Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1908, Page 9, Image 9

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r crease innjig ran iear
TBan Tlo-Vrv Thnnaend" Dollari.
m U attain Sj u a. asta-a-wes. a-- -
at .
ftala Dirlag rani Years la Nearly
HlilfTm Per Cent W w Ynrk
Owti Trolley I-lnee
... Be. Merged.
NKW TOJtK. Pec a Aceoraing to aa
, v, vane 'abeei xf the forthcoming report of
the Chamber of Commerce the total for
eign commerce of the port of New York
decreased only $T.11 during the fiscal year
ending June 90. 1W, although there wii a
decrease of I2n2,2,84l In the total foreign
commerce of the Untted States, or between
t and ( percent. Tne,'l was entirely in
import and' the 'excess of exports over Im
port for the whole oountry waa HB8.7W.tHl.
During the fiscal year ending June 80, 1908,
New York exported' i;iA6.793 more than It
Imported. In the preceding fiscal year
Nc Tork" ItnpcrU were 8218,728,874 In ex
rrw Of exports.--
Ctockliiif 1M with ISM. the statistics
show that the commerce of New Tork ex
perienced a. growth of nearly CJ per cent.
Plane, far B.lleea Kate.
A. Holland Forbes, flrat vice president
of the, Aro elub M America, will go west
next week- n a lour of Inspection of
grounds which have been offered to the
club for. the first annual grand prise bal
loon race under lta auspices tn the first
week pf "Juno, next' The cities tendering
the free use. of igrounda also offered suit
able gas free, and there 1s no doubt that
Mr. Forbes trip will result In a definite
election. -The race Is to be open to all
Amerk-a. Federation rules will govern.
All baloons -wfl be. lmtted to a capacity
of 77.000 cilblc feet, with a 8 per cent
leeway and each will have to carry two
persons, of whom on wfll have to be
registered pilot..
Trailer 1-laes Merged.
Through a circular Issued by the Guar
anty Trust company tt became known that
plans for the consolidation Into one com
pany . of the' various trolley l.nes acquired
Office of le-Glas-Andreesen Hardware
Company,- vmJia Nebraska, JJeeembel
13, won Notice Is hereby given to tbo stock
holders or in iee-vtiaas-Anareeaen Hard
ware Company that the annual meeting of
the stockholders of the company will be
bald at the offices of the said company,
corner of Ninth and Harney street a, in toe
city of Omaha, la the state of Nebraska,
on Tuesday, January IX' A.- D., ISO, at
o'clock p. ru., for the purpose- of electing
a board bf directors for the company to
aerve during the ensuing year, and to
transact such other bualneaa as may b
presented at eucb meeting. Attest! W. M.
Glass; secretary H. J. Lee, president.
NOTICV-8tockholders' meeting of the
Union Iand company. Notice la hereby
given that the annual meeting of the
Stockholders of the Union LAnd company
for the electton'of five directors and the
transaction of such other business as may
legally, come before the meeting will be
held at i he .office of the general solicitor,
UnlonPaolfta Headquarters Building, sth
and Tainara BtraeLs. Omaha, Nebraska,
on Mead ay, the 11th day of January, lt,
at 10 o'clock a. m. The stock transfer
books wHl be closed ten days previous to
the meeting.-
. ' AI.EX ItttXER, Secretary.
New tork CUy. N.. Y pec. Is, im.
Ualea 1'aelBc
a 3:80 am
a 3;W pm
a 3:40 pm
a 3:00 pm
al0:15 am
a 6:00 pm
a 3:16 pm
a 6:46 pm
a 6:60 pm
a 4:46 pm
Overland.' limited
Colorado Express.
Atlantic srspress .......
Oregon Express .........a 4:10 pm
Ixia Angeles Limited. ..all. 66 pm
Fast Mall a 3:30 am
China and Japan Mall.. a 4:00 pm
North Matte Iocal a 7:41 am
Colo.-Chleago 8peo4el...al3:)P am a f :( am
Beatrice t Btromaburg
Local blt:30 pm b 1:40 pra
Cklcaget Greakt Weaterat ..
