Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee
Sunday, January IftOft.
Emerald Isle Taking; Rank Among
Commercial Countries.
Grand Councillor of Chines
Shorn of All His Powl
President Formally Tenders Use of
Battleships to Stricken Nation.
'909 JANUARY 1909
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 II 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2526 2728 2930
In Proportion to Population Thi
Now Holds True.
Rheumatism in Leg Alleged as Cause
for Dismissal.
Congress Will Be Asked to Appro
priate Half Million.
The Omaha
r mot
Home Bank Deposits Make More
Favorable Showing.
Donaral OalrnirUn Diva Before
Receiving Ilia Old-Afte Pension
Shortage of Water la
DUBLIN, Jan. 2. (Special.) It Is
gratifying to be able to report that busi
ness conditions In Ireland are Improving
so rapidly that It Is now taking its piate
among tlio great commercial nattona of
tiie world. Statistics have just boc:n Is
sued by the Department of Agriculture,
which In Irolunct performs the iunctlons
of a general ministry of commerce, show
ing that Ireland now ranks fourth among
the nation In the volume of trade In
proportion to Us papulation. Ilullind,
Belgium and Switzerland are the only
countries which exoeed it.
In the two ears. from 1004 to 1906
Ireland's total exports and Imports grew
from $510,000,000 to $580,000,000 and the
export of eggs alone went up by 1 1,000.
000. The export of poultry from 1M04
to 1807 Increased by SI, 100,000 and the
export of pork products by more than
Trade Picking ll.
While Its foreign trade la growing,
trade at borne Is also flourishing in spite
of the bad times. A return which has
just been Issued shows that the deposits
and cash balances In joint stock banks
on June SO last were $252,hO.OOO. which
is the highest on record and $12,645,000
In exoess of. the figure a year belore.
The figure In 1888 was 1151,550.000. A
great deal of this prosperity, of courBe,
Is due to the industrial revival movement
and to the policy of Irish public authori
ties of purchasing, wherever possible,
goods made in Ireland. , ,
It Is significant of the new conditions
in Ireland that men of all parties are
worklnz together In the movement for
the industrial and commercial regenera
tion nf the country. For instance! the
duke of Abercorn and his son, the mar-
quia of Hatni)ton. ore, associated, with the
nationalist members of Parliament, from
Donegal to perry,, In an .effort to Induce
the Admiralty to establish a naval oock
yard on the Foyle. A dockyard Is needed
either on the north of I eland or th
' Scottish coast, and the' Admiralty was con
sidering the Kbyte" when ft suadrily SecUled
that th-fcal aaa--loo shallow for 1U
i miroosea. Investigation revealed that
remarkable mistake had been mudo on
the Admiralty charts. Tho depth of water
at Perry was marked a from eight to
nine foet, whereas it is eighteen feet at
low water. It Is hoped. noW that this
mi.tiim has been ' tlrsc6verecV that the
Admiralty will decide to ' go to Dcr:y
which has offered it a' splendid site at a
very low rental.
A iced Pensioner Dies.
A few week aito I mentioned the cas;? of
Charles Kelly of lnvcr, County Donegal
ho nrmllod for and was granted an old
age pension at the remarkable; age of 111.
Mr. Kelly has not lived to draw lit pension,
lie died last week In the house in wntcli he
was born and to a day or two before his
death ho retained his wonJcfful heilth and
activity. Four days bef.iie his death he
was engaged drawing turf from the bog ti
his noma for his winter fuci, and on the
day before that he walked five mllei to
mass at Frosses chapel. He was a mod
erate smoker all his life and, though tem
perate In the ufo of Intoxicants, was not a
Ireland has Just lost another remarkable
centenarian In the person of James O'Sullt
voo of Dungourney, County Cork, who was
100 years old. He appeared a frw weeks
iigo In the chancery court In Dublin as the
plaintiff In a luoJ settlement case, and
gave evidence so clearly and acutely on
hlM own behalf that ho was complimented
by the Judge on his extraordinary men
tality. A remarkable state of affaire In Derry
lias been revealed by a typhoid outbreak In
that city. The epidemic has been traced to
Infected milk, but It has also been dis
covered by the sanitary authorities that a
large part of the city has been without
water, sometimes for three or four days at
a time, on several occasions since October
last. The bank of one of the reservoirs
which supply the city burst In a storm
early In that month and has Dot yet been
repaired. This basin contained 12.O30.OiO
gallons of water, and not only was this
lost, but another basin lower down, con
taining SC.OOO.OOO gallons, was so fouled by
the washed down deposit that It had to be
closed, and apparently no steps were taken
to clean It and restore It to use. The cor
poratl n Is now hurrying the work of clean.
