) THK 0MAI1A DAILY BEF.s WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER SO. 1903. Want - ads BARTER AND EXCHANGE PERSONAL (Continued. 1 REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM II L1D FOR a A 1,1 (Continued.) AtTtHlMMtt tt laa waat ad relaaeaa will a takea aatll IB an. ha e-realaa; llla aad aattl . an. far the asaralasj Mi gaadar aaltlaaa, CHk saaei aoevaaaaar U arde-sa mil aaa and lTnlU.Bl will aa aeatd fa laee aaa 19 eenls (Ira lunttoi. Vataa aaaty ia ettaea The DUr aa liiltf area. Alwaya nut ala warda (a a llaa. Cataalaatlaaa af laltlaU a aaataai ceaat aa aaa w CAaH RATES Ftm WAIT A 1UC47TJLAK CtAMinOATIOlt --Oaa laaartlaa, Mt Uae, 1 aaata. wa at anara ceaaaoialTe laaartlaaa, a Hae, aaata. Baafe aaeartlaai dara, to aantta r llaa. llaa aar saaatal eseeptla aat milllBBD ROOM AM. win tMiBfuM ar aaaa, laa rata will he l . Oaa iaeaatlaa. 4 aaata aaa llaa Iknt a ala aaaaeeatWa laaar tlaaa, aaata aw llaa aaea laaertiaa I aevaa av saara aaaaaaatlra laaartlaaa. S aaata par llaa aaaa laaartlaal rata ar llaa aaa aaaaxa Waat alt far Taa Baa aiaT l,t at aar af taa fallawlaa- draa; etaree aaa la year "caraer 4ralatM aey ara all knack afleaa far Tke Baa aa4 yaar a will ka Iaaartc4 Jaat aa preaaatly and aa la aaata rataa aa at the aaala offle. la Tka Bea Balldla, sevealeeath aa4 raraaat atraatai Albaeh, W. C, th and Farnam. Beraaek. 8. A.. 14U8 8. 16th St Mecht Pharmacy. TA 8. 16th St. Benaon Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Hernia Park Pharmacy, 23d and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy. 28 Sherman Ave. Coughlln. C. K., th and Fierce Sts. . Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2213 Military Ave. Come. J. B.. llat Ave. and Farnam Bt Chrlasey Pharmacy. 84th and Lake 8ta. Cermak, Emll, 13M-6 S. 13th 8U Ehlera, B. H.. 2u2 Leavenworth BL Foster A Arnoldl. 218 N. 26th , Bt. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 24th Bt. Florence Drug Co . Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Bta. Ureenough, U. A., 1025 8. 10th Bt. Ureenough. U. A., 16i4 B. 10th St. Hayden. William C 2920 VMxnta St. Hanacoro Park Pharmacy 1401 B. 9th St. Hoist. John. 624 N. 16lh Bt. Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King. R. a. 23 Farnam Bt. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2M)1 N. 24th BL Patrick Drug Co., 102 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Charlea k.. 1324 N. 24th St. r. v. 9xi h and Leavenworth Bta. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th Bt. and Amea Achaefer Cut Price Drug Co.. ISth and 'Jhlcago Sta. Bchaefer, AuguaU 2031 N. llh St. u..ki i n uth uid Cuming Bta. Walnut 'mil Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Walton Pharmacy. 20th and Grace Sta. Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Bta. MARRIAGES LICENSES. The following marriage licensee have been laaued: Namu and Realdence. Henry Thomaa, Benaon Uertrude Ctrilda, Benaon Arthur C. Krlckaon, Des Molnea. luclle Hulcblna, Iua Molnea Joaeph T. Frohner, Omaha Jennie Vanlcek, Schuyler r'lank. 1 Kublk, Thuraton tinina vacek, Cluraaon Krt Da via, Omaha Pearl Dorrance, South Omaha... David Free, Omaha Age 21 IS 21 21 30 24 23 U 30 li 42 40 Jmmit 1-Mvla, Omaha Charlea l.ango, Omaha a Una Tluha. ftoulli Omaha 4 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha Arthur Blahop, 2101 Baat Locuet aticet, boy; Arthur Wigg, 2bl3 Kreea, boy, v. ty. llartnett, 2423 Kminet, girl; John 1'ul- II pa, 141D tkiutn Dlltn aireet, gin; o. a. Nielsen. 2WW Burt atreet. boy; Oeorge , Armour,' 6l William street, girl; limeat Morning, lfiOt William atreet, girl; Victor lioaewater, 2626 Farnam atreet, boy. Deaths Baby Olenke, 814 South Fifteenth atreet, 1 day; Mra. Anna Crosier, 915 South Twenty-fifth street, 48; M. Dwllnskl, JJ727 Sou tli Twenty-fifth street, 2; Catherine D. Becker, 414 Worth Tmriy-nrsi atreet, tv Babv Bailey. 8641 Boulevard avenue, 1 months; ttlllson Hardaway, 928 Cuming street, 63. CARD Or THANKS. We wish to thank, our many friends end acquaintances, and especially the switch men of the Burlington railroad and follow workmen lor their Kindness and sym pathy In the death of our husband, father, son and brother. MKS. MAHX K. DE LOR AND CHIL DREN. MR. STEPHEN DE LOR AND CHILr DREN. We wish to thank our many kind friends and the members of the TypoarraDhlcal union and Eagles for their most generous consideration In our recent bereavement In the drath of our husband and father, Frank H. Seymour. MRS. FRANK H. SEYMOUR AND FAM ILY. ANNOUNCEMENTS Y.M.CA. NIGHT SCHOOL Winter Term Opens January 4. Instructions In Latin, Algebra, Geometry English for College entrance. Other Courses: Mechanical, Commercial Academic, Employed Boys, English for non-English Bpeaklng, Public Bpvaklng. At your service any time. . J. W. MILLER, Educational Director. THE CITY OARBAGU CO.. Office 4th and lasenworth atreeU. Tel. Douglas lJi. (l)-7a SIGN . FAINTING C H. Cole, U03 Douglaa.' . U 70 AUTOMOBILES DEB1QUT Automobile Company 14 Farnam St gioddard Da) ton Touting car, SLJMi Reo Touring car, hie. Raa Touring ear, 8mxL Reo Touring car. 1W- Ford, modal N. Ford, modal K, taao. Ford, a fodstar. almost new, tai Feid. R. o. BjWW Runs bout, almost new, 88ua Hulok TourUig oar, lot Blsvena Durtea, 860l Uiagon touring car. tl.OMi Wavarly UleclrtC, 8U0 up. All the above guaranteed In good ahape. Write , for full dcecrlption. State agenU Stodtdaru Dayton and Ford tsra i The heat automobile vsluee la the world. Btoddara Dajrtoa, 81,60a, 82.00, &oa The tansallonal Fwrd 8n4 touring car. Good live agents wanted. Opeak and cloeed cars (or rent day or night . Special eiuuuioa given to theater artiaa. Tel. Doug. 8U. CD Ultt VI Ramblers, aecond-baad, at your own tea. venuter auio t o., w Farnam. V t ti70 Dec. U UTCWOBILE SCHOOL fLJS positions open In the au- J aid; lac nn leal instructions en aaa gas engines; students klr work. Address Omaha (.omoblle Engineering. 