St. Paul-Minneapolis .... 1:80 pm T:30 am
Bt. Paul-Mlnneapalts .... T:80 am 1V:88 pm
'Chicago Limited :i pra 8:27 am
Chicago Express 7:80 am 11:36 pm
Chicago Espreas 3:30 pm 3:30 pm
Mlsaoarl Petfle -
K. C. A 8t. L. Expreae.a 3:00 am a 1:46 am
K. C. A 8L I Express.. all :16 pm a 6:60 pm
tklcaav!telc IsUad A PactSe
Icaao Limited a 3:00 am all 'flR nm
Iowa Local j. a 1 :00 am a 4:30 pm
Rocky Mountain. Ltd. ..a 3:00 am all:06 pm
Dea Moines A Eastern.. a 100 am a 4:30 pm
Dea Molneer Pasaeoger..a 4.00 pm al3:80 pm
Iowa Local , bll:00ara b 9:66 pm
Chicago tUastern Ex.). a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:23 pm a 8:36 am
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...all:ll pm a 3:60 pm
Colo. A Cel. Express. ..a 1:30 pm a 4:80 pm
Okl. A Toxaa Express.. a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pm
A- Louis Eaprea a 1:30 pm a 1:35 am
Council fluffs)., a 8:00 am aU:lipm
Blanberry Local (from
Counotl Bluffs) b 1:00 pm bl0:lt am
vaicasa, niinsskee A St. Paal
Chicago A Colo. SpectaLa 7:28 am all Wpm
t aLAOreaon Kxprtas.a i:n0 pm a 3:28 pin
Overland Limited j a 9:68 pm a 8:30 am
Perry Local b 6:14 pra bll:26 am
i:lg at Nertfcweateraw-
vnicago imyngnt a 7:25 am all:48 Din
i win city txprtss a 7:i am al0:M pm
Chicago Local..;. all:30ara a 9:28 pm
Bloux City Local a 3.46 pin allsOO am
-";iao w , a 4:w pm a 8:36 pm
Chicago Special a:ipm a 8:lS am
muinratua-uaKota U...l.aDni a 8.30 am
"r,1 ; a I.M pra
.win inj "iiniia ;w pm a l:w ara
Los Angeles Limited.. ..a 90 pm all s ptn
Overland Limited al0:00 pra a 8:23 ara
neorasK ana Wyoming Ulvislon
..a 7:40 am a 6:30 pm
..a 7:40 am al0:l& am iOpm a 1:20 pm
Lincoln-Long Pine....
, Deadwood-Llncoln, ...
HastingvSupertor ....
.a a.w pm a m pm
b 6 3tf pm b 1:&6 pra
'h3:06 Dm h l-M
, llllaola Ceatra
Chicago Express. .
a T l am a 3:46 pa
L'nicago milted
.a .uv pm a am
Mlnn.-atu t-M.! Exoraae-.k 7u aia,
Mlnn.-Bt. Paul Limited.. a 6 u0 pm a 6:30 am
Omaha-Ft. Dodge Local. a 4:15 pm all JO am
Leave. Arrive.
iwnver California.... a 4:10 pm a 3 45 pm
Northwest apecial a 4.10 pm a 3:45 piu
Black Hilla
...a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pin
Northwest aprea
Nebraska pomtl .
Lincoln Fast. Mall
Natraslut Expreaa
Ilncoln Lucal ...
.-.all is am
...a am
...b 1:20 pM
...a 8-1 am
IM am
a 8:10 pm
all 11 pm
a 4.10 pin
b 9:08 am
a 7:60 pm
bl0 ;v am
a 3:60 piu
b 1:06 pm
Lincoln Local
ch u Ir-Plt tameut h
Belle vue-Plattsmouth.
Plaiternouth-Iowa ...
Bel le ue-PU t tsmoutn
Danver Limited
b 8:10 pm
.a 3.00 pm
b 9:18 am
.o I n pm c I 40 pm
Chicago Special ..
Chicago Express .,
Chlcase Flyer ...
Iowa Local ...
;' V'u a t:o am
..aT:26aw all 46 pm
4:J0 pm a 3 66 pin
a 3 80 pm a I am
jm 3:16 am ail Jo am
St. Louie Expreaa
u pm aii so am
ivanaas City St. Joe..al0:46 pra a 8 30 am
Kansas City A St Joe. .a 3:16 am a 6:10 pm
a, ii v u m ii. rfve.a 1 ml im
St. real, Mlaaeaplle A
Leave. ' Arrive.
Twin Cltr Passenger... b 3 80 am b 8 3u pm
Sioux City psaancer...b pm bU4 am
Flou City Local e 3:46 am e 6:30 pra
Emersoa Local b 6:66 pm b 3:10 am
Mlaetaart Patfle . '
Auburn Local b I 60 pm bU:S8 am
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun
Sat only, d. Daily except Saturday.
by the New Tork Central railroad were
under way with the expectation that they
would be completed before March 81. 119.
The name of the consolidated company Is
to be the New Tork fetate Railways. The
trust company's circular was addressed to
tM holders of Rochester Railway company
fx cent preferred shares, Informing
fh of the approaching culmination of
the consolidation plsns and stating that
they would through Bpeyer aV Co., who
have underwritten all the preferred stocks
In the new company, receive 107 per cent
in new cumulative first preferred stock of
the consolidated company, or par and ac
crued dividend In cash.
Theater License Revetted.
As a result of the recent sharp Investi
gation undr the direction of Mayor Mc
Clellan of alleged violations of the law
covering Sunday performances In the thea
ters, Corporation Counsel Pendleton or
dered the drawing up of the papers neces
sary for the revocation of the licenses
of the Victoria, the Alhambra, the Amerl
can and Hurtlg and Beams n, 13th street
theaters. These playhouses are alleged to
have been persistently violating the Bun-
day law.
Jewelry Staro Rabbet.
The robbery of 130,009 worth of Jewelry
and 85,000 cash from a safe in the jewelry
store of Oscar C. Jackie, at 88 Third
avenue. New Tork City, was discovered
today, having taken place last night. The
robbers, who got safely sway with thrtr
booty, forced their way Into the cellar,
sawed a hole up through the floor Into
the store and pried off the dial of the
combination lock.
deeer Statos ( Affaire Developed by
Derision of Federal Coart at
Fort 8011111, Ark.
