4 THE 0MA11A DAILY NEE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA 31. IPO . . . ' . j ! r it ; Ii COUNCIL Oflo 15 Scott Street BATTEY TWICE INDICTED Grind Jury Betarns Bills Against Former Court Clerk. CUE CHARGES EMBEZZLEMENT Other Alleaea Forarery la the flmif In et the Records I" Office o( Clerk of the Conrts Darlasr Ilia tacambeacy. Although the fact was not made public through official sources It tu generally understood about tha county court houae that among tha Indlctmenta returned by tha grand Jury which completed Ita work for thla term and adjourned yesterday after noon, are two against H. V. Battey, former clerk of tha dUtrlct court Ona of tha Indictments against Mr. Battey ia aald to bo on a charge of embexillng feei which It la alleged ahould bare been turned over to the county and the other Indictment la stated to be on a charge of forgery In connection with the alleged al tcratloa of the records of the office. Mr. Battey waa suspended from the posi tion of clerk of the district court on April 11 of thla year by Judge Wheeler following the report made to the Board of 8upervlsora by C. J. Rlchman. the expert accountant from Dee Moines who waa employed by the board to check up the office of the clerk of the courts. Action to remove Mr. Battey from office waa then brought by the county attorney and the trial resulted In the Jury bringing In a verdict to the effect that Mr. Battey was guilty of the charges brought against lilni. On June 5 Judge Macy set aside the verdict and sustained the motion of the defendant for a new trial. It bring shown that while the Jury was deliberating on the ense the members had been per mitted to use the telephone. A second trial of thla action was obviated by Mr. Battey. the latter part of Beptember tendering his resignation as clerk of the district court to Judge Thornell, the then presiding Judge. Mn Battey has appealed from the order of Judge Wheeler suspending him on April 11, but tho case has not yet reached a hearing before thu supreme court. Mr. Battey was serving his second term as clerk of the district court when the charges were made against him last April. Before being elected to the office Mr. Battey had served for several years as deputy clerk of the courts at Avoca. Is More Indictments. The grand Jury reported six Indictments In all yesterday afternoon. George Papst and Herman Burlow, the two young lads charged with breaking Into the residence of Mrs. C.iW. Brooks In the southern part of the city and stealing a shotgun, foot ball and other articles are indicted Jointly. Thry.have been In the county Jail since their .arrest about a week ago. A Joint Indictment Is agulnst John Mc Carty nnd William Sutter on the charge of breaking and entering a freight enr In ths local yards of the Northwestern railroad and stealing shoes. They are both In custody.. A "no bill", was returned In the case of P. O. Lewis, solicitor for tho Moneray Nursery company on the charge of em betslement. In Its report to the court the grand Jury recommended that the Brard of Su pervisors should at least annuallv employ a competent expert to fully check up the accounta of all county officers. The reeom ' mcnriatlon was ordered by Judge Wheeler referred to the Board of Supervisors. Judge Wheelrr will go to Avoca 'this morning to close the term of court there. He will hold court here Saturday nt which time he will probably close the term as the January term will open Tuesday of next week. Mlnlasr Company Reoraraalsed. At a meeting of stockholders of the Gold Belt Mining company yesterday afternoon It was ' decided to reorganise the corpor ation and all stockholders In the old con cern will be given thirty days in which to take stock In the new company If they so desire. Adolph Beno and W. E. McConnell were made chairman and aecrectary, respectively, of the reorganisation commit tee.' The Gold Belt Mining company was organised about twelve years ago, the principal stockholders being business men of Council Bluffs. The mining property la altuated near Leadvllle. Colo. After about $100,000 had been expended In de velopment work the company ceased op erations and finally the property got Into the possession of Ralph Meyer, postmaster at a small station at the highest point of the Tennessee pass through which the Denver A Rio Grande railroad runs, at the foot of the mountatna which tho com pany's mines were located, who purchased It at tax sals. Recently George S. Wright of this city went to Leadvllle and succeeded In secur ing; a contract for repurchase of the prop erty from