1418 r FARMS, town property, merchandise. Btringer at Child. Faxtoa Bla., Omsha, 2)-M. W ACRES (tood land, near Frutdin, Neb. Address K. 133, care or bi. (3) M!3 B BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET IN or out of business call oa UANU&SIAD, Koom sua. ee uiag. t4-? HIGH-GRADE cigars, low prices. Pharmaa A McConnell Drug Co. and Owl Drug Co, til AMGU DRUG stores for sale every wheri. Knlest, New York Lire uiag 4-'4I FOR BALE 4-cha.lr barber shop, rood lo- catkin; college town, or s.ipw; cneap rtni. 11 a 4h St., Manhattan, Kan. (4 MD04 x WOULD 40 PF-R CENT DIVIDUINUO PLKASK TOUT t have a limited amount, nf treasury stock In. company which hna earnings of more than this rate for first six months. Your Investment sure as govern ment bonds. References, banks and com mercial agenclea. For full particulars ad dress, LBWIS M. t I H I A l . 31J Commerce Bldg., Kansts City. Mo. (4) MS99 SOX CAPITAL, Ft JRN1 SHED. Industrial. manufiwturuiK. mining, oil. gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to Investors; commlpKlon basis. Samuel Graham A Oo.. Selling Brokers, 43 Sacrament St., Montreal, Can. PHYSICIAN of experience wants good country location; would tuy smui siock drugs; particulars first letter. J 3M. Bee. (4) MH06 Bx BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R. 1 IK Farnam St. Doug. 8W. Creaaserlaa. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (B)-74 Water Filters. 1510 HOWARD ST., Missouri filter; 15 davr trial- '"', Calaa Palatla. CHINA decorating: order work a specialty. Deasons Tuesday, inuisuay "u oniur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, atatns, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungate. 894 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red I486. (6) aol Drasssaaktaa;. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, Tel. Doug. 4220. McDowell Dressmaking school. 1623 Farnam. la iia TERRY Ladles' Tailoring and Dressmaking school, taugnt in rigiisn or ui.u from 8 a. m. to 5 p. in. 2Cth and Farnam Bt. (6) M295 Janl Edacattaaal. OPf '.NS MONDAY, JAN. 4, 11)00 MID-WINTER TERM. BUYLES COLLEGE Courses in business, telegraphy, stenog raphy. DOOKKreping, .1111X11; ms"i uu day seKslons; free Illustrated catalogue. Write to H. B, Boylee, President Of fatal Training School ot Telegraphy for Union Pacific R. R. (5)-M0 Daatlata. BAILET ft MACH, d floor Paxton. D. 10R5. VUy lA PERCTVAL, 8d floor Barker block. Tel. Doug, 118S. Perteci acniisiry ai reason able prices. (6) 137 Janl4x Florists. HE83 & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St (6) 760 L. HENDERSON. 1S1 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5) 761 J. H. BATH. 1628 Harney. TeU Doug. 3000. ((6 753 Flaaaelal. MONEY! TO IOA N-L O W RATE, In sums to 310 Bee Bide. Phone Doualaa 2904. UNION LUAN COMPAMX. (E)-753 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS.. 418 N. Y. L Tel. D. (5)-T67 Dr. Katheryn Nlckolaa, GuS N. Y. L. Bldg, (6) 7os Prlattn:. BXPONENT9 of good priming. Prompt and first-class work guaranteed. ANCHOR PUBLISHING CO.. 813 B. 18th Bt. Tel. Doug. Mi2. lnd. A-2532. (&) 67 JanH Bales, fkattera, Kta. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a pecialty of fire escapes, shutters, doora ana sates, u. Anareen. rruu., iu a. wia. (& 7u Mavlsg ill gloria.-. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co. office 214 N. loth at., worenouse isara oi. (6)-75 Cherthaad Reporter aa Notary. F. J. SUTCLIFFE Depositions. Bldg. TaL Douglaa 1SU6. 128 Bea (W-72 Shoe Repairing. RAPID SHOE REPAIR CO.-Ftrst-clas work. lSlftV Capitol Ave. 'Phone Red 94. (6)-7tU SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Bhoe Repair Co., 1MH Farnam Bt Tel. Douglaa ia7. S)-764 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. 17-YEAR-OLD girl, neat good penman, for clerk in Jc'W"'y store. Steno. to act as private secretary, 375-IIOiC Bicno., Moimrrii, io; insurance experience. WESTERN REF. Bi)Nl ASS M, INC., Suite 721 N. Y. Lilc. (7)-U8 29 Stenographer, who Is experienced In in surance, $.i5, $0 per month. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 676-77 Brandeis Bldg. (7)-S92 29 Farter? aa Tradea. WANTED Experience! bindery girls. Ap- ly between 10 and Li a. u. Omaha Print ng Co., i4 Farnam. (7 fca WANTED Marker and assorter,, also gen eral laundry help, lllnchey Laundry, '5ih and N, South Omaha. ti Mi76 30 Hoaaekeeaera aad Domestics. COOK wanted; apply 8548 Harney. (7)-M3l GIRL for general houaework. 