4t 10 31, HUM. Omaha's Greatest Garment Sale Vv STORE CLOSED ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY ) fTTFl OMAT1A DAILY BEE? THUKSv SEW YEAR GIFT FOR OMAHA Implement Home ii Presented by ", Council Blnffi. . I- , eaaBaSssSa PEaTJ PLOW COMPANY COMES rasrttal ak Tkli Concern Is Ts HiaJrrd TkaiMad Dollars, ' llaalaess tM Kark Year Exceeds That Flcsre. For a llttlo New Year's present. Council Bluff will give Omaha another Implement house, which will add more than IJOU.ono to tha Imploment and machinery business ot thS city annually. O. JE. Glnm-van, manager of the Peru Flew and Implement company, which has maintained a hmisd In Council ltluffi for number of years, announced Wednesday that ths company will move Its business to Omaha and orx-ri an office and sample rooms in "Implement Row." The company now bandies the line of the Peru Plow and TV' heal company of Peru, III., and In ad dltlon to this, vehicles and ' Implements of other factories. When the company moves to Omaha tha "agency" business will be discontinued and only.tbs products of the Peru Plow and Wheel company carried. These consist of plows and trvck wagons. Tha capital stock of the Peru company Is 1300,000, bat Mr. Olnnevan cxprcts to do a kulsness of more than .0O,iX) annually in Omaha. The coming; of this company adds another to ths Increasing list of Implement houaea In Omaha and fives rite to the prediction of ths Commercial club that Omaha Is gradually becoming the Implement market of ths west. The business done by lmple anent bouses this year In the city Is consid erably In excess of 19,500,000, though It was 12,010.000 more last year. Larger Baslness In lOOO. That ths coming season will see tliu Omaha Implement and vehicle houses do a business of close to tl5.000.oco is said by Implement men to be almost a certainty. They have reduced stock, assisted retailers to "clean up" old lines until It Is Bull that scarcely a retailer In the state Is now carrying a car load of wugons. The buying will begin soon after the first of tha New Tsar., and Omaha looks forward to a record year in the Implement business. Houses In Omaha havu practically no boundaries on their "trade empire." In the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming, In the pjtatj fields of Colorado; up the Yellowstone river' Where the government reclamation service is at work, around Billings and In the sugar beet fields. Implements "bought in Omaha" may be seen on many farms, and 'they run from humane horse collars to harvesting machinery and wagons. Montana Is demanding Implements from Omaha that lomo of the exorbitant frelg.it charges may he eliminated. To get a lumber wagon from Illinois common points coats as high as $30 In freight charges at points in Montana, and the farmers there are looking for a "near market" such as Omaha. 9 Last Day 0 efore Invoicing All Ml TREMENDOUS PRICE SEDUCTIONS! the Broken Lines, All the Odd Lots, the Short Pieces Will be Sacriiiced in THE GREATEST n fy n run n rn a t i SAL LL.UVJ b-J.uuM EVER. HELD IN OMAHA ' Thousands have been saving money by bnying at our pre-inventory sales this week. Thousands more will take advantage of this final day before inventory, be cause we positively offer, for this day only, the Most Extraordinary Bargains of the Year On Special Sale Thursday Womcn's 5flc Neckwear at 15c u 1,000 pieces of fancy neckwear, jabots, lace collars, fancy stocks, fancy silk collars, ruches, etc. about 100 new styles, all colors, and worth up to 50c each; Thursday, at 15c Remnants and I?m1mai1 aivt rA IA E odd Lots of iuuruiut;i y hm u. n r I 1 . ! .3 .