THE OMAHA SUNDAY IlEK: .TAXUAHV .1, '1009. S much niisng In those for The receipt for the ten nf 190K was m follows: Peru I toaiut Ur1nnetl Minnesota (at Mlnneapoli lISSKell Iowa tat Iowa City). Ames (at Omaha)... Kansas Wabaeh , Csrlials ths minor con foot ball games $ ).... 8.r3 T9 no 1.12' .n:2. 2.KV4.00 i.r.w 1.743.09 Total $17.16452 Base Ball and flasket Rail. During 1901 base ball and baaket ball each made money for the athletic board, and track athletic and cross country teams eac h lost money. The receipts (or base hall were $1.S21M and the expenditures were ft. 163.42, leaving credit balance of I0S.88. baaket ball made a net Rain of IJ7S.98. the receipts being I1,44.63 and the expenditures tl,lS7.4. In 1807 there waa ft baae ball de ficit of t)7,44. In the name year basket ball had a credit balance of M M. Ijiet year the deficit In track athletlca waa (WK1.00, the receipt being but I4W.59 and the expenditures $1,140.59. In 1907 the track (amea Incurred ft deficit of $254,86. The expense of the cross country team In 1M7 waa greater than that of last year. In 1M7 It waa $.-0131 and In 1008 It waa $188.45. Tho total athletic receipts for tho year ending December 31, 19OT, were $ and ttjft expenditures Were $2I,!87.B1. Of the re ceipts the foot ball team earned $18,501.45; Its ahare of the expenditures waa W.OT7.40. n 1P07 the total receipts for the athletic ear were $20,35142 and the expenditures were During; that year foot ball's ahare of the receipts was $1,73R.5. Its share of the expenditures was $10.79).7, Last year the receipts from the sule of student athletic tickets wcrs $1,129. This ajin was divided amtmg the four branches of university sport. Foot ball received II.0M, basket ball waa given $271.50 end base ball and track athletics were each appor tioned $135.75." Soathern Trip Xctt Week. Practically all of the lending basket hall candidates have returned to the university and are preparing for the southern trip, which will be taken the latter part of next week, when the Kansas State Agricultural college and Kansas university will ba Played, One game will be played with the Angles at Manhattan Thursday night. The Jayhawkers will be met In two games at Lawrenca, one contest being played Friday and the other Saturday night. Some of the baaket ball men have been practicing .this week in an effort to get into shape to meet their Kansas opponents next week. Dwlght Bell and Captain Walsh, the two veterans, have been work ing real hard and they probably will be abla to star on the trip. The green ma terial Is also doing some faithful practicing under the keen direction of Coach Clapp, but none of tho team's supporters expect these new men to get Into shape to do any brilliant playing by the end of next weak. Most of the Cornhusker students look for the five to lose at least two of the games and would not be aurprlsed If It failed to win the third. Everyone expects Kansas university to trim the Nebraska quintet in both games. The strength of the Manhat tan Aggies, however, Is not known and the Cornhusker students do not know how to "dope" the meeting of the agriculturists with their team. The original basket ball schedule for this winter had to be revlaed, owing to confl ct of several dates with other Important unl verslty events. Manager Eager has Just finished making the changea in the sched ule. The rearranged Hat of games follows January 7 Manhattan at Manhattan. January 8 Kansas at Lawrence. January Kansas at Lawrence. January 15 Ames at Lincoln. January 10 Aniea at Lincoln. January 22 Drake at Lincoln. January 23 Drake at Lincoln. January 2 Kansas at Lincoln. January $0 Kansas at Lino. In. - j February 1 Mlatourl at Lincoln. February 5 Minnesota at Minneapolis. February Minnesota at Minneapolis. February $ Ames at Amea, February $ Ames at Ames. February 10 Drake at Drake. February 11 Drake at Drake. February 19 Minnesota at Lincoln. February 20 Minnesota at Llnooln. . SNAVELY ALIVE AND WELL Man Belnc Searched for by Police Surprised at Excitement He Has Caased. "What Is the rumpus all about? I see by the papers that I have mysteriously disappeared. Will I get a reward If I find myself?" This Is part of a letter received Saturday from Albert I Bnavely, the elderly pro prietor of a pool hall at 2019 North Twenty-fourth street, who quietly left the city December IS' without saying where he was going. The letter was sent to II. Larson, who has been conducting Snavely's busi ness since the latter's disappearance. It was postmarked Coleda, 111., and dated December 24. Mr. Snavely aald he was soon going to Sterling, III., to visit before returning to Omaha, and stated that "he was alive and well." EVENTS ON RUNNING 1 RACKS Firestone Wini New Year's Handicap at Emeryrille from Lightwool. FAVORITE, DOHAUTE, IS THIRD Woodcraft Ulna Rom selling Stakes at Kant Anita Before Largest Crowd that Ever Malted tho Tartaric. That one la responsible for the Joy of many thousands of anlea of many thousands of people must, to say the least, be a very satisfactory reflec tion, and the fact that one la at the head of a business that achieves these results, fully warrants these pleas ing meditations. The wise cltlson will attest to the comfort Involved In being well shod. well clothed, well fed. and well groomed, a.nd will be equally emphatic In hla declara tion of how these comforts may be ntianced by seeking the solace of an Originator IVIILD Cigar lOc- -Price- lCc Oct Xt At All Dealers - Mala kf E. M. 8CIIWARZ 4k CO. Nsjvv York FMORD-DRADY CO. DISTRIBUTERS OAKLAND, Jan. 2.