Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1908, Page 7, Image 7

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Cablet ca Wleat Are Ihret-EigliUui
Kilter at Opening,
l-wral Peel i a; la that th Market I
Maeh Brllrr Of aad) Valae
hald lltutt, UKlf
far B radios.
OMAHA, Dec 3ft. 3
Cshl-t up on wheat and car kd j
, h gner at the opening. tiiiiuuatliig buying
Primary receipt! ehow decided falling o1f
end are binn an influence on the buy-'r-g
ndr. The local feeling t that lh
ffiirku la in a noch bailer position and
Jure should advance, allowing fur oe
taslonel reaction.
Cables on corn wer higher, forcing our
mat kt and caused some good buying at
Firmcti continue to b reluctant seller.
a anown by receipt, and there i litlie
pro. peel of any material rain.
Kuril siartrd strong, wiin cables up and
buy-ma was general. The advene cam
s.esdhy and was lb result of lee bearish
tuning (rotn outside markete
December wbeat opened at 17c and closed
a i to'mc
C-rti opened firm and held steady, with
trsrie light. Trie strength In wheat baa
b-en a good Influem and the holding beck
of re'-eiri with farmers refusing to e.l
l-e enly feature, i-boutd receipt looe up
v k lues woutd drop. Ltef-crtjber coin opnd
i bXo and closed at 53c.
Ptimarv wheat receipt were bu.
and shipment were lfil-CW. No comparison
with lad year on account f holiday.
t orn receipt were 7ti. bu. and hlp
n ems were illOO b.
Clearance were IT:. 00" bu. of corn. 4,X
lm of fata anJ wheat aDd flour equal to
ja0j bu.
Liverpool cloed 9Hd higher on wheat
aiwl higher on corn.
Seaboard leponed IJA.OOO bu. of corn taken
lor txporl.
l-ot i rang of options:
Galtentnri. edr at 6a 6d: future. eju'.et;
January. 6 2d.' March. 6a rd.
UtlMi af II Day Verioa
C ananadltlea.
XEW TOP.K. Dec -rLOUPv-F-ecetpta,
bbla; market
Minnesota patent.
M lr.Teot patent,
straight ft 4&4rT6.
14 rti 60: winter ex-
Anl'lci Op t High Law. 1 Cloawl TeTy.
' May...
1 I
T I r
1 VI V 1 1V
u i.
1 'lt
6 I aV
Oeaaha Caah Prl
WHET-Io. 2 hard. No. t
hard. 7S6Wc; No. 4 hard. KfViC; Ko. J
erlt.i, tiilliti.
t'tiKN No. 1 6Sc; No t. Wc; No. 2
el!rw. Mc; No. I yellow. h3e.
UATS No. S mixed. ha-4V: No- Jel
low. 4Hft4: No. I while. .nc; No. 4
. -,4Atc: rtiandard. 4Tc.
RIE-No. t Tic; No. a. 7tc.
Car Lal lteeelta.
Wbeat. Corn. Oat
C. ictgo SO 'M IVi
Mmteaiiuiia 14
Omaha II li It
l-'Uluth 1
Xl.tKO bNa
dull. but firm
drill. hot taSr;
fi '3fi m; winter
tra, 3fl4.a. w'nler patent, a-2i:
winter low grade. 3 SVo4 IV Fye ncur.
quW; fair to gixd. '4!S: chtnoe to
fn"v, ni4.K. Purkaheat flour, dull at
2 Vbl pr 3'K lb.
fORXVEAl-Steady; fme wbite ar.4 r
tow. Mly carar, lL4a; alin rea.
J aa.K. .
. HVK- lull; No.,I rrtem, SliC L o. b.
Nw Tork. , ,
BAr.LET-tedr; feedltig. 45 e. L I
New Tork.
WHliAT-ReceJpla. .on ba.: epot mar
ket farm; No. I red. Uai-0, ekevator;
No. 1 red. $1.1. f o. b. aXloat; No. 1
northern, tmluth. t. o. b.. afloat;
Kn ! bard winter. IL1TI. f. o. b., afloat.
Except for a brief opening decline, due to
dieappointtng cable wbeax wa aayam
trong and higher today on fear of cold
waiher In winter wheat atate. atrong
northwest market, new outude boring and
onverlna of ahona Leat price ehowea
por'.lal vc net rle; Ieeenber cio-o.
May. elod, H.US: Jjly cloaed. ILt1.
CX)RN" Receipt. .7Wi bu.; eporl, 34.400
bu.; pot market firm; No. 1 asc elevator,
and -c, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2 white. 4c
and No. 2 yellow. tV, f. o. b, arioat;
option market wa firm on light receipt
nd cVo-d net higher; iwrmwi
doted w: May. &c: ciceed. Skr; July,
ctoaed. '-mC. September, cioaed GPc.
OAT9 Recelpta. M.0C0 bu.; expona, W0
bu. ; pot market steady ; mixed. Mc; na
tural white. X to B lb-. Mc; dipped
White, M to 42 lb.. fc3VBo-
FEED Steady; spring bran,
HAT Dull and easy; No. "J, K; rood
to choice, WtJfcSc.
HIDES Dual; Bogota, l9"Snc; Cen
tral American. .
PRoVlSIONa Beef, steady; famfiy. C.o
eiT.M; me. IU.0urdU.5Ci: beef ham, tl1
ISC; packet. I54.046.: dt extra Ind.a
me. A.ora2T.B0. Cut meats steady : pir-ki.-d
bellies. ..Vi4i!i.a: pkkled ham. rs.JCrr-M.
Ijird firm: western. . .; refined.
$)ti.T5; compound. H ITTW'.l. Hork firm;
family. n7.MK'alk U; short clears, tJt.Wg'A.Vf.
tnena. 114 ft- IT. 00.
TALJXJW-Firm: ity (22.00 per,
lr; comtry pkg. free). ISa&S'ac.
RlCE-3uiet; domestic, fair to extra, 2H
SJr; Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Firm; held, creamery, com
mon to specials. XSO'Sto-..
CHEKPEJ Wulet; state full creams, ape
eisl. HHaiiV:. September, coirred or
white, fancy. 14c; October, best. Uc: lste
made, best, small. 13r; good to prime. UV
Kc; common to fair. liHreTMc; akims.
fulls to special. 2011Vc-
wr-: Readier: tate. Pennylvaoia and
nearby fanrv selected white. S4i40c: fair o
r-tinu JfcfflSTc: brown and anixed. fancy, M
385c-fair to choice, brown and mixed, go
?v weatern first, nc: seconds. Oafi(Ac
POULTRT Alive, steady; chickens. 12e;
fowls turke-a. !. Dreased. firm;
western chickens. 166 Uc; western fowla.
IIVsiSIIItc; western turkeys. 2imzc.
Speculatire Interest ia iAnjTud and
Xarket Korea Sluggiinlj.
arid Erie reeMvfJ fa r a'ntion but b'ii
nea in 8: eel wa confined to onai
New Tork advanced price in the e1er
noon. but od latr and the market ch-sed
HERL1V. Pec. J--There was a betlee
tone to the trading on tue Bure bre
today, but Ame-ican scun:le were lower
upon the advices from New Tork.
PARIS. Dc . Trading on the Bourse i
today was tjulev. . .
lfo Material Change in Cattle Valuei
of Any Kind.
Irp Dae la Fear af C osaaietlttwa frwsa
Xeie Carpvra t laa lteprt mt Ear,
lag af Herrtaaaaa Gives Mod
erate wtlfaela.
NEW TORK. Dec. . 8pecula-.ii e m
tret In tins stork market was somewhat
larigjia and Tiuctuated slugciehlv and in
decisively. The perceptible decline of the
forenoon was remarsed at an effort to
appraise the harm te values which ha
resulted from the calamity in Italy. Opin
ions vary as to bow far the loss of prop
erty Involved may be reflected in the move-
ments of the securities msrket. Tb esti
mate yet received throw no light on the
amount of property damage which ha
been done. In the caae of tke enormou
loses bv the San Kranclaco earthquake,
which resulted in an estimated arirrezate
of loUO.UKi.tMii, distinguished economists are
oulte generally agreed that sn Important
eneci was produced in the bringing about
of the subsequent exhsustion of capital
supplies, which wss a prime factor in pre
cipitating the financial crisis of last year
' uir u miea DiaL&a.
