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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1909)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JANUARY 4. 1000 Want - ads Almtlmnn tas e wMt " ralasaae will ha taukaa antll IB ne. he areata ealtfcea aad 111 .. far tha aeerala m gander adltlame. Ckik aaae Mmy all ardere fee waat ad ta advert ! wUI uwMH Im Imi than 10 tint lutrllti. IIDh avealy lt Tha day bee. Alwin eoaal als worde ta ! CasaMaatloaa af laltlala aahera aaat aa aaa ward. CAIH RATH ro WArTT REOVLAH CXAfiinOATiOW laaartlaa, aa Ilaa, lO aaata. Mara aeetalre teelosa, aaata. Baeh laaartlaa mm daye, aaata r" Ilaa per maatai eaeeatlac that rtrnivifHBD room ad", vraaa aceaaaaaaled a eaafc, will aai Oaa laaertlaa, a aaata aaa tlaai taraa ar el aamaaaaUa laaar tlaaa, 8 eaata aar Ilaa aaea laaertlaai araa ar aeare aaaaaaatlra l-nl--. S aaata Ilaa aaa laaartlaal 0 aaata aar Ilaa aaa aaa. Waat aaa far TTb r at aar af taa telle wla ra 'r ana ta yaar aaraar draal" hey ara all knach affleaa tar Taa Baa H yaar aa will aa laaerte Jaat aa reai at lr aa aa taa aama rataa aa at taa laala amea la Taa Baa Ballataa (TtMi(k at Faraaaa atraatat Albech. W. C., aXh and Farnam. Beranek. B. A., la 8. 16th BU Becht Pharmaoy. J20 a 16th Bt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Net). Bemla Park Pharmacy, 33d and Coming. Blake's Pharmacy. 282o Bherman Aya. Coughlin, C. R-, 6th and J Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 221 Military Are. Conta. J. B.. Uat Ave. and V" uTT Chriaaey Pharmaoy. Mth and Lake Bta. Cerahaa, KmlL 1204-6 8. 13th Bt. Uhlere, B. H.. BMM Leavenworth Bt. Foater as Arnold!. C N. 2bth Bt. Freytag. John J.. 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Hi Ureenough. U. A., 1026 8. loth Bt. Ureenough. O. A., 164 B. 10th Bt. Hay den, William C. 2920 Farnam St. llaiucom Park Pharmacy 1401 29in at. Hoist, .'ohn. 64 N. 16th Bt. Hulf, A. JU, 2924 Leavenworth Bt. King. K. 8.. 2i. Farnam Bt. , Kounlae Place Pharmacy, 2ul H 24th SL Patrick Drug Co., 16U2 N. 24th Bt. Lathrop, Charlea E.. 1X!4 N. 24th Bt. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth Bta. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th Bt. and Ames Ave bihaefer a Cut Prlca Drug Co., 16th and Chicago Six. . . Schaefer. Augaat, 2031 N. 16th Bt. ... , u a,b. mA r'umln, Hta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Oraca Bta. Worth. O. 11.. 4tith and llantllton Bta. CAKU OF THANKS We wiah to express our heartfelt thanks Iwr Ulf! DeaUlllUI Iiorai uiLCiinan J svmpathv tendered us on the occasion of fiur bereavement by the death of our moincr. ALEX M'MIIXAN. c:. J. M'MII.LAN. KAMIEI, M'MILLAN. MHS. COONS. MhS. W. DIK8INO. AilSS JESSIE M'MILJjAN. MI8d JANE M'MILLAN. All SB MAUDE M'MlLiAN. ANNOUNCEMENTS B1GN PAINTING . H. Cola. U03 Douglas. AUTOMOBILES DEliiaiiT Automobile Company 1814 Farnam 8L Stoddard Dayton 'ouiug car. l.soa Ko Touring car, 65. Heo Touring car, touu. Ileo Touring car, 0. Ford, modol N, 4fa. Ford, model R, 6t0. Ford, B roadatar, almost naw, )600 Ford. H, bW. Bulck Hunabout, almost naw, sou liuloK Touring car, (aUk Btevana Durea, iaia Uragon touring car, 11,060. Waveriy BlectriO. U60 up. All tha abova guaranteed In good ahapa Writs for full description. Btata agenta Btuddard Dayton and Ford cara. Tha buat uutomobiia valuaa la Ua Btod'dard Dayton, 11.600, tl.000, (2,600. Tha aaiisationai r ora tsou lounng car. duod live aaenta wanted. Open and cloaad cara for rant day or night. Special attention glvan to theater parties. Tel. Doug. SB. a Mitt A 6 H. P. Orient buckboard automobile speed So miles an hour: first claaa condl tion, 1176. UeKron, 313 B. 12th Bt. (2) 992 5 MY Rambler touring car; almost naw; i-iiray u iuiij ( uiilv, auuith c 2m, care Bee. C Mlai 6 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In tha au tomobile field; technical Instructions on both steam and gaa anglnea; atudents paid for repair work. Address Omaha School of Automobile Engineering. 2416 x Leavenworth Bu l) M761 BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR BALE OR TRADE 160 acres good land, two and one-half miles of Taft, Tex., will trade for city property, land or merchandise In eastern Nebraska. R. M. Allen. York, Neb. U M9 6x FARMS, town property, merchandise. Btringar ic Child. Pax ton Blk.. Omaha, (1)-MJ6 60 ACRES good land, near Bpauldlng, Neb. Addreaa K 333, cara of Bee. (3) Ms Cx EXCHANGE. For clear farm or merchandise, two good Investment: 33. M) equity in city prop erty, encumbrance 33,0wo, payable 340 per month. Including 6 per cent Interest. 