Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Fir Wedding in Fashionable Set
Will Be Featur of January.
rMklt1lr Will ot Walt for
Eiutrr to Co TrTf Yon
People RHin te trkoolt an
' t'alleceh Atier Cfctistmas.
To h Leftover.
"Here's to ths bachrlor, so lonely and ar.
It's not his fault, he wss bora that way;
pn'i to the niilnsliT, n lonelr anil so1,
It's not her fault, ahs hath aons what shs
Tfcs Social Caleaaa.'
MONPAY Moaday Ilrldirs Luncheon club
meeting wltli Mrs. John A. McShane
Miss Kla' Vebr, dinner 1m her bridal
attendants; Mr. George B. Print, dinner
at the Omaha club for his Weddlnn at
Un1iint; Monday Bridire club meeting
with Mn. W. A. Rertlck; Temple lsrnrj
Blsterhoa.1, whist tarty; I-a 8alle olub,
rJanrlng party at Metropolitan rlub.
TV KS DAY Tuesday niomlns muslrale si
ths home of Mm. B. A. Cudahy; Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Martin, dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. Edward IHmnn Bird of New York
CUy; Youn Married People's lancln
club meetlnB with Mr. and Mrs. Forrest
Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
llei-pont at ths home of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Dwrly; Mld-Wek Bridge club
meeting wrth Mrs. Glen Wharton; Mrs.
C. J. Smyth, luncheon for Miss Mnry
Hayd.n; MIhs Mary O'Connor, evenlns
bridge for MIks Blanche Murphy, Mrs.
Jorftenson, Bcrmo club.
WBDNE81JAY Wedding of Miss Flore
Webster and Mr. George B. I'rlni at tin
horn of Mr. and Mrs. John U. Webster;
reception at home of Mr. and Mrs. John
U Webster for Prlns-Wcbster wedding
party; wedding of Miss Kllen Clabuuah
and Mr. Gilbert Carpenter at the home
.. Kir knit Mrs. (1. W. Clabaugh: Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. Clabaugh, reception for
i,iin of Mini Hhnmuin of IJncoln and
Mr. Hobert Updike of Omaha at the
bride's home: Mrs. Philip Schwartl,
luncheon for Mrs. Viola Calm; Alternate
, Card club. Mm. C. T. Kicnarris.
I THITRKDAY Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ma-
no lrlilim siinner for Mr. and Mrs. Kd-
ward Dlmnn Bird of New York City; Miss
Rush, card for Miss Murphy; F.t-A-Vlrp
dancing rlub at Chambers'; Com Is
club, Mrs. lister i'aim.
5TtIlAY-i-Mr and Mrs. E. M. FatrtliMrt
dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Kdward lUmon
Jilrd'Of New York City; Original Bridge
club I meetlnscr Mrs. Parauvl Burns, Jr.;
Junier Frldgo club, Mrs. Loul iiarae
dti.ltnl -Hill Danclna- olub at Chanilmrs'
SATURDAY Association of Collegiate
Alumnae meeting at Brownell hs.ll; Sat
urday Night club,, danco at Chambers';
Wlnueia uancuig party.
January Uhls year wHI rival the month of
June as, the proverbial month of weddings.
Wednesday "bT IMa week there will be two
rather largo home weddings In Omaha. Ths
' wedding of Miss Flora Webster, daughter
, of Mr. and Mrs. Johh L Webster, to Mr.
George Prlni will take place at 4 O'clock
at the bride's home and will be followed
by a reception for the wedding guests. The
wedding will be one of the fashionable
events t of the season and society will be
well represented.
.The (marriage of Mlsa Kllen Clabaugh,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clabaugh
to Mr. Otrbert Carpenter will take place
Wednesday evening at the bride's home,
and will a followed by a reception. Both
young ipeeple. are. popular members of one
of the younaur sets.
.A wedding of much Interest to a large
circle of friends In Omaha will be that of
Mr. Robert Updike, son of Mr. and Mrs.