Meyer. When the time came for Meyer to hand over the property on say men t of the sum stipulated he refused aad suit waa brought in the Colorado courts. A few days ago Mr. Wright re ceived word that the suit had been de cided hi favor of the Council Bluffs stock holders, who now regain full title to the property. Mr. Wright and other loading local stock holders ere hopeful that the property will pan out some day and It la for the purpose of opening work on It again that the coin, pany Is to bo reorganized. Mr. Mary Irkoeslgra Dead. Mrs. Miry Schornlgen, widow of the late John Bchoentgen, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Thomas D. Metcalf, on Clark avenue. On Septem ber SO Mra. 8choentgen suffered a stroke of apoplexy, and had been failing ever sine. She waa 54 yeara of age, having been born October 18, last. One son, Edwin P. Bchoentgen, and ' two daughters, Mrs. Metcalf and Mra. Eldln II. Lougee. botli of thla city, survive her. One sister, Mrs. Clay Platner of thla city, and two brothers, Joseph Klnts of thla city and William Klnts, living In the atate of Washington, also survive her. Arrangements tor the funeral have not been completed. DodaTO Is-vlted fca Talk. General Orenville M. Dodge has been In vited to deliver an address upon behalf of the Orand Army of the Republic at the ex ercises to be held February 12 on the an niversary of Lincoln's birthday at hla birth place on a farm near Hudgensvllle, Ky. The Invitation comes from Richard Lloyd Does not Color the Hair a Hair Vigor h composed Show this to your doctor. Aik him If there is a slngls Injurious Ingredient. Ak tkln M he thinks Aver s Hair Vigor, a made from this formula. Is tha best arepa raUoa you couU hm for falling hatar, or for dandruff. Let him decide, lis knows. BLUFFS. Both 'Phones 43. Jones on behalf of the Lincoln Farm as sociation. On account of prevloua engage ments, Oeneral Dodge aald yeaterday that he would be unable to be preaent on that occasion. Oeneral Dodge will deliver an addreas before the National Organization of Civil Knglneers in Chicago on January 4. His address will deal with different large engi neering accomplishments. MAYOR COM Eg BACK AT COOCIl. Will Not (Man Bonds If Contract for Water Works la Let. Although the city council Monday night passed the resolution providing for the lHsuance of the IWO.OUO bonds for the con struction of the proposed municipal water work fluitt over the veto of Mayor Ma loney, there is little likelihood of the if yor signing these bonda before tha con tract fcr the plant It ratified by the peo ple, unless ordered to do so by the court. Mayor Moloney atlll holds to tha opinion that the bonda cannot be lawfully Issued until after, a contract for tha construction of the proposed city water works system lias been ratified by the voters ef the city. - He contends that the code supports his contention and In the following- formal statement yesterday states his position on the bond matter; There Is no truth In the statement of Alderman Jensen that my veto of the bond, resolution was an attempt to delay tho construction of the water plant. The trouble with the gentleman la that he imagines he Is building a monument for himself, wishes to keep the center of the stage, and won't permit any one to Interfere with any of his plana. If I really felt aa he auggests. It wouldn't take me very long to rearrange the committees and put an end to his childishness. He says that one reason why I am not Invited o the meetings of the committee la they don't believe they would have my hearty co operation in efforta to get a suitable plant for the city; and In the next breath gives an entirely different reason, that the law don't contemplate that I am a part of the legislative branch of the government. But as the veto power la vested In me, and tor that reason I am expected to inquire Into the different legislative acts and consider the same, 1 am Inclined to think that the law contemplates that the mayor la quite an Important part of the legislative branch of the city. Many people may be inclined to adopt Alderman Jensen s views because the matter has been so much discussed that many have become partisans. That the committee Is always willing to listen to advice or suggestions Is Idla talk, because Mayor Macrae's final mes sage to the council advised It to have the plans revised by a competent hydraulic en gineer before proceeding to let a contract, and my first message to the council con tained the same suggestion. The committee would not listen to such advice, but went nhead and squandered