Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Greatest January
Saturday, January Secon
For the great bargains being offered in
Our Greatest January Clearing Sale.
For the great bargains being offered
Our Greatest January Clearing dak
mi a in Txi ' u
Clearing ome
The greatest sale of the season commeces tomorrrow; and all through Omaha and beyond it is a well established fact that Thompson, Beld
& Co's. January Clearing Sale is the one to attend if you want to save money on dependable merchandise. There is a difference: some stoi
contend that most anything will do tor tneir January aaies. in or so vyitn i nompson, ueiuen cc o., every garment or piece of goods sold di
mg our January v-ieanng oaie is inc same aicum icuauic aun umi ia mwap uncitu at tm oluic; ana iias vvuii ior us tne nigh reputation tl
we have attained. Almost every department in the great store will offer during this sale, high grade merchandise at much under regular pric
Our Great January Clearing Sale of
Colored and Black Dress Goods
Many thousands of yards of this season's most beautiful fabrics in
cluded in the great sale. We do not place fictitious values on any fabric
and advertise it at half price. Neither do we advertise cheap, trashy dress
goods for show and cheap selling. They are the sarao choice dress goods
taken right from our shelves," no matter what they cost.
The Time Has Come for a Quick Vigorous Clearing.
Just Half rrloc $1.00 Colorril Silk an d Wool Crepe de Chine, 50 a yapd- You
never saw anything more beautiful at the price, soft and clinging, dainty pink, pale blue,
tan, red, brown and cream.
$1.00 Novelty Check Panama now 49 a yard Great saving never sold less
than $1.00, very choice line of colors to choose from In the pretty new broken check.
Very Special $1.25 and $1.50 English Striped Suiting, 50-ln., now 9 Jard
Styles that are right up to the minute. Think what these reductions mean. A 56-inch
cloth, beautful quality and style, 69c. What are left of the Bame beautiful goods you
have admired so much. I ,
$1.25 All Wool Pin Stripe, Worsted Panama, 56-ins., Now 72VaC a Yd. j
Exceptional quality; brown, black, gray, cadet, nary blue witn a pin stripe or i
white. Just what, you will want next spring.
$1.25 Herringbone Novelty serge, One of
the Latest, now 82 Mt 7apd' We are
headquarters for beautiful black dress
goods nowhere such fine material at any
thing near this price. Right from across
the water.
$1.00 Parisian Novelty Serge Stripe, now
77? yrd The lowest price ever asked
for this fine fabric. Just a suggestion of
stripe, handsome black, good every day la
the year.
Voiles! Voiles! Beautiful Black Dress Voiles, All Go Into tne ureal
January Sale. $1.10, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $1.85; Now 79c, 94c,
$1.07, $1.10, $1.23 and $1.33 a Yard.
. Thov fcava never hpen niirnassed for Quality or beauty of texture combined
with strength and durability. Crush them In your hand, you cannot muBS them,
....... m. rineii rich Mark. This will be one of the
biggest and finest events of the Great Black Dress Goods Sale.
Handsome 36-inch Black Taffeta Silks, Included in the Great January
, Sale. $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 Qualities; Now 98c, $1.12, $1.39 Yd.
There are no questionable qualities here. These are the last of an enormous pur
chase early in the season. Lustrous, fine bl ack, the first a dress weight, the second
a suiting weight, the third a coat weight. All go
into the Great January Clearing
NOTE l&uy your dress goods durln g the great January Sale, and have
skirt man-tailored to your special measure. See models at dress goods department.
your J
nent. I
$1.00 Special All Wool Serge Check, now
59t yrd We took over a maker's en
tire surplus stock on hand and never sold
less than fl.00, now 59 a yard.
$1.00 All Silk and Wool Crepe de Chine,
59 yard. Crepe de chines are in high
favor for a strictly Hressy gown, soft and
clinging, deep, rich black.
I Exceptionally New and Handsome $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Fine Imported
Dress Fabrics; Now 76c, 8240 and 89c a Yard.
It Is an opportunity not to be disregarded, that brings to you dress goods
from the most famous makers of Europe at about the cost of the raw material,
New Peking and Shadow Stripes, simply swell. Just what you will buy next
spring for the new gown or skirt at the regular prices if you do not secure some of
these. Better see mem.
Very Special $1.00 All Wool Chiffon
Panama, 54 inches wide, now 57 yard.
