Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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pered la the forwarding of their dispatches.
The censorship hi seriously affecting com
munication. 1 Hoot Hear from Vrlictn.
WASHINGTON, Jan. I.-To assist ths
American people In their effort to extend
teller, to the stricken Italian earthquake
sufferers, Becretsry Root made public a
calbelgrsm received today from Ambassador
Grtsiom, presenting the flrat feasible plan
of meeting the great emergency.
There I no time to apare In awaiting the
arrival of battleship now tn the Hues canal
or of naval supply ship croaslng the Al
iunde The need forh elp la Immediate And
how that help can be rendered la told In
the cablegram date at Home, which fol
low: '
"January J. I have today drown on you
for $711,000 and paid -equivalent to Italian
Ked Croaa. In two lumi: $W),0flO from Amer
ican Red Croaa and IJO.OOO from Christian
Herald. v
"I have today seen prealdent Italian Red
Croat, who desires ma to Inform American
Red Croaa association:
"Problem of relief very vaat. Include
feeding, clothing destitute.. on aeene Imme
diately, and quickly removing nearly whole
surviving population from stricken district
to other part of "Italy1., Tranaportatlon in
volve special difficulties'. Much money t
needed, but If, AjnerV-a desire to offer
practical aid Immediately a ahtp could be
chartered by telegraph at Marseille or Ge
noa,.' and loaded with blanket, clothing,
llnenj preserved' mests, condensed milk,
mimical supplies, and almllar useful ma
terials. One or more 'such ahlps, under di
rection of the. Italian Red Cross, would be
literal as transport, and at the same time
e-wjid deposit 'stor where needed along
th( coast. The, Italian Red Cross has not
yet '.Hearty worked out how all the dlfft
cuBies of rellof are t b solved. Supplies
rrti now needed In Sicily and Calabria, but
In abort two- Week. When the destitute
have been removed, will be needed In Na
r'c. Rome, Florence and other cltle where
the sufferer are .being distributed.
I will be personally glad to co-operate
v'th our Red Cross -fo carry out any plana.
Thofo are many Americans In Rome am
lou tn assist In 'relief measures.
Hundred Thousand by Cable,
response ' to' the suggestion of the
It"l'n Red Crpss society that a vessel
m'sht be loaded at Genoa with provlaion
n-d sent to the acene of the earthquake
rNsster. thu giving quick relief to the
e'esqtute. the" American 4 National Red
Cros tonight cab'ed I100.COO with Instruc
tions that It should be used by the Italian
Red Cross society for the fitting out of a
rlilp with provlsloh and medical aupplle.
This amount Is In addition to the llOO.OtK)
and the tTO.COO prrylously sent by the Amer
ican Red Cross. Ry sending the money In-
d of undertaking to provide for the
shipment of supplies, the American Red
Cms adopted What It regards ea the best
method of meeting the emergency. They
relieve that the' Italian society would be
able to make the. arrangement more
promptly than could be done by any one
else. This I In line- with the policy of the
Amer can society from the beginning of Its
relief work In behalf of the earthquake
In order that the . American Red Cros
society might have a personal representa-
ve on the scene of the "earthquake. Vice
Consul Bayard Cutting at Milan la now in
the earthquake' region, haying been sent
there by Ambassador Grisoom.
A cablegram ; received by the Stat de
partment from .Consul Bishop at Palermo
today, waa tha first information that has
come directly from Mr. Bishop. It wa Bent
front Palermo!. Sicily, and -besides -confirming
the prevtou Information- concerning
the death of Mr. Cheney' and ,wlfe. It re
Iterates that Consul Xupton "was unharmed
and adds that LtipwVf.Jlad' sailed from
Messina for a point unknown. A csblgram
f-om Consul Crownlngshleld fron Naples,
dtted today, ala- state that he under
stnm's Lupton Is safe.
(Continued from First. Page.)
looked upon a giving ample assurance
that when the American fleet arrive there
full Information will b available for Ad
miral Sperry. ' '
Xp jrou mossy and valuables in a
safe, deposit box In the American Safe De
posit Valuta In the Doe building, which la
absolutely burglar and fireproof. Roxes
rent for only $4 a year, or $1 a quarter.
Aotlvo Salesmen Bee Want Ada.
Student Hold Baaaaet.
DENISON, la.. Jan. $.-(Speclal.) The
resident alumni and former students of the
State university held their annual banquet
on NeW Year s' night In the club room
of the Ctrrhagle hall. The room was hand
somely decorated with tha college colors
and penants1 from colleges and universities
from Stanford to Wellsley. After a ban.
quet served' by the Junior glrla of the high
school 4 'program of toasts wa In order
with County Attorney p. J. Kllnder as
toaat master. The State university re
ceived many compliments In the response.
The affair was decided success.
TION. Best Remedy la the Market For
Colds, Croup and Whooping
CoufcaIt Always Cures
And Is Pleasant and
Safe to Take.
"I Mvar bad a nadicln in my itc-r that
mvsj sack anivar satisfaction a Cham
berlain's Cough Kerned?." say Mr. P. M.
Bhofeu of Rochester, led- "It is the beat
ramedr to-day on th market for coughs,
.ol! and whooping cough. One of my lady
Ctutainsra told mo recently that she could
Hot keep be us without it, that sloe they
bay been using it they hay had no need
of a doctor." Iq cae of a sever attack of
croup a physician will usually call twice,
aad perhaps half t dona times In sorer
and kof protracted aa of whooping cough,
wl in pneumonia It is often nooeaaary that
lis call nc or twtoa a day for a week or two.
All of this trouble
and xpene may b
saved by the Judicious us of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, fyr it is a certain car for
croup, aad when give as so a tb child
booouie boar. ra after the creupy
oagb appear it will pran$ the attack.
