Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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This wsll knows tsUat article U
xtsnalvsly UMd an 4 fclgkJy ru
omaaendeo. by snaa so 4 oou
everywhere, it U etaodard ar
ticle of lasting reliability. Mme.
Tilt says: "1 oaa watclaitlaiulr
recommend Br Hair Tonlo to ail
who are la imI of an artlolo of
thla kind. I have used It myself
for ovor thirty years. Mid Uio
perfect condition of my hair sad
acalv ta sufficient proof of It ex
cellent and harmlaaa affloaoy.
Hundreds of thousands of people
all over tha civilised world will
ay aa much In farer of Tala
Bair Tonio aa I can ' TaJa Hair
Tonlo la swod tor Falling Hair,
Thin Hair and Oray Hair. It
la alaa raoonunanded for goalp
A Mast Elfldent Salr Brewing
Tar tha partaot vroomiut of Ins
bair nothing exoels YaJe Hair
Todlr. It gives tha hair a delight
ul texture- glos, aoftnes and
rlchnaa or tint. Everyone caa
aa It with dadoed banaflt to
Bair end Seal.
TaJa FlaJr Tonic mm in thraa
alaea. Our special price ,
16o alia, special.
BOo alio, special 45
11.00 ilea, special 891
Ask for a free copy of Madame
Tale's M-pege Souvenir Book at
our Toilet Goods Department. Al
' so mallad free to thoaa living out
of town. Wrlta for a copy.
Drug Department
WILL take advantage of Nlcoll'a
tempting offer, to include an
xtra pair of trousers with each suit
vrder for the price of a suit alone.
It'a simply Nleoll's way of keeping a
1. B.. . II 1 '.. V. . .
A Full Blue or Black Suit With
xtra Trousers of same
r striped material ....
.Kill. 1 1 SomiIi I. St.
There are
no others
so crispand
delicious as
8old only In brown, wax-paper
acks always clean and fresh. If
your grocer doesn't have them Its
worth while telephoning an order
to us we see to delivery.
Brodsky's Saratoga Chip Co,
lit Farnara St. 'Phone Doug. 23t(
It's nice getting them in, e e e get
tin? them out. But there's way
CASCARETS are known to hundreds
of thousands for the natural and easy
way they eltan out the svstem of over-
tjlrinklng-. Be prepared, a box in your
tocket of CAhCARETS take one or
two furs when you go to bed then to
morrow will be peasant. gsg
CAAC.B. KT mc bos-Week 'a treat
ment. All druKfisis. Biggest arllrr
ta the world. Millioa boxes a aaoata.
' Average Time to Oare
Kupiure. . . .Une Visit
Enlarged Veins.
rtua Vli
Cataracts Iaya
Cancer 30 Iaya
K v" Catarrh 10 Ias
r Oolter Ikaya
- ieW Tee ....I to a laya
ijJJY Office Soar to
Write today to
Mela aad a roadway.
oovvcxfc axarrs, i i owa.
i f
If f 7
V If J
Someone Certain to Be Doublecrotsei
, in the Showdown.
Talk af Caaeai Decide Committee
Assignments Indicates Dlatraat
f tha laeakfr Be
fFYom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dee. JO. (Special) Tha moil
outrageously humorous parfonnanca to tha
onlookers Nebraska has bean called noon
to witness In years Is scheduled for tha
night of January 4. And at tha sam time
the performance win so down ta history
as very reprehensible, On that ntsht will
be held tha leslalatlr esucus and soma
one Is joins to set double-crossed. That la
abaolutely certain.
Thla la due to tha fact that soma mam-
bera of the house of rep reeen tati vee have
promised their rotes to mora than one
candidate for speaker. So St follows that
when a member Is pledged to two andl
dates, one of tha candidates must naeeaaarlly
be loit out In tha shuffle. There Is no
question but soma of tha leaders of tha
democratic party, who are dipping In on
the organisation know this condition exists,
so that Is why the speakership fight Is still
way up In the air without a alnsle person
within hailing distance of Its final outcome.
It is a question of who seta the double
cross the leaat.
So the first big- preliminary question to
be disposed of when enough of the members
get to town Is sn open or a secret caucus.
Those who have the largest number of
members on their list of pledges will In
sist upon the open caucus and a public
ballot, for they hsve most to lose from
double dealings In the dark. Those who
have few votea promised will sak that the
time honored and tried and found aafe
dark lantern methods of Nebraska demo
cracy be adhered to. These candidates have
everything to gain.
Bryan Caanot Dodge.
And right here Is where Mr. Bryan will
have to show his hand or duck clear out
of the state. Each aide will Inalat that he
tell which kind of caucus he Is for. Ha
must say. or will be asked to say, whether
he la In favor rt the democrats following.
out the poltry of the republican party and
transacting the business of Its organisation
before the eyes of the public or whether
tho speaker and his associate officers will
be selected behind closed doors out of sight
of the taxpayers of the state.