One of the: biggest and finest values of the
great sale', good black, wiry crisp, will
shed the duBt perfectly.
$155 All Wool Taffeta Satin Stripe,
Very Stylish, now 79 a yard Fine Im
ported fabric, lovely black with one-fourth
inch satin stripe.
Extra Value All to Go at Half Price $1.00 Changeable All Wool Pan
ama Stripe; Now 50c a Yard.
Most remarkable value. All the new changeable colors, with a pin stripe of con
trasting color, giving it a touch of brightness out of the ordinary. Five good colors.
Our Famous "Opera" Ilroadcloth,
$1.50 quality, now 98 yard All to
go in this great sweeping, cleaning sale.
You know Just what the quality is, not
a color reserved, beautiful texture, rich
lusters. Better see them early.
Hundreds of Pieces of $1, $155. $1.50
Striped and Checked Goods, at 50
(12 Vs 7G and 87$ V" Strictly
high class fabrics most of them Imported.
No such values was ever offered in any
previous sale. It's not what they cost, but
what price close them quick. They all
must go at once.
$1.25 Handsome Striped Melba Sult-
lng 62H yard A feature of this
pretty fabric is you cannot find them
anywhere but this store. Our own ex
clusive styles. Has been one of the
great favorites this season.
Sweeping Clearing Sale of Beautiful
Tilack Dress Goods Every piece a beauty.
Not cheap trashy, bargain square, but tne
very latest, right to the minute. New Her
ringbone stripes. New Peking stripes, New
Chevron, New Shadow stripes, etc. The
very goods that are in high favor. Of
course there Is a choice; better come early.
The Silks for Service Black All Silk Peau de Sole, $1.25 Quality, 23
and 26 Inches Wide, Now 98c a Yard.
The silk with a high, rich luster, a delightful soft finish, fine, deep rich
black. No mussing, no cutting; good every day in the year, as long as they last.
Your choice, at, yard , 98
Saturday Candy Special
Balduff's cocoant bon bons, regular 30c lb.,
special for Saturday, lb., only 201
Children's Coats, Half Price at 9 A.
M. Main Floor
Included in the Great January Clearing
Sale are a fine lot of children's coats in
white and colors, ages one to six years, to
go at absolutely halt price. Colored felt
' bonnets to match the coats also at half
January Sale Huck Toweling
All our 75o Flfured Huck Toweling,
January Sale Pric 69o
All our $1 24 Figured Huck Toweling-.
January Bui trie
Corset Covers 19c Each.
One lot of women's corset covers, hem
stitched and embroidery trimmed. All
sizes worth up to 65c, each, on account of
being slightly soiled, in January Clear
Sale, at. each 19
During This Great Sale
We shall exert ourselves to the utmost
to keep up our reputation of quick deliver
ies. However, if there should be some de
lay in getting your goods, we will ask you
to be patient, for we will do our best to get
packages out on time.
January Sale of Scrub Cloths
AH our 10c Scrub Cloths, January Sal
pric 6a
Ail our lOo Plan Clotha. January Gala
January Sale of Wash Cloths.
600 doien 5c Knit Wash Clotha, January
604 doaan ltubdry V'ih Clotha. January
(00 doein to Turkish Vah Clutha, January Bala price
Delivery of Packages
During the first few days of thla Great Bala
we will coaaldsr It a grt favor If you will
kindly take all packages wltti you, whenever
It la possible.
Eal price lUo
L..I. ..-1 III.
" ?"'". .M,..n
It will pay many of our out-of-town custom
er to visit Omaha and take advantage of this)
Oreat Clearance Kale. The savin will In many
loatanoaa mora tbaa pay your railroad fare.
1,000 Coats on Sale Saturday
A Coat Sale Greater and Grander Than
Ever, Commences Saturday at 9 a. m.
One-Half Price and Less.
Every one of the thousand Coats at absolutely half price, and
some at even less.
Every body knows our garments are all of the very latest de
sign, made by the foremost New York tailors. We promise that
our thousands of patrons will be more than repaid, even if they
come 500 miles to attend this Great Clearing Sale of High Class
The stock consists of nearly every desirable style and nearly every desir
able fabric. There are hundreds of Black Broadcloth Coats, Black Satin Coats,
Black Lace Coats, Evening Coats, Evening Capes, Covert Cloth Coats, Velour
Coats, Kersey Coats, Fancy Mixture Coats, Caracul Cloth Coats, Automobile
Coats, Rain Coats and Fur Coats. All to be sacrificed at half price and less.