-FIrcstonc, carrying the colors of Thomas II. Williams, won New Year's handicap at Emeryville yester day from Lightwool, with Dorantc, the fa vorite, third. The event was run during a light rain and the track was sloppy. Al though the weather was threatening early In the day, over 12.000 persons were on hand to witness the holiday event. The handicap was at a mile and a furlong, and a field of flvs was sent to the post, there having been several withdrawals owing to the going. Dorante ruled favorite through out the betting, but Firestone, Lightwool and Montgomery were also well supported. The start was good for all but Don En rique, and he sulked. Lightwool got off In front, followed by Dorante, With Firestone next. In the stretch Miller called on Fire stone and he closed fast, winning by two lengths from Lightwool, who tired some what on the rail. Montgomery was out run throughout th Journey. The handi cap waa worth $2,210 to the winner. The first 2-year-old race was won by Gilbert Hose, a half brother of Lee Rose, lie was outrun the first part of the Journey, but finished with a" rush, and evidently out classed the rest. Summaries: First race, si furlongs, selling: May Amelia (108. Goldsmith, to' 6) won, Ka lelRh (100. Talpln, 18 to D) second. Sir Brll lar fllifi. Van rumen. 12 to 11 third. Tlmo: :i!. Serenade, Tho Captain, John A. Mel lon, Okenite, Rankara, Ellerd and In spector Balrd finished as named. necond race, three furlongs, a-year-oias. purse: Gilbert Hose (109, Scovllle, 13 to B) won, Mr. Dunphy (112. Miller, t to 2) se ond, Fred Stone (112, Wood, 80 to 1) third. Time: 0:31. Oerando. Jim Brady. Fire, Eddio Elks, Sixteen. Elfin Beau, Woolton and Logician finished as named. i niro: race, five furlongs, j,atnrop nanni es pi Madman (112. Gilbert, 13 to 10) won, Fanatic (hlO, Scovlllo, to 1) second, Ocean Queen (99, Klrschhaum, 13 to 2) third. Time: 1:01. Sir John, Trols Temp and Schmoozer finished as named. . Fourth race, one mile and an e'ghth, New Tear handicap, value to winner $2,210: Fire stone (111, Miller, 18 to 6) won. Lightwool (115, Keogh. 7 to 2) second, Dorante (118, Lee, 11 to 6) third. Time: 1:54. Montgom ery and Don Enrique finished as named. Fifth race, six rurlongs, selling: run Eaton (94. I'pton. 6 to 1) won. Native Son (107, McCarthy. 6 to 1) second. Anna Mav (111, Notter, 28 to 5) third. Time: 1:14. Botanist, Fred- Bent. St. Francis. Fireball and Nebuleosis finished as named. Sixth race, one mile,- purse: Ocean Shore (109, Keogh. 4 to 1) won. Joe Ross (!. Up ton, U to 2) second, Crotton (107. Miller. to M third. Time: 1:42'. Palealto, Red Leaf, Mauretanla and Wap finished as named. Great Crowd at Santa Anita. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2.-Before a crowd of 18,000 persons, ths largest that ever st- tended the races at Santa Anita park, Woodcraft yesterday defeated Molesey In a terrific drive by a noss in the Rose selling stakes. The victory of Woodcraft was largely due to Shilling's fins finish. He was apparently beaten in the stretch turn, but hers Shilling began to rids hard and gradually closed up on Melesey in time to win. Shilling was given a hearty cheer when he returned. The first race for 3-year-olds was run today and it resulted In an easy victory for Flying 8qulrrel. He waa a 9-ta-10 favorite and won easily by half a length. Summaries! First race, selling, seven furlongs: Ori flame (111, B. Wilson, 6 to 2) won, Jane Laurel (102, T. Rice, 7 to 2) second, Wis teria (119, Shilling, 4 to 1) third. Time; !l:2i Altenbough. Alien Lee, Our Anna, Ivan hoe. Uncla ilenry, jvurounuuii, uuiuen Rule and Held also ran. Second race, three furlongs, J-ycar-olds: Fivlnor ftaulrrel (lull. Shilling. 9 to 10) won, Green Dragon (108, Powers, 5 to 1) second, h'epulvlda (108, Archibald, 7 to J) tnira. Time: 0:34. Sam Webb, Gregory, Cap tain Morris, Ablhu, Soloe and Tyras also ran. . . Third race, seven rurlongs, selling: rl (119, Powers, 6 to 2) won, Ixird Sianhope 1119, McGoe, ( to 1) second, Alma Boy (H9, hi ! l a , 1 Tim.- 1 "n lnH.r. son, Joiin Louis, Proper, Cracksltot, atrln gency and Dredkln also ran. m ourtn rare, me none selling siaee, mno and one-eighth: Woodcrat (113, Shilling, 13 to 6) won. Molesey W rage, u to bt second, Edwin T. Fryer (109, Powers, 5 to 1) third. Time: 1:52. St. Elmwood, Ida May, Rubric. Miss Bain ana lony juonero also ran. Fifth race, mile and one-nsir: Henry u (HI, E. Clark, 13 to 1) won. ,Goldeway (110, Shilling, 6 to 2) second, Beauclere (103, Mo dee. 4 to 1) third. Time: 2:81. First Peep, Whitten and St. Alero also ran. Bixin race, purse, six luriungs: uommus Arvl (110. Powers, 7 to 10) won. Big Chief (lttt, Shilling, 1! to 1) seconcj, Uroen Meal (108, J. Howard, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:11. Cloyna also ran. Waterbury left at the post. Seventh race, one mile, selling: Varieties (111. Clark, $ to 1) won, Pretension (lo, Powers, to ( second, Niblick UGt), Mc Cahev, 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:39H. Obsr- ton, jsiixanein r ana Aierriu aiso ran. SprlagfrosT Wins .Handicap. SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. .