31.700 equity; encumbrance 31,300. Both can go In one trade. FLEISHMAN at SON, tit Bee Bldg. (3I-M26J 4 BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET IN or out of bualuaas call on CANOE8TAD, Room 406. Bee Bldg. li-7 ELECTRIC plant In town of 1.400 for aale. Address T 116, cara Bee. t4 M97 4x FOR SALE Small and only drug stock. Hubbard. Neb. Baigeln. Inqulra C. F. O. Boalelman. Ponua, Neb. 4) M268 7x FOR BALE Public auction January 6, p. m., newspaper, printing presses, sub scription list, paper, fixtures, etc. Only republican paper In county aeat; city of 6,000. J. E. Douglass. - Trustee. Platta mouth. Neb. (4) M966 4x DRUG stores for sala everywhere. Knleat, New York Ufa Bldg PHT8ICIAN of experience wanta good country location; would buy smtll stock drugs; particulars flrat latter. J 333. Bee. (4)-MJu6 6x WANTED Reliable man with 33 500 to pur chase half interval in best paying bualneaa In Omaha for amount Invealed, will SS.OuO annually; aalary 3100 per month and equal division of profits; office or road work; references furnished and required. Addreaa J i. care Bee. t MAc ix PART or entire Interest money making hardware business for sale: Jo.UO Inhabi tants; Sao.vuO stock: annual aalea Iso.uuO; agricultural, man u fart u ling; cash or time. Addreaa Y 1. care Bee. (4)-M263 3x BE your own boas. Get an Independent money making bualneaa of your- own. Bee ma at once. 441 Brandeta Bldg. , (4)-M144 tx An Attractive Investment tven (7) eliarea ' (M each) of German ticaa Coffee Co. stock for quick aale per cant discount, (iood aa gold tar. Yields 10 per cent dividends. Ad H X, care Bee. (0-MU1 tx BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued. i run oAiib. Uimlwr yard doing good himlneaa In aotith- town and an old relfftbla stand. Can ahnw partl,a Inleredied that It la a nafn In vent men t. foiling on account of lcne. AiHrena T 1M, rare TV. (41- 14 6x BUSINESS DIRECTORY Calrapoalat. DR. ROT, R. 1 1606 Farnam Bt. Doug. 6417. Crcaaaarlt DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (B) 74 Water Ft It ara. U10 HOWARD ST.. Missouri filter; IS darr tnaa. io 1 caiaa Palatlaa;. CHINA decorating; order work a specialty. Laessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungata, tM Urandeia Bid. Tel. Had 146. )-l Draaaataktag. IN FAMHJKB. If laa Sturdy. TaL Doug. A McDowell Drasamaking achool. 103 Farnam. uia Kdaeatloaal. OPENS MONDAY, JAN. 4, 1909 MID-VVINTICR 1U1M. BOYLES COLLEGE Course In bualneaa, telegraphy, atenog- raphy, DooKkeeping, uiiiiui: main auu day aeaalona; free Illustrated catalogue. Write to H. B. Boylea, President Off.clal Training School of Telegraphy for Union Pacltlo K. K. (6) M Deatlata, BAILETT & MACIL 3d floor Pax ton. D. 1086. PERCTVAU M floor Barker block. TeL Doug, lltta. penact aenusiry at reason able pricea. (5) 187 Jaoltx Flartata. HESS BWOBODA, lilt Farnam St U, HENDERSON. 1516 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. J. H. BATH. 1621 Harney. TaL Doug. 3000. glaaaital. MONEY I TO LOAN-LOW RATE, In auma to suit. HO Bee Bldg, 'Phone Douglaa 2901 UNION LOAN COMPANY. (5)-751 Oataapatay. JOHNSON INS, 111 N. T. L Tat D. KSA (5)-757 Dr. Katbaryn Nlckolaa. S06 N. T. L. Bldg E1 7M FrlatlagT. EXPONENTS of good printing. Prompt and flrst-rlasa work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 311 B. lsth BU Tela. Doug. bMZ, Ind. A-2632. . W ooi Jans gafca, akattera, aSta. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makea a apeclalty ol lire escapes, snutters, doors and aafes. O. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. loth. ta-7& afOTlagr aad gtarlagr. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office 214 N. 16th BU. warehouae 2207-6 Izard St. (6) -76 kortaaad Reporter aad Natary. F. J. SUTCLIFFE Depositions. 12S Bee Bldg. TeL Douglas 106. (U-763 Ska Reaalrtag. RAPID SHOE) REPAIR CO. Flrat-claaa work. 1S1WA Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 994. (6)-76J SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1S04 Farnam Bt Tel. Douglaa 7567. 5)-764 HELP WANTED FEMALE Ageata id Salesladies. TWO LADIES Omaha; two Council Bluffs; Pleasant, profitable work; big money if competent. Cole, 1703 Dodge, 1 to 2 r-. m. (7)-MJK4 4 Factery aad Tradea. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. Ap tly between 10 ana u a. m. Omaha rrint- g Co., i ir&rnam. n u LAUNDRESS for - Institutional work, 326 per month; room and board. Reference required. Addreaa A '10, care Bee. l7-778 Hoaaclteapera aad Domestics. COOK wanted; apply 3u48 Harney. (7-U36 WANTED Good cook for private family; good wages, sum r-oppieion Ave. (7)-99l GIRL for general housework. 1120 S. 31st Bt. lei. iiarney asuu. to 4 COMPETENT girl for general housework, good wagea Mrs. R. B. Busuh, 2uul Blnney bt. (7)-M128 6 WANTED An experienced nurse-maid. Mrs. John L. Kennedy, 406 8. 40th Bt. (7) M264 6 WANTED Girl fjr general house work 2120 Blnney. (7) Mi 6 HELP WANTEDMALE AN EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY sales man wanted who is capable of earning ll.fcuO to M.uu) a year selling tha Standard Line of Live Block preparations to the re tall trade. Salary or commission. Most at tractive proposition ever offered to deal ers. We can use only a high grade, suc cessful salesman. Glva full particulars In first letter. Standard Stock Food company, Omaha. Neb. (9) M520 Jan6 TWO SALESMEN In Omaha; two In Coun cil Bluffs; best proposition ever offered for right men. Cole, 17u3 Dodge, 9 to 10 a. m.. 4 to 6 p. m. (9) M29S 4 WANTED A salesman for Nebraska, ex clusive territory; must be energetic, of superior ability, with good address and of undoubted character, lo devote his t ntire time to the selling of Woodward &, Tier nan Printing Cu.'s (St. 1 .011 Is I art and commercial calendars, souvenirs, blotters and signs lor advertising purposes; on strictly commission basis, with reironable advances for traveling expenses; th i line