The question promises to be as em
barrassing to Mr. Bryan aa It does to thosu
members who are prom sed to two or three
different candidates.
- The speakership fight Is going to be a
hot one, and It la going to leave a bad
taste In the mouths of several. Because
of the Information some of the leaders
have regarding double pledging, they are
at a lose to know Just how to count noses
and they are absolutely sure of nothing.
It Is beginning to look ss though some
one had done some really clever work In
keeping Mr. Bryan from showing his hand
to the temperance people of the state. Mr.
Bryan Is talking platform pledges and that
la all, with particular emphasla upon the
guaranty of bank deposits. Apparently,
while the advocates of county option are
trying to' prevent their opponents from
getting a foothold In the organisation, Mr.
Bryan Is telling his friends payment of
losses to depositors must be "rfh mediate."
This keeps him too busy to- help with the
candidacy of any one who favors county
option. There Is little doubt that a word
from Mr. Bryan would settle the matter of
coui.iy option Insofar as the organisation
of the legislature Is concerned. He had not
spoken It at laat accounts.
Henry Richmond saw Mr. Bryan yes
terday and had a conference over his case
and Trenmore Cone got hla ear this morn
ing. Both csme away smiling and satis
fied, yet each Is a candidate for chief
clerk of the house.
It Is the talk around the hotel lobbies
that Mr. Bryan Intends to do some lobby
ing among the members of the legislature
this winter, and he has given out the Im
pression that unless the bill which will
provide for the guaranty of bank deposits,
specifies that In caae of failure the de
positors must be paid "Immediately," he
will go before the lawmaking body and
fight It. He will Insist and demand and
force the "Immediate" payment claused
And right there Is where Dr. P. I Hall
and Mr. Bryan will mix, which will also
be interesting.
Dlatraat of Speaker.
Among the old members of tho legislature
there Is considerable amusement over the
attempt of the World-Herald and Mr.
Bryan to keep tha air full of dust by ad-
Breath Odors
Removed by Chsrcosl
Onions, Tobacco, Decaying Food, Alco
hol, Stomach Gases and Impuri
ttr Foul the Breath, Char
coal Purifies It.
A Trial laokage of Stuart's Charcoal Zoa
eagea Beat Tree ky Mail.
Tha atomach and digestive canal of
man filla with gaaee from fermenting
and decaying food Such gases Impreg
nate the breath, filter through the sys
tem, spread disease and In large quanll
tlea extend the atomach ao that It shuts
off ' heart action and death sometimes
Pure, simple willow charooal absorbs
gas at once and stops Impure food fer
mentation. It sweetens the stomach. Mils
the effect of all odors such as liquor,
tobacco, onions, etc., or at leaat prevents
them from causing Impurities to urtae.
The willow Is renowned for its cura
tive properties and ancient legendary
lore Is filled with Its use, by barbarUas
and civilised men. Aa early aa (00 B. C.
the ancient Chaldeans wers sagely cur
ing dlaeaae by charcoal and every mon
astery of the old world healed the a'ck
and cured the drunkard by using pow
dered willow charcoal.
Stuart's Charcoal Losenges ars jure
willow charcoal, compreaaed with hoi. ay
Into a delicious losenge. They contain
nothing but sweet willow charooal and
honey. One may eat a bos of them and
feel only benefit from ao doing. Two or
three after a meal will ba a aufflclent
guard against bad breath and the aame
amount eaten Juat before bed time will
Insure a pure breath upon arising the
next morning.
Stuart's Charcoal Losengea tons up ths
blood, the liver snd ths stomach. 1 hey
are great laxatives alao. but eating large
numbers of them does not Increase their
effect In a painful manner upon the
bowel a.
They ars gentle, powerful and pure and
their popularity and tremendous sale give
them the stamp of publla approval. Oo
to your drugglat today and buy a bos,
price 21 cents, or send us your name and
address and we will send you a trial
package by mall free. Addreai T. A.
Htuart Co.. Its Stuart Bids, Marshall.
Liaeelrt Office Omaha Dee
518 Little Building"
Auto Phone 7417. Dell A-2598
G. M. Porter, Minifer.
vocating the selection of committees In the
caucue without leaving this duty to tha
speaker. Thla Is being played up aa a
WorM-Herald-Bryan original Idea.
Two yeara ago at the suggestion of Tren
more Cone, sgalnst whom the World-Her
ald hss trained Its batteries, tha democrats
selected their representatives on committees
In csucus. Cone himself wss selected ss ths
leader of the minority.