50 Coats In Fancy Mixtures made hip
less style Semi-fitting, 62-in. long,
of strictly all wool cloth, regularly
sold at 118.00. Great Clear
ing Sale Price. . ......
25 Fine Caracul Cloth Oont. 52-1 n.
long, all Batin lined. "This garment
is all the rage in New York at pres
ent," regularly sold at $30. January
Clearing Sale
Price ,
Lovely Velour Coats,
62-in.-long, regularly
sold at $75, January
Clearing Sale tn pa
Price tfeDU
Handsome V e lo n r
Coats, regularly sold
at $50. January
Clearing Salei
Price . .
All the colored Wool
tex Coats., regularly
sold at $25, January
Clearing Sale
Price ..
All the Stylish Covert Coats
Both 36 and 54 inches long, reg
ularly sold at $30.00. January
Clearing Sale
price .
All the Beautiful Evening Capes,
in black satin broadcloth, tan
broadcloth, regularly sold nt
$45.00; January Clear- 50
ing- Sale price
Girls' Coats S, 10 and 12 Years. .
We have only about 50 coats all told for the little girl they
will oil rrrt nf trio enmno timnrlorfiil -rrrlnPTinna flnal-a ronni.
larly sold at $10.00; January Clearing Sale (( '
price ;...J)JsUU j
kll the lovely Evening Coats in pale
blue, champagne, tan and other Eve
ning Shades, regularly sold at $35,
January Clearing Sale 5Q
All the very latest style coats in
Black Cheviot, 62 Inches long.
made with the New Dlrectolre
Revlers and High Collars regu
larly sold at $20.00, January
Clearing Sale
Fitted Coats, Hipless Coats, Empiro
Coats, and some semi-fitted coats in
Black Broadcloth and Black Kersey
Cloth, regularly sold at $25.09, Jan
uary Clearing Sale
All the handsome Mixed
Cloth Coats, regularly sold
at $15.00 -r January 750
; Sale price. ..I j
All the plain red plain brown and
plain navy blue broadcloth coats,
regularly sold at $16.60, O C
January Clearing Sale Price OeaSS
2 elegant Imported black Lace Coats,
50-ln. long, regularly sold at $110,
January Clearing Sale
Great January Clearing Sale of Blankets
and Comforters
Our entire stock of choicest and most, reliable Blankets and
Comforters on sale at greatly reduced prices.
Cotton Blankets
COc gray at, a pair 35c
75c gray at, a pair 53c
85c gray at, a pair ..69c
$1.00 gray at, a pair. .... .83c
$1.25 gray at, a pair. . . . . .08c
Crib Blankets
75c white, at, 48 & Palr
$1.00 white or fancy, at, 79 pair.
$1.50 white, at, SI. 19 a pair.
$2.00 white, at, 81.49 a pair.
$2.26 white, at, SI. 73 a Pair
$3.00 white, at, $2.35 a P'r.
$3.75 white, at, $2.88 a Palr-
Wool Blankets
$3.60 white, at $2.40 Pr
$5.60 white or gray $3.98 Pr
$4.50 gray, at $3.88 Par
$5.75 gray, at, $4.88 Vr.
$8.00 white, at, $0.68 a Vlr.
$7.00 gray, at, $5.98 pair.
Wool Blankets
$11.00 white, at, $9.65 a Palr
$10.00 gray, at, $8.75 a pair.
$18 white, at $14.95 a pair.
$20 white, at, $15.20 a pair.
$15 white, at, $11.50 a Plr
$5.00 plaid blanket, $3.90 P"
$6.75 Scotch plaid blanket, at,
$4.48 a pair.
Muslin Underwear in Our Great
January Clearing Sale
Commencing at 9:00 A. M.
It will certainly pay you to supply your muslin underwear
wants during this great sale, as the reduced prices are much less
than our regular low prices. All garments made from good ma
terials, full sizes and best workmanship.
French Corset Covers in the
Great January Clearing; Sale
Women's Gowns y3 Off
Made from fine materials in .low
neck and short sleeves style, also high
neck and long sleeves.
$1.25 gowns, in the January Clear
ing Sale. 73 each.
$1.60 gowns, in the January Clear
ing Sale, $1.00 each.
$2.00 gowns, in the January Clear
ing Sale, $1.35 each.