Ing it and repairing tho other and is spurred
on by threats of damage suits by the vlc
t'.tns of the epidemic.
Helen of Terror In Ireland.
The Hrltlsh government, now that Par
liament Is about to rise. Is instituting a
rrtgu of terror In Ireland. They have
taken a leaf out r-f the book of the Indian
administration and are trying to musxle
the press. The first action has been taken
against Mr. Farrell. M. P. of Longford,
proprietor and editor of the Ixingford
''leader." Ho has been summoned before
the high court to show cause why he
should not be committed to gaol for pub
lishing certain resolutions passed at a
meeting of the local branch of the United
Irish letrgue, and also for publishing err
tain speeches made at public meeting
with reference to land grabbing.
In the meantime the good old British
game of Jury packing has been revived
At the trial of a number of cattle driver?
at Limerick a few days ago the crown
solicitor deliberately challenged every Jury
man who was a Protestant and a unionist
and the result, of course, was that all th
accused persons were convicted. The Jur
ufttrwards complimented the Jurymen on
their "courage and Independence" in find
lug a verdict of guilty against their felloe;
countrymen, whose offense was an effort
to Indue a British board to break up thr
gratis lands, which It was appointed to do
A . serious outbreak of typhoid f ever bat
occurred on' Lough Kerg Island, when
I Continued on Fourth, Page.)
For Omaha. Council muffs and Vlncnlty
Fair Sunday.
For Nebraska Fair Sunday.
For lows '"iv cloudy Sunday.
Hour. i-cg.
5 a. m js
6 a. ni 29
7 a. m....
f a. m....
fl a. m....
in a. m....
11 a . m ... .
12 m
1 p. m.
2 p. m 4t
3 p. in. .
Bp m!!!.'!!"!!!!!! 40
P. m 38
4 p. m.
i p. m.
Gregory county towns in a contest for
the land office which is to be moved ftom
Mitchell, 8. U Congressional delegation
divided on the question. I, Pag 1
Congress will appropriate ISOd.Ouj for
relief of the sufferers from the Italian
earthquake. Faze 1
A man was engaged In stealing a coffin
factory In Memphis, Tenn., when de
tected by the owners. I, Fage 1
The defense In the trial of Mrs. Kro ami
Mrs. Keisel has put forward the p!oa that
the shooting of Captain Krb was caused
by accident in a scuffle to save Mrs. Kib
from further Indignities Imposed by her
husband. I. Fairs 4
The wife of a night rider, after hexing
given perjured testimony on the witness
stand, admits the falsehood und ..uUea a
correction in the Union City trial.
I, Fags 4
I'rcsldent-elect Taft denies he has given
any attention to the appointment of the
diplomatic force. 'x. Xage 1
The Missouri, Kansas & Texas ru'lror.d
has completed an agreement with Its em
ployes under the Krdmiyi uct. I, Fag 1
People of Georgia as for a chief ex
ecutive that Is fond of 'posjum. I, Fays 4
King Victor has teh graphed hl.s thanks
for the kindly offices of Franc In the
Italian earthquake. I, lagm 3
Yuan Shal Kai has been degraded by the,
Chinese authorities, and in this f-etlon ull
foreigners lose a valued friend, the act
being called a disgrace by diplomats.
Z, Fags 1
iiimiiu in iasi tatting us piuce among i
tho commercial nutions In proportion to
Its population. ' X, Fags 1
A' bridge worker in Hall county was
Instanly killed by the fall of a idle driver
de'rVIck'. x. Fag 3
Oovernor Shallenbergor , will live with
his secretary until his Inauguration.
