Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    fan l'
mS,ThE' 'Omaha
"11 v
A Happy (lew Year
cs 1 to 10.
od Menaces Earthquake
Ttreri in Italy.
hdies Additional Menace
Life of Survivors.
Distribute rations
of Italy Praise Work
lief Parties.
mbassnrior Will IfT
ilny to Try to Get
of American In
Irken Dlatrlct.
31. To the'terrlfylng spec-
caused by Monday'a earth-
been added the horror of
1 thn fear of a spread or
the rulna of Messina, Reg-
towns In Biclly and Cula-
lies of the dead, which it
sslbln to extricate, while
misands of hungry and
a throng the Uttered thor-
o ugh fa
rda are Inadequate to ex-
press til
r of the ruin and desMa-
tlon that has
verwhelmed Calabria and
Sicily, where
'"MIT tremblings and
fire and water
'iave combined to change
the smiling, ve
Meselna exists
thirty yearn w
lint county. to deserts,
nn longrr, and at l'Vst
lie necessary to repair
the ruin that
nature's violence have
wrought ihcre.
As yet It nan
been found Impossible to
of the fate of the little
i coast, many of which
ohtnln any new
LvIIIhrp along t
It l believed ha
e been entirely wiped out
Worli Barylng Dead.
In many cam-
r entire buildings have
St en swept out
t sea and no trace of
'lull-lulling villages have
them remains,
liicn wiped out
f existence. In soma of
.. such as Palml, neai
tlie smaller tow
Jnonteleone, the
mldenness and the com'
jMetcness of the
catastrophe was over
whelming. Of t'le 14.000 people living at
. ... .
Fii'nii. only a fetv score are alive today
Yesterday 2.200 ci'P were burled In the
cemetery there. Hie survivors of I'alml,
telnforced by rostuera from other points,
oni under the Had of soldiers and di
rectors, are perfolmlng prodlges of valor.
Many of them lj've been overcome by
tho awful condltlns under which they
nr working.
, The blahop of Ml
iiblto and other priests,
with touching' d,e
donel much to pe' l
on and courage, have
rve order by the ex
ample of culnimt
liuve glwn thn -c
and self-denial they
pie. They are busy
carrying comfort
d - consolation to the
dvina- and the bereaved.
Tho first if the survivors of ilegglo to
reach Catanzaro wnm no broken down by
the shock of their experiences that tt
win almost Impossible for there to give
any connected account of the destruction
of the city. They speak disconnectedly of
whole districts swept away In a moment
and entire families annihilated. Regglo
remains Isolated In ghostly desolation. Th
rn1. roads and the foot paths through trie
surrounding country have been uttsrly d
etroyed. while the survivors lack food.
v.ater and medical supplies.
Kin Praises Relief Workers
The visit of the king and queen of Italy
to Messina and Regglo has aroused wide
spread enthusiasm.
In sptto of the universal mourning and
distress, the sovereign! were saluted when
they disembarked by the firing of guns
from the Italian and foreign warships at
Messina. As the king and his party set
foot on shore they were greeted with
scenes of Indescribable, woe. His majesty
spoke highly Id praise of tho Italian
soldiers and the sallort from the foreign
warships for their heroo work of rescue,
He shook hands with seveial officers, say
ing It was his desire lo be Informed of
every detail of their splendid work. Ac
companied by Ministers Orlando and Ber
tollnl. he visited both Jlesslna and Regglo,
spending several hours at each place. He
visited personally every quarter of these
cities, giving words of encouragement.
praise and consolation.
Her majesty, the queen, talked with the
wounded on board the sbips in the harbor,
comforted the womee, spoke kindly to the
children and promised assistance. Every
where the visit of the sovereigns has Im
parted fresh impetus to the work of
Distribution of Food.
Oenrral Marazsl hits divided the military
forces working In Calabria province Into
two bodies. One Is working on the Tyrr
henian coast and the other on the Ionian
shore, and they are converging on Regglo.
The troops are distributing rations to the
starving people to the utmost limit of
their resources.