-New Year's day races of the Savannah Jockey club brought out the largest crowd of the meet. Foxy Qrandma galloped home in the first race. The fourth event, the New Tear handi cap was closely contested. Summaries: First race, six furlongs: Foxy Grandma (IIS. Dubtl. & to 1) first, Rovery (I to 2. place) second, Arawaka (out show) third. Time: 1:30. Bed Ora and Leonard Joj iUyman also ran. Second race, six furlongs- Scotch Lass (W, Murphy, even) won, Istroa (S to 2, f.lacc) second. Miss Imogens (1 to 4, show) lilrd. Time: 1:18. Bosom Friend and Redemption also ran. Third race, a-year-olds and un. one lnllo. selling: Frank Lalor (114, McCardle, even) won, lountermana ( to s, place) aeconu. Miss Majoria (3 to 6. 'show) third, Tims; i Away, Riucadonna snd Virgil T also ran. Fourth race. New Year s handicap, one mllo for 3-year-olds, purse: Suringfrog (11. Dunlap, 1 to 1) won, Dolly Hiillman. 8 to 5, pluceO second, Pecutalign (1 to I, fchow) third, lime: 1:47V,. Belle of the Ball. Miss Cartigan and Stabo also ran. Fifth race. The Chatham cud for 4-year- olds and up, one mile, gentlemen riders: Fllmnan OoS. Mr. J. Kelly, 2 to 1) won. Countermln (2 to 1, place) St-cond, Proof sheet, -even) show) third. Time: ll. St. Valentine, Jigger and W. G. Williams also ran. Sixth race, five and a half furlongs. I- year-oldB and upward: Blrdslay (112, Murphy, t in 1) won, Wlsk Uroom (g to 5. place) second, The Ram, even, show) third. Time: l:15fc. 6m Clay. Ray Thompson. Rick Enslty and Pensanita also ran. Resalls at Havana. HAVANA, Jan. 1-Followlng are the re sults of the racing yesterday at Almen darea park. Summaries: First race, five and a half furlongs: Wn by Guards; Fresh, second) Sir Vagrant, third. Time: 1:10. Second race, four and a half furlongs: Won by Ramble; Catherine Cardwell, sec ond; Peacock's Choice, third. Timet 0:W Third race, six furlongs: Won by Klder; Judge Preen, second; Artful Dodger, third. Time: f.l&H. Fourth race, seven furlongs: Won by Boniio; Fullet, second; Dew of Dawn, third. Time: 1:13V Fifth race, mile and sixteenth: Won by Oronoka: Lady Ethel, second; , Jupltar, third. Time; l.W. CARD PUZZLES VS , IiEW F0EM Parlsg Ont Pokes Hand. Cards and Haanbera. A variation of a puasle which is at least S00 years old is on its rounds In the clubs Just now. The proposition is to take a pack of cards, shutfls them, cut them and then count off twenty-five, taking them as they come. These twtntyflvs cards ara to bs ar ranged In the form of a maglo square. ths object being to Seo how many poker hands can be made out of tho twelve rows that the cards will form, borlsontatly, ver tically and diagonally. Theie is no limit to the number of times that cards may be shifted from one part of the square to another. Another popular variation of the same ptixzle Is to tale twenty-five cards and lay them out In five rows of five cards each, supposed to be poker hands, and then shift them about until each row Is a pat hand. There no limit to the number of chanses that may be made, but every one of the hands must be technically pat that Is, it must be of such a character that It Is not necessary to draw to It, because a discard would either spoil It or a draw could not Improve It. Of the standard poker hands only four are pat straights, flushes, fulls and four of a kind. It Is said by experts at this gams that It Is Impossible to pick out any twenty five cards from which five pat hands can not be made, an assertion which has cost some people a good doal of time and patience to verify. As a rule the cards naturally arrange themselves into three or four pat hands Immediately, but It usually takes a good deal of study and changing about to make the fifth hand without de stroying ths others. The pusxle from which both these forms are derived was a common form ot amuse ment In ths seventeenth century, long be fore poker waa thought of. Only the first nine cards of a suit were used, those run ning from ths acs to the nine belnc picked out. The object of the players was to arrange these nine carda In a maglo square, so that no matter which of the eight rows was counted horlsontally, vertically or diago nally, ths sum of the pips on ths csrds IA thst row would be the same as ths sum of the pips in any and every other row. The only drawback to this form of puscts is that after you have once mastered It you can always do It again, A rather curious puasle which had a great vogue In the old days was to taks this sequence of cards from the ace to ths nine, mix them and throw them face down on tho table. Three persons were then asked each to draw a