X, Pag 3'
Twenty-five head of cattle were driven
away from a Seward county farmer's land
last week and the thjeves are not dis
covered. X, Fnge 3
The Jury In the Chamberlain case failed
toagree and tho court discharged them at
Auburn. X, Page 3
Omaha to entertain many conventions
during the present year. X, Page S
Tower on the city hall said by xcvpral
architects to be unsafe. X, Fag
Building makes a good start for the
new year with $75,000 in permits on tho
first business day. X, Page 6
Sam Blythe, the Washington corre-'
spondent, votes Will Hayward of Ne
braska the handsomest man In public life.
X, Page S
Gossip of plays, players and playhouses.
XX, Page 3
Latest news among the real estate n.en
and builders. XX, Page 10
Doings of Omaha society people during
the lust week. XX, Fags 9
Live stoc k murkets. XX, Fag 9
Grain markets. XI. Page
Stocks and bonds. II, Fag t
Buster and Tlge the means of ruining
a large vase and giving uncle a great
scare. Page devoted to the Utile flks.
How the sphere of woman Is widening.
Christmas calendar of Fluffy Ruffles.
Four Pages
Pawnee county, a paradise of beautiful
farms and prosperous towns. Offlceseek
ers do not Infest Washington i.s In the
days of old. First of a series of letters
from Frank Carpenter on the new orient.
Poultry and dog show illustrated. How
Franklin's kite opened a limitless field.
Pour Pages
Port. Arrfvad. sailed.
NAPLtS Resin d'lull.
UUASCRIW Sicilian.
HALIFAX Cart bairn Ian.
HUSTON Lutaalrlas.
Man In Memphis starts to Hase Build
ing; to Cironad I nation n to
O truer.
MEM Fill 8, Tenn., Jan. 2.-The police of
tills city are searching for a man who was
partially successful In an attempt to steal
a coffin factory. The factory, which had
temporarily suspended operations, was a
substantial brick structure located In an
outlaying and thinly populated section of
Memphis. Yesterday it was reported to
one of the owners that the building was
being rased and investigation developed
that under th direction of a man who ap
peared on the seen several days ago, a
force of workmen have been engaged in
demolishing the structure. Th work had
reached the stage where the rafters were
being removed and next would r.av been
the making away wltli the machinery.
When the police arrived the master of
operations bad disappeared leaving the
workmen unpaid.
Twenty-rtv Head Takes and Ofllee-ro
t'aaaot Kim 4 Tract of
BITWARD. Neb.. Jan. 2. (Sjo lai Tele
gram.) Twenty-five bead of eotUa were
stolen Wednesday night from M. Loreii,
who irrea near I lka, in Beward county.
Mr. ZjotcU was away from hntna at tJst
tima. Tn work was daa so cWrvrty that
no trace of toe cattlo bos yet baaa found
by th officers.
Reactionary Step Causes Surprise
Among Foreign Representatives.
He Is Regarded aa Greatest Chinaman
Since LI Hons; Chang? Act Will
Cripple Chlnesv Credit
PEKING. Jan. 2. An edier issued today
dismisses from office Yuan 8hl Kai, grand
'councillor and coinmandor-ln-chlef of the
forces. The reason given for this action Is
that he has rheumatism of the leg. The
edict orders Yuan Bill Kai to vacate all his
offices and to return to his home, adding:
"Thus our clemency toward him is mani
fested." A second elict appoints Na Tung comp
troller of customs and ex-governor of
Peking, grand chanclllor, presumably In
Yuan did Kal's place.
The members of the diplomatic corps at
Peking are well nigh thunderstruck at the
sudden dismissal of Yuan 8U Kai. The
step Is believed to bo the outcome of a
Mauchu jilo;. era there aro Indications
that the Japanese representatives alone
had any Irknng of what was on foot.
Two hours after the foreign ministers
became cognisant of the edict of dismissal,
the American, German and British min
isters were. In conference at the British
legation. The dlplo.nils were still In con
clave this evening, and it consequently
will be Impossible to learn tonight what
course the leading powers will take In this
s'lrpris'ni; tie rmeril
China's Good Xante at Stake.
