"s THE OMAHA DAILY Bffi- KK1IUY. JANTAKY 1. 1W. - ) W v f oies ox oaiax socieh I Lrrr Dinting; Party. i 7 fATCETJ3 YULi COKE Ef Watrb rartte Win tw I' Crw -rvrrl furl A7.ar, Fwrsaal 4 lafavwaaL, irf -be-dVed fr tbe ftr. toe-mber of th Omii chapter of I Qaamna B.rrti fraternity gave one of k larr urtr.g partie of the fKn for 'be srrbool and college art Wednesday rm 4 th Rome bntaL Tbe ban room was rswTuaely decorated wrih palni. arid the fraten-nry oolora, ld roe and rutt, were a.ja ned in the decoration. Puppex u (d st BmaB t si-lea In tbe dinmg roma. th tabic baring for a ceevferpiece a cu drflabra with candle ahades of old rose. Tbe fwgrrn wer ewpecialry attractive, bav Jat a ecrtr -of bile feather around tbe f oaternJty coat of arms doo tn motber-of-peart. A pleasant surprise of the evening tews a gift ta -h ymir.g woitibji of b!pln with Oia fraternity ooat-of-srraa oa ta th arts and crafts style on cop per. Ts preaeet were: j Ta IsTteawst Wary McOaa-u, . Orrtcben MrOonnen. Ofcvea Baker. A lira Crv M cOrew, KAtberin In statu Isabel Milroy. Naraijr Barrett. Katherine Milrey. ? rra Brwteprtare, I WW bv linrrin. 1-gart Buscb. Florenos t'ltnated. n. Luther Komi's. Mr. Oarnod E an. V Cbaries Konnta. Mr. 'Ward ."lu .. Mr. A. G. F---. Mr. Saaaoe. P;r. if.; M-a F. A. Brogan. Miss Tatf. M- Uurten Ftv. Mr. Era Milia-d. Mr. F. B Oar::- Ma Harley M rorbssa. J Vra. A. J F-"'on. Wm T. F. KrsTe!.r. I Mr. Hnr Cit' rf Kan;a City and I Mitt Bii'Tn. ; Wikk lartr A m;i i;b r"y for a oTib-r of 1. irh : -rinr-l Jtitfir 3 f r ve.a t err r ue (1. at brr boT, 14 Kortb yprty- f.m atr'ft. TTV.ne -a.tlnr tbe arrival of tt,e r j-"r the youn- iwt7ie rtl par tu tfiaie tn rumliff rTifrinai ajne aol MntTr. itje of Uni t"-it.f ib gu'irf of or'-nd-unm. anrrerd tbe nmw of ibe rff.WL. Tnoae prewjit wIE tnc tde Misa Ruth Oouid. Kim Mary PM tp itna H'len Rarley. M - NeHJe Pt tcbtrt, M.a , Iora Rsna. MiM Birth Khetdvn. Kim Ndiie ElpuUfr. 54ib Hnrirtt.a Oilmore, JCit.1 ' Glafix-a Glffcrd. Vt Marjorle te kf t ViM. Irmi Groe. Mr. TIMia Payae, Mr. Alfred M.r.ard. Mr. VS arren Howard. Kr. Eflward I'uraic. Mr. Clurmre Partem. Mr. L.jmir Earwh, Mr. r.ohert MiCtruc. Mr. Leon Nfiacia. Mr. A'.frf d Kecneay. Mr. Ricturd Barce. Mr. u(k MXia aad Mr. Georpt E utrarmaa. C mk Laarkm. Miw Marte Hardo mtrrtan Wodnea- j 6r aftmiooti in brn,or of llmi HactJ Ea- 1 bin cf B-atrkie at a i.af m dish tu&cbeon. TYinne prTit -a rre Miaert Helm Cott. W'lnif-ed TrjT)cr. Hn Nwrna, Rvth ' Laiftui-T, Etht-1 'W"hflr. Xatbertoe "WeJch, Franc? Gule. Hu! M.Wn of Beatrtr. Mry H?-rrd. Hfrtft Peter and Maria Harflrn. Gate City Car Clakw TuftiCkT ever.ir.i: Mr. J. L. Iolph enter tained the mratrrt rf the Gate City Card club at her residence. S3 Ta-enty-fotirtn venue. Nine ptrrxf of kifb .n irere T-lared and the pr-.re were awarded ta Mr. Hal.j "Wheat and Mr. J. A. Garrt arn. Three new member were added to tb tied. Tboee to attendance were Mes aamea J. L. In.lph, G. H. Iraper. R. VT. tuff. W. H. France. ET.irabeth Mitchell. UllM E. Rice. Gurty Tremaine and Hallw Wbeatcti; MiM Flc"-ence