Then this caucus took the names It had
selected and handed them to Speaker Net
tleton on a silver platter and asked his con
currence In the same. The speaker, know
ing the democrats were not strong enough
In number or other ways to do much dam
age, did concur, except that he would not
permit a democrat on the committee on
rules to obstruct legislation. The fsct that
Mr. Bryan snd the democratic organ hava
not sufficient faith In the speakor to be
chosen to trust him with this duty, slwsys
Incumbent upon the speaker. Is accepted
thus far aa the first slap that has yet been
taken at the newly elected democratic leg
islature. Depaty Treaaarer t,ear neelsras.
Henry Lehr, deputy state treaaurer for
the laat two years, has tendered his res
ignation to State Treasurer Brian snd It
has been accepted, to take effect January
7. Frank Brian, who la now employed
In the office aa bookkeeper, has been ap
pointed to succeed Mr. Lehr. Tha salary
la $1,800 a year.
Mr. Lehr resigned because ofths condi
tion of his health, which has not been
good for sbout a year. He will return to
Albion, where he will again become ths
manager of the Chicago Lumber company,
which position he realgned to become
deputy treasurer.
No Jadce This Year.
Governor Sheldon announced again this
morning that he would not sppolnt s
Judge to fill the vacancy created by the
resignation of Judge John J. Sullivan
from the supreme bench until after Jan
uary 7.
Last night a delegation called in the in
terest of former Judge Sllaa A. Holcomb
of Broken Bow. In thla delegation were
C. C. Fansberg of Lincoln, Judge Sullivan
of Broken Bow, C. O. Whedon and several
others. The delegation put in from I un
til 7 o'clock telling about the good quali
ties of Judgs Holcomb snd of his fitness
for the place.
Domlnaea at Lincoln.
Teferino Domlngues of Mexico, one of
the foremost agriculturists of thst re
public, was the guest of Governor snd
Mrs. Sheldon laat night and today. Senor
Domlngues hss beenattendlng the N
tlonal Corn show In Omaha and for the
last few dava has been visiting various
parts of the state. With Governor Shel
don he visited the state Institutions In
Lincoln today.
Alliance Wants Better Coal Rate.
The Commercial club of Alliance has ap
pealed to the Interstate Commerce commis
sion to compel the Burlington railroad to
cease discriminating against that city In
the matter of coal ratea from Sharldan,
Wyo. In its showing the Commercial club
sets up thst the rate from Sheridan to Alli
ance, 338 miles, on lump coal la S3 a ton and
other coal $2.60; from Sheridan to Dead-
wood, $30 miles, the rste Is $2.26 on lump
and $2 on other coal; from Sheridan to
Omaha, 749 miles, on lump tha rate la $3
snd on other coal $2.60.
The Commercial club asks for 60 cents
reduction on each ton In order to give it a
rate like that of other cltlea of a like dls
tance from Sheridan. A copy of the letter
of the Commercial club snt to the Interstate
Commerce commission was mailed to the
Nebraska State Railway commission.
The hearing on Form 45 of the western
classification of freight rates la set for
February 2. Instead of January 16, aa an
nounced. The hearing will be before the
State Railway commission and persons In
teres ted are requested to be present.
Dairymen to Meet.
The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the
Nebraska Dalrymens' association will be
held January 20 in the live stock pavilion
at the experiment station, Lincoln.
Following Is the prosjram:
Address of President A. & Wilkinson
Report of Secretary and Treasurer...
8. C. Bassett
Appointment of Committees.
Profits of Farm Cheese Making
Carl Ulmann
City Milk Supplies and Production of
Sanitary Milk Illustrated by En
larged Photographs
Dr. George M. Whlttaker, Dairy Di
vision United States Department of
Agriculture. Discussion led by R. W.
Wood, Omaha.
Man axemen t of Dairy Farm and Winter
Dairying. ..Andrew Klllott, Gait, Ontario
Our Conditions Hon. W. A. Poynter
A Cow Man J. R. Roberts
The Most Needful Thing for the Further
Development of the Dairy Induatry
In' Nebraska.:
J. W. Johnson, Deputy Dairy Com
missioner. Dairy Legislation.
Hhiim Kconomlc Features of Milk Pro
duction Prof. A. L. Haecker
The City Dairy Morelle B. King
How to Increase Milk Production
Prof. W. J. Fraaer, University of Illinois
Relation of the Dairy Commlastoner to
tho Station Operator.... D. W. Wil
son, Dairy Commissioner of Kansas
FRIDAY, January ZZ.
Reports of Committees.
Klectlon or orncere.
How I Conduct a Cream Receiving Sta
tion Clark 8. Bassett
Address Prof. Q. L. McKay
Secretary American Association
Creamery Butter Makera.
Co-Operatlve Cow Teat... Prof. K. M. Little
Cow Judging Conteat..K. W. Froata Supt.
In the cow bam adjacent to tha live
stock pavilion, a milking machine may be
aeen In dally practical operation by thoaa ,
In attendance at the sessions of the as
sociation. .
Regulations Pro rata premium, $300;
open to members of the association only.