The home governments Will act only after
an Interchange of Ideas, but there is
reason to believe tonight that Prince
Ching, president of the board of foreign
affairs, will be waited upon tomorrow by
a strong diplomatic combination, such as
the British, German and American repre
sentatives here. ,
There Is nothing to indicate that the dis
missal of Yuan Shi Kai means danger to
foielgners. but the good name of China's
management of the crisis following the de
mise of the emperor and the dowager em-
I press and the appointment of a successor
lias been swept away by this vindictive
net, which will astonish and arouse the
outside world, .cripple China's credit and
prevent the withdrawal . of foreign troops
probably for five years.
Yuan Shi Kal's feelings as yet are un
known and the legations are anxiously
awaiting a wlue-to the throne's future
course of action. '
Little Surprise at Washington.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2. Though the news
of the downfall of Yuan Shi Kai was not
entirely unexpected In official circles here,
It was received with regret, for the State
department has a keen recollection of the
great services rendered by Yuan Shi Kai
to every Christian nation In securing com
munlcatlon hy secret means with the lega
tloners besieged In the compound at Pek
Ing during the famous Boxer uprising. At
that time Yuan Shi Kai was taotal of
Shanghai and did not hesitate to use all
of his great power to secure news from
the compound which gave the first assur
ance to the outside world that the diplo
mats, their families and attaches were
holding their own within the legation pre
cincts. It was this information wldch Yuan
Shi Kai conveyed through tho American
consul general at Shanghai to Mr. Hay
that encouraged the European govern
ments to go with America In the remark
able allied march to Peking. vresulting In
the lltieration of the lcgatloncr '
Ynan Friend to Foreigner.
For some Mm there Is reason to sus
that Yuan awfd Kat was not closely In
touch with the new administration In China.
Thero had been charges affecting his offi
cial IntegTlty. .but these ha'V ' ' :o
naught so long
empress, Tsl,.'r
lted confident,
was clothed
of autocratic
relations as wi .
vVAvU uegree
ninu s external
e luto IJ Hung Chang.
It was. Yuan who organised the modern
Chinese army; dropped out the spearmen
and the bowmen and the hearers of stink
pots and the makers of loud noises and sub
stituted well drilled, khaki-clad soldiers,
educated by European officers. During the
Boxer uprising, with his well trained
troops, Yuan was almost the only viceroy
In China able to extend protection to for
eign life and property, and In his later posi
tion, with extended powers, he had planned
to make the Chinese national army a force
to be reckoned with by any nation.
Due to Mauchu Jealousy.
Yuan Shal Kal's office corresponds to
that of premier of England and the action
of the Chinese government is considered in
official circles In Washington as little
short of revolutionary. The excuse given
in the press dispatches for Yuan's dis
missal is regarded as a flimsy one and
ridiculous in character. Yuan's displace
ment Is attributed to Manchu jealousy, as
he had a great many enemies among the
Manchus. He also had great Influence
with the late empress dowager. Yuan was
generally1 looked upon and regarded as the
head man In Chinese affairs, the regent
prince, Prince Chun, being looked upon as
a figurehead. Na-Tung, his successor, has
been In the Foreign office a groat many
years and Is regarded as on apla man,
but not pf such progressive and advanced
Ideas as Yuan. He has never been out of
China exoept on unimportant commissions
to Japan. He is a Manchu and about 66
years of age.
Minister Rockhlll at Peking has tele
graphed the State department confirming
the press reports concerning the dismissal
of Yuan Bhai Kai. but making no com
ment on tlie matter except to refer to it
as "an expected dlsgToce."
H. J. Joa pa f Ft rat National Inter,
fated la Soutkera Ter
SEWARD. Nebs. Jan. t cSroii Tl-
gram.) . J. Jonea. president of Uk First
Nattuoai bank of Seward today returned
from Mexluo. whe be bacama tnterentod
m a tract af kUX acres of Merit an uuhL
It la sold thai EL El gnu II of Lincoln la as
sociated with him In th deaf
From the Chicago Dally Ncwa.
t naaasan
Gregory County Towns in Contest for
One to Be Moved from Mitchell.