The waters of the strait of Messina are
covered with floating brutes of mnn and
animals and all kinds of wreckage. The
shores of the' strait have become com
pletely transformed In appearance. The
light houses on the head lands have disap
peared. o from Americana.
No news has been received of nny of the
Americans thought to tw In the devastated
district, excepting trvj Rev. David Sessums
of New Orleans, ami his daughter, Alice,
who are aafe at Roire. I
It is reported that Several Americans
lost their lives in th reck of a hotel at
Messina. Ambassador tSrlscom Is about to
set out from Rome tar jthe south In an en
! deavor to secure Information concerning
missing American travelers.
It Is estimated that 100.000 people have
fled from tha desoUted territory la fear
of further convulsiena,
The lateat eatlrauftrs of dead at I'alml
and Bugnara are l)0O and 12.000 respec
tively. Two thousanl soldiers were killed
at Regglo. Survivors say that for half an
hour before the quake the heavens were
filled with a gorge"L (display of light re
sembling the Aurofi Borealls. It is de-
dared that an army
men will be needed!
not less tnan
rescue the living
who are still entrapps. A
In the ruins and to
bury th dead.
REQtJIO, Dee- 81. T-r la reason to be
lieve that ait aiitlre
telment of Infantry
wajr drowned by the i
Bal war at Palml.
Three hundred of tht
ready hav been reoe
koldlers' bodies ai
Urlaeosa Gvt
tm Hewlaa.
The Foreign of flctf ta completed final
arrangements for Lljd C. Orlsoora, th
Vnieiicun .nibaador. to leave Naples to-
orrow on Doarq aiijiauuo ieiiir lor
Ina. Mr.
s purpoc Is to
(Continued uf
uxtb Page.)
Friday, January 1, 1IXJ,
909 J ANUARYI909
I 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 II 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2X 25 26 27 28 2930
For Omaha, Council Rluffs and Vicinity
Snow Friday: rising temperature Friday.
For Nebraska Snow Friday, with rising
For Iowa Rising temperature and snow
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Ueg.
B a. m I
a. m 8
7 a. m 7
R a. m
9 a. m.
10 a. m
11 a. m
33 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
.1 p. in
4 p. m
& p. m
6 p. m
7 p. m
The lack of food and early relief meas
ures In proportion to the extent of the
calamity In Italy has brought the people
face to face with starvation. The Amer
ican government dispatched a ship loaded
with supplies for the Atlantic fleet to
Messina yesterday. Relief measures are
general over every civilized nation.
Page 1
A disaffected Cc-nU.n .fire-V a nhot at
the windows of the office of the French
premier yesterday. Page 1
Charles P. Taft yesterday gave wi'y to
Congressman Burton and he will be the
next Ohio senator. Senator Foraker
pulled out of the rate as noon us Mr.
Taft'a withdrawal was announced. Page 4
Mrs. Anna Major was Bhot by a person
who Is not Identified while she was In a
family reunion consisting of thirty peo
ple. Page 1
Senator Hale says the senate commit
tee has no Intention of calling President
Roosevelt to account for the secret serv
ice message after he Is out of the presi
dency. Page 1
Testimony In the Hains case waa given
yesterday by the mother of the defendant,
who said her son was physically weak In
his childhood and subject to hysteric.
Pare a
Interesting testimony was given yester
day at Philadelphia In the Belsel trial.
Page a
Warden Haskell of the Kansas peni
tentiary admitted yesterday that tho crib
and water cure were used as punishments
In his administration. Fags 1
. The city prosecutor of Los Angeles has
ordered that no more tips on the races
be published by papers sold there.
Pag 1
Secretary Wilson says the foot and
mouth disease haa been controlled after
an expense of $500,000. Page 1
. The books of the Washington Life In
surance company have been removed from
New Tork. Page X
New year is ushered In in Omaha with
the usual noisy demonstrations and with
many watch night parties and services In
the churches. Fags 1
Despite the cold wave, one thief with an
eye to the future appropriated some elec
tric fans. Page 80
Poultry men suggest the democratic leg
islature, among other reforms, pass a law
to compel the Nebraska hen to stamp the
day of all eggs deposited in the nest.