consists of copyrighted designs reproduced by chemlgraph and bas-relief processes, different iruni anything else on the mar ket, appeullng particularly to the bettor class of houses In all lines. An able, strictly capable man with qualifications above the ordinary can irodute reamts above almost any other commodity. Please addreaj applications to Woodward ac Tlernan'a direct representative, E. F. W., caie Hotel Rome, Omaha, Neb. (-Mi Sx AGENTS wanted for tna moat complete oil gaa burner In the world; no wick; ne smell; generates kerosene oil Into a fine gas; It flta any cook atova or range; nothing Ilka It; one-third cheaper than coul or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO.. Dept 1 u and 810 N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb, (gj-166 WANTED Traveling man. by local firm; position permanent; experience not neces sary. Address D 327. Bee office. (-U73! WANTED Solicitor and collector to travel through country: position permanent ; good income. Address E ft. Bee office ( M73I WANTED A few mora riiKiHonr lot salesmen; oor best men are making 14 0 per week. Missouri Partftc Development W, auoii tenirai Ave., Hot Sprinio. Ar (iJ-MJil ix As soon as you make up your mind to uso a "BiE Want Ad' tho thing you want begins to movo towards you HELP WANTED-MALE Ageata and Saleamen- L'ontlnaed. WANTED Road salesmen for Nebraska and Smth. Dak.'ta, for firnt class adver tised line of pants; one located In Omaha preferred. Only experienced men In our lln. in this territory, will be considered. References required with application. Ox Breeches M'fg Co., Louisville. Ky. l9 M178 5 SALESMEN wanted for the brat cement block and posl machine on the market; straight commission, good for $.100 to $4ilu per month; a good side line for Implement men; territory reserved. Address Geo. A. Black. General Sales Agent, iV9 I'nlon Ave., Kansas City, Mo. (9J-M123 16 Clerical and Office. DRTJG CLERK S position. Kniest. N. T. Llfa Bldg. i9)-:e Factory aaa Trades. DO TOTJ WANT to become a competent automobile operator. The Northwestern Automobile and Oaa Engine school can put you In thia class. Better Investigate Omaha Commercial college building, 19th and Farnam. (9 M8ai WANTED Men to learn barber trade, and take positions watting our graduates; few weeks completes; constant practice fur nished; scholarship Includes tools, in structions, demonstrations, examinations and diplomas; write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St., Omaha. (9) M9S4 7x HARNESS maker wanted at once. O. C. Chapman, Hastings, la. (9) M900 6 WANTED Young man to work in meat market; one who has had sjme experi ence. Joseph Houska, 2ti2d Sherman Ave. (9) MX6 Mlscellaaeoae. BOTLE9 TELEGRAPH SCHOOL. Bnyles Building, Omaha, Neb.; official training school U. P. R. R.; positions guaranteed; booklet free. (9) 786 FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Aas'n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Llfa Bldg. l) 770 WANTED Railway mall clerks; customs employes; clerks at Washington; com mencement salary, $800; many spring ex amlnarions; candidates prepared free; write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. Rochester, N. Y. (D-M777 JUx WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY: Able-bodied unmarried men, between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation bduIv to Recruiting Office', 1.1th & Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb., or Massachusetts Bldg., Sioux City, la. I9 HELP WANTED MALE AMD FEMALES. MEN and women agents wanted, 33 per dav guaranteed. Call at once. 212 Mc Cague Bldg. (10) 995 8 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles, FOR SALE On account of moving to New York will sell tne finest saddle Dors in the country, known as ' the Inman horse has taken blue ribbons at every horae show where he has been shown; ulao one pony basket phaeton; cost 3176; for tale at 150. inquire A. JJ. ttranueis. (1D-M283 5 Cows, Birds, Dogs aad l'ets. FRESH cows for sale, 49th and Hamilton St. Tel. Harney 191. (11) M149 9x ENGLISH null terrier, male, age one year, excellent conformation, good head, well marked, affectionate and house broke; this dog Is most stylish In appear ance and Is an ideal pet tor children, 'ml 2n2 Pprafrue St. Sunday (11) 299 4 LOST AND FOUND LOST A bunch of keys; name plate A. W. Sydney, Poplar Bluffs, Mo. Return to 2J3Q do. 32d Ave. ana receive reward. (12) M940 6 LOST New tan handbag between 16th and Douglaa and 27th and Dodge. Return to Z7l Dewey Ave. newaro. jei. Harney 8S7S. (12) Mart) 4 LOST Mink muff on Farnam St. or For tirth. Please return to business office of Bee and receive reward. (1U) MS.OCx LOST On New Year's eve, between Hen shaw hotel and 35th St., gold mounted back comb set with diamonds and ruhlea. Reward if returned to F. H. Stow, Inde pendent Telephone Co. (12) M332 6 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." 1 a box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 771 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, Htb and Davenport Bts. ; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college profeasora. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. (12) -123 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th Bt.. Omaha. Neb 13)-M5a MONEY TO LOAN IALAHY AND CHATTEL!, $U3t3 YOU WANT MONEY KUKttm im DON'T PAY HIGH RATES miiU Hm SEE US FIRST. 36 We loan you any amount on u ii furniture, pianoa, etc.; or. If you it 31 have ateady employmenU on your It $1 plain note at tha cheapest rates la It U tho city. Open uutil 6:30 p. m. POone II 13 Douglas UKi. 11 It OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. U tlUt iU 601, B. own Blk.. lull Pg- Brandela' 3I4 tUM3t Mth BU Lutranc. UUUtiJ (14-54 MONET loaned salaried people and others without security; easy payments. Offlcaa In 66 principal citiea Tolinan, Room 613 Naw York L'fe Bldg. (14) 778 OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard lag aad Heeaae. FURNISHED room and board; everything new and atrielly modem; first-class neighborhood, at a reasonable price. )&29 Wirt BU C15J-774 CLOSE IN, nice large room, suitable for two; references required. 1)4 B. lth Bt 'Phone Red 4u33. (161 M674 LARGE steam-heated rooms, with home cooking. 2t16 Farnam Su (15) M907 12z DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (15J-776 THE BACHELORS, 20TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL, AMERICAN PLAN. (16) 917 NICELY furnished rooms with or without board; close la all business. 6'M Bo. ltti Bt. (li) M927 6x ROOM with board. 2411 Capitol Ave. (16) M269 Feb I THE ROSE. 3010 Harney; nice warm rooms with good board; ratea reasonable; single meals or meal tickets. (16 M380 J16x 127 South Xth Bt., opposite Merrlam. ele gantly furnished front room suitable fur two; modern; board If desired. (16) M295 4x FaraUaed Raoasa. DESIRABLE roorea. 211 N. 19th. (16-M72t J27x NICELY furnished front parlor. 614 8. 22d. (lo.i-MAxi x OFFERED FOR RENT Faralsked llootus Continued. FURNI9HED UNFURNtSHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In AH parts of the city. If you ara looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costa you nothing. P. O. NIELHUN & CU. KE.Nl'AL AQT9., 703 N. Y. Llfa lildg. 'Phone Doug. 24. (li)-779 ROOMS for gentlemen, by day. week or month. The Chatham. 110 8.13th, Bt. (16)-777 FOR RENT 2 large rooms and alcove, sin gle or en aulte; sunny and very pleasant. 2407 Capitol Ave. (15) MH7S 4 2218 CHICAGO ST., modern 3 rooms and alcove, 2d floor; reasonable. Tel. Red 6678. (15)-912 & COMFORTABLE south front room In mod ern brick house, 2208 Douglas St. (7)-M212 SUITE of parlors with lavatory. In modern nome on park avenue, witn dohto. pe clal figures to permanent parties. Phone Harney 324. (16) M136 9x FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern. plenty of hot water. 316 N. 19th Bt. (15)-M112 x NICE, comfortable room, for one or two men, walking distance; houe modern; rent cheap. 215 N. 26lh. 'Phone Ked6133. (15) MK9 4X VERY pleasant front room, hot water 'heat. modern flat, good locality. 3407 Harney. (Id) M-05 9' BEAUTIFULLY furnished aulte of rooms, southeast Hanscom Park district; private family. Tel. Harney-1348. (15) M290 6 Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT 3302 8herman Ave,, lower flat, absolutely modern, fine lawn, elegant laundry In basement, 326.00 to rlgnt party. Address W. E. Rogers, ltjl2 Lothrop St. 'Phone Webster 3567. (16) Xl68 3-6 r., flat, Scargo, 616U N. 24th St.. South omana, nan, J3 ttaroga mag. rtea yk. (15) Mi) A VERY choice apartment at 33d and Far- nam bu, win be vicated aoon Dy parry leaving the city; Inquire of Wm. K. Pot ter, 3ul Brown Blk. (16) i7 6-ROOM strictly modern heated apartment, ma in. ami hi. j. . Marsn, Mo Board or Trade Bldg. (15) IW0 NEW, modern, 8-room flat, 4160 Davenport. Tel. Harney u. (15) 916 4x STEAM HEATED FLATS. Six rooms, hardwood, full modern, gas range, not water, neatea wo. Hummer rate 323. Bemls, Paxton Block. (15) M145 t THE SHERMAN ITlofrnnfr mjt m nnrtment lAth bt. Modi. son Ave. 'Phone Harney 3560. Via iviwM u IloasekeeplnaT Rooms, THREE large handsomely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. Webster 3197 (15) M973 7x FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 207 8. 17th St. (15J-892 4 THREE nice rooms, completely furnished for llKht housekeeping; newly decorated hot water heat, gas; gas range In kitchen, porcelain bath, teleDhone In house; in private family, with no other roomers; references positively required and rumlshed. Address a Bee. (15) M985 4x FOR RENT Excellent South front, modern furnished alcove parlor for light house keeping; 'Phone in house. SS74 Harney St. (15) Mi4 THREE rooms; housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th, (16)-911 SUITE of modern rooms, with every con venlence. 2026 California. (15) 994 8x THREE elegant rooms, strlctlv modern 216 N. 22d St. (15)-991 lhx TWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms parlor floor. 909 South 27th St. (15)-M135 4x Hoasea aad Cottagee. FOR RENT 3304 Sherman Ave., gaa and electric light, strictly modern and up-to-date except furnace. Privilege of laundry In basement, 320.00. Address W. E. Rogers, 1012 lothrop bU 'Phone Webster 3567. (16)-M3 8 ROOMS, modern good neighborhood, good repair. First class furnace, 4116 N. 23d St 135, less water. (15) M2S9 12 FOR RENT Modern 8-room brick house 418 8 . 