Gamble and Hall Said 4o Favor
Grearory and Klttredgre and Martin
Are Lined I'p In Favor of
Locating; It at Dallas.
"WASHINGTON, Jan. I. (Special Tele
gram.) The commissioner ot t'i general
land of f ice has In , contamplatfnu the re
moval of tho lad .lflce kt Mitchell, 8. D.,
to some pulnt in Uregortf county and to
. . l i i i.....t
transfer the business now being conducted
at Mitchell to officials of the land offlc
at Chamberlain.
The recent cpenlng to wh'te settlement of
Indian lands In Tripp county and prior to
that large areas opened In Gregory county,
make It almost Imperative for the prompt
transaction of land office business that a
registrar and receiver be located at some
point near the Indian country In Gr gory
and Tripp counties which Is about to be.
settled upon by whites. In brl'-f it has b cn
practically determined to remove the Mit
chell office to Gregory county, but Just
which town in Gregory county Is to be se
lected Is the bone of contention. Five towns
In Gregory county have entered Into com
petition for the land office, namely: Fair
fax. Bonesteel, Hurke, Gregory and Dallas.
The delegations from these South Dakota
towns have had their Innings with Commis
sioner Fred D.nnctt and he now has tho
various propositions under advisement and
will shortly take the matter up with Secre
tary of the Interior Garfield. It was
loarnpd at the general land office tody
thnt the contest for the new land office has
narrowed down tJ two t iwns Gregory and
Pallas. Both of thes towns have adherent
or boomers In Washington today and each
la working hard for their respective towns.
This morning Representative Philo Hall
accompanied the following gentlemen from
Gregory to the land office, where they had
an extended Interview Mr. Dennett:
Joy M. Hackler, cashier of tho Gregory
State bank; Fred Huston, postmaster at
Gregory, and Windsor Doherty, attorney at
law. Senator Gamble and Congressman
Halt are assisting the Gregory boomers,
While Senator Klttredge and Representative
Martin are said to favor the location ot the
new land office at Dallas.
The Dallas boomers consist of J. D.
Keller, C. M. Rose, O. P. Chambers and
G. A. Jeffer.
Indian -rlntendent Transferred.
9. A. M. Young, superintendent of the
Indian School at Chumb'iialn, S. D., was
today transferred to take charge of the
Indian school at North Yakima, Wash., to
succeed J. Lynch, resigned.
Ntn Hanks Authorised.
The application of John Stewart, Frank
D. Jackson, Ernest A. Jackson, Frank Jack
son and Graydon B. Jackson to organize
the First National bank of Dallas, 8. D.,
with 123,000 capital has been approved by
the comptroller of the currency.
The following hanks have been authorized
to begin business: The Whitbeck National
of Chamberlain, 8. D., with tuO.000 capital;
William M. ITatt, president; N. W. Egles
ton, vice president; A. C. Whitbeck, cash
ier. The National Bank of Bloomfield,
Bloomfield, la., with SoS.OoO capital; Henry
C. Taylor, president; S. 8. Handley, vice
president; S. F. McConnell. cashier. The
City National bank of Council Bluffs, la.,
with flW.OCO capital; T. G. Turner, president;
Oscar Keellne and J. G. Wadsworth, vice
presidents; Charles R. Hannan, Jr., cash
ier. Postal Appointments
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska El
wood, route 2, Inar Anderson, carrier; Ar
thur Anderson, substitute; McLean, route 1,
Douglas E. Marsh, carrier; F. E.' Marsh,
substitute; Wausa, route i, Elmer C. Peter
son, carrier; J. E. Peterson, substitute.
South Dakota Beresford. route 5. Wilbur
C. fk-roggt, carrier; Frederick P. Sarey,
substitute; Brltton. route 1 Robert E.
Smith, carrfr-r; John J. Wells, substitute.
Past Assistant Surgeon L. W. Bishop Is
detached from duty at the navy recruiting
notion at Omaha and ordered to duty on
the Hancock. Assistant Surgeon A H.
Robnett Is detached from duty tn Cuba
m prcreu iU t,le cjmaua rucruiun
sLutiun fur dut.