PORT BMITH, Ark., Deo. .-By a de
cision of the circuit court I ere today a
Letrlp of land twelve miles long and two
miles wide, adjoining this city becomes "no
man's land." The strip was orgln&lly
pan or the Indian Territory and was
auoiea or tne Choctaw nation, but was
oeded by oongrees to Arkansas tn order
to allow local authorities to have police
jurisdiction over It as It had become a
refuge for outlaws. The failure of Arkan
sas to accept the land by an amendment
to Its constitution Is given by the) court as
a reason for Its ruling, which holds that
the boundary line of 1S80 Is still In effect
law of Oklahoma declared the strip I
part of that state I
For twenty years the local courts here
have tried crimes committed In the strip.
and there are now more than fifty men
serving sentences on conviction In Arkan
sas courts ror crimes committed ln the
disputed territory- In border days eighty-
eight men were hangerr In the strip after
being aentenced by Federal Judge Parker
The property fronts on the Arkansas and
Poteau rivers, and Is valued at t2.000.000.
man mciones, a million dollar bridge, a
water plant and a number of homos will
be affected by the court's decision, which
hold, that all taxes paid for the past
iwcuiy years were illegally levied. It Is an
nounced that Oklahoma's title to the strip
wiu oe aisputea in the United States su
pretne court.
A PersaauU Appeal.
If we eould talk to you personally about
the great merit of Foley's Honey and Tar.
for coughs, colds and lung trouble, ye 1
never couia ne inaucea to experiment with
unknown preparations mil may contalai
soma harmful drugs. Foley's Honey and I
Tar coats you ne more ana nas a reoord
af forty years of cures, rot sal at
Denver Mas Kills Actor Vkta
Says Had ladaced Wife te
Desert Him.
DENVER, Dea . C Burbet Boll, a
laundry worker today fired five shots at
C. Caviar Dury, known to the stags as
J. Byron Allenton. All the shots took
effect, killing Dury Instantly. Th shoot
Ing took plaoa tn the hallway of a rooming
house, where both Dury and Bell's wife
lived and was the outcome, aocordlng to
Bell's statement to the police, of an effort
on his part to Induce his wife to return to
him. Bell surrendered to the police, Mrs.
Bell Is also in custody.
Bell also charges Dury with Influencing
his wife to desert him. Dury cams to
Denver from Cincinnati three years ago
with hi wife, who Is a consumptive. At
present Mrs. Dury is living with her
mother ln a tent ln Englewood, a suburb.
It la said that Dury's father, Charles
Dury( Is a wealthy retired merchant of
Cincinnati. Bell Is a native of Dayton, O.,
where his father, a traveling salesman.
now lives.
"We put a finish on fine
linen that men, having it
once, are not content with
out it, ever after.
Those, Harney ITT I,
Correct Kauaderers ef ilea's Plae XJaem.
Good Time?
U.t ttlght-watinj big dinner is often
the maker of a BAD TODAY. Why not?
rw.s'.. . , ..
"uaworg tor ue
f- stomach and bowels. You've rot to
suffer if yo don't help nature unload
with CASCARETS. "Thty work whiU
you sU"rou'n O. K. in the A. If.
Tonight's the night to take care of to-
CASCAKKTa-m ba.-Mk .rrral.
wat. all dro flats. Biggest sel ler
llioa bezts s avaatb.
FOOD FOR Weak and norvous men
a, .V. woo find their power te
ork or tnai
work and youthful vigor
' or mental exertion ahni,ii ...
. w wu.
make you eat and sle.p ana be
. ft 3tes bexee ft so tm
evakBaiau1 mcVfJWM KM BkUl
r9S. lSt aag IK- StreeM
OWL Anna OOkSlaa
Use. 3Sta a 3aaray La 4aW Sfeka
MSMaHIunvaia aam uimV.
All Hewtal Plaaaeee Treae1 PeettKe
awraateev Miial Math4i aaaas
thatleet NO MOaiKV IN AOVAMCt. ILX
AaSINATtON f feag. Wrtte mr kaak a
keetal Dleeaeee mr4 T Wa salts.
Weekly alii te Zaverp eoL
Write fur
109 sailing list, 'rate and
- o. :
S3S . Olaxk
I. Baalaaxln. tt. A.
St. CMeace. SU
Diamond, Ring and Mat Talk
ippose Johnson
should now draw tu.
uuiur line.
"Get thee hence Satan: tempt me not.
is Jlin Jeff's answer.
Rre'r jAhninn mtv twA yim r..tit ilit
Acuity In getting matches.
Referring to Wichita's nrlse contest for a
name for lta 'Western leaeue team, boa
would "Old Witch" doT
Jaffrlea. rnrKt mil flitlllvan..tVira fil
the world's greatest are to witness the
Barry-Kaufman fight at Los Angeles.
Omaha dnaan't ar.nt invtKIn that tan't
fair, but just ths same local fans are
gratified to know that Pa Rourke la on
me schedule committee.