26th St., 1 block south of Farnam st. (16) M267 4 BRICK house, 2616 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms. modern. Moyer went estate 1.0., ltild Farnam St. (15) M2tw NEW, modern 5-rnom brick house, IS per montn. uvi r. aa pi. t-none iiarney vw. (10) Mill ex 1020 South 23d, 6-room cottage, city water aiiu eaB aiiiuiio tun a. 1111. (15) M102 5x OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack. move, etc re H. H. goods, storehouse 1130-24 N. una, oiiics jjw carnam. lei. Doug. 155. t!6)-763 HAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO. TM. D. J496. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goons. US) 784 GLOVER Realty Syndicate, N. Y. K D-3933. (IS) M5W Jani FOR RENT New 8-room cottage one block from Sherman Ave. car; flue lawn and treea: asphalt paved atreet. cement walks and basement; very choice location. Rent 120. Owner paya aaler rent and cares for lawn. Telephone Webster 3210 Wil liam I. Klerstead. (16) 200 A BARGAIN !a rent, 1 rooms, modern ex. cept furnace, nar 1c, three blocks from Farnam lit. car line; very low to good tenant. Apply at 6u7 N. 19th BU (lu)-MSU LIST your vacant houses with Walter Breen Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (li) T8 10-r. modern house. 2217 California. 6- r. modern house, hot water heat, 2417 Caldwell. 7- r. house, large ground, 4823 N. 27th st. 6-r. new, modern house, with furnace, l-r. cottage, 118 S. 27th St. 6-r. cottage, city water, 2MS 8. 20th ave. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk.. 18th and Farnam. (15)-M276 6 1020 South 23d. 6-room cottage, city water and gas. Inquire 1021 South 24th. (li) 890 2x l-ROOM modern brick flat, 30U7 Pacific, For Information 'phone Harney 324. (161-786 HOUSEHOLD OOODB packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving and atoring. Expiessmen'a Delivery Co. TeL Doug. i 16)-75 HOUSES, flata Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. tloj Jl T-ROOM. all modern bouae. gaa atova, gaa water heater, shades, furnace. 1613 Sprues BU Tha Chatham., H. I. Plumb. (16-M927 7-ROOM house, modern except heat, walk ing distance, will rent reasonable. 612 Park Ave. Call Douglas 2447. (16 Kl 4x IirvTTGTT'Q In all parte of tha city. tlUUOXiO creigh Bona 4k Co.. Bee Bldg. U6)-7M HOUSES. Insuranca Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. U6)-TS HOUSES Petera Trust Co.. . t. K Bldg. (Ti-79 3671 DODGE Bt . I rooms, modern; laundry basement; walking dials nee; handy three car liner. Hi drsta, 422 Sraadels blig. TtL Harney iill, Ui L OFFERED FOR RENT Hoasea and Cottages -Coa tinned. FOR RENT 4 nice rooms, first floor, cltv water, gas, tollei, (12.50 per month. C. M. uaenmann, Agt. (la) fi Buildings. STORY and full basement brick In wholesale district, with electric elevator; will make good terms to right party under lease. F. D. WE AD, Wead Blk.. 1Mb and Farnam. U" MJ71 ! O (Don, DESK ROOM for rent in an office located on tne tuy corner or I4tn and IV sts., South Omaha. Cull at Hee office, S. O. branch, 24th and N. new address. (15) M577 "tores. CORNER storeroom, 702 N. lfith St. (15) Mlf6 in OFFERED FOR SALE Karaltare. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany Iinisn; Deeu usea a snori lime end will sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (lC)-llJ FOR SALE On account of moving to New I ion win sen riruna new Dauy grand 1 nieinway piano; also some larne pieces of fine furniture and large Imported rugs. Can only he seen by appointment. Tele phone Harney 776 or see A. D. Br.indeis. (l'i)-UII 2 Mlarellaaeona. BEND us your mall orders for drugs; ireiKni paia on iv 101s. Juyers-1 (lllon Drug Co.. Omaha. (16) 806 DRUG8 at cut prices; freight paid on all iu oraers; caiaiogue tree. Hherinan at McConnell Drug Co., O.oaha. Neb. (16) S02 FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard ana pool tames. we lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke Cullender, 407 ti. loth BU Uoj0J COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as jvu oraer. nosenuiait s coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department clean nut coal. 6 bushels tor 11. (16) 764 FOR SALE Cheap for cash, butcher's 6x 10 Ice box, in good condition. Geo. W. Hartman. 2003 Cuming St. (16) Mi: INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar ren wnicn we win sei, at 00c eacn. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (16) 277 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red T117. (17) 60S PATENTS THAT PROTECT-Three booVa for Investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey. rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1S69 (17)-60; PERSONAL A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where mothers cannot care for thorn. Mother Lee, 4tci Bancroft Bt. 'Phone Douglaa 1921. (18) 601 Jan27x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 131 N. 11th St., for ooat of collection to tha worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglaa 4136 and wagon will calL (IS) 7X6 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association rooms, 1513 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. (18) 266 ELECTRIC vibratory treatments, alcohol rubbing, magnetic ma nage; new parlor; lady operator. Room 2, 1703 Dodge St. (18) M978 4x HALL'S safes, new,2d-hand. 1813 Farnam. (181 U f A iTM VV I n treatment and bath. Mma aLAUXM A JAv 8mU U8 N. lfith, 2d floor. (18-627 LIEBEN, coatumer. 