1 J THE OMAllA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1908 A GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET light Trading and Indifference to Take the Buying Side. DULL DURING HOLIDAY. SEASON Mreng Bears Waiting- for Farther littanre Before selling; nil Balls Seem Nat Adrerse to Decline OMAHA, Dec. 29. l'JOt. Inirlness continue ry dull during the .1 rlldav season, speculator practically Kl'umlnnlni tra.ip. The molt bearlan fea ture In wheat Is 111 light trading and the indifference of the blc ODenton to take the buying aide. Ttn'ilruniiMt bears are waiting for ft further advance before selling and the bulla seem not adverse to a. decline before in- reusing their holdings. Attention la ralbd to the primary receipts, which were about Jiflif of last veer's The cns'i corn situation la stronger and Will there la a short shipping demand the local commission men report a ready sale for their receipts. Wheat ruled steady., with trade very light. Lighter recelpta offaet the lower iHiilea. Strength developed late on a better i mil market demand. Support waa good nd buying of the December option started i ne advance. December wheat opened SHur and cloaed at 97c. Corn opened ateadr oil llshter receipts and an imnroved r-aah demand. Buy! w good and moatly general, putting prlcea up and Influenced by the lat atrength In wheat. December corn opened at Blc ana e!"cd at Br. Primary wheat recelpta were 33S..000 b iKhela. and ehlnments were 284,000 bushels n gainst recepts Inat year of 6.0U0 bushela nnd shipments of 231,0i0 buahela. Oorn racenlta were 1.143.000 bushels and fhlriments were 472.0.0 buahela, sgalnat t'celpts laat year of 1.158.000 bushels and shipments of 483,Ki0 buahela. Clenrancca were 446.000 buahela of corn COM) buahela of oata, and wheat and flour equal to 186.000 bushela. Liverpool cloaed -ttSd lower on wheat anil Si! lower on corn. Local range ot options: Art Ides. Open. Htgh. Low. Close ! Tes'y. Wheat Dec... H4 97 9 97 May...loo 1014 '100 1014 too Corn Dec... 61 53 61 63 81 May... 65. 56Ti 65H 55'. 66 Oata Dec...". 4Wi 4i 46 46 4H May... 48V, 48 48V4 48. 48Vj Omaha Cash. Prlcea, WIIKAT-No. 2 hard. OSffTOOSc: No. .1 hard. 96Vtff18c; No. f hard. W6Hc; No. spring. 7(fr99c. CORN No. i. MHc: No. 3. 63i06$Vc; No. s yeiiow, mhc; No. I white, fcfic. OATH No. 3. mlxcL 4SV4fflH6Hc: No. yellow, 4(U446c NOi,S white, 46Vr?46c No. 4 white,. 45'4v, . RYE No. 4. 70c; No. S, 60c. ' ' Car Lot Hecelnta. Wheat. Corn. ' l U ago 19 Minneapolis II R Omaha 41 Duluth 17S ll.oifl 1.0V. No. 1 northern. $1 05 4J1 OS. ri.AXSLt.il losen at ii.iii. FLOlK Kteady: flrat patenta, $6,000 8 50; second patents. S.10ii 5 20; flrat clears, 14.0004 10; second clears, $l.itj I 05 BR AN In bulk. Il 00 19.Z. EW YORK KB Est 4.1. MARKET Q eolation a oa Varlons 448 Oata 197 'ii of tae Day Commodities. NEW YORK. Dec. ?9. FIjOT'R Receipts. S4.1M bbls.; exports, 6.1U bbls.; market dull. but stesdy; Minnesota patents. $5.25ft5.86; winter atralghta, $4.i34.75; Minnesota bakers'. 14.20U4.0: winter ex- Lc&s. $3.6Vd4.26: winter patents. K75.2s winter low gradea, $3.ocfc4.15. Rye flour, steady: fair to good. I4.Omfi4.2S;' choice to f.inry. I4.m4.w. Buckwheat flour, dull at $2.30ir2.40 per lnO lbs. 4X)KNMEAL Steady: fine white and yel low. ll.4Mil.6o- coarse. 11. 4041.46: kiln dried, 3. toft 3. 50. RYE Dull: No. 2 western. 8D4C I. o. o, New Tork. BARLEY-fltead: feeding. 68269c c. t t. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 27.000 bu.: apot market firm: No. 2 red. Sl.0MM.09Vs. elevator: .no 2 red. $1.10 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Diilulh, SI. 19 f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard. winter, $1.16 f. o. b. afloat. Except for a short time at the opening, when prices were affected by easier cables, wheat waa strong and higher today. Its Influences be ing a bullish snow report, very light re ceipts and reports of serious damage In Argentina. Leaf prices showed 7c net rlae. December. fl.09'9'1.10 1-1S. closed $1.10; May, $1.10fcl.l2 1-16, closed $1.12; July closed $1.08. CORN Receipts, 21,600 bu.; exports, 136. 97 bu.; spot market steady; No. 2, 65c elevator and 66o f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 western, j6e; No. I yellow, 66o f. o. b. afloat. Option market waa firmer, with wheat, closing H'AO net higher. Decem ber, 6tk closed wic; May cloaed at 67c; July closed at 67o, and September at 67c. OATS Receipts, 120.000 bu.: exports, 6.2W) bu.; spot market steady t mixed, 26 to 32 pounds, M'nto'r; natural white. 2 to 32 pounda, 64So7c; clipped white, 84iS'42 pounds, KBKD Steady; spring bran. S36. HAY Dull and easy; No. 8, Wq'Obc; to choice, fcOtiKlc. HIDFS Eaay : Rngota. 19W4C; tral American, 21Hc PROVISIONS Heef. steady; family C17.50; meaa, $13.001150; beef hams, $28.00t 2SO0; packet, $14.5oti15.50; city extra India meae1, $." 5iW(C7.60. Cut meata, quiet: pickled bellies, $$.ij9.2; pickled hams, $9.00ji9.50. I-ard. easy; western, $9.7'39.0; refined, steady; continent, $10 00; South Amerioan, $10.75; compound. $. 757.00. Pork, firm; family, $17.60i&18 60; short clears, $20.00928.00; meas, $l 50i8)17.00. TALIXJW Steady; city ($2.00 per pkg), 6ic; country (pkga. free), 5Ni(35T4c. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 2 wMvfec; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm; creamery, held common to special. 23?32!)'4c. CHEESF3 Quiet; state full creams, pe dals, l44f'l6V4c; neptemoer, colored, or white, fancy. 14c; October, best, 134c; late made, best, small, 13; good to prime, 11419 izc; common 10 rair, luawic; SKims, fuils to speclsls. 2Vf&Mlic. EGOS Easier; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, S8'(f-40c; fair to choice, 3fi4j'J7c; brown and mixed, fancy, 33 ih:(5c; fair to choice. Drown sncl mixed, sow a.'c; western nrsis, ic: seconas, stmaoc. POULTRY Dreseed, firm; western spring cnicKens, izvinc; iowis, lWffHic; spring lurnpys, iwa4C, NEWYORR STOCKS AND BONDS Upward Movement of Values Which Started Monday Not Maintained. 0NE-P0INT LOSSES ARE NUMEROUS Real Is lag Pressure Is Moat I'ro aeaaeti la Hiari Wklrh Have Bets Moat Conaoleaoaa Receatly. good Cen- , $17.00 . ( HICACO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS i'eataros o( the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Dec. 29 Argentine advices formed the baala of a 1 cent advance In the price of wheat here today. The market cloaed strong at the top notch. Corn and . oats also closed strong, but provisions were wesk. One of the factors aiding strength of wheat was a cablegram from Argentina stating that severe storms were doing con siderable damage to the wheat crop. Other advices from that' country confirmed pre vious estimates of a comparatively small - amount of wheat which will be available i. lor "xport.