Burra- Meaara. R. W. Injff. J. A. Garrinrm. R. W. RJoe, J. Mfftoii Shar ard J. W. Wbeatoa. laaaveiac Party. rr. and Mr. T. J. Macks y and Mr. aaj Mr. E. 1. liomki will rtre a dancrnl party New Tear Birht. Jaisaary 1. at tbe I Wattles' Memrria Parian Hrarc The j oerorations will be appropriate for New j Tear s day and Bt-rrral eery comers win ' Siaks lrjvtuiig- taatea fur restioa; betweea j dances. Fi:jjier will tie served the latter j rart of tbe evening- In the dining raoxa j and the yours; people pr?ent will in chide Missea IT.irarieth Dtvis, F.i:Iin Bocrae. Mamie Itarla, Helen Scobie Burth Inickry. Alice Carter. Lfaphna Petfrs, FTturence Cadahy. Eleanor Mackay Alice Cuflahy. Roth Hammer, Mildred But W. Katbcnne Em, Eliiabetb Brace Mary Rlnfwalt. IT-leii Rinart. Marrarrt Mc Prrt-rayn. Hft rietta Erwtn, France EcbBtrU.-r. Lata Holdrere, Ruth Hrtcb ek. MessT. Ctisrlcs Keller. James Mc Cord. Malcozr.b BaJdris-e. Blala TotuiK. Hnrh VH.ard. Ted M-uiard. rraocis Baiaea, IHinaid McWarter. ruiliey Bancker, Ar thur Aj-ertin!. Rogrer Keelme, Victor Cald weH. Casper Offott, Ray lw. UaroiJ Pritchett. Percy Hail. Hall Brady, Ralph Peter. John Do berry. Robert "Wood. Stan ford Gin or and L4;ryd laTma Taawsaaa-CfcUaa. The weddinc of Miss Mary Gertrude Child, daughter of Mr. and Mra C W. Qiilda, and Mr. Henry W. Tbotr.it. tsn bf Mr. and Mr. O. L. Tboroas, took place Wednesday at t o'clock at the home of tbe bride a paj-a&ta tn Benson. The bouse w a decorai-ed la sreen and wLita ax. tba oera Boty was jierfortned under a can cry of bally and a larce white weddinc beOI. Rev. E- C. Thorpe read tbe marriage ltnea. Tbe bride wore a vown of white measa- ttne, with a wreatb of orange blossoms Is ber hair, and carried a awoQoet of the same flower. Miss Alda Tbosoa. maid of honor, wore a gown of pale blue silk. Miss Vera McVea. bridesmaid, wore old rose aOc Thomas McGtur was best Baa The oeretnony was followed by a reception, after which Mr. and Mr. Tboar.as left for New Tork. On then- return tbey wffl be at borne at Keystone park, near Benson. Laacateai Party. Miss Glabella Htntf gavs a luncheon Wednesday at her borne, the guests being memher of Kappa Kappa Gamma sor- laachffia Tbaraday compllioentary to Miss ' orrty. Tbe luncbeoii table was attractive wiui red camatiozis and 3 em leares and tbe plate cards were designed w 1: ta bally. r rtb Xtstler. tHrnter Byrne. CaroUna Crmgown, Ca-oittie Cwrua, . A.n LwnEta. t I rtbrgaret Iowglaa. " J erJia IMrkey. j . irnic Edwards. JL jry Gilmora, I vb Gould. ta il Gotiid. f HaanmntiA, i grria Harding, limn Hayaen. l-ia Hoiltna",' ilTllOS Harwell. liuaa Kenaody, liaa Lan d, Fward ayenpg. 3ewta Beaan. laii Buraeu. 'Wa.Ma J-entua. l owing For tana. XF'raacat Gabma. ifndow HU. CVfcriey Keller. Lf MitebtaUv-.. w l4rTd Ostiof-ne. . bat WfllMLSB. rwbert Arthur. COb Haye. I Kailer. f Tectice Lord. Hrurer MrKanalei. KKiaetk Paterscs. Lflr PhiUsa, llieyd Bmnk Vrj lea .