2S19 Wool- worth Ave. lei. Hartley (7)-772 29x Miscellaneous. LAUNDRESS for institutional work. $JS per month; room and board. Reference required. Address A 2!A), care Bee. (7)-778 WANTED Practical nurse for several months, capable of taking entire charge of young baby; state age. experience and salary expected; must come well recom mended. Address P. O. Box Wo. Oma.na, Neb. (7 M877 81 HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Bolteliera aad aaleaaeea. WONDERFUL NEW INVENTION Every home buys; millions nneded. Mr. Knsiu sold 42 first day; profit. $X.2v. New field. ljow-piicrd 3-lb. mop; turn crank to wring; clean hands: lasts f r years. No deposit required: 150 per cent lrofll. L'. S. Mop Co., 2i0 Main, l-elpslc, O. (9J-MWJ 3ox To speak to many people you must have a strong voice. Use 4BEE want ads" and save your voice. HELP WANTED MALE Ageate and Salesmen Coatlaaed. AN EXPERIENCED SPECIALTY sales man wsnted who Is isuable of earning 1,ih to fci.iM) a year selling the Standard Line of Live Stock preparations to the re tail trade. Salary or commission. Moat at tractive proposition ever ottered to deal ers. We can use only a high gradtt, suc cessful salesman. Give full particulars n first lotler. tftandaid Stock Food company, Omaha, Neb. () M53U Janb AGENTS wanted for the most complete oil gas burner in tne world; no wick; no smell; generstes kerosene oil Into a fine gas; It fits sny cook stove or rsnga; nothing like It; one-third cheaper than c-oal or wood. THE ECONOMY BURNER CO., Dept 8. guy and mu in. i. ine mag., umini, rxeb. t 76s GOOD live agents wanted; article needod in everv home. Call at once, 212 Mc fague Bldg. (9) M610 1 WANTED Traveling man, by local firm; position permanent; experience not neces sary. . Address D 327. Bee office. (9)-M733 WANTED Solicitor and collector to travel through country; position permanent; good Income. Address E &$, Bee office tu MV31 WANTED Man with ability td sell mining stock of merit; stork that will sell, lib eral commission. Treasury Hill Mining Co., 303 LJndelle Blk., Spokane, Wash. (9) M872 lx WANTED Good, competent, traveling salesmen to handle a high grade line ot roofing and building paints; exceptional opportunity for proper parties. Apply Garland Refining Co., Cleveland, O. 19-M719 31 NEW FIELJ-20O per cent profit; ex citing business; sell at every home. Mr. Bleckner made 31G1 In two days; never falls beiow $J0 a day. No deposit re quired. Write for county territory. Fire Appliance- Sales Co., Toledo, O. (9)-M89G 30x Clerical ass Office. WANTED A thoroughly competent real estate stenographer. W. J. Radclirr, A.. wood, Kan. (9j M713 J2x STENO.. R. R. experience, 8G0. Stfno, wholesale house, 8ti0. Bkpr. and bteno. who can control live stock consignments, 1100. Bteno. and Hkpr., Implements, 860. Shipping clerk, Bohemian or German, 810. Several Gen. Mdse. clerks who can handle apeclal rales on commission: permanent. " Grocery clerk, 312. Two traveling salesmen, Implements. Two soap salesmen. Call or write for a complete list We fur- nisn Donns or all Kinds. WESTERN REV. & BOND AS3"N, INC., Suite 721 N. Y. Life Bids. t)-S97 29 DRUG CLERK' position. Life Bldg. Knlest. N. T. (9) 768 Bookkeeper, who Is experienced In Im plements, per month. Five stenographera, experienced, $46, $35 per month. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. . 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. (9)-31 29 Factory aaa Trades. DO YOU WANT to become a competent automobile operator. The Northwestern Automobile and Gaa Engine school can put you In this class. Better investigate. Omaha Commercial college building, 19th and Farnam. (9) M689 WANTED A steam and gas engineer, for electric light plant, as second engineer. Must be up to date on steam and gaa and not afraid of work. In answer give jeferences, lowest salary and when you could come. No boozers need apply. McCook Electric Co., McCook, Neb., A. R. Scott, Manager. (9) MWl 3 HARNESS maker wanted at once. O. C. Chapman, Hastings, la. (9) M900 6 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few weeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor man: tan have shop with small capital; wagea from 12 to M weekly, wonderful demand for barbers? catalogue free. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. (9) MiS7 Six WANTED Marker and assorter; one cap able to supervise preferred. lllnchey Laundry, 25th and N, South Omaha. (9 M577 30 MEN wanted to learn a trade In SO min utes that will make 33 to $5 a day; In vestigate this; something new. E. Daugh erty &. Co., 1002 Chestnut St.. St. Louis, Mo. (9) M894 31 X M lecellaaeaae. BOYLES TELEGRAPH SCHOOL Bnyles Building, Omaha, Neb.; official training achool U. P. R. H. ; positions gusranteed; booklet free. (9) 76 FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Ass'n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. UJ 770 WANTED Railway mall clerks; customs employes; clerks at Washington; com mencement salary, $S00; many spring ex aminations; candidates prepared free; write for schedule. Franklin