- These reports transformed a weak market Into one of decided strength. At the opening prices were He to 3c tho weakness being due to a decline of i'viiov 10 pence at Liverpool, a rirmer '" lone develnned IninrH the enrf at the flrat ybour. and thrughotttthi Vehialhder of the day sentiment In the pit continued to be bullish. A special report on the fall sown . crop of wheat In this country made by a . local expert, who waa Inclined to doubt the accuracy of the government statistics, '' 'showed that the official figure placed the ' total acreage at 1.260,000 acres more than 7 waa claimed by this authority. This report helped to strengthen the market. The mar- , ket closed strong with all deliveries at the highest point of the day, May being tl.07 and July at 99c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 1H6.000 bushela. The world's visible supply, as shown by Brad- streets. Increased 72,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 336.000 buahela, compared with &06.000 bushels the corresponding day ' a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago reported total recelpta of 310 cars against 28) last week and 421 a year ago. A prospective falling off In receipts waa , the chief Incentive to considerable buying of corn by elevator Interests and shorts, , which resulted In a strong market during , . the last half of the day. The expectation A of a decreased movement waa based mainly on official forecast of unsettled weather . for the corn belt, flight weakness was , manifested early In the day. owing to lower cables and the weakness ot wheat. The market cloaed strong at the highest point with prices up Ho to HWt: final quotations on May betng at ftlH'ir&lHc and , on July to. Dotal receipts were 448 cars, with seven of contract grade. The advance 1n wheat and corn Imparted moderate flrmneaa to the oata market, but the volume of trade waa extremely small. v. The bulk of baslness was In the May de livery. The market closed firm at the top with prices up Hj4c to He compared with the previous close, final quotations on May -being at llTc. and on July 46c. Local re ceipts were 197 cars. Increased receipts of live hogs here and at other western packing centers Induced inouerate realising in provisions Dy local long which caused a weak market throughout the entire day. Prices at the close were off 2H to cents. Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat IS cars; corn. 227 cars; oats, 129 cars, and hoga. 42,000 head. The leaning fjturea ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. H1gh. Dow. Close. Yes'y, WEATHER IV THE GRAIN BELT Fair and Colder la the Forecast for Wednesday. OMAHA, Dec. 29. 1908. The pressure Is high east of the Missis slppl river, on the Pacific slope, and over the southwest. The depression In the ex treme northwest, noted In the preceding report, has moved eastward and Is now central over the northern line of North Dakota, and extends south over the upper Missouri vaney and middle KocRy moun tain slope. This disturbance waa accom panied by light snow flurries over the extreme northwest, and Is followed by flurries of snow In western Montana this morning. Increasing cloudiness Is shown throughout the upper valleys, and warmer weather prevails In the mountains and east over the valleys to the Lake region. The high presaure on the Pacific coast. Is ae companled by a decided fall In tempera ture In the extreme northwest and the out look Is for fRlr and colder In this vicinity tnmgni ana weanesaay. Omaha record or temperature ana pre cipitation compared with the corresponding days 01 ine last inree yeara: 1908. 1907. 1906. 1908. Minimum temperature.... 35 30 34 20 Preclnltatlon 00 .18 .88 .00 Normal temperature ror todav, 23 oerrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. D.i incnes. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907 7.47 inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1908. 4.j incnes. D, A. WELSH:. Local Forecaster. NEW TORK. Dec. 29-The rate at which prices started upward with the resumption of dealings In stocks after the Christmas holiday was not maintained on the second day of operations. Just what sentiment of opinion may have prompted the moder ating of the movement Is nut clear, but a subetantlal check was encountered In the weignt or ths offering to sell. At th enu or tne day one point losses were numerous. There was some Dercentlon of an Incongruity between the manner of the scramble for stocks at the rapidly rising puces, sucn as occurred yesterday and the Investment demand which the move ment is supposed to recrement. The genu ine investment inlying Is recognisable by 11m nooer meinons ana its more careful scrutiny of prevailing price levels with relation to dividend rates In the adjust ment vi income return to conrorm to ex Istirur conditions In the monev murker A volatile and excited price movement is more likely to repel the Investment buying ..i.. iu aiiract n. rronaniy tne conn Uence that conditions favor genuine In vestment buying which it would be un wiae to discourage has Its Influence In the quieting of the more purely" speculative maneuvers In the market. The realizing pressure was most pronounced In some of the stocks which were most conspicuous In recent Sudden advnnon innlnHfrnr H,.m of the lower Dreferred railroad iiivii called eligible for mergers, but embracing also some of the higher priced speculative invomen. 1 ne railroad deal continued to Play a Part In the BrvrulnHrtn anH tn touch some new stocks with Its animating ...wuenur. in copper industrials showed themaelves unresponsive to trade reporta of the same hopeful character which proved efflcaeloue In raising their prlcea yeaterday. Copper metal was marked up again at the New York Metal exchange and In the London market and further re ports were heard of an active movement amongst consumers to take refined coo per, but that group saged to lower prices. nuiwiiiniMiuinj irns stimulant, xnere was uiucn aiacuasion vearerriiiv nf 11,, imrwr4unf effect on railroad earnings to result from 100 pniiwsea advance in freight rates on January 1. of which notice haa been filed with the Interstate Commerce commission. The amount of public agitation aroused against this proposed advance came Into larger consideration owing to reports of the holding of mass meetings In California iu iiroirni against tne Intended advances on behalf of shinnem. Raiimaii 1 Pc rtn officials displayed no more than a oulet saiisraciion with the freight movement and do not give expression to enthusiasm. In the comparisons of reports of railroad earnings with 4ast year from this time on wards It Is pointed out that the com parison Is with the slump In gross earn ings following the panic, and while oper ating expenses were still held at an ex travagant level, as time hnt nof vaI hon given to put Into effect measures of economy. In other words, conditions at this time last year and the period follow ing were the moat unfavorable for the railroads which have existed for many years past, so that satisfaction with a favorable contrast at this time will de mand some restraint. The Italian earthquake calamity brought Tin direct pressure on the market, but the sentimental effect of such great dis asters Is