Coontles of Hall and Merrick Have)
Dispute Over Jurisdiction
Over Body.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. 2.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Henry Uclmer, 30 years of age,
was Instantly killed while working with a
gang of five men building a bridge on the
Doi'dor line between Merrick and Hall
counties, the pile driver derrick falling and
crushing his skull. A physician was at
once sent for, but life was extinct when
he arrived, the accident occurring six
miles east of the city.
When Coroner Sutherland of Hall county
was notified he held that the accident occurred-in--Merrick
county and declined to
act. When the sheriff of Merrick cwwAt
was notified he held that the aeu'' nj oc-
curred In Hall county and likewise u' lined
In npt. The horiv was tlnallv ri mvnd
to act. The body was finally rei loved
without the usual official order to Bonder
mann's morgue In this city.
The rather unusual Incident of a dispute
In authority also occurred In tho finding
of a skeleton In the Platte, four or five
years ago. The bridge work In this case
was done by Hall county under a Joint
agreement, the body being on the Merrick
side of the road when picked up.
Father John of Cronstadt Passes
Away at St. Petersburg Last
Days Under Cloud.
T. PETERSBURG, Jan. 2.-Father John
of Cronstadt Is dead. The noted priest fot
Bomo tlmo had been suffering from chronic
dropsy and Intestinal complaints, and the
end, though sudden, was not unexpected
Father John was born November 30, IS'.'J.
As a priest In the Andrew church at Cron
stadt, where his zeal and devotion drew
about him hosts of followers and attracted
the attention of the emperor, who con
stantly befriended him. A pilgrimage ol
the present empress to the shrine of St.
Scraphln, which, among pious Russians
was believed to have been responsible fot
the birth of the desired heir to thethrono,
was undertaken on Fathor John's advice.
The late years of Father John's Ufa were
clouded by tho 111 repute of the sect ot
Johnltes, which was exploited by an un
scrupulous and Immoral group of men and
women to their great financial advantage
Tho priest's eyes were opened to this only
last summer, when he anathematized the
false leaders.
Atlanta, Iltrmlnaham fc Atlai
Bonds Underwritten by II. W.
Poor In Default.
ATLANTA. Go., Jan. 2. Judge Don Par
dee of the United States circuit court to
day appointed President H. M. Atkinson
and vice president P. 8. Arkwrlght, receiv
ers for the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlan
tic railroad.
BOSTON. Mass., Jan. 2. Holders of bonds
In tho Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic
railroad In this city were notified today of
the appointment of receivers of the road.
Interest on the bonds was defaulted yes
terday. The company, which was Incorpor
ated In Georgia In 1905, controls several
transportation companies in the south and
also steamboat lines from Brunswick, Ga.,
to New York. The capital Is S35.0o0,00O and
about . t8.V73,Ono of an authorized issue of
10,000,000 In bonds are outstanding.
The bonds were underwritten by H. W.
Poor & Co., the Boston and New York
firm which assigned last week.
Laborer at Spokane Appears la
C'hurrh to Put Billy "unday
Out of Business.
SPOKANE. Wash., Jan. 2. Stark naked
and apparently Insane, Frank Mays, a
strapping laborer, 26 years old, last night
attempted to mount the pulpit In the Billy
Sunday tabernacle to deliver an exhorta
tion to the assembled early comers on
"Th Pevll." Mays was prevented from
carrytDg out his purpose by ushers with
whom be fought for several minutes like
a tiger. Wrapped in a blanket ho was
taken to the city Jail, bound hand and
At the station Mays declared lie had dis
robed to prove that be was an angel from
God. Still manacled, the laborer was
locked icq m a trnna- T1 wh. tv
, squirmed out of the blanket and shouted
that h was tha devil coma to nut Bill
I Sunday out of buaia
Legislators to Have Plenty of Help in
Organizing the House.
N. P. McDonald of Kearney Named as
Member of the Normal Hoard for
Full Term and D. W. Hayes
for Short Term.
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
UNCOIL, Jan-. 2. (Special.) The pres
ence of a lobby here assisting In the or
ganization of the house has given rise to
the query, "Who Is paying the expones?"