Institute, Dept. &5. Rochester, N. Y. (9)-M777 Jllx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. E. W. ANSPACH will hold his reguUr weekly horse auction on Thursday. De cember S), at the stock yu.rds, South Omaha. Will have a good axsortment of horses of all classes and will sell them right. Don't forget my grand opening New Year sale, on Thursday and Fri day, January 7 and 8, 19U9. (11)-M908 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST Bull terrier, seven months old, brlndle and white, white tip on tall and hip; tag 2827. Reward. Chas. W. Penrsall. Tel. Harney 2561. (12) M771 30 LOST Monday morning, somewhere east of 2Sth and I-avenworth, 1 Kit -automobile tools and ba. Finder please phone Doug las 109, Llnlnger Implement Co. (12) M8S4 31 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills." $1 a box. postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 771 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Madical College, 14th and Davenport Sta.; apeclal attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug laa 1167. Calls answered day or night. (U-123 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 8824 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. U3)-Mil MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. BORROW CHRISTMAS MONEY NOW and take advantage ot our apeclal 'HOL IDAY raiee. Your ftia. payment will not fall due until Fatruary. There will be no extra charges for this, elthar. Yuu can set It by telephoning Douglas 2296. OMAHA MOKTUAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade. 16th St. Entrance, tl4-HJ Um$tt3 YOU WftNT MONEY $$IHUK$ r;..,.. I .AKl'T PIT H 1(1 H R1TV.H ttltill i we loan you any amount on $$ H furniture, pianos, etc.; or. If you M tl have steady employment on your 8$ It plain note at the cheapaat rataa In $ 1$ thu city, open until :) p. ra. Puone $ 11 Dougl'ia DU36. $$ S OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. II -T . - - .. r ., I ' . 1 1 1 L. a... $$$ Ovp. Braudeie' IMiui Uth bl butrance, $$Ua$ MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Continued. MONEY loaned salaried people and rhra without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 orlnclnal cities loiinan. Room 613 U4)-77$ New York Life uldg. OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa aad Keeau. FURNISHED room and board; everything new and strictly moaem; iirst-ciass neighborhood, at a reasonable price. 1KJ Wirt 8U U5 776 CLOSE IN, nice large room, suitable for two; references required. 114 8. ISth Bt 'Phone Red 4033. (16J-M674 1818 CAPITAL AVE. Beautiful well fur nished room, with excellent board. HteHin heat, strictly first-class. Keasonable. 'Phone Red-6o37. (16)- -M669 Jan3x DESIRABLE room, fine location, walking distance; excellent board. 218 so. rath m. (16) M770 3x DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. tlO ( T LARGE staAm-heated rooms, with home cooking. 2616 Farnam St. (13) M907 12x Faralaaed Roenaa. ROOMS for gentlemen, by day, week 01 month. The Chatham. 110 s. 13th Bt (161-777 FURNI8HED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms' do not fall to get our list Costa vou nothina. P. O. NIELSUN & CO, REN VAL AOTS., 703 JN. X. llle Bldg. 'Phone .Doug. zuu. (15) 779 ONE large front room, nicely furnished. Z.oi woolworth Ave., near par. (1S)-MU1 SUITE of furnished rooms for gentlemen, by the month only. Hamilton care, Z4in and Farnam Sts. (15.1-627 2x FURNISHED rooms, strictly modern, plenty of hot water. 316 N. 19th St. (15) M595 1 FOR RENT Modern front room; hot water heat; walking distance. 2406 Harney. (16)-M616 lx NEWLY furnished modern room, private family, gentlemen. Call Sunday or even ings. 2404 Capitol Ave. (16) M619 lx FURNISHED 11th St. room near depots. 1213 8. (15) M73S 1 218 N. 19TH ST., room desirable for young men. (15) M7291X DESIRABLE rooms. 218 N. 19th. (16)-M728 J2?x WILL RENT a beautiful room to gentle man In new home of youngrcouple; hot running water, electric lights, piano player, etc Walking distance, choice neighborhood. Few ooors off Farnam. References exohanged. Fulton, 318 So. 27th Ave. (15) 762 29x FOR RENT 2 large rooms and alcove, sin gle or en suite; sunny and very pleasant. 2407 Capitol Ave. (15) MS78 4 VERY desirable room In Dundee for one or two persons; no other roomers. Tel. Harney 2591. (15)-93 30 FURNISHED roomi for respectable colored gentlemen. 1913 Izard St. (19) 775 oO Apartments aad Flats. FOR RENT 3301 Sherman Ave., lower flat, absolutely modern, fine lawn, elegant laundry In basement 325.00 to rlgnt party. Address W. K. Rogers, 1613 Lothrop Su 'Phone Webster 3567. (15) M8u8 ' CENTRAI-4 rooms and bath, all outside; corner flat; steam heat. 220 No. 23d. (15) M581 3-6 r., flat, Scargo. 61H N. 24th St., South Omaha, Hall, 433 Ramga Bldg. Red 74o6. (15) M230 A VERY choice apartment at 33d and Far nam St will be vacated soon by party leaving the city; Inquire of Wm. K. Pot ter, 301 Brown Blk. (15)-ab7 5-ROOM strictly modern heated apartment, 2823 N. 20th St J. N. Marsh, 445 Board of Trade Bldg. (15) HssMkecvlsg Hooma, TWO excellent modern furnished rooms for housekeeping. Phone In house. 