depressing to property values The news of the Balkan situation had some disquieting effects. The decline In sterling exchsnge here kept pace with that at Paris, leaving the force of the demand on our gold holdings about the same. Money was offered freely In time loans and rates declined. The closing tone of the stock market was distinctly weak after a day of hesitation. Profit-taking was an Influence on some of the speculative bonds, as well as stocks, and the tone of the bonds division was rather Irregular. Dealings were still on a large acale. Total sales, par value. $9,044,000. United States 3a declined per cent on call. The following were the closing quotations on stocks and bands: Wheat lec. May July Corn , Dec. May' July Oata Dee. . Mav - July I'ork j t Jan.! 1 May Lard Jan. May 1 nibs ' Jan. 1 01 1 MS 4H t6.27H ' i ASH 1 07T, " hi C7H IH 1 02s 1 t;s 9H 67 1 03H 1 03 1 0T 1 Ob-, 99H Sfc'5 tnv0Vtni 57H! 7;tuH'u-i 0111 ,4a! any .1 30, Si 47H( ! to tlb &MI . CH May Gi To 8 KH 1(6 49H 61 H 4 18 i7Hl 1 42H 9 61 H I 18 27H1 tjlii.S6 It, 60 t (2HI 60 8S2HI:: 8 65 f 68 7HI JH $9 & 8 27H 160 67H' 8 S7H 1t 30 8 a 5 G7 61 filH 49'i 4tH 1 32H 16 57H 9 62H 6 9 66 75 '89 77H 37H I 72H eon. Topcka A 8anta Fe was the feature on good earnlnsa. Later New York aup- ported the market moderately, but the best prices were not maintained although the market finished steady. Copper shares were firm. BERLIN. Dec. 29. Prlcea on the Bourse today were rather firm, but trading waa sltiftglsh. PARIS. Dec. Trsdlng on the Bourse today was quirt and prices moved In a hesitating manner. OMAllA LIVE STOCK MARKET In New York Money Market. NEW TORK. Dee. .-MONEY-On call, firm at 3iH per cent; ruling rate, SH per cent: clt'Slng hrd. I per rent; offered at I per cent. Time loans, weaker on Decem ber offeringa: sixty and ninety days, JH per ent; six months, 3HWH P"" cent t'KIMt, MbKLAMlU; JA1I.K-tWlTfe per cent. BTKHblKU KXt. M AUt-KSSy, Wltn sctuaj business In bankers' bills at $4 8490Q, 4 KiW ror sixty-riav dihs ana at w.kwv tor demand: commercial bills. $4 84Si34 84V. SILVER Bar, 4ic; Mexican dollars, 46c. BONDS Government, eaay; railroads. Ir regular. The following were the closing quotations on bonds yesterday: V. 8. ret. 2i, in int. Met. 44i Cattle of All Kinds Steady, with Trade Fairly Active. HOGS SELLING AT L0WEE FIGUSE beep and l.anaba In Larger Receipt, While Demand la Good and Prices Steady to Ten Centa Higher. do coupon .... V. 8. Is. reg do coupon do 4i, ret do coupon Amr. Tob. 4a... do co. is Atrhlson gn. 4a do adj. 4 .... do cv. 4a do is Atlantic C. L. 4a ..104 I. N. unl. 4a.. 101 Man. c. f. 4a ... KM Max. Cantral 4.. do 1st Inc 121 M!, A. St. L. 4a. 1H., K. T. 4a... 10li do !a 101SN. R. R. ot M. c. S. Y. C. ft. 10JiN. J. C. (. 6a... lMHNo. Pacific 4a Ki da U Bal. Ohio 4a lll4N. W. e. 4a. do 8'4 Prk. R. T. c. 4a.... Ontral of Oa. 6a... do lat inc do 2d Inc do Id Inc rha. Ohio 4m... Chicago A A. im. .. c, b. a q. n. 4s... C, R. I. P. 4a... do co). 5a do rfdg. 4a., CCC. A St. g. 4a. Colo. Ind. 6a Colo. Mid. a Colo. A So. 4a.... Dal. aV H. cr. 4a. D. A R. O. 4a.... Erie p. 1. 4a do gen. 4 Hock.. Val. 4Va.. Japan 4a do 44a do 2d aerlta Bid. "Offered i O. 8. U rfda. 4a SHFmn. cr. I si It 15.. do con. 4a SI Reading aan. 4a Rep. of Cuba 6a 50 l. L. A I. M. r. 5a lODUjBt. U ft r 77 St. h. 8. W. e. 4. 10014 seaboard A. L. 4a. 67 Bo. Pacific 4a KISi do lat 4a HI 80, Railway ba... . Txn ft P. la niT.. 8t L. ft W. 4a KZHl'alon Pacific 4a. ... m ...103 ... M ... ...26 ... U ... WV, ... t 4a. tl ... M ...12 ...144 ... T34, ... H t4'i 1021 lit . SVb do joiiar. b cr. a. fg. as. I? .. 17(4 ..1(H4 117 4 104 "4 ...10 Steel 2d 6a 102H Wabaah la . 4WaMra Md. 4a.... . "4 W. ft 1. E. 4a... .104 Wla. Central 4a. .. . T . N. H. ft 12 rv. ta ctfa. ..114 ... t3 ... 3 ... W H. .137H tlHLaka Shora 4a 1M1... K Boston Storks and Bonds BOSTON, Dec. 29. Money, call loans St. Loala General Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Dec. 29. WHEAT Higher; track, No. 3 red. oash. tl.W)Vt1.09 No. i hard. $1.03.iil.06: May. $1.07V: Julv CORN Higher; track. No. 2 hard. 694 otic: May, oic; juiy, sic; no. z wnite. sac, uats tiigner; tracK, no. z cash. 59c May, Blc; July, 45Aic; No. 2 white, 61 lie. RYE Firm: 76V4t'77c. FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, $4.9(Vfi 5.10; extra fancy and straight, $4.154.70; hard winter, clear, $3.50. SEED Timothy, $3.00S"3.60. CORNMEAI-$3.ia BRAN Weak: sacked, east track. $1.00 1.02. HAY-Flrmer: timothy. $9.00a14.00: prairie. lS.(HK6fll.0. IRON COTTON TIES $1.00. BA001NO-7SC 11EMP TWNhJ-7e. PROVISIONS Pork. steady; lobbing. $l&.(UVk. Lard lower; prime steam. tt.W&t.Vb. Dry salt meata quint; boxed ertra shorts, $9.60; clear ribs, $1.87; short clears, Bacon dull; boxed, extra short, $10.60; clear rlba. $10.37; short clears, $10.62. POULTRY Higher; chickens, 10Hc; springs, HVic; turkeys, 17c; ducks, UVic; geeae, 9c. BUTTER Higher; creamery, 2332e. EQOS Steady; 304c; case count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu .. Outs 15.000 . 32.0(10 .112,000 . 2,O0O 14,000 114.000 1:16.000 1J7.0U0 No. ;. FLOUR Firm: winter patents. $4.&9 f.lrt; wlntjcr atralghta. 4. 3645.86; aprlng pat ents. $&.ii'Qi6,1; -aprlng straights, $4.uota 4.1X1; bakers. 62 8544.15. WHEAT No. 2 spring. l.O8'l1.08; No. S. $1.U107; No. ! red. $1.64'vj 1 ftiKN No. I yelluw. 5ii''(iiioS,c;. , OATrf-No. a white. 6ta6n,c; No. S white, teswoic. R V K 73c. BARLEY Good feeding, 69ff59',jc; .alr to choice malting, elt4c. SEEDS Klax, No. 1 northwestern, tl-49; prime timothy, Jic; ilover contract grade, t. 10. FKOVlSION8-8hort ribs, sides (Uiosel. l7.STVaiijS.37S; mesa pork, per bbl., $146Qfl 14 b."; lard, per Ka) lbs., $9 60;. 'Btiort clear ai.i.a iboxvdi. $86v&8.T&. Articles. Receipts. 8hlpments. Flour, bbls . . .SM.ouO , ao.SnO JL I t. .. . . wu............. ai.vw ju, luu 1 4'orn, bu 8ul.o "umv , Oats, bu 4.4. ) !L4.7i Re. bu.,.. .() noil liarley, bu IK6XI . I7.S1O On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creamrkea, IZu⪼ dairies. 21M,t)Ao Eggs steady; at mark, cases Included, Sbtittae; firsts, 30c; prime first. Sic Cheese, firm; ltssl&c. MlaataHlU Oraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Deo, 19 WHEAT deeinber, $1 ; May. $110tlllwV l aih: No. 1 hard. $ 1.1 1 tl 1 1 1 V, ; No. 1 uoriUero, $1 1 1.10S; No. i nortbtrn. "Kansas City Grain and ProTtsloas. KANSAS CITT, Dec. 23. WHEAT Un changed; December, 98Vc; May, $1.01; July, 93c; cash. No. 3 hard. $1.0081.04; No. 3 hard, KticfiUl.oiH; No. 2 red, $1.06; No. 3 red, $1.01101.06. CORN Vac higher to Vo lower; Decem ber. biic; May, 67ic; July, 61c; cash. No. 3 mixed. 6c; No. 3 mixed. Sc; No. 1 white, 67!Qn8c; No. 3 white, 67c. OATS Unchanged: No. 2 white, 4S60c: No. 3 mixed. 47Vjj49c. RYE 7oO?Jc. HAY Steady ; choice timothy, $9.7510.00; choice prairie, $S.60(ij.7&; choice alfalfa, $13.60 14 &-). BUTTER Unchanged to 1c higher; creamery, 31c; packing stock, 19e. KOOS lc higher; fresh extras, 0c; cur rent receipts, i&Sc. Wheat, bu 25.000 4S0.000 Oorn. bu 23,0m) 20.00.) Oats, bu 7,000 2,0i)0 Available Snnpllea of iraln. NEW YORK. Dec. .