Pneumonia can also bo prevented. This
fact ba boon fully proven, as during the i
ao forty in which this remedy baa
boa In general use, M caa of a- cold or at
tack of the grip faaaoTSBfeeullod ia pneu
monia w hon tbisrsussdy was used, so far as wa
liar bee atil to (earn. It will he snen that
a liltla (arothooatt aad by doing tha right
ibiof l ibs right tliea, all danger and
pons may b U4. Bntb mind that
over buul of tU remsdy i warranted and
if aot M stated It will at coot Jou a cent.
All Former Mark Excelled by Year
Jnt Closed.
Receipts of PostoHlee Over Thirty
Thnaaand Dollar -Baak Deposit
Nearly Two ana One-Half
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. J. (Special.) Bo
far aa can be determined by the various
pulse of commercial activity Hasting en
Joyed a measure of prosperity last year
that exceeded all former marks.
The postofflce receipts for the twelve
months aggregated $30,000, which waa' an
Increase of $1,500 over the previous year.
This waa the largest volume of receipts In
the history of tha office for a like period,
and it waa approximately 60 per cent larger
than that of ten years ag). Postal traffic
Incident to Christmis) wa the heaviest ever
experienced here, the Volume of mall being
about 13 per cent larger than In the previ
ous jeason.
Farm mortgages satisfied during the year
aggregated $"3,969, as compared with a
total of $162,777 in releases during the previ
ous year. Increase In filings from $547,064
to $693,696 is an Indication of more extensive
Investment. There waa an tncreass In
chattel mortgage releases' from $154,179 In
107 to $172,266 In 1908.
Among the new building erected or fin
ished last year were the Hastings brewery,
IX.000; administration building, home for
Elder Robinson, sanitarium and church edi
fice, all for the Seventh Day Adventists,
$0,000; Madgett office building, $60,000;
Carnegie building for Hastings college, $:0,.
000, and numerous business buildings rang
ing In cost from $1,000 to $15,000.
. Masons and Odd Fellow contemplate
erecting new temples thl year or recon
structing the ones they now occupy. The
Congregational and United Brethren con
gregation have planned new edifices, and
the abandoned convent building, built at a
cost of $75,000 and unoccupied for fifteen
years, Is soon to be equipped for a girls'
academy. An auditorium, with a seating
capacity of 1,600. is nearing completion.
Deposits In Hastings banks aggregate
$2,400,000 and loans $1,900,000.
flood Year (or West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb., Jan. S.-(Speclal.)
The permanent Improvements made In the
city of WBt Point during the year 1908
have been so numerous and valuable as to
deserve especial mention. In pubjjlo im
provements nearly a mile of cement aide
walks have been laid, many cement gutters
and culverts put In and a large portion of
the streets of the best residence sections
of the city have been parked. In business
buildings the most notable Improvements
which have been finished during the year
are the Baumann mercantile building and
the new home of the West Point National
bank, both the best type , of structures of
their kind, that would do credit to cities
of a larger slxe. In private dwellings a
number of modern residences have been
erected, chief among which Is the residence
of Attorney O. C. Anderson. Numerous
smaller and less pretentious dwellings have
been bu It and In the aggregate more money
has been Invested In the city than for many
previous years. West Point has always
maintained ' an even, steady growth, Its
favorable location, excellent business facili
ties and the conservative character of Its
citizens alike contributing to Its constant
Two Cltlaens Leave.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. 3.-(3pe-
clal.) By a singular coincidence State Au
ditor Barton and Cashier E. D. Hamilton
both terminate on the same day a resi
dence In this city that was begun on the
same day. Mr. Hamilton baa resigned his
position as cashier of the Commercial State
bank and will take a position with a bank
at Julesburg. Mr. Barton has resigned his
position as grand recorder for the Ancient
Order of United Workmen and leaves for
his new duties at Lincoln. Both came In
the same train on July t. 1901. Both wore
recipients of fine presents by their fellow
citizens before their departure for their
now homea, who greatly regret their leav
ing Orand Island. Ex-County Clerk C. H
Menck, who has been an active factor of
the bar.c ever since Its establishment, Is
expected to be promoted to the cashler-
shlp, for which he Is thoroughly competent,
having also a wide acquaintance In the
Deaths at Grand Island.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. S. (Spe
cial.) Curt Krueger, aged 40, robust In
heialth, was visiting a relative, Henry
Bchattenberg, and family, and was engaged
In playing a game of cards when he sud
denly complained of pain In the chest and
two minutes later waa a corpse, heart dis
ease proving fatal. He leaves a wlfa aad
two children.
8. A. Hamilton, who removed from Chop
man to this city five years ago, died after
a week's Illness of grip and heart trouble.
He waa a member of the Grand Army of
the Republic. He leaves a wife and one
son. He waa 64 years of age.
Mrs. Betty Chaddendon, aged 84, passed
away at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
W. A. Druliner, of this city, after a long
Illness of cancer. The remains have been
taken to Glltner, where other relatives
He burled.
Farmers' Inatltnte at Weat Point.
E8T POINT, Neb.. Jan. l-Speclal.)-The
annual convention of the Cuming
coun y farmera' Institute for th Wast P.lnt
district will be held In the court house on
Thursday and Friday. January 14 and 15,
sessions being held In the afternoon and
evening of each day. Prominent agricul
turist from abroad will deliver lectures,
among whom are Prof. W. F. Hunt of
Syracuse, Arnold Martin of Dubois. Prof.
Andrew Elliott of Gait. Ontario. Mlssea
Rowan of Lincoln and Mary Thompson of
Welt Point will lecture on cookery and
give demonitrat'ona. A poultry ahow. un
der the auspice of . th Institute, will be
hold during the same time, commencing tha
day before the opening of the institute.