This Institution la the only one,
In the central west with separate
buildings -situated ' In their own
ample- grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering It possible to
classify cases. The one building
belnf fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of noncontagious and
nonmenta diseases, no others be
ing admitted". The other, Rest
Oottag. being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases, requiring
tor a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
Edward t'pdlke. to Miss Winifred Sherman 1
of Lincoln, daughter of Prof, and Mrs. U.
A. ' Bherman of trie State' university, the
eeremony to take place Wednesday even
ing at 8 30 o'clock, at the bride's homo,
1M J street, Unooln. Owing to. a reoent
bereavement In the Sherman family the
wedd'.ng will be very quiet. Among. those,
attending from Omaha will be Mr. and
Mia Kdward L'pdlks, Mr. and Mrs. N. B.
t'pdlke, Miss I.nulse Updike and Mr. and
Mrs. Byron Pmlth.
Invitations will be Issued Monday for
the marriage of Miss Viola Cahn, daugh
ter of Mr. Albert Cahn, to Mr. Isidore Wit
mark of New York City, which takes place
Monday, January Is, at o'clock. Miss
Maxel Cahn will be the maid of honor and
Mr. Wltmark's sister, Mrs. Joseph Klein.
of Nsw Yotk City will be the matron of
honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss
Blanche Rosewoter and Miss Minnie Hlller,
Most of the men In the wedding party will
be from New York, friends' of Mr. Wlt
mark's, who will arrive the day before the
wedding. The ceremony will be performed
at Temple Israel by Rabbi Frederick Cohn.
This will be the first wedding In the new
A wedding the latter part of the month
will be that of Miss Mary Hayden, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hayden. to
Mr. Adolph Stont, which will be solemnised
Wednesday, January 27. It will be a small
home wedding, the Invitations being re
stricted to relatives and a few Intimate
The cold weather, or perhnps the gad
fly. Is starting a lot of Omaha peop'e for
the sunny climes of the coun'rlcs aroumt
the Medltcr; anenn. Sailing on the steamer
Arabic February 4 will be a number of!
peoj.le from Omaha who wl'l Join different
parties In New York. Mrs. Wl'son Liw will
meet relatives and sail on this steamer and
Mrs. Frank Colpetser, Mrs. Iau' Brad
ford and Mrs. Huttcn, sister of Mrs. C. N.
Diets, will join an eastern party sailing
on the Arabic for A ten weeks' tour. In
cluding a stay of two or three werks In
Egypt and the Holy Ind. Among ths
people that they will meet in Egypt will be
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Diets, Mrs. Grace
Oulou and Mrs. llimcbaugh. .
Mr. and MrS. Arthur Keellne, who are
now In Buffalo, N. Y., will salt this month
for a Mediterranean cruise and MIfs Mary
Hayden and Mr. Ado ph Ptorl, whrse Wed
ding takes plice this month,- will also tike
the southern trip, sailing Mebruary 11. X1 e-r
will be gone about six months and will vi. l'.
most of the countries of Europe. Mrs. E.
W. Nash and Miss Frances Nash leave
this wwk for New York, but they will take
the northern trip, meeting Miss Florence
Wyman of New York City, who has been
a popular guest In Omaha and who Is now
studying music !n Munich. Judge and Mrs.
W, A. Rvdick are planning to sail In June
and will take the southern trip.
The majority of the school set have al
ready departed or will leave early this
week to resume their studies and leave the
field once more to the debutantes and their
elift-rs. It has been a Jolly holiday Season.
There has been something going on every
day and every evening with plenty of
things sandwiched In between. In faot. It
has keen an unusually gay season for every
one. The large number of debutantes has
contributed materially to the brilliancy of
things, while the return of a number of
former residents has occasioned many smrt
affairs among the older s'.t. All considered
the season of 190 has been one to Which
society will look back with pleasure.
honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dimon Bird of
New York City.