There was little else of consequence In the
day- s news. Iieals involving minor rsil
rosda continoed to circulate in the rumor
form. The American Pmeltmg stork made
another dtp in recognition of the formidable
competition produced in the new corpora
tion and Amalgamated Copper moved In
vropathy, the threatened competition being
conaidered to represent a rivalry between
mieresis in these two oorporstlons. j he
November net earnings statements of the
two Harrlman Pacific railroad were re
ceived with moderate aa tlsf act ion. the ad
vantage In the comparison with last year
being, in fact, decidedly leas than in some
of the preceding statements. A moderate
tailing ott tn gross earning was shown tn
both reports, compared w nb November of
last yesr. and the cut In operating cost,
also, was less drastic thsn has been ex
hibited In some of the earlier statements.
New bond Issues continue to suoceed each
other in announcements for future flots-
tions. present sales to bankers or Intended
offerings for public subscriptions. Money
and exchange rates showed no important
change and the net effect on price of
stocks of the day's varioua movement
proved trivial.
Bonds were lrree-ulsr. Total sales, psr
value. M.48.rV 1"nUed States bonds were
unchanged on call.
The following were the closlr.g Quotation
on stock and bonds:
Sales. Hlfk. Vrm. Clew
Baatwa Stavk aad Bead.
BOSTON." Dec. JO Money. cil losn. 4
per cent: time loans. 4j per cent.
I l"tng quotation
I eatares af the Trattag aad Cieataa
I'rieee aa Be-ara ( Trade.
CHICAOO. Dee. Aa" official -Tredic-
iion of a cam wave -for the winter wheat
b'lt in this (ountry caused a atrong market
lor wheal tiere today, final quotation
showing net gain of S1?4? to ISc- Corn
ihetd firm and oat and provision steady.
The west her map seemed to have little
effect on traders tn the wheat market dur
ing the initial hslf hoJr" of trading, and
aenllmem was inclined to be better, owing
W welling y commission house. A rtoeer
f scrutiny-f -tas weHb,er bareaa repart.-.
however, apparently convinced many trad
er tbt he fall - aown -CTop of wheat
which 1 without snow covering la many
localities, might "be serionsly damaged by
the decided drop In temperature which was
scheduled to occur 'lon ght or tomorrow
throughout lower Misssari, middle and up
per Mississippi and lower thlo river val
ley. This apprehention, brought out active
bo ung af wueat 1v shorts whh h resulted
In 'the market Rspfimlng decidedly atronar.'
One of the Jesdlng bulls also bought freeiy
.. througkout the last baif .of the day. An
improved demand for cash wheat in the
southwest especisliy st St: Louis.' where
It was reported li"8.r busftel hsd been
sold to : u'hwesterB rafllera, waa an addi
tional strengthening Influence. An advance
of 2Vc In the of December wheat at
Winnipeg also hsd some effect. The mar
ket closed strong st almost the top point
of the day. with and July at
1.0i- Clearance of. wheat and flour were! to 236. tO bushel.
The bulge In whet was ' chiefly repon
aible for a firm tfne manifested ia trie
m Risrkef A revival of export bualneas
also Imoarted some strength. The market
cloed firm a teifle below the best marks
f .he sesaion with PHcea up iffrt to c.
Final quotaUons on May were le and on
JlllV fl.
More activity w dlsplsyed In the oat
pit than for some time past but no great
strength wa manifeated. The market
closed steady with prices ,e lower to c
fcigher than the previous close, with May
at i2c ana Juiy at
A 10-wnt decline In the price bf live
hogs caused eonsidrrabie weakness In pro-
isioos early la the day.- but a steadier tone
developed later. Closing quotaUons were
fcc higher to Ie lower, compared with the
previous close. ...
The leaning f itures T,re4 s follows!
t'ala Wave, with Teas pera tare Clws
4 Eero.
OMAHA. Dec 0. !
The disturbance central over Manitoba
and extreme uooer vallev Tueaday morn
ing has moved alowly eastward during the
last twenty-four hour ana la now central
over t he Lake Suwrior region. Snow flur
ries accompany the disturbance over the
extreme upper Miasiaalppi and upper Mis
souri vallevs and Canadian province, and
high wind were general throughout th
upper valley during the night. Velocities
ranging from forty to fifty mile per hour
are reponea general over ine uppvr -uurl
valler. and a wind of fifty-eix miles
Dr. hour waa recorded at Biamarc. i. u.
An area or oeaaeaiy mgn jra" over
the northwest, accompanied by a cola
wave, ia followinar the low,- and -will ex
tend down over the valleys within the next
twenty-four hours, and th weather will be
fair and colder in this vicinity tonignt ana
Thursday, with a cold wave tonight, fol
hv continued cold Thursday. The
temperature will be cloae to aeroty Thurs
day morning. --"
OwiaM-rocard f tesnperatara and are-
cinitaoon oompared with the jDocrespon ding
.day of th last three res.rl:
ll . ut. ira.
Minimum temperature...; 21
Precipitation 00 .01 .20 .00
Normal temperature for today. 22 degree.
Deficiency in precipitation since March 1.
$.04 inches.
Ieficiency correpondlnf period tn 107,
7.3& inc hea.
Deficiency corresponding period In IK.
4.14 Inchea.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Atckiena ai 4a.
w 4.
A"-tilm R B
Wotctoe a A'lhmry..
Fiovten Maine ..
boMoa Klealea
r y . k. H H
t nIMl P.rtflr . . ..
Aa Arxe. Oiea...
4 fid
Am. sem. Tabe...
Aw Stigar
as rt
Am. T tr T
Amcr. Weoles -
da pit
TVrotaie I. a B. .
ran Eler. l!l..
etiera E lertnc . .
Maw. Electric ....
Oo pi A
Xm G.a
t lie4 Frmt
t olled S. at
C. S. Steel
s rt
Artaona Com
.. IW Surte Cea'ltleii .
. .. ",. a artiiona..
.. 1r"Cal Hacla
. .is? Cmnial
.. ltt rf.Dr KaAge ...
. . ta,r W e
... r-arklia
. .. nHHGreDe Canaaea
... v,lrl Rml . . ...
... SMia M aine . Viria
...'Mt C. It C...
... StNrrtl
. . IKmLtaiea .
. . . It r"e.ia
... IHttianaa
... M H Taiaaratk
... TiTT:aur
...ioiiraii4 r-ineir . r. a. Mmint ...
... m r s. oil
... i."vtvuk
. ... Witifvr.
.... StXtltalM
... HtSork Bult ....
.... I7
.. .. ?S
" a
La4aa glaeii Market.
LONDON. Dec- 30. American securities
had a quiet opening today. Trading waa
limited during th early session and price
changes were snail. Pennsylvania declined
S and Amalgamated Copper and St. Paul
advanced as muh. The rest of the list
showed no change from yeterdy New
Tork closing.
London closing stock quotations:
Comma, mooey . K. a T
a apoouiit XI U-lt'N. T CamtraJ lit
Aaarcma 10KnrTa!k tt W 171
Atrklaoa - Co pfi - t
4 t )(t Ontario a W Ti
Baltimors a Ofalo. . . -JJA4 sana-)Taaia t
(aaatiaa Pacific lSk.n Mloaa ?S
rteaaek A O UitKd!ni
Chlcaso O. W iSowlhara Ky...
Cawa ta 4 haiee Laasbs ell Tea t
Tlfleea Higher aad Trade la
Active at the Advaaee
St'VTH OMAHA. Dec. :
Receipts were: Cait e. Hogs Sheep
tTfirial Motiun) S.KM
OffirtsJ Tu'sda 4(4
Estimated Wedneday . . X Ji
II 1.4
Three days this week..ll.H 3" It.
Same davs last week T 4"7 lfo T.HM
Same days I weeks ago. .I? TSS 31
Same ti I wi-tks aK0..1t.JT 14 Rin ri.STI
Same days 4 week go..l'l 2S S87 ' 14
Same day last year.... t.275 t.bfS,
The foliowing table hrw are receip-. of
cattle, hog. and a.ieep at South Omaiia for
the year to date comired with lest year;
!.. 0T. lni. lec.