Bon Comes. Daughter (ioet,
HASTINGS.-Neb., Jan. 3.-(8petlal ) Five-year-old
Katherine Hughes, daughter Of
Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Hughes, who was one
of the happiest -girls In Hastings on Christ
inas, because of the arrival of a brother,
after she had asked Santa Clajs to send
her one as a Christmas present, died sud
denly of convulsions at I a. m. on New
Katharine waa told by her parents that
if she wou'd save her pennies Santa Claus
might give her a brother, and when the
baby boy arrived ahe brought forth 81 90
tn pennies and Insisted on th doctor tsk ng
them. The medical man refused and next
day Katherine went to his office and com
pelled hlra to accept (h fee.
Oullty, hut Bats lie's Issaeeat.
HA8TINQ9, Neb Jan., 8.-(Spoclal.)-Im-mvdiately
after pltadlng guilty and paying
a fine of $1 and costs for stealing a coat,
George. Green applied to ths county Judge,
la wbosa court h waa tried, for a mar.iage
license for himself and MUs Katherine
Or o ugh of ObttrUn, Kan.' Br fore the trUl
Slier. ff McCleery raranuM through Miss
Cruugh'a rooms on a search warrant sworn
out wl.h a view to finding the nuswlng
garment, but the search was fruitless. The
bride Is well known in Hastings and has
many friends among the younger society
set. Green Insists that he Is Innocent not
withstanding he pleaded guilty In court.
C Ot P1.B
W. U. Brown o( Lincoln aad Oraaa
Island Woman Foaad at St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 3. (Special Tetugram.)--A
pathetic scene wa scnacted In the Cen
tral District police station holdover this
afternoon when Willie Brown, aged 2, en
tered the cell of his father, W. A. Brown,
traveling salesman of Lincoln, Neb,, aged
28, who grabbed th child and kissed him
repeatedly. Brown's wife, who followed
the boy, gazed a minute at the scene, then
stretched out hor hand to her husband.
Brown had been arrested In company with
Miss Mildred Cramer of Orand Island,
Neb.,' at 2806 Washington avenue, where
they had lived three weeks aa Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Klllan. Both women are 2
years old, pretty and look enough alike to
be twin sisters.
After Brown and wife had conferred,
Brown said: "I will return home with my
wife. I do not know what possessed me to
leave her. . We had been happy continu
ously. I met Miss Cramer at Grand Island,
where she lived with her parents. She
knew I was married. She would have re
turned home last night If we had not been
arrested through a letter she wrote home."
Miss Cramer lold Chief Detective Smith
that when she upbraided Brown for de
ceiving her by telling her he was unmar
ried he promised to marry her as soon as
he could get a divorce. She said she did
not expect, to return to her father and
mother now. She said her mother first
Informed her she was living with a mar
ried man (Brown) In a letter.
Mrs. Brown announced she would not
Senator Volpp of the Tenth District
Will Offer One.
SCRIBNER, Neb., Jan. .-(Speclal.)-Senator
Fred Volpp of the Tenth district
has a bill to run state banks all ready
to Introduce when the senate convenes.
Of it he says:
"I have a bill which I proposo to offer
In the senate, at Its first session, relative
to the organization and control of banks
and tha proteclon of deposiors. I think the
bill Is so drawn as to meet the approval
of those thoughful people who desire to
perfect our banking system. I call your
attention especially to the following:
"First. The law follows the general lines
of our present law, thus avoiding confus
ion. Second. The changes that havo been
made are In the direction of more rigid
regulation and control.
"Third. Th bill provides for payment to
depositors of failed banks within thirty
Fourth. The bill provides for a 'deposit
or's protective . fund' and nowhere is the
word 'guarantee' used.
"Fifth. There Is very little question of the
constitutionality of the various measures.
We force no bank, state or national. Into
the protective system, and we keep none
in longer than they wish to remain.
"Sixth. I believe that a thorough Inspec
tion and a rigid control of the banks un
der the plan I outlined will prevent fail
ures, and that It may be many year be
fore the protective fund Is ever called on
for a dollar."
Orand Jury In Box Bnttc.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Jan. $.-(Speclal.)-Seventy
cltlaens of Alliance recently signed
and aent to Judge W. H. West over a pe
tition asking that a grand Jury be called
to consider Illegal liquor selling and ether
law-breaking In Alliance and Box Butte
county. A few days later this was fol
lowed by a remonstrance against these of
fenses signed by about the same number
of people. As Judge Harrington will pre
side at the next term of district aourt for
Box Butte county Judge Westover re
ferred the petition and remonstrance to
him. The result was not known here until
Wednesday evening, when W, C. Mounts,
clerk of the district court, and Eugene
Burton, county attorney, received an order
that the grand Jury be called. Names for
the grand jury have been drawn.
Sixth District Court Terms.
CENTRAL CITT, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.)
Judges Conrad Hollenbeck and George H.
Thomas of the Sixth Judlc al district have
made up their Court calendar for the ensu
ing year. As usual there are the regular
winter, spring and fall terms of the court
held In each county, the work of presiding
at these sessions being divided between the
two Judges. The calendar Is as follows:
Merrick county, February 1. May S and
September 20; Colfax county, February 1,
May 3 and September 20; Dodge county,
January 18, May 17 and November 8; Nance
county, March 1, June 27 and November 29;
Platte county, February 16, May 17 and No
vember t.
Court In the Fifteenth.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Jan. S. (Special.)-For
the ten counties comprising the Fifteenth
Judicial district Judges Westover and Har
rington have agreed on the following as
dates for holding the regular terms of
district court during the year 19(9:
lloll May 81, December t.