Pag 5
Some Omaha Italians receive news from
friends in the stricken district, while the
majority are still in the dark concerning
the fate of loved ones. Page 6
The record for the year 1908 in Omaha
shows a distinct advance for the city In
all ways, social as well an material. The
outlook for 1909 is encouraging to tho
belief that new records will be made In
all ways. Pag 1
Live stock markets. Pag 17
Grain markets. Pag 17
Stocks and bonds. Pag 17
Port. Arrived.
BURDKAUX California....
11AVHK Sardinian. ...
.... Oceanic.
... Devonian.
... 4 Mount Templa.
Teatlnes There Were Evidences
Weakness In Son Early In
Ilia Life.
FLVSHINQ, N. Y., Deo. 31.-In a story
broken by frequent sobs, Mrs. General
Peter C. llalns, mother of Thornton Jen
kins Halns, told today, before the court
and Jury of the boyhood of Cuptaln Peter
C. llalns, jr.. In which, she says, he
showed signs of physical weukness.
Those evidences of weakness were tha
early signs, counsel asserts, of the mental
condition that readily developed under the
Influence of revelations concorning his
wife's alleged misconduct. airs. Halns
broke down twice vtlille telling her story.
Bhe was permitted to tell that she had suf
fered from hysteria. Concluding her testi
mony, the aged mother ex presaged the be
lief that her son. Captain Halns, was Irra
tional. General Peter C. Halns, U. S. A., retired,
also testified, saying that htsVjAier had
died from Insanity. He waa
on the
stand when recess was taken.
Frlahtfal Scenes Witnessed 1
tanla. Where Bands of
lakes Men Roam.
CATANIA. Dec. JI.-A frghtf.
occurred her today amid the mini
(Vstom house. Bands of famla
vlduals were gropii g amid tha
the bopa of discovering food. 1'
of the searchers whe were su'cesf
attacked by others with revolv
knrtes and were obliged to defer
finds literally with their Uvea. Th?
gle was fleice. The famished me
themselves upon each other like
and several fell disemboweled In d finding
handful of dry beans or a few jtince
of flour. One of the unfortunatM was
plrned to a plank by a knife, whll
lug to his hand wjs his little cl. I
wiom b Bd sought food.
Noisy Demonstrations on Streets twd
Whistles Add to Din.
Open House Today, Wltfc Special Serv
ice at the Y. M. C. A., and Alao
Services at Many of tho
Cb arches.
Itew Ttar' Day
Service in Catbolie and Xptsoopal
T. SC. O. A. reception la ersninf.
Special matin and rrening perfer
msnces in all theaters.
"Llttls Johnny Jones," at th Boyd.
Th Prince Chap," at th Borwood.
TanderUl at tha Orphanm.
Ton Tonsoan at th Xrog.
Postoffio hours
Oensral delivery tin til 10:30 a. m. and
to 7 p. m. Money Order department closed.
Two carrier deliveries in business aistilots
and on In residential. Oolleottons a
City hall, court house, federal building,
army building and hanks closed aU day.
The year 1908 was set back Into history
at mlilnlght last night wh n with the ring
ing of bells and the toots from Wnlstles
Omaha was made aware of the fact that
another year had rolled by and a new one
giving greetings. The form of entertain
ment was varied and consisted of theater
parties, church services and a new plan at
the leading cafes where many of the so
ciety people of Omaha gathered to listen
to special programs of music as the old
yfjar waa ushered out nnd the new year in.
The cold kept many off the streets in
the downtown section, and the sight was
considerably different from Christmas eve,
when every thoroughfare waa crowded.
The special festival illuminations were all
ablaze throughout tho downtown district.
A varied list of events ushered In the
new year here. While cheereful ones made
Omaha howl with rattle of cowbells and
crack of revolvers, there were watch
night services at Trinity Methodist church,
Immunuel Baptist church, at the Union
GoBpel M.esion, and a number of other de
nominations and at Trinity cathedral a mid
night celebration of the holy communion.