-SueclaJ cable and telegraphic communications received by HradMtreet show the changes in available supplies, as compared with previous ac count; Available supply; Wheat, United States, east of the Rockies, increase, 1.O08.OUO bu.; Canada, increase, 404,000 bu. Total United States and Canada, Increase, 1,472,000 bu. Afloat for and In Europe, decreaae. 1,440, 000 bu. Total American and European, Increase. 72.0UO bu. Corn. United States and Canada, Increase. LSK6.0O) bu. (Mt. I'nited States and Canada, Increase. 914.(4)0 bu. The leading Increases and decreases re ported this week follow: Increases: Louisville, 521.000 bu.; Chi cago private elevators. 2&6.lo bu.; Port Ifjron. 2W.0CO ho.; Omaha. 222.000 bu.; Port land, Me., J'-'tM) bu.; Minneapolis private elevators. 60,0X) bu. Decrease: San Antonio, t,009 bu. Llveraool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. SS.-VHEAT-4?pot, No. S red weatern winter, easy, 7a Ud; futures, quiet; December, il'td: March, 7S (o; stay, i ota. CORN Bpol. steady; new American mixed. Via Oalveaton, 6a 6d: futures, quiet; January, as iu, aaarcn. Eta ;y,a. PeOKln, Market. PEORIA. Ill , Dee. 29 -CORN-No. 2 yellrw. 67c; No. yellow, o4Sc; No, 1 7c; No. J, 7VtC; NO- . bbtXalHc; D. grade. 63 He. OATS Firm; standard. 6iic: No, 4 white, 4dCi No. S white. tMj4i,. ArnalRamatcd Copper Am. C. A F Am. C. T. pfd Am. Cottoa Oil Am. H. ft L. pfd..., Am. lea Racurltlea Am. Unseed Oil Am. Locomotlva Am. Locomotlva pfd Am. S. ft R Am. S. ft R. pfd Am. Busar Refining Am. Tobacco pfd Amartcan Woolen Anaconda Mining C Atohlaoa Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore ft Ohio Bal. ft Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Cantral Leathar Cantral Leather pfd Cantral of New Jaraey chaaapaaktt ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W Chicago ft N. W C, M. 8t. P C. C, C. ' St. L Colorado P. ft I Colorado ft 80 Colo, ft 80. 1st pfd Celo. ft 80. 2d pfd Conaolldated Oaa Com Producta Delaware ft Hudaon Denver ft Rio Grande D. ft R. O. pfd manners' Securities Erin Eria 1st pfd Erie 2d pfd General Electrto Great Northern pfd Oraat Northern Ore ctfa... Illinois Central Intarborouga Met. Int. Mat. pfd International Paper Int. Paper pfd Intemstlonal Pump Iowa Central Kansas City 80 K. C. 80. pfd Louisville N Minn, ft St. Louie. M.. St. P. ft 8. 8. M Mlesourl Paclllo M., K. ft T M., K. ft T. pfd National Lea4 Naw York Central N. Y., O. ft W Norfolk ft W North American Northern Pacific . . Pacllle Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C, C. ft St. L Preaaed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring Reading Republic Steel Hepubllc Bteel pfd Rork Island Co. Rock Island Co. pfd Bt. U ft 8. F. $4 pfd.... St. Louie 8. W Bt. U 8. W. p(4 Bloaa-Shef field 8. ft I---- Southern Paclflo Bo. Paclflo pfd Southern Railway Bo. Railway ptd Tennessee Copper Teiae ft Pacific T.. 8t. L. W T., St. L. ft W. pfd Vnloa Paclflo I'uloa Paclflo pfd f. 8. Rubber U. 8. Rubber lat pfd V. 8. Steel I'. B. Bteel pfd tub Copper Va. -Carolina Chemical .. Va.-Cro. Cham. 'l Wabaan Wabash pfd Waattngaouee Electric ... Westers lolon Wheeling ft L. K Wiecsaate Central in, T. ft T. Co Total aalaa for the day. Bales. Hlah. 31. XW MS 4.S0O 514 491 Low. Close. S."4 S.tV, TOLEDO. Dec. 2 -SEEDS Clover, cash, $j 52W; I "ecemher. $S.57U; March, $a.65; Oc tober, ti.li; pilule alsike, $4.00. SOD 1,300 300 'Viori 100 43,100 1,900 100 400 VM I, 3l) S1.TO0 1,700 too H) too ia.Kio 1.010 e.100 DM) 100 4,100 1,S0 3 II. 0.0 1,000 .800 (,40D 400 400 43,700 "too 10,si) too T,3"0 K.aoo 4,800 too 600 14. boo 1.400 5,409 too 13,100 100 00 l,oo t.000 1.000 4,400 , i.too 100 . 1.400 4.(00 14,100 too t.SUO . 17. 00 , 1,100 , 1,100 Soo . 11.100 , l.OnO , 4;., 0O0 , 3.000 too , 1,300 WO . 1,100 , 14.101) , 1,401) 00 . t.too , t.too . X.300 "00 . l.too 101) . 14.400 . I.!o0 . 14.100 . 4,100 K . t,400 . l.T"0 . 1.400 . ta.tuo . 1.JO0 400 . 41. TOO . l.bOO . l.OOO . 3,000 '. 4.400 . 47.401 . l.tuft . 300 10 . 11.700 1,700 43', 374. 21 li 'iiii lit K,'i IO314 1324 tlVi . :t't SOS 10H4 104 103", lllSi 14 MS 177S 3.1 10S 12t 114 134 11184 1614, 70. 414 67 'a 7Ml 744 Ut 1414 n 4 14 384 364 614 404 1004 1484 74 1484 194 4" 4 11 67 344 324 414 714 13444 634 1334 , 47 43H 744 It 1244 474 ta 744 144 M 132 IO64 88 444 170 414 1434 24 74 26 4J4 414 234 664 71 its 374 134 4i4 87 414 734 ltl4 tv,4 114 664 1134 46 45 43 S7 314 'fjii 112 824 1024 1324 44 !94 404 IO04 1034 lot 1104 tl 74 177 82 1014 22S 674 124 lh24 1414 94 394 674 7(1 74 111 180 I84 II 374 144 604 404 i; 1444 734 n4 184 44 12 64 134 314 40 70 123 63 1324 a;. 4 42 4 744 784 1J:4 464 864 744 14?4 34 1314 106 18 434 170 41 14i4 2-4 7 4 244 04 41 234 644 78 1204 114 144 -'4 46 364 48 714 183 4 3i4 lo 644 1124 4V4 444 5 per t'loaing cent; time quotations; loans, 46 per 4a.. Atrhlson ail) do 4a Atrhlson R. R... do pfd Boston ft Albany Rnpton ft Maine. Boston Elevated N. Y., N. H. ft Union Pacific Am. Arge. Cham.. do pfd Am. Pneu. Tuba... Amer. Bugar do pfd Am. T. ft T Amer. Woolen .... H. i Atlantic ,.10O Dutte Coalition . ..1004('al. ft Aruona. ..ItiOal. Hocla ..23) Centennial ..131 Copper Range .., ..123 Paly Weat ..leo4Pranklln ..18 Oranby .. 384 Greene Cananea .. t44Irle Royale .. 44 Mass. Mining .. ..1314M!rhlgan , ..12t Mohawk ..1284 Mont. O. ft C... 294 Nevada do pfd 944 Old Dominion tomlnlon I. ft 8 18 Osceola Edleon El-c. Illu 24 Parrot Maea. Electrlo do pfd Masa. Gaa United Fruit .. United 8. M... do pfd 11. 8. Bteel do pfd Adventure .... Alloues Amalgamated . Arlcona Com. . , U4Qulmy 68 Shannon b44 Tamarack 1304Trlnlty 604 United Copper 29 U. 8. Mining... 644 V. 8. Oil 1124 Utah i Victoria 374 Winona 624 Wolverine 384 North Butta ... 4 cent .. 174 ..1184 ..175 .. 33 .. 114 .. 10 .. l4 ..1074 ..1114 .. 23 .. 134 .. 94 .. 36 .. 194 .. 68 ..184 .. 294 .. 144 .. 17 .. 814 .. 17 .. 184 .. 444 .. 284 .. 4.4 .. 4 ... 4 ..161 .. 80 London Stock Market LONDON. Dec. 29. American aecurlties ruled dull and festureless during the early sesaion today. Prices at noon were alitrhtly below yeaterday'a New York cloalng. London closing stock quotations: Console, money 8-1 4 Me., Kan. Texas.. 444 do account 13 11-HNew York central... 1284 SOUTH Recelpta were: Official Monday .. Estimate Tuesday OMAHA. Dec. 29, 1 Cattle. Hora. Sheep. S.S34 4,04) 4.76S 11.0X0 4.7VJ K.50) Two days this week.... 7.M4 15.TW 1.2 Same days laat week.... 6.4S1 10.800 n.615 Same days 2 weeks ao..14.9.,4 K.oil 21.7.15 Same days $ we. ka ago. .11.630 lo.jail Kf Rama rlava 4 weeka nao.. 9.978 16.nl 16.417 Same days lent year 6.074 18,182 6,J9 Th fnllnwlnar tahle ahnwa are rvcelDtS Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omtiha for the year to date compared wltn msi year. in,. 1907. Inc. Dec Cattle l.fl.7 1.1SS.204 123,5i6 Hogs 2.402.J17 2,i16,4i lt;,il2 ... Sheep !,0D6,13 2,;a,3M 61.748 .... The following table aTiowa the average price of hogs at South Omaha for tho last several days, with comparisons: Dat. I ltOS. l07.l0.ilO5. 