$2.60 gowns. In the January Clear
ing Sale. $1.45 each.
$3.00 gowns. In the January Clear
ing Sale, $2.00 ach.
Others up as high as $10 at hi oft
regular prices.
One lot of soiled gowns worth from
$1.25 to $3.60 at Just halt price.
All of thfl French hand-embroidered
corset covers that are slight soiled to
go at half price.
$1.70 Soiled French Corset Covers,
in the-January Clearing Sale at 85
- $ 1.75 Soiled French Corset Covers,
in the January Clearing- Sale, at 88 '
$2.25 Soiled French Corset Covers,
In the January Clearing Sale, at
81.13 ecn-
$2.60 Soiled French Corset Covers,
In the January Clearing Sale, at
$1.25 each.
Others up as high as $7.60 to goj at
halt price.
Our Great Annual Linen Sa
Commences Saturday, January 2, at 8 a. m.
I nia la o ho n Ann ti wr l n , i - .
jo c Muit i-v iviuuuiuureu we are sure oi mat. c
the foundations a year ago. Linens have advanced many times since
purchases were made. Practically every kind of linen in this sale. It
the following items and note the reductions. Come early.
uanuaryoaieoi laDieuiotns i January Sale of RealClunv L
Pieces at Just Half Price
50o Cluny Lace Dolllrn. January
"6c Cluny Lace Dollies, January
All our $1.85 Bleached Table Cloths, January
hale prlco ; , . , .91.19
AH our 12.2Z Bleached Talile Cloths, janniirv
Sale price tl 6J
All our $2 50 Blaichcd Table Cloths, January
Sale price $1.79
All our $3.25 Bleached Table Cloths. January
Sale price . . . . 93.23
All pur. $4.75 Bleached Table Cloths, January
f-ale orlco $2.89
All our $5.00 Bleached Table Cloths, January
Kale pTke 93.89
AH our $R.60 Bleached Table Clotha, January
Sale price $4.00
All our $6.75 Bleached Table Cloths, Jumtnrv
Sale prlco 94.50
All our $7.00 Bleached Table Cloths, January
Sale price 9449
All our $7.75 Bloached Table Cloths, January
hale price ...,,-...,.. v , . . . ,M , .$aiie
AH our $8.75 Bloached Table Cfotfia, January
Kale price $6.00
All our $10.00 Bleached Table Cloths. January
Sale price $6.89
All our $12.00 Bleachod Table Cloths, January
Sale price $7.89
All our 113.50 Bleached Table Cloths, inuary
Sale price $8.89
All our $15.00 Bleached Table Cloths, January
Sale price $10.00
All our $20.00 Bleuched Table Cloths, January
Sale price $13.89
All our $25.00 Bleached Table Cloths, January
Sale price $17.60
All our $.10.00 Bleached Table Cloths, January
Sale price 820.00
All our $35.00 Bleached Table Cloths, January
Sale price $23.00
All our $40.00 Bleached Table Cloths, January
naio price $28-89
AU our $15.00 Bleached Table Cloths. .Tnnunrv
gale price $35.00
, AU our $15.00 1
I gale price
j j Extra Sp
Extra Special Sale of Napkins.
All our $1.75 Hemmed Nupkins in this
"ale $1.10
All our $2.25 Hemmed NaDklnn in this
sale $1.79
All our $1.60 Bleached Napkins in this
sale $1.00
All our $2.25 Bleached Napkins In this
sale $1.73
All our $2.00 Bleached Napkins lu this
sale .... $1.39
All our $3 00 Bleached Napkins in this
aal.i j $1.98
All our $3.60 Bleached Napkins in this
sale $2.50
All our $4.6U Bleached Napkins In tins
sale $3.73
All our $4.76 Bleached Napkins In H'is
sale $3.28
All our $5.00 Bleached Napkins In
sale $3.89
All our $6.75 Bleached Napkins In this
KHle $4.50
All our $7.50 Bleached Napkins In this
sale $4.89
All our $8.75 Bleached Napkins in this
ile $6-38
All our 110.00 Bleached Naoklns in this
ale 97.0a
All our $15.00 Bleached Napkins In thin
caie . . . .