- 1 r-nni 1 M. .1 ,1 l rt .1 li .i f i r nAvtli no Xllls t'lllDl uiuerv , luseitiuu uuu uctuaiu io ui iu cvo high as 15c a yard odd lots must go Thursday. KL"3 Allovcr Laces, 15c Yd. These allovtrs are worth up to 50c a yard odd lots of imitation Irish crochet, filet, etc. GABRIEL COULDN'T BEAT JIM the Aaarel, Hays Tom Flyaa, Woald Be Powerless Against Dahlman. "It makes no difference how many can ildates there may be In the field or who they many be, the Dahlman Democracy will stand by Jim until the last ditch. Even the Angel Gabriel could not get' our club'a support while Jim Is In the field as a candidate for mayor of Omaha for a second term." This is the authoritative statement ot Thomas J. Flynn, president of the Dahl man Democracy, chairman of the demo crats county committee, leader of the governor's inaugural ball, and the possess r ot A few other titles of greater or leas! tpocnent, and incidentally, street commis sioner, but not so you can notice It. The Statement of Boss Flynn Is nothing extraor dinary, however, as It was to be supposed , that tha Jlmocrats would Una up for the j mayor to a man. ) The president of the powerful club says I Ms organisation will take no part in the struggles of the candidates for council posi- tlons until after the primaries. It Is ; expected that the 'present councllmen will j have some opposition at the primaries, but Mayor Jim and his political organisation will keep their' hands oft and let the aspirants fight their own battles and pad dle their own canoes. C. H. Wltbnell, building Inspector, and L. B. Johnson, president of the council, announced Tuesday that they would not be candidates for mayor against Mr. Dahl nan. Mr. Wlthnell says that Just because 'he received 1,400 more votes for building inspector than did Mr. Dahlman for mayor. It does not follow that he would get as many votes for the chief position. He has pot made up his mind whether to run for building Inspector again or not, but ha says he will not be a candidate for mayor under any circumstances. Mr. Johnson, as'presldent of the council. Is acting mayor. For this reusm he haa been' Importuned to become a candidate for tho chief position, possibly ss ths Jack 'man, tha councilman being a member of that elub. But Jehnson says, nay, nay. Odd Lots of 20c and 25c Handkerchiefs at. . 5c Odd Lots of Ribbons All silk and up to No. 100 in width, at, yard Wide Embroideries Corset cover widths, skirt ings and flouncings odd lots and remnants, yd 5c-I0c 15c Embrodered Turnover Collars Odd lots, 25c qual- n ity, at, each '. JC Kid Gloves Two-clasp kid gloves, in all C1Q0 $150 colors, also black and white, at sOC" 1 25c H Golf lloves and Mittens All colors, for women and children worth up to 50c special, pair. . . BELL PEOPLE STAND PAT Webraaka Telephone Compear Not - Move br the Actios at the ladepeadeat. Ths action of ths Independent Tele phone company as advertised in ths papers today will have no effect upon our affairs," satd W. B. T. Belt, general manager of tha Nebraska Telephone company Wednesday,- when asked If ths reduction of rstes by the Independent would be met by the Nebraska. ''There la no occasion or reason for any such move on our part,' added Mr. Belt. "We are giving high grade service at low price now and our ratrons are evidently well satisfied with our service. There Is nothing In our financial condition that would suggest ths nsceestty ot us adopting any new policies, The State Railway commission a few days ago served notice on the Independent Telephone company t discontinue all free service by January 1. and ths action of that company in announcing reduced rates Is tha answer to this order. Some Wonderful Remnant Bargains IN THE BASEMENT 5c One big table of fine voile remnants worth 25c per yard, at, yd One table of fine black mercerized sateen rem- C nants at, yd One table of fancy white goods, In full places would fa be worth 16c; goes aJC at, per yard One big table of 15c new dress ginghams, at, yard . . One table of fine yard wide percale, a 15c grade at, yd. One table of half wool shirting flannels at, yard. One table of narrow width kimono crepe per yard .8ic quality 5c 5c tvidtli 5c IN THE FORENON ONLY One table of the narrow width challies, usually called extraordinary bargains at 3M;c jer yard, goes all forenoon long at, per yard C And there will be hundreds of other remnants on sale in the basement Thursday on which the quality is too small to advertise. NO FASTING ON THIS FRIDAY Vooo Greets Dtapeaeatiea Permitting; Cathellea te Eat Meat o New Year's. A special dispensation has been granted by