Cattle l.OSlsa l.lia.CJ: 13.0M
Hogs J! tlC.XJ 2.W1 S 1T5.0K2
Sheep 2.1Hi.lbJ g.KSI S.4W
The following labia oiosi the averag
price of hoga at South Omaha for th Aaat
several days, with comparisons:
hogs sold verr la-gel y at H 404J4 g and on
up to It. an for the top.
Represent stlv sale
Data I 1. U-?;.,
Chi., Mil At P....1MV 4 rtt.
ArtleTOpen. H'ib-l Low. Close. I Tea y.
;l CSS. 1 ta A " "a J "w
1 0W .a WB"a. J I am stv: clear rib. Il0.: abort clear.
May .
Rib :
t- I
St. Utii Ceaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. . WHEAT Higher;
track. No. 2 red, cash. fl.Wigl.0PVx; No. 2
hard. l.(4(jn.0T; May. fl.c4; July, SV,c
CX3RN Higher; track, No. t eh, ognc;
Msv. Vir; July. S; No. t white. (Uc.
OATS Firm; track. No. 2 caah, fcOc; May,
StfV: July. 4ic: No. It white, 61VaJc.
RTE Lower. TaVtC.
FLOUR Quiet ; red winter patent a, 4.aji
t.10; extra iiaecy and straight, S4-tt't.u;
hard winter, clear, M.fiO.
SEED Timothy. S.Ooe.a.
BRAN Unchanged; aacked. east track.
xi ocuun o.
HAY-Tlmothy. 00TaO0; prairie,
PROVISIONS Pork. steady: Sobbing
PS:,. Laxd. higher; prima ateajn. t
in. Drr alt meat lower; boxed extra
snorts, SHJTVa; dear ribs, x.2; anon caws,
tf.i0 Bacon, weak: boxed extra short.
1 41,;
i v;
t ....
1 lTVj! 1 sTW 1
I It 41- l a I 1
I I 1
i 4-TH,r aj7S!-
i t? o
i i
t 2tv; gjr tr ar
I . I bu I Ta I I I STVsi
I 4V
!1 S 14 25
la la J 14 W
I 19 1 .
Na. -
( in quotationa were aa follows:
FIjOUR lrsn; lOo higher; winter patent.
at Tl.: ; winter straigbia. I4 4r4i4 K; spring
atra-ghts luptw; oaaera, mwv. a.
W H EAT No. 2 spring. H (1 ; o.
spring. It OVgAl OT; No. 2 red. 1.0IVaiBl.6S.
CORN No. 1 segjosc; Jo. s yeiiow,
OATS No. S whit. tQ61c
RTE Na a T4C. .
BARLEY Oaod feeding. C$9Hc; fair ts
choir malting, g)$c.
SEED-Max. No. 1 northwestern. 1111
Titaoiky. prima, Hat1. Clover, contrail
grades, J.
FP.OVle-lONS Short rib, aide flooset,
r (8T'; me pork, per bbl, 14.wa
4tr Lard, per 10 lba $4TV iihort
tisar a Idea l. boxed). Vt".?.
Artlclea. Kuceipta Shtpmenta
Vkiur. bbta. i tK
Wheat, bu -.- lka
Cora, bu . 1T
Ofcta. bu 244 23C1.4.a
v. bu 21
.al-ley. bu Uo.2
(!t tba Produce exchang todajr the but
1 market aaa ateady: creamersea. CtrXio;
Vi asgrTc Egga. steady, at mark.
--- incluaed. B&OSe-w-': firs!. 9Sc; prist
lusts. ajc CtMwaa, steady. 14Q1SC
Xlaaeaaaiu Craia Market.
lNBAPOLI8, Dec. 20.-W H E A T
Xn; Msv, SL11; No. 1 bard. 1.12; Na 1
narUifrK.. I! 11; Nol 3 nonttern. aL.i61;
. .No. I iKWlirra, ILt;il.iiv
f ITKls Plas cloaed at 41 4S.
fr-HAV la bulk. 1 l.Si.
FLtUH-9rionger; first paiente. 1iJHtfjBt&'
servtxl jatenta, V10a.XI: first ciaara, ft.0
CHieaepobd clears. gltaMl
,t i
, Jllleaakea Craia Market.
I awrtliem. tlUS; No. 2 n en hern!
.: May. XUb atkod.-
CORN-Higbar; May. 4BVe.
Ha RUTT cKeady ; ataadard. aamcilr
-r4jlac ,
DalaCh 4,rala Market.'
r I'LUTir Pec JB- WHKAT No J
irxnerm, II 11 : Ko. sarum. XI aav.
I e-err.aai-. lr,; May, W UHj J-ily. H.U-.-
POULTRY Firm: chlckena low; arrtnga.
13c; .utkeya. 3r; duck. litc; geese, sc.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, itraraac.
EiGS Higtier; 2Tc. case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls HOiiO
WheaU bu .- . 1.
Corn, bu 7U.0U0 4f.0i
Oats, bu aXOuO .0W
' Kaaaaa City Grata aaa Pravlalaaa.
Uiichr.sed to lc higher: Oeoemner, kc
Mav. $1 &: July. WV: cash. No. 2 hard.
l:.oiiCil ; No. I hard. fLal.cjJ. No. 2 red.
tier: No. red. B.0il.fl.
CORN Unchanged; December. afkac
May, ITtsc; July. Kc; caah. No. I mixed.
S.T. No. X mixed, aw:; Na 2 white. i'c;
Na. I while, 'fcc.
OATS Unchanged; Ko. 5 ahlte, SOc; Na
2 mimed. 47H4St.
R Y E 70S Tic.
HAY Steady: choice timothy. t.75fif)
choice prairie. tk.HtL"b: choice, alfalfa.
l;iS14 so.
BUTTER Steady; creamery extra, I3c;
parking toc:. lee.
EX8 le higtier; f reek extra a. XfAc
Reoeipia Shlpsoents
Wheat, bu HO osorKi
Corn, bu IT. U.0
Oata bu 4,(J liOue
Options at Kansas city
Amalgamat4 Copper ...
Am. C. F
Am. C. a F. !4
Am. OotloB Oii .
Am. H. L t4
Aa Ice aartiritiea
Am. Ldnsea CHI
Aia. bexitmioctva ........
Am. LAcsstotlve pt4
la g. a K
Aa g. k. 14
Aa. Sagar ketialcg.....
Am. Tobaooa f4
Ataarteaa Woelea
AaaoaaAa Hlaing l ...
Atoktaca .
atckisoa prt
Atlasue Ceaat Us
Baltimore A Ohio
Bai. Ohio pf
Biwsira lta44 Tr
Caaadlas racirie
OoniraJ Liaatbar
central banker sf4.....
Central of New Jersey...
I a 0le
Ohlcmao OC W
CMoaas A N. W
C. kt. ax. P
c. c c. a st. L.
Ooierads T I
Celarao a ft
Oola. S.. let 14
Colo. So. M pt4
OoaaoIIOate Oaa
Oora Todafli ....
rwlawar A Haiana
Denver A K. O
p a it. o. td
Distillers Honnritlee ..
Eria 1st f4
Erie M 4
CioBeral XMrtrio
Oraat KorUiers pia
IX. Neither Ors etl.,.
Illloot dentnJ
later Uoi ougk Met.
lot. Mot ptt
lDternatisaal Passr
Int. Pasw f
latsrnational ram .-
leva Central
Kanaaa City ft
K- C. go. f4
Luiav111 m N
u at. lonia
M . tt. F. a a. M...
Miaaosri Facine
at., 1. A T
M . K. a T. pi
National Tusa4
See Tork OoMiwl
yt. T.. o. A w
Mortolk A Weotora
Nana Aaroaa
NorUtsr FacUta
raolha Mall
Faanarlvasia ...........
FessK'a Oaa
P.. c. C. A t- L
h4 steel car
Fullmaa Falae Car
Kallvar fiteal gpriag..-
ftspablic ta'
KenuBite glool pt4
Hack lalaa ta.
Rock lakan4 C. af....
at. L A g. r. 4 pf4..
t Ueai W
St. U . W. pfs..
gloso-Bbernei aaa...
gontbers Paclrl
So. Pacific at
aovtkara kaliwar
So. Railway si
Tiamaiii Capsr
Taaaa A Pacific
T-. I- U A W.. ....