Fred ftit ( tn rfi n.ri. m.An in
Chlcaro Jinu.rv 11 iha Mitia tlma
Charley Ilackenschmldt will meet Hjslmar
unain and jess Wastergarde will take on
Rouel De Rouen, the Frenoh giant.
Comlskav. It la hallavxt ! ahnut raadv to
llD the rnllera nnrir krir-k Altrnrk and
let that costly luxury derive his support
from Mlnnaannila f nr a wMlo f 'nm m v has
been quite patient with Nick for two years.
"Omaha m-III hiv. a .h.nn. tn aa the
Rourkea and Washington at Vinton street
ark March 11 and April I and the White
ioi April I and 4. An effort la hnlna made
to Induce Detroit to come here for an
ante-season game or two. With Wahoo
Sara Crawford the Tigers should fill the
psrk In Omaha.
"No credit la rina Jnhninn tnr hla Aafaat
of Burns." says Dlckerson of the Denver
News, voicing the eentlments of some
steen million of his fellow citlsens. The
only theory on which Burns' ascension can
possibly be explained Is that the period of
R - the'W
1 1 ngniers. Hut wnat aoes jxoan
" cexe; ne nas tne comennoT
Dr. Roller of Seattle never thousrht of
quilting the mat until Ootch made a
monkey of him. Up to that time the Seat
tle wrestler wss determined to be the
champion trappier of the world. He never
met a flrst-clasa man outside of his home
city, but the Donular ODlnlon la that If he
ware to travel as rar to wrestle eitner
Burns or Beell as both these men traveled
to meet him either would beat him. Th
same nerve Roller lacks as a wrestler he
will need as a orlse fiahter. How does he
figure It? Hla challenee to meet the win
ner of the Barry-Kaufman fight stimulates
interest in ring anairs, nowever.
A Sioux Cltr naner aavs: "Manasrer Duckv
Holmes, packing hla suit case, departed
irom tne city on a late train last evening
headed for destination unknown." He has
gone to get another chamDtonshlD team.
The paper la aood enouch to disclose that
ominous fact Boo-oo-oo-oo-oo I That'a
awfull "Departed from the olty;" note
that. Also note that before departing from
ln CI,Y n" pecked nls suit case. Tnat in
a-nlflcant Aaaln. he departed on
late train. Wha does this meanT Why
not on an early train! Fellow citlsens,
something la up. Ergo, something Is going
to happen; else why would this man have
departed from the city on a late tralnT But
tne worst is yet to come neanea ror a
destination unknown." When a man starts
out knowing hla destination no apprehen
slon need be aroused, but when he goes
forth knowing not whither he Is bound,
then lookout.
On the Association alleys both leagues
have started In the second merry-go-round
" everybody seems to like the great ga
&e? Snf&J9
present time Jordan and Berrer are
high, '
high, with a total of 1,117, out of thirty
The war them Mets bora went after the
pins last night on the Association alleys
was a caution. Aitnoucn tne uate city
boys lost all three games, they played some
good tenpins, with Jones getting high sin
gle game of M6, while Dad captured high
totals witn su. Tonight win be a battle
royal between the Bampecks and Falataffs.
1st. 2d
3d. Total,
ffl 671
331 ' 176
218 5
343 833
Den man
9M 889 1.0M , 3,874
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Chandler .
jones ....
, 183
Ojerde ...
Reed, H..
Totals 879 887 968 2,705
At last the Dreahera have exDolled the
hoodoo from them by taking two out of
three games from the West Sides. Rice and
Stafford were the only onea to reach the
609 mark, Captain Yousem taking the booby
prise. Toniant, Union Pacifies agalnat
Dreahera. Score:
1st. 2d. 8d. Total.
167 161 184 462
179 178 164 611
139 189 155 4K3
I I.andgreen
I neppes
476 628
1st. 2d.
131 188
151 1H6
152 134
443 1,446
I Yousem
Rice ....
Behan ..
Totals 434 458 474 1.868
The Omaha Bicycle oomDanv atlll retains
Its lead ln the league race by taking two
gamea from the Postofflce team last
night at the Metropolitan. Both teams did
well wltb new pins. Bpllts were most
plentiful. Stapenhoret took; honora for
Uncle Bam with 626 total and Charlaa
Prlmeau took all honors for the Bicycles
witn a total oi Ma ana single game of m
Cole-McKennas and Birmingham Range
company wiu piay tonignt. scores:
1st 2d. 3d. Total.
Camp 161 142 178 479
Coffey 166 212 M 606
Lougb 160 180 160 490
Baehr 178 178 154 610
SUpenhorst 134 814 187 626
Totals 789 926 795 2,610
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Boord 178 m 166 610
Hlnrtcks lo8 163 169 48
C. Prlmeau 813 145 194 552
Gilbreattl 145 177 16 608
Hull lta 161 1111 635
Totals 877 813 904 2,593
Seattle Wrestler Weald FIgkt Wisaar
f Kaafmaaa-Barry Boat.
BEATTLB, Wash., Dec 29. Dr. B. F.