From the home of Bowman of Nuckolls,
thero ere four or five men whose time must
be -.tiable and they are working for
Bowman. Dan Stephens la here "looking
on" and it costs money to look on In any
game In IJneoln. And there are others who
are Just "looking on," among them Herd
man of Omaha, and their board and lodg
ing costs something. The ray of the speaker
Is the sime as that of members, tr a day,
which, with economical living about sends
a member homo without losing much
money. It Is reported a big bunch of
"friends" of the various candidates will be
here between now and Monday working for
their favorites.
This query Is Interesting at this time, be
cause iho lobby law does not apply to per
sons who dip In on the organization, so
no registration Ib required of the present
The nrrlval of a bunch of members of
the house today and tonight Increased tho
Interest In the speakership fight and gave
the candidates something to do besides talk
to each other. The Douglas delegation,
save Stoecker find Holmes, who are al
ready on tho ground, will reach here to
morrow morning and, according to Mr.
Stoecker, there will be something doing
from then on.
"I am already elected speaker," said
Stoecker. "With my nine votes from Doug
las county and those members who have
been Impressed with my letters, no one can
beat me." Stoecker Is the only candidate
who Is absolutely sure of election and for
the sake of the others he will put side
boards on his band wagon between now
and Monday.
Taylor of Caster Strong;.
There was one development during the
day and that was the growing strength of
Taylor of Custer county. He has demon
strated that he Is as quick aa chain light
ning and as smooth aa a piece of glass In
handling organization affairs. He has one
great, big hurdle, however, to overcome
before he can rally enough strength to
come under the wire. He Is for county op
tion, and It looks as though Mr. Bryan's
legislature does not wish to be organized
along those lines. Like Henry of Holt,
Taylor says he does not Intend to raise any
big row over this question and he fails to
see Its importance in the matter of the
selection of a speaker.
"I believe my chances Improve each
hour." said Clark of Richardson. "I have
received a great deal of encouragement
since coming to Lincoln and I feel reason
ably certain of being chosen. The contest Is
a good natured affair, though spirited, and
I am well satisfied with Its progress.
One of the great uncertainties is the
number of members who are favorable to
the enactment of a county option law.
Thoso who claim to know say the anti
county option crowd outnumber those who
favor It, but If they could get a word
favorable fram Mr. Bryan, the county op
tion fight, Insofar as It affects the orgsnl
zatton, Is won. But Mr. Bryan has yet to
sneak It. His literature Is being used by
the other side.
Graf of Cuming county time lntoday and
announced that he was not a candidate
for speaker, so that lifts the veil a lltllo
Lewis A. Beltser of Osceola Is running
for eergeant-at-arm (house or senate not
designated) on this platform, which he hus
printed on bis cards: "Thlrty-slx years
residence In Nebraska; three years' service
In the civil war; twenty-two years In re
form movement of fusion forces; sergeant-at-arma
of legislature; stand for an
economical, legislative Ld short session."
There la no question but what the appeal
boa made quit a hit with th members,
but thers 1 on plank In the platform
which some of tha members want ex-
iCondnuad oa Fourth Fui)
Money May Be Used to Charter Ships
and Buy Food in Europe.
Orrr Ilnndred Thonsand Dollars
Already Forwarded by Telearaph
Through the lied Cross
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2.-rrf s ilent Roose
velt tonight announced that he has sent
two supply sh ps with :ko,000 wortii of sup
plies to Iialy, that he w.ll ak congress f r
additional aid ami that lie has offered th
use cf the battleship flo; t to Italy.
The announcement Is made In a tcicgr.nn
niade public at tlio While IIuuw, which h )
sent to Patrick F. McGowan, chairman of
tho American ltal'an general nil f com
mittee. New York City. The tel. gram fol
lows: "I earnestly wUh success to the Ainerlc n
Italian grnt-ral relic f committee In Its grout
mass meeting at Madison Square Garden.
It Is if cour. o not possible for mo to attend
In person. I am doing everything that can
be done to get aid to the suffering, and on
account cf the extreme urgency of the casi
havo sent two supply ships with t-'l"0.0a
worth of f md and provisions w ithout wait
ing for tho authority if congress, be ng c.m-fid'-nt
that congress will ai pnve my nc!lon
I shall also ask congress for additional
eld and throughout the coming week will
keep In the closest touch with congress tint
through the State department with Italy, at
that everything possible to be done by the
United States may be done.