T . at. u. a
taloa Padfia
Valoa Padrle nl4
1-. g. asfrbar
r. a kabbor lat p(4..,
r. g. stool
V. k etaa p
t'tak Cospee
Va.-CrllBa l""
Va-Car. Ckesv pt4 --
W akaak al4
Wosuaakovaa aieecno
Waanara VaSJB
W aorllot A le k
Wlacoaais Central
XL hf 44
i.trw fft
i'a lot
l. 41
in T
70S K
, l.aia mi
lea lit
. Ll M
"lniea Factnc.
KS o ptt
.... Jf. S. gtoal....
.... M a pf4
41 Wibaah
aa pf4
....lfTanlak 4a
IT! Amai. Copper.
. r
Fartflt ill
Do Boers
Dearer A Bis O
ao pt4
s let pft
M r'
Ora4 Trunk
lllmoi. Central...
Lennnl). a N...
SILVER Bar. quiet at 2JHd per ounce.
MONET per cent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills Is S per cent; for three
months' bills, 2Sr2S per cent.
... M
... 1
.... H
... H
... ti.
, Urwsstl Crala Martbtr. .
L11RB001.- Dec XS WHEAT Soot
easy; No. 2 red weaterta winter. Ts ila:
fjiurs. sead: December, fa UVd; March
:s if May, Ta id.
CVfeN eiitrt. aew Aroei ica anixed, via
Articles. I Open. High.i Low. 1 Cloae,
Wheat 1 I I
May in j 1! 1" H 02-iB
Corn 1 I j (I
July I r bgi iT-.aga-
Pewrla Matrket.
PEORIA. Dee. 20.-OORN Higher; No. 2 sp-jk'c: o. I yellow. .c; No. a
6Tc: No 4. bo)C; no gra-tc. iS"c.
OATS Steady, No. t W.Ti'.t. tsStg-aOe; No.
wtite, atac
Ertsersied Apple aaa Brtea Pralta.
APPLES cootuibc aaiet and steady, both
for spot and future aw u very . Fancy are
qiMted at sTtec; choica at 7VJc ; and
prime at t ,c.
DRIED KHU1TS Prunes are rather tan-
ser led with only a stntH lobbing demand
la eodeace. tatattorta from 4c to
Tc for California aad from V to kc for
Ur :tiL latter a to 90s. Apricota are un
changed with choti-e quoted at MFc: ex
tra cbeioe at u01--o, and fancy at 11 WO
lS-c are quiet bat boidera are
firm la I heir view a iio are quoted at
7aTc; extra tkxe, iViitc. aad fancy a
aSltllc. -Kaasaaa ar anaeitled. allhougn re
port had been reoelred that the aegotia-
uai of the growers- pool on m co
have Veea rompleted. Loose Muscatel ar
quoted -at I'.S'e'V rhotca to fancy aeadea
at taTc. and aredlea at 44c; Loodoa
la:aa Lao3fl.M. '
iagar a4 Malasaea,
quiet, fair refining, lie: centrifugal, to
teat. J .c: suftr. I let: reflaad.
gun Cftiehed. ; pvaderad. 4 Jbc; giaa-
uiaieu. t aw
ana rt
(.Mi !i 4t lax 1(W
e nH iw vn no i
n.n tr tr r
, i.lOtt 1774, 17 174
, X.4tt C 1 li
JW MB 101 ll'l
, l. IT W t
. Law If US 11 i
. 1.1t 1M Itk 1M
. a add iV 14 li
. i ta w
. i.M 40Va sr Bt I
fi(l t7 17 47
SO tt 71 7f
lf 71 75 Ti
. t.fl 14 1 141'
XUS 17 17 17
. ' itKv 1W 37
. It.W 4-1 Jt "
. lie 41 '
. . I4 7 17 t7
. 4-tiW 54 4
. l.XfO H t
. H li 1ST 1"7
. S4.erx 147 144 )
. 7 7t TO
. .W 14t let 3471,
. )I7M Hi-a 17 JT
. t.KW t 4t 44
. I It U 11
. t. sot : M . 44 a
. t 1 31 1 1
. 4 f.
. tV 71 71 71
. 1 tat 1M 1X LV
. SUM f. ii M
aao nv m: lei
. 4. too c
. M.Ww 4; 4) 42
k 7 T 7
. Ti 77 77
. 21.H 1211 1ST
. 4t 44 4i
m 46 "j
" il it J4S 34T US
em tt M
,. 24.700 1SS i l1
1 1 14
it r r "-14
.. LM i Jj
! ""ins " 474 44
.lH.Jf 142 1411 '-
KM S4 a. S
Sn 47 44 tt
.. l.eae M 44 '
,. X.4V4 ! W
SO 4: 41 41
4 15
.. a 45 44 M
lWt 77 77 77
,. ti a a-1!: i
.. 2 l' lSii
4. 2
New Terk Mlwlag Staeka.
NEW TORK. Dec. 30. Closing quotation
on mining stocks:
Alice ,...P Uttle Chief .
Bruavtrick Cea I Mexican
Ooramock Tubus S . 22 ,
4o benda 14 Opnlr
Con. Cal. A Va 44 pianoar
Hera Sliver 74 Tallow Jacket
Iveodrtlle Cos. I
. 7
. 74
. ot
. ISUt
, i on
, 4
. S7.SM) 1M
10 l
XM li'
, H im b4
1 114
a. m
t: si
44 4
44W 44
71 4'
12 32
e -
Treasarr Stateaseat.
WASHINQTON, Dee, . Today's tate
nwnt of the treasury balaooea in the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the llSu.OOO.O1.) gojd
reserve, shows: Arailabie caah balance,
236X.cS.Sl.Se2; gold coin aad bullion, t3S.0rj6.;
goid oertincaiea, xsi.tsa.l2u.
Baak CI e rimer.
OMAHA. Dec. lffl Bank clearinaa tnr
today ore re X2.0.7K12 and for the cor-
respanamg ante last year I2X 806.81. The
corresponding date lat year wa tne day
alter .rw X t a 1 a.
Dec. ... I 3 4 1: 4 Fil K (K
Dec. 21.. . t Bf'V 4 I3i OK, 4 ; 4 441 4 13!
Drc 22. ..I I ai I g Ok, 4 4 Xs 4 X U
Dec. 2o...( I j 4 44 I 4 ! 4 Xi 4 4; I It
2t...,f7 I4 4 1.t I 4 Ui 4 4, m
I-iec. ia. . i i I . . I
Dec. CO 14 20 21! I 0f 4 4X, 4 44; M
Dec. o 4 tl t li, I (M 4 lei 4s
lec. gi,v 4 44 i 4 14 4 0J 4 4 :
Dec. at... I tie I 4 22 I ( 4 h' 4 4 4 fcl
Dec. JO... 4 60 1 i W it 4 11, 26
"Holiday. 'Sunday.
The Official number of car nf atork
brought In yesterday by each road wa:
Cattle. Hog. Sheep. M r
C . M. A St. P.
Mo. Par
I Won Pacific
C. tt N. W. teasti..
C A- N. W. (wean...
C St. P., M. A O..
C, B. A Q. (tiLSU..
C, B. g. (west...
C, R. L A P. teast !.
C. R. L A P. (wean.
lllinoi Central
c, u. w
5 1
il s
T "
7 4 ,.