Doyd March 1, September 20.
Rock March 15, September 8.
Brown April 6. November 8.
Keys Paha April 12, October 4.
Sheridan June 28, November 15.
Dawes June 14, November 22.
, Box Butte June 21, December 13.
Sioux April 5, September 13.
Business Change mt David City.
DAVID CITY, Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.)
Two Important business changes took place
here Saturday. J. J. Frater, who waa for
merly In the drug business here, bought
out Dwight J. Reed aid will continue In
the drug business at Reed's store. Curtis
Young leased ths Perkins hotel from L.
E. Doty for a period of ten year. Harry
Streeter, the preaent lessee sold all the
hotel furniture to Mr. Young and will give
possession In a few days. Mr. Young Is
an old resident of this place.
Prosperous Year tor Quarries.
NEHAWKA. Neb., Jan. 8. (Special.)
The Nehawka stone quarries have Just
closed a prosperous year. The output of
the quarriea has been, In round numbers,
4,000 caj-s. This Included crushed rock, rip
rap and smelter stone, about three-fouiths
of It being crushed. The outlook for the
coming year Is thought to be good, and a
strong force of men and teams are Just
being put to work stripping stone for next
year's operations.
'Hotel Changes Hands.
BLAIR. Neb.. Jan. 8. (Special.) The
Merchants hotel here was sold Saturday by
Joseph GuUchow to A. R. Watte rs of
Bloombfleld. Neb. Included In thla sale Is a
fine set of sample rooms and a brick livery
stable, the consideration being near the
UO.CW mark. Mr. Gutachow cam hr from
St. Louis and bought th hotel twenty-five
years ago and has been Its landlord for
that many years. He gives possession on
March 1.
Court In Twelfth District.
KFARNEY. Neb., Jan. 3 (Special.) Ths
terms of district court In the Twelfth dis
trict will be held by Judge B. O. Hoetetlsr
as follows:
Jury Term Buffalo, May 8 and December
; Custer, February 8 and October 4; Daw-
son.- March I and November I; Sherman,
September 14.
qulljf Term Buffalo, March 1; C',
May k4; Dawson, June ; Btierman, Anl
and November ).
elraska News otea.
FALLS CITY Mr. Fuaate of Cambridge,
Neb., bought the Vaugiu pool and billiard
hail this week.
OXFORD Uebe Bros, of this place have
sold their general merchandise store to Mr.
Erlckson of Holdrege, Neb., who took pos
session January 1.
OXFORD-Mrs. Alice Telle, an old resi
dent of this place, died suddenly Wednes
day morning of heart failure. The funeral
took place Saturday.
OXFORD Miss Mattle Cone, who has
been spending her Christmas vacation at
home, leaves January t for Nashville,
Tenn., where she Is attending Ward sem
inary. FALL8 CITT The third story of the hew
National hotel Is now enclosed and has
been turned over to the plasterers. It will
pe only a short time until It will be ready
for occupancy.
FALLS CITT Judge Rapier held a short
adjourned session of the district court here
this week. Little was done. The next Jury
session will probably be called for the lat
ter part of January.
OXFORD The death of Mra. H. D. Jones
.Occurred at her homo In this city Thurs
day morning after en Illness covering a
period of a year or more. She leaves a
husband and three children.
REPUBLICAN CITTj-A wolf hunt Janu
ary 1, northwest of .this city, covered a ter
ritory of about seven ruHcs square. Severn!
wolves were scert, but the lines not being
well guarded only one was shot.
TABLE ROCK Four of the Toung Men's
Christian association boy, who are uni
versity students at Lincoln, commenced a
series of four meetings at the Methodist
Episcopal church Thursday night.
OXFORD The Masons of this place gave
an elaborate banquet Ip their hall New
Tear's day In celebration of the annivers
ary of St. John, which occurred on the pre
vious Sunday. About 200 were present.
OXFORD Burglars broke Into Nielsen
ft Mackprang's hardware store New Year's
night, securing a number of razors and re
volvers, amounting to $125 In value. This
makes the fourth business house that has
been robbed this winter.
dealer In furniture and undertaking busl
"'"i ot tn'a ""''v. sold cit to Tom Gordon
of Plttsbrrg, Kan., last Thursday. Mr. Gor
don taking charge January 1. Mr. Gordon
also bought Mr. Brelthaupt'a residence
GRAND ISLAND .The salesmen of the
Nebraska Mercantile company were de
lightfully banqueted at the Koehler hotel
by the officers of the company. It i an
annual function with the company, and
thla year wa called the "blue ribbon"
banquet In honor of the branda of coffee,
tea, etc., put out by the firm aa a spe
cialty. GRAND ISLAND Sheriff Dunkel has
received word from Washington county.
Kansas, of the capture by the sheriff of
that county of the fugitive, Haley, who
escaped from the Hall county Jail a few
week, ago. Haley wa being held for
trial on the charge of burglarizing a post
office. It Is expected that a United States
marshal will bring him to Nebraska.
HASTINGS Organization of the Adams
County Humane society will be perfected
at a meeting Monday night, when a con
stitution and bylaws will be adopted. At
a meeting Thursday these officers were
elected to serve until March, when officers
will be chosen for a full year term: Presi
dent, Mrs. A. H. Brooke; secretary, Mrs.
C. Fred Evans; treasurer, Mrs. Herman
WEST POINT Marriage licenses were
granted during the last week by County
Judge Dewuld to Peter Vyborny and Mis
Lizzie Stadelmann of Wlsner, Fridarlek
Brehmer and Mlsa Anna Tlets of Bancroft,
Edward Wolff of Howell and Mies Mar
garet Lumm 1 of West Point, John Schaefer
of Humphrey and Miss Gertrude Rebhaunen
of Aloya and John P. Rundqulst of Oak
land and Miss Elsie Thurstensen ot Boyd
WEST POINT News has reached the
city of the death at Olmutz, Bohemia, of
Veronica, the youngest daughter of Joseph
Kase, a business man of West Point. Mrs.