&adaBh, tyoorsw Tfcumsael. ,' Ktm Robertson. Ffed Waiiaoa, Ja Welsh. oa Ha-nee-l Wanaa HamHtoa, f n Buck. Jrbrt rr-nca. Loe-eita Patte-aon. Iapfae Peter. Bateth Pickens, O-iadys Peter, Esbel Rlchitj. Grace Rohrnough. Helen f.oube. I ard a firoit. Emn.a S:apl, I-o:hy fnveris. K aibermThumroei. rrances Todd. Gertrude hite, . TiuriB Wood. Helen Forbes. Paahna Lord cItxon. XII 1. Mary Richardson. jKSephin O SeuL Harry Koch. ' Bryant Co. Koa PoLard. Bea Wood. Arthur Ayor'-gg. Herbawt biers, Ebbie Pum: U John Caidweii, - Joha ruiugrty, Victor Ca-iaweii.. Robert F'tehT, Lea Holllngef. Ray Lowe, Curtis L'lidnaj", Charles M'ta. A II red Millard. 3 ot.B MciCague, W- MlUard. Lyman McCnnneil. John Baldwin. Ra.r Peters, Harold Prrn hett, John P-syler, larett tmith. K'-bert th verirk. Mltoa WUhama, Ja Webster, Hail. The Greatest Clearance SaJe Oztah. Has Erer Kno-vm Opens SatrrdiT Morning Promptly at 8 A.M. Formerly fSCOFlELD AaOAK&SUITCq II FORMEPLY n.f.SCOFIELD U llCLOAKiSUITCq 1 15 iO DOUGLfS ST. nnn3 mnrr'm QFrann. Don't Miss This Wonderful ETert. Ererj Garment in Our Entire Stock at Jest Half Price. mum PVank Hoei. lr. and Mra. 3. T. Lmrd. Mr. and Mra Gewarge H. Thumtrifd. Mr and Mr. J. L Fvrbes, Mr. and Mra. Suroald Patterson. Brldgw tssver. Mr. Khmer Ptej.hen Redick was host at ana of tbe large watch parties New f Tsaara err. wben ha gaee a 7 o'clock bridge supper at his home. Tba guests y aeaXed at small tables and a different rojlor acbeaoa was used at each table. Ctrrero am placed for Misaes: Rrh Mow-bead. Claira Helena WooOar adoiane White. Arry Glimrre.. V, Mabef-K I va Kess Ba , My M Poa Nasa, Caroline Cong don. luise Puck. Vtfer-Grr. Bauav. or ran. J.jrrue Wh!tmort xj?fcdj-n Barkalow. liaentby Morgan, a -MaKra. Beb GaLisgber. JubR Madoan. Jak Kaum. Bna Wood, W wtard ButT. Pawl Gallagtier, Will Bct.ijorr, Outtrt Potter, Frar k Pe lard. Job Red-iik, Herbert PYeacK Jack Baldwin. lmna axmr.g. M arion Conne! hinabnli Congdoa. Jean Cudahy. Helen Cudahy. Marion Halier. Heien Iipria. iitrlam Patteraoa, Hilda Hammer, IVtitae Barkalow. George proudfit. lncoln; Ttoug'.as Bcwm, Junius Prown. Robert Bum. Fred Tricma. Frank Wilhelm, Joha Caldwell. ieorge Van Brunt. Richard Baom, C. C Reilcjs, Elmer RedMck. pens Saturday Eulorning Promptly at 3 A. EwQ. The greatest sacrifice sale Omaha has ever known. Our entire stock of high class Cloaks, Tailored Suits, Dresses, Furs, Etc. f3 n n A o TT 3 Saturday morning, January 2nd, promptly at 3 A, M., this reliable exclusive cloak and suit house will open its doors with the most wonderful clearance sale of high class wearing apparel for women and misses that Omaha has ever known. This is the ETTtnaJ event the women of Omaha and all surrounding territory have learned to wait for and look to as being the greatest bargain oppor tunity of the year and this year our Half Price Sale will be the greatest in our history. Our stock of high class garments is immense and in order to adhere strictly to our set policy of never carrying over a single garment from one season to another, we are compelled to make greater sacrifice than ever, and reserving nothing, Mr. asd Mrs. George Bedick. TW Mia Webster. Ell Maa Bioaii entertarrmd Flora Webster, wba will be one af Luc . . January prldas Tba f-oests win be seated attvoe large table and a3 ef the appotnt ananta will wa tn green and whtta. A baaket rf - rvla and ferns win form the ctnter snsea a aad yua cards ta natch win mark Cb place ef SClsa Webster. Mrs. Herbert 1 Wawelar. Mr. William Soar Poppietcan. T . . 