Roller nut un ll.OuO today with a local news
paper as a side bet for a match with the
winner of the Kaufmann-Barry fight, which
Is billed for Los Angeles next Wedneaday
night. Roller aaya he would be ready to
fight about March 1. When he receives
word from Los Angeles that ll.OuO has been
Kut in the hands of Jim Jeffrtea to cover
is deposit, he will conalder the match as
good aa made. Roller is a prominent local
wrestler, who waa recently defeated by
Chaniuioa Frank Uotch.
LUB Asue-Lto, uec. a.-ini jerrries
Athletlo club haa made definite arrange
menta to stage a heavyweight boxing match
between tne winner ot tne Jvaurmann-ttarry
ftght here Wednesday night and Dr. B. F.
rtulier, tne neaiiia ainieie. me oout, wnicn
ill be atagea January win be for
tai.nlv.nv. rAilnAl anil tha Mnr. mrlll
I reive 50 per cent of the reoeipte, to be split
75 per cent to the winner and 85 per cent
to tne loser, ine msicn wss settled when
Dr. Holler deposited ll.otn at Beattle todav
The money is a forfeit ror non-appearance.
and will go aa a aide net. Both Kaufmann
and Barry have agreed to the match and
the winner will deposit hla forfeit within a
few days arter tne (ignu
Hex Proaalaewt la New Tark CI aba
Cluu-aed with rrwfeaalaaallssa.
NEW TORK. Deo. At a maetlna- r
u a reaisiraiiun coinniuieo or vne Amateur
Athletlo union tonight.
(IX nrominont
aMctea were suspended.
They are Melvln
W. Sheppard, Charles Bscon,
liarrv F.
Porter and Oeerge V. Bonhag, of the Irish-
American Ainieuo ciuo: . u. Pellare. Naw
York Athletlo club, and J. J. Lee. formariv
of the Boeton Athletlo association, but now
l ne rnarae aarainst ins men waa
fessionallsm. the allegations being that
thay accepted or asked for exorbltsnt ex-
penae money.
The action waa tha outnoma of a aumh
Ing Investigation by the registration com-
mntee or toe Amateur Athletio union
which waa conducted at the West Bide
Toung Men's Christian association tnnl.hi
Chairman Obertubeseing of the registration
committee aald that be and bis bn thrr
memoers nsa come to the conclusion thai
tbeee athletes and possibly others bad
een demanding money beyond whnt mi
e termed Iraritlmste expenses, characterii
fie the claims of some of thrm as fx
rlillant. He Showed a rtntenn-nt from
lalor Wolf of the Seventy-fourth '. r:t-
nnt of Ruffslo, which showed thn
Vrtr-r, Sheppard end Bonhag hsd been
"ald according to the ideas of the commit
:e sums fsr in excess of what wort
considered ordinary expense.
FlftyTwo-Poaad Boy Rldee SO 3
Shot to Victory at Fmeryvllle.
OAKLAND. Dee. 29 Probablv the great
est ovation ever tendered a Jockey at a
local tra k was given at Emeryville today
when Robert Harrington, a fifty-twu-pound
boy, won on Em and Em, a 30 to 1
shot, owned by James Coffey, his em
ployer. The little boy rode hard all the
way and landed the outnUler in front In
a drive from Mise May Bowd'.eh snd Phi.
Igoe. The spectators thronsed abjut thu
Judges' stand and cheered Harrington un
til he reached the paddock after he had
dismounted. He la the lightest rider her
and it was his first winning mount. The
defeat of Seven Full proved costly to the
favorite followers. Bhe wss plunged on to
win the second, but stopped badly. Belie
Kinney won from Gypsy King and Boas.
Walter Miller was suspended for threa
days for crossing in front of OargantUJ
when riding Darlngton. Summaries:
First race, futurity course, selling: De
neon 102, Cotton, 3 to 2) won; Dovalta (lu,
Tsplin. 13 to 1). second: DarsMn (111. Butler,
8 to 1). third. Time. 1:11. Brryessa,
Bollman, Long Ball, Cholk Hedrlck Anona,
Mike Asheim, Lady Hlldreth, Black Dom
ino and Talentosa also ran.
Becond race, six furlongs, selling: Argo
naut (110, Upton, 18 to 6) won; Flgent (106.
Buxton, 4 to .), second; Joe Rose (113, Not
ter, 11 to 6). third. Time, 1:10.. Rosevale,
Strange Hoyle, Sempronl and Mlnalto fin
ished as named.
Third race, futurity course, selling: Belle
Kinney (111, Mentrlp, 6 to 1) won; Gypsy
King (112, Miller, 7 to 2), second; Boas
(Id. Butler, 13 to 1), third. Time. l-.UH-Seven
Full, St. Avon, Adena, Lord Provost.
Msrise and Andloche finished as named.
Fourth race, mile and twenty yards, soil
ing: Gargantua (109, Taplln, to 6) won;
Darlngton (113, Miller, 12 to 6), sconij;
Palatini nm KnuK. 6 to l). third. Time,
l:44k L. C. Ackerlv. Cloverland, Silver
Bue and Carroellna finished aa named.