1T ST 1
It. a, g. Ft. aia A. 44 Ft
I in ... I 74 41 144 ... It
C7 1J7 ... 4 4 41 tK 4 4
J in . . 4 St ' BU 4 4 44
. lti Ml. ..... .i . . la
K 14 St I It TI ku U I t
km tot ... I at ts r lit at
Tli rt It 4 44 47 . ... 144
14 ltl ... 4 Sk 14 .....t.l ... I 44
I .at ... I tt 7 tx . 4 44
tt 1K4 Ik 44. sn
St tt IT I 14 74 4M t 4 47
tu Its ... 4 74 f St I St
4i 1M St I BV 47 tat at 4
t 17 ... I ) 71 H 12 I 4
77 ! ... 4 2 71 114 . . I
HI it 44 I 27 S4 M 1M
41 "4 IS I M M JM 1st 4 tt
7J .230 I N 76 SM St I I
tt ISt 4 . tt M4 SO I 4
41 let ... I tt 4 1 St 4 et
K '.tt ... IS ti Jl U 4 40
T 1M II 4 tt Tt 14 ... 4 4
tf. 141 . . Sf tet 40 4 44
tv itt : IN 71 r Ik
74 w tt 4 4 ti . lot 4 te
' lti St 4 to 77 W IS IB
ti. ii is I s , a. ui ... Itt
7j 2. lit 4)t " II l-4 ... 4 4
at ! ... ill (J la 12 4U
r Stl ... 14 41 4 4 41
t Kit 4 44 44 477 144 4 tt
ti n . . 1 44 41.. U7 ... 4 4
tl 17t 44 4 44 44 Jist ... lot
41 ill ... IU St M K Ik
11. IS1 K III 44 . lot
mt ... I 44 t! i l 44 4 47
Tt 41 4 4 i 7 tV4 ... 4 t
:t ist ... 4 a. M tot ... I
tt : 4 . . 4 r tt ri S4t. i .
SI UK It 4 tt tt 4 I 4
a. IN St 4 44 74 4M 1st 4 '
tii Hi til 4 44 t 31 tf of
W i.t I 4 41 r77 ... It.
11 Ill it" t 4 It 4 . 4 ta
ti na ... I tu ! wi tv it
44 .. ... 4 4" B t"l 4
a. not sir i oi, ::t . . 4 i
II.. U ... 4 4. at 241' it
42 Z. 1 ... 4 4: at IX Si' it.
71 Ui 3tk) Us at i et i ti
44 27 . . IS 7t Kit at i 74
w ml ... i tr 4i ra h ill
... 4 ti 44 4Kt 4 I
U 147 iw t 44 i t-1 ... itt
71 Hit m I t. tt 14 4 4 7
47 UK IIS 4 44 tt 4 12V 4 7
7t. U a 4 44 U M ... I 4
47 MX 4I 4 44 41. 41 4t 4 7
4. Xt . . i 4i. ot : M 4 7t
71 IA. t 4k 71) S 13 I
tt lull tv 4 m tb lit 12 4 U
. lilll .111 "J,
... l,4t
111 i.71
... St.
... 1.1
... ll.tta
'.en 12 1 ta
m. m Ca
am. 1 - ' . ... ... ha ataarea.
Total atlas far uu -
wrw Tttrat Maaey Market.
NEW TORK. Dec. .-MONET-On call.
I rr Tert Time loans, very dull and
itea?y:xt-y days. I tent: ninety. a
aw ner cent; six month, rt J' .
rime Mercantile paper-c4h
auatbSalnea. In bankers' bills at
ilOfor -ixty davs snd MJT for demand.
Ll;MMex4lctn- doU.r. Inc.
NlSte'rnnicnt tneady; railroad lr-
"fhe'followlnr were th closing quotation,
on bond yaeterday:
. , a. VII Slut. V!ot 4a
a. co i u a n. . t i
a nensea
Am. T
Auainna sea.
a. t
U e la c -J
Ill ktlaa. St- le tt..."'
a Tkt . K. A T. ta
lt aa 2 f" .
ta. ...l:lt a k. et c. ta.
4 . T. C. g. I w ,
aaik.: I r. a. is 1;
Z I.' :::::::::. raein. 4 iw
a-i a Obi 4a H A w. c. tt
4. 4VV." a L rl4 4.... 4
BrkTa. T. . ta ... t4F-n ev. I.
cT,i la. is .... o cea 4a '
Sa7J1 ai lUating a. 4. its
14 inc. 4 at. L. A L -'J-w
m, naio 4U....1M at. U a s r. is
e a toa.... U g. W
c . a. a u
Caaitlas af Trade aad tgaatatloa aa
Staple aad Faary Frelaee,
PT i'I', . r. ....
dl 4 J i-n 4. reimcry, i. aei!vere3 to
retail trade In cart on a I.c: No. I in 40-lb
tub. SOc; No. 2 In &-tti, tuba S8c; No. 2
In JJO-lb. tubs, 2kc; No. 2 in 1-lb. cartona
2SH-; fancy dairy, tubs SJJc; packing
Ei KJ ft Fresh candled. 23ir: atoraea
CHEESE Ftnest Wisoohsin full cream,
twins, l&c; yourg Americas. 4 In hoop, lic;
favorite. I in hoop, lc; daisiet, 30 in hoop.
lic; cream brick, full case, lie; block
Swiss. 15c; full cream llmburger, 16c.
BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. lTic: Nn. t ribs
ll; No. I ribs, Tc; No. 1 loins, 30c; No. 2
loins, lac; ml i iolna, c; No. I chuck, te;
No. 2 chuck. 6c; No. 2 crruck. Vc: No i
round. Hc; No. I round. 7c; No. I round.
Vc; No. 1 plat. tyc; No. 2 plate. 4H4c; No.
X plate. XVc
DRESSED POCLTRT Dressed hena. 10cj
sprinr. llcr durka 13c; geese, 10c; tur
keys. Ho; squabs. X2.XKgr2.s5 per doa
SUGAR Coarse granulated. s.sOc; fine
granulated. S.70c; cube, 60c; powdered.
FRESH ntT-ITS-Applea 232&54.S per
bu. box. Lemons. 14 Onrjs-4.40. Oranges. Cal
ifornia, XI 0043.25. Bananaa, 4o per lb.
Grapea Malaga, Xt-SotlrtiAo per keg; Cali
fornia Emperor. 4-box crates, H&ffl-TS.
Rib: No. L ITc; No. 2. lie; No. a lc
1Oin: No. 1, U)c; No. 2. USc; No. a Vc.
Chuck: No. J, Tc; No. 2. 6c; No. I, Sc.
Round: No. 1 c; No. 2, 7c; No. a ;C.
Piste: No. 1. 6Vr; No. 2. 6c: No. X 4,c
VEGETABLES Celery, California, per
dog., IV e: Utah, 75c; other. Xi&c Beans,
navy. No. L per bu.. I2.5C414.0; lima per lb..
6c Cabbage, 2to per lb. Potatoes, 6?ilic.
Tomatoes, per basket crate. K 00. Cucum
bers, per do.. Xl.tOtgl.TB. Onlona Saniah.
per crate. 7100; Texas. X356 per crate. Let
tuce, per doa, 45c Pepper, southern. 41-0
E'T crate. Cauliflower. tLW per crate;
gyptlan, fl 60 per doa Brussels sprout.
Xuc per Qt. Kumquats, lie per jt
Waal Market.
BOSTON, Dec. X0 WOOL The volume of
busineas on the local market enow de
cided incremae. Quotation hold steady and
local sellers, do not look for any change
for some time. Leading domestic quots
tKins range as follows; Ohio and Penn
sylvania fleeces. XX, X46ca&c; X. Xliiiiic;
No. 1 washed. iiiit'; No. 2 washed,
SKc; fine ut.washed. jaijHc; half-blood
combing, i&aiiuc; three-eighths blood, comb
ing, J!tar; Quarter blood combings,
'-c; d-lalne, washed. XeBXTc: delaine, un
washed, ibtrilx-. Mlchign. Wlsoonsin, and
New York fleecea. fine unwashed. IStjjjt;
delaine, unwaaiied. ZlaAc; half-blood, un
washed. 27fe-.c; three-eighUis blood, un
waahed. TtiJoc; quarter blood. Xbi&iTc. Ken
tixky, Indiana and Miaaouri, three-eighths
blood, unwashed. 27feAc; quarter blood, -Jb
(pf.c. Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri,
three-eighths blood, ".lukc; quarter blood.
2b!;'7c Scouruti valuee: Texas fine, iz
monlha 4Mrc: fine. I to I montha, surau;
f:ne fajl. 4mc60c. California, northern, irii
lie; middie county. 4Sfl4t.c; southern.
XTc. Oregon. eau;em. No. 1 staple. tSSc :
eastern clothing 4-i&-j0c: valley. No. 1, ii
tivv. Territory- fine staple. 4i24r4c: fine
medium staple. 1Q5Sk; fine clothing, li&isc;
lialf blood. 64aff k : three-eighths blood. 12
&6c; quarter blood, 4T6-4SC. Pu'led extra.
jiac; fine. b54;; A-upers. iJihaSc.