2d74 liai ney St (16) 171 PARLOR. Dining room and kitchen. 614 S. 22d St. (16) M563 31x FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $12 and . $15. uv South 27th St. (16) M6J0 lx FOR RENT 1 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; modern In every way. 2306 Grant. (16) M748 1 FOUR elegant furnished front rooms, main floor, with piano, complete for house keeping. 2018 Davenport. (151755 lx FOUR unfurnished strictly modern light housekeeping rooms. 2tiu9 Woolworth Ave., or Tel. Doug! 3217. (15) MS79 31 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 207 S. 17th St. (151-692 4 Famished Hon NEW 6-room modern house, Just finished, located 8' '16 South 20th St.; furnished throughout; to right parties we can rent this tor $32.60. Phone Bemis, Paxton block. (15) M54J COTTAGE, modern ex. furnace, furnished; reasonable, to right parties; permanent. Call 3318 S. 20th St. (15) M743 lx FURNISHED HOUSE. Owner of this new house will rent It fur nished to right parlle8; more particular about care of home than rent; will ac cept $15 per month. 3t)16 South 2oth. Bemis, Paxton block. ' (16)-M875 lloaaas aad Cottasjea. 5- r., mod. ex. heat, 27o4 Ruggles $L'0. 6- r. mod. cottage, 562 8. 27th St. J7.50. J r., mod. ex. heat, barn, 4015 Hamilton St. $-2.50. C-r.. mod., hot water heat, 1418 Plnkney 8t.-$::o. 7- r., mod. ex. heat, 2ol Emmet St. $18. 8- r., mod. ex. heat, 2515 Parker Ht..-$J. 8-r., part mod., 3o Evans St. $20. FLATS. 5-r., mod. ex. heat, tS"74 N. 21st,Jt. $.'6. 50. 5- r., mod. ex. heat, 2iL"2 Sherman Ave., $16. 7-r., new. mod.. 619 8. 19lh St. $45. 6- r . modern, heated apartment, heat and janitor service, furnished; $40 summer; $52 winter; H4 S. 24th St. HA8TINUB A HEYDEN. 1704 Farnam St. (15) 9 29 FOR RENT 3304 Sherman Ave., gas and electrlo light, strictly modern and up-to-date except furnace. Privilege of laundry In basement, $20.00. Address W. E. Rogers, 161$ Lothrop St 'Phoue Webeter $567. (15 U857 OMAHA Van and Storage Co. pack, move, atcre H. H. gooda, storehouse 1120-24 N. Uth. office Farnam. TeL Doug. 15o9. (iij-7ta MAGGARD VAN A STORAGE CO. Tel. D. 1496. We guarantee moving pianos, H. 1L aoods. 115) 764 GLOVER Realty Syndioats. N. Y. U D-3S3X (15) M5t8 Janj FOR RENT New 6-room cottage one block from Sherman Ave. tar; fine lawn and trees; asphalt paved atreet, cement walks and basement; very choice location. Rent 131. owner pays water rent and cares for lawn. Telephone Webster 3510 Wil liam I. Klersiead. (15) ' a RittiiAIN in rent 1 rooms, modern sx cept furnace, near In. three block from Farnam St. car line; vary low to ood tenant Apply at i7 N.- Wth bt. 115 M611 LIST your Braeu Co.. vacant houaaa with Walter N Y. Life Bldg. (u)-.6 1 OFFERED FOR RENT Houses and lotaaes t'wnllnaed. 8-nOOM. modern brick flat, 3007 Vadfla, For Information 'phone Harney 32X3. tl6) 7S8 HOUSEHOLD GOODS pscked. forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Kxpiessmtn's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 394. U5-7&s DESIRABLE 8-room modern furnished house, illngwalt Bros. (15) Mm 6-ROOM cottage, walking distsnce, trod ern except heat; $25. O'Keefe Real Es tate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug or A 2162. (15) M910 1 FOll SALE Oli KENT Eight-room house, with bathroom, cellar, barn, nice lawn, conciete walks, paved street; furnace If required. 25'Jl Chicago t. See owner at 2523 Chicago St. (lo)-Mi6 1 HOUSES, flats. Garviu Bros., 1604 Farnam. (i5)-;i HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. (16) 7W 7-ROOM, all modern house, gaa stove, gas water heater, shadea, furnace, ltill Sprues St. The Chatham., H. I. Plumb. (16) M927 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. is. f. L. Bldg. Ob)-: linTTiTTQ in a 11 parts of the city. I1UUOUO Crelgh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. (16)-79J. 2571 DODGE St., 8 rooms, modern; laundry basement; walking distance; handy three car llneF. Hiidreth 437 Brandela Blug. Tel. Harney 4311. (15) 170 BRICK house, conven'ently located, plenty ot light ii nil air; modem. 2913 Mason St. Apply f-J3 So. 2Mh St. (16 M719 3lht FOR RENT I nice rooms, first floor, city water, gas, toilet, J12.0O per month, c. M. Bachmann. Agt. (15) 776 FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage, close In. Tel. Douglas 6544. (15) X96 30x 1020 South 23d, 6-room cottage, city water and gas. Inquire 1021 South 24th. (16)-890 2x OfBcee. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omaha. Cull at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th and N. new address. (16) M577 OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; ueeu used a short time and will sell cheap. Call Bee office, Omaha. (161143 COMPLETE bedroom set; Iron bed, beau tiful dresser, vrashstand, table, chair and rocker. 3408 Jones St. (16) M76 31 x Typewriters and Sevrlng; Machines. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ALL FltlCES For sale, for rent Slightly uaed and genuine rebuilt machines, good as new, it H to H mfrs. prices. If rented, rent will be applied. Large stock of 26 differ tnt makes to select from. Call or write today for large bargain list and receive our 'offer. We ship on approval anywhere without a deposit B. P. SWANSON CO., INC. (Established Five Years.) . . 