My I 101 (1 )tu 'l 0"HVI l.W July 92'vae), T01 9i' T4W May. f 17 l7-i IT V3S t,7,ri July I 17.! (7, 67S6710' Pskll DM ktatesaewl. WAtl IIN'lTOV, Jan 2 The publU- debt (rM.ry ,,r at the lows ul bui- ' neee Itecewher 11. If), the debt, bee raab ' treasury, amounted to IW 7.1 which to an lucrae" for th motith ut -) io e-Munted for by trio laeue of tS.VLff) ranarua Carial bonda. The debt la reenlttllatMd aa follows: Interact tear Ina debt. lyiltMlUO; debt on whph Int.r eel baa coaaed. since ma'arltv, tt.44 1, new teMiig no isri. e,iiui mi. . vtal. i 2K.sai.let. I Tt-t amount, however, does FVt roti'slnl tl.aV40M.U9 in certificate and traury 1 note outstanding wtik-n are orrst by aa equal tfiount at clurh held In the treasury, for their redvn.ptlon. Tte raeh In the tie.- j jry l Haaelf'ad aa follows: f-td r r :aJC,(efi: trust funds. tl,St,4,4 tv general fund. I'ta.ITt 79S- r th na'lonal bank " - poeltortoa. 11I8.92 t- to treasury i t o I p. i t-tn Islands. . ' 73 Total, tl TWJ 1 j A g Inst thu there demand llahluiea out-tandWig amount t.g to II 4t te . whp h leaves a cash be lance in Ike tre.a jrr I of tl 9.fl.417. . j T toiai lovernar.ent re-elp'S for Oia i avath were tM.tJt.WI aad Ha nuiiliiu were ri.eC' staek Cloevrleaa. OMAHA. Jb t-Itank eiearlng for to. day wer Htn.lTl , and for tt trr ecrjnd lkt dat kvat year W-. n. lira latrr Monday I 2.1'. U 61 T,'l 4 l.Trmv, r,."mJ,r "" ' I'"ir-' :rdy l.-rt.-.r.a M 1 uji rr. u 2'9t7J II a l.l.TSa rl I kktj I '. i 9M . V j.r,-, rn u istsyt.1 Totals tioktl.til 14 tae c Ineie se over Oae cortesp-xioit.g aak a yr a so. t;jxl.9:t tt. JlvLday. Haw Terk Mtalaa 9laek, XrW YOKeC Jan. t .V1ng cjuaAaUorut a atilnlaig sue-.a AJUe a LilUe Caet t Piaesaink "vac .... I aveeKae ta Oeat Twaaat avark . . W Oeaete . . JJB e itwaa, i tyeaif re 'i a Va aa auinl . . Uvea aieaer .. A ;ive Jax-ket lat:ie Cea. . 1 cariatee. ,aa let Aaaaval Cela Mauawah WAHHINGTON. Jaa T-l,lng tea, ci. ot.tar yaer. Iwut. tbe totbaga eaacuiad at in SoJMS o f Ka. I'altaat Btatea aianaai I tM 14. aa follow; 0-14. tut. aa (ISi, Sl.ver i.JlVJTTT, RilMaae fjlt.t. f! SM :t 'I,, a ka earluaive of a tax. ya Loe coined for In Piiliipptn gwemniebt Mllwaake Orala Market. MILWACX C1C Ja. t -WMIUT-Ull, No. 1 n.artpv a. lVrtll, NV uh li, u II twjl V. May. tl ay; .4. Oil k-a-edy, May, t Vc bid. tlAr.l-J: 2-11 g -a, iaJelaid, tc.',.. , ii pl, ki-iatwc. , Mere laat. glee a4 gpaaeie, N1CW TOItK, Jan t-loprt vf .r. tLtaCiet and try tvdi at tha oart of tar. I tetk I f O' w-k jfllrig Jc. uauer n wet vala-t at t-iwrl ta latip rt of iate a lav tfcj lv and fTTtii y.t rt 1 ape'l wet tm.lwt l)a-r and g..2t gold, ) eatol Market. STT U)VIM, Jaa 2 - WOtyl. t o, ,eM snediuiai gra4a, 1 M1W1 ao 1 rlviau iaa bV, l I tia .. n , la'vy fa. sVa,i llav, la auul, 'iit., iita larala Sfartwat. M'1I.T. Jaa. I - vt II r ,t-, l a,,a. er, i WHa, Nu I Martini t.. I.., afar t tetedo eeee) Matrket. tri.f1i. O J.n 2 - KKf-ml taeeae taaaa. st-tat- Hurt. , ' 4aaa-y, K v prtaww Aetaaa. fat ax ttl wwe4) aVva ajarasy talkaog rmtey C tey faata-aady St IM first rm af tMaf r bV44W IfevVIe kf yve t.Wtae 17, nogaset g-M faaeeat ks tert-t f rrnii d.aata rkl Kattwy