Mrs. George West will give a luncheon
party Monday at her home In honor of
Miss Ellen Clsbangh, ' whose wedding to
Mr. Gilbert Carpenter will take place
Complimentary to Miss Mary, Hayden,
whose wedding to Mr. Adolph Stors will
take place Wednesday evening. January
ft. Mrs. Constsntlne Smyth will 'entertain
at luncheon Tuesds-y at lier home.
Miss Mary O'Connor wHl entertain at
cards Tuesday evening In honor of 'Miss
Clara Ulnar he Murphy, whose wedding to
Mr. William Gunlock of Detroit will take
plaoe Wednesday evening. January 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Magee will give a
T o'clock supper Thursday evening In honor
of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dlmnn Bird of Newt
York City, Who Sre visiting Mrs. Birds' par
ents. Colonel nnd'Mrs. S. 8. Curtis. Follow
ing supper, the evening will be devoted to
Monday evening Mls Flora Webster will
give a dinner tor the young women In her
wedding party at her home. On the same
evening Mr. George Prlni will entertain, the
men of the wedding party at dinner at tho
Omaha club.
There are
no others
so crisp and
delicious as
- t
Bold-only In brown, wax-papr
sacks always tlean and fresh. If
your grocer doesn't have them Its
worth while telephoning an order
to us we see to delivery.
Bradsky'a Saratoga Chip Co.
14 Fsrnam 8t 'Phone Doug. !tet
Noted Com poaera Honor Mlsa Caha.
Such honors seldom fall to the lot of a
bride as those to be bestowed upon 'Miss
Viola Cahn, who Is betrothed to Mr. !
Isidore Wltmark, the well known muslo
publisher of New York City, add whose
wedding is to take place In Omaha on
January 18 at Temple Israel.
Noted composers of worldwide reputation
are vlelng with one another to do the
happy couplo honor. Victor Herbert has
paid them a delicate and loving tribute
such as he never has offered to any one
beiore; mat is, he Das written .them a
Work of love In a special wedding march,
or "wedding music," as he calls It, dedi
cated to the bride. This wedding march is
moat unique and unusual, and Is a typ
ical Herbert masterpiece. It contains two
distinct themes, one for the groom and one
for the bride. Beginning with a festival
prelude It develops luto a theme called
"Isidore," which Mr. Herbert depicts as
strength and progress, and changes thence
to another theme dedicated to the bride,
and called "Viola,'.' In -which Mr. Herbert
conveys sweetness and beautiful woman
hood. Finally both theme are blended, and
the whole ends In a Joyous riot of majes
tic, soulful muslo. It Is, Indeed, an honor,
for seldom if ever la special music by
master composers written for nuptial cer
emonies except In the Case Of royalty.
. And there are other noted composers who
are writing for this occasion, and aH of
them personal friends of the groom, so
the musical service will be both original
and unique. There will be a serenade for
the organ and 'cello by the well known
composer and director general Of music at
Pleasures Past.
Mlsg Isabella Mllroy entertained six
teen of the local members of Alpha Phi
at an Informal afternoon Wednesday.
Mr, B. gtoddard entertained at luncheon
Thursday at the Rome. Covers were laid
for Mr. L. L. Rouse, Mr. E. F. Jordun,
Miss Minnie Jordan, Chicago, Bind Mr. E.
Miss Anna Glfford entertained at cards
Wednesday afternoon for Miss Halcyon
Cotton of Chicago. About thirty guests
were present and prizses won hy Misses
Isabel Vlnsonhaler, Frances Todd and Dor
othy Btftrk. The rooms were decorated
with pink carnations and yellow roses.
Miss Cassle Campbell entertained Friday
evening at a luncheon In honor of her
guest, Miss Anne M. Jflmleson, of Beatrice.
Covers were luld for Mlxses Eva Murphy,
Josephine Bell. Josephine Carr. Lucia
Swltier, Mary McNamara, Anne M. Jamie
son. Nell Campbell. Mrs. C. O. Crawford
and Mrs. J. C. Petersen.