Kase and her family are on a visit to their
native land. The mother Is 111 In a sani
tarium, while the younger daughter Is d ad
of scarlet fever, an accumulation of troubles
for the father which Is hard to bear, the
great distance precluding hla rendering any
personal assistance to his str.cken family.
OSCEOLA It has been the proud boast
of Osceola and Polk' county that there was
not a licensed saloon within Its borders,
but tkere has beert.. much rowdyism and
drunkenness In some, of the towns lately
and when the fellows want boose they get
It some way. It has been thought best
by Judge B. F. Good to call a grand Jury
for the term of court beginning on Janu
ary 15 and they will try to find out why
there have been ao many drunken fights
lately and who are the booze dispensers.
GRAND ISLAND At the meeting of the
Ancient Order of United Workmen grand
lodge finance committee, action on the
proposition of recommending the construc
tion of an annex to the local permanent
headquarters waa deferred. The order's
property In this city Is being greatly en
hanced In value by the construction of the
federal building In the same block. Asldo
from the need of more room for the grand
recorder. It Is believed that better revenues
can be, secured bv completing the building
to the alley, using the unoccupied space
already owned by the organization.
OTURGI8. S. D., Jan. 3. (8pectal.) The
marriage of Dr. John D. Brooks and M'ss
' Ma-ide E. Meyer took plnce yesterday
morning at 9 o'clock In the CathoHo church
of Sturgls, Rev. Father Columban offi
ciating. The bride s the oldest daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. , P. Meyer, being born
and reared In Sturgls. She Is a young
woman of cheerful disposition, many accom
plishments and one who will make a fltt'ng
helpmate to the doctor. Dr. Brooks was
formerly stationed .at Fort Meade, and
while there m-t his future bride. Last fall
he was transferred to Ancon hospital In
the canal zone at Ancon, Panama, where
he Is a physician In the government em
ploy. Fvldenre In Ra:ns1arster Case.
MARSH ALLTOWN, la., Jan. 3 (Spe
cial.) From Bldora, la., comes an au
thentic story that startling details are to
be made public before the Board of Con
trol, when the hearing for the parole of the
Ralnaberger brothers, who are doing time
for the murder of Enoch Johnson, comes
up early next week.
These revelations, It Is said, will b
made In the form of affidavits, which ara
in efect that the Ralnbargers hsve been
serving for more then twenty year for .1
crime they did not commit It Is claimed
that It will be ahown that "Mag" Hamil
ton, who waa the wife of Enoch Johnson
at the time of the murder, made many
statements tending to prove the Innocence
of the Rainbarger boys. The last words
she uttered before her death. It is claimed
were "They didn't do. they didn't do It."
She repeatedly called fcr her ' daughter,
"to bring the book." The book referred
to. It Is clalnied, Is a diary kept by her
snd that tha record In that books shows
thut a man named Brlggs was the mur
derer. The efforts of those In favor of
and those against the purole of the
prisoners In the vicinity of Eldcra, Union
and Olfford, where the Ralnbargers lived
snd were notorious twenty-five years ago,
is dally more Intense. The lynching of two
of the brothers and the trial of the other
two. with the aensatlonal Incidents of the
murder, made this the most famous case
In central Iowa In the last half century.
Only good.
results from
Contains po coffee or
other harmful substance.
'There's a Eeason
Spokane Men Consider Formally
Sending Exposition Here.
Letters Rxchanaed Between Chamber
of Commerce and Loral Organlso
tlon Give Horns to Expect
Fruit Show la This City.
SPOKANE, Wssh., Jan. 8 (Special.)
Omah is a candidate for the National Appla
show In 1909, and If It goes out if Spok.cne
next fall It Is likely that the city on the
Missouri will capture It.
The invltalicn to honor Omaha comes In
a letter from the Commercial club of that
city to the Spok ine Chamber of Commerce,
saying that the residents and business men
of Omaha desire the co-opevatlon of th)
apple growers to the' end that they may
have the big exposition this year.
"Omaha contributed t) the success of the
first National Apple show," the letter
states, "and, since there has been a senti
ment to have the next show In the middle
west, Omaha Is the place to hold It."
After reading the letter at a meeting of
the board of trustees of the Chamber of
Commerce, E. F.- Cartler Van Dlsael, vice
president and chairman of the executive
committee, said that nothing definite has
bcn decided regarding holding the exposi
tion outside of Spokane next year.
"Spokane may claim it for another yeir,"
he said, "and until that question Is deter
mined by the committee of the Chamber
of Commerce nothing can be dane. How
ever, it the next show is going to th mid
dle west, I see nothing to prevent Omaha
from getting it.
"We recall with pleasure the visit of th
Commercial club ofQmaha two years ago
on Its trip through the Pacific northwest
and we found Its people to be men of sta
bility, character and bsiness acumen. We
have since received visits fro representa
tive business men and not ay few have come
from that part ot Nebraska to make their
homes with us, so on the whole we are
good friends and neighbors, though several
thousand miles apart"
Omaha's Chance Excellent.
The Omaha Commercial club was Incited
to move in the matter through an article
appearing in a Spokane paper. This said
that It might bo deemed advisable to hold
the show farther east In 1909 In order that
the purpose of the apple show might be
made known In the middle west and that
cultivation of apples should be stimulated
there. The Commercial club has received"
an answer from Spokane which Intimates
that Omaha's chances are excellent. Last
year'a show, held In the western Washing
ton city, was an enormous success both In
the matter of exhibits and In point ot at
(Continued from First Page.)
the county option members and those op
posed to Bryan's committee plan get to
gether there may be an insurrection but
there is the "If."