card, without showing it to ths operator, but each was to show his card to the others who had drawn. The operator then told one of them to subtract one from double the pi pa on his cards and multiply ths remainder by five. He was then to add the number of pips on the second person's card. To this total he added five, doubled it and took one from It, after which he had to multiply it by five again, adding to the total the number of pips on ths third person's card, The operator then asked the sum, to which he mentally added: five, giving him a sum consisting always of three figures. The first of these three figures Is the num ber of pips on the card the first person took. The second figure will equal the num ber of pips on the card taken by the second person, and the third figure will tell the number of pips on the third person's card. I Although this process seems a little com plicated in telling It It is not so In practice, and the certainty with which the cards can be named comes In the nature ot a surprise, especially if the operator simply names tho figures and suit, pointing rapidly to each person in turn, as: "Trey of diamonds. Six of diamonds. Eight of diamonds." A very curious puzzle, based on the prop erties of permutations, which is seldom seen now, but which a well known business man once offered Melllnl $100 to learn, is known as "The Hoodoo Numbers." Take three persons sJid tell the first that his hoodoo number is twelve, tho second that his num ber is 24 and the third that his is 38. Then ask each of them to draw a card from a pack which you do not touch. Let one of them mix these three cards and then lay them face up on the table for you to look at. These three cards must be laid out In some one of six positions, and these six permutations of position are mentally num bered from twenty-three to twenty-nine, omitting twenty-six, the three cards being distinguished, say, as A, B, C. No matter how the cards are laid out those drawn by Nos. 12, 24 and 36 must occupy one ot these six positions: A B C 23 A C B 24 B A O . C A B 27 H C A 2K C B A 2t Ask the first person, who is No. It to add together the following sums: Halt the number of the person who drew the card A, the third of the number ot the person that drew the card B and the fourth of the num ber ot the person that drew ths card C Let him tell you the sum, which must be one of the' numbers between 23 and 29, as shown. Suppose the sum given as the answer Js 25; then the person No. 12 must have taken card B, No, 24 must have drawn the card A and No. 38 the card C, NEWYORR STOCKS AND BONDS Market is Cheerful, but Volume of Business is Small. CHANGE IN BASIS OF BOND SALES Rale Adding; In tercet to nola lions Causes ( onfnslon err York Central Makes Sharp Ad ranee. NKW lORK, Jan. 2.-The first business aay of tho year was quietly cheerful in the stock market, although the transi tions were email, owing to the number of members absent to i.rolong the holiday until Sunday. The banking community was busy at the annual statements. In tho bond depart tnrnt of the stock market thero was a ftood deal of confusion over the first Work ng of the new rule requiring dealings In bonds to be "and Interest." The obligation Placed on bond buyers to allow accrued In terest to the seller under this rule Instead Of securing the claim to the full period has necessitated a complicated re-acljust-ment of prices which dislocated the com parison with ruling prices. New York Central wan conspicuous for rurt to 131, an uncovered short Interest figuring apparently In Its violent advance. The shorts were driven to rover by the showings of earning for November, a nomi nal decrease in gro.HS earnings being accom panied by a cut of over $1,oii0.O:t in operat ing expenses, with corresponding advan tage to the net allowing. The New York tentral exhibit was the morn remarkablo or contrast with the Pennsylvania report which disclosed a decline of $l.a$.li0 In the parallel comparison with November of last year. Brooklyn Transits' buoyant rise was accompanied by renewal of often re peated dividend rumors. A few other sie rlal stocks moved widely but the sction or.,n market In general was sluggish. The heavy Increase of 46.4t In tho num ber of surplus available freight cars for the half month ending December 23. re ported by tho American Rallwav sssoela Ion Itsve Intimation of the shrinkage In the freight niovement for the later weeks. The bank statement showed a liberal In crease In the cash reserve an anticipated and the heavy loan expansion Indicated by the actual condition was taken to repre sent the temporary needs of the end of the year. The foreign exchange market gives evidences that higher interest rates hern have the effect of bringing finance bills Into the Pxchange market In the process of borrowing abroad. It Is likely that this proceas will be extended In the easing of discounts In foreign markets with the turn of the year. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,48,000. Toiled Wales bonds Were unchanged on call for the week. The following were the closing quotations on stocks and bonds: Sale. Hih. Lfiw. CIS". AmalKamalad Copper 8, mo ni H'i, M ni. v. r , i,4wi m Am. C. a P. pfd ino no Am. Cotton Oil Am. K. I pfd Am. le SwnHHM ,. Am. Ltoseed Oil Am. Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd Am. S. & 11 Am. S. K. prd Am. Sugar Raflniai Am. Tobarro pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atcliiaon Atrhlaon pfd Atlantic Coart Line... Baltimore Ohio Bal. Ohio pfd Broolrn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclfla Central Leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jeraey Cheaapeak A Ohio... Chicago Ot. W Chteaso Sc N. W C, M. A St. P C, C, C. A St. L. Colorado F. A I Colorado A So Colo. & So. let pfd Colo, a So. 2d ptd ConaolldateS Oas corn Products Dataware A Hudaos , Denver Rio Orande D. A It. O. pfd niatlllers 6curittea Kris Brie lat pfd Erie td ptd Oeoeral Electric Oreat Northern pfd (Ireat Northern Or ctfa.... Illlnola Central Intarborough Met 40 Int. Met. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd International Pump 11.700 Iowa Central 1 ' Kanaaa City So T.WW K. C. So. sfd fnl niohov amounted in tts.;Nl,9V sn In crH.e for the rar of $1.H0.!M, and an n creHe for the month of $a.-".K. The amount of bonds on deposit to secure cir culating notes W;is $vtl.31,rl. and to se cure public deposits, IKM.lSl.Mt;. Of the Inner amount, ll.a2,IWfi was In slste bonds snd rallrnnd bonds. ll.Tn.ono In Hnwallsn bonds. $fi.Kono In the Philippine loan and $701.oiO In Porto Rlcan bonds. REPORT OP TUB CI.EARlJtO IIOl?K Transactions at th eaoelele Desks tor the Week. NHW YORK. Jiin. I Bradstroet's bnnk clearings report for the week ending P;- 1 .1 an n irl.ri.1. 1 , nf I'D. - , IMIlllt" I Uli rim". fS'.'.v. ' .1 W.u.i, Hs aaaiiiKt lU.ivS.StJ.ixU last week and fl,,!)71.Al in tne corrcsponuing vtees mm .ar. The following la a list ot the cities: C1TIE9. Cloa.lngs. Inc. Dec New York Ctlli'HCi) ltiinton Philadelphia Pit. J,euls Pittsburg Pan Francisco Kunsas City ttull Itnnm Cincinnati Minneapolis New Orleans Clove and Detroit Ijoulavill Milwaukee Omaha Ijm Angeles Heat tie St. Paul Kuffalo lenver Indianapolis ,. Kort Worth Providence Portland, Ore Albany Richmond Washington, D. C. PpokHne. Wash. ... Hull lake City Cnltinihiis St. Joseph Atlanta Memphis Thcohia Pavunnuh Toledo. O Nashville ,. Rochesier Hartford Uca Moines Peoria Norfolk New Haven Grand Rapids Rirmlngham Syracuse Bioux City 1.300 loo o ' ' 700 4'14 36 '4 4f 110 36'i c7T4 100 114 5.K 83 44 101 ,), 101 1,200 131 111 67(4 114 82T4 200 304 1,700 50 im 4T 10 4.1-4 WV4 S3 KM K 131 M'4 30'4 H0V4 Va.. JHI4 60 ii WM4 10" 300 WIS 11 S 101 Mi two no- no4 uu't I, MO 111H 1104 III14 92 0,K 72', 67 73 Gtt) 177 177 177 nn 82 II as 200 101 '4 101 '4 101 300 i!31 229 2"0 4W 67 C7"4 07V4 200 114 11 11 1.10O ISi 184 '.500 161t4 l-",0 IM'4 , 7H4 70 70)4 1,800 40 40 40 100 B74 Mt4 6O0 7UT4 7S'4 7k 5,600 75 7J'4 74'4 1,500 ." 164 lt4 400 1 17'4 1714 100 111 l" 181 rV 89'4 S9T4 ioe at 71 100 si '4 74 r 1,004 24 34'i Si 1,000 61 Vt 60 M 40 17 t.MO 147 147 500 73(4 73 147 500 140 Ilk Mi 1M4 47 '4 42 'a 11 41 71 17'i 45 38 l 40 ,0 ) 47 II at 41 11 41 71 rlnafield. Mass Iva.tiNvillf. Portland, Me. .. flnvlrtn Lilttle Rock ..... UKURta, Ga. ... ;ikl:inil Pal. . . Worcester Mobile no villa ....... acksonville, Kla 'hntttmrMie-A. .... Charleston, S. C. Incoln, Neb. .. ilmington, Del. Icliila likes barre heelinir. W all River . lavenport Culemaioo, Mich I'opeka ' It-lelm Kprlngfleld. 111. . oungsinwn 'nrt WnvnA New Pedford .... Erie, Pa Cedar liaplds, la. Macon Akron .eyfnstrm Rockford. Ill !' rfn. K. r. IvOWell Klnahnmtnn Chester, Pa, bioux Kails, Houth Bend, Bloomlngton canton, o Qulncy. Ill Kpiingfleld. O. . Decatur. III. ... Mansfield, O. ... Kremnnt. 'i.h Jacksonville, ill. Iklahoma City 'Houston ,. 'Ofl-iVpHlnn Columbia S. C Sacramento Jackson, Miss. . Loulavllls i N 5.000 1 12 12' Minn. A Bt. Lonle 6'W M t4 W f.UOO 14 inv4 13. 7 , 1,900 64 4il 5110 77!a , 32.400 131 , 10.700 48 . l.aoo 8 too 74 M 4i 71 77 12S 130 46 48 81 T4 47 42 77 V, Wis election Judge Goes 4o Prison. CLEVELAND, O., Jan. J.-Mlchael Ryan, convicted of ballot bog stuffing while act ing as primary election judge, and formerly a well known local politician, surrendered himself to the county sheriff today and waa at once taken to the stste penitentiary at Columbus to serve his sentence of one year. Ryan had been fighting a penitentiary sentence for three years. Three times lie disappeared when wanted. fo fre f Sn S-S-Shiverinfl W-w-why d-d-dldn't you order that new Winter Overcoat and Suit, b-b-before t-t-tben? We've warned you to you know? However, you saved money by your delay, anyway, since our January sale la offerlnf to make to measure 9.10.00 Suitings made to measure In finest fashion, FOR $35 4S.00 Halting richly tailored to measure, FOR $33 $33.00 Suitings Flawlessly fash ioned to measure, FOU 325 $30.00 Suiting Carefully tal lored to measure, FOB $20 MzcCarthy-Viissn Tailoring Ca. 304-304) South 16th St. Near Southwest Corner Hth and Farnam. Opea Evenings. 