1410 Howard, Open Eva (18)-M706 SYRINGES, rubber goods by mall; cut pricea. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (1S)-19 MASSAGE treatment, 1709 Dodge St., base ment. Mrs. Jordan. (Id) 915 tx OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramga Bldg. (18) H12 WALTER E. CADE, formerly of Kalis City, Neb.; father dead; come at once. (18) M267 4x WOMAN, 30, nice looking, neat. Would like to meet gentleman not ever 4. neat with good bitxiness. No objection lo widower of good character. Address Y-123, care Bee. (18) Ml;6x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. I806; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam SU (19)-813 PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. (19)--111 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. CHAS. E. W1LLIAMUON, President. IUj Mt6J GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 756. (19)-816 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brundeia Bldg. (19) 14 CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. LIST your property with Chris. Boyer, Kt and Cuming Bts. (13) iU SEVEN room, new house, hall, pa: lor, dming room, library, kitchen, modem batn room. ne bed room down stairs and tw.i be.i rooms finished iff up stairs, cellar under whole house, cemented. 1 t 60x172 feel, wltu cement walks, clone to car and pave street, at ..'') M.tndcrson, key next door east, go out anl He; It, price cut to !'-,3u0 f ir quick sale, W. H. GATKS, 617 N. Y. Llfu Bldg. Phone Djug. Ul. (19) 95u 3 AN eastern owner hsa two houses In Hans com Place rented for 370 a month; ev ry thing modern; paved street; east front: wl.l sell at a bargain; one block north of Hunscom Park. THOMAS BREW NAN. Room 1. N York Llfa Building. Hi) SU TWO nice building lots In Benson, 14 blocks from pavement and 4 blocks from car line; or will trade as part purchase price on house and lot 111 Omaha. Address B 342. Bee office. (19 M270 5 W. W. MITCHELL. REAL E8TATE, 322 Board or Trade Bldg. If you have city propeity, farms, ranch lands or stocks of merchandise that you want to aell or trade, list them with me. It Is my busineas to sell and It costs you nothing unless I effect a sale. W. W. MITCHELL. Telephone Douglaa 14. (19)-M9 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH L.AKO FOR SALE Colorado. FARM ANI FRUIT LAND augar bee's, alfalfa, general farming and fiuit ralalnc. low Dili, easy dm meats. National Investment Co.. 6S1 Brauacis bldg., Cmaua. Id. Douglas tiM. - (20)- REAL ESTATE FARM A N It RAM II l.M FOR 4!.H rolorade . nntlneeH. FARMERS' MORTtl.MiM AND LOAN CO. tn tlTfvlev Hltrlf.t lt aiTc, Hit ell ll- vsted, can be divider! into 4-ncre tracts. 31 10 per acr., liiilr c.isli. UHliince u per cent; two miles (iom Evans, tn Ke sey. three to Greeley and two m li s t) suk." factory. What a snap this Is. See It. you will buy It Come along on tomorrow s exi uiemn. iviuiki inp 13 ill I'rnuT. v i or write ot once. J. I. TAMINOS1AN. , o3 S". 25th Ave., Omaha. Tel. Douglas 3SSS. (2 )-M:l.;i 4X Irrigated Snap T50 acr-s In S:in I. ills valley, Colorado, at 1 an acre on ten years' time; one crop will pay for the land and water. This Is the stock raising and stock feeding portion of Colorado, stork fattened there for one half cost in Iowa or Illinois. National Investment Co. 6S2 BRANDE1S HI. DC. On M 121 I THE FARMERS MORTIACK & U)AN COMPANY, DKNVKR. Come along the 6th of January, on ex cursion, round dip 19. We h.-U you land tinder Irrigation nf the HlKiillne canal. Good farming and best Investment. On this my first excursion will give you benefit of iHittom prices and easy payments. We sold 1o.( acres within lust three months. This is the chance to make your fortune. Decide quickly. Call or wilte at once. J. I. Tamlnoslan. 535 8 . 25lh Ave, otniha. Tel. Douglas 3W8. (20) MIL'S 4 Montana. FINE RANCH FOR SALE. 2.000 acres of Montana wheat Hnd. Mn acres In cultivation, good water right end an excellent opportunity for a gcod farmer; threshing machine, gang ploa and other machinery to go with the ranch. Price. 115 an acre; one-half cash, the bnlnnce five years at 6 per cent. Se curity State Hank, Havre. Mont. (20)- M4H1 Jan21 Nebraska. A FORTY-ACKE FARM OR A FORTY DOLLAR A WEEK SALARY Possibly this Is a new thought to you. But you can figure for yourself which Is better. Forty n week Is a blgizer salary than lots of men ever got at a trade in the city, and yet many of theso same men, If they only owned a good, Irrigated farm of forty acres In the North Platte valley might easily hive an Income of 140 a week, taking ono season with another. On Irri gated land all years are fat years, there are no dry years and no flood years. There are some splendid opportunities to buy, at- a low price, and on ten years' time some most desirable 40-acre tracts in our new KEYSTONE COLONY on the mnln line of the I'nlon Pacific, forty-five miles from North Platte, Neb. What can you do on a 40-acre Irrigated farm? If you have children, put ten acres In beets, ten acres In alfalfa and potatoes, and buy a few cows, some chickens and pigs, raise enough corn and grain to keep the cows and chickens and they will sup port you, and If you take care of the beets they will produce from 160 to 390 an acre. Or you might put in six or seven acres of beets and two or three acres of potatoes. And how easy to get the farm. Forty acres at 350 an acre Is I-.000. Cash payment of one fifth Is 3400; balance may be paid as you wish In from one to ten years. Tho earnings of the land will iay It all In the first two or three seasons. Send for our 40-rage Illustrated booklet. Excursion every Tuesday. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha. Neb. (JO) 29ti 6 160 ACRES In Custer county, 13 miles from town; close 10 school; 35 acres broken; sod house and stable; also granary and new windmill. Address M 335. Bee. (20)-913 2x REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warranta. W. Faruaiu Biuilh at Co., liiX) c'arnam St. (22)-23 PAYNE. .OSTWICK & CO.. N. Y. Llfa Prlvat" money; luou lo !5,0u0; low rale. (22)-a.4 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. (22 8JZ FIVE PER CENT money to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Bldg. (22)- FR1VAT2 MONEY-NO DELAY. GARVIN L'ltOb.. 1604 FARNAkL (W)-83: SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. Apply Room 211 First National Bank Bldg. Bell 'phone Douglas 2318. (22)-35 $500 TO 16.000 ON HOMES IN OMAHA O-KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2162. (22) 823 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood. 616 Brandels Bldg. (22) 821 LOWEST RATES Bemls. Paxton blork. (223v 3100 TO 110,000 msda promptly. F. D. Weaa. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. (22) 831 r 1 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for sale In amounts from $300 to $3,000. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N Y. Life Bid. (22) M128 4 MONEY TO BUILD. o00 to IJOO.OOO at current ratea W. H. THOMAS. 603 First Nat. Bank Bldg. (22) Kit WANTED CITY loans. Petera Trust Cix (22) S29 REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to purchaso modern house near Went Farnam; nust be reasonable In price and In perfect condition. Only own ers need answer, giving full particuars. Address W 340, care Bee. (23) WANTED At once, moderate sixed house In good locality; must 1 heap for cash. No agents or real estate dealers need leply. Address H 331, care Bee. (23)-DI WANTED to purchase downtown business block, iJO.fnO to IJi.imiO. See me at once. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. (23j M2729 WANTEDTO BORROW WANTED To borrow two thousand dol lars from private party at a reasonable Interest on first mor.gage. Aildreus D .), care Bee. 12 1 M 1h!5 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST pricea for Id-hand furniture, ear pets, clolues and alioea Tl. Doug. 3971. (26) 833 RIGHT prices paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpels, stoves, clothing, shoes. TeL K4 640L 26i-634 WE WILL buy land any place the rlrors are rutting. Omaha Current iMflecut Co.. 214 B. 12th Bt. (26)-73 J W ANTE D To buy a newspapi-r. Address Y 122. care Bee. 125) M.'54 4x WA NT ED A small Marine gasoline engine. Address L 300, care Bee. i2w MU3 x WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG nsn desires placs lo work fot board while attending school. rtoylei College Both 'phones. (27) Ms I'MI.RDAD man. It yare rxprflcnre li hnl and genernl -.fflre work, wants rlmns,. raild St fiKUies Mercantile house prtferrel. Adirss M-.1 1. H e ofihe. ("7i -M l4o fix STOVE REPAIRS Ft'RNACi:, strain and hot water repairs; Thermosiats and other heat reculatorn; new turnaees and hot water combination heatlns. Omaha Stove Repair Work l-'is DoukUs St. Thones. Ind A-ao.t Hei:. Iiocalas '. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEKTLNO. B of Lfe-iJIass-Andieesen Hard ....... v Dmiiliii N.hri.k, I Offlra wart 10 III I'aoj , i"""""! ......,, ..'vivmur 12, 19i Notice Is hereby kUcii lo tue stock Decemurt i,rr-ui,'iiiiiitrsi'l1 Ituru NOTICE STOCKHOLDERS' MKLTINU of the Union Land Company Nut ire is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the I'nlon Land Com pany for the election of five directors and thu transaction ot such other business iih may legally come before the meeting will be held at tho office of the general solic itor, I'nlon Pacific Headquarters Building. 9;h and Farnam Utrects. Omaha, Nebraska. imi Mondiy, the 11th day of January, unit, at lit o'clock a. m. Thv stock transfer books will he closed ten days previous to the. meeting ALEX MILLER, Secretary. New York City. N. Y Due. IS, H8. D20d20l STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Smith 1 maha and Western Railroad Company, for the election of Seven directors and the transac tion of such other business as may come rWore the meeting, will be held at the office of A. I Mohler, corner of Ninth and Farnam streets, Omaha. Nebraska, on Wednesday, the thirteenth day of January, A. D. l!i9. at 11 o'clock a. m. T. M. ORR, Secretary. J-l-d-12-t RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION lO'lil AND MASON Union Pacific Leave. ..a 8:jo am ..a 3:60 pm Arrlv.. a '40 pm a G:j pin al0:18 am a 0:1m pm a 9:15 pm n 6:45 pm a d:6o pm a 4:45 pm a 7:06 am Overland L'mlted . Colorado Express.. Atlantic Kxpress Oregon Express a 4:10 pm Lo Anneles Limited. . .al2;W pm Faft Mall a 9:30 am China and Japan Mail.. a 4:W pin North Platte Ixcal a 7:42 am Colo. -Chicago Special. ..al2:l0 am Beatrice 6t Blromsuurg Local bl2:30 pm b 1:40 pm Chicago Great Western St. Paul-Minneapolis 8:30 pm 7:30 am St. Paul-Minneapolis .... 