ST. LOUIS. Dc. Xu. WOOL Steadv;
medium grades, combing and clotliing. 14
SiiV; light fine. laajp: heavy fine. 1W,
tiptoe; tub wast;ed. riiiVc
Total receipts UC
The disnosltion of the day's receipts wat
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head indicated:
Csttle. Hops. Sheep
Omaha Pkg. Co fW 2.110 K
Swift and Company 2.443 i.cie
Cudahy Pkg. Co Ml 4.!-4 2,'W;'
Armour A Co tHO I.3(C TS2
Krey Pkg. Co 440
Cudahy Pkg. Co. Denver 36!
Vansant A Co
Lobman A Rothchild 7
W. 1., Stex.hen n
P. P. Lewis m
Huston A Co T
J. B. Root A Co 4
J. H. Bulla IT
U P. Hust
McCreary A Carey nr.
Sam Werthejmer T
H. F. Hamilton K
M Hagtrty A Co
F. G. Inghram ;
Sullivan Broa I
Lehmer Bros l
Other buyer S40 a S30
Klrtran ZA
Independent Pkg. Co 3o6
Rothchild .., 1X7
Totl t,C52 12.4 6.86:
CATTLE There wa a moderate run of
cattle here today arid the trade aa a whole
in a very satisfactory condition, although
there was no material change in any direc-,
Hon. The market aa a whole was devoid
of new or interesting feature and in con
sequence there is very little to be said re
garding the day a operations.
Beef nceri were la fair request aa usual
all the wee and they sold in pretty fair
season ' In the morning, prices paid were
generally about steady with yesterday,
there being, as noted aoove. no - great
change either up or down. Most of the of
ferings changed hands in pretty fair sea
son and the market as a whole was aaua
factory to selling interests. . .
Cows and heifer were also In rood de
mand and they, too, commanded steady
prlcea the mom of the stuff changieg
hands in very fair season. The supply was
not overly large and ha cot been any day
so far this week.
There were only a few stockers and feed
era here, but there waa sufficient demand
10 maintain good steady prices, and the
market a a whole wa In about the same
condition aa waa detailed yesterday.
Quotations on csttle: Good to choice
cotnfed steers, sb tt iS; fair to good corn
fed steers, $&.Mi!g4j.4V; common to fair corn
fed teer. It imyl.&u: good to choice range
eteers. to.25li?M; fair to good range steels,
44 ""Tif if.; common to fair range steers.; good to choice cornfed crti and
heifers, 14- ii-tm, good li, cnoice grass
cows and heifers, aHJU(0t.5ii; fair to good
grass cows and beiiers, XS-Oiifci. .86; com
mon to fair grass oows snd heifers. Ximta
X Oft; stock heifera, 1.50(53.30: veal calves.
UOin&t.Oii; bulla stags, etc., tS.sufc4.3f';
?ood to choice stockers and feeder, it. inter
.50: fair to good aiockera and feeders,
X2.T5&4.50: common to fair stockers and
feedera, S3.0Citg-3.7o.
Representative sales:
oix.a.- inn -was aiiutuer vu f vcc-ent
iun 01 anevp mis morning, and wiui mere
were quue a numoer ui ious among lue
arm aaa thai oio not aiiow very miaa
quality, tueie was at the same tune 4iuiie
a spriiikin. g of very deairaui klliets.
Oood. lai lambs, the kino mat packers
sll seemed 10 wcDt. soia very freiy si
prices that were luajlbc nlgner tbaa any
Hung brviughi veficroay. Inus good na
tive iambs and gooo westerns both vtougnl
i;.w. ine geneisl run ol medium lauios
et'l in atMjul tne same notches as yester
day. Good sheep were also in aemand and
a bunch of etghiy-lwo-pound Neoreaaa ted
western yrarnngs (burr ) brought .
the hlrheat im. of tne month 10 dale.
This martet nas been very poorly supplied
wiui good wether and yeaning sine th
present advance started In. so ttiat the
market has nol been very well tested on
that kind of stulf, and it haa been more
or less of a guess bow high a really choice
bunch of wether or yearling would sell.
The general run of medium kinds of sheep
and ewes were generslly quoted aa about
steady, without any noteworthy change in
any direction,
'i here were a few feeder scattered
throuah the barn, but not enourb to ex
cite verr much interest or make very much
of a market There were no especially
new developments In the trade.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good 10
choice lamb. XT.25ta7.a0; lir to good lambs.
4.7hS3 7.2.S: feedins lamba. I4.6trt.50: good
to choice light yearlings. K 0041 K; fair to
gooa neavy yearling, ao ww ov, ic-cta,,
yearlinga H 0uu4.s0; good to cnoice wem-
rn; xeeuixia wcuirn, 1. . ,
rood 10 choir ewea. 44r.ieli4.7l: fair to good
ewe. IX.IOiS4.60; feeding ewe. tS.Ovfca.;
cull and bucks, oi.u043.00.
Representative sales:
No. Av.
54 western lamb so
XS western ewes 152
22 western lambs T4
SO western lambs, cull il
102 western yearling 117
liit western lamba. I coders ba
19 western lambs
EoTjit (or 150 TroUeja at Teatli and
Pierce Stmta.
Oaa Prlaelpal Fratar af This is that
Larger (art May .Be Baa
the raraaaa It reel
Th Omaha Council Bluff Street Rail
way company expect to secure poaseasro
cf th half block at Tenth and Plerc
streets so that work mi jr be begun cm th
new car house by April 1.
This land was bought over a year ago.
but possession could not be had until th
coming spring.
Plan are now being completed for a
tlOP.OOl car bouse which will aooomraodat
160 car. It will be concrete, attractive and
up to dte In every way. It will hav an
office for the foreman, a reading roam for
the men and also a billiard room.
Th new car house t slfnsted two blocks
south of the BurUngtoTi station and I ex
pected to add tneterUlly to th twric of
the company.
Th new house will permit th com pane
to operate larger car on the rtmu
ttreet line. The company ha alway main
tained that th large car could tiot be run
In the Harney nreet barn, where Oie ear
for the Farnam. Harney and Dodr street
lines are housed.
New track win ba laid tip Fierce treat
to the corner of Eleventh street, where
cars will be run from th tret irei 1o
the second story of the car btvuaa. . Th
cr for the lower floor wT.1 be run In
from the no rthettt corner Of th new
house, where the ground la twenty feet
lower than at the corner of Eleventh and
Pierce street. The house win be eju Typed
with automatic fire extinguisher.
18 western yesrllng ewes 04
ISS" western lsmbs ST
tS western lamba culla 64
11 western lamb 75
1 western ewe 1
13 western ewes 4k bucks, culls 111
444 western lamb 71
14 native yearlings M
ICS native ewea 71
70 western . lambs K
41 western lamba Si
76 western lam be. culls 00
2W5 western lambs 6
142 weatern lambs 77
131 western lsmbs Tt
14 western lamb, feeder 00
25 western goata ... VX
62 western lamb
30 western ewe, cull K
112 western ewe 10X
41 western ewes, culls S6
7 40
4 86
7 00
I 60
7 00
6 60
7 40
6 OC
J 10
4 0
X 00
7 60
6 00
7 40
7 00
t 75
1 00
7 25
2 10
4 60
X 60
Metal Market.
NEW TORK. Dec. Jn. METAL While !
the London tin market wa firmer In the , j
late trad ng, lust pri. es ahowed a net lost ' 1
IS ... .
It ...
I ...
At. FT.
1M 4 00
41.4 4 dO
lit 4 74
1(7 4 tt
1021 4 tt
Icli 4 lm
40 4 til
.......lltn 4 li
, In i 4
ItlSl i 4i
1104 4 U
li t 4 tu
1144 i
17 1 1;
trt in
ii t a.
il.ll I !0
, Sol ID
447 I at
M7 4 to
BSi I 44
11 I 40
4117 I i
II ...
24 ...
COW a.
4 ....
11 ...
li ...
22 ...
4 ...
.44! I IS i
4i I i'l !'