The Young Men's Christian association,
following Its custom, will keep open house
and members of the board of directors
and their wives will receive tonight
In tho lobby on the first floor. Guests,
which will Include such of the general
public as care to come, will be) taken all
through the building, where various forms
of entertainment are provided.
Variety Spice of rrosjram.
In the dormitories many of the roomers
will receive guests In their own rooms.
On the third floor a mandolin club will be
located In the hall. Refreshments will be
served In the cafe to all guests. A section
In the educational department will be desig
nated "Tho International Highway," rooms
bolng decorated to represent various na
tions. Other rooms will contain calendars,
posters and one exhibition will be a dem
onstration In electricity and wireless teleg
raphy by the Boys' Electrical club, under
the leadership of Dr. Milliner. On the soc
or.d floor, moving pictures will be in
operation li the assembly room and in the
boys' department.
The principal feature will be a debate
on "The Best Country to Be Born In."
Superintendent of Schools Davidson will
preside at this debate and tho following
rltliens have, already . consented to defend
their native countries: For Ireland. J. C.
Baldwin; Denmark. Waldemar Mlchaelsen;
Canada, W. A. Smith; Scotland. Z. T.
Lindsay; Scandinavia, John Steel; Russia,
Dr. E. Holovtchlncr; Germany, AJfred
Marchner; United States, T. W. McCul
lough. These addresses will necessarily be
o Official Affairs.
New Year's day Itself offers few large
formal and official affairs. It being tho
Feast of the Circumcision, Protestant, Epis
copal and Roman Catholic churches will
have morning services. In the afternoon
the theaters will all have special matinees
and will be as crowded as Christmas after
noon, when all sold out, Including all
nvailnhle. standing room.
Tho watch night service at the Gospel
mission Thursday evening was at 7:45. Tho
service at Trinl y Methodist began at ana
lifted until after the year was born, but
was broken up with a "social hour." At
Immanuel Baptist service began at p. m.,
and at Trinity the celebration or. tne Eu
charist commenced at 11:30.
Miss Helen Sommer will play a violin
solo at Temple Israel services Friday night.
In honor of the new year Dr. Cohn will
speak on "From Year to Year."
N amber of Postal Appointments in
Nebraska. Iowa and
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31.-Speclal Tele-gram.)-Postmasters
appointed: Nebraska
Carlo. Hall county, Sylvester Deffenbaugh,
vice A. H. Shull. resigned; Cascade, Cherry
county. Llnle B. Keller, vice W. E. Cady.
resigned; Foster. Pierce county. Wellington
M. McConnell, vice Sherman 8. Allen, re
signed. Iowa Hale, Jones county, Samuel
W. Reyner. vice O. E. Walston, resigned;
Masslllon. Cedar county, Joe Ihns, vice
H. R. Schulre. resigned; Promise City,
Wayne county, Ernest A. Rea. vice W. W.
Klnser, resigned. Wyomlng-8tewart,
Albany county, Ben P. Wlgton, vice S. J.
McNealey, resigned. '
William 8. Campbell has been appointed
regular and Clarence Russell, substitute
rural carrier for route 1 at Milton, la.
Major Rk-hard W. Johnson of the medi
cal corps Is relieved from duty In Cuba and
from further duty at Fort Crook and will
proceed to St. IjOuIs and assume charge of
.he medical supply depot In that city.
Chief EaeeatlT Knjoya Heat from
Care at Home of 'argtos tiea
eral Rlmey.
WASHINGTON. Dec,. 31. President
Roosevelt today Is enjo ing his Only rest
on the holiday season at tbo country estate
of Burgeon General Rl: y, of the Navy,
near Cherrydale, Va., just across the
Potomac river. He left t ie White house at
an early hour today and behind- speedy
span of bays was driven to the Rlxey home
where, removed fiont clre of state, he
Is passing the entire dly rusticating lu
the manner of a iprlvatJ cltisen.