1.S00 143 142 14J tOO M IS W14 11,100 132 131 l'2'a 100 105 106 104 at 42 173 100 48 48 484 40, K10 1434 142 1434a 10 24 26 25 4.100 1,000 10) 100 54 85 24 (I 41 , 3 - 71 . 12.700 l!l ! HI 900 122 1H2 m 1,40 17 4 8 48 11 .. 1I.0J0 .. 1.000 00 toO 24 61 42 14 24 '4 4A S 4t 11 2 4i M 4 71 m., st. r. a s. s. w.. Mlasourt raolflo M., K. T M., K. A T. pf National Lead Near York central N. Y., 0. W Norfolk Western North Amerli-an Northern FacKlo Paeiric Malt Penneylvanla feopla'a Uaa P., C, C. a Bt. L Preae4 Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway gteel Sprlui.. Reading Republic Steel Republic Bteel pro Rock lslaaS Co Rock lalans Co. pro... St. U. S. F. 14 St. Louie S. W St. L. S. W. pfd HloM-tShefheld S. a 1. Southern Pacific So. Pacific pfd Southern Railway ..... TeuneaaeS Cooper Texaa A Paolflc r.. Bt. L. & w T.. St. l. A W. !... Union Paclfla I'nton Paclfle ! U. 8. Rubber U. S. Rubber lat pfd.: V. S. Steel tT. S. Bteel pis Utah Copper Va.-carollna Chemical Va.4Jaro. Cheat. pf4.. Wattaah Wabaah pfd Weetlmhoune Electric Westers Union Wheeling L. B Wleconeln Central .... e.e cm Total aales tor tne uy. Heir YmrU ssr Market. vnw VARK. Jan. 2.-PRIME MERCAN Til K PAPKR 4lH Per font. BTKRUNO EXCHANGK-Klrm, with .i!.. 5 t..ina in bankers' bills at M WUnff 4.8615 for sixty-day bills and at HWlMii5 for demand: commercial me, e'. '"- nlUVKK-Bar, fc)o; Mexican dollars, 4oc lioNDS Government, nominal; railroad, Ii? iftl irVi-i cell, nominal. Time loans dull and easy; sixty Hnd ninety days, 3 .,..r rent: six months. aWfiai pr cent ' The, fnllowina were tho closing quotations on bonds yesterday: 11 a r 5. raa....lOI Int. Met. 4a v . .1 ..... , do coupon " SO. 500 114 4 1K3 1K1 .100 34 v 14 S4fc JUO 10 10 1 , 14,000 6S l.aoo 113 100 47 CU0 44 I.-1 W us Hi 1,400 100 J,) 100 l.aoo IS 60 r 70 U 91 47 44 ' 4 t: ' 12 374 47 44 HI 1 4 to 9 7110 137 127 127 V. S. Sa. reg de eaupoa V. 8. aa. reg no coupon Am. Tobacco 4a... So 4a , Aiihiaon en. 4a... de adj. 4a 4a cv. 4a do cv. Ea Atlantic U 4a. Bel. Ohio 4a.... do a Brk. R. T. c. 4a.. Central et os. U 4o lat tea ado 2d luc do Id Inr Chee. 4V Ohio 4a. CUIcafu A A. la. C, B. 4k Q. s. 4.. C., R. 1. P- 4a... do col. &a do rtdf. 4a i-rt: ft St. L. I eColo. Ind. ba 1l)oMan. c. m. .,..l'MiMrx. rentrel 4a im do 1st Ine ,...iaiMlnn. St. L,. 4. .... 7M., K. & T. 4a.... lirt do ia ....l'N. K. R. of M. S 4a at .... iN. y. f. g. ista r. ....ltuaN. J. C. f. aa I.c .. o4 ..10J .. mi .. aJVa .. Si .. M 8. D. Ind. . 111. .. 55.6'. 7.0i .3 'Hi 42.8 lit 4.1 7.01 1H.R 44.0' .t 2 6 4.7 27. 1 tl.tTA25R.noPI Zit.oJftffioi lSS.J4J.onn llO.Iifl.O'" .xt fl.l41. Kfl.15S.00 1 21M113.WJ'i.oiO! Ifi mi.ty 1B.1M.IOOI J3.BO7.O04 10.C.(( 11.054.flnO' in.tUii.oai1 10,633,0001 13 41 as.;ti 7.541. 00 8.24'J,""i 6 7H'..ono .S2S.iSOi 4li4,lin ,O77.0'O . 159.01 1 5,!SP,tmoi 4.74,04H 4..1,Ca 4,8S5.0iinl t,X2 O KI1 4. ft". 1,0041 4 i75.0K( 4,HM,t i.m. rr.o 35.04 KW 8 1.'2; tw.o 1.S 1 "jo". 1K.T n.i "ii 17.8 ANNOUNCEMENT lfE BEG to announce that the Automobile Business of Mr. 11 K Zredriclson, 20U-40-4S Farnam St-, having been incorporated, will in the future be conducted under the name of II. E. Fredriclion Automobile Co. , which xcill continue to occupy the same quarters, with Mr. Fredritkson as president in active management. We will appreciate and endeavor to deserve the eame extensive patronage of the publh that Mr. Fred rickeon has received in the past, and wish to offer our assurance that our efforts will be to offer our patrons inly such merchandise as standi at the head of its class. H, E Fredrickson Atttomobile Company 1 4tHB,OfO 0; 4.6 J,818,410 87. 3.rW.U I a.456 0X 81.7 8.W7.O0O J0. 2. TV-'. WiO 1.7 Z.4I1J.000 5 4 J.21K,( 27. 8 2.154.010 8.6 1.S44.00O 9.0 l.TM.OOO " z.ora.oi'O J8.9 i l.r,2S.ono S. 2,220 000 43.! . l.M 4.000 1.RI9 0 . 1.444.000! at.t 1.445.0O0 17.) 1.24;l.0uo .8 l.SW.OOO 31.2 1.115.0C0 3.8 1,217,000 21.6 1,230,000 6.6 1,183.0 41 19.4 l,253,0t 14.4 1.15S.0OO 22.41 841,04m I 37.7 1.12,roi 4.7 071.000 9.0 1.326.000 33.61 l.l'iK.OOO 7.71 1,116,000 11. if 993.000 .- 9.6 1.074.0) 0 87.1! MSS.UOf) 18.2! 1.220.001) 51.51 O.'.O.OO 45.91 W.OOO S.3( 510.00 K.6 7X0.4IO) 3S.7 ; 7.21 4,00) 12.7 71?0,rt 7.4 6.19 001 1.71 tOS.OCfl 46.4 614.4XiO 20.5 570.000 18.0 &30..r 36.8 411 ,W0 18. t 374.000 1.0 470.0 0 72. to.l 2H7.000 1.7 3:9,000 1.0 556.00(1 21.7 4n.0tJ0l ..1 , S'9,0- 14.4 ; 257,000 8.4 i IW.OOO 12.1 j 34,0'0 5.1 241,000 32.4 ! l.iaKOW 117.6 26.131,000) 48.2 16.OA0I 0 4R2.4tnO 13.0 7t!4.0f) 18.8 368,000 Not Included In tntol. k.n.,,.. other ltema than ! Ilosloia Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON'. Jan. 2. Monev. mil Inen. -ii m per cent; time loans, ZiM per cent. Atrhlran dj. a J Arltone. Com 00 4 100 Atlantlo Atrhlaon R. R 100H Butte Coalition .. lo M 101t4Cal. Arlaona... Bnelon a Alhaoy 225 Cel. 44 Hecla Boston Maine 1114ntenolal Moaton Clereted 1 21 14 Copper Range ... Kltrhburg pfd m Uelr l N. Y., N. H. & H...lti1 rranklin t'nlon Pacific 18i(renb Ara. Arge. cheat aaOreene Canaaea ,. . so taie Morale . Mn, Mining .... .Ill Mlrhlgan .129 Mohawk .137 Mont. C. el C . 