The S. W. club met last week with Mrs.
T. E. Underwood. The hous was deco
rated with Christmas greens and a Christ
mas tree was provided for the guest. The
numbers present were: Mrs. . Faulkner,
Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Nelson,
Mrs. Ml lmln-, Mrs. W. Faulkner. Mrs. J. J.
Mullen, Mrs. H. L. Underwood, Mrs, Robert
Johnein, ,
Mrs. Brio T. Johnson entertained ths
Sterling Bridge club last week. Prises
were won by Mrs. J. Burr Taylor, Mrs.
Allan Pnrmer and Mrs. T. T. McGrath.
The guests of the club were: Mesdsmes
E. H. Mumford of Kansas City, B. Saun
ders of Sidney, Australia; Grand Cornell
of Brooklyn, N. Y.; T. T. McGrath and II.
F. Hamilton.
Mrs. O. U Wohlford gave a delightful
Children's party at her home In Bemls
park Wednesday afternoon for her little
laughter. MKldikd. After the games ft
luncheon was served. Those present were!
Misses Maurlle Franklin, LeBeita Huston,
Grace Lawaon. Ruth ' Cowdrey, Gertrudo
Brrndes. Mildred B. Wohlford, Herbert
Rummelliart. Lester Wohlford.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sears Poppleton
entertained at a handsomely appointed din
ner Saturday evening at their home In
honor of Miss Flora Webster nnd Mr.
George Prlna. Covers were placed for Miss
vtDtor, Miss Ella Mae Brown. Miss Nell
Moore of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Jerrems of
Chicago, Mr. George Prlns, Mr. Edward
owrge, Mr. Jo Baldrlge, Mr. Stockton
Heth, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze and
Mr. and Mrs, poppleton.
Mr. IFrank, Crawford entertained in.
formally at bridge Saturday afternoon for
Miss Ruth Harding, who is home for the
holiday from Vassar college, and for Miss
Carolyn Harding, who Is home from a
boarding school at Detroit. The other
gueau were the Misses Hilda Hammer
uun x-smcK, E,Iznbcth Wmlttl1Mi Nancy
Battln, Catherine Moorhead. n. vrr,..e:
head, Ethel Tukey and Mary Lewi Wood.
ine rooms were decorated with narcissus
and stevta.
Mrs, Charles Black entertained ntnrdv
evening at her home for her niece. Mist
aieyon t'ottnof Chicago. The new n...
sle game and dancing formed a part of
w.u evenings amusement. Those present
Misses Halcyon Cotton Viroinu
Offutt, Ahna Glfford, Dorothy Black,
murine uennis, Leola Brandel. ttei
Connell, Elizabeth Evans and Adeline
vood and Messrs. Adrian Bancker, Mal
comb Baldrlge, Logan McMenemy, Jr
vls Offutt, Casper Offutt, Waldo Dennis.
Vernon Evana and Blevers Su
Mr. Gibson Caldwell, who is a student
In the Unlverslt yof Virginia t Cher.
lottesvllle, Is spending his vacation with
his mother In Omaha. Saturday evening
ne was tendered a dinner by Mr. C H.
Boyles at the home of Mr. II. B. Boyles,
2SS Burt street. Music and dancing
formed the entertainment, of the evening
arter the dinner was served. The guest
were: Misses Anne Brown, Lenora
Hutchlns, Catherine Perrlne and Violet
Burchmore and Messrs. Gibson Caldwell,
Mrs. Aiken. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Nalle.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Barker, Mr. and Mrs.
L. W.. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Hous
ton and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nichols and
Miss Lillian and Sigma Bondesson and
Allle Houston of Florence.