the pope by virtue of which Ho man Catholics will be permitted to eat meat on the coming rrlday. The action ia taken because New Tear's day la so much of a holiday that K becomes something of a festal occasion Uka Christmas for which day a dispensation to sat meat has al ways been granud when It occurred on Friday. Tha news of the dispensation reached Omaha Catholics Wednesday. . A Barslag Shame ts mot ta have Bucklen's AnUca Salve to cure burns, sores, plies, cat, wounds and fie. JTr sale by Boatou Drug Co Dress Goods Remnants Custom house sample pieces, many of one kind to match II mohairs, suitings, 1 -TK f M ij ia0ilr:e!::.6t: 3c4Uc-i5e Jj $1 uress uooas uemnanis ai 3&c All "wool materials, black and colored serges, suit- IP 49c ings and waistings odds and ends, at, yard 60-inch Fancy Suitings Checks, stripes, etc. . bdd lots and remnants, worth $1.00 yd., at. . . , DR. BRADBURY. DENTIST painless Extracting sOe g Crowns, up from.. -SO Partial Platea, up from rulings, up from porcelain Fillings, us from I rV' - -I J I I I giao 1A ISO yaJtMAM itiit. IT ysars sans of floe. Vaeaei D. 1T54. Bridge Work, per tooth, up from fa. So Hervea removed wi in cut pain. AlTSOLam WOBI A ariiCLaXTT. Work guaranteed ten years. uiple Mai te say Srua keMiee br ItVosk eeS etbar draf fcaelte are positively eered HABITIMA. For kjDoderate er Internal a ' oer tees armaria er by aul ta Mall Order Pilled liy I1A VDN OU-iKA, SEEL Try -A-W-F IfX lore tiro I trouble tbi sUai . -HOWELL' . ANTI- KAWr i Try a bottle. Me aad lee. . wAvaru. BlUt 00 aietai ajaa. spnxa COUCH better rem- eouan. cold. threat 11 Mil inm111M Ujm If ANNUAL JANUARY LINEN SALE j 1 J JL BEGINS SATURDAY. JjVaaay Thursday a Special Sale WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Three lots, each an exceptional bargain. Includes the very newest novelties. Tho over-eupply left from our Christmas purchase. There are scores of styles and all will be on the counters at reductions of one-half and less. . . HERE'S A COUNTER FULL Beautiful Jabots; Satin Collars, with ruchlng edge; Net Collars, with lace and satin trimming; Net Bows, with lace and satin trimming; Satin Bands, with bows, and many other effects. Prettiest 50c Neck wear shown this sea son, at. 33 c DOLLAR VALUES AT 50c Another lot, comprising many dainty and elaborate lace effects; some are all net, pleated and ruchlng trimmed pleated silks, In tailored styles; novelty Tabs and Jabots; many In Individual boxes none worth less than 76c; many are $1.00 values 50c FAXCV L1XEN COAT SETS Large Itne, plain, embroidered and eyelet effects, all are regular 50c values, but are slightly mussed f from handling by the holiday crowds; easily laundered; lllf choice, i. v w ANY TAILORED SUIT IN STOCK . Worth $35.00. $45.00, $57.50 to $75.00 There is no Juggling of prices In this statement, incredible though it may seem. No misrepresentation or exaggeration Is resorted to just Blmple facts. The time has come when our high priced suits must go. There must be no half-heartedness about It. They must be dis posed of Thursday before we take inventory. Just think the most beautiful models shown during the entire season made of finest materials. CHOICE OK ANY WOMAN'S SUIT IN THE HOUSE. WITHOUT A SINGLE EXCEPTION, POH1TIVELY WORTH UP TO $73.00 THURSDAY $25 WOMEN'S COATS Unrestricted choice of any coat in stock season's finest modelB long black broadcloth and fancy colored styles, values $29.50, $35.00 and $45.00; choice $25.00 DIG SALE FURS One-third off now on our entire stock of furs. Greatest oppor tunity in years to buy Quality furs in the best styles at wonder ful bargains Off 33i Last Day Thursday for Choice of Any Man's Suit or Overcoat $17.50 Positive Values $23.50, f 25.00 and $30.00. Must be sold before inventory night of December 31st. est grade clothing made In all America. High- DAINTY FOOTWEAR FOR NEW YEAR'S RECEPTIONS, PARTY AND THEATER WEAR AND OTHER SOCIAL FUNCTIONS. A mos'tcxtensive variety of smart new effects, appealing to refined tastes.? The line includes bronze kid pumps, pink, blue and white satin and kid pumpB and satin ties, black suede pumps with ankle straps, Jet beaded sailor and Theo ties and pumps; also strap slip pers in widest assortments. .