The pro rata premium will be divided
among those scoring 72 or more points out
of a possible 100 points. In proportion 'o
the points scored above 72; provided that of
the pro rata fund no contestant shall re
ceive to exceed the sum of $10.
The Judging will be done on Friday,
January 22. at t p. m.. In the stock Judg
ing pavilion.
Every member of the association la In
vited to take part fat this contest.
K. M. Little, superlntedent, experiment
station of Lincoln, Neb., Issa thla contest
In charga. It la open 'to members of tha
association only; any one may become
a member of the association by payment
of annual membership fee of tl. Pro rata
premium, . creamery butter, $36; pro rata
premium, dairy butter. $36; pro rata prem
ium, whole milk In 12-quart bottle caaea,
J. pro rata premium, cream In 12-ptnt
bottle cases, $15; print butter not leaa than
five one pound print a, first, $6; second, $4:
third, $3; fourth, $2. Ornamental butter,
first, to; aecond. $4; third, $S; fourth, $3.
Cheese, first, 15, second. $4; third, Hi
fourth, $2.
Creamery exhibits for pro rata premiums
shall consist of not less than twenty pound
packages; dairy hi five pound or ten pound
packages of any style.
Peeallav Aeeldeat at Geneva.
GENEVA, Neb.. Dec. 30. Tuesday at
noon while alone In the postofflce, Miaa
Addle Allen, one of the employes, came
near having an ugly accident. She took
hold of the telephone while ths electric
light wire was ta her other hand, receiving
a severe shock which seemed to almost
rend apart the muscles of her arms and
chest and ahe could not drop either of
them. By screaming shs attracted ths
notice of Mr. Huston, who In and
relieved ber.
Goveraaaent F.aalaeere Give Reaalt of
Their laveatlsratlea.
CENTRAL CITY. Neb., Dec. S0.(Ppe- '
cfal.) "Lowlanda valaed at $40 per acre.
producing hay worth $5 to $10 per acre each
year, can be made to produce crops worth
from $2S to $50 per sere by the Investment
of $2 per sere, snd their selling value will
be doubled."
This Is a statemnet from a report by gov
ernment engineers who surveyed a route
for the proposed Silver Creek drainage
ditch laat summer. The report, which Is
exhaustive and carefully gotten up, also
gives quite s number of other good reasons
why the damp belt of Merrick county should
be transformed from a region of haystacks
and swamps to one of comfortable homes
and growing crops. It was prepsred under
the direction of C. Q. Elliott, chief of drain
age investigations of the Depsrtment of
Agriculture, by W. J. McEathron and II.
V Klpp, drainage engineers, end wss ad
dressed to the board of supervisors of Mer
rick county, being received by County
Clerk George Agnew the first of the
The drnlnage district extends from four
miles northesat of Chapman thirty-six
miles In a northeasterly direction parellel
with tho Union Pacific railroad, to the
confluence of Silver Creek with the Platte
river. The area generally overflowed each
year has varied from a quarter of a mile
to .seven miles, widening st the Burlington
crossing northwest of Centrsl City, snd
narrowing gradually to the mouth of the
These facts were determined by Mr. Mc
Eathron, who maie a preliminary survey
last May, and Mr. Klpp, who with his
asslstsnts In July surveyed Silver Creek
snd Its tributaries, examined the wet snd
overflowed areas and developed a plan of
drainage. The report proceeds to show that
it would be possible to locate the new
channel so that the line would be In the
lowest part of the bottom lands and cross
the old channel as often as possible. After
the first twenty miles the survey followed
the old channel, with cutoffs only at the
sharpest bends. The cost of making this
survey was $960 and was defrayed by the
According to the plan of the surveyors.
shown in the blue prints socompsnylng the
report, the bottom of the main channel
would be six feet below the ground sur
face, although at tha upper end of the
ditch a depth of five feet would be suf
ficient. Such lateral ditches as would be
necessary would be from four to five feet
In depth.
The total area that could ba reclaimed
Is 41,760 acres, and about 8,000 more on
ridges dividing the bottoms snd between
the meadows and the Platte river would be
benefitted. The total cost would be $75,934.
The total length of the ditches would be
72.(5 miles.
The report will be considered at the next
session of the board, January 10.
Paper Takea from
Bask at
Gibbon Located.
GIBBON, Neb., Dec. 30.-(Speclal.)-Some
of the notes and checks stolen from the
Commercial bank a few nights ago have
been found tn a stack one and one-half
miles north of Shelton. They were brought
to Gibbon and Identified. Detectives sre
still working on the caae. .
Ceert la SeveatB Diatrlet.
HARVARD, Neb.. Dec. Speclal.)-
For the year 1909. tn the seventh Judicial
district of Nebraska the terms of court,
sre as follows; -
Clay County January', tl,; Jary term;
April 19, equity term; October . 11, Jury
Fillmore Otinty January 25. Jury term;
April 20, equity term; November 15, Jury
term. s
Saline County Fehruarv 1, Jury term;
May 31, Equity term; December 9, Jury
Thayer County April S. Jury term; June
14. eouttv term: November 29. Jury term.