Mra K. W. Nash entertained at luncheon
aturday In honor ff her guest. Miss May
Norman of St. Joseph, Mo., who was Mis
Nash's roomm.ite .'at' Mrs. Somer's school In
Washington, D. C. . the table had a pretty
decoration of pilnsetta and those preatuit
were Ml Norman," Miss Brownie, Bosj
Itnum, Mis G rtmdo Fl'sgirald of Chicago,
Mlsa J-an Cudahy, MUa Helen Cudahy, Elisabeth Congilon, Miss Carolyn
Congilon, Miss Louise Peck, M:s Alice
Carry McOrtw. Miss Helen Davis, Miss
Eflher Byrne, Mies Elisabeth Pickens. Mlsa
Nann'e Page, Miss Ca olyn Barkalow, Mis.
Wlliard Hosford and Ml.-s Nash.
Mis Edith Bhrum was pleasantly sur
prised by a party of friends st her homo
Thursday evening, it being her eighteenth
birthday. The evening was spent at panics
and music nnd at mldnljrht the New Year
was ushered In by tin horns, which had
been p-.esented to the guests as souvenirs
of the occasion. The guests were Misses
Edith Waterman, Ruth Curry, Mabel Wil
ding. Nell Ryan, Emily Van Kuran, M.irlon
Carpenter, Ciarlna Hall. Ethel Reese. Ruth
Sherwood, Oali Yeoman, Christine Poulson,
Lillian Talleruphus, Josephine Yates, Olga
Brailey, Muriel Johnson, Edith Bhrum;
Messrs. Merle Howutd, Edward Lundberg,
Harry Ryan, Karle Haney, Harry Carpen
ter, Lloyd Meguey, Clurkson Cheney, Herb
ert Cheney, Herbert Ryan, Isaac Carpen
ter, Harry Parsons, Clyde Edmundson,
Claude 8luum and Herbert Shrum.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lrbach entertained
a number of the Klllkare Klub Thursday
evening at their home on Spencer street.
At the game of cards prise wero won by
Mr. W. H. H. Walker. Mr. W. R. Black-
'burn. Mr. W. B. Blackburn apd Mr. C.
E. Blake. In a drawing contest prises were
won by Mr W. H. Gould, Mr. D. E. Arm
trong, Mrs, Walker and Mr. J. P. Red
mond. A surper was served from one long
table having a decoration of pink and
white. In the ceenter of the tablo wore
miniature chimes which tolled the old year
out and the new year in. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kennard, Mr. and
W. f. Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Gould, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rosebrook, Mrs.
W. H. H. Walker, Mr. W. R. Blackburn,
Miss Lulu Stafford, Mr. and Mra. J. P.
Redmond and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Blakn.
Miss Alice Carey McGrew entertained
Informally at dinner Saturday evening at
her home,' followed by a theater party In
honor of Miss May Norrls Norman of
Kansas City, who Is a guest of Miss
Frances Nash. Ten guests were present.
Miss Ruth Byers entertained Informally
Saturday evening at her home for a num. !
ber of the school set. The rooms were
decorated with college pennants and
Christmas decorations and the evening
spent with music and games. The guests
included: Misses Laura Howard, Mary
McCague, Ollle Redlngton, Eileen Patter
son, Luclle Patterson, Romona Taylor,
Helen Wright Corlnne 8earle, Ruth Birch
hard and Messrs. Merle Howard, Randall
Curtis, Frank Lfttenser, Vaugh Bacon,
Robert Blrchard, Hubert Hemlng, Ralph
Doud, John Woodworth and Samuel
Reynolds. i
About twenty-five guests enjoyed a novel
observance of the n:w year at the home of
Miss Ramona Taylor, 511 Sjuth Twenty-
sixth street, Friday evening, ths occasion
being a "hard times" party. With appro
priate costumes, many of which were
remnants of finery that once graced the
persons of the father and mother of the
youthful merrymakers, and a number of
novel bit of entertainment that created an
atmosphere of real hard times, the party
was one of the Jolllest of the Informal af
fairs given among that set this season.