Fifth rana mll and twentV yards, sell
Ins: Em and Em (lOi. Harrington, 8 to 1)
von; MUa May Bowdlsh (107, Vandusen,
to I), second; Phil igoe ivu, esuuivan. i iu
1), third. .Time. 1:46H- Mlllmont, Steelblue,
Melar, Eckereall, Royal Red, Huapala,
Pif.iaH anil Wnmaaf. flnlnhed aa named.
Sixth race, six furlongs, purse: Twilight
Queen (W, Russell, 6 to 6) won; Desirous
9, Buxton, 8 to 1), second; creation iiii.
Millar la tn K third. Time. 1:144. F.
Neugent, Coppers and Grace G. finished as
named. iNam rai . nc 29. Two new
vnrM'i rannrda were made at Santa Anita
park today. Chapultepec was the first to
smash the record for six furlongs when
he carried 113 pounds and ran the distance
In 1:11 flat, which la one-fifth of a second
faster than the best previous time made
by Glorlo a few days ago. The second
record to be broken was in the last race.
which was for all agee at live ana one
t,i inrinnn t.adv Irma. a 3-year-ola
carrying 86 pounds, ran the dlstanoe in
1:14. one-fifth of a second faster than
Cniiiumv ran a few days ago. Summaries:
irir.t ran. alv furlonKS. selling: Enfield
ii ..J a t it wnn fttael (106. Pairs.
1 1) second. Anderson (106. Martlon, 10 to
1) third. Time: 1:12. Dredkln, Joe Gallons,
Fundamental. J. F. Crowley Stringency.
Jane Laurel. John A. Nasturlta and Roy
T., also ran. .,,
anA a.v.n fiirlnnes: Palant (107.
Shilling. 4 to 1) won, Mary F (10. wweti,
even) second. Lord of the Forest (105,
McGee, 8 to 1) third. Time: l:24tt- Ober-jn,
Miinitna Mnnvina. and Haensel also ran.
TMni alv furlonvs. nurse: Chapulte-
peo (111 Powers, 11 to 20) won, King James
(117, oniiung, io aj ikuu", '
(108, Martin, 26 to U third. Time: 1:11.
Halves also ran. Time la a new world
Wiurth race, seven furlongs, selling
Lord Stanhope (104. Shilling, even) won.
Niblick (104, McCahey, 3 to 1) second, Skyo
(103. McGee, 5 to 1) third. Time: l:26(t
Jeneta, Kd Ball and Bon Ton also ran.
Fifth race, mile ana a quancr, omnia.
King of the Mist (109, Shilling, U to 6) won.
First Peep 009, Archibald, 3 to 1) second,
Joe Coyne O00, Clark, 20 to 1) third. Time:
3:06. wuersberger, Beauclere, L. C. Wld-
rlg. Bmlrker and Nattle uumppo aiso ran.
Sixth race, five half furlongs, selling:
Lady Arm a. (85. Martin, 4 to 1) won, Haxel
Thorpe (11)2, Page, 9 to 1) second, Jane
Swift (100. Shilling, 7 to ty third. Time:
1:14H- Ravarla, Catherine F., Taunt,
Madeline Muagrave and Korosiiany also
ran. Time is new worlda recora.
SAVANNAH, Ga., Dec. S9.-ummarles:
First race, purse, for 4-year-olds and
upward, selling, mile and- a sixteenth!
Flimsy (110, MoArdle, 2 to 1) won,
(3 to 6) second, BL Noel (14 to 1) third.
Time: l:67i. Three starter.
Second race, five half furlongs, purse
for 3-year-olds: Scotch Lass (114, Dale,
even, 3 to 6 and out) first. Miss Cordlgan
(5 to 1) second. Gunshot (4 to 5) third.
Time: 1:13H- Piedmont Queen and Zaffre
also ran.
Third race, purse, for 8-yeftr-olds and up
wards, one mile: Auspicious (102, Mc
Carthy, l to A) iirst, euuaen start ivn.
Dunlap, 7 to 10, place) second, Clifton
Forge (113, W. Toung, out show) third.
Time: 1:49. RyconneU also ran.
Fourth race, one and one-alxteenth mile,
for 8-year-olds and upward: Druid (113,
Brussell, 4 to 6) won. Polar .Star (loR,
Crowley, out place) second, Benara (1"0,
Golnes, out show) third. Time: 1:60H- Only
three startera.
Fifth race, purse. 8-year-olds- and u re
wards, six furlongs: Belle of the Bay (112,
Lee, 8 to 1) wen, Maskaface (112, J. Mc
Carthy, 4 to t, place) aecond, Hanoway (112,
Dunlap, 3 to I, show) third. Time: 1:19.
Judge Dundon, Frank Lalor, W. C. Will-
lams and Soiree alao ran.
American League to Have
Grenada la Chicago.
CHICAGO. Dee. 29. Presfdent Charles A.
Comiekey of the Clilcsgo American league
base ball team, today announced the pur
chase of a site for a new ball park for
the club in Chicago. The sits comprises
fifteen acres and is located at Wenlworth
avenue and Thirty-fifth street. Ths pur
chase Price la a-tven at 8150.000. The prop
erty has a frontage of 1.000 feet on one
street and 800 feet on the other. The struc
tures are to be ot concrete and ateel, with
the standi arranred In tiers. The ne
ark will not be open for occupancy po
ors the 1910 season.