the city's money In preparing plans and printing different sets, and advertising for the work, besides tak ing up a great deal of valuable time of the city employes. And after all that waa done they employed Mr. Bryan to do the work that was first suggested, with the result that the plans wore discarded and the work that had been done, and the money spent was lost. Now they propose to spend $300 of the' city's money to employ a lawyer to bring a suit against the city, and alao to spend part of the Judgment fund In paying the costs of the same, in order, aa they claim, to test the validity of the bonds. If the city would derive any possible benefit from the expenditure or mis money i wuuiu make no objection whatever, but all that work won't be worth 20 cents to the city. And even the city solicitor now seems to desire that course, although he and Alderman Jensen have given the people as surance time and again that the bond Issue would be valid. 1 supposed that some re liance was to be put upon their op'nloti. because they claimed to have investigated all of these thlnga and had satisfied them selves; but now they seem to have but little faith In their own Judgment. In the face of this lawsuit, commenced at bis re quest. Alderman Jensen says that the city engineer will be ready with hla work so that bids may be asked for by the first or February next. But how can aything along that .ine be done If we are to have a lawsuit on our hands? Starting this law suit will not prevent another citizen from taking part In it, and It will not end with a trial In the district court, in all proba bility. If the people who wish to have a water plant to be owned by the city would only stop to think that these very men who claim so much credit for themselves are discrediting the whole movement In advance by inviting a lawsuit which may last for years, their eyes might be opened at least to that extent that they would begin to question the fitness of those who have the matter in charge. If any citizen wno wi inumvai ownership of the water plant will read that part of section 745 of the Supplement to the Code at the top of page 142. where It aays, In so many words, that the council cannot Issue these bonds until after a contract tor the construction of the plant has been approved by the voters, he will realize to what hands he has committed hla cause. Total of City Taiei. Exclusive of the special assessment taxes in the city of Council Bluffs, the amount of the 1908 taxes to be collected by the county treasurer, according to the certifi cate filed yesterday with him by the county auditor, la $758,412.13. Of this the Council Bluffs regulur city tax amounts to $174, 438.02. The amount to be collected for the 1908 tax la slightly In excess of that for 1907, which, exclusive of the special assessments in Council Bluffs, amounted to $758,391.31. The city tax In Council Bluffs for 1907 was slightly greater than It was for 1908, hav ing been $174,759.66. City Treasurer True Is now working on the special assessments In the city and expects to file his certificate today with the county auditor. The special taxes for 19u7 In the city were $42,960.24, and It ia expected that the amount for 1908 will be about the same. Marrlasje Lleemses. License to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. A. T. Mashk. North Bend. Neb 27 Charlotte Davis, West Pullman, 111. ...29 Tony Jackson, Omaha 27 Mary Wood, Omaha 2 Honor for Iowa Maa. CEDAR FALLS, Ia.. Dec. 30.-Special.) Dr. Frederick C Eastman has been named chairman of the commission ap pointed by the Classical association of the middle west and south. Dr. Eastman was for eleven years director of the Iatln de partment of the Iowa Btato Normal school ut.d for the last two years has occupied the came jhioltlon In the State university at low a City. The commission will report at tho next meeting of the association, which will be in New Orleans In 1909. The other members of the commission are Benjamin Ide Wheeler, president, Uni versity of California; W. T. Harris, ex l"nltfd States commissioner of education; Stratton D. Brooks, superintendent, Boston public achoola; Edward Cappa. profeasor of Greek, Princeton university; Edmond J. James, president, 1'nlversity of Illinois; Francis W. Kelsey, head of Department of Latin. University of Michigan; Harvey W. Wiley, chief of 'the Bureau of Chemistry, United States Departmtnt of Agriculture; of ". ciu. QsmmmjMmid. Lawrence Cameron Hull, president and superintendent, Michigan Military academy. MANY WOULD-BE SPEAKERS Possibility rasesa May Be Deadlocked Over the Plaee, bat No Bolt la Prospect. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DBS MOINES. Dec. 30. (Special.) Candi dates for speaker of the house of repre sentatives In the Thirty-third Iowa general aasembly are flocking to Des Moines and commeclng to urge their claims among the republican members of the house, whi will begin to arrive soon for the winter session. Representative White of Story county was at the state house today aa was also Ncls Lee of Emmet county. Rep resentative Feeley of Blackhawk county was here Saturday. All are confident they have considerable strength. Martson of Cerro Gordo, It Is said, has been making some elaborate claims In a letter sent out to members of the house. Representative Meredith of Cass, whose friends have been urging that he should be a candi date, has as yet made no definite state ment. Paul Stlllman, who was early an nounced ' as a candidate, has practically withdrawn, saying he will make no ef fort to get the honor. While a deadlock la threatened In the republican caucus because of the numer ous candidates, all the candidates them selves are favorable to abiding by the re sult of the caucus. It la not expected there will be any bolting of the caucus as was done by the "standpattera" during the first special session when a majority of the republicans nominated Governor Cum mins for United States senator to suc ceed the late William B. Allison for his unexpired term. Banders Wants More Chances. In hla biennial report to the State board of Control, Warden J. C. Sanders of the atate prison at Fort Madison suggests a number of changes other than those re cently suggested in his address before the board. He aska for county prison In spection, saying that the present county Jails are ''vicious ones," and disease breeders. He suggests provision for a state agent to have supervision of discharged prisoners until they"get on their feet." Ho further suggests that the board ask the legislature to buy 160 acrea of land us a farm upon which to work the convicts, saying It Is better for the health and dis cipline of the inmates to work. Congressman Hall Talks. Congressman J. A. T. Hull reached Des Moines today from the east. In reference to interior waterways he aald: "Des Moines river will never be widened, it may be canalized, as may one or two other rivers In the state, but It is out of the question to widen and deepen them to make them navigable." . After Water Works Company. W, E. Goodwin of Kansas City, an expert on water works and water plants, arrived in Des Moines today In the employment of the city to ascertain the value of the Des Moines JVater company'a plant. The city Is waging a fight against the company for a reduction of rates. Tho corporation refused to disclose an Invoice of Its plant or Its earnings, so ' tho city has undertaken to determine the value of the plant for Itself. Boad Promoters Angry, War haa been declared upon tho executive council of Iowa by the cities of Waterloo, Grlnnell, Charlton, Pella and a dozen oth ers, because kthe council "turned down" the proposition of the Waterloo, Pella & South western Railroad to Issue bonds to build a short line steam road connecting these towns. Delegations of hundreds of citizens in Grlnnell, Pella, Chariton and other cities along the line of the proposed Improvement are watting the signal to descend upon the state house and demand that the road's officials be permitted to construct the rail way. The trouble results from the provisions of the Peterson law. making- It necessary for any corporation to get the consent of the executive council before issuing a dol lar of stock. Acting under this law, the ex ecutive council granted the promoters the right to issue stock to the amount of $42,000 per mile, less any mortgage that might be placed on the road. It Is proposed to mortgage the road for $3,600,000. The executive council haa been asked to permit a stock Issue to cover the 20 per cent discount necessary to dispose of the bonds In the eastern market. This has been refused, cutting the road out of $700, 000. without which Vice President E. A. Harris, chief promoter, says they cannot and will not build the road. Son Mardera His Father. MARSH ALLTOWN, Ia., Dec. SO. (Spe cial.) Because he feared that his father waa about to marry again, and consider ing that such an act would disgrace the memory of his dead mother, Kdward Mc Namara of near Grafton, Worth county. In northern Iowa, emptied the contents of a revolver Into the body of his father, Martin McNamara, and then attempted