1904. 1903.1102. Deo. I .c. Dec. Deo. Dec. Dec. 20... 21... 22... 23... Dec. 25. Dec. 26... Dec. 27... Dee. 28... Dec. 29... 0Hi tk 1 6 33' 6 89 6 47 6 'id". 6 65H 4 14 4 -a- 4 33 e 4 44 4 38 4 201 4 39 4 44 191 4 M ti 1 OR 081 a 13 4 9 4 88 4 99 4 98 4 601 4 m 4 44 4 38 4 4 42 211 5 O&t 4 43 6 15 6 00 4 62 8 101 4 92 . 4 651 22 6 00 4 67 4 49! 4 31 a 4 S3 4 3l 4 40 4 48 4 641 a 4 SI ( 01 07 e II 18 -a 34 6 46 61 76... '3.. 83.. 47.. 74 . 71 . 71.. .Ml ... ..in 4 . .2J SO ..to too ..307 w a M I M I U I 1 66 ..MS ..113 . tie 40 1 6T4 1 to I to 4 I 10 -Receipt! ST... 6 .. 41... 1... I... U... ..HI . IW ..11 ..123 ..4M ..1U 80 40 1 Jl 40 I S3 i at I 86 1 C. 6 ) 1 0 6 i I 1 2 30 10 0 2.. 61 6 S3.. 7 1.. 32 10 2 6 2.. 4 t & 14 40 2 was the , Hogs. Sheep 521 2.015 227 675 2,931 2,088 739 2,452 1,673 698 3,378 1,783 96 26 " 12 80 118 149 72 165 32 5 110 42 62 146 1 4 . IS, 227 27 194 K4 at.', 4 124 36 1214 ll, 100 aha rea m's 48 4 16 14 124 s: lit 494 1074 42 37 22 14 674 1114 1.1 IO24 14 94 29 494 1004 ion 4 1084 1104 93 171, 174 814 1014 229 674 124 182 150 4 394 f.7 754 734 163 174 17H 384 80 37 344 04 40 1 r', 144 734 146 4 14 47 19 M 344 14 404 70 1224 424 111 aS4 454 734 784 1:24 444 304 744 1424 3 1314 1044 11 434 168 48 1404 re 17 144 I04 404 334 644 174 1314 1244 is 4 124 444 34 474 71 1834 to 36 114 44 H24 41 444 114 14 44 8S4 a 124 14 129 Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio.. Candlan Pacific Cheaapeake ft Ohio. Chi. Great Western. Chi., Mil. ft St. P De Beers Denver ft Rio O... do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd. Grand Trunk Illinois Central ... Louisville ft Nash SILVER Bar, ounce. MONEY 2H per cent. The rate of discount Irr the open market for ahort bills Is St.ijiSH per cent; for thrie months' bills, Pt2 5-16 per cent. 104 Norfolk ft Weatern .1034 do pfd .1064Ontarlo ft Western. .1144 Pennsylvania .181 Rand Mtnea ........ . 10 Reading 1J4 Southern Railway . ..16a do pfd .. 104 Southern Pad f la ... .. 194 Union Pacific ..144 do pfd .. 364U. .' Utter .'. 624 de Pd .. 41 Wabaah .. 204 do pfd ..16148pantsh 4s ,.127 Amal. Copper steady at 22 16-16d 114 , 88 . 484 . 674 . 74 . 7i4 . t74 . 144 .1334 .1884 . M . 664 .1164 . 114 . 60 . 44 . 144 per Trraiary Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 29. Today s state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. $169,846,741; gold coin and bullion. $26,114,103: gold certificates. $61,508,430. Bank fTlearlags. Dec. 29. Bank clearings OMAHA today were 1.702.379.56 and for the spondlng date laat year $1,601,875.64. for corre- Waol Market. BOSTON, Dec. 29. WOOL The volume of business on the local market shows de cided increase. Quotations hold steady and local sellers do not look for any change for some time. Leading domestic quota tions range as follows: Ohio and Perm-, sylvanta fleeces. XX. St35c; X, 31'aJ2c; No. 1 washed, 38Sf39c; No. 2 washed, 37 38c; fine unwashed, 2a '0 24c; half-blood combing. 294t'3uc: three-eighths blood, comb ing, 29(i30c; quarter blood combings, 27 28c; delaine, washed, jMi'Jic: delaine, un washed, 28&29c. Michigan. Wisconsin, and New York fleeces, fine unwashed, 2122c; delaine, unwaahed, 278c; half-blood, un washed, 27fi'28c; three-eighths blood, un washed, 27(g28c; quarter blood, 24 27c. Ken tucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eighths blood, unwashed, 27&'28c; quarter blood, 2d ft 27c. Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri, three-eighths blood, 27a'-'8c: quarter blood, 26ft27c. Scoured values: Texas fine, 12 months. 6C(f2c; fine, 6 to 8 months, 60fj52c; fine fall, 4KQ60c. 1 alirnrnia, northern, o 63c; middle county, 43'n4tjc; southern, 36(0, 37c. Oregon, eastern. No. 1 staple. 62S63c; eastern clothing. 4&U60c: valley. No. 1, 45 (rr48c. Territory, fine staple, ti2ifJ64c; fine medium staple. 67'gf39c; fine clothing, 6669c; half blood. 54(ii6c; three-eighths blood, 53 t&54c; quarter blood, 47ji49c. Pulled extra, 6ofi2e: fine, 65f?lK': A-aupers, 6255c. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 29 WOOL Unchsnged ; medium grades, combing and clothing, IfKj. 23Hc: light fine, ISH-thOc; heavy fine, lOWst 10c; tuh washed, U'ai4c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. IS.-COTTON-IAiturea opened steady: December, 9.08e; Januarv, 8.04c; March. 8.88?; June, 8.860 a'ked; July. 8.29c; August, 8.80c; October, 8.84c. Spot cotton closed quiet; middling up land?. 9 30c; middling gulf, 9.55c. Sales, 3,i Daiea. t'utures closed steady; December, 9.07c; January, n.,x: t enruary, s..bc: March. t.81c; Anl, 8.87c; May. 8.50c; June, 8.86c; juiy. c; August, s aoc; septemDer, S.60C October. 8 6c. GALVESTON, Tex., Dec. 29. COTTON Bteadv; 8 13-16c. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. . COTTON- Spoia were quiet and steady; low ordinary 4 7-inc, nominal; ordinary, 64c, nominal; good ordinary, 6 U-16c ; low midd Ing, 8 1-16-; middling, 8 13-liic; good nilddlinaT, (3-16?; middling grade. 9-liic: fair, 10 5-16C, nomi nal; receipts. 18,544 bales; stock. 308.420 bales. ST. LOI IS. Dec. 29.-'0'rTON Ste irty ; middling. 91-Me; salea, 3S4 balea; recelpta, 1,135 bales; shipments, 1,135 bales; ' stock, ol'.btja bales. 620 Holiday. 'Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In yesterday by each road was C. M. & St. P 12 Wabash 3 Missouri Pacific 6 Union Pacific 14 C. at N. W., east .. 10 C. A N. W., west .. 37 C, St. P.. M. & O.... 15 C, B. & Q., east .. 6 C, B. & J.. west .. 34 C, R, I. & P., east.. 11 C R. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 4 C. G. W 6 Total receipts ....158 The deposition of the day's receipts as follows, each buyer purchasing number of head Indicated: Cattle. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company .... Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Vannant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman Rothchlld W. I. Stephen Hill & Bon F. P. Lewis Huaton & Co J. B. Root & Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Hues McCreary & Csrey Sam Werthelmer H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty & Co Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros Kingan St. Louis Ind Rothchlld Other buyers 470 Total 4,048 11,821 6.771 CATTLE There was snother very fair run of cattle here this morning and the re ceipts consisted very largely of warmed-up rteers, a with a very good sprinkling ot Dutcner stock ana trasn 01 an Kinds. The trade owned in good season In the morning, buyers for the moat part being out In the vards earlv. and as they very evidently wanted fresh supplies of beef steers the market took on a good, healthy aapect. As to prices there was no very marked change In any direction. Desirable 1.1 1 S . . I . , .. ..... ......... riiiub vi Lsme duiu evi juoiteuuui .icnuj prices and salesmen wero not pointing out any very great ensnge. in ere was no great surplus or cows ana heifers, in fact, buyers complained that tne supply waa rather short, with the demand good the trade was fairly active and pretty mucn everything changed nanus in good season. 