K1 I li I
nr. I Mi I
740 I fl 4
,711 I ii It
a.'u I to 14
. . un t '.S
. .. '.iii 1 :
...! I 2S
... oa 1
.. 1IKI I i
...U"'l I li
...Jl7 I i,u
...1M X it
. .14114 2 tu
. . . Uh 2 t"
. . 144 I 4W
...lii I 44
...lti I 71 1 ...
1-44 I ti
1144 6 U
irn 4
1141 4 M
i:i 4 0
1HM 4 04
uu 4 1
urki 4 i
Uli 4 li
iiii 4 14
mt 4 at
UJ 4 44
iMI 4 it
...ltl 2 71
...ll I li
...1104 I St
... 447 4 09
...31J1 4 1.
.. )Ntt 4 H
...114. 4 ti.
...SHI 4 411
...U.i 4 ai
... 744 I 74
...414 I Ml
... txK I n
... tit 4 li
... Ui 4 K
...lllbi 4 4.
... HH tin
. . .134 I 76
...MCil I 74
.. .let I 7i
...144U I t
.. 1SMI 4 t
...1474 4 tot
. . 1W 4 04
...147 4 li
..14.1 4 ;:.
...i44 4 :i.
..: 4 i
...17 4 i
. . ItiiO 4 44
60 western lamb, feeder
Cattle Steady, Has; Lower, ikeeg ui
Lasah llraaf.
CHICAGO. Dec. 10 CATTLE Receipts.
SO.000 head: market steady; beeves, tit
T OO: Texans. M-aH 46; westerns,;
stockers and feeders. 12 70ffr4 SO: cows and
heifers. fl.SOSa.00; calve. r.0u.2S.
HOGS Receipt, 60.000 hed; mark!
generally 10c lower; llghta. fS.006.7O; mixed.
:.066.1ii; beery. XtAtirjrS 10; rough. Io.ii45
6 50; gocd to choice, heavy. tS 6t?6 0; pig.
4 tiC?r6 0P: bulk of setfee. fS 464 80.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. Jri.000
head; market etrong: native, XS.75sr4 25;
weeterns, X2.756 25: yearHwrs. X5.2fb 75:
lambs, naUve. I4.607.8e; western. X4.75((j
Legislature will B Aekea 1 Make
Liberal Apwramrtatlaa This
HURON. 8 P.. Dec. 81. 4Seci1) A
meeting of the officer of th South
Dakota National guard held In thi city,
was well attended. Adjutant General
Engleeby and Oolrmel J. it. Holme wera
present, also all battalion commander ex
cept one, and also all captain except Com
pany B of Sioux. City, r of Dell Rapid. H
of Ppearflsh. K of Bturgla, M of Tankton.
The election of officer of th asuoctatlon
resulted tn the chcice of Colonel J. E. Mc
DougaJ of Britton. president; Captain
G. E. Kelsey of Twin Brook, first, and
Captain George Rotkie of Brooking, sec
ond vie president ; Major Hasel af Aber
deen, secretary: Captain Cnler Campbell
of Huron, treasurer; General Englesby of
Watertown. Captain Beckwitb of Pierre.
Sergeant Wooley of Hlghmor. execative
commlttea. Colonel McDouxral. Major
Wale. Major Hasel and two other te be
named later, will ctmrtitut th legis
lative committee.
It I understood that th Incoming legis
lature win be asked to re vie tha state
military cod to conform to th law s
adopted by tha Verted State govern !n e
militia, alao feature political, th purpose
of the organization to remain abaorntely
tionpolitlcal; schools of instructien to ad
vance the efficiency of tb guard.
General Englesby gav a detailed account
of the financial condition of the g-uard. Th
appropriation by the leglrlarare f two
years ago wa not sufficient to meet th
expense, and an amount sufficient to
meet th deficiency wa directed to be
transferred from the officers to the general
fund with the state treasurer. Tb legis
lature will be asked to make an aapro
priailcn of (10,000 for the expense of th
guard for the ensuing two year.
The meeting heartily endorsed tb man
agement of the g-uard affair by General
Englesby and a strong sentiment wa ex
pressed for hi retention at th head of
the organization. .
Kanaaa City Live Stack Market.
Receipts. T.60O head, including 100 bead
southerns: market for steer steady to luc
b'i"her; cowa lWa'J&c bigher; choice export
and dressed beef steers. 46 0lr7.Xi; fair to
good. Ma4.O0; western teer, X4 0W(6.7E;
stockers snd feeder. 15 (KSjV00; southern
steers, !4.2no6 50; southern cows, 22.600 (K;
native oows. XZOVgaoO; nstlve heifers. U.J6
Sj 16; bulls, XS.Otno-t 75; calves. X4.Ojc.O0.
HOGS Receipts, H000 hesd; msrket 10c
lower; top. It. K: bulk of sales, li .4Si6 75;
hea-y. f5.X!&Ci.g: packers and butchers,
to 4.: 5 75: light. $5.(MiS.60: pigs. 14 00M4.K6.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 5.0O
head; market. bJ6c lower; lsmbs. tT..5oj
(: ewe and yearling, t4-00fc.25: western
yearling. X5.506-5o: western heep, tS.Tfriir
6.15; stockers and feeders, XJ 004.75.
C 4. 74
1fM k-V.r. A. L. ta. ... ''
mm.. '. 77Vb Faolfic 4a 4-
C. a. I. t7 Faoific ta land warrant quoted at ti
e eol. ta- A.1, V. .T, . market was unchanged; N
fiSa V i2 I northern, XlT.O0r,riT.S; No.
ooc. t- L g. 4a " w ta'i 44 N southern and No. 1
Cola In, ia T . at. le w . - . it -i
ro, sua. ti
Uis. A 6a
Dei. il
d a a. a.
Brta L ts
. jr
.. te
. 41 l ata Parlfia 4a -1
at a 4. ta. ui-
4a... lir tao4 M 4 i7
St Wabaak U l;w
. ... WavarB stA ta.
ft WALK ta-
. val. 4 . 47arai a -4.
. 1 . u OfliM. I., ei-
04a a e. 4 fa
o M narM 4Laaa aaar 4a 1SU
oaA. eMMraa.
rrlga r-laaaclal.
LONDON, Dc 2 Money waa In strong
demand oa the market today and diaoount
arer firm. Oa the Stock exchange the
chief business waa centered In the final
aexail ot th settlement wMch waa coo
eluded satisfactorily. Lit tie fresh busineas
la anticipated before tie New Tear, and
prior mewed sutrrowty. Ojaaol and f4r-
eitfaera wr awr. atiiu. wvr t.i tm u.
for the day with so ( Quoted at aO K.
and future at 13. The local market was
easy, with sput quoted st f 2.a6!ij 3i 10. Cop
per wa steady in London with spot quoted
at ata It J and futures at 4.64 Us 61
Local market steady; Lake quoted at
114 3j$14 60; Electrolytic at 114 121 14 S.
and c-aaiirg at X-4.ii4.1.'V Lead wa un
changed at 12 tn London and at 14 Hin t 15
locally. Speller was also unchangel in bom
markets, being quoted at A3 m London
and at li.lwqi.15 locally. Iron was a shsde
higher In the English ma rket with CVve-
lSd. Tre local
o. I f-undry
1. lit. 75 17.25;
southern soft.
Catlaa Maurkat.
NEW TORK. Dec. 20. COTTON Future
opened steadv; December, lose; January,
rc; February. 6 77c, bid. March, 4c;
May. I ITc; July. I 65c; Aug net, att; Octo
ber. tc.
Spot cloaed quiet. 1 point decline; mid
dling uplands. kHOc; middling gulf. Ike.
Sale. X uv bales. Fature closed easv;
lcenirr. Afcl : January, IBOc; Febru.ry.
I stir; Msrch. I KV-; April. t!r: Msy, ttac;
June. ItSc; Ju!v. ITc; August, lac; Sep
tember. IfiSr: October, laic.
Spoia. steady: low ordinary, 44tc nominal;
erdicary, 6 6-le. nominal: good ordinary.
c: low mediums 4-c : waediusn, TV; good
medium, -e; tnedium fair. ISjc: fair. 101.
nr.rr it, . 1 1- ! K. t.. a! . fje luf
i oaiea
lAiia tw aa rwrnriv ui,i..,.
noma T J..". ': ii. i haleaVreVelr.t.-W
after aa easy openma imo improve. . . m t-w.. k -w;
tenu L ailed Btaiea aMe. L &'ioa I'acific . j,,., .