Chlasga Property Transferred te C. W.
Murphy and Anna Stntoat Taft.
CHICAGO. Due. 29.-A deed to the base
ball park of the Chicago National Base
Ball league was filed for record today.
providing the park to be the property of
Anna iSinton Taft of Cincinnati and Charles
H. W. Murohv of Ch csgo. The property.
according to the record, was conveyed to
Mrs. Tsft ana Mr. Murpny tor iiou.uw. ine
ground le 617 feet by 6J8 feet, and la located
on tne west bide.
Reynolds Wins First C
Reynolds defeated Shields last night in
the first game of the series of three at the
Sterling pool parlor, by the score of 104
to l Botn played in poor rorm at times
snd at others both Reynolds snd Bhielda
made some difficult shots. The second
game will be played tonight at the Sterling
parlor at 8 o'clock sharp. The score:
Bhlelda-1, 9. 4. 8. 2, 3, 4, 8. 22, 1. 1, 7, 14, 4,
1. l, m.
Reynolds z, ZR. . I. 1. I. 4. . I. t. 10. 16. 1.
B, 1, S. 1, 1, S 104.
Scratches: Shields. 4: Reynolds, 4.
Caacht la th. Act
and arrested by Dr. King's New Life Pills,
bilious headache quits and liver and bowels
act right. 26c. For sale by Beaton Drug
Raral Carriers Named for Nebraska
and Iowa Rentes New Bank
f.r laws,
(Prom, a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. (Special Tele
gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Ne
braska. Murray, route 1, William R. Young,
earrler; De. Knlss, substitute; Tobias
route t Ixmnle Q. Cummlngs, carrier
George A. Wilson, substitute. Iowa
Greene, route 4. Oman Hood, carrier; fer
man E. UoCue, substitute; Shannon
route t Perry E. Bllderback, carrt
Charlie T. Miller, substitute.
George H. Mcintosh, Jr., haa been ap
pointed postmaster at Modale, Harrison
county, la., vice W. W. Morton, resigned.
Ths Mllford National bank of Mllford
la-, has been authorised to begin business
with K2.000 capital. Milton S. Dewey Is pres
ident; H. H. Overocker- vice president and
11. 8. Abbott, cas
u.f .
is? '
Owa Some Real Estate
The desire to own real estate is uni
versal. As an investment it's preferable
to stocks, bonds and business proposi
tions. You can sell at a profit any time.-
Real estate values increase rapidly. In
few years
worth double the
time to buy is now.
the best properties have been taken.
Spend a few minutes with Bee Want ads.
See the many bargains in city and sub
urban real estate, Farm Lands, Factory
Sites. Bee Want ads show you the best
bargains. Read them now.
'reight Train on Great Northern
Strikes Work Train.
Victims Ar. All Bridge Carpenters
or Train Men Responsibility
Collision Not Yet
GREAT FALLS. Mont., Dec. 29.-A. th.
result of a head-on collision between a
freight train and a work train on the Great
Northern yeatorday afternoon, eight men
are dead and four Injured selrously. The
wreck resulted from the failure of the
freight to stop at Mid-Canyon siding" to
allow the work train to pass, but who is
to blame for this failure has not yet been
decided. The freight train was heavily
loaded, with ore and the work train con
sisted of an engine, caboose and pile-
driver. The engine of the latter train was
shoving the cars ahead, with the caboose
leading. Cemlng around a curve, the work
train dashed into th. freight. Both ca
boose and pile-driver were smashed o
pieces, and, catching fire, were burned up.
Seven of the bridge carpenters were
killed and two injured. The train crew
esoaped with Injuries. The engine of the
freight plunged over an embankment and
the fireman and head brakeman were car
ried along. The tatter was killed, but
the former escaped. A number of. freight
cars were wrecked.
The dead:
N. L. HEADLINE, carpenter foreman,
Falrbault. Minn., leaves wife and family.
H. C. MOxlxtlBBii , ureal rails; single,
recently from Pennsylvania.
CHARLK8 T. FULLKK, ureor r ails.
M. W. BEAU Urest Falls.
appear to only have been known to the
The injured:
Conductor Ben P. Drake, Great Falls;
arm broken, back and knee Injured.
Brakoman J. T. Elean. Qreat rails; neaa
cut and bruised, knee cut.
8. Olson, carpenter. Great Falls; bruised
and cut about head and body.
C. V. Ysgos, carpenter, ureal raiie;
bruised and cut about head and body.
It la not believed that any of the Injured
111 die. All are In a hospital here.
Rockefeller Corporation will Ask
for RekearlaaT la Mlssoarl
Stat. Oaster Case.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. 19. That the at
torneys of the Standard Oil company will
apply to the aupreme court of Missouri for
rehearing of the state' oustsr suit
against the company, recently decided ad
versely to the company, was .Indicated by
statements made by them today. A motion
for a rehearing must be filed not later than
next Saturday. Alfsed D. Eddy of Chi
cago, general attorney for the Standard OH
company, and Frank Hagerman, local at
torney for the company, were ln conference
today outlining a plan of procedure. Mr.