"Furthermore, I have cabled the Italian
government proffering the services of nny
or all of the battleship fleet, If such can
be of use in this rii-is.
Mesas ae to 4 on a reas.
President Roosevelt was engaged tonight
In preparing tho message which will bo
presented to congress when It convenes
Monday. A large amount of data on prece
dents and generally regarding the aid that
Is being rushed from various quarters to
southern Italy and the means of getting
succor to. tho victims hud been prepared
for the president and was considered care
fully by hlra.
Tho data prepared by the president
showed that In tho Mont Peleo catastrophe
the government appropriated $200,000 for the
relief of the sufferers. A committee of dis
tinguished citizens was designated to visit
the scene and disburse the money. A simi
lar plan appealed very strongly to tho presi
dent, certain modifications being suggested,
such as the selection of Americans now In
Italy or delegation of tho American ambas
sador or agents of the American Red Cross
to attend tho disbursement of the money.
The question which the president first
sought to dctcrmluo wits, whether aid given
In this way woul dnot reach the sufferers
sooner than by means of the naval supply
ships now on tho Atlantic, but many days
sail from Sicily and southern Italy.
Money Is Pouring; In.
Suffering Italy continues to occupy the
thoughts of most of the citizens and offi
cials here. Aroused to a full consciousness
of the appalling disaster which swallowed
up so many lives tho one aim Is to get
relief to tho stricken people as speedily
as possible. Money Is pouring Into tho
offices of the American National Red Cross
and Is being telegraphed abroad as fust
as received. The New York Red Cross his
telegraphed JSO.noo to tho National Red
Cross: f.10,000 has been telegraphed from
Ban Francisco; Chicago telegraphed I12.00U;
the governor of Massachusetts has In
formed th National Red tYoss that SfiO.OUO
was to be sent to the Italian Red Cross
from the Bay state; $100,000 has been cabled
by tho National Red Cross to the Italian
society. Over $3,000 was subscribed locally
today, $500 of which came from the plate
printers of tho Bureau of Kngravlng and
Printing and carrying with It a promise of
$1,(00 more.
nicknell Will xt no.
The suggestion that Krncst H. Blcknell,
national director of tho American Red
Cross, bo sent to Italy to co-operate with
the Italian Red Cross has been abandoned
as unnecessary and Mr. Blcknell has been
Instructed to continue his trip to San Fran
cisco. Mr. Grlscom today cabled that no names
of American citizens killed or Injured by
the earthquake had yet reached hlin.
Thanks for American generosity Is ex
pressed tn a telegram received by the pres
ident today from President Masslglia of tha
Italian committee at New York City.
The president has directed the State de
partment to ascertain from the Italian gov
ernment at what ports It would be most
beneficial for the battleships of th Ameri
can fleet to stop on reaching Italian waters.
These battleships contain med:cal sjp;Hes
and clothing that will be of great value
among the sufferers and the object of tho
Inquiry of tho president Is practically tj
permit tho Italian government to name the
ports where the vessels shall go on thc-lr
errand of mercy.
Governor Announces the Successor
to Sullivan, Who Re
algned. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Jan. -(Special Telegram. V
Late tonight Governor Sheldon appointed
J. R. Dean of rBoken Bow as Judge of
the supreme court for the one year term.
This Is the position which was tendered to
Judge Sullivan, who accepted and sub
sequently declined. Judge Holcomb of
Broken Bow was also prominently men
tioned for the place. Dean was one of
the first mm mentioned for the position
after Sullivan declined.
fiovernor-Flrrt Will Live nllh Sre
retur I utll Ilia In
auguration. LINCOLN, Jan. 2.- iS,.ecial Tel'-grain.)
Governor-eU-c-t A. '. fchiili.-nbergi-r Is ex
pected to reach Lincoln this afternoon to
reiuolii until Inauguration, January 7.
He will slay with his secretary, W. J.
Furs, until that time. Mr. Furae has
bought him a home at 121 atovlh Twaut.
first air ,