Peavaed etWi, irretr-Uj-' - tit .4 kJataasy aad t.. s-: -s" .ur Imjs. f try aM tlraal--t GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Option and Cah Vain. Start Tear at High. Mark. PRICES UP TO LEVEL OF PREVIOUS Moth Wkeal aad Cora Neat Top for t rep at 4palw, wllk ladteallea at lllkr -latloa foe rirel. OMAHA. Jan 1, l1 All grain optl"". " "eir cash Slatted th new year with price well ( ward th high ll f"f ' ru ht I within 4 cent of tn- '' r""'. and with g. od pro.t f Ji. J to com, wuh the reipt at all !,r.,m' inaiketa gradually falling oil from da day. and th long lutereel r being hia Well Inlact. . Corn atsrted within T rents of th crop re.-wtd and th gvicial opinion la coiibiu red heanah from fcll atandiol"t. Wheal was stronger after a snort run or htavy selling ehariiy atler tne opt-ning Value tinned later on .hl relpi ( heavy rlraiit'a. ltulng wa n.ole llr lled during th laat Valf of th Mav wheat opened at II " clo-od t "c'Ln ruled taJy. but til narrow margin The general tone of th market wa dull and trading was light . .... Caen autn waa In g - d damand an I "' ' rai,y at g i '-1 pr c a. May corn opened at Crte- and loaed at c . Primary wheat leielpla weie 10 bualiel. and alilpnitni Wei 4V.I.HW buai.rla. agalntt revaipia la-l year of 4it.a) buaueia and ahpnienta or sm.aa "" . Corn rorept were 7M. and shipments were v4e,M bushels, again' receipts last year of 49,.OiU bushel and shipments of JUa.Ol bushels Cleinea Wei 31 out bubelg of eorn. I7l,wv Puahe.e if oat end wimmi and flur aoual I i Sel.tM' busoela. Holiday on all mailt! and 9l cabla twelved. Loai rang of option: ACl- We I OpekTi Hih 1 lw. 1 Cloaa l Yae'r. ioiJ xn'! M 41 4Hi 4kl Usaaka task m. W IIKAT- No. I bard. WrV-il . . No. I hard. .jisV. No. bsid. rteUKiSac; No. soring. SifattK-v CdliN No. 2, 6SVi N- WVitlMV. 2" 1 yellow, M'4eWi:, No. 2 while. 9Hui No t White. tVi . OA'lw-Nu. 1 mixed, ttft,V'i wlil. 4S'', No. 4 white, sUf KTE-No. 2, 71c; No. I, WgrWc. Car !. Heeeipl. Wheat. Corn. 01 Chtrago 1 V 17 Minneapoll 2 - -- Otr.ah 7 t tt Ltuluth W ... tiut-Auo ulinu Pttoviioa re I see of tk Trodlos aad (laelaa Prlee aa 9Jav4 at Trmd, CHICArj. Jan t Reports of damage by hain file to th fall sown crop of wheat In thla country lnapWd eoneider lUa buying by shorts la the whwtt tnatket hcte today, reautung In a firm oloaa, final uuulatluna allowing net gains of u to SO Ve. Corn clu4 steauy, oat am ay and paw vlaiort firm. Following a rather weak opening th wheat market developed oonatderebut trvngth during th laat half of th day and cloeed at altrnxl th In heel point of th Maaivn. Tit stret.gth ws due chiefly to covering by shorts who baaed their action on the report uf a Ht. lu.s tral Journal whlVh claimed that wtilie teoetit rain had greatly -.iirfnd wtmr wheat th crop had been injured by the haaaian fly. A eld front this report there waa lit tle aew of sufficient Import at lit to effect the taarkat. 'lb easy loft at lb s'avl wa latgely tn result of selling otousm out by IlleeraJ etilpmel.t from Australia Total eaporta fur the week from that country aggregated Ve3,oi ieu , oompared with SH.lMi b. tne txrfeapondltig 1 1 if la a year ago. After aelling leu n 1147 and II V. 