Nuckolls County April f2. Jury term;
June 21, equity term; November 12, Jury
Judge Hurd will call the Jury for the
aecond day of r-ach Jury term of each
county. Court will convene on the first
day of each term called upon the arrival
of the Judge by the usual and first train
of that day.
Falls City Man Held Vp.
FALI.S CITY. Neb.. Dec 30.-(8peclsl.)-Two
men about midnight Saturday stole
an overcoat from Shields' restaurant and
In ten minutes later knocked down Tom
Bunlgar of Salem and took $2 from him.
Chief of Police Marts was immediately
notified, gave chase and caught the pair
before they left town. The overcoat and
money was returned to the owners. The
men gave their names as Hugh Thompson
and Shelby Hayes.
They were given a preliminary hearing
before Judge Fallatead Monday afternoon,
Hayes was turned loose aa there was not
sufficient evidence against him, but
Thompson was bound over to tho next term
of the district court. As hs was not sbls
to furnish a $600 bond, he Is now in Jail.
Coart la First District.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. SO. (Speclsl.r
Judges L. M. Pemberton and J. B. Raper
of the first Judicial district have aa-reed
upon the following terms of court for the
various counties In this district:
Gage County February 1, Juno 1, Octo-
Der li.
Jefferson County February 23, May 14,
September 27.
Johnson County March $, June 7, Novem-
Der s.
Nemaha County March 15, June 14,
November 29.
Pawnee County February 23, June 7,
September 27.
Richardson County February 1. May 17.
October 18.
Vossg Farmer Dies Saddealy.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. SO. fBnectal Tela.
gram.) Vinlan Wardlow. a youns farmer
living near Plckrell, died suddenly today in
ine barn st his home, whore he was taken
ill. Heart trouble was aiven aa tha cano
Coroner Reed was called, but decided not
to hold an Inquest. Mr. Wardlow was 3)
years of sga snd unmarried. Hs wss the
son of the late John Wardlow. who rnr.
aented Gage county in the legislature six
teen years sgo.
Carbolle Acid for Medicine.
AURORA, Neb., Dec. 30.-(SpeclaL)-The
3-year-old child of Mr. snd Mrs. J. O.
Blair of Aurora, died as the result of
swallowing a dose of poison administered
to It by Its father under the impression
that it was medicine.
Nebraska News Notes.
BEATRICE The clerks in a bowling
contest defeated the Gas company team
laat evening by the score of I.2S2 tj 2.LW.
McCOOK-Harry V. F ak of 0lden, Coll.,
snd Mrs. Maggie B. Jeffries of this city
were married Christmas day In thla city.
FALLS CITY Rov Gllroy, who, was
kicked in the .stomach Saturday by a hog
when he waa loading It, Is still in s serious
HASTINGS The Young Men's Chrlatian
association hss planned an elaborate pro
gram of entertainment for Its "open house"
function on New Year's day.
BEATRICE Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kil
patiick entertained a company of twenty
frienda Monday evening In honor of their
twenty-aewnth wedding anniversary.
"BEATRICE William Calktna. an tld
resident of Wymore, died ye-terdsy, aged
73 years. He leaves a family of arruwn
children, his wife having passed away soma
yeara ago.
BEATRICE The annual convention of
the Neb-aske Teachers' association of tho
I Mennoiiile church la In seas on In this city.
Delegates are present from the various
Mennonlte of the state.
ARLINGTON The Northwestern has or
dered the section bc.ssea to keep two men
Instead of one as In fromer years.
ARLINGTON Not much corn Is helns
hauled to the elevators at present. Some
of the. farmers are holding for higher
prloes and some corn Is being sold to
neighboring farmers.
BEATRICE The Ancient Order of
United Workman Isst evening entrrtalneJ
the members of the Degree of Honor. A
musical and literary program was tendered
after which a banquet waa held.
BEATRICE The Jewelry department of
Klein's Mercantile company la soon to be
closed out. M. F. Radebaugh, who haa
been st the head of this department fot
years. Is preparing to leave the city.
BROKEN BOW-The body of Frank R.
Huxtable, who died from sn over doae of
morphine Monday night, haa been em
balmed by the coroner and now awaits
the arrival of a brother from Ulinula
PLATT8MOUTH Burglars were busy In
Plattsmouth last night and entering the
rear door of a saloon succeeded In getting
the cash and quenched their thirst and
filled their pockets with cigars snd liquid
BEATRICE William Wilson, the 19-year-old
son of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Wilson of
Wymore, died yesterday following an op
eration for appendicitis. He was employed
aa machinist apprentice In the Burlington
shops at Wymore.