1 . V T - . . Don't Blame - Your Stomach ffta' tntiaosjrt Kxcrtiosi Or Com Yom Cu JCaJoy MesUa Amd Cur Pyspepei. Covers were laid for Miases Edith BuUer. Nan Cunning ham. Naa Dennia. Edna Baker of Lincoln. Helen. Pholea, Era Pennr. Ioria Wood. Ola belle Herrry and Mra G. W. Hervcy. A stag dinner party was green Wednes day crating at Hanson's cafe, Including Messr. Stock to a Heth, Js Baior.g. Aitnur Rxiger, Thosr-as KhxhaH. E. 1. Cudahy, Forrest Ruhardaoa and Georgs Prlna, Miss Fay Toa-ns entertained Wednesday afternoon at a hosiery ahewer Is honor of her aister. Mis Edna Toana, whose wed ding takes piaoe New Tear a dav. Twelve guests acre present Mrs. 3. Royc entertained li-farmaP.y at a bridge eurper Wedn-sday evening at ner borne. Miss Gladys Peters was hostess at a small luncheon Tburnoay at the Omaha .tvem t fclus pour stomach or your luck ciUB- taia jor leu. w-t, ywor aueals declare war oa pour I " (raueia. ' innT and bnig Wednesday rvfctm-g Wben tbe stotaack amc't do it work it j Twelve guests were presrnl. ri up 1 1 live rvann. A Ball Poudre and watch party was given New Tear's eve at Fort Crook by ; ttie officers of Fort Crook. Beveral ln- fo:xal aad small dinner parties were grres previous ta the danoa. Captain and We Offer Everything in Our Stock Over $50,000 Worth of High-Class Stylish Wearing Apparel to Choose From 'LTL imii iaj Don't rninK this mighty sale, it will be a wonderful event, and remember that it starts Saturday, January 2nd, promptly at 8 A. M. SATURDAY WILL HH T Over 5,000 Coats at Half Price 17 Plain Tailored Coats $390 Plain Tailored Coats; January Half Price Sale at. $35.00 Plain Tailored Coats; January Half Price Sale at . $23.75 Plain Tailored Coats; January Half Price Sale at . $25.00 Plain Tailored Coats; January Half Price Sale at. . $13.50 Plain Tailored Coats; A nr January Half Price Sale at ) $15.00 Plain Tailored Coats; January Half Price Sale at, 19.75 17.50 14.85 12.50, Directoire or Empire $55.00 Trimmed Coats; ' January Half Price Sale. . $45.00 Trimmed Coats; January Half Price Sale. $35.00 Trimmed Coats; January Half Price Sale . $23.75 Trimmed Coats; January Half Price Sale . $25.00 Trimmed Coats; January Half Price Sale. $17.50 Trimmed Coats; January Half Price Sale. . Coats 27.50 22.50 17.50 14.85 12.50 8.75 Opera Coats $5.00 Opera Coats; Jan uary Half Price Sale, at. . $55.00 Opera Coats; Jan uary Half Price Sale, at. . $45.00 Opera Coats; Jan uary Half Price Sale, at. . $23.50 Opera Coats; Jan. nary Half Price Sale, at. . $35.00 Opera Coats; Jan uary Half Price Sale, at. . $25.00 Opera Coats; Jan uary Half Price Sale, at. , 32.50 27.50 22.50 19.75 17.50 12.50 New Fur Coats $115.00 Fur Coats; January Half Price Sale, at $30.00 Fur Coats; January Half Price Sale, at $75.00 Fur Coats; January Half Price Sale, at $65.00 Fur Coats; January Half Price Sale, at $50.00 Fur Coats; January Half Price Sale, at $33.50 Fur Coats; January Half Price Sale, at ,. 