to commit suicide. The elder McNamara died a few hours latrr from the five bullet wounds. Yourg McNamara was discovered In time to be restored to life, although he hud taken two ounces of chloroform. Uwt Jitns Notes. ATLANTIC The wedding of Miss Lillian Prall and Hawley Lynch, took place on Christmas eve at the Presbyterian par sonage. The young people will go to house keeping on a farm near here. CRESTON Over S100 has been received during the holiday season by the women in charge of the soldiers' monument fund. Mayor Brooks gave J-'S, as did ex-Mayor Sullivan and a number of aubscrlptlons were receivea iroin rormer citizens. CRE8TON Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dunbar of Osceola celebrated the fiftieth anni versary of their wedding Monday. Over fifty members of the family were present during the day. The Dunbars are among the pioneer residents of that part of the country, having moved to it shortly after ineir marriage in inaiana. CRESTON Monday evening at the home of Miss Clara Braunherger in this city was held a reunion of the clans of 1396 of the Creaton High school. Of the thirty-five members of the class thirteen were pres ent and letters were received from a num ber of others and part of the high school faculty under whom the class graduated were present. MARSHA LLTOW N The hearing in th contest over the election for the office of sheriff of Butler county, was begun today at Allison. James Spane. the democratic candidate who waa defeated by F. 11. Hill, by the narrow margin of tlilrtj votes 1 the contestant. The hearing will include a recount of all the votes cast In the county for the office In litigation. MARSH ALLTOWN A. J. Wangen, a former employe of the Upper Iowa Power company of Deeorah has sued the com pany for So,0uu damages la the Allamakee county district court, for Injuries received when working for the company. Tho scaffolding on wtiich Wangen was working broke, and he fell breaking his sternum and receiving other serious Injuries. ATLANTIC Louise. the 12-vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. D. E. Mil ford of near bere, Is In the habit of walking in her sleep, but haa never before sustained any bad results from the habit, until last night. She got up and went ucrooa the house, coming to a window on the second floor from which sh stepped. tailing to the ground fourteen feet below. When 'the family awakened In answer to her cries a physician was called, but the child hi.J sustained no Injury other than a bad fright. ATLANTIC Miss Edna Jones and J. Fred Wiasler were niarru.J at the l oam of the BL I mr W Business Telephones $2 Per Month y Business Telephones $2 Per Month groom's parents In Grlnnell, Christmas eve, the Rev. H. 1 Wissler, the groom's father officiating. Both are well known young people o this city. Miss Jones hav ing lived here all of her life, and Mr. Wissler being employed as a bookkeeper In the Iowa Trust and Savings bank. fRKSTON-11 tha mM winter ennvantlnn of the Southwestern Iowa Fire associa tion held yesterday at Osceola, July 2 and 3 were picked as the dates tor the South west Firemen a tournament, wnicn is to be held in that city this year. Further ar rangements were left In the hands of com mittees which were appointed. Delegatea from all the departments In the association were present. CRESTON In the contest Just closed at Osceola over the election of Keeran, re publican, for the office of sheriff, the elec tion of Mr. Keeran was settled beyond dis pute. It Is claimed by both parties that the count was made without any hope of changing the result for sheriff, hut in order to ascertain the vote on Colonel Hepburn and W. D. Jamleson. Friends of Colonel Hepburn are discouraged over the result. SIOUX CITY The disappearance of Bud" Crane. tho 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crane, has developed into a deep mystery. Information secured by Mr. Crane rrom playmates or his boy lead him to believe that he was inveigled into going on a ranch In South Dakota and through Sioux City police he has enlisted the assistance of the authorities at Pierre, S. D. The boy left borne one week ago today. SIOUX CITY To encourage the raising of the very best corn, John Sundberg of Whiting. Ia.. president of the lowai Corn Growers' association, has put up a 11:5 silver cup which will be awarded to the boy or girl between 12 and 17 yeara of age who exhibits the best ten ears of corn at the Amea short course which will open Jan uary 4 and will continue two weeks. Mr. Sundberg is known as an enthusiastic pro moter of good