10 Merada . W 54 Old Donluion .... . la Uacaola .540 Parrot .lMQulncr . HUPIiaiiaon . a(V4Tamaraok . STrinlt!r ..J4il'alle4l Copper ... . SOVfcir. g. Mining .2 V. S. oil . St Utah .11 Victoria .. Winona , . 87 Wolverine . Moris Butts .. 1114 .. 17 .. 27 .UII14 ..S7a .. 33 .. 74 .. 1 .. H ..10Si .. II II Ii 34) l7l U m a 1 K 17 II JT 14 4 4 161 U London Stork Market. fONDON, Jan. S. American securities started firm on the stock exchange today, maintained an early Improvement and closed firm, although business was small. The St. Iiils & San Francisco bond Issue offered by Hpeyer A Co. was well sub scribed for by London and Amsterdam. Ixmdon closing stock Quotations: Conaola, money I3M., K. A T do account 3S. T. Central.... Anaconda Ida Norfolk a W Atrhlaon 103 do pfd do pfd l') Ontario W Baltimore a Ohio. ...114 Pennarloania .... Canadian Pacific Ill Rand Mlnea , f'heaapeae O f Reading t hlcaajo 3. W it Southern f I'M., Mil. 4V Bt. P..15& do pfd lie Beera 11Southern Pacific.. benver A Rio 0 414l'nloa Paolfle.,,., da pfd H do pfd..., . sU. S. steel . en do pfd. ...1 . 4lt4Wabaeh . 404 do pfd .162 Spanlaii 4a .11 Anal. Copper tl steady at 4 3-16d per CADILLAC "THIRTY" Frlcc, S 1,400 ' We Are Now Making Deliveries t s Tho Cadillac "Thirty" at $1,400 embodies tho grade of materials and workmanship found in the $2,500 ears of other makes. SPECIFICATIONS: Four cylinder, 30 horse-power, speed up to fifty miles per hour, wheel base 106 inches, price $1,400 for any style body five passenger touring car, demi-tonneau or run about .with rumble seat. Call at the garage and inspect the car or write for information. K. R. KIMBALL Phones: Doug. 6904, and A-2023 2026-28 Farnam St. WE CURE MEN PAY OUR FEE WHEN CURED. Man afflicted with any allmr-nt should go to ths Doc tor longest fstabllahed, moat experienced and best suc cess. Our twenty-five years' auccessful practice In curing MKN lias enabled us to perfect cure that have never tv-en urpanaed. If equalled. This auccessful experience la value able to our patlenta aad yoa pay whan cursd. Established In Omaha 25 Years This reputation we have held so many years aa tha MOST HKLIABlvK and SUCCESSFUL. DOCTOH8 for MKN in tlio West. Men come to us knowing their true condition will be honestly explained and treated. After a perfect un derstanding of each case, a fair, honest prico la agrecit upon between doctor and patient, including all medicines, until cured. Our patients know Just what it will cost for a permanent cure before tlioy bearln treatment. Alwavs find out positively If the fee includea the MKDICINKS. . If you pay for medicines every time you get tham, you never know what the coBt of your treatment will be. Do not be caught In this great medicine graft. Ws will cura yon for lass money than any other specialist ami accept tha money In aay way yon WISH xo pay. fservous ieomty, niooo roiaon, iviunry una ntaouttr, rrumanv; inraut.., Weakness, Stomach and Bkln Diseases, all ailments of men, no matter how ac quired. . :?C?KAMjNATIO AM) OOXSIXTATIOX. WBITK FOR HIM I TOM IJlfcK r OIv MIB1K llfKAinitai, BKWKKK FARNAM AND DOt'GIiAS. i,wiw.aJ7 DR. KcGREW CO., 215 S. 14 St., Omaha, Net. do ptd Am. Pneu. Tuhe... Amer. Sugar do pfd Am. T. T Amer. Woolen .... do pnt Pnmlnlon I. A S.. Kdlann Klec. 1Mb.. tleneral Bleetrto .. Masa. Kiectrlo .... do pfd Maaa. Uaa I ailed Krult United 8. M do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Adventure Allouea Amalgamated . 44 .U4 . H . M . dS . 7 . I . r ....U4 ....iaat .... as .... t.i'i ....lli'e .... 19 .... au .... M Erie do lat pfd de ad pfd Grand Trunk lllloola Central... Loutatrllle 4k N... ttli-VlClt-Iiar, ounce. MONBV 11V4 per cent. The rate of discount In ths open market for abort and three months' bills is 2a -t per cent.',So. Pailflc 4a lia'A .. M'4 do 3a I:ii ..lUfiK. A W. r. 4a ('4 . . 3V. S. L rfd(. 4a IM', .. MHHrnn. ct. ISa 1H6... H', . ,lt-4 do eon. ia ,. si Reading sen. 4a HJ4 . . so Hep. of Cuba aa .. 1 nt. U I. M. e. U..U2 . .1'Kil.Kt. L. S S. V. fa 4a. et,V4 .. 71 St. U S. W. r. 4a... Tti', ... 7iSealKard A. L. 4a.,.. .,4 ... 71ss. Failllc 4a l ... Ml1, do lat 4a MVt ... tl So. Railway 6a luua 4a. Texaa eV V. la - ill', ... IS T., St. U eV W. 4a.. at Colo. Mid. 4a iTHVnion racmo aa iv Cola. S. 4s. " Del A H . 4a lt V. S Steel td 6e l'lSt r, a. H n 4a H(Wlbut la 1M yuweetrii mn. ee - 7H,W. L. B. 4a..... 1 lut Wla. Cestral 4a. IMK HH. T . N. H. 4t H. H tr. (a rtfa 1344 l Lake Stiore 4a lsl... :.'a tie . I. 4a , de gen. 4a Mo.k. Vai. 4Va. Japes 4s de a o td series... Monthly Clraalatlaaa ktatenaent. WASJHINQTON, Jan. i The monthly clr culaUon statement lssuad by the comp troller of the currency shows that at the closo of business December 31, 1IH. the amount of national bank notes outstand ing wa $ti77.4J),'jA a j4HTvaa S,,r the year of $13.0:nso and an Increase for the month of $h,i.ukI. The amount of circu lation baaed on I'nited Bt.ilea bunds was ,.,, decrcasai for the year f 114. i;j !,jt, and an increase, for the month of IwViS.tMO. The circululiou eecJlcd by iaw- tlearlna llousa Uaak Statement. NEW YORK, Jan. . The statement of clearing house bunks for tiie week shows tfivn dayst that Die banks hold 4J).