Eddy returned to Chicago totight.
It la said that the ouster order of the au
preme court annoys the company' at
torney much more than the fines Imposed,
and that a much larger fine, without th
ouster order, would have been much more
satisfactory to the company. The company
owns a valuable refining plant at Sugar
Creek, near this city.
"I do not believe,' Mr. Hagerman said
today, "that after having encouraged the
company to Invest a great amount of
money In this reflcery the slate can throw
us out witn jut ceremony ana take our
property away from us."
Secretary f Repabllraa National
Com salt tee Will Open Ilead-
aarters In Ckleage.
CHICAGO, Dec a.-Willlam II. Hay-
ward, secretary of the republican commit
tee, arrived here today to take up the
; .'!i.L-'f-
i'jii.i.i. - iiii.iWii I 1
nS'll gssissx " r-v TUf ."a . .
your investment may be
amount paid. The
Don't think that all
work of establishing a permanent head
Quarter, for th. committee. It was an
nounced several week ago that the com
mittee Intended to keep headquarters here
to be In readiness for the next presidential
Uansaal Accident ln Blast Fwraaoe
Plant Near Birmingham,
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Dec. 29. Ten men
were killed and several Injured by a oave
ln at the blast furnace plant ln Ensley to
night. Two bodies have been recovered
and eight mors are known to be burled ln
a trench at th. plant
The cave-In occurred without warning
and the bodies ara being recovered with
difficulty because of the large amount ot
gas which Is pouring Into the excavation
from the furnaces.
The men were working In a large trench
about eight feet below the surface. They
weie excavating for the ga flue which
Is to connect the blast furnaces with the
new battery of trailers whtoh Is to run the
plant. The end of the old gas flue, which
extends the full length of the furnace
plant, had been . temporarily bricked up,
while the laborers were at work on the
Mechanical carriers were used to take
away the dirt excavated, and when a car
rier broke, a beam fell on the cement wall
which formed one aids of the trench. The
entire wall toppled 'over and with It tons
of loose earth which had been held up by
the retaining wall. Tha wall broke down
the brickwork at the end of the big four
foot gv main and ga quickly poured ln
on the entombed men.
Cincinnati Wholesale Hens. Says
Prohibition Wave lias Made
Bnslnesa Unprofitable.
CINCINNATI, O., Dec. 29. Giving as a
reason that their business, though solvent,
I being run at a loss on account of the
prohibition wave, a receiver was applied for
for the Eckhouse Brothers' wholesale liquor
business at 304 Walnut street today. Appli
cation for auch action was msde by Elmer
M. Eckhouse, a member of the firm. At
torney Benton Oppenhelmer was appointed
Sweet As A Nut
Clear Down to the Butt
Here's the most popular 10c cigar ever -
made to please the fancy of men who know
a good thing when they smoke it. The" '
Message to South Will Be Delivered
at Banquet January 16
V I t- i
President-elect WIU Be Accompanied ,
by Mrs. Taft and Six Civil Bi(l "'
neere Will Inspect Gatan
Dam Site. .
AUGUST, Ga., Dec. 29. Prldent-eleot
Taft will be ln Atlanta from 1 o'clock
January 15 to I o'clock on -the next day.
The leading feature of the visit will be
a banquet Friday night. . at which, Mrt ..
Taft will be the chief speaker. About ,
800 will bo present, representing every sec
tion of the south. Mr. Taft will be given
an opportunity to deliver a . message ' to
the entire south under appropriate con
dition. . . . , .
Mr. Taft said today that hU slay on the
Isthmu of Panama would be - limited -te,
one week. While there he wUl be th.
guest of Colonel Goethel, Mr. TaK will
accompany her husband on th trip- end
with him will also go l civil engineer.
A special train wfll be at Mr. Taff
disposal which on the tsthimis. ) He ex
pect to pes much of hi time at the
site of the Gatun dam.
Minor tangle of administration which
may be found will be adjusted by Mr.
Taft, who also will make It a point te
give Impetus to the general work on the
From New Orleans on hi return from
Panama Mr. Taft will go direct to Cin
cinnati, where he I to be th guest at
banquet on February 19, given by. the
promoters of the Taft Citizen' dub. HI
next engagement Is at Philadelphia Febru
ary 22.
Mr. Taft wm photographed today for
the medallion to be used at th. Inaugura
tion. Frank II. Hitchcock I expected
here tomorrow. Mr. Taft said tonight that
former Land Commissions Bellinger of
Seattle had been mentioned to him for a
cabinet place, but that no decision had
been reached. 7
is literally in every smoker'..
mouth. A fragrant Havana- ''
filled, Sumatra-wrapped '
cigar that's sure ta make a ;
big hit with you One smoke-
and it wins you for all time.. ...
You'll declare it to b, e .the:
best cigar you ever haa lor
Chan. Doaovan Cigar Co., DlstnbaWrtV
Oaaaka, Web., hloua City, (v