$10.89 j
January Sale of Hand Embroidered
Linen Sheets and Pillow Cases
at Just Half Price
All our $12.00 Scalloped Embroidered Linen
Sheets, January sale price, each $6.0)0
AH our $15.00 Scalloped Embroidered Linen
Sheets, January sale price, each $7.50
.All our $15.00 Hemstitched Embrol-i-red
Linen Sheets, January sale price, each.. $7.60
All our $13.60 Hemstitched Embrolrtred
Linen Sheets, Junuary Bale price, each.. $6.75
All our $8.75 Hemstitched Embroidered LI'. en
Sheets. January sale price, each $4 38
All our $4.60 Hemstitched Embroidered Linen
Pillow Cases, January sale price, each.. $2.23
All our $4.50 Scalloped Embroidered Linen
I'lllow Cases, January sale price, each.. $2.83
January Special Sale of Crashes
and Towehngs
All our 8 He Brown Crash In this Janu
uary Sale 3HC
All our 12 Ho Brown Crash In this Janu
ary Sale 90
All our 16o Brown Crash In this Janu
ary Sale 120
All our 17c Brown Crash in this Janu
ary Sale 130
All our 13c Bleached Crash In this Janu
ary Sale 100
All our 16c Bleached Craah In this Janu
ary Sale :....110
All our 16o Bleached Crash In this Jan
uary Sale 12VtO
, All our 17c Bleached Crash In this Jr.n
uary Sale 130
All our 18c Bleached Crash In this Jt.n
uary Sale 16o
All our 25c Bleached Crash In thU Jan
uary Sale 18o
All our 85o Bleached Crash In this Jan
uary Sals 35o
January Special Sale of Towels
AU our 120 Bleached Huck Towels, January
Sale price 60
AI our loo Bleached Huck Towels, January
Sale price 9o
All our 18o Bleached Huck Towels, January
Sale price 12VfaO
All our 25c Bleached Huck Towels, January
Sale price 150
All our $5o Bleached JIuck Towels, January
Kale price , 19e
AM our 46c Bleached Huck Towels, January
Sale price 850
January Sale HandiEmbroider
ed Table Cloth at Just
Half Pri;e
AU our- $50.00 Hand-En4roldered Table
ice .$26.00
broldered T.ible
lc $28.60
broldered Table
Ice $20.00
ibroldered Table
Cloths, January sale p
All our $45.00 Hand-En
Cloths, January sale pi
AU our $40.00 Hand-En
Cloths, January sale p
AU our $35.00 Hand-Eil
Cloths, January sale Uilce ......$17 63
All our $80.00 Hand-E Jibroldered Table
Cloths, January sale price $15.00
All our $20.00 Hand-Efvbroldered Tchle
Cloths, January sal Slice ....,.$10.00
January Sale of Joflin S. Brown &
Sons Napkins Extra Special
100 doten of John 8. I
K Napkins In ths January Sale $5.00 a dozen.
loo dozen of John 8.
H Napkins In the Janua
. Limit of one dozen to
own A Sons' $10.00,
lirown Sons' $4.50,
y Sale $2.78 a dozen.
.Cluny Lace Dollies, Jai
All our
All our
All our $1.00 Cluny Lsco Dollies, January
All our $1.50 Cluny Lace Doilies, January
l'i iua ......
All our $2.25
sale price . .
All our $3.00 Cluny Lace Dollies. J.inuarv
price . ''1.50
All our $4.50 Cluny Lace Center ris
uary sale price ,. .-B$2.80
All our $4.75 Cluny Lace Cen'-'' Pies Jan
uary sale price . . . I.$3.38
All our $5.00 ClrJy xTTPTxenter PleceJ Jan
uary arlc--iTfC4 M. 92.6O
All our $6.00 Cluny Laos Center Piece? i Jan
uary sale price
All our $6.76 Cluny Lacje Center Piece1
uary sale price
All our $7.60 Cluny Lace Center riecem
uary sale prlco
All our $8.76 Cluny Lace Center Piece
uarv sale price
All our 110.00 Cluny Lace Center Piece
uary sale price L.$5.00
All our $12.00 Cluny Lace Center Piecet, Jan
uary sale price I. .$6.00
All our $15.00 Cluny Lace Center neceiM,
uary sale price I.