The president probably ll spend an bour
or so in rifle practice aitl then after lun
rneon wui go ro a lonk tramp through
the woods and. later on. 1 f ir a rid upon
one oi ni lavjriuo nurse
i - lull I fc
at v
From the New York World.
Sixteen Battleships May Go to Aid
Italy in Distress.
Only ttnestlon la Whether, Arriving;
In Middle of January, Vessels
Can Be of Any Real
1TKW TOBX, Seo. 31. The United
State naval supply ship Oaltlo sailed
from this port today with SI, 600,000 f
navy ration for the Italian earthquake
sufferer'. Tro Celtte will go direct to
atessln. Th a hip 1 loaded with the ra
tions whloh were Intended to supply th
battleship fleet which is steaming around
th world, hut at the suggestion of Com
mander Harry KclV. P. Xuse of the Caltlo
and of Sear Admiral Goodwin the JTavy
department ha authorised the delivery of
th supplies to th destitute Italians and
WASHINGTON, Dec. Sl.-The great
American battleship fleet, built for pur
poses of destruction, may after all have to
go down in history as one of the greatest
humanitarian agents In modem times. Not
content with the outpourings of private
charity, it Is probable that the American
government will direct this great fleet.J
away from Its own maritime progress to
ward home, to the stricken city of Messina
and the other Italian ports where devasta
tion beyond the unaided efforts of the Ital
ian people themselves to repair has been
wrought by earthquake and tidal wave.
The matter of dispatching the flfet on
this mission of mercy Is now under con
sideration and a speedy decision In favor
of such employment Is expected.
The sixteen warships are now making
their way through the Red sea and should
arrive at Port Bald on the eastern entrance
of the Sues canal by Sunday. Here the
ships will get orders by cable. If Indeed
they have not previously got In touch with
their cable station with Port Said by wlro
lesa. Ah I pa Supplies Are Low.
Supplies must be taken on, for the ships
are Just completing one of the longest legs
of their remarkable voyage, namely, from
Colombo to Suez, about 3,410 miles, or a
distance greater than they will have to
cover to cross the Atlantic. So the coal
bunkers will be nearly empty when the
ships make port. No emergency, however
great, will warrant a warship In starting
on a voyage without sufficient ruei sup
plies to make the next port, and as the
distance from Sues on the western end of
the canal Is about 900 miles, the battleships
must spend at least two days In the canal
taking on coal. A full supply will be re
quired, because It Is quite certain that even
the great commercial port of Messina Is
now no longer In position to supply fuel for
marine use.
Then at least two days probably will be
spent in passing the sixteen great ships
through the Sues canal from the Red sea
to the Mediterranean, and altogether the
estimate made at the navigation bureau of
tha Navy department today was that the
American fleet would reach Messina about
January IS.
Homo May Go Ahead.
Of course, it is possible that Admiral
Sperry may decide to concentrate the ac
tivities of the coaling stations and the sup
ply stores on the canal banks upon one or
two of the swiftest of the ships and drive
them ahead full speed to the scene of dis
tress. In which case It might be possible
for the advance guard to be on the ground
by the 8th or loth of January. Naturally,
the question has arisen In the considera
tion of this projected relief movement
whether the ships would arrive too late In
the Italian porta to render any effective
service. The decision of the department
was that they could still do much good,
for tha experience of the government
agents of the dreadful Mont Pelee disas
ter was that a great amount of work re
mained to be done even a month after the
eruption, and that there was continued
need for th Issue of food supplies and of
medical assistance and fur police duty for
many weeks thereafter
Trained Worker at Hand.
With their 13, UK) thoroughly disciplined
American sailors, a splendid corps of med
ical officers and surgeons; with abundant
supply of medicine and food. It I believed
that th American fleet will still be a
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Warden Haskell of Kansas Peniten
tiary Admits Their Use on Re
fractory Prisoner.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., Dec. 3i.-The
"crib" and the water cure, until recently,
have been used in the Kansas state peni
tentiary at Lansing to subdue refractory
prisoners, according to a statement made
here last night by Warden W. H. Haskell
at a preliminary meeting of a joint in
vestigating committee appointed by the
governors of Oklahoma and Kansas. The
Investigation Is the outcome of charges
made by Miss Kate Barnard, state In
spector of prisons and charities of Okla
homa, who alleged that the prisoners of
that state sent to the Kansas Institution
have been mistreated.