An auction was held, at which wrapped
articles were sold to the highest bidder,
and only a clever enigma on the enclosing
paper gave hint of the eontehts. Thu a
calendar, bought with twenty-tour beans,
as "a bunch of dates," proved a fortunate
purchase, while some "Irish bric-a-brac,"
purchnsed with a hundred beans S some
thing desirable, turned out to be only a
p ts toe, Balee of hay used as seat in the
parlor gave a rustic air to the house and
other decorations) carried out the idea. The
refreshments also conformed to the Idea of
a hard times party. Dancing the barn
dense and the Virginia reel waa ono of the
enjoyed feature of the affair.
the New York Hippodrome, Manuel Klein, j Loula Klllian, Talmage Bee be and C. H.
Wc btg to announa tkat on
January 6th we vrfff remove from
Room 5, Second foor, CoatU
nenfai Bfdg., to Rooms 20 and
21, 3d floor the same building
Entrust will bt on ISth St.
vrtth eferafor serWce Instead of
Douglas Street. v
" Milliner
'" ' ."... imiJ'.wjwniHuaii w
hot srniNua, m. a: mountain ark hotel.
All Asian awn la. Upai all raarw '
Krarr SMdara eaartaieaaa. J Caie
sapor. . . '
maonoua sPHisoa, ri,A saoiwua sraiKo
HOTkU U W oX 1. iut-4eor ao rlwr .;
UN. ua' all . Mnuslnai aula. Uau. f
Aetata. Mgr. j
lUiaa ti t a. 0a DuKhem, FruB.
aia H . Taiwan. Prua,
. jUte II. M a. W. Jnhatoa Udlaa.
S. P. U.V Say. K. P. Tiaraa. Utr.
rivaMcarr. m. ' c i rtta oxjtouKa Sum
Who will journey all the way to Omaha
from 'New Y6rk despite the fact of his
duties being numerous and Important In
New York, to conduct his part of the exer
cises. Another feature will be a song called
"Love's Harmony," with words by Mara
Zangwlll, brother of Israel Zangwlll, the
celebrated author, and the music by the
composer of famous operatic tid oratorio
Works. Julian Edward. Thle will be sung
by Miss Myrtle Moee. the well known
contralto soloist.
Qutv Luders of "Prince of Pllsen"
fame has also composed and dedicated to
the bride a valee for the reception at the
Metropolitan club after the ceremony.
which he ha celled "Wedding Bell." A
song with lyric and muio by the bride-
irroom. who la himself a composer ot note,
entitled "Little Woman of the West," will
also then be rendered. It Is said that
this numAr played a prominent part in
their romantic courtship.
Erneat R. Ball, the composer Of "Love
Me and the World I Mine" and other
ballads, ha contributed his share to the
happlnee of the "Chief." aa he lovingly
cells Mr. Wltmark. by dedicating hi new
beautiful love ong uccess, "lo tne
of the World With You," to Miss Cahn.
These musical . attentions by Mr. Y it-
mark's friend are greatly appreciated by
tho bride, as Miss Cahn comes of a mus
ical family. Her grandfather waa a grv
lovor of music, and hes. uncle, Mr. Martin
Cahn, Is a well known leader in musical
circles of Chicago. Miss Cahn treasures
very highly all the original manuscripts of
these composers, which are now In her
possession, a among, the most valuable
and sacred of her many wedding gifts.
A surprise party was given Friday even
ing for Miss Haaei ward. Muslo and
games afforded much amusement and a
stelgltt of hand performance was given by
Mr. George Welch. In a guessing contest
prise were won by Mis Klsa Haarmann
and Mr. Roy flwaneon. Those present weret
Misses Gertrude Ward. Kathsryn Van No,
trum, Alice Sldwelt, Claire Ferron, Ingle
bord Helgren, Edith Flsch. Elsa Haar
mann, Claire Moody; Messrs. Herrlck
Swanson, Justlvus Helgren, Stewart Gould,
Morton Gould, Harry Crebiston, Clarence
Flsch, Roy Swanson, Emory Nelson-and
Guv Walker.