FALI.8 CITY-Clevrtand Son have sold
their department store to Mr. Dittmer ot
Atlantic City. N. J. Mr. Dittmer waj
formerly a member of the state legls
lsture from Nebraska City, where ho still
holds considerable property,
NEBRASKA CITY The Elks entertained
400 citlsens at their home last evening
at a stag party. A delightful time was had
and a banquet waa served. The new home
has been overhauled and refitted recently
and Is one of the finest In the state.
McCOOK Superintendent Weldenhamer
of the Sterling division of the Burl ngton
was presented on Christmas day witn a
valuable chest of sliver by the employes
of the McCook dlvlslin on which the super
intendent formerly served as trainmaster.
BEATRICE The Beatrice Building and
Loan association held a meeting yesterday
and declared a dividend of 7 per cent per
annum on paidup stock, and at the rate
of 10 per cent per annum of Installment
stock. The total assets at this time are
HASTINGS Cash Williams, proprietor
of a piano store here, and Miss Ruth
Vaught, his bookkeeper, aurprlsed their
friends when they returned to Hastings
yesterday and announced that they were
married in Council Bluffs on the day after
GENEVA For this late In the season sn
unusual amount of building is going on.
Four new residences are in course of con
struction In one b'ock, Walt Huston, C.
Sharrad, A. Rosenqulat and William Nich
olas are the buildera and will occupy them
when finished.
McCOOK Switchman C. W. Lutes of the
McCook yard narrowly escaped death last
night In the yard here. A string of cars
was backed up and atruck him, knocking
him down and causing him severe back
wounds and scalp injuries, but fortunately
doing him no serious injury.
NEBRASKA CITY A. B. Smith while en-
?aged In chopping Wood on the Chapman
arm south of thlB city yesterday almost
severed the front half of his foot yeaterday
afternoon and the severed part was held
by a small shred of flesh. The physicians
have some hopes of saving the member.
OAKLAND Oakland lodge No. 91, Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons, had as their
guest Tuseday evening. Grand Master Wll
lian A. DeBord. Membera of the lodgea at
Tekamah, Craig, and Lyons were also pres
ent and a very profitable evening wast the
result. A banquet was served at the close.
HA8TINO8 Dr. W. W. Keith has filed
with the county clerk written declination
of the appointment aa coroner to succeed
Dr. M. W. Baxter, who resigned to accept
the superlntendency of the state hospital
for the Insane here. Another appointment
will be made by the board today or tomor
row. ST. PAUL Jeppe H. Engelbreth, who
for several yeara haa lived and been en
gaged In business here, died at his home
In this city Saturday evening after a very
brief Illness. Deceased leaves a widow and
two Btep-sons. The remains will be In
terred In the St. Paul cemetery thla after
noon. BEATRICE A reception was given laat
evening at the Presbyterian church In
honor of the young people of that church,
who are home from their respective col
leges to spend the Christmas vacation.
About seventy-five were present, and after
a musical and literary program refresh
ments were served.
GRAND ISLAND Fire last evening
broke out In the residence of W. H.
Bordner and before It was extinguished
ruined a portion of the resilience, and
damaged the rest, quite a portion of the
contents also being destroyed. The loss
Is about $f,000, fully covered by Insurance,
The origin of the fire Is unknown.
ARLINGTON W. H. Brown sold seventy
six and one-half acres of land southeast of
this city to B. H. J. Jungbluth, who nmled
nearby, for $,000, or better than $100 per
acre. There are no Improvements upon the
land except that It Is fenced and there Is a
well and a windmill. Mr. Brown has owned
this land about twenty-five years.
NEBRASKA CITY Allen McCoy was ar
rested and Is tn Jail chRrgTHl with assault
ing and Injuring Mrs. Maggie Mlllholen of
North Brsnch precinct, at whose home he
waa living. He attacked and beat her. He
has been making his home there for the
past six months and made a living by
peddling snap and things of that kind.
BEATRICE An effort Is being made to
secure another rural route out of Beatrice
to aerve a number of people living In the
vicinity of Helmeavllle. H. E. Randall, In
spector of rural routes, Inspected the pro
posed route yesterdny In company of Post
master Holllngworth, and It is thought he
will report favoiably upon the proposi
tion. DAVID CITY The Ancient Order of
United Workmen lodge of thla place gavo
a banquet at Bahr'a restaurant last even
ing to the Degree of Honor. There were
100 guests and members ot the lodge pres
ent. After the banquet abort addresses
were by Master Workman George Qualil.
I. T. McKaakey, E. L. Runyon and W. S.
NORTH PLATTE Cyrus Clark, who,
with Henry Gelse, was arrested for stealing
cattle and freight from the Maxwell depot
and divers and other Items haa pleaded
guilty and will be sentenced by Judge
Grimes at the next session of court., Mr.
Gelse after considerable difficulty haa
Becured hail In the sum of $2,600 snd is
now at his liberty.