Fight Over Clerkship.
Insofar as the much talked of fight over
the chief clerkship s concerned there Is
very little to It. Cone and Richmond will
both get Jobs, If the present plans are
carried out, and It Is more than likely
they will be. And the same Is true over
the scrap for secretary of the senate. Wal
rath and Smith and Davis will all get
Jobs,' though Walrath may quit If he does
not get first place.
Tlbbcts from Adams and Ollls from Val
ley are both after the presidency of the
senate, but the Douglas county delegation
Will bo In later tonight and this fight may
be settled. Douglas county has one-fourth
enough votes In the senatorial caucus to
control, as It has In the house caucus.
If the Douglas- delegation were a free
agency It could organize, probably, both
Douglas Delegation Arrives.
Judge Shoemaker and Jeremiah Howard,
Nebraska s Oom Paul, of the house dele
gation of Douglas county, and Frank Ran
som, Doc Tanner and E. E. Howell, th
senatorial delegation, reached here at 6
o'clock and their presence is felt In the
hotel lobbies. The Hon. Jeremiah la au
thorlty for the statement that the Douglas
delegation will vote for Stoecker for
speaker, at least as far as the first ballot
goes. That seems to be about as much as
the delegation has been told of Its Inten
tions. Governor Shalknbc rger arrived during the
afternoon, since which time the members
have been reporting to his room In grours
of twos and threes.
At the dinner hour the governor and Tom
Allen were closeted for a conference.
During the evening It developed that the
county option forces were pretty well or
ganized and an effort was started to get
the opponents of prohibition into a solid
Measure Supposed to Reflect Senti
ment of Bankers In Legislature.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. 3. (Special Telegram.)
Victor Wilson is on the ground with hla
banking bill which, It Is believed, reflects
the sentiment of the bankers of th leg sla.
ture. This is the bill wnich abolishes the
present state banking board and gives over
the distribution of the spoils ot office to
the democratic governor. The bill Itaelf
covers 107 sections. Following Is ths sub
stance of the bill as prepared by Mr. Wil
son: The business of banking 1 defined and
declared to be it a public matter and
subject to regulation and control by the
The business Is cor.flned to corporation
operating under the act. This for the
teason that the liabilities of private
barkers cannot he legally controlled, and
thu business subject to embarmssment in
case of death. Only persons of generally
recognized financial Integrity and responsi
bility may organize a bunk or hold stock
tt er-ln.
A minimum paid In capital required ac
cording to population of the place of lo
cation puld in capital and surplus shall
not he less than . per cent of the de
posits, or In lieu thereof, that the invest
ments of the bank shall be limited tn ten the amount of such capital and sur-
flu. And prescribing that the capital paid
n at organisation ahull consist only of
cash, credit In Hpprovcd depoMlUry bank,
public bonds and a bank building. In cer
tain proportions.
Directors must be the owner of at least
can I'll six'k. frA of ncimbrtn"e.
Of flc ra must give bo d In an amount n t
less than 26 per cent of the averig- 1 al
reserve (r the preceding year and are pn
hlblted from bo"-row'-g the hank's funds.
Officers proh blted from p ylng or certify
ing a check unl as the p rs n sum a
las an equal amount, to hla credit on the
books of the b ink.
Interest paid r.n deposits shall be limited
to th rate fixed by the banking d pa: t
ment, which rain shall be uniform as to
banks In the same congressional district,
and the giving of any ot er thing of value
In lieu of suci excets interest, except neces
sary stationery, is pr.di blted.
All of th Investments that a bank may
make are enumerated, with fixed require
ments ss to security on loans. Such re
quirements are only those now followed by
the beat-managed banks.
KesTvss ran be kept In such banks only
as ar approved by the banking depart
ment. The stockholders shall be Individually
liable for th debts of th bank In triple
the amount of their Investments, anJ such
liabllltii s are made linmeaistely c .llectlble,
If necessary.
It is nisdo unlawful tor any pe son to
use tln word "hunk," or any dt-rlvsllvu
thereif. exopi subject to the provisions of
the backing I iws.
Fin. a sre attached to violations of the
provisions of the act proportionate tj the
offense, In addition to the uual powers ot
appointing receivers.
The present st..te banking board is abol
ished and the governor made sup rlntendent
of banks, wlt.i power to appoint a deputy
ami all oficiuls of the banking department,
subject to civil service rrquliement.
A conun.sslon of three persons, having
at least ten years experience In banking,
Is created to nld the superintendent tn pre
paring su. table rules unit orders for car
rylnp the set Into effect, to be known as
the Nebraska Bank commission. They ahull
also conduct the txjmlnatlons required to
qualify persons for appointment as state
bank examiners and clerks to Such ex
aminers. lank examiners art- required to have five
ytars experience in banking, an I examin
ing clerks must havn an accurate knowl
edge of bank bookkeeping and accounting.
Tiny shall Lw paid by the day. In addition
traveling expenses, while In the dis
charge of their duties.
Examinations shall be made of every bank
at b-ast twice a year ami must Include a
verification from sources outside of the
bank of at leant 10 per cent In number of
the deposits and Investments.
Examination fees shall Le paid by tha
banks In proportion to resources. Receivers
for fulled hunks shall bo appointed by the
superintendent and be subject to his
All deposits In failed banks shall bear
Interest from the date of failure at 7 per
cent, and upon proof ot claim, the receiver
shall Issue certificates to that effect.