Miss Laura Rann and Miss Yla Bridges
gave a watch party for the Cll club at
the home of the latter Thursday evening.
C1U color, green and white, were used
for the decorations and were carried out
In the three-couran luncheon, which was
served at midnight. Those present were:
Misses Laura Rann, Ila Brklsrs, Hand
Sliafenberg, Florence Hoye, Ella Klebarth
Edith Baunders, Mamie, MUnson, Bains;
Meesr. Carl Munson, William Hoist, Bchrl
ver, Frank Smith, Paul Getsky, Harry Big-
wart. Ed Phelps, William Bain and Guy
Mr. J. Weber, Jr., of Florence entertained
Thursday evening at his home for the
member of the Omaha Literary club. At
the game of high five scores were made
by Mrs. Gould, Mr. Huntington, Mr
Partridge and consolatlcn prltes were
given to Mrs. O! instead and Mr. Ntrholes.
The guest a were: Mr. and Mrs. F. P,
Gould. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Partridge, Mr
and Mrs. C. L. Huntington, Colonel and
Prospective Pleaearea.
The Satuiilay Night club will give a daace
Saturday ewnU-.g at "Chamber'.
Temple Israel elsterhood will give a whist
: ty Monday l the parlors of the temple.
Mis. bdwerd Clayton will De nosieaa
Wednesday at the mevUng of the La Veta
Mra riilllp Ikawarts will entertain at
luncheon Wednesday In honor of Mis Viola
Cahn, one of ths January brides.
Mra Harry May will give a aeries of
bridge parties ths week. The first will be
Tuesday and the second Thursday..
Mlsa Lynn Curtis will entertain at a buf
fet supper Sua day eveukxg at her bona la
WedtHaare aad Kngwa-emrnts.
Mra. M. C Steam of Dee Moines, la.,
announce the engagement of her daughter,
Maude, to Mr. O. C. Homann. Th wedding
to occur In January,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry A. Pearee nt 406
North Nineteenth street announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Ingsman
to Mr. Edgar Severn Koop of Bralnard
The wedding of Mis Julia Merwyn Hen
derson, daughter of Mr. and Mr. C. H.
Henderson, and Mr. Km 11 B. Yost of Omaha
took place Monday evening. December 2S,
at 8 o'clock at the home ot ths bride's par
ents, 411 South Twenty-fifth avenue, In the
preeence of about twenty-five guest. Rev,
Frank L. Loveland, Officiating. Th dooora
Hons were pink and white rosea. The rooms
and mantels were banked with palm and
ferns and the lights softened with shaaVs
of pink, and trimmed with smllax and hung
with white bells. The bride was gowned
In pink messallne, made empire, and car
ried a bouquet of bride' roses. She was
unattended. The groom waa attended by
Mr. Montreal Latshaw. The gueat re
mained for a wedding supper after which
Mr. and Mrs. Yost left for an eastern trip.
Upon their return they will be at home at
412 South Twenty-fifth avenue.
A wedding Ot New Year's day waa that
of Mrs. Frances Tcwns, nloce ot Mrs. Rosa
mond G. Cook and Dr. Henry A. Johnson
of Tekamah at the North Presbyterla
church, the ceremony being performed
& o'clock. Rev. II. Ai. Relehenbach of Coun
ctl Bluffs, grandfather of the groom per
formed the ceremony, assisted by Mr. Hlg
bve, pastor of the church. The bride wore
i white dlrectolre aalln frown trimmed wit
embroidered net, en train. The veil was
held 1n place by lilies of the valley and
the bride' bouquet was a shower of th
same. Miss Fay Towns was maid of honor
and wore pink crepe with dlrectorle sash
and carried a muff ot asparagus fur. Mr.
Harry Towns, brother of th bride, gave
her away. Dr. C. H. Newrll was best man.
The ushers were Messrs. Morris Waller
stedt, Fred Flanders, George Johnson and
Ralph Howard. A reception followed at
the bride's home. After a western wedding
trip they will be at home after January
IB. at Tekamah, Neb.