corn. M RSH ALLTOWN A panic was nar rowly averted In the Catholic church of tho Sacred Heart at Eagle Grove yesterday, when candles on the alter Ignited the Christmas festoons and wreathea, and fall ing burning fragments set fire to the gar ments of a choir boy and a Sister of Mercy. Neither was hurt and a stampede of the congregation was averted by the coolness of Father O'Brien, who was in the midst of mass at the time. IOWA FA lAJI T. A. Gilbert, who has been Hgetit for the Illinois Central in this city for several years, was given a tine promotion in the shape of on appointment us agent for the company at Sioux Falls, 8. D. Mr. Gilbert left last evening for Sioux Falls, where he was checked in today. His successor here will be Mr. Austin, whi has been agent for the company at Sioux Falls. Mr. Gilbert, formerly resid-d at Charles City, and has been in the employ of the Central several years, commencing his duties here aa telegraph operator. ATLANTIC James Marqula died at his home in this city at an early hour yester day morning, death revolting from neural gia. He hud been In his usual health until yesterday, win n he complained of a pain In his chest, which shifted to his arms. Dr. Mucnniber was called and late in the even ing Mr. Marquis went to sleep. When Mrs. Marquis went to ask him how he was, she found him dead. He was u member of the Marijuis Mercantile firm, and had been a resident of Atlantic about four years, com ing hero from Nebranka. He whs a good business man and wus well liked. His wife and two sens survive him. WEBSTER CITY At a special meeting held at the Congregat tonal church In tills city, a collection of Wio was taken for Grlnnell college. Prior to the ineeiimr a number of the cltiseriM had pledged $ I . Hf, making a total of tJ,l.0 raised here. This money goes toward the fund of IfiO'i.uO", which the college must raise by January 1, if it la to receive the IKW.uiO given by the General Educational Hoard and ". ""0 given by Andrew Carnegie, each of which gift wus made conditional upon the college raising certain sums. Before adiournlng for the holiday vacation, the students hehi a big meeting at the colleffe and each pledKed himself to interest his home town In the matter. Then1 is no doubt but that by Friday all tiie money will be tallied, as but 43&.m) remained to be raised at the beginning of this week. K00NZ CHARGED WITH ASSAULT Victim of Alllaare Deatlst Is said to im a Critical CoaoTltloa. BRIDGEPORT. Neb., Dec. 30. (Special Telegram.) Dr. Koona. a well known den tist of Alliance, waa arrested here at 10 o'clock tonight on a complaint charging him with assault upon a young woman patient. The charges are of a most re volting character. The victim la In a crit ical condition. The offense waa committed In the dentlat's operating room In a public rooming house. It la charged that the young woman was drugged. Indep From January to all Old and New BUSINESS TELEPHONES Up to 6,000 Telephones - - $2.00 per month From 6,000 to 7,000 Telephones $2.50 per month From 7,000 to 10,000 Telephones $3.50 per month 50o extra charged if not paid by the 10th of each month. RESIDENCE TELEPHONES Up to 6,000 Telephones - - $1.00 per month From 6,000 to 7,000 Telephones $1.25 per month From 7,000 to 10,000 Telephones $1.50 per month 23c extra charged if not paid by the 10th of each month. endent Tdephone Co AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 011AUA Pioneer Historical Society Elects Officers for the Year INTEREST IN POWER PROJECT Bis; Corporations Paying; 1 1 Tbelr Taxes and All Are Inspected (o Come In Before the Close of the Year. Tuesday night was pioneer's night In South Omaha. A splendid audience was out to the annual meeting held at library hall. The meeting completed the first year of the organisation. During the year the Pio neer Historical society has held numerous meetings, all of which have been greatly enjoyed by the first inhabitants of the city. The membership has steadily increased. Officers were elected as follows: Presi dent, J. J. Breen; vice president, J. C. Car ley and C. L. Talbot and Mrs. E. L. Howe; financial secretary, A. L. Bergquist; re cording secretary, Mrs. Emma Talbot; treasurer, Mra. E. H. Roberts. Dr. W. H. Slabaugh was elected historian. After the election of officers a program was rendered. Music was furnished by the original quartet of the early days. Miss Grace Thlelke and Miss Raffcrty presented Instrumental numbers. Father D. W. Mo rlurty, one of the pioneer pastors of St. Bridget's church, made the p'.nclpal ad dress of the evening. He confined