Warden Hsskill spoke with feeling In
defending the prison management and
urged a full and prmopt Investigation. Mr.
Haskell said:
"The crib Is something that has been
In use here for a great many years, but
which we have used little, and recently
took It from the room where It was kept,
as we thought the room more desirable for
other purposes.
"The so-called water cure has been used
only In a very few Instances, and then only
on Incorrigible prisoners. It consists of
handcuffing a man and confining him In
a sitting posture and turning water on
him from an ordinary garden hose. The
water was never forced down his mouth,
nor did it ever result In any physical in-
Jury, it always being used under tho di
rections of the prison physician."
Foot and Mouth Infection Abont
Eradicated from Four tuar
aatlned States.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31. "I believe we've
about gotten the foot and mouth disease
corralled," declared Secretary of Agricul
ture Wilson today. "No new outbreaks of
the disease have been found since that
which occured in Snyder county, Pennsyl
vania, on December 18," continued 'he
secretary. "I want to emphasis?, however,
that we are letting up In our Investigations
very slowly, because If we did not, forlegn
round I s mlgh quarantine agalnit the
whole Unltel States, as they are very
suspicious of getting the Infection."
The department has had a force of 130
veterinarians and ns many more non-professional
men engaged in the work of
eradicating the disease, the cost of which,
it Is estimated, will be fully 600,000, In tha
four states. The total number of animals
slaughtered was 1.81. valued at $88,268, of
which the federal government will pay two
thirds and the states affected one-third.
Chemist Wiley lays New Law Has
Met With Approval of
Publle Generally.
BALTIMORE, Md., Dec. Sl.-That the In
fluence and efforts of the leading scien
tists in the country will be concentrated
In the effort to establish a national organi
sation for the conservation of public health
was demonstrated at today's meeting of
the American Association for the Advance
ment of Science.
Dr. H. W. Wiley of the bureau of chemis
try of the Department of Agriculture, read
a paiier. In speaking of the pure food law,
he said:
"The general attitude of the public has
been strengthened respecting this law so
that it haa the support of a more unified
and enthusiastic public opinion. Add to
this the almost unanimous support of the
courts In all cases which have come before
them and we see that the food and drugs
act has been firmly established and will
continue the good work in which so much
haa already been accomplished."
Attorney General Hadlajr Will I peak
After He Is laaagarated
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dee. Sl.-Judge
Bralth McPherson of the federal court an
rounced today that January IS had been
agreed upon a the date upon which ar
guments In the Missouri railroad rat case
will begin. Herbert 8. Hadley, attorney
general, who will make th leading plea for
the stats, will b Inaugurated governor en
January 11.
Not in Favor of "Immediate" Pay
ment of Bank Depositors.
Candidate for Speaker nnd Appoint
Ive Offices on Hand, but the Lay
Member Still Keep Away
from the Capital.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Dec. 31. (Special Tele
gram.) Ralph Clark of Richardson county
was among the candidates for speakor
who arrived today and opened headquarters
at the Lincoln.
"I am in favor of carrying out the plut
form pledges," said Mr. Clark, "and I am
satisfied that is what the legislature will
In discussing the proposed bill for the
guaranty of bank deposits, Mr. Clark said:
"I am In favor of prompt payment of
depositors In case of a bank failure, but I
am not In favor of paying depositors before
an Investigation Is mado and the books
checked over. If payment Is made to de
positors as soon as the bank closes Us
doors fraud may be perpetrated. For In
stance, a dishonest cashier may arrange
with a confederate and give him a certifi
cate of deposit, when the confederate has
made no deposit. The next day the bank
examiners pay that certificate and the two
men meet and divide their spoils. I fkvor
prompt payment of losses, but not until
the books have been checked up and in
vestigated." Stoecker Write to Members.