Jarsiyairy Beairaime Sale
of Ladies' Suits at Half Price
Monday we 'offer you the choice of any suit in our entire
stock at HAL TKlUlv
Nearly 1,000 Suits to
choose from. Apparel that
stands out distinct for
'that indefinable, inde
scribable something that
wearers of good clothes
immediatedly recognize
and purchase.
r x. .jSaaiawrw? :--Tew i .? vpr vA .-
6' "A.V "S
$20.00 Suits, row .$10.00
$5.00 Suits, now...".'.; !. $12.50
$20.50 Suits, now .$14.75
$.55.00 Suits, now .$17.50
$45.00 Suits, nowr ., .$22.50
$55.00 Suits, now . . .$27.50
$G5.00 Suits, now..; ..-$32.50
Your choice of any coat in stock, in
cluding broadcloths, kerseys, cheviots, ,
coverts, velvets and fur ooats at half
price. ; The greatest cloak values ever,
$12.50' Cloaks at, .$6.25
$15.00 "Cloaks at... .$7.50
$19.50 Ooaks at ...'..$9.75'
$25.00 Cloaks at 1 . .$12.50'
$29.50 Gloats at. $14.75
$35.00 Cloaks at. .... ... ...... .$17.50
Our entire stock of foxes, jap minks.
squirrels, brook mink and lynx on sale at
kt-u ! nan unce ui oraer to eiieci a ueciaea
1HIIWaWaSWBBtiaWBIs' "'"r Vlllf1ff''lfm'"' BBBBttBBUMBBBKKIHnVv
S iilTE 4 0-A
Final Clearing Announcement
Beginnir MONDAY, Januaty 4th, and ending SATURDAY, January 9th,
' ' 'i I WILL SELL
All $25.00 Suits and Coats 813.75
ah 35.00 :: :: :: ss-sa
All 50.00 ' 20.i0.
Ail cs.oo v 350! .
Several Gowns, several Evening Capes, several Fur Sets, such as mink, beaver, martin
.' sable, squirrel -All to be closed outj nothing reserved.
SUITE 40-a
THIS -ft
We are offering a vcrjr fine
quality of linen box aov for
this week onlj.
16c a Dox
15th and Farnam
nilTKer, Prtter, Busier That's what art
vertlsttiK in The Be does for your business.
Reduced .Prices for the lVlontli
The reputation the Lattook garments enjoys is suffi
cient to indicate the true value of this reduction .
Ladles' Tailor and rurrier, N. W. Cor. 16th and Howard
(! ' Jv.; ,'L'1.iV
Madame Frayer
RenreaentDtlT of Srnrt Olovlaa, an
rirwa-rlsUif af A-dslH rmnplsxton Cream,
liulr Solvent ami other si-aciaiiies. an
nounce that sba alii be at Mstroath
ci.iluuiry' Co.. 1411 Fitrna . tU. huia-.
O rr
pPfP ;
Military Academy
combines a home . school,' for
boys, with a semi-military disci
pline. A training, Ettch as he
will receive, creates habits of
obedience, promptness, punctu
ality, nentues8 and a sense of
resionsibility. It is a school
where they build
manly boys
This Is aoorxiplUbd by thorough tn
Btructloh and healthful training of
bolh body and "mind. Our discipline
and training tend to build character.
At the same tlm. ths course of In
struction Is thorough and completa.
"You can hay yuur boy mtor now."
Boys entering at this time rerHve
personal and social attention. Write
me for our book atout The Kearney
Military Academy, which will le you
an Idea Of the school, through ths plc,
trs t the sr-hool and school life and
a complete account ot the school and
what It offers.
11AHKY K.' iUTWELL. Head Master,
Kearney, eb.
- no tVrtni Arlc Brinirf tho Rottirhs
aftsr. shs alll bo tisasej tu lu.t j a-a-wv. . . .
INN, A. P. a.M pet . .
- tr