1620 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. (416 S. IjUI bt alter December 20.) (16) M28S Janl TYPEWRITERS, any make, all prlcea, for sf.ie, for rent; rent applied If bought. Call or ask for our bargain list B. F. Swanson Co., Inc. (est. a yra.). 1620 Far nam St., Omaha. il6 MJt9 Janl Miscellaneous. SEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. (16) 80s DRUGS st cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. (16) m TWO cash registers, one gaa arc lamp. 402 8. 15th St. (IftJ 448 TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES ALL I'ltlCES For Sale For Kent Slightly used and genuine rebuilt machines, good as new, at one-fourth to one-half manufacturers' ? rices. If rented, rent will be applied, urge stock of 2j different makes to select from. Call or write today for large bar gain list and receive our offer. We ship on approval anywhere without a deposit. B ,F. SWANSON CO., INC. (Eatuhlighed Five Years.) 417 South Fifteenth St., Omaha, Neb. (16J-M4U Janl Wire Cable for Sale Ws have Vitree pieces of -lnch cable. 158 to 250 fett each, for sale at a reasonable price. Call 011 engineer. Bee Bldg., Omaha, FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world la cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick-Balks Cullender, 407 S. 10th St (16) 603 COAL All kinds, free delivered, same day as you order. Rosenblatt's coal yard. Tel. Douglas 412. Retail department clean nut coal, 6 bushels for $1. (16) 764 1,000 KINDS perfumes and sachet powders. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Owl Drug Co., ltith and Harney. (16)-M52 Dec. FOR SALR-Cheap for cash, butcher's 6x 10 ice box. 111 good condition. Ueo. W. Hartman, 2j3 Cuming St (16) M126 INK BARRELS We have on hand a number of these bar rels which we will sel, at 50u each. They are fine for rain water or aanea. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (16 277 CHRISTMAS candies, sealed boxes. Sher man at McConnell Drug. Co., Owl Drug Co. UJ M253 Dec31 FOR SALE 20 cars of hard wood saw dust, alao tak cord wood. Send your order to J. W. Carter, Carlow, Mo. (16) M60O 31X FOR SALE Set abstract books; good busi ness. Address Y 52, care Bee. (161608 Sftx PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Biock. Tel. Bad 7117. 17)-606 PATENTS THAI' PROTECT Three hoofs for Investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. S. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg . Washington. D. C. Estab lished ins (i7)-o; PERSONAL A HOME for women during confinement We find homes for babies where mothera jinot caie for thorn. Mother Lee, 4ui Lincroft St 'Phcr.a Douglas 1921. 16)-ul JanCTx THE SALVATION ARMY solicits eaetoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not. need. We collect, repair and sell at lit N. 11th St., for cost of collection to ths worthy poor. Call 'Phons Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. ' (18 766 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mra Dr. King. N. 24th. TeL Webster 1U8. U-U It mifHi1 Electric vibratory. 120 a. JUiVOilAtJ th. Room J. fourth floor old Boston Slort. (18 M2WJ1 HALL'S safes, new,2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. O81 ao YOUNG WOMEN coming tn Omsha at strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women'a Christian sssoolatlon rooms. 151 Farnam St , where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlsa assisted. (l8-8 a r A nWITT'Tr' treatment and bath. Mm MiXUXSrllVg,,,,,, Ui N uth, jrl floor. (18,-627 L1EBEN, costumer. 1116 Howard. Open Era. (18) Mild MASSAGE treatment, 170 Dodge St.. base ment. Mis. Jordan. (IS) 648 x OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. Ramge Bldg. (18) 12 BTRINGES, rubber goods by msll; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (18) 810 ELECTRIC vibratory treatments, alcohol rubbing magnetic massage; new parlor; lady operator. Room 2, 173 lKidse 81. MR) MvS8 31x FOR ADOPTION. 8-month-nld boy baby, Swedish parents Address L-283, care Bee. (18)-2u6 REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1856; prompt servlc; get our prices. lilO Farnam St. (19) 813 PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Llf. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO.. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President (19) Mu&l GEORGE ot CO., 1801 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 758, (19) 815 BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brandeis Bldg. (19) 814 CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB. A. P. TUKEY & SON TWO NEW BUNCHES To close the year, we offer the two bunches of houses named below for sale at prices that will warrant your Investi gation. BUNCH NO. 1 2529 So. 12th street.... 2526 So. 12th street 25J3 80. 12th street.... 