GRAND I8LAND The funeral of Louts
Velt occurred this afternoon from the
home, a large number cf the people of the
community attending. The Board of Edu
cation and other bodies with which he was
connected attended In a body, Including
the male chours of the Llederkrans
society, which sang a dirge at the grave.
There were many fine floral tributea.
BEATRICE The Woman's Relief Corps
entertained the Grand Army of the Re
public last evening at pst hall. That which
served as tha chief entertainment waa a
large Chrlatmas tree ladtn with presents
for all. The exercises consisted of Instru
mental music and recitations which waa
followed by the distribution of presents.
About two hundred were In attendance.
BEATRICE The dlplftherla situation a
Dlller Is much Improved, but two deaths
having occurred since the outbreak ot the
disease. As no new caaes have b en re
ported the village board haa rescinded its
actlcn In ordering all places of amuaement
closed. The report sent out that the 'own
had been quarantined on account of the
outbreak of the disease Is untrse.
GIBBON No news hss been heard from
the two men who tried to hold up Line
back's boy two and one-half miles north of
the G.bbon stock yards yesterday afternoon.
They came out of the hills north of his
place and were lost In the hills four miles
west of his farm. All searching par'lea re
turned last night and reported the trail
lost. Two Shelton autos were In the chase,
but gave it up and returned home.
AUBURN Maxwell M. Long, a prosper
ous young business man in Tarkio, Mo.,
and Mlsa Mary Jane Harris were united
In marriage in this city Monday evening.
Rev. D. W. Wilt, pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church, officiating. Mrs. J. W.
Newell, a cousin ' pf the groom, residing
at No. 607 South Thirty-sixth street in
Omaha, waa among the many who attended
the wedding.
OAKLAND-' A deal was closed here
Tuesday, whereby D. L. Preston become
the owner of the L. L. Young farm lands
of JflO acres four miles east of town, the
consideration being $11.7.60 per acre, the
highest price yet paid for land In this
vicinity. Mr. Young was born snd reared
here, but on account of Ms wife's health
will remove to Nampau Idaho, where he
haa slreaily nought land.
DICKENS The First Baptist church sgJV
Wellfeet, seventeen miles east of here If
this c lunty, waa ded cated Sunday A thou
sand dollar collector) was mads and a
large rmwd waa present at the services:
there being nine ministers from dlffereirti
towns present. Th's l the second Baptist
church in southern Llnoln county, ths
other one being st this place.
JUA8TINGS Aa Adams county human'
We Place on Sale the jj
am a ssbb) a am, m n lllinil nan msm aa a a m II
No. 16 Amsterdam Avenue, New York.
Positively tho Bigg
Bargains in
History of th
will be sold at
less than cost
to manufac
Saturday Be
gins Our Annual
January Sale of
Watch Friday's Papers.
society will be organized under the auspices
of the Hastings Woman's club Thursday
afternoon. A movement for the formation
of such an organisation haa been advo
cated for several months, but the Woman's
club was the first to assume the leader
ship. An address 1n support of a cam
paign In the Interests of dumb animals
will be made by F. P. OlmBtead.
NORTH PLATTE Deputy Sheriff Ijwell
returned this evening with Robert Thomp
son, a half-breed Indian as captive. A few
weeks ago Thompson stole a horse from
George Able, at Maxwell and complaint
waa filed against him. He disappeared and
notices were issued reouestlng his capture.
The sheriff at Btlckley. Okl., found
Thompson and imprisoned him until the
deputy sheriff could go and secure him.
HASTINGS Arthur Newell, formerly of
Juniata, who waa sent to an orphans' home
following tho death of his parents ten
years ago, when he was 10 years old, yes
terday located his Bister, Mrs. Julia Sad
dler. In this city. When the youth was
taken to the home he lost all trace of his
sister and although he made inqulrlea for
her at Juniata on numerous occasions did
not succeed in locating her here until yes
terday. HASTINGS Over thirty members of
tho bar of Adams county tonight attended
the association's annual banquet. Sonator
elect G. W. Tlbbets presided as toastmas
ter. Toasts were responded to by District
Judge Dungan, ex-Dlatrlct Judge Adama of
Minden. J. Edgar Jones. Charles E. Bruck
man, Walter S. Crow. J. K. WIHlts, James
F. Crowley, H. p. Favlnger, John Snldor,
J. A. Gardiner, Philip Fuller, W. H. Lan
nlng and J. P. A. Black.
BEATRICE Em II Kaufman, and Charles
Eaton, two local wrestlers, gave an ex
hibition last evening In Gish's gymnasium
on lower Court street, the former winning.
Kaufman won the first fail In nine min
utes, Eaton, the second In two and a half
minutes, and Kaufman, the third In three
and a half minutes. A large crowd wit
nessed the exhibition. H. B. Glsh has
issued a challenge to box ten rounds with
any man at 144 pounds llvng In this sec
tion of the state, and Kaufman challenges
any local wrestler at 1M pounds.