1,41 te trains delayed the trade somewhat, but the market as a whole was quite satisfactory. There were very few stockers and feeders In sight, but such as there were sold to good advantage, prices being very strong. Feeder buyers helped out very materially In taking quite a good many of the warmed up cattle that packers did not appear very anxious for. Quotations on rattle: Good to choice cornfed steers, $6.40(277.25; fair to good corn fed steers, $6.60j2ti.40; common to fair corn fed steers. $4.0013.60; good to choice range steers, J5.2!U6u0; fair to good. range steers, $4.5Vg6.25; common to fair range steers, I3.60a-4.o0; good to choice cornfed cows and heifers, e4.2M76.0O; good to choice grass cows and heifers, $3.85(B4.50; fair to good grass cows and heifers, $3.00.85; com mon to fslr grass cows and heifers, $2.00 8.00: stock heifers, $2.5OSj3.30; veal calves, $3,004)6.00; bulls. stags, etc., $3.50(q'4.25; food to choice stockers and feeders, $4.60Cfl 50; fair to good stockers and feeders IH.7fx5H.60; common to fair stockers and feeders, $3.0003.76. Representative sales: BEEF 8TEER8. SHEEP Receipts of sheep and lambs this morning were the largvat of any day silica lierember 16. The quality waa alao a price paid so far this month, and choice native ewes at $800. Moat everything In the way of desirable fat aheep changed hands In very good sesson In the morning. The lamb market was alao In pretty good condition, and the more desirable klnda sold quite freely at fully steady prices, in some cases salesmen, In fsct, thought that they got a little more money than yester day. The feeder buyers took the half fat stuff at good, steady prlcea. Quite a string of lambs went to a feeder buyer at $6 50. Quotations on sheep and lamba: Good to cr.etca lamba, $7,0047.40; fair to good lamba. $6.60d7.00; feeding lambs, $4 50w0; go.! to choice light yearlings. $6 Mj.00; rair to good heavy yearlinga, $4.7o4a4V40: feeding yearlings, $4.00dj4.6O; gocd to choice weth ers. $4.7Mj6.40; feeding wethers. $J.7S4.tf; gocd to choice ewes, $4.404p4.70; fslr to good ewes, $3.75.r4.40; feeding ewes, t2.004U.26; culls and bucks, $l.rt''i.00. Representative sales: No. 102 western ewes 98 western ewes 811 Colorado lambs t Colorado ewes 181 weatern ewes 1S6 native lambs 96 native ewes , 20 nstive ewes, culls 41 native ewes 31 native lambs 23S weatern lamba 140 western lambs , 10 western wethers 105 weatern yearlings 271 native lamba 10 native lambs 31 native ewes 43 native lambs 10 weatern lambs, culls .... 69 weatern lambs 10 western lambs, culls .... 19 western ewes 10 weatern ewea, culls 39 western lambs, culls .... 46 western ewea 113 weatern lamba 67 weatern lambs 46 western ewea 12 western ewes, culls 27 western culls 38 weatern ewes 31 western wethers and ye 'lings 10 western ewes, culls 121 western ewes 632 western lambs 14 native lambs 40 native lamba 83 weatern lambs 151 western yearling wethers, 16 western lambs - 15 weatern ewes 4.19 western ewea 147 Wyoming wethers, 307 Wyoming wethers 471 western lambs 129 western lambs 49 western culla 69 weatern ewea 64 western lambs 30 western lambs 10 western lambs, culls 28 western lambs, 115 western lambs 10 western lambs 40 western lambs, 48 western ewes, RCITTRAFFICCENTERSBERE Omaha Becomes Greatest Distributing Point in Country. D. F0YE CLOSES BIO CONTRACTS Winnipeg, ttoaton, l, Lake t'lty Among tered Points Av. Pr. , liV 4 65 . IJl 4 65 .74 7 15 .100 4 50 . 106 4 60 ..76 7 SO .. 96 $ 76 .. 83 2 40 ..146 6 00 ..81 7 26 ..90 7 30 .. 66 7 16 ..89 IX ..83 6 00 ..82 60 ..80 60 ..116 4 00 .. 70 6 60 .. 64 6 00 .. 75 7 10 ..67 6 00 ..112 4 35 ..102 2 60 .. 66 6 60 ..112 4 00 ..74 7 30 .. 69 7 06 ..136 4 75 .. 90 3 60 . ., 68 6 00 .. W S 40 r- ..,94 6 00 . . 94 (00 ..121 4 16 ..71 7 10 .. K9 7 33 ..92 7 35 ..75 7 00 . . 92 6 00 ..101 7 00 ..139 4 76 ..121 4 70 ..101 6 00 ..100 6 00 .. 78 7 35 ... 79 7 35 ..83 6 50 ,..128 4 60 ,..112 7 10 ...110 7 15 ... 75 6 60 ... 92 6 76 74 6 90 ,..67 6 00 ... 81 7 25 ...103 4 25 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK M Alt KET Cattle -Sheep Strong Hogs Lowe nnd Lamba jteady. CHICAGO. Dec. 28. CATTLK Recel pta, ..tu.iui at a Si lpu,l Market strong ,ir, 14 am 7 ki . rows. i3.0Oj6.25: heifers, $2.60414.60: bulls. $2.764i4.50; calves. $3.60 9.00: stockers and feeders, $2.606.00. HOCJ3 Receipts, estimated at 32.000 head Market ifKfMfio lower: choice heavy slilp' Tilng. $5.9nrd00: butchers, $6.853.00; light mivrt ik aitfio choice liaht. Sb.50ftfb.7b; packing. $5.65b6.85; pigs, $4,001)6.15; bulk of sales,- $&.6tXfc6.8t.. , SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, estl mated at 15.000 head. Market steady sheep, $4.00((j).25; lambs, $6.264J7.75; year lings, ti-Mt-60- . Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market. K-1N818 i-lTV. Deo. 29. CATTLE Re celpts. 10.000 head. Including 600 head south erns: market for steers steady to 10c nigner other cattle strong; choice export and rirnaaeri beef steers. S6.00ft7.00: fair to good i4.eAfttt.00: western steers. $6.76: stockers and feeders. $3.00416.00: southern steers, S4.00 6.60; southern cows, S2.5O4j4.O0; native cows, $2.403fi.2f: native heifers. $3.254p6.00; bulls, 13 ncVVK on- calves. $4.00(0:7.60. HOOS RecelDts. 19.000 head; market 6fl 15c lower; top, $6.90: bulk of sales, $5.40 6.80: heavv. 85.7646.90: packers and butch era. $5.60j.85; light, $5.25416.65; plga. $4.0049 4 7S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market 10c higher; top, western lambs. $7.70: lambs. S5.504i7.70; ewes and yearlings, $4,254)6.26; western yearlinga, $5.264i6.66: western aheep, $4.0006.00; stock ers and feeders, $3.00414.60. No. SI... t... 1 . ... 7... 15... 10... t... I... ... 1... 7... :o... 14... 4... I... 13... At. Pr. Hi 1 u Til ... til .. Ml ..1036 .110) ..lli5 ..1327 .. 9oS .. 746 .. 181 ..1048 ..1012 ..1106 . ,10hS .. too .. 184 1 1-1 4 4i 4 10 I 00 1 M t 50 6 15 No. 40... It... 10... !... to .. 15... 16... COWS. I.... 6... 6.... ... I.... 12.... .... 12 J 75 I lb t 20 I 18 I 35 t 40 I 46 I 70 I 10 HEIFERS. At. ....lie! . . . 12B4 1M ....1141 1155 -,..1M0 ....144 .. I7S ..1062 .. 20 .. t7 .. 148 .. H 4 ..U2 .. 710 f 11 1 10 10 11 40 10 I at 8 IS t to 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 40 1 ( 1 75 t ttt t 60 1 760 t 75 t lit I K) 4 641 I 00 4 176 1 SO bit t 00 11 741 4 00 1 190 I 10 11 ,. Ill 4 16 II (06 I 40 12 110 4 ii BULLS, 1 750 $ 95 I not t 40 1 1180 I 00 1 ItJO 1 40 1..., K t 10 1 1.M0 t 50 1 1J.2S 1 20 1 110 1 60 1 VIM I 26 1 1100 I SO 1 1S60 t :5 1 U71 1 76 1 mo I 25 1 1550 4 Ot 1 15K) I tn 1 12M 4 Ot 1 1270 1 15 1 1IW 4 It 1 1450 t 40 1 110 4 It CALVES. 1 260 1 71 1 160 S 60 1 140 4 00 t 6 6 60 1 210 4 1 ioO 00 1. 100 6 .6 1 10 Ot ' STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 143 I 90 rl u 4 SO t 117 I 0 61) 4 4 40 1 700 I 15 10 712 4 40 1 154 t 73 It. 12 4 4 1 IM IIS I Ul 4 45 6 HI IH 1 1010 4 64 1 7J5 4 OS tl 141 4 71 Xew Tork Mlntnaj Stocks. NEW TORK, Dec. . Cloalng quotations mining stocks: AHea bruuswlik 43oo 1 lomalock Tunnel S. 21 to bonds It Co. Cal. Va Hora Silver "J Iron Silver 100 Offered. LeadTlllei Coa. Llila Chief .. Mexican , Ontario Ophlr SLandare Yellaer Jacket . ... S ... 