All our $27.60 Cluny Lace Table Covert
narv sale rtrice 4
All our $40.00 Cluny Lace Table Coveifs,
uarv sale price
All our $22.00 Cluny Lace Table Covers. Jan
uary sale price 1 .$11.00
All our $37.50 Cluny Lace Tablo Covers
uary sale prlco
I. $3.00
h, Jn-
January Sale of Eyelet Hand
Embroidered Pieces at
Just Half Price f
All our 2Bo Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Dollies. January Salo l'rice ismiO
All our 60! Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Dollies. January Sale Price. .. ,i. . .860
All our 75o Hand Embroidered' 1'olUes,
January Sale Price 8J..-380
All our $1.00 Eyelet Hand EmbAtdered
Dollies. January sale price. ...... .soo
All our 11.50 Evelot Hand Embroidered
Pollles. January Sale Price 700
All our $1.75 Evelet Hand Embroidered
Doilies. January sale prioe two
All our 12.00 Evelet Hand Embroidered
Dolles. January Sale price 91.00
All our 13.00 Evelet Hand Embroidered
Center Pieces, January Bale price i.oo
All our $3.60 Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Center Pieces, January Sale Price 91.76
All our $7.60 Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Center Pieces, January Bale price SJ.70
All our $10.00 Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Center Pieces, January Sale Price $5.00
All our $20.00 Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Center Pieces, January Sale Price $10.00
All our $13.60 Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Scarfs, January Sale Price $6.75
All our $16.00 Eyelet Hand Embroidered
Scarfs, January sale price ar.ov
January Sale of Hand Embroidered
Lunch Cloths and Scarfs at
Just Half Price
All our $3.00 Hand-Embroldored Lunch Cloths
and Scarfs, January sale price $1.60
All our $3.50 Hand-Embroidered Lunch Cloths
and Scarfs, January salu price $1.79
All our $4.00 Hand-Embroidered Lunch Cloths
and Scarfs, January sala price 82LO0
AU our $4.60 Hand-Embroidered Lunch Clotha
and Scarfs, January sale price .$2.85
AU our $5.00 Hand-Embroidered Lunch Clo'hs
and Scarfs, January sale price $8.60
All our $6.00 Hand-Embroidered Lunch Cloths
and Scarfs, January sale price $3.00
All our $10.00 Hand-Embroidered Lunch
Cloths and Scarfs, January sale y lice.. $5.00
January Sale of Bleached Table
Damask by the Yard
AU our 65o Bleached Table Damask,
January Sale Price 45o
All our $1.00 Bleached Table Damaxk,
January Sale Price 76o
All our $1.25 Bleached Table Damask,
January Sale Price 85o
All our $1.65 Bleached Table Damask,
January Sale Price $1.00
January Sale of Silver Bleach
ed Damask by the Yard
AU our 65c Silver Bleached Table Dam
ask, January Sale Price 45s
All our $1.00 Silver Bleached Table Dam
ask, January Sale Price 76a
All our $1.26 Silver Bleached Table Dam
auk, January Sale Price., ....86o
All our $1.65 Silver Bleached Table Dam
ask, January sale Price fl.W
j I
January Sale of Turkish Towels
All our 18o Turkish Towels, Junuary Sale
price 12ViO
All our 20c Turkish Towels, Jimutry Sale
price 1 5o
All our 25o Turkish Towejs, January Sale
price 190
All our 40c Turkish Towels, January Sals
price $6e
All our 4uo Turkish Towels, January Sale
price .89e
All our 60c Turkish Towels, January Sals
price 390
All our 76o Turkish Towels, January Sale
price -60o
January Sale of Real ! Cluny
Lace Scarfs at Just
Half Price
All our 13.60 Real Cluny Lack Scarfs,
January sale price 4....S1.79
All our $4.00 Keal Cluny Loa Scarfs,
January sale price j ... .93.00
All our $6.75 Real Cluny LUa Scarfs,
January sale price .........(,.. ,$44J
All our $8.76 fieal Cluny His Scrrfs,
January sale prUe 1 1.,.. 64.38
All our $12.00 Ken I Cluny L'! Si.jif,
January sale pr! e ........ 1 1 ... . 96.00
All our $13.50 Bil Cluny Lite Scarfs.
January sale prl.e $6.76 1
January Sale of Mederl Haifa Enikfus at
Juvt Hair price.
All our $1.56 Hand-lSmbroldere-B Tea Napkins,
January sale price
All our $10.00 Hand Embroldere
January aie price
All our $12.00 Hand-Embroider
.fimuurv sale uric
AU our 416.00 Ilanti-Embrolderera Napkin
January sale prica
, $"
rfea Napkins,
Va Naps Inn.
. 00