BROKEN BOW Extensive preparations
are being made by the citlsens for the
school of agriculture that opens hers the
wees or January lz. and runs to the six
teenth of the month. The Interest In th
scho l has greatly Increased the past week
and students are now enrolling at a rapid
rate. The Commercial club of Broken Bow
haa lately Interested Itself In the success
of the undertaking and has offered gen
erous cash prises for the students. In
structors of state and national refutation
will be here and the very best talent that
can be found In tills part of the country
will have charge of the different depart
ments. BROKEN BOW At the regular drill
meeting last night of Company M, First
Regiment. Nebraska Nat'onal Guard, J. L
Hollandsworth waa elected captain, vice
Pickett, resigned;, II. R. Joyner, second
lieutenant, vice C. 1 Dean, term expired.
First Lieutenant L. F. Oxford retains rank.
Captain Hollandsworth Is probably the
youngest officer of that rank In th" Na
tional Guard, not having aa yet reached
his twenty-first year. He la also Jinlir
editor of the Custer County Beacon. Good
work la now being done by the company
and the members declare that another year
will see them in the front rank.
GRAND ISLAND I Joyd Painter, a
stockman, residing near Ravenna, Inst
both legs in an accident at the B. M.
depot. He was coming in on a freight
Ring out the old
Ring in the new
The Cafe Beautiful
New Year's Cards
The prettiest as
sortment in Omaha.
Scores of dainty
Calendars for 1909
at i Price
Store will be
all day
New Year's Day
train and evidently Jumped from the train
before the same came to a stop. As the
accident occurred before daylight the train
had gone before his unfortunate condition
became known. By his cries he attracted
the attention of station men. He waa re
moved to tiie St. Francis hospital, where
it waa found necessary to amputate both
limbs, halfway between the knee and ankle.
He la very robust and withstood the shock
well. A son from Gibbon has arrived and
Is looking after the father's wants.
GRAND ISLAN1 The Fairmont Cream
cry company plant Is being rushed to com
pletion and It is hopd to get part of the
plant In operation bv the first of March.
The company at first announced an Invest
ment of ara,000. but by the time the plant
will have been completed It will represent
an Investment of 1126. ox) and Is said to bn
the largest plant of the kind In the state.
It will have refrigerating rapacity of slxlv
tons of artificial Ice per day, twenty tons
of which will be used. In the rusli season
for the creamery department, twenty for
the storage department and twenty for
sale, at wholesale or retail. The Ice sell
ing, le cream manufacturing, creamery
and storage business will be the main func
tions. riiATTSMOUTH During the regular
meeting ol the city council an ordlnaco
waa paased giving the Hell Telephone com
pany a franchise-to U business In tills
city, but leaving it free to make any rate
it chooses. Before the Plattsmouth Teli
i.hone company commenced business In this
city the foreign company charged $3 er
month for 'phones In residences. The new
company made a rate of $1 per mouth
and then the Bell reduced the rate to M
cents per month. Sometime since tho city
brought suit to compel the foreign company
to remove ItB rnen from Main street, but
lost out.. The Plattamnuth Telephone com
pany, In all probability, will now ask tn
lie given a similar franchise as that granted
1 h e other nntnnanv
BROKEN BOW Another person claims
to have seen the mysterious snlmsl thht
la alleged to have created much excite
ment In the southwest part of the county.
This time It la a commercial man, wlio
drove over here laat night from Oconto.
He stalea he was about fifteen miles f r m
town when he discovered the "mysterv"
lying In the middle of the road. Upon the
approach of the carriage, the animal
Jumped to Its feet and uttered a drep
growl. Its eyes fairly biasing In the moon
light. It then slunk away without hurrying
In the leas'. The knivht of commerce Bays
ha was armed, but lost no time In wlden'tig
the distance between them. He describes
the animal as resmbllng a mountain Hon,
but aa large as a full grown tiger.
George McNaughlon have filed romnlainta
In the county court against Hugh II. Bcv
mour. charging him with defrauding them
of money. Seymour rlalms to run an em
ployment agency and he took $1.60 from
fourteen men on the promise he would gel
them a Job on the David Rankin ranch
near Tarkio, Mo. He gave the men th
orders and when thev arrived at Tarkio.
they ascertained that Rankin did not want
any men nor had he instructed any out.
to hire men for him. Home of thpm re
turned to thla city and filed the Infor
mation. 8evmc i r wus arraigned In the
county court and released on bond. Sey
mour Is the son of the late Charles W.
Seymour and haa been In trouble over this
same thing before, at Hu Joseph, Mo., and
afterwards at Red Oak. where he under
took to sell land which he had no right
to. He la a cripple and ha given Tils
parents considerable trouble In the nasi
The county attorney nromlses to file a
number of more complaint
at -
3 f ' W