his re mit! ks to his memories of the early days, wi.en the dummy tra'ns ran from Omaha to the new market town. Ke mentioned many of the older Inhabitants In affec tionate remembrance. Toward the close of his remarks lie took occasion to tell the people that he had asked to be relieved from hla charge in South Omuha on ac count of the hard work, as he thought lie needed a rest. He said It had been men tioned aa a common rumor that he had been removed by higher authority; but thla, he said, was not the case. He wanted a rest and to be nearer his mother. He said that many times he had regretted the change since on account of the many very pleasant associations ho had enjoyed In South Omaha. J. M. Martin, C. M. Hunt and Judge A. L. Sutton were each called upon to speak, but made brief remarks, excusing them selves owing to the lute hour and lack of preparation. The meeting closed with a sacred hymn, "Nearer Mv God to Thee." Interest la Power Project. The Interest taken In South Omaha con cerning the efforts of the Nebraska Power company to secure the passage of Its fran chise ordinance has reached a pitch which Insures the attendance this afternoon of a large audience. The special committee appointed by the mayor meets at S p. m., to make up Its final report and recommen dation. It appears likely that a sharp di vision of sentiment will be shown. This difference fcf opinion has been marked from the beginning of the discussion. The committee haa had several meetings. The representatives of the company in ques tion have been present at some of them. At the meeting this afternoon some of the later developments, together with the reports of a number of special commit tees, will be passed upon. The report of the legal standing of the Nebraska Power company Is said to be of special Interest. Bin Tax Payments. A number of the large corporations have pale', their city taxes within the last day or two. Among those to pay are Swift and company, t10,3iS2.74; South Omaha National bank, 15,05C.7: Union Stock Yards bank 2.973.08; Packers National bank, t2.Ou6.OC; Cmtha Packing com par y, Sii.2jo.lP, and the Omaha Electric Light and Power company, fl.G.10.05. All the railroads have paid up their taxes as have the gas company and others The street railway, the water company. Armour and Cudahy Packing company and 1st Our Rates Subscribers Will Be : - If SMssraaeMssAaa)aMaaa.MaWaswassiaAassaMSMSraaMMaAsasrsasitfi.c m- " m w m- m- MS 'the Union Stock Yards company have not paid yet. It la expected that all will pa before January, 1. Three, Cleared of Saaalcloa. John Berry. Ed Gillen and P.. J. Mc Mahon were-relieved from suspicion yester day corrc'crnlng the assault on Thomas Spokes, for which they were originally arrested. In the meantime the police dis covered a case of petit larceny agalnat Mum In whlctra man named Peterson testi fied they had taken from him a bottle of whisky.' Judge Callanan Imposed a small fine. John Lawlor, a companion who was arrested at the same time, was dismissed from the larceny charge and rearrested oil the assault charge. He Is said to be Im plicated. JoholBrlggs aald last night that he had an eye-witness of the assault. Spokes la still at the South Omaha hospi tal. Magic City Goaalp. James Parsley has returned from a short visit to Lincoln. ' Edward Munshaw has been entertaining hla brothers during the holidays. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of tho city. Telephone No. S. The Eagles had a special program last night ou the occasion of the regular meet ing. The Alumni association dance at the Workmen temple lust evening was an en joyable affair.- The Presbyterian church members are Invited to a sunrise prayer meeting, from 7 to s a. m. New Year'a day. COAL! Try Howland s celebrated Silver Creek. Office, JH In. JHtn St. Tel. South 7. The class of 19U6 of the South Omaha lligu scnooi win meet i nursaay evening In the Board of Education rooms. The local lodge of the Royal Highlanders will entertain, with refreshments, Wednes day' evening. A class of members will be Initiated. The Women's Missionary society of the Prcshvterian church will meet with Mrs. H. J. Oswold, 250s D street, at 2:30 p. m. j Thursday. A. carj party ana a a nee win be given by the Catholic Order of Foresters on Wednesday evening at Maccabee'a hall, 3ti03 Q street. We desire to thank our many friends for their kind assistance during the Illness and death of our daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stewart. John Sexton, on Twenty-sixth, Is anxious to state that his was not the boy who