57.50 45.00 37.50 32.50 25.00 19.75 .7.50 Tailored Suits, Dresses and Furs at IHIaif Price i a Xacaua it cannot 1 Viae . foul smelling odors com from yssnr a&mnacB, when tb bead aches and tbs aciniiaa, of mouth i , morning insdias paw faata ywur breaaiast. vbea f i ii nai nil B-ttrhtmara assails you. don't grea era vb figlit. j TnJa as tbe appeal of nature, aad it houls beard. One eating, lata omppera. poorhy chewed food, to rick paatrles and under-done ' packing ax aox&c c-f tha causes of tbe fctomarh's n beiaHh. , Wltea tb stoaoack la busy. It presses and chum ail tbe riu'Jid matter from food aad W.ti Its J vices dissjlves into liquid jwm r pal" raj r thing w hich cmes tnts $65.00 nary $55.00 uary $45.00 uary 633.50 uary $35.03 uary $23.75 uary $25.00 uary Tailored Suits Tailored Suits; Jan Half Price Sale at... Tailored Suits; Jan Half Price Sale at... Tailored Suits; Jan Half Price Sale at... Tailored Suits; Jan Half Price Sale at... Tailored Suit3; Jan Half Price Sale at. . . Tailored Suits; Jan Half Price Sale at... Tailored Suits; Jan Half Price Sale at. . . 32.53 27.50 22.50 19.75 17.50 14.85 12.50 at EZ Dresses $50.00 Satin or Mescaline January Half Price Sale, at $45.00 Satin or Itlessaline January Half Price Sale, at $35.00 Satin or Broadcloth January Half Price Sale, at S29.75 Savti or Rroadcicxb. Itrmtrr ; J as nary Half Price, ax 927 JM Savtia or &xgs Dn Jaaaaxy Half Price Sale, at Dresses; 25.00 Dresses; 22.50 Dresses; 17.50 14.85 13.75 Fur Sets $250.00 Mink Sets; Janu ary Half Price Sale, at $150.00 Mink Sets; Janu ary Half Price Sale, at $125.00 Mink or Lynx Sets; January Half Price Sale. . $100.00 Mink or Lynx Sets; January Half Price Sale. . $75.00 Mink or Lynx Sets; January Half Price Sale . . $65.00 Mink or Lynx Sets; January Half Price Sale. . 125.00 .75.00 .62.50 .50.00 .37.50 .32.50 Fur Sets $50.00 Fur Sets; January Half Price Sale, at $45.00 Fur Sets; January Half Price Sale, at $35.00 Fur Sets; January Half Price Sale, at $30.00 Fur Sets; January Half Price Sale, at $25.00 Fur Sets; January Half Price Sale, at $171-0 Fur Sets; January Half Price Sale, at 25.03 22.50 15.00 12.50 .8.75 wedding win tak place January C Thi table will hare a sjxnaily dfstgned center Ptc of brideetiiajd roo. narcastis and ferns, arraj-ged on a TT.hTiir. with rope of snaiiax reaching to each place, and fir. is Led with gr" tulle hews. The favor, will be ttr.y gold slippers flllrd with rice Twelve gaeFts win lie present. Tf wack food fee poisonous It affaau tAe ?uic, STttacAa the sunach, goe Into tb blood and weakens tb entire system. Btaart'a Ijapeiiaia Tablet wiT" dest m full snr4 - easily wttbout materia 1 aa alstaaoa frota tb stomach. Tbey a Ui Timutc. tba araatrto ru d with all the eie- aaaaits sdd. Tbey bulid up the blood. Aaatrsy aasa- taal. bad areata, belching tonoack a&S Wwel troubia and ai;-k.:y (aatora tura3 oonditkAa. Ob gtaJ f" aftnart g Iyspepaia Tablets rI3 digest !,( grains of food la tie stoia- acta r. k a glasd wisj