2519 So. 12th street.... $2,250.00 1,750.00 1.6O0.00 1.250.U0 Two six-room houses with ground 37x1.18 each; one five and one four-room house, ground 33x138 each, all above grade, city water In yard, gas in house; situated at the northeast corner of 12th and Vinton Sts. BUNCH NO 2 2fi27 So. 15th street $2,000.00 2H2S So. 15th street 1.7W.00 23 So. 15th street 1,700.00 2ti2l So. 15th street 1,750.00 Each house has six rooms, city water, gaa and cistern; ground 35x110; all above grade and In first cluss condition; situated at the northeast corner of 15th and Ban croft streets. A. P. TUKEY & SON 445 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2181. (19) M905 31 SOME 1FS. IF Field club district suits you, and IF you want a new house, but IF you don't care to pay more than an old house costs and IF a brand new square house with three largw bedrooms, large bath and four closets upstairs and IF the first floor has a large parlor with elegant reception hall, colonnade opening and grand stairway, and IF It has full cellar, best furnace, gas. electric light, and IF it's finished In birch, all modern, and IF located on one of the best lots on 8. 38th Ave., and IF the price Is only $3,750, easy terms, WOULDN'T YOU HE INTERESTED? IF so, look at 1034 S. 88th Ave. Keys at 1002 8. 3Sth Ave. C. G. CARDBERG, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. (191-777 29 AN eastern owner hss two houses In Hans corn Place rented for $70 a month; every will aell at a bargain; one block north ol Hanscom Park. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Life Building. (1 at Cheap Vacant Lots $450 Ersklne street, east of Forty-fiflh, first west of house No. 4319 Ersklne 8t; water, sewer and gaa and cement walk, abstract and all taxes paid lot 6 block 12. Clifton Hill. $350 N. E. corner 3th and Decatur St, 60x 127; easy terms. $200 First east of corner of 36th and Pat rick Ave., north front; easy terms. $350 West front on 28th St., 99 ft., north of Fort St.; easy terms. $2,250 East front on 24th St., 77 feet and 120; 30 ft. south of southwest corner 24 th ami Franklin; guod for atores and flats. Above property to be closed out at once, so get busy. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farram St. (19) M8X1 31 WEBSTER STREET Has been opened from 3oth St. to 32d St. The street will be graded and improved in the spring. I have 110 feet facing north on Webster St., the first vacant lots west of 80th St., which I will subdivide Into three lots and sell at $20 per front foot, on easy terms, or will sell the entire piece for $2,000 cash. These lots are 1j0 feet deep ami. when street is improved, will be very dcslrahle building lots. Here is an opportunity to secure close lnpropcrty st a very low price. W. II. A MM ANSON, 1218 Farnam St., Second Floor. (19)-Ara WANTED To buy or rent for one year; neat 8 to 10-r. house best bank refer ences. Address M 316. care Bee. (19I-6S8 29 W. W. MITCHELL. REAL ESTATE. 322 Board of Trade Bldg. If you have city property, farms, ranch lands or stocks of merchandise that you want to sell or trade, list them with me. It Is my buslneas to sell and It costs you nothing unless I effect a sale. W. W. MITCHELL. Telephone Douglas 1304. il9)-MSS9 MUST BE SOLD $300 down. $20 per month, buys new 6-room, modern cottage, with furnuce and porcelain plumbing, gas and electric fixtures. South 21nt. F. I). Wead. Wead Blk., ISlli and Farnam. (l'j)-fc'J3 1 FOR SALE Account leaving city. 6-rcotn cottage, 3229 Ohio 8t., $1.61, including furniture. jju casn, oa lance su.uo pci month. Apply on premises. (19)-M883 Six LIST your property with Chris. Boyer. J:'4 and Cuming bts. (1 619 $500 CASH, and balance monthly, will buy a brand new, flrsl-rlasa seven-room house, up-to-date In every requirement and resdy to move Intc, at 26di Fouler Ave. Come and ae It. !) Too REAL ESTATE FARM AND HANCI1 LAN U FOR SALE Oalarade. FARM AND FRUIT LAND Denver-Gieeley district, under Irrigation; augar bee, alfalfa, general farming anil fijil raising ; 10 price, .asy payments. National Investment Co.. 663 Brandela bug., omaba. Tel. Douglaa atiSl. O0-82 Maataaa. TMNB RANCH FOR BALE. .mv acres of Montsna wheat land, va acres In cultivation, rood water rig t and an excellent opportunity for good former: threshing machine, gang plows and other machinery to go with th ranch. Price. $16 an acre; one-half cash, the balance five years at per cont 8e cuilty State Bank, Havre. Mont. (30y-M4.il JanZt REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith a to-, 1830 Farnam St. PAYNE. ".OSTWICK. CO., N. Y. Life, 1'rlval money; $5ou to $5.0uO; low rate. (-i4 MONEY TO LOAN-l'ayna Investment Ca. (a)-7 FIVE PER CENT " money to loan on Omaha Buslnasa Property. THOMAS B REN NAN. Room 1, New York Ll(e BMg. (0-83 PRIVATE MONEY-NO DBLAT. GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAai, (-ai SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. Apply Room 218 First National Bank Bldg. Bali 'Phone Douglas 2318. (22) 75 $500 TO $5,000 ON HOMES IN OMAHA. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2162. (23) 82 PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, 61 Brandeis Bldg. (21) 828 LOWEST RATES Bemis. Paxton block. (E)-Je $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Weaa, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam. 22-38 MONEY TO BUILD, $500 to $200,000 at current rates. W. H. THOMAS. 