(f76,3l more than the requirements of the jier cent reaerve rule. This ia an increase of (4,033,1475 in. the proportionate cash reserve ss compared with last week. The state ment follows: Increase. II, 273,230.700 ,624,fio i,3L'0H7.(V0 j.i4.3ii0 D.StiU,V4JU T9.64N.1IW 271,SJ6,1 HM, 175.2(10 'Jfl.L'l .ta iJ,l&c',W0 I,i;.11.3fl0 1.2M,4(a) 2.427,ya) 3.713. !Kj0 419.8J5 4.0.-WU175 s.sio.ew Ioans Iieposlls 'Irculatlon tenders ., Fpcile Itenervo Kbserva rc(Ulrod. Kurplus h'x-U. 8. deposits Decrease. The percentage of actual reserve of the cleurlng house Lanka today waa tt.Zi, The slatement of tiie banks and trust companies of Greater New York, not re pnrtlng to the clearing house, shows that ihvse Institutions have aggregate deposits of l.l.b,ii. Total cash on hand, tluft. 740,71.4), Hnd loans amounting tu'tl,Ul,4til,4Ai. Dank Clearings. OMAHA. Jan. 1 Bank rlearlnga for to day were 12.878, 47T OS and for tha correspond ing dale lan year i,iiu,9-j..k. iota. I J.1P5.J.T1.B1 1.7",n bfi 2, 3j 7)43.13 S,ia,T50.e7 irr. l.TM.Kl.ta 1.6ul,l7i.64 f I.f8'W.I 1 tK4.4!) 01 l..U Wi a Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday klaturday 2.t7S,477.t4 Totals iB.KeVtjfuj.fc J till tubo nr-r in- a.uiir;gwUIIII mftflL M year ago. H.SZl.t.tM. JllJay. Treaasrr Xaleenent. WASHINGTON. Jan. I. Today's atate nient vt the treasury bulances In the gen- VGSSS33 BLOOD DISEASES CURED Pimples, Blotches, Bolls, Ulcers, Running Sores, Swollen Glands and all Skin and Blood Diseases ;-. . -.x0..,v. a,!t'i, . . ft tl'.. h v- a . I' .'J Undef our treatment the skin clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, cnlargened glands are reduced, fallen out hair replaced by a luxuriant growth the yes become bright and ambition and en ergy return. There Is no reason for any man having a repulsive and disfigured face from erup tions, blotches, etc. No matter whether hereidtary or acquired, our eystenv will neutralise all polaona In tha blood and ex pel them from ths system. It Is only the experienced specialist that can dlagnoee the character of the disease and apply the proper treatment to effect a cure, wa are better able by our systema to locats the cause of the disease. Our deep knowledge and experience) combined with our thoroughness In probing down to the Try bottom or origin of the trouble enables us to learn the suffered" trus phy sical condition and preai-rlbe a clues of trenlment tnml will eradicate It. Many cases havs been shamefully neglected neglected at the commencement before any physician was consulted, and then further aggravated through incorrect diagnosis and fruitless treatment . . . . . Our extended experience In the treatment of hundreds and hundreds of seri ous and complicated cases enables ua to effect cures without experimenting. Call and let us explain you how promptly and thoroughly our treatment will llmlnats every trace of tha dlseaae. Wa treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thoroughly by the latest and best methods, BadHCHITIs'OATAiBH. KITOlII DZBILITJ, BLOOD POISoV. t5r blBEABBB, IIDHEf ABO lUDSSa DlaSASS. aad all Special Diseases aad their complications, ia tha shortest possible time and at ths lowest cost lor skillful servloes and successful treatment. rAiaaultatlon Off cs Hours: 1:00 a. m. to s:ot p. m. .efVsam nation Sundays. 10 to 1 only. If you 4an and examination. not .,, wrt. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Ets., Omaha, Neb. for a Dime Why spend a ttollsr when 10c buys a bos of CASCARBTS at any Jru stors? Uss as dirsctsd get ths nstural, sasy result. Saves maay dollars waifd oa medicines thst do not curs. Millions regularly uss CASCARBTS. Buy a box now 10s week's trestmsnt proof in ths morn ing. V CA8CABKT8 ioe a box for a week s trcatnatat, all druaaina biggest seller In tb world. Million boxes a aoaU. eral fund, exluslve ot the tl50.imooo gold reserve, shows: Available cash balances, 1168 101417; gold ciln and bullion, $-,iSl,'i ; gold uertlflcates, M.4U m. . U I ,, I a r Blocks. nvw . V . NEW YORK. Jan. .-Ooslng quotation mining stocks: on aitM .. ,.. h Cam B'.U"- - torn. Tunael stock.. 04e booOa Cos. tel. Va Hon Silver Lredvllle Cos uf tared. gts Little Chief S ateaieen U Ontario Id Ophir M StanterS Yellow Jacket I Ti liu 140 lJ a An Active Salesman a Be Want Ad. XV." If " COIKJH Thar to o batter rsm dy for a cough, sold. aor uiroata mm m e trouble than HOWELL'S . ANTI- KAWF Try a bottle, its ana sot mowsxjc obt7 jo, Ctldls Us lUeot. ktotol I?! LEARII AUCTI01IEERIIIG And makk from 110 to $50 per day. W leacb you Auctioneering in four weaka' time so you can step at onus Into on of the best paying occupations in th land, and tnut without capital. We only requlra one-half of tuition down, th other after you have become a succesaful Aaotloneer. Actual practice given. Biggest and Beat, L'atlogi'e free. Winter tei m open Jan'f 4th, lull'.'. aUBSOUBI AVCTIOV BOXOOA W. i. OarpenUr. Vres. Bos B. TrsaWn. Ba No Filthy naatlena THE OMAHA DEC Best .'h. West TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER .Tn Advertiser' Hesal t-OtHter.