smluict aid of the desfrr spparaia. Tba mwtnwd-wf tuarf Iyspri Tab Vsta ana the snrtbods of Nat uie Tbey ooaitaiB vry rjuin fs tbe a iu j aaafiaa. a ftw a saoal one jaf Cn Jtti labitta wbra It enters the acaniara axaiRa ar. w i"-" . tb food And dig it- It removes lbs fawaacrt4 aad decayed tnass, lying stag aaat taee and ease tbe stomach at sooa ""rv- It M buPy a quesuoai for j m ts aolva. a Tour druggist J furnish Stuart's ) 3 pojaiaS Talaris sse ta boa. or send as j air nam and addreas and w wJl aead sibw a trial aavrks traa. Addraa. F. A, auiart'Caa, liat as art it, Marat,,!. i N M a. W. C Bennett and Captala and air, lail will eavck entertain. Among tbos attendttig th bail from Omaha wer Captain and Mra. Eim Miss Anna Bourk. Mss ItuiM Bourk. Miss Bess Moorbead, Miss Kate Moorhead. Miss fcara Bourke. Miss France Gilbert. Mr. Harry Keely. Mr. Conrad Toutg. lir. Jiei aoa Mercer. tr. A. HoU.strr, Mr. B. VT. Capoa and Mr. Bobert IMnmng. Among the Informal "at homes" ta be given Ntw Tear's day. for which ns cards bavs beea Isaeud will be that of Colonel and Mra. William Cassford of Fort Osiatia, m tth soms of the offioers' wrri in tne post assisting Major snd Mra William Johnston of Fort Crook will be at home New Tears aftemoo for their daughter, atlas Gnevirv Joitu. and bee gutt. Mis Htgg:ns t t P.. Louis. Miss Anna Coad and If u EJ :i Thomas win keep opea hous from a t 7 o'clock at th bom of tbe latter. 9t Barney street. Miss Mamie and Hortenc SpihergeT will extertaia a lew fraenda informally Thuradmy evening at their borne on Maaaa atrett Dsctug axd gamea w.'U caa tribute ta the cctcrtainment and tb guests will Include Misses Sophia Goodaan. Blanche Cobs, He.ea FVrth. Kigutux, Helen Brandria. Meaara Mtlioa Livingston. Bea Goodmaa, G rover Goodaiavn, Arthur Ftirth. Joe kr)U and EZmer Meyer. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Cenlrtam wt!3 exter tam at doiner and a wau party Tturaday evening at their borne. Holly win be uaed in docoraUoa aad New Tear bells win be ttaed as p-ace earda Twere guests wci be present and bridge J b the gam af tbe ever.:i.g. Mr. aad Mr. Isaac Carpenter win gte a dinner parry Siew Tear's at their bom. emanpTlTneaitary ta Mia ra- batiga axA Mx. Gicrt CjjisaUat. whof f-.vrn every ais n at MctropoLtan club' w-ll be a leap year affair T:n-sdy rvening. j the girls calling for the men and filling their program. The presenf of about twenty out-of-tewn guests promises to be one of the features of th evening. T.'ie b E roots has been c aborate.y decorated and supper will be served lata in the even big. , Mr. Ralph Peters w'H give an Orrbeca , party Tbcrsdsy ever.ir.g, about twe.'ve bi rr g pent- Mia Roirma Taylor and Visa JosTb t Buble win keep open b"use Ji-w Teer s day frtira I to I c'clor-k at K! P-Uth Tweitv th st'e-L f r tSe im-ir.ll of the Et "ftroi", of tb First Christian church sl thtr f-ienc Mr. and Vr. lee Grett gave a watch party Thursday rvertng fur atioat thirty guest. Ceaae aad & Caaatsu A party tt Omaha jople It ft Tfcursd" fir Fretnont to attend a dtrner danra rrrea by Mr. and Mrs. Bex Herjy