$2 $2.50 9 $3.50 $4 $5 $6 CALENDARS Our entire stock of new 1909 Calendars, very beauti ful and novel, on sale, at i PRICE GROCERIES 20 lbs. Granulated . Bug-ar for $1.00 Capitol Flour, per sack $1.00 And 100 Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee. 8 lbs. for $1.00 And 100 Stamps. Teas, assorted, per pound Mo And 60 Stumps. Capitol Baklns; Powder, 5 lbs. $1.00 And 100 Stamps. Mixed Candy, per pound lOo Salted Peanuts, per pound lOo Package Candy So, lOo, lBo, 8So Thursday Sale Fruits and Vegetables Cabbage, per lb so Turnips, peck 10c Bellevue Celery ....t ,....o Cooklnir Apples, peck 30o Bananas, dozen ISO and too Mixed Nuts, lb. -at Black Walnuts, peck 0o Peanuts, fresh roast, quart So Sweet Navel Oranges 12 He slss for, dozen joo 26c size for, dozen goo 30o slzo for, dozen goo 40c size for, dozen 38s Sweet Tangerines, dozen Lemons, dozen..... 0o and o Grape Fruit, two for 150 PKffe- United cUyinlhsyearwitn. ylOTP2 : oLi Q,J I ? rfattt fwMtAae (or haadtoroelv i -L. 'I i ' L a-WlV r t mm UjrW t illu.tr.ted book. "Ths Overland . ?W;, Ri. I. the Road oi a Tkowaad ni. n,k.l nrflca. 1394 Tar- ; f nam t. -Fhonssi BsU ourxV J Th ntoymnt of a prosperous NEW YEAR will depend upon the circumstances that you can control. Ons of these la your standard of health. Your health can-t bs ths best it teeth aro not iv thorousn worn. lne quick tiin:a often maks is rsally orpHslna:. Little decaya grow into tho larger kind, Increase the risk of total loaa. and Ons evidence of satisfaction that my patients enjoy they hkvs a gr rest in t hlr teeth that have been restored than ths fee it has lak Inter make them so. Let us have a pleasant chat about your teeth. reater en to TAFT'S DEIITAL ROOMS t Women'i Outer Garments at Half Price. TMI MEUABLK STORI All Children's Winter Coats At Half. THURSDAY WE ADD TO OUR GREAT HALF PRICE SALE OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF TAILORED SUITS Never before has such magnificent assortment of the season's choicest styles been offered in any HALF PRICE SALE . Many of the lots have been received within the last few days and must be disposed of quickly. All our Ladies' iiiir nnipr Tailored Suits, at. JlALr rtllUL All our "Women V Skirts, Voiles, Panamas, Silks, etc., including ex tra sizes and ma- Nlir DDIPC ternity Skirts, at. .flALr rnlllt All Women's Coats, including Vel vets, Cariculs, Silks and Satins, fur lined and all Cloth Coats go at just. AU Children's Coats at Half A magnificent assortment for selec tion. ZZys Discount on all Our Fur Scarfs. Don't miss it. All Long Silk Kimonos, at HALF $5.00 Children's Dresses, all colors, sizes 6 to 14 years, choice 1.98 Women's $6.00 Eiderdown Bath Robes, all colors, on sale at S2.98 Women's Flannelette Wrappers, I Infants' 15c Bibs, at 7Xv Values to $2.00, choice . .50c j Infants' 50c Knit Scarfs, 19o, ATTEND THE GREAT PRE-INVENTORY GROCERY S ALB Mimed Huts, IToits, Ttgetables, Bnttsr, Onssss, Oraoksra, Candy, ate, I-or Ksw Tsar's Dayi ' HALF PRICE lip w 111 W i s T I Pi W mU Mi i v Hi t ( T ' f .T. 1 The best Mixed Nuts for New Tears, two pounds for 2DO Tha best Domestic Macaroni, pkg., at o Bromangelon, Jellycon, or Jello, pkg 7 Vic Worcester Sauce, Pure Tomato Catsup, or Pickles, lsrge bottle, per bottle ... 8 Ho 3 pound cans Solid Packed Tomatoes. 8Vo I pound cans Golden Pumpkin. Hominy. Squash, Bauer Kraut, or Baked Beans, for 8V,o 1 pound cans assorted Soups, for ....7Vio The best Hoda or Oyster Crackers, lb. o The best Ginger Snaps, per pound ....6c Peanut Butter, per jar o DKISD UXT BAI.B Choice California Prunes, per pound ..4c Fancy Panta Clara Sweet Prunes, lb. 7Hc Fancy Cleaned Currants, per pound ..7Vo Fancy l-Crown Muscatel Raisins, lb. 7ViO Fancy Heedless Raisins, per package 7tyc Fancy Heeded RalnlnB, per package ..fie Fancy Mulr PnachM, per pound ....IVio Fancy California Dried Orapes, pkg. 7 He Candled Ltmon Pee), per pound ....l?Ho Beet, Candled Orange Peel, pound ....16c Best Capdled Citron Peel, per pound 20o BIO BUTTalK, OSKX0B ABO BUTTXB . 