7:.K am ll:3'i pm Chicago Limited 6:0" pm 8:27 am Chicago Express ":) am 11:33 put Chicago Express I SO pm 3:.Tu pm Chicago, Hoc It Island A Pacific EAST. Chicago Limited Iowa Local Rocky Mountain a 3:00 am a 7:00 am all :0j ptn a 4 :) pin all:06 pm a 4:3ii pin al2:30 pm b 9:5fi pm a 1 :10 pm a 6:35 am a 5:50 piv, a 4:30 pm a 1.15 pm a 9:23 am all: 15 p:n bl0:15 am a 3:46 pm a 8;o0 aiu a 6:30 am HUM am Ltd... a 3:i) am Des Moines & Eastern. .a 7,00 am Des Moines Passenger.. a 4:i pm Iowa Ixcal bll :00 am Chicago (EaRtern Ex.) a 4:40 pm Chicago Flyer a 6:18 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd..,.all:ln pm Colo. & Cal. Express.. .a 1:20 pm Okl. & Texas Express.. a 4:40 pin Wabash St. Louis Express a 6:30 pm St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 3:00 am Stat.berry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm Illinois Central Chicago Express a 7.U am Chicago Linited a li.'M pm Minn. -St. -u? Exrs .b ?T5 am Minn. -St. Paul Limited. .a 6:01) pm Umuha-Kt. Dudge Local. a 4:16 pm Chicago A N ortu western- Chicago Daylight Twin City Express...., Chicago Locul Sioux City Local Chicago Local , Chicago Special Minnesota-Dakota Ex Fast Mall Twin City Limited.... Los Angeles Limited.. Overland Limited .a r.ja am all:48 pm .,0 am aiv;.u pill ,.all:3i am ..a 3:4s pm ..a 4:3" pm ..a b:uo pm ..a 6. 4 j pm ..a 9:uo pm ..a 9:uu pm a 3:3) pm all:U0 am a 3:3o pm a 8:23 am a 9:0 am a 3:35 pm a :ou am a 12:35 pm a b.Ji im . .aio:ou pm Nebraal.a and Wyoming Division Norfolk-rionesteel a 7:40 am a 6:20 pm Llncoin-ing fine ai:toam Deadwood-Llncoln a 3:00 pm Casper-Lander a i:W pm Fremont-Albion b 6:30 pm Hastings-Superior b 3:uu pm aio:3b am a 6.i) pm a 6:20 pm b 1:65 put b 6:20 p.u Chicago, Milwaukee Jt St. I'anl Chicago Colo. Special. a 7:26 am allUT) pm ai. 6c uregon express. a o:uu pm Overland Limited a 9:68 pm Perry Local b 6:16 pm a 3:2a pin a b:60 am bll:2S am Missouri Pacific K. C. & St. L. Express.. a 9:00 am a 6:45 am hUC.oc Bt. L. Express.. all :1s pm a 6:bu p.u BURLINGTON aTA 10T1I MASON Barllngton Denver & California... Northwest special Black Hills Northwest Express.... xsebraxka points Lincoln Fast Mail Nebraska Express Lincoln Local Lincoln Local Sciiu ler-1'latismouth Belle vue-I'lattsmouth... Bellevue-Platismouth . Plattsmouth-Iowa Bellcvi'.e-I'iatismouth . lanver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local Bt. I)Uls Express Khjibus City & St. Joe. Kansas City & St. Joe. Kansas City . t. Joe Leave, .a 4:10 pm a 4.10 pm a 4:10 pm Arrive, a 8:46 pm a 8:46 pm a 6:lu pm a k:ua am a 6:10 pm al2:ll pm a 6:10 pm b 9:08 am a 7 .60 pm blO:.v am a 8:50 pm b 1:06 pm c 2:40 pm a 7:05 am all 45 pin a 3:66 pm a 6:30 am all:.) am all :30 am a 6:3U am a 6:10 pm al2.1i ni a :4u am b l:i pm a 6.15 am ,0 3:10 pm a 8:00 pm !b"':18 am .c 2:35 pm .a 4:10 pm a 7:26 am a 4:20 pm a 6:30 pm .3 9 16 am .a 4:40 pm ,al0:46 pm a 9:15 am .a 4 40 pm WEBSTER STA. 1ST1I at WEBSTER Chicago, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis aV Omaha Leava. Arrive. Twin City Passenger. ..b 6 30 am b 9:20 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..b 2:on pm bll:65 am Sioux City Local c 8:45 am c 6.20 pm Emerson Local b 6:55 pm b 9:10 am Mlsaoerl Pacific Auburn Local b 3.50 pm bll:2S am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only. d. Daily except Saturday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC Weakly Balling to Liverpool. Write tor I9uw sailing list, rales ant uooklets. O. X. Benjamin, O. A., aJ3 Clark Bt. Cijloage. n Ihe Wireless Distance Reeord. During the cruise of the fleet across the Pacific laxt July, says Harper's Weekly. wireless telegraphic messages were Interchanged between Admiral Sper ry'a flagship, the Connecticut, and the station at Point Ixma, Cal., very nearly S.OT) miles distant. Tills Is tha greatest distnnre ever traversed by a wlreleaa mes sage officially recorded at a government receiving stutlon. Another wireless communication was dis patched recently from Savannah. Oa., and received by the armored cruiser Pennsyl vania, near Honolulu, some 6,Ox miles awa. In' this case, however, the message was relayed at Point Uima, which was very nearly half way between the trans mitter and Ihe receiver. The (ilad Hand removes liver inacll. n and bowel topnn 1 1 1. I. .... c XT . . . , 1 s .u . . mill . ..,i,a ... w jiq 1 llja, IJ lesa regulatura 2&c. For aale by the pain- Beaton Drvg W4k noiaers 01 ware loiupany won inn tuuiuai meeting i the stockholders of the coiupun mi l be held at Ihe olflces of the company, corner of Ninth and llainey stteets, in l,. city of Omana, tu the stale ot . u 011 Tueid.iy, January 12, A. D.. lain, at I o'cIock p. m., tor the purpose ot electing a board of directors for thu company to serve during the ensuing year, aad i transact such other business as may be presented at such meeting. Attest: W. .Vl. Ulass. secretary; il. J. Lee, president. Duoaot I i