Dividends to the )of failed
banks shall be paid as follows: Twenty
five per cent at the expiration of the time
for filing claims and aa often thereafter
as tha cash funds amount to 10 per cent
of the original liabilities; provided, that all
of the nubilities shall be paid within one
year from the closing of the bank, with
reoourse to the depositors' guaranty fund
to make up the deficiency in either the
first or the final dividend.
The depositors' guaranty fund shall be
created by assessments, the payment, of
which Is compulsory, against the
stock of banks as follows: One-half of 1
per cent of the deposit for the preceding
year on January 1, 191. and one-tenth of
1 per cent of such deposits on the first of
January of each year thereafter, until the
fund amounts to 1 per cent of all deposits.
All depletions from such fund to be re
stored by special assessments, not to ex
ceed 8 per cent of the deposits In any one
year. All assessments to be redepolsted
with the banks paying same, subject to
call, and secured by deposit of public bonds
with the state treasurer.
National banks are permitted to avail
themselves of the guaranty fund, by filing
a declaration to conduct their business in
accordance with this act, and to subject
themselves to examinations by the state
bank examiners
Strong Probability that Old Orgranl
atlon of Both Houses
Will Stand.
t PIE3RRE, 8. D., Jan. S.-(Speclat Tele
gram.) The sentiment among members of
the legislature tonight appears to be that
practically the old organization of both
houses of two years ago will stand for this
session from sneaker down to the minor
While this sentiment prevails tonight It
Is subject to change In caae the progressive
leader of the state decide to take a hand
when they all arrlv on the scene. As
yet only a part of them ar here and the
rest will be In tomorrow morning. If they
decide to take a hand ther may be a
decldefl change, but not without som
strong protests on the part of the backer
of the beneficiaries of the present feel
ing. The ones on the ground deny any
Indication of mixing, but the whole council
may feel differently in regard to th
situation. Caucuses will probably be held
Tuesday forenoon.
Many Tonus; Folks Leave Sunday and
Depots Ar Busy Scenes ot
The Union and Burlington depots were
enlivened Sunday by the presence of hun
dreds of relatives and friends of the col
lege folk who left the city yesterday to re
turn to school after the holidays. During
the greater part of the day there were par
ties at the station to say "Good-bye" to
sons, daughters, sisters, brothers and
friends who had to start back to their col
lege or university In order to be In time for
the opening exercise efter two weeks of
vacation. At about 6 o'clock the crowds of
young people and their parents grew espe
cially thick and "Good-byes" flew thick
and fast between people who would not see
each other again for five or six months
after having lived together for years. Some
of the people whow ere at the railway sta
tion to see their friends off to eastern
school crossed the river to Council Bluff
before saying the final "Good-bye."
Flames of ' I'nknown Origin Do
Damage, to Store of F.
A fire of unknown origin did extensive
damage to th building and grocery stock
of F. Cohen, 720 North Sixteenth street,
about 6 o'clock Sunday morning. Th build
ing was damaged to the extent of 'about
$200 and several hundred dollars will bs
needed to cover the loss to th stock snd
fixtures by fire, water and smoke. The
flames also extended to the second story
of tho store building, but the fire depart
ment prevented sny serious d image there.
The total loss from the fire will ba ab ut
Another fire ocurred shortly after mid
night Sunday morning at the home of WII
lard Bennett, 6301 Florence boulevard. It
also entailed a loss of about J1.000, moatly
to the contents, and wa of uncertain
PAZO OINTMENT guaranteed to cur any
caae of itching, blind, bleeding or protruding
Piles in to 14 days or money refunded. COo,
Local Record.
OMAHA, Jan. a. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last thre
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 T
years: 190S 1907. 19". 1908.
M x mum temperature.... H 51 23 81
M nlmum t -mrxoalur.... 2X 35 12 21
Me n temperiure 42 3 Is 16
Temperature and preclplta Ion depart
ures from the normal at Omaha slnca
Mar h 1, and compared with the last two
No nial temperature II
Normal pr clp tatljn Inch
Deficiency for the day 02 IrcU
Kxceis for tit day f
Total exresn s'nee March 1. 19cs 4U
Tot-tl rainfall since Marc') 1 24. 6 in h a
De lclei.ty s nee March 1. 19" St. ... 6.6Bln h s
Def.c ency for cor. period, 1W7.... 7 4' Inch's
Deticlency for cor. period, 19ut.... 1.79 Inches
1. a. w r. ..-.I. i ' i Fjri ir.
December Weather.
Temperature Highest. W degrees; date,
26th; Inwrat, I degrees below sero; date,
7th; greatest dally rang. 12 degreea; date,
7th; Wast dally rang, 4 degrees; dam, Uin;
mean for this month for thirty-eight years,
27 degrees; abaoluts maximum for this
month for thirty-eight year. 71 degrees.
1M; abaoluts minimum for this month f r
thirty-eight years, 17 below, 179; average
dally excess of this month as coin pai e,i
with mean of thirty-etght years. 4t de-
frees: accumulated excess since January
7 degrees; average dally excess since
January 1, 1 degree.
Precipitation Total for this month, .tt
Inch; snowfall. It Inche; greatest precipi
tation In twenty-four hours, ,26 Inch; dale.
5th and th; snow on the ground at end of
month, non; average of this month Sar
thirty-right yeara. . inch; deficiency of
thl month compared with . average of
thirty-eight year. .63 Inch; accumulated
deficiency sines January 1. I SO Inches.