1 ... 75 ...136 ...150 ...1st Foreign Financial. LONDON, Dec U Money was in good demand on the market today and a shade dearer. Discounts were firm. Trading on the Stock exchange maintained general steadiness principally on the expectation of expanding business on the New Year. The settlement occupied most attention. Hume raHa eaaed on bad weather condl tlona. Prlcea In the forenoon were main tained at parity by Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29 METALS The London tin market waa lower today, clos ing easy, with apot quoted at 131 las and futures st 133 7s Sd. The local mar ket was eaay alao, with spot quoted st $38.9041 29.10. Copper was hlfjt.er in the London market, with apot quoted at 63 6s and futures at 64 12s 6d. Locally the market was firm, with lake quoti-d at $14 37H4J14 60. electrolytic at $14. 12 t 14.25 and casting at $1 4.00 14.12 Va. Irfad waa unchanged at 13 in Lonlon but the local market was dull and caaler at $4 10tj4 15. Spelter advanced to 21 In London. Ixeal)y the market was un changed at $5.1041 5 15. The English Iron market was a shade lower, with "leve land warrants quoted at 49a. Locally no change was reported. No. 1 foundry, northern. $17.00617.76; No. t, $16.75& 17.25; No. 1 southern and No. 1 south ern, soft. S17.25&17.75. ST. IOl.'IS. Dec. 29. METALS Lead, weak at $4.00. Spelter, middling at $5.05. Mllwankeo MILWAUKEE. Grain Dec. Steady; No. 1 northern. northern, $1 08t 1.08 V ; asked. iR-Steady; May, .lVitlc. RAHI.KV riieHriv: slamlard (5Ui-- profesaionals. Ateui- j gamplcs, 57 Vi 65 Vc. Market. 29 WHEAT $1 10V; No. 2 May. $17 HOOS A run of about 150 loads .of hnga this morning was the signal for a decline in prlcea. The quality was fairly good, the moat of the atuff being on the desirable older. Packer's demands were generally light, so that they started In from the first to pound the market, bidding early In the morning fully 10c lower and later on 10c or more, lower on all grades, especially on the light, common kind. In some caaea lla-ht atuff ahowed even a greater decline than loc. but the general market may be quoted as 10c lower, with a top at $5 90 and the bulk from K.txxuo .10. Ko. At. la. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 17 It ... t 64 V ill la i W M 1 ... Ill U i0 Ul IN 17 120 ... 4 U 61 !4I ... I 10 60 141 ... 4 to 64 ill ... 6 0 M 164 ... t 00 t 140 ... t tO M bt ... tOO 11 240 ... IN 10 245 240 6 46 Tl Ii 200 6 to 61 1M 19) 6 25 113 141 440 I to Si .-ill ... 126 10 MS luO I 12Vs U :s4 40 t 15 ft 27 2U0 I wvtj It 164 ... 6 M 45 241 ... I S2 7 Ill ... 6 15 tl 152 U0 I K 74 183 ... 6 45 61 ttt ... 6 45 U 17 eO t 60 . 73 JiO J89 I so II ut ... 6 64 63 241 ISO 6 15 7t ... t 60 as :l 40 i 15 T2 210 ... t 60 71 11 l S M) 217 110 I 60 71 246 IN IIS 71 1H ... I 60 at 244 ... i it too 40 t 60 t 234 ... 115 11 221 .-. 1 60 71 r4 lie) 1171a II U0 6 52' 74 24 0 I ITS, 74 IN ... its ft 27! IJW I V 14 tit let S 65 11... tm 40 tf7Ss H 214 1.0 I U lu 171 12 117! 72 127 ... S U 17 141 ... I It S4 Ill 13 I 61 15 21 40 6 71 74 ... I 6i 74 241 120 6 70 U 22 ... I 61 ft 217 10 I 71 Ut ... 1 65 41 174 120 I 7s Ml Ml t I 65 12 241 I 76 II 210 MO i 65 W Ui 1J S It St. I.obIb Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Dec. 29. CATTLE Re oelDta. 4.600 head. Including 1.260 Texana Market steady; native shipping and export steers, H.Wal.W, dressed beer and nutcne ateera. S4.254i6.50: ateers under 1.000 lbs. S3.7fxa6.26: stockers and feeders, $3.754r4.65 cows and heifers, S3.004J6.5O; canners. $1.75 fo 2.16; bulls, $4.004j6.oo; calves, .otrasoo Texas and Indian steers, $3.004Jl6.6O; cow nnd heifers. Sl.76df4.40. HOGft-Receipts, 10,800 head. Market vtv 10c hitrher: Digs and lights. $4.00ii6.2o packers, $5 6fra6,85; butchers and best heavv. S6.8Wr6.25. SHEEP AND LAMH8 Keceipts. Z.000 head. Market strong to 10c higher; na tive muttons. S3.00rait.60: lambs. S5.6O4I7.60 culls and bucks, $2.6o(a4.50; stockers, $2.00 ?8.50. Bt. Jose ok Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 29. CATTLE Re ceiDts. 2.000 head; market active and strong: steers, t.oiag'r.iv; cows ana neuers, S2.7Mi6.o0: calves. $3.25(86.00. 11UUO iteceipxs, lz.wu nesa; mirnri awj lower: too. S6.90: bulk of sales. SS.464I6.S5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 bead; market active; lambs, $6,5047.60. Slonx City LIT Btoek Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Deo. 29. (Special Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts, 1.400 head market steady: beeves. $4.60477.00: fat cow and heifers, $3.7S.&6.00; feeders, $3.004.76 calves and yearlings. $3.00474.00. HOGS Receipts 7,600 head; market 10c lower; range, Io.0fa5.75; bulk, $5.404f6.65. Keceipts of cipal western Stock In Sight. live stock at the six markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs 4.u) 1.4i0 2,000 10,0110 4.500 4.600 11,000 7.5HO 12,000 19.00 10.3U) 32.000 prin Sheep. 8.50-1 '4.OOO 8.000 2.500 16,010 .26.400 S1.81 38.000 South Omaha fcioux City . SL Joseph ... Kansas City ft. Louis .... Chicago Totals Evaporated Apples nnd Dried Fruita, NEW YORK, Dec. "9. EVA PORATED APPLES Market Is quiet, but auch fruit as is strictly up to grade is firmly held r ancy apples are quoted at sVtUVVxC cnoice. 'Muc. prime, owerc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes are somewha unsettled In t me, with quotations rangln from 44c to 7c for California and from 6VkC to 9c for Oregon fruit, latter from 5os to 30s. Apricots are In light supply with choice quoted at WttiWuc; extra choice, lOynOVic; fancy, HVrSjUVrC. Peaches are quiet but steady, with choice quote at 74i1c; extra choice. 7!c; fancy. fir 11c. RalMina are quiet, with loose Mil quoted at ovuoc; seeded raisin seedleas, 4V4U6C; London layers, $1 I. oata nnd salt W idely Jlcnl-Reoettett' from Here. Contracts have been closed by II. D. Ko i general eastern agent of tho Llmonrra com pany with headviartern In the United States National bank building, which will make Omaha easily the leading distributing point In the I'nited States for fruit. From the offices on the third floor of the building at Twelfth and Karnam atrert" a business of more than $6,000,000 per year is now done In fruits, and some 9,000 est a California fruits are shipped to Omaha, sold by Mr. Foye and! forwarded from here each year, with the probability 'of Increas ing this number to from 18.000 to 30,000 an nually, which would be the largest part of the California fruit sold east of the Rocky mountains. ... The contracts which have been closed will enable Mr. Foye to handle about 80 per cent of the deciduous fruits ot Utah and Colorado, especially those In the Grand Junction district, which will mean that the best fruits of thoao states will be shipped to Omaha to be sold and distributed either north, south or forwarded to the east. Mr. Foye