was Implicated in the horseradish thefts recently discovered. Lust lady's open-faced watch, between Wlh and :8th streets, on Q street, Saturday. Return to Heo office, 2V ll and N streets. South Omaha. Reward. Mabel Agnew, aKed 12 years, died at the home of her mother, Mrs. N. Agnew, Forty-fourth and tj. Tuesday morning. The funeral In to be held at Z.3n p. in. today. Edward Burson haa returned from Chi cago, where he waa married to Miss Mar tha. Klein Christmas eve. They will make their home at Twenty-second and G streets. Wanted Room with use of bath, or room and board in private family, walking dis tance of the stock yards, by young lady employed at th Exchange, bul'llng. Best references. Address quick, giving location and price. A, Stuck Yards Station, South Omaha. Actlvo Salesmen Bee Want Ads. Aids Nature The great success oi Dr. Pierce's Golden Mediesl Dis covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak luni, and obstinate and lingeriof coughs, is bssed on the recognition of the lundamentul truth that "Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body-build-in, tissue-repairing, muscle-mekinf materials, in con densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies tho necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up ths body sod thereby throw off lingerie! obttinsts coufhs. The "Disooveiry" rs-eataMishes ths digestive and nutritive orgsns in sound health, purifies snd enriches the blood, snd nourishes ths nerves -ia short sttsbhsbes sound vigorous beslth. it fmp efeaer ttern omerAffd "osf mm dooo," It Im mntbmblr mmttmp FOR HIM It pmym better. Bat yma aro tmlmklnf mt the euro not the prottt, mm there1 m mmtmlag "fumt mm good" tmr yen. Bmr mm. Dr. Pierce's Common Scase Medical Adviser, la Plain Enlliah: or. MA. icina Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 Edition, paper-bound, sent for 21 ooo mmj. uuin-psssa, j i stsmps. Address Residence Telephones $1 Per Month Residence Telephones $1 Per Month uccTiwn nc umni n Demur do IllbkllllU ll MVVb VII 1 U II L 1 1 ) Nsaiker of Mea Prominent la tho ladastrr Arc to Deliver Addresses, futAT EaLlaj, Idaho, Dec, vs. (Special.) Secretary George 8. Walker of the Na tlonal Woolrrowera aaanr.tMtlnn. th fnrlv. fifth annual convention of which will be held In Pocatclla, Idaho, January It, IS and 18, 1909, has announced a partial Hat ' of the prominent men who will deliver ad dress at the big Pocatello gathering. Among the number will appear Fred W. Gooding of Shoshone, president of the Na tional association; , Governor Frank ft. Gooding of Idaho, Hon. T. J. Walsh of Helena, Dr. J. M. Wilson sf Douglas, Wyo.; A. J. Knollln of Chicago, Francis Perry. Elliot of Nashville. Tenn.; Hon. A. L. Moas of Payette, Hon. Peter G. Johnston of Blackfoot, Colonel E. J. Bell of Laramie, Wyo., and W. H. Manse of Chicago. The last named Is the Industrial commissioner of the Chicago Association of Commerce, which hodv Is active In ' nro motlng tho Chicago warehouse storage plsn. - The address of welcome In behalf of the state of Idaho will be delivered by Governor-elect James H. Brady of this city, and the keya of the city will be formally t turned over to the woolmen by Mayor C. E. M. Loux. An effort is being made to prevail on United States Senator W. B. Heyburn of Idaho to addreas the convention on tariff questions. . One of the principal addresses of the con vention will be delivered by Joseph Kv wing or MecnsniesDurg, u,, eastern vice" president of the National association, who is one of the leading breeders of thorough breds In America. Another interesting address will . be de livered by George B. McCabe, solicitor of the Department of Agriculture at Wash ington. ROCK ISLAND BUYS INTEREST I. Ine Parchases Bla- Block of Stork la M. Joseph Terminal Company. BT. JOSEPH, Mo., Dee. It Is authori tatively announced that the Rock Island has purchased a substantial Interest In the Union Terminal Railway company here. In order to enlarge Its local terminals and secure an entrance to the stockyards In South St. Joseph. The Rock Island has for several years been entering the stock yards over Union Terminal tracks at large) rental, i ne terminal also is uu uy i nu w -j, m- Chicago Great Western and Missouri Pa cific. It la aald to be the Rock Island's intention to make Joseph the gateway for Us through freight between Chicago and the west, Instead of diverting much of it over leased lines as has been the practice. illustrations, newly revised up-to-deto - ccnt stsmps, to cover cost of atailisuf -1 jr. ri. v, r is roe, D una to, t. j , 'i I V