80S First Nat. Bank Bldg. (22)-82 WANTED-C1TY loans. Patera Trust Ca, (22)-82 REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to purchssn modern house near West Farnam; mustle reasonable In price and In perfect condition. Only own ers need answer, giving full partlcu are. Address W 340, care Bee. (23) 696 WANTED At once, moderate slxsd house In good locality; muat bo cheap for caah. No agents or real estate dealers need reply. Address H 331, care Bee. (23) 834 WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $6,000 on first mort gage on building between Dodge and Douglas, on 14th St. Call at lira Howard St (34)891 80 WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for Sd-hand furniture, ear pete, clothes and sboea. Tel. Doug. 8971 (25)-631 RIGHT prlcea paid for 2d-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, shoes, TeL Red 6401. (36i-34 WE WILL buy land any place the rtvr are cutting. Omaha Current Deflectct Co.. 214 8. 12tb St (SS)-78 JS WANTED TO RENT WANTED Desk room with real estate man who handles local real estate only. Address R. E. Holmes, care Merchants hotel. (26) M8- 30 WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man desires plaoe ta work fof board while attending achool. Boylel College. Both 'phones. (37) M848 , YOUNG man wants position aa flrat ot second cock. Inquire 624 S. loth Bt. (27) M903 81 x STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, steam and hot water repairs; Thermoatats and other heat regulators; new furnaces and hot water combination beating. Omaha Stove Repair Works 1206-12UK Douglaa St 'Phones; lnd. A-So-'V Bell, Douglaa 660. 766 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Richard J. Saunders et al. to Rose L. Marsh, lots 3 and 4, block 2, Ames Place $ 1 Robert M. Zug and wife to Hans P. Anderson, lot 4, block 471, Grand , View ' I Fanny Relchenberg to John F. Jack son, lot 10, block 4, Reed's 3d 266 W illlam Rightmyer and wife to Hugh W. Hale, s sw4 26-15-10 4,000 Jacob M. Counsinan and wife to Wil liam D. Counsman, parcel 48Vixl32 lcet In taxlot 20. 10-15-13 1 Elisabeth M. Shahan to Prudential Real Estate Co., lots 81 to 41 Inclu sive, and 61, 62, 53, 54, block 4, Irene Place ; I Woodruff Jones and wife to Mary F. Ruse, nV lot 2, Terrace ad 3,300 Joaeph Barker, trustee, to Emery Cslpkes, lots 280 and 281, Roanoke.. 116 Frank T. Dlvls to Mlnton S. Atkls son, lot 13, block 20 Kountse Place.. $.500 GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartermaster, Fort Crook, Nebraska, Dec. 28, 19US. Sealed propoaals, la triplicate, will be received at this olflce until 11 o'clock, a. m., January 4, 1)9, and then opened, for installation of plumbing In one double set of N. C O. quarters for civilian employes at Fort Crook, Nebraska. A guarantee for 10 per cent of amount of proposal must ac company each bid. Plana and apeclflca tions may be aeen by Intending bidders al ' the office of Tho Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Ne braska. and at this office. Necessary blank forms and full Information furnished upon application here. The United Slates re serves the right to reject any or all bids.' . Envelopes containing proposals must be In dorsed "Proposals for Plumbing, to be opened January 4. 19-19," and addressed to CAPTAIN JOSEPH F. GOHN, Construct ing quartermaster. D29-30-31-J1-3 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, December 1908. Scale, i proposuis, in triplicate, will be received hers until 11:00 a. m.. Central time, January 27, 1909, and then opened for constructing a storehouse for officers' property, etc.. st Fort Leaven worth. Kansas. Full Information and blank forms of proposal furnished, on ap plication to tills office. Plana and spe- . cllicatlons may be seen at this office, the office of the chit f quartermaster, De partment of the Missouri, Omaha, and Master Builders' fxchange. Kansas City, Missouri. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or " ny part theieof. Envelopes to be endorsed "Pro'joaals for Public Buildings," and ad- ' dressed to Captain Wm. P. Davis, Quar- termaater. D-30-J-1-2-Z6-26 LEGAL NOTICES To the Stockholders of The Conservative Savings and Loan Association ot Omaha, Nebraska: As provided In section 1 of article I of ths byiawa of said association you ara hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stiK-kholdera of said Ths Conservative Sav ings and I-oan Association of Omaha, Neb., will be held January 11, 19u9. at the office of said association, 1614 Harney aireet, Omaha. Neb., for the purpose of electing one director fur a term of iwo years and three duei tors fur a term of five years, to receive the reports of the officers and directors and for the transaction of such other bus ness as may properly coma be fore the meeting. The polls will be open for the reception of ballots for ttu election of directors from $ o'clock to 6 o'clock of said day, and the business inciting of the stockholders ev.ll liuii.edlMUly follow (lie tljslnsj of the polls. Board ot Directors ot The Conservative Having and Loan Association of Omaha Nebraska. ' By GEORGE F. OILMORE. Preaident Attest; PALL W. Kuhns. aacretarr- D-eftd-K Art .'r "sag. -