has been in Omaha ' almost eleven years and haa built up tho immense business In fruits within the last few yeara. selling only In carloads to wholesale deal ers and perfecting one of the moat perfect distributing systems In the world, which enables dealers from Winnipeg to St, Loul, from Minneapolis to New York. Boston. back through Ohio to Iowa, to' get fruita from Omaha and get them cheaper and In better condition than by shipping direct. Handling such an Immense amount of fruit through Omaha has also enabled the distributers to dictate the routing Of the cars, hurrying them Uirough and inspecting them on arrival. If a car arrives in the Omaha market which will not stand ship ment to New York it Is sold near at hand nd a loss prevented. If New York auction market Is flooded with citrus fruits from the south the ' California . fruits are stopped at Omaha ant) sold to Sioux City, Minneapolis, Grand Forks, and Win nipeg or sent back Into the state, 'thus helping the market to keep Its equilibrium and preventing the loss of hundreds of cars of fruit. ' While building up the Immense business In Omaha Mr. Foye has been working with his associates on a fiber shipping box and the company has expended $250,000 equipping plant which will make the boxeg, which are far superior to the wooden box, and these cases will be used to ship the fruit to Omaha. The box will not break and is such a solid shipping case that the fruits packed In the boxes wilt at once be in de mand. The railroad companies will be saved thousands of dollars In claims for damaged fruits and have been giving the Omahans the heartiest co-operation in rush ing fruit from California to Omaha that it might be distributed from one end of the country to the other. OFFICER REFUSES A BRIBE Sergeant llayra Says lie Was Ottered Twenty Dollars Not to Ar reat Gamblers. Several new features were developed la. police court Tuesday morning In the case of ten alleged gamblers arrest r a December 19 at the Murray hotel, eleven of the men were discharged and the other three were fined $60 and costs eoch. They are James Lang, 964 North Twenty- seventh street, E. W. Haskell, Twenty- third and Seward streets, and Frunk Sampson, 2014 St. Mary's avenue. The attorney for the three men who were fined gave notice of their Intention to appeal the cases. An attempt to bribe Police Sergeant Thomas Hayes with a $20 note if the of ficers would not place the alleged gam blers under arrest was testified to by Sergeant Hayes. A peck or two of poker chips and half a dozen decks' of playing cards were offered In evidence, as tabs also the electric bell with which the card players were supposed to.be warned from the hotel office whenever an at tempt was made by the police to- raid the room where gambling was suspected. A bellboy is said to have ''tipped off" the Information that policemen were 011 the way to the hotel room to investi gate the place the night of the raid, as the ten men arrested . by the officers were found at the door -of the -room. In the hallway and under beds In adjoin ing rooms, according to assertions by the police. 1 The squad of officers from the police station who raided the card party con sisted of Sergeants Hayes. Cook . and Vanous and Detectives Pattullo - and Davis. 8V, catel W7c ; G 1.60. Co tTee Market, NEW YORK. Dec. 29. COFFEE Market futures opened steady at unchsnged prices to an advance of 6 points, and closed firm at net advance of 64)10 points. Sales were reported of 64.250 bags, Including De cember, at 6.35c; March. 6.4.'r6 65c: May. 6.454j5.60c: June, 6.45c; Julv, 5.4nc; Septem ber, 6.354j5.40c: October, S.4nc. Soot market was steady, Rio, No. 7, 6c; Santos, No. 4. 77-'&',c; mild coffee dull; Cordova, 914 Oils and Hosln. OIL CITY, Dec. 29.-Oily Credit balancee. 11.78; runs. 104.877 bhla.; average, 136.537 bbls. ; shipments, 183,237 bbls.; average, 186, 804 bhla. SAVANNAH. Oa., Dec. 29.-OIL Turpen tine, firm at SSc. ,., ROeiN-Flrm; B. D. E. S3 02V, : F. G, $3 0233.06; H. $3 40; I, $4.16: K, to 10; M, $5 80; N. $616 W G, $6.40; W W, $6.50. - laiar and Molnsaes. NEW YORK. Dec. JB.-SX'GAR-Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3. 17c; centrifugal, 96 teat, S.67c; molasas sugar, 2 92c; refined, quiet; rruahed, 6.35c; powdered, 4.76c; gran ulated. 4 85c. Dnlatk Grain Market. DULUTH. Dec. 21. WHEAT No. I northern, $1.10H: N I northern. $1.08 H; Itecember, tl.OSVi; May, $110; July, $1 10H OATS 48!0. Gnllty of Counterfeiting. Passing counterfeit money U no worse than substituting some unknown worthless remedy for Foley's Honey and Tar, tho great cough and cold remedy that cures the most obstinate coughs and heals the lungs, old by all druggist. OMAHA OKJVERAL MARKET. Conditions of Trnde nnd Quotations on Staple nnd Fancy Prodnoo. BI'TTER Creamery. No. 1, delivered to retail trade In cartons, '31c; No. 1 In 60-lb tubs, 60c; No. 2 In 60-lb. tuba, 28c; No. 2 In 30-lb. tubs. 28c; No. 2 In 1-lb. cartons. 29c; fancy dairy, tubs, 22323c; packing stock. 20c. EGGS Fresh candled, S3c; storage, ttc. CHEESE Finest Wisoonaln full . cream, twlna, lbc; young Americas, 4 in hoop, l&Vac; favorite, S in hoop, 16c; dalaiei, 20 in houp, 15Vc; cream brick, full case. 16c; block swlaa, 16c; full cream Itmburger, Mc; BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 17Vrc; No. i ribs. IlVtc; No. $ rlba, 7c; No. 1 lolna, 20c; No. 2 loina, 13c; No. 8 loins, 9e; No. 1 chuck, 6c; No. 2 chuck, 6c; No. 3 chuck, 4'c; No. 1 round, 8'c; No. 3 round, 7c; No. 3 round, 6c; No. 1 plate, 6Vc; No. 2 plate. 4V&c; No. 8 plate, 3c. DRESSED POULTRY Dressed hena, 10cj apringa. 11c; ducka. 12c; gee a, loc) tur keys, 18c; aquaba, $2.204i226 per do. BL'QAR Coarae granulated, .6ou; fine granulated, 6.70c; cubes, 6.60c; powdered. 6.60c. FRE8II FRUITS-Apples, . $3. 264,4.2s per bu. box. Lemons, $4.0ufr4.50. Oratigaa, Cal ifornia, $3.0U3.26. Bananas, 4o por lb. Grapes, Malaga, lo.Uu6 60 per keg; Cali fornia Emperor. 4-box crates, $1,6541.75. BEEF CUTS. Ribs: No. 1, 17c; No. 2. 12c; No. $, Sc. Loin: No. 1, liic; No. 2. 13'4c; No. s. JOc. Chuck: No. 1, 7c; No. 2, 6c; No. S, sc. Round: No. 1 9c; No. 2. 7Vc; No. S. IVto. Plate: No. 1. 6Vc; No. 2, 6c; No. 3. 4Vc. VEGETABLES Celery, California, per dos., 9uc: Utah, 75c; other, OiiWiC. - Beana, navy, No. 1, per bu., $2. Soy 2. 60; lima, per lb., 6c. Cabbage. 2'ac per lb, Potatous, A44jc. Tomatoes, per basket crate, $2 00. Cucum bera, per doz., $l.&Oir1.75 Onions, Spanish, per cnte, $2o0; Texas, $1.26 per orate. let tuce, per dos.. 45c. Pt-ppera, southern, $1.00 per crate. Cauliflower, $2.50 per crate; Egyptian, $1 60 per 'dos. Brussels sprouts. Jog per qt Kumijuat.i, .pcx qt. NEW YORK CITY of lilglt grailis. of fers In vestment as REAL ESTATE "en.- a!mdaU Yields attractive raturna and steadily Increases 'Iry value. ,Th 1907 Panic had no effect whatever ofi the kind of property we offer. Investments, fron- ? 60.000 to S. 000.000.' Vull lnfcrmatlo urnlatied on reueet TJI.ASfD WaUTIaTO CO. (Estahllahi BeekanaJt Stw, M. T. CIS ( lit!.