W. F. 8toecker of Omaha, candidate for
speaker, has added to the Joys of the sea
son by his letter sent out to all the mem
bers soliciting support in his candidacy.
Mr. Stoecker eliminates all but three can
didates. But here is his letter, it speaks
for Itself:
OMAHA, Neb.. Dear Sir: Considerable
has been said In the newspapers as to the
possibilities for speaker of the lower house,
and it haa finally come down to three good
democrats, one who Is considered to be a
local county optionlst and one who Is In
favor of the guarunty of bank deposits,
with a deferred payment plan which will
amount to as much as nothing. In my opin
ion, and 1 should rather tike a man to be
against such a measure, being not entirely
for II. I put him a wn as being against
It.. While this party may think It good
IKillcy to place Ills faith as to suet-ess with
the actlveness displayed by the banking in
terest s.
I want to say regarding myself as a
candidate for the speakership, that 1 am
absolutely opposed to local county option,
and strictly In favor of a guaranty of
bank deposits, with an Immediate payment
to depositors, If demanded by them, and
no deferred payment plan as favored by
other candidates for the speakership.
I am In favor of having the old plan of
precinct assessor brought about again by
This is my declaration to you regarding
the principles I stand for without flinching.
Under these and nc other conditions will
I accept the speakership, and should this
agree with your principles. I would he
proud of your support. Wishing you a
nappy and prosiierous New Year, I am.
Your respectfully. W. V. STOliCKER.
A. H. Bowman of Nuckolls county came
In this afternoon preceded by a big lobby
composed of such stalwarts as W. W.
Peebles, general agent and manager; R. D.
Sutherland. O. W. fipohn. H. H. Mauk and
George Felton. Mr. Bowman Im also In favor
of carrying out the party pledges.
Other Candidate Appear.
With all but one or two candidates for
speaker on the ground, with only them
selves and Mr. Bryan to work upon, comes
the candidates for the lesser places. Conies
first J. R. Hunter of Andrews. He asks
for the office of secretary of the senate.
He enters the raj-e severely handicapped
Tacked onto his coat he has no certificate
from the Bryon volunteers. He did not
Join that political organisation. Ha did not
contribute his 110 to help the Peerless One
carry the great state of Nebraska. He was
solicited, but refused to cough up, Now
that is the story that Is being circulated
around the hotel lobby. And it is being
talked by men who claim to know. Ho with
such a handicap Mr. Hunter will have to
Jump a pretty good slsed hurdle before lie
gets a lookln on the purse.
Then comes a boom fairly good sixe
from South Omaha for Major J. M. Fowler
for sergeant- t-arma of the house. This ex
pollc Judge through his friends Is getting
some very favorable talk started in his be
half, and th fact that b Is an old soldier
and South Omaha la th horn of Jeremiah
(Continued n Third Page )
Record for 1903 in All Lines Shows
Banking-, Jobbing and Manufacturing
Make New Records.
Real Estate Transactions Fall Behind
Year Before.
Flgnre Support Assertion o( ttrowth
In Social, Mplrltnal and Vital
I.lnea as Well as Commer
cial nnd Industrial.
Bank clearings . .S60a.535.867
Jobbinr trade . . .
Factory output... 188,179. Ib8
racaing ontpnt .. 114,600,000
Smelter ontpnt . . 34.935.033
B. 953 632
48, 888,800
Building permits.. 4. 690,690
Jrnoiio works .... 1,030.333
Realty transfers.. 9,63,897
Live stock receipts, head:
Cattle 1,036,870
Hogs 3.424,684
Sheep 8,105,803
Grain (bushels) I
Receipts 44.058,100
Shipments 34,781,600
Another year of growth for Omaha.
Another array of figures to which the clt
sens will point with satisfaction, as show
ing tho steady increase In wealth and Im
portance of the city of their choice. In
every way a distinct advance, over the rec
ord of 1907, and a steady maintenance of
all prestlgo formerly gained.