'e(ui a. May cloae-d at tl Wy July leatween .d ee-0 Stvl ti'ed at yve. (.learatw-ee of wheat and flvur were juel te VA MM bu I'nsetUed weather for the Oorn belt was ! chief reason fur th irmaMe of the turn aaarkel. '114 cloae wa eieady with uticee utuuigd to a shad higher, with May at IIV and July at Dl'iM.. iMisptt a brla detnand fur th i-ah grain th eata matket wa weak, IM live wa weak wttu pip's off a hd to V. cuuipated witii Ilia plvyiou eiumm Final ouoistioii ou May wr 4 tlVJ and i 4 Ju")' 4J I j-rraeed rlpls of llv hog at weaiern paAklna uanlsr cud flia- t.ea In proiioa 'I u iwtl clieesd i firm with up VtffflV: I ha leauing tataio lai.gvd follow; Arllis. Open. It gu U. I Cev. Ttait 'Wheal May July I 1 VT! I ta 4! J I .'! I W'4, Me, saietyo Vji IviM 1'4! 7'4 ;, 4m W1Ht k pt, .o My Julv ZJ, aiii.V' VT." tV, ' " . ' Lai.U , I I I 4HI v I IV,' I ai'-a, W'al . Us! 49'4 .'l -w it xrj tt II I 14 M leJV-'. 4i , ! 1 it tv I i ma it M 9W I M ad M 47S 9 tu 1 9 W t 44 ei 9 l.'V 9 '.V May lnoe Jan. M.y 9 Ift 9 ',( t k 1 r1! t to .' ih I 1 nl hu 2 Cash uu'itaikan were aa fotiuwa: flyit.' Jt m to, Uotfiaad. Willi er taatara'a. 14 Vl AV. w.aitrr eiraxhta, 4 - , aprlng trinia M luiV, Uaa. la Jeta A wjikat-No. t .p,i.s, ii i K, t sprig, i wttt t, rtu. I i3. -'AVoi eux. COitN-Nu. 2. UaAaV-. f aaMyu(aaC OAl-No. t while, 4',UV:V- ttre-No. t, 7f . Al.k.r-i o-i f-di,g. ukvV.-, fair th.:.e in Plug, t'tlOW s.l.l . r las, fo I ie-rthwaetr. II M T at thy. prltna, It S44 t. (Ivvar, tauae grada. 19 v. l-t.tJfl.ilNk-khOlt f.h. tfa (haoeel, r7aaui:H Ma tauik. per H.l . 1.4.4 a, KAiV laud, parr VA, lia. ki. siaoit lex i aiAaa (bosed. 14 IT Uu' l weie I lee IptS aj4 sMpo- of liui 4 gia,n. ttaalp a tWymai-'t Hoy, boia ,441 ay Hiiio, itu . i m fift, lU. 94 ke 91 .H OaU, b t.1.A4 IK.') i 4 bvi " -1 b-n r. Pu 7. it -4.ak i).. t'. pfoOvaae .sataaea loa Ilea bet' lr tuatkart wae eaaae'Sr, rNae. unt.m , gal'aa. J a)tvrie a Inw, st rk. laaaaa lol led. et Ja' ,' fatal. e, patx.e ,SlJt, IK', (Tlete, eteaxl at lAtfAe) kKtriiKN it" TiirJ" lata 4 1 ur.i.T fratr alar After a ekt of Wirie.r A I. OMAHA. Jav 1 ' TeaetV evv taae tay f-f--.! - ou' i '. v ar ad at-wt p-'f w aiiina l la at teaet.-lve' aa4 " MfaM . ar wmS iia ak ta. all-l aew a"aw aaaat va,l.i i aa a aaev ' a.a a .. i v. I" t-e .iiiti llef M.fl .a 'W t-V let WW -S - pvataaa) 1 . fc aaaiaas ' ' l5 a 1 a . ; 1 oa.ii.ea -a . -t fioi.afv'vt t.ea ..' aia a'awte V I.M J axair .1 1 i ewi I v r . - aai ar-V-i te 11. aa-'iv a .-1 i.-e v.aae eaet a-ie.,i. ...4 i.(i7 ,-); a't'wf i '! te tto -.ta-l a,ate -t laS- fSee t le to'" "g H e g-aeaaiiy ia . Maaaae'vat 111 toy. t. at.-e a aata.t.ta ea farvrab-. -.. a wt4'-a.a tariaf tel. y l''li ay, ,i 1 w . f.iea at Vf t-- , .I-.. g.. f'-'-aaa-l cf e ft tof I n a ,, 4 O", 'eaaafolfe ( .f ... '4 IVte af f a y r7 j ia. M M'tV'oae . la aa ip !. 'a, j f ( a t al c aa-if-- a 'r- t -a r l fc a' a aa.f4a.a. f ,a, "'I W t H 1, I a ate. fe. Iaefie, r rTtea( ' ': faal-l la, fa J ev i a. aaafeaaev rorrea?..ti.i:rT ae-.4 la, is I. 1 u A. v. i.j,.i, l- xl Fsre-ts'tr. ' ; Whsat-I I May.. 1 D1S, 101 Corn May... M ....... Oat- May... 4S4