4H 2 3i 4 l.'t I 71
44 I 71 I 1 i 7i
I 4 ' I ilt 4 7i
1... 2" 4 in 1 144 74
1 IS 4 1 lit i 77
1 1 it 1 4 St
1 IJl lit 2 Jfe 4 aa
I tiW l 7i 4 It 4 tt
1 1 4 71 I iw t tt
2 14 i Ti
1 2 I Mi IB ? 4 li
11 2l I ti i 51 4 a
4 Ot.2 I ii X 4 Hi
77 4 0" 17 1 4 t ti
4 44 IM 4 !Li4 t li
Tamarack L A L. G. Co. Cola
17 bulla la 2 0u X bull l. 2 69
17, ow s 5 I 'M 2 beiiera 1 sw X 76
X cow 49 I 5 2 Leifi-rt...Hi 6 25
J heller esu X 7a
J. W. Ramsey Colo.
X! heifera... 'C i (. 10 beifera 6j 4 T
1 tow 755 2 li 7 heiftra- Mt 2 ia
2 steer.. ..lieu 4 4 1 ca-f iTii I
J 256 IW I calves... 142 6 so
I steer., litw 6 uv
HJGS Rei-eipt of Log thi morning
were very lilM-ral both bre and at other
arillr.g point and there wa a general de
cline all aioi.g the line. The caiket broke
severely jester day. followed witb a fur
ilier oownaard movement today, and It
wul be read I y ur.dertood that there waa
it. or or tee uiievennea In the market.
Tbu those who got tne full benefit of im
break estersy did not see so muck
rt.ange today, while I ho who had ao
light bogs yesterday naturally fell tbe
whole of tha is das' detune today. Thus
whit tnere was a d.ffereoc of opinion as
to tn amount of tne decline today, avery
tat waa pretty well agreed that the mar
ket fur the two dais was fully Hue lower.
Aa a matter of fact 1 aocid generaiiy
cater ice amount of today luea. TL
St. Lal Lit Stock Market.
i.Stni bead; Including 180 head Texan; mar
ket stror.g to steady; native shipping and
export steers, X4.7io"7.0: dressed beef and
butcher steers, I4.2t.4?4 50; alt-era under l.OiO
lbs., ! Tip.i.; stoc kers and feeders. 17.7543
4 65; cows and heifers. I5oixao. careers
ll.biK&io'j; bulls, taimpi.uu; calves. 111600
t.5u; Texas snd Indian steers, K.OO-06v;
cows and heifers. ll.TVo4.40.
HOGS Receipts. 11.550 head: market 10
UV- lower: and hghla. A7C5.W: pack
er. li.Wxis'i.Tv. butchers and best heavy,
t5.siii On.
head; market lOrlSc hig'wr; native mut
tons. fu.Z5o4.50: lambs. l5 75iiT.7t.; cull and
bucks. x.Mist.sU; stockers. XX. 001 75.
ftt. Jaaeph Llv Slack Market.
ceipts. Sunn head: market active, steady to
strorg: steers. X4.60BT 00; oows and heifer
755 26; calvea. ft ootrl.m.
H"KS Receipt. UMti trf-ad; market 69
0c lower; top, f5.0; bulk of sale, ti 85-3
SHEEP AND LAM BS Reeel pta. 4,000
head, market active; ateady; lamba. tLOOut
ftaatb Dakota to Be Aaked ( Teat
Validity af Salk Car.
llxua Pa ferr.
PIERRE. 8. D.. Dec. XI (SpadsD
From report which ar gaining circula
tion in the pre of th state tha coming
session will be aaked to make thi atate
a cat's-paw to pull But from tb fire
for ismi syndicate of North Carallna
bondholder and will use th old Taylor
defalcation as bait for their purpose.
Just who 1 back of th move remains to
yet be revealed. Tb report 1 that Tay
lor 1 to turn over to the state a block
of North Carolina bond to make up the
deficit from hi defalcation a atat
treasurer, and in return is to receive cer
tain property secured by th atat a
result of such defalcation.
Any such present of bonds mean that
th state is to bring suit to teat th
validity of th eame, and may or may
not win after tha expenae of th suit.
At the earn time th holding syndicate
would sit back and reap th benefits If
the state should win in any suit brougnt
Less than two year ago a bender of
fl, 001 08 of such aecurilles wa made
to th atate oa agreement that ult be
brought to collect, but tb offer was
turned down by Governor Crawford. Sev
eral year ago the atat did accept a gift
of 125,0(10 of th securities of that Late,
and secured payment after a sruit ta tb
supreme court of the United Stata. re
ceiving the money, le attorneys' fee,
and at the earn time Schaffcr Broa. of
New Tork secured th validity of tbelr
holding of the m lasu of bonds, oa
which they could not bring suit, and got
the benefit. At the session of two year
ago Senator Dillon introduced a bill to
return the money to North Carolina, but
tt failed to paaa. Th money ao aecarad
yet lie In th atate treasury, but the
temper of the legislature, aa abown In
th discussion two years ago, would not
Indicate any desire to mak another try
at collecting uch bond.
Itti City Live Stack Market.
SIOUX CTTT. Ia. Dec. 10 (Special Te.e
gram r HOGS Receipt. 10 000 bead; mar
ket iu$t5c lower; range. X4utr.5: bulk of
sales. 15 .(&, 50.
CATTLE Receipts. 1.006 head; market
steady; beeves, f4.6jraff.00; fat cows and
heifera. 44 OtKott.i: feedera, S2 0U&I 76; calve
and yearlinga CX.00424.utt.
Sttork la Sight.
liecelpta cf live stock et the a;x prin
cipal western markets ytsteraay:
tattle Hon Sheen
. 12 m KM
2.0 12.0 4 00',
T Jm II ono 6
2. 11.550 2.10u
South Omaha
Sioux City ...
St Joseph
Kanaaa City .
St. Louis
Chicago .......
.3634 114,44) X.m
Oils aad Koala.
OIL CITT- Dec OIL Credit bal
ances. 1171. Runs. ZTi.MO: average, U6 654'
Sh pments. 216 447; average. 147. 6 A '
SAVANNAH. Gt. Dec Xu. OIL Turpen
tine, first, aairaViaC.
ROolN-FlTin; B. D and E. t2 4Ci p
IT7H. O. ft 06: H IX ti. I. ft SO. K. ta 1'
M. a..B; N. AaU; W. fi.40, W. W, yw U.
Tkrd aA Market.
TOLEDO. O . Dae X0.- It ED Clover
raak aad December,; Marct fafcla
October, Kla. Prime guaik. ft sA
Nestaft terra (aaati Maatns.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Dec XX (Special )
Two South Dakota newspaper recently
hav changed handa L E- Howard, who
for some tin haa been editor and pro
prietor of tha Argus, A weekly awsaanttr
published at Orient, ba sold tb property
to C. P. Forrest, a competent newspaper
man. who wtU conduct th paper In future.
F. L. Bollen. who ha guided tbedeallnle
of th Oaaetta, a weekly newspaper of
Burke, tne of the new town ia tha ceded
portion of the Rosebud Indian raaareaUon
in Oregory county, ba sold his paper to
A. M. Church, recently of Spencer. Neb ,
who aeaumed 'control of the paper this
week and who will conduct It ia future.
He i an experienced newspaper roaa and
promise to give hi readers a good paper.
Orvtlle VI right Will SaiL
DATTON. O.. Dec . On ill Wright 1
now practicably recovered from the affect
of hi accident at Fort Myer last Septem
ber. He has secured paaaaga for LimsIf
snd his sister. Miss Ktt'.ertn Weight. n
tne North German brer K a leer in Augusta.
Bailing from New Vetk on January 6 Thev
leave Dayioa Sjnday evening an- ta trip
to Pane.
A IMeaaaat garwrte
follow tb fust dose of Dr. hUng- New
Life PUia. th nam lea rtsgulalota that
trergthea ya. O-uara pined ts. FW !
by Beatoa Drug Ca,