1MB SAIiB Choirs Dairy Butter, per pound 21e Fancy Dairy Butter, per pound 28c Fancy -No. r 1 Country Creamery Butter, per lb 2(c Fanny No. 1 Domestic Swiss "heeue, lb.ZOe Fancy hjo, 1 Brick Cheese, per lb 16o New York Full Cream Sage Cheese, lb. 20o raXBK TEOBTABI.EB FOB BXW TEAK'I DIMMER Fresh Rplnach, per peck - 20o FreBh Beets, per bunch 5a Fresh C'arrotH, per bunch ., .50 Fresh Turnips, per bunch 1.6o Fresh Unions, per bunch , ...6o 2 heada fresh hothouse Lettuce, for....5t) 3 bunches fresh hothouse Radishes, for Bo Fancy Fresh Cauliflower, per pound .,7Ho Fancy fresh Wax Beans, per quart ..lUa Fancy Fresh Green Beans, per quart ..luo Fanoy Cape Cod Cranberries, quart ...16a Fancy Jersey tiweet Potatoes, per lb, 40 HXOBX.AB9 BATBX. OBABOB SAX.B Ths Finest, Bwsstest Oranges Orowni ' Regular 20o size, per dozen ,...150 Regular 26c size, per dozen .......... 20o Regular 35o sise, per dozen 3&u OBT A BOX OT THB TUtlT FBIZO AP. FIiSB These are the finest selected Ap ples grown. About 2i) different kinds to choose from. They were all prize win ners at the National Horticultural Con gress held at Council Bluffs. While they last we will continue to (JO OBT sell them, per bushel box1 pa.ay This Is only the price of chosn apples, wa bought them right and will sell them right. CABDT CANST (UTT Bee. our full line from 10c per pAund, up, DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEU'S FIRST Moats for tho Now Year's DInncn SPECIAL PRICES FOR THURSDAY V af 'I 1 ThB Bee for M the Sporting News OMAHA'S POPULAR MARKET Pork Roast, per lb. . . . . Veal Steak,f til n per lb.... 1.5 2t Mutton Legs, ftrt er lb A Bulk Sausage, per lb, THB RELIABLE STORE LOWEST PRICES ALWAYS 7c 5c Leaf Lard, 9 lbs. for.. . Boiling Beef, 6 lbs. for... Pot Roast, lb., 8c, 7c Veal Roast, lb., 8c, 7c... 25c ..5c 6c Sirloin Steak, per lb , Veal Chops, tier lb.. . lift Mutton Roast, per lb No. 1 Hamif 01 a per lb....lu 2 10c 6c Veal Stew, 6 lbs 25c Mutton Stew, 6 lbs. for 25c DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEU'S FIRST IT PAYO Tour ol All Mexico Via Illinois Central Railroad, under escort ot Iteau tjampuen, uenerai Manager the American Tourist As sociation, 1413 Marquette Building, Chicago, select clientele, limited. All exclusive privileges. Independ ent travel. Special Pullman vesti- buled Train. Drawing Rooms, Com partments, Library and Music Room, with the largest Dining Car in the world and the famous open top Ob servation Car, Chllllitli. Special bag gage car. , Tickets Include all expense every where. 1 For Information, address 3. North, District Passenger Agent, 1403 rar- nam Street. Omaha, Neb. jgrnmrnmBmrntmimmmmv t wmmt ia. WOMEN'S j $3.00 SHOES I'A H Cold Silver andlSckle Brass ads, Oss rutaxsa asa TatU T7arm, aUpUts as Ssw. I v all Kinds of Rapslrlna wa. IJI'lAHAPLATlMljCU BstabUshM ISM. lo Karasy VsUpkoass Seiflai SMAi aval A-S53S. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. LEARII AUCTI0NEERUI3 And rnaks from U o 6U psrday. Ws toacn you AaoUoaaarlas' la fair weeks' Uui su yoa can sip ai ones li0 ana ot Uie best paying occupations Inlna land and that without cuplUl. Ws oily rqulr oue-lialf of tuition down, ths cJier aflt-i you havs bscoius a successful Jliotloaaaa Actual pnwUM fives. leata4 C'alUisus free Winter tei m oer.a J.nJ sr. 'ta. Cueulu. Vsesw es B. T Sato a. sta, It's easy enough to say, "We Sell the Best 3.00 Woman's Shoe Made," but It not so easy to back the assertion. We are satisfied that we can prove to you that we have f he best, and hundreds of -woman who are , wearing our 13.60 shoes will verify the staterxxt when we say that iw We Sell the W'; fiO GILMORE, PresldenT i $0.JW, Kuhns, Secretary ! I QVla. JlH V J5;rriNo. ' The leather Is all t'rdwfr! stork, In Velour Calf, rat.. Colt, Vlcl Kid, button , and " luce The shoe making perfect The styles op to the moment, and we carry a full line of. sizes and widths and can fit any foot. Drexel Shoe Co. i ilk r-ri...i . in? laiudiu oiicti it i The Twentieth Century Fanner i - TS Best Tmrm raper. s Ueliar Ttee, 1 1 1 a A '4 A'