Most eloquent In tho story, perhaps, t.s
the showing mado by tho record of transac
tions of tho clearing house banks. Although
1908 Is certain to bo catalogued hb a year
of general business depression, owing to
the panic of 1907, and the disturbances re
sultant on tho presidential election. In
Omaha tho volume of business, an shown
by tho totals of hanking transactions, far
exceeded that of 1907, and of any other
year, save one, Blnce the clearing house
was established. A total volume of more
than $600,000,000 In clearing house transac
tions, or above 12,000,000 a day for the busi
ness days of tho year. In surely an encour
aging showing, and Indicates the Immense
amount of business that is done In Omaha.
Commercial and Industrial,
Jobbers and wholesalers show an in
creased volume of trade, their business be
ing several millions greater during 1908
than the preceding yeur. Tho year witnessed
a steady lncieasu In the territory supplied,
by Omaha houses. Conservative merchants
say that the trade would have been tre
mendously Increased over 1907 figures but ,
for the fal that' all over the west, as In
the east, the polhy of buying for lromedlato
consumption was followed. A great increase
Is anticipated for tho coming year. The
factory output, as well as that of the
packing houses. Is satisfactory, and shows
a healthy activity. Omaha's importance as
a manufacturing center was Increased dur
ing the year by the establishment of two
large cracker factories and tho addition
of milling fucPltiea far beyond the former
capacity of the city. The discrepancy In
receipts and shipments of grain Is very
laige'y accounted for by the fact that
much of tl.el not sent out of town wus
used by the local millers.
Dulldlns; and Ileal Katate.
In building, the year exceeded all, save
one of the clty'B history, and very nearly
approached that one. It was not thought
likely that tho record of 1907 would bo
equalled, but It was assed, proving that
the growth of the city for that remarkably
prosperous year was hut normal. Building
already projected for 1909 promises activity
fully equal to the last year, and It is not
Improbable that a new record will be set In
this regard. Real estate transactions were
not so numerouj In 19C8 an In 1907. Hnd ypt
the total volume of business done waa very
sctlafactory. The sules were mostly of
small lots of ground to home builders. The
fact that fewer foreclosures were made dur
ing the year than in 19c7 Indicates the.
healthy condition that prevails in Omaha's.
real estate market. v , J
Modal and VltalT
Forty-seven new concerns In various lines
opened tlielr doors' for business in Omaha,
and these all report closing their first cal
endar year here with a good business. The
social and vitul statistics of the city are
equally satlwfactory with tho commercial
and Industrial. More marriages and fewer
divorces than for 19OT; fewer fires and
smaller losses, mora births and fewer
deaths; fewer arrests and less crime; more
children In the public and private schools;
prosperity among the churches and a gen
eral growth In all dealt able ways la shown
by the figures The Bee prints this morn
ing. Altogether, the record Is one the cltl
sens may well feel proud of.
I.os Angeles City Prosecutor Issues
Order that Will A fleet
IX8 ANUKLKS. Cal., Dec. 31. -Nothing
In reference to betting on horse races, tips
as to probable winners or matters that In
any way gives a comparative estimate of
horses that have run or are to run lu any
race may hereafter be published In any
newspaper or pamphlet placed on sale
within the corporate limits of Ixis Angeles.
This affects not only the Ia Angeles
dally newspapers and publications, hut the
Sail Francisco newsiaieis sold hero, and
any other publications giving tips and
racing news relative to the betting. It also
probably will cause (lie prohibition of tho
dally form chart, as gotten out by the
racing association.
Such, In efftct, Is the order Issued by
Guy Kddie, city prowcutor. which went
Into operation today. Kddie lias notified
all tho publications doing business here
and informed the managements 'hat viola
tions would be prosecuted.
Rrrordt of Washington Life of New
York Maid to Have Been
TaWru Away.
NKW YOKK, Dec. 31-The book and
policies of the Washington I.lfu company
of this city, which was recently sold to a
group of men who own the Pittsburg I.lfu
and Trust company, have been removed
from this city, according to Superintendent
of Insurance Otto Kelsey. The company
had assets of S1S.000.UO0 an 40,0U0,0lM of
lusurauc la force.
7 '