Weather Number of days olear, iJ; psrtly
cloudy, t; cloudy. 10; on which .01 Inch or
mora of precipitation occurred. I.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster,
(Continued from First Page.)
who has been particularly active during
his administration of the Postofflc depart
ment In adopting Inbor saving drvlcs and
Improving the service In other ways, saw
the utility of stamp-vending machines,
which are tn general use In Kurope, and
last January he Invited Inventor to sub
mlt models of such machines. There were
twenty-six machines offered for trlnl, all
of which were can-fully tested by a com
mittee of the Post.-fflce department, headed
by Chief Postofflce Inspector McMillan.
Twenty of these were considered Imprac
ticable and of the six of those remaining
were subjected to a further trial.
German Machine Fnvorlt.
Strangely enough, the only machine which
has stood the test without a hitch, and
which Is tha only entirely automatic stamp
vending machine Is a German Invention.
It Is called tho "Abel" after tho Inventor.
This device has already been adopted by
the German government and Is In use
In many poatofflces In their country. Other
European countries have also ndopted th
machine, and it Is used In South America.
Several of these machines ore now being
tested tn the postoffices of New York
City, and according to reports are perform
ing their work tn an almost human-like
manner. It Is probable) that the Post
office department will make a moro gen
eral test of tho machines In hotels, rail
road stations, drug stores, and other publln
places before recommending that tho Bfl.nno
postoffices of this country be supplied
with them, but that tho machines will ba
adopted generally In the near future Is
practically assured.
The German machine is a marvel of
mechanical ingenuity. It Is operated auto
matically by the dropping lit of a coin,
and can be arranged to sell a stngl stamp
or a number of them. If a single J-ccnt
stamp Is desired, two pennies must b
placed In a slot, and Immediately after tha
second copper falls Into pjace th sttimp
Is delivered. Bad coins will not bo ac
cepted, and If a person tries to "beat"
the machine, he gets only his bad pleca
John Burke on the West.
No man has been mora closely allied to)
the fortunes of "Buffalo Bill" than Major
Burke, he of the long hair, the prominent
facial scar and peculiar mustache, who Is
known In every town from St. Petersburg
to Seattle. Major Burke lived in Wash
ington forty years ago and he likes to
spend a day or two here whenever ho can
get the time to do so. He Is here now
and to hear him speak of the changes that
have occurred In "tha west" slnco he first
tted up with "Bill" would Incline one to
believe that he is a relative of Baron
Munchausen or Hans Chlrstlan Andersen.
"I have Just returned from a western
trip," said Major Burke today, "and I
am more than ever impressed with the
wondrous growth of our country. I have
found towns of 50,000 people where a few
years ago there was nothing but scenery,
and I found farms producing 1800 worth
of fruit per acre, which wer bought ten
years ago at the rato ot fJOO for a quarter
section. No on who has not aeon the
growth ot the west can have any con
ception of Its wonders."
A Religion Author's StatemeaU.
For sevaral years 1 was afflicted with,
kidney trouble and last winter I was sud
denly stricken with a severe pain In my
kidneys and was confined to bed eight days
unable to get up without assistance. My
urlna contained a thick white sediment and
I passed same frequently day and night
I commenced taking Foley's Kidney
Remedy, snd the pain gradually abated and
finally ceased and my urlna became nor
mal. . I cheerfully recommend Foley' Kid
ney Remedy. For sale by all druggists.
The Luxuriant Beauty of Womanhood
that tan Be Enhanced.
A Prolific Cnnse of Hair Scarcity of
the Sort Which Dr. Nott Success
fully Planned to Chance
with HLs Tonic.
In "The Lovers' Vision" Saxe drew a
pen picture of appealing beauty. "Golden
hair, like sunlight, streaming on th mar
ble of her shoulder." ho wrote. Every
woman's beauty is enhanced by luxuriant
hair. A wealth of tresses adds nttractlve
ness to a plain face. Dr. Nott spent years
In search of aids to hair culture. The
fact that the market was flooded
with hair preparations did not discour
age him in his hunt for something far bet
ter than any other. He hit upon a form
ula so good that It was bought by The
Heeslg-Ellls Drug Co. snd this big Mem
phis house has dedicated Dr. Nott's Hair
Tonic to all men and women whose hair Is
falling out. It Is a tonic that has given
big crops of hair to people who were
lamenting over thin spots. This prepar
ation of Dr. Nott's is an active germicide
and will get rid of all of the dandruff
making microbes that are laying the
foundation for so many, many bald heada.
By using Dr. Nott's Hair Tonic, women
can enjoy thicker, longer hair and all men
showing a tendency to baldness can save
tha hair they have, while to per cent of
tha bald ones have excellent chances for
growing new hair.
Dr. Nott' Hair Tonic can bo had at
Myers-Dillon drug store. Ask about It.
rnnn FAD Wak am! nsrvou man
lUUaJ IUR who find their power to
NPlrVrv work and youihlul vigor
PlbaVVaWa gone as a result of over
work or mental exertion should take
make you eat and sleep and o a
man again.
(1 Box; hose g3. SO y aall.' Js Mooummhu. amui ot
Cox. 1U aad Soag atresia
owl jaua comam i
Jo. ! and Kasaey nta, Osaahs.
Meal Tickets Frea at Hansons'
Every person who takes a insal at Tolt
Hanson's basement restaurant may guess
the number who visit thare during the dsy.
Every day th nearest guess win a nisal
Toll Dansoo'i Lunch Boom
Th most attractive, brightest, airiest
and most economical lunca room to Otnaba.
Matin evsry day, til a. Svsry night till
Kltabanzat Troupe, Howard at Howard,
Hayes A Johnson, James H. Cullen, Mc
Phee aV Hill, Two Pucks. Musical Cralgs,
Klnodrome. Prices lOo, tla and too.
Daily, starting Monday, Jan. 4th, 110.
AU this Het-k, oxc! Wednesday.
AD.M1KHIO.N ,.i io CU.