Tfcn'w day v;ing. Tt Cinaha gtietrts lnchaded M as Eoie Wood. Miss Farr.v Hnwland Mr. Harvey M-Uiken. Mr WiTiiam Robe-! Ws.d and Mr. arid Mr. Edward Beyer The parry wn return Friday. Mr. Edward Gilchrist and Mr. Rcbe Borg-ss of Tskakoa. la., fcsve arrread tr attend tbe weddiTig of MiM Edna Towns and Dr. Henry Jobnsna f T-kamat wt ich takes place New Tear a day at f o'clock. Mr I. fcVrleainter of Colorad Bpring Col, ba was a delegate ta tbe r.ounr? of Je-iah women at CiiK-irnati. is iritii.g ber a"t-r. Mra Frd:cand X'Ur, Jta Laudg strwet. Mr. S. A MitWbtaner. aba bas beea sp-ii4ir.g the bobdsys with Lis farn2y, will return ta Cbicago next we-. Mrs. L. C Pen- tf IM South Taenty eigrtk street has glon VS Latrsola fur a viait of acveraJ weeks. Centra, aiid Mx. W. tX CuU Lav itkeB tb Gonld Iiets boose as a residence or the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Smith wn lesve Saturdty fcr a two weefca' stay In Kew Tork and Boston. . Kiss SU Carpenter and Miss Corinnt Searle. wh l.tv lioen sp-nd:iig the boli dava at home. in return ta 1Tenteley college Sunday. Mis Belt Work of Concttrctilly. Wash, a bo is atu-Ddg at boo! at Wslejan and who baa been rtsitmg ber couaj Miss Clara Thomas, left Wednesday morning for Clark to spend tbe remainder of her va catl.m with her roommate. PR0L0KGIN3 LIFE CF SHEETS Little eaa Thrwagb tbe Ceate, Maa.es Tbewa Laat as L-a. My everyday abeet are made to last a long time. Ttrfy ar ciade from i Ueacbed cfttin because of lta durabj: the ease with ahiefa It la laundered aft the ftrst few washing and because i never discolors with age. TJ breadths r. the materjj are basted together, Just lap ping the atlvaxe edre In a fiat ram. and n Itched on the machine. This stm not a objetuatabie as many women a bo Insist upon scwuig thru sheets 1 5 hand, appear to think. Whn the abeet has worn this in tbe center the seam It ripped and th outer edge ait plat, topriher. giving It a new leas of Lf. Tms is much less work than tr.tk r.g nea sheet, not ta mem; an the added cost, and erpertenos has proven that thfcSi sheet: aear much lenger than those made from tb doubie width biet td aiieeting. rsrr.(lii where tbe irk has been. Ton may ba-ve to r.-pat this process tw or three rrre Vfx U the black is faded cut of iM ti!,t .i,r;ui To remove the dtscoloration wiiltJa enaa:ns after these applications ap ply a strong solution of oxalic acid and ii.h vut lmzriediately tbe same as when irtrg the bl-thloride cf lime. One appli cation cf the acid Is an that is seeded. Rlns thoroughly in plta.ry of co-d. aoft water that all trace of the chemical may be removed from the fabric Not a trace of th atam will remain. Ct course, this method must not be tried on colored goods much milk as wQ wet tt but no more than that, as it makes th pudding heavy. It should be a r.ff aa pasts. Mix all tbe ingredients thor -ighly, then add tb eggs and milk, and last of all. the brandy. &a2 tt as keep boiling for ten boura. Th best aaut f.r plum pudding is as faUows: Take obe-half pound of butter, waan aalt from It, and cream tin vary 1 .ght . stir Is three-quarters of a pound of browa sugar and the beaten yolk jf aa agg: atrrmer over a alow fir or on NEW YEAR'S PLUM PUDDING Heels for Maklag aad Mtalag Om mt tbe Eawe-atlaas of tb Feast. Ti-ke on and one-half pounds of bread rjjcha one-half pound of flour, tw ound cf fin shredded beef auet. tw o aii da cf fine ahreodeid beef suet, two irra nts. washed, picked and dried, two :unds af sugar, one-quarter pound of can Led lemon and citron peea. that 1 two unoea of each, two small nutmega. grated, the Juice of on lemon, and th rind finely riicrped. a teaspuonf ul of salt, two ounces if sweet almonda. blanched and aliced. -uiteen egg, a glaa of brandy and as Oa BraaAlag tba 1 eetb. While tb teeth should be bruar.ed ga larly and often, great rar should be taken ia tb tis of tbe toothbrush. Vigorous cross brushing is apt ta furoc tbe th.s rurn away from tbe teeth, leaving tbe ce mestcm exposed t tb air, and thua n.ar rtng the beauty of tb teeth and leaving them tn eanger of early daoay. It Is best to give tbe brush a raiary motion, brush ing tb upr" teeth dcwiiwaK and th lower teeta upward. . If you will take Fok-y a Orrno L .." tratfj th bowel becoro regular yen wl3 not have to tak purgatrv etmstanUy. a Foley s Cartes La ram e posltlvety rure cbror.ic cotistipatkm and slugtnsh liver Pleasant ts tak. Far sal by ail druggists. SWEENEY JURY DISAGREES l stable ta Dee-lde Wbetker Wawaa a,aald at raider tare at a. a rat tarn. After deliberating aj n gtt an ba'.f a day, the jury lftire wbit ati t- i ! fa a Question of htth-r M-. Ertg-t Fa-tvy should t.av guardian, falitd to r" Tburadsy nwrtutj, and Ju'fe 'iro.'p, by agreement cf bath a.da, d.amiaFed it. Mrs. Sweeny snd her Lurband. J il n F weeny, were I und last imnr In a biiel at Ei h e'Btb and Marry six '-eta. -l h tn gold bur ed ia tt. eella-. Toey had 1- a L"ng m a mise ly f.sbior.. eaung craiats and water and cooking remnants cf men! m a tomats can. One day in July, Sw tny wandered sway and tbe pol ce were ar.kel ts search for bim. He was located and aa t, s. gati n of tbe bouse rurt d is lb rtndlr.g cf tb hidden weath. Ow C la goid puK-ea as found Is cm? )nr Frienoa asked for the appointmrtit of a guardiaa tt Mrs. Favry afver f deatt: of her hnsband. but she restated th art oa and when Jndge Let lie spp-dnted F- R Leary ahe ; rxaied ts tli dtstr ct court h- r after sper.etng several dry a Krt-ing t testimony th juro ennld not agre wbetbe-r a guardim was reeded or set. BrMvUg tb lab ftaXaa. Ink stains are flea very dfirult ts ra mcrrc from Itnen. ospeoally when tbey bav been allowed t dry into tb material. Tb following metiiod of effectaafly twnaovlng stiins from table lines or any tbar a hit material ha proved th most satis factory In tb rai.g of my erpenenc. It a .11 remev th stain srnetber cud or fresh and win nut injure tr- moat dell cats fabric if dun r.gtt First aji.:y a ej-otg aoluuiA of b-chloride of lum La tb sLaia and waaa est immediavta.'y ia auft ital it. A WeI-aA (XaT sjtui aiiJ The Hotel Rome SUITE 